Finding interesting meetings

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Finding interesting meetings

The meetings you currently attend are listed in your .meetings file. To list the meetings in your .meetings file type list_meetings.

The transactions in ``New_Meetings'' can be used to add the meetings you wish to ``attend'' to your personal list of meetings.

To attend the New_Meetings meeting, simply goto it.

discuss:  goto new_meetings
New_Meetings meeting;  175 new, 175 last.


To learn more about a meeting listed in ``New_Meetings,'' print the corresponding transaction (This transaction is usually identical to the first transaction in the announced meeting). For instance, you could do the following:

discuss:  print 163
[0163] srz@LCS.MIT.EDU  New_Meetings  04/01/88 15:17 (7 lines)
Subject: Central_America meeting
  Meeting Name:  Central_America
  Pathname:      /usr/spool/discuss/ca
  Participation: Public

This meeting is an Athena-wide "panama" system. This meeting is fed nightly with all the changed .plan files of all Athena users. --[0163]-- ^L


If you want to read the transactions in Central_America you need to add it to your personal list of meetings. To do this use the command add_meeting ( am for short), giving it the transaction number of the announcement as an argument:

discuss:  add_meeting 163
Transaction [0163] Meeting Central_America (ca) added.

