Excerpts from the Parish Registers of Banff
(From LDS microfilms 990815-990818)
- 10 Jan 1674
- The said day John the lawfull son of Robert Sanders and Jean Stuart, was baptized befor these witnesses
John Gordon bailive, John Sanders John Geddes and Mr John Stuart of Breandoch
- 28 Jan 1675
- The said day Janet the lawfull daughter of Robert Sanders Merchant & Jean Stuart his spouse, was
baptized befor these witnesses John Gordon bailive Walter Stuart late bailive Robert Turner Janet Sanders, Janet Moir,
Janet Rinn.
- 3 Feb 1677
- The said day Robert the lawfull son of Robert Saunders Dean of Gild and Jean Stuart his spouse was baptized, witnesses
Robert Saunders in Auchanachie, Robert Turner and Robert Cuming.
- 12 Mar 1679
- The said day George the lawfull son of Robert Saunders late Bailiffe and Jean Stuart his spouse was baptized,
witnesses George Gordon late bailiffe George [?]erth of Bogsyd Margaret Charles & Janet Rhind.
- 22 Jul 1679
- The said day Jean ye Lawfull daughter of George Leslie of Burdsbank Sheriff-Clerk of Banffe and Mistres
Christian Baird his Lady was baptized witnesses Sir Alexander Abercromby of Birkinbog Knight, Thomas Ogilvie Provest.
- 16 Feb 1680
- The said day Patrick ye lawfull son of Robert Saunders Bailiffe & Jean Stuart his spouse was baptized,
witnesses Master Patrick Eanes Minister Patrick Saunders Bailiffe of Cullen.
- 25 Mar 1681
- The said day Alexander ye lawfull son of Robert Saunders Bayliffe and Jean Stuart his spouse, was baptized;
witnesses Alexander Ritchie bayliffe, Alexander Wallace Dean of Gild, & Alexander Barclay.
- 15 Jun 1681
- The said day Alexander ye lawfull Son of George Leslie of Burdsbank Shireff-Clerk of Banffe Shire and Christian
Baird his Spouse was baptized; witnesses Sir Alexander Abercromby of Birkinborge & Alexander Baird merchant in Edinburgh.
- 15 Dec 1682
- The said day Patrick ye Lawfull Son of George Leslie younger of Burds-bank, Sherif-Clerk of Banffe-shire &
his Christian Baird his Spouse was baptised; witnesses Sir Patrick Ogilvie Lord Banff & Master Patrick Chalonerr.
- 15 Feb 1683
- The said day Marjorie ye lawfull daughter of Robert Saunders Bayliffe & Jean Stuart his spouse was baptized,
witnesses Master John Abercromby elder of Glen Kaugh[?], Walter Ogilvie of Raggal George Leslie of Burdsbank Marjorie Innes
Marjorie Stuart & Marjorie Stuart. [Note in margin: "1725 - 1683 = 42".]
- 21 Jun 1684
- The said William the lawfull sone of Robert Sanders Bayllie in Banff and Jean Stuart his spouse was baptized. Witnesses Mr
Wm Joas[?] of Collenard, Wm Ogden[?] of Barklay and Wm Maths in Banfe. Mr's Margaret
Gordon Mr's Betty Gordon, and Graham.
- 14 Oct 1685
- The said day William ye Law'll sone off Alexander Lesly off Kininvie & Janet Hamiltone his spouse was
baptized. Witnesses Sr William Sharpe[?] off Stony hill Sir William Sharpe[?] of Scots craige William Cummd[?]
of Adhory[?] Mr Wm Joas of Colleonard.
- 28 Jan 1686
- The said day John the lawfull sone of Robert Sanders Bailzie of Banff and Jean Stuart his spouse, Witnesses Jon Gordon
Bailzie, John [?] [?] and John Andrew [?]. John [?] Elizabeth Grahame.
- 4 Dec 1686
- The said day Helen ye Lawfull daughter of Alexr Lesly of Kininvy [illegible] witnesses
- 31 Jan 1689
- The said day David ye lawfull son off Rot Sanders Balzie in Banff and Jean Stuart his spouse was
baptized, witnesses The Lord Ogilvy, David Gregory off Kindross, David Crookshank off Ballmein[?].
