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The MIT Laboratory for Chocolate Science

We have a Wiki with all sorts of other information.

Upcoming Events:

September 29 (Tuesday): We host a chocolate tasting for a math-for-girls non-profit, Girls' Angle

October 18 (Sunday): Parents' Weekend Brunch
Pancakes, crepes, hot cocoa, scrambled eggs! All with chocolate! Well, okay, maybe not the eggs. Except by request.

Late October or November: Science of Chocolate presentation for the MIT Club of Boston

Late October or November: We host a chocolate tasting for members of the Science Discovery Museum.

November: Tour of the Taza Chocolate factory

Late November: Chocolate bark-making party

Finals Week: Free Hot Cocoa in the Infinite right after exams

Traditional Events:

  • Held early in the school year, Family Weekend brings our annual Chocolate Brunch. It's a free event, although we do encourage people to bring either donations or some sort of chocolate food to share. 9:00p
  • Finals Week Cocoa! We give away hot cocoa in Lobby 10 during all of finals week.
  • During IAP in January we offer a series of events, including truffle making, a brownie-making contest, chocolate tastings, and a lecture on the science of chocolate. Do you have ideas about what you'd like us to do? Join us! Send mail to chocolatiers-officers.


    Congratulations to our New Officers!

    Wise and Old Sage: Kendra Beckler
    Benevolent Dictator (a/k/a President): Jennifer Wang
    Vice President: Arielle Lubin
    Treasurer: Gillian Guertin
    Secretary: Naomi Schurr
    Publicity Guru: Rutu Das
    Lord of Space and Stuff: Paul Weaver
    Webmaster: Lisa Lewis
    Contact: chocolatiers-officers *at* mit *dot* edu
  • Want to sign up for our mailing list, or - even better - sign up as a volunteer?
    You can blanche yourself on at an Athena prompt:
    For the list that goes out to everybody, do: blanche -a $USER chocolatiers-all
    For the volunteer list, do: blanche -a $USER chocolatiers-volunteers

    Last updated 23 September 2009