Newton Archive Abstracts Last modified: 8/13/94 by Jeremy Wyld This abstract is a concatenation of the README files included with the packages. If no README was present, I chose my own description. If a package of yours has gotten a bumb write up, send mail to: along with a better one or two line description that you would like included instead. /apps actb-ltd ...This is a limited version of an account manager. answering-machine-asst ...This is a small program to use with your answering machine. Just enter your ...individual codes and call back the messages, store a new message. area-codes ...The program does just what you'd expect - displays a list of area codes & codes. assist-calc-31 ...AssistCalc allows the user to write out (not tap, tap, tap) your equation ...and AssistCalc will try it's best to figure out an answer for you. You can ...then copy the answer to where you need it. baseball-demo ...Fingertip for STATS - Baseball demo. Allows you to easily track baseball ...stats. Also includes the Bill James Baseball Encyclopedia. beam-me-up ...The BeamMeUp application is a useful utility for those using Newton Beaming. ...BeamMeUp will allow you to fill up the inbox of a friend with items from ...your notepad. Beam Me Up brings up a list of all the notes in your notepad ...and you can beam any set of them to one user by checking off the appropriate ...notes. bet-master ...Bet Master is a tool for the horse and dog racing enthusiast that helps the most profitable betting strategy. It performs a statistical ...analysis on the handicapping odds provided by you, and the "WIN" odds posted the track to select the bets that are most likely to generate the largest ...payoffs. billable-hours-103 ...BillableHours is a personal time tracking application. It allows the user enter the number of hours worked on a given day for a particular client ...(or project or whatever), the number of miles (or kilometers) driven, ...the amount of any expenses, and so forth. billy-draw ...This simple app allows you to draw whatever you wish on a picture of ...President Clinton. If you voted for him, you can draw halo's, etc. If you ...didn't you can draw horns, etc. bjl-105 ...This app helps you to learn the Japanese language by using a flash card format. book-case ...This app lets you hide all of the books in the Extras drawer, and bring them ...up in a list. Clicking on the book's name in the list opens the book. check-list-10 ...This application allows you to manage a set of check lists. These might be lists, lists of what to pack for a trip, project milestones, etc. ...CheckList supports such features as printing, faxing, mailing and beaming ...lists. check-please ...It's just a simple check calculator but it can be handy in real situations. comfort-index ...This program calculates both the wind chill index and the heat index. commuter-25 ...Commuter allows you to quickly change your location in the world clock (Time ...Zones) application. decision-maker-11 ...Essentially it tosses a coin and reports the result- not exactly brain diner ...A tool for reviewing and selecting restaurants. This is the shareware ...version. discount ...This is a very simple discount calculator. It allows you to enter a price ...and two discount percentages. It will then show you values of the price ...less the calculated percents. drug-finder-101d ...Quick, dirty drug reference. elec-calc ...Calculator for use with voltage, amps. etc... feed-meter-10 ...Feed the meter is an application for sounding the NewtonÕs built-in alarm ...after a predetermined amount of time. file-pad-demo ...Welcome to FilePad, the flat-file database for the Newton MessagePad and ...compatible Personal Digital Assistants. FilePad allows you to manage ...information on the go and transfer data to and from your personal computer. geo-assist-tour ...The GeoAssist Guided Tour package (GATour.pkg) provides a self- running five ...minute demonstration of the major features of the program. It will acquaint with the main screen, the tools and the information databases which are ...included with GeoAssist. golf-demo ...Fingertip for Golf is an on-the-course tool for scoring, wager ...calculation and performance evaluation. gr101a4 ...Mathematical graphing app. gst-calc-104 ...GSTcalc is a simple tool for calculating the Canadian Goods & ...Services tax, as well as the provincial sales tax for the different ...provinces (products only in Quebec, not services yet). guitar-tuner ...Provides tones for tuning your guitar. guru ...This is a joke demo package that purports to search your Newton for ...something called "The Guru Bit." However, it really plays an outrageous and ...funny sampled movie sound. gut-buster ...I wrote this program to assist anyone on an exchange-based weight loss ...program. hippocrates ...Hippocrates helps you manage your practice and your patients. Hippocrates ...replaces many of the paper forms and quick notes used in hospitals, health offices, nursing homes, home health care and other health care ...environments. holidayer ...This package and its accompanying README are in German. kidscard ...This is a simple Newton application that does a bit of view animation and ...uses downloaded sounds. letter-express ...enables users to write, address, sign and send complete documents with just a few ...strokes of the pen. list-it27 ...What does one do with List-It? Well, create lists, of course! These lists ...can consist of anything you wish. Some people use them as lists of things to ...purchase, others prefer to use them as a To Do replacement. So feel free to ...put in whatever you like! llama-dos-112 ...The first Post-Newton Command Line Interpreter. macs-hex ...MacsHex is a four-function, 32-bit hex calculator. macworld94 ...This app contains a listing of vendors exhibting at the August 1994 Boston ...MacWorld Show medicalc-100a ...Medicalc calculates values pertinent to patient care using recognized ...algorithms. metro ...MetroRail (Washington D.C.) train schedule. micro-timer ...MicroTimer is a small, floating stopwatch for your Newton. mobil-calc-demo ...Demonstration of MobilCalc spreadsheet. moon-10d3 ...This is a simple program to graphically display the phase of the moon for ...any date you choose. mort-calc-10 ...MortCalc is not an amortization program, but rather a tool similar to those ...lenders use to qualify people for mortgages. mpg-130 ...MPG is a log book for your car. It keeps track of fill-ups, oil changes, ...tune-ups, inspections, tire rotations, windshield wipers, car washes and ...other miscellaneous expenses for your car. It gives status such as average ...miles per gallons, total cost of gas, and average price of gas. mr-advisador-142 ...Mr. Advisador is a PDA. Personal Digital Advisor. If you are having ...troubles in your life and just don't know where to turn, ask Mr. Advisador ...and he will gladly offer advice. mst3ksounds11 ...The MST3K Sound Sampler is a simple application that will play various ...sound clips from the pants-wettingly funny show, Mystery Science Theater ...3000. my-calculator ...MyCalculator (brilliant name, huh?) is intended as a relatively simple ...postfix (i.e. reverse-polish notation or RPN) calculator for the Newton ...MessagePad. napkin-11 ...Essentially, this is a spreadsheet-like program. It lets you create sheets which you can enter numbers and text, and perform calculations on the ...numbers you entered. new-note ...Installs a button onto the Notes app's status bar which quickly creates a page and scrolls you down one screen so that you're ready to keep on ...takin' notes. newt-devenv-22 ...A native environment for developing simple applications using ...NewtonScript, and for creating turtle-like graphics using gestures, buttons, ...and NS. newt-rtfm-demo ...NewtRTFM is a Newton programming reference created by Sandeep Shah of K2 ...Consultants and published by Creative Digital Systems, the publishers of the ...ViewFrame Newton debugger and PIE Developers magazine. Containing nearly 800 ...topics, NewtRTFM is a concise electronic summary of the NTK 1.0.1 ...documentation. A Newton-resident program with superior navigation, searching ...and experimentation capabilities, NewtRTFM essentially makes the NTK printed ...documentation obsolete and speeds Newton prototyping and development. newt-turt-21 ...a "turtle" graphics environment: draw patterns using gestures, buttons, and ...NewtonScript programs. newton-boy ...It doesn't do much but play a couple of sounds. newton-demo-loop ...A Macromind Director loop put out by Apple. notepak-115 ...NotePak was written as a replacement for the Newton's built-in to do ...application. notion-demo ...The version of Notion - The Newton List Manager that accompanies this ...documentation is a demonstration version of the application. num-chart ...This program will use the characters in the person's full name and birth ...Month, Day and Year to calculate various aspects of the person's ...numerological chart. numbers ...NewtonMail local access numbers. order-maker-13b1 ...OrderMaker is a Newton application which is ideal for the salesman. Newton ...looks up the customer name from the Newton names database, and allows the ...salesman to enter data about the customer's order real-time while at the ...customer site. page-express ...PageExpress lets you send pages to Apple Wireless Messaging subscribers. periodic-table ...Small periodic table for the Newton or ExpertPad. personal ...This app is for storing all of your personal numbers, such as tax file ...numbers, PIN numbers, and credit card numbers. per-pro ...PerPro is a Myers-Briggs Personality Types profiler intended for amusement ...purposes only and not for professional analysis. pilot-pad ...PilotPad is an initial release of a pilotÕs assistant for the Newton ...Message Pad. It allows the pilot to calculate ground speed and true heading ...without the use of the E6-B flight computer. pit ...Production Interval Timer times scripts and music in the storyboard phase ...for Interactive multimedia projects, and for video productions. power-news ...An easy to use, off-line news retrieval and delivery service designed ...especially around the Apple Newton and Newton compatible PDAÕs. pocket-money-102 ...PocketMoney is an account tracking program. You can setup a checkbook ...account to keep your checkbook balanced. You can setup a car loan account show you how much more you need to pay on your car. I set up a Pocket ...account so I can keep track of every cent that I waste. qfpro-brochure ...exactly what it says quick-figure-lite-2 ...QuickFigure Lite is a fast, small, fully functional spreadsheet for the ...Newton. quiz10 ...Use this simple 10-question quiz to discover your political identity! rebate ...Rebate returns some of the memory used on an original Newton MessagePad ...when applications are loaded. resto-20 ...Restaurant helper. rpn-calc-091 ...RPN Calc is my interpretation of an HP41/42 style RPN calculator. It ...contains most of the basic functionality of an HP scientific calculator. runewt-22 ...Runs native applications created by Newt 2.0 or beamed/mailed from RUNewt. rx-on-tap-demo ...Using Rx on Tap, any given prescription, no matter how complicated, is only ...a few pen taps away. sci-calc104 ...SciCalc is a simple implementation of a standard (i.e. NOT Reverse Polish or ...'RPN') scientific calculator for the Apple Newton MessagePad and similar ...PDAs. score-pad ...This is a simple little hack I wrote to help me keep score during games of ...Magic scrappy ...Scrappy maintains a scrapboard list of up to 26 text items and a list of ...up to 23 frequently used words/phrases using a global, floating, draggable ...button pallet. scut-master ...ScutMaster is a first attempt at implementing a calculator on the Newton for ...performing common, tedious calculations often done by physicians. shopping-list-13 ...Shopping List was originally developed to demonstrate a potential Newton ...application in a manufacturing firm. (Grocery shopping is very much like ..."order picking" in a warehouse with many SKU's.) sign ...Sign is a Newton app that contains pictures for the American Sign Language ...finger alphabet. signature ...Contains two applications. one adds a new preference to the preference roll ...where the user can enter their signature. The other adds a new print format ...for letters that can automatically sign the letters. sleepsound-pro ...This folder contains a demo of SleepSoundPro. SleepSoundPro (SSP) is a ...Newton application that lets a user change the Sleep and Wake Up sounds ...their Newton will make. The soundpaks are auto-parts that can be used by ...SleepSoundPro and this demo. sony-remote ...This program should let you control most sony products. **This is alpha. sys-beep ...SysBeep is a small program to give you a different beep sound. Just run it ...once after installing (or reseting) to activate the new sound. Now, when you ...get an alert, you will hear "Uh Oh", instead of the alarm sound that you ...selected in the Preferences Section. tap-style-10 ...TapStyles is a simple little applet that, when activated, places a small dot the upper right area of the Newton screen that allows quick access to the ...styles palette. term-limit-14 ...TermLimit is a (very) limited terminal emulator for the Newton. time-accountant-2 ...Time Accountant lets you keep track of time spent on a project. time-card ...TimeCard comes from my need as a consultant to track daily activities by ...client and project. tricorder-7 ...Simulates the tricorder from Star Trek. tvpad ...A remote control for a few electronic devices. unt-map10 ...UNT Map is an interactive map of the University of North Texas Campus. vframe-debug-demo ...A program that lets you examine and modify Newton objects. viewer ...This folder contains Viewer, an app that allows you to view a sequence of ...images. It requires an image sequence to be loaded in order for it to ...operate. The folder also contains some sample images. weights-and-balances ...Some sort of calculator for airplane weights. Luggage? Fuel? (no readme!)