Bignum support (Fast Number Theoretic Transform or FNT): ======================================================== Bignum arithmetic in libmpdec uses the scheme for fast convolution of integer sequences from: J. M. Pollard: The fast Fourier transform in a finite field The transform in a finite field can be used for convolution in the same way as the Fourier Transform. The main advantages of the Number Theoretic Transform are that it is both exact and very memory efficient. Convolution in pseudo-code: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ fnt_convolute(a, b): x = fnt(a) # forward transform of a y = fnt(b) # forward transform of b z = pairwise multiply x[i] and y[i] result = inv_fnt(z) # backward transform of z. Extending the maximum transform length (Chinese Remainder Theorem): ------------------------------------------------------------------- The maximum transform length is quite limited when using a single prime field. However, it is possible to use multiple primes and recover the result using the Chinese Remainder Theorem. Multiplication in pseudo-code: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ _mpd_fntmul(u, v): c1 = fnt_convolute(u, v, P1) # convolute modulo prime1 c2 = fnt_convolute(u, v, P2) # convolute modulo prime2 c3 = fnt_convolute(u, v, P3) # convolute modulo prime3 result = crt3(c1, c2, c3) # Chinese Remainder Theorem Optimized transform functions: ------------------------------ There are three different fnt() functions: std_fnt: "standard" decimation in frequency transform for array lengths of 2**n. Performs well up to 1024 words. sixstep: Cache-friendly algorithm for array lengths of 2**n. Outperforms std_fnt for large arrays. fourstep: Algorithm for array lengths of 3 * 2**n. Also cache friendly in large parts. List of bignum-only files: -------------------------- Functions from these files are only used in _mpd_fntmul(). umodarith.h -> fast low level routines for unsigned modular arithmetic numbertheory.c -> routines for setting up the FNT difradix2.c -> decimation in frequency transform, used as the "base case" by the following three files: fnt.c -> standard transform for smaller arrays sixstep.c -> transform large arrays of length 2**n fourstep.c -> transform arrays of length 3 * 2**n convolute.c -> do the actual fast convolution, using one of the three transform functions. transpose.c -> transpositions needed for the sixstep algorithm. crt.c -> Chinese Remainder Theorem: use information from three transforms modulo three different primes to get the final result.