@Comment[ Copyright (C) 1988 Scribe Systems,Inc ] Release Notes for Version 7(1700) Scribe Document Production System December 1988 Version 7(1700) of the Scribe Document Production System was released in December 1988. It includes new features, enhancements to existing features, bug fixes, and new documentation. New Features ------------ The following capabilities are added to Scribe in this release: - Mixed landscape and portrait text within a document and on the same page. - Vertical justification of pages. - Dictionary-style page headings. - The ability to produce change pages. - Security classifications of documents, pages, and document components. - A new .MAK file that corresponds to the formatting requirements specified in the military standard MIL-M-38784B. - Support for Hewlett-Packard LaserJet and LaserJet Plus laser printers. - Features for multi-pass processing and debugging. Enhancements to Existing Features --------------------------------- We have enhanced a number of existing features as follows: - Scribe's user-defined and standard table facilities now support proportional-width columns, multi-column table cells, discontinued tableheadings and tablefootings, width calculation based on text in tableheadings, rotated orientation of tables, and continued table captions (as opposed to tableheadings) for multi-page tables. - Graphics and tables can span multiple-column text without having to exit the multiple-column environment. - Users can control placement of generated portions such as the Table of Contents, List of Figures, and List of Tables. - New values for the Float attribute allow floated environments to be placed at the top or bottom of the current page. - Additional command line options and predefined strings. Bug Fixes --------- There is a list of bugs that have been fixed in this release. For your information, we have also included a list of bugs that remain unfixed; any known workarounds are explained. In the section entitled "Scribe Behavior Clarification," we address Scribe behavior that is undocumented or that is not as expected based on current documentation. Some of these items have been reported as bugs, when in fact they result from incomplete documentation. Any such item discussed in this section should be considered removed from the bug list, unless otherwise noted. Database Changes ---------------- Changes made to the Scribe database in Version 7 are listed the end of the release notes. New Documentation ----------------- The "Database Administrators Guide" is replaced as of this release by the "Advanced User Manual". This new manual contains edited and revised documentation from the "Database Administrators Guide" and consolidates advanced Scribe commands and constructs from past supplements. It also contains documentation on advanced features implemented in this release. Documentation about device drivers and font support has also been revised. This information is contained in a new and separate volume called "Fonts and Drivers". User-level documentation is contained in the accompanying supplement for Version 7. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW FEATURES AND ENHANCEMENTS The enumerated list that follows briefly explains the changes in Scribe Version 7(1700) and refers you to the appropriate publication where each change is thoroughly documented. 1. Support is now available for Hewlett-Packard LaserJet and LaserJet Plus laser printers via the LaserJet device driver. Refer to Chapter 5 of "Scribe Fonts and Drivers" for detailed information. The LaserJet device driver is not part of the basic Scribe software and must be purchased separately. For information on pricing, contact Scribe Systems' sales department at (412) 281-5959. 2. This release includes several enhancements to Scribe's already powerful table facility: - The TableHeadingWidth style parameter makes it possible for Scribe to automatically adjust the width of table columns to accommodate wide column headings. - The @Straddle command allows users to combine cells within a column so that one cell will occupy the space of two or more cells. - The @TableCaption command automatically prints a caption on every page of a multiple-page table. - The @StopHeading and @StopFooting commands instruct Scribe to "turn off" or discontinue a table heading or footing. These commands and parameters apply to both standard and user-defined tables and are documented in Chapter 1 of the "Scribe 7 Supplement". Other table capabilities apply to user-defined tables: - The @ChangeTableColumns command which allows for semi-permanent format changes within a table. - The Need attribute is now available within tables via the @DefineRowFormat command. - The LineWidth="n" Columns attribute/value pair can be assigned to environments for use in @DefineRowFormat commands to produce tables that expand proportionally to occupy the entire space from the prevailing right margin to the prevailing left margin. These Scribe constructs are documented in Chapter 4 of the "Advanced User Manual". 