› Ruin your hobby? 24 posts by 17 authors Ronald R. Fey 3/31/94 Dear Tunnel Types, I really enjoy reading your postings. But it got me thinking about the fact that the guys who run the tunnel systems and the security guys at just about every college and university are probably reading this group too. When you give you information about access points and this and that, don't the cops stake the place out, or screw it up so you can't mess around in the tunnels anymore? It just seems to me that giving out all this good information might in fact mess up your chances of persuing your hobby. Any comments? Regards, Ron Fey Click here to Reply Brendan Dunn 4/2/94 In article , - show quoted text - - show quoted text - No comments really. But the mental image of the local campus security reading net news was pretty amusing. >Regards, >Ron Fey --Brendan Eric C. Chien 4/3/94 (Ronald R. Fey) writes: > just about every college and university are probably reading this group > don't the cops stake the place out, or screw it up so you can't mess around I don't think so. I have written quite a bit about the UCLA tunnels and so far have had no problems. I mean think about it... how many "maintainance" workers do you think even know what "Super Highway" means... no offense to any out there, but just taking a general poll I'm sure VERY few know about USENET let alone the Internet. ...Eric Ron Lidor 4/3/94 - show quoted text - Actually, some do, or at least one does. I got mail form the supervisor or something of the tunnels here in regard to a post of mine here. So, there are some people out there who are not quite as clueless as we would like/think. So, be careful, there are some people wathing. But then again, discusisng illegal things is not illegal, just getting caught doing it. So, if you must, dont get caught. Simple. Ron -- Ron Lidor |Anything worth doing is worth overdoing. *IS* |I can't decide which WRONG TURN to make first!! |If this is timesharing, give me my share right now |Gravity is a myth, the Earth sucks. Tristan De Buysscher 4/3/94 In article <>, (Ron Lidor) wrote: > Actually, some do, or at least one does. I got mail form the supervisor or > something of the tunnels here in regard to a post of mine here. So, there > are some people out there who are not quite as clueless as we would like/think. > > So, be careful, there are some people wathing. But then again, discusisng > illegal things is not illegal, just getting caught doing it. So, if you must, > dont get caught. Simple. Actually, I think the original point of the thread was that by posting tunneling information to this group, the various authorities will know exactly where and how to find people tunneling. I don't think anyone was worried about being punished for merely writing something. It's more like letting information fall into enemy hands. Me, Tristan james w abendschan 4/3/94 In article <2nli4p$> (Brendan Dunn) writes: >No comments really. But the mental image of the local campus security >reading net news was pretty amusing. Heard in the campus security office.. "Computers? Sounds too complicated!" "Look at all dem WIRES in dere!" And it is the lucky cop that has internet access. I would love to see police stations on the Internet.. ... Any NAU tunnelers/prospective tunnelers out there? James -- james w abendschan / / beable beable beable? Klecker 4/4/94 >Any NAU tunnelers/prospective tunnelers out there? > >James > It all depends on what that NAU stands for. As a prospective tunneler, I'm for the sport(if we can call such deranged archeology a sport). I used to go cave exploring and tunneling mjust miles from my humble abode. Why? ******************************************************************************* * __/__/__/ __/__/__/ __/__/__/__/ * * __/ __/ __/ __/ * * __/__/__/ __/ __/ -I want you to scrape me. * * __/ __/ __/ __/ from the walls, * *__/ __/ . __/__/__/ . __/__/__/__/ and go crazy, * * like you made me. * ************************************************************** Frank Henriquez 4/4/94 Eric is right. Basically, if you're not doing anything illegal inside the tunnels, don't break anything and are respectful of property, I don't see why admin types would care. Tunneling is another part of the "Campus Experience" - I remember that our UCLA Orientation group was taken into the "mini-tunnel" under Boelter 3400; it was