MIT Information Systems

Information Technology Leadership Team - Team Members

Roger A. Roach

Director, I/T Service Process

Education: Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Office: Room W91-201B
Tel: 617-253-7011
Fax: 617-253-1266

Roger A. Roach, is the Director of I/T Service. In this capacity, he leads the Service Process which is charged with managing MIT's information technology resources. This includes fixing problems, monitoring performance, upgrading hardware and software, and maintaining a business continuity plan. Each Service team is responsible for a particular I/T asset. In an environment of continually increasing demands for service from the community, Service looks for opportunities to improve efficiency and customer satisfaction. Service establishes coordinating mechanisms and roles for work with other Service teams and with IS teams in other processes.

Mr. Roach first came to MIT as a student in the fall of 1963. As a student he worked in mechanical engineering on the Textile Information Retrieval Project. In 1967, he joined the Computation Center, which later became an integral part of Information Systems, as a systems programmer. There he worked on a number of systems including CTSS and Multics in support of academic and research computing. In 1984, he became the director of Operations and Systems. In that role, he was responsible for supporting administrative computing including client services and a help desk. In 1995, he became director of the I/T Service process. This encompassed all of the I/T services for academic computing, administrative computing, networking, telecommunications, and such services such as the PC repair function. In 2001, the networking and telecommunications areas were moved to a new process, Telecommunications and Network Services.

Information Systems

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Last modified: 11/07/2001