- 28 May 1689
- The said day John ye law'll son of Alexr Lesly of Kininvy was baptized, witnesses John Lesly of Kinnvy John
Gordon John Steenson.
- 28 May 1690
- The sd day James ye law'll son of Baillie Sanders and Jean Stuart his spous was baptized witnesses James Eanes[?] of Cluy[?]
Cap[?] James Gaskins[?] James Turner and James [?]
- 8 Jun 1693
- The said day Alexander ye lawll Son off Alexr Lesly off Kininvy was Born and baptized witnesses
Alexr Fyff Alexr Wallace Balzie Alexr Barclay Alexr Turner
- 1 Oct 1697
- The said day Peter the Law'll sone of Alexander Lesly of Kinninve provost of Banf & Janet Hamiltone his spous was
baptized witnesses Patrick Count Lesly of Bucgaine, Mr Patrick Innes Minr of Banff, Peter Russell of
Mountros son, Patrick Duff of Castle-town, Patrick Lesly Sone to Burdsbank, Patrick Sime dean of Gild.
- 17 Jun 1702
- Alexr. Smith in Bamff a law'll daughter baptized called Elizabeth James Turner John Anderson, Mr George Morison Elizabeth Hamilton, and Elizabeth Winchester witnesses.
- 1 Nov 1707
- Patrick Leslie Sheriff Clerk in Bamff had a daughter baptized, called Mary, witnesses Provest Robert Sanders, Provest John
Mark, Patrick Ogilvy of Raggall, William Lesly son to Kinninvie, George Lesly of Birdsbank, B: Patrick Ogilvy, &
Mr Darling Min'r at Boyndie: My Lady Huntley, Lady Forglen Lady Auchmedden; Lady Birkenbogg, Lady Durn Lady
Craigstoun, & Mrs Mary Ramsay the childs Aunt.
- 31 May 1709
- Patrick Lesly Sheriff Clerk in Bamff had a Son baptized, called William witnesses William Lesly of Birdsbank deceas'd [sic],
William Baird of Auchmedden William Baird his son, William Dunbar son to Sir James Dunbar of Durn, William Scott Bailie in
Bamff Mr William Hunter Mini'r there.
- 5 Oct 1710
- Robert Sanders writter in Edinburgh had a lawll Sone Baptiz'd Called George, Witnesses George Master of Banff,
Master George Ogilvie of Forglan, George Mortimer of Auchinbedie, & George Barclay Mert in Banff. Lady
Forglan & Jean Stuart Spouse to Baillie Peter Ogilvie.
- 14 Jul 1716
- George the law'll son of William Lesly was Baptized witnesses George Reid George Elshiner Shoe-maker.
- 27 Oct 1717
- James Kenath Sanders lawll Sonto David Sanders Apothicary in Banff and Anna Cockburn his Spouse was born and
baptisd upon ye 28 of ye Said month forso Godfathers Mr James Urquhart docter of fizick
Sr James Dunbar of durne docter Kenet Steenson and the laird of Boynd Godfathers
- 24 Dec 1718
- James the lawfull sone of William Leslie in Laughagain was bapt: Wit: James Alexr & James Taylor
- 29 Oct 1719
- John The lawll sone of Robert Leslie mariner in Banff was baptized Witnesses John Innes of Knockorth John Innes
his sone, Mrs Kathrine Innes & Barbara Gordon John Gordon
- 12 Nov 1719
- David the lawll sone of the deceast David Sanders Apothecary in Banff was baptised Wit: Pro: Sanders Pro: Stuart
& Mr Lauder of Rosecraig & Bailie George Stuart
- 9 Jun 1721
- John the lawll sone of William Lesly in Boghead Wit: John Ruddiman John Reid
- 26 Sep 1721
- Anne the lawll Daugr of Peter Murray Shoemaker in Banff was bapt: Wit: James Fyffe & Rot Philip Anne Cockburn Anne Grieg Anne Ogilvy