no big deal, no damage was done and it was a lot of fun. I think the admin folks have *much* better things to do than monitor Usenet news groups for potential fact, if you ever see any facilities people working in or near a tunnel entrance, ask them nicely (if they don't seem too busy) about the tunnel system. Some of them are surprizingly open. Frank Michael Breen 4/4/94 (Frank Henriquez) wrote: >Basically, if you're not doing anything illegal inside the >tunnels, don't break anything and are respectful of property, I don't see >why admin types would care. Liability. You could get hurt just standing around in some of the tunnels here at UCSD. When I worked at the physical plant (and had unlimited access to all the tunnels, and lots of other places...), the plant guys complained a lot about "kids" in the tunnels. They almost invariably cited the "kids" safety as the source of their concern, but some of them confided in me that it was their mental health they were worried about. You see, the tunnels are quite eerie. They are very long and straight in places, and the echoes from you footfalls get longer and longer, so you invariably find yourself peering back over your shoulder. The mercury lights are also pretty strange. Some of the guys who've been here for many years talk about running into "kids" in the tunnels, and being scared to death (at least at first, then they get mad and chase you out!). They never went into the tunnels alone. I *always* went into the tunnels alone. Let's face it, the danger, the eerieness, the other-worldliness of the tunnels is why we're interested in the first place. Psychological stimulation or no, a decent length trip into the tunnels (with a proper guide for the uninitiated) can really teach you something about your own psyche. I haven't "stunneled" in a long time, but I still know where all the entrances are, and I'm keeping up with advances in tunnels as new buildings go up. This school is defintely one of the ones that plays the "what tunnels?" game. It's fun to see all the students staring into a gaping hole on a construction site and *know* there's a tunnel there, only to have that reality denied by their "guardians". And, yes, I'll dig up my old map of the tunnels (physical plant standard issue) and update and post it. Unless our extremely net-savvy campus cop guys get to me first... Michael "the Mole" Breen Mike Shirley 4/4/94 Ruin your hobby? Nah, I don't think so Tim! (Michael Breen) writes: > Liability. You could get hurt just standing around in some of the tunnels > here at UCSD. When I worked at the physical plant (and had unlimited access > to all the tunnels, and lots of other places...), the plant guys complained Finally a local (to me) post. > I *always* went into the tunnels alone. Let's face it, the danger, the > eerieness, the other-worldliness of the tunnels is why we're interested > > I haven't "stunneled" in a long time, but I still know where all the entrance > are, and I'm keeping up with advances in tunnels as new buildings go up. Let's fix that right now. I'm sure a few gophers are ready to hit the Sandy Eggo Scene. > > And, yes, I'll dig up my old map of the tunnels (physical plant standard > issue) and update and post it. Unless our extremely net-savvy campus > cop guys get to me first... Cool, I'll handle the campus cops while you give the a guided tour. Mike, you aren't by chance the guy who lives up on North Peak are you? Although not a schools tunnel system, I got into a few passages at Disneyland when I was a teenager. The best was an access door right off the landing of the train stop at Frontier Land. Was some sort of air handler system. Remember the room was very noisey and somewhat at vacumn as the door was very hard to open as one was fighting the air flow. Always check the door when I go to Frontier Land, but have never found it to be unlocked since. Cya...Mike -- Mike Shirley San Diego, CA USA HAM:WB6WUI guaranteed: Robomail: Frank Henriquez 4/5/94 In article <2nq4rk$>, (Michael Breen) wrote: > I *always* went into the tunnels alone. Let's face it, the danger, the > eerieness, the other-worldliness of the tunnels is why we're interested > in the first place. Psychological stimulation or no, a decent length > trip into the tunnels (with a proper guide for the uninitiated) can really > teach you something about your own