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Class java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError


public class ExceptionInInitializerError
extends LinkageError
Signals that an unexpected exception has occurred in a static initializer.

1.2, 20 Jan 1997
Frank Yellin

Constructor Index

 o ExceptionInInitializerError()
Constructs an ExceptionInInitializerError with no detail message.
 o ExceptionInInitializerError(String)
Constructs a ExceptionInInitializerError with the specified detail message.
 o ExceptionInInitializerError(Throwable)
Constructs a new ExceptionInInitializerError class initialized to the specific throwable

Method Index

 o getException()
Returns the exception that occurred during a static initialization that caused this Error to be created.


 o ExceptionInInitializerError
 public ExceptionInInitializerError()
Constructs an ExceptionInInitializerError with no detail message. A detail message is a String that describes this particular exception.

 o ExceptionInInitializerError
 public ExceptionInInitializerError(Throwable thrown)
Constructs a new ExceptionInInitializerError class initialized to the specific throwable

thrown - The exception thrown
 o ExceptionInInitializerError
 public ExceptionInInitializerError(String s)
Constructs a ExceptionInInitializerError with the specified detail message. A detail message is a String that describes this particular exception.

s - the detail message


 o getException
 public Throwable getException()
Returns the exception that occurred during a static initialization that caused this Error to be created.

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