19 Pluperfect Tense
19.1 The pluperfect is equivalent to the English tense with 'had'
| lladdyssei | had killed
| gorddyfnassei | had been accustomed
| gwelsei | had seen
| gwybuyssynt | had known
| buassei | had been
Our examples are all third persons, but look at the full conjugation in Appendix C and GMW 114, etc.
- Ac ar hynny at y cwn a ddoeth ef, a gyrrwys yr erchwys a laddyssei y carw i ymdeith.
- Ni weleis ansyberwyd fwy ar wr, no gyrru yr erchwys a laddyssei y carw i ymdeith.
- A hynny ni orddyfnassei hi ys blwyddyn, a hynny a feddyliwys hi.
- Ac o'r a welsei o helgwn y byd, ni welsei cwn un lliw ac wynt.
- Wynteu hagen ni wybuyssynt ei eiseu ef.
- Beth a fuassei ei arglwyddiaeth ef arnunt wy?
- i ymdeith -- 'away' -- see 7.8.
- mwy . . . no -- 'greater than'.
- un lliw: possibly to be written unlliw -- 'the same colour'. In the same way, unllef -- 'the same voice'.
19.3 There is a preverbal particle ry, originating from *pro -- 'before' (as in the Latin word). This can be thought of as a "perfective" particle, emphasizing the "completion" of the action. In Old Welsh this was frequently used as a prefix to pluperfect and preterite forms, but this use is dying out in the era of the Mabinogi. We have sporadic examples:
- Ac y bu ddigrif ganthaw ymweled a'i ynifer ac a'i deulu, canís rywelsei ef wy ys blwyddyn.
- A dechreu ymofyn a gwyrda y wlad, beth a fuassei ei arglwyddiaeth ef arnunt wy y flwyddyn honno i wrth ryfuassei.
- Ac i'r neuadd rygyrchwys i ddiarchenu.
- canís -- 'because . . . not'. But be warned! Normally you find no difference in spelling between this and canys -- 'because'.
- I wrth ryfuassei -- 'as against (compared with) what it had been before'. Here the prefix has a real utility, because it refers to something before the pluperfect.

All text copyright © 1996 by Gareth Morgan. Online layout copyright © 2001 by Daniel Morgan.