though PDA ui features are somewhat generic, it would be good to *start* with trying to implement/describe mmmravs... FORM 1000 AT (2 2 156 156)
USABLE MODAL HELPID 1000 MENUID 1000 BEGIN TITLE "Mary Chung's" Mary Chung's LABEL "Mary Chung's Menu (ALPHA VERSION)" 2000 CENTER 15 LABEL "Raw Total: " 2100 10 PrevBottom LABEL "$0.00 ($0.00) " 2101 PrevRight PrevTop LABEL "Tax: " 2200 10 PrevBottom LABEL "$0.00 " 2201 PrevRight PrevTop LABEL " Tip: " 2300 PrevRight PrevTop LABEL "$0.00 " 2301 PrevRight PrevTop LABEL "Total: " 2400 10 PrevBottom LABEL "$0.00 ($0.00) " 2401 PrevRight PrevTop poplist(3000,soup?,"suan" "wonton" "H&S" "H&S w/wonton" "Egg Drop") POPUPTRIGGER "$2" ID $1 AT (10 PrevTop+13 62 AUTO) LEFTANCHOR LIST "$2" $3 ID `eval(($1) + 1)' AT (PrevLeft PrevTop 52 1) VISIBLEITEMS `eval(1+len(patsubst($3, "[^"]*" *, X)))' NONUSABLE POPUPLIST ID $1 `eval(($1) + 1)' soup? soup? suan wonton H&S H&S w/wonton Egg Drop