Welcome to the Land of G!

All limitations are self-imposed.

For two long years, I have been resisting the constant pressure to create a homepage. It seems like you can't get away from it. URLs are everywhere you look, on business cards, in magazines, even on the tops of taxis. I have even seen a URL at the end of some movie credits. (The Birdcage. Good movie.) Someone even asked if there was a URL for my resume. (There isn't.)

But here it is. You are looking at my homepage (How did you find it, anyway?), and you're laughing because you knew that eventually the constant barrage of WWW would get to me. The web will eventually ensnare everyone. I just want to let you know that I'm not doing this willingly. I was told to create this by my professor, Charles Mazel, so that I could turn in an assignment electronically.

So, why did I resist. Is it because I'm a old fogey who believes that the internet should be hard to use? No, that's not it. Is it because I believe that the Web is killing the Internet? No, I'm certainly not savvy enough to be able to say anything about that.

The reason that I didn't want to create a home page is that I knew that I would spend far too much time trying to make it look nice. Now, I'm sitting up coming up with all these plans (that I will probably never finish) to try to make this at least somewhat interesting. I'm even going to make this multi-lingual so that my friends in France and Pig Italy can read it.

But as you can see, it's still pretty boring. All the material I've come up with so far is this self-conscious rant about why this is still a boring page. Give me a little time. Maybe I'll even actually finish translating.

In the mean time, this is a link to the Strobe Lab stuff that I have to put up. These pictures are actually kinda cool, so maybe you should check 'em out.

Here's a short list of some cool sites that I like. Draw whatever conclusions you like from this list. Oh, yeah, here's a photo that I took when I was in Paris. American culture is everywhere!