How Incremental Backups Work ---------------------------- Between releases 0.6.0 and 0.6.1, I finally decided to investigate why the Backup conduit would occasionally decide to back up everything, even though much of it clearly hadn't been modified. At the same time, I decided to investigate the application behavior required for BackupBuddy ( certification, to see if it could be exploited to make Pyrite backups more efficient. Each database header contains several fields which are relevant when deciding whether to back it up. The Backup Flag: The Palm Desktop backs up all databases that have this flag set, apparently with the idea that it would be unset on databases which are synchronized, and set otherwise. In practice, trusting the backup flag alone does not produce a full backup, because it is not used consistently by all applications. Pyrite's default behavior is to ignore the backup flag, on the theory that it is better to back up too much than to back up too little. The problem is that if the backup flag is not set, there is no way to easily tell why -- it could be unset because of programmer oversight, it could be unset because the data is normally handled by a conduit on Windows, or it could be unset because of user choice. In the future, the Backup conduit will probably become more intelligent about the backup flag, basing its behavior on what other conduits are active, heuristics about application support for the backup flag (eg. Doc readers usually support it correctly), and so on. For now, it's probably safest to leave the "ignore_backup_bit" option on. The Modification Date: The OS changes this date any time the database is modified, INCLUDING whenever the blocks in the database are moved. Since OS memory management issues are uninteresting to the desktop, the modification date is not a reliable indicator of when a backup is actually necessary because the OS will often rearrange the contents of memory whenever a database is added or removed. On the other hand, BackupBuddy Certified applications deliberately reset the modification date to its former value, whenever they make an unimportant change to the database. (The most obvious example of this is when a Doc reader records the current viewing position; this changes the database, but isn't important enough to warrant a complete backup.) The Modification Number: The database header contains an integer which is incremented any time a record is added, deleted, or modified. By itself, it is the most accurate means of determining when a database has been changed. BackupBuddy Certified applications, however, don't reset the modification number. If such an application changes a database, the modifications will be counted in the modification number, but if the change is unimportant the modification date will be reset. (Note: I definitely do NOT think this is improper behavior -- even when the desktop doesn't need to back something up, there should always be a way for other applications on the handheld to tell that a database has been changed.) As you can see, it is not adequate to use either the modification number or modification date alone to determine whether to back up a database. Using the date alone will cause unwanted backups whenever memory is rearranged by the OS; using the number alone will cause unwanted backups of data from BackupBuddy Certified applications. As a result, the Pyrite incremental backup only copies a database if BOTH the number and date have been changed. Incidentally, I don't really have any idea how BackupBuddy and BackupBuddy Certified apps really work -- the above comments are based on observation of what happens to database headers on my PalmPilot as I manipulate its contents with various apps and utilities...