FLTK Installation Instructions

FLTK can be installed from source that you've compiled or using one of the many pre-built binary distributions:

Installing from Source

To install from source you'll first need to grab the FLTK source code and build the software with the make command. To install FLTK, type make install.

By default the installed software is placed under the /usr/local directory. To change the location of the installation, use the --prefix option of the configuration script:

prior to building and installing the software.

Installing the Digital UNIX Distribution

The Digital UNIX distribution is in setld format. To install the distribution type:

Installing the HP-UX Distribution

The HP-UX distribution is in swinstall format. To install the distribution type:

Installing the IRIX Distribution

The IRIX distribution is in tardist format. To install the distribution type: where version is the version of IRIX you have (5.x, 6.x, etc.) The IRIX 5.x distributions use the -o32 memory model, while the IRIX 6.x distributions use the -n32 memory model. If you need a version of FLTK compiled for the -64 memory model you'll need to install FLTK from source.

Installing the Linux Distribution

The Linux distribution is in rpm format, which was first made popular by the RedHat Linux distribution. To install the distribution type: where processor is your processor (alpha, i386, mips, or sparc).

Installing the Solaris Distribution

The Solaris distribution is in pkgadd format. To install the distribution type: where processor is your processor (intel or sparc).

Installing the Microsoft Windows Distribution

The Microsoft Windows distribution is a self-extracting ZIP file that uses InstallShieldTM. Simply double-click on the file to install FLTK.