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Class java.lang.InstantiationError


public class InstantiationError
extends IncompatibleClassChangeError
Thrown when an application tries to use the Java new construct to instantiate an abstract class or an interface.

Normally, this error is caught by the compiler; this error can only occur at run time if the definition of a class has incompatibly changed.

1.4, 20 Jan 1997

Constructor Index

 o InstantiationError()
Constructs an InstantiationError with no detail message.
 o InstantiationError(String)
Constructs an InstantiationError with the specified detail message.


 o InstantiationError
 public InstantiationError()
Constructs an InstantiationError with no detail message.

 o InstantiationError
 public InstantiationError(String s)
Constructs an InstantiationError with the specified detail message.

s - the detail message.

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