As a scientist, the study of Gematria has always bothered me because it appeared so unscientific. In science, one uses the scientific method to perform controlled experiments, analyze objectively the data and finally conclude a scientific theorem based on the results. In Gematria, it seems that one first decides upon the desired results and then uses whatever mathematical means necessary to produce those results. For instance, the Gematria of Ruth is 606 so we add the seven mitzvot Bnei Noach to get 613, while the Gematria of Torah is 611, so we add the two luchot to sum to 613. However, I sometimes wonder that if somehow the Gematria of Torah was 606 and the Gematria of Ruth was somehow 611, Chazal would add the two luchot to ruth and the seven mitzvot Bnei Noach to Torah in order to produce the desired result of 613. Thus, this Purim, I decided to create a Gematria based more on the scientific method. In other words, the usage of every operator and operand in the Gematria equation will directly follow the story of Purim. [For clarity, each expression in the paper is assigned a sequential number, shown in angular brackets, such as '<1>'. In subsequent computations, this is used instead of repeating the whole expression - Your Friendly Editor] The Gematria of Esther is 661. Esther marries Achashverosh and becomes an ADDITION to Achashverosh's possesions, so we now take the Gematria of Esther + Achashverosh which equals (661 + 821) = 1482 However, their marriage was purely BASED on Mordechai's interceding in convincing Esther to attend Achashverosh's contest. Thus, we compute the Gematria of: (Esther+Achashverosh) <1> Mordechai or 1482 = 1.30072093 274 But, Achashverosh's choosing of Esther was really a miracle (nes nistar) and the real reason Achashverosh picked Esther to be his queen was due to the POWER OF HASHEM (yud, kay,vav,kay). Hence: Hashem <1> <2> 26 Which equals 1.30072093 = 930.7667192 G-d's intervention was especially needed once Haman wanted to kill all the Jews and consequently DIVIDE Esther and Achashverosh. Hence: <2> ____________________ <3> Haman 930.7667192 which equals ----------- = 9.797544413 95 This union was also in jeopardy in the midst of this Purim story when Bigtan and Teresh attempted to assassinate Achashverosh. Luckily, Mordechai once again intercedes and tells the king about the plot. As a result of this action Bigtan and Teresh were SUBTRACTED. Hence: <3> - Bigtan - Teresh <4> Which equals 9.797544413-900-455 = -1345.202456 Once again, the serendipity of Mordechai discovering Bigtan and Teresh's plot was a siman mishamaim or SIGN from heaven. Thus: <4> * sin(mishamaim) <5> Which equals -1345.202456 * sin(430) = -521.16074312 After the execution of Bigtan and Teresh, Achashverosh came down with insomnia. He called Haman's son and asked him to look in the book of rememberances and choose a hero whom he could reward. By fate, Haman's son chose Mordechai. Thus, Achashverosh signed an official edict to reward Mordechai by placing him on the king's horse and dressing him in the king's clothing. Haman's son was the COSIGNER. Thus: <5> * cos(Ben_Haman) <6> Which equals -521.16074312 * cos(147) = 413.33515656 After Mordechai receives his reward, Esther makes two parties and reveals Haman's true identity. Achashverosh gets mad and UPROOTS Haman's ten sons. Hence: 10 _________ \| <6> <7> 10 ____________ Which equals \|413.33515656 = 1.826544404 Now depending on the year and place, there can be up to 6 days where one can read the Megillah or celebrate Purim; however, the main day on which Purim is celebrated in the world is the fourteenth of Adar, thus, 6/14 must be added to the sum (don't ask). Hence: <7> + 6/14 <8> Which equals 1.826544404 + 6/14 = 2.255115833 One cannot forget: "Vegam Charvonah zachor letov" that Charvonah also played an INTEGRAL role in the Purim story by convincing Achashverosh to hang Haman on the tree designated for Mordechai. Hence: Charvona /\ / / ^N^ \ <8> dx <9> \ / 0 / \/ 271 Which equals int 2.255115833 dx = 611.1363907 0 But, Charvona could only advise Achashverosh after Esther made A SUM OF 2 parties. Thus: <9> + 2 <10> Which equals 611.1363907 + 2 = 613.1363907 At the end of the Purim story, all the Jews were joyous and happy, but Haman's life was TRUNCATED. Hence: trunc(<10>) <11> Which equals trunc(613.1363907) = 613! This proves that although the holiday of Purim is medrabanan, in a mostly mystical manner, it is equivalent to all 613 mitzvot de'oraita. (3) - Brian P. Rosman