- 4 Mar 1722
- Robert the lawll sone of Robert Leslie Shipmr of Banff was baptised Wit: Robert Lauder of Rosecraig
Ro Stuart Provest Robert Duncan Shipmr Mrs Barbara Gordon Christian Innes
- 28 Mar 1724
- Margt the lawll Daugr of Robert Lesly Shipmr in Banff was bapd. Wit:
- 29 Jul 1724
- Anne the Lawll Daugr of James Smith Couper in Banff was bap: on the 30 being born on 29 Wit: James Lowson Hary Lowson Geo: Mair Anne Cockburn Anne Lesly Anne Barclay
- 3 Nov 1724
- Anne the lawll Daugr of Walter Clark Taylor in Banff was bap: Wit: James Fath Anne Cockburn Anne Baxter
- 29 Jan 1725
- Anne the lawfull Daugr of Will: Leslie in Lachagain was bap: Wit: Geo: Shaw James Neil Pat: Grant Anne Cruikshank
- [no date, between entries for 28 Dec 1727 and 6 Jan 1728]
- [no text, just "Cockburn" in the margin, as usually given for the surname of the child]
- 18 Jul 1729
- Helen Daugr of John Cook Wigmaker & Mert was bap: Alexr Cockburn Godfather Mrs Helen Joass & Mrs Cockburn Godmothers
- 28 Jan 1731
- Ann lawll Daugr of John Cruikshank mercht in Banff was bap: having been born on the 27th Wit: Ann Cockburn Ann Gray Ann Turin
- 17 May 1731
- Alexr lawll son of John Michie late Dean of Gild was bap: Wit: Alexr Paterson & Alexr Cockburn Merchts
- 28 Mar 1732
- Elizabeth lawll Daugr of John Forrest Taylor in Banff was baptised Witnesses Lady Auchmedden Elizabeth Davidson Alexr Cockburn Alexr Smart
- 14 Oct 1732
- Margaret Daur John Cook Wigmaker & Mercht was bap: Alexr Cockburn Godfather & Mrs Strachan & Mrs Peggie Lowson Godmothers
- 1 Jul 1733
- Margrat the lawfull daughter of Patrick Smith merchant in Banff was baptised witnesses James Duff of Cossendie Alexander Cockburn Peter Gordon Margrat Craig & Margrat Smith
- 19 Nov 1734
- Elizabeth the lawfull Daughter of James Elder Post in this toun wes baptised witnes Alexr Strachan William Anderson & Elizabath Cockburn
- May 1738
- William eldest lawll son of George Leslie Bailie in Banff was bap: Wit: Willm Lord Braco
Willm Leslie of Melross Uncle Willm Leslie his son Miss: Ann Duff Daugr to Lord Braco &
Miss: Bathia Leslie ye Childs Aunt
- 3 Apr 1739
- Jean Daugr of Wm Leslie of Melross was born and bap:zd Named after Jean Lady Braco Jean
Duff Lady Edengight Jean Urquhart Captain Urquharts Lady Wit: Wm Lord Braco Wm Duff Provest Geo:
Leslie ye Childs Uncle
- 8 Feb 1740
- Alexander the lawfull son of Alexander Coban workman was baptised before witnesses Alaxander King Alander Grant Elspet Mille and Margrat Reid
- 31 Mar 1741
- Alexr and Henriet twins Children of Wm Leslie of Melross were bap: Wit: Alexr Duff of
Hattonn Elder & younr Alexr Gordon of Gight Alexr Leslie of Findrassie & Miss.
Henriet Duff sister to Ld Braco & Alexr Abernathie the Meyans[mothers?] Bror
- 6 Mar 1742
- Jean and Margt Twins lawful Daughters of B. Geo: Leslye were baptized, Jean named after Lady Bracco and Capt John
Urquhart of Cromarty his Lady, Margt the youngest named after Mrs Panton the Grandmr, and
the Mother
- 5 May 1742
- Bathia lawfull Daughter of James Both Taylor in Banff was baptized Witnessed Bathia Duff and Bathia Innes.
