
This just brings up emacs and starts rmail initially.
It is the Babyl mail format used on some other computer systems.
rmail can expand recursive aliases like this.
Well, not really. There are also urgent messages.
Another lie, but those not mentioned here are only subtly different from realm-announced right now.
You can put this command in your .environment file.
This is the default for rn, the program we'll be using here. The other programs have other defaults.
Other common programs are xrn, an X-based interface, and GNUS, a package for reading news within GNU Emacs. For more information on these, look at the on-line documentation, or come by and ask us.
Project Andrew is a large-scale distributed workstation experiment similar to Project Athena, The predecessor of today's Athena.
We often do anyway -- this is discussed later.
Well, actually, the UNIX group field and group mode bits are used in a limited way for setgid executables, but this is beyond the scope of this document.
That's Massachusetts Institute of Technology Information Systems Computer Support Services. Sigh.
Read The Mote in God's Eye by Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle for an explanation of this term.
Discuss is a conferencing system; more details are in the Discuss section or in the Using Discuss document, distributed by the SIPB
Look at either the AFS section of this guide, or in the SIPB document Inessential AFS.
Until the beginning of 1989, Moira was known as SMS, which stands for Service Management System. Since so many other things were called SMS, and since almost everything else at Athena had a greek name, it was decided that the Service Management System should be renamed.
