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Modified Dirac Equation

With the additional gauge potential $ {\bf A}$, our Dirac eigenvalue problem differs from HCM. From (11) we have

$\displaystyle [{\boldsymbol \alpha}\cdot ({\bf R}-\gamma_5\, {\bf A}) + g \beta (\varphi^R -i\, \gamma_5\, \varphi^I) \Psi = E\, \psi$ (18)

Observe that $ C\equiv \alpha^3$ anti-commutes with all the matrices on the left side of (16). Therefore if $ \psi_E$ is an eigenfunction with eigenvalue $ E$, $ M\psi_E$ belongs to eigenvalue $ - E$, and zero modes can be chosen as eigenstates of $ M$.

Next we show that the gauge interaction in (16) does not affect the zero modes found by HCN at $ {\bf A}= 0$. To this end, we adopt the Coulomb gauge and present $ {\bf A}$ as $ A^i = \varepsilon^{ij}\, \partial_j \, A$. Also it is true $ \alpha^i\, \gamma_5 = -i\, \varepsilon^{ij}\, \alpha^i\, M$. Thus the kinetic term in (16) also is $ e^{-A C}\, {\boldsymbol \alpha}\cdot {\bf R}\, e^{-A C}$ and (16) becomes

$\displaystyle ({\boldsymbol \alpha}\cdot {\bf R}+ g\, \beta\, [\varphi^R - i \, \gamma_5\, \varphi^I]) \quad (e^{-AM}\, \Psi) \quad =\quad E\ (e^{AM} \, \Psi)$ (19)

and $ e^{-AM}\, \Psi$ satisfies the HCM equation at $ E=0$. Comparison with (15) shows that $ A (r) = n \, a\, (r) / r$, so that the infinity $ A^\prime \, (r)$ lends to $ -\frac{n}{2}\ l n \, r$, and the zero modes with the gauge interaction differ from the HCM modes by factors $ r^{\pm} \, n/2$. This does not affect nomalizability because the zero modes are exponential damped by the interaction with $ \varphi$. Finally, since the HCN mode as well as ours has the form for \begin{displaymath}n =-1, \Psi = \left(
\end{displaymath}, we see that indeed it is an $ M$ eigenstate, with eigenvalue $ -1$. Fermion number fractionalization in the gauge theory is now established by the same reasoning as in HCM.

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Charles W Suggs 2007-05-07