270658 100 Context initialization failed Invalid parameter for attribute-value pair # malloc failed: out of memory Internal error Primitive or attribute not (yet) implemented Invalid context xgli_ctx_2d_notify_handler: unknown msg->type Color map size reduced to the color table size Too many colors Dither mask memory Invalid destination object Invalid source object Invalid color map Invalid address for colors Attribute is read-only xgl_obj_internal_get: getting undefined internal attribute xgl_obj_set: setting undefined internal attribute Cannot read error file Primitive cannot be called at this time Object is read-only Different/mixed dimensions or depths Invalid value Not available for this type: Invalid point type or dimension in this context Raster depth/data type not yet supported Attribute not defined for object Invalid parameter for operator Singular transform Cannot set attribute(s) of predefined line patterns Order too high Invalid address for curve Invalid address for knot_vector Invalid address for control points Incorrect number of knots/points Incorrect point type for nurbs Unknown class Invalid address for circle/arc data Invalid address for string Invalid address for position/point/point-list Cannot load font Invalid y value in Up Vector: cannot handle y = 0. Invalid address for direction vectors Invalid address for rectangle Invalid address for concatenation point Invalid or unsupported value for attribute No mapping function from RGB to Index Invalid point or facet type Invalid address for matrix Invalid axis value Invalid update value Invalid address for scale factors Invalid address for offset NAMED color map can't match PseudoColor can't allocate X colors unsupported window type Not a memory raster; can't set/get address write once-only attribute: Color cube dimensions too large; using defaults Color table too small clip_mask reallocation z_buffer reallocation wx_grab: cannot open wx_grab: cannot map lock page wx_grab: cannot map unlock page xgl_obj_free: object still used; cannot free Value out of range for attribute Cannot change pick style when picking enabled Cannot change pick buffer size when picking enabled Invalid or inconsistent data for primitive No device attached to context Cannot pop context: stack is empty Invalid function for this class Cannot execute operator, no System state Invalid flags data Invalid address, type, or insufficient facet information Invalid address for Polyhedral connection Illegal clipping code Invalid values of row/column Invalid address for color Cannot compute facet normal No inverse color mapper Can't map frame buffer memory Can't unmap frame buffer memory failed to close polygon edge Invalid pattern Can't determine framebuffer type Can't open frame buffer; unsupported framebuffer type Must upgrade GX to FBC rev 1 or later Unexpected framebuffer type Raster not created Can't match PseudoColor visual Can't allocate X colors Out of range or invalid floating point data loaded into TEC Cannot obtain graphics hardware resource Window Ids DGA Protocol initialization fails System State already exists; xgl_open can be called once