- 26 Jan 1743
- Mary lawful Daughter of William Leslye of Melross Esqr was baptized, Godmothers Mary Urquhart, Lady Craigston,
Mary Ramsay Spouse of Colonel James Innes, and Mary Urquhart Daughter of Capt John Urquhart of Cromarty, Witnessed George
Leslye Mert and James Keneth Saunders Surgeon in Banff
- 9 Jul 1743
- William lawful Son of James Keneth Saunders Chirurgeon in this town was born the 9th and baptized the
10th Day of July, named after William Leslye of Melross Esqr the Child's Uncle, Sir William Cockburne
of that ilk Bart Cousin of Anne Cockburne the Child's Grandmother, Mr William Cockburne brother of said
Grandmoyr, William Leslye Son of Melross and William Leslye Son of George Leslye Mert the Child's
Cousins German Witnessed Capt Urquhart Capt Ogilvie Robert Stuart & Geo: Leslye.
- 6 Dec 1743
- Patrick lawful Son of George Leslye Merchant in Banff was baptized named after Patrick Leslye late of Melross Patrick
Lawson late Mercht in Banff the Childs Grandfather & Patrick Leslye yo'r of Melross
- 30 Dec 1743
- Anne lawful Daughter of John Warrax Blacksmith was baptized, named after Anna Cockburn and Ann Abernethie
- 6 Jul 1744
- James lawful Son of Alexander Cobban Workman was baptized witnessed, James Tod elder and Younger
- 30 Dec 1744
- Magdalene Daughter of Robert Cuming in Raws was baptized, named after Mrs Magdalene Duff Lady Corsendea, Witnesses John Russell Esqr Baillie Jas Thain Robt Innes Town Clerk & Al. Cockburne Mert.
- 15 Jun 1745
- David lawful Son of James Saunders Chirurgeon was baptized named after David Saunders deceast, the Grandfather, Witnesses
Dr Charles Todringham, John Gordon Esqr Willm Leslye of Melrose Esqr & John
Cruikshank Merchant
- 15 May 1746
- Jean lawful Daughter of George Leslye in Culbirnie was baptized named after Mrs Jean Cumming Spouse of Robert
Cumming, Witnesses William Tod & George Findlater
- 18 May 1746
- William lawful Son of James Leslye in Culbirny was baptized witnesses William Leslye and William Watt there.
- 16 Sep 1747
- Patrick lawful son of James Kenneth Saunders Chirurgeon was baptized named after the late Patrick Leslye of Melross
Grandfather Patrick Leslye son of William Leslye of Melross and Patrick Leslye Son of George Leslye Uncles of the Child
Witnesses William Leslye of Melross and Mr John Gordon Merchant in Banff
- 16 Feb 1749
- Anne lawful Daughter of James Leslye in Culbirny was baptized named after Anne Ord and Anne Leslye Witnesses James Smith and
George Leslye
- 21 Mar 1749
- Alexander and William Twins Brothers Sons of Robert Innes Town Clerk of Banff were born Alexander on the 21st and William on the 22d March. Alexr named after Alexr Innes of Rosieburn Esqr and Alexr Cokburn Mert both present William after Will: Leslye of Melrose Esqr and Willm Duff Younger of Corsendae both present
- 17 Jul 1749
- James lawful Son of James Saunders Chirurgeon was baptized named after James Uruhart of Byth Esqr James Duff of
Corsenday & James Cockburn the Child's Grand Uncle by the Father's Moyr
- 29 Dec 1749
- James lawful Son of George Leslye in Culbirnie was baptized named after James Cumming and James Todd, Witnesses James Smith
and James Leslye.
- 8 Sep 1750
- John lawful Son of James Keneth Saunders Chirurgeon in Banff was baptized named after Capt John Urquhart of Cromarty
Mr John Ramsay Mert in Christian-Sound Norway Mr John Stuart Supervisor of Excise John
Leslye Son of William Leslye off Melrose Esqr and John Ord
- 30 Dec 1751
- George lawful Son of James K. Saunders Chirurgeon was born this day, baptized named after George Leslye late of Burdsbank
George Lesly late Merchant in Banff & afterwards in Christian Sound Norway & George Gordon Younger of Gight
Witnesses William Leslye off Melross & William Leslye Mert in Banff his Son
- 20 Mar 1753
- Anne Lawful Daughter of James Saunders Chirurgeon was baptized named after Anne Cockburn Relict of David Saunders
sometime Chirurgeon in Banff, she being the Child's Grandmother by the Father, Witnesses Willm Leslye of Melross
Esqr Mr Duff of Corsindae & Capt Will: Gordon
- 20 Aug 1754
- Robert lawful Son of James Saunders Chirurgeon was baptized named after Robert Saunders late of Clunie Great
Grandfather, Witnesses Capt Robert Duff Mr Robert Pringle Sheriff Depute William Leslye of Melrose Capt Willm
Gordon Mr John Gordon and Robert Cuming
- 23 Jun 1756
- Alexander Lawful Son of Dr James Saunders and Mrs Bathia Leslye was baptized named after Alexr Cockburn
Great Grandfather Alexander Lord Banff Alexr Gordon of Gight Alexr Duff of Hatton & Dr
Alexr Donaldson in Aberdeen Witnesses Mr Leslye of Melrose & Provost Innes of Rosieburn
- 2 Jun 1795 was born [This entry and the next two are together in one group on a page of entries for 1799.]
