As I've studied SGML I've learned of a number of interesting ways to use it, and written brief articles on them. Feel free to send me comments.

Automatic extraction of structure into SGML format
There are a wide variety of tools manipulating and examining documents marked up with SGML. In particular, they deal cleanly with the structure described by the DTD and the markup. This makes SGML well suited as a "common ground" format for conversion of structured data.
Intro to SGML document conversion [not released yet]
An important part of SGML is the use of structure in markup. While document markup is useful in identifying individual parts, it is often useful to work directly with the relationship of these parts, especially when dealing with data such as lists or indices. Two simple projects help show the power of this structure. The first is a trivial case where I had one type of list and later wanted to expand it to a richer form. The second is a more practical example of taking the RFC index, a somewhat formatted flat file, converting it to a DTD of its own, and then converting selections from that into DocBook bibliography entries.


These documents were produced using emacs and psgml mode and the DocBook DTD. The conversion from SGML to HTML was done using jade and a modified version of Mark Burton's DSSSL "jadeware" Style Sheet.