psyche. Indeed. That was one of the best things about tunneling; the wide range of psychological stimulation. There are times and places where you have to control and overcome your fears (like descending many 10s of feet down a lander -into the unknown and in *absolute* darkness). Maybe that's why it's fascinating; it's a hidden challenge. Although I guess you're right about the liability; some people may not handle the stimuation appropriately, and will hurt themselves (and daddy's lawyer will sue the University). Frank Matthew B. Landry 4/6/94 In article (Frank Henriquez) writes: > Although I guess you're right about the liability; some people may not > handle the stimuation appropriately, and will hurt themselves That is a good point. Some people should not tunnel. It can be an intense experience, and many, many people cannot handle intense experiences well. -- Matthew B. Landry President of Project SAVE Mike Clavenna 4/6/94 WOULD ADMIN BOTHER??? (was: Re: Ruin your Hobby?) In article , (Frank Henriquez) writes: |> Eric is right. Basically, if you're not doing anything illegal inside the |> tunnels, don't break anything and are respectful of property, I don't see |> why admin types would care. |> |> Tunneling is another part of the "Campus Experience" - I remember that our |> UCLA Orientation group was taken into the "mini-tunnel" under Boelter 3400; |> it was no big deal, no damage was done and it was a lot of fun. |> |> I think the admin folks have *much* better things to do than monitor Usenet |> news groups for potential fact, if you ever see any Ok, here's my $0.02. Supposing I were an admin type in student affairs (and I'm not) and I saw a news group called I WOULD READ IT!!! (Partly because I was at the Naval Academy as an undergrad and there you used to be able to use the steam tunnel to make unauthorized trips "over the wall" to a 7-Eleven in Annapolis. Of course we _NEVER_ did anything "unauthorized", yeah right.) Further, I would use it to monitor for anyone foolish enough to post entrances to tunnels and I would have those entrances SEALED OFF. (liability reasons) So I guess what I am saying is that it is best not to post entrances. Don't ruin it for others... And for goodness sake, don't get caught! Some have made suggestions such as: Talk to Maintenance Peoples... Look for Melting Snow... Check university blueprints if on file... Like I said, just my $0.02 worth. -- _ __ _ _ _ _ / // / ) // ' ) ) ). __ /_ __. __ // / // __. __ _ _ _ _ __. / / / / ) / ) ( | // / // / ) /) _(__> / ) ) / ) ) / ) / / (_(__/ (_(__/|__\_/_I was at the Naval Academy as an undergrad and there you used >to be able to use the steam tunnel to make unauthorized trips "over the wall" Don't you mean "under the wall"? I know, it's metaphor... Mike also wrote: >Further, I would use it to monitor for anyone foolish enough to post entrances >to tunnels and I would have those entrances SEALED OFF. (liability reasons) At UCSD, the tunnels are very much in use. There is no question of "sealing off" anything. And because the physical plant employees need safe and relatively easy access and ability to move around, stunnelers (I read that here, what's it mean, anyway?) get to enjoy that access and safety also. For example, when I worked at the plant, there was always at least one unlocked exit (not necessarily also an entrance), in case someone lost or broke a key and could't get out. This was true for each seperate section of tunnels. I assume it's still true. The designated safe exit constantly changed, and that info given to us. Plus the amount of construction work on campus means there's almost always an exposed entrance to the tunnels. Michael Breen singing and philosophizing (and wondering if they are still putting full-height tunnels under the more recent buildings) Frank Henriquez 4/6/94 Actually, not that I remember, in the late 70's and early 80's tunneling became the cool thing to do on the UCLA campus. The number of people in the tunnels increased; instead of the usual (and ideal) team size of 2 - 4 people, going in one a week or so, there were groups taking their girlfriends, roomates, stray dogs, stereo systems, food and wine into the tunnels for huge parties (I heard of one party with at least 30 people in it) at least two or three times a week. It would not be uncommon for "serious" tunnelers to run into