Games Abstracts Last modified: 8/13/94 by Jeremy Wyld This abstract is a concatenation of the README files included with the packages. If no README was present, I chose my own description. If a package of yours has gotten a bumb write up, send mail to: along with a better one or two line description that you would like included instead. /games 15-puzzle ...The object of 15-Puzzle is to slide fifteen numbered tiles into ascending ...order on a four by four grid. 24 ...You are presented with four digits. Your job is to make the number 24 out of ...the digits using only addition, multiplication, subtraction and division. ahorcados ...A version of Hangman. black-box ...Black Box for the Newton is a game based on the old Parker Brothers board by the same name. bombs-away ...You begin with 4 cities. Protect them. boppin-12 ...Boppin' is like the old bop-the-beaver standup game. It has bad beavers ...that you tap on the head and good beavers you leave alone. buzzword-bingo ...Buzzword Bingo is based on a Dilbert comic by Scott Adams. In the comic ...strip the manager was very pleased that people were paying better attention meetings, until someone shouted Bingo! Make a custom list of buzzwords the notepad and import it into the program to match your manager ...or maybe the nightly news or Leno or Letterman. checkers ...This checkers program is being written to help me learn to program the ...Newton. This beta version is a two person game, i.e., you need two humans play it (unless you're schizophrenic.) chess ...Database of historic chess matches. chess-clock ...A digital chess clock for the Newton. desdamona-10 ...A game like Othello and Reversi. digital-dice-11 ...Generates random numbers often used in role playing games. hangman ...A rather noisy version of Hangman. Sorry about the lame graphics. incoming-099b ...Based on Missile Command, your mission is to defend your cities from waves ...of ICBM's. issac ...Simon for the Newton. You must repeat a sequence played by Issac. knightrun-10 ...Knight Run is a solo game played on a chess board with a single Knight. The ...object is to visit all of the squares on the board once and only once lunar-lander10 ...Game where you try to land your lunar lander on different point value ...landing pads without running out of fuel. mancala-11 ...This is a Newton game based on the old African game Mancala. mastermind-102 ...Master Mind is a simple game where you try to guess a four digit number. matchem ...Match'Em is a "Concentration" style pairs matching game. It supports ...several board sizes from 3x4 (fairly easy) to 10x10 (very difficult). minesweep-101 ...The object of Mine Sweep is to locate and flag ten mines. mine-field-12 ...Find and flag the mines in a mine field. morphion ...Morphion is a simple solitaire game I used to play on paper when I was a ...kid. newton-bandit ...NewtonBandit is a Slot-Machine for Newton PDA. newtris-10 ...You might guess from the name that it has to do with falling blocks on the ...Newton. paddle-10 ...Breakout for the Newton. patience ...Solitaire. pegboard-solitaire ...Forest PegBoard 1.0 is the traditional peg-jumping solitaire game with ...a few enhancements. The object of the game is to remove pegs from ...the cross-shaped board by jumping one over another until only one peg left. picofermibagels ...Number guessing game, similar to MasterMind. poker-10 ...Poker for the Newton. scrambled ...Scrambled is a game where you have to decipher a scrambled word. scratchpad ...This little funware app makes "scratching" sounds as you stroke the ...stylus over the ScratchPad. sea-hunt-11 ...Battleship for the Newton. snake-20 ...This is a small action-game based on something named "SnakeByte" (remember ...the Apple ][ days ?) . solo-131 ...Solo is a simple Solitaire game for the Newton. tapboard ...Contains Tic Tac Toe, Gomoku, and Reversi. t-3 ...Tic Tac Toe. thedock-demo ...In this game, you play a dockworker whose job it is to move packages into loading ...bays. The goal of the game is to fill each loading bay and advance to the next ...level. yahtzee ...This is the game of Yahtzee for the Newton, for one to four players.