The shul sells, prepares, and delivers Purim Mishloach Manot to friends and relatives in neighboring towns and communities. We also mail Purim greeting cards all over the world. This mammoth project is truly a community effort.
At Rosh Hashanah time, the shul mails out New Year's Greetings and a token package of honey. These get mailed all over the world.
Held once a year, gourmet dinners are hosted by anywhere from five to seven Shaarei Tefillah families on a volunteer basis. Congregants choose a dinner of their choice (the dinners are usually different ethnic cuisines) and all participants meet at one home for coffee, desserts, and special liqueurs.
At any time during the year, donation cards and book inscriptions are used to raise money for the shul. People inscribe Chumashim, Siddurim, and other texts in honor of special occasions, bar/bat mitzvahs and other simchas, or in memory of loved ones. Donation cards are also sold and can be mailed directly by the purchaser for any occasion.