a gaggle of giggling sorority women and their lunkhead frat boyfriends. Eventually, the Powers That Be on campus lumbered into the position that all this carrying-on in the tunnels was not a Good Thing, and most of the easy tunnel entrances were closed off. Of course, for the '84 Olympics campus security was very tight and they *really* increased tunnel security, surveilance and access, so I guess the hobby died down (or returned to its previous levels). There was also a campus prankster who would use the Moore Hall tunnel entrance to gain access to a small supply room under the huge (500+) classroom in Moore Hall. This classroom had ventilation grates on the floor that went directly into the supply room. This guy would rattle chains or make other noises in the middle of class; this would obviously disrupt classes, make everyone laugh and annoy the profs. The Daily Bruin even wrote an article on the "Moore Hall Ghost", which surely must have egged him on, because - for his grand finale - he let off a smoke bomb. Surprizingly, it took the campus people *months* to figure out where he was. I don't think the guy was ever caught; he did pick up a new hobby - dropping bowling balls down stairwells at 2AM. Frank Theodore J. Francis 4/6/94 WOULD ADMIN BOTHER??? (was: Re: Ruin your Hobby?) (Michael Breen) writes: > (Mike Clavenna) wrote: >>I was at the Naval Academy as an undergrad and there you used >>to be able to use the steam tunnel to make unauthorized trips "over the wall" >Don't you mean "under the wall"? I know, it's metaphor... >Mike also wrote: >>Further, I would use it to monitor for anyone foolish enough to post entrances >>to tunnels and I would have those entrances SEALED OFF. (liability reasons) >At UCSD, the tunnels are very much in use. There is no question of >"sealing off" anything. And because the physical plant employees need >safe and relatively easy access and ability to move around, stunnelers >(I read that here, what's it mean, anyway?) get to enjoy that access ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Here at the University of Soybeans^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^HIllinois the accessible tunnels are _s_team _tunnels_, thus _stunnel_. 'Least, that's the logic I heard from my (whoops) guide. Not that the term necessarily applies everywhere. I'm sure better names can (and are: the Catacombs, for example) and are/will be thought of. (Gets me to wondering what they call the Chicago utility access/ flood-draining tunnels...) Which brings me (somehow...) to my question--what other schools are known to have passable tunnels? Which ones are rumored to? Shall we get a FAQ going? Specifically, I was wondering about Columbia University in NYC, Georgetown, and a few other schools I only dream about going to... Theo "okay...I admit I've stunneled--but I swear I didn't look" Francis Matthew B. Landry 4/6/94 In article <2nv3cc$> (Michael Breen) writes: > A good tunnel session is like a sojourn into the nether reaches of > your psyche, shedding light on darkened corners and confronting > (and hopefully overcoming) your fears... Right. And you can just get up and leave when you're done. Unlike drugs... -- Matthew B. Landry President of Project SAVE Louis B. Brill II 4/7/94 WOULD ADMIN BOTHER??? (was: Re: Ruin your Hobby?) > >Which brings me (somehow...) to my question--what other schools are known >to have passable tunnels? Which ones are rumored to? Shall we get a FAQ >going? Specifically, I was wondering about Columbia University in NYC, >Georgetown, and a few other schools I only dream about going to... > >Theo "okay...I admit I've stunneled--but I swear I didn't look" Francis > Johns Hopkins Univ. has a fairly extensive network of steam tunnels under campus, and a well developed tunneling subculture (pun intended). Needless to say, I wouldn't know anything about it [wink wink nudge nudge]. Any Hopkins alums reading this, I'd love a chance to chat with you.. Cheerio, -Louis -- "Hello Nurse!" --Yakko Warner from Louis B. Brill II, known to a select few as BBA...