15 Prepositions
15.1 When prepositions governed pronouns, the resulting group often became a single word. It is said sometimes that the endings "agglutinated", and that the prepositions became "conjugated" (because of the similarity to the conjugation of a verb). Neither of these terms is entirely correct, but Welsh has achieved a certain notoriety as "the language which conjugates prepositions".
15.2 The basic endings are:
| Singular 1st | -f | Plural 1st | -m
| Singular 2nd | -t | Plural 2nd | -wch
| Singular 3rd (m.) | -aw, (-ddaw, -thaw) | Plural 3rd | -unt, (-ddunt, -thunt)
| Singular 3rd (f.) | -ei, -i, (-ddi, -thi)
15.3 Many of the commonest prepositions have a "conjugated base" different from the simple form. Thus the prepositon ar -- 'on' has the base arn- throughout its conjugation:
| arnaf | on me | arnam | on us
| arnat | on you | arnawch | on you
| arnaw | on him | arnunt | on them
| arnei, erni | on her
(Note: erni is I-affection from *arni.) GMW 58 gives paradigms dividing the prepositions into three classes, according to the vowel preceding the ending.
- Lliw oedd arnunt, claerwyn.
- "Atfydd y mae arnat o anrydedd."
- "Pa ansyberwyd, unbenn, a wely di arnaf i?"
- Llithiaw a orug ei erchwys arnaw.
- "Gwr yssydd yn rhyfelu arnaf."
- "Gwaredy di gormes hwnnw i arnaf."
- "Rhoddaf fy mhryd inneu arnat ti."
- "A mi a fyddaf hebryngiad arnat."
- A dechreu ymofyn a orug a ynifer y wlad, beth a oedd ei arglwyddiaeth ef arnunt wy.
- O anrydedd -- 'some rank'.
- (and 7) The conjugated preposition is reinforced by an extra personal pronoun.
- arnaw, i.e. ar y carw.
- The form sydd is a part of the verb 'to be' used in relative clauses. So the original form would be gwr ys sydd -- 'it is a man who is'. We would say 'there is a man who is'.
- When a preposition is preceded by the particle i, the meaning of the preposition can be reversed. So this would mean 'from on me', and therefore, 'off me'. Unfortunately, this rule cannot be relied on in all cases.
15.5 Am (amdan-) -- 'about', 'around'
- Ef a wyl farchawg, a chorn canu am ei fynwgl, a gwisg hela amdanaw.
- Deu farchawg gwared a wnaeth ei wisg hela i amdanaw, a gwisgaw eurwisg o bali amdanaw.
- Llyma a wyl ef frenhines ygydag wynt, ac eurwisg amdanei o bali.
- Again, the particle i reverses the direction of the preposition.
- ygyda is the same as gyda, gyd a -- 'together with'.
15.6 Rhwng, yrwng (yro-, yryng-) -- 'between'
- "Yrof i a Duw!"
- "Blwyddyn y heno, y mae oed yrof i ac ef, ar y ryd."
- Trannoeth, tirionwch a ymddiddan a fu yryngthunt.
- Yrwng y deu frenin y mae yr oed hwnn, a hynny yrwng y deu gorff wylldeu.
- Y mae oed yryngthunt wylldeu.
- "Beth a fu yrom ni?"
- A frequent exclamation.
15.7 Rhag (rhago-, rhac-) -- 'before, in front of'
- "A mifi a gerddaf rhagof."
- "Dilesteir oedd dy hynt rhagot."
- A cherdded a orug Arawn rhacddaw, parth a'i lys, i Annwfn.
- 'Go in front of me' means 'go my way'. Compare 3.
15.8 At (att-) -- 'to'
- Ac ar hynny y marchawg a dwg ei farch ataw ef.
- Ymchwelud ei wyneb at yr erchwyn a orug ef, a'i gefn attei hitheu.
- Y wely a gyrch, a'i wreig attaw.
- "Ymchwelud a wnaethost dy wyneb attaf i."
15.9 O (ohen-, ohon-) -- 'from, of'
- "Brenin wyf i yn y wlad ydd hanwyf oheni."
- "A pha wlad ydd hanwyt titheu oheni?"
- "A phob un ohonunt yssydd hawlwr."
- "A phawb ohonawch a welwch."
- Llawen fu pob un ohonunt.
- 'Was happy' -- idiom for 'gave a welcome, welcomed'.
15.10 Yn (yndd-) -- 'in, into'
- "A chyrch y llys: nid oes ynddi neb."
- "Gwelwch y gwasanaeth ynddi."
- Ac angheuawl ddyrnawd ynteu.
- "Pa amgen feddwl yssydd ynddaw ef heno?"
- Imperative.
- ynteu -- possiblity of two interpretations?
15.11 Wrth -- 'towards, to'
- O hynny hyd trannoeth, ni ddyweid ef wrthi hi un geir.
- A gwedi y meddwl hwnnw, dihunaw a wnaeth ef, a pharabl a ddyweid ef wrthi hi, a'r eil, a'r trydydd.
- "Pa achaws," heb ynteu, "ni ddywedy di wrthyf i?"
- "Dyweddaf wrthyt," heb hi.
- Cadwaf cywirdeb wrthyt titheu.
- "Sef ar y feddwl hwnnw ydd wyf inneu, tra edrychaf wrthyt ti."
- tra -- as a preposition, 'through', as a conjunction, 'while'.
15.12 Er (ero-) -- 'for, on behalf of'
- "Ti a wely a wneuthum i erot ti."
- "A wnaethost erof i, Duw a'th rydd ei gerennydd."
(Note: Close to Latin/English per. P disappears in Celtic.)
15.13 Gan 'with'. 'To be with' is a standard way of expressing possession. Remember that Welsh does not have a word meaning simply 'have'.
- "Ni bu amser gennyt titheu hela."
- "Nid oes ansyberwyd gennyf gwneuthur a wneuthum iti."
- A cherdded a orug Arawn parth a'i lys, ac y bu ddigrif ganthaw.
- Ni bu peth newydd ganthunt ei ddyfodiad.
- "Ac ateb ni chaffaf i genthi hi."
- iti = i ti (see next paragraph). Therefore, You have no time . . . .
- 'it was joyful with him' = 'he was happy'.
15.14 The preposition i -- 'to' is a little different from the others. For the first and second persons singular it may use the forms imi, iti, or the more regular im, it.
- "Ni chyfarchaf i well it."
- "Mi a wnaf o anglod it gwerth can carw."
- "A manag ditheu imi pa ffurf y gallaf hynny."
- "Ac un dyrnawd a roddwch iddaw ef."
- "Pa gyfarwydd a fydd imi?"
- A phawb cyfarch well a wneint iddaw.
- Pan ydd oedd amser iddynt i gyscu, i gyscu ydd aethant, ef a'r frenhines.
- "Nid oedd achos it i'm lladd i."
- "Yrof i a Duw," heb ynteu, "ys iawn a beth iwch chwi, diolwch i'r gwr a fu ygyda chwi.
- Again the possibility of ambiguity in form between the imperative and the third person singular. Here manag is obviously imperative.
- Fydd lenited from bydd ("habitual present = future" of bod).
- Literally 'it is well with anything to you'. In English, 'it's a very good thing for you'.

All text copyright © 1996 by Gareth Morgan.
Online layout copyright © 2001 by Daniel Morgan.