3. This release supports overflow page numbering sometimes referred to as "change pages" or "A-pages". Users can specify the Overflow attribute when modifying a counter. The commands @StartOverflow and @StopOverflow mark the region of text to be overflowed. Full details on the use of this feature can be found in Chapter 1 of the "Advanced User Manual". 4. Users can cause security classifications to be printed in a document at the page, sheet, document, and document component level by defining the classifications with the @DefineSecurity command and using one of several new parameters to the @Value command. See Chapter 6 in the "Advanced User Manual" for detailed documentation. 5. Vertical justification is supported in this release. Scribe will add or subtract vertical space to ensure that the last line of text or graphic element on the page lies flush with the bottom margin. You enable this feature in a document with the VerticalJustification style parameter. Details are in Chapter 4 of the "Scribe 7 Supplement". 6. You can now mix landscape and portrait pages within a document and output the file to a PostScript device. This is accomplished with the Rotate environment attribute. Turn to Chapter 5 of the "Scribe 7 Supplement" for details. 7. Figures and Tables can be floated to the top or bottom of a page. This feature is documented in Chapter 2 of the "Scribe 7 Supplement". 8. The following command-line options are included in this release. Note that they are valid on all operating systems under which Scribe runs. Use the correct command-line switch for your operating system, as documented in Appendix A of the "Scribe User Manual" and of the "Scribe 7 Supplement". VMS syntax is shown only as an example. Define Gives users the ability to insert a substitute string from the command line. The VMS operating system syntax is: $ Scribe proj.mss/define:"xx=Test" where "xx" is a string in the PROJ.MSS file and "Test" is a new value for that string. Errlimit Takes a numeric value which places a limit on the number of errors Scribe can encounter before it aborts the run. The VMS operating system syntax is: $ Scribe myfile.mss/errlimit:12 When the 13th error is encountered in MYFILE.MSS Scribe prints the message, "Error limit exceeded", aborts the run and returns you to the operating system prompt. Scribe does not write an .ERR file or any .TMP files in this instance. Local and Remote These options specify the directory to which Scribe writes its output files. The /remote option instructs Scribe to write the output files to the directory where the .MSS file resides. The /local option instructs Scribe to write its output files to the current or working directory (default Scribe processing). 9. Graphics and tables wider than a single column can be placed in a multiple-column environment. This feature does not permit the flow of text around the graphic. This restriction will be removed in a future release. Documentation on this feature can be found in Chapter 3 of the "Scribe 7 Supplement". 10. Users can now direct Scribe to insert the Table of Contents, List of Figures, List of Tables, or any generated portion at the beginning of a document by using the @BackPlace command. In previous releases of Scribe, these pages were the last to be output; users had little control over their placement. Details on use of this feature are found in Chapter 6 of the "Scribe 7 Supplement". 11. Scribe now supports the style of page headings in which the first and last entry or topic discussed on a page is printed in the page heading or page footing (such as you might see in a dictionary or telephone directory). Details can be found in Chapter 1 of the "Advanced User Manual". 12. Fractional point sizes are supported for all PostScript output. A user can now specify a point size down to the nearest tenth of a point. For example: @Begin(Itemize, Size=12.2Points) 13. The predefined strings Sides and Environment are added to this release. @Value(Sides) returns the value "single" for single-sided documents and "double" for double-sided documents. @Value(Environment) returns the name of the current environment. 14. Change bars in multiple-column text are supported in this release. The user interface has not changed; you invoke change bars in multiple-column text the same as you did in single-column text. 15. Scribe now has return values for VAX VMS, UNIX (SunOS, PyramidOSx, Ultrix, ACIS, UTX/32), and Explorer operating systems. Return values allow users to write scripts that instruct Scribe to take certain action depending on the "state" of your file after compilation. For example, on the UNIX operating system Scribe returns a value of "2" if the file needs to be run through Scribe again (as is the case with an unresolved cross reference). Refer to the Chapter on Installation Instructions and the Appendix on Operating System Dependencies in "Scribe Fonts and Drivers" for details. 