Note that the initial value is UNIX-specific, in that it checks the
last access time of the current tty and uses that as a random number seed.
Feel free to change that to any other appropriate value.
set lastvalue [expr [file atime [exec tty]]%65536]
proc rawrand {} {
global lastvalue
# per Knuth 3.6:
# 65277 mod 8 = 5 (since 65536 is a power of 2)
# c/m = .5-(1/6)\sqrt{3}
# c = 0.21132*m = 13849, and should be odd.
set lastvalue [expr (65277*$lastvalue+13849)%65536]
set lastvalue [expr ($lastvalue+65536)%65536]
return $lastvalue
proc rand {base} {
set rr [rawrand]
return [expr ($rr*$base)/65536]
# knuth 3.4.2, algorithm P
proc shuffledeck {} {
global cardindex
set index 1
foreach suitname {heart club spade diamond} {
foreach cardname {ace 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 jack queen king} {
set cardindex($index) ${cardname}_$suitname
incr index
for {set j 52} {$j>1} {incr j -1} {
set k [expr [rand 52]+1]
set temp $cardindex($k)
set cardindex($k) $cardindex($j)
set cardindex($j) $temp