How to play a CD ================ onkyo "speakers A B", "STC", "CD", volume 9:00, all other controls 12:00 Be sure Tape 2 monitor [T2 Monitor] is OFF! denon 1000F (black) OFF denon 600F (grey) play CD! TEAC off Radio shack selector (small black box) Left side == 1 right side (vcr record)==4 no, xvolume does NOT work for CDs. How to play from iTunes on Mac or PC, with a wireless card ================ onkyo "speakers A B", "STC", "CD", volume 9:00, all other controls 12:00 Be sure Tape 2 monitor [T2 Monitor] is OFF! TEAC off Radio shack selector (small black box) Left side == 3 (this is the only difference from CDs) right side (vcr record)==4 no, xvolume does NOT work for AirTunes. How to play an MP3 or OGG ========================= lpr -b -Psipbmp3 foo.mp3 or .ogg onkyo "speakers AB", "STC" "T-2 monitor" "phono" volume 11:00 both cdplayers off, tape player off. radio shack selector 4,4 add outland; xvolume or ttyvolume You can sub to -c sipb-auto -i sipbmp3@xcb and you will see zephyrs from the mp3 player. Other things to try: lynx -source | lpr -b -Psipbmp3 look at /mit/arolfe/bin/mp3stream for something that sends URLs Stuff at /afs/sipb/project/office-stereo (xcb) is the currently the machine that does the sound output to the office stereo. One can log in to the machine locally to try to play interesting sounds. (For example, keithw piped a BBC audio signal from the HDTV antenna to the office stereo.) (Authentication: Authentic from host: BART-SAVAGEWOOD.MIT.EDU) Class sipb, Instance office: To: * at 01:15:15 Mon Nov 3 2003 From: in xochitl, in cuicatl My Public now contains WMBR.ext. You may use this command: lpr -Psipbmp3 /afs/athena/user/g/s/gschmidt/Public/WMBR.ext to play WMBR on the office stereo. To do ===== this document: be more verbose, TeX-ify. Somebody should document the connections of wires between the various components, in case we every need to put it back together after a tornado. This file is located at /afs/sipb/project/doc/office-audio/ $Id: office-audio.txt,v 1.8 2004/09/18 22:07:43 glasser Exp $