16. A new command @Error allows users to embed their own error messages in a manuscript file. The syntax is: @Error("delimited text") The @Error command has its greatest value in an @Case statement, where if used in conjunction with the @Abort command, it allows users to gracefully abort a losing run. The text of your error message is also recorded in the .ERR file. 17. Scribe now accepts switches before file names on the VMS operating system. In previous releases, Scribe expected a file name immediately after the command to run Scribe. In this release, the following VMS command-line syntax is understood by Scribe: $ Scribe/remote [smith.doc]sys.mss 18. Scribe now understands the tilde construct of the Unix operating system. For example, the following syntax can be used to run Scribe on a manuscript file: % Scribe ~/myfile.mss 19. Scribe now deletes the PostScript comment %%Page whenever it is encountered in a graphic file to be merged into a Scribe document. In the past, when this wasn't done, some problems arose when an external page extraction program was run on these PostScript files, even though both files conformed to Adobe's structuring conventions. 20. Apple Computer, Inc. has upgraded the LaserPrep file for the Mac. The new version is 5.2. In the past an upgrade like this one meant Scribe Systems, Inc. would have to distribute a new .DEV file. In this release the Scribe Database Administrator at each site is able to create the new file by making the following changes to the existing database file MAC40P.DEV. - The device initialization string contains a definition for "psu". The first part of the definition reads: /psu { - Change this line by adding "pop": /psu { pop - Then change the device specified in the @Marker command to: @Marker(Device, Mac52PostScript) - Save these edits in a file called MAC52P.DEV in the database. This will enable users to merge graphics created on a Mac with LaserPrep 5.2 with the Scribe command: @Device(Mac52PostScript) Note: You may need to add "Mac52PostScript" to the list of devices in the PostScript @Marker of the MATHEM.LIB database file. 21. The Scribe Help Facility now includes a complete listing of Scribe error messages. See the "ErrorListing" subtopic of the help facility for a complete rundown. 22. Text of the release notes is included in the Version 7 Database file RNOTES.TXT. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BUG FIXES FOR SCRIBE VERSION 7(1700) Number(s) Description --------- ----------- 864,891,1077 Scribe could not correctly process multiple bibliographies. 1119,1218 Blank lines in the beginning of a Format environment were not kept. 1135 If a Description environment caused a page break, the text in the "center" field of the page footing was centered between the global left margin of the document and the prevailing left margin of the Description environment. 1147 A file created with the command "@Generate(Notes=""ext"")" did not contain all of the notes that were generated from the commands "@Style(Notes=Endnotes)" or "@Note(...)". 1158 Scribe would not hyphenate words within parentheses. 1221 Blanklines Hinge or HingeKeep did not work in unfilled environments. 1226 There were problems with the Enumerate counter when an Enumerate environment contained a nested environment (like CB), with several consecutive entries. 1231 Compiling a part file that included other part files produced incorrect page numbers. 1236 If a BoxType and a Box environment had the same name, Scribe would terminate abnormally. 1238,1294 Using the wrong command-line option character caused a "Segmentation Fault" on Sun/Unix. 1247,1286 Using @\ on line by itself in row of a table caused the following error: "Too few columns in row of table". 1273 Scribe did not center text properly inside a box. 1274 If an @DefineRowFormat command contained a comma instead of a space or an equals sign (=) between the Boxtype attribute and the name of the BoxType, Scribe would terminate abnormally. 1276 When floated figures outside a multiple-column environment were floated to the following page, Scribe would not fill the available space on the previous page with text. 1277 On the Unix version of Scribe, the command-line option KEEP did not keep temporary (.TMP) files. 1281 If a BoxType was specified where a LineType was needed, Scribe issued the proper error message, then aborted. 1282 A multiple-column environment with ColumnBalance=On and a BoxType attribute caused the Below value to be ignored and column balancing to be wrong when that environment also contained the Group or Break attribute. 1284 If a box was not surrounded by text, it was centered between the document's global margins instead of its prevailing margins. 1288 Certain TableColumn environments did not obey the bottom margin setting, which caused the table to run into the bottom margin. 1289 Figures inside a two-column environment ran into the bottom margin. 1290 The command "@Style(IndexCap=False)" caused Scribe to improperly sort the index. 1293 Rotated graphics were centered according to the width of the source graphic instead of the width of the destination graphic, and their vertical positioning was based upon the height of the source graphic instead of the height of the destination graphic. 1296 Leading spaces in row entries caused alignment problems in tables. 1298 In a multi-column environment the Need attribute in subsections was ignored if the subsection was preceded by a figure. 1299 Scribe did not issue an error message when the @SpecialFont command called the wrong RawFont file for a specific device. 1302 Footnotes did not float with tables and were misplaced on the bottom of the page. 1303 Part file compilation containing SubSection commands did not pick up the proper section number from .AUX file. 1305 Specifying "Break Off" within a multiple-column environment had no effect. 1307 The command "@Style(Widowaction=Force)" caused a table to run off the page if that page contained a widow line. 1309 Balanced columns always made the last column longest. 1315 When "ScriptPush=Off" was specified in an .MSS file, the graphics in that file overprinted the text around them. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BUGS NOT FIXED IN VERSION 7 1136 If @Title(Chapter) is specified in an @PageHeading or @PageFooting command, and a blank page is inserted to ensure a "Pagebreak UntilOdd", that blank page will have the next chapter's title. Workaround: add the Recompute attribute to the definition of Chapter: @Modify(Chapter,Recompute) 1159 Scribe will only hyphenate a word once. 1242 In a standard table where tableheadings are boxed but rows are not, Scribe does not take the width of the vertical bar into account when computing the column widths, resulting in columns that are not aligned. 1269 Change bars do not work within a table unless explicit @Newpage commands are used to create page breaks. 1283 A bordered table may run into the bottom margin if the table is specified in a multiple-column environment with ColumnBalance=On. 1300 Table headings may appear on the bottom of the previous column if the table is specified in a multiple-column environment with ColumnBalance=On. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCRIBE BEHAVIOR CLARIFICATION 1086 Local modifications of a given environment do not imbed to nested levels of the environment. For example: @Begin(Enumerate, Numbered <@I. @,@i. >) I II @Begin(Enumerate) not i not ii @End(Enumerate) @End(Enumerate) The nested Enumerate environment will use the database definition, not the local modification of the outer enumerate. To change every invocation of an environment, use the @Modify command. 1109,1240 @Style(StringMax="x") doesn't take effect in .MAK files, only in .MSS files. Explanation: StringMax does take effect in the .MAK file, but it returns to the default setting at the end of the file. "A setting of StringMax is only good until the end of the file in which it occurs". The only exception to this is in library files. To reset StringMax for a particular .MSS file, you have to put the @Style command in that file (or in a library file invoked by an @Libraryfile command in that .MSS file). The behavior of StringMax allows you to set one value in a .MAK file with a long string in it, and to change back to the default setting at the end of the .MAK file. Presumably, you want the default setting most of the time, because of the error checking that it causes. By the same token, if you have long strings in a part file, requiring a special setting of the StringMax at the beginning of that file, you get the old setting back at the end. 1151 When aligning numbers across a two-column environment, users will find that the command "@BlankSpace("n" Lines)" will not align line "n" of the first column with line "n" of the second column. For instance, the following command fails to achieve the desired effect: 1 @BlankSpace(10Lines) 11 @newcolumn() 1@* . . . 11@* Explanation: . The user may specify "Spacings" instead of "Lines". "Lines" refers to the baseline-to-baseline distance in single spacing in the current font and size. "Spacings" refers to the current value of the Spacing environment attribute or @Style parameter. 1223 @Send commands within sectioning commands like Chapter, Section, etc. do not appear in the order given. Explanation: It is poor Scribe usage to place explicit @Send commands in the .MSS file to build the Table of Contents, List of Figures, etc. Those components are designed to be generated via the usual mechanism, that is, the ContentsForm, ContentsEnv, and Table parameters in the Counter declaration. We cannot predict the results when you mix one method (explicit @Send's) with another (Counter declaration) within the same generated portion. 1237 When using the Fixed environment attribute in a multi-column or user-defined table environment, Scribe always applies the fixed value to text in the first column. Explanation: An environment with the Fixed attribute, enclosed in a multiple-column environment, will not inherit the multiple-column layout in the normal way. To get "fixed" text in a multiple-column layout, use the environment attribute Fixed in the @Begin statement of the multiple-column environment. 1279 Tab settings are not inherited by the Box environment. Explanation: The Box environment can have the attributes such as Break, Group or Float. In any of these cases the box will be lined up with the margin and the tabs are inherited. The Box environment can also appear in running text. In this case the box is drawn just wide enough to contain the text and is positioned on the page wherever the text happens to be placed. Tabs are not inherited in this instance. 1306 "Break Before" in Version 6 leaves less space after the Section title than in Version 5. Explanation: Section headings with "Break Before" instead of the usual "Break" was followed by a smaller space in Scribe Version 6 than in Version 5. There was one space between the heading and the first word of text, rather than two. One space was correct and two was wrong. It seems that a bug was fixed (unintentionally), rather than introduced. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DATABASE CHANGES Below is a list of the changelog entries in the Version 7(1700) database. These changes may affect any customized files at your site. Each set of changes is prefixed with subtitles stating the Filename, Device(s) and user database file(s) that may be affected. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Filename: CmrIma.Dev Device: CmrImagen300 User Database file(s) affected: Customized .MAK files List of Changes: 5 Sep 88 EMN Deletion Deleted @Style(FontFamily=ComputerModernRoman10) and added it to an @Case in Serif.Lib. Any .MAK files created for the CmrImagen300 device may not have included a Fontfamily declaration via the @Libraryfile(Serif) or @FontFamily command. One of these commands needs to be added for a proper FontFamily to be declared for the CmrImagen300 device. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Filename: LaserJ.Dev Device: LaserJet and LaserJetPlus User Database file(s) affected: Customized .MAK file and .LIB List of Changes: 18 Feb 88 BWL Created, based on LN03 A new device driver has been added to Scribe. Scribe now supports the Hewlett-Packard LaserJet and LaserJet Plus. If your site has purchased this particular driver, you will need to add this device to any customized .MAK and .LIB files. This device should be added to the @Marker commands containing the x2700 entry. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Filename: LN01.Dev Device: LN01 User Database file(s) affected: None List of Changes: 20 Jan 88 EMN Edit Changed FinalName from .LN0 to .ln0 for ease on Unix. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Filename: LN03.Dev Device: LN03 User Database file(s) affected: None List of Changes: 20 Jan 88 EMN Edit Changed FinalName from .LN0 to .ln0 for ease on Unix. 3 Jun 88 EMN Edit Changed esc [ 1 ; G to esc [ 1 ; sp G to conform to proper format of the spi command according to the LN03 Programmers Reference Manual. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Filename: Mac31P.Dev Device: Mac31Postscript User Database file(s) affected: None List of Changes: 17 May 88 EMN Edit Changed definition of HDG to use Facecode R instead of B. 31 Aug 88 EMN Edit/Addition Added "UnRotated" to the definition of Hdg. 5 Sep 88 EMN Edit/Appearance Change Changed definition of Example to use FaceCode T instead of F. 1 Nov 88 EMN Edit/Addition Added the definitions of /RC, /URC, /RCC and /URCC to the DeviceInitialization string for new rotation features. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Filename: Mac40P.Dev Device: Mac40Postscsript User Database file(s) affected: None List of Changes: 17 May 88 EMN Edit Changed definition of HDG to use Facecode R instead of B. 31 Aug 88 EMN Edit/Addition Added "UnRotated" to the definition of Hdg. 5 Sep 88 EMN Edit/Appearance Change Changed definition of Example to use FaceCode T instead of F. 1 Nov 88 EMN Edit/Addition Added the definitions of /RC, /URC, /RCC and /URCC to the DeviceInitialization string for new rotation features. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Filename: Mac52P.Dev Device: Mac52Postscript User Database file(s) affected: Customized .LIB files List of Changes: 1 Nov 88 EMN Created, from Mac40Postscript device file. A new device file has been added to Scribe. Scribe now supports graphic files generated on a Macintosh with LaserWriter driver version 5.2. If your site has purchased the Postscript device driver, and use Macintosh's LaserWriter 5.2, you will need to add this device to any customized .LIB files. This device should be added to the @Marker commands containing the Postscript entry. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Filename: MacPos.Dev Device: MacPostscript User Database file(s) affected: None List of Changes: 31 Aug 88 EMN Edit/Addition Added "UnRotated" to the definition of Hdg. 5 Sep 88 EMN Edit/Appearance Change Changed definition of Example to use FaceCode T instead of F. 1 Nov 88 EMN Edit/Addition Added the definitions of /RC, /URC, /RCC and /URCC to the DeviceInitialization string for new rotation features. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Filename: Postsc.Dev Device: Postscript User Database file(s) affected: None List of Changes: 31 Aug 88 EMN Edit/Addition Added "UnRotated" to the definition of Hdg. 5 Sep 88 EMN Edit/Appearance Change Changed definition of Example to use FaceCode T instead of F. 1 Nov 88 EMN Edit/Addition Added the definitions of /RC, /URC, /RCC and /URCC to the DeviceInitialization string for new rotation features. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Filename: Acr10.Fon Device: Talaris User Database file(s) affected: Customized Fontfamily files List of Changes: 17 May 88 EMN Edit Changed the names of the typecase files used for Math from "ACR" to "Mathematics" for Facecodes A, J, M, N, O, Q & Z in Bodyfont and SmallBodyfont. Any customized fontfamily files that used typecases prefixed with "ACR" for Mathematics must change the names. The typecase files on the left no longer exist and the typecase files on the right are their replacement: Acr10 Mathematics10 Acr10Controls Mathematics10Controls Acr10XControls Mathematics10XControls Acr10CorrectionsA Mathematics10CorrectionsA Acr10CorrectionsB Mathematics10CorrectionsB Acr10CorrectionsC Mathematics10CorrectionsC Acr10CorrectionsD Mathematics10CorrectionsD ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Filename: Helvet.Fon Device: Postscript family (Postscript, MacPostscript, etc.) User Database file(s) affected: Helvet.Fon List of Changes: 17 May 88 EMN Addition Added Facecode S to use the Accented Helvetica characters in BodyFont and HeadingFont for Postscript. Added Facecode G to HeadingFont in Helvetica and HelveticaNarrow for Postscript. 1 Nov 88 EMN Addition Added Facecode W and V to use the Accented Bold and Italic characters in Bodyfont and HeadingFont for Postscript If any changes were made to the Helvet.Fon database file for the Postscript device that already used Facecodes S, W and V, then there will be some conflict in the database definitions. These facecodes are used for the Accented characters accessed through the Accents libraryfile. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Filename: Slides.Fon Device: LaserJet and LaserJetPlus User Database file(s) affected: None List of Changes: 5 Sep 88 EMN Addition Added entry for LaserJet: TimesRomanF10. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Filename: TimesR.Fon Device: LaserJet, LaserJetPlus and Postscript User Database file(s) affected: TimesR.Fon List of Changes: 24 Feb 88 BWL Addition Added font families for HP LaserJet. 1 Nov 88 EMN Addition Added Facecode W and V to use the Accented Bold and Italic characters in Bodyfont and HeadingFont for Postscript If any changes were made to the TimesR.Fon database file for the Postscript device that already used Facecodes W and V, then there will be some conflict in the database definitions. These facecodes are used for the Accented characters accessed through the Accents libraryfile. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Filename: Automa.Hyp Device: All User Database file(s) affected: Automa.Hyp List of Changes: 17 May 88 EMN Edit/Addition Changed hyphenation points of Classify and UnClassify. Added variations of Achieve. If your database contains a customized Automa.Hyp file that may include more words than that distributed by Scribe Systems, you may want to take note of the changes made to this file and add them to your current Automa.Hyp. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Filename: Accent.Lib Device: Postscript User Database file(s) affected: None List of Changes: 1 Jun 88 EMN Addition Added default marker entries allowing proof copies to run without error. 1 Nov 88 EMN Addition Added form definitions for Bold and Italic accented characters in Postscript entry. 1 Nov 88 EMN Addition Added warning Message for MacxxPostscript users. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Filename: Figure.Lib Device: All User Database file(s) affected: None List of Changes: 1 Dec 88 EMN Addition Added the FiguresM38784B Marker to include the Figure, Legend and Table definitions according to the military standard MIL-M-38784B. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Filename: Mathem.Lib Device: LaserJet, LaserJetPlus, Postscript and Talaris User Database file(s) affected: None List of Changes: 9 Aug 88 EMN Addition Added Marker entry Mathematics10 for HPLaserJet, LaserJetPlus. 5 Sep 88 EMN Addition Added commandstring definitions for GtLt, Hbar, LtGt and Qed for the Talaris. 5 Sep 88 EMN Edit Changed value of Slant in commandstring definition for Sqrt for Postscript devices: Mathematics12: from 3 to 0, Mathematics10 & 8: from 3 to -2. 