Congregation Shaarei Tefillah
Youth Activities

Pre-School Shabbat Morning Group

This group for children ages 3 - 5 meets in the shul's newly refurbished Youth Room, which adjoins the main sanctuary. The group is run by the parents of children in the group on a rotating basis. The group uses its own "homemade" siddur and enjoys davening, singing, dancing, storytime, and snack. Children under the age of three play quietly in the room under their parents' supervision while group is going on. Group begins when the Haftorah is begun in shul, and generally ends 10 or 15 minutes before the conclusion of services, so that the children can be present in shul for the concluding parts of davening.

Kindergarten/Grade One Group

Children who are in either Kindergarten or Grade 1 enjoy their own Shabbat morning group, which begins at the start of the Haftorah. The group, which is just learning how to daven from the regular siddur, meets in the shul's library, adjoining the Beit Midrash. Following their davening, parasha activity, and snack, they rejoin the shul for concluding services.

Grades Two to Five Group

Children in grades 2 -5 daven together in the shul's Beit Midrash. This group is led on a rotating basis by four of our high school students. As the children become more fluent in tefillah and their comfort level increases in use of the siddur, they are encouraged to lead parts of the service themselves. Following an age-appropriate activity and snack, the children rejoin the main shul during concluding services.

Year-Round Children's Activities and Youth Programming

During the course of the year, numerous children's activities are planned, with Chanukah, Tu B'Shvat, and Purim as highlights of the year. For example, we typically have a Chanukah party one evening with music, dancing, games, arts/crafts activities, candlelighting, sufganiyot, and latkes. Our annual Tu B'Shvat Pizza Dinner and Seder is always a success. And Purim at Shaarei is an experience like no other: at our Seudah/Shpiel we have been visited by the likes of Barney, Aladdin's Genie, and numerous other characters.

Bnei Akiva has been a presence in Newton for more than ten years. Bnei Akiva (for grades K ­ 8) is coordinated jointly with nearby Congregation Beth El. Chevraya Aleph (K­6) meets at Beth El; Chevraya Bet (grades 7­8) generally meets at homes on a rotating basis. High schoolers serve as madrichim/madrichot.

There are also numerous other youth activities going on in Newton. Bnei Akiva and NCSY Shabbatonim, Saturday night or Sunday activities such as move/pizza night, bowling, ice skating, etc. take place on a regular basis. Our youth activities are vibrant, well attended, and provide wonderful social outlets and opportunities for our youth.


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Last Update: 7.4.97
Webmasters: Andrew and Heather Greene.
Copyright © 1997 Congregation Shaarei Tefillah. All rights reserved.