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Activities Midway


The Midway sucker's checklist by sepherke

Hello, and welcome to the iMidway checklist.  This will tell you step by step
what you need to do to attract as many frosh to SIPB during Orientation.
I don't mind if you copy any of the examples that you see here; just 
be sure to read through everything carefully so that you don't make a 
silly mistake!

1. You'll usually get appointed sometime in the spring, so when that
happens checkout the asa web page for how to reserve a booth for
SIPB. The asa web page is located here: http:/ (This
is subject to change by year) See appendix A for details.

	Booth req's

	.	We need net drops!
	.	1 or 2 tables, 2 or 4 chairs. (2 tables	work better.
	.	No, we don't need audio/visual equipment.
	.	Put your name and sipb's office phone as the contacts. 
	.	Ask if anyone wants an early return.
	.	Keep a hard copy of the booth req's that you submitted
 		 via the web incase there are any later disputes.

2. Send mail (See appendix B) reminding people about the midway 2.5
weeks in advance. Mention that you have a sign-up sheet.(See appendix C
- Don't blindly copy this, as the times might be different each year)
You choose to post in the office or put it in your Public directory for
people to add themselves to. If nobody signs up in 1 week, be sure to
resend mail, as you have a week left before the midway.

3.  Let everyone know you're the sucker at a SIPB meeting at least 2
weeks minimum **before** the actual midway. During this meeting, post a
sign up sheet - see appendix C.  Also ask linux-dev and netBSD-dev what
machines they'll let you take to the midway. Traditionally we've taken 1
linux machine and 1 netBSD machine.

4. Mention at the last meeting before the midway when the midway is, and
when you need help, if you still do. This past year, if groups were not set
up by 5:50pm they were fined $25 dollars. So be sure to let people in
sipb know this. Check before the midway where your tables are located. 
They should be shown on the asa web page. 

5. Pre Midway Check-off list.
	What you need for the midway:

	.	Duck tape. 	
	.	~200 copies of 1 page intro to SIPB.
	.	~200 copies of 1 page NetBSD-athena install.
	.	~200 copies of 1 page Linux-athena install.
	.	1 linux-athena machine
	.	1 netBSD-athena machine
	.	Some pens and paper for a frosh sign up sheet.
	.	1 giant poster that can be pinned up on the
		curtain behind sipb's booth or down in front of
		the booth. 
	.	A couple of postscript signs about SIPB. 8 1/2 x 11 inch	
		to put on the table. There are some that say "the hacker
		is in." Look inside /afs/sipb/admin/text/bboard/

If you don't have a giant poster, then make one at APO, it'll only cost
a few bucks, and they have poster paper and paint for you to make a SIPB
sign. Having a giant sign helps a lot with publicity. Plus, people can
SIPB from far away. Get reimbursed by sipb if you're going to do this.

6. On the day or day before the midway, you'll need to get the APO cart
from the 4th floor to help move the machines. Be sure to go get this
cart *Early* as APO might need it themselves for the midway. If this
happens, then you might have to move machines at 4pm instead of 5pm.

During the Midway: 

7. Grab people from the SIPB office if there aren't enough hands to help
out. Get people to talk to frosh actively, although this will likely
happen anyhow.

Post Mortem:

8. When the midway is over, get the APO cart, and pack up everything
back to sipb.

9. Last thing! The frosh mailing. We'll only send this out ***once***
to everyone who signed up. Have them come into the office if they really
want to sign up for sipb mailing lists and become a prospective.  See
Appendix D for last year's mailing. Just type in all the addresses for
this mailing, keep the actual list for reference. Be sure to cc a copy
of the mail to the chairman and vice chair.

10. Finally, don't forget to send a Thank You note to everyone who
helped out. See appendix D for the one I sent out. Be sure to reply to
any mail that frosh send you, since they'll probably reply to you first.

