Books Abstracts Last modified: 8/13/94 by Jeremy Wyld This abstract is a concatenation of the README files included with the packages. If no README was present, I chose my own description. If a package of yours has gotten a bumb write up, send mail to: along with a better one or two line description that you would like included instead. /books 2cities ...A Tale of Two Cities. 2poes ...The Pit and the Pendulum, and The Cask of Amontillado, by Edgar Allan Poe. 800s ...A list of 800 numbers for travelers. 90210 ...Guide for Beverly Hills, 90210, including pictures of the actors/actresses. achtung ...Contains the lyrics and tabs for U2's "Achtung Baby." add_info ...Suggested Diagnostic Criteria For Attention Deficit Disorders in Adults. add-tips ...50 tips on the management of Adult Attention Deficit Disorder. adventure-books ...Sherlock Holmes books. aesop1 aesop2 ...Aesop's Fables. apes ...Tarzan of the Apes, by Edgar Rice Burroughs. appetizer ...184 dessert recipes. apple-facts ...Apple FactBook May 94 area-code-book ...The "area code book" is a list of telephone area codes and the part of the they represent [including any major cities]. bar-keeper-10 ...BarKeeper is a list of drinks collected from various places over the years. beowulf ...Beowulf, translated by Francis B. Gummere. big-book ...Alchoholics Anonymous Big Book. boscombe-valley-mystery ...Another Sherlock Holmes mystery. call-of-the-wild ...The Call of the Wild, by Jack London. case-of-identity ...Another Sherlock Holmes mystery. days ...Book of holidays. deep-thoughts ...Deep Thoughts, by Jack Handley (sic). dessert-1 dessert-2 ...245 and 173 recipes (respectively) for desserts. dinner-1 ...81 dinner recipes. dis-of-lady-frances-carfax ...Another Sherlock Holmes mystery. ecpa ...Electronic Communtications Privacy Act. error-book ...This is just a simple Newton book that lists all the errors and ...exceptions on the Newton, as taken from the Newton Toolkit Documentation. eysubook ...Excerpts from Engineering Your Start-Up: A guide for the Hi-Tech ...Entrepreneur, by Michael Baird. faq-13-book ...The Canonical List of Newton MessagePad Questions and Answers. fcc-frequency-allocation ...List of Federal Communications Commision's frequency allocations. federalist-papers ...Contains the complete text of The Federalist Papers and the ...Constitution of the United States. five-orange-pips ...Another Sherlock Holmes mystery. fortune-demo ...Demo of Fortune 500:Guide to American Business. getting_even ...Getting Even, by George Heyduke. grinch-song ...The words to "You're a Mean One, Mr. Grinch" by Theodore Geisel, better ...known as Doctor Suess. hackers-dictionary ...The Hacker's Dictionary. hacker_crackdown ...The Hacker Crackdown: Law and Disorder on the Electronic Frontier, by Bruce ...Sterling. heart-of-darkness ...Heart of Darkness. his-last-bow-an-epilogue ...Another Sherlock Holmes mystery. hunting-of-the-snark ...The Hunting of the Snark. informing ...Informing Ourselves to Death, by Neil Postman. jungle-book ...The Jungle Book. kidnapped ...Kidnapped (in two parts) by Robert Louis Stevenson. kjv-new-testament10 ...King James version of the New Testament. lan-tech-2 ...LAN Technology, by John M. Wobus. later-day-saints-art-faith ...Articles of Faith. livewire ...LiveWired, An Abridged Guide to Newtowking Macs, by James K. Anders. lunch-1 ...117 lunch recipes. make-nb-1 make-nb-2 make-nb-3 make-nb-4 make-nb-5 make-nb-6 make-nb-7 ...Seven part series on making NewtonBooks. man-with-the-twisted-lip ...Another Sherlock Holmes mystery. mcn-directory ...The attached compressed file is a Netwon Digital Book which contains the ...Membership Directory of the Macintosh Consultants Network. models ...This is a Newton Package containing a book about the most famous Models. ...It includes a pictures and some information for each model. Included are ...Cindy Crawford, Claudia Schiffer, Elle McPherson and others. mst3k-ep-book10 ...This is a Newton Book containing -- what else -- an episode guide ...for Mystery Science Theater 3000 nanug-11 nanug-12 nanug-13 ...North Atlanta Newton Users Group newsletters. natural-harmonic ...Humerous book about the "Natural Harmonic Resonance of Hostess Cakes." netizens ...The Net and Netizens: The Impact the Net has on People's Lives, by Michael ...Hauben. newt-loot1 ...A catalog of where to buy Newton stuff. Bundled with Mac version. newt-sw ...A book containing reviews of popular Newton software. newtturt ...NewtTurT (Newt Turtle Tutorial) is an interactive tutorial (Newton book) that ...will show how you can program in NewtonScript with turtle-style graphics ...directly on your Newton using Newt. nude-beaches ...NewtonBook containing a listing of dozens of nude beaches in the state of ...California. ortho-10 ...Orthodoxy, by G. K. Chesterton. paradise-lost ...Paradise Lost, by John Milton. pickup-book ...This is a Newton Book with Pickup Lines. power ...Global Power for Newton Nomads, by Mahalo Software. pte-lite ...With the advent of the Newton Digital BookMaker software, we put ...together a sample Periodic Table in Newton Digital Book format. This allows to search the book for certain chemical elements. Data included in the ...PTE "Lite" package includes Atomic Number, Atomic Weight, Symbol, Name, ...Electron Configuration, and Oxidation States. seafood-1 ...Seafood recipes. sega-faq ...Sega Genesis Video Game Secrets FAQ. sleepy-hollow ...The Legend of Sleepy Hollow. sttng-guide ...A guide to episodes of Star Trek: The Next Generation. tech-assist ...Book containing Mac System Errors, Sad Mac codes, Newton Error codes, and ...a VendorŐs Guide. the-constitution ...The Constitution of the United States of America. the-crooked-man ...Another Sherlock Holmes mystery. the-red-headed-league ...Another Sherlock Holmes mystery. the-time-machine ...The Time Machine, by H.G. Wells. thuvia-maid-of-mars ...Thuvia, Maid of Mars, by Edgar Rice Burroughs. tidbits ...TidBITS Magazine in Newton Book format. tiwy ....Newton edition of Take It With You. tom-sawyer ...The Adventures of Tom Sawyer uci-fact-book ...The UCI Fact Book is a small subset of information about UCI published each ...year via traditional media such as paper reports and Gopher. us-hist-docs ...This little Newton digital book contains the complete text of the following ...important American documents:The Bill of Rights, The Constitution, Lincoln's ...Gettysburg Address, JFK's Inaugural Address, Patrick Henry's "Give Me ...Liberty or Give Me Death" speech, Lincoln's First and Second Inaugural ...Addresses, The Mayflower Compact, and The Declaration of Independence. vendor ...NewtonBook containing vendor's names and phone numbers. virtual-inc ...Virtual Inc., The Newsletter for Online Businesses. war-of-the-worlds ...The War of the Worlds by H. G. Wells. we-become-atheists ...We Become Atheists, By Gora. wisdom ...The Wisdom of Father Brown, by G. K. Chesterton. woz ...The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, by L. Frank Baum. Illustrated by W.W. Denslow. zen-and-the-internet ...Newton book of Zen and the Art of Internet. zipcode ...a numerical listing of every ZIPcode in the Unites States.