Examples of Using the JDK 1.1 AWT

This page contains links to examples (applets and their source code) of using new features in the JDK 1.1 AWT. These examples were provided by the AWT team.

Note: The examples work only under the 1.1 release of the JDK. If they don't work for you, make sure you're using a 1.1-compliant browser/viewer, such as the 1.1 version of HotJava or the JDK Applet Viewer.

You can find links to more 1.1 AWT programs in Demonstration Applets and Applications. Be sure to look at SortItem.java, which uses an inner class (at the bottom of the source file) to simplify the implementation of an event listener. Very cool, but not at all compatible with 1.0.

For the latest information on the AWT, consult The AWT Home Page.