@JHUNIX.HCF.JHU.EDU john macdonald 4/7/94 In article , james w abendschan wrote: >In article <2nli4p$> (Brendan Dunn) writes: >>No comments really. But the mental image of the local campus security >>reading net news was pretty amusing. > >Heard in the campus security office.. > >"Computers? Sounds too complicated!" >"Look at all dem WIRES in dere!" > >And it is the lucky cop that has internet access. I would love to see >police stations on the Internet.. > At Western ( University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada ) the campus police have net access. Theodore J. Francis 4/7/94 WOULD ADMIN BOTHER??? (was: Re: Ruin your Hobby?) (Louis B. Brill II) writes: >> >>Which brings me (somehow...) to my question--what other schools are known >>to have passable tunnels? Which ones are rumored to? Shall we get a FAQ >>going? Specifically, I was wondering about Columbia University in NYC, >>Georgetown, and a few other schools I only dream about going to... >> >>Theo "okay...I admit I've stunneled--but I swear I didn't look" Francis >> >Johns Hopkins Univ. has a fairly extensive network of steam tunnels under >campus, and a well developed tunneling subculture (pun intended). ^^^^^^^^^^ >Needless to say, I wouldn't know anything about it [wink wink nudge nudge]. >Any Hopkins alums reading this, I'd love a chance to chat with you.. [interrupt] I'd like to say that, in fact, the use of the term subculture comes from the quite-literally subterranean character of Paris and London criminal classes in eras gone by, but I couldn't honestly do so... Would be cool, though. Any etymologists out there? theo >Cheerio, >-Louis >-- > "Hello Nurse!" > --Yakko Warner >from Louis B. Brill II, known to a select few as BBA...@JHUNIX.HCF.JHU.EDU spleen... 4/8/94 WOULD ADMIN BOTHER??? (was: Re: Ruin your Hobby?) (Mike Clavenna) writes: > So I guess what I am saying is that it is best not to post entrances. Don't > ruin it for others... And for goodness sake, don't get caught! Once again...Amen. > Talk to Maintenance Peoples... > Look for Melting Snow... > Check university blueprints if on file... Ahh...resourcefulness...what a novel concept. }:) I would tend to agree...the 'research' is half the fun. /lw -- LunarWolf - - kb9iqx - T.R.M. Dobrowolsky Nat. Resources & Environmental Science / Geology University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Eric C. Chien 4/8/94 WOULD ADMIN BOTHER??? (was: Re: Ruin your Hobby?) spleen... writes: [cut some other stuff] > Ahh...resourcefulness...what a novel concept. }:) > I would tend to agree...the 'research' is half the fun. I agree 100%. I spent more than five hours searching through back-dated issues of our Daily Bruin (UCLA) for an article on the tunnels. After finally finding it on the last roll, it was definitely worth it. Doing the "research" (searching campus for entrances, searching new areas or those nobody has told you about) is what makes it all fun... and scary sometimes... ...Eric BTW: all of you who have e-mailed me... we "explored" the tunnels during Spring Break and have a very pretty good idea of "all" the entrances and a good map. I'll have a FAQ on what we found and if you mailed me, you'll get one... ray landers 4/15/94 Michael Breen ( wrote: - show quoted text - - show quoted text - - show quoted text - : Then Matthew mentioned : 4) not for everyone - show quoted text - - show quoted text - we can see that in early cultures part of the comeing of age ceremonies often involved tunnles and the mystries involved with such. secrecy was also a big part. this tunnleing that is being discussed here sonds like that, to me, the thrill of doing something that is frowned on seems to be a big part. so my thought on this is that this activity should not be made legal, but that the penalty for getting cought should be nothing more than some type of penalty that is no more than a penaly for getting cought, not a penalty for doing. i hope this makes sense. i see this as an acceptable form of activity, but there has to be some penalty involved to give it that THRILL. no jail time, no expultions, nothing that would cause someone to risk there lives while trying to escape authorities. something along the lines of names posted around in public places as THOSE WHO HAVE BEEN BUSTED IN THE TUNNLES. something that will humiliate, not incarcirate. keep on tunnleing ray -- From one of the "HEAD KOOKS" at Rhinoceros Kitchen Ray ______ .(((() | | (_ '\) | | __/ \()! .-|______|. ____(|___/ |! :__|____|__|____| : |! :|_____________| _;_/\__|! :| |/ ____)! :| | \!""""! :| _________ |\__/)____! #|_| |_| (/! ! 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