Filtering your e-mail on Athena.

So it's gotten to the point where you are getting more mail than you can handle without filtering. If you're using the standard Athena arrangement for your mail, then here are some solutions.

Evolution users.

Go to the Tools menu, and select filters. The user interface will guide you through setting up your filters, which will then be saved in your 'evolution' directory as filters.xml.

Pine users.

From the main menu, run "S" for Setup, "R" for Rules, and "F" for Filters. "A" for Add creates a new filter, and "C" for Change allows you to change the value of any of the fields in the filter form. Choose an appropriate nickname, and fill out the remaining fields to create the filter. "E" for Exit leaves the filter form, and will prompt you to save your changes. Once you are back in the filter list, you can (A)dd new filters, (C)hange existing filters, (D)elete filters, and (E)xit the filter list. You will be prompted to save any changes before exiting.

EXMH users.

Exmh has the ability to prefilter your mail, but you have to meet it half way. If you haven't already, it's time you created the folders you'll be sorting your mail into. Then you must write a file called .maildelivery and make it something along these lines:
# Here is one example. Your 'nostalgia folder now gets the mail from this gent. 

from high@school.friend | ? "/usr/athena/etc/rcvstore +nostalgia"

# That silly mailing list you have goes to the 'timesink' folder

to silly@mailing.list | ? "/usr/athena/etc/rcvstore +timesink"

# Must put in a line for CC's as well!

cc silly@mailing.list | ? "/usr/athena/etc/rcvstore +timesink"

# Let's put the spam in a junk folder:
# (That used to work, long ago. )

subject ADV | ? "/usr/athena/etc/rcvstore +spam"
# In order to filter out the files caught
# by SpamAssassin:

X-Spam-Flag YES folder ? spamfolder

# And sort for urgent messages from home    

subject MagicWord | ? "/usr/athena/etc/rcvstore +urgent"

# If somebody is being really annoying, send his mail into the void:

from | ? "cat > /dev/null" 

# Finally, and most importantly, the default: 

default  -           | ? "/usr/athena/etc/rcvstore +inbox"

Now that you have that out of the way, you click on "Preferences" then on "Incorporate Mail", and select 'presort' as your option on the "Ways to Inc" row.