1. Getting onto Athena. a. Unix basics - manpages, easy commands (ls, cp, mv, cd, mkdir, pwd, less, passwd) - "what's in my account?" (public, private, www, brief mention of dotfiles) - burning cds (drag&drop under 9.4) b. lockers c. Prettifying - metacity - how to use, what/where stuff is, customizing, pointer to other windowmanagers 2. Web on Athena. a. Mozilla/Firefox b. lynx, wget c. Certificates ("zap certs") d. pointer to passwd changing page, moira list making page? or that goes elsewhere? e. Making your own webpage 3. Email on Athena. - mailquota, spamassassin, folders/autosorting? (that may be too detailed) - how much can we point to other documentation? a. supported client b. other useful clients c. pointer to web interface for making moira lists? or under web? d. mailman e. Discuss on Athena. 4. Chatting on Athena. a. Zephyr b. gaim, gaim+encryption, etc. 5. Writing on Athena. (these will be mostly pointers to other docs if they exist) a. textsetting - OpenOffice, latex, frame b. editors - emacs, vi, etc? 6. clusters/printing 7. Graphics on Athena. - gaim, xv, xanim... what else? 8. Crunching numbers on Athena. - xess, gnumeric, xcalc, ..? 9. Poking your nose in the back of Athena. a. AFS b. Kerberos. c. Moira. 10. Coding on Athena. a. C b. Perl & Python c. Debuggers. Libraries. Locations thereof. 11. Getting your Athena fix from far away - dialups, x-dialups, mindterm - account security - forwarding email - pointer to securecrt - installing your own (pwog) + Appendix - lookup table for other documents/information/resources (iFoo, stockanswers, olc, dotfiles, nmc, longjobs)