4 Nov 88 EMN Addition Added Mac52Postscript to the Postscript entry. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Filename: Multil.Lib Device: All User Database file(s) affected: None List of Changes: 1 Dec 88 EMN Addition Added the MultilevelIndexM38784B Marker entry to include the indexing format according to the military standard MIL-M-38784B by adding new indexing macros: FIndex, PIndex, and TIndex. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Filename: NewApa.Lib Device: All User Database file(s) affected: None List of Changes: 21 Jun 88 EMN Edit Changed TechReport-default TYPE was missing ")". Changed TechReport,Manual,PhDThesis and MastersThesis; these bibforms ended with comma instead of period. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Filename: Sansse.Lib Device: LaserJet, LaserJetPlus and CmrImagen300 User Database file(s) affected: None List of Changes: 18 Feb 88 BWL Addition Added @FontFamily(HelveticaU10) for LaserJet 5 Sep 88 EMN Addition Added @FontFamily(ComputerModernRoman10) for CmrImagen300. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Filename: Serif.Lib Device: GSI, CmrImagen300, LaserJet, LaserJetPlus and Omnitech User Database file(s) affected: List of Changes: None 18 Feb 88 BWL Addition Added @FontFamily(TimesRomanF10) for LaserJet 5 Sep 88 EMN Addition Added @FontFamily(CMU4) for GSI; @FontFamily(Times) for Omnitech 5 Sep 88 EMN Addition Added @FontFamily(ComputerModernRoman10) for CmrImagen300. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Filename: Stable.Lib Device: All User Database file(s) affected: None List of Changes: 17 May 88 EMN Addition Added appropriate macro definitions for 1-columned tables. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Filename: Titlep.Lib Device: All User Database file(s) affected: None List of Changes: 1 Dec 88 EMN Addition Added the TitlePageM38784B Marker entry to include the Titlepage format according to the military standard MIL-M-38784B. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Filename: Manual.Mak Device: All excluding Santec, Diablos and File User Database file(s) affected: None List of Changes: 18 Nov 88 EMN Edit Changed the definition of Hd1A to include "Longlines=Wrap". Changed Appendix to use Hd1A and modified the Contentsform and Titleforms appropriately. Changes were made to Markers: Press, Regis, GP300, ScaleableLaser, VIP and GSI. Changed Chapter to use Hd1A and modified the Titleform in the default Marker entry. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Filename: Mil387.Mak Device: All User Database file(s) affected: None List of Changes: 1 Dec 88 EMN Creation Created this document type according to the military standard MIL-M-38784B. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Filename: Slides.Mak Device: Diablo, Gigi, X9700 User Database file(s) affected: None List of Changes: 5 Sep 88 EMN Addition Changed call for "FaceCode S" to "FaceCode B" in X9700, Gigi, and Diablo Marker entries. If any user-defined environments included FaceCode S as part of the definition, they will need to change it to FaceCode B. This is only for the Diablo, Gigi and X9700 devices using the Slides fontfamily. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Filename: Thesis.Mak Device: Postscript and VIP User Database file(s) affected: None List of Changes: 5 Sep 88 EMN Edit/Change Changed order of @Generate for ScalableLaser and VIP entries to (Notes, Outline, Contents) from (Outline, Notes, Contents) so the Outline will include the Notes entry. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Filename: Courie.Raw Device: LaserJet and LaserJetPlus User Database file(s) affected: None List of Changes: 24 Feb 88 BWL Addition Added rawfonts for LaserJet. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Filename: NewCen.Raw Device: Postscript User Database file(s) affected: None List of Changes: 13 May 88 EMN Edit Change the width of "1" from 463 to 574 in NewCen.Bold. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Filename: Zapfch.Raw Device: Postscript User Database file(s) affected: None List of Changes: 15 Nov 88 EMN Creation Created this file. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Filename: CACM.Ref Device: All User Database file(s) affected: None List of Changes: 5 Sep 88 EMN Edit BOOK: Put period following @parm(Author) to avoid two periods following "Editor, Ed." if Author was undefined. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Filename: NewAPA.Ref Device: All User Database file(s) affected: None List of Changes: 21 Jun 88 EMN Edit Changed NewApa to be singlespaced instead of doublespaced. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Filename: Greek1.Typ Device: LaserJet and LaserJetPlus User Database file(s) affected: None List of Changes: 18 Feb 88 BWL Addition Added Greek10 for LaserJet. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------