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An Inessential Guide to Athena
Fifth Edition
Next: Lost Contact With File Server
Previous: Usenet: Talking to the world without paying long-distance bills
AFS, the Andrew Filesystem, is a filesystem developed at
Carnegie Mellon's Project Andrew. Like
NFS, AFS is a network filesystem, or, as it is usually called, a
distributed filesystem. This means that the files you have
access to through AFS do not actually reside on the workstation you
are using. They are located, instead, on a remote server and are
available from a wide area.
AFS works differently from other network filesystems that
have been used at Athena. Most notably, you don't have to attach
AFS filesystems; they are always available from the workstation under the
directory /afs. Another major difference between AFS and
other distributed filesystems is that groups of AFS files can be
replicated onto multiple servers in such a way that makes the failure
of one server unnoticeable to a user. In addition, files and
directory structures are cached locally to minimize network traffic to
the server. This makes access to
AFS files very fast after the first time a file is read.