Class: Record

A Record object represents a single record in a database.

Record is a subclass of Block.


deleted (boolean)

True if the record was deleted by the handheld user. (Deleted records may be retained in the handheld until synchronization, to allow archiving.)

modified (boolean)

True if the record has been modified by the handheld user since the last synchronization.

busy (boolean)

True if the record is in use by a handheld application.

secret (boolean)

True if the record has been marked "secret" by the handheld user.

archived (boolean)

True if the record has been archived. (This attribute is not saved in records on the handheld, or in most other databases. It is provided so that synchronization software can use it for temporary marking.)

category (integer)

The record's category. Currently only values from 0 to 15 are valid; 0 is "Unfiled".

id (integer)

A unique identifier for the record, an integer from 0 to 0xFFFFFF. Since id values should only be assigned by the handheld, a value of 0 can be used to signify "no id assigned yet".

index (integer)

The index (from 0 to the length of the database) at which this record was found.


__init__ (raw='', index=0, id=0, attr=0, category=0)

Create a new Record object with the specified contents, index, id, boolean attributes, and category.


Return an integer representing the record's boolean attributes, in the same form as they appear on the handheld.