11. You're done!  Congrats, and now you're ready to continue with the
rest of Orientation.

Appendix A - Here's a copy of web form mail to ASA last year.
To: asa-forms@MIT.EDU
Subject: ASA Midway Request : SIPB (Student Information Processing Board)
Errors-To: asa-admin@MIT.EDU
Group : SIPB (Student Information Processing Board)

Summer Contact Name     : Christina Chu
Summer Contact Address  : w20-557
Summer Contact Address2 : 
Summer Contact Email    :
Summer Contact Phone    : x37788


Tables : 2

Chairs : 4

Electricity : Yes
   For Computer demo

Music : No

Ethernet : Yes
   About two machines for netbsd/linux demos

AudioVisual : 

Groups to be near to   : 

Groups to be away from : 


Early Return Name     : 
Early Return Address  : 
Early Return Address2 : 
Early Return Email    : 
Early Return Phone    : 
Description :
  Handouts about what SIPB is all about. Demo for how
to get athena on your PC in a dorm, etc..

NOTE: This message was sent using a WWW form. The address
was typed manually, and may easily be incorrect.

cgiemail 1.3 

Appendix B - First mail sent to sipb for help request

To: sipb-members@MIT.EDU, sipb-prospectives@MIT.EDU
Subject: Help Needed! O/R Activities Midway, Sept 1st
Date: Sat, 22 Aug 1998 17:29:40 EDT
From: sepherke <sepherke@MIT.EDU>

Hi all, 

The Activities Midway is coming up really soon, and I would much appreciate
your help and presence at this event which draws hundreds of freshmen each
year. The Activities Midway this year will be on Sept 1st.

We probably need at least 2-3 people to help move computers down to the
Athletic Center and bring them back when the midway is over. I've set up a sign
up sheet -- feel free to add yourself to it -- it's in /mit/sepherke/Public/
midway. The file is in RCS, so don't forget to use that. =) Hours for the 
Midway are from 5:00pm to 9:00pm.

Remember, the more people we have the better, so even if all the slots are
filled up, don't hesitate to add your name!


Appendix C - Sign up sheet.

4:30-5:00 pm -ish setup booth and machines. 





6:00 pm  ( Midway starts at 6:30 pm) 





7:00 pm 





8:00 pm 





9:00 pm  Break down and bring stuff back to SIPB





Appendix D - Frosh mailing should go out asap after the midway

Subject: How to get started in SIPB, now that you've signed up...
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain

Hi all, 

Now that you signed up on our list at the Activities Midway, 
you probably want to know how to get started in SIPB.

1. Come into the office and say that you'd like to be a
prospective; this way we know what you look like and you'll 
be put on all the right mailing lists. The SIPB office is
located on the 5th floor of the student center in room 
w20-557. It's the office that's perpetually open next to 
the athena cluster.

2. Come to a SIPB meeting. SIPB meetings are at 7:30 pm 
every Monday in the SIPB office. 

3. Come hang out in the SIPB office! Talk to people about 
how to get started in a SIPB project that you might be 
interested in. The best way to do this is tap someone on 
the shoulder and ask because that's what were here for. 
Even if you don't have time for a project right now, 
come in and start getting to know what SIPB is about. 

If you have any questions, please feel free to reply to this
mail. We'll be happy to answer any of your questions.

Finally, this is the last mail you'll receive unless
you take action. 

Thank you for your interest, and we hope to see you around the 

Christina Chu
SIPB member.

Appendix E - A final Thank You note. 
To: sipb-staff@MIT.EDU
Cc: sipb-prospectives@MIT.EDU
Subject: Activities Midway -Thanks Everyone!
Date: Tue, 01 Sep 1998 21:45:40 EDT
From: sepherke <sepherke@MIT.EDU>

Special thanks to everyone who helped out with the midway
who helped make it a sucess! We generated over three lists
of interested people in the SIPB, and distributed a lot of 
flyers. Now that it's over, what a relief! =) 

If people have time, they might consider helping out 
Laura Dean with tours next week on the 10th of September. 
Have a great rest of o/r!

Marc Horowitz N1NZU