A fat white man. Finger pointed purposefully at the short brown man. "You can't let them wear those rollerblades in here," he says, shoving his finger down toward the carpet. "Not even once." "Uh, huh," the short man says. "'Cause if you let them once, they'll come back. And there'll be more of 'em. They come in on their skates and play Nintendo all day and cause trouble and steal." The short man grunts understanding. "What would you say to someone who tries to wear skates inside?" the white man asks. "I'd say 'Sir, please remove your skates inside the store.'" he replies. "That's good, but you should say it with force. Let them know you mean it," the white man explains. His voice carries and the clerk at the front counter turns toward them. Turning back, he shrugs at the customer swiping his card through the cash register. "Now follow me," the fat man orders moving toward the back of the store. Arms folded, the short man walks behind the other. As he walks the fat man goes on, "now let's talk about what you do when you catch someone stealing. Could you handle that?" "Yes, I could, sir." "Good, good." He stops near the "Drama" section, grabbing a tape. "These tapes are kind of small, and they're alarmed. You can't leave the store without setting off the alarm. But some people are stupid. They'll try anything. Especially kids, but you deal with them differently." "I can understand that, sir. You call their parents?" "Sometimes, but mostly we want to scare them. They're young and not too bright. They'll make mistakes. We want to scare them so they won't do it again. We help them out that way. You walk them to the front of the office and tell them all about how you could call the police. Get their name, have the sign the form I'll show you later, and tell them 'I caught you stealing. I could turn you over to the police. You're not allowed in the store anymore.' Make sure they sign the form. You can decide whether or not to call their parents." "What about older kids?" "You gotta show them who's boss. That's the key. Make sure they know you mean business. I saw one guy one time. Stupid guy. Thought I couldn't see him, but I could you know. Up in the mirror there. Saw him shove a tape under his jacket. I waited for him to try to leave. I was waiting at the door for him. I said 'I saw you take those tapes, man!' He said 'What tapes?' 'The ones in your jacket. I saw you. I can even tell you what tapes they were, too.' And I poked at his jacket where he put the tapes. 'That tape there. It's The Fugitive and Naked Gun . I saw you,' I said. "'What's keeping me from just running out of the store?' he said, and I said 'I am. Just try it. I can't touch you now, but if you try to leave, I can do whatever I got to to detain you until the police arrive. Just try something,' I said. 'I dare you!' And he didn't go nowhere, either."