If you want to find out about me, for now you'll have to check my MIT home page.
Eventually this entry will be updated with Cygnus-specific information. For now, look at the Cygnus Web Server for more information about Cygnus.
In particular, I work on
If you're looking for Random number generator code in tcl, it's here. The grapheditor is here and the dialog box code is here.
If you're looking for an impressive grapheditor (designed specifically for editing state machine diagrams) look at Stephen Edwards home page where he has the source code to "states" and the "sc-1.0" StateChart editor. Both are far more sophisticated than my demo example here.
I've put together some Debian Linux packages for my own use which you are welcome to download at your own risk. These are not products of Cygnus Support; they are just things that made my work a little easier.
Several years ago I wrote a driver for the HandyKey Twiddler one-hand keyboard-mouse. Upon learning that other people actually use this device, namely the MIT Media Lab Wearable Computing Project, I finally polished up the code for public release. Here is a gzipped tar file of the sources.