- Robert lawful Son of Alexr Saunders Esqr. in Banff by Elizabeth Morrison his wife was baptized June
12th Named after Robert Saunders Esqr of South End the Child's Uncle; Before Witnesses Major &
Mrs. Bartlett
- 11 Jul 1797 was born
- Bathia Cherry lawful Daughter of Alexr Saunders Esqr. in Banff by Elizabeth Morrison his wife was baptized
July 20th Named after the Childs Grandmother & Mrs Robert [sic] Saunders - Witnesses Major
& Mrs Bartlet.
- 5 Jun 1799 was born
- William lawful Son of Mr Alexr Saunders & Elizabeth Morrison was baptized June
16th Named after Doctor William Saunders of London the Childs Uncle - Witnesses Major Bartlet &
Wm Leslie Esqr of Dunlugas
From FamilySearch batch C11147-2 and/or FreeREG, to be checked against the film:
- 9 Apr 1773 James Ord s/o James Ord (merchant) & Elisabeth Cockburn - named after his father - witnesses James Mitchill and William King
- 27 Sep 1803 James Williamson s/o James Williamson (physician in Banff) and Christian Cockburn - born 6 Aug 1803 - witnesses Mr James Smith surgeon in Banff, Miss Margaret Cockburn the child's aunt
- 31 Mar 1805 David Williamson s/o James Williamson and Christian Cockburn - born 18 Feb 1805
- 3 Jun 1806 Mary Williamson d/o James Williamson and Christian Cockburn - born 19 Apr 1806
- 21 Aug 1742
- Mr James-Kenneth Saunders Chirurgeon Banff & Miss Bathia Leslye Sister of Melrose also in Banff were contracted
&c & married
- 20 Mar 1762
- James Hendry in Banff parish and Anne Saunders in Alvah were contracted &c and married
- 22 May 1769
- James Ord Mercht and Elspet Cockburn both in Banff contracted &c.
- 8 Jun 1783
- This day Andrew Keith Soldier in the Second Battalion of the Regiment of Scots Royals and Mary Sanders in this Town
were contracted in order to Marriage &c and Married
- 1 Jul 1792
- Alexr Saunders & Eliza: Morrison both in this parish of Banff were contracted in order to marriage
& after regular proclamations were married
From FamilySearch batches M11147-2 and M11147-4 and/or FreeREG, to be checked against the film:
- 26 Sep 1802 James Williamson (doctor in Banff) = Christian Cockburn (in Aberdeen)
- 29 May 1828 Alexander Cockburn (in Keith) = Elisabeth Grant (in Banff)
- 15 Oct 1728
- James Sone Alexr Cockburn Mercht
- 20 Apr 1729
- Mrs Cockburn relict of Alexr Cockburn Apothecary in Duns
- 31 May 1743
- Elizabeth Davidson Spouse of Alexr Cockburne Mercht died this date was buried June 2d
- 16 Mar 1753
- Alexr Cokburn Merchant died this Date & was buried the 19th of same Month
- 23 Jul 1756
- Helen Cockburn Sister of Alexr Cockburn Mert
- 15 Oct 1756
- Anne Cokburn Relict of David Saunders late Surgeon in Banff was buried the 17th of October
- 31 Jan 1853
- Mary Cockburn - abode Boyndie Street - aged 77
content last revised 6 Nov 2011