Faculty Survey
Spring 2007

Please respond only once to this question set


a.)Rate the support you received from the AMPS Distance Education technicians (in the control room) during the past semester:
Excellent   Good   Adequate   Needs Improvement
b.) Rate the support you received from the SMA Faculty Liaisons (FLs) during the past semester:
Excellent   Good   Adequate   Needs Improvement
c.) Additional comments regarding technicians or FLs:

II. DISTANCE EDUCATION CLASSROOMS Answer only those questions that apply

a.) Rate the condition of the D.E. classroom for your class:
Excellent   Good   Adequate   Needs Improvement
b.) Rate the quality of network connectivity and performance in your class:
Excellent   Good   Adequate   Needs Improvement
c.) Rate the quality of audio that was received during your lectures:
Excellent   Good   Adequate   Needs Improvement
d.) Rate the quality of the video that was "beamed" from NUS or NTU during your lectures:
Excellent   Good   Adequate   Needs Improvement
e.) Additional comments about the D.E. classrooms such as
  • current classroom technology
  • additional technology desired in the rooms
  • Netmeeting, etc.
  • anything else you'd like to comment on:


a.) Please check any of the following that were impediments to your using the RI Rooms:
Difficulty in scheduling at desired times
Uncertainty about scheduling procedures
Uncertainty about/difficulty with using the technology
Rooms too far away
b.) If 'Other', please use comments box to elaborate:

If you have not used the RI Rooms this year, please skip now to section IV.

d.) Check which of the RI rooms you have used in the past year:
8-408   37-402   66-319
e.) Rate the readiness and overall condition of the RI rooms when you arrived to use them:
Excellent   Good   Adequate   Needs Improvement
f.) Rate the quality of the support provided for RI rooms during the past year:
Excellent   Good   Adequate   Needs Improvement
g.) Additional comments about the RI rooms such as
  • error messages on the PC
  • condition of keyboard, mouse, etc.
  • anything else you'd like to comment on:


a.) Is the new lecture video format (apreso) an improvement over the old format? (Click on links to see screen captures of each format.)
Yes   No   No Difference   No Opinion
b.) Rate the quality of the streamed videos of your lectures that are available to your students on the Web:
Excellent   Good   Adequate   Needs Improvement
c.) Rate the quality of your experience with Stellar:
Excellent   Good   Adequate   Needs Improvement
d.) Additional comments about Stellar, streaming video, and other asynchronous delivery:


a.) Please add any additional comments, suggestions or feedback. --Thank you!

Please enter your name here: (if you prefer to remain anonymous type 'anonymous'). Then click the "Submit" button when you're done: