A Compilation of Sercombe Families
If you are researching the surname Sercombe, or any of its variants such as Sercomb, Sircom, Sircombe, or Surcombe, I'd
like to hear from you. My email address is at the top and bottom of every page on this site. You can use the table of
contents at right to locate Sercombe families from various places in Devon, other parts of Britain, and countries around
the world. I also suggest using the search feature of your browser (usually control-F) to look for your own Sercombe
ancestors by name, place, occupation, and so on. If you find them, or if you can't find them, either way please send me an
I have registered my research on this name with the Guild of One-Name Studies.
Frequency and Distribution of the Surname Sercombe
Sercombe is an unusual surname. In 1881, only about 500 people called Sercombe (including variant spellings) were alive
in Britain, out of a total population of almost 30 million. There are probably only a few more today: about 150 Sercombe
households are listed in British telephone directories, and a surname
database based on official British government data counts 583 Sercombes, 20 Surcombes, and 11 Sircombes (it is said
to overcount by about 7 percent). The name is found in even smaller numbers in Argentina, Australia, Canada, Hong
Kong, India, New Zealand, South Africa, and the United States, presumably all British emigrants and their descendants.
(Switchboard has U.S. telephone listings for 40 Sercombes, 2 Sercombs, 1 Sircom,
and 1 Sircomb. PaginasBlancas has telephone listings for
5 Sercombes in Argentina.)
Within Britain, the name is quite geographically concentrated. In 1881, about 74 percent of the 500 British Sercombes
were living in the county of Devon or had been born there. Many of the remainder were in nearby Gloucestershire and
Somerset, which together accounted for another 11 percent. Thirty years earlier, in 1851, of the fewer than 300 Sercombes
in Devon, almost all were in the city of Exeter (about 24 percent) or the nearby rural parishes to its south and west,
particularly Dunsford (26 percent). The mobility of modern society has made the pattern less extreme, but it remains: in
the decade from 1996 to 2005, 38% of Sercombe births in England and Wales were in Devon, and more than half of those were
in just the Exeter registration district.
Major Family Groupings
Was there just one original family called Sercombe, from whom all subsequent Sercombes are descended, or were there
several independent origins of the name? I am still far from finding out, but I hope that the information on this page
and on the linked pages of source material (see Sources of Information, below) will eventually help
to answer that question. I do already know that at least 163 of the 500 or so Sercombes alive in Britain in 1881 were
descendants of John Syrcombe, who had six children at Dunsford between 1714 and 1730. At least
another 113 were descendants of Richard Southcumbe or Sircombe, who had seven children at Tedburn
St. Mary, the parish immediately north of Dunsford, between 1603 and 1619. Almost certainly more than half of all
Sercombes alive today are descended from these two men.
My own Sercombe ancestors, who were in Richard's branch of the family, lived in Exeter in the mid-1800s. My great
grandmother Alice Sercombe was born there in 1849, the youngest of eight children of a wine and
spirits merchant. Her father and two uncles came to Exeter from Bovey Tracey, about 10 miles to the southwest on the
edge of Dartmoor, where their father had been a soap boiler. The generation before that lived in Hennock, adjacent to
Bovey Tracey, and the one before that came from Dunsford.
Spelling Variations and Confusion with Other Surnames
Spelling, even of surnames, was not standardized until at least the 19th century. Before then, people just spelled
the way they heard. You may find the same person's name written as Sercombe, Sircomb, Surcum, Syrcombe, or even
occasionally Sharcombe or Circum. Later, particularly as literacy became more universal, the spelling Sercombe became
standard. Outside the Exeter area, however, where the name was less familiar to the keepers of official records, the
standardization sometimes settled on other spellings, particularly Surcombe (in and near Plymouth, descended from
William Surcombe of Lifton, Devon); Sircombe (in Tewkesbury, descended from Henry
Sircombe of Exeter and Tewkesbury); and Sircom (in Bristol, descended from John Sircome of
Bristol). Just because you find the same spelling for several generations of your ancestors, don't assume it was always
that way.
The problem of irregular spellings has an interesting silver lining. Before about 1700, but only very rarely after that,
it is common to find spellings like Shercombe and Shercom, with SH instead of S. This is surely a clue to the name's early
pronunciation (especially because, as noted in the next section, some of the possible locations for the origin of the name
are still spelled Shircombe today). Similarly, the frequent absence of the final B in records going back to at least the
1600s demonstrates that this letter was already silent by that time, despite its survival into the standard spelling
There are several early examples of families who were sometimes called Sercombe and sometimes Southcombe. Today,
Southcombe is a distinct surname, associated with North Devon rather than the Dunsford area. In at least one case (my own
family, descended from Richard Southcumbe or Sircombe of Tedburn St. Mary) people consistently
called Sercombe have ancestors who were more often called Southcombe. It is not yet clear, however, whether these two
surnames truly share a common origin. It is possible that the confusion was sometimes only a recordkeeping error, though
even that may be a clue to early pronunciation.
There are also examples of confusion with the Cornwall and West Devon name Seccombe. So far, such cases seem to be
Places Called Sercombe
Map References
In this section, U.K. grid references are linked to the Ordnance Survey
Get-a-map site, references to maps from the 1890s mean historical
Ordnance Survey maps found at
old-maps.co.uk, and the word
map in
parentheses is linked to Google Maps (the
U.K. version for places in England,
otherwise the
U.S. version).
The surname Sercombe is clearly geographical in origin. The word combe means "a deep hollow or valley", or
specifically, in the South of England, "a hollow or valley on the flank of a hill" or "a steep short valley running up
from the sea coast" (OED). It is found as an element of many English place names, especially in and near Devon.
When English surnames became established, typically in the 14th century, it was common to take the name of the place where
one lived. (It was also common, especially in larger settlements, for migrants to take the name of where they came from
but had now left. For our purposes, the two are equivalent.) So probably the surname originated in one or more places
called something like Sercombe. Where?
Places in Devon
One intriguing possibility, considering the frequency of the surname in Dunsford, is a property there called
Leate and Circombe, which is mentioned in the Fulford Estate
rent book for 1776. The
rent book for 1800 mentions Leate and
Shercombe and Leat, Shercombe, and Northzeal. (In both 1776 and 1800 the tenants were named Connett, not
Sercombe.) A modern Ordnance Survey map shows The Leat (grid reference
adjacent to South Zeal, about a mile northeast of Dunsford village. An 1890 map
shows Leat at the same location and marks North Zeal next to South Zeal. Neither map shows anything nearby
that resembles Circombe or Shercombe. Both Leat and South Leat (perhaps an error for South Zeal?) appear as residences in
the 1821 census of Dunsford, but
Circombe/Shercombe does not. In Southwest dialect a leat is "an open watercourse to conduct water for household
purposes, mills, mining works, etc." (OED).
Dwellings called Sercombes and Sercombes Cottage in Dunsford and the nearby parish of Tedburn St. Mary
seem to be named after a person called Sercombe rather than vice versa. So surely is Sercombes Gardens
(map), a road in Starcross, Devon, that is probably
named for one of the basket-making families descended from Thomas Sercombe or Southcombe.
An estate called Sercombe is mentioned in the 1749 will of Francis Hamlyn of Widecombe-in-the-Moor, Devon.
According to the Widecombe History
Group, this is a local pronunciation of Southcombe
which is a few hundred yards southwest of Widecombe village. (An abstract of Hamlyn's will appears in Worthy's
Devonshire Wills. The original
is now lost.)
George Lock of Sercombes at West Week is named as master in a 1773 apprenticeship indenture by the poor law
overseers of Chulmleigh, Devon. (This is noted in a Devon Record Office catalog at
Access to Archives.) West Week
is about three miles northeast of Chulmleigh village. Neither a modern Ordnance Survey map nor one from
1891 shows anything nearby that resembles Sercombes. Perhaps the final s
means that this place too was named for a person rather than vice versa.
There is a Sharcombe Farm near Luppitt, Devon
The 1842 tithe apportionment for Luppitt noted that
the farm included a Sharcombe Copse. Two early references to this farm are recorded on a website about the Rogers
family of Luppitt: Mary Rogers of Sharcombe was
buried at Luppitt in 1695, and Nicholas
Rogers of Sharcombe was a Luppitt
churchwarden in 1622.
Sherracombe (a farm,
Sherracombe (a wooded combe), Sherracombe Wood, Sherracombe
Ford, and Sherracombe Lane are about two miles east of Brayford, Devon, in the parish of North Molton. There is
an ongoing archeological dig at Sherracombe Ford, investigating a large iron smelting site from the late Iron Age or early
Roman period.
and Southcoombe Bungalow are about two miles north of Silverton, Devon.
Places in Somerset
Crossing from Devon into Somerset, there is a Shircombe Farm
about a mile west of Hawkridge, as well as Wester Shircombe, Shircombe Brake, and Shircombe Rocks
nearby. (The rocks are shown on an 1891 Ordnance Survey map but not a modern one.)
All these are on the left bank of Dane's Brook, which here forms the county boundary between Somerset and Devon. Could the
element Shir- mean "shire" in this case? Although maps show the valley here to be quite steep, the tempting meaning
of "sheer" seems unlikely since the OED gives no citations for that usage of sheer before 1800.
About six miles to the east is another Shircombe Farm, on Shircombe Lane about a mile west of Brompton
Regis, Somerset
Nearby are Little Shircombe
and (on an 1891 Ordnance Survey map but not a modern one) Shircombe Cottage.
A "mansion" called Sharcombe, in Dinder, Somerset, is mentioned in the book
Somerset by G.W. and J.H. Wade (1949?). A modern Ordnance Survey
map shows Sharcombe Farm, Sharcombe Park, and Sharcombe Grange on the north side of Dinder
According to an estate agent website (viewed Aug 2006) there is
also a Sharcombe Lane there.
About two miles north of Dinder, another Sharcombe is the farmhouse of Middle Farm
on the south side of West Horrington, Somerset. (This is mentioned in
from a 2005 meeting of the Mendip District Council Planning Board.) A
business data website (viewed Aug 2006) lists a company with the
address Sharcombe House, Peace Close Lane, West Horrington; that appears to be the same place.
Sercombe Park (map), a road in Clevedon,
Somerset, is undoubtedly named for the family of William George Sercombe, who was editor of the
Mercury newspaper in Clevedon.
Other Places in Britain
Much further afield is a Sharcombe on Old Guildford Road, Camberley, Surrey
This place is unbuilt except for a cellphone mast, according to
documents from the Planning
Applications Committee of the Surrey Heath Borough Council.
And rather improbably, Shire Combe
is a crag on the coast about six miles west of Swansea, Glamorgan.
Places Outside Britain
In New Zealand, Sercombe Road in Geraldine
is presumably named for the family of Rupert Theodore
Walton Sercombe, who is buried at Pleasant Valley, near Geraldine. Sircombe Road in Rangiatea, near Otorohanga
(38°12'43" S, 175°20'10" E), is presumably named for the family of Richard Lewis Stanley
Sircombe, who was of Rangiatea Road, Otorohanga, in 1915.
In Australia, there is a Sercombe Grove
in Hawthorn, Victoria (a suburb of Melbourne). I don't know which of the Australian Sercombe families
this is named for.
In the United States, North Sercombe Road
in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, is presumably named for the family of John Sercombe, who
were early settlers in the Milwaukee area and became prominent local businessmen.
Sources of Information
The information on this page is derived from a variety of sources:
- censuses -- extracts from censuses of Britain, Ireland, the United States, Canada,
and Argentina
- vital records -- entries from parish and nonparochial registers, civil
registration details, extracts from major indexes including all controlled-extraction entries from the
International Genealogical Index, and other sources from Australia, Britain, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, and the United
- memorial inscriptions -- details of graves and memorials in Australia, England, the
Ionian Islands, New Zealand, and the United States, as well as records of the Commonwealth War Graves Commission
- immigration and emigration records -- passenger lists for ships leaving and
arriving in Australia, Britain, Canada, and the United States, and U.S. naturalization records
- directories -- from Australia, England, the Far East, India, Scotland, and the United
- newspapers and magazines -- from Australia, Canada, England, Hong Kong, Ireland, New
Zealand, South Africa, and the United States
- wills -- from Australia, England, New Zealand, Scotland, and the United States
- miscellaneous other written and online sources, including military
records, land and tax records, apprenticeship records, and many others
- other researchers, whose names are shown below like this
Full references are given for the first few family groupings (see References). I intend to add
similarly detailed references to all other sections eventually.
Descendants of Richard Southcumbe or Sircombe of Tedburn St. Mary (My Family)
Richard SOUTHCUMBE or SIRCOMBE, b. est. 1577, m. 24 Jul 1602 at
Tedburn St. Mary, Devon, Elizabeth
STRONG (bur. 3 Aug 1619 at Tedburn St. Mary), bur. 24 Feb 1642/3 at Tedburn St. Mary. In 1641/2, swore the protestation
oath at Tedburn St. Mary. Sircombe rather than Southcumbe only at his burial in 1642/3. [ref. 1aw,19c]
- John SOUTHCUMBE, chr. 15 Jan 1602/3 at Tedburn St. Mary. [ref. 1aw]
- Walter SERCOMBE or SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 14 Oct 1604 at Tedburn St. Mary, m. 4 Sep 1632 at
Crediton, Devon, Elizabeth
PHILLIP, bur. 15 Feb 1686/7 at Tedburn St. Mary. In the 1660 poll tax, Walter and his wife Elizabeth were assessed at
Tedburn St. Mary for property worth £6; their daughter Joan was in the same household. In 1678, of Tedburn St. Mary,
contributed 3d. to the rebuilding of St. Paul's Cathedral following the Great Fire of London. At his burial in 1686/7,
known as "Walter Sercombe the elder" (perhaps to distinguish him from his grandson Walter, then aged seven). [ref. 1c,1aw,18d,19a]
- Richard SIRCOMBE or SOUTHCUMB, chr. 22 Sep 1633 at Tedburn St. Mary. [ref. 1aw]
- Joan SERCOMBE or SOUTHCUMBE, chr. 13 Mar 1635/6 at Tedburn St. Mary, m. 14 May 1661 at Tedburn St. Mary, Peter TRUMPE.
Assessed for the 1660 poll tax in the household of her parents. On 2 Feb 1661/2, Peter (a weaver) leased "a messuage, a
little orchard and meadow, and two closes" in Tedburn St. Mary for 99 years or the lives of his wife Joan and her brother
Robert. He paid £32 10s. for the lease, and the rent was 8s. plus either a capon or 1s., with a heriot of
£1 13s. 4d. [ref. 1aw,18d,18e]
- Robert SERCOMBE or SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 1 Jan 1640/1 at Tedburn St. Mary, m. Margery (bur. 3 Feb 1704/5 at Tedburn St.
Mary), bur. 3 Aug 1704 at Tedburn St. Mary. Assessed for the 1660 poll tax in the household of John TREND at Tedburn St.
Mary. In 1678, of Tedburn St. Mary, contributed 3d. to the rebuilding of St. Paul's. [ref. 1aw,18d,19a]
- Walter SERCOMBE, chr. 10 Nov 1679 at Tedburn St. Mary, bur. 20 Jan 1711/2 at Tedburn St. Mary. Walter's will (now lost)
was proved in the Court of the Archdeaconry of Exeter in 1712. [ref. 1aw,2f]
- Grace SERCOMBE, chr. ca. Feb 1643/4 at Tedburn St. Mary, bur. 2 Jul 1692 at Tedburn St. Mary. In 1678, of Tedburn St.
Mary, contributed 1d. to the rebuilding of St. Paul's. [ref. 1aw,19a]
- Henry SOUTHCUMBE, chr. 19 Apr 1606 at Tedburn St. Mary, bur. 7 Jun 1634 at Tedburn St. Mary. [ref. 1aw]
- Richard SERCOMBE or SOUTHCOMB, chr. 17 Jan 1609/0 at Tedburn St. Mary, m. 7 Oct 1639 at
Ashton, Devon, Katharine BODEN (bur. 22 Apr 1693 at Ashton), bur.
16 Jun 1690 at Ashton. In 1641/2, swore the protestation oath at Ashton. In 1660, with his wife, assessed for the poll tax
at Tedburn St. Mary. [ref. 1aa,1aw,18d,19c]
- Bernard SIRCOMBE, chr. 2 Feb 1640/1 at Ashton, m1. 20 Feb 1682/3 at Ashton, Alice CARD, m2.
19 Jan 1695/6 at Ashton, Joan WYAT (bur. 5 Oct 1712 at Ashton), bur. 10 Jul 1715 at Ashton. [ref. 1aa]
- Richard SERCOMBE or SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 21 Aug 1684 at Ashton, m1. 1 Jun 1708 at
Chudleigh, Devon, Anne SPENCER (bur.
20 Nov 1739 at Dunsford, Devon), m2. 26 May 1742 at Dunsford,
Susanna CONNETT (bur. 23 Oct 1764 at Ashton), bur. 18 Dec 1760
at Ashton. At his marriage in 1708, of Dunsford. On 14 Oct 1723, in the wake of the Jacobite Atterbury plot of 1720-1722,
signed an oath at the Castle, Exeter, Devon, swearing loyalty to King
George I. In 1741, 1742, 1743, 1744, 1745, 1749, and 1750,
either owned land in Dunsford worth at least £10 per year or had a long-term lease on
land worth at least £20 per year. (This was the minimum qualification for serving on a jury.)
At his second son's burial in 1738, at his remarriage in 1742, and at his youngest
daughter's baptism in 1752, referred to as Richard Sercombe senior to distinguish him from his eldest son. Southcombe
rather than Sercombe only at his and Susanna's burials in 1760 and 1764. The wills of Richard and Susanna (both now lost)
were proved in the Court of the Archdeaconry of Exeter in 1766; in the probate calendar both Richard and Susanna were
described as of Ashton. [ref. 1v,1aa,1au,2f,19b,20]
- Richard SERCOMBE or SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 10 Apr 1709 at Dunsford, m1. 23 Mar 1735/6 at Dunsford, Ann BOUDON (bur. 19 Sep
1749 at Bridford, Devon), m2. 16 Apr 1750 at St. Mary Steps,
Exeter, Mary CANNON (bur. 29 Dec 1772 at Bridford),
bur. 6 Mar 1756 at Bridford. At his daughter's baptism in 1741, referred to as Richard Sercombe junior to distinguish him
from his father. Southcombe rather than Sercombe only at his second marriage in 1750. Richard's will (now lost) was proved
in the Court of the Archdeaconry of Exeter in 1756. [ref. 1p,1v,1w,2f]
Jacob SERCOMBE, chr. 6 Apr 1738 at Dunsford, m. 26 Nov 1786 at St. Petrock, Exeter, Mary HARRIS (b.
ca. 1749, d. 19 Jun 1816, bur. 22 Jun 1816 at Bridford), d. 19 Feb 1802, bur. 21 Feb 1802 at Bridford. At their marriage
in 1786, Jacob and Mary were both of Exeter St. Kerrian; the marriage witnesses were Thomas SERCOMBE (probably Jacob's
brother) and Joanna BASTARD (see sidebar). In the 1791 Universal British Directory, Jacob was listed as a grocer, in Fore
Street, Exeter. In 1795, calling himself a grocer and salt merchant of Exeter, he erected a memorial to his parents at
Bridford. At his burial in 1802, he was a grocer of Exeter St. Petrock. At Mary's burial in 1816, she too was of Exeter
St. Petrock. Mary made her will on 26 Nov 1811. It was witnessed by John D. OSBORN and Thomas A. CAUSEY and included
bequests for four of her half-siblings and one of her cousins, the residue being left in trust for John SERCOMBE, son of
her late husband's nephew William. Edward EARDLEY of Exeter, china and earthenware dealer, and John WEEKS of
Bovey Tracey, Devon, yeoman, were to act as executors and
trustees. Mary added a codicil to this will on 1 Mar 1815 after receiving a bequest of £276 from another of her
half-brothers. The will was proved at London in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury on 27 Feb 1817. [ref. 1p,1v,1x,2g,4b,8i]
- Susanna SERCOMBE, chr. 7 May 1741 at Dunsford. [ref. 1v]
William SERCOMBE, chr. 2 Aug 1761 at Bridford, m. 18 Aug 1793 at St. Petrock, Exeter, by licence,
Julian BASTARD (d. 8 Nov 1802 "after a lingering illness", bur. 14 Nov 1802 at Bovey Tracey), d. 16 Nov 1807, bur.
22 Nov 1807 at Bovey Tracey. Witnesses at William's marriage in 1793 were Jacob SERCOMBE (presumably his uncle) and Mary
BASTARD. At his wife's death in 1802, a grocer, of Exeter. At his death in 1807, a grocer and salter, of Exeter. William's
will, in which he called himself a salt merchant and grocer of Exeter, was proved in the Principal Registry of the Bishop
of Exeter on 14 May 1809. In it he appointed as his trustee executors John HARRIS senior of Bovey Tracey, yeoman (possibly
one of the half-brothers of Mary, widow of William's uncle Jacob SERCOMBE); John WEEKS of Bovey Tracey, yeoman
(subsequently also a trustee of Mary's will); William CAWLEY of Exeter, gentleman; and William TAVENER of Dunsford,
gentleman (possibly the husband of William's great-aunt Alice SERCOMBE). William left all his effects, with a total value
of less than £3500, to his son John (or if John died without issue before the age of 21, which he did not, to John
WEEKS). In 1811, described in Mary's will (posthumously) as a grocer of Exeter. The date 10 Dec 1816 is noted without
explanation in the tax record of William's will. [ref. 1a,1p,1v,1x,2e,2g,6k1,6k2]
- William SERCOMBE, chr. 15 Oct 1797 at St. Petrock, Exeter, d. 3 Jan 1805, bur. 6 Feb 1806 at Bridford. At his burial
in 1805, of Exeter St. Mary Arches. [ref. 1p,1x,4b]
- John SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1798 at Bovey Tracey (according to the 1861 census), chr. 10 Feb 1799 at St. Petrock, Exeter, d.
reg. Q2 1868 at St. Thomas R.D. In 1851, a gentleman, a patient at St. Thomas Hospital for Lunatics, Moreton Road,
St. Thomas, Devon. In 1861, a grocer, a patient at St.
Thomas Hospital for Lunatics, Brownhill House, St. Thomas. (The 1841 census return for St. Thomas Hospital for Lunatics is
missing.) [ref. 1n,1x,3b,3c]
- George SERCOMBE, chr. 28 Sep 1800 at St. Petrock, Exeter, prob. d. by 1802. [ref. 1x]
- George Bastard SERCOMBE, chr. 11 Apr 1802 at St. Petrock, Exeter, prob. d. by 1809. [ref. 1x]
- Ann SIRCOMBE, chr. 8 Dec 1743 at Bridford, bur. 2 Nov 1755 at Bridford. [ref. 1p]
- Mary SIRCOMBE, chr. 26 Feb 1746/7 at Bridford, prob. d. by 1752. [ref. 1p]
- Thomas SIRCOMBE, chr. 17 Feb 1750/1 at St. Mary Steps, Exeter, m. 7 Nov 1779 by licence at St.
Petrock, Exeter, Ann MATTHEWS. E. RAMSEY and George DENHAM witnessed the marriage in 1779. [ref. 1w,1x]
- Mary SURCOMBE, chr. 29 Oct 1752 at St. Mary Steps, Exeter. [ref. 1w]
- Ann SYRCOMBE, chr. 30 Jan 1710/1 at Dunsford, Devon, m. 5 May 1731 at Dunsford, Richard MORTIMER (son of George
MORTIMER). [ref. 1v]
- William SYRCOMBE, chr. 14 Dec 1712 at Dunsford, bur. 22 Jul 1738 at Dunsford. [ref. 1v]
- John SYRCOMBE, chr. 29 Nov 1716 at Dunsford, m. 1 Jul 1742 at Dunsford, Devon, Elizabeth PAYNE (bur. 28 Feb 1792 at
Dunsford), bur. 18 Nov 1767 at Dunsford. Apprenticed to John GLANVILL, a cordwainer. At his daughter's baptism in 1745/6,
known as "John Syrcome junior" to distinguish him from another John SYRCOMBE (relationship unknown).
On 29 Jun 1747, admitted freeman of Exeter by virtue of his apprenticeship. John's will (now lost) was proved in 1768 in
the Court of the Archdeaconry of Exeter. [ref. 1v,2f,17e]
- Anne SERCOMBE, chr. 22 Apr 1743 at Dunsford, m. 12 Jun 1766 at Dunsford, James COX. At her marriage in 1766, Anne was
of Dunsford; James was of Doddiscombsleigh, Devon; John
SERCOMBE (presumably either her father or her brother) was a witness. [ref. 1v]
- Elizabeth COX, chr. 28 May 1767 at Doddiscombsleigh. [ref. 1ab]
- Elizabeth SERCOMB, chr. 8 Nov 1744 at Dunsford, bur. 29 Jul 1755 at Dunsford. [ref. 1v]
- Mary SERCOMBE, chr. 20 Feb 1745/6 at Dunsford, m. 27 Apr 1775 at Dunsford, Jeremiah ESWORTHY. At her marriage in 1775, of Dunsford; Jeremiah was a yeoman, also of Dunsford; the witnesses were James ESWORTHY and Andrew CAZELEY.. [ref. 1v]
- Susanna SERCUMBE, chr. 26 Nov 1747 at Dunsford, m. 6 Nov 1777 at Doddiscombsleigh, John HILL. At his marriage in 1777,
John was a husbandman. [ref. 1v,1ab]
- Ann HILL, chr. 2 Jan 1780 at Doddiscombsleigh. [ref. 1ab]
- John SERCOMBE, chr. 6 May 1750 at Dunsford, bur. 15 Jun 1777 at Dunsford. [ref. 1v]
- Sarah SERCOMBE, chr. 12 Mar 1751/2 at Dunsford, bur. 26 Jun 1755 at Dunsford. [ref. 1v]
- Samuel SERCOMBE, chr. 23 Mar 1755 at Dunsford, m1. 3 Jan 1780 at Dunsford, Jane SEAWARD (bur. 24 Jul 1795 at
Dunsford), m2. 10 Sep 1807 at Bridford, Ann (b. ca. 1757, m1. GALE, wid. by 1807, bur. 28 Nov 1825 at Ashton), d.
16 Apr 1828, bur. 21 Apr 1828 at Ashton. At his marriage in 1780, a carpenter; Elizabeth SERCOMBE (presumably his mother)
was a witness. At his remarriage in 1807, of Dunsford; Ann was of Bridford; the marriage witnesses were John EASTON and
George BAILEY. In 1812, a witness at the wedding of his son John (or was that his other son Samuel?). Made his will on 11
Mar 1826, describing himself as a carpenter, of Ashton. Among other bequests to his children and grandchildren (noted
below) the will left Skiddy estate in Ashton to be divided equally between his two sons. The will was proved in the
Archdeaconry Court of Exeter on 25 Apr 1828. [ref. 1p,1v,1aa,2h]
- Rebecca SERCOMBE, chr. 20 Jul 1780 at Dunsford, bur. 28 Feb 1805 at Dunsford. [ref. 1v]
- John SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1783 at Dunsford, chr. 18 Sep 1783 at Dunsford, m. 9 Sep 1812 at Dunsford, Elizabeth CONNETT (b.
ca. 1789 at Dunsford, d. reg. Q1 1864 at St. Thomas R.D., bur. 20 Feb 1864 at Dunsford), d. reg. Q4 1862 at St. Thomas
R.D., bur. 3 Nov 1862 at Dunsford. His marriage in 1812 was witnessed by Samuel SERCOMBE (either his father or his
brother) and George CRISPIN. At his son's baptism in 1813, a carpenter, of Kelland, Dunsford. At his son's baptism in
1815, a carpenter, of Kings Court, Doddiscombsleigh. At his daughter's baptism in 1817, a carpenter, of Joices Cott,
Dunsford. In 1821, a carpenter, living at Joices Cott, Dunsford, with his wife Elizabeth, their children Samuel and Ann,
and weekly servant James CONNETT (perhaps related to Elizabeth?). In 1828, a carpenter, of Dunsford, executor of his
father's will. In that will, bequeathed half of Skiddy estate (in Ashton) and the residue remaining after other bequests.
In 1841, a carpenter, living at Sercombes Cot, Dunsford, with his wife Elizabeth, their children Samuel, John, and Ann,
and journeyman carpenter John GIBBINS (b. ca. 1815 in Devon). At his son's marriage in 1844, a carpenter. In White's
directory for 1850, listed as a carpenter at Dunsford with his son Samuel. In 1851, a retired carpenter, living at
Sercombes Cot, Dunsford, with his wife Elizabeth, their son John, and their daughter's son George SMALLRIDGE. In 1861, a
retired carpenter, living at Sercombes Cottage, Dunsford, with his wife Elizabeth. [ref. 1n,1v,2h,3a,3b,3c,3x,8d]
- Samuel SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1813 at Dunsford, chr. 27 Jan 1813 at Dunsford, m. 12 Mar 1844 at Dunsford, m. reg. Q1 1844 at St. Thomas R.D., Susanna GREGORY (b. ca. 1816 at Crediton or Tedburn St. Mary, d. reg. Q2 1895 at Crediton R.D., daughter of miller John GREGORY), d. reg. Q1 1878 at St. Thomas R.D., bur. 4 Apr 1878 at Dunsford. In 1821, living with his parents. In 1828, bequeathed the working tools of his paternal grandfather (a carpenter). In 1841, living with his parents. At his son's baptism in 1845, a carpenter, of Sercombes, Dunsford village. In White's directory for 1850, listed as a carpenter at Dunsford with his father. In 1851, a carpenter master employing two men, living at Sercombes Cot, Dunsford, with his wife Susanna, their children John, Samuel, and Harriett, a servant, and his first cousin and apprentice Samuel SERCOMBE. In 1861, a carpenter employing one boy, living at Sercombes Cottage, Dunsford, with his wife Susanna and their children John, Samuel, Harriet, Henry, Emma, Ellen, and Mary. In Morris's directory for 1870, listed as a carpenter at Dunsford. At the census in Apr 1871, a carpenter, living at 2 Sercombes Cott, Dunsford, with his wife Susanna and their children Henry, Emma, and Mary. At his son's marriage later in Apr 1871, a carpenter. At his burial in 1878, of Sercombe's Cottage, Dunsford. In 1881, Susanna was an annuitant, living at Sercombes Cot with her children Henry and Mary. In 1891, she was living on her own means at Cheriton Cross, Cheriton Bishop, Devon, with her daughter Emma. Relative of researcher Joan Anderson. [ref. 1n,1r,1v,2h,3a,3b,3c,3d,3e,3f,3x,8d,8f]
- John Gregory SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1845 at Dunsford, b. reg. Q1 1845 at St. Thomas R.D., chr. 24 Feb 1845 at Dunsford, m. reg. Q4 1869 at St. Thomas R.D., Sarah COX (b. ca. 1845 at Dunsford, d. 8 Nov 1912, d. reg. Q4 1912 at St. Thomas R.D., bur. at Dunsford), d. 23 Mar 1910, d. reg. Q1 1910 at St. Thomas R.D., bur. at Dunsford. In 1851, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1861, a carpenter, living with his parents. In 1871, a carpenter and joiner, living at Improvement Place, St. Thomas, with his wife Sarah. In 1881, a master carpenter employing two men, living at Sercombes Cot, Dunsford, with his wife Sarah, their children Frederick, Herbert, and Elizabeth, two employee carpenters/joiners, and a lodger. At his sons' baptisms in 1883 and 1885, of Dunsford village. In 1891, a builder, living at Sercombes Cot, Dunsford, with his wife Sarah and their children Frederick, Herbert, Annie, Arthur, and Percival. At his son Frederick's marriage in 1894 and his son Herbert's marriage in 1900, a carpenter. In 1901, a carpenter, living at Sercombes Cot, Dunsford, with his wife Sarah, their son Percy, and boarder Georgina C. TYRRELL (an assistant teacher at the board school). At his daughter's marriage in 1907, a carpenter. In 1911, Sarah was living at Dymonds Cottage, Dunsford, with her son Percival. [ref. 1n,1v,1ak,3b,3c,3d,3e,3f,3g,3h,4d]
- Frederick Gregory SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1871 at Dunsford, b. reg. Q3 1871 at St. Thomas R.D., chr. 24 Sep 1871 at Dunsford, m1. 18 Oct 1894 at Dunsford, m1. reg. Q4 1894 at St. Thomas R.D., Emily SERCOMBE (relationship remote), m2. reg. Q2 1927 at Exeter R.D., Mary E. TOLL, d. reg. Q3 1958 at Exeter R.D. In 1881, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1891, a carpenter, living with his parents. At his marriage in 1894, a carpenter of Dunsford; Emily was also of Dunsford; the witnesses were Walter SERCOMBE and Mary Ann SERCOMBE (probably Emily's brother and sister). At his son's baptism in 1895, of Butts, Dunsford. In 1901, a joiner, living at 7 Cecil Road, St. Thomas, with his wife Emily and their children Frederick, Florence, and Arthur. In 1911, a house joiner, living at 35 Union Street, St. Thomas, with his wife Emily and their children Frederick, Florence, Arthur, Jessie, William, and George. [ref. 1n,1v,3e,3f,3g,3h]
- Frederick Edwin SERCOMBE, b. 9 Jul 1895 at Dunsford, b. reg. Q3 1895 at St. Thomas R.D., chr. 1 Sep 1895 at Dunsford, d. reg. Q1 1978 at Exeter R.D. In 1901, living with his parents. In 1911, an apprentice to a joinery, living with his parents. [ref. 1n,1v,3g,3h]
- Florence Mary SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1897 at Dunsford, b. reg. Q1 1897 at St. Thomas R.D. In 1901, living with her parents. In 1911, a nursegirl, living with her parents. [ref. 1n,3g,3h]
- Arthur John SERCOMBE, b. 13 Nov 1898 at Exeter, b. reg. Q4 1898 at St. Thomas R.D., m. reg. Q3 1922 at Exeter R.D., Ellen Dorothy SEAGE (b. 13 Feb 1900, d. reg. Q2 1976 at Hatfield R.D.), d. reg. Q3 1979 at Hatfield R.D. In 1901, living with his parents. In 1911, at school, living with his parents. [ref. 1n,3g,3h]
- Joyce D. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q4 1923 at Exeter R.D., m. reg. Q3 1944 at Exeter R.D., Raymond G. COUSINS. [ref. 1n]
- Raymond M. COUSINS, b. reg. Q2 1945 at Exeter R.D. [ref. 1n]
- Susan J. COUSINS, b. reg. Q2 1950 at Hatfield R.D. [ref. 1n]
- Ian COUSINS, b. reg. Q1 1954 at Hatfield R.D. [ref. 1n]
- Linda COUSINS, b. reg. Q1 1954 at Hatfield R.D. [ref. 1n]
- Janet COUSINS, b. reg. Q4 1959 at Hatfield R.D. [ref. 1n]
- Jessie Maud SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1902 at Exeter, b. reg. Q2 1902 at St. Thomas R.D., m. reg. Q4 1927 at St. Thomas R.D., Cecil G. WRIGHT. In 1911, living with her parents. [ref. 1n,3h]
- Audrey F.E. WRIGHT, b. reg. Q4 1928 at St. Thomas R.D. [ref. 1n]
- Frederick W. WRIGHT, b. reg. Q4 1933 at St. Thomas R.D. [ref. 1n]
- William Henry SERCOMBE, b. 4 Jul 1905 at Exeter, b. reg. Q3 1905 at St. Thomas R.D., d. reg. Jul 1989 at Exeter R.D. In 1911, living with his parents. [ref. 1n,3h]
- George SERCOMBE, b. 28 Dec 1906 at Exeter, b. reg. Q1 1907 at St. Thomas R.D., d. reg. Feb 1991 at Exeter R.D. In 1911, living with his parents. [ref. 1n,3h]
- Herbert John SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1874 at Dunsford, b. reg. Q2 1874 at St. Thomas R.D., chr. 24 May 1874 at Dunsford, m. 7 Jul 1900 at Hornsey, Middlesex, m. reg. Q3 1900 at Edmonton R.D., Mary Jane WEDLAKE (how related?), d. 21 Mar 1909, d. reg. Q1 1909 at St. Thomas R.D., bur. at Dunsford. In 1881, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1891, a carpenter, living with his parents. At his marriage in 1900, a carpenter, of 15 Newlands Road, Hornsey; Mary Jane was of Hill Farm, Holcombe Burnell, Devon. In 1901, a carpenter, living at 4 St. Anns Circus, Hornsey, with his wife Mary and brother Arthur. At his daughter's baptism later in 1901, a carpenter, of 4 St. Anne's Circus, Hornsey. Witnessed his sister Annie Elizabeth's marriage in 1907. In 1911, Mary Jane was a housemaid in the BYROM household at Culver House, Holcombe Burnell. [ref. 1n,1v,1ak,3e,3f,3g,3h,4d]
- Alice Elizabeth SERCOMBE, b. 22 Jun 1901 at Hornsey, b. reg. Q3 1901 at Edmonton R.D., chr. 1 Sep 1901 at Hornsey. In 1911, at school, living with her maternal grandmother (but described as her niece). [ref. 1n,1ak,3h]
- Herbert James SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1904 at Edmonton R.D., d. reg. Q3 1904 at Edmonton R.D. [ref. 1n]
- James Gregory SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q4 1905 at Edmonton R.D., d. reg. Q2 1906 at Edmonton R.D. [ref. 1n]
- Cecil Frank SERCOMBE, b. 29 Feb 1908 at Hornsey, b. reg. Q1 1908 at Edmonton R.D., m. reg. Q3 1933 at Barnet R.D., Evelyn E. GODDARD (b. 24 Apr 1909, d. reg. Jan 2003 at Harrow R.D.), d. reg. Jan 1990 at Brent R.D. In 1911, living with his maternal grandmother (but described as her nephew). [ref. 1n,3h]
- Derek F. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q4 1938 at Barnet R.D., m. reg. Q1 1963 at West Ham R.D., Edith M. MANNING. [ref. 1n]
- Mark D. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q4 1964 at Watford R.D. [ref. 1n]
- Elaine May E. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1967 at Hendon R.D. [ref. 1n]
- Elizabeth Rice SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1876 at Dunsford, b. reg. Q4 1876 at St. Thomas R.D., chr. 20 Dec 1876 at Dunsford, d.
reg. Q4 1881 at St. Thomas R.D., bur. 22 Sep 1881 at Dunsford. In 1881, living with her parents. [ref. 1n,1v,3e]
- William SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q3 1879 at St. Thomas R.D., chr. 6 Jul 1879 at Dunsford, d. reg. Q3 1879 at St. Thomas R.D.,
bur. 28 Aug 1879 at Dunsford. [ref. 1n,1v]
- Bessie Cox SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q1 1882 at St. Thomas R.D., chr. 22 Feb 1882 at Dunsford, d. reg. Q2 1882 at St. Thomas
R.D., bur. 13 May 1882 at Dunsford. [ref. 1n,1v]
- Annie Elizabeth or Elizabeth Annie SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1883 at Dunsford, b. reg. Q3 1883 at St. Thomas R.D., chr. 2 Sep
1883 at Dunsford, m. 1 Apr 1907 at Hornsey, m. reg. Q2 1907 at Edmonton R.D., Henry PALK (b. ca. 1881 at Dunsford, son of
William John PALK, a shoemaker). In 1891, a scholar, living with her parents. In 1901, a kitchenmaid in the BAILEY
household at The Quarries, St. Thomas. At her marriage in 1907, a parlormaid, of 4 St. Anns Circus, Hornsey (her brother
Herbert's address in 1901); Henry was a joiner, of 36 Birkbeck Road, Hornsey. Annie's marriage in 1907 was witnessed by
her brother Herbert and by Harry TYRRELL. (Was Harry related to her parents' boarder Georgina TYRRELL?) In 1911, living at
3 St. Anns Road, Hornsey, with her husband Henry (a carpenter and joiner for a builder), their children Edith and Cyril,
and her boarding brother Arthur. [ref. 1n,1v,1ak,3f,3g,3h]
- Edith Emily PALK, b. ca. 1908 at Hornsey. In 1911, living with her parents. [ref. 3h]
- Cyril Henry PALK, b. ca. 1909 at Hornsey. In 1911, living with his parents. [ref. 3h]
- Lilian M. PALK, b. reg. Q3 1911 at Edmonton R.D. [ref. 1n]
- Marjorie G. PALK, b. reg. Q2 1916 at Edmonton R.D. [ref. 1n]
- Arthur William or William Arthur SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1883 at Dunsford, b. reg. Q3 1883 at St. Thomas R.D., m. reg. Q4 1916 at Edmonton R.D., Dorothy Ann MOODY (b. 14 Mar 1894, d. reg. Q3 1980 at Brentwood R.D.), d. reg. Q1 1953 at Wood Green R.D. In 1891, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1901, a journeyman carpenter, living with his brother Herbert. In 1911, a carpenter and joiner for a builder, boarding with his sister Annie. [ref. 1n,3f,3g,3h]
- Irene D. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1918 at Edmonton R.D., m1. reg. Q4 1941 at Edmonton R.D., Percy T. DUTTON, m2. reg. Q2 1951 at Wood Green R.D., Dennis G. CLIFFORD. [ref. 1n]
- Percival "Percy" Samuel SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1885 at Dunsford, b. reg. Q1 1885 at St. Thomas R.D., chr. 18 Feb 1885 at Dunsford, m. reg. Q3 1923 at St. Thomas R.D., Maude M.W. PASSMORE (b. 25 Jun 1897, d. reg. Q2 1981 at Exeter R.D.), d. reg. Q4 1957 at Exeter R.D. In 1891, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1901, a carpenter, living with his parents. In 1911, a carpenter, living with his mother. [ref. 1n,1v,3f,3g,3h]
- Samuel SERCOMBE, b. 16 Jan 1847 at Dunsford, b. reg. Q1 1847 at St. Thomas R.D., chr. 31 Jan 1847
at Dunsford, m. 30 Apr 1871 at St. James, Exeter, m. reg. Q2 1871 at Exeter R.D., Emma GLIDDON (b. 30 Nov 1849 in England,
d. 10 Jul 1917 at 888 Lorne Avenue, London, Ontario, daughter of lighterman Charles Edward GLIDDON), d. 18 Jan 1916 at 888
Lorne Avenue. In 1851 and 1861, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1871, a carpenter, lodging at 17 Russell Street,
Exeter. At his marriage on 30 Apr 1871, a carpenter, of Summerland Street, Exeter; Emma was also of Summerland Street; the
marriage witnesses were William Joseph WHITE and Elizabeth M.H. WHITE. Samuel and Emma sailed from Plymouth on the ship
Delta, ca. 12 May 1873, arriving at Quebec on 30 May 1873. In 1881 and 1891, Samuel was a carpenter, living at
London, Ontario, with his wife Emma. In 1901, he was a foreman car builder, living at London, Ontario, with his wife Emma.
He and Emma were Methodists. (Where in 1911 and how related to Samuel SERCOMBE?) [ref. 1n,1r,1v,1af,3b,3c,3d,11d,13a,13b,13h]
- Harriet SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1850 at Dunsford, b. reg. Q2 1850 at St. Thomas R.D., chr. 21 May 1850 at Dunsford, m. 1874
at St. George, Doncaster, Yorkshire, m. reg. Q3 1874 at Doncaster R.D., William ARNELL (b. ca. 1849 at Terrington,
Yorkshire, m2. reg. Q4 1887 at Marylebone R.D., Louisa BARLOW [b. ca. 1856 at Farndon, Nottinghamshire]), d. reg. Q3 1881
at St. Thomas R.D. In 1851, living with her parents. In 1861, a scholar, living with her parents. In 1871, a parlour maid
in the STEPHENS household at Culver House, Holcombe Burnell. In 1881, living at 63 The Strand, Starcross,
Kenton, Devon, with her husband William (a tailor) and their children
Clara and Edwin. In 1891, William was a tailor, living at 40 Buckingham Road, Willesden, Middlesex, with his wife Louisa,
children Clara and Edwin, and a son by Louisa. In 1901, he was a journeyman tailor, living at 40 Buckingham Road,
Willesden, with his wife Louisa and a daughter by her. [ref. 1n,1v,3b,3c,3d,3e,3f,3g]
- Clara ARNELL, b. ca. 1877 at St. Thomas, b. reg. Q3 1877 at St. Thomas R.D. In 1881, living with her parents. In 1891,
a scholar, living with her father and stepmother. In 1901, a servant in the SIMPSON household at 2 Campdale Road,
Islington, London. [ref. 1n,3e,3f,3g]
- Edwin ARNELL, b. ca. 1880 at Heavitree, Devon, b. reg.
Q1 1880 at St. Thomas R.D. In 1881, living with his parents. In 1891, a scholar, living with his father and
stepmother. [ref. 1n,3e,3f]
- Henry Leonard SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1852 at Dunsford, b. reg. Q2 1852 at St. Thomas R.D., chr. 1 Jun 1852 at Dunsford, d.
reg. Q1 1889 at St. Thomas R.D., bur. 12 Jan 1889 at Dunsford. In 1861, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1871, an
assistant to his father, living with his parents. In 1881, a rural letter carrier, living with his parents. At his burial
in 1889, of Higher Butts, Dunsford. [ref. 1n,1v,3c,3d,3e]
- Emma Jane SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1854 at Dunsford, b. reg. Q4 1854 at St. Thomas R.D., chr. 7 Nov 1854 at Dunsford, m. reg. Q3 1906 at Exeter R.D., James ENDERSON (b. ca. 1854, d. reg. Q2 1908 at Tiverton R.D.). In 1861, a scholar, living with her parents. In 1871, living with her parents. In 1881, a general servant in the MILFORD household at Dunsford. In 1891, living with her mother. In 1901, living with her sister Mary. In 1911, of private means, living at Cheriton Bishop. [ref. 1n,1v,3c,3d,3e,3f,3g]
- Ellen (or Helen) SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1857 at Dunsford, b. reg. Q2 1857 at St. Thomas R.D., chr. 30 Nov 1857 at Dunsford,
d. reg. Q2 1863 at St. Thomas R.D., bur. 26 Apr 1863 at Dunsford. In 1861, living with her parents. [ref. 1n,1v,3c]
- Mary Elizabeth SERCOMBE, b. ca. Nov 1860 at Dunsford, b. reg. Q4 1860 at St. Thomas R.D., m. 28 Dec 1887 at Dunsford,
m. reg. Q4 1887 at St. Thomas R.D., Samuel SHILSTONE (b. ca. 1858 at Tedburn St. Mary, son of James SHILSTONE, a
carpenter). In 1861 and 1871, living with her parents. In 1881, a domestic servant out of employ, living with her parents.
At her marriage in 1887, of Dunsford; Samuel was a carpenter, also of Dunsford; the witnesses were Henry Leonard SERCOMBE
(Mary's brother) and Sarah PONSFORD. In 1891, living at Cheriton Cross, Cheriton Bishop, next door to her mother, with her
husband Samuel (a carpenter and joiner) and their daughters Clara and Ethel. In 1901, living at Cheriton Cross with her
husband Samuel (a carpenter and builder), their children Clare, Ethel, Minnie, Bessie, Percy, Edith, and Cecil, and her
sister Emma. [ref. 1n,1v,3c,3d,3e,3f,3g]
- Clara or Clare SHILSTONE, b. ca. 1888 at Cheriton Bishop. In 1891 and 1901, living with her parents. [ref. 3f,3g]
- Ethel Kate SHILSTONE, b. ca. 1890 at Cheriton Bishop. In 1891 and 1901, living with her parents. [ref. 3f,3g]
- Minnie J. SHILSTON, b. ca. 1891 at Cheriton Bishop. In 1901, living with her parents. [ref. 3g]
- Bessie M. SHILSTON, b. ca. 1893 at Cheriton Bishop. In 1901, living with her parents. [ref. 3g]
- Percy Samuel SHILSTON, b. ca. 1895 at Cheriton Bishop, b. reg. Q4 1895 at Crediton R.D. In 1901, living with his
parents. [ref. 1n,3g]
- Edith M. SHILSTON, b. ca. 1897 at Cheriton Bishop. In 1901, living with her parents. [ref. 3g]
- Cecil L. SHILSTON, b. ca. May 1900 at Cheriton Bishop. In 1901, living with his parents. [ref. 3g]
- John SERCOMBE, chr. 26 Feb 1815 at Dunsford, d. reg. Q3 1851 at St. Thomas R.D., bur. 14 Sep 1851 at Dunsford. Not
enumerated with his parents on census night in 1821. In 1828, bequeathed £10 in his paternal grandfather's will. In
1841, living with his parents. In Mar 1851, a road contractor, living with his parents. At his burial in Sep 1851, of
Higher Butts. [ref. 1n,1v,2h,3a,3b,3x]
- Ann SERCOMBE, chr. 3 Aug 1817 at Dunsford, m. 23 Jul 1844 at Dunsford, m. reg. Q3 1844 at St. Thomas R.D., Joseph
SMALLRIDGE (son of blacksmith William SMALLRIDGE). In 1821, living with her parents. In 1828, bequeathed £5 in her
paternal grandfather's will. In 1841, living with her parents. At her marriage in 1844, her husband Joseph was a
blacksmith. [ref. 1n,1v,2h,3a,3x]
- George SMALLRIDGE, b. ca. 1844 at Dunsford. In 1851, a scholar, living with his maternal grandparents. [ref. 3b]
- Elizabeth SERCOMBE, chr. privately 8 Jan 1786 and publicly 15 Jan 1786 at Dunsford, bur. 20 Jun 1801 at
Dunsford. [ref. 1v]
- Samuel SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1787 at Dunsford, m. 3 Aug 1830 at Bridford, Ann ROLESTONE, d. reg. Q2 1868 at Newton Abbot R.D. In 1828, bequeathed £15 and half of Skiddy estate (in Ashton) in his father's will. At his marriage in 1830, of Ashton; Betsy SMALRIDGE and Mary Ann MUGFORD witnessed the marriage. At his daughter's baptism in 1831, a farmer, of Ashton. At his son's baptism in 1833, a farmer, of Kiddons (a detached part of Exminster parish, subsequently transferred to Ashton civil parish -- see also John SERCOMBE). At his daughter's baptism in 1834, a farmer, of Ashton. At his daughter's baptism in 1836, a farmer, of Skidder, Ashton. In 1841, a farmer, living at Sciddow, Ashton, with his wife Ann, their children Mary, Samuel, Jane, and Elizabeth, and William ROLSTONE (Ann's father). In White's directory for 1850, a farmer at Ashton. In 1851, a farmer of 9 acres leasehold, living at Skidda, Ashton, with his wife Ann and their daughters Maryann, Jane, and Elizabeth. At his children's marriages in 1853, 1857, and 1859, a farmer. In 1861, a retired farmer, living with his son-in-law Samuel SNELLING. Posthumously at his son's second marriage in 1889, a farmer. (If Samuel had a previous marriage before Ann, is he the same person as Samuel SERCOMBE?) [ref. 1n,1p,1aa,1ai,1ff,2h,3a,3b,3c,8d]
- Mary Anne SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1831 at Ashton, chr. 26 Apr 1831 at Ashton, m. 15 May 1853 at St. Edmund, Exeter, m. reg.
Q2 1853 at Exeter R.D., Samuel Morris SNELLING (b. ca. 1827 at
Wolborough, Devon, son of John SNELLING, a cabinetmaker).
In 1841, living with her parents. In 1851, a dressmaker, living with her parents. At her marriage in 1853, a dressmaker,
of Edmund Street, Exeter; Samuel was a joiner, also of Edmund Street. In 1861, a builder's wife, living (presumably as a
visitor) at Francis Street, Kenwyn, Cornwall, in the
household of her husband's sister Hannah SNELLING (b. ca. 1832 at Newton Abbot in Wolborough parish, m. reg. Q3 1853 at
Newton Abbot R.D., William Periam CURTIS); Samuel was a carpenter, living at Bridge Street, Newton Abbot, with Mary
Anne's father Samuel and sister Elizabeth and three lodgers. In 1871, living at Edwards's Court, Wolborough, with her
husband Samuel (a carpenter and joiner), her visiting brother Samuel and his family, and a lodger. [ref. 1n,1aa,1ai,3a,3b,3c,3d]
- Samuel SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1833 at Ashton, chr. 8 Apr 1833 at Ashton, m1. 1 Jun 1857 at St. Edmund, Exeter, m1. reg. Q2 1857 at Exeter R.D., Mary Catherine SNELLING (b. ca. 1829 at Newton Abbot, d. reg. Q1 1871 at Newton Abbot R.D., daughter of John SNELLING, a cabinetmaker), m2. 21 Apr 1889 at Wolborough, m2. Q2 1889 at Newton Abbot R.D., Sarah Elizabeth IVES (b. ca. 1842 at Puttenham, Hertfordshire, d. reg. Q1 1892 at Newton Abbot R.D.; daughter of Robert IVES, a farmer), d. reg. Q1 1894 at Newton Abbot R.D. In 1841, living with his parents. In 1851, a carpenter's apprentice in the household of his first cousin Samuel SERCOMBE. At his marriage in 1857, a joiner, of Bonhay, Exeter; Mary was also of Bonhay. In 1861, a carpenter, living at 24 Fairfield Terrace, Newton Abbot, with his wife Mary (a dressmaker), their daughters Florence and Kate, and visitor Mary A. CARNELL (b. ca. 1850 at Kingsteignton, Devon). In 1871, a carpenter and joiner, visiting his sister Mary Ann with his daughters Kate, Marianne, and Nellie. In 1881, a builder employing five men and two boys, living at 81 Queen Street, Wolborough, with his daughters Florence, Maryanne, and Nellie and his niece Henrietta MANN. At his daughters' marriages in 1886, a builder. At his second marriage in 1889, a builder, of Newton Abbot; Sarah was also of Newton Abbot; the witnesses were William ROBERTS and Sarah Ann ROBERTS. In 1891, a carpenter and joiner, living at 31 Wolborough Street, Wolborough, with his wife Sarah (a grocer) and a servant. [ref. 1n,1aa,1ai,1ff,3a,3b,3c,3d,3e,3f]
- Florence SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1859 at Newton Abbot, b. reg. Q1 1859 at Newton Abbot R.D., m. reg. Q3 1888 at Sheffield R.D., Ernest Lewin WIGG (b. ca. 1860 at Wenhaston, Suffolk). In 1861, living with her parents. In 1871, a scholar, visiting her father's sister Elizabeth. In 1881, a milliner, living with her father. In 1891, living at 219 Shirebrook Road, Heeley, Yorkshire, with her husband Ernest (a hosier's traveller) and his brother Arthur. In 1901, living at 107 West Street, Grimsbury, Oxfordshire, with her husband Ernest (a draper's buyer and manager). [ref. 1n,3c,3d,3e,3f,3g]
- Kate Elizabeth SERCOMBE, b. ca. Nov 1860 at Newton Abbot or Wolborough, b. reg. Q4 1860 at Newton Abbot R.D., m. 8 Mar 1886 at Wolborough, m. reg. Q1 1886 at Newton Abbot R.D., William WYATT (b. ca. 1861 at Brixham, Devon, son of Thomas Abram WYATT, a builder). In 1861, living with her parents. In 1871, a scholar, living with her father. In 1881, a housekeeper, visiting her father's sister Elizabeth. At her marriage in 1886, of Newton Abbot; William was a carpenter, of Brixham; the witnesses were Samuel SERCOMBE (her father) and Marrianne SERCOMBE (her sister). In 1891, a patient in the Devon County Lunatic Asylum, Exminster; William was a house carpenter, living at 28 Bolton Street, Brixham. In 1901, living at 50 Bolton Street, Brixham, with her husband William (a house carpenter and undertaker) and their children Nellie and William. [ref. 1n,1ff,3c,3d,3e,3f,3g]
- Alice Kate WYATT, b. ca. 1887 at Newton Abbot, b. reg. Q1 1887 at Newton Abbot R.D. In 1891, living with her father's mother at 2 Elm Tree Crescent, Torquay, Devon, together with her sister Nellie. [ref. 1n,3f]
- Nellie Sercombe WYATT, b. ca. 1889 at Brixham, b. reg. Q1 1889 at Totnes R.D. In 1891, living with her father's mother at 2 Elm Tree Crescent, Torquay, together with her sister Alice. In 1901, living with her parents. [ref. 1n,3f,3g]
- William Samuel S. WYATT, b. ca. Jul 1900 at Brixham, b. reg. Q3 1900 at Totnes R.D. In 1901, living with his parents. [ref. 1n,3g]
- Marianne SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1862 at Newton Abbot, b. reg. Q3 1862 at Newton Abbot R.D., m. 24 May 1886 at Wolborough, m. reg. Q2 1886 at Newton Abbot R.D., Robert Frederick ATWILL (b. ca. 1860 at Torquay, son of Robert Harvey ATWILL, a gentleman). In 1871, a scholar, living with her father. In 1881, a draper's assistant, living with her father. At her marriage in 1886, of Newton Abbot; Robert was a schoolmaster, of Kenn; the witnesses were Samuel SERCOMBE (her father) and Nellie SERCOMBE (her sister). In 1891, living at School House, Brixton, Devon, with her husband Frederick (an elementary school master) and their children Harold and Freda. In 1901, living at 2 Queens Terrace, Great Torrington, Devon, with her husband Robert (an elementary schoolmaster) and their children Harold, Kenneth, Freda, and Alice. Relative of researcher Philip Atwill. [ref. 1n,1ff,3d,3e,3f,3g]
- Harold F. ATWILL, b. ca. 1886 at St. Thomas. In 1891 and 1901, living with his parents. [ref. 3f,3g]
- Kenneth Sercombe ATWILL, b. ca. 1888 at Brixton, b. reg. Q3 1888 at Plympton St. Mary R.D. In 1891, living with his father's parents at 2 Devon Square, Newton Abbot. In 1901, living with his parents. [ref. 1n,3f,3g]
- Freda M. ATWILL, b. ca. Jul 1890 at Brixton. In 1891 and 1901, living with her parents. [ref. 3f,3g]
- Alice Sercombe ATWILL, b. 18 Aug 1891 at Brixton, b. reg. Q3 1891 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., d. reg. Q3 1975 at Torbay R.D. In 1901, living with her parents. [ref. 1n,3g]
- Samuel Snelling SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q1 1864 at Newton Abbot R.D., d. reg. Q4 1870 at Newton Abbot R.D. [ref. 1n]
- (probably) Annie Snelling SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q4 1865 at Newton Abbot R.D., d. reg. Q3 1866 at Newton Abbot R.D. [ref. 1n]
- Nellie Snelling SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1868 at Wolborough or Newton Abbot, b. reg. Q1 1868 at Newton Abbot R.D., m. reg.
Q2 1890 at Ecclesall Bierlow R.D., Charles Alfred CLARKE (b. ca. 1860 at Newton Abbot). In 1871, living with her father. In 1881, a scholar, living with her father. In 1891, living at 3 Aberdeen Place, Marylebone, London, with her husband Charles (a workhouse engineer) and his mother. [ref. 1n,3d,3e,3f]
- Jane SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1834 at Ashton, chr. 25 Dec 1834 at Ashton, m. 16 May 1859 at St. Edmund, Exeter, m. reg. Q2 1859 at Exeter R.D., William MANN (b. ca. 1835 at Bickington, Devon, son of Thomas MANN, a farmer). In 1841 and 1851, living with her parents. At her marriage in 1859, a dressmaker, of Edmund Street, Exeter; William was a cabinetmaker, also of Edmund Street. In 1861, living at 23 Fairfield Terrace, Newton Abbot, with her husband William (a cabinet maker) and their daughter Henrietta. [ref. 1n,1aa,1ai,3a,3b,3c]
- Henrietta MANN, b. ca. Mar 1860 at Newton Abbot, b. reg. Q2 1860 at Newton Abbot R.D., m. reg. Q4 1893 at Newton Abbot R.D., William Thomas DYER (b. ca. 1865 at Tiverton, Devon). In 1861, living with her parents. In 1871, a scholar, visiting her aunt Elizabeth. In 1881, a milliner, living with her mother's brother Samuel. In 1891, an assistant to draper William TURNER at 27 Union Street, Torquay, Devon. In 1901, living at 5 High East Street, Dorchester, Dorset, with her husband William (a grocer), their son Percy, cousin Lucy L. MANN (b. ca. 1872 at Holne, Dorset), and a domestic servant. Ancestor of researcher Ivan Dyer. [ref. 1n,3c,3d,3e,3f,3g]
- Percy Harold DYER, b. ca. 1895 at St. Marychurch, near Torquay, b. reg. Q2 1895 at Newton Abbot R.D. In 1901, living with his parents. [ref. 3g]
- Elizabeth SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1836 at Ashton, chr. 13 Nov 1836 at Ashton, m. reg. Q1 1865 at Totnes R.D., Thomas ROLSTONE (b. ca. 1833 at Brixham or Churston Ferrers, Devon, d. reg. Q3 1893 at Totnes R.D.). In 1841 and 1851, living with her parents. In 1861, a dressmaker, living with her father and her brother-in-law Samuel SNELLING. In 1871, living at the Shot Over Inn, Higher Street, Brixham, with her husband Thomas (the innkeeper), their children Thomas and Evelina, visiting nieces Florence SERCOMBE and Henrietta MANN, and a domestic servant. In 1881, living at Higher Street, Brixham, with her husband Thomas (an innkeeper), their children Thomas, Evelina, Kate, Edward, Louis, and Amelia, her visiting niece Kate (daughter of her brother Samuel), and a family of lodgers. In 1891, living at 44 Higher Street, Brixham, with her husband Thomas (a licenced victualler), their children Evelina, Ernest, Louis, Amelia, and Florence, and her (or Thomas's) niece Fanny A. STANBURY (a mother's help, b. ca. 1866 at Dittisham, Devon). In 1901, living on her own means at Cumters(?) Terrace, Brixham, with her children Ernest, Amelia, and Florence and her grandson Frederick ROLSTONE (b. ca. 1892 at Newton Abbot). [ref. 1aa,1n,3a,3b,3c,3d,3e,3f,3g]
- Thomas William H. ROLSTONE, b. ca. 1867 at Brixham, b. reg. Q1 1867 at Totnes R.D. In 1871 and 1881, living with his
parents. [ref. 1n,3d,3e]
- Evelina ROLSTONE, b. ca. Oct 1870 at Brixham, b. reg. Q4 1870 at Totnes R.D., m. reg. Q3 1899 at Totnes R.D., Sidney
SKINNER (b. ca. 1870 at Brixham). In 1871, living with her parents. In 1881, a scholar, living with her parents. In 1891,
a milliner, living with her parents. In 1901, living at 51 Fore Street, Brixham, with her husband Sidney (a baker) and
their daughter Evalina. [ref. 1n,3d,3e,3f,3g]
- Evalina I. SKINNER, b. ca. Jul 1900 at Brixham. In 1901, living with her parents. [ref. 3g]
- Kate Elizabeth ROLSTONE, b. ca. 1872 at Brixham, b. reg. Q3 1872 at Totnes R.D., m. reg. Q4 1893 at Totnes R.D.,
Robert CARLILE (b. ca. 1869 at Brixham). In 1881, a scholar, living with her parents. In 1901, living a Lilliput Road,
Parkstone, Dorset, with her husband Robert (a carpenter and joiner) and their daughter Freda. [ref. 1n,3e,3g]
- Freda CARLILE, b. ca. 1899 at Parkstone. In 1901, living with her parents. [ref. 3g]
- Ernest ROLSTONE, b. ca. 1875 at Brixham, b. reg. Q3 1875 at Totnes R.D. In 1881 (enumerated as Edward), a scholar,
living with his parents. In 1891, a baker's assistant, living with his parents. In 1901, a carpenter, living with his
mother. [ref. 1n,3e,3f,3g]
- Louis ROLSTONE, b. ca. 1877 at Brixham, b. reg. Q1 1877 at Totnes R.D. In 1881, a scholar, living with his parents. In
1891, a butcher, living with his parents. [ref. 1n,3e,3f]
- Amelia Ann ROLSTONE, b. ca. 1878 at Brixham, b. reg. Q4 1878 at Totnes R.D. In 1881, living with her parents. In 1891,
a scholar, living with her parents. In 1901, a draper's assistant, living with her mother. [ref. 1n,3e,3f,3g]
- Florence ROLSTONE, b. ca. 1882 at Brixham, b. reg. Q4 1882 at Totnes R.D. In 1891, a scholar, living with her parents.
In 1901, living with her mother. [ref. 1n,3f,3g]
- Jane SERCOMBE, chr. 20 Feb 1791 at Dunsford, m. 30 Aug 1812 at Doddiscombsleigh, James GIBSON (b. ca. 1790 in Devon).
In 1811, living in the ARCHER household at Doddiscombsleigh. At Jane's marriage in 1812, her husband James was a
husbandman. In 1828, Jane was bequeathed £15 in her father's will. In 1841, living at Willhayes, Doddiscombsleigh,
with her husband James (an agricultural laborer) and their daughter Eliza. [ref. 1v,1ab,2h,3a,3w]
- (probably) Eliza GIBSON, b. ca. 1829 in Devon. In 1841, living with her parents. [ref. 3a]
- Mary SERCOMBE, chr. 24 Aug 1794 at Dunsford, bur. 22 Sep 1795 at Dunsford. (Mary's entry in the Dunsford baptism register gives her mother's name as Elizabeth, not Jane. That would make her the daughter of another Samuel SERCOMBE, but it appears to be an error by the clerk.) [ref. 1v]
- Elizabeth SERCOMB, chr. 14 Apr 1757 at Dunsford, bur. 29 Dec 1776 at Dunsford. [ref. 1v]
- Richard SERCOMBE, chr. 4 Oct 1758 at St. Edmund, Exeter, m. 1 Jan 1781 at St. Sidwell, Exeter, Ann TOOTELL (b. ca.
1759, bur. 11 Jul 1834 at Dunsford, Devon), bur. 15 Aug 1832 at Dunsford. (Richard's christening was recorded in error in
the register of St. Mary Steps, Exeter.) On 18 Jun 1790, a brushmaker in London, admitted freeman of Exeter in succession
to his father. At his death in 1832, of the Dunsford Poorhouse. At her death in 1834, Ann was of the Dunsford
Poorhouse. [ref. 1v,1w,1dc,17e]
- Ann SERCOMBE, chr. 30 Aug 1781 at St. Kerrian, Exeter, m. 28 Dec 1801 at St. John Horsleydown, Southwark, Surrey,
William HOTLEY. At their marriage in 1801, Ann and William were both of St. John Horsleydown; the witnesses were Richard
SERCOMBE (probably Ann's father) and Mary TOOTELL (perhaps an aunt or cousin). [ref. 1dd,1de]
- Peggy SERCOMBE, chr. 20 Apr 1783 at St. Kerrian, Exeter. [ref. 1dd]
- Sarah SERCOMBA, b. 17 Mar 1790, chr. 4 Apr 1790 at St. Mary Abchurch, London, bur. 16 Jan 1792 in the churchyard at St. Mary Abchurch. [ref. 1df]
- Mary SERCOMBA, b. 4 Apr 1792, chr. 29 Apr 1792 at St. Mary Abchurch, bur. 2 Jun 1793 in the churchyard at St. Mary Abchurch. [ref. 1df]
- Mary SYRCOMBE, chr. 23 Apr 1718 at Dunsford, m. 29 Jun 1738 at Dunsford, John BRIMBLECOMBE. [ref. 1v]
- Thomas BRIMBLECOMBE, chr. 25 Oct 1739 at Tedburn St. Mary. [ref. 1aw]
- Mary BRIMBLECOMBE, chr. 26 Apr 1741 at Tedburn St. Mary, bur. 2 Nov 1741 at Tedburn St. Mary. [ref. 1aw]
- John BRIMBLECOMBE, chr. 18 Jul 1744 at Tedburn St. Mary. [ref. 1aw]
- Zachariah BRIMBLECOMBE, chr. 27 Mar 1746 at Tedburn St. Mary. [ref. 1aw]
- Ann BRIMBLECOMBE, chr. 25 Dec 1747 at Tedburn St. Mary. [ref. 1aw]
- Samuel BRIMBLECOMBE, chr. 19 Sep 1749 at Tedburn St. Mary. [ref. 1aw]
- Joseph BRIMBLECOMBE, chr. 27 Dec 1750 at Tedburn St. Mary. [ref. 1aw]
- James BRIMBLECOMBE, chr. 1 May 1753 at Tedburn St. Mary. [ref. 1aw]
- Mary BRIMBLECOMBE, chr. 11 Dec 1755 at Tedburn St. Mary. [ref. 1aw]
- Henry BRIMBLECOMBE, chr. 13 Jul 1758 at Tedburn St. Mary. [ref. 1aw]
- Thomas SERCOMBE, chr. 24 Nov 1719 at Dunsford, bur. 22 Dec 1785 at Dunsford. In 1766, the
Dunsford overseers of the poor apprenticed Charles COLDRIDGE to Thomas for Higher Cottley. Thomas occupied Higher Cottley
from 1780 to 1786, and was assessed land tax on it of £1. 7s. per year. (From then until 1806, Higher Cottley was
occupied by John SERCOMBE, but which one?) Thomas's will (now lost) was proved in the Court of the Archdeaconry of Exeter
in 1786. [ref. 1v,2f,17a,18a]
- Samuel Viol SIRCOMBE, chr. 27 Nov 1722 at Dunsford, m. 22 Nov 1750 at Bridford, Ann LEAR, bur. 18 Jul 1801 at Hennock, Devon. In 1768, Samuel bought lands in Higher Yeo and Middle Yeo, Wreyland manor, Bovey Tracey. In 1769, of Hennock and owned freehold land worth at least £10 per year. In 1778 and 1783, of Hennock and either owned land worth at least £10 per year or had a long-term lease on land worth at least £20 per year. In 1786, he bought lands in South or Middle Yeo and Knowle, Wreyland manor. In 1794, he sold all the Wreyland lands for £1000. At his death in 1801, Samuel had until recently been of Slade, Bovey Tracey. [ref. 1p,1v,10b,20]
- Ann SERCOMBE, chr. 15 May 1755 at Hennock, m. 22 May 1776 at Hennock, by license, John FURSE. At Ann's marriage in
1776, John was of Drewsteignton, Devon; Ann's father Samuel
SERCOMBE and Robert FURSE witnessed the marriage. [ref. 1q]
- William SERCOMBE, chr. 24 Mar 1757 at Hennock, m1. 3 Feb 1780 at St. John, Wellington, Somerset,
Elizabeth BENISON (b. ca. 1756, bur. 1 Feb 1794 at St. John, Wellington), m2. 28 Dec 1794 at St. Edmund, Exeter, Devon,
Martha NOSWORTHY. On 25 Sep 1772, William was apprenticed to Joseph GIFFORD of Wellington, a tallow chandler, for six
years, on payment of £5. At his marriage in 1780, he and Elizabeth were both of Wellington. In 1786, a soap boiler,
of Wellington, insured property worth £300 with the Sun Fire Office. In 1800, a tallow chandler, of Wellington,
served on the jury in the trial of
Jane Leigh-Perrot, Jane Austen's aunt, who was acquitted of shoplifting a card of lace. "In the country the trade of a
tallow-chandler and soap-boiler are frequently combined"
(The Book of English
Trades, 1818). [ref. 1q,1ai,1ec,17g,18f]
- Samuel SERCOMBE, chr. 2 May 1781 at St. John, Wellington, bur. 28 Jul 1809 at St. John, Wellington. [ref. 1ec]
- Hannah Benison SERCOMBE, chr. 27 Nov 1782 at St. John, Wellington. In 1809, witnessed the marriage of her brother George. (Is Hannah the "wife of George SIRCOMBE"?) [ref. 1ec]
- George Benison SERCOMBE, chr. 18 Feb 1785 at St. John, Wellington, m. 25 Sep 1809 at St. John, Wellington, Elizabeth
"Betsey" BAKER (b. ca. 1788 at Wellington, d. reg. Q3 1873 at Taunton R.D.), d. reg. Q3 1840 at Wellington Somerset R.D.,
bur. 18 Aug 1840 at St. John, Wellington. At his children's baptisms in 1813, 1815, 1817, 1825, 1826, and 1829, a
hairdresser, of Wellington. In 1813, a witness at the wedding in Wellington of David BAKER and Mary GRIBBEL. In 1817,
Betsey was a witness at the wedding in Wellington of James FACKRELL and Elizabeth TWOZE. In Pigot's directory for 1830, a
hairdresser and perfumer at Fore Street, Wellington. At his son's marriage in 1838, a hairdresser. At his daughter's
marriage in 1844 (posth.), a hairdresser. At his son's marriage in 1848 (posth.), a perfumer. In 1841, Elizabeth was
independent, living at Fore Street, Wellington, with her children William, Mary, and James, William's wife, and William's
children George and Mary. In 1851, she was a landed proprietor, living at Fore Street, Wellington, with her daughter Mary
and two visitors. In 1861, she was retired, living with her son William. In 1871, she was an annuitant, living at Mantle
Street, Wellington, with a servant. [ref. 1n,1be,1ec,1ed,3a,3b,3c,3d,8b]
- George SERCOMBE, b. 21 Aug 1810 at Wellington, chr. 7 Sep 1810 at St. John, Wellington, m. 19 Jul 1848 at St. James,
Bristol, m. reg. Q3 1848 at Bristol R.D., Elizabeth Caroline MORRIS (b. ca. 1822 at North Curry or Stoke St. Gregory,
Somerset, d. reg. Q2 1889 at Axbridge R.D., daughter of Richard MORRIS, appraiser), d. reg. Q2 1876 at Taunton R.D. In
1841, a hairdresser, living at North Street, Taunton, Somerset, with his sister Elizabeth and a servant. At his marriage
in 1848, a hairdresser, of Taunton; Elizabeth was of Bristol St. James. In 1851, a hairdresser and perfumer, living at
North Street, Taunton, with his wife Elizabeth, daughter Elizabeth, sister Elizabeth, niece Mary Hannah (daughter of his
brother William), and two servants. In 1861, a perfumer and hairdresser, living at 3 Parade and 1 Hammet Street, Taunton,
with his wife Elizabeth, daughters Mary, Blanche, Alice, Rosa, and Georgina, a nurse, and a housemaid. In 1871, a
hairdresser and perfumer, living at 32 Fore Street and 1 Hammet Street, Taunton, with his wife Elizabeth, daughters Mary,
Blanche, Phoebe, Rosa, and Georgiana, and two servants. In 1881, Elizabeth was living on gas stock at Tresco Villa,
Springfield Road, Bristol, with her daughters Phoebe and Rosa. [ref. 1n,1be,1ec,3a,3b,3c,3d,3e]
- Elizabeth Caroline SERCOMBE (twin with George), b. ca. 1849 at Taunton, b. reg. Q4 1849 at Taunton R.D., d. reg. Q3
1854 at Taunton R.D. In 1851, living with her parents. [ref. 1n,3b]
- George Morris SERCOMBE (twin with Elizabeth), b. reg. Q4 1849 at Taunton R.D., d. reg. Q1 1850 at Taunton
R.D. [ref. 1n]
- Mary Catherine SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1851 at Taunton, b. reg. Q3 1851 at Taunton R.D., m. reg. Q2 1874 at Taunton R.D.,
John COOMBS (b. ca. 1844 at Bridgwater, Somerset). In 1861, a scholar, living with her parents. In 1871, living with her
parents. In 1881, living at Taunton Road, Bridgwater, with her husband John (an auctioneer and land and estate agent),
their children Blanche and Cuthbert, a nursemaid, and a general servant. [ref. 1n,3c,3d,3e]
- Blanche M. COOMBS, b. ca. 1874 at Bridgwater. In 1881, living with her parents. [ref. 3e]
- Cuthbert J. COOMBS, b. ca. 1876 at Bridgwater. In 1881, living with his parents. [ref. 3e]
- Blanche SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1853 at Taunton, b. reg. Q1 1853 at Taunton R.D., m. reg. Q3 1876 at Taunton R.D., Alfred
William GRIFFIN (b. ca. 1852 at Watton, Norfolk). In 1861, a scholar, living with her parents. In 1871, living with her
parents. In 1881, living at 4 Saville Row, Bath, Somerset, with her husband Alfred (a chemist), their children Alfred
and Winefred, an apprentice, a domestic servant, and a nursemaid. [ref. 1n,3c,3d,3e]
- Alfred Sercombe GRIFFIN, b. ca. 1878 at Bath, b. reg. Q1 1878 at Bath R.D. (Lansdown subdistrict). In 1881, living
with his parents. [ref. 1n,3e]
- Winefred B. GRIFFIN, b. Feb 1881 at Bath. In 1881, living with her parents. [ref. 3e]
- Phoebe Alice or Alice Phoebe SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1854 at Taunton, b. reg. Q4 1854 at Taunton R.D., d. reg. Q1 1945 at
Bath R.D. In 1861, a scholar, living with her parents. In 1871, living with her parents. In 1881, living with her mother.
In 1891, living on her own means with her sister Rosa. In 1901, a Wesleyan mission sister, patient in the Medical
Institute, 15 Catherine Place, Bath, Somerset. In 1911, living on private means at 7 Devonshire Villas, Wellsway,
Bath. [ref. 1n,3c,3d,3e,3f,3g,3h]
- Rosa Jane SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1858 at Taunton, b. reg. Q3 1858 at Taunton R.D., m. reg. Q4 1886 at Axbridge R.D., George
John LONG (b. ca. 1859 at Bath, Somerset). In 1861 and 1871, a scholar, living with her parents. In 1881, living with her
mother. In 1891, slightly deaf, living at Woodspring, Lyncombe Widcombe, Somerset, with her husband George (a builder and
local preacher, deaf in one ear), their daughter Letice, Rosa's sister Phoebe, and a general servant. [ref. 1n,3c,3d,3e,3f]
- Letice E. LONG, b. ca. 1889 at Bath. In 1891, living with her parents. [ref. 3f]
- Elizabeth Georgiana SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1859 at Taunton, b. reg. Q4 1859 at Taunton R.D., m. reg. Q3 1890 at
Axbridge R.D., John William S. SANDERS (b. ca. 1858 at Harwich, Essex). In 1861, living with her parents. In 1871, a
scholar, living with her parents. In 1881, a governess in the COX household, at Grange Academy, Leominster, Herefordshire.
In 1891, living at Lawn View, Bognor, Sussex, with her husband John (a Wesleyan minister) and his visiting brother William
(a Baptist minister in the United States). [ref. 1n,3c,3d,3e,3f]
- William SERCOMBE, b. 30 Jan 1813 at Wellington, chr. 5 Mar 1813 and (again) 10 Feb 1815 at Wellington, m. 10 Jun 1838
at East Stonehouse, Devon, m. reg. Q2 1838 at East Stonehouse R.D., Margaret "Peggy" MORRISON (b. ca. 1812 at Devonport,
Devon, daughter of Jeremiah MORRISON, a rope maker, d. reg. Q1 1874 at Wellington R.D.), d. reg. Q1 1885 at Barton Regis
R.D. At his marriage in 1838, a hairdresser, of 15 Fore Street, East Stonehouse; Peggy was of 5 Clarence Place; the
witnesses were Thomas HOPKINS and Miriam THEARLE. In 1841, a perfumer, living with his mother, together with his wife
Margaret and their children George and Mary. In 1851, a hair cutter, etc., living at Fore Street, Wellington, with
his wife Margaret, children William, James, Frederick, Edwin, Emily, and Hubert, and a servant. In 1861, a hairdresser,
living at Fore Street, Wellington, with his wife Margaret, their children Annie, James, Frederick, Edwin, Emily, and
Hubert, and his mother Betsey. At his daughter's marriage in 1870, a hairdresser. In 1871, a hair cutter, living at High
Street, north side, Wellington, with his wife Margaret and grandson George (son of his son William). In 1881, out of
business, living with his daughter Emily. [ref. 1n,1bk,1ec,1ed,3a,3b,3c,3d,3e]
- William George SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1839 at Kingsbridge, Devon, b. reg. Q2 1839 at Kingsbridge R.D., m. Ann GIBBONS or GIBBINS (b. ca. 1835 at Sampford Arundel, Somerset, d. reg. Q1 1893 at Bristol R.D), d. reg. Q2 1907 at Bristol R.D. In 1841, living with his parents. In 1851, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1861, a printer compositor, living at 2 Henry Street, Plymouth, Devon, with his wife Ann and their children William and James. At his sons' baptisms in 1867, a printer, of 1 York Lane, Plymouth. In 1871, a printer, living at 18 Denmark Street, Bristol, Gloucestershire, with his wife Ann and their children James, Frederick, and Amelia. In 1881, a printer compositor, living at 92 Victoria Street, Bristol, with his wife Ann and their daughter Emily. In 1891, a compositor, living at Rupert House, Bristol, with his wife Ann and their son James. In 1901, a compositor printer, living at 15 Jamaica Street, Bristol (with his birthplace enumerated as Portsmouth - perhaps an error for Plymouth?). [ref. 1n,1fj,3a,3b,3c,3d,3e,3f,3g,9i]
- William George SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1859 at Cardiff, Glamorgan, b. reg. Q1 1859 at Cardiff R.D., m. reg. Q4 1889 at Bedminster R.D., Sarah Ann HUNT (b. ca. 1865 at Bedminster, d. reg. Q2 1933 at Long Ashton R.D.), d. reg. Q3 1932 at Long Ashton R.D. In 1861, living with his parents. In 1871, a scholar, living with his paternal grandparents. In 1881, a printer compositor, lodging in the WILTSHIRE household at 6 Upper Berkeley Place, Bristol. In 1891, a printer, editor, and author, living at the Mercury office, Clevedon, Somerset, with his wife Sarah, daughters Georgina and Edith, and a servant. In 1901, a printer manager, living at Caxton House, Clevedon, with his wife Sarah and their children Georgina, Edith, and William. In 1911, a manager (and managing director) of a printing company, living at Caxton House, Linden Road, Clevedon, with his wife Sarah, their children Georgina, Edith, and William, and a visitor. [ref. 1n,3c,3d,3e,3f,3g,3h]
- Georgina Maud SERCOMBE, b. ca. May 1890 at Clevedon, b. reg. Q2 1890 at Bedminster R.D., m. reg. Q3 1911 at Long
Ashton R.D., Harold G. SMITH. In 1891 and 1901, living with her parents. In 1911, a printer's clerk in a printing office,
presumably her father's, living with her parents. [ref. 1n,3f,3h]
- Basil G. SMITH, b. reg. Q4 1913 at Long Ashton R.D. [ref. 1n]
- Peter S.G. SMITH (twin with Valerie), b. reg. Q4 1916 at Long Ashton R.D. [ref. 1n]
- Valerie G.G. SMITH (twin with Peter), b. reg. Q4 1916 at Long Ashton R.D. [ref. 1n]
- Edith Mary SERCOMBE, b. ca. May 1890 at Clevedon, b. reg. Q2 1890 at Bedminster R.D., m. reg. Q2 1919 at Long Ashton
R.D., Wilfrid ANDERSON. In 1891 and 1901, living with her parents. In 1911, a clerk in a grocery, living with her
parents. [ref. 1n,3f,3g,3h]
- Michael J. ANDERSON, b. reg. Q4 1920 at Long Ashton R.D. [ref. 1n]
- William Frederick SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1891 at Clevedon, b. reg. Q4 1891 at Bedminster R.D., m. reg. Q1 1933 at Long
Ashton R.D., Gladys FREEMAN or MALONEY, d. reg. Q1 1966 at Weston super Mare R.D. In 1901, living with his parents. In
1911, a newspaper journalist, living with his parents. [ref. 1n,3g,3h]
- James SERCOMBE, b. 29 Mar 1861 at Plymouth, b. reg. Q2 1861 at Plymouth R.D., chr. 1 Aug 1867 at St. Andrew, Plymouth, m. reg. Q3 1902 at Bristol R.D., Annie BRYANT (b. ca. 1870 at Hallen, near Bristol, m2. reg. Q2 1927 at Bristol R.D., William J. PALMER), d. reg. Q2 1925 at Bristol R.D. In 1861, living with his parents. In 1871, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1881, an ordinary seaman, aboard the Royal Navy vessel Cormorant, at sea or in a foreign port. In 1891, a seaman, living with his parents. In 1901, a merchant seaman, living at 3 Silver Street, Bristol, with his (soon-to-be) wife Annie. In 1911, a bargeman for M[idland?] R[ailway?] goods, living at 1 Park Row, Easton Road, Bristol, with his wife Annie and a boarder. Although James and Annie were married in 1902, they reported themselves as married already in the 1901 census and stated that they had been married for 12 years in the 1911 census. [ref. 1n,1fj,3c,3d,3e,3f,3g,3h]
- Frederick (or Fred) SERCOMBE, b. 9 Nov 1863 at Plymouth, b. reg. Q4 1863 at Plymouth R.D., chr. 1 Aug 1867 at St. Andrew, Plymouth, m. reg. Q2 1893 at Wandsworth R.D., Annie Sophia UNDERWOOD (b. ca. 1867 at Montreal, Canada, d. reg. Q2 1940 at Stratton R.D.), d. 1 Nov 1914. In 1871, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1881, a boy 1st class, aboard the vessel Implacable, Devonport, Devon. Met Annie in China, where she was a children's nanny, while he was serving in the Royal Navy during the Opium Wars. At his son's baptism in 1897, a coastguardman, of 54 Freke Road, Clapham, London. In 1901, a coastguardman, living at 2 Coast Guard Street, Holyhead, Anglesey, with his wife Annie and their children Olive, Dorothy, Eric, Maud, and Frederick. At his daughter's baptism in 1902, a coastguard in the Royal Navy. In 1911, a chief petty officer in the Royal Navy, lodging at the Royal Sailors Rest Home for Sailors, Fore Street, Devonport; Annie was living at the Coast Guard Station, St. Davids, Pembrokeshire, with their children Frederick, Harold, Evelyn, Dorothy, and Edith. At his death in 1914, a coast guard chief petty officer on H.M.S. Monmouth; Ann was of 3 Berries Mount, Bude, Cornwall. Commemorated on the Bude War Memorial and on a World War I naval memorial at the Hoe, Plymouth. [ref. 1n,1ee,1ev,1fj,3d,3e,3g,3h,4h,4i,9i]
- Eveline Olive SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1895 at Holyhead, b. reg. Q2 1895 at Holyhead R.D., m. reg. Q2 1922 at Stratton R.D., Frederick C. TURNBULL. In 1901, living with her parents. In 1911, a dressmaker's apprentice, living with her mother. [ref. 1n,3g,3h]
- William G. TURNBULL, b. reg. Q3 1925 at Kensington R.D. [ref. 1n]
- Dorothy Kathleen SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1896 at St. Agnes, Cornwall, b. reg. Q2 1896 at Truro R.D., m. reg. Q3 1932 at Wandsworth R.D., Thomas B. "Ben" BARRETT. In 1901, living with her parents. In 1911, at school, living with her mother. [ref. 1n,3g,3h,9i]
- David B. BARRETT, b. reg. Q1 1934 at Wandsworth R.D. [ref. 1n]
- Albert Eric SERCOMBE, b. 5 or 15 Aug 1897 at Holyhead, b. reg. Q3 1897 at Holyhead R.D., chr. 10 Oct 1897 at St. Barnabas, Clapham Common, London, m. 1 Jan 1924 at St. Budeaux, Devon, m. reg. Q1 1924 at Devonport R.D., Effra Honor Harriett FOOTE (b. ca. 1898, d. reg. Q4 1959 at Portsmouth R.D.), d. reg. Jan 1994 at Portsmouth R.D. In 1901, living with his parents. In 1911, a pupil at the Royal Hospital School, Romney Road, Greenwich. Joined the Royal Navy in 1915 as a telegraphist, then attended Greenwich Naval College and graduated as an officer. Promoted from acting mate to mate, 1 Dec 1922; promoted from mate to lieutenant, 1 Aug 1925. Effra sailed from Plymouth to Malta, where Eric was posted, in 1929 and again in 1930. Promoted to lieutenant commander, 1 Aug 1933. Survived the Japanese sinking of H.M.S. Dorsetshire in the Indian Ocean on 5 Apr 1942. Moved to retired list with rank of commander, 5 Aug 1942. Subsequently deputy commander of the Portsmouth Dockyard. [ref. 1n,1ee,1ef,3g,3h,6ab1,6ab2,6ab3,6ab4,9i,11b,14c]
- Edith Maude SERCOMBE, b. 16 Apr 1899 at Holyhead, b. reg. Q2 1899 at Holyhead R.D., d. reg. Mar 1988 at
Portsmouth R.D. In 1901, living with her parents. In 1911, at school, living with her mother. [ref. 1n,3g,3h]
- Frederick George SERCOMBE, b. 16 Oct 1900 at Holyhead, b. reg. Q4 1900 at Holyhead R.D., m. reg. Q4 1940 at Hackney R.D., Violet May LUCAS (b. 3 Aug 1907, m2. reg. Q3 1978 at Winchester R.D., James S. WILLIAMS, d. reg. [as SERCOMBE] Jun 1997 at Winchester R.D.), d. reg. Q4 1970 at Winchester R.D. In 1901, living with his parents. In 1911, at school, living with his mother. Served as a seaman in the Royal Navy; discharged as a mutineer in 1929. In 1932, sailed from London to Bombay to take up a position as warrant officer in the Indian Navy. [ref. 1n,3g,3h,9i,11b,14c]
- Enid Agnes SERCOMBE, b. 15 Oct 1902 at Appledore, Devon, b. reg. Q4 1902 at Bideford R.D., chr. 19 Nov 1902 at Appledore, d. 1939 at St. Thomas's Hospital, London, d. reg. Q3 1939 at Chelsea R.D. Crippled. Brought up by her maternal grandmother in Battersea. In 1911, visiting her aunt Jane (b. ca. 1847 at Montreal, m. UNDERWOOD, wid. by 1911) at 47 Gorst Road, Wandsworth Common, London. [ref. 1n,1ev,3h,9i]
- Harold William Joseph SERCOMBE, b. 23 Aug 1906 at Fishguard, Pembrokeshire, b. reg. Q4 1906 at Haverfordwest R.D., d.
reg. Q1 1978 at Derby R.D. In 1911, living with his mother. A Royal Navy pilot. [ref. 1n,3h,9i]
- John SERCOMBE. Researcher John Sercombe. [ref. 9i]
- Four other sons. [ref. 9i]
- (probably) Harry Morrison SERCOMBE, b. ca. 3 Apr 1867, b. reg. Q2 1867 at Plymouth R.D., d. reg. Q2 1867 at Plymouth R.D., bur. 16 Jun 1867 at Ford Park Cemetery, Plymouth. At his death in 1867, of 1 York Lane, Plymouth. [ref. 1n,1fk]
- Emily (or Amelia) Ann SERCOMBE, b. 9 May 1870 at Plymouth, b. reg. Q2 1870 at Plymouth R.D., chr. 6 Dec 1878 at Temple, Bristol. In 1871, living with her parents. In 1881, a scholar, living with her parents. [ref. 1n,1bi,3d,3e]
- Mary Hannah "Annie" SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1840 at Plymouth, Devon, b. reg. Q3 1840 at Plymouth R.D., m. reg. Q4 1869 at
Clifton R.D., William Henry HUNT (b. ca. 1845 at Bristol). In 1841, living with her parents. In 1851, living with her
father's brother George. In 1861, a dressmaker, living with her parents. In 1871, living at Berkeley Mews, Bristol, with
her husband William (a job master), their son Frederick, and a general servant. [ref. 1n,3a,3b,3c,3d]
- Frederick Henry HUNT, b. ca. Jun 1870 at Bristol. In 1871, living with his parents. [ref. 3d]
- James Morrison SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1842 at Wellington, b. reg. Q1 1842 at Wellington R.D., d. reg. Q3 1864 at Bristol
R.D. In 1851, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1861, a harness maker, living with his parents. [ref. 1n,3e,3f]
- Frederick SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1843 at Wellington, b. reg. Q4 1843 at Wellington R.D., m. reg. Q4 1867 at Bridgwater R.D.,
Dinah CLATWORTHY (b. ca. 1840 at North Petherton, Somerset, d. reg. Q1 1932 at Dorchester R.D.), d. reg. Q4 1878 at
Taunton R.D. In 1851, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1861, a grocer, living with his parents. In 1871, a grocer's
assistant, living at 5 Wood Street, Taunton, Somerset, with his wife Dinah and their children Frederick and Margaret. In
1881, Dinah was living at 21 Church Street, Bridgwater, Somerset, with her sons Frederick and Walter and a family of three
lodgers. In 1891, she was living on her own means at 20 Church Street, Bridgwater, with her son Walter and a lodger. In
1901, she was living on her own means at 20 Church Street, Bridgwater, with her daughter Margaret. In 1911, she was living
on private means at 20 Church Street, Bridgwater. [ref. 1n,3b,3c,3d,3e,3f,3g,3h]
- Frederick William SERCOMBE, b. Aug 1868 at Taunton, b. reg. Q3 1868 at Taunton R.D., m. ca. 1900
Eloise C. CLARK (b. Jan 1875 in Illinois, d. 25 Apr 1952 in Portland County, Oregon), d. 15 Mar 1938 in Portland County.
In 1871, living with his parents. In 1881, a scholar, living with his mother. Arrived at New York on 26 Jun 1890 aboard
the ship Furnessia from Liverpool. Naturalized as a U.S. citizen in 1896. In 1900, a railroad office clerk, living
at 2607 Woolworth Avenue, Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska, with his wife Eloise and her parents. In 1910, an accountant in
a railroad office, living at Piedmont, Alameda County, California, with his wife Eloise and their children Frederick and
Herbert. In 1920, an assistant director for a railroad, living at 60 Watson Avenue, Orange, Essex County, New Jersey, with
his wife Eloise, their son's Fred and Dudley, and Eloise's mother. In 1930, an auditor for a railroad, living at 496 East
20th Street North, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon, with his wife Eloise and their sons Frederick and
Dudley. [ref. 1n,1eg,1eh,3d,3e,11c,13c,13d,13e,13g]
- Frederick Mor[rison?] "Jack" SERCOMBE, b. 29 Aug 1900 in Nebraska, m. 1931 Adrienne HAZARD (b. 20 Apr 1905 at
Coquille, Oregon, d. 15 Aug 1999), d. 20 Feb 1984 in Marion County, Oregon. In 1910, living with his parents. In 1920, a
college student, living with his parents. Graduated Phi Beta Kappa from Dartmouth. In 1930, a lawyer for a railroad,
living with his parents. First secretary of the Oregon State Bar, 1935-1949. In 1953, appointed clerk of the Oregon
Supreme Court (see newspaper announcement). Latterly lived at Salem, Marion County.
See Adrienne's obituary 17 Aug 1999 in the Portland Oregonian
newspaper. [ref. 1ae,1eg,6ac1,6ad,13d,13e,13g]
- Jeffery W. SERCOMBE. In 1999, of West Linn, Oregon. [ref. 6ac1]
- Jennifer S. SERCOMBE, m. GRAY. In 1999, of Columbia, Missouri. [ref. 6ac1]
- Herbert Dudley SERCOMBE, b. 24 Sep 1905 in Alameda County, California, m. 1931 Sue WARREN (b. 1 Nov 1909 at
Spokane, Washington, d. 14 Dec 2007), d. 10 Sep 1984 in Washington County, Oregon, bur. at Sunset Hills Memorial Park, in
Washington County between Beaverton and Portland. In 1910, living with his parents. In 1920, a school student, living
with his parents. In 1930, a clerk for an oil company, living with his parents. In 1974, proprietor of Kris Kringles
diner in Beaverton. Residence in 1984, Beaverton. See Sue's obituary 6 Jan 2008 in the
Oregonian. [ref. 1ae,1eg,1eh,6ac2,6ac4,13d,13e,13g,9i]
- Warren Dudley SERCOMBE, b. 17 Dec 1957 at Portland, d. 21 Feb 2004 at Oak Hills, near Portland, bur. at Sunset Hills
Memorial Park next to his father. Shot dead by police. See news item and obituary 24 Feb 2004 and 3 Mar 2004 in the
Oregonian. See also the webpage of the
Warren Sercombe Foundation. [ref. 6ac3,6ac4,9i]
- Margaret Sophia SERCOMBE, b. ca. Nov 1870 at Taunton, b. reg. Q4 1870 at Taunton R.D., m. reg. Q4 1905 at Bridgwater
R.D., Cecil William HAYES (b. ca. 1875 at Glastonbury, Somerset, b. reg. Q2 1876 at Wells R.D.). In 1871, living with her
parents. In 1881, a scholar, visiting the CLATWORTHY household at Fore Street, North Petherton. In 1891, a draper's
assistant, living in her employer's household at 3 High Street, Warminster, Wiltshire. In 1901, a milliner, living with
her mother; her future husband Cecil was living with her brother Walter. [ref. 1n,3d,3e,3f,3g]
- (probably) Arthur Morrison SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1874 at Taunton R.D., d. reg. Q2 1874 at Taunton R.D. [ref. 1n]
- Walter Morrison SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1876 at Taunton, b. reg. Q3 1876 at Taunton R.D., m. reg. Q3 1907 at Thingoe R.D., Mary Alice ROBINSON (b. ca. 1880 at Wattisfield, Suffolk, d. reg. Q1 1967 at Weymouth R.D.), d. reg. Q2 1947 at Dorchester R.D. In 1881, a scholar, living with his mother. In 1891, an outfitter's apprentice, living with his mother. In 1901, a self-employed cabinet maker, living at 9 South Street, Dorchester, Dorset, with his sister Margaret's future husband Cecil HAYES. Subsequently a partner (with Cecil?) in Sercombe & Hayes, ironmongers, of 48b South Street, Dorchester, which was eventually bought by Goulds of Dorchester. In 1911, a house furnisher (with employees), living at 5 Cedar Park Villas, Dorchester, with his wife Mary (a milliner with employees). [ref. 1n,3e,3f,3g,3h,9i]
- Edwin SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1846 at Wellington, b. reg. Q1 1846 at Wellington R.D., m. reg. Q4 1871 at Redruth R.D., Ellen Rose or Rose Ellen BREEZE (b. ca. 1839 at Norwich, Norfolk, d. reg. Q1 1929 at Yarmouth and Flegg R.D.), d. reg. Q2 1894 at Loddon R.D. In 1851, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1861, a printer, living with his parents. In 1871, a printer compositor, boarding in the SALTER household at West End, Redruth, Cornwall. At his children's baptisms in 1875 or 1876, 1877, and 1879, a compositor, of Yarmouth. In 1881, a printer, living at 49 Lancaster Road, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, with his wife Ellen and their children Emily, Annie, Frederick, Edwin, and Walter. At his son's baptism in Nov 1881, a compositor, of Yarmouth. In 1891, a printer compositor, living at 15 Bruin Road, Gorleston, Suffolk, a part of Great Yarmouth, with his wife Ellen and their children Emily, Annie, Frederick, Edwin, Walter, and Sidney. In 1901, Ellen was living at 15 Alberts Cottages, Gorleston, with her children Emily, Annie, Fred, and Walter. In 1911, she was living with her son Frederick. [ref. 1n,1eu,3b,3c,3d,3e,3f,3g,3h]
- Emily Maud SERCOMBE, b. 17 Sep 1872 at Norwich or Great Yarmouth, b. reg. Q4 1872 at Norwich R.D., chr. 17 Dec 1875 or 1876 at Great Yarmouth, d. reg. Q1 1947 at
Yarmouth R.D. In 1881, a scholar, living with her parents. In 1891, a school teacher, living with her parents. In 1901, a
school teacher, living with her mother. In 1911, an elementary school teacher, employed by the town council, living with
her brother Frederick. [ref. 1n,1eu,3e,3f,3g,3h]
- Annie Breeze SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1873 at Great Yarmouth, b. reg. Q4 1873 at Yarmouth R.D., m. reg. Q4 1910 at Yarmouth
R.D., Arthur P. BREEZE (how related?). In 1881, a scholar, living with her parents. In 1891, a shop assistant, living with
her parents. In 1901, living with her mother. [ref. 1n,3e,3f,3g]
- Ernest F.S. BREEZE, b. reg. Q4 1913 at Tendring R.D. [ref. 1n]
- Frederick William "Fred" SERCOMBE, b. 30 Mar 1875 at Great Yarmouth, b. reg. Q2 1875 at Yarmouth R.D., chr. 17 Dec 1875 or 1876 at Great Yarmouth, m. reg. Q2 1920 at
Yarmouth R.D., Elsie KING, d. reg. Q4 1951 at Yarmouth R.D. In 1881, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1891, a railway clerk, living with his parents. In 1901, a railway canvasser, living with his mother. In 1911, a railway canvasser, living at 276 Southtown Road, Great Yarmouth, with his mother and his sister Emily. [ref. 1n,1eu,3e,3f,3g,3h]
- Edwin Hubert or Herbert SERCOMBE, b. 21 Mar 1877 at Great Yarmouth, b. reg. Q2 1877 at Yarmouth R.D., chr. 22 Jun 1877 at Great Yarmouth, m1. reg. Q4 1905 at Norwich
R.D., Ethel Anne HINSBEY (b. ca. 1875 at Norwich, d. reg. Q1 1942 at Norwich R.D.), m2. reg. Q2 1943 at Hartismere R.D., Laura Bertha BALDWIN (b. 5 Jun 1898, d. reg. Jun 1992 at Norwich R.D.), d. reg. Q4 1957 at Norwich R.D. In 1881, living with his parents. In 1891, a news boy, living with his parents. In 1901, a railway clerk, lodging in the JOLIFFE household at 17 Primrose Road, Norwich. In 1911, a ledger clerk in the Norwich City Council's City Accountants Office, living at 16 Trafford Road, Norwich, with his wife Ethel and their son Frederick. [ref. 1n,1eu,3e,3f,3g,3h]
- Frederick Hinsbey SERCOMBE, b. 30 Jul 1909 at Norwich, b. reg. Q3 1909 at Norwich R.D., m. reg. Q4 1934 at Norwich
R.D., Audrey M. SNEATH (m2. reg. Q1 1942 at Acle R.D., John M. TURNER), m2. reg. Q2 1942 at Norwich R.D., Margaret Edith
OLORENSHAW (b. 2 Nov 1901, d. reg. Dec 1997 at Great Yarmouth R.D.), d. reg. Mar 1986 at Great Yarmouth R.D. In 1911,
living with his parents. [ref. 1n,3h]
- Anthony J. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q1 1939 at Lothingland R.D. [ref. 1n]
- Nancy E. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q3 1915 at Norwich R.D., m. reg. Q1 1940 at Norwich R.D., Harold W. HUGGINS. [ref. 1n]
- Walter George SERCOMBE, b. 21 Aug 1878 at Great Yarmouth, b. reg. Q3 1878 at Yarmouth R.D., chr. 19 May 1879 at Great Yarmouth, m. reg. Q2 1906 at Yarmouth R.D., Edith Ada Caroline MORGAN (b. 18 Feb 1883 at Mutford or Gorleston, Suffolk, d. reg. Q1 1973 at Leicestershire Central R.D.), d. reg. Q2 1943 at Leicester R.D. In 1881, living with his parents. In 1891, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1901, a commission agent for baking powder, working on his own account, living with his mother. In 1911, an agent to a baking powder factory, living at 1 Bulmans Nursery, Northgate Street, Great Yarmouth, with his wife Edith and their children Cecil, Muriel, and Walter. [ref. 1n,1eu,3e,3f,3g,3h,9j]
- Cecil Morgan SERCOMBE, b. 2 Jun 1907 at Great Yarmouth, b. reg. Q2 1907 at Yarmouth R.D., m. reg. Q3 1932 at Leicester
R.D., Edna Phyllis PRESTON (b. 3 Jun 1904, d. reg. Dec 1992 at Leicestershire Central R.D.), d. reg. May 1984 at
Leicestershire Central R.D. In 1911, living with his parents. [ref. 1n,3h]
- Jane E. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1935 at Leicester R.D., m. reg. Q3 1956 at Leicester R.D., David E. WOODFORD. [ref. 1n]
- Brian M. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1939 at Leicester R.D., m. reg. Q2 1965 at Leicestershire Central R.D., Diane M.
MONTAUBAN. [ref. 1n]
- Muriel Breeze SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1908 at Great Yarmouth, b. reg. Q4 1908 at Yarmouth R.D., m. reg. Q1 1937 at Leicester
R.D., Gustav W.J. KÜCHLIN. In 1911, living with her parents. [ref. 1n,3h]
- Stefanie J. KÜCHLIN, b. reg. Q3 1938 at Loughborough R.D. [ref. 1n]
- John KUCHLIN, b. reg. Q4 1939 at Loughborough R.D. [ref. 1n]
- Walter Edwin SERCOMBE, b. 14 Apr 1910 at Great Yarmouth, b. reg. Q2 1910 at Yarmouth R.D., m. reg. Q3 1942 at
Leicester R.D., Ada E. INGRAM, d. reg. Q2 1978 at Leicestershire Central R.D. In 1911, living with his parents.
Ancestor of researcher Richard Sercombe. [ref. 1n,3h]
- Lynda J. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1943 at Leicester R.D., m. reg. Q2 1965 at Leicester R.D., Maurice E.
TURNER. [ref. 1n]
- Stephen P. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q1 1945 at Leicester R.D. A fellow of the Australian Institute of Quantity Surveyors,
Australian Capital Territory Chapter. [ref. 1n,22a]
- Andrew M. SERCOMBE (twin with Nicholas), b. reg. Q1 1950 at Leicester R.D., m. reg. Q2 1972 at Leicester R.D., Linda
J. ALLEN. [ref. 1n]
- Laura Jane SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q3 1975 at Leicestershire Central R.D. [ref. 1n]
- Andrew James SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q1 1978 at Leicestershire Central R.D. [ref. 1n]
- Nicholas L. SERCOMBE (twin with Andrew), b. reg. Q1 1950 at Leicester R.D., m. reg. Q3 1971 at Leicester R.D., Carolyn
L. COX. [ref. 1n]
- Paul Nicholas SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q4 1973 at Leicester R.D. [ref. 1n]
- Rachel Ann SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q3 1976 at Leicestershire Central R.D., m. reg. May 2003 at Leicester R.D., Stephen M.
GLOVER. [ref. 1n]
- Elizabeth Jane SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q3 1983 at Leicestershire Central R.D. [ref. 1n]
- Arthur Ernest SERCOMBE, b. 27 Oct 1912, b. reg. Q4 1912 at Yarmouth R.D., m. reg. Q3 1939 at Leicester R.D., Mona Mary
LARKMAN (b. 21 Jan 1916, d. reg. Q2 1982 at Leicestershire Central R.D.), d. reg. Feb 1999 at Leicester R.D. Ancestor of researchers Ann Cave and Mike Sercombe. [ref. 1n]
- Helen A. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1941 at Leicester R.D., m. reg. Q3 1961 at Leicestershire Central R.D., John D.
HOWARD. [ref. 1n]
- Margaret M. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1943 at Leicester R.D., m. reg. Q3 1964 at Leicestershire Central R.D., Brian R.
PHIPPS. [ref. 1n]
- Michael A. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q1 1945 at Blaby R.D., m1. reg. Q4 1966 at Leicestershire Central R.D., Agnes J. WALE
(m2. reg. Q4 1980 at Leicestershire Central R.D., Desmond MARTIN), m2. reg. Q2 1980 at Leicestershire Central R.D., Susan
P. CONNALLY. [ref. 1n]
- Aimee SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1969 at Leicester R.D., m. reg. Aug 1997 at Market Harborough R.D., Anthony W.
PEARSON. [ref. 1n]
- Alan D. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q1 1952 at Leicester R.D., m. reg. Q3 1973 at Leicestershire Central R.D., Norma A.
DYER. [ref. 1n]
- Jennifer Anne SERCOMBE, b. reg. Jan 1986 at Leicestershire Central R.D. [ref. 1n]
- Jennifer A. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q3 1953 at Leicester R.D., m. reg. Q1 1974 at Leicestershire Central R.D., Neville W.
CAVE. [ref. 1n]
- Eric Morgan SERCOMBE, b. 14 Feb 1916, b. reg. Q1 1916 at Yarmouth R.D., m1. reg. Q2 1943 at Leicester R.D., Elizabeth
YOUNG (m1. COURTMAN, m3. reg. Q1 1949 at Leicester R.D., Sydney G. STROUD), m2. reg. Q3 1949 at Leicester R.D., Hilda H.
JOLLANDS (b. 25 Sep 1913, d. reg. Apr 1996 at Leicester R.D.), d. reg. Oct 1999 at Market Harborough R.D. [ref. 1n]
- Brenda S. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q3 1942 at Leicester R.D., b. rereg. Q2 1943 at Leicester R.D., m. reg. Q3 1963 at
Leicester R.D., David B. KENYON. [ref. 1n]
- Peter E. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q3 1946 at Leicester R.D., m. reg. Q2 1974 at Barnstaple R.D., Pauline A.
JOSLIN. [ref. 1n]
- Sidney Ernest SERCOMBE, b. 4 Aug 1881 at Great Yarmouth, b. reg. Q3 1881 at Yarmouth R.D., chr. 25 Nov 1881 at Great Yarmouth, d. reg. Q2 1906 at Yarmouth R.D. In 1891, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1901, a railway engine cleaner, visiting the SUMMERFIELD family at Briston Road (north side), Melton Constable with Burgh Parva, Norfolk. [ref. 1n,1eu,3f,3g]
- Emily Morrison SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1847 at Wellington, b. reg. Q4 1847 at Wellington Somerset R.D., m. 6 Jun 1870 at St.
Mary Redcliffe, Bristol, m. reg. Q2 1870 at Bristol R.D., George MATTHEWS (b. ca. 1842 at Bristol St. Philip, son of James
MATTHEWS, a saddler). In 1851, living with her parents. In 1861, a scholar, living with her parents. At her marriage in
1870, of of 9 Cathay; George was a saddler, of 60 West Street; the witnesses were William HUNT (probably her sister Mary
Hannah's husband) and Sarah Ann MATTHEWS. In 1881, living at 59-60 West Street, Bristol St. Philip and Jacob Out,
Gloucestershire, with her father, husband George (a harness maker), a daughter, and George's mother. Relative of researcher Judy Booth. [ref. 1n,1bk,3b,3c,3e]
- Hubert Henry SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1849 at Wellington, b. reg. Q3 1849 at Wellington R.D., d. reg. Q3 1875 at Bristol R.D.
In 1851, living with his parents. In 1861, a scholar, living with his parents. (Where in 1871?) [ref. 1n,3b,3c]
- Elizabeth Benison SERCOMBE, b. 20 Jan 1815, chr. 10 Feb 1815 at St. John, Wellington, bur. 30 Aug 1819 at St. John,
Wellington. [ref. 1ec]
- Jane Baker SERCOMBE, b. 2 Mar 1817 at Wellington, chr. 21 Mar 1817 at St. John, Wellington, m. 16 Jan 1844 at St.
John, Wellington, John HAMMET (b. ca. 1819 at Taunton, son of Benjamin HAMMET, a builder and coal merchant). At her
marriage in 1844, John was a chemist, of Taunton St. James; the witnesses were Benjamin HAMMET (perhaps John's father),
Mary Anne SERCOMBE (Jane's sister), John MOEDLE(?), and Benjamin FRANS(?). In 1851, living at St. James Street, Taunton,
with her husband John (a coal, salt, and general merchant) and a general servant. In 1861, living at 23 North Street,
Taunton, with her husband John (a coal and general merchant) and a house servant. [ref. 1ec,3b,3c]
- Benjamin Sercombe HAMMET, b. reg. Q3 1846 at Taunton R.D., d. reg. Q1 1848 at Taunton R.D. [ref. 1n]
- Samuel Ball SERCOMBE, b. 3 Aug 1819, chr. 12 Aug 1825 at St. John, Wellington, bur. 8 Oct 1830 at St. John,
Wellington. [ref. 1ec]
- Mary Anna or Anne or Hannah SERCOMBE, b. 28 May 1821 at Wellington, chr. 12 Aug 1825 at St. John, Wellington, d. reg.
Q3 1860 at Wellington R.D. In 1841, living with her mother. In 1851, a milliner, living with her mother. [ref. 1n,1ec,3a,3b]
- Elizabeth Benison SERCOMBE, b. 10 Mar 1824 at Wellington, chr. 12 Aug 1825 at St. John, Wellington, d. reg. Q1 1860 at
Wellington R.D. In 1841, living with her brother George. In 1851, an assistant in her brother George's shop. [ref. 1n,1ec,3a,3b]
- James SERCOMBE, b. 17 Nov 1826, chr. 15 Dec 1826 at St. John, Wellington, bur. 18 Dec 1827 at St. John,
Wellington. [ref. 1ec]
- James SERCOMBE, b. 9 Feb 1829, chr. 6 Mar 1829 at St. John, Wellington, d. reg. Q2 1856 at Wellington R.D. In 1841,
living with his mother. (Where in 1851?) When he made his will in 1853, a bookseller's assistant, working at 4 Stationers
Hall Court, London, and living at 166 Great Dover Street, Southwark; of Wellington when the will was proved, 13 Sep
1856. [ref. 1n,1ec,2p,3a]
- William SERCOMBE, chr. 30 Jan 1788 at St. John, Wellington, m. 16 Jul 1816 at St. George Hanover Square, Middlesex, Mary BEAVER (b. ca. 1790 outside Gloucestershire, d. reg. Q2 1841 at Bristol R.D.), d. reg. Q1 1845 at Bristol R.D. At their marriage in 1816, William and Mary were both of St. George Hanover Square; the witnesses were J. HUNT and R. SCUMBLER(?). At his son William's baptism in 1817, a servant, of Marylebone, Middlesex. At his son John's baptism in 1819, a publican, of Wellington. At his daughter Mary Ann's baptism in 1828, a haulier, of Bedminster. At his son William's first marriage in 1839, a haulier (with name mistakenly given as John). In 1841, a laborer, living at David Street, Bristol, Gloucestershire, with his wife Mary and their children William, John, and Mary. At his daughter Mary Ann's marriage in 1843, a laborer. At his son William's second marriage in 1852 (posth.), a laborer. At his son John's marriage in 1862 (posth.), a carman. [ref. 1n,1bc,1bf,1bh,1da,1ec,1ei,1ej,3a]
- William SERCOMBE, b. 19 Apr 1817 at Marylebone, Middlesex, chr. 11 May 1817 at St. Marylebone, Marylebone, m1. 18 Mar
1839 at St. Mary le Port, Bristol, m1. reg. Q1 1839 at Bristol R.D., Harriet or Sophia TURLE (b. ca. 1810 at Axbridge,
Somerset, d. reg. Q3 1851 at Bristol R.D.; Harriet at her marriage in 1839 and in the 1851 census, Sophia at her
daughter's baptism in 1841 and at her death in 1851), m2. 14 Jul 1852 at St. Mary le Port, Bristol, m2. reg. Q3 1852 at
Bristol R.D., Ann Louisa "Annie" MILSOM (b. ca. 1824 at Bristol, daughter of Daniel MILSOM, a clock maker, d. reg. Q2 1898
at Poplar R.D.), d. reg. Q4 1875 at Poplar R.D. At his marriage in 1839, a blacksmith, of Davey Street, Bristol. In 1841,
a smith, living with his parents (where was his wife Harriet/Sophia?). In 1851, a smith's
labourer, living at 68 Temple Street, Bristol, with his wife Harriet and their daughters Rosina, Matilda, Ellen, and Mary.
At his second marriage in 1852, a porter, of "The Crown", St. Mary le Port Street; Ann was also of "The Crown"; the
witnesses were Sarah BOWDEN and Samuel STRANGE. In 1861, a porter, living at 23 Great Avon Street, Bristol, with his wife
Ann, his daughters Rosina and Ellen, and niece Elizabeth LOW (a scholar, b. ca. 1856 at Dundee, Scotland). In 1871, a
laborer, living at 52 Upper Park Street, North Side, Bromley St. Leonard, London, with his wife Ann, their daughter Alice,
niece Elizabeth LOW, and a lodger. In 1881, Ann was an India rubber worker, living at 82 Devas Street, Bromley, with her
daughter Alice, niece Elizabeth LOW, and a lodger. At his daughter's marriage in 1882 (posth.), a laborer. In 1891, Annie
was a laundress, living at 32 Wyke Road, St. Mary Stratford Bow, London, with her niece Elizabeth M. LOW (a stay
fanner). [ref. 1n,1bc,1bf,1ej,3a,3b,3c,3d,3e,3f]
- Rosina SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1841 at Bristol, chr. 28 Nov 1841 at St. Philip and St. Jacob, Bristol, m. reg. Q4 1865 at Clifton R.D., Arthur WILLIAMS (b. ca. 1844 at St. Georges, Gloucestershire). In 1851, living with her parents. In 1861, a cotton spinner, living with her father and stepmother. In 1871, living at 8 Clarence Street, Bristol, with her husband Arthur (a brass finisher and gas fitter), their daughter Lilly, and Arthur's father Arthur WILLIAMS (a cork cutter,b. ca. 1811 at Bristol), and . [ref. 1n,1bc,3b,3c,3d]
- Lilly WILLIAMS, b. ca. 1866 at Bristol. In 1871, a scholar, living with her parents. [ref. 3d]
- Matilda Mary Anne SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1845 at Bristol, b. reg. Q3 1845 at Bristol R.D., d. reg. Q2 1879 at Bristol R.D.
In 1851, living with her parents. In 1861, a servant in the LEAPMAN household at 34 High Street, Bristol. In 1871, a
seamstress, lodging at 5 Narrow Lewin's Mead, Bristol. [ref. 1n,3b,3c,3d]
- Ellen SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1847 at Bristol, b. reg. Q2 1847 at Bristol R.D. In 1851, living with her parents. In 1861, a
cocoa maker, living with her father and stepmother. [ref. 1n,3b,3c]
- Mary SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1848 at Bristol. In 1851, living with her parents. [ref. 3b]
- Alice Mary Ann SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1861 at Bristol, b. reg. Q3 1861 at Bristol R.D., chr. 15 Sep 1861 at Temple, Bristol,
m. 27 Dec 1882 at Christ Church, Southwark, m. reg. Q4 1882 at St. Saviour Southwark R.D., William GIFFORD (b. ca. 1850,
son of William GIFFORD, a coachman, m1. and wid. by 1882). In 1871, living with her parents. In 1881, living with her
mother. At her marriage in 1882, of 86 Gravel Lane, Southwark; William was a coachman, also of 86 Gravel Lane; the
witnesses were Philip PAULL and Harriott COOK. [ref. 1n,1bi,1ek,3d,3e]
- John SERCOMBE, b. 16 Jun 1819 at Wellington, chr. 23 Jul 1819 at St. John, Wellington, m1. Elizabeth JANES (d. by 1861), m2. 25 May 1862 at St. Mary, Lambeth, London, m2. reg. Q2 1862 at Lambeth R.D., Mary Ann MORLING (b. ca. 1819 at Whitechapel, London, d. reg. Q3 1911 at Portsmouth R.D.; daughter of James MORLING, a carpenter), d. reg. Q1 1912 at Portsmouth R.D. In 1841, a coach smith's apprentice, living with his parents. At his son's birth in 1843, a blacksmith, of Leadhouse Lane, Bristol. (Where in 1851?) In 1861, a smith viceman, lodging in the RONALD household at 8 Hall Place, Lower Kennington Lane, Lambeth, London. At his second marriage in 1862, a smith, of Kennington Lane; the witnesses were Wilkins NORTH and Elizabeth MORLING. In 1871, a viceman to a wheelwright smith, living at 62 Lower Kennington Lane, Lambeth, with his wife Mary. In 1881, a viceman to a wheelwright, living at 62 Lower Kennington Lane with his wife Mary. (Where in 1891?) In 1901, living on his own means at 47 Moorland Road, Portsmouth, Hampshire, with his wife Mary. In 1911, a wheelwright for a private firm, living at 47 Moorland Road, Kingston, Portsmouth, with his wife Mary. [ref. 1n,1da,1ec,1el,3a,3c,3d,3e,3g,3h]
- John SIRCOM, b. 28 Nov 1843 at Leadhouse Lane, Bristol, b. reg. Q4 1843 at Bristol R.D. [ref. 1n,1el]
- Mary Ann SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1821 outside Gloucestershire, chr. 6 Jul 1828 at St. Philip and St. Jacob, Bristol, m. 25
Dec 1843 at St. Augustine the Less, Bristol, m. reg. Q4 1843 at Bristol R.D., Clement PARKER (son of Isaac PARKER,
laborer). In 1841, living with her parents. At her marriage in 1843, of Stony Hill; Clement was a coach painter, of St.
Augustines Place. [ref. 1n,1bc,1bh,3a]
- Elizabeth SERCOMBE, chr. 4 Jun 1790 at St. John, Wellington, m. 7 May 1812 at Hennock, after banns, William BALL. At their marriage in 1812, Elizabeth and William were both of Hennock; the witnesses were Ann SERCOMBE and Mary SERCOMBE (probably Elizabeth's first cousins, daughters of her father's brother Samuel). [ref. 1q,1ec]
- John SERCOMBE, b. 15 Mar 1797 in Somerset, chr. 12 May 1797 at St. John, Wellington, m. 12 Jun 1825 at St. Anne Soho, Westminster, Middlesex, Jane EMPSON (b. ca. 1800 at Marylebone, Middlesex), d. 14 Feb 1854 at 34 Molyneux Street, Marylebone, of emphysema, d. reg. Q1 1854 at Marylebone R.D., bur. 22 Feb 1854 at St. Marylebone, Marylebone. At their marriage in 1825, John and Jane were both of St. Anne Soho; the witnesses were Charlotte Constance YARNOLD and Joseph DAVIES.(Where in 1841?) In 1851, a milkman, living in the WALKER household (perhaps as a lodger) at 34 Molyneux Street, Marylebone. (Where was his wife Jane in 1851?) At his death in 1854, a tea grocer, of Molyneux Street, Marylebone. His wife Jane, of 3 Homer Place, Marylebone, registered his death. In 1861, Jane was a lodging house keeper, living at 23 North Row, St. George Hanover Square, Middlesex. [ref. 1n,1bf,1ec,1em,1en,3b,3c]
- Samuel SIRCOMBE, chr. 26 Apr 1759 at Hennock, bur. 24 Jun 1759 at Hennock. [ref. 1q]
- Elizabeth SIRCOMBE, chr. 26 Jun 1760 at Hennock, m. 4 Aug 1791 at Hennock, after banns, James SOPER, bur. Jul 1806 at
Hennock. Elizabeth's father Samuel SERCOMBE and younger sister Mary SERCOMBE witnessed the marriage in 1791. At his son's
marriage in 1819, James was a farmer, of Outter Warmhill, Hennock. [ref. 1q]
- William SOPER, chr. 17 Jul 1792 at Hennock. [ref. 1q]
- James SOPER, b. ca. 1794 at Hennock, chr. 25 Mar 1794 at Hennock, m. 9 Oct 1819 at Hennock, Sarah SOPER (b. ca. 1793 at Hennock, chr. 26 Dec 1793 at Hennock, daughter of John SOPER and Mary). At his son's baptism in 1820, a farmer, of Wharmhill, Hennock. At his son's baptism in 1828, a farmer, of Hennock. At his sons' baptisms in 1830 and 1833, a farmer, of Outer Warmhill, Hennock. In 1841, a farmer, living at Warmhill, Hennock, with his wife Sarah, their children William, Elizabeth, James, John, Samuel, and Edward, two farm laborers, and two female servants. In 1851, a farmer of 126 acres employing four laborers, living at Little Warmhill Farm, Hennock, with his wife Sarah, their sons James, Samuel, and Edward, two house servants, and two agricultural laborers. In 1861, a farmer of 218 acres employing six men and three boys, living at Riley Farm, Hennock, with his wife Sarah, their sons James and Samuel, a visiting Wesleyan minister, two female servants, two carters, and a cow boy. At his son's marriage in 1866, a farmer. [ref. 1a,1q,3a,3b,3c]
- William SOPER, chr. 3 Nov 1820 at Hennock. In 1841, living with his parents. [ref. 1q,3a]
- Elizabeth Hawke SOPER, b. 14 Oct 1825 in Devon, chr. 22 Oct 1825 at the Wesleyan chapel, Ashburton, Devon. In 1841, living with her parents. [ref. 1dz,3a]
- James SOPER, b. ca. 1826 at Hennock. In 1841, 1851, and 1861, living with his parents. [ref. 3a,3b,3c]
- John SOPER, chr. 17 Oct 1828 at Hennock. In 1841, living with his parents. [ref. 1q,3a]
- Samuel Sercombe SOPER, b. ca. 1830 at Hennock, chr. 30 Dec 1830 at Hennock, m. 25 Oct 1866 at Bovey Tracey, by licence, m. reg. Q4 1866 at Newton Abbot R.D., Lucy LANGMEAD (b. ca. 1837 at Bovey Tracey, daughter of John LANGMEAD, a farmer), d. reg. Q2 1875 at Newton Abbot R.D. In 1841, 1851, and 1861, living with his parents. At his marriage in 1866, a farmer, of Hennock; Lucy was of Bovey Tracey; the witnesses were H.E. HOLE, M.S. SOPER, J. LANGMEAD, and M. LANGMEAD. In 1871, a farmer of 220 acres employing four men and two boys, living at Riley Farm, Hennock, with his wife Lucy, their children Lewis, Edward, and Ellen, nursemaid Miriam SERCOMBE, a general servant, and two indoor farm servants. In 1881, Lucy was a farmer, living at Riley, Hennock, with children Lewis, Edward, Ellen, Frederick, William, and Edith, a domestic servant, and four indoor farm servants. [ref. 1a,1n,1q,3a,3b,3c,3d,3e]
- Lewis Samuel SOPER, b. ca. 1868 at Hennock, b. reg. Q4 1868 at Newton Abbot R.D. In 1871, living with his parents. In 1881, living with his mother. [ref. 1n,3d,3e]
- Edward James SOPER, b. ca. 1869 at Hennock, b. reg. Q4 1869 at Newton Abbot R.D. In 1871, living with his parents. In 1881, living with his mother. [ref. 1n,3d,3e]
- Ellen Maria SOPER, b. ca. Dec 1870 at Hennock, b. reg. Q1 1871 at Newton Abbot R.D. In 1871, living with her parents. In 1881, living with her mother. [ref. 1n,3d,3e]
- Frederick John SOPER, b. ca. 1872 at Hennock, b. reg. Q2 1872 at Newton Abbot R.D. In 1881, living with his mother. [ref. 1n,3e]
- William Henry SOPER, b. ca. 1873 at Hennock, b. reg. Q2 1873 at Newton Abbot R.D., m. 21 Dec 1907 at St. Stephen, Ealing, Middlesex, m. reg. Q4 1907 at Brentford R.D., Maude Ellen HARRIES (b. ca. 1884, daughter of Thomas HARRIES, a draper). In 1881, living with his mother. At his marriage in 1907, a draper, of Hillside, Longley Road, Harrow; Maude was of 68 Kingsley Avenue, Ealing; the witnesses were Thomas HARRIES and Albert W. LUCKEN. [ref. 1n,1cw,3e]
- Edith Lucy SOPER, b. ca. 1874 at Hennock, b. reg. Q3 1874 at Newton Abbot R.D. In 1881, living with her mother. [ref. 1n,3e]
- Edward SOPER, b. ca. 1833 at Hennock, chr. 11 Oct 1833 at Hennock, m. reg. Q4 1859 at Newton Abbot R.D., Wilmot Anne NORTHCOTT (b. ca. 1834 at Manaton, Devon, d. reg. Q2 1877 at St. Thomas R.D.). In 1841, and 1851, living with his parents. In 1861, a farmer of 207 acres employing two men and two boys, living at Great Leigh, Doddiscombsleigh, Devon, with his wife Wilmot, their son Mark, a housemaid, another house servant, and a ploughman. In 1871, a farmer of 200 acres employing three laborers and two boys, living at Great Leigh Farm, Doddiscombsleigh, with his wife Wilmot, their children Ernest, Margaret, and William, and four servants. In 1881, a farmer, living at Great Leigh Farm, Doddiscombsleigh, with his children Walter, Margaret, Evan, Winifred, and Samuel, a housekeeper, three other servants, and a visitor (probably visiting the housekeeper). [ref. 1q,3a,3b,3c,3d,3e]
- Mark Edward Nor[thcott?] SOPER, b. ca. Jun 1860 at Doddiscombsleigh. In 1861, living with his parents. [ref. 3c]
- Walter James SOPER, b. ca. 1862 at Doddiscombsleigh, b. reg. Q1 1862 at St. Thomas R.D. In 1881, a farmer, living with his father. [ref. 1n,3e]
- Ernest Northcott SOPER, b. ca. 1865 at Doddiscombsleigh, b. reg. Q3 1865 at St. Thomas R.D. In 1871, living with his parents. [ref. 1n,3d]
- Margaret White SOPER, b. ca. 1867 at Doddiscombsleigh, b. reg. Q4 1867 at St. Thomas R.D. In 1871, living with her parents. In 1881, living with her father. [ref. 1n,3d]
- William White SOPER, b. ca. 1869 at Doddiscombsleigh, b. reg. Q1 1869 at St. Thomas R.D. In 1871, living with his parents. [ref. 1n,3d]
- Evan Paul SOPER, b. ca. 1871 at Doddiscombsleigh, b. reg. Q2 1871 at St. Thomas R.D. In 1881, a scholar, living with his father. [ref. 1n,3e]
- Winifred Alice SOPER, b. ca. 1874 at Doddiscombsleigh, b. reg. Q1 1874 at St. Thomas R.D. In 1881, a scholar, living with her father. [ref. 1n,3e]
- Samuel Sercombe SOPER, b. ca. 1875 at Doddiscombsleigh, b. reg. Q2 1875 at St. Thomas R.D., m. reg. Q4 1899 at St. George Hanover Square R.D., Bessie Louisa DAVEY (b. ca. 1874 at Exeter), d. reg. Q1 1902 at Lambeth R.D. In 1881, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1891, living at Leigh Farm, Hennock, in the household of his cousins James BAWDON (a farmer, b. ca. 1854 at Hennock) and wife Emily EDWARDS (b. ca. 1865 at Bovey Tracey, m. reg. Q3 1890 at Newton Abbot R.D.). In 1901, a police constable, living at 110 Sandringham Buildings, Westminster, London, with his wife Bessie and their daughter Winnifred. [ref. 1n,3e,3f,3g]
- Winnifred Ada SOPER, b. ca. Dec 1900. In 1901, living with her parents. [ref. 3g]
- Elizabeth SOPER, chr. 1 Feb 1798 at Hennock. [ref. 1q]
- John SOPER, chr. 17 Sep 1801 at Hennock. [ref. 1q]
- Samuel SERCOMBE, chr. 21 Oct 1762 at Hennock, m. 30 May 1793 at Hennock, after banns, Deborah EDWARDS (chr.
13 Jul 1756 at Hennock, daughter of James EDWARDS and Deborah, bur. 5 Jul 1830 at Bovey Tracey), d. 27 Aug 1835 (1834?),
bur. 1 Sep 1834 (1835?) at Bovey Tracey. James EDWARDS (probably Deborah's father) witnessed the marriage in 1793. At
Deborah's burial in 1830, she was of Bradley. Some time before 1832, Samuel purchased from Richard GROSE the freehold
estate and great tithes of Mr. HAMMICK's estate in Little Bovey. He made his will 10 Oct 1832, describing himself as a
yeoman, of Bovey Tracey. At his burial in 1834, of Bradley. [ref. 1a,1q,2c]
- Ann SERCOMBE, chr. 31 Jul 1794 at Hennock, m. 19 Jan 1819 at Bovey Tracey, William JEWEL (d. by 1851). In 1819, Ann's
marriage was witnessed by Mary SERCOMBE (probably her sister) and Samuel SERCOMBE (probably her father, perhaps her
brother). In 1832, William was a yeoman of Bovey Tracey. In 1851, Ann was a farmer of 100 acres, employing two laborers,
living at Middle Combe, Newton Abbot, with a daughter. [ref. 1a,2c,3b]
- Joseph SIRCOMBE, chr. 2 Jun 1796 at Bovey Tracey, bur. there 1 May 1797. [ref. 1a]
- Mary SIRCOMBE, chr. 2 Jun 1796 at Bovey Tracey, m. 31 May 1821 at
St. David, Exeter, Richard SAVERY. In 1832,
Richard was a gentleman of Bovey Tracey. [ref. 1a,1s,2c]
- James SIRCOMBE, chr. 9 Nov 1797 at Bovey Tracey, bur. there 16 Dec 1797. [ref. 1a]
- Samuel SERCOMBE, chr. 9 Nov 1797 at Bovey Tracey, m. 20 Mar 1827 (by license) at Bovey Tracey, Mary Ann JEWELL (b. ca. 1794 at Bovey Tracey, d. reg. Q4 1853 at Newton Abbot R.D.), d. 17 Nov 1844, d. reg. Q4 1844 at Newton Abbot R.D., bur. 23 Nov 1844 at Bovey Tracey. Samuel's marriage in Mar 1827 was witnessed by John JEWELL and Elizabeth HELLIER. At his daughter's baptism in Sep 1827, he was a yeoman, of Cumbe. At his children's baptisms in 1832 and 1836, a yeoman, of Bradley. In 1841, a farmer, living at Five Weeches(?) Farm, Bovey Tracey, with his wife Mary, their children Sarah, Mary, and Samuel, Sarah HELLIER (b. ca. 1827 outside Devon, relationship not stated), four apprentices, and a servant. Made his will on 13 Nov 1844, describing himself as a yeoman, of Bovey Tracey; the will named William JEWELL of Bovey Tracey, yeoman, and Josiah HELLIER of Bovey Tracey, yeoman, as his executors and trustees and if necessary guardians of his children. In White's directory for 1850, Mary Ann was listed as a farmer at Bradley, Bovey Tracey. In 1851, she was a farmer of 100 acres employing three laborers, living at Bradley with her children Sarah, Mary Ann, and Samuel, two house servants, and two farm servants. Posthumously at his daughter's marriage in 1858, Samuel was a farmer. Pothumously at his son's marriage in 1862, he was a yeoman. [ref. 1a,1n,1y,1ew,2c,2d,3a,3b,8d]
- Sarah Jewell SERCOMBE, chr. 28 Sep 1827 at Bovey Tracey, m. 11 Feb 1854 at St. Thomas, m. reg. Q1 1854 at St. Thomas
R.D., Robert LUTLEY (b. ca. 1824, son of William LUTLEY), d. reg. Q2 1890 at Crediton R.D. In 1841, living with her
parents. In 1851, living with her mother. At her marriage in 1854, of Cowick Street, St. Thomas; Robert was a yeoman, of
Bovey Tracey; witnesses at the marriage were Josiah HELLIER (presumably Sarah's former guardian) and Mary Ann SERCOMBE
(her sister). [ref. 1a,1n,1as,3a,3b]
- Mary Ann SERCOMBE, chr. 21 Jun 1832 at Bovey Tracey, m. 1 May 1858 at Newton St. Cyres, Devon, m. reg. Q2 1858 at Crediton R.D., John TAPPER (b. ca. 1827 at Bovey Tracey, son of John TAPPER, a farmer). In 1841, living with her parents. In 1851, living with her mother. At her marriage in 1858, of Newton St. Cyres; John was a farmer, of Withycombe Raleigh, Devon; with witnesses were Robert LUTLEY and Susan MILWARD. In 1861, living at Hulham Farm, Withycombe Raleigh, with her husband John (a farmer of 150 acres employing four men and a boy), their son George, her brother Samuel, two house servants, and a farm boy. In 1881, living at St. Johns Cottage, Withycombe Raleigh, with her husband John (a farmer of 300 acres employing seven men and two boys), three children, niece Mary Ann SERCOMBE, a visitor, and four servants. [ref. 1a,1n,1ew,3a,3b,3c,3e]
- George Stooke TAPPER, b. ca. Oct 1860 at Withycombe Raleigh, b. reg. Q4 1860 at St. Thomas R.D. In 1861, living with
his parents. [ref. 1n,3c]
- Samuel SERCOMBE, chr. 30 Jun 1836 at Bovey Tracey, m1. 24 Apr 1862 at Ide, Devon, by license, m1. reg. Q 1862 at St. Thomas R.D., Christiana COPLESTONE (b. ca. 1842 at Ide, dau. of James COPLESTONE, a yeoman, d. 11 Nov 1879 at Toronto General Hospital, Toronto, Ontario), m2. 1 Jan 1883 at Toronto, by license, Mary GEORGE (b. ca. 1846 in Wales, d/o Charles GEORGE and Ann). In 1841, living with his parents. In 1851, living with his mother. In 1861, a proprietor of houses, living with his sister Mary Ann. At his marriage in 1862, a yeoman, of Shobrooke, Devon; the witnesses were his sister Mary Ann, her husband John, James COPLESTONE (probably Christiana's father or brother), and Mary Elizabeth BONTLEY. At his daughter's baptism in 1863, a yeoman, of Shobrooke. At his daughter's baptism in 1864, a yeoman, of Shute Farm, Shobrooke. At his daughters' baptisms in 1867, a yeoman, of Dunchideock, Devon. In Apr 1871, a farmer of 180 acres employing four men and a boy, living at Idestone Farm, Dunchideock, with his wife Christiana, their children Mary, Emily, Rebecca, Kate, and Samuel, Christiana's father, and three farm servants. At his daughter's baptism in Dec 1871, a farmer, of Dunchideock. At his daughter's baptism in 1873, a farmer, of Iddestone, Dunchideock. At his daughter's baptism in 1878, a tenant farmer, of Idestone, Dunchideock. On or about 16 Oct 1879, a laborer, sailed from Liverpool on the Moravian with his wife Christiana and their children Emily, Ann, Kate, James, Cathie, and Florence; arrived at Quebec on 28 Oct 1879. At his second marriage in 1883, a farmer, of Toronto. In 1891, an unemployed gardener, living in St. Matthew's Ward, York, Ontario, with his wife Mary. Relative of researcher Marlene Knaap. [ref. 1a,1n,1y,1af,1fo,1fp,3a,3b,3c,3d,11d,13h]
- Mary Ann SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1862 at Shobrooke or Newton St. Cyres, Devon, b. reg. Q3 1862 at Crediton R.D., chr. 21 Jan 1863 at Ide. In 1871, a scholar, living with her parents. In 1881, living with her father's sister Mary Ann. [ref. 1y,3d,3e]
- Emily SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1864 at Shobrooke, b. reg. Q2 1864 at Crediton R.D., chr. 24 Apr 1864 at Shobrooke, m. George IDDINGS (a doctor, d. by 1942), d. 28 Nov 1942 at Mentor, Lake County, Ohio, bur. 30 Nov 1942 in Lake View Cemetery. In 1871, a scholar, living with her parents. In 1879, emigrated to Canada with her parents. Immigrated to the United States ca. 1882. A resident of Mentor from ca. 1892. [ref. 1av,1fo,3d,11d]
- Rebecca Ann SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1865 at Exmouth, Devon, b. reg. Q4 1865 at St. Thomas R.D., chr. 12 May 1867 at Dunchideock, m. Jun 1913 at Newberry Methodist Episcopal church, Williamsport, Pennsylvania, J. Austin HALLOWELL. In 1871, a scholar, living with her parents. In 1879, emigrated to Canada with her parents. Immigrated to the United States in 1892. In 1900, a nurse, rooming at 102 Spring Street, Rochester, New York. In 1910, a maid in the CLARK household at 28 Prince Street, Rochester. At her marriage in 1913, of Rochester; Austin was a manager at Elmira, New York, for Russell & Dexter, of Penn Yan, New York. [ref. 1n,1fp,3d,6i,11d,13c,13g]
- Kate or Katherine M. SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1867 at Dunchideock, b. reg. Q2 1867 at St. Thomas R.D., chr. 12 May 1867 at Dunchideock, d. 1893, bur. in Mt. Hope Cemetery, Rochester, New York. In 1871, a scholar, living with her parents. In 1879, emigrated to Canada with her parents. [ref. 1n,1fp,3d,4e,11d]
- Samuel James SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1869 at Dunchideock, b. reg. Q4 1869 at St. Thomas R.D., m. 20 May 1896 at Toronto, Florence Maude MATTHEWS (b. Nov 1872 in England, immigrated to Canada 1884). In 1871, a scholar, living with his parents. Emigrated to Canada in 1879 with his parents. In 1891, a driver of horses, lodging in a lodging house in St. John's Ward, Toronto. At the births of his sons in 1896 and 1898, a teamster; Sarah MATTHEWS of rear 99 Maitland Street, Toronto (probably a relative of Florence) registered the births. In 1911, a Presbyterian house-building contractor, living at 30 Gibson Avenue, Toronto, with his wife Florence and their children Sidney, Gordon, and Laura. In 1918, Florence's address was 109 Lawton Boulevard, Toronto. [ref. 1n,1af,3d,11d,13f,13h,14a]
- Sidney James SERCOMBE, b. 27 Aug 1896 at Toronto. In 1911, living with his parents. In 1918, at his attestation for service as a private in the Canadian Expeditionary Force in World War I, an unmarried chauffeur and mechanic; listed his mother as his next of kin. [ref. 1af,13f,14a]
- Warren Francis SERCOMBE, b. 27 Feb 1898 at Toronto, d. 29 May 1905 at Toronto of tubercular peritonitis. In 1905, Baptist, of 28 Gibson Avenue, Toronto. [ref. 1af]
- Gordon Edgar SERCOMBE, b. 18 Nov 1899 in York County (which includes Toronto). In 1911, living with his parents. [ref. 1af,13f]
- Florence Christina (or Laura) SERCOMBE, b. 14 Jul 1906 in York County. In 1911, living with her parents. [ref. 1af,13f]
- Agnes Scott SERCOMBE, b. ca. Jul 1871, b. reg. Q3 1871 at St. Thomas R.D., chr. 17 Dec 1871 at Dunchideock, d. reg. Q4 1872 at St. Thomas R.D., bur. 2 Jan 1873 at Dunchideock. At her death in 1873, of Idestone, Dunchideock. [ref. 1n,1fp]
- Catherine Eva "Cathie" SERCOMBE, b. ca. Jul 1873 in England, b. reg. Q3 1873 at St. Thomas R.D., chr. 24 Aug 1873 at Dunchideock. In 1879, emigrated to Canada with her parents. In 1900, a nurse, living with other nurses in a rooming house at 1 East 17th Street, Minneapolis, Minnesota. [ref. nbsp;1n,1fp,11d,13c]
- Florence Coplestone SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1877 in England, b. reg. Q3 1877 at St. Thomas R.D., chr. 11 Aug 1878 at Dunchideock. In 1879, emigrated to Canada with her parents. [ref. 1n,1fp,11d]
- Elizabeth SERCOMBE, chr. 21 Mar 1799 at Bovey Tracey, m1. 2 Aug 1821 at Bovey Tracey, by license and with consent of parents, Thomas SHEPHERD, m2. 24 Nov 1831 at Bovey Tracey, John REED. In 1821, Elizabeth's marriage was witnessed by Samuel SERCOMBE (her father or brother) and Ann SOPER; Thomas was of Ashburton, Devon. In 1832, when Elizabeth's father made his will, John was a baker, of Bovey Tracey. [ref. 1a,2c]
- Samuel Sercombe SHEPHERD, b. 9 Sep 1822(?) at Sticklepath, near South Zeal, in the parish of South Tawton, Devon, chr.
4 Aug 1822(?) at the Wesleyan Chapel, Okehampton, Devon, m. reg. Q4 1845 at Hunslet R.D., Elizabeth BURT (b. ca. 1817 at
Camelford, Cornwall, d. by 1881), d. reg. Q2 1885 at Lambeth R.D. In 1841, an apprentice to draper George SAWDAY at Fore
Street, Sidmouth, Devon, together with his future wife Elizabeth BURT (an assistant to George SAWDAY and sister of his
wife Mary Ann) and fellow apprentice Elizabeth REED (b. ca. 1824 in Devon, perhaps a stepsister?). In 1851, a
schoolmaster, living at Town Street, Bramley, near Leeds, Yorkshire, with his wife Elizabeth, their daughters Elizabeth
and Mary Ann, Elizabeth's nephews Henry P. BURT (a scholar, b. ca. 1838 at Camelford) and Henry P. SAWDAY (a scholar, b.
ca. 1841 at Sidmouth), and a house servant. In 1861, a teacher of English, living at 2 Clare Street, Cheltenham,
Gloucestershire, with his wife Elizabeth, their children Elizabeth, Lucy, and Arthur, and a
boarding scholar. In 1871, a schoolmaster and Wesleyan local preacher, living at 15 Lansdowne Road, Lambeth, London, with
his wife Elizabeth, their children Elizabeth, Samuel, and Arthur, an assistant classics and mathematics teacher, three
boarding scholars, and two general servants. In 1881, a schoolmaster (undergraduate London), living at 53 Lansdowne Road,
Lambeth, with his son Samuel and Samuel's wife Caroline, his son Arthur, his granddaughter Ethel, a housemaid, a general
servant, and one boarding scholar. [ref. 1n,1ba,3a,3b,3c,3d,3e]
- Charles Burt SHEPHERD, b. ca. Q4 1846 at Hunslet R.D., d. reg. Q2 1847 at Hunslet R.D. [ref. 1n]
- Elizabeth Bride SHEPHERD, b. ca. 1848 at Bramley, b. reg. Q1 1848 at Hunslet R.D. In 1851, living with her parents. In
1861, a scholar, living with her parents. In 1871, living with her parents. [ref. 1n,3b,3c,3d]
- Mary Ann SHEPHERD, b. ca. 1849 at Bramley, b. reg. Q4 1849 at Hunslet R.D. In 1851, living with her
parents. [ref. 1n,3b]
- Lucy SHEPHERD, b. ca. 1853 at Leeds, b. reg. Q1 1853 at Hunslet R.D. In 1861, a scholar, living with her
parents. [ref. 1n,3c]
- Samuel SHEPHERD, b. ca. 1855 at Cheltenham, b. reg. Q3 1855 at Cheltenham R.D., m. 17 Dec 1878 at St. Mary, Lambeth,
Surrey, Caroline Martha MALVERN (b. ca. 1851 at Cheltenham, daughter of Charles MALVERN, a grocer). In 1861 and 1871, a
scholar, living with his parents. At his marriage in 1878, a school master, of Lansdowne Road, Lambeth; Caroline was of
Sidney Road, Lambeth; the witnesses were his sister Lucy and brother Arthur, John CARTWRIGHT, and Emilie E. LAKE. In 1881,
a schoolmaster (A.C.P.), living with his father, together with his wife Caroline and daughter Ethel. [ref. 1n,1da,3c,3d,3e]
- (probably) Ethel Mary SHEPHERD, b. ca. Feb 1881 at Lambeth, b. reg. Q1 1881 at Lambeth R.D. In 1881, living with her
grandparents. [ref. 1n,3e]
- Arthur SHEPHERD, b. ca. 1862 at Cheltenham, b. reg. Q1 1862 at Cheltenham R.D. In 1871, a scholar, living with his
parents. In 1881, a bank clerk, living with his father. [ref. 1n,3d,3e]
- John REED, b. 24 Sep 1832 at Bovey Tracey, chr. 23 Nov 1832 (registered at the Wesleyan Methodist registry, Paternoster Row, London), m. reg. Q4 1854 at Honiton R.D., Susan BARTLETT (b. ca. 1819 at Branscombe, Devon). In 1861, a schoolmaster, living at Bank, Branscombe, with his wife Susan, their daughter Clara, and a boarding scholar. [ref. 1j,1n,3c]
- Clara Elizabeth REED, b. ca. 1858 at Branscombe, b. reg. Q1 1858 at Honiton R.D. In 1861, blind, living with her parents. [ref. 1n,3c]
- (probably) Cora Sercombe REED, b. reg. Q2 1859 at Honiton R.D., d. reg. Q3 1859 at Honiton R.D. [ref. 1n]
- John SERCOMBE, chr. 15 Jan 1765 at Hennock, m. 11 Feb 1790 at Bovey Tracey, by license,
Elizabeth CLAMPITT, bur. 31 Jul 1812 at Bovey Tracey. (See
descendant chart.) Joseph WILLS and John's
brother-in-law James SOPER witnessed the marriage in 1790. In Oct 1790, John and Elizabeth and Elizabeth's sister Mary sold
lands they had inherited from Elizabeth's father, in Yeo and Knowle, Wreyland manor, for £800. In 1812, John was a
soap boiler in Bovey Tracey and owned his dwellinghouse there in Mary Street, adjacent soap and ash houses and a stable,
and an orchard and field at Still Head. John made his will on 14 Feb 1812, leaving his estate in trust for his children.
His wife Elizabeth, their son John, and John's brother-in-law James SOPER of Hennock served as executors and trustees.
Moses SAVERY, William SERCOMBE, and Samuel SERCOMBE witnessed the will. (William and Samuel were probably John's brothers.)
The will was proved 4 Sep 1812 for under £100. At his son George's second marriage in 1855 (posth. and perhaps
incorrect), a seedsman. (Is Elizabeth's first husband, Naboth BASTARD, related to Julian BASTARD, wife of
William SERCOMBE, John's second cousin once removed?) [ref. 1a,1q,1cp,2a,10b]
- Mary BASTARD (stepdaughter by mother's first husband), chr. 14 Nov 1788 at Bovey Tracey, bur. 18 Jan 1791 at Bovey
Tracey. [ref. 1a]
- Elizabeth SERCOMBE, b. 3 Dec 1790, chr. Jan 1791 at Bovey Tracey, m. 11 Aug 1814 at Bovey Tracey, Richard STRANGER. At her marriage in 1814, of Bovey Tracey; Richard was of Woodland, Devon; the witnesses were J. SERCOMBE (probably her brother John) and Elizabeth TAPPER. Ancestor of researcher Edward J. Davies. See Edward's webpages for more about Elizabeth's descendants. [ref. 1a]
- John Sercombe STRANGER, b. ca. 1815 at Woodland, m. reg. Q1 1850 at Holsworthy R.D., Mary NORTHCOTT (b. ca.
1821 at Holsworthy, Devon, d. reg. Q1 1891 at Holsworthy R.D.), d. reg. Q3 1882 at Holsworthy R.D. In 1851, a malster, living at
Higher Square, Holsworthy, with his wife Mary and visitor Anne J. NORTHCOTT (independent, b. ca. 1824 at Holsworthy,
perhaps Mary's sister). In 1861, a maltster and seedsman, living at Higher Square, Holsworthy, with his wife Mary, their
children Richard, John, and George, and a house servant. In 1871, a seed merchant and Wesleyan local preacher, living at
Lower Square, Holsworthy, with his wife Mary, their sons Richard and Robert, and a general servant. In 1881, a seed
merchant and local preacher, living at Fore Street, Holsworthy, with his wife Mary, their sons Richard and John, an
assistant, and a general servant. [ref. 1n,3b,3c,3d,3e]
- Richard Northcott STRANGER, b. ca. 1854 at Holsworthy, b. reg. Q3 1854 at Holsworthy R.D., m. reg. Q4 1885 at Hertford R.D., Edith PADDON (b. ca. 1863 at Penzance, Cornwall), d. reg. Q4 1937 at Tavistock R.D. In 1861, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1871, living with his parents. In 1881, a draper and local preacher, living with his parents. In 1891, a draper, living at Lower Square, Holsworthy, with his wife Edith, their children Annie and Edwin, his brother Robert, a nurse, and a general servant. In 1901, a draper and Wesleyan local preacher, living at Osborne House, Watts Road, Tavistock, with his wife Edith, their sons Edwin and Richard, and a general domestic servant. [ref. 1n,3c,3d,3e,3f,3g]
- Annie Northcott STRANGER, b. ca. 1887 at Holsworthy, b. reg. Q1 1887 at Holsworthy R.D., d. reg. Q3 1924 at Tavistock R.D. In 1891, living with her parents. In 1901, a boarding pupil at North Hall School, Dunheved Road, Launceston, Cornwall. In 1911, housekeeper for her brother Edwin. [ref. 1n,3f,3g,3h]
- Edwin Robert STRANGER, b. ca. 1888 at Holsworthy, b. reg. Q2 1888 at Holsworthy R.D., m. reg. Q2 1926 at Tavistock R.D., Millie I. YEO. In 1891 and 1901, living with his parents. In 1911, a draper's assistant, living at 6 Abbey Mead, Tavistock, with his sister Annie and a general domestic servant. [ref. 1n,3f,3g,3h]
- Richard Northcott STRANGER, b. ca. 1891 at Holsworthy, b. reg. Q3 1891 at Holsworthy R.D., m. reg. Q3 1919 at Marylebone R.D., Caroline E. SPRY. In 1901, living with his parents. [ref. 1n,3g]
- John Henry STRANGER, b. ca. 1856 at Holsworthy, m. reg. Q1 1884 at Ringwood R.D., Ellen Kate MUNDEN (b. ca. 1855 at Fordingbridge, Hampshire). In 1861, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1881, a grocer and corn merchant, living with his parents. In 1891, a grocer, living at Lower Square, Holsworthy, with his wife Ellen, their children Mary, John, and Katie, a visiting Wesleyan minister, a servant, and a nurse. In 1901, a grain merchant, living at Southborne, Holsworthy, with his wife Ellen, their daughters Mary and Katie, his wife's sister Sarah Coles MUNDEN (b. ca. 1857at Poole, Dorset), and a general domestic servant. In 1911, a grain and wool merchant, living at Southbourne, Holsworthy, with his wife Ellen, their children Mary, John, and Katie, and a general domestic servant. [ref. 1n,3c,3e,3f,3g,3h]
- Mary STRANGER, b. ca. 1885 at Holsworthy, b. reg. Q2 1885 at Holsworthy R.D. In 1891, a scholar, living with her parents. In 1901 and 1911, living with her parents. [ref. 1n,3f,3g,3h]
- John Sercombe STRANGER, b. ca. 1886 at Holsworthy, b. reg. Q3 1886 at Holsworthy R.D., m. reg. Q2 1912 at Aylesbury R.D., Lilian Irene FAIRBOURN (b. reg. Q3 1886 at Leek R.D., d. reg. Q2 1947 at Chichester R.D.), d. 3 Mar 1916. In 1891, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1901, one of six students in a small boarding school at 17 Oval Road, St. Pancras, London. In 1911, a grain and wool merchant, living with his parents. At his death in 1916, a captain in the 6th Battalion of the Devonshire Regiment. Named on the Holsworthy war memorial 1914-1918 and on the Basra Memorial, Iraq. [ref. 1n,3f,3g,3h,4h]
- Marjorie K. STRANGER, b. reg. Q3 1914 at Holsworthy R.D. [ref. 1n]
- Katie Munden STRANGER, b. ca. Oct 1890 at Holsworthy, b. reg. Q4 1890 at Holsworthy R.D. In 1891, 1901, and 1911, living with her parents. [ref. 1n,3f,3g,3h]
- George STRANGER, b. ca. 1858 at Holsworthy, b. reg. Q4 1858 at Holsworthy R.D., d. reg. Q4 1863 at Holsworthy R.D. In
1861, a scholar, living with his parents. [ref. 1n,3c]
- Robert Edwin STRANGER, b. ca. 1864 at Holsworthy, b. reg. Q2 1864 at Holsworthy R.D. In 1871, living with his parents.
In 1891, a draper, living with his brother Richard. [ref. 1n,3d,3f]
- Jane STRANGER, b. ca. 1817 at Bovey Tracey, m. reg. Q3 1841 at St. Thomas R.D., Henry DANIELS (b. ca. 1803 at
Sheffield, Yorkshire). In 1851, living at East Street, Ashburton, with her husband Henry (a Wesleyan minister) and their
children George and Elizabeth. [ref. 1n,3b]
- George Sercombe DANIELS, b. ca. 1843 at Holsworthy, b. reg. Q3 1843 at Holsworthy R.D., m. reg. Q3 1870 at St. Austell
R.D., Epiphany Bullock RUNDELL, d. reg. Q1 1892 at Leeds R.D. In 1851, a scholar, living with his parents. [ref. 1n,3b]
- Elizabeth DANIELS, b. ca. 1845 at St. Mawes, Cornwall. In 1851, living with her parents. [ref. 3b]
- John Clampitt SERCOMBE, chr. 21 May 1793 at Bovey Tracey, m. 24 Feb 1820 at
Charles the Martyr,
Plymouth, Devon, Ann MURCH (b. ca. 1793 at
Totnes, Devon, daughter of James MURCH and Jane, d. 20 Apr 1864
at her residence, Colleton Crescent, Exeter, d. reg. Q2 1864 at Exeter R.D.), d. reg. Q3 1856 at Exeter R.D. In Pigot's
directory for 1822-1823, listed as a retail linen draper at 243 Fore Street, Exeter. At his daughter's baptism in 1822, a
draper, of Exeter St. Lawrence. By the time of Pigot's 1830 directory, his wife Ann was running the linen business,
which had become a child-bed and ready-made linen warehouse, at 243 High Street, Exeter; John had gone into business with
his brother George as merchants and commission agents, at Second Back Lane, Exeter. At his son's death in 1837, of Sidney
Place, St. Thomas. A subscriber to the book Rambles in New
Zealand, published in 1841, by John Carne Bidwill, of Sydney, New South Wales, and formerly of Exeter. In 1841, a
merchant, staying in an inn at 14 Briton Side and 2 White Cross Street, Plymouth, Devon; Ann was of independent means,
living at 7 Colleton Crescent, Exeter, with her children Rupert, Harriet, John, James, Edwin,
and Frederick and three female servants. In Pigot's directory for 1844, listed as a merchant at
the Quay, Exeter, still in business with his brother George; also listed as a vice consul for Prussia and Spain. In the
Royal Kalendar directories for 1845 and 1847, listed as a vice consul for Spain. White's directory for 1850 listed him as
a merchant, with home address 7 Colleton Crescent, Exeter; as a hop merchant, seedsman, and/or other merchant, still with
his brother George at the Quay, Exeter; as vice consul for Prussia and Spain at the Quay; as a guardian of the Exeter
Corporation of the Poor (an elected position held for life), and as an Exeter magistrate for 1848-1849. The Post Office
directory for 1851 again listed him as vice consul for Spain. In 1851, a general merchant and magistrate for the City of
Exeter, living at 7 Colleton Crescent with his wife Ann (a gentlewoman), their children Harriet, Emily, Gertrude,
Frederick, and Fanny, two visitors (Mary and Elizabeth FISHER, gentlewomen, b. ca. 1826 and 1828 at
Barnstaple, Devon), a cook, a parlourmaid, and a housemaid. Made
his will on 12 Apr 1851, leaving his estate in trust for his wife and children; his wife Ann and their sons Rupert, John,
and James were to serve as executors and trustees. At his son James's marriage in 1852, of Exeter. The will was proved 6
Oct 1856 (James declining to be one of the executors). Still listed in the Royal Kalendar for 1856 as vice consul for
Spain at Exeter. In 1861 (posth.), a general merchant; Ann was living at 7 Colleton Crescent with her children Harriet,
Gertrude, Frederick, and Fanny, a nurse, a housemaid, and a cook. Posthumously at his wife Ann's death in 1864 and at his daughter's Gertrude's marriage in 1879, a justice of the peace. [ref. 1a,1i,1g,1j,2b,3a,3b,3c,6c11,6d1,6k4,8a,8b,8c,8d,8e,8j,8k,8l,12a]
- Rupert Clampitt SERCOMBE, b. 23 Jan 1821 at Exeter, chr. 12 Feb 1821 at Mint Lane
Wesleyan Methodist ("the Mint"), Exeter, m. 15 Jul 1847 at Willesden, Middlesex, by Faculty Office license 10 Jul
1847, m. reg. Q3 1847 at Hendon R.D., Louisa SMITH (b. ca. 1821 at Westminster, London, d. 28 Oct 1890 at Stanton House,
Pembury, Tunbridge Wells, d. reg. Q4 1890 at Tunbridge R.D., third daughter of William Henry SMITH
[see sidebar] and sister of Emma, wife of Rupert's brother Edwin), d. reg. Q2 1867 at St. Thomas
R.D. In 1841, a merchant's assistant, living with his mother. At his marriage in 1847, a gentleman, of Paddington; Louisa
was of Willesden; their fathers witnessed the marriage. In the marriage announcement in The Times the next day, of
Carlton Villas, Maida Vale, London. In the
Post Office directory for 1851, a merchant, commission agent, and proprietor of Rupert C. Sercombe & Co., ship and
insurance agents, at 66 Mark Lane, London. In 1851, a corn and seed merchant, living at 35 Carlton Villas, Paddington,
London, with his wife Louisa and two house servants. In 1861, a corn, seed, and general merchant, living at 3 Fair Park,
near Exeter, with his wife Louisa, their son Rupert, a visitor (Priscilla SMITH, b. ca. 1832 in London, perhaps a relative
of Louisa's), a nurse, a housemaid, and a cook. In 1871, Louisa was living at 1 West Hill Terrace, Hastings, Sussex, with
her son Rupert, her late husband's sister Gertrude, and a maid. In 1881, Louisa was living on income from houses,
dividends, etc., in her sister Anna's household at 13 the Circus, Bath, Somerset, with her son Walton. [ref. 1b,1m,1n,1cz,2b,3a,3b,3c,3d,3e,5,6c1,6c14,8e]
- Rupert Theodore Walton SERCOMBE, b. 3 Jan 1861 at Exeter, b. reg. Q1 1861 at Exeter R.D.,
m. 8 Aug 1893 at St. Mary Magdalen, Paddington, m. reg. Q3 1893 at Paddington R.D., Sophie Maria Eleanor COSSER (b. 1855
at Titchfield, Hampshire, m1. reg. Q2 1885 at Fareham R.D., Charles Ernest LAVIE [of Ceylon, d. by 1893], d. Feb 1940 in
New Zealand, bur. at St. Anne, Pleasant Valley, New Zealand;
daughter of Walter Maude COSSER, vicar of Titchfield, Hampshire), d. Mar 1944, bur. at St. Anne, Pleasant Valley. In 1861, living
with his parents. In 1871, a scholar, living with his mother. In 1881, an
undergraduate at Exeter College, Oxford
University, living with his mother. Matriculated at Exeter College, 22 Jan 1880; B.A., 1883. Barrister,
Middle Temple, 1885. At his marriage in 1893, a barrister, of 12 Delamere
Crescent, Paddington; Sophie was of Titchfield; the witnesses were Gertrude BORRADAILE (Rupert's aunt) and W. Wilson L.
COSSER. In 1901, a New Zealand farmer, living in a lodging house at 5 St. James Road, Surbiton, Surrey, with his wife
Sophie, their son Francis, and Sophie's daughter Sophie M. LAVIE (b. ca. 1885 in Ceylon).
Relative of researcher Elizabeth Lancaster. [ref. 1n,1ap,1db,3c,3d,3e,3g,4a,6c3,6c18,15d]
- Francis Walton SERCOMBE, b. 10 Nov 1895 in New Zealand, d. 1979 in New Zealand. In 1901, living with his
parents. [ref. 1ap,3g]
- Harriet Ann SERCOMBE, b. 22 Jul 1822 at Exeter, chr. 19 Sep 1822 at the Mint, d. reg. Q3 1883 at Kensington R.D. In
1841, living with her mother. In
1851, a gentlewoman, living with her parents. In 1861, living with her mother. In 1871, no occupation, living at 32 St.
Marks Crescent, Kensington, with her sister Fanny (visiting), a maid, and a general servant. In 1881, living with her
brother Edwin's widow Emma. [ref. 1b,1j,1n,3a,3b,3c,3d,3e]
- John SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1824 at Exeter, chr. 7 Mar 1824 at the Mint, d. reg. Q2 1878 at Kingston R.D. In 1841, living
with his mother. (Where in 1851?) Described in his father's will, made in Apr 1851, as an accountant in London. In 1861, a
Lloyds underwriter, lodging at 4 Trafalgar Square, Westminster. In 1871, a member of Lloyds, living at Hampton Court,
Middlesex, with a servant and (apparently) two members of her family. [ref. 1b,1n,2b,3a,3c,3d]
- James Murch SERCOMBE, chr. 29 Dec 1825 at the Mint, m. 10 Jun 1852 at St. Leonard, Exeter, m. reg. Q2 1852 at St. Thomas R.D., Ellen Bourne MUNK (b. ca. 1828 at Honiton, Devon, d. reg. Q3 1911 at Glanford Brigg R.D., daughter of William MUNK, an ironmonger, of Mount Radford House near Exeter), d. 8 Dec 1875, d. reg. Q4 1875 at London City R.D., bur. at the Old Cemetery, Ryde, Isle of Wight, in the same plot as his son John. In 1841, living with his mother. In White's directory for 1850, listed as an agent of the Star life and fire insurance company, at Colleton Terrace, Exeter. In 1851, a corn and seed merchant, living at 8 Queen Square, Bristol St. Nicholas, Gloucestershire, with two servants and the children of one of them. At his marriage in 1852, a merchant, of Bristol; Ellen was of Exeter St. Leonard; witnesses at the marriage were James's father, his sister Harriet, his brother John, Ellen's father, her unidentified relative H. MUNK, and Edwin FORCE. At his son's baptism in 1860, a merchant, of Wandsworth, Surrey. (Where in 1861?) In 1871, a cigar merchant, living at Granville House, Nelson Street, Ryde, with his wife Ellen, their children Charles, Walter, Mabel, Arthur, and Belinda, and a general servant. At his death in 1875, of Putney, formerly of Ryde. In 1881, Ellen was living at 22 Cambridge Road, Hastings Holy Trinity, Sussex, with her son Arthur visiting. In 1891, Ellen was living on her own means, visiting the GALLEY household at Pilton, 12 Albert Terrace, Albert Street, Ventnor, Isle of Wight, together with her daughter Bertha. In 1901, she was independent, living at Carfax House, Barrow on Humber, Lincolnshire, with her daughters Marie and Bertha and a servant. In 1911, she was of private means, living at Carfax House, Barrow on Humber, with her daughters Marie and Bertha and a servant. [ref. 1b,1n,1ar,1cx,2b,3a,3b,3d,3e,3f,3g,3h,4f,6c12,6d1,8d]
- Charles Clampitt SERCOMBE, b. 15 Jul 1853 at Bristol, b. reg. Q3 1853 at Clifton R.D., m1. reg. Q4 1883 at Winchester R.D., Alice Mary BRICKNELL (b. ca. 1857 at Mayfair, London, b. reg. Q2 1857 at St. George Hanover Square R.D., m1. SELWYNE, wid. by 1881, d. reg. Q1 1937 at Brentford R.D.), "m2." Louisa or Louise (b. ca. 1866 at London), d. reg. Q3 1904 at Saffron Walden R.D. (Where in 1861?) In 1871, living with his parents. In 1881, an insurance broker, living at 12 Lime Villas, Upper Richmond Road, Putney, Surrey, with his sisters Maria and Bertha and a servant. In 1881, Alice was a dressmaker, lodging at 6 Russell Road, Wimbledon, Surrey, with her son Frank. In 1891, Charles was an insurance broker, visiting the CRUST family at 68 Galveston Road, Wandsworth, with his "wife" Louisa; Alice was living at Ashdown Road, Saffron Walden, Essex, with her children Frank and Muriel and her nephew Percy H. HUTTON (b. ca. 1884 at Upper Tooting, Surrey). In 1901, Charles was a stock broker agent, living in a boarding house at 42 Chelverton Road, Putney, with his "wife" Louise; Alice was living at 16 Ashdon Road, Saffron Walden, with her daughter Muriel. In 1911, Alice was of private means, living at 245 Malmesbury Park Road, Bournemouth, Hampshire, with her grandsons James and Vivian HARTLEY. [ref. 1n,3d,3e,3f,3g,3h,6h2]
- Frank Charles SELWYNE (stepson by mother's first husband), later Frank Charles Selwyn SERCOMBE,
b. 23 Jun 1879 at Edenbridge, Kent, b. reg. Q3 1879 at Sevenoaks R.D.,
chr. 14 Jan 1887 at
Hertfordshire, m. 12 Aug 1916 at Roblin, Manitoba, Gladys Maud LOVELL. In 1881, living with his mother. In 1891, a
scholar, living with his mother. In 1897, sailed from Liverpool to Quebec (under the name F.C. SELWYN). In 1901, a farmer,
living at Shell River, Marquette district, Manitoba. (Enumerated twice in the 1901 Canadian census, both times
inaccurately: once as Charles SERCOMBE, b. 23 Jun 1876, immigrated 1894, and once as Frank C. SERCOMBE, b. 5 May 1872 [but
age 26], immigrated 1893.). [ref. 1k,1n,1bw,3e,3f,11b,13b]
- Frank Gladeson SERCOMBE, b. 3 Nov 1917, m. Patricia Mary SIBBERT, d. 10 Mar 1974 at Vancouver, British Columbia. [ref. 1fc]
- Muriel Dorothy SERCOMBE, b. 22 May 1884 at Henham or Elsenham, Essex, b. reg. Q2 1884 at Bishops Stortford R.D., chr. 14 Jan 1887 at Hockerill, m. HARTLEY (d. by 1911). In 1891 and 1901, living with her mother. In 1911, a barmaid at the Prince of Wales Hotel, Bournemouth. [ref. 1k,1n,3f,3g,3h]
- James Clifford Frank HARTLEY, b. 31 May 1907 at Lyndhurst, Hampshire, b. reg. Q3 1907 at New Forest R.D., m. reg. Q3 1932 at Richmond Surrey R.D., Winifred Mary R. KINNER (b. 9 Jul 1911, b. reg. Q3 1911 at Brentford R.D., d. reg. Oct 1989 at Tunbridge Wells R.D.), d. reg. Q1 1980 at Tunbridge Wells R.D. In 1911, living with his maternal grandmother. [ref. 1n,3h]
- Vivian HARTLEY, b. ca. 1909 at Bournemouth, b. reg. Q3 1909 at Christchurch R.D. In 1911, living with his maternal grandmother. [ref. 1n,3h]
- William James SERCOMBE, b. Jan 1855 at Rock Ferry, Cheshire, b. reg. Q1 1855 at Eastham
subdistrict of Wirral R.D., m. 26 Oct 1887 in Kane County, Illinois, Anna L. SCHLAGER (b. Dec 1861 in Illinois, d.
25 Oct 1945 at Elgin, Kane County), d. 8 Feb 1934 at Elgin. (Where in 1861?) In 1871, a scholar, living with his parents.
(Enumerated as "Walter" in the 1871 census.) Immigrated to the United States in 1880, naturalized by 1900. In 1900, a
publishing house foreman, living at 769 Highland Avenue, Elgin, with his wife Anna and their children Rupert and Nellie.
(Where in 1910?) In 1920, a worker for a publishing company, living at 769 Highland Avenue with his wife Anna and their
children Rupert and Nellie. (Where in 1930?) [ref. 1n,1z,3d,13c,13d]
- Rupert J. SERCOMBE, b. 1 Sep 1889 at Elgin, m. 29 Mar 1921 in Menard County, Illinois, Mabel HIETT (b. 1 Nov 1889, d.
20 May 1984), d. 1 Apr 1982. In 1900, at school, living with his parents. (Where in 1910?) When he registered for the
draft in 1917 at Elgin, a junior civil engineer for the Interstate Commerce Commission; home address 769 Highland Avenue,
Elgin; medium height, slender, brown eyes, dark hair. In 1920, a civil engineer for the government, living with his
parents. In 1930, a civil engineer in the railway industry, living at 2947 Whitney Avenue, Detroit, Wayne County,
Michigan, with his wife Mabel and their son Arthur. In 1982, residence Birmingham, Oakland County, Michigan. [ref. 1z,1ad,1ae,13c,13d,13e,14b]
- Arthur H. SERCOMBE, b. 28 Jun 1922 at Detroit, Michigan, m. 1962 Ruth DAUGIRDA (b. 22 Oct 1925 in New York, d. 26 Jul 2011), d. 20 Nov 2002 at Farmington Hills,
Michigan. In 1930, living with his parents. Served in U.S. Air Force in World War II. An architect for the Detroit Planning Commission, mid-1950s to 1982. Lived in
Royal Oak, Michigan, in 2002. See obituary in the Detroit Free Press, 29 Nov 2002, and
Ruth's obituary in the Detroit News, 9 Aug 2011. [ref. 1ae,6g,6ae,13e]
- Paul SERCOMBE, m. Patty. [ref. 6g,6ae]
- Sarah SERCOMBE. [ref. 6g]
- Nellie SERCOMBE, b. June 1898 in Illinois. In 1900 and 1920, living with her parents. [ref. 13c,13d]
- John Henry (or John Marshall?) SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q4 1856 at Wirral R.D. (Eastham subdistrict), d. 9 Jan 1871, d. reg.
Q1 1871 at Isle of Wight R.D. (Ryde subdistrict), bur. in the Old Cemetery, Ryde, in the same plot as his father. (Where
in 1861?) [ref. 1n,4f]
- Marie Louisa SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1858 at Southampton or Portswood, Hampshire, b. reg. Q3 1858 at South Stoneham R.D., d. reg. Q1 1945 at Scunthorpe R.D. (Where in 1861?) In 1871, a scholar, living with her parents. (Enumerated as "Mabel" in the 1871 census.) In 1881, living with her brother Charles. In 1891, living on her own means, visiting the household of an elderly widow at The Quarry, Kippington Coach Road, Sevenoaks, Kent. (Also in the household was the widow's widowed sister, Elizabeth MUNK, b. ca. 1800 at Newington, Middlesex -- perhaps a relative of Marie's mother?) In 1901, independent, living with her mother. In 1911, of private means, living with her mother. [ref. 1n,3d,3e,3f,3g,3h]
- Arthur Rupert SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1860 at Wandsworth or Walworth, Surrey, b. reg. Q2 1860 at
Wandsworth R.D., chr. 4 Nov 1860 at All Saints, Wandsworth, d. 1897 in Sydney district, New South Wales. (Where in 1861?)
In 1871, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1881, a marine insurance clerk, visiting his mother. Arrived at Victoria,
Australia, in Dec 1884 aboard the ship Star of Russia. [ref. 1n,1o,1cx,3d,3e,11a]
- Bertha SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1862 at Ryde, Isle of Wight, b. reg. Q1 1862 at Ryde subdistrict of Isle of Wight R.D., d. reg. Q3 1945 at Scunthorpe R.D. In 1871, a scholar (enumerated as "Belinda"), living with her parents. In 1881, living with her brother Charles. In 1891, living on her own means, visiting the GALLEY household with her mother. In 1901, independent, living with her mother. In 1911, of private means, living with her mother. [ref. 1n,3d,3e,3f,3g,3h]
- Edwin SERCOMBE, b. 1826, chr. 22 Jan 1827 at the Mint, m. 30 Aug 1855 at St. James, Paddington, London, m. reg. Q3 1855 at Kensington R.D., Emma Sophia SMITH (b. ca. 1827 at St. Clements Dane, Strand, London, d. 20 Mar 1908 at Bowenhurst, Church Crookham, Hampshire, d. reg. Q1 1908 at Hartley Wintney R.D.; fifth daughter of William Henry SMITH and sister of Louisa, wife of Edwin's brother Rupert), d. 1875, d. reg. Q2 1875 at Kensington R.D. In 1841, living with his mother. In 1851, a surgeon dentist at 36 Albion Street, Hyde Park, London. Admitted to membership in the Royal College of Surgeons, 3 Jun 1853. In 1853 and 1855, of Somers Place, Hyde Park. At his marriage in 1855, a surgeon, of Somers Place; Emma was of Gloucester Square; the witnesses were Edwin's father, his brother John, his sisters Harriet and Gertrude, Emma's father, Priscilla SMITH, and Fanny PEEKE. At his son's baptism in 1856, a surgeon dentist, of 6 Somers Place, Paddington. In 1858 and 1860, of 49 Brook Street, Grosvenor Square, London. Dental Surgeon to St. Mary's Hospital, Paddington,
1861-1866. In 1861, a member of the Royal College of Surgeons of England and a dentist in practice, living at 49 Lower Brook Street, St. George Hanover Square, with his wife Emma, their children William, Emily, and Annie, two housemaids, a charwoman, a cook, and two nurses. Surgeon dentist at St. Mary's Hospital Medical School (now part of Imperial College), 1867-1869. John GREENFIELD, an English-born dentist from Cleveland, Ohio, operated for Edwin, 1870-1873. In 1871, a dentist (M.R.C.S., R.C.S. England) living at Brook Street, Westminster, with his wife Emma, Emma's sister Anna A. SMITH (living on rents and dividends, b. ca. 1823 in London), his children William, Emily, Constance, and Adila, a butler, a footman, a page, a nurse, a cook, three housemaids, and a kitchenmaid. President of the Orthodontological Society, 1874. Editor of the Transactions of the Orthodontological Society. Of Walton House, Bournemouth, Hampshire. The website of the National Museum of American History, in Washington, D.C., discusses a letter Edwin wrote on 5 Dec 1872 to the inventor of the power-driven dental drill. In 1881, Emma was living at Durweston, South Cliff, Bournemouth, Hampshire, with her daughter Adela and sister-in-law Harriet. In 1883 (posth.), Edwin was of 41 Brook Street and 59 Gloucester Gardens. In 1891, Emma was living on her own means at Wohlgelegen, Braidley Road, Bournemouth, with her daughters Emily, Constance, and Adela, a cook, a parlormaid, two housemaids, and a groom. In 1901, she was of private means, living at Wohlgelegen with her daughter Emily, a sick nurse, a housemaid, a cook, a parlourmaid, and an under housemaid. A gardener and his wife lived in the adjacent Wohlgelegen Cottage in 1901. Perhaps the namesake of Thomas John Sercombe CLAPP, whose father William John CLAPP was also a dental surgeon. [ref. 1b,1d,1n,1cy,3a,3c,3d,3e,3f,3g,6a,6b1,6c2,6c7,6c9,6c13,6c21,7a,8e,10a,15e]
- William Hervey SERCOMBE, b. 7 Jul 1856 at 27 Gloucester Square, Paddington, the residence of his mother's father, b.
reg. Q3 1856 at Kensington R.D., chr. 8 Aug 1856 at All Saints, Paddington, d. 2 Nov 1883 at Walton House, Bournemouth, d.
reg. Q4 1883 at Christchurch R.D. Attended King's School, Canterbury, Kent.
In 1861, living with his parents. In 1871, a scholar, living with his parents. Admitted as pensioner at
Trinity College, Cambridge University,
1 Jun 1878; matriculated Michaelmas 1881. In 1881, an undergraduate at King's
College, Cambridge University, lodging at Assington Villa, Lyndhurst, Hampshire, with his sisters Emily and
Constance. [ref. 1n,1cy,3c,3d,3e,6c8,6c13,15e]
- Emily Anna SERCOMBE, b. 28 Feb 1858 at St. George Hanover Square, London, b. reg. Q2 1858 at St. George Hanover Square
R.D., m. 18 Jun 1901 at St. Andrew, Marylebone, m. reg. Q2 1901 at Marylebone R.D., James Enderby APPLETON (son of James
APPLETON, a merchant). In 1861, living with her parents. In 1871, a scholar, living with her parents. In 1881, lodging at
Assington Villa with her brother William and sister Constance. In 1891 and Mar 1901, living with her mother. At her
marriage in Jun 1901, of 71 Wells Street, Oxford Street, London W.; James was a surgeon, of Linda, in the parish of St.
Michael, Bournemouth; the witnesses were Emily Danvers SMITH,
Viscountess Hambleden, widow of Emily's mother's brother
William — see sidebar) and her
son William Frederick Danvers
SMITH. [ref. 1n,1at,3c,3d,3e,3f,3g,6c9]
- Annie Edwina SERCOMBE, b. 3 Jan 1860, b. reg. Q1 1860 at St. George Hanover Square R.D., d. reg. Q1 1863 at
Christchurch R.D. In 1861, living with her parents. [ref. 1n,3c,6c7]
- Constance Augusta SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1861 at St. George Hanover Square, b. reg. Q4 1861 at St. George Hanover Square
R.D., m. 19 Jun 1900 at St. Matthew, Great Peter Street, Westminster, m. reg. Q2 1900 at St. George Hanover Square R.D.,
George Owen APTHORP (b. ca. 1872 at Birmingham, eldest son of Rev. George Francis APTHORP of Bedford). In 1871, living with her parents. In 1881,
lodging at Assington Villa with her brother William and sister Emily. In 1891, living with her mother. At her marriage in
1900, of 12 St. Matthews Street, Westminster; George was a clerk in holy orders, of Newholm, Farnham Road, Guildford,
Surrey; the witnesses were her mother, her aunt Viscountess Hambleden and cousin W.F.D. SMITH (see above), George's
father, and George's relative C.W. APTHORP; Bishop Adelbert ANSON officiated. In 1901, living at Newholm, Farnham Road,
Gildford, with her husband George (an clergyman in the Church of England). [ref. 1n,1ea,3d,3e,3f,3g,6c20,10e]
- Adela Emma SERCOMBE, b. 20 Jan 1864 at 49 Brook Street, Grosvenor Square, b. reg. Q1 1864 at St. George Hanover Square
R.D., m. reg. Q4 1891 at Christchurch R.D.,
Herbert Reginald SCOTT (b. ca. 1858 at Byfleet, Surrey). In 1871, living with her parents. In 1881 and 1891, living with
her mother. In 1901, living at St. Wilfrids, Parkstone, Dorset, with her husband Herbert (a clergyman in the Church of
England) and a cook. [ref. 1n,3d,3e,3f,3g,6c10]
- (probably) John SERCOMBE, b. ca. Apr 1865, b. reg. Q2 1865 at St. George Hanover Square R.D., d. reg. Q4 1866 at St. George Hanover Square R.D., bur. 21 Nov 1866 at All Saints Cemetery, Kensal Green, Middlesex. At his death in 1866, of 49 Brook Street, St. George Hanover Square. [ref. 1n,1ez]
- Edwin or Henry Edwin SERCOMBE, b. 8 Sep 1866 at 49 Brook Street, Grosvenor Square, London, b. reg. Q4 1866 at St. George Hanover Square R.D., d. 17 Feb 1868 at 41 Brook Street, d. reg. Q1 1868 at St. George Hanover Square R.D., bur. 24 Feb 1868 at All Saints Cemetery, Kensal Green. At his death in 1868, of 14 Brook Street, St. George Hanover Square. [ref. 1n,1ez,6c4,6c5]
- (probably) Alfred Augustus SERCOMBE, b. ca. Jan 1869, b. reg. Q1 1869 at St. George Hanover Square R.D., d. reg. Q1 1869 at St. George Hanover Square R.D., bur. 12 Mar 1869 at All Saints Cemetery, Kensal Green. At his death in 1869, of 41 Brook Street, Grosvenor Square. [ref. 1n,1ez]
- Emily SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1828 at Exeter, chr. 1 Jan 1829 at the Mint. In 1841, living (perhaps as a visitor or pupil) in
the household of Sophia FLEMING (independent, b. ca. 1775 outside Devon), 8 Salutary Place, Exeter, together with her
sisters Gertrude and Fanny and a female servant. In 1851, a gentlewoman, living with her parents. [ref. 1b,3a,3b]
- Gertrude SERCOMBE, b. 21 Oct 1831 at Exeter, chr. 17 Jan 1832 at the Mint, m. 20 Feb 1879 at St. Mark, Surbiton, Surrey, m. reg. Q1 1879 at Kingston R.D., Thomas Salkeld BORRADAILE (b. ca. 1831 at London, m1. reg. Q1 1860 at Wirral R.D., Margaret Watson McLEAN [b. ca. 1834, d. reg. Q3 1870 at Epsom R.D.], d. reg. Q2 1900 at Kingston R.D.; son of John Watson BORRADAILE, a merchant), d. reg. Q4 1903 at Kingston R.D. In 1841, living in the household of Sophia FLEMING, together with her sisters Emily and Fanny. In 1851, a gentlewoman, living with her parents. In 1861, living with her mother. In 1871, living with her brother Rupert's widow Louisa. At her marriage in 1879, of Surbiton; Thomas was an accountant, of Epsom; the witnesses were James HOSKINS and Gertrude's sister Harriet Ann. In 1881, living at Nyaghow, Adelaide Road, Kingston on Thames, Surrey, with her husband Thomas (an accountant), his son William M.L. BORRADAILE (a banker's clerk, b. ca. 1861 at Hong Kong), a cook, and a general servant. In 1891, living at Nya-Chur, Adelaide Road, Kingston, with her husband Thomas (a manufacturer, general merchant, and secretary to a public company), his daughter Annie Delapierre BORRADAILE (b. ca. 1863 at Birkenhead, b. reg. Q3 1863 at Birkenhead R.D.), a cook, a parlormaid, and a housemaid. In 1901, living on her own means at Nyr Chur, Adelaide Road, Surbiton, with her stepdaughter Annie, a cook, a parlormaid, and a housemaid. [ref. 1b,1g,1n,3a,3b,3c,3d,3e,3f,3g]
- William Harvey SERCOMBE, b. ca. Jul 1833, d. 19 Apr 1837. [ref. 6k4]
- Frederick SERCOMBE, b. 4 Jan 1835 at Exeter, chr. 14 Jan 1836 at the Mint, d. 2 Sep 1865 at Calcutta, bur. 3 Sep 1865 at Fort William, Bengal. In 1841, living with his mother. In 1851, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1861, a general merchant, living with his mother. At his death in 1865, a seaman on the ship Annie Duthie. [ref. 1b,1fd,3a,3b,3c,6d4]
- Fanny SERCOMBE, b. 19 Sep 1836 at Sidney Place, St. Thomas, d. 9 May 1891 at Wimbledon, d. reg. Q2 1891 at Kingston
R.D. In 1841, living in the household of Sophia FLEMING, together with her sisters Emily and Gertrde. In 1851, a scholar
at home, living with her parents. In 1861, living with her mother. In 1871, visiting her sister Harriet. In 1881, an
annuitant, living at 46 Scarsdale Villas, Kensington, London, with two servants and visitor Mary HUTTON (an annuitant, b.
ca. 1821 in the East Indies). In Apr 1891, living on her own means, a lodger at 66 Queens Road, Wimbledon,
Surrey. [ref. 1n,3a,3b,3c,3d,3e,3f,6c15,6k3]
- Perhaps another daughter, b. after Fanny, d. young. [ref. 6c15]
- Mary SERCOMBE, chr. 14 Jan 1796 at Bovey Tracey, m. 22 May 1820 at Bovey Tracey, Joseph DAYMOND. In 1820, Mary's
marriage was witnessed by Elizabeth SERCOMBE (her mother) and George SERCOMBE (her brother).
Relative of researcher Jeni Martin. For Mary's descendants, including Elizabeth Sercombe
DAYMOND (chr. 1821), Mary Sercombe DAYMOND (b. reg. Q3 1859 at Newton Abbot R.D., m. reg. Q3 1884 at Plympton R.D., William Andrew LEE, d. reg. Q1 1894
at Plympton R.D.), George Sercombe DAYMOND (b. reg. Q2 1862 at Newton Abbot R.D., d. 1935), and William Sercombe DAYMOND (1894-1895 in Ontario, Canada), see
the IGI
and Jeni's WorldConnect
database. [ref. 1a,1n]
- George SERCOMBE, chr. 4 Jan 1798 at Bovey Tracey, m1. 20 May 1824 at Kingsbridge, Devon, Grace ODGERS (b. ca. 1797 at Camborne, Cornwall, daughter of Rev. James ODGERS and Grace, m1. BAZELEY, d. 12 Apr 1854, d. reg. Q2 1854 at Exeter R.D.), m2. 8 Nov 1855 at Sampford Brett, Somerset, by licence, m2. reg. Q4 1855 at Williton R.D., Grace Chave CORNER (b. ca. 1811 at Burlescombe, Devon, daughter of Edward CORNER, a farmer, m1. STOATE, wid. by 1855, d. 10 Feb 1880 at Bridgwater, Somerset, d. reg. Q1 1880 at Bridgwater R.D.), d. by 1858. In Pigot's directory for 1830, listed with his brother John as a merchants and commission agents at Second Back Lane, Exeter. In 1841, a merchant, living in Bartholomew Terrace, Exeter, with his wife Grace and their children James, Mary, George, Thomas, and Elizabeth. In Pigot's directory for 1844, listed with his brother John as merchants at the Quay, Exeter. In 1848-1849, a councillor for Trinity Ward, Exeter. In White's directory for 1850, listed with his brother John at the Quay as a merchant, including seed, hops, and possibly other goods. In 1851, a general merchant, living at 4 Bartholomew Terrace, Exeter All Hallows on the Walls, with his wife Grace, their children James, Mary, George, Elizabeth, and Walter, and three servants. At his first wife's death in 1854, a merchant, of Exeter. At his second marriage in 1855, a seedsman, of Exeter; his second wife Grace was of Sampford Brett; the witnesses were Richard CORNER (presumably Grace's relative) and Elizabeth Clampitt SERCOMBE (his daughter). At his daughter Elizabeth's marriage in 1856, a merchant. In 1861, Grace was living with her brother Samuel CORNER (a gentleman) at Andersey Villa, Wellington, Somerset. In 1871, she was "formerly a merchant's wife" living in the household of a daughter from her first marriage at Down Hall, Wembdon Hill, Somerset. At his son George's second marriage later in 1871 (posth.), a seed merchant. At her death in 1880, Grace was of Exeter. [ref. 1a,1h,1n,1ah,1aj,1cp,1ff,3a,3b,3c,3d,3e,6d2,6v,8b,8c]
- James Odgers SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1825 at Bovey Tracey, d. 24 Aug 1879 at Yongala, South Australia. In 1841, living with
his parents. In 1851, a general merchant, living with his parents. His death was reported in the South Australia
Government Gazette, which said he had been under medical treatment for some time, but expired suddenly, and that the
cause of death was "debility accelerated by drink". [ref. 3a,3b,6u]
- Mary Odgers SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1826 at Bovey Tracey, d. 3 Apr 1853 at Bartholomew Terrace after a short illness, d. reg.
Q2 1853 at Exeter R.D. In 1841 and 1851, living with her parents. [ref. 1n,3a,3b,6h1]
- Harriet SERCOMBE, b. 16 Nov 1828, chr. 1 Jan 1829 at the Mint, d. 17 Dec 1842, d. reg. Q4 1842 at Exeter R.D. A
"memoir" of Harriet in The Cottager's Friend and
Guide of the Young describes her as an extremely pious girl, "peculiarly engaging", who met death "with not only
composure, but solemn gladness". [ref. 1b,1n,6w]
- George SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1829 at Exeter, m1. Q3 1855 at Launceston R.D., Elizabeth CLEVERDON (b. ca. 1829 at North Hill, Cornwall, d. by 1871), m2. 21 Oct 1871 at St. Stephen, Exeter, m2. reg. Q4 1871 at Exeter R.D., Fanny Maria QUICKE (b. ca. 1830 at Exeter, d. reg. Q1 1895 at Exeter R.D.; daughter of Thomas QUICKE, a schoolmaster), d. reg. Q2 1897 at St. Thomas R.D. In 1841 and 1851, living with his parents. In 1861, a corn, seed, and provision merchant, living at 4 Bartholomew Terrace with his wife Elizabeth, their daughter Emily, a nurse, and two servants. In Apr 1871, a seed merchant, living at Cleveland Place, Exmouth, with his son Sidney. In Oct 1871, a seed merchant, of Exeter St. David; Fanny was a schoolmistress, of Kings Lodge, Exeter. In 1881, a seed merchant, living at 5 Lower Summerlands, Exeter St. Sidwell, with his wife Fanny, son Arthur, and a general servant. In 1891, a seed merchant, living at 5 Lower Summerlands with his wife Fanny, her widowed sisters Elizabeth and Mary, Mary's daughter (a governess), and a servant. [ref. 1n,1aj,3a,3b,3c,3d,3e,3f]
- William Cleverdon SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q1 1857 at St. Thomas R.D., d. reg. Q2 1861 at Exeter R.D. [ref. 1n]
- Emily SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1858 at Exeter, b. reg. Q3 1858 at St. Thomas R.D., m. reg. Q1 1883 at Launceston R.D., John William HARTLEY (b. 1853 at Snaith, Yorkshire, son of John HARTLEY of Snaith). In 1861, living with her parents. In 1871, a boarding scholar at Malborough House Ladies Boarding School, Exeter Holy Trinity. In 1881, a governess in the BRAY household, at Old Fore Street, Sidmouth, Devon. In 1891, living at Rock House, Hill Top, Grassington, Yorkshire, with her husband John (a Wesleyan minister), their children John, Ethel, George, Sarah, and Sydney, and a general servant. In 1901, living at 15d Park Street, Horsham, Sussex, with her sons John, Sidney, and Wilfred and a general servant; her husband John was a Wesleyan minister, visiting the BARNES family at 1 Woolwich Common, Woolwich, London. Address in 1912: Fairfield, Coleshill Street, Sutton Coldfield. [ref. nbsp;1n,3c,3d,3e,3f,3g,5d]
- John Sercombe HARTLEY, b. 1884 at Cirencester, Gloucestershire, b. reg. Q1 1884 at Cirencester R.D., m. reg. Q3 1912
at Northallerton R.D., Annie CHARLESWORTH (daughter of the Rev. Edward CHARLESWORTH). In 1891, a scholar, living with his
parents. In 1901, a journalist in a weekly newspaper office, living with his mother. Educated at Kingswood and Headingley
Methodist training college. Entered the Wesleyan Methodist ministry in 1903. Minister in the following circuits: Bedale,
Kent Miss[ion?], South Petherton, Northallerton, Wath-on-Dearne, Tadcaster, Thirsk, Retford, Sheffield Thorncliffe, Ramsey
(Isle of Man), and St. Mawes. Address in 1933: Wesley Manse, St. Mawes, Cornwall. [ref. 1n,3f,3g,5e]
- In 1933, one son, one daughter. [ref. 5e]
- Ethel Mary HARTLEY, b. ca. 1885 at Cirencester, b. reg. Q4 1885 at Cirencester R.D. In 1891, a scholar, living with
her parents. In 1901, a boarding pupil at Queenswood High School for Girls, Clapham, Surrey, together with her sister
Sarah. [ref. 1n,3f,3g]
- George C. HARTLEY, b. ca. 1886 at Montrose, Forfarshire, Scotland. In 1891, living with his parents. In 1901, a
boarding pupil at Kingswood School, Charlcombe, Somerset. [ref. 3f,3g]
- Sarah E. HARTLEY, b. ca. 1887 at Montrose. In 1891, living with her parents. In 1901, a boarding pupil at Queenswood
High School for Girls, together with her sister Ethel. [ref. 3f,3g]
- Sidney Arthur HARTLEY, b. ca. 1889 at Grassington, b. reg. Q2 1889 at Skipton R.D., d. reg. Q1 1902 at Horsham R.D. In
1891, living with his parents. In 1901, living with his mother. [ref. 1n,3f,3g]
- Wilfred Shaw HARTLEY, b. ca. 1893 at Knaresborough, Yorkshire, b. reg. Q3 1893 at Knaresborough R.D. In 1901, living
with his mother. [ref. 1n,3g]
- Arthur SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1865 at Exeter, b. reg. Q4 1865 at Exeter R.D. In 1871, a scholar, boarding at a small private
school at 42 Strand, Starcross, Kenton, Devon. In 1881, a
scholar, living with his father and stepmother. [ref. 1n,3d,3e]
- Sydney Herbert SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1867 at Exeter, b. reg. Q4 1867 at Exeter R.D., d. reg. Q1 1888 at Exeter. In 1871,
living with his father. In 1881, a boarding scholar at Brixton Grammar School, Brixton Oval, Lambeth, Surrey. [ref. 1n,3d,3e]
- Thomas SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1834 at Exeter, m. 25 Sep 1858 at Wolborough, Devon, by licence, m. reg. Q3 1858 at Newton Abbot R.D., Henrietta Holman HICKS (b. ca. 1836 at Newton Abbot, Devon, d. reg. Q1 1862 at St. Thomas R.D.; daughter of Samuel HICKS, a draper), d. 17 Jan 1866 in Queensland, Australia. In 1841, living with his parents. In 1851, a boarding student at the Wesleyan Collegiate Institution, Trull, Somerset, with his cousin Joseph SERCOMBE. At his marriage in 1858, a merchant, of Exeter St. Leonard; Henrietta was of Newton Abbot; the witnesses were Samuel HICKS, Maria Carteretta ALSOP, and Bessie HOLMAN (perhaps his sister Elizabeth). In 1861, a seed, corn, and provision merchant, living at 1 Albert Terrace, Exeter St. Leonard, with his wife Henrietta, their daughter Nina, his brother Walter, a nurse, a house servant, and a charwoman. [ref. 1n,1ex,1ff,3a,3b,3c]
- Nina SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1859 at Exeter, b. reg. Q3 1859 at St. Thomas R.D., d. reg. Q2 1866 at Depwade R.D. In 1861, living with her parents. [ref. 1n,3c]
- Elizabeth Clampitt SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1836 at Exeter, chr. 5 Mar 1837 at the Mint, m. 3 Mar 1856 at All Hallows on the
Walls, Exeter, m. reg. Q1 1856 at Exeter R.D., Henry George HOLMAN (b. 22 Oct 1832, son of John HOLMAN, a ship owner, and
Mary SYMONS, m2. 18 Jul 1865 at Bodmin, Cornwall, m. reg. Q3 1865 at Bodmin R.D., Hannah SYMONS, d. 23 Jul 1882 at
Topsham, Devon, d. reg. Q3 1882 at St. Thomas R.D.; a ship builder, ship owner, and marine insurer, of Topsham; for
information on the HOLMAN family see the Topsham Museum), d. reg. Q3 1857 at St. Thomas R.D., bur. 30 Jul 1857 at Topsham.
In 1841 and 1851, living with her parents. [ref. 1b,1n,1ah,3a,3b,9b,9c]
- Henry George HOLMAN, b. 15 Feb 1857, b. reg. Q1 1857 at St. Thomas R.D., d. 3 Jan 1858, d. reg. Q1 1858 at St. Thomas
R.D., bur. 8 Jan 1858 at Topsham. [ref. 1n,9c]
- Walter John SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1842 at Exeter, b. reg. Q3 1842 at Exeter R.D., m1. 9 Jun 1869 at the Manse, Christchurch, New Zealand, Martha RICKARD (b. ca. 1846, d. 20 Jun 1879 of apoplexy at Dunedin, New Zealand, bur. 21 Jun 1879 in Northern Cemetery, Dunedin), m2. 1879 in New Zealand, Jane GRENFELL, d. 1920 in Redfern district, New South Wales, Australia. In 1851, living with his parents. In 1861, a merchant's assistant, living with his brother Thomas. At his first marriage in 1869, of Waimate, New Zealand; Martha was late of Cambridge, England. At Martha's death in 1879, she was of Leith Street, Dunedin, a native of England, and had been in New Zealand for 11 years. Mentioned in various lists of teachers in the New Zealand Gazette, 1880, 1883, 1899, and 1901. In 1881, a schoolmaster at Waituna, registered to vote in Waimate district. In 1883, a teacher at Mars Hill, near Wanganui, New Zealand. On his son Albert's enlistment in 1917, of 18 Castlereagh Street, Redfern. [ref. 1n,1o,1ap,1aq,3b,3c,6e,14d,15a,16]
- Hugh Noel SERCOMBE, b. 26 Aug 1875 in Riverton district, New Zealand, m. 1898 in Canterbury district, New South Wales,
Florence Matilda PHELPS (d. 1967 in Penrith district, New South Wales, daughter of George and Emma), d. 11 Jul 1957 in
Balmain district, New South Wales. Attended school at Waituna, then at Mars Hill from 12 Jun 1883, then at Porewa School
in Rangitikei, New Zealand, from 16 May 1884 until 1887. [ref. 1o,1ap,6j,15a]
- Beatrice E.J. SERCOMBE, b. 1899 in Nyngan district, New South Wales, m. 1920 in Gunnedah district, New South Wales,
Nigel George HOWES. Ancestor of researcher Jill Howes. [ref. 1o]
- Clarence G. SERCOMBE, b. 1901 in Leichhardt district, New South Wales, m. 1930 in Petersham district, New South Wales,
Irene V. WARNER. [ref. 1o]
- Stanley Walter SERCOMBE, b. 1903 in Granville district, New South Wales, m. 1929 in Burwood district, New South Wales,
Margaret Ann BATEY. Ancestor of researcher David Noel Sercombe. [ref. 1o]
- Laurence Leslie SERCOMBE, m. 1961 in Burwood district, New South Wales, Marjorie Alma DYER, d. 1977 in New South Wales. [ref. 1o]
- Dora SERCOMBE, b. 16 Apr 1877 in Riverton district, New Zealand. Attended Porewa School, left 1886. [ref. 1ap,9d,15a]
- Albert Edward "Bertie" SERCOMBE, b. 7 May 1879 in Timaru district, New Zealand, m. reg. Q3 1919 at Lambeth R.D., Rose E. BRINKWORTH. Attended Porewa School starting 15 Nov 1886. In 1917, an unmarried laborer, of Sydney, New South Wales; enlisted as a private in the 18th Infantry Battalion, 21st Reinforcements, on 29 Jun; embarked on H.M.A.T. Ulysses at Sydney on 19 Dec; subsequently in the 2nd Machine Gun Battalion. [ref. 1n,1ap,9d,14d,14e,15a]
- David E. SERCOMBE, d. 1920 in Sydney district, New South Wales. [ref. 1o]
- Ann SERCOMBE, b. 3 May 1800, chr. 27 May 1802 at Bovey Tracey, m. 14 Nov 1822 at Bovey Tracey, John Hearn MUGFORD (b.
ca. 1797 at Bovey Tracey), d. by 1851. In 1822, her marriage was witnessed by George SERCOMBE and Elizabeth Mary MURCH
(note that her brother John married a MURCH); John was a cordwainer. In 1841, living at Main Street, Bovey Tracey with her
husband John (a shoemaker) and their children Elizabeth, Jabaz, and William. At her daughter Elizabeth's marriage in 1848,
John was a farmer. In 1851, John was a shoemaker, living with his widowed aunt at Fore Street, Bovey Tracey. [ref. 1a,1x,3a,3b]
- Elizabeth Sercombe MUGFORD, b. ca. 1828 in Devon, m. 11 Oct 1848 at St. Paul, Exeter, m. reg. Q4 1848 at Exeter R.D.,
Walter Augustus HILL (b. ca. 1823 at Broadclist, son of Abraham Snell HILL, a schoolmaster), d. reg. Q1 1900 at Newton
Abbot R.D. At her marriage in 1828, of St. Paul's Street; Walter was a chemist, of St. Paul's Street; the witnesses were
George Clement SMEATH and Elizabeth Adams HAVILL. In 1841, living with her parents. In 1851, lodging at Uppertown,
Christow, Devon, with her husband Walter (a schoolmaster) and their
son Albert. [ref. 1n,1x,3a,3b]
- Albert Edward HILL, b. ca. Jul 1850 at Christow. In 1851, living with his parents. [ref. 3b]
- Jabaz MUGFORD, b. ca. 1830 in Devon. In 1841, living with his parents. [ref. 3a]
- William MUGFORD, b. ca. 1833 in Devon. In 1841, living with his parents. [ref. 3a]
- James SERCOMBE, chr. 27 May 1802 at Bovey Tracey, m. 24 Apr 1826 at St. Sepulchre, London, Mary Smyth STACY (b.
21 Jan 1799 at Exmouth, Devon, chr. 17 Feb 1799 at Glenorchy Independent Chapel, Withycombe Raleigh, Devon, daughter of
John STACY and Sarah OSMENT, m2. reg. Q2 1859 at Wandsworth R.D., George CHARLTON, d. reg. Q2 1877 at Southwark St. Olave
R.D.). At his marriage in 1826, of St. Sepulchre; Mary was also of St. Sepulchre; the witnesses were James STACY and
Sophia S. STACY. At his daughter's baptism in 1831, a shoemaker, of Hennock. In
1841, a grocer, living at Old Town Street, Dawlish, Devon, with his wife Mary and their daughters Sophia and Mary. In
1851, Mary was a draper and hosier, living at 48 Hackney Road, St. Leonard Shoreditch, Tower Hamlets, London, with her
daughter Mary. [ref. 1a,1n,1q,1al,1ay,3a,3b]
- James Stacy SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1827 at Smithfield, London, m. reg. Q1 1860 at Greenwich R.D., Julia Ann SHORT (b. ca.
1832 at Bampton, Devon, d. reg. Q4 1873 at Hastings R.D.), d. reg. Q4 1877 at Camberwell R.D. In 1841, a shopman for a
linen draper, living with his employer at Strand, Dawlish. In 1851, an outfitter's warehouseman, living with many other
outfitter's employees at 63 & 64 Houndsditch, St. Botolph without Bishopsgate, London. In 1861, a commercial traveller
in drapery, living at 14 Hamilton Terrace West, Deptford, Kent, with his wife Julia, their son Henry, a servant, and a
milliner's apprentice (probably Julia's). In 1871, a traveller, living at 27 Bentham Road, Hackney, with his wife Julia (a
milliner), their children Henry, Frederick, Herbert, and William, Julia's father Thomas SHORT (a retired draper, b. ca.
1808 at Bampton), and a servant. Posthumously at his son Henry's marriage in 1881 and at his son Herbert's marriage in
1889, a draper. [ref. 1n,1an,1eb,3a,3b,3c,3d]
- Henry James SERCOMBE, b. ca. Nov 1860 at New Cross, Deptford, Kent, b. reg. Q1 1861 at Greenwich R.D., m. 6 Jun 1881 at St. Giles, Stony Stratford, Buckinghamshire, m. reg. Q2 1881 at Potterspury R.D., Hannah WISE (b. ca. 1858 at Stony Stratford, d. reg. Q4 1921 at Croydon R.D.; daughter of Richard WISE, a maltster), bap. 21 Dec 1893 at St. Luke, Chesterton, Cambridgeshire, d. reg. Q1 1933 at Uxbridge R.D. In 1861, living with his parents. In 1871, a scholar, living with his parents. In Apr 1881, a hosier's assistant, living with other employees at 14 Westbourne Grove Terrace, Paddington, London. At his marriage in
Jun 1881, a hosier, of Northampton; Hannah was of Stony Stratford; the witnesses were William WISE and Annie L. RICHARDSON. In 1889, witnessed his brother Herbert's marriage. In 1891, a clothier's manager, living at 12 George Street, Chesterton, with his wife Hannah, their children Walter, Ethel, and Florence, his brother William, and a general servant. At his baptism in 1893, an outfitter, of 53 Victoria Road, Chesterton. In 1901, an outfitter's manager, living at 50 Bridge Street, Cambridge, with his wife Hannah, their children Walter and Florence, a general servant, and a boarder. In 1911, a hosier's assistant, living at 2 Norland Square, Kensington, London, with his wife Hannah, their children Walter and Florence, Henry's visiting brother William, a servant, and four boarders. [ref. 1n,1an,1co,1eb,3c,3d,3e,3f,3g,3h]
- Ethel Daisy SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1882 at Northampton, b. reg. Q2 1882 at Northampton R.D., m. reg. Q2 1908 at Abingdon
R.D., Percy Cory GAUL. In 1891, living with her parents. In 1901, a draper's apprentice, living with other draper's
employees at 153-161 Lewisham High Road, Deptford. [ref. 1n,3f,3g]
- Alfred J. GAUL, b. reg. Q3 1911 at Chesterton R.D. [ref. 1n]
- Walter Stanley SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1884 at Maidstone, Kent, b. reg. Q4 1884 at Maidstone R.D., d. reg. Q2 1937 at
Lambeth R.D. In 1891, living with his parents. In 1901, a grocer's apprentice, living with his parents. In 1911, an auctioneer's clerk, living with his parents. [ref. 1n,3f,3g,3h]
- Florence Alice SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1887 at Maidstone, b. reg. Q1 1887 at Maidstone R.D., d. reg. Q3 1968 at Worthing R.D. In 1891 and 1901, living with her
parents. In 1911, an actress, living with her parents. [ref. 1n,3f,3g,3h]
- Frederick Thomas SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1862 at Tooley Street, Southwark, Surrey, b. reg. Q3 1862 at St. Olave
R.D., m. reg. Q4 1893 at Croydon R.D., Fanny Elizabeth ENSOM (b. ca. 1860 at Redhill, Surrey, d. reg. Q4 1939 at Surrey
South Eastern R.D.), d. reg. Q3 1943 at Surrey South Western R.D. In 1871, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1881, a
painter, boarding in the BOWER household at 14 Ingestre Road, St. Pancras, London. (Where in 1891?) In 1901, a compositor,
living at 17 Washington Road, Kingston on Thames, Surrey, with his wife Fanny and their daughter Edith. In 1911, a printer
compositor, living at 157 Richmond Road, Kingston on Thames, with his wife Fanny and their daughter Edith. [ref. 1n,3d,3e,3g,3h]
- Edith Rebould SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1897 at Norbiton, Surrey, b. reg. Q2 1897 at Kingston R.D., d. reg. Q2 1913 at Kingston
R.D. In 1901, living with her parents. In 1911, an apprentice bookbinder, living with her parents. [ref. 1n,3g,3h]
- Herbert SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1867 at Ealing or St. Olaves, Surrey, or Bow, London, b. reg. Q1 1867 at Brentford R.D., m.
1 Jan 1889 at St. Laurence, Reading, Berkshire, m. reg. Q1 1889 at Reading R.D., Mary Ann JONES (b. ca. 1862 at
Buckingham, Buckinghamshire, d. reg. Q3 1926 at Uxbridge R.D.; daughter of Charles JONES and Sarah), d. reg. Q1 1936 at
Uxbridge R.D. In 1871, living with his parents. In 1881, a scholar at South Metropolitan District School, Sutton, Surrey,
along with his brother William. In 1889, a tobacconist, of Vachel Road, Reading. In 1891, a tobacconist, living at 32 St.
Mary Butts, Reading, with his wife Mary, their son James, and Mary's visiting mother. In 1901, a clothier's manager,
living at 2 Peach Street, Wokingham, Berkshire, with his wife Mary, their son Alfred, Mary's mother, a general servant,
and an assistant. In 1911, a commercial traveller in woollen, living at 60 Gloucester Road, Newbury, Berkshire, with his
wife Mary Ann and their sons James (crossed out) and Alfred. [ref. 1n,1an,3d,3e,3f,3g,3h]
- James Reginald SERCOMBE, b. ca. Oct 1889 at Reading, b. reg. Q4 1889 at Reading R.D. In 1891, living with his parents. In 1901, a boarding pupil at Gordon House School, Gloucester Road, Kingston on Thames, not far from his uncle Frederick. In 1911, a musician in the Royal Marines Band, living at the Royal Marine Artillery Barracks and Infirmary, Eastney, Portsmouth, Hampshire; also enumerated (crossed out) with his parents. [ref. 1n,3f,3g,3h]
- (probably) Lily SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q3 1892 at Reading R.D., d. reg. Q3 1892 at Reading R.D. [ref. 1n]
- Alfred Herbert SERCOMBE, b. ca. Apr 1900 at Wokingham, b. reg. Q2 1900 at Wokingham R.D., m. reg. Q4 1924 at Medway
R.D., Mabel Lilian STEWART (b. 16 Sep 1898, d. reg. Q4 1983 at Ashford R.D.), d. reg. Q1 1967 at Ashford R.D. In 1901,
living with his parents. In 1911, at school, living with his parents. [ref. 1n,3g,3h]
- Josephine M. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1928 at Kingston R.D., d. reg. Q1 1930 at Guildford R.D. [ref. 1n]
- Michael Stewart SERCOMBE, b. 14 Dec 1933, b. reg. Q1 1934 at East Ashford R.D., m. reg. Q3 1963 at Ashford R.D., June
P. WARNER (m2. reg. Jun 2001 at Ashford with Shepway R.D., John S. ROOD), d. reg. Mar 1996 at Ashford R.D. [ref. 1n]
- Gillian A.J. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q4 1965 at Folkestone R.D., m. reg. Nov 2005 at Kent R.D., Gordon A.
SHEPHERD. [ref. 1n]
- David Michael SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q4 1967 at Folkestone R.D., m. reg. Jul 1995 at Tunbridge Wells R.D., Claire L.
BURGESS. [ref. 1n]
- Bronte Louise A. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Apr 1998 at Tunbridge Wells R.D. [ref. 1n]
- Bradley Sean SERCOMBE, b. reg. Jan 2001 at Tunbridge Wells R.D. [ref. 1n]
- Rowena Eloise SERCOMBE, b. reg. Jun 2003 at Kent R.D. [ref. 1n]
- William SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1869 at Ealing or Kilburn, Middlesex, or Hackney, b. reg. Q2 1869 at Hendon R.D., m. reg. Q3 1904 at Taunton R.D., Mabel Kate BURCHELL (b. ca. 1878 at Southampton, Hampshire), d. reg. Q4 1942 at Kensington R.D. In 1871, living with his parents. In 1881, a scholar at South Metropolitan District School, along with his brother Herbert. In 1891, living with his brother Henry. In 1901, a hotel boots, lodging at 7 Town Place, Reading. In 1911, a caretaker, visiting his brother Henry; Mabel was a general domestic servant in the MOOR household at Soldiers Institute, Taunton, Somerset. [ref. 1n,3d,3e,3f,3g,3h]
- Sophia SERCOMBE, chr. 26 Dec 1831 at Hennock, d. reg. Q3 1846 at West London R.D. In 1841, living with her
parents. [ref. 1n,1q,3a]
- Mary Jane Stacey SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1833 at Dawlish or Exminster, chr. 8 Sep 1833 at Chudleigh Independent chapel, d.
reg. Q4 1904 at Chelsea R.D. In 1841, living with her parents. In 1851, an assistant to her mother. (Where in 1861 and
1871?) In 1881, a dressmaker, lodging in the NELSON household at 11 Walnut Tree Walk, Lambeth, Surrey. In 1901, a
dressmaker, lodging at 95 Page Street, Westminster, London. [ref. 1n,1dn,3a,3b,3e,3g]
- Ellen Stacey or Ellen Smyth SERCOMBE, b. 15 Aug 1835, chr. 13 Sep 1835 at the Independent chapel, Dawlish, Devon, d.
reg. Q4 1839 at Newton Abbot R.D., bur. 16 Nov 1839 at Dawlish. [ref. 1n,1am,1fn]
- Samuel SERCOMBE, chr. 24 Jun 1804 at Bovey Tracey, bur. there 10 Jan 1805. [ref. 1a]
- Thomas SERCOMBE, chr. 8 Jan 1808 at Bovey Tracey, m. 22 Sep 1832 at Crediton, Devon, Jane BURGE, d. 9 Dec 1892 at 33 Longton Grove, Sydenham, d. reg. Q4 1892 at Lewisham R.D., bur. 14 Dec 1892 at South London Metropolitan Cemetery (now West Norwood Cemetery), Norwood, Surrey. At his son Thomas's birth in Feb 1841, a porter merchant, of New Bridge Street, Exeter. In Jun 1841, a porter merchant, living at Bridge Street, Exeter, with his wife Jane, their children Anna, Lucy, Joseph, and Jane, his wife's mother, and two servants. At his son Arthur's birth in 1843, a porter merchant, of Bridge Street, Exeter. In Pigot's directory for 1844, listed as a wine, ale, and porter merchant, tobacconist, and agent for Bass & Co. ales, at 15 New Bridge Street, Exeter. At his daughter Alice's birth in 1849, a wine and spirits merchant, of Bridge Street, Exeter. In White's directory for 1850, listed as a tobacconist and merchant of porter, ale, wine, and spirits, at 15-16 New Bridge Street, Exeter. In 1851, a wine merchant, living at Walnut House, St. Davids Hill, Exeter, with his wife Jane, their children Anna, Lucy, Jane, Frank, Kate, and Alice, his wife's mother, a nursemaid, and a cook. At his daughter Anna's marriage in Jul 1855, a printer (perhaps an error?). In Sep 1855, defrauded of £158 15s. 2d. worth of tobacco by Thomas Moore SHARP, who was convicted in Jan 1856 and sentenced to eight months in prison. In 1861, a wine merchant, living at 26 Wellington Road, Marylebone, London, with his wife Jane, their children Joseph, Jane, Frank, and Alice, his wife's niece and nephew Lucy and Aubrey LUXTON, and two servants. At his son Frank's death in 1868, of 19 Longton Grove, Sydenham, Kent. In 1871, a wine merchant, living at 19 Longton Grove, Upper Sydenham, with his wife Jane, their daughters Jane, Kate, Alice, Anna, and Lucy, Anna's husband Edward, Lucy's son Sydney, and two servants. At his daughter Alice's marriage in 1876, a wine merchant. In 1881, a retired wine merchant, living at 38 Longton Grove with his wife Jane, their daughters Jane and Kate, a cook, and a housemaid. In 1891, a retired wine merchant, living at 38 Longton Grove with his wife Jane, their daughter Jane, a cook, and a housemaid. At his death in 1892, of 38 Longton Grove, Sydenham. [ref. 1a,1c,1e,1f,1n,1az,1ct,1dy,1ey,3a,3b,3c,3d,3e,3f,6c6,6c16,6m,8c,8d]
- Anna SERCOMBE, b. 23 Nov 1833 at Exeter, chr. 15 Dec 1833 at the Mint, m. 10 Jul 1855 at Christ Church, Marylebone,
London, m. reg. Q3 1855 at Marylebone R.D., Edward PEARSE (b. ca. 1823 at Exeter, son of James PEARSE, a merchant, d. by
1881). In 1841 and 1851, living with her parents. At her marriage in 1855, of Acacia Road; Edward was an accountant, of
Exeter St. James. In 1861, living at 4 Prospect
Terrace, Exeter St. Sidwell, with her husband Edward (a clerk in the West of England Fire and Life Assurance Society),
their children James, Alice, and Edward, her mother-in-law Elizabeth C. (an annuitant, b. ca. 1794 at Exeter, m. PEARSE,
wid. by 1861), and two house servants. In 1871, Anna and Edward (a rag merchant) were living with her parents. In 1881,
living at 13 Friars Walk, Exeter Holy Trinity, with her children James, Alice, Edith, Louisa, and Mabel and a general
domestic servant. Listed in White's 1890 directory as Mrs. E. Pearse of Melbourne House, 13 Friars Walk; her husband's
business, which must have survived him, was listed as "Edward Pearse, metal, skin, rag, and waste paper merchant, Shilhay,
Commercial road; 13-14 West street and Sun street; and Teignmouth and Torquay; h[ome] Melbourne house, Friars walk".
(Where in 1891? Not either Friars Walk or Gertrude Terrace.) In 1901, living on her own means at 5 Gertrude Terrace,
Exmouth, Devon, with her children James and Edith, her granddaughter Catherine WHEATLEY, and a general domestic
servant. [ref. 1b,1j,1n,1az,3a,3b,3c,3d,3e,3g,8g]
- James PEARSE, b. ca. 1856 at Exeter, b. reg. Q2 1856 at Exeter R.D., m. reg. Q4 1910 at Exeter R.D., Ethel Grace PEARSE (b. ca. 1881 at Hatherleigh, Devon, m1. reg. Q3 1902 at Okehampton R.D., John Ley PETHYBRIDGE [b. ca. 1865, d. reg. Q3 1905 at Tavistock R.D.]). In 1861, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1871, a scholar, living in his parents' house at 13 Friars Walk with his six younger sisters and two general servants. In 1881, a rag and metal merchant, living with his mother. In 1891, a wholesale rag merchant, living at 11 Fore Street, Heavitree, Exeter, with his sister Louisa and a general domestic servant. In 1901, a wholesale rag and metal merchant, living with his mother. In 1911, a metal and rag merchant, living at 11 Salutary Mount, Heavitree, with his wife Ethel, her daughter Annabel Grace Ley PETHYBRIDGE (b. ca. 1903 at Okehampton, Devon, b. reg. Q3 1903 at Okehampton R.D.), visitor Lillian May CLEVERLEY (b. ca. 1884 at London), a cook, and a housemaid. [ref. 1n,3c,3d,3e,3f,3g,3h]
- Anne Lucy "Annie" PEARSE, b. reg. Q2 1857 at Exeter R.D., m. reg. Q2 1878 at Exeter R.D., Timothy WHEATLEY (b. ca. 1849 at Lanchester, Co. Durham). In 1861, living with her uncle Mountjoy PEARSE (an iron ship builder and coal fitter) at Seaton Carew, Co. Durham. In 1871, a scholar, living in her parents' house. In 1881, living at 60 Middleton Road, New Grimsbury, Northamptonshire, with her husband Timothy (a Wesleyan Methodist minister), their daughter Mary, and a general servant. In 1891, living at 38 Penn Road Villas, Islington, London, with her husband Timothy (a Wesleyan minister), their children Mary, Catherine, Edward, and Dorothy, and a mother's help. In 1901, living at Woodland Leigh, Torquay, Devon, with her husband Timothy (a Wesleyan Methodist minister) and their daughter Dorothy. In 1911, Timothy was a Wesleyan Methodist minister, living at 66 Filey Avenue, Slapton, London N.E., with a general servant. [ref. 1n,3c,3d,3e,3f,3g,3h]
- Mary Winifred WHEATLEY, b. ca. 1879 at Warwick, Warwickshire, b. reg. Q1 1890 at Warwick R.D., m. reg. Q1 1901 at
Newton Abbot R.D., James Herbert WATSON (b. ca. 1871 in Scotland). In 1881 and 1891, living with her parents. In 1901,
living at 124 Mansfield Road, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, with her husband James (a Wesleyan minister). [ref. 1n,3e,3f,3g]
- Catherine Alice WHEATLEY, b. ca. 1882 at Grimsbury, Northamptonshire (Oxfordshire from 1894), b. reg. Q3 1882 at
Banbury R.D. In 1891, living with her parents. In 1901, living with her maternal grandmother. [ref. 1n,3f,3g]
- Edward Pearse WHEATLEY, b. ca. 1884 at Reading, Berkshire, b. reg. Q3 1884 at Reading R.D. In 1891, living with his parents. In 1901, a boarding pupil at Dunheved College, Launceston, Cornwall. In 1911, an office clerk for a marine store dealer, boarding in the ANDREWS household at 3 Weirfield Road, Exeter. [ref. 1n,3f,3g,3h]
- Dorothy Annie WHEATLEY, b. ca. 1887 at Sunderland, Co. Durham, b. reg. Q4 1887 at Sunderland R.D. In 1891 and 1901,
living with her parents. [ref. 1n,3f,3g]
- Alice PEARSE, b. ca. 1859 at Exeter, b. reg. Q1 1859 at Exeter R.D. In 1861, living with her parents. In 1871, a
scholar, living in her parents' house. In 1881, a scholar, living with her mother. [ref. 1n,3c,3d,3e]
- Edward Ernest PEARSE, b. ca. Jan 1861 at Exeter, b. reg. Q1 1861 at Exeter R.D., d. reg. Q4 1864 at Exeter R.D. In
1861, living with his parents. [ref. 1n,3c]
- Edith Maria PEARSE, b. ca. 1862 at Exeter. In 1871, living in her parents' house. In 1881, a scholar, living with her mother. In 1901, living with her mother. In 1911, living on private means at 114 St. Andrew's Road, Exmouth, with her sister Margaret and a servant. [ref. 3d,3e,3g,3h]
- Mary Beatrice PEARSE, b. ca. 1864 at Exeter, b. reg. Q1 1865 at Exeter R.D., m. reg. Q2 1888 at Exeter R.D., Albert Thomas OLIVER (b. ca. 1856 at Menheniot, Cornwall). In 1871, living in her parents' house. In 1881, a boarding scholar in a school at 26 Clarence Terrace, Leamington, Warwickshire. In 1891, living at 2 Howell Road, Exeter, with her husband Albert (a fruit and provision merchant), their son James, and a general domestic servant. In 1901, living at 6 Blackall Road, Exeter, with her husband Albert (a fruit merchant and Methodist local preacher), their children James, Freida, Margaret, and Thomas, a lady's helper, and a general servant. In 1911, living at 9 Marlbrough Road, Exeter, with her husband Albert (a fruit merchant), their children James, Frieda, Margaret, and Thomas, and a general servant. [ref. 1n,3d,3e,3f,3g,3h]
- James Pearse OLIVER, b. ca. 1890 at Exeter, b. reg. Q2 1890 at Exeter R.D. In 1891 and 1901, living with his parents. In 1911, the manager of a marine store, living with his parents. [ref. 1n,3f,3g,3h]
- Frieda Mary OLIVER, b. ca. 1893 at Exeter, b. reg. Q1 1893 at Exeter R.D. In 1901 and 1911, living with her parents. [ref. 1n,3g,3h]
- Margaret Kent OLIVER, b. ca. 1894 at Exeter, b. reg. Q4 1894 at Exeter R.D. In 1901, living with her parents. In 1911, at school, living with her parents. [ref. 1n,3g,3h]
- Thomas Sercombe OLIVER, b. 21 Jun 1899 at Exeter, b. reg. Q3 1899 at Exeter R.D., m. reg. Q3 1925 at Exeter R.D., Phyllis M. WIPPELL, d. reg. Q1 1970 at Plymouth R.D. In 1901, living with his parents. In 1911, at school, living with his parents. [ref. 1n,3g,3h]
- Richard Sercombe OLIVER, b. 26 Jun 1928, b. reg. Q3 1928 at Yeovil R.D., d. reg. Jan 1993 at Hereford R.D. [ref. 1n]
- Jennifer M. OLIVER, b. reg. Q3 1933 at Yeovil R.D. [ref. 1n]
- Louisa Agnes PEARSE, b. ca. 1866 at Exeter, b. reg. Q2 1866 at Exeter R.D., m. reg. Q1 1897 at St. Thomas R.D., Matthew Maria L. HUTCHINSON (b. ca. 1859 at New Ross, Co. Wexford, Ireland). In 1871, living in her parents' house. In 1881, a scholar, living with her mother. In 1891, housekeeper for her brother James. In 1911, living at Lanhael, Polperro, Cornwall, with her husband Matthew (a medical practitioner) and a general servant. [ref. 1n,3d,3e,3f,3h]
- Margaret Mabel PEARSE, b. ca. 1867 at Exeter, b. reg. Q2 1867 at Exeter R.D. In 1871, living in her parents' house. In 1881, a scholar, living with her mother. In 1901, visiting another PEARSE family at St. Tudy, Cornwall. In 1911, living on private means with her sister Edith. [ref. 1n,3d,3e,3g,3h]
- Lucy SERCOMBE, b. 12 Sep 1835 at Exeter, chr. 4 Oct 1835 at the Mint, m. Samuel Joseph SMITH (b. ca. 1829 at
Upleadon, Gloucestershire, d. 25 Feb 1893 at
Chelmsford, b. reg. Q1 1893 at Chelmsford R.D.). In 1841 and 1851, living with her parents. Samuel was a Wesleyan minister
from ca. 1853, and a missionary at Canton, China. (Presumably in China in 1861.) In 1871, Lucy was living with her parents
with her son Sydney; Samuel was a Wesleyan minister, living at Waterloo, Northumberland, with their children Catherine,
Samuel, Joseph, Gertrude, and Agnes and two servants. In 1881, living at 7 Chapel Hill,
Huddersfield, Yorkshire, with her husband
Samuel (a Wesleyan minister), children Thomas and Catherine, visitors Ellen Ann PRESTON and Susannah M. HUTTON (b. ca.
1859 and 1860 at Canton), and a servant. The house at 7 Chapel Hill may have belonged to the church, for in 1891 it
was next door to the Wesleyan chapel and was occupied by the family of another minister. In 1891, living with her daughter
Catherine; her husband Samuel was a Wesleyan minister, living at Grove House, Chelmsford, Essex, with his daughter Agnes
and a general servant. In 1901, living on her own means at 18 Morton Crescent, Exmouth, with her daughters Agnes and
Gertrude, three of Gertrude's children, visitor Isabella (perhaps Gertrude's mother in law?, b. ca. 1816 in Scotland, m.
BALL, wid. by 1901), a housemaid, and a cook. [ref. 1b,1j,1n,3a,3b,3d,3e,3f,3g]
- Thomas Sercombe SMITH, later Thomas SERCOMBE-SMITH, b. ca. 1858 at Canton, m. Jun 1919, m. reg. Q2
1919 at St. Thomas R.D., Mary (m1. Robert North DE BEAUVAIS [b. ca. 1870, d. reg. Q1 1918 at Camberwell R.D., L.S.A.
(London), of Ancaster, Grantham, and The Links, Golf Road, Budleigh Salterton, Devon]). In 1871, a boarding pupil at the
Wesleyan College, Lansdown Road, Charlcombe, Somerset. In 1881, a scholar, living with his parents. Received degrees of
B.A. and LL.B. (London). Appointed acting puisne judge in Hong Kong, 14 Apr 1900. On 28 Mar 1901, appointed acting
colonial secretary in Hong Kong. In 1907, a police magistrate and coroner in Hong Kong. Left Hong Kong on nine months
leave of absence, 29 Jan 1907. At his marriage in 1919, formerly of the Hong Kong Civil Service and a retired puisne judge
of the Supreme Court of the Straits Settlements. [ref. 1n,3d,3e,6c23,6f1,6f2,6f3]
- Catherine Lucy SMITH, b. ca. 1859 at Canton, m. reg. Q2 1886 at St. Albans R.D., James HUDSON (b. ca. 1856 at
Islington, London). In 1871, living with her father. In 1881, living with her parents. In 1891, living at 80 Masons Hill,
Bromley, Kent, with her husband James (a provision merchant), their daughters Gladys and Sybil, her mother, her brother
Samuel, a lady's nurse, a general servant, a cook, and a (child's) nurse. In 1901, living at Terracina, Bromley, with her
husband James (a provision merchant), their children Sybil and Basil, a housemaid, a cook, a nurse, and a
kitchenmaid [ref. 1n,3d,3e,3f,3g]
- Gladys Marian HUDSON, b. ca. 1887 at Bromley, b. reg. Q3 1887 at Bromley R.D., d. reg. Q2 1891 at Bromley R.D. In
1891, living with her parents. [ref. 1n,3f]
- Sybil Kathleen HUDSON, b. ca. Feb 1891 at Bromley, b. reg. Q2 1891 at Bromley R.D. In 1891, living with her parents.
In 1901, living with her parents. [ref. 1n,3f,3g]
- Basil Stuart HUDSON, b. 29 Aug 1893 at Terracina, Sundridge Avenue, Bromley, b. reg. Q4 1893 at Bromley R.D. In 1901,
living with his parents. [ref. 1n,3g,6c31]
- Samuel Arthur SMITH, b. ca. 1861 at Canton, m. reg. Q2 1896 at Bromley R.D., Emily Gertrude GIBBS (b. ca. 1866 at
Hackney, London). In 1871, living with his father. In 1891, an accountant, living with his sister Catherine. In 1901, a
secretary to public companies, visiting a lodging house at 2 Cliftonville Avenue, Margate, Kent, with his wife Emily,
their son John, and a nurse. [ref. 1n,3d,3f,3g]
- John Sercombe SMITH, b. 20 Jan 1898 at Beckenham, Kent, b. reg. Q1 1898 at Bromley R.D., d. reg. Q2 1974 at Tonbridge
R.D. In 1901, living with his parents. [ref. 1n,3g]
- (probably) Rex Sercombe SMITH, later Rex SERCOMBE-SMITH, b. reg. Q3 1902 at Bromley, R.D., d. reg. Q3 1964 at
Bournemouth R.D. [ref. 1n]
- Joseph H. SMITH, b. ca. 1862 at Canton. In 1871, living with his father. [ref. 3d]
- Gertrude Jane SMITH, b. ca. 1864 at Canton, m. reg. Q1 1885 at St. Albans R.D.,
James Dyer BALL (I.S.O., b. 1847, d. 1919, a linguist who
studied Cantonese). In
1871, living with her father. In 1881, a pupil governess at the Ladies School, 19 Church Street, Stourbridge,
Worcestershire. (In 1891, perhaps in Hong Kong?) In 1901, living in her mother's household with her children Lucy, Arthur,
and Norman. In 1921, of 55 Lewisham Hill, London S.E. In 1927 and 1931, of 10 Lownds Avenue, Bromley, Kent. In 1936, of
Bromley [ref. 1n,3d,3e,3g,6c19,6c26,6c28,6c29]
- Lucy J. BALL, b. ca. 1885 at Hong Kong, m. 28 Jul 1921 at Blackheath, Trevor A. BUTCHER (O.B.E., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P.,
second son of Col. H. Townsend BUTCHER, R.F.A., of 5 Stafford Mansions, London S.W.). In 1901, living with her
mother. [ref. 3g,6c19]
- Arthur Dyer BALL or Arthur DYER-BALL, b. ca. 1888 at Hong Kong, m1. Ruth Mary SHEPHERD,
m2. 14 Dec 1927 at Colombo, Ceylon, Dorothy
Redfearn ROBINSON (fourth daughter of Col. F. Redfearn ROBINSON), d. 25 Jan 1931 at a London nursing home. In 1901, living
with his mother. Clerk of the Legislative Council
of Hong Kong, 1918-1919 and 1922. Edited the 1923 edition of the
Laws of Hong Kong. In 1927, a barrister in the civil
service in Ceylon. Appointed Legal Draftsman under the Attorney General of Ceylon, 6 Aug 1927; assumed duties Sep 1927;
resigned 18 Dec 1930 (see History of the Legal Draftsman's
Department). Memorial service at St. Jude's Church, Courtfield Gardens, South Kensington. [ref. 3g,6c26,6c27,6c28,15f]
- Denys Michael DYER-BALL, b. 10 Oct 1918 at Hong Kong, m. 28 Jan 1943 at St. Peter's, Cranley Gardens, London S.W.7,
m. reg. Q1 1943 at Kensington R.D., Damaris Irwin CAVERS (b. 3 Dec 1917, d. reg. Dec 1997 at Leeds R.D., daughter of A.S.
CAVERS of 138 The Mount, York), d. 23 Oct 1983, bur. at Swanage. Educated at Corpus Christi College, Oxford University,
1937-1939. In 1942, a Lieutenant in the Gold Coast Regiment. In 1943, of the Queen's Royal Regiment and the Gold Coast
Regiment. In 1948, of the Political Administration, Gold Coast. In 1968, of Vinehall School, Robertsbridge, Sussex. In
1983, late of the Ghana Administrative Service and Vinehall School. Funeral service at Bournemouth Crematorium,
28 Oct 1983. [ref. 1n,6c32,6c33,6c35,6c36,6c37,15f]
- Michael Sutherland DYER-BALL, b. 22 Jul 1946 at Purey Cust Nursing Home, York, b. reg. Q3 1946 at York R.D. Address
1975-1982: 10/12 Grange Park Road, London W.5. [ref. 1n,6c34,8h]
- Drusilla I. DYER BALL, b. 7 Jul 1948 at Swanage Cottage Hospital, b. reg. Q3 1948 at Poole R.D., m. reg. Q2 1973 at
Kensington R.D., Stephen C. LONG. [ref. 1n,6c35,6c37]
- Kael Alexis DYER-BALL or LONG, b. reg. Q4 1971 at Paddington R.D. [ref. 1n,6c37]
- Harry Alex LONG or McMULLEN, b. reg. Q1 1988 at Leeds R.D. [ref. 1n]
- Norman Dyer BALL, b. ca. 1895 at Hong Kong, m. reg. Q1 1923 at St. George Hanover Square R.D., Doris Bell COLLIER (b.
8 Dec 1897 at Manchester, an author of detective fiction under the pseudonym Josephine Bell - see brief
biography), d. 7 Jan 1936 in
a car accident. In 1901, living with his mother. Norman and Doris practiced medicine together in Greenwich and London,
1927-35. In 1963, Doris was of Willoughby, Guildford. [ref. 1n,3g,6c29]
- Brigid Margaret BALL, b. reg. Q3 1926 at Hampstead R.D., m. ca. 1964 John Rossford EDGE (son of Walter Charles EDGE,
of Briggate, Knaresborough). [ref. 1n,6c30]
- A son and two more daughters.
- Agnes K. or B. SMITH, b. ca. 1865 at Canton. In 1871, living with her father. In 1881, a boarding scholar at Trinity
Hall school, 15 Duke Street, North Meols, Lancashire. In 1891, living with her father. In 1901, living with her
mother. [ref. 3d,3e,3f,3g]
- Sydney H. SMITH, b. ca. 1866 at Guildford, Surrey, b. reg. Q4 1866 at Guildford R.D. In 1871, a scholar, living with
his mother in the household of her parents. In 1881, a boarding scholar at
Woodhouse Grove School, Rawdon, near
Guiseley, Yorkshire. [ref. 1n,3d,3e]
- Joseph SERCOMBE, b. 9 Feb 1837 at Exeter, chr. 26 Feb 1837 at the Mint, m. reg. Q2 1867 at Stepney R.D., Rose CORNFORTH (b. ca. 1846 at Gainsborough, Lincolnshire, d. reg. Q1 1899 at Eastbourne R.D., bur. 3 Mar 1899 at St. John the Evangelist, Shirley, Surrey), d. reg. Q1 1902 at Croydon R.D., bur. 26 Feb 1902 at St. John the Evangelist, Shirley. In 1841, living with his parents. In 1851, a boarding student at the Wesleyan Collegiate Institution, Trull, with his cousin Thomas SERCOMBE. In 1861, a wine merchant, living with his parents. In 1871, a wine merchant, living at Lynton Holme, Oakfield Road, Croydon, Surrey, with his wife Rose, their children Hilda and Athelstane, visitor Edith CORNFORTH (b. ca. 1854 at Ramsgate, Kent, perhaps Rose's sister), a cook, a nurse, and a housemaid. In 1881, a wine merchant, living at Oakfield, Croydon, with his wife Rose, their children Hilda and Athelstane, Rose's sister Bertha, a governess, a cook, and a housemaid. In 1891, a wine merchant, living at 42 Sydenham Road, Croydon, with his wife Rose, their children Hilda and Athelstane, a visitor (Ethel M. THOMAS, b. ca. 1870 at Sunderland, Durham), a cook, and a housemaid. At her death in 1899, Rose was of Eastbourne. In 1901, a retired wine merchant, living at 4 Wellesley Road, Croydon, with his son Athelstane, a visitor (Maud M. JOYCELYN, b. ca. 1864 at Maidstone, Kent), a cook, and a housemaid. At his death in 1902, of Croydon. [ref. 1b,1j,1n,1fi,3a,3b,3c,3d,3e,3f,3g]
- Hilda SERCOMBE, b. 12 Dec 1869 at Croydon, b. reg. Q1 1870 at Croydon R.D., chr. 11 May 1870 at the Wesleyan Methodist chapel, Croydon, m. reg. Q2 1896 at Portsea Island R.D., Martin Price CHAMBERLIN (b. ca. 1870 at Yarmouth, Norfolk, d. by 1911). In 1871, living with her parents. In 1881, a scholar, living with her parents. In 1891, living with her parents. In 1901, living at 17a Blegborough Road, Streatham, London, with her husband Martin (an accountant clerk) and their daughter Rose. In 1911, living on private means at 11 Hestercombe Avenue, Fulham, London, with her children Rose and Edward. [ref. 1n,1ac,3d,3e,3f,3g,3h]
- Rose Marguerite CHAMBERLIN, b. ca. 1897 at Southsea, Hampshire, b. reg. Q2 1897 at Portsea R.D. In 1901, living with her parents. In 1911, living with her mother. [ref. 1n,3g,3h]
- Edward Laurence CHAMBERLIN, b. ca. 1907 at Coulsdon, Surrey, b. reg. Q2 1907 at Croydon R.D. In 1911, living with his parents. [ref. 1n,3h]
- Athelstane Cornforth SERCOMBE, b. ca. Dec 1870 at Croydon, b. reg. Q1 1871 at Croydon R.D., m. reg. Q4 1906 at Croydon R.D., Elizabeth Margaret PAGE (b. ca. 1880 at Cardiff, daughter of Richard PAGE of Porthcawl, Glamorgan; m2. 26 Sep 1922 at Christ Church Broadway, Westminster, m2. reg. Q3 1922 at St. George Hanover Square R.D., Oliver Henry d'Alteyrac STEWARD [b. ca. 1879, son of Edward Harding STEWARD]), d. 9 May 1918 at Hurst Cottage, Birdhurst Avenue, South Croydon, d. reg. Q2 1918 at Croydon R.D. In 1871, living with his parents. In 1881 and 1891, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1901, a wine merchant, living with his father. At his daughter's baptism in 1908, a wine merchant, of 48 Catfield Road, Croydon. In 1911, a wine merchant, living at 1 Chatfield Road, Croydon, with his wife Elizabeth, their daughter Margaret, visitor Ethel Augusta PAGE (b. ca. 1878 at Cardiff, perhaps Elizabeth's sister), a general servant, and a nurse. At his daughter's baptism in 1912, a wine merchant, of Sydney House, London Road, Croydon. At her second marriage in 1922, Elizabeth was of 35 Westminster Palace Gardens, London S.W.1; Oliver was a retired army officer, of the Army and Navy Club, Pall Mall, London S.W.1. At her daughter's marriage in 1941, Elizabeth was of 2 Queensbury, Sheringham. [ref. 1n,1fg,1fh,3d,3e,3f,3g,3h,6c22,6c24,6c25]
- Margaret Rose SERCOMBE, b. 21 Sep 1908 at Croydon, b. reg. Q4 1908 at Croydon R.D., chr. 22 Nov 1908 at St. James Croydon Common, Croydon. In 1911, living with her parents. In Nov or Dec 1934, assigned as a typist in the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries. [ref. 1fh,1n,3h,6ab5]
- Daphne Mary SERCOMBE, b. 15 Jun 1912, b. reg. Q3 1912 at Croydon R.D., chr. 18 Aug 191 at St. James Croydon Common, m. 23 Jan 1941, m. reg. Q1 1941 at Leighton Buzzard R.D., Alan Rousseau BRADSHAW (younger son of J.M. BRADSHAW of Myrtlefield Park, Belfast). In 1941, Alan was a paymaster commander in the Royal Navy. [ref. 1n,1fh,6c25]
- Jane Burge SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1838 at Exeter, b. reg. Q3 1838 at Exeter R.D., d. reg. Q4 1931 at St. Thomas R.D. In
1841, 1851, 1861, 1871, 1881, and 1891, living with her parents. In 1901, a boarder in the BROOKES household at 51 Penn
Road, Croydon. In 1911, living with her sister Alice. [ref. 1n,3a,3b,3c,3d,3e,3f,3g,3h]
- Thomas Clampitt SERCOMBE, b. 15 Feb 1841 at Exeter St. Edmund, b. reg. Q2 1841 at Exeter R.D., d. reg. Q2 1841 at
Exeter R.D. [ref. 1n,1ct]
- Thomas SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1842 at Exeter R.D., d. reg. Q3 1842 at Exeter R.D. [ref. 1n]
- Arthur SERCOMBE, b. 7 Jul 1843 at Exeter St. Edmund, b. reg. Q3 1843 at Exeter R.D., d. reg. Q2 1844 at Exeter
R.D. [ref. 1n,1dy]
- Frank SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1844 at Exeter, b. reg. Q4 1844 at Exeter R.D., d. 20 Feb 1868 at 16 Woronzow Road, London, N.W., of pleurisy, d. reg. Q1 1868 at Marylebone R.D., bur. at South London Metropolitan Cemetery, now West Norwood Cemetery, Norwood, Surrey. In 1851 and 1861, living with his parents. At his death in 1868, of Woronzow Road, St. Johns Wood. [ref. 1n,1ey,3b,3c,6c6]
- Kate SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1846 at Exeter, b. reg. Q2 1846 at Exeter R.D., d. reg. Q1 1927 at Paddington R.D. In 1851, living with her parents. (Where in 1861?) In 1871, and 1881, living with her parents. Awarded the degree of Lady Literate in Arts (L.L.A.) by St. Andrews University (but probably without residence at St. Andrews), ca. 1881. Some time before 1885, an assistant mistress at Norwich High School for Girls. Subsequently taught privately in Stuttgart, Germany; advertised for pupils in the Wesleyan-Methodist Magazine (1884, address Paulinenstrasse 54); the Journal of Education (1885, address Paulinenstrasse 54, then Dannekerstrasse); and the
Musical Times (1886, address Dannekerstrasse). In 1891, living with her sister Alice. (Where in 1901?) In 1911, of private means, boarding at 18-20 Campbell Road, Boscombe, Hampshire. Kate travelled the world, gathering a collection of seashells that remains in the possession of the descendants of her sister Alice. [ref. 1n,3b,3d,3e,3f,3h,6x,6y,6z,6aa,9a]
- Alice SERCOMBE, b. 20 Jul 1849 at New Bridge Street, Exeter, b. reg. Q3 1849 at Exeter R.D., m.
9 Aug 1876 at the Wesleyan chapel, Sydenham, m. reg. Q3 1876 at Lewisham R.D., James Sewell
HAWORTH, d. reg. Q4 1930 at Okehampton R.D. In 1851, 1861, and 1871, living with her parents. At her marriage in 1876,
of 19 Longton Grove, Sydenham. At her son's birth in 1877, of 62 Trinity Square, Margate, Kent. In 1881, living at 82
Newby Street, Kirkdale, Lancashire, with her husband James (a
Wesleyan minister), their son Harold, and two general servants. In 1891, living at Upworth Lodge,
Wrexham, Denbighshire, with her husband James (a
Wesleyan minister), her sister Kate, visitor Sarah C. PHILLIPS (living on her own means, b. ca. 1838 at Chelsea), and a
cook. In 1901, living at Eirianfa, Llangollen,
Denbighshire, with her husband James (a Wesleyan minister) and a housemaid. In 1911, living at Eiranfa, Llangollen, with
her husband James (a Wesleyan minister), her sister Jane, and a servant. My great
grandmother. [ref. 1e,1f,1n,1cs,3b,3c,3d,3e,3f,3g,3h]
- Thomas SIRCOMBE, chr. 31 Mar 1767 at Hennock, bur. there 13 May 1767. [ref. 1q]
- Mary SIRCOMBE, chr. 13 Oct 1768 at Hennock, m1. 22 Oct 1793 at Hennock, after banns, Gilbert EDWARDS (chr. 9 Mar 1758
at Hennock, son of James EDWARDS and Deborah, bur. 17 Feb 1803 at Hennock), m2. 21 Jun 1808 at Hennock, by license,
William STANBURY. Mary's first marriage in 1793 was witnessed by her father Samuel SERCOMBE and brother-in-law James
SOPER. At her second marriage in 1808, she and William were both of Hennock, William was a yeoman, and the witnesses were
Elizabeth SERCOMBE (probably a sister-in-law, but which?) and Susanna STANBURY (presumably a relative of
William). [ref. 1q]
- Samuel EDWARDS, chr. 2 Jan 1795 at Hennock. [ref. 1q]
- Elizabeth EDWARDS, chr. 26 Jan 1797 at Hennock. [ref. 1q]
- Mary EDWARDS, chr. 18 Apr 1799 at Hennock. [ref. 1q]
- Ann EDWARDS, chr. 19 Nov 1801 at Hennock. [ref. 1q]
- Susannah STANBURY, chr. 16 Dec 1808 at Hennock. [ref. 1q]
- Jane STANBURY, chr. 10 Jan 1811 at Hennock. [ref. 1q]
- Sarah SIRCOMBE, chr. 27 Jun 1771 at Hennock, m. 1 Oct 1794 at Hennock, after banns, Samuel EDWARDS (chr. 21 Aug 1768
at Hennock, son of James EDWARDS and Deborah). Witnesses at the marriage in 1794 were E. MUDGE, John MUDGE, J. MALLOCK,
and C. HILL. [ref. 1q]
- Thomas SERCOMBE, chr. 29 Jun 1775 at Hennock, m1. 11 Sep 1800 at Kenn, Devon, after banns, Elizabeth PHILLIPS (b. ca. 1775, bur. 2 Oct 1828 at Kenn), m2. 8 Oct 1832 at St. Paul, Bristol, Gloucestershire, after banns, Ann BENNETT (b. ca. 1788 at Bristol St. James, d. reg. Q2 1865 at Bristol R.D.), d. reg. Q3 1848 at Bristol R.D. At his marriage in 1800, of South Bovey (i.e. Bovey Tracey); Elizabeth was of Kenn; Sarah PHILLIPS and Elizabeth DEWDNEY witnessed the marriage. At his daughter's baptism in 1803, a butcher. In 1806, Thomas COCKS and Mary WOODLEY (both aged 10) were apprenticed to Thomas by the overseers of the poor of Ilsington, Devon, for Lender. In 1812, James RIDGWAY (aged 7) was apprenticed to him by them for Lender estate. Probably the father of Mary WOODLEY's illegitimate child, born in 1816. At her death in 1828, Elizabeth was of Kenn. At their marriage in 1832, Thomas and Ann were both of Bristol St. Paul. In 1841, a journeyman butcher, living at Cherry Lane, Bristol St. James, with his wife Ann. In 1851, Ann was living on parish relief at Balloon Court, Bristol St. Paul. (Where was Ann in 1861?) [ref. 1a,1n,1q,1t,1bb,3a,3b,17f]
- Ann SERCOMBE, chr. 18 Sep 1801 at Bovey Tracey, m. 31 Mar 1824 at South Molton, John CHUDLEIGH (d. by 1851). In 1851,
a servant in the household of Charles GORDON, J.P., at Heavitree House, Heavitree. In 1871, a servant, lodging with her
sister Sarah. [ref. 1a,1ao,3b,3d]
- Sarah SERCOMBE, chr. 23 Dec 1803 at Bovey Tracey, m. 27 Oct 1833 at Alphington, Devon, after banns, John LONEY (b. ca.
1804 at Exeter St. Sidwell, d. by 1861). In 1816, Sarah was a witness at the marriage at Kenn of Mary PHILLIPS (perhaps a
maternal relative) and John COOPER. In Mar 1833, she was a witness at the marriage at Kenn of Edward SMALLDRIDGE (of
Ashton) and Sophia WALTER (of Kenn). At their marriage in Oct 1833, Sarah and John were both sojourners in Alphington;
Thomas TAPPER and W. WELSFORD were the witnesses. In 1841, living at Chapel Court, St. Sidwell Place, Exeter, with her
husband John (a plasterer) and their children Fanny, John, and James. In 1851, a laundress, living at Skittle Alley,
Sidwell Street, Exeter, with her husband John (a plasterer), their daughters Eliza and Emma, and visitors Susanna TAPPER
and Jane TOWILL (both b. ca. 1834 at Kenn). In 1861, a laundress, living at Skittle Alley with her daughters Eliza and
Emma. In 1871, a laundress, living at 2 Wesleyan Court, Exeter St. Sidwell, with her sister Ann (described in the census
as a lodger). [ref. 1a,1ag,1t,3a,3b,3c,3d]
- Fanny LONEY, b. ca. 1835 in Devon. In 1841, living with her parents. [ref. 3a]
- John LONEY, b. ca. 1837 in Devon. In 1841, living with his parents. [ref. 3a]
- James Sercombe LONEY, b. ca. 1839 in Devon, b. reg. Q2 1839 at Exeter R.D. In 1841, living with his
parents. [ref. 1n,3a]
- Eliza Ann LONEY, b. ca. 1841 at Exeter St. Sidwell. In 1851, living with her parents. In 1861, a pupil teacher, living
with her mother. [ref. 3b,3c]
- Emma LONEY, b. ca. 1846 at Exeter St. Sidwell. In 1851, living with her parents. In 1861, a waistcoat maker, living
with her mother. [ref. 3b,3c]
- William SERCOMBE, chr. 26 Dec 1805 at
Ilsington, Devon, m. Mary Ann GOOD (b. ca. 1815 at Gloucester,
Gloucestershire, d. reg. Q3 1853 at Bedminster R.D.), d. reg. Q4 1859 at Bedminster R.D. In 1841, a journeyman
carpenter, living at Hill Street, Bristol St. Paul, Gloucestershire, with his wife Mary Ann and their children Thomas,
Mary Ann, and Ann. At his son's birth in 1845, a carpenter, of Adelaide Place, Bedminster, Somerset. In 1851, a carpenter,
living at Mill Lane, Bedminster, with his wife Mary Ann and their children Thomas, Mary Ann, Ann, William, and Sarah. At
his daughters' marriages in 1860 and 1866 (both posth.), a carpenter. [ref. 1n,1u,1bc,1bd,1dz,3a,3b]
- Thomas SIRCOMBE, b. ca. 1836 at Cheltenham, m. 2 Jul 1877 at St. James, Bristol,
m. reg. Q3 1877 at Bristol R.D., Sarah A. WOOD (b. ca. 1837 at Bristol, daughter of John WOOD). In 1841, living with his
parents. In 1851, an errand boy, living with his parents. (Where in 1861?) In 1871, a house carpenter, living at 10 Mill
Street, Bedminster, with his "wife" Sarah (a laundress) and son William. At his marriage in 1877, a carpenter, of
Horsefair, Bristol; Sarah was also of Horsefair. In 1881, an unemployed carpenter, living at 30 Herbert Street,
Bedminster, with his wife Sarah. Immigrated to the United States ca. 1886, naturalized by 1900. In 1900, a house
carpenter, living at 31 Lazelle Avenue, Detroit, Michigan, with his wife Sarah. Unemployed 8 months in 1899-1900. In 1910,
living at 889 Scotten Avenue, Detroit, with his wife Sarah. [ref. 1n,1be,3a,3b,3d,3e,13c,13g]
- William Thomas SIRCOMBE, b. ca. 1860 at Bedminster, b. reg. Q2 1860 at Bedminster R.D., m. reg. Q1 1880 at Bedminster R.D., Eliza Jane WHITE (b. ca. 1858 at Bruton, Somerset, d. reg. Q4 1941 at Bristol R.D.), d. reg. Q1 1902 at Bristol R.D. (Where in 1861?) In 1871, living with his parents. In 1881, a police constable, lodging at York Buildings, 16 Queens Parade, Bristol, with his wife Eliza and their son Thomas. In 1891, a police constable, living at 10 Ambrose Road, Clifton, Gloucestershire, with his wife Eliza, their sons Thomas and Ernest, and a boarder (also a police constable). In 1901, a police constable, living at 10 Ambrose Road, Bristol, with his wife Eliza and their children Thomas, Sidney, and Samuel. Posthumously at his son's marriage in Feb 1902, a police officer. In 1911, Eliza was a charwoman, living with her son William, together with her sons Sidney and Samuel. At her son's death in 1916, she was of 2 Ambra Vale, Clifton Wood, Bristol. [ref. 1n,1fl,3d,3e,3f,3g,3h,4h]
- Thomas William SIRCOMBE, b. ca. Dec 1880 at Bristol St. Augustine or Clifton, b. reg. Q1 1881 at Bristol R.D., m. 22 Feb 1902 of St. Luke, Bedminster, m. reg. Q1 1902 at Bristol R.D., Sarah CREECH (b. ca. 1881 at Bristol St. Philip, d. reg. Q2 1917 at Bristol R.D.; daughter of Walter George CREECH, a gas worker), d. reg. Q2 1911 at Bristol R.D. In 1881, living with his parents. In 1891, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1901, a printer's apprentice, living with his parents. At his marriage in 1902, a printer, of 13 Victoria Place, Bedminster; Sarah was of 27 Victoria Place; the witnesses were Walter George CREECH and Clara CREECH. In 1911, a litho printer, living at 30 Ambrose Road, Clifton Wood, Bristol, with his wife Sara, their daughters Frances, Daisy, and Ivy, his mother, and his brothers Sidney and Samuel. [ref. 1n,1fl,3e,3f,3g,3h]
- Frances Eliza Ernestine SIRCOMBE, b. ca. 1903 at Bedminster, b. reg. Q1 1903 at Bristol R.D., m1. reg. Q4 1924 at Bristol
R.D., Reginald H. BLANDFORD, m2. reg. Q4 1939 at Bristol R.D., Frederick H. HEADINGTON. In 1911, at school, living with
her parents. [ref. 1n,3h]
- Daisy Sameline SIRCOMBE, b. ca. 1905 at Clifton, b. reg. Q3 1905 at Bristol R.D., m. reg. Q3 1928 at Bristol R.D.,
Arthur W.J. LEWIS. In 1911, at school, living with her parents. [ref. 1n,3h]
- Cyril A. LEWIS, b. reg. Q2 1929 at Bristol R.D. [ref. 1n]
- Ivy Elizabeth Dorothy SIRCOMBE, b. ca. 1907 at Clifton, b. reg. Q3 1907 at Bristol R.D., m. reg. Q1 1942 at Bristol R.D.,
Frederick J. GOODRIDGE. In 1911, living with her parents. [ref. 1n,3h]
- David J. GOODRIDGE, b. reg. Q4 1943 at Bristol R.D. [ref. 1n]
- Joan V. GOODRIDGE, b. reg. Q1 1947 at Bristol R.D. [ref. 1n]
- Ernest Daniel SIRCOMBE, b. ca. 1882 at Clifton, b. reg. Q4 1882 at Barton Regis R.D., d. reg. Q4 1898 at Barton Regis
R.D. In 1891, a scholar, living with his parents. [ref. 1n,3f]
- Sidney Charles SIRCOMBE, b. 17 May 1893 at Clifton, b. reg. Q2 1893 at Barton Regis R.D., m. reg. Q4 1919 at Bristol
R.D., Ada W. LLOYD (b. ca. 1897, d. reg. Q3 1959 at Bristol R.D.), d. reg. Q1 1975 at Bristol R.D. In 1901, a schoolboy,
living with his parents. In 1911 an engineer apprentice, living with his mother in his brother William's
household. [ref. 1n,3g,3h]
- Samuel Wilfred SIRCOMBE, b. ca. 1897 at Clifton, b. reg. Q1 1897 at Barton Regis R.D., d. 12 May 1916, bur. at Ecoivres Military Cemetery, Mont St. Eloi, Pas de
Calais, France. In 1901, a schoolboy, living with his parents. In 1911, a litho printer's taking-off boy, living with his mother in his brother William's household. At his death in 1916, a private in the 3rd Battalion, Worcestershire Regiment. [ref. 1n,3g,3h,4h]
- Mary Ann SIRCOMB, b. ca. 1838 at Bristol St. Paul, b. reg. Q4 1838 at Bristol R.D., m. 27 May 1860 at St. Phillip
and St. Jacob, Bristol, m. reg. Q2 1860 at Bristol R.D., William James BIDWELL (b. ca. 1840 at Banwell, Somerset, son of
Isaac BIDWELL, a laborer). In 1841, living with her parents. In 1851, a scholar, living with her parents. At her marriage
in 1860, of New Street; William was a laborer, also of New Street, the witnesses were William MAPOWDER and Eliza DAVID. In
1861, living at Gas Lane, Bristol, with her husband William (a mason's laborer) and sister Elizabeth. [ref. 1n,1bc,3a,3b,3c]
- Ann "Nance" or "Annie" SIRCOMBE, b. ca. Mar 1841 at Bristol, b. reg. Q2 1841 at Bristol R.D., chr. 11 Apr 1841 at St.
Philip and St. Jacob, Bristol, m. 29 Jul 1866 at St. Matthias, Bristol, m. reg. Q3 1866 at Bristol R.D., Henry POVEY (b.
ca. 1839 at Bedminster, son of Henry POVEY, a baker). In 1841, living with her parents. In 1851, a scholar, living with
her parents. (Where in 1861?) At her marriage in 1866, of Rope Walk; Henry was a rope maker, of The Weir; the witnesses
were Robert BETTY and Sarah ELLIS. In 1871, an ironer, living at 3 New Margaret Place, Bedminster, with her husband Henry
(a rope and twine spinner). In 1881, a laundress, living at 25 Garrison Street, Aston, Warwickshire, with her husband
Henry (a rope and twine spinner) and an Irish lodger. [ref. 1n,1bc,1bd,3a,3b,3d,3e]
- William SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1843 at Bedminster, b. reg. Q1 1843 at Bedminster R.D., m. reg. Q2 1893 at Plymouth R.D., Emma GULLETT (daughter of Thomas GULLETT, a stonemason, and Margaret; b. 9 Jan 1844 at Underwood, Plympton St. Mary, Devon, chr. 4 Feb 1844 at Plympton St. Mary, m1. 27 Nov 1864 at Sutton on Plym, Devon, m1. reg. Q4 1864 at Plymouth R.D., William THORN [b. ca. 1841 at Cullompton, Devon, perh. d. reg. Q1 1893 at Plymouth R.D.], d. reg. Q3 1924 at Plymouth R.D.), d. reg. Q1 1909 at Plymouth R.D. In 1851, living with his parents. In 1861, a private in the Royal Marines, living at Millbay Barracks, Plymouth. When William THORN's daughter was baptized in 1865, he was a cab driver, of 2 Victoria Street, Plymouth. In 1871, Emma was living at 28 Kinterbury Street, Plymouth, with her first husband William THORN (a laborer) and their daughter Margaret. (Where was William SERCOMBE in 1871?) In 1881, an innkeeper, living at Cross Guns Yard, Newtown, Montgomeryshire, with his wife Emma and her daughter Emma. In 1891, a general laborer, living at 64 Commercial Street, Huddersfield, Yorkshire, with his wife Emma and her daughter Emma. In 1901, an army pensioner (left eye lost), living at 64 Cromwell Road, Plymouth, with his wife Emma (a laundress) and her daughter Emma. In 1911, Emma was living at 21 Clifton Street, Plymouth, with her daughter Emma. Note that although William and Emma reported themselves as married from at least 1881, their actual marriage was only in 1893. [ref. 1i,1n,1fa,1fb,3a,3b,3e,3f,3g,3h]
- (stepdaughter) Margaret Emma THORN or SERCOMBE, b. 11 Jul 1865 at Underwood, Plympton St. Mary, or at Plympton St. Maurice, b. reg. Q3 1865 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., chr. 2 Aug 1865 at Charles the Martyr, Plymouth. In 1871, a scholar, living with her parents. In 1881, a scholar, living with her mother and stepfather. In 1891 and 1901, living with her mother and stepfather. In 1911, living with her mother. Suffered a back infirmity from childhood. THORN in 1865 and 1871, then SERCOMBE in 1881, 1891, and 1901, then THORN again in 1911. [ref. 1i,1n,3d,3e,3f,3g,3h]
- Charles SERCOMBE, b. 27 Mar 1845 at Adelaide Place, Bedminster, b. reg. Q2 1845 at Bedminster R.D., d. reg. Q2 1845 at
Bedminster R.D. [ref. 1n,1dz]
- Sarah SIRCOMBE, b. ca. 1846 at Bedminster, b. reg. Q2 1846 at Bedminster R.D., m. 26 Jul 1870 at Salem Baptist Chapel,
Cheltenham, m. reg. Q3 1870 at Cheltenham R.D., William Henry Shipway HABGOOD. In 1851, a scholar, living with her
parents. In 1861, a house servant in the HASELTON household at 328 High Street, Cheltenham. The announcement of Sarah's
marriage in the the Bristol Mercury called her "daughter of the late Mr. C. [sic] Sircombe, of
Bedminster". [ref. 1n,3e,3f,6l,10c]
- Robert Patton HABGOOD, b. 21 May 1871 at Bellefonte, Center County, Pennsylvania, m. 3 Nov 1897 Daisy May HEFFNER (b.
17 Feb 1873, daughter of Samuel Dean HEFFNER and Mary Jane PEIGHTEL). [ref. 10c]
- Samuel SIRCOMBE, b. reg. Q1 1849 at Bedminster R.D., d. reg. Q4 1850 at Bedminster R.D. [ref. 1n]
- Elizabeth SIRCOMBE, b. ca. 1851 at Bedminster, b. reg. Q2 1851 at Bedminster R.D., m. reg. Q2 1873 at Bedminster R.D., either Henry COGGIN(S) or George SAUNDERS. In 1861, living with her sister Mary Ann. (Where in 1871?) [ref. 1n,3c]
- Thomas SERCOMBE, chr. 27 Nov 1807 at Ilsington, d. 21 Feb 1827, bur. 25 Feb 1827 at Kenn. At his death in 1827, of
Exeter. [ref. 1t,1u,4c]
- Robert SYRCOMBE, chr. 13 Oct 1724 at Dunsford. (For descendants, see Robert
SERCOMBE.) [ref. 1v]
- Susanna SYRCOME, chr. 21 Jul 1747 at Dunsford, m. 19 May 1775 at Ipplepen, Devon, Robert EASTON. At his marriage in
1775, Robert was a shoemaker. [ref. 1v,1dh]
- William SERCOMBE, chr. 19 Aug 1750 at Dunsford, m. 19 Jul 1785 at Kingsteignton, Sarah WOTTON,
bur. 5 Apr 1817 at Kingsteignton. According to settlement examinations at Kingsteignton in 1812 and 1816, William served
an apprenticeship at Dunsford with John CUNNETT, then went to Hennock and worked for Thomas COX for three years, then went
to Trusham to work for Francis STOOKE, then went to Kingsteignton and worked for James BALL by the week, then became ill
and went to Hennock (perhaps to stay with his much older half-brother Samuel Viol SERCOMBE?), then
returned to Kingsteignton and was married there. At his burial in 1817, he was of
Bishopsteignton, Devon. [ref. 1dg,1v,21a]
- Elizabeth "Betty" SERCUMBE, b. ca. 1785 at Kingsteignton, chr. 7 Sep 1786 at Bovey Tracey, m. 25 Feb 1808 at Highweek, Devon, John RICHARDSON (b. ca. 1783 in Devon, d. by 1851). In 1841, living at Gappah, Kingsteignton, with her husband John (a cordwainer) and their daughter Caroline. In 1851, a school mistress, living at Kingsteignton with her daughter Elizabeth. In 1861, a retired school mistress, lodging in the VALLANCE household at Gestridge Road, Kingsteignton. [ref. 1a,1fe,3a,3b,3c]
- Thomas RICHARDSON, chr. 6 Nov 1808 at Kingsteignton. [ref. 1dg]
- Elizabeth RICHARDSON, b. ca. 1811 at Kingsteignton, chr. 9 Aug 1811 at Kingsteignton. In 1841, living in the SMALDRIDGE household at Fair Water Street, Kingsteignton. In 1851, a seamstress, living with her mother. [ref. 1dg,3a,3b]
- William RICHARDSON, chr. 14 Oct 1813 at Kingsteignton. [ref. 1dg]
- Caroline RICHARDSON, chr. 18 Apr 1819 at Kingsteignton. In 1841, living with her parents. [ref. 1dg,3a]
- George RICHARDSON, chr. 3 Jun 1821 at Kingsteignton. [ref. 1dg]
- Mary SERCOMBE, chr. 11 Nov 1791 at Kingsteignton, m. 11 Apr 1822 at Wolborough, Devon, John LAKE (b. ca. 1800 at Highweek, Devon), d. by 1851. At her marriage in 1822, of Wolborough; John was of Highweek; the witnesses were Thomas LAKE and Mary Ann LAKE. At her daughter's baptism in 1823, John was journeyman tanner, of Newton Bushell, Highweek. At her sons' baptisms in 1825 and 1827, he was a laborer, of Newton Bushell. In 1841, living at Mill Lane, Highweek, with her husband John (a journeyman waggoner) and their sons Henry and John. In 1851, John was a journeyman tanner, living at Mill Lane, Highweek, with his son Henry and Henry's wife. Ancestor of researcher Audrey Fawn. [ref. 1dg,1fe,1ff,3a,3b]
- Maria LAKE, chr. 9 Feb 1823 at Highweek. [ref. 1fe]
- Henry LAKE, chr. 15 May 1825 at Highweek, m. Jane (b. ca. 1826 at Kingsteignton, Devon). In 1841, a journeyman tanner, living with his parents. In 1851, a brewer's laborer, living with his father, together with his wife Jane (a washerwoman). [ref. 1fe,3a,3b]
- John LAKE, chr. 22 Apr 1827 at Highweek. In 1841, a journeyman tanner, living with his parents. [ref. 1fe,3a]
- Alice SEIRCOMBE, chr. 9 Aug 1752 at Dunsford, m. 25 Feb 1783 by banns at Dunsford, William TAVENER. Nicholas TUCKETT
witnessed the marriage in 1783. [ref. 1v]
- William SURCOMBE, chr. 25 May 1686 at Ashton, bur. 14 Mar 1713/4 at Ashton. [ref. 1aa]
- Mary SERCOMB, chr. 8 Dec 1642 at Ashton, bur. 19 Aug 1675 at Ashton. [ref. 1aa]
- George SIRCOMB, chr. 1 Dec 1644 at Ashton, m. 1 Sep 1668 at Dunsford, Ursula HILL (bur. 19 Aug 1722 at Tedburn St.
Mary), bur. 24 Jun 1716 at Tedburn St. Mary. [ref. 1v,1aa,1aw]
- Elisabeth SERCOMBE, chr. 19 Aug 1669 at Tedburn St. Mary, bur. 7 Jun 1720 at Tedburn St. Mary. [ref. 1aw]
- John SERCUMBE, chr. 13 Dec 1671 at Tedburn St. Mary. [ref. 1aw]
- Matthew SERCUMBE, chr. 11 Jan 1675/6 at Tedburn St. Mary. [ref. 1aw]
- Grace SERCOMBE, chr. 17 Sep 1678 at Tedburn St. Mary. [ref. 1aw]
- Symon SERCOMBE, chr. 25 Oct 1681 at Tedburn St. Mary. [ref. 1aw]
- Peter SERCOMB or SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 16 Mar 1683/4 at Tedburn St. Mary, m. 17 Feb 1712/3 at
Bridford, Joan HOWARD (bur. 19 May 1745 at Christow), bur. 8 Jul 1745 at Christow. At their marriage in 1712/3, Peter
and Joan were both of Christow. [ref. 1p,1aw,1ci]
- John SIRCOMBE or SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 5 Sep 1713 at Christow, m1. 9 Jan 1734/5 at Christow, after banns, Betty ROLLESTON
(bur. 21 Dec 1742 at Bridford), m2. 13 Jul 1743 at Christow, after banns, Mary VITTLES, bur. 10 Jan 1764 at Hennock. At
their marriage in 1734/5, John and Betty were both of Christow. At Betty's death in 1742, John was of Christow. At their
marriage in 1743, John and Mary were both of Christow. At his death in 1764, John was of Christow. [ref. 1p,1q,1ci]
- Elizabeth SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 2 Dec 1735 at Christow. [ref. 1ci]
- John SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 15 Feb 1737/8 at Christow. [ref. 1ci]
- Onesimus SOUTHCOMBE or SERCOME, chr. 6 May 1744 at Christow, m. 10 Sep 1769 at
Bishopsteignton, Devon, Sarah JORDEN
(bur. 29 Nov 1782 at Bishopsteignton). At his marriage in 1769, Onesimus was a laborer, of Bishopsteignton; Sarah was also
of Bishopsteignton; Sarah EWEN was a witness at the marriage. Sarah was smothered to death by Onesimus, who was insane.
She was buried by the parish as a pauper. [ref. 1ci,1cj]
- Kezia SERCOMBE or SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 14 Jan 1746/7 at Christow, m. 27 Feb 1775 at St. James, Taunton, Somerset, by
license, John SPILLER. At her child's baptism in 1772, of Christow. At her marriage in 1775, of Taunton St. James; John
was of Trull, Somerset; the witnesses were William JENNINGS and Richard GANNETT. [ref. 1ch,1ci,1cn]
- Mary Brockerton SURCOMBE, chr. 28 Jun 1767 at Christow. (Is this Mary
SERCOMBE?) [ref. 1ci]
- SERCOMBE, a base child, chr. 1772 at St. Mary Magdalen, Taunton. [ref. 1cn]
- Sarah SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 17 Jun 1749 at Christow. [ref. 1ci]
- Elias SOUTHCOMBE, b. 5 May 1752, chr. 24 May 1752 at Christow, bur. 23 Oct 1753 at Christow. [ref. 1ci]
- Joanna SOUTHCOMBE, b. 17 Jul 1755, chr. 3 Aug 1755 at Christow. [ref. 1ci]
- Elias SOUTHCOMBE or SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1760, chr. 28 Sep 1760 at Christow, m. 15 Jul 1788 at Christow, Joan or Joanna
FLOOD (b. ca. 1756, bur. 22 Jan 1829 at Christow), bur. 28 Feb 1830 at Christow. At her death in 1829, Joanna was of
Stratton, Christow. At his death in 1830, Elias was also of Stratton. [ref. 1ci]
- Elias SERCOMBE or SOUTHCOMBE, b. ca. 1789 at Christow, chr. 23 Aug 1789 at Christow, m. 27 Apr 1812 at Christow,
Elizabeth "Betty" TOZER (b. ca. 1789 at Moretonhampstead,
Devon, d. reg. Q1 1875 at St. Thomas R.D., bur. 25 Feb 1875 at Christow), d. reg. Q1 1879 at St. Thomas R.D., bur.
17 Feb 1879 at Christow. At his daughter's baptism in 1817, a husbandman, of Stratton, Christow. At his
daughter's baptism in 1820, a husbandman, of Cot, Stratton. At his children's baptisms in 1823 and 1826, a laborer, of
Stratton. At his son's burial later in 1826, of Stratton. At his son's baptism in 1831, a laborer, of Christow. At his
son's baptism in 1834, a laborer, of Stratton. At his son's burial later in 1834, of Stratton. At his daughter's marriage
in 1838, a husbandman. In 1841, an agricultural laborer, living at Stratton with his wife Elizabeth, their children
Elizabeth and Samuel, John TOZER (an agricultural laborer, b. ca. 1790 in Devon, perhaps a brother in law), and Elizabeth
STEVENS (b. ca. 1838 in Devon, perhaps a daughter of his daughter Mary). At his daughter's marriage in 1849, a laborer. At
his daughter's marriage in 1850, a farm laborer. In 1851, an agricultural laborer, living at Stratton with
his wife Betty and their children Sarah and Samuel. In 1861, an agricultural laborer, living at Stratton with his wife
Elizabeth, their children Sarah, Elizabeth, and Samuel, Sarah's son William, and three of Elizabeth's children. In 1871, a
laborer, living at Stratton with his wife Betty, their daughter Sarah, and their daughter Elizabeth's daughter Mary. At
Betty's burial in 1875, she was of Christow. At Elias's burial in 1879, he was of Bridford. [ref. 1n,1w,1ci,1ck,3a,3b,3c,3d]
- Mary SERCOMBE, chr. 2 Nov 1812 at Christow, m. 1 Jan 1838 at Cross Presbyterian Chapel, Moretonhampstead, m. reg. Q1
1838 at Newton Abbot R.D., John STEVENS (b. ca. 1811 at Moretonhampstead, son of John STEVENS, a husbandman). At her
marriage in 1838, of Moretonhampstead; John was a journeyman tanner, also of Moretonhampstead; the witnesses were Edward
SHORT and Sarah TAYLOR. In 1841, living at Fore Street,
Plympton St. Maurice, Devon, with her husband John (a
journeyman tanner) and their son Richard. In 1851, living at Fore Street, Plympton St. Maurice, with her husband John (a
journeyman tanner) and their sons Richard and William. In 1861, living at 20 Fore Street, Plympton St. Maurice, with her
husband John (a laboring tanner) and their children Richard, William, and Florence. [ref. 1n,1ci,1ck,3a,3b,3c]
- Richard STEVENS, b. ca. Aug 1840 at Plympton (St. Maurice?), b. reg. Q3 1840 at Plympton St. Mary R.D. In 1841, living
with his parents. In 1851, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1861, a cabinetmaker, living with his
parents. [ref. 1n,3a,3b,3c]
- William STEVENS, b. ca. 1845 at Plympton (St. Maurice?), b. reg. Q4 1845 at Plympton St. Mary R.D. In 1851, a scholar,
living with his parents. In 1861, a carpenter, living with his parents. [ref. 1n,3b,3c]
- Florence STEVENS, b. ca. 1851 at Plympton (St. Maurice?), b. reg. Q3 1851 at Plympton St. Mary R.D. In 1861, a
scholar, living with her parents. [ref. 1n,3c]
- Martha SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1817 at Christow, chr. 18 May 1817 at Christow, m. 5 Jun 1850 at St. Mary Steps, Exeter, m.
reg. Q2 1850 at Exeter R.D., William MOORE (b. ca. 1821 at Crediton, son of William MOORE, a farm laborer). In 1841, a
servant in the AMERY household at Aller, Christow. At her marriage in 1850, a servant, of St. Mary Steps; William was a
farm laborer, of Bridford; William CORIAM was a witness. In 1851, living at Dockham, Moretonhampstead, with her husband
William (a farm laborer) and their son George. [ref. 1n,1w,1ci,3a,3b]
- George MOORE, b. ca. Dec 1850 at Moretonhampstead. In 1851, living with his parents. [ref. 3b]
- Sarah SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1820 at Christow, chr. 8 Oct 1820 at Christow, m. reg. Q2 1873 at St.
Thomas R.D., Samuel RABJOHNS (d. by 1881), d. reg. Q2 1884 at St. Thomas R.D. (Where in 1841?) At her son's baptism in
1848, of Stratton. In 1851, living with her parents. In 1861, a charwoman, living with her parents. In 1871, living with
her parents. In 1881, housekeeper for her first cousin Elias SERCOMBE at Barne Cott,
Christow. [ref. 1n,1ci,3b,3c,3d,3e]
- William Noble SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1848 at Christow, b. reg. Q3 1848 at St. Thomas R.D., chr. 17 Sep 1848 at Christow. In
1851, living with his mother and her parents (enumerated as William NOBLE, a visitor). In 1861, a scholar, living with his
mother and her parents (enumerated as his mother's younger brother). [ref. 1n,1ci,3b,3c]
- Elias SERCOMBE, chr. 10 Aug 1823 at Christow, bur. 20 Jul 1826 at Christow. [ref. 1ci]
- Elizabeth SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1826 at Christow, chr. 9 Jul 1826 at Christow, m. 9 Jun 1849 at Christow, m. reg. Q2 1849
at St. Thomas R.D., James Hawkins LUSCOMBE (b. ca. 1825 at Doddiscombsleigh, Devon, son of George LUSCOMBE, a shoemaker,
d. by 1861). In 1841, living with her parents. At her marriage in 1849, a dressmaker, of Christow; James was a carpenter,
of Byteign; Joseph LUSCOMBE and Anna Maria SERCOMBE(?) witnessed the marriage. In 1851, lodging in the household of her
parents, with her husband James (a carpenter). In 1861, a dressmaker, living with her parents together with her children
George, Samuel, and Mary. [ref. 1n,1ci,3a,3b,3c]
- George LUSCOMBE, b. ca. 1858 at Bridford. In 1861, a scholar, living with his mother and her parents. [ref. 3c]
- Samuel LUSCOMBE, b. ca. 1854 at Ilsington. In 1861, a scholar, living with his mother and her parents. [ref. 3c]
- Mary E. LUSCOMBE, b. ca. Jul 1860 at Christow. In 1861, living with her mother and maternal grandparents. In 1871, a
scholar, living with her mother's parents. [ref. 3c,3d]
- Samuel SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1831 at Christow, chr. 18 Sep 1831 at Christow, m. (when and where?) Elizabeth HONEYWILL (b.
18 Jun 1821, chr. 26 Jul 1821 at Holcombe Burnell, daughter of Theophilus HONEYWILL and Elizabeth KELLEY, d. reg. Q1 1904
at St. Thomas R.D.), d. reg. Q1 1904 at St. Thomas R.D. In 1841, living with his parents. In 1851, an agricultural
laborer, living with his parents. In 1861, a lead miner, living with his parents. At his daughter's birth in 1864, a mine
laborer, of Christow. In 1871, a lead miner, living at Stratton, Christow, with his wife Elizabeth and their daughter
Elizabeth. In 1881, a laborer, living at Quorndon Road,
Barrow-upon-Soar, Leicestershire, with his wife Elizabeth.
In 1891, an agricultural laborer, living at Stratton with his wife Elizabeth. In 1901, an agricultural laborer, living at
Higher Town, Christow, with his wife Elizabeth and their daughter Elizabeth. At his daughter's marriage in 1905 (posth.),
a miner. [ref. 1n,1ci,1cq,1cr,3a,3b,3c,3d,3f,3g]
- Elizabeth Ann SERCOMBE, b. 29 Jul 1864 at Christow, b. reg. Q3 1864 at St. Thomas R.D., m. 6 Aug 1905 at Christow, m.
reg. Q3 1905 at St. Thomas R.D., John TICKLE (b. ca. 1862, son of Joseph TICKLE, a gardener). In 1871, a scholar, living
with her parents. In 1881, a housemaid in the HENRY household at Main Street, Woodhouse Eaves, Leicestershire. In 1891, a
cook in the TEW household at Gunfield, Dartmouth St. Petrox, Devon. In 1901, a cook, living with her parents. At her
marriage in 1905, of Christow; John was a laborer, also of Christow; the witnesses were William Yeats LABOURER and James
Wells PROWSE. [ref. 1n,1ci,1cq,3d,3e,3f,3g]
- John SERCOMBE, chr. 4 Sep 1834 at Christow, bur. 28 Sep 1834 at Christow. [ref. 1ci]
- Mary SOUTHCOMBE, b. ca. 1792 at Christow, chr. 23 Jan 1792 at Christow, m. 18 Apr 1816 at Christow, William HORE (b.
ca. 1792 at Kingsteignton). In 1851, living at Stratton, Christow, with her husband William (a miner) and their daughter
Susannah. [ref. 1ci,3b]
- Susannah HORE, b. ca. 1836 at Christow. In 1851, living with her parents. [ref. 3b]
- John SERCOMBE or SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 2 Jun 1794 at Christow, bur. 11 Dec 1795 at Christow. [ref. 1ci]
- Samuel SERCOMBE or SOUTHCOMBE, b. ca. 1796 at Christow, chr. 13 Nov 1796 at Christow, m. 11 Feb 1833 at
Moretonhampstead, Devon, Ann HILL (b. ca. 1802 at Moretonhampstead, d. reg. Q3 1863 at St. Thomas R.D., bur. 13 Sep 1863
at Christow), d. reg. Q4 1872 at St. Thomas R.D., bur. 19 Nov 1872 at Christow. William HORE and Robert TREMLETT witnessed
the marriage in 1833. At his sons' baptisms in 1834 and 1836, a husbandman. In 1841, an agricultural laborer, living at
Lower Village, Christow, with his wife Ann and their sons Samuel and Elias. At his son's baptism later in 1841, a laborer,
of Waterwell, Christow. In 1851, a farm laborer, living at Poor House, Christow, with his wife Ann and their sons Samuel
and John. In 1861, an agricultural laborer, living at Hamlyn's Cott, Christow, with his wife Ann and their sons Samuel,
Elias, and John. At Ann's death in 1863, she was of Christow. In 1871, a laborer, living at Dry Lane Cottage, Christow,
with his son Elias. At his death in 1872, of Upper Town, Christow; he was found dead in bed, and a coroner's inquest was
held. [ref. 1n,1ci,1cl,3a,3b,3c,3d]
- Samuel SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1834 at Moretonhampstead or Christow, chr. 26 Jan 1834 at
Moretonhampstead, m. 10 Aug 1862 at St. Edmund, Exeter, m. reg. Q3 1862 at Exeter R.D., Mary Ann CROSS (b. ca. 1834 at
Christow, daughter of John CROSS, a laborer). In 1841, living with his parents. In 1851, a farm laborer, living with his
parents. In 1861, a mine laborer, living with his parents. At his marriage in 1862, a miner, of Tudor Street; Mary was
also of Tudor Street; the witnesses were Ann GIBBONS and Louisa MOORE. In 1871, a mine laborer, living at Bennah Cottage,
Christow, with his wife Mary and their children John, Henry, and Samuel. Perhaps subsequently known as Samuel HILL (his
mother's maiden name). See sidebar. [ref. 1n,1ai,1cl,3a,3b,3c,3d]
- John Fleetwood SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1862 at Christow, b. reg. Q4 1862 at St. Thomas R.D. In 1871, a scholar, living with
his parents. Perhaps subsequently known as John HILL. See sidebar. [ref. 1n,3d]
- Henry Edward Albert SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1865 at Christow, b. reg. Q3 1865 at St. Thomas R.D. In 1871, a scholar, living
with his parents. Perhaps subsequently known as Edward HILL. See sidebar. [ref. 1n,3d]
- Samuel Thomas or Thomas Samuel SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1868 at Christow, b. reg. Q4 1868 at St. Thomas R.D. In 1871, living
with his parents. Perhaps subsequently known as Thomas HILL. See sidebar. [ref. 1n,3d]
- Elias SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1836 at Christow or Moretonhampstead, chr. 9 Oct 1836 at Moretonhampstead.
In 1841, living with his parents. In 1851, a house servant in the ADDEMS household at Clampitt, Christow. In 1861, a mine
laborer, living with his parents. In 1871, a laborer, living with his father. In 1881, a labourer, living at Barne Cott,
Christow, with his housekeeper and first cousin Sarah (SERCOMBE) RABJOHNS. [ref. 1cl,3a,3b,3c,3d,3e]
- John SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1841 at Christow, b. reg. Q4 1841 at St. Thomas R.D., chr. 7 Nov 1841 at Christow, d. reg. Q3
1876 at St. Thomas R.D., bur. 24 Jul 1876 at Christow. In 1851, at home, living with his parents. In 1861, a mine laborer,
living with his parents. (Where in 1871?) At his death in 1876, of Christow. [ref. 1n,1ci,3b,3c]
- John SERCOMBE, chr. 16 Feb 1800 at Christow, m. 20 Mar 1832 at Christow, Susan MILLER (b. ca. 1799 at Hennock, d. reg.
Q1 1873 at St. Thomas R.D., bur. 2 Mar 1873 at Christow), d. reg. Q4 1850 at St. Thomas R.D., bur. 21 Nov 1850 at
Christow. At his children's baptisms and burials in 1832, 1834, and 1836, a laborer, of Wood or Woodcot, Christow. At his
son's baptism in 1840, a laborer, of Teign Cottages, Christow. In 1841, an agricultural laborer, living at New Road,
Christow, with his wife Susan and their children Elizabeth, George, and William. At his daughter's baptism in 1843, a
laborer, of Teign Cottages, Christow. At his death in 1850, of Teign Cottages, Christow. In 1851, Susan was a pauper,
living at New Road, Christow, with her children Elizabeth, George, William, and Mary and a lodger. At his daughter's
marriage in 1853 (posth.), a husbandman. In 1861, Susan was a pauper, living at Teign Terrace, Christow, with her
daughters Mary and Elizabeth and Elizabeth's children William, Eliza, Thomas, Joseph, and Emma. In 1871, she was a
charwoman, living in the household of her daughter Elizabeth. At her death in 1873, she was of Teign Terrace. [ref. 1n,1ai,1ci,3a,3b,3c,3d]
- Thomas SERCOMBE, chr. 29 Jul 1832 at Christow, bur. 9 Nov 1834 at Christow. [ref. 1ci]
- Elizabeth SERCOMBE, chr. 16 Nov 1834 at Christow, m. 3 Oct 1853 at St. Edmund, Exeter, m. reg. Q4 1853 at Exeter R.D.,
John REED (b. ca. 1828 at Dunsford, son of John REED, a nurseryman). In 1841, living with her parents. In 1851, working at
a mine, living with her mother. At her marriage in 1853, of Bonhay; John was a miner, also of Bonhay; the witnesses were
Mary Ann SERCOMBE (perhaps her younger sister Mary?) and Joseph REED. In 1861, living with her mother together with her
children William, Eliza, Thomas, Joseph, and Emma; John was a lead miner but was not enumerated with Elizabeth on census
night. In 1871, living at Teign House, Christow, with her husband John (a lead miner), their children William, Thomas,
Joseph, Emma, Charles, Mary, Fredrick, and Alice, and her mother. [ref. 1n,1ai,1ci,3a,3b,3c,3d]
- William H. REED, b. ca. 1853 at Christow. In 1861, a scholar, living with his mother and grandmother. In 1871, a lead
miner, living with his parents. [ref. 3c,3d]
- Eliza REED, b. ca. 1855 at Christow. In 1861, a scholar, living with her mother and grandmother. [ref. 3c]
- Thomas REED, b. ca. 1856 at Christow. In 1861, living with his mother and grandmother. In 1871, a lead miner, living
with his parents. [ref. 3c,3d]
- Joseph REED, b. ca. 1859 at Christow. In 1861, living with his mother and grandmother. In 1871, a lead miner, living
with his parents. [ref. 3c,3d]
- Emma REED, b. ca. Jan 1861 at Christow. In 1861, living with her mother and grandmother. In 1871, a scholar, living
with her parents. [ref. 3d]
- Charles REED, b. ca. 1863 at Christow, d. 1939 at Hampton, Victoria. In 1871, a scholar, living with his
parents. [ref. 1bj,3d]
- Mary REED, b. ca. 1865 at Christow. In 1871, a scholar, living with her parents. [ref. 3d]
- Fredrick REED, b. ca. 1867 at Christow. In 1871, a scholar, living with his parents. Ancestor
of researcher Mandy Chick. [ref. 3d]
- Alice REED, b. ca. May 1870 at Christow. In 1871, living with her parents. [ref. 3d]
- George SERCOMBE, chr. 11 Dec 1836 at Christow. In 1841, living with his parents. In 1851, working at a mine, living with his mother. [ref. 1ci,3a,3b]
- William SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1840 at Christow, b. reg. Q1 1840 at St Thomas R.D., chr. 19 Jan 1840 at Christow, m. reg. Q3 1865 at Newton Abbot R.D., Mary McHARDY (b. ca. 1837 at Teignmouth, Devon, d. reg. Q3 1913 at Plymouth R.D.), d. reg. Q3 1917 at Plymouth R.D. In 1841, living with his parents. In 1851, working at a mine, living with his mother. In 1861, a footman in the household of Viscount Exmouth, 29 Montague Square, Marylebone, London. In 1871, a footman in the GRIGG household at 14 Ham Street, Plymouth; Mary was living with her parents at 6 Wellington Street, East Teignmouth. In 1881, Mary was living in the household of her parents at 65 Gibbons Street, Plymouth (where was William?). In 1891, a general waiter, living at 12 Green Street, Plymouth, with his wife Mary. In 1901, a waiter, living at 15 Chaddlewood Avenue, Plymouth, with his wife Mary. In 1911, Mary was living at 15 Chaddleweood Avenue, Plymouth, with a family of three boarders; William was a waiter in the WILLIAMS household (together with 18 other servants) at Caerhays, Gorran, Cornwall. [ref. 1n,1ci,3a,3b,3c,3d,3e,3f,3g,3h]
- Mary SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1843 at Christow, b. reg. Q1 1843 at St. Thomas R.D., chr. 8 Jan 1843 at Christow. In 1851, a scholar, living with her mother. In 1861, working at a lead mine, living with her mother. [ref. 1n,1ci,3b,3c]
- Peter SURCOMBE, chr. 22 May 1763 at Christow, bur. 30 Apr 1772 at Christow. [ref. 1ci]
- Robert SERCOMBE, chr. 16 Mar 1683/4 at Tedburn St. Mary, m. Anne (bur. 6 Mar 1748/9 at Tedburn St.
Mary), bur. 27 May 1750 at Tedburn St. Mary. [ref. 1aw]
- Elizabeth SERCOMBE, chr. 12 Feb 1718/9 at Tedburn St. Mary, m. 19 Oct 1747 at Tedburn St. Mary, George POOKE. At her
marriage in 1747, of Cheriton Bishop. [ref. 1aw]
- Anne SERCOMB, chr. 25 Aug 1720 at Tedburn St. Mary, m. 10 Jul 1751 at Tedburn St. Mary, Peter COZENS
junior. [ref. 1aw]
- Mary SERCOMBE, chr. 31 May 1722 at Tedburn St. Mary. [ref. 1aw]
- Samuel SERCOMBE, chr. 24 Sep 1724 at Tedburn St. Mary. In 1734, apprenticed to John TRIGGS,
cordwainer, by the overseers of the poor of the parish of Tedburn St. Mary. (Is this Samuel
SERCOMBE?) [ref. 1aw,17d]
- Sarah SERCOMBE or SOUTHCOMB, chr. 23 Nov 1727 at Tedburn St. Mary, m. 30 Sep 1752 at
Whitestone, Devon, John WESTCOTT. Ancestor
of researcher Jan Kingshott. [ref. 1aw,1cm]
- Simon SERCOMBE, chr. 21 Feb 1730/1 at Tedburn St. Mary, bur. 24 Feb 1730/1 at Tedburn St. Mary. [ref. 1aw]
- Joseph SERCOMBE, chr. 2 Mar 1731/2 at Tedburn St. Mary, bur. 23 Apr 1742 at Tedburn St. Mary. [ref. 1aw]
- Mary SERCOMBE, chr. 13 Dec 1687 at Tedburn St. Mary, m. 24 Sep 1717 at Tedburn St. Mary, John BELWORTHY. [ref. 1aw]
- George SERCOMBE, chr. 9 Apr 1690 at Tedburn St. Mary. [ref. 1aw]
- Matthew SERCOMB, chr. 17 Jan 1646/7 at Ashton, bur. 28 Aug 1675 at Ashton. [ref. 1aa]
- Anne SERCOMB, chr. 1 Apr 1649 at Tedburn St. Mary, bur. 8 Sep 1675 at Ashton. [ref. 1aa,1aw]
- William SIRCOMBE, chr. 29 Feb 1651/2 at Tedburn St. Mary. (Is this William
SERCOMBE?) [ref. 1aw]
- Eamay SOUTHCOMB, chr. 28 Nov 1654 at Tedburn St. Mary. [ref. 1aw]
- Agnis SERCOMBE, b. 2 Mar 1656/7, chr. Mar 1656/7 at Tedburn St. Mary, bur. 6 Apr 1659 at Tedburn St. Mary. [ref. 1aw]
- Mary SOUTHCUMBE, chr. 11 Jul 1613 at Tedburn St. Mary, bur. 26 Jun 1659 at Tedburn St. Mary. [ref. 1aw]
- Annis SOUTHCUMBE, chr. 28 Jan 1634/5 at Tedburn St. Mary, bur. 5 Feb 1634/5 at Tedburn St. Mary. [ref. 1aw]
- George SOUTHCUMB, chr. 19 May 1616 at Tedburn St. Mary. [ref. 1aw]
- A son, stillborn, bur. 25 Jul 1619 at Tedburn St. Mary. [ref. 1aw]
Descendants of John Sircome of Bristol
John SIRCOME, b. est. 1703, m1. 16 Feb 1728 at St. Mary Redcliffe, Bristol, Gloucestershire, Sarah PYNE (daughter of
Richard PYNE, a porter in Bristol, m1. GRIMES), m2. 14 Feb 1741 at St. Mary Redcliffe, Elizabeth TYLEY. On 9 Oct 1739,
admitted as a burgess of Bristol by virtue of his marriage to Sarah, whose father was a burgess; he paid a fee of 4/6. At
his admission as burgess in 1739 and at his son's apprenticeship in 1750, a clothworker in Bristol. [ref. 1bk,17b,17c]
- Richard SIRCOM, b. est. 1736, m1. 6 Apr 1760 at St. Philip and St. Jacob, Bristol, after banns, Sisley HARTREE, m2.
11 Aug 1763 at St. James, Bristol, after banns, Elizabeth WILLCOX (d. by 1793), m3. 17 Jan 1793 at St. Mary's Chapel,
Walcot, Somerset, by license, Charlotte Elizabeth LEE, d. Jan 1807. On 4 Aug 1750, Richard was apprenticed to Joseph
AUSTIN, a Bristol dyer, and his wife Elizabeth, for seven years; the fee of £8 was paid as the gift of
Queen Elizabeth's Hospital, a boarding school and
charitable institution (not actually a hospital). At their marriage in 1760, Richard and Sisley were of Bristol St. Philip
and St. Jacob. On 1 Mar 1762, Richard was admitted as a burgess of Bristol by virtue of his apprenticeship; he paid a fee
of 4/6. At his second marriage in 1763, he was of Castle Precincts, Bristol; Elizabeth was of Bristol St. James. Between
1771 and 1788, six men were admitted as burgesses of Bristol by virtue of having served apprenticeships under Richard;
these six men were turners (not dyers). In Sketchley's directory for 1775, Richard was listed as an ivory turner at 33
Castle Street, Bristol. In Browne's directory for 1785, he was listed as a turner of hard wood and ivory at Old Market,
Bristol. A directory for 1787 listed his looking glass warehouse at Old Market. In the Universal British Directory for
1791 and Reed's directory for 1792, he was listed as a cabinetmaker at Old Market. At his marriage in 1793, he was of
Bristol St. Philip and St. Jacob; Charlotte was of Walcot. In Matthews's directories for 1795, 1797, 1798, and 1799,
listed as a looking glass maker at Old Market. The bankruptcy of "R. Sircom, Bristol, looking-glass-manufacturer" was
announced in The Times on 7 Jul 1800. At Richard's death in 1807, The Gentleman's Magazine called him "Mr.
Richard Sircom, who many years carried on the looking-glass manufactory in the Old Market, Bristol." [ref. 1bc,1be,1bu,6b4,6d3,8q,8r,8s,8t,8u,8v,8w,8x,8y,17b,17c]
- Mary Wilcox SIRCOM, b. 29 Dec 1762(?), chr. 23 Mar 1770 at St. Philip and St. Jacob, Bristol. [ref. 1bc]
- Ann CIRCOM, chr. 22 Jul 1764 at St. Peter, Bristol. [ref. 1bs]
- Sarah SIRCOM, b. ca. Jun 1766, chr. 23 Mar 1770 at St. Philip and St. Jacob, Bristol, m. 12 Jul 1792 at St. Philip and
St. Jacob, Bristol, Henry WILKINS. [ref. 1bc]
- John Wilcox SIRCOM, chr. 23 Mar 1770 at St. Philip and St. Jacob, Bristol, m. 6 Mar 1791 at St.
James, Bristol, by licence, Betsy Hopkins HENDERSON. At his marriage in 1791, a carver and gilder, of Bristol St. Philip
and St. Jacob; Betsy was of Bristol St. James. In Matthews's directories for 1795, 1797, and 1798, listed as a
cabinetmaker at Alfred Place, Bristol. At his son's apprenticeship in 1813, a looking glass manufacturer. [ref. 1bc,1be,8u,8v,8w,17b]
- John SIRCOM, b. ca. 1792 at Kingsdown, Bristol, Gloucestershire, chr. 10 Jun 1792 at St. James,
Bristol, m. 10 Sep 1811 at St. John, Bedminster, Somerset, after banns, Jane Freeman LEWIS (see box
at right), d. reg. Q3 1873 at Clifton R.D. At their marriage in 1811, John and Jane were both of Bedminster St. John. At
his son John's baptism in 1813, a schoolmaster, of Hillgrove Street. At his son Edwin's baptism in 1815, a schoolmaster,
of Bristol St. James. In Pigot's directory for 1830, listed as a teacher of mathematics at 2 Dove Street, Bristol. At the
marriage of his son Stephen in Jan 1836, a mathematician. At the baptism of his children Henry, Catharine, Louisa, Clara,
and Stephen in Nov 1836, a private teacher, of Sussex Place. In 1841, a teacher, living at Sussex Place, Bristol, with his
wife Jane and their children Edwin, Jane, Henry, Catharine, Louisa, Clara, and Stephen. At his son Edwin's marriage in
1842, a private teacher. In Pigot's directory for 1844, listed as a professor of mathematics at 9 Sussex Place, Ashley
Road, Bristol. At his son Henry's marriage in 1849, a mathematics teacher. In 1851, a private teacher, living at 18 Sussex
Place, Bristol, with his wife Jane and their children Emily, Louisa, Clara, and Stephen. At his daughter Catharine's
marriage in 1860, a mathematical teacher. In 1861, a teacher of mathematics, living at 13 Hillgrove Street, Bristol, with
his wife Jane and a lodger. At his daughter Louisa's marriage in 1867, a private tutor. In 1871, a private teacher, living
at 21 Hillgrove Street, Bristol, with his wife Jane. In 1881, Jane was an annuitant, living with her son
Richard. [ref. 1n,1bb,1bc,1be,1bf,1bg,1bi,1bo,3a,3b,3c,3d,3e,8b,8c]
- John SIRCOM, b. ca. 1812 at Bristol, chr. 3 Jan 1813 at Temple, Bristol, m. 13 Sep 1834 at St.
Augustine, Bristol, after banns, Louisa KINGSBURY (b. ca. 1811 at Bristol), d. 12 Nov 1894 at St. Kilda, Victoria,
Australia. At their marriage in 1834, John and Louisa were both of Bristol St. Augustine. At his daughter Maria's baptism
in 1837, a private teacher, of Upper Culver Street. In 1841, a private tutor, living at Westendtown, Brislington,
Somerset, with his wife Louisa, their children Maria, John, and Louisa, his wife's mother, and two female servants. By
1842, John was running Church Hill House Academy, a boarding school "for sons of gentlemen" in Brislington. In 1851, he
was a school master, living at Church Hill, Brislington, with his wife Louisa, their children Maria, John, Louisa, Sarah,
Augusta, Emily, George, and Adelaide, his wife's mother, two servants, and five
pupils. John emigrated to Australia with his son John, arriving in Victoria in Feb 1853 aboard the ship Clara
Symes. At his son John's university matriculation in 1855, master of the Church of England School, Howard Street,
North Melbourne, Victoria. (What happened to Louisa after 1851?) When John's will was proved on 19 Dec 1894, he was
described as a gentleman, of St. Kilda. [ref. 1bh,1bi,1bj,2i,3a,3b,10d,11a,15b]
- Maria Clayfield SIRCOM, b. 3 Sep 1837 at Bristol, chr. 26 Sep 1837 at St. Augustine, Bristol, m. 1868 in Victoria,
Edward KING (b. at Bristol, m1. 1837 Eugenie THISDON), d. 1930 at Lilydale, Victoria. In 1841, living with her parents. In
1851, a scholar at home, living with her parents. Maria followed her father to Australia with her sisters Louisa, Sarah,
Augusta, Emily, Adelaide, and Ellen and their brother George, arriving in Victoria in Nov 1855 aboard the ship Rajah of
Sarawak. Ancestor of researcher Mark Cosham. [ref. 1bh,1bj,3a,3b,11a]
- George Oscar Julian KING, b. 1869 at South Yarra, Victoria. [ref. 1bj]
- Arthur Sircom KING, b. 1871 at Melbourne, d. 1892 at Tally Ho, Victoria. An inquest ruled his death a
suicide. [ref. 1bj]
- John SIRCOM, b. 9 Jun 1839 at Bristol, b. reg. Q2 1839 at Bristol R.D., m. 1867 in Victoria, Catherine Alice VERNON (b. ca. 1846 in Monmouthshire, daughter of Thomas Sherwood VERNON and Catherine PRICE, d. 1933 at Ripponlea, Victoria), d. 25 Oct 1886 in Queensland. In 1841, living with his parents. In 1851, a scholar at home, living with his parents. Emigrated to Australia with his father in 1853. Matriculated at the University of Melbourne, 13 Apr 1855. [ref. 1n,1bj,1ex,3a,3b,11a,15b]
- Adelaide Edith SIRCOM, b. ca. 1870, d. 1950 at Black Rock, Victoria. [ref. 1bj]
- Kate Alice Mabel or Mabel Catherine SIRCOM, b. 1870 at Daylesford, Victoria, m. 1898 in Victoria, Hubert Penrose
NEVINS (b. at Iredale, Victoria), d. 1962 at St. Kilda, Victoria. [ref. 1bj]
- Vernon Penrose NEVINS, b. 1901 at St. Kilda, d. 1935 at Elsternwick, Victoria. [ref. 1bj]
- Hugh NEVINS, b. 1906 at Malvern, Victoria. [ref. 1bj]
- Kathleen NEVINS, b. 1906 at Malvern. [ref. 1bj]
- John Vernon SIRCOM, b. 1872 at Daylesford, d. 1872 in Victoria. [ref. 1bj]
- Daisy Isabella Nina SIRCOM, b. 1874 at Daylesford, d. 1957 at St. Kilda. [ref. 1bj]
- Violet Esteele Mary SIRCOM, b. 1874 at Daylesford. [ref. 1bj]
- Hardwick Vernon or Vernon Hardwick SIRCOM, b. 1878 in New Zealand, m1. 1912 in Victoria, Constance Roberta or Roberta
Constance HAYNES (b. ca. 1882 at Ballarat, Victoria, d. 11 Nov 1916 at Kew, Victoria, daughter of Robert HAYNES and Mary
Lander WATSON), m2. 1919 in Victoria, Jessie Tracy RICHARDSON (b. ca. 1887, d. 1965 at Caulfield, Victoria, daughter of
Henry RICHARDSON and Lorrisa JOSEPH), d. 1958 at Caulfield. On 3 Jul 1917, when an administrator was appointed for
Constance's estate, her residence was given as Canterbury, Victoria. [ref. 1ap,1bj,2i]
- Donald SIRCOM, b. 1919 or after, d. 1928 at Melbourne South, Victoria. [ref. 1bj]
- Louisa Elizabeth SIRCOM, b. ca. 1840 at Brislington, b. reg. Q4 1840 at Keynsham R.D. (Keynsham subdistrict), m. 1864
in Victoria, Peter GORDEN or GORDON, d. 1906 at St. Kilda. In 1841, living with her parents. In 1851, a scholar at home,
living with her parents. Emigrated to Australia with her sisters in 1855. [ref. 1n,1bj,3a,3b,11a]
- Sarah Jane SIRCOM, b. ca. 1842 at Brislington, b. reg. Q3 1842 at Keynsham R.D. (Keynsham subdistrict), m. 1890 in
Victoria, James CUMMING (b. at Edinburgh), d. 1925 at St. Kilda. In 1851, a scholar, living with her parents. Emigrated to
Australia with her sisters in 1855. [ref. 1n,1bj,3b,11a]
- Augusta Mary SIRCOM, b. ca. 1844 at Brislington, b. reg. Q2 1844 at Keynsham R.D. (Keynsham subdistrict), m. 1867 in
Victoria, Edmund Charles BUTLER (b. at Newstead). In 1851, a scholar, living with her parents. Emigrated to Australia with
her sisters in 1855. [ref. 1n,1bj,3b,11a]
- Louisa Maude BUTLER, b. ca. 1869, d. 1916 at Brighton, Victoria. [ref. 1bj]
- Reginald Sircom BUTLER, b. ca. 1874 in Victoria, m. 1898 in Victoria, Anna or Annie Louisa SEXTON (b. at Kensington,
Victoria), d. 1969 at Chelsea, Victoria. [ref. 1bj]
- Edmond Herbert or Herbert Edmond BUTLER, b. 1899 at Port Melbourne, Victoria, d. 1899 at Port Melbourne. [ref. 1bj]
- Harold Reginald BUTLER, b. 1903 at Melbourne South, Victoria. [ref. 1bj]
- Margaret Alma BUTLER, b. 1905 at Melbourne South. [ref. 1bj]
- Percy Vivian BUTLER, b. 1907 at Melbourne South. [ref. 1bj]
- Archibald BUTLER, b. ca. 1879, d. 1951 at Ferntree Gully, Victoria. [ref. 1bj]
- Edmund Charles BUTLER, b. ca. 1882, m. Elsie Gerte HUNT, d. 1945 at Dandenong, Victoria. [ref. 1bj]
- Nancy Sircom BUTLER, b. 1915 at Numurkah, Victoria, m. 1939 in Victoria, Cecil Maurice GIERSCH. [ref. 1bj]
- Ruby BUTLER, b. ca. 1885, m. ROBERTS, d. 1955 at Bundoora, Victoria. [ref. 1bj]
- Adelaide Edith Ellinor BUTLER. Ancestor of researcher Derek Challis. [ref. 9g]
- Five other children. [ref. 9g]
- Emily Kingsbury SIRCOM, b. ca. 1846 at Brislington, b. reg. Q2 1846 at Keynsham R.D. (Keynsham subdistrict), m. 1879
in Victoria, John Henry JESSUP (b. at Norwich), d. 1925 at St. Kilda, Victoria. In 1851, living with her parents.
Emigrated to Australia with her sisters in 1855. [ref. 1n,1bj,3b,11a]
- Emily Sarah JESSUP, b. 1880 at Clunes, Victoria, m. HUGHES, d. 1959 at Southbank, Victoria. [ref. 1bj]
- Florence Winifred JESSUP, b. 1881 at Clunes, d. 1959 at Canterbury, Victoria. [ref. 1bj]
- Isabel Maude JESSUP, b. 1882 at Clunes. [ref. 1bj]
- Mabel Constance JESSUP, b. ca. 1884, d. 1899 at Talbot, Victoria. [ref. 1bj]
- Adelaide Eliza JESSUP, b. 1886 at Talbot, d. 1924 at St. Kilda. [ref. 1bj]
- John Sircom JESSUP, b. 1888 at Talbot, m. Winifred Mary KENT. [ref. 1bj]
- Frederick Arthur JESSUP, b. 1920 at Talbot. [ref. 1bj]
- Lucy Gladys JESSUP, b. 1889 at Talbot-Amherst, Victoria. [ref. 1bj]
- George Kingsbury SIRCOM, b. ca. 1848 at Brislington, b. reg. Q1 1848 at Keynsham R.D. (Keynsham subdistrict), m. 1874
in Victoria, Hannah "Annie" GILBERT (b. at Launceston, d. 9 Jun 1899 in Balmain South district, New South Wales, daughter
of William and Margaretta), d. 1926 in Wagga Wagga district, New South Wales. In 1851, living with his parents. Emigrated
to Australia with his sisters in 1855. An administrator for Hannah's estate was appointed in Victoria on 11 Feb 1927, even
though her residence was given as New South Wales and more than 27 years after her death (presumably because of George's
death the previous year). [ref. 1n,1o,1bj,2i,3b,11a]
- May Kingsbury SIRCOM, b. 1875 at Prahran, Victoria, m. 1897 in Burwood district, New South Wales, Christopher
LITTLE. [ref. 1o,1bj]
- Winifred Louisa SIRCOM, b. 1877 at Prahran, d. 18 Aug 1920 in Wagga Wagga district. An administrator for Winifred's
estate was appointed in Victoria on 22 Feb 1922, even though her residence was given as New South Wales. [ref. 1o,1bj,2i]
- George Gilbert SIRCOM, b. 1879 in Woollahra district, New South Wales, d. 1888 in Canterbury district, New South
Wales. [ref. 1o]
- Rhoda Moore SIRCOM, b. 1882 in Woollahra district, m. 1912 in Victoria, Walt Slade HARDY (b. in New South
Wales). [ref. 1o,1bj]
- Adelaide Edith SIRCOM, b. ca. 1849 at Brislington, b. reg. Q4 1849 at Keynsham R.D. (Keynsham subdistrict), d. 1892 at
St. Kilda. In 1851, living with her parents. Emigrated to Australia with her sisters in 1855. [ref. 1n,1bj,3b,11a]
- Ellen Anna SIRCOM, b. reg. Q2 1853 at Bedminster R.D., m. 1876 in Victoria, Erasmus Robert FOSTER (b. at London).
Emigrated to Australia with her sisters in 1855. [ref. 1n,1bj,11a]
- Edwin Hobhouse SIRCOM, b. ca. 1814 at Bristol St. James, chr. 19 Mar 1815 at St. James, Bristol, m. 5 Apr 1842 at St.
Paul, Bristol, m. reg. Q2 1842 at
Bristol, Ann FORD (b. ca. 1816 at Henbury, Gloucestershire, d. reg. Q4 1895 at Ormskirk R.D., daughter of James Groom
FORD, a smith), d. reg. Q4 1893 at Clitheroe R.D. In 1841, a professor of music, living with his parents. At his marriage
in 1842, an organist, of Sussex Place, Bristol. In 1851, a professor of music, living at Westendtown, Brislington,
Somerset, with his wife Ann, their children Sebastian, Emily, and Agnes, and two servants. In 1861, a professor of music,
living at Dash Woodhouse, Aighton, Lancashire, with his wife Ann, their children Fanny, Agnes, and Louis, and a house
servant. In 1871, a teacher of music, living at Sherburne House, Aighton, with his wife Ann, their daughter Agnes, and a
general servant. In 1881, an organist and music teacher, living at Fairfield, Aighton, with his wife Ann, their daughter
Emily, and a servant. In 1891, a music teacher, living at Fairfield, Aighton, with his wife Ann and their daughter
Emily. [ref. 1n,1bb,1be,3a,3b,3c,3d,3e,3f]
- Sebastian Ford SIRCOM, b. ca. 1844 at Knowle, Bedminster, b. reg. Q1 1844 at Bedminster R.D., d. reg. Q1 1934 at St.
Asaph R.D. In 1851, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1861, a scholar, pupil at
Stonyhurst College, Aighton. In 1871, a church student, not
yet in orders, studying at Stonyhurst College together with his brother William. In 1881, a Roman Catholic priest and
professor of science at Stonyhurst College. In 1891, a Roman Catholic priest and professor of mathematics, teaching at
Stonyhurst College. In 1901, a Roman Catholic priest and professor at Stonyhurst College. In 1911, a schoolmaster at
St. Francis Xavier's College,
Liverpool. [ref. 1n,3b,3c,3d,3e,3f,3g,3h]
- Edwin SIRCOM, b. reg. Q4 1845 at Clifton R.D., d. reg. Q4 1848 at Bristol R.D. [ref. 1n]
- Emily Fanny or Emily Frances or Frances Emily SIRCOM, b. 4 Feb 1848 at Bristol St. Paul, b. reg. Q1 1848 at Bristol
R.D., chr. 12 Apr 1853 at St. Mary Redcliffe, Bristol, d. reg. Q4 1942 at Bucklow R.D. In 1851 and 1861, living with her
parents. In 1871, a boarding scholar at the Convent de Notre Dame, Blackburn, Lancashire. In 1881, a teacher of music,
drawing, and painting, living with her parents. In 1891 an artist (all branches), living with her parents. In 1901, a
music teacher, boarding at 23 Manning Road, Southport, Lancashire. [ref. 1n,1bk,3b,3c,3d,3e,3f,3g]
- Agnes Maria SIRCOM, b. 11 Mar 1851 at West Town, Brislington, chr. 12 Apr 1853 at St. Mary Redcliffe, d. reg. Q4 1932
at Liverpool R.D., bur. 28 Nov 1932 at Ford Roman Catholic Cemetery, Liverpool. In 1851, 1861, and 1871, living with her
parents. In 1881, a religious in the Order of the Good Shepherd, living at the Convent Refuge Reformatory School, Toll Cross,
Shettleston, Lanarkshire. (Where in 1891 and 1901?) In 1911, a sister in the Convent of the Good Shepherd, Eton Lodge,
Wavertree, Liverpool. At her death in 1932, of the Good Shepherd Convent, Wavertree. [ref. 1n,1bk,1er,3b,3c,3d,3e,3h]
- Felix Mendelssohn SIRCOM, b. 1 Nov 1851, b. reg. Q4 1851 at Keynsham R.D. (Keynsham subdistrict), chr. 12 Apr 1853 at
St. Mary Redcliffe, d. reg. Q2 1854 at Bristol R.D. [ref. 1n,1bk]
- George Henry SIRCOM, b. 15 Mar 1853, b. reg. Q2 1853 at Bristol R.D., chr. 12 Apr 1853 at St. Mary Redcliffe, d. reg.
Q1 1854 at Bristol R.D. [ref. 1n,1bk]
- William Louis Crossman or Louis William Crossman SIRCOM, b. ca. 1855 at Brislington, b. reg. Q4 1855 at Keynsham R.D.
(Keynsham subdistrict), m. reg. Q4 1894 at South Shields R.D., Rose LYNAM (b. ca. 1864 at Dublin, Ireland, d. reg. Q3 1914
at Coventry R.D.), d. reg. Q1 1942 at Alcester R.D. In 1861, living with his parents. In 1871, a scholar, student at
Stonyhurst College, together with his brother Sebastian. In 1881, a mechanic's draughtsman, lodging in the THROUP
household at 9 Leylands Lane, Keighley, Yorkshire. (Where in 1891?) In 1901, an engineer's draughtsman, living at 151 Noel
Street, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, with his wife Rose and their daughters Agnes, Winifred, and May. In 1911, a machine
tool draughtsman, living at 23 Kingsway, Coventry, Warwickshire, with his wife Rose and their daughters Agnes, Winifred,
and Mary. In Spennel's directory for 1912-1913, a draughtsman, at 23 Kingsway, Coventry. [ref. 1n,3c,3d,3e,3g,3h,8m]
- Agnes Mary SIRCOM, b. 21 Mar 1896 at Liverpool, Lancashire, b. reg. Q2 1896 at West Derby R.D., chr. 27 Mar 1896 at
Sacred Heart Roman Catholic Church, Liverpool, d. reg. Q1 1967 at Coventry R.D. In 1901, living with her parents. In 1911,
at school, living with her parents. [ref. 1n,1eq,3g,3h]
- Winifred Elizabeth SIRCOM, b. ca. 1898 at Crewe, Cheshire, b. reg. Q4 1898 at Nantwich R.D. (Crewe subdistrict), chr.
6 Nov 1898 at St. Mary (Roman Catholic), Crewe, m. reg. Q3 1923 at Coventry R.D., James GIBNEY. In 1901, living with her
parents. In 1911, at school, living with her parents. [ref. 1n,1dm,3g,3h]
- Gerard William GIBNEY, b. 3 Apr 1926, b. reg. Q2 1926 at Coventry R.D., d. reg. Apr 1985 at Coventry
R.D. [ref. 1n]
- Mary Frances SIRCOM, b. 7 Sep 1900 at Nottingham, b. reg. Q4 1900 at Nottingham R.D., d. reg. Nov 1991 at Coventry
R.D. In 1901, living with her parents. In 1911, at school, living with her parents. [ref. 1n,3g,3h]
- Richard SIRCOM, b. ca. 1816 at Bristol, d. reg. Q1 1882 at Barton Regis R.D. In 1841, a
chemist's shopman in the BUTLER household at Old Market Street, Bristol. In 1851, an assistant druggist in the BUTLER
household at Old Market Street, Bristol. In 1861, a chemist employing one boy, living at 28 Old Market Street, Bristol,
with his sister Emily and a servant. In 1871, a pharmaceutical chemist, living at 28 West Market Street, Bristol, with his
sister Emily, his niece and nephew Emily and George HEAD (children of his sister Catharine), a servant, and a lodger. In
1881, a retired chemist and druggist, living at Freeman Villa, 10 Kingsley Road, Westbury on Trym, Gloucestershire, with
his mother Jane, his sister Emily, his niece Jane (daughter of his brother Henry), and his mother's sister
Sarah. [ref. 1n,3a,3b,3c,3d,3e]
- Emily SIRCOM, b. ca. 1819 at Bristol Redcliffe, m. 7 Oct 1886 at Whitefield Congregational Church, Bristol, m. reg.
Q4 1886 at Barton Regis R.D., John DANGERFIELD (b. ca. 1817). In 1841, governess for the HOUSE family at Pritchard Street,
Bristol. Witness at her brother Edwin's marriage in 1842. In 1851, a school mistress, living with her parents. In 1861,
housekeeper for her brother Richard. In 1871 and 1881, living with her brother Richard. [ref. 1n,1bb,1bl,3a,3b,3c,3d,3e]
- Jane SIRCOM, b. ca. 1820 at Bristol St. Augustine, d. reg. Q3 1865 at Marylebone R.D., bur. 7 Sep 1865 at All Saints Cemetery, Kensal Green, Middlesex. In 1841, living with her parents. In 1851, an assistant in the household of her mother's sister Emily and Emily's husband William BIGGS (an upholsterer) at 28a Edgware Road, Marylebone. In 1861, living with her mother's sister Clara at 15 Park Place, Paddington, London, together with her sister Louisa. At her death in 1865, of 214 Oxford Street, Marylebone (her sister Louisa's address in 1871 and 1881). [ref. 1n,1bv,1ez,3a,3b,3c]
- Henry SIRCOM, b. 7 Mar 1826 at Bristol, chr. 2 Nov 1836 at St. Paul, Bristol, m. 23 Jun 1849 at
St. Phillip and St. Jacob, Bristol, m. reg. Q2 1849 at Bristol R.D., Jane Elizabeth FURZE (b. ca. 1827 at Batcombe [or
Butcombe or Balcombe or Westcombe], Somerset, d. reg. Q1 1911 at Bradford upon Avon R.D., daughter of Joseph FURZE, a
surgeon and apothecary, and Elizabeth), d. reg. Q3 1902 at Bradford upon Avon R.D. In 1841, an accountant, living with his
parents. At his marriage in 1849, a gentleman. In 1851, an accountant, living at 2 Narrow Plain, Bristol, with his wife
Jane, their son Henry, and a servant; his wife's parents and siblings were living in the same building. In 1861,
a merchant clerk, living at 2 Northside, Bristol, next door to his wife's parents, with his wife Jane, their children
Jane, Francis, and Ellen, and a servant. In 1871, a manager to a brewery, living at 15 Brighton Street, Bristol, with his
wife Jane, their children Francis and Ellen, and Jane's mother. In 1881, a brewer, living at 171 Mottram Road, Stayley,
Cheshire, with his wife Jane and their daughter Ellen. At his daughter Jane's marriage in 1882, of Bardsley Gate,
Cheshire. In 1891, a brewer, living at 75 Broughton Lane, Broughton, Lancashire, with his wife Jane, their son Henry, and
Henry's sons Francis, Harold, and John. In 1901, a retired brewer, living at Brookland Villa, Turley, near Winsley,
Wiltshire, with his wife Jane, their daughter Ellen, his niece Louisa HEAD (daughter of his sister Catharine), and a
general domestic servant. (Frank Hubert Sircom FURZE was Jane's great nephew.) [ref. 1n,1bb,1bc,3a,3b,3c,3d,3e,3f,3g,6c38]
- Henry Furze SIRCOM, b. ca. 1850 at Bristol, b. reg. Q2 1850 at Clifton R.D., m. reg. Q3 1868 at Bristol R.D., Kate Mary OWEN (b. ca. 1850 at Bristol, b. reg. Q2 1850 at Bedminster R.D., m2. BOOTH), div. 1885 (co-respondent J.W. STEELE), d. reg. Q4 1934 at Conway R.D. In 1851, living with his parents. In 1861, a scholar, living with his maternal grandparents at 1 Northside, next door to his parents. In 1871, an agent to a brewery company, living at 51 Commercial Road, Portsea, Hampshire, with his wife Kate and sister Jane. In 1881, a commission merchant, living at 16 Wells Terrace, Bedminster, with his wife Kate, their sons Francis, Harold, and John, and a general servant. In 1891, a manager to timber merchants, living with his parents, together with his sons Francis, Harold, and John. In 1901, a timber merchant, living at 99 Stevens Street, Stretford, Lancashire, with his sons Francis, Harold, and John and a housekeeper. Henry's bankruptcy was reported in The Times on 29 Apr 1903. At his son Francis's marriage in 1905, and at his son Edmund's marriage in 1908, a timber merchant. In 1911, an insurance broker, boarding at 23 Moreton Avenue, Stretford. At his son Harold's marriage in 1917, a gentleman. When his son Edmund sailed to America in 1922, he described his mother Kate as Mrs. BOOTH of "Lulworth", Princess Road, Bournemouth West. [ref. 1n,1bn,1cu,1ep,1fm,3b,3c,3d,3e,3f,3g,3h,6b2,11c]
- Francis William Henry SIRCOM, b. ca. 1876 at Dursley, Gloucestershire, b. reg. Q4 1876 at Dursley R.D., m. 11 Jan 1905 at St.
James, West Derby, Liverpool, Lancashire, m. reg. Q1 1905 at West Derby R.D., Martha Ellen COLE (b. ca. 1875 at Easthampstead,
Bracknell, Berkshire, d. reg. Q3 1967 at St. Albans R.D., daughter of Daniel Gregory COLE, an agent), d. 17 Dec 1944, d. reg. Q4 1944 at Truro R.D., bur. at Truro,
Cornwall. In 1881, living with his parents. In 1891, living with his father. In 1901, a mariner (2nd mate), living with
his father. At his marriage in 1905, a mariner, of 59 Macaw(?) Drive; Martha was of 41 Silverdale Avenue; the witnesses were S.A. COLE, R.G. HEAD, L. HEAD, and E.K. HEAD.
(The HEADs were presumably Richard George, Louisa, and Emily Kate, children of Francis's great aunt Catherine.) At his son's baptism in 1906, a mariner, of 41 Silverdale
Avenue. In 1911, Martha was living at 41 Silverdale Avenue, Tuebrook, Liverpool, with her sons Francis and Geoffrey
and a boarder. [ref. 1n,1ep,3e,3f,3g,3h,4g]
- Francis Alan SIRCOM, b. 27 Aug 1906 at West Derby, b. reg. Q3 1906 at West Derby R.D., chr. 7 Oct 1906 at St. James, West Derby, m. reg. Q4 1928 at
Liverpool R.D., Margaret BENNETT, d. 6 Dec 1942. In 1911, living with his mother. At his death in 1942, a private in the
Royal Army Ordnance Corps. Listed on the Brookwood Memorial for World War II dead with no known grave,
Brookwood Military Cemetery, Brookwood, Surrey. [ref. 1n,1ep,3h,4h]
- Neal SIRCOM, b. reg. Q2 1933 at Islington R.D., d. reg. Q2 1933 at Islington R.D. [ref. 1n]
- Malcolm A. SIRCOM, b. reg. Q2 1934 at Islington R.D., m1. ROWLANDS, m2. reg. Q2 1973 at Derby R.D., Judith M. BOYD (b.
ca. 1948), d. Jun 2008. A composer and director of musicals and pantomimes. Musical director of the Derby Playhouse. At
his death in 2008, of West Avenue, Derby. See his obituary in the Derby Evening
Telegraph, 14 Jun 2008. [ref. 1n,6n]
- Alan G.A. SIRCOM, b. reg. Q1 1964 at Stoke Newington R.D., m. reg. Mar 2003 at Richmond upon Thames R.D., Helen E.
CROSS. [ref. 1n,6n]
- Duncan James "Jamie" SIRCOM, b. reg. Q3 1973 at Barnet R.D. [ref. 1n,6n]
- Katherine Monica "Kate" SIRCOM, b. reg. Q1 1977 at Belper R.D., m. reg. May 2000 at Derby R.D., Martin
GRECULA. [ref. 1n,6n]
- Geoffrey SIRCOM, b. 29 Aug 1908 at West Derby, b. reg. Q3 1908 at West Derby R.D., d. reg. Q3 1979 at Kendal R.D. In
1911, living with his mother. [ref. 1n,3h]
- Harold Sebastian SIRCOM, b. 22 Sep 1878 at Bristol, b. reg. Q4 1878 at Bedminster R.D., m. 19 Sep
1917 at Christ Church, Southgate, London, m. reg. Q3 1917 at Edmonton R.D., his first cousin Helen Mary
Hardman WRIGHT, d. 27 Mar 1956 at Eastbourne, d. reg. Q1 1956 at Eastbourne R.D. In 1881, living with his parents. In
1891, living with his father. Educated at Victoria
University, Manchester; M.A. by 1906. In 1901, a student in the civil service, living with his father. Passed in law
and Malay; cadet at Selangor, 1902; acting harbour master at Port Dickson, 1904; acting assistant secretary to the
resident of Selangor, 1904; acting assistant district officer at Ulu Langat, 1906. Address in 1906: Ulu Langat, Selangor,
Federated Malay States. Sailed from London to Singapore in 1913. At his marriage in 1917, of the Malay States Civil
Service at Johore, residing at Gwalior House; Helen was of Gwalior House; the witnesses were B.P. WRIGHT and J.E. WRIGHT.
Sailed from Plymouth to Singapore in 1917 and again from London to Singapore in 1922. His wife Helen sailed from London to
Penang in 1923. Again sailed from London to Singapore in 1926. At his death in 1956, a recipient of the British Empire
Medal, retired from the Malayan Civil Service. [ref. 1n,1cu,3e,3f,3g,5g,6c39,6c40,11b]
- John Cuthbert SIRCOM, b. ca. 1880 at Bristol, b. reg. Q2 1880 at Bedminster R.D., m. in a civil ceremony at
Altrincham, m. reg. Q4 1913 at Bucklow R.D., Ada Florence E. FODEN (b. 11 Mar 1883, m1. reg. Q2 1901 at Chorlton R.D.,
Herbert Mortimer HOLLAND, who d. reg. Q4 1910 at Bucklow R.D. aged 36, d. reg. Q2 1974 at Blackpool and Fylde R.D.), d.
reg. Q4 1964 at Fylde R.D. In 1881, living with his parents. In 1891, living with his father. In 1901, a boiler insurance
agent, living with his father. In 1911, a boiler insurance manager, boarding at 20 Abington Road, Brooklands,
Cheshire. [ref. 1n,3e,3f,3g,3h]
- Joan H. SIRCOM, b. reg. Q3 1922 at Bucklow R.D., m. reg. Q2 1949 at Fylde R.D., LEMAN. [ref. 1n]
- John LEMAN, b. reg. Q4 1950 at Preston R.D. [ref. 1n]
- Michael LEMAN, b. reg. Q3 1955 at Fylde R.D. [ref. 1n]
- Andrew LEMAN, b. reg. Q3 1962 at Fylde R.D. [ref. 1n]
- Edmund Ralph SIRCOM, b. ca. 1881 at Bristol, b. reg. Q4 1881 at Bedminster R.D., m. 9 Nov 1908 at Holy Nativity, Knowle, Bristol, m. reg. Q4 1908
at Bristol R.D., Violet Eugenie Durant PEDLER or Violet Eugenie DURANT-PEDLER (b. 7 May 1882 at Bristol, b. reg. Q2 1882 at Barton Regis R.D., d. Feb 1968; daughter of Augustus Durant PEDLER, a commercial clerk), d. 1 Jun 1925 in a nursing home at Bristol, d. reg. Q2 1925 at Bristol R.D., bur. 5 Jun 1925 at Canford, Bristol. (Where in 1891?) In 1901, living in the household of his uncle Edward S. OWEN (manager of an oil and varnish works) at 13 Wells Road, Bristol. Licentiate of the Royal College of Physicians (London) and Member of the Royal College of Surgeons (England), 1908. At his marriage in 1908, a physician surgeon, of 23 Bushy Park; Violet was of the same address; the witnesses were Augustus Durant PEDLER (presumably her father) and Ivor Augustus Durant PEDLER. In 1911, a physician and surgeon in general practice, living at Cromwell House, 2 Nightingale Road, Southsea, Hampshire, with his wife Violet, a cook, and a house and parlor maid. Address in the 1913 Medical Register: Cromwell House, Kent Road, Southsea. On 26 Apr 1922, sailed from Southampton with his wife Violet on the ship Homeric, arriving at New York on 4 May 1922; identified in the passenger manifest as a surgeon, residence London, visiting Mrs. EVERS at Buffalo, New York. At his death in 1925, of Romford Road, Stratford, Essex. Violet immigrated to the United States in 1929. In 1930, she was a university librarian, living with her parents at 49 Parkridge Avenue, Buffalo. Latterly Violet lived at Buffalo. [ref. 1n,1ae,1fm,3g,3h,6c41,7b,11b,11c,13e]
- Jane Elizabeth SIRCOM, b. ca. 1855 at Bristol, b. reg. Q3 1855 at Clifton R.D., m. 7 Jun 1882 at St. Michael, Mottram
in Longendale, Cheshire, after banns begun 7 May 1882 at St. Mary, Islington, m. reg. Q2 1882 at Ashton under Lyne R.D.,
Thomas Pickford WRIGHT (b. ca. 1854 at Glastonbury, Somerset). In 1861, living with her parents. In 1871, living with her
brother Henry. In 1881, living with her father's brother Richard. At her marriage in 1882, of Mottram; Thomas was of the
parish of St. Mary, Islington, and of Holloway and Glastonbury. In 1891, living at 375 Holloway Road, Islington, London,
with her husband Thomas (a jeweller), their children Helen and Francis, her visiting niece Elsie (daughter of her brother
Francis), and two servants. In 1901, living at 4 Camden Square, St. Pancras, London, with her husband Thomas (a jeweller),
their children Helen and Francis, and two general domestic servants. At her daughter's marriage in 1917, Thomas was a
merchant, of Gwalior House, Southgate, Middlesex. [ref. 1n,1cu,1cv,3c,3d,3e,3f,3g,6c38,6c39]
- Helen Mary Hardman "May" WRIGHT, b. ca. 1885 at Holloway, b. reg. Q2 1885 at Islington R.D., m.
19 Sep 1917 at Christ Church, Southgate, m. reg. Q3 1917 at Edmonton R.D., her first cousin Harold
Sebastian SIRCOM, d. reg. Q3 1955 at Eastbourne R.D. In 1891 and 1901, living with her parents. At her marriage in
1917, of Gwalior House; Harold was of the Malay States Civil Service, also residing at Gwalior House; the witnesses were
B.P. WRIGHT and J.E. WRIGHT. At her brother's death in 1941, of Holcroft, Reigate. At her death, of Eastbourne. Her will,
which left £52,340 net of £19,904 duty, was reported in The Times on 16 Nov 1955. [ref. 1n,1cu,3f,3g,6b3,6c39,6c42]
- Francis Alexander Pickford WRIGHT, b. ca. 1886 at Holloway, b. reg. Q2 1886 at Islington R.D., k. in action May 1941.
In 1891 and 1901, living with his parents. At his death in 1941, an M.B.E., a corporal in the Honorable Artillery
Company, and a barrister of Seremban, Malaya. [ref. 1n,3f,3g,6c42]
- Francis Richard Frederick SIRCOM, b. ca. 1856 at Bristol, b. reg. Q3 1856 at Clifton R.D., m. 1887 at Oldham Register Office, m. reg. Q4 1887 at Oldham R.D., Annie INNERDALE (b. ca. 1862 at Werneth, Oldham, Lancashire, b. reg. Q4 1862 at Oldham R.D., d. reg. Q4 1949 at Scarborough R.D., bur. 30 Nov 1940 at Shipley, Yorkshire), d. reg. Q4 1921 at North Bierley R.D., bur. 12 Oct 1921 at Shipley. In 1861, living with his parents. In 1871, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1881, a salesman of silk velvet manufactures, boarding in the GREGORY household at 56 Frances Street, Chorlton on Medlock, Lancashire. In 1891, a silk velvet warehouseman, living at 8 Mannheim Road, Bradford, Yorkshire, with his wife Annie. At his son's baptism in 1892, a shipping clerk, of 271 Kensington Street, Girlington, Yorkshire. In 1901, a silk mills manager, living at 19 Lynthorne Road, Bradford, with his wife Annie, their children Elsie and Harry, and a servant. In 1911, a manufacturer's agent in the upholstery fabrics business, living at Hirst House, Shipley, Yorkshire, with his wife Annie and their children Elsie and Harry. At his son's death in 1916, of The Hirst, Shipley. At his death in 1921, of Salt's Hospital, Shipley. At her death in 1949, Annie was of 2 Royal Crescent, Scarborough. [ref. 1n,1es,1et,3c,3d,3e,3f,3g,3h,4h]
- Elsie Winifred SIRCOM, b. 2 Aug 1888 at Sale or Ashton on Mersey, Cheshire, b. reg. Q3 1888 at Altrincham R.D., d. reg. Q4 1974 at Scarborough R.D. In 1891, visiting her father's sister Jane. In 1901, living with her parents. In 1911, an assistant to her father, living with her parents. [ref. 1n,3f,3g,3h]
- Harry Innerdale SIRCOM, b. ca. 1892 at Bradford, b. reg. Q3 1892 at Bradford Yorkshire R.D., chr. 14 Aug 1892 at Girlington, d. 9 Jun 1916, bur. at St. Sever Cemetery, Rouen, France. In 1901, living with his parents. In 1911, a wholesale warehouseman in the light dross goods business, living with his parents. At his death in 1916, a private in the West Yorkshire (Prince of Wales's Own) Regiment. [ref. 1n,1es,3g,3h,4h]
- Ellen Mary SIRCOM, b. ca. 1859 at Bristol, b. reg. Q3 1859 at Bedminster R.D., d. reg. Q4 1936 at Edmonton R.D. In
1861, living with her parents. In 1871, a scholar, living with her parents. In 1881, living with her parents. (Where in
1891?) In 1901, living with her parents. In 1911, of private means, living at Turleigh, near Bradford on Avon, Wiltshire,
with a general servant. [ref. 1n,3c,3d,3e,3g,3h]
- Catharine SIRCOM, b. 5 Feb 1829 at Bristol, chr. 2 Nov 1836 at St. Paul, Bristol, m. 8 Dec 1860 at
St. Marylebone, London, m. reg. Q4 1860 at Marylebone R.D., William HEAD (b. ca. 1835 at Bristol, son of William HEAD, a
law clerk, d. by 1881). In 1841, living with her parents. In 1851, a dressmaker, visiting the CHINN household at Victoria
Street, Market Field, Merthyr Tydfil, Glamorgan. At her marriage in 1860, of St. Marylebone; William was a railway clerk,
also of St. Marylebone; the witnesses were J. STEPHING (probably her aunt Clara's son John) and Jane SIRCOM (her sister).
(Where in 1861?) In 1871, living at the Castle Tavern, 36 Kings Street, St. Lawrence Jewry, London, with her husband
William (the manager), their daughter Mary, a housekeeper, four barmaids, a kitchenmaid, and two housemaids. In 1881, a
hotel manageress, living at the North Western Hotel, Lime Street, Liverpool, with her daughters Emily, Mary, and Louisa
and numerous other staff. [ref. 1n,1bb,1bf,3a,3b,3d,3e]
- Emily Kate HEAD, b. ca. 1865 at Bristol, b. reg. Q1 1865 at Bristol R.D. In 1871, a scholar, living with her mother's
brother Richard. In 1881, a scholar, living with her mother. [ref. 1n,3d,3e]
- Richard George HEAD, b. ca. 1866 at Shrewsbury, Shropshire, b. reg. Q4 1866 at Shrewsbury R.D. In 1871, living
with his mother's brother Richard. [ref. 1n,3d]
- Mary Jane HEAD, b. ca. 1868 at Shrewsbury, b. reg. Q3 1868 at Shrewsbury R.D. In 1871, living with her parents. In
1881, a scholar, living with her mother. [ref. 1n,3d,3e]
- Louisa HEAD, b. ca. 1871 at Bristol, b. reg. Q3 1871 at Bristol R.D. In 1871, living with her mother's brother Henry.
In 1881, living with her mother. [ref. 1n,3d,3e]
- Louisa SIRCOM, b. 22 Jan 1831 at Bristol, chr. 2 Nov 1836 at St. Paul, Bristol, m. 5 Feb 1867 at
St. Marylebone, London, m. reg. Q1 1867 at Marylebone R.D., William SALLAWAY (b. ca. 1835 at Barford, Warwickshire, son of
John SALLAWAY, a carpenter). In 1841 and 1851, living with her parents. In 1861, employed at a trimming seller's, living
with her mother's sister Clara, together with her sister Jane; William was a cabinet maker, lodging at 20 New Millman
Street, London. At her marriage in 1867, of St. Marylebone; William was a cabinet maker, of St. Pancras; the witnesses
were J. STEPHING (probably her aunt Clara's son John) and Mary SALLAWAY. In 1871, living at 214a Oxford Street, London,
with her husband William (a trimming seller), their son William, her aunt Clara, and an assistant. In 1881, living at 214a
Oxford Street with her husband William (a shopkeeper), their son William, and a shop assistant. [ref. 1n,1bb,1bf,3a,3b,3c,3d,3e]
- William John S. SALLAWAY, b. ca. 1869 at Marylebone, London, b. reg. Q4 1869 at Marylebone R.D. In 1871 and 1881,
living with his parents. [ref. 1n,3d,3e]
- Clara SIRCOM, b. 29 Aug 1833 at Bristol, chr. 2 Nov 1836 at St. Paul, Bristol, m. reg. Q3 1856 at Clifton R.D., Edward
JONES (b. ca. 1833 at Thornbury, Gloucestershire). In 1841, living with her parents. In 1851, a milliner, living with her
parents. In 1861, living at Henly Grove, Westbury on Trym, Gloucestershire, with her husband Edward (a Russian merchant),
their children Edward and Sidney, her husband's brother Henry, and a house servant. In 1871, living at Stanley Villa,
Bristol, with her husband Edward (an oil and general merchant), their children Ada, Ellen, Edith, Alfred, and Frederick,
and a general servant. In 1881, living at Stanley Villa, Lower Ashley Road, Bristol, with her husband Edward (an oil
merchant) and their children Sidney, Ada, Ellen, Edith, Alfred, and Frederick. In 1891, living at 9 Chesterfield Road,
Bristol, with her husband Edward (an oil and grease merchant) and their children Ada, Ellen, Edith, Alfred, and
Frederick. [ref. 1n,1bb,3a,3b,3c,3d,3e,3f]
- Edward Ernest JONES, b. ca. 1858 at Bristol, b. reg. Q1 1858 at Bristol R.D. In 1861, living with his
parents. [ref. 1n,3c]
- Sidney Herbert JONES, b. ca. Apr 1860 at Bristol, b. reg. Q2 1860 at Bedminster R.D., m. reg. Q3 1883 at Barton Regis
R.D., Emily Elizabeth ABLE (b. ca. 1859 at Bristol). In 1861, living with his parents. In 1881, an engineer's clerk,
living with his parents. In 1901, a wholesale wine and spirit merchant, living at 69 Middleton Road, Grimsbury,
Oxfordshire, with his wife Emily, their children Douglas, Edith, Harold, and Philip, Emily's mother Elizabeth and brother
Henry, a general servant, and a nurse. [ref. 1n,3c,3e,3g]
- Douglas Sidney JONES, b. ca. 1888 at Banbury, Oxfordshire, b. reg. Q2 1888 at Banbury R.D. In 1901, living with his
parents. [ref. 1n,3g]
- Edith Mary JONES, b. ca. 1892 at Banbury, b. reg. Q2 1892 at Banbury R.D. In 1901, living with her parents. [ref. 1n,3g]
- Harold Henry JONES, b. ca. 1895 at Banbury, b. reg. Q4 1895 at Banbury R.D. In 1901, living with his
parents. [ref. 1n,3g]
- Philip Sircom JONES, b. 12 Nov 1898 at Banbury, b. reg. Q1 1899 at Banbury R.D., m. reg. Q2 1926 at Portsmouth R.D., Lilian M.B. GLEAVE, d. reg. Dec 1994 at Banbury R.D. In 1901, living with his parents. [ref. 1n,3g]
- Philip Ronald Sircom JONES, b. reg. Q4 1928 at Banbury R.D., m. ROWAN. [ref. 1n,9k]
- Ian Derek Sircom JONES, b. reg. Q1 1961 at Buckrose R.D. Researcher Ian Jones. [ref. 1n,9k]
- Sylvia M. JONES, b. reg. Q4 1933 at Banbury R.D. [ref. 1n]
- Derek W.S. JONES, b. reg. Q2 1936 at Banbury R.D. [ref. 1n]
- Ada Clara JONES, b. ca. 1862 at Bristol, b. reg. Q2 1862 at Clifton R.D. In 1871, a scholar, living with her parents.
In 1881, no occupation, living with her parents. In 1891, a music teacher, living with her parents. [ref. 1n,3d,3e,3f]
- Ellen Florence JONES, b. ca. 1864 at Bristol, b. reg. Q3 1864 at Clifton R.D. In 1871, a scholar, living with her
parents. In 1881, no occupation, living with her parents. In 1891, a draper's assistant, living with her
parents. [ref. 1n,3d,3e,3f]
- Edith A. JONES, b. ca. 1866 at Bristol, b. reg. Q2 1866 at Clifton R.D. In 1871 and 1881, a scholar, living with her
parents. In 1891, a draper's assistant, living with her parents. [ref. 1n,3d,3e,3f]
- Alfred Augustus JONES, b. ca. 1867 at Bristol, b. reg. Q2 1867 at Clifton R.D. In 1871, living with his parents. In
1881, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1891, a brewer's clerk, living with his parents. [ref. 1n,3d,3e,3f]
- Frederick Sircom JONES, b. ca. 1870 at Bristol, b. reg. Q2 1870 at Clifton R.D., m. reg. Q1 1893 at Bedminster R.D.,
Elizabeth Sarah EDWARDS (b. ca. 1869 at Newport, Monmouthshire). In 1871, living with his parents. In 1881, a scholar,
living with his parents. In 1891, living with his parents. In 1901, a foreman in the steel trade, living at 12 Railway
View, Ebbw Vale, Monmouthshire, with his wife Elizabeth and their son Sydney. [ref. 1n,3d,3e,3f,3g]
- Sidney Frederick JONES, b. ca. May 1900 at Ebbw Vale, b. reg. Q3 1900 at Bedwelty R.D., m. reg. Q1 1919 at Stourbridge
R.D., Dorothy BROOKES. In 1901, living with his parents. [ref. 1n,3g]
- Sidney JONES, b. reg. Q3 1919 at Stourbridge R.D. [ref. 1n]
- William F. JONES, b. reg. Q3 1923 at Stourbridge R.D. [ref. 1n]
- Elizabeth V. JONES, b. reg. Q2 1928 at Stourbridge R.D. [ref. 1n]
- Frederick Sircom JONES, b. 26 Jul 1929, b. reg. Q3 1929 at Stourbridge R.D., d. reg. Apr 2000 at Wrekin
R.D. [ref. 1n]
- Ronald JONES, b. reg. Q1 1932 at Stourbridge R.D. [ref. 1n]
Stephen Rowland SIRCOM, b. 17 Oct 1836 at Bristol, chr. 2 Nov 1836 at St. Paul, Bristol, m. 13 Jan
1856 at St. Dunstan, Stepney, London, after banns begun 23 Dec 1855, m. reg. Q1 1856 at Stepney R.D., Elizabeth BANYARD
(b. Mar 1835 in England, daughter of James Barber BANYARD, a master mariner), d. 1906 at Melrose, Massachusetts. At his
marriage in 1836, an accountant, of 13 Jubilee Place; Elizabeth was of 2 Freeman Place; the witnesses were Ithiel PRICE
and Olive PICKETT. In 1841, living with his parents. In 1851, a clerk, living with his parents. At his daughter
Blanche's birth in 1858, a merchant, of Halifax, Nova Scotia. At his son Frank's birth at Halifax in 1869, an importer. At
his son Fitzgerald's birth in 1871, a merchant, of Halifax. Immigrated to the United States in 1872; not naturalized by
1900. In 1875, a partner in Sircom and Marshall, importers, 155 Granville Street, Halifax (see advertisement at right). In
1880, employed in a dry goods store, living at Boston, Massachusetts, with his wife Elizabeth, their children Blanche,
Richard, Frank, Fitzgerald, and Albert, and Henry J. MARSHALL (b. ca. 1830 in Nova Scotia, also employed in a dry goods
store, perhaps his business partner). At his son Stephen's marriage in 1881, an accountant. In a Boston directory for
1890, a bookkeeper at 287 Washington Street, home address 7 Burlington Avenue. In 1900, a chinaware book keeper, living at
81 Linden Street, Melrose, Massachusetts, with his wife Elizabeth, their son Albert, and a servant. On 30 May 1901,
Elizabeth sailed from Barbados (where she was probably visiting her daughter Blanche) on the ship Coleridge; she
arrived at New York on 6 Jun 1901, destination 81 Linden Street to join her husband. In 1910, Elizabeth was living at 314
Main Street, Melrose, with a housekeeper. [ref. 1n,1bb,1bo,1bp,1bq,3a,3b,8n,11c,12b,13c,13i,13g]
- Blanche Miriam SIRCOM, b. 28 Jun 1857 at Halifax, m. 14 Nov 1889 at her father's house in Boston, David J. KITCHIN
(d. by. 1920). Immigrated to the United States 1877; still an alien in 1920. In 1880, a bookkeeper, living with her
parents. At her marriage in 1889, David was of Barbados in the West Indies. Lived in Barbados until David's death, when
she returned to the United States. In 1920, living at 314 Main Street, Melrose, with her brother Albert. On 4 Aug 1927,
when she applied for a late registration of her birth, of Melrose. [ref. 1bp,1bq,6o1,13d,13i]
- Stephen John Rupert SIRCOM, b. 1 Oct 1858 at Halifax, m1. 1 Sep 1881 at the Baptist church, Hantsport, Nova Scotia,
Florence (or Flora?) Elizabeth CHURCHILL (b. 6 Feb 1860 at Hantsport, second daughter of George W. CHURCHILL, a
shipbuilder of the firm E. Churchill & Sons, and Susan or Susanna DAVISON, d. 22 Jun 1931 at Victoria General
Hospital, Halifax, bur. 25 Jun 1931 at Camp Hill Cemetery), m2. 10 Sep 1932 at the residence of T.C. BOVILLE, Chester,
Lunenburg County, Nova Scotia, Ida Mary SOLOMON (b. 10 Oct 1861 at Lunenburg, Nova Scotia, daughter of Edward H. SOLOMON
and Bessie CLEARY, m1. MITCHELL, wid. by 1932, d. 30 Jul 1933 at Victoria General Hospital, Halifax, bur. 1 Aug 1933 at
Camp Hill Cemetery), d. by 1948. In 1881, a clerk, living in a boarding house in Halifax. At his marriage in 1881, of
Halifax; Flora was of Hantsport; the witnesses were Thomas E. DAVISON and Marion DAVISON. In 1891, a civil servant, living
at Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, with his wife Florence, their children Eva, Gladys, and George, and a general servant. At his
daughter Eva's marriage in 1910, in the army. At his daughter Gladys's marriage in 1911, in the military. At his son
George's marriage in 1915, a military colonel. In 1917, at his attestation for service in the Canadian Expeditionary Force
in World War I, an army colonel, of 273 Tower Road, Halifax. At his wife Florence's death in 1931, of 273 Tower Road. At
his second marriage in 1932, a gentleman, of Halifax; Ida was a housewife, also of Halifax; the witnesses were T.C. and
Margaret C.J. BOVILLE, of Chester. At his wife Ida's death in 1933, a brigadier general, of 273 Tower Road. At his
daughter Eva's death in 1948 (posth.), a general, of Halifax. [ref. 1bp,6o2,6p1,13a,13h,14a]
- Eva Blanche SIRCOM, b. 15 Apr 1883 at Hantsport, m. 10 Aug 1910 at Halifax, Samuel James McIntosh ALLEN (b. ca. 1878
at Maitland, Nova Scotia, son of James M. ALLEN, a sea captain, and Elizabeth), d. 3 Dec 1948 at Wolfville, Nova Scotia.
In 1891, living with her parents. At her marriage in 1910, of Halifax; James was a teacher, of Cincinnati, Ohio; the
witnesses were Samuel TYLER and Eva's sister Gladys. At her death in 1948, her husband was a professor emeritus of physics
at the University of Cincinnati. [ref. 1bp,6o3,6p1,13h]
- James Sircom ALLEN, b. 11 Aug 1911 at Halifax, m. 28 Nov 1936 Mary E. GRISWOLD. Attended the University of Cincinnati
(A.B. in physics 1933, Phi Beta Kappa, Sigma Xi) and the University of Chicago (Ph.D. in physics 1937). Associate
professor of physics at Kansas State College, 1938-42. Physicist at the
Radiation Laboratory at the Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, 1942-43, and at the Los Alamos Laboratory, 1943-45, presumably as part of the Manhattan Project. Assistant
professor of physics at the University of Chicago, 1945-48. Associate professor of physics at the University of Illinois,
1948-51; full professor from 1951. Fellow of the American Physical Society. [ref. 5h]
- Richard C. ALLEN. [ref. 5h]
- Gladys Churchill SIRCOM, b. ca. 1885 at Dartmouth, m. 12 Sep 1911 at Halifax, William A. CURRY (b. ca. 1887 at
Windsor, Nova Scotia, son of William CURRY, a barrister, and Jean). In 1891, living with her parents. A student in the
Faculty of Arts at Dalhousie University, Halifax, 1902-3. Witnessed her sister
Eva's marriage in 1910. At her own marriage in 1911, of Halifax; William was a physician, also of Halifax; the witnesses
were Stewart L. CURRY and Gladys WESTON. [ref. 1bp,13h,15c]
- George Churchill SIRCOM, b. 3 Dec 1890 at Dartmouth, m. 8 Feb 1915 at Halifax, Ethel Mowbray KANE (b. ca. 1890 at
Halifax, daughter of William KANE, a merchant, and Eva). In 1891, living with his parents. At his marriage in 1915, a
military officer, of Halifax; Ethel was also of Halifax; the witnesses were Helen E. KANE (presumably a relative of
Ethel's) and George's brother Cecil. In 1915, at his attestation for service in the Canadian Expeditionary Force in World
War I, a student, living at 71 Queen Street, Halifax. At his daughter's birth in 1916, a captain in the Canadian
Expeditionary Force. At his infant son's death in 1922, employed in the Royal Canadian Army Pay Corps, residence 273 Tower
Road, Halifax. [ref. 1bp,6c43,14a]
- Kathleen or Sylvia Kaye SIRCOM, b. 9 Jul 1916 at 13 Prince's Gate, London, b. reg. Q3 1916 at St. George Hanover
Square R.D., m. McMILLAN, d. 29 Oct 2005 at South Shore Regional Hospital, Bridgewater, Nova Scotia. An obituary of
Sylvia appeared in the Ottawa Citizen on 3 Nov 2005.
Ancestor of researcher Peter McMillan. [ref. 1n,6c43,6q,6r,9e]
- An unnamed son, b. 6 May 1922 at Halifax, d. 8 May 1922 at home, 273 Tower Road, Halifax, bur. 9 May 1922 at St. Johns
Cemetery. [ref. 1bp]
- Robert SIRCOM. In 2002, of Hantsport. [ref. 9f]
- Cecil Randolph SIRCOM, b. 26 Feb 1894 at Elmcote, Dartmouth, m. 25 Sep 1919 at Toronto, Ontario, Jean Isabel CUMMING
(b. ca. 1896 at Campbellford, Ontario, daughter of Walter William CUMMING and Elizabeth DINWOODIE), d. 10 Apr 1956 at
Wolfville, Kings County, Nova Scotia, bur. 13 April 1956 at St. John Cemetery, Wolfville. In 1916, at his attestation for
service in the Canadian Expeditionary Force in World War I, an army lieutenant, of 273 Tower Road. At his marriage in
1919, a member of the military, of Halifax. At his son Stephen's death in 1933, a manager for Travellers Insurance
Company, of 266 South Street, Halifax. At his death in 1956, a life insurance agent, of 32 Kent Avenue,
Wolfville. [ref. 1af,1bp,6o4,14a]
- Joan Elizabeth Churchill SIRCOM, b. 7 Jun 1923 at Regina, Saskatchewan. Of Lunenburg, Nova Scotia. [ref. 9h]
- Stephen Walter SIRCOM, b. 7 Feb 1927 at Calgary, Alberta, d. 1 Sep 1933 at Halifax, bur. 3 Sep 1933 at Camp Hill
Cemetery. [ref. 1bp]
- Richard Cumming SIRCOM. At his father's death in 1956, of 3 Rose Street, Dartmouth. In 2002, of Dartmouth.
Researcher Richard Cumming Sircom. [ref. 1bp,9f]
- Richard H. SIRCOM, b. Mar 1862 in English Canada, m. 17 Oct 1903 at the Congregational church, Melrose, Massachusetts,
Grace A. GROUT (b. ca. 1861 in Massachusetts, m1. 1882 at Newton, Massachusetts, George L. BULLENS, by whom she had one
child). Immigrated to the United States in 1876 or 1877 or 1882; naturalized in 1885. In 1880, employed in a dry goods
store, living with his parents. Listed in a Boston directory for 1890 as boarding at 7 Burlington Avenue, his father's
home. Partner with his brother Fitzgerald in the firm of R.H. Sircom & Co., petticoat manufacturers. In 1900, a
skirt manufacturer, boarding at 12 Francis Street, Melrose. At his marriage in 1903, a "well-known business man" in
Melrose; his post-honeymoon residence was to be in Francis Street. A Boston directory for 1904 listed R.H. Sircom &
Co., ladies' skirts, at 67 Chauncy. In 1910, proprietor of a skirt factory, living at 246 Porter Street, Melrose, with his
wife Grace and a servant. In 1920, a skirt manufacturer, living at 246 Porter Street, Melrose, with his wife Grace and a
servant. In 1930, no occupation, living at 246 Porter Street, Melrose, with his wife Grace. [ref. 1bq,5i,6s,8n,8o,13c,13d,13e,13g,13i]
- Frank Rowland SIRCOM, b. 3 Mar 1869 at Halifax, m. 7 Oct 1891 Carrie A. KENNERSON (b. Jun 1870 in Massachusetts, d.
18 Dec 1940 at 108 East 81st Street, New York, the home of her son Arthur). Came to the United States in 1877; naturalized
in 1896. Educated at Prince Grammar School and English High School, Boston. In 1880, at school, living with his parents.
Employed by A.M. Howland & Co., wool dealers, 1884-1886. Employed by John Wales & Co., 1886-1891. In an 1890
Boston directory, listed as a clerk, working at 5 Winthrop Square and boarding at 7 Burlington Avenue, his father's home.
Employed by George M. Questen & Co., 1891-1896. Treasurer of Malden Trust Co. from 1 Dec 1896. In 1900, a cashier,
living at 69
Bartlett Street, Malden, Middlesex County, with his wife Carrie, their sons Edwin and Arthur, and a boarder. In 1910, a
bank treasurer, living at 69 Bartlett Street, Malden, with his wife Carrie, their children Rupert, Arthur, and Edith, and
a servant. In the 1916 Who's Who, listed as the president of Richardson Furniture Co., a director of Gibson
Bedstead Co. and Everett Trust Co., an ex-president of the Associated Savings Trust Companies of Massachusetts and the
Malden Board of Trade, a Republican, an Episcopalian, a soloist with "several leading choirs of Boston", and a mason, with
home address 200 Summer Street, Malden, and office address 94 Pleasant Street, Malden. In 1920, a trust company treasurer,
living at 200 Summer Street, Malden, with his wife Carrie and their children Edwin, Arthur, Edith, and Alice. In 1930, a
stock and bond broker, living at 200 Summer Street, Malden, with his wife Carrie and their children Arthur, Edith, and
Alice. At his wife's death in 1940, of Cambridge, Massachusetts, and former president of the Malden Trust
Company. [ref. 1bp,5i,6p2,8n,13c,13d,13e,13g,13i]
- Edwin Rupert SIRCOM, b. 26 Sep 1897 at Malden, m1. unknown, m2. Mildred REED (b. 20 Oct 1895, d. Apr 1975),
d. 22 Apr 1962 between Easter services at Westminster Presbyterian Church, Minneapolis, Minnesota, where he was organist.
In 1900 and 1910, living with his parents. When he registered for the draft on 16 Sep 1918, an insurance broker employed
by E.R. Sircom & Co., 100 Milk Street, Boston; home address 200 Summer Street, Malden; nearest relative his father,
200 Summer Street; medium height, medium build, brown eyes, and brown hair. In 1920, an agent for an insurance company,
living with his parents. In 1926,
became organist and choirmaster of St. Thomas Protestant Episcopal Chapel, New York, and staff organist for the Columbia
Broadcasting System. In a 1929 directory, listed as an insurance agent at 68 Austin Street, Newtonville, Massachusetts.
In 1930, a church organist, lodging with a priest at 226 East 60th Street, Manhattan, New York. In 1930, became organist
of the Westminster Presbyterian Church and professor of organ at Carleton College, Northfield, Minnesota. Also a published
composer and arranger. Mildred subsequently lived in Minnesota, and latterly at Southern Pines, North Carolina. For more
details of Rupert's career, see his obituary 23 Apr 1962 in the New York
Times. [ref. 1ae,1bq,6p3,8p,13c,13d,13e,13g,14b]
- (by first wife) John SIRCOM, b. 13 Feb 1924, m. Jean (b. 28 Feb 1922, d. Dec 1985), d. Apr 1985. (Where in 1930?) At
his father's death in 1962, of Portland, Maine. Lived latterly at Dennis, Massachusetts, on Cape Cod. [ref. 1ae,6p3]
- (by first wife) Nancy SIRCOM. (Where in 1930?) At her father's death in 1962, of Medford, Massachusetts. [ref. 6p3]
- Arthur Rowland SIRCOM, b. 15 Dec 1899 at Malden or Boston, d. Nov 1980. In 1900 and 1910, living with his parents.
When he registered for the draft on 10 Sep 1918, a student at Phillips Academy, Andover, Massachusetts; home address 200
Summer Street, Malden; nearest relative his father, 200 Summer Street; medium height, medium build, blue eyes, and light
blond hair. In 1920, living with his parents. A director and performer on Broadway from 1924 to 1944 (see
credits). In 1930, a stage actor, living with his parents. At his
mother's death in 1940, of 108 East 81st Street, New York, and director of the Cape Playhouse in Dennis, Massachusetts. At
his sister Alice's death in 1975 and his sister Edith's death in 1977, of New Haven, Connecticut. [ref. 1ae,1bq,6p2,6p4,6t1,13c,13d,13e,13g,14b]
- Edith Miriam SIRCOM, b. 28 Jan 1902 at Malden, d. 11 Sep 1977, bur. 19 Sep 1977 at Mount Auburn Cemetery,
Cambridge, Massachusetts. In 1910 and 1920, living with her parents. In 1930, a private secretary, living with her
parents. At her sister's death in 1975 and her own death in 1977, of Washington, D.C. [ref. 1ae,1bq,6p4,6t1,13d,13e,13g]
- Alice Elizabeth SIRCOM, b. 18 Dec 1917 at Malden, d. 2 May 1975 at George Washington Hospital, Washington, D.C.). In
1920 and 1930, living with her parents. A graduate of the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. An editor, writer,
and information specialist. At her death in 1975, of 2700 Q Street, N.W., Washington. For more details of her career, see
her obituary 5 May 1975 in the Washington Post. [ref. 1ae,6t1,13d,13e]
- Fitzgerald Uniacke SIRCOM, b. 13 Jul 1871 at Halifax, m. 2 Jun 1894 at Melrose or Cambridge, Annie Irene RAMSDALL (b.
May 1871 in Massachusetts). Presumably named for Robert
Fitzgerald Uniacke (1797-1870), evangelical rector of St. George's
Church, Halifax. Came to the United States ca. 1878; naturalized by 1900. Educated in the Boston public
schools. In 1880, at school, living with his parents. Listed in a Boston directory for 1890 as a clerk, working at 44
Oliver Street and boarding at 7 Burlington Avenue. Partner with his brother Richard in the firm of R.H. Sircom & Co.,
petticoat manufacturers. In 1900, a manufacturer, living at 100 East Emerson, Melrose, with his wife Irene, their children
Gerald and Arlene, and a servant. President of R.H. Sircom & Co. from 1902. In 1910, a skirt manufacturer, living at
11 Chestnut Street, Melrose, with his wife Irene and their children Gerald, Arlene, and Ruth. In 1920, manager for a skirt
manufacturer, living at 11 Chestnut Street, Melrose, with his wife Annie and children Gerald, Arlene, and Ruth. In 1930, a
manufacturer with a box factory, living at 11 Chestnut Street, Melrose, with his wife Annie. At his daughter Ruth's
marriage in 1932, of Boston. [ref. 1bp,1bq,5i,6p5,8n,13c,13d,13e,13g,13i]
- Gerald Sumner SIRCOM, b. 2 Aug 1895 at Melrose, d. May 1985. In 1900 and 1910, living with his parents. In 1920,
clerk for a skirt manufacturer, living with his parents. (Where in 1930?) Latterly lived at Camden, Maine. [ref. 1ae,1bq,5i,13c,13d,13g]
- Arlene SIRCOM, b. Jan 1898 at Melrose. In 1900, 1910, and 1920, living with her parents. (Where in 1930?) [ref. 1bq,5i,13c,13d,13g]
- Ruth SIRCOM, b. 8 Nov 1900 at Melrose, m. 28 May 1932 at Christ Lutheran Church, Washington, D.C., Wendell G. JOHNSON
(b. ca. 1901 at Geneseo, Illinois, son of G.A. JOHNSON of Geneseo, d. 16 Jul 1992 at DeWitt Army Hospital, Fort Belvoir,
Virginia). In 1910, living with her parents. Attended the Cambridge-Haskell School in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and Miss
Mary McClintock's School in Boston. In 1920, living with her parents. Sailed from Southampton, England, on 4 Sep 1924 on
the Rotterdam; arrived at New York on 12 Sep 1924; her residence listed on the passenger manifest was 11 Chestnut
Street, Melrose. (Where in 1930?) At the time of her marriage in 1932, she had been living in New York for the past year.
At her husband Wendell's death in 1992, she was of Fort Belvoir. Wendell was a West Point graduate and U.S. Army colonel
who served as military attaché in Chile and Spain during World War II and later worked for the CIA in Bolivia and
Miami. For more details of his career, see his obituary 19 Jul 1992 in the
Washington Post. [ref. 1bq,5i,6p5,6t2,11b,11c,13d,13g]
- Gerald Sircom JOHNSON. Graduated from Yale University by 1957. In 1957, announced his engagement to Rosalind Howard
SCOTT (daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David R. MAGEE of Holden, Massachusetts). At his father's death in 1992, of Houston,
Texas. [ref. 6t2,6t3]
- Wendell G. JOHNSON, Jr. At his father's death in 1992, of Salem, South Carolina. [ref. 6t2]
- Albert Beaconsfield SIRCOM, b. 28 Nov 1878 at Boston, m1. 1902 at Boston, Ann (m2. Robert Winthrop LEA), div., m2. ca.
1918 Lillian R. (b. ca. 1894 in Massachusetts), d. Nov 1960 in Highlands County, Florida. In 1880, at school, living with
his parents. In 1900, a skirt salesman, living with his parents. (Where in 1910?) When he registered for the draft in Aug
1918, a manufacturer employed by R.H. Sircom Co. of Melrose, home address Melrose, mailing address 12 West 32nd Street,
New York; nearest relative his wife Lillian; tall, medium build, hazel eyes, dark brown hair. In 1920, manager of a skirt
company, living with his sister Blanche. (Where was Lillian in 1920?) In 1930, a manager in the rayon silk industry,
living at 5 Cranford Park, Tuckahoe, Westchester County, New York, with his wife Lillian, their children Elizabeth,
Albert, and Alice, a housekeeper, and a governess. At his daughter Alice's engagement in 1947, of Tuckahoe. [ref. 1bq,1br,6p6,6p7,13c,13d,13e,13i,14b]
- Elizabeth SIRCOM, b. ca. 1919 in Massachusetts. (Where in 1920?) In 1930, living with her parents. [ref. 13e]
- Albert SIRCOM, b. ca. 1921 in Massachusetts. In 1930, living with his parents. [ref. 13e]
- Alice Minna SIRCOM, b. ca. 1923 in Massachusetts, prob. m. Jun 1947 John Ludwell LAKE (son of Homer M. LAKE of
Scarsdale, New York). In 1930, living with her parents. Attended Brantwood School in Bronxville, New York, and graduated
from Hood College. John attended Stuyvesant School in Warrenton, Virginia, and Yale University. He served in the U.S. Army
in Europe in World War II and was commissioned as a lieutenant while overseas. [ref. 6p7,13e]
- James Hives SIRCOM, b. 3 Jan 1794, chr. 28 Jun 1794 at Bridge Street Congregational. [ref. 1bt]
- Richard SIRCOM, b. Oct 1797, chr. 15 Feb 1802 at St. James, Bristol. On 19 May 1813, Richard was apprenticed to
William DAVIES or DAVIS, a Bristol pewterer, and his wife Elizabeth, for seven years. The fee of £10 was paid by
Queen Elizabeth's Hospital. Richard was admitted as a burgess of Bristol on 3 Aug 1830, by virtue of his apprenticeship;
he paid a fee of 3/4. At his admission as a burgess in 1830, he was a pewterer. [ref. 1be,17b,17c]
- Elizabeth SIRCOM, b. 30 Jun 1799, chr. 15 Feb 1802 at St. James, Bristol. [ref. 1be]
- Susanna Kilpin SIRCOM, b. 15 Jun 1801, chr. 15 Feb 1802 at St. James, Bristol. [ref. 1be]
- William SIRCOM, chr. 29 Jun 1771 at St. Philip and St. Jacob, Bristol. [ref. 1bc]
- Ann SIRCOM, chr. 17 Mar 1777 at Bridge Street Congregational, Bristol. [ref. 1bt]
Early Somerset and Hampshire Shercombes
Roberte SCHURCOMBE. Some time before 1548, a laborer, of Clatworthy, Somerset, allegedly one of a gang who on several
occasions assaulted a house in Wiveliscombe, Somerset, threatened to kill its occupier, drove away his livestock, tore his
cloak to pieces, etc. Indicted at the quarter sessions in Ilchester, Somerset. The case arose from a dispute about the
ownership of the house and its lands and subsequently went to the Star Chamber as Cappis v. Stowell. For more
details, see Proceedings in the Court of the Star
Chamber, pp. 267-273.
- Jeffery SHERCOMBE, m1. unknown, m2. 8 Oct 1565 at Wiveliscombe, Somerset, Joan WALTON (m1.
SLOCOMBE, daughter of William WALTON of
Shapwick, Somerset), d. 1588. Mayor of Bridgwater,
Somerset, in 1559, 1564, and 1565. Signed a bond as burgess of Bridgwater in 1571. In 1581, the first name listed on the
lay subsidy assessment roll for the borough of Bridgwater; assessed 3s. tax on goods worth £3. Mayor of
Bridgwater again in 1582. Made his
will on 29 Jan 1587/8, describing himself as a gentleman of Kidsbury, in
Wembdon parish, Somerset, and referring also to his "messuage or tenement" in Bridgwater. (Kidsbury was a
small manor. Kidsbury Farm still appeared on 19th century maps on the outskirts of Bridgwater.) The will was proved on
19 Apr 1588. It mentions £120 left to "Joane my now wife" by "Davie SLOCOMBE deceased", probably her first husband.
It also refers to her children (presumably from this first marriage) Jefferie, Elizabeth, and Fraunces. Henry SHIRCOMBE
(this one? relationship not given) was one of the witnesses of the will. [ref. 1bx,2m,10f,10g,10h,10i,18c]
- Thomas SHERCOMBE, m. 22 Oct 1571 at St. Mary, Bridgwater, Christian HOLWORTHY, d. ca. 1596. In 1588, Thomas's father's
will left Thomas "the inheritance and fee simple of my mansion or dwellinge house of kedsberie and all my houses
tenementes landes meadowes and pastures" in Wembdon and Bridgwater; it required Thomas to post a £600 bond that he
would not dispose of these properties except in accordance with the terms of the will. When he made his own will, ca.
1596, of Bridgwater; the will was proved in 1596 in the Court of the Archdeacon of Taunton, but the court's copy of it had
been lost by 1912. When Christian made her will on 2 May 1613, she was of Bridgwater; she left bequests to her cousins
Katherine HURDE and Francis MALET, Frances MALET's daughter Dorothy MALET, her goddaughter Margaret FORTESCUE, and William
and Henry QUARRELL (presumably her grandchildren). The will was proved 12 May 1613 and disputed by Hercules HALLWORTHY,
presumably a relative. [ref. 1cd,2l,2m,2n]
- Henry SHERCOMBE. Bequeathed £20 by his mother's sister Helen (m. SAUNDERS) in her will made 4 Jul 1595, but not
mentioned in his mother's will of 1613. [ref. 2n]
- Joan SHERCOMBE, m. 19 May 1600 at St. Mary, Bridgwater, Peter QUARLE. Under her grandfather's will, Joan and her heirs
were to inherit her his houses and lands if her father Thomas had no male heirs. Bequeathed £20 by her mother's
sister Helen in her will made 4 Jul 1595. [ref. 1cd,2m,2n]
- William QUARLE, chr. 14 Dec 1606 at Bridgwater. Mentioned in his maternal grandmother's will in 1613. [ref. 1cd,2n]
- Mary QUARLE, chr. 30 Nov 1608 at Bridgwater. [ref. 1cd]
- Henry QUARRELL. Mentioned in his maternal grandmother's will in 1613. [ref. 2n]
- Anne or Agnes SHERCOMBE, m. 17 Jan 1563 at St. Mary, Bridgwater, John SNOWE. In 1588, when Anne's father made his
will, John was a merchant, of Bridgwater; the will left bequests to their children. [ref. 1cd,2m]
- John SNOWE. Alive in 1588 when his maternal grandfather made his will. [ref. 2m]
- Margaret SNOWE. Alive in 1588 when her maternal grandfather made his will. [ref. 2m]
- Ellen SNOWE. Alive in 1588 when her maternal grandfather made his will. [ref. 2m]
- Amie SNOWE. Alive in 1588 when her maternal grandfather made his will. [ref. 2m]
- Thomazine SHERCOMBE, m. GREGORIE. In 1588, Thomazine's brother Jeffery left her four bushels of wheat in his
will. [ref. 2m]
Henry SHURCOMBE, bur. 31 May 1568 at Wiveliscombe, Somerset. [ref. 1bx]
The will of Elizabeth WETHER alias SERCOMBE of Porlock, Somerset, was proved in the Court of the Archdeacon of Taunton in 1582. Presumably she was related to Jone WITHER alias SHERCOME, bur. 14 Mar 1599/0 at Tiverton, Devon, and Robert WITHER alias SHIRCOMBE, chr. 27 Aug 1607 at Tiverton. There were other SHERCOMBEs at Tiverton at around this time.
Steven SHURCOMBE, bur. 3 Oct 1596 at Staplegrove, Somerset. [ref. 1ce]
Henry SHERCOMBE, d. ca. 1598. (Is this the Henry SHIRCOMBE who witnessed the will of
Jeffery SHERCOMBE in 1588?) When he made his will, prob. ca. 1598, of Bridgwater; the will was
proved in 1598 or 1599 in the Court of the Archdeacon of Taunton, but the court's copy of that will had been lost by
1912. [ref. 2l]
Richard SURCOMBE, bur. 25 Sep 1599 at Stogursey, Somerset. [ref. 1cf]
Jane SHURCOMBE, bur. 10 Sep 1608 at Stogursey, Somerset. [ref. 1cf]
Henrie SURCOMBE, bur. 24 Oct 1614 at Stogursey, Somerset. [ref. 1cf]
Joahne SHERCOME, bur. 7 Nov 1607 at Stringson, Somerset. [ref. 1cg]
Hugh SHERCOME, bur. 20 Jan 1608 at Stringson, Somerset. [ref. 1cg]
Henry SHIRCOMB, b. est. 1565, m. 26 Oct 1590 at North Petherton, Somerset, Johan PARKER. [ref. 1cb]
- (probably) Elizabethe SHIRCOMBE, chr. 18 Feb 1592 at North Petherton. [ref. 1cb]
Mary WARREN alias SHERCOMBE, bur. 19 Apr 1611 at Wiveliscombe, Somerset. [ref. 1bx]
Valentine SHERCOME, b. est. 1581. In 1607, of Chesterblade Mill, near Evercreech, Somerset. (Is this
the same person as Valentine SHERCOM of Andover, Hampshire?) [ref. 1cc]
- Richard SHERCOME, chr. 14 Feb 1607 at Evercreech. [ref. 1cc]
Matthew SHARCOMBE, b. est. 1619, m. Jane. [ref. 1cb]
- Matthew SHARCOMBE, chr. 5 Oct 1645 at North Petherton, Somerset, m. 10 Feb 1677 at St. James, Taunton, Somerset, Elezabeth MINIFY, bur. 6 Jan 1727 at St. James, Taunton. [ref. 1cb,1ch]
- Jane SHARCOMB, chr. 8 May 1647 at North Petherton, d. 27 Apr 1648. [ref. 1cb]
Andrewe SHURCOMB, bur. 14 Nov 1613 at West Quantoxhead, Somerset. [ref. 1ca]
John SARKOM, bur. 15 Jan 1679 at St. James, Taunton, Somerset. [ref. 1ch]
Valentine SHERCOM, bur. 5 Oct 1638 at Andover, Hampshire. Called "old Valentine Shercom" in the
burial register in 1638. (Is this the same person as Valentine SHERCOME of Chesterblade, Somerset?
How related to Walter SHERCOMB?) [ref. 1bz]
Walter SHERCOMB, b. est. 1597, m. Sarah (perh. m1. BIGWOOD, bur. 13 Nov 1675 at Andover, Hampshire),
bur. 16 Sep 1657 at Andover. In 1657, of Andover. Walter's will made 14 Sep
1657 and proved 9 Oct 1657 left bequests to his wife Sarah, son Andrew, daughter Mary and her husband and children,
sons in law (i.e. stepsons?) John BIGWOOD and Arthur BIGWOOD and daughter in law Sarah, and John CARNELL (relationship not
specified). The will mentions a farm, a farm dwelling and outbuildings, a mill, sheep, household furnishings, clothes,
and bequests of money. The lease of the mill was left to Walter's wife Sarah, on condition that she should rent it for
£20 per year to Walter's son Andrew and son in law John BIGWOOD. Sarah's will was proved in Hampshire in 1675, when
she was of Woodhouse, near Andover. A deed dated 7 Aug 1705 mentions "a lane" in Andover "leading to a mill called
Shercombs Mill". (How related to Valentine SHERCOM?) [ref. 1bz,2j,2k,18b]
- A son (perhaps Edward?), chr. 12 May 1623 at Andover, prob. d. bef. 1657 because not mentioned in his father's
will. [ref. 1bz,2j]
- Andrew SHERKOM, chr. 13 Mar 1624 at Andover. Alive in 1657 when mentioned in his father's will. [ref. 1bz,2j]
- Edward SHARKCOM, bur. 1627 at Andover. [ref. 1bz]
- Mary SHERCOM, chr. 23 Nov 1628 at Andover, m. 5 May 1644 at Andover, William GRONSELL. Alive in 1657 when mentioned in
her father's will. [ref. 1bz,2j]
- William GRONSELL, chr. 20 Mar 1644/5 at Andover. Alive in 1657 when mentioned in her maternal grandfather's
will. [ref. 2j]
- Mary GRONSELL. Alive in 1657 when mentioned in her maternal grandfather's will. [ref. 2j]
- Richard GRONSELL. Alive in 1657 when mentioned in her maternal grandfather's will. [ref. 2j]
- Thomas GRUNSELL, chr. 3 Oct 1671 at Andover. [ref. 1bz]
- Mary GRUNSELL, chr. 21 May 1676 at Andover. [ref. 1bz]
- William GRUNSELL, chr. 12 Dec 1680 at Andover. [ref. 1bz]
- Rebecka GRUNSELL, chr. 26 Mar 1682 at Andover. [ref. 1bz]
- Jone GRUNSELL, chr. 1 Jul 1683 at Andover. [ref. 1bz]
- Andrew GRONSELL. Alive in 1657 when mentioned in her maternal grandfather's will. [ref. 2j]
- Sarah GRONSELL, chr. 24 Mar 1653/4 at Andover. Alive in 1657 when mentioned in her maternal grandfather's
will. [ref. 1bz,2j]
- A son (perhaps one of the above), chr. 4 Jan 1655/6 at Andover. [ref. 1bz]
- A son, chr. 16 Dec 1657 at Andover. [ref. 1bz]
- Charles GRUNSELL, chr. 4 Nov 1664 at Andover. [ref. 1bz]
- Francis GRUNSELL, chr. 26 Feb 1667/8 at Andover. [ref. 1bz]
- Jane GRUNSELL, chr. 19 Mar 1670/1 at Andover. [ref. 1bz]
- Ann SHERKOM, bur. 21 Feb 1629 at Andover. [ref. 1bz]
Geoffrey SHERCOME, b. est. 1612, m. Elizabeth (bur. 4 Feb 1639 at Basingstoke, Hampshire), bur. 14 Nov 1654 at
Basingstoke. [ref. 1by]
- Maria SHIRCUMBE, chr. 12 Aug 1638 at Basingstoke, bur. 20 Dec 1638 at Basingstoke. [ref. 1by]
Ann SHEARKOOM, b. ca. 1627, m. 4 Feb 1654 at Basingstoke, Hampshire, Edward HUCHINES (b. ca. 1627). [ref. 1by]
Southcombs of Rose Ash
- Robert SOUTHCOMBE. A witness of his brother George's will in 1595 and named in the will as overseer and
administrator during the minority of George's son. [ref. 2o]
- Thomasyn SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 7 Jan 1562 at Bishops Nympton, Devon. [ref. 1dr]
- George SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 4 Dec 1566 at Bishops Nympton. [ref. 1dr]
- (perhaps) Humphrey SOUTHCOMBE, m. Jane. A witness of his possible brother George's will in 1595. [ref. 1dr,2o]
- Marie SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 9 Sep 1587 at Westleigh by Bideford, Devon. [ref. 1dx]
- Margarett SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 1589 at Bishops Nympton. [ref. 1dr]
- John SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 31 Mar 1592 at Bishops Nympton. [ref. 1dr]
- Roberte SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 24 Aug 1599 at Bishops Nympton. [ref. 1dr]
- George SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 28 Apr 1605 at Bishops Nympton. [ref. 1dr]
- George SOUTHCOMB, m1. 27 Nov 1574 at Satterleigh, Mary PAWLETT, m2. aft. 1586 Jane PAULET
(daughter of Lord PAULET of Basing House, presumably of the family
of the Marquesses of Winchester), d. ca. 26 Jun 1595
from injuries suffered while "quelling a riot near Witheridge", bur. 27 Jun 1595 at Rose Ash, Devon. He wrote his
will, describing himself as a gentleman of Rose Ash, on 25 Jun 1595. The
witnesses were Robert SOWTHCOMBE, Henry VICKARIE, Humfrey SOWTHCOMBE, William YARDE, and John VENNER. Bequests: 10
shillings to the poor of Rose Ash; his "tenement called Westford" to his wife Jane for her life, then to his son Lewis,
and if Lewis died before marrying, jointly to his daughters Margaret and Frances; two cows, 20 ewes, and 10 bushels of
rye to his wife Jane; £100 each to Margaret and Frances and £60 each to his daughters Katherine and Mary; and
the residue of his goods, chattels, and debts to Lewis. He named Lewis as his executor; his brother Robert SOWTHCOMBE,
John VENNER clerk, and Henry VICARY as overseers; and the overseers plus Thomas MELHIUSHE esquire as administrators during
Lewis's minority. The will was proved in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury on 8 Jul 1595. [ref. 1di,1dv,1dw,2o,10l]
- Margaret SOWTHCOMBE. Named as a beneficiary of her father's will in 1595. [ref. 2o]
- Frances SOWTHCOMBE. Named as a beneficiary of her father's will in 1595. [ref. 2o]
- Lewis SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 27 Mar 1582 at Meshaw, Devon, m. 9 Feb 1606 at Bishops Nympton, Margaret EYME or ZEALE
(daughter of Lewis ZEAL and Charitie, bur. 18 Jul 1621 at Rose Ash), bur. 31 Jul 1663 at Rose Ash. At his wife's death in
1621, a gentleman. At his death in 1663, called Lewes Southcombe the elder to distinguish him from his son. [ref. 1di,1dr,1dv,10l]
- Margaret SOUTHCOMB, chr. 30 Dec 1607 at Bishops Nympton, m. 20 Jan 1637/8 at Rose Ash, Phillipp COURTENAY (a
gentleman, of Molland). [ref. 1di,1dr,10l]
- George SOUTHCOMBE, b. 1610, chr. 18 Jun 1610 at Rose Ash, m. 1648 Dorothy THORNE, d. 1696. [ref. 1di,10l]
- Margaret SOUTHCOMB. Alive in 1696. [ref. 10l]
- Henry SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 16 Jul 1662 at Rose Ash, prob. d. by 1696. [ref. 1di,10l]
- Charitie SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 17 Mar 1612/3 at Rose Ash. [ref. 1di]
- Joane SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 12 Jun 1615 at Rose Ash. [ref. 1di]
- Lewis SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 9 Mar 1616/7 at Rose Ash, m. Jane SPURIL (bur. 28 May 1673 at Rose Ash), bur. 12 Mar 1673/4 at
Rose Ash. A devoted royalist, presented "by his sovereign" in 1649 with a ring bearing the seal of the head of Charles I.
Jane was of Honiton House, South Molton, Devon. At his death in 1673/4, called Lewes Southcombe senior to distinguish him
from his son. [ref. 1di,10l,15e]
- Lewis SOUTHCOMB, b. 1653, m. 26 Feb 1676/7 at Rose Ash or Cruwys Morchard (recorded in both registers), Elizabeth
HOLMES (bur. 11 Nov 1695 at Rose Ash), d. 22 Feb 1732/3, bur. 25 Feb 1732/3 at Rose Ash, reburied 12 Mar 1734 at Honiton
chapel, South Molton. Admitted 15 May 1671
as a sizar at Trinity College, Cambridge University; matriculated 1671; B.A. 1674/5. At his marriage in 1676/7, at his
children's baptisms in 1681, 1683, 1684, 1686, and 1688, at his son's burial in 1688, at his wife's burial in 1695, and at
his daughter's marriage in 1712/3, rector of Rose Ash. Offered "preferment which should outrun his wishes" by the
government of King William III, if he would take the oaths of allegiance following the
Glorious Revolution of 1688, but refused and was deprived
of the rectory of Rose Ash. Apparently reinstated by 1695, or at least by the death of James II in 1701. In 1716, 1719,
and 1725, baptized the sons of his son Lewis at Rose Ash. In 1730 or 1731, conducted the marriage at Rose Ash of his son
Lewis's daughter. Referred to himself in the baptism register in 1716 and 1719 as Lewis Southcomb the third. At his death
in 1732/3, called Lewis Southcomb senior to distinguish him from his son. Author of Penitent Christian and other
works. [ref. 1di,1du,10l,15e]
- Gertrude SOUTHCOMB, b. 23 Jul 1681, chr. 16 Aug 1681 at Rose Ash, m. 12 Feb 1712/3 at Rose Ash, John
TRISTRAM (Esq., of Duvale). [ref. 1di,10l]
- Lewis SOUTHCOMB, chr. 8 Apr 1683 (Easter Day), bur. 25 May 1683 at Rose Ash. [ref. 1di]
- Lewis SOUTHCOMB, b. 7 May 1684, chr. 20 May 1684 at Rose Ash, m1. 25 Oct 1710 at Rose Ash, Elizabeth TUCKER (d.
28 Apr 1730, bur. 2 May 1730 at Rose Ash), m2. 7 Aug 1738 at Rose Ash, Elizabeth DODWELL (daughter of Henry DODWELL of
Shottesbrook, Berkshire, "the famous nonjuror and Camden
Professor of History at Oxford", d. 3 Jul 1778 at Honiton, South Molton, bur. 10 Jul 1778 at Rose Ash), d. 11(?) Jun 1754,
bur 3(?) Jun 1754 at Rose Ash. Admitted 28 Jun 1701 as a sizar at Queens' College, Cambridge University; matriculated
1701. At her marriage in 1710, Elizabeth was of North Molton, Devon. At his marriage in 1710, at his daughters' baptisms
in 1711 and 1730, and at his wife's burial in 1730, known as Lewis Southcomb junior to distinguish him from his father.
At his marriage in 1710 and at his daughter's baptism in 1730, a clergyman. In 1730 or 1731, recorded the marriage of his
daughter Elizabeth in the parish register of Rose Ash; in 1733, recorded the marriage of his son Lewis; in 1734/5,
recorded the burial of his son Lewis; in 1739, recorded the marriage of his son Thomas. At his second marriage in 1738
and at his son Thomas's burial in 1746, rector of Rose Ash. At his death in 1754, of Honiton, South Molton. His will (now
lost) was proved in the Principal Registry of the Bishop of Exeter in 1754. [ref. 1di,10l,15d,15e]
- Elizabeth SOUTHCOMB, b. 1 or 14 Aug 1711, chr. 20 Aug 1711 at Rose Ash, m. 12 Nov 1730 or 1731 at Rose Ash, Joshua
HOLE. At her marriage in 1730 or 1731, known as Mrs. Elizabeth Southcomb; Joshua was of South Molton, Devon. [ref. 1di]
- Lewis SOUTHCOMB, b. 22 Jan 1713/4, chr. 2 Feb 1713/4 at Rose Ash, m. 19 Aug 1733 at Rose Ash, Elizabeth TANNER
(daughter of John TANNER of Munson, Rose Ash, and sister of Grace TANNER, wife of Lewis's brother John; m2. 9 Aug or 9
Oct 1736 at Rose Ash, Denys BUCKINGHAM), d. 7 Mar 1734/5, bur. 12 Mar 1734/5 at Rose Ash. Matriculated at Exeter College,
Oxford University, 1 Jul 1729; B.A. 1733. [ref. 1di,10l,15d]
- Thomas SOUTHCOMB, b. 2 Jul 1716, chr. 29 Jul 1716 at Rose Ash, m. 22 Aug 1739 at St. Sidwell, Exeter, Devon, Mary
THOMAS, bur. 26 Apr 1746 at Rose Ash. Matriculated at Exeter College, Oxford University, 1734/5. At Mary's marriage in
1739, Thomas's father recorded her in the Rose Ash parish register as "Mrs. Mary Thomas of Tedbury" (perhaps Tedburn St.
Mary, Devon, or Tetbury, Gloucestershire). [ref. 1dc,1di,15d]
- Elizabeth SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 12 May 1741 at North Molton. [ref. 1dj]
- John SOUTHCOMB, b. 14 Jul 1719, chr. 26 Jul 1719 at Rose Ash, m. 23 Feb 1742/3 at Rose Ash, Grace TANNER (daughter of
John TANNER of Munson, Rose Ash, and sister of Elizabeth TANNER, wife of John's brother Lewis; bur. 4 Sep 1783
at Rose Ash), bur. 19 Feb 1788 at Rose Ash. Matriculated at Exeter College, Oxford University, 3 Mar 1734/5; B.A. 1739;
M.A. from Queens' College, Cambridge University, 1757. At his marriage in 1742/3, a clerk (i.e. a clergyman). At his
children's baptisms and burials in 1746, 1748, 1748/9, 1750, and 1752, rector of Kings Nympton. At his daughter's baptism
and burial in 1754, rector of Rose Ash. At his wife's death in 1783 and his own death in 1788, rector of Kings
Nympton. [ref. 1di,15d,15e]
- Elizabeth SOUTHCOMB, b. 31 Jul 1746, chr. 2 Aug 1746 privately and 2 Sep 1746 publicly at Rose Ash, bur. 26 Jan 1748/9
at Rose Ash. [ref. 1di]
- Grace SOUTHCOMB, b. 27 Mar 1748, chr. 1 Apr 1748 privately and 26 Apr 1748 publicly at Rose Ash, bur. 18 Jan 1815 at
Rose Ash. [ref. 1di]
- Elizabeth SOUTHCOMB, b. 30 Sep 1750, chr. 3 Oct 1750 privately and 30 Oct 1750 publicly at Rose Ash, m. 18 Feb 1783
at Rose Ash, John LING (a clergyman, of Tiverton), d. 1788. [ref. 1di,10l]
- Lewis SOUTHCOMB, b. 29 Jun 1752, chr. 30 Jul 1752 at Rose Ash, m. 21 May 1782 at St. Benet Paul's Wharf, London,
Margaret DODWELL (b. ca. 1752, daughter of William DODWELL, vicar of Shottisbrooke, canon of Salisbury, archdeacon of
Berkshire, and presumably a relative of Lewis's paternal grandmother, bur. 26 Apr 1824 at Rose Ash), bur. 13 Aug 1789 at
Rose Ash. Matriculated at Exeter College, Oxford University, 13 Nov 1770; B.A. 1774; M.A. 1777. At his daughter's baptism
in 1783, a clergyman, of Honiton. Rector of Kings Nympton. Of Honiton House. At her death in 1824, Margaret was of
Honiton, South Molton. [ref. 1ao,1di,1dt,10l,15d]
- Margaret SOUTHCOMB, b. 17 Nov 1783, chr. 23 Nov 1783 at South Molton and 27 Nov 1783 at Rose Ash, d. 1 Dec 1783, bur.
5 Dec 1783. [ref. 1ao,1di]
- Margaret SOUTHCOMB, chr. 25 Apr 1787 at South Molton, bur. 11 Jan 1790 at Rose Ash. [ref. 1ao,1di]
- Mary SOUTHCOMB, chr. 4 Aug 1754 at Rose Ash, bur. 27 Aug 1754 at Rose Ash. [ref. 1di]
- John SOUTHCOMB, b. 10 Jan 1758, chr. 14 Jan 1758 privately and 13 Feb 1758 publicly at Rose Ash, m. 21 Apr 1785 at St.
Paul, Exeter, Susanna GRANGER (b. ca. 1762, bur. 24 Nov 1849; daughter of Edmund GRANGER, rector of Sowton), bur. 3 May
1822 at Rose Ash. Matriculated at Exeter College, Oxford University, 11 Oct 1776; B.A. 1780. At his marriage in 1785, a
clergyman, of Rose Ash. At his children's baptisms in 1786, 1787, 1789, and 1793, a rector (of Rose Ash?). At his son's
burial in 1788, rector of Kings Nympton. At his death in 1822, of the parsonage, Rose Ash. At her death in 1849, Susanna
was of South Molton. [ref. 1ax,1di,10l,15d]
- Mary Ann SOUTHCOMB, b. ca. 1786 at Rose Ash, chr. 1 May 1786 privately and 22 May 1786 publicly at Rose Ash. In 1851,
an annuitant, lodging at 3 Crescent Row, Exeter, with her sister Jane. [ref. 1di,3b]
- John SOUTHCOMB (twin with Susanna), chr. 13 Sep 1787 at Rose Ash, bur. 6 Feb 1788 at Rose Ash. [ref. 1di]
- Susanna SOUTHCOMB (twin with John), chr. 13 Sep 1787 at Rose Ash. [ref. 1di]
- Grace SOUTHCOMB, b, 14 Nov 1788, chr. 4 Feb 1789 at Rose Ash, d. 1853. [ref. 1di,10l]
- John SOUTHCOMB, b. 4 Dec 1789, chr. 30 Dec 1789 at Rose Ash, m. 13 Sep 1816 at Minehead, Somerset, Sarah HAMILTON
(daughter of William HAMILTON, fellow of Trinity College, Dublin, and rector of Fanet or Clondevadock, Co. Donegal, and
Sarah WALKER, daughter of Chamberlaine WALKER, rector of Rosconnel, Co. Laois), d. 15 Aug 1840, bur. 21 Aug 1840 at Rose
Ash. Matriculated at Exeter College, Oxford University, 15 May 1809; B.A. 1813. At his children's baptisms in 1817, 1819,
1821, 1823, 1825, and 1826, a clergyman. Curate of St. Wenn, Cornwall. [ref. 1di,1dk,10l,15d]
- John Ladaveze Hamilton SOUTHCOMB, b. 1817, chr. 28 Jul 1817 at Minehead, m1. 16 Oct 1856 at St. John the Baptist,
Lewes, Sussex, Eliza Georgina Treweeke SCOBELL (daughter of John SCOBELL, rector of All Saints and Southover, Lewes, and
prebendary of Chichester; d. 20 Jan 1863), m2. 10 Jan 1867, Catherine Ann FORSTER (daughter of Albert FORSTER of London
and Oporto). Matriculated 20 Jan 1836 at All Souls College, Oxford University; bible clerk 1836-1840; B.A. 1840. In 1851,
the curate of Dunsford, Devon, living at Dunsford vicarage with a family of visitors and a house servant. Of Rose Ash and
Honiton House. [ref. 1dk,1dl,3b,10l,15d]
- Gertrude Scobell SOUTHCOMB. [ref. 10l]
- Emily SOUTHCOMB. [ref. 10l]
- Catherine SOUTHCOMB. [ref. 10l]
- Edmund Bingham SOUTHCOMB, b. 13 Dec 1862, d. 9 Apr 1863. [ref. 10l]
- George Hamilton SOUTHCOMB, b. 25 Jul 1869. [ref. 10l]
- Sarah Lely Granger Hamilton SOUTHCOMB, chr. 18 Apr 1819 at Minehead. [ref. 1dk,10l]
- Susanna Vesina Spencer Hamil(ton?) SOUTHCOMB, chr. 22 Jul 1821 at Minehead, m. 1850 William H. GREENE (rector of
Steppingley, Bedfordshire), d. by 1863. [ref. 1dk,10l]
- Sarah GREENE. [ref. 10l]
- William Hamilton SOUTHCOMB, chr. 23 Jun 1823 at Minehead, d. at sea 1843. [ref. 1dk,10l]
- Elizabeth Ann SOUTHCOMB, chr. 10 Feb 1825 at Minehead. [ref. 1dk]
- Lewis Granger Hamilton SOUTHCOMB, chr. 16 Jul 1826 at Minehead. Matriculated 29 Oct 1846 at Oriel College, Oxford
University; bible clerk 1846-1850. A clergyman. [ref. 1dk,15d]
- Elizabeth SOUTHCOMB, b. 23 Mar 1791 at Rose Ash, chr. 15 Apr 1791 at Rose Ash. In 1851, a fund holder, living at East
Street, South Molton, with her brother Lewis and two house servants. [ref. 1di,3b]
- Edmund SOUTHCOMB, b. 29 Jul 1793 at Rose Ash, chr. 21 Aug 1792 at Rose Ash, d. 5 May 1854. Attended Blundell's School,
Tiverton, Devon, under Mr. Richards. Admitted 2 Jul 1811 as a pensioner at Sidney College, Cambridge University;
matriculated Michaelmas 1811; B.A. 1815; M.A. 1818; Fellow. Rector of Rose Ash, 1822-1854. In 1851, the rector of Rose
Ash, living at the parsonage, Rose Ash, with a housekeeper, a general servant, and an under servant. [ref. 1di,3b,15e]
- Jane SOUTHCOMB, b. 13 Mar 1794 at Rose Ash, chr. 20 or 29 Apr 1794 at Rose Ash. In 1851, an annuitant, lodging at 3
Crescent Row, Exeter, with her sister Mary Ann. [ref. 1di,3b]
- Lewis SOUTHCOMB, b. 7 Sep 1795 at Rose Ash, chr. 29 Sep 1795 privately and 27 Jan 1796 publicly at Rose Ash, d.
1852. In 1851, an annuitant, living with his sister Elizabeth. [ref. 1di,3b,10l]
- George SOUTHCOMB, b. 24 May 1797, chr. 18 Jul 1797 at Rose Ash, bur. 4 Jun 1846 at Rose Ash. [ref. 1di,10l]
- Thomas SOUTHCOMB, b. 8 Jun 1799, chr. 20 Jul 1799 (privately?) and 13 Jul 1800 (publicly?) at Rose Ash, bur. 29 Jul
1800 at Rose Ash. [ref. 1di]
- William Thomas SOUTHCOMB, b. 21 or 31 Aug 1800 (or 1801?) at Rose Ash, chr. 31 Oct 1800 (or 1801?) at Rose Ash, m.
2 Jul 1833 at Tiveerton, Devon, Harriet Elizabeth MAY (b. ca. 1805 at Ashbrittle, Somerset, daughter of James Bowen MAY,
rector of St. Martin, Exeter). In 1851, a general practitioner (M.R.C.S. and L.A.S. [L.S.A.?]), living at South Street,
South Molton, with his wife Harriet and three house servants. [ref. 1di,1dp,3b,10l]
- James SOUTHCOMB, b. 25 Nov 1802, chr. 28 Nov 1802 privately and 19 Apr 1803 publicly at Rose Ash, d. 1854. A
gentleman, of Bridport, Dorset. [ref. 1di,10l,15d]
- Henry Granger SOUTHCOMB (only son), b. ca. 1837, m. reg. Q4 1863 at Kings Norton R.D., Caroline Nicholson SIMCOX (b.
ca. 1840, d. reg. Q4 1907 at South Molton R.D.), d. reg. Q1 1919 at St. Thomas R.D. Matriculated 8 May 1857 at Pembroke
College, Oxford University; B.A. 1860; M.A. 1863. Vicar of Bridgerule, Devon, 1872-81. At his children's baptisms in 1872,
1874, 1877, and 1878, a clerk in holy orders, of the Vicarage, Bridgerule. Rector of Rose Ash, Devon, 1882. In ca. 1888,
of Newton Abbot, Devon. [ref. 1n,1eo,15d]
- William Henry Granger SOUTHCOMB (eldest son), b. ca. 1866 at Newton Abbot, b. reg. Q2 1866 at Newton Abbot R.D., m.
reg. Q2 1896 at Rugby R.D., Margaret Constance EARLE (b. ca. 1866 at Uppingham, Rutland), d. reg. Q3 1924 at Rugby R.D.
Scholar at Oxford University, 1884; matriculated 23 Oct 1885 at Exeter College, Oxford University. In 1901, a
schoolmaster, living at Junior House, Brighton College, Eastern Road, Brighton, Sussex, with his wife Margaret, their
daughter Veronica, an assistant schoolmaster, two visitors, seven servants, and seven male pupils aged 10 to
14. [ref. 1n,3g,15d]
- Veronica SOUTHCOMB, b. ca. May 1900 at Brighton, b. reg. Q2 1900 at Brighton R.D., m. reg. Q3 1934 at South Molton
R.D., Thomas J.K. HEXT. In 1901, living with her parents. [ref. 1n,3g]
- Caroline Maud SOUTHCOMB, b. ca. Aug 1868, bur. 23 Jun 1875 at Bridgerule. At her death in 1875, of the Vicarage,
Bridgerule. [ref. 1eo]
- Lucy Gwendoline SOUTHCOMB, chr. 6 Oct 1872 at Bridgerule. [ref. 1eo]
- Herbert James SOUTHCOMB, b. reg. Q2 1874 at Holsworthy R.D., chr. 14 Jun 1874 at Bridgerule. [ref. 1n,1eo]
- Edmund Dennis SOUTHCOMB, chr. 7 Jan 1877 at Bridgerule. [ref. 1eo]
- Amy Gabrielle SOUTHCOMB, chr. 28 Apr 1878 at Bridgerule. [ref. 1eo]
- George SOUTHCOMB, b. 14 Aug 1725, chr. 22 Aug 1725 at Rose Ash, m. 1752 Ann LEWIS (daughter and co-heir of Richard
LEWIS of Hannaford House, Devon, a descendant of the LEWIS baronets of Ledstone Hall, Yorkshire), d. 1781. Matriculated
at Hertford College, Oxford University, on 9 Feb 1742/3; B.A. 1746; M.A. 1749. Rector of King's Nympton,
Devon. [ref. 1di,10l,15d]
- Ann Lewis SOUTHCOMB, m. 12 Apr 1804 at Swimbridge, Devon, Hugh NORTHCOTE (of Pynes, rector of Upton Pyne, Devon, then
Monkokehampton with Dowland, Devon), d. 1838. [ref. 1ds,10l]
- Anne SOUTHCOMB, b. 12 Apr 1730, chr. 12 or 15 Apr 1730 at Rose Ash, d. 14 or 15 Apr 1730, bur. 15 Apr 1730 at Rose
Ash. [ref. 1di]
- Elizabeth SOUTHCOMB, chr. privately 16 Oct 1744 and publicly 22 Oct 1744, d. 22 Oct 1744. [ref. 1di]
- Elizabeth SOUTHCOMB, b. 14 Apr 1686, chr. 13 May 1686 at Rose Ash, m. 8 Feb 1708/9 at Rose Ash, Lewis PORTBURY. Lewis
was the apprentice and heir of Elizabeth's father's brother John. On 1 Jul 1706, an ironmonger, he was admitted as a
freeman of Exeter. A gentleman, of Exeter. [ref. 1di,10j,10k,10l,17e]
- William SOUTHCOMB, b. 23 Mar 1688, chr. 17 Apr 1688 at Rose Ash, bur. May 1688 at Rose Ash. [ref. 1di]
- Another son. [ref. 10l]
- Another daughter. [ref. 10l]
- Bartholomew SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 21 Apr 1661 at Rose Ash, Devon, bur. 27 May 1674 at Rose Ash. [ref. 1di]
- Thomas SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 3 Mar 1662/3 at Rose Ash. [ref. 1di]
- John SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 11 Jun 1665 at Rose Ash, m. Mary (bur. 29 Jul 1719 at St. Petrock, Exeter, Devon), bur.
21 Dec 1724 at St. Petrock, Exeter. On 15 Sep 1690, an ironmonger, admitted as a freeman of Exeter for a fine of £5.
In 1698, took over an ironmonger's shop at the top of Fore Street, Exeter, at the sign of the Golden Hammer. Master of
apprentice Lewis PORTBURY, who subsequently married Elizabeth SOUTHCOMB, daughter of John's brother Lewis. John's will
(now lost) was proved in the Court of the Archdeacon of Exeter in 1724. In it he left Lewis "a small fortune", including
the ironmonger's business, which ultimately became part of the company Garton & King. (See
Garton and King: 350 years of the Golden Hammer and
Manhole Miscellany: Exeter.) [ref. 1di,2f,10j,10k,17e]
- Margaret SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 17 Feb 1666/7 at Rose Ash, bur. 15 Sep 1672 at Rose Ash. [ref. 1di]
- John SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 5 Sep 1619 at Rose Ash, d. 1684. [ref. 1di,10l]
- Mary SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 17 or 19 Jul 1663 at Rose Ash. Alive in 1684. [ref. 1di,10l]
- Margaret SOUTHCOMB. Alive in 1684. [ref. 10l]
- Elizabeth SOUTHCOMB. Alive in 1684. [ref. 10l]
- Katherine SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 16 Mar 1584 at Meshaw. Named as a beneficiary of her father's will in 1595. [ref. 1dv,2o]
- Mary SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 26 Feb 1586 at Meshaw. Named as a beneficiary of her father's will in 1595. [ref. 1dv,2o]
John SOUTHCOMB, b. est. 1660. At his son's baptism in 1686, of Podemarsh (Poadmarsh), Rose Ash, Devon. [ref. 1di]
- John SOUTHCOMB, chr. 26 Dec 1686 at Rose Ash, m1. 4 Sep 1716 at Rose Ash, Mary CARTER (bur. 27 Apr 1718 at Rose Ash),
m2. 19 Dec 1722 at Rose Ash, Elizabeth LUSMORE, bur. 1 Jul 1750 at Rose Ash. At his first marriage in 1716, his daughter's
baptism and his first wife's burial in 1718, and his second marriage in 1722, known as John Southcomb junior. At his sons'
baptisms in 1726 and 1728 and his burial in 1750, of Podemarsh. [ref. 1di]
- Mary SOUTHCOMB, chr. 25 Apr 1718 at Rose Ash, m. 25 Sep 1742 at Rose Ash, Lewis TOMS. At her marriage in 1742, of
Podemarsh; Lewis was of Bishops Nympton, Devon. [ref. 1di]
- John SOUTHCOMB, chr. 7 Apr 1724 at Rose Ash. At his children's baptisms and burials in 1752, 1753, 1758, 1760, and
1762, of Podemarsh. [ref. 1di]
- Elizabeth SOUTHCOMB, chr. 1 May 1752 at Rose Ash. [ref. 1di]
- John SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 1 May 1753 at Rose Ash. [ref. 1di]
- Mary SOUTHCOMB, chr. 2 Feb 1755 at Rose Ash, bur. 16 Mar 1758 at Rose Ash. [ref. 1di]
- George SOUTHCOMB, chr. 17 Aug 1760 at Rose Ash. [ref. 1di]
- Grace SOUTHCOMB, chr. 14 Nov 1762 at Rose Ash. [ref. 1di]
- Lewis SOUTHCOMB, chr. 12 Jun 1726 at Rose Ash. [ref. 1di]
- George SOUTHCOMB, chr. 28 Oct 1728 at Rose Ash. [ref. 1di]
- Elizabeth SOUTHCOMB, chr. 28 Mar 1731 at Rose Ash, m. 12 Dec 1751 at Trinity chapel, Honiton, South Molton (but
recorded in the register of Rose Ash), Thomas FISHER. At her marriage in 1751, of Podemarsh; Thomas was of Bishops
Nympton. [ref. 1di]
- James SOUTHCOMB, chr. 7 Apr 1734 at Rose Ash, Devon, m. 9 Apr 1763 at Rose Ash, Joan SPENCER (bur. 26 Apr 1803 at Rose
Ash), bur. 14 Aug 1809 at Rose Ash. John SPENCER and Mary ZEAL were witnesses at the marriage in 1763. At his son's
baptism and burial in 1781, a church warden in Rose Ash. Then and at his wife's death in 1803 and his own death in 1809,
given the honorific "Mr". [ref. 1di]
- John SOUTHCOMB, chr. 25 May 1764 at Rose Ash, m. 21 Mar 1792 at Rose Ash, Elizabeth HUXTABLE, bur. 12 Jul 1842 at
Rose Ash. Susan SOUTHCOMB and James SOUTHCOMB were witnesses at his marriage in 1792. In 1841, independent, living with
his daughter Elizabeth. [ref. 1di,3a]
- John SOUTHCOMB, b. ca. 1793 at Rose Ash, chr. 10 Jan 1793 privately and 30 Jan 1793 publicly at Rose Ash, m. 24 Feb
1823 at Chittlehampton, Devon, Sarah MILDON (b. ca. 1794 at Rose Ash). At his son's baptism in 1823, a farmer. At his
son's baptism in 1824, a laborer. At his daughters' baptisms in 1828 and 1833, a farmer. In 1851, a farmer of 80 acres,
living at Demdown, Rose Ash, with his wife Sarah, their children George, Elizabeth, Rebecca, and Mary, and a farm
servant. [ref. 1di,1do,3b]
- Edmund SOUTHCOMB, chr. 15 Jun 1823 at Rose Ash, bur. 17 Feb 1845 at Rose Ash. [ref. 1di]
- George Mildon SOUTHCOMB, b. ca. 1824 at Rose Ash, chr. 1 Aug 1824 at Rose Ash. In 1851, living with his parents and
employed on their farm. [ref. 1di,3b]
- Elizabeth SOUTHCOMB, b. ca. 1828 at Rose Ash, chr. 27 May 1828 at Rose Ash. In 1851, living with her parents and
employed on their farm. [ref. 1di,3b]
- Rebecca SOUTHCOMB, b. ca. 1828 at Rose Ash, chr. 27 May 1828 at Rose Ash. In 1851, living with her parents and
employed on their farm. [ref. 1di,3b]
- Mary Huxtable SOUTHCOMB, b. ca. 1833 at Rose Ash, chr. 31 Mar 1833 at Rose Ash. In 1851, living with her parents and
employed on their farm. [ref. 1di,3b]
- Elizabeth SOUTHCOMBE, b. ca. 1799 at Bishops Nympton, chr. 30 Jan 1799 at Bishops Nympton, m. 26 Mar 1823 at Rose Ash,
Philip LOCK (b. ca. 1790 at North Molton, Devon). In 1841, living at Whippenscott, Rose Ash, with her husband Philip (a
farmer), their children Elizabeth, Philip, Mary, Charlotte, and John, a farm servant, and Elizabeth's father. In 1851,
living at Whippenscott with her husband Philip (a farmer of 90 acres), their children Eliza(beth), Philip, Charlotte, John,
and Maria, and a boy house servant. [ref. 1di,1dr,3a,3b]
- Elizabeth LOCKE, b. ca. 1823 at Rose Ash. In 1841 and 1851, living with her parents. [ref. 3a,3b]
- Philip LOCKE, b. ca. 1824 at Rose Ash. In 1841 and 1851, living with his parents. [ref. 3a,3b]
- Charlotte LOCKE, b. ca. 1830 at Rose Ash. In 1841 and 1851, living with her parents. [ref. 3a,3b]
- John LOCKE, b. ca. 1832 at Rose Ash. In 1841 and 1851, living with his parents. [ref. 3a,3b]
- Maria LOCKE, b. ca. 1843 at Rose Ash. In 1851, living with her parents. [ref. 3b]
- Joan SOUTHCOMB, chr. 14 Feb 1766 privately and 5 Mar 1766 publicly at Rose Ash.
- Elizabeth SOUTHCOMB, chr. 9 Aug 1767 at Rose Ash.
- James SOUTHCOMB, b. ca. 1770 in Devon, chr. 17 Apr 1770 at Rose Ash, m. 5 Apr 1804 at Rose Ash, Mary VEYSEY (b. ca. 1782 at Rose Ash), d. reg. Q1 1851 at South Molton R.D., bur. 11 Mar 1851 at Rose Ash. At his son's baptism in 1814, a farmer, of Whipinscott (i.e. Whippenscott), Rose Ash. At his children's baptisms in 1816 and 1821, a farmer. In 1841, an agricultural laborer, living at Ash Town, Rose Ash, with his wife Mary. At his death in Mar 1851, of Ash Town. Later in Mar 1851, Mary was living with her daughter Mary. [ref. 1n,1di,3a,3b]
- William SOUTHCOMB, chr. 27 May 1804 at Rose Ash, bur. 23 Mar 1834 at Rose Ash. At his death in 1834, of Ash Mill, Rose Ash. [ref. 1di]
- Elizabeth SOUTHCOMB, chr. 29 Sep 1805 at Rose Ash. [ref. 1di]
- John SOUTHCOMBE, b. 26 Oct 1808, chr. 2 Jan 1810 at Rose Ash, m. reg. Q1 1856 at Bath R.D., Susanna Elizabeth Anne FALLON (b. ca. 1830 at Bath, Somerset), d. 23 Oct 1881, d. reg. Q4 1881 at Bath R.D., bur. at Abbey Cemetery, Bath. In 1841, a tea dealer, living at High Street, Bath, with his sister Mary, two assistants, and a female servant. In 1851, a tea dealer, lodging in the FALLON household (including his future wife Elizabeth S.A. FALLON) at 13 Sydney Buildings, Bath. In 1861, a grocer, employing seven men and a boy, living at 20 High Street, Bath, with his wife Susanna, their children Emily, Walter, and Arthur, two shopmen, a cook, a nurse, and a housemaid. In 1871, a grocer and tea dealer, living at 20 High Street, Bath, with his wife Susanna, their son Walter, assistants John and Hugh NICHOLLS (sons of his sister Mary), another assistant, and a general domestic servant. In Mar 1881, a grocer, living at 5 Cambridge Place, Bath, with his wife Susanna, their children Arthur, Philip, Stephen, and Edith, and a general servant. An account of his funeral was published in the Bath Chronicle, 3 Nov 1881. [ref. 1n,1di,3a,3b,3c,3d,3e,6af]
- Emily Ennis SOUTHCOMBE, b. ca. 1857 at Bath, b. reg. Q1 1857 at Bath R.D. In 1861, living with her parents. [ref. 1n,3c]
- Walter John SOUTHCOMBE, b. ca. 1858 at Bath, b. reg. Q4 1858 (as Walter Innes SOUTHCOMBE) at Bath R.D. In 1861, living with his parents. In 1871, a scholar, living with his parents. [ref. 1n,3c,3d]
- Arthur George SOUTHCOMBE, b. ca. Nov 1860 at Bath, b. reg. Q1 1861 at Bath R.D. In 1861, living with his parents. In 1881, a medical student, living with his parents. [ref. 1n,3c,3e]
- Philip Sydney SOUTHCOMBE, b. ca. 1862 at Bath, b. reg. Q3 1862 at Bath R.D. In 1881, living with his parents. [ref. 1n,3e]
- Stephen Gilbert SOUTHCOMBE, b. ca. 1865 at Bath, b. reg. Q3 1865 at Bath R.D. In 1881, an apprentice, living with his parents. [ref. 1n,3e]
- Edith Elizabeth SOUTHCOMBE, b. ca. 1867 at Bath, b. reg. Q2 1867 at Bath R.D. In 1881, a scholar, living with her parents. [ref. 1n,3e]
- George SOUTHCOMB, b. ca. 1814 at Rose Ash, chr. 23 Jan 1814 at Rose Ash, m. Anna Ewbank COURT (b. ca. 1822 at
Cutcombe, Somerset, chr. 8 Sep 1822 at Cutcombe, daughter of Joan COURT). At his son's baptism in 1841, a blacksmith, of
Ford, Cutcombe. At his children's baptisms in 1842 and 1845, a blacksmith, of Cutcombe. In 1851, a blacksmith, living at
Cutcombe with his wife Anna, their children John, Elizabeth, and Mary, and visitor Mr. FLABERSHOT (a watch maker, b. ca.
1820 in Germany). [ref. 1di,1dq,3b]
- William SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 20 Jun 1841 at Cutcombe, d. aged 3 days, bur. 4 Jul 1841 at Cutcombe. [ref. 1dq]
- John Frederic SOUTHCOMBE, b. ca. 1842 at Cutcombe, chr. 24 Apr 1842 at Cutcombe. In 1851, at home, living with his
parents. [ref. 1dq,3b]
- Elizabeth SOUTHCOMBE, b. ca. 1845 at Cutcombe, chr. 2 Nov 1845 at Cutcombe. In 1851, at home, living with her
parents. [ref. 1dq,3b]
- Mary J. SOUTHCOMBE, b. ca. 1847 at Cutcombe. In 1851, at home, living with her parents. [ref. 3b]
- (probably) William Henry SOUTHCOMB, b. ca. Jul 1849, d. aged 1 month, bur. 9 Sep 1849 at Cutcombe. [ref. 1dq]
- James SOUTHCOMB, b. ca. 1816 at Rose Ash, chr. 10 Nov 1816 at Rose Ash, m. Ann (b. ca. 1825 at Kings...pton,
Somerset). In 1851, an agricultural laborer, living at Highbridge, Sampford Brett, Somerset, with his wife Ann, their
children Jane and William, and a lodger. [ref. 1di,3b]
- Jane SOUTHCOMBE, b. ca. 1846 at Stogumber, Somerset. In 1851, living with her parents. [ref. 3b]
- William SOUTHCOMBE, b. ca. 1849 at Stogumber. In 1851, living with his parents. [ref. 3b]
- Mary SOUTHCOMB, b. ca. 1821 at Rose Ash, chr. 14 Jan 1821 at Rose Ash, m. reg. Q4 1845 at Exeter R.D., Thomas NICHOLLS (b. ca. 1814 at Poughill, Devon). In 1841, living with her brother John. In 1851, a dressmaker, living at Church Town, Poughill, with her husband (a carpenter), their sons John and Hugh, and her visiting mother. [ref. 1n,1di,3a,3b]
- John NICHOLLS, b. ca. 1846 at Poughill. In 1851, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1871, a grocer's assistant, living with his mother's brother John. [ref. 3b,3d]
- Hugh NICHOLLS, b. ca. 1848 at Poughill. In 1851, living with his parents. In 1871, a grocer's assistant, living with his mother's brother John. [ref. 3b,3d]
- George SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 11 Jun 1773 at Rose Ash.
- Mary SOUTHCOMB, chr. 25 Jul 1775 at Rose Ash.
- Anne SOUTHCOMB, chr. 13 Jul 1777 at Rose Ash.
- Thomas SOUTHCOMB, chr. 20 Dec 1781 at Rose Ash, d. 20 Dec 1781, bur. 25 Dec 1781 at Rose Ash. [ref. 1di]
Robert SOUTHCOMB, b. est. 1668, m. 14 Jun 1693 at Rose Ash, Devon, Mary ZEAL (bur. 7 May 1721 at Rose Ash). [ref. 1di]
- Mary SOUTHCOMB, chr. 20 May 1694 at Rose Ash. [ref. 1di]
- Robert SOUTHCOMB, chr. 26 Jan 1695/6 at Rose Ash. [ref. 1di]
- Anthony SOUTHCOMB, chr. 21 Jun 1698 at Rose Ash. [ref. 1di]
- Henry SOUTHCOMB, chr. 8 May 1701 at Rose Ash, bur. 13 Jun 1748 at Rose Ash. At his sister Grace's burial in 1781
(posth.), known as "the late Henry Southcombe of Wood" (probably Woods, Rose Ash). [ref. 1di]
- Grace SOUTHCOMB, chr. 5 Oct 1703 at Rose Ash, bur. 14 Jan 1781 at Rose Ash. [ref. 1di]
- Vital records (see Sercombe Vital Records for details)
- parish registers of Bovey Tracey, Devon
- registers of Mint Lane Wesleyan Methodist Church, Exeter, Devon
- parish registers of Crediton, Devon
- parish registers of St. James, Paddington, London
- marriage certificate of Alice Sercombe and James Sewell Haworth, 9 Aug 1876
- birth certificate of Alice Sercombe, 20 Jul 1849
- parish registers of St. Mark, Surbiton, Surrey
- parish registers of Kingsbridge, Devon
- parish registers of Charles the Martyr, Plymouth, Devon
- records of Paternoster Row Wesleyan Methodist Registry, London
- parish registers of Hockerill, Hertfordshire
- Faculty Office marriage licenses
- indexes to civil registration in England and Wales
- index to civil registration in New South Wales, Australia
- parish registers of Bridford, Devon
- parish registers of Hennock, Devon
- parish registers of St. James, Exeter, Devon
- parish registers of St. David, Exeter, Devon
- parish registers of Kenn, Devon
- parish registers of Ilsington, Devon
- parish registers of Dunsford, Devon
- parish registers of St. Mary Steps, Exeter, Devon
- parish registers of St. Petrock, Exeter, Devon
- parish registers of Ide, Devon
- index to civil registration in Illinois
- parish registers of Ashton, Devon
- parish registers of Doddiscombsleigh, Devon
- registers of the Wesleyan Methodist chapel, Croydon, Surrey
- index to civil registration in Michigan
- U.S. Social Security Death Index
- civil registration records of Ontario, Canada
- parish registers of Alphington, Devon
- parish registers of All Hallows on the Walls, Exeter, Devon
- parish registers of St. Edmund, Exeter, Devon
- parish registers of St. Stephen, Exeter, Devon
- parish registers of Hornsey, Middlesex
- parish registers of St. Sepulchre, London
- registers of the Independent chapel, Dawlish, Devon
- parish registers of St. Laurence, Reading, Berkshire
- parish registers of South Molton, Devon
- index to civil registration in New Zealand
- indexes to burials and cremations in New Zealand
- parish registers of St. Leonard, Exeter
- parish registers of St. Thomas, Devon
- parish registers of St. Andrew, Marylebone, London
- parish registers of Chudleigh, Devon
- death certificate of Emily (Sercombe) Iddings, 28 Nov 1942
- parish registers of Tedburn St. Mary, Devon
- parish registers of St. Paul, Exeter, Devon
- registers of Glenorchy Independent Chapel, Withycombe Raleigh, Devon (from IGI transcript, batch C063681)
- parish registers of Christ Church, Marylebone, London
- registers of the Wesleyan Chapel, Okehampton, Devon
- parish registers of St. Paul, Bristol, Gloucestershire
- parish registers of St. Phillip and St. Jacob, Bristol, Gloucestershire
- parish registers of St. Matthias, Bristol, Gloucestershire
- parish registers of St. James, Bristol, Gloucestershire
- parish registers of St. Marylebone, London
- parish registers of St. John, Bedminster, Somerset
- parish registers of St. Augustine, Bristol, Gloucestershire
- parish registers of Temple, Bristol, Gloucestershire
- index to civil registration in Victoria, Australia
- parish registers of St. Mary Redcliffe, Bristol, Gloucestershire
- registers of the Whitefield Congregational Church, Bristol, Gloucestershire
- parish registers of All Souls, Marylebone, London
- indexes to divorces in England and Wales
- parish registers of St. Dunstan, Stepney, London
- civil registration records of Nova Scotia
- index to civil registration in Massachusetts
- index to civil registration in Florida
- bishop's transcripts of St. Peter, Bristol, Gloucestershire
- registers of Bridge Street Congregational Church, Bristol, Gloucestershire
- parish registers of St. Mary's Chapel, Walcot, Somerset
- parish registers of St. Werburgh, Bristol, Gloucestershire
- index to civil registration in Manitoba
- parish registers of Wiveliscombe, Somerset
- parish registers of Basingstoke, Hampshire
- parish registers of Andover, Hampshire
- parish registers of West Quantoxhead, Somerset
- parish registers of North Petherton, Somerset
- parish registers of Evercreech, Somerset
- parish registers of St. Mary, Bridgwater, Somerset
- parish registers of Staplegrove, Somerset
- parish registers of Stogursey, Somerset
- parish registers of Stringson, Somerset
- parish registers of St. James, Taunton, Somerset
- parish registers of Christow, Devon
- parish registers of Bishopsteignton, Devon
- registers of Cross Presbyterian Chapel, Moretonhampstead, Devon
- parish registers of Moretonhampstead, Devon
- parish registers of Whitestone, Devon
- parish registers of St. Mary Magdalen, Taunton, Somerset
- parish registers of St. Luke, Chesterton, Cambridgeshire
- parish registers of Sampford Brett, Somerset
- birth certificate of Elizabeth Ann Sercombe, 29 Jul 1864
- parish registers of Holcombe Burnell, Devon
- birth certificate of Harold Wilfred Haworth, son of Alice (Sercombe) Haworth, 16 Sep 1877
- birth certificate of Thomas Clampitt Sercombe, 15 Feb 1841
- parish registers of Christ Church, Southgate, Middlesex
- parish registers of St. Mary, Islington, Middlesex
- parish registers of St. Stephen, Ealing, Middlesex
- parish registers of All Saints, Wandsworth, Surrey
- parish registers of All Saints, Paddington, Middlesex
- parish registers of Willesden, Middlesex
- parish registers of St. Mary, Lambeth, Surrey
- parish registers of St. Mary Magdalen, Paddington, Middlesex
- parish registers of St. Sidwell, Exeter, Devon
- parish registers of St. Kerrian, Exeter, Devon
- parish registers of St. John Horsleydown, Southwark, Surrey
- parish registers of St. Mary Abchurch, London
- parish registers of Kingsteignton, Devon
- parish registers of Ipplepen, Devon
- parish registers of Rose Ash, Devon
- parish registers of North Molton, Devon
- parish registers of Minehead, Somerset
- parish registers of St. John the Baptist, Lewes, Sussex
- parish registers of St. Mary (Roman Catholic), Crewe, Cheshire
- registers of the Independent chapel, Chudleigh, Devon
- parish registers of Chittlehampton, Devon
- parish registers of Tiverton, Devon
- parish registers of Cutcombe, Somerset
- parish registers of Bishops Nympton, Devon
- parish registers of Swimbridge, Devon
- parish registers of St. Benet Paul's Wharf, London
- parish registers of Cruwys Morchard, Devon
- parish registers of Meshaw, Devon
- parish registers of Satterleigh, Devon
- parish registers of Westleigh by Bideford, Devon
- birth certificate of Arthur Sercombe, 7 Jul 1843
- registers of the Wesleyan chapel, Ashburton, Devon
- parish registers of St. Matthew, Great Peter Street, Westminster, Middlesex
- parish registers of St. Giles, Stony Stratford, Buckinghamshire
- parish registers of St. John, Wellington, Somerset
- parish registers of East Stonehouse, Devon
- parish registers of St. Barnabas Clapham Common, Clapham, Surrey
- parish registers of St. Budeaux, Devon
- index to civil registration in Oregon
- index to civil registration in California
- parish registers of St. George Hanover Square, Middlesex
- parish registers of St. Mary le Port, Bristol, Gloucestershire
- parish registers of Christ Church, Southwark, Surrey
- birth certificate of John Sircom, 28 Nov 1843
- death certificate of John Sercomb, 14 Feb 1854
- parish registers of St. Anne Soho, Westminster, Middlesex
- parish registers of Bridgerule, Devon
- parish registers of St. James, West Derby, Lancashire
- parish registers of Sacred Heart Roman Catholic, Liverpool, Lancashire
- burial registers of Ford Roman Catholic Cemetery, Liverpool, Lancashire
- parish registers of Girlington, Yorkshire
- parish registers of Shipley, Yorkshire
- parish registers of Great Yarmouth, Norfolk
- parish registers of Appledore, Devon
- parish registers of Newton St. Cyres, Devon
- index to civil registration in Queensland, Australia
- registers of South London Metropolitan (now West Norwood) Cemetery, Norwood, Surrey
- registers of All Saints Cemetery, Kensal Green, Middlesex
- parish registers of Plympton St. Mary, Devon
- parish registers of Sutton on Plym, Devon
- civil registration records of British Columbia, Canada
- presidency transcripts of Bengal Presidency
- parish registers of Highweek, Devon
- parish registers of Wolborough, Devon
- parish registers of Christ Church Broadway, Westminster
- parish registers of St. James Croydon Common, Croydon, Surrey
- parish registers of St. John the Evangelist, Shirley, Surrey
- parish registers of St. Peter, Plymouth, Devon
- burial registers of Ford Park Cemetery, Plymouth, Devon
- parish registers of St. Luke, Bedminster, Somerset
- parish registers of Holy Nativity, Knowle, Somerset
- parish registers of Dawlish, Devon
- parish registers of Shobrooke, Devon
- parish registers of Dunchideock, Devon
- Wills (see Sercombe Wills for details)
- will of John Sercombe of Bovey Tracey, soap boiler, proved 1812
- will of John Clampitt Sercombe of Exeter, merchant, proved 1856
- will of Samuel Sercombe of Bovey Tracey, yeoman, proved 1838
- will of Samuel Sercombe of Bovey Tracey, yeoman, proved 1845
- will of William Sercombe of Exeter, salt merchant and grocer, proved 1809
- calendar of pre-1800 Devon wills (all now lost)
- will of Mary Sercombe of Exeter, widow, proved 1817
- will of Samuel Sercombe of Ashton, carpenter, proved 1828
- index to grants of probate and administration in Victoria, Australia
- will of Walter Shercom of Andover, proved 1657
- Hampshire wills index
- calendar of pre-1800 wills proved at Taunton
- will of Jefferie Shercombe of Kidsbury in Wiveliscombe, proved 1588
- Frederick Arthur Crisp, Abstracts of Somersetshire Wills (1887-1888)
- will of George Sowthcombe of Rose Ash, gentleman, proved 1595
- will of James Sercombe of London and Southwark, bookseller's assistant, proved 1856
- Censuses of the United Kingdom (see Sercombe Census Extracts for details)
- 1841
- 1851
- 1861
- 1871
- 1881
- 1891
- 1901
- 1811
- 1821
- Memorial inscriptions (see Sercombe Memorial Inscriptions for details)
- at St. Anne, Pleasant Valley, New Zealand
- at the parish church of Bridford, Devon
- at the parish church of Kenn, Devon
- at the parish church of Dunsford, Devon
- at Mt. Hope Cemetery, Rochester, New York
- at Ryde Cemetery, Isle of Wight
- at Truro Cemetery, Cornwall
- Commonwealth War Graves Commission Debt of Honour Register
- War Memorial, Bude, Cornwall
- Who's Who and similar reference books (see Sercombe Miscellaneous
Records and Sercombes in Directories for details)
- Methodist Who's Who, 1912
- Who's Who in Methodism, 1933
- Who's Who in the Far East, 1906
- Who's Who in the Midwest, 1958
- Who's Who in New England, 1916
- Newspaper and magazine articles and advertisements (see Sercombes in Newspapers
and Magazines for details)
- Notes and Queries: advertisements 28 Sep 1867, 5 Sep 1868, and 4 Sep 1869
- The Times: (1) article 6 Jun 1853, (2) bankruptcy announcement 29 Apr 1903, (3) wills 16 Nov 1955, (4)
bankruptcy announcement 7 Jul 1800
- The Times: birth, marriage, and death announcements (1) 16 Jul 1847, (2) 1 Sep 1855, (3) 8 Jan 1861,
(4) 11 Sep 1866, (5) 20 Feb 1868, (6) 24 Feb 1868, (7) 6 Jan 1860,
(8) 10 Jul 1856, (9) 2 Mar 1858, (10) 23 Jan 1864, (11) 22 Apr 1864, (12) 11 and 14 Dec 1875, (13) 6 Nov 1883,
(14) 30 Oct 1890, (15) 12 May 1891, (16) 12 Dec 1892, (17) 4 Mar 1893, (18) 10 Aug 1893, (19) 30 Jul 1921,
(20) 20 Jun 1900, (21) 24 and 25 Mar 1908, (22) 15 May 1918, (23) 31 May 1919, (24) 29 Sep 1922, (25) 25 Jan 1941,
(26) 31 Aug 1927, (27) 16 Jan 1928, (28) 27 Jan 1931, (29) 11 Jan 1936, (30) 9 Oct 1963, (31) 31 Aug 1893,
(32) 14 Oct 1942, (33) 29 Jan 1943, (34) 25 Jul 1946, (35) 9 Jul 1948, (36) 29 Jan 1968, (37) 25 Oct 1983,
(38) 9 Jun 1882, (39) 21 Sep 1917, (40) 29 Mar 1956, (41) 4 Jun 1925, (42) 15 May 1941, (43) 13 Jul 1916
- Gentleman's Magazine: (1) Aug 1852 p. 195, (2) Jun 1854 p. 666, (3) Feb 1807 p. 179, (4) Dec 1865 p. 796
- Timaru Herald (South Canterbury, New Zealand): marriage announcement Jul 1869
- Hong Kong Government Gazette: (1) 14 Apr 1900, p. 571, (2) 30 Mar 1901, p. 721, (3) 1 Feb 1907, p. 110
- Detroit Free Press: obituary 29 Nov 2002
- West Briton and Cornwall Advertiser: birth and death announcements (1) 8 Apr 1853, (2) 29 Jul 1853
- Penn Yan Democrat (Yates County, New York): marriage announcement 4 Jul 1913
- Sydney Morning Herald: index to in memoriam notices
- Trewman's Exeter Flying Post: birth, marriage, and death announcements (1) 11 Nov 1802,
(2) 19 Nov 1807, (3) 22 Sep 1836, (4) 27 Apr 1837
- Bristol Mercury: marriage announcement 30 Jul 1870
- The Daily News (London): article 6 Jan 1856
- Derby Evening Telegraph: obituary 14 Jun 2008
- Daily Telegraph (St. John, New Brunswick): birth, marriage, and death announcements (1) 25 Nov 1889.
(2) 5 Sep 1881, (3) 24 Apr 1883, (4) 2 Mar 1894
- New York Times: engagement and marriage announcements and obituaries (1) 5 Dec 1948, (2) 19 Dec 1940,
(3) 23 Apr 1962, (4) 17 Sep 1977, (5) 22 May & 2 Jun 1932, (6) 25 Mar 1931, (7) 28 Apr 1947
- Ottawa Citizen: obituary 3 Nov 2005
- South Shore Now (Nova Scotia): death notice 9 Nov 2005
- Boston Daily Globe: marriage announcement 18 Oct 1903
- Washington Post: engagement and death notices and obituaries (1) 4&5 May 1975, (2) 19 Jul 1992,
(3) 6 Oct 1957
- South Australia Government Gazette
- North Devon Journal, death notice 19 Feb 1880
- The Cottager's Friend and Guide for the Young, Jun 1843,
"Memoir of Miss Harriet Sercombe, of Exeter"
- The Wesleyan-Methodist Magazine, 1884,
- The Journal of Education, 1885,
- The Musical Times, 1886,
- The Englishwoman's Review, 15 Jun 1881,
p. 267
- London Gazette: (1) 11 Aug 1925 p. 5362, (2) 25 Aug 1933 p. 5608, (3) 15 Sep 1942 p. 4024,
(4) 15 Jan 1924 p. 468, (5) 8 Jan 1935 p. 233
- Oregonian: (1) obituary 17 Aug 1999, (2) obituary 6 Jan 2008, (3) news 24 Feb 2004,
(4) obituary 3 Mar 2004
- Walla Walla Union Bulletin, 13 Nov 1953
- Detroit News: obituary 9 Aug 2011
- Bath Chronicle, 3 Nov 1881, p. 7
- Records of physicians and surgeons (see Sercombe Miscellaneous Records for
- Information from the archives of St. Mary's Hospital, London
- 1913 Medical Register
- Directories (see Sercombes in Directories for details)
- Pigot's directory of Devon, 1822-23
- Pigot's directories of Devon and Gloucestershire, 1830
- Pigot's directories of Devon and Gloucestershire, 1844
- White's directory of Devon, 1850
- Post Office directory of London, 1851
- Morris's directory of Devon, 1870
- White's directory of Devon, 1890
- British telephone directories
- Universal British Directory, 1791
- Royal Kalendar, 1845
- Royal Kalendar, 1847
- Royal Kalendar, 1856
- Spennel's directory of Coventry and district, 1912-13
- Unidentified directory of Boston, Massachusetts, 1890
- Unidentified directory of Boston, Massachusetts, 1904
- Unidentified directory of Newton, Massachusetts, 1929
- Sketchley's directory of Bristol, 1775
- Browne's directory of Bristol, 1785
- Unidentified directory of Bristol and Bath, 1787
- Reed's directory of Bristol, 1792
- Matthews's directory of Bristol, 1795
- Matthews's directory of Bristol, 1797
- Matthews's directory of Bristol, 1798
- Matthews's directory of Bristol, 1799
- Universal British Directory, 1791
- Personal communications
- Recollections of Joan Margaret (Haworth) Morgan and Mary Christian Haworth
- Email from Yvonne Casley, 10 Mar 2004, re the marriage of Elizabeth Clampitt Sercombe and Henry George Holman
- Email from Catriona Batty, Documentation Officer, Topsham Museum, 10 Dec 2006, re Elizabeth Clampitt Sercombe
and Henry George Holman
- Email from Jill Howes, Apr-May 2002, re her relatives in Australia and New Zealand
- Email from Billie McMillan, Dec 2004 - Feb 2005, re the ancestry of her husband Peter
- Email from Richard Cumming Sircom, 12 Aug 2002, re his relatives in Canada and Britain
- Email from Derek Challis, 14 Dec 2009, re his Sircom relatives in Australia
- Email from P. Bromley, Nov 2010
- Email correspondence with John Sercombe, 2007-2010
- Email from Ann Cave, 15 Aug 2002, re her ancestors in Norfolk and Leicester
- Email from Ian Jones, 26 Nov 2013
- Local and family histories and compiled genealogies (see Sercombe Miscellaneous
Records for details)
- Henry Lovejoy Ambler, History of Dentistry in Cleveland (Cleveland, Ohio, 1911)
- Cecil Torr, Wreyland Documents (Cambridge University Press, 1910)
- Gaius Marcus Brumbaugh and John Garner Fouse, Genealogy of the Descendants of Theobald Fouse (Fauss)
(Baltimore, 1914)
- Jonathan Rowe and Diddie Williams, Bygone Brislington (1986)
- Melville Henry Massue, The Plantagenet Roll of the Blood Royal: Being A Complete Table of All the
Descendants Now Living of Edward III, King of England (London, 1905-1911)
- J.J. Howard and G.J. Armytage, The Visitation of London in the Year 1568 (Harleian Society, 1869)
- A.H. Powell, Bridgwater in the Later Days (1908)
- online list of mayors of Bridgwater
- Clare Gathercole, An Archaeological Assessment of Bridgwater
- Garton and King: 350 years of the Golden
Hammer at Exeter Memories
- Exeter at Manhole Miscellany
- "Southcomb of Rose Ash", in Sir Bernard Burke, A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Landed Gentry
of Great Britain and Ireland, 4th ed. (1863),
and 5th ed. (1871)
- Records relating to immigration and emigration (see Sercombe Immigration and
Emigration Records for details)
- passenger lists of ships arriving in Victoria, Australia
- passenger lists of ships leaving Britain
- passenger lists of ships arriving at New York
- passenger lists of ships arriving in Canada
- Book subscription lists and advertisements in books (see Sercombe Miscellaneous
Records for details)
- Subscription list in J.C. Bidwell, Rambles (1841)
- Advertisement in The Maritime Provinces: A Handbook for Travelers (Boston, 1875)
- Non-U.K. Censuses (see Sercombe Census Extracts for details)
- 1881 Canada
- 1901 Canada
- 1900 United States
- 1920 United States
- 1930 United States
- 1911 Canada
- 1910 United States
- 1891 Canada
- 1880 United States
- Military records (see Sercombe Miscellaneous Records for details)
- National Archives of Canada, Soldiers of the Canadian Expeditionary Force, World War I
- U.S. World War I draft registration cards
- Royal Navy seamen's service records
- World War I soldiers from Australia - embarkation roll
- World War I soldiers from Australia - nominal roll for repatriation
- Records of schools and universities (see Sercombe Miscellaneous Records for
- New Zealand school records and teacher lists
- List of early students at the University of Melbourne
- Calendar of Dalhousie College and University (Halifax, Nova Scotia, 1903)
- Joseph Foster, Alumni Oxonienses (London, 1888)
- J.A. Venn, Alumni Cantabrigienses (London, 1922-1954)
- Philip A. Hunt and Neil A. Flanagan, Corpus Christi College, Oxford, Biographical Register 1880-1974
(Oxford, 1988)
- New Zealand electoral rolls (see Sercombe Miscellaneous Records for details)
- Records of apprentices, burgesses, and freemen (see Sercombe Miscellaneous
Records for details)
- Apprenticeship indentures of Dunsford, Devon
- Apprenticeship records of Bristol, Gloucestershire
- Burgess books of Bristol, Gloucestershire
- Apprenticeship indentures of Tedburn St. Mary, Devon
- Margery M. Rowe and Andrew M. Jackson, eds., Exeter Freemen 1266-1967 (Devon and Cornwall Record
Society, 1973)
- Apprenticeship indentures of Ilsington, Devon
- Apprenticeships taxed by the Internal Revenue, 1710-1774
- Land, property, and taxation records (see Sercombe Miscellaneous Records for
- Land tax assessments
- Hampshire Record Office catalog items regarding land and property
- Assessments for the lay subsidy of 1581
- Assessments for the poll tax of 1660
- Devon Record Office items regarding land and property (as cataloged at A2A)
- Entries in the Sun Fire Insurance policy register, 1777-1786
- Oath rolls and lists of donors to charity (see Sercombe Miscellaneous
Records for details)
- Donors to the rebuilding of St. Paul's Cathedral in 1678 after the Great Fire of London
- Devon loyalty oaths 1723 (and some earlier)
- Devon protestation returns 1641/2
- Freeholder lists (see Sercombe Miscellaneous Records for details)
- Poor law records
- Kingsteignton, Devon, settlement examinations
- Records of particular occupations (see Sercombe Miscellaneous Records for
- Member register of the Australian Institute of Quantity Surveyors
Families from Dunsford, Devon
Edward SOUTHCOMBE of Dunsford was assessed in 1525 for tax on goods worth £8. In 1544, he was again assessed for tax
on goods worth £8.
William SOUTHCOMBE of Dunsford was assessed in 1544 for tax on goods worth £4.
Richard SOUTHCOMBE of Dunsford was assessed in 1544 for tax on goods worth £1.
Richard SOUTHCOMBE, m. Joan (bur. 1 May 1601 at Dunsford, Devon), bur. 25 Dec 1595 at Dunsford. On 10 Sep 1582, Richard
was assessed tax at Dunsford for land worth £1 per year. Richard's will (now lost) was proved in the Court of the
Archdeaconry of Exeter in 1595. Joan's will (also lost) was proved in the Principal Registry of the Bishop of Exeter in
Edward SHERCOMBE, b. est. 1562, m. 9 Oct 1587 at Kenn, Devon, Mary LEY (bur. 12 Feb 1643/4 at Sowton, Devon), bur.
8 Jun 1621 at Sowton. At his death in 1621, of Sowton; his will (now lost) was proved in 1621 in the Court of the
Archdeaconry of Exeter.
- (probably) William SHIRCOMBE, b. est. 1590 (perhaps chr. 7 Jul 1588 at Sowton as William, son of Edward SHERMAN), m.
Francis (m2. 19 Nov 1629 at Dunsford, Devon, Andrew PRESTON), bur. 4 Sep 1629 at Sowton. At his death in 1629, of Morton
(i.e. Moretonhampstead, Devon); his will (now lost) was proved in 1629 in the Principal Registry of the Bishop of Exeter.
- Edward SHERCOMBE, chr. 29 Sep 1616 at Sowton, m1. Grace (bur. 15 Apr 1654 at Moretonhampstead, Devon), m2. 24 Oct 1654
at Moretonhampstead, Jane SIMONS. Edward swore the protestation oath at Moretonhampstead in 1641/2. At her marriage in
1654, Jane was of Ilsington, Devon. Peter SAINTHILL, Thomas MARDON, and John WESTCOTT witnessed the marriage in 1654,
which took place with consent of (presumably Jane's) parents.
- Elizabeth SHARCKHAM, chr. 8 Dec 1640 at Moretonhampstead.
- Edward SHERCOMBE, chr. 2 Feb 1650/1 at Moretonhampstead, m. 9 Oct 1677 at Moretonhampstead, Mary WOODWARD (bur.
3 Mar 1684/5 at Moretonhampstead), bur. 9 Jul 1680 at Moretonhamsptead.
- Joane SHERCOMBE, chr. 10 Aug 1679 at Moretonhampstead.
- Sarah SHERCOMB, chr. 16 Sep 1655 at Moretonhampstead, bur. 28 or 29 Mar 1657 at Moretonhampstead.
- John SHERCOMBE, chr. 14 Jun 1659 at Moretonhampstead, bur. 15 Mar 1689/90 at Moretonhampstead.
- Agnis SHERCOMBE, chr. 27 Nov 1664 at Moretonhampstead, m. 26 Oct 1686 at Moretonhampstead, Richard WORTHY.
- Elizabeth SHERCUM, chr. 23 Jan 1616/7(?) at Dunsford.
- John SHERCUME, chr. 21 Dec 1619 at Dunsford.
- Mary SHERCUME, chr. 1 Sep 1622 at Dunsford.
- Richard SHERCOMB, chr. 5 Aug 1627 at Moretonhampstead, Devon, bur. 15 Jun 1628 at Moretonhampstead.
- Frances SHIRCOMBE, chr. 19 Jul 1629 at Moretonhampstead, bur. 30 Sep 1629 at Moretonhampstead.
- Alice SHERCOMBE, chr. 29 Jul 1593 at Sowton.
- Henry SHERCOMB, chr. 4 Jan 1595/6 at Sowton, bur. 19 Jun 1639 at Sowton. At his death in 1639, of Pinhoe, Devon; his
will (now lost) was proved in 1639 the Court of the Archdeaconry of Exeter.
- Edwarde SHERCOMBE, chr. 10 Aug 1598 at Kenn. Swore the protestation oath at Sowton in 1641/2.
- James SHERCOMBE, chr. 20 Nov 1600 at Kenn, bur. 23 Jan 1600/1 at Kenn.
- Thomas SHERCOMBE, chr. 15 Nov 1601 at Kenn, bur. 8 Apr 1602 at Kenn.
- Samuell SHERCOMBE, chr. 9 Sep 1604 at Sowton, bur. 6 Apr 1640 at Sowton.
Edward SOUTHCOMBE, b. est. 1572, m1. [unknown] (bur. 31 Jul 1598 at Dunsford, Devon), m2. ca. 1598 Christian (bur.
16 Apr 1621 at Dunsford), m3. ca. 1621 Elizabeth (bur. 12 Dec 1621 at Dunsford), bur. 2 Mar 1631/2 at Dunsford. In 1610,
had a tenant William GERMAN who had a child baptized at Dunsford. A churchwarden of Dunsford in 1628/9; made his
mark on the bishop's transcript of the parish register for that year. Edward's will (now lost) was proved in the Court of
the Archdeaconry of Exeter in 1631/2.
- A son, bur. 19 Mar 1597/8 at Dunsford.
- Elizabeth SOUTHCOME, chr. 13 Jun 1599 at Dunsford.
- Grace SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 4 Nov 1600 at Tedburn St. Mary, Devon. (The parish register of Dunsford also records the
baptism of a child of Edward SOUTHCOMBE on 4 Nov 1600, but the child's name is blank.)
- Richard SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 10 Jun 1602 at Dunsford, bur. 24 Apr 1626 at Dunsford.
- Humphrey SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 22 Mar 1604/5 at Dunsford, m. 10 Nov 1634 at Dunsford, Jane COTLEY.
- Edward SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 13 Sep 1635 at Dunsford.
Edward SHARCOMB, b. est. 1598, m. 19 May 1623 at Drewsteignton, Devon, Margrett TRIPE. At his marriage in 1623, of
Dunsford, Devon.
Richard SHERCUM, b. est. 1603, m. 5 May 1628 at Dunsford, Devon, Mary CHAMBER (bur. 28 Mar 1678 at Shobrooke, Devon),
bur. 17 Feb 1657/8 at Shobrooke. Richard swore the protestation oath at Shobrooke in 1641/2. On 10 Feb 1641/2, a miller
of Shobrooke, he leased "a house, two grist mills called Gutton Mills, 2 closes called Mill Closes, containing about 6
acres, an orchard, and a little herbour" in Shobrooke parish, for 99 years or his life and those of his wife Mary, their
son Edward, and their daughter Elizabeth. He paid £70 for the lease, with rent of £11 plus a capon and a
heriot of £1. He also gave a bond of £60 for the observance of covenants. His will (now lost) was proved in
the Exeter archdeaconry court in 1661. Mary's will (also now lost) was proved in the same court in 1678.
- Edward SHARCOMBE, chr. 25 Jan 1628/9 at Shobrooke. Listed on his father's lease in Feb 1641/2.
- Mary SHERCOMB, chr. 30 Jan 1630/1 at Shobrooke, m. 25 Sep 1655 at Shobrooke, John CROOKE.
- Mary CROOKE, chr. 27 Sep 1657 at Shobrooke.
- Elizabeth SHARCOMB, chr. 26 May 1633 at Shobrooke, prob. m. by Faculty Office license 14 Feb 1662/3, John MARWOOD.
Listed on her father's lease in Feb 1641/2.
- John MORWOOD, chr. 16 Jan 1663/4 at Shobrooke.
- Richard SHARCOMBE, chr. 15 Mar 1634/5 at Shobrooke. His will (now lost) was proved in the Exeter archdeaconry
court in 1679.
- William SHARCOMBE, chr. 12 Mar 1636/7 at Shobrooke, bur. 26 Jan 1678/9 at Shobrooke. In Trinity term 1678, a yeoman,
late of Shobrooke, involved in a lawsuit about various property (including two mills) in Shobrooke. In 1678, of Shobrooke,
contributed 1s. to the rebuilding of St. Paul's Cathedral following the Great Fire of London. William's will (now
lost) was proved in the Exeter archdeaconry court in 1678 (presumably 1678/9).
- Grace SHARCUMBE, chr. 8 Aug 1647 at Shobrooke.
Thomas SIRCOMBE, b. est. 1603, m. 14 Jul 1628 at Sowton, Grace HORNE (bur. 25 Aug 1676 at Dunsford,
Devon), bur. 22 Apr 1655 at Dunsford. Thomas swore the protestation oath at Dunsford in 1641/2.
In the 1660 poll tax, Grace was assessed at Dunsford for property worth £8.
Grace's will (now lost) was proved in the Principal Registry of the Bishop of Exeter in 1677.
- Grace SHERCUM, chr. 24 Jun 1633 at Dunsford, bur. 18 Apr 1634 at Dunsford.
- William SHERCOMB, chr. 25 Jan 1634/5 at Dunsford, m. 16 May 1656 at Dunsford, after banns, Margarett FOOT. At their
marriage in 1656, William and Margaret were both of Dunsford; John WESTCOTT witnessed their marriage. William and his
wife were assessed for the 1660 poll tax in the household of William's mother Grace.
- Grace SHERCOMB, chr. 2 Mar 1656/7 at Dunsford.
- Grace SHERCUMBE, chr. 28 Dec 1636 at Dunsford.
- Joane SHERCUMBE, chr. 24 Feb 1638/9 at Dunsford, bur. 17 Jun 1672 at Dunsford. Assessed for the 1660 poll tax in the
household of Henry HARRES at Tedburn St. Mary, Devon.
- John SHIRCOMBE, b. by 1644, m. 12 Aug 1679 at Dunsford, Joane BURRADGE (bur. 23 Oct 1709 at Dunsford), bur.
15 Jan 1679/80 at Dunsford in a wool shroud. Assessed for the 1660 poll tax in the household of his mother Grace. In 1678,
of Dunsford, contributed 4d. to the rebuilding of St. Paul's Cathedral following the Great Fire of London. John's will
(now lost) was proved in the Court of the Archdeaconry of Exeter in 1679. Joan's will (also lost) was proved in the same
court in 1709. In 1709, Joan was of Ashton.
- Sarah SHIRCOMBE, chr. 30 Dec 1643 at Dunsford, m. 8 Jul 1679 at Dunsford, Christopher SHEERES. Assessed for the 1660
poll tax in the household of her mother Grace. In 1678, of Dunsford, contributed 2d. to the rebuilding of St. Paul's.
- Richard SHERCUMBE, chr. 8 Feb 1645/6 at Dunsford.
William SERCOMBE or SOUTHCOMB, b. est. 1620, m. 27 Oct 1646 at Bridford, Devon, Agnes AMERIE (bur. 11 Feb 1663/4 at
Bridford), bur. 2 Feb 1672/3 at Bridford.
- William SIRCOMBE, chr. 3 Jan 1658/9 at Bridford, m. Ann.
- Ann SHERCUMB, chr. 27 Feb 1686/7 at Bridford.
- Mary SHIRCOMBE, chr. 27 Oct 1689 at Bridford, bur. 25 Aug 1696 at Bridford.
- Agnis SIRCOMBE, chr. 18 Oct 1692 at Bridford, bur. 26 Aug 1711 at Bridford.
- John SIRCOMBE, b. 27 Feb 1696/7, chr. 21 Mar 1696/7 at Bridford.
- Thomas SIRCOMBE, b. 11 Apr 1702, chr. 12 May 1702 at Bridford, m. 6 Oct 1726 at Bridford, Elizabeth PARR, bur. 5 Aug
1759 at Holcombe Burnell, Devon.
- Mary SERCOMBE or SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 28 Jul 1728 at Bridford, m. 4 Nov 1756 at Dunsford, Devon, by banns, John HAWKINS.
In 1756, Mary was of Dunsford, and John was of Holcombe Burnell; Mary's father Thomas (or perhaps her brother Thomas)
witnessed their marriage.
Ancestor of researcher Lorraine Hawkins.
- Elizabeth SYRCOMBE, chr. 11 Feb 1730/1 at Bridford, bur. 26 Feb 1730/1 at Bridford.
- Elizabeth SERCOMBE, chr. 24 Feb 1731/2 at Bridford, m. 27 Oct 1760 at Dunsford by banns, Richard CRUMP. Elizabeth's
father Thomas (or perhaps her brother Thomas) was a witness at her marriage in 1760.
Ancestor of researchers Mark D. Herber and Ray Gregory.
- William SERCOMBE or SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 5 Mar 1733/4 at Bridford, m. 14 Apr 1762 at Dunsford, Agnes HAWKINS (of Holcombe
Burnell, b. ca. 1733, bur. 13 Mar 1817 at Dunsford), bur. 10 Feb 1820 at Dunsford. In 1762, William's marriage was
witnessed by Esther BARRETT. In 1805, William was of Doddiscombsleigh. In 1811, William and Agnes were living at
Easternhill, Doddiscombsleigh, with their son John and his family. In 1817, Agnes was of East Hill, Doddiscombsleigh. In
1820, William was of Doddiscombsleigh.
- John SERCOMBE or SOUTHCOMB, chr. 11 Mar 1764 at Holcombe Burnell, m. 21 May 1793 at Dunsford, Devon, Mary SEWARD (b. ca. 1765, d. reg. Q1 1851 at St. Thomas R.D., bur. 30 Mar 1851 at Doddiscombsleigh), d. 26 Sep 1845, d. reg. Q4 1845 at St. Thomas R.D., bur. 2 Oct 1845 at Doddiscombsleigh. At his marriage in 1793, of Doddiscombsleigh; Mary was of Dunsford; the witnesses were William SERCOMBE (probably his father) and Jeremiah CONNETT (probably the parish clerk). At his daughter's baptism in 1797, of Doddiscombsleigh. In 1811, John and Mary were living in the household of John's parents, with their children Thomas, Mary, Elizabeth, Anna Maria, John, and William. Made will 4 Aug 1842, describing himself as a farmer, of Doddiscombsleigh. At his death in 1845, of Eastern Hill, Doddiscombsleigh. At her death in 1851, Mary was of Eastern Hill.
- (probably) Thomas SIRCOMBE, b. ca. 1792, d. 14 Jan 1836 aged 43, bur. 19 Jan 1836 at Doddiscombsleigh. In 1811, living with his parents. In 1836, of Sextons, Doddiscombsleigh.
- Mary SERCOMBE, chr. 26 Jul 1795 at Doddiscombsleigh, bur. 26 Nov 1811 at Dunsford. In 1811, living with her parents.
- Elizabeth SERCOMBE, chr. 6 Aug 1797 at Dunsford, m. 20 Aug 1818 at Doddiscombsleigh, George HALSE. In 1811, living with her parents. In 1818, Elizabeth was of Doddiscombsleigh, and George was of Dunchideock.
- Anna Maria SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1798 at Doddiscombsleigh, chr. 22 Sep 1798 at Doddiscombsleigh, m. 26 Jun 1832 at St. Mary Steps, Exeter, Devon, James ESWORTHY (b. ca. 1793 at Dunchideock, Devon). In 1811, living with her parents. The marriage in 1832 was witnessed by John SERCOMBE (probably Anna's father) and John COP. In 1851, Anna was living at Dunchideock with her husband James (an agricultural laborer).
- John SERCOMBE, chr. 6 May 1804 at Doddiscombsleigh, d. reg. Q1 1875 at St. Thomas R.D., bur. 6 Feb 1875 at Doddiscombsleigh. In 1811, living with his parents. In 1845, a yeoman, of Doddiscombsleigh. In 1851, a farmer of 40 acres, living at Eastham Hill Farm, Doddiscombsleigh, with his niece Diana, nephew John, a servant, and a nurse. In 1861, a farm servant in the STANBURY household at Great Heckworthy Farm, Tedburn St. Mary, Devon. In 1871, a labourer, servant in the STANBUARY household at Great Heackworthy, Tedburn St. Mary. In 1875, of Hucksworthy, Tedburn St. Mary.
- William SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1806 at Doddiscombsleigh, Devon, chr. 29 May 1808 at Doddiscombsleigh, m. 27 Mar 1831 at St. Sidwell, Exeter, Devon, Priscilla EDWARDS (b. ca. 1806 at Morchard Bishop or Cruwys Morchard, Devon, d. reg. Q4 1873 at St. Thomas R.D., bur. 14 Dec 1873 at Doddiscombsleigh), d. reg. Q3 1869 at St. Thomas R.D., bur. 19 Sep 1869 at Doddiscombsleigh. In 1811, living with his parents. At their marriage in Mar 1831, Priscilla was of Exeter St. Sidwell; William was a sojourner there; and the witnesses were William EDWARDS and John SQUANCE. At his daughter's baptism in Nov 1831, a laborer, of Dunchideock, Devon. At his children's baptisms in 1835, 1839, and 1844, a labourer, of King's Court, Doddiscombsleigh. In 1851, an agricultural laborer, living at Shipping Cot, Doddiscombsleigh, with his wife Priscilla and their daughters Mary and Priscilla. In 1861, an agricultural laborer, living at Spanish Lake Cottages, Doddiscombsleigh, with his wife Priscilla and their grandson Francis. At his death in 1869, of Parsonage Cottage, Doddiscombsleigh. In 1871, Priscilla was living at Parsonage Cottage, with her daughter Diana's children Francis SERCOMBE and Emily Jane RIDGWAY. At her death in 1873, Priscilla was of Parsonage Cottage.
- Diana or Dinah SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1831 at Dunchideock, chr. 6 Nov 1831 at Dunchideock, m1. reg. Q1 1852 at St. Thomas R.D., John BIDDER or RIDDER, m2. reg. Q4 1859 at Newton Abbot R.D., Thomas RIDGWAY (b. ca. 1835 at Chudleigh, Devon). In 1851, housekeeper for her father' brother John. At her son's baptism in 1852, of Shipper, Doddiscombsleigh. At Chudleigh in Nov 1858, banns were called once (but then withdrawn) for a marriage between Dianah SERCOMBE and John LAMACROFT. In 1861, living at New Exeter Street, Chudleigh, with her husband Thomas (an agricultural laborer) and their children Emily and William.
- Francis SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1852 at Doddiscombsleigh, b. reg. Q1 1852 at St. Thomas R.D., chr. 21 Nov 1852 at Doddiscombsleigh. In 1861, a scholar, living with his maternal grandparents. In 1871, an indoor farm laborer, living with his maternal grandmother.
- Emily Jane RIDGWAY, b. ca. 1859 at Chudleigh. In 1861, living with her mother. In 1871, living with her mother's
- William C.H. RIDGWAY, b. ca. Feb 1861 at Chudleigh. In 1861, living with his mother.
- Mary Jane SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1835 at Doddiscombsleigh, chr. 25 Jan 1835 at Doddiscombsleigh, m. reg. Q3 1863 at Exeter R.D., Robert COLDRIDGE (b. ca. 1828 at Doddiscombsleigh). In 1851, living with her parents. In 1861, a servant in the OSMOND household at 14 Richmond Terrace, Exeter St. David. In 1881, living at 45 Coombe Street, Exeter, with her husband Richard (a general laborer) and their son William.
- William J. COLDRIDGE, b. ca. 1865 at Exeter. In 1881, an errand boy, living with his parents.
- John SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1839 at Doddiscombsleigh, b. reg. Q2 1839 at St. Thomas R.D., chr. 16 Jun 1839 at Doddiscombsleigh, m. reg. Q2 1885 (sic) at Exeter R.D., Maria Fast WILLS (b. ca. 1842 at Dittisham, Devon, d. reg. Q1 1905 at Newton Abbot R.D.), d. reg. Q1 1900 at Newton Abbot R.D. In 1851, a servant for his uncle John. In 1861, a servant in the LOWTON household at Hill Cottage, Dunchideock. In 1871, a railway porter, living at 3b Higher Union Lane, Torquay (parish of Tormoham), Devon, with his wife Maria and daughters Emma and Alice. In 1881, a railway porter, living at 4 Church Street 5 Rear, Tormoham, with his wife Maria (a railway porter) and daughters Emma, Alice, Millina, Louisa, Margaret, and Mary. In 1891, a railway porter, living at 4 Church Street, Tormoham, with his wife Maria and children Emma, Louisa, Margaret, Mary, William, and Minnie. At his daughter's marriage in 1894, a railway porter. In 1901, Maria was living on her own means at 9 Marlboro Terrace, Torquay, with her children William, Mary, and Minnie and her daughter Emma's daughter Caroline. Posthumously at his son's marriage in 1906, a railway porter.
- Emma Maria SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1867 at Torquay, Devon, b. reg. Q4 1867 at Newton Abbot R.D., m. reg. Q4 1891 at Newton Abbot R.D., Charles James HEYDON (b. ca. 1866 at Gosport). In 1871 and 1881, a scholar, living with her parents. In 1891, a domestic servant, living with her parents. In 1901, living at Newcomen Road, Dartmouth, Devon, with her husband Charles (a laborer) and their children Sydney, Emma, and William.
- Sydney H. HEYDON, b. ca. 1893 at Dartmouth. In 1901, living with his parents.
- Caroline Alice Maud HAYDON, b. ca. 1895 at Dartmouth. In 1901, living with her mother's mother.
- Emma R. HEYDON, b. ca. 1896 at Dartmouth. In 1901, living with her parents.
- William P. HEYDON, b. ca. 1899 at Dartmouth. In 1901, living with his parents.
- Alice Maud SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1870 at Torquay, b. reg. Q1 1870 at Newton Abbot R.D., m. 20 Feb 1894 at Tormoham, Devon, m. reg. Q1 1894 at Newton Abbot R.D., Benjamin Herbert JAMES (b. ca. 1864 at Clerkenwell, London, son of Benjamin Henry JAMES, a jeweller). In 1871, living with her parents. In 1881, a scholar, living with her parents. In 1891, a general servant in the SMITH household at 26 Colebrooke Row, Islington, London. At her marriage in 1894, a domestic servant, of Tor; Benjamin was a furniture packer, of 15 Canonbury Lane, Upper Street, London; the witnesses were John SERCOMBE (her father) and Melinda Blanche SERCOMBE (her sister). In 1901, living at 17 Lofting Road, Islington, with her husband Benjamin (a furniture remover) and their son Benjamin.
- Benjamin H. JAMES, b. ca. 1895 at Islington. In 1901, living with his parents.
- Melinda Blanche SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1873 at Torquay, b. reg. Q2 1873 at Newton Abbot R.D., m. reg. Q3 1901 at Newton Abbot R.D., either William Alfred BOND or Fred SKINNER. In 1881, a scholar, living with her parents. In 1891, a general servant in the ELIOT household at 118 Union Street, Torquay. In 1901, a parlormaid in the LEE household at San(?) Arms, Belgrave Road, Torquay.
- Priscilla Louisa SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1874 at Torquay, b. reg. Q4 1874 at Newton Abbot R.D. In 1881, a scholar,
living with her parents. In 1891, a domestic servant, living with her parents.
- Margaret Rosina SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1876 at Torquay, b. reg. Q1 1876 at Newton Abbot R.D., m. 27 Aug 1904 at St. John, Paignton, Devon, m. reg. Q3 1904 at Totnes R.D., William Thomas BLAKE (b. ca. 1879, son of George Henry BLAKE, a sailor, who d. by 1904). In 1881, a scholar, living with her parents. In 1891, a domestic servant, living with her parents. In 1901, a cook at the Nurse Institute, Torquay. At her marriage in 1904, of St. Gothards, Courtland Road, Paignton; William was a mason, of 2 Gordon Terrace, Paignton; the witnesses were William George SERCOMBE (Rosina's brother) and Mary Jane BLAKE.
- George H. BLAKE, b. reg. Q2 1912 at Totnes R.D.
- Gladys M. BLAKE, b. reg. Q2 1914 at Totnes R.D.
- Mary Jane SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1878 at Torquay, b. reg. Q4 1878 at Newton Abbot R.D. In 1881, living with her parents. In
1891, a scholar, living with her parents. In 1901, a laundress, living with her mother. In 1911, a laundress, living at
7 Victoria Square, Crewkerne, Somerset, with an assistant.
- William George SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1881 at Torquay, b. reg. Q4 1881 at Newton Abbot R.D., m. 3 Feb 1906 at Ellacombe, Devon, m. reg. Q1 1906 at Newton Abbot R.D., Amelia Elizabeth Collings POWELL (b. ca. 1881 at Torquay, d. reg. Q4 1963 at Newton Abbot R.D.; daughter of William POWELL, a laborer [d. by 1906]), d. reg. Q1 1945 at Newton Abbot R.D. In 1891, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1901, a postman, living with his mother. At his marriage in 1906, a postman, of 8 Barlow Terrace, Upton; Amelia was of 4 Warberry Terrace, Windsor Road; the witnesses were Lydia Ellen VANSTONE and Ananias FROST. In 1911, a postman, living at 9 Kenwyn Road, Torquay, with his wife Amelia and their son Donald.
- Donald John SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1906 at Torquay, b. reg. Q3 1906 at Newton Abbot R.D., m1. reg. Q2 1931 at Newton Abbot R.D., Agnes M. CLARKE (b. ca. 1907, d. reg. Q4 1941 at Southport R.D.), m2. reg. Q4 1942 at Southport R.D., Mona WOOD, d. reg. Q1 1963 at Plymouth R.D. In 1911, living with his parents.
- Minnie SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1884 at Torquay, b. reg. Q2 1884 at Newton Abbot R.D., m. reg. Q1 1926 at Islington R.D., Edwin H. BRADY. In 1891, a scholar, living with her parents. In 1901, living with her mother. In 1911, a general domestic servant in the SLATE household at 67 Marquess Road, Canonbury, London.
- Priscilla SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1844 at Doddiscombsleigh, chr. 25 Aug 1844 at Doddiscombsleigh, prob. m. Dec 1866 at the Register Office, Tiverton, Devon, m. reg. Q4 1866 at Tiverton R.D., Samuel John WHITE (b. ca. 1844 at Newton, Devon). In 1851, living with her parents. In 1861, a housemaid in the WARD household at Elm Brook Villa, North Road, Exeter. At her marriage in 1866, of Tiverton; Samuel was a coachman, also of Tiverton. In 1871, living at Hundiscombe Cottage, North Road, Plymouth, with her husband Samuel (a gardener) and their daughters Priscilla and Emily. Ancestor of researcher Barbara Reeve.
- Priscilla WHITE, b. ca. 1866 at Tiverton. In 1871, living with her parents.
- Emily WHITE, b. ca. 1867 at Tiverton. In 1871, living with her parents.
- Elizabeth SERCOMBE or SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 15 Nov 1770 at Holcombe Burnell, m. 17 Sep 1805 at Holcombe Burnell, Richard
RICE. In 1805, Elizabeth was of Holcombe Burnell, and Richard was of Newton St. Cyres, Devon; Willom SERCOMBE (probably
Elizabeth's father) witnessed their marriage.
- Ann SERCOMBE, chr. 28 Dec 1736 at Dunsford, m. 3 Nov 1763 at Holcombe Burnell, Edward HAWKINS. In 1763, Ann and Edward
were both of Holcombe Burnell; their marriage was witnessed by Ann's father (or brother) Thomas SIRCOMBE and by Thomas
- John SYRCOME, chr. 19 Oct 1738 at Dunsford, bur. 31 Jul 1805 at Dunsford.
- Thomas SERCOMBE, chr. 30 Dec 1740 at Dunsford, found dead in a field in the parish of Holcombe Burnell, bur. 3 Nov 1805
at Dunsford. In 1805, Thomas was of Holcombe Burnell. He died intestate. His brothers William and George were appointed
administrators of his estate and swore that his effects were worth less than £200.
- George SERCOMBE, chr. 5 Apr 1743 at Dunsford, m. 19 Dec 1776 at Tedburn St. Mary, Devon, Jane SANDFORD (m2. 31 Oct
1815 at Holcombe Burnell, Thomas HONEYWILL of Holcombe Burnell, a gentleman), bur. 9 Mar 1812
at Dunsford. In 1776, of Dunsford. George's marriage in 1776 was witnessed by Elizabeth CHICHESTER and William SANFORD. In
1805, of Holcombe Burnell. In 1812, a yeoman in Holcombe Burnell. Made will 3 Mar 1812, leaving £5 each to his son
George and daughters Mary and Ann, but cutting off his daughter Sarah with a shilling.
- Ann SERCOMBE, chr. 11 Dec 1777 at Holcombe Burnell, bur. 9 Feb 1789 at Dunsford.
- Elizabeth SERCOMBE, chr. 10 Jan 1779 at Holcombe Burnell, prob. d. by 1812.
- George SERCOMBE, chr. 20 Aug 1780 at Holcombe Burnell, m. 23 Jan 1810 at Holcombe Burnell, Ann DYMOND, bur. 23 Oct
1816 at Dunsford. In 1810, George and Ann were both of Holcombe Burnell. At his burial in 1816, George was of Ide, Devon.
At his son George's marriage in 1837 (posth.), he was a farmer.
- Robert SERCOMBE, chr. 20 May 1810 at Holcombe Burnell, bur. 15 Feb 1824 at Alphington, Devon.
- George SERCOMBE, b. 9 Nov 1812 at Alphington, chr. 29 Nov 1812 at Holcombe Burnell, m. 15 Oct 1837 at Holy Trinity, Exeter, Devon, m. reg. Q4 1837 at Exeter R.D., Agnes KNAPMAN (b. ca. 1808 at Drewsteignton, Devon, d. reg. Q4 1872 at Exeter R.D.), d. by 1861. At his marriage in 1837, a brewer, of South Street, Exeter. In 1851, a carrier's porter, living at Sun Street, Exeter, with his wife Agnes and their children William, Anna, George, and Ellen. At his daughter Hannah's marriage in 1860 (perh. posth.), a brewer. In 1861, Agnes was a housekeeper, living at Sun Street with her children William, Hannah, George, and Ellen and three lodgers. In 1871, Agnes was living at 8 Sun Street with her son George and a lodger.
- William SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1838 at Exeter, m. reg. Q3 1863 at Exeter R.D., Elizabeth WESCOMB (b. ca. 1828 at Exeter, d. reg. Q4 1904 at Exeter R.D.), d. reg. Q2 1877 at Exeter R.D. In 1851, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1861, a porter, living with his mother. In 1871, a waggoner porter, living at Rack Street, Exeter, with his wife Elizabeth (a charwoman) and daughter Ellen. In 1881, Elizabeth was a charwoman, living at 18 Rack Street, Exeter, with her daughter Ellen. In 1891, she was a charwoman, living at 20½ Sun Street, Exeter. In 1901, she was living at 21 Sun Street, Exeter.
- Ellen Elizabeth SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1865 at Exeter, b. reg. Q4 1865 at Exeter R.D., d. reg. Q1 1882 at Exeter R.D. In
1871, a scholar, living with her parents. In 1881, living with her mother.
- Mary Anna or Anna or Hannah SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1839 at Exeter, b. reg. Q4 1839 at Exeter R.D., m. 28 May 1860 at St. Mary Major, Exeter, m. reg. Q2 1860 at Exeter
R.D., William PEARCY (b. ca. 1836, son of William PEARCY, a tailor). In 1851, a scholar, living with her parents. At her
marriage in 1860, of Sun Street; William was a plumber, also of Sun Street; the witnesses were Samuel FORD and Sarah
SMITH. In 1861, living with her mother (under her maiden name but enumerated as married).
- George SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1844 at Exeter St. Mary Major, b. reg. Q4 1844 at Exeter R.D., m. reg. Q2 1881 at Exeter R.D., Anne "Annie" MILES (b. ca. 1857 at Exeter St. Mary Major, d. reg. Q1 1892 at Exeter R.D.), d. reg. Q3 1902 at Exeter R.D. In 1851, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1861 and 1871, a porter, living with his mother. In 1881, a carrier porter, living at 23 Sun Street with his wife Annie and a lodger. In 1891, a porter, living at Synagogue Place, Exeter, with his wife Anne and their children Sofey, William, Clara, Ellen, and Betty. In 1901, a general dealer and porter, living at 7 Grendon Buildings, Exeter, with his children Sophia, William, Clara, Nellie, and Beatrice. At his son's marriage in Aug 1902, a carrier. Posthumously at his daughter's marriage in 1906, a porter.
- Sophie Agnes or Agnes Sophie SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1882 at Exeter, b. reg. Q1 1882 at Exeter R.D., m. reg. Q3 1905 at St. Thomas R.D., Harold (Harry) Arundle HAWKES (b. ca. 1871 at Exeter). In 1891, a scholar, living with her parents. In 1901, a parcel packer, living with her father. In 1911, living at 15 Clinton Street, St. Thomas, with her husband Harry (a furnace stoker for a firm or gas engineers) and their children Beatrice, Harry, Olive, Edna, Agnes, and Ernest.
- (stepdaughter) Beatrice HAWKES, b. ca. 1898 at Exeter. In 1911, at school, living with her parents.
- (stepdaughter) Harry HAWKES, b. ca. 1900 at Exeter. In 1911, at school, living with his parents.
- Olive HAWKES, b. ca. 1905 at Exeter. In 1911, living with her parents.
- Edna HAWKES, b. ca. 1906 at Exeter. In 1911, living with her parents.
- Agnes HAWKES, b. ca. 1907 at Exeter. In 1911, living with her parents.
- Ernest HAWKES, b. ca. Oct 1900 at Exeter. In 1911, living with his parents.
- Sidney George HAWKES, b. reg. Q2 1912 at St. Thomas R.D.
Ancestor of researcher Brenda Roe.
- Albert H. HAWKES, b. reg. Q4 1913 at Exeter R.D.
- Leonard S. HAWKES, b. reg. Q1 1915 at St. Thomas R.D.
- Elfreda M. HAWKES, b. reg. Q1 1917 at St. Thomas R.D.
- Francis F. HAWKES, b. reg. Q4 1918 at St. Thomas R.D.
- William George SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1883 at Exeter, b. reg. Q1 1883 at Exeter R.D., m. 3 Aug 1902 at St. Thomas, m. reg. Q3 1902 at St. Thomas R.D., Ellen BREWER (b. ca. 1883 at Exeter, d. reg. Q3 1956 at Exeter R.D.; daughter of Samuel BREWER [d. by 1902], a laborer), d. reg. Q3 1949 at Exeter R.D. In 1891, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1901, a tobacco warehouseman, living with his father. In 1902, a laborer, of Haven Banks (claimed to be 21 but actually only 19); Ellen was also of Haven Banks; the witnesses were Frank TREMAIN and Florence BREWER. In 1911, a tobacco presser for a tobacco manufacturer, living at 11 Cecil Road, St. Thomas, with his wife Ellen and their children Florence, Bertie, and Ivy.
- Florence SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1904 at Exeter, b. reg. Q4 1904 at St. Thomas R.D. In 1911, at school, living with her parents.
- Albert Edward "Bertie" SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1905 at Exeter, b. reg. Q4 1905 at St. Thomas R.D., d. reg. Q4 1943 at Totnes R.D. In 1911, at school, living with his parents.
- Ivy Ellen SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1909 at Exeter, b. reg. Q4 1909 at St. Thomas R.D., d. reg. Q1 1931 at Exeter R.D. In 1911, living with her parents.
- Another child, d. by 1911.
- Olive M. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q4 1913 at St. Thomas R.D., m. reg. Q2 1935 at Mansfield R.D., Archibald W. WEBSTER.
- Frank A. WEBSTER, b. reg. Q2 1928 at Exeter R.D.
- Eric G. WEBSTER, b. reg. Q1 1945 at Exeter R.D.
- Sidney F. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1925 at St. Thomas R.D., d. reg. Q2 1950 at Exeter R.D.
- Clara SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1885 at Exeter, b. reg. Q2 1885 at Exeter R.D., m. 4 Aug 1906 at St. Thomas, m. reg. Q3 1906 at St. Thomas R.D., Ernest Albert BASTIN (b. ca. 1883 at Exeter, son of Joseph BASTIN, a gardener). In 1891, a scholar, living with her parents. In 1901, a tobacco hand, living with her father. At her marriage in 1906, of Okehampton Place; Ernest was a laborer, of 23 Oxford Street; the witnesses were Ernest Rowland TAYLOR and were Mabel BASTIN. In 1911, living at 10 Churchill Road, St. Thomas, with her husband Ernest (a foreman candle maker for a soap and candle manufacturer) and their children Ernest and Rosalind.
- Ernest BASTIN, b. ca. 1907 at Exeter. In 1911, living with his parents.
- Rosalind BASTIN, b. ca. 1909 at Exeter. In 1911, living with her parents.
- Ellen Elizabeth "Nellie" SERCOMBE, b. 5 Jul 1887 at Exeter, b. reg. Q3 1887 at Exeter R.D., m. 14 Feb 1914 at St. Mary Major, Exeter, m. reg. Q1 1914 at Exeter R.D., Albert DOROTHY (b. ca. 1880, son of Walter DOROTHY, a seaman), d. reg. Q4 1973 at Exeter R.D. In 1891, a scholar, living with her parents. In 1901, living with her father. In 1911, a servant in the BERRY household at 12 Grendons Buildings, Preston Street, Exeter. At her marriage in 1914, of 20 Market Street; Albert was a laborer, of 3 Folletts Buildings; the witnesses were E.A. BASTIN (her sister Clara's husband) and Thomas DOROTHY.
- Clifford A. DOROTHY, b. reg. Q1 1915 at Exeter R.D.
- Muriel A. DOROTHY, b. reg. Q2 1916 at Exeter R.D.
- Beatrice Lilly "Betty" SERCOMBE, b. 18 Dec 1888 at Exeter, b. reg. Q1 1889 at Exeter R.D., d. reg. Q1 1975 at Exeter
R.D. In 1891, living with her parents. In 1901, living with her father.
- Ellen SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1847 at Exeter, b. reg. Q4 1847 at Exeter R.D., m. reg. Q4 1866 at Exeter R.D., Joseph WILLS (b. ca. 1845 at Exeter). In 1851, a scholar, living with her parents. In 1861, a book binder, living with her mother. In 1871, living at Paul Street, Exeter, with her husband Joseph (a soda water manufactory laborer) and their children Joseph and Ellen.
- Joseph WILLS, b. ca. 1868 at Exeter. In 1871, living with his parents.
- Ellen Agnes WILLS, b. ca. Oct 1870 at Exeter, b. reg. Q4 1870 at Exeter R.D. In 1871, living with her parents.
- Mary SERCOMBE, chr. 8 Mar 1785 at Holcombe Burnell, m. 2 Aug 1804 at Holcombe Burnell, John LAMACRAFT. In 1804, Mary
was of Holcombe Burnell, and John was of Dunsford.
- Sarah SERCOMBE, chr. 30 Aug 1788 at Holcombe Burnell, m. 14 Feb 1810 at Holcombe Burnell, Joseph LAMACRAFT. In 1810,
Sarah was of Holcombe Burnell, and Joseph was of Dunsford.

Top: signature of Richard Scanes as a witness at the marriage of William Southcombe in 1783.
Bottom: signature of Richard Scanes at his own marriage to Susanna Sercombe in 1785. |
- Ann SERCOMBE, chr. 17 Oct 1790 at Holcombe Burnell, m. 7 Feb 1809 at Holcombe Burnell, William LITTLEJOHN. In 1809,
Ann was of Holcombe Burnell, and William was a sojourner there.
- Sarah SERCOMBE, chr. 16 Apr 1745 at Dunsford, m. 10 Jul 1770 at Dunsford, after banns 3 Jun 1770 at Tedburn
St. Mary, William WARREN (of Tedburn St. Mary). Sarah's eldest brother William was a witness at her marriage in 1770.
Ancestor of researcher Jenny Beveridge.
- Susanna SERCOMBE, chr. 4 Feb 1747/8 at Dunsford, m. 27 Apr 1785 by banns at Dunsford, Richard
SCANES. At her marriage in 1785, of Dunsford; Richard was of Alphington; the marriage was witnessed by George SERCOMBE,
probably Susanna's brother. In 1783, Richard witnessed the marriage of William SOUTHCOMBE (how
- Mary SHERCOMB, chr. 24 Jan 1663/4 at Bridford, bur. 26 Jan 1663/4 at Bridford.
William SERCOMBE, b. est. 1656, m1. 29 Nov 1681 at Bovey Tracey, Devon, Elizabeth TOWNSEND (bur. 28 Jun 1695 at Dunchideock, Devon), m2. 5 Dec 1695 at Dunchideock, Mary HIX (bur. 4 Nov 1713 at Dunchideock), bur. 9 Apr 1720 at Dunchideock. In 1695, Mary swore the affidavit that Elizabeth had been buried in wool. On Mary's death in 1713, the Dunchideock overseers of the poor paid William 7s. 6d. At his son's marriage in 1714, of Dunchideock. (Is this William SIRCOMBE?)
- Elizabeth SURCOM, chr. 19 Sep 1682 at Bovey Tracey, bur. 13 Dec 1682 at Bovey Tracey.
- William SURCOMBE, chr. 1 Nov 1686 at Dunchideock, bur. 7 Jul 1704 at Bovey Tracey.
- Thomas CYRCOMBE, chr. 1 May 1688 at Dunchideock. (Is this Thomas CIRCOMB?)
- John SYRCOMBE, chr. 31 Oct 1691 at Dunchideock, m. 18 May 1714 at Dunchideock, Joan THOMAS (daughter of Roger THOMAS and Joan, of Dunsford), bur. 8 Jan 1748/9 at Dunsford. At his death in 1748/9, known as "John Syrcome senior".
- Elizabeth SYRCOMB, chr. 16 Nov 1714 at Dunsford, Devon, bur. 28 Nov 1714 at Dunsford.
- John SERCOMBE, chr. 25 Sep 1718 at Dunsford.
- Betty SYRCOMBE, chr. 11 May 1721 at Dunsford, m. 4 Oct 1744 at Dunsford, Thomas WILLS.
- William SYRCOMBE, chr. 7 Aug 1724 at Dunsford, m. 9 Feb 1745/6 at Bridford, Devon, Ann ROWE.
- Mary SYRCOME, bur. 1 Jan 1747/8 at Dunsford.
- William SERCOMBE, chr. 11 Dec 1748 at Dunsford, m. 21 Oct 1771 at Dunsford, Mary COX (b. ca. 1746, bur. 14 Sep 1825 at Dunsford). John COX was a witness at the marriage in 1771. At his son's baptism in 1788, a pauper. In 1821, Mary was living in the household of her son Joseph. At her death in 1825, she was of Oak Cottage, Dunsford, Devon. Posthumously, at his son James's second marriage in 1840, a husbandman.
- Susanna SERCOMBE, chr. 16 Aug 1772 at Dunsford, m. 23 Jan 1795 at Ide, Devon, after banns begun 4 Jan 1795, William SNELL. In 1783, Susanna was apprenticed by the parish of Dunsford, with consent, to Joseph TUCKER of Ide. William TOOSE and John SOWDON witnessed the marriage in 1795.
- John SERCOMBE, chr. 15 May 1774 at Dunsford. In 1782, apprenticed by the parish of Dunsford to William ROLSON of Doddiscombsleigh, for Great Fulford.
- William SERCOMBE, chr. 8 Sep 1776 at Dunsford. In 1786, apprenticed by the parish of Dunsford to William SEWARD, for South Cotley. (Is this William SERCOMBE?)
- Maria SERCOMBE, chr. 29 Sep 1778 at Dunsford, m. 7 Sep 1800 by banns at Dunsford, James CAZELY. In 1786, apprenticed by the parish of Dunsford to Wilmot BERRY, for Porch House.
- Samuel SERCOMBE, chr. 14 Jun 1781 at Dunsford, m1. 31 Mar 1807 at Ide, Devon, after banns begun 15 Mar 1807, Elizabeth WILLS (b. ca. 1783, bur. 14 Oct 1817 at Ide), m2. 14 Oct 1821 at St. Mary Steps, Exeter, Devon, Sarah (m1. CARN, wid. by 1821), bur. 9 Apr 1837 at Holy Trinity, Exeter. In 1793, apprenticed by the parish of Dunsford to Thomas GRAY, for Main. At their marriage in 1807, Samuel and Elizabeth were both legally resident in Ide; the witnesses were Joseph WILLS, Joseph DEL (?), and Joseph HELLYER. At his children's baptisms in 1813 and 1816, Samuel was a laborer, of Ide. At her death in 1817, Elizabeth was of Ide. George BENNETT and James THOMPSON witnessed Samuel's second marriage in 1821.
- John SERCOMBE, chr. 26 Jan 1808 at Ide, m. 27 Jul 1834 at Holy Trinity, Exeter, after banns begun
6 Jul 1834, Ann GRANGER (b. ca. 1811 at Starcross, Devon), d. reg. Q1 1871 at Exeter R.D. Samuel SERCOMBE (probably John's
father) and Fanny GRANT (relationship unknown) witnessed the marriage in 1834. In 1844, a gardener, of Southernhay Street,
Exeter. In 1850, a gardener at East Southernhay, Exeter. In 1851, a market gardener of 42 acres, employing one laborer and
one boy, living at Southernhay, Exeter, with his wife Ann, her mother, and a servant. In 1861, a master gardener, living
at East Southernhay, Exeter Holy Trinity, with his wife Ann, nephew John Samuel SERCOMBE, and niece
Eliza DAVY. In 1871, Ann was a market gardener, living at 37 Southernhay East, Exeter Holy Trinity, with John's nephew
Robert SERCOMBE, niece Eliza DAVEY, nephew John S. DAVEY, and cousin Ann WILLS (a dressmaker, b. ca. 1817 at Whitestone).
In 1881, Ann was a market gardener, living at 37 Southernhay, Exeter, with John's niece Eliza DAVEY.
- Elizabeth SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1810 at Alphington, Devon, chr. 13 Jan 1811 at Ide, m1. 24 Feb 1836 at Dunchideock, Devon, John EARLAND or IRELAND (b. ca. 1808, bur. 4 Jun 1837 at Dunchideock), m2. 25 Sep 1838 at St. Thomas, m2. reg. Q3 1838 at St. Thomas R.D., Samuel VOOGHT (son of Thomas VOOGHT), m3. 22 Dec 1846 at Kenn, m3. reg. Q4 1846 at St. Thomas R.D., John DAVEY (b. ca. 1800 at Dunchideock, son of Joseph DAVEY, a laborer). At her first marriage in 1836, of Dunchideock, as was John; the witnesses were Samuel SERCOMBE (her father) and William GALE (future husband of her sister Eliza). At his death in 1837, her first husband John was of Dunchideock. At her second marriage in 1838, of St. Thomas; her husband Samuel was a husbandman, of Kenn; the witnesses were William SERCOMBE (probably Elizabeth's brother) and John TOOTELL. At her third marriage in 1846, of Kenn; her husband John was a laborer, also of Kenn; the witnesses were John SERCOMBE (probably Elizabeth's brother) and Mary Ann TRISH (or IRISH?). In 1851, living at Kenn with her husband John (an agricultural laborer), their children Eliza and John, and her husband's aunt and cousin.
- Eliza DAVEY, b. ca. 1848 at Kenn. In 1851, living with her parents. In 1861, a servant, living with her mother's
brother John. In 1871 a general domestic servant, living with Ann, widow of her mother's brother John. In 1881, a market
gardener, living with Ann.
- John Samuel DAVEY, b. ca. Aug 1850 at Kenn, b. reg. Q3 1850 at St. Thomas R.D. In 1851, living with his parents. In
1871, a gardener, living with Ann, widow of his mother's brother John.
- William SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1812 at Alphington or Ide, chr. 26 Feb 1813 at Ide, m. 14 Aug 1836 at
St. Mary Arches, Exeter, Mary BULFORD (b. ca. 1813 at Hawkchurch, Dorset, d. reg. Q3 1900 at Cuckfield R.D.), d. reg. Q2 1877 at St. Thomas R.D. At his children's baptisms in 1843, 1845, and 1847, a mason, of Ide. At his son's baptism in 1850, a laborer, of Ide. In 1851, a stone mason, lodging at Bachelers Hall, Mill Cottages, Lydford, Devon; Mary was a needlewoman, living at Taylors, Ide, with her children John, George, Mary, William, and Henry, and mason's laborer John AVERY (relationship "inmate"). At his children's baptisms in 1853 and 1858, a mason, of Ide. In 1861, a mason, living in the village of Ide with his wife Mary and their children George, Henry, Robert, and Elizabeth. At his son's marriage in 1868, a stone mason. In 1871, a mason, living at Cowick Street, St. Thomas, Devon, with his wife Mary and their children William, Henry, and Elizabeth. At his daughter's marriage in 1878, a mason. In 1881, Mary was a general domestic servant, living in the household of her daughter Mary Ann. In 1891, Mary was living with her daughter Mary Ann.
- John Samuel SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1840 at St. Thomas, Devon, b. reg. Q1 1840 at St. Thomas R.D., m.
2 Mar 1862 at Holy Trinity, Exeter, m. reg. Q1 1862 at Exeter R.D., Elizabeth COLE or COLES (b. ca. 1838 at Exeter,
daughter of John COLES, a coachman), d. 30 Nov 1876 at Bristol, d. reg. Q4 1876 at Clifton R.D. In 1851, a scholar, living
with his mother. In 1861, a market gardener, living with his uncle John SERCOMBE. At his marriage in
1862, a gardener, of Southernhay, Exeter; Elizabeth was a dressmaker, also of Southernhay. In 1871, a storekeeper, living
at 4 Cosway Court, Exeter St. Sidwell, with his wife Elizabeth (a dressmaker) and their son William. At his death in 1876,
according to the North Devon Journal, of Exeter.
- William John SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1865 at Exeter St. Sidwell, b. reg. Q3 1865 at Exeter R.D., m. reg. Q3 1888 at London City R.D., Lilla or (Lilian or Lily) Mary (or Maria) HOOK or HOOKS (b. ca. 1861 at Crowborough or Maresfield, Sussex, b. reg. Q2 1861 at Uckfield R.D., d. reg. Q3 1925 at Islington R.D.), d. reg. Q1 1917 at Islington R.D. In 1871, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1881, a railway clerk, lodging in the WARRENS household at 3 Plantation Buildings, Exeter. At his daughter's baptism in 1889, a hosier, of 10 Camomile Street, London. In 1891, a hosier and shirt manufacturer, living at 7 Archibald Road, Islington, London, with his wife Lilian and their daughter Gladys. In 1901, a draper's commercial traveller, living at 59 Grand Parade, Tottenham, Middlesex, with his wife Lilian (a self-employed shirt maker) and their daughter Gladys. In 1911, a wholesale costumier, lodging at 12 Harberton Road, Archway Road, Upper Holloway, London; Lilian was living at 78 Ashbrook Road, Upper Holloway, with their daughter Gladys. At his daughter's marriage in 1912, a costumier.
- Gladys Elizabeth SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1888 in the City of London, b. reg. Q4 1888 at London City R.D., chr. 6 Jan 1889 at St. Andrew Undershaft, London, m. 18 Aug 1912 at St. John the Evangelist, Upper Holloway Road, Islington, m. reg. Q3 1912 at Islington R.D., Samuel MORI (b. ca. 1878, son of John MORI, a farmer, m1. unknown, wid. by 1912). In 1891 and 1901, living with her parents. In 1911, a lady clerk in an employment office, living with her mother. At her marriage in 1912, of 33 St. John's Park Mansions; Samuel was a hotel porter, also of 33 St. John's Park Mansions; the witnesses were [illegible] and Gladys's parents.
- Sylvia G.L. MORI, b. reg. Q3 1915 at Islington R.D.
- Gwendoline M.H. MORI, b. reg. Q2 1918 at Islington R.D.
- George Bulford SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1843 at Ide, b. reg. Q1 1843 at St. Thomas R.D., chr. 12 Feb 1843 at Ide, m. 22 Mar 1868 at St. Mary, Islington, Middlesex, m. reg. Q1 1868 at Islington, Emma Ann GREEN (b. ca. 1844 at Kingsland, London, d. reg. Q2 1931 at Battersea R.D.; daughter of Thomas GREEN, a well sinker), d. reg. Q1 1925 at Wandsworth R.D. In 1851, a scholar, living with his mother. In 1861, a tailor's apprentice, living with his parents. At his marriage in 1868, a tailor, of 22 Morton Road, Islington; Emma was also of 22 Morton Road; the witnesses were Thomas BRYANT and Augustus James CHANDLER. In 1871, a tailor, living at 11 James Street, Marylebone, London, with his wife Emma and their son William. At his children William and Annie's baptisms later in 1871, a tailor, of 11 James Street. At his daughter Edith's baptism in 1874, a tailor, of 19 Little Marylebone Street. In 1881, a general provision dealer, living at 84 Berwick Street, Westminster St. James, London, with his wife Emma and children William, Annie, Edith, and Alice. In 1891, a tailor, living at 25 Berwick Street, Westminster St. James, with his wife Emma, their children William, Annie, Edith, Alice, Nellie, and Frederick, and visitor Mabel WHEELER (b. ca. 1876 at Trowbridge, Wiltshire). In 1901, a tailor, living at 20 New Street, London, with his wife Emma, their children William, Annie, and Alice, and boarder Frederick W.E. ROLLS (b. ca. 1896 at Westminster). In 1911, a tailor, living at 20 New Street, Covent Garden, London, with his wife Emma, their son William, a lodger, and a visitor. At his son William's marriage in 1914 and at his son Frederick's second marriage in 1920, a tailor.
- William George SERCOMBE, b. 30 Sep 1868 at Bayswater or Notting Hill, London, b. reg. Q4 1868 at Kensington R.D., chr. 3 Dec 1871 at St. Thomas, Marylebone, m. 1 Jun 1914 at Tooting, London, m. reg. Q2 1914 at Wandsworth R.D., Henrietta Maud WEBB (b. ca. 1880, daughter of Edmund WEBB, a gas stoker, d. reg. Q3 1927 at Wandsworth R.D.), d. reg. Q3 1919 at Islington R.D. In 1871, living with his parents. In 1881, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1891, a grocer's assistant, living with his parents. In 1901, a stationery porter, living with his parents. In 1911, a warehouseman in a paper warehouse, living with his parents. At his marriage in 1914, a warehouseman; he and Henrietta were both of 14 Bickersteth Road; the witnesses were William Henry DOMINY and Alice Kate WEBB.
- Adolphus G. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1923 at Chichester R.D.
- Annie Louisa SERCOMBE, b. 5 Sep 1871 at Marylebone, b. reg. Q4 1871 at Marylebone R.D., chr. 3 Dec 1871 at St. Thomas,
Marylebone, m. reg. Q3 1905 at Strand R.D., Clarence Lovell RICHES. In 1881, a scholar, living with her parents. In 1891
and 1901, a housemaid, living with her parents.
- William A. RICHES, b. reg. Q3 1911 at Wandsworth R.D.
- Edith Mary SERCOMBE, b. 14 Apr 1874 at Marylebone, b. reg. Q2 1874 at Marylebone R.D., chr. 21 Jun 1874 at St.
Marylebone, Marylebone. In 1881, a scholar, living with her parents. In 1891, living with her parents. (Where in 1901?)
- Alice Rose SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1879 at Westminster St. James, b. reg. Q3 1879 at Westminster R.D., m. reg. Q3 1904 at Strand R.D., William Henry DOMINY. In 1881 and 1891, living with her parents. In 1901, a shirt machinist, living with her parents.
- Mabel S. DOMINY, b. reg. Q3 1919 at Hammersmith R.D.
- Nellie Lillian SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1882 at Westminster St. James, b. reg. Q1 1882 at Westminster R.D., m. reg. Q1 1901 at
Strand R.D., her first cousin Arthur Percy NASH (son of her father's sister Elizabeth). In 1891, living with her parents.
In 1901, visiting the DALE family at Ford Bridge Road, Ashford, Middlesex.
- Frederick Charles SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1885 at Westminster St. James, b. reg. Q1 1885 at Westminster R.D., m1. unknown (d. by 1920), m2. 31 Jan 1920 at St. Mark, Battersea, m. reg. Q1 1920 at Wandsworth R.D., Dorothy Hilda Gladys WALDRON (b. 21 Nov 1895, d. reg. May 1987 at Newport R.D.; daughter of Henry Palgrave WALDRON, a fireman), d. reg. Q3 1955 at Wandsworth R.D. In 1891, living with his parents. In 1901, a boy aboard H.M.S. Impregnable (a training ship for boys) at Hamoaze, Cornwall. In 1911, an able seaman aboard H.M.S. Devonshire (an armored cruiser in the Devonport Subdivision of the Home Fleet) at Bantry. At his second marriage in 1920, a machine feeder, of 18 Sangora Road; Dorothy was a domestic maid, also of 18 Sangora Road; the witnesses were Oswald Edward NASH, James NIXON, and Maud WALDRON.
- George Henry SERCOMBE, b. 4 Jul 1922, b. reg. Q3 1922 at Wandsworth R.D., d. reg. May 1988 at Pontypool R.D.
- Joyce E. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1925 at Croydon R.D., m. reg. Q1 1944 at Wandsworth R.D., Alfred W.J. CARPENTER.
- Christina G. CARPENTER, b. reg. Q3 1946 at Surrey Mid Eastern R.D.
- Deborah A. CARPENTER, b. reg. Q2 1956 at Caerleon R.D.
- (probably) Alfred Ernest SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q4 1888 at Westminster R.D., d. reg. Q1 1890 at Westminster R.D.
- Mary Ann SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1845 at Ide, b. reg. Q2 1845 at St. Thomas R.D., chr. 20 Apr 1845 at Ide, m. 23 Mar 1869 at All Saints, Hollingbourne, Kent, m. reg. Q1 1869 at Hollingbourne R.D., John MASON (b. ca. 1846 at Fring, Norfolk). In 1851, a scholar, living with her mother. In 1861, a house servant in the GREENTHORP household at 6 Lower Summerlands, Exeter St. Sidwell. In 1881, living at the Red Lion Inn, Fletching, Sussex, with her husband John (a publican) and others. In 1891, living at the Red Lion Inn, Slaugham, Sussex, with her husband John (a licensed victualler), her mother, and others.
- William SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1847 at Ide, b. reg. Q3 1847 at St. Thomas R.D., chr. 5 Sep 1847 at Ide, m. 9 Apr 1871 at St. David, Exeter, m. reg. Q2 1871 at Exeter R.D., Elizabeth ADAMS (b. ca. 1844 at Meshaw, Devon). In 1851, at home, living with his mother. In 1861, a shepherd in the COPPLESTONE household at Coombshead, Ide. On 2 Apr 1871 (census day), a warehouseman, living with his parents. At his marriage on 9 Apr 1871, a packer, of St. Thomas; Elizabeth was a servant, of Exeter St. David; the marriage witnesses were Lucy Ann ADAMS (perhaps a sister of Elizabeth) and William's brother Henry. In 1881, a chandler, living at 150 Cowick Street, St. Thomas, Devon, with his wife Edith and their children Beatrice, Harry, and William. In 1891, a tallow candle maker, living at 150 Cowick Street, St. Thomas, with his wife Elizabeth and their children Beatrice, Harry, William, Florence, and Lily. In 1901, a candle maker, living at 25 Buller Road, St. Thomas, with his wife Elizabeth, their children Beatrice, Harry, William, and Louisa, and Beatrice's daughter Florence (who was shown in the census as William's daughter rather than granddaughter). At his children's marriages in 1903 and 1905, a chandler. In 1911, a candle packer at a soap and candle works, living at 25 Buller Road, St. Thomas, with his wife Elizabeth.
- Beatrice Elizabeth SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1875 at Exeter St. Mary Major, b. reg. Q4 1875 at Exeter R.D., m. 6 Sep 1903 at
St. Luke, Chelsea, London, m. reg. Q3 1903 at Chelsea R.D., Joseph William John PRESSO (b. reg. Q3 1881 at Woolwich R.D.,
son of a soldier). In 1881, a scholar, living with her parents. In 1891 and 1901, a domestic servant, living with her
parents. At her marriage in 1903, of Windsor, Berkshire; Joseph was a motor-car driver, of Chelsea St. Luke; the witnesses
were Harry Fred SERCOMBE (Beatrice's brother) and Ada Mary NASH (her first cousin, daughter of her mother's sister
- Florence Hoepfner SERCOMBE, later Florence Hoepfner FATHERS or SERCOMBE-FATHERS or Florence Sercombe FATHERS, b. 24
Nov 1900 at 25 Buller Road, St. Thomas, b. reg. Q4 1900 at St. Thomas R.D., m. reg. Q2 1923 at Stockton R.D., George W.
BRYAN, d. reg. Q2 1983 at Central Cleveland R.D. In 1901, living with her mother and maternal grandparents. Adopted ca.
1903 by the FATHERS family of Bournemouth as their only child.
Ancestor of researcher Steve Barber.
- Raymond BRYAN, b. reg. Q2 1929 at Stockton R.D.
- Violet Beatrice L. PRESSO, b. reg. Q2 1904 at Hendon R.D.
- Herbert W. PRESSO, b. 22 Jan 1908 in California.
- Helen PRESSO, b. ca. 1914 in New York.
- Harry Fred SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1878 at St. Thomas, b. reg. Q1 1878 at St. Thomas R.D., m. 10 Jun 1905 at St. Leonard, Exeter, m. reg. Q2 1905 at Exeter R.D., Mildred Emily Jane BEARNE (b. ca. 1880 at Limehouse, London, d. reg. Q1 1958 at Exeter R.D.; daughter of Walter BEARNE, a dairyman), d. reg. Q3 1953 at Exeter R.D. In 1881, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1891, a clerk, living with his parents. In 1901, a book binder, living with his parents. At his marriage in 1905, a machine ruler, of 10 Temple Road; Mildred was of 2 Landsdown Terrace, Holloway Street; the witnesses were Walter BEARNE and Florence SERCOMBE. In 1911, a machine ruler in the wholesale stationery business, living at 10 Temple Road, Larkbeare, Exeter, with his wife Mildred, their daughter Doris, and a boarder.
- Doris Beatrice SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1906 at St. Leonard, Exeter, b. reg. Q3 1906 at Exeter R.D., m. reg. Q2 1930 at Exeter R.D., Harold R.R. MILLS. In 1911, living with her parents.
- William Ernest SERCOMBE, b. ca. Oct 1880 at St. Thomas, b. reg. Q4 1880 at St. Thomas R.D., d. reg. Q1 1903 at St.
Thomas R.D. In 1881, living with his parents. In 1891, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1901, a cellarman, living
with his parents.
- Florence Mary SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1883 at St. Thomas, b. reg. Q2 1883 at St. Thomas R.D. In 1891, a scholar, living with her parents. In 1901, a housemaid in the THOMAS household at Langdons, St. Thomas. In 1911, a nurse in the CARTWRIGHT household at 21 St. Leonard Road, Exeter.
- Lilian "Lily" Louisa or Louisa Lilian SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1886 at St. Thomas, b. reg. Q1 1886 at St. Thomas R.D., m. reg. Q4 1917 at St. Thomas R.D., Walter HURFORD. In 1891, a scholar, living with her parents. In 1901, a dressmaker, living with her parents. In 1911, a nurse in the SPENCER SMITH household at St. Lawrence, Ventnor, Isle of Wight.
- Jeffrey W. HURFORD, b. reg. Q2 1919 at St. Thomas R.D.
- Jean E. HURFORD, b. reg. Q2 1925 at St. Thomas R.D.
- Another child, d. by 1911.
- Henry James SERCOMBE, b. ca. Oct 1850 at Ide, b. reg. Q4 1850 at St. Thomas, chr. 27 Oct 1850 at Ide, m. 15 Aug 1874 at Countess Wear, Devon, m. reg. Q3 1874 at St. Thomas R.D., Louisa PITTS (b. ca. 1849 at Bradninch, Devon, d. reg. Q2 1919 at St. Thomas R.D.; daughter of John PITTS, a millwright), d. reg. Q3 1929 at St. Thomas R.D. In 1851, at home, living with his mother. In 1861, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1871, a mason, living with his parents. At his marriage in 1874, a mason, of St. Thomas; Louisa was of Countess Wear. In 1881, a plasterer, living at 153 Cowick Street, St. Thomas, with his wife Louisa and her niece Annie (dau. of Louisa's sister Fanny PITTS). In 1891, a builder, living at 7 Alphington Street, St. Thomas, with his wife Louisa and daughter Annie. In 1901, a builder, living at 5 Hampden Place, St. Thomas, with his wife Louisa and daughter Annie. In 1911, a jobbing builder (with employees), living at 5 Hampden Place, Alphington Road, St. Thomas, with his wife Louisa and their adopted daughter Annie. Relative of researcher Rosie Journeaux.
- Annie S. PITTS, later Annie SERCOMBE, b. Jan 1878 at The Point, Littleham, Exmouth, b. reg. Q1 1878 at St. Thomas R.D., d. reg. Q1 1963 at Exeter R.D. In 1881, living with her aunt Louisa and uncle Henry. Adopted by them between 1881 and 1891. In 1891, a scholar, living with her adoptive parents. In 1901 and 1911, a music teacher, living with her adoptive parents. In old age, lived in an alms house in Exeter.
- Robert SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1853 at Ide, b. reg. Q1 1853 at St. Thomas R.D., chr. 6 Mar 1853 at Ide, m. reg. Q2 1877 at Exeter R.D., Sarah HUTCHINGS (b. ca. 1850 at Crediton, Devon, d. reg. Q2 1910 at Exeter R.D.), d. reg. Q2 1936 at Exeter R.D. In 1861, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1871, a gardener, living with Ann, widow of his uncle John SERCOMBE. In 1881, a journeyman gardener, living at 23 Magdalen Street, Exeter Holy Trinity, Devon, with his wife Sarah and their children Walter, Mary, and Emily. In 1891, a greengrocer, living at 26 Magdalen Street with his wife Sarah and their children Walter, Mary, Emily, Milly, Bertie, Percy, Katie, and Nelly. In 1901, a jobbing mason, living at 26 Magdalen Street with his wife Sarah (a greengrocer shop keeper) and their children Walter, Elizabeth, Milly, Bertie, Percy, Kate, Lucy, Robert, and Carrie. At his son's marriage in 1902, a mason. At his son's marriage in 1909, a painter and decorator. In Apr 1911, a painter, living at 26 Magdalen Street with his children Mary, Millie, Katie, Lucy, Robert, and Carrie. At his son's marriage in Nov 1911, a house painter.
- Walter William SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1878 at Exeter, b. reg. Q2 1878 at Exeter R.D., m1. 1 Mar 1902 at St. Thomas, m1. reg. Q1 1902 at St. Thomas R.D., Ethel Pauline HOSKINS (b. ca. 1878, d. reg. Q4 1905 at Exeter R.D.; daughter of Henry Edwin HOSKINS, a painter), m2. 22 Nov 1911 at St. Leonard, Exeter, m. reg. Q4 1911 at Exeter R.D., Louisa Mary Edith DREW (b. ca. 1885, d. reg. Q1 1963 at Devon Central R.D.; daughter of Henry DREW, a clerk), d. reg. Q1 1937 at Exeter R.D. In 1881, living with his parents. In 1891, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1901, a painter, living with his parents. At his marriage in 1902, a painter, of Exeter Holy Trinity; Ethel was of 69 Okehampton Road; the witnesses were Robert SERCOMBE (his father) and Henry Edwin HOSKINS (Ethel's father). In Apr 1911, a house painter, a patient in the Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital, Southernhay, Exeter. At his marriage in Nov 1911, a house painter, of 26 Magdalen Street, Exeter; Louisa was of 11 St. Leonards Avenue, Exeter; witnesses were H. DREW (perhaps Louisa's father) and R.H. SERCOMBE (probably Walter's brother Robert).
- Percival Dudley R. SERCOMBE, b. 19 Apr 1912, b. reg. Q2 1912 at St. Thomas R.D., m. reg. Q1 1938 at Exeter R.D., Irene Mary STAMP (b. 27 Jan 1915, d. reg. May 2004 at Exeter R.D.), d. reg. Nov 1994 at Exeter R.D.
- Margaret J. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q3 1938 at Exeter R.D., m. reg. Q2 1962 at Exeter R.D., Frederick J. WHEAT.
- Patrick J. WHEAT, b. reg. Q1 1963 at Leicestershire Central R.D.
- Ronald E. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1940 at Exeter R.D., m. reg. Q2 1965 at Devon Central R.D., Hazel M. COSWAY.
- Alison Helen J. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q4 1971 at Exeter R.D., m. reg. May 1993 at Exeter R.D., Robert M. RICHARDS.
- Chloe May RICHARDS, b. reg. Sep 1998 at Bristol R.D.
- Abigail Megan RICHARDS, b. reg. Aug 2002 at Taunton R.D.
- John William SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q1 1974 at Exeter R.D.
- Michael James SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q1 1974 at Exeter R.D.
- Christine M. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1947 at Exeter R.D., m. reg. Q2 1967 at Exeter R.D., Jeffrey J. HOER.
- Mark James HOER, b. reg. Q3 1967 at Exeter R.D.
- Angela Jane HOER, b. reg. Q3 1968 at Exeter R.D.
- Irene P.M. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1914 at St. Thomas R.D., m. reg. Q2 1942 at Exeter R.D., Felix W.H. BRAUNTON.
- Cecil Albert G. SERCOMBE, b. 5 Oct 1915, b. reg. Q4 1915 at St. Thomas R.D., m1. reg. Q2 1941 at Exeter R.D., Joan P.E. HURLEY (b. ca. 1921, d. reg. Q3 1966 at Exeter R.D.), m2. reg. Q1 1982 at Exeter R.D., Dorothy H. SEARLE, d. reg. Jul 1992 at Exeter R.D.
- Michael E. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1946 at Exeter R.D., d. reg. Q3 1946 at Exeter R.D.
- Timothy J. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q1 1953 at Exeter R.D., m. reg. Oct 1987 at Exeter R.D., Suzanne OSBORNE.
- Peggy D.M. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1917 at St. Thomas R.D., d. reg. Q2 1919 at St. Thomas R.D.
- Doreen E.M. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q4 1922 at St. Thomas R.D., m1. reg. Q4 1945 at Chippenham R.D., Robert J. SIMPKINS, m2.
reg. Q3 1953 at Exeter R.D., Lewis G. TURNER.
- Mary Elizabeth SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1879 at Exeter, b. reg. Q2 1879 at Exeter R.D. In 1881, living with her parents. In 1891, a scholar, living with her parents. In 1901, working at home, living with her parents. In 1911, domestic, living with her father.
- Emily SERCOMBE, b. ca. Jan 1881 at Exeter, b. reg. Q1 1881 at Exeter R.D., d. reg. Q2 1899 at Exeter R.D. In 1881, living with her parents. In 1891, a scholar, living with her parents.
- (probably) Alice SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q3 1882 at Exeter R.D., d. reg. Q3 1883 at Exeter R.D.
- Millie Frances SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1884 at Exeter, b. reg. Q4 1884 at Exeter R.D., m. reg. Q1 1913 at Exeter R.D., Arthur SHEPPARD. In 1891, a scholar, living with her parents. In 1901, a dressmaker, living with her parents. In 1911, a dressmaker, living with her father.
- Marjorie J. SHEPPARD, b. reg. Q3 1914 at Exeter R.D.
- Raymond A. SHEPPARD, b. reg. Q1 1920 at Cardiff R.D.
- Bertie (or Bert) John SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1886 at Exeter, b. reg. Q2 1886 at Exeter R.D., m. 30 Aug 1909 at Christ Church, Southernhay, Exeter, m. reg. Q3 1909 at Exeter R.D., Ivy Florence HALSE (b. ca. 1890 at Exeter, d. reg. Q1 1953 at Southampton R.D.; daughter of John Henry HALSE, a clerk), d. reg. Q2 1956 at Southampton R.D. In 1891 and 1901, living with his parents. At his marriage in 1909, a brass finisher, of 26 Magdalen Street, Exeter; Ivy was of 28 Park Road, Heavitree; the witnesses were Robert SERCOMBE and Sarah SERCOMBE (Bertie's parents), and Ethel Pauline KING. In 1911, an engineer of petrol engines in the marine and general engineering business, living at 38 Livingstone Road, Southampton, Hampshire, with his wife Ivy, their son Lionel, and his brother Percy.
- Lionel Edward SERCOMBE, b. 1 Jan 1910 at Exeter, b. reg. Q1 1910 at St. Thomas R.D., m. reg. Q4 1949 at Southampton R.D., Monica Grace POPE (b. 16 Aug 1923, d. reg. Jun 2002 at Winchester R.D.), d. reg. Q2 1975 at Southampton R.D. In 1911, living with his parents.
- Linda M. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q4 1950 at Southampton R.D., m. reg. Q4 1969 at Romsey R.D., Barry J. BENNETT.
- Lisa Jayne BENNETT, b. reg. Q4 1972 at Southampton R.D.
- Kerrie Louise BENNETT, b. reg. Q2 1974 at Southampton R.D.
- Mark James BENNETT, b. reg. Q1 1982 at Southampton R.D.
- David J. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q1 1952 at Southampton R.D., m. reg. Q2 1982 at New Forest R.D., Sharon Mary TOVEY (b. 30 Apr 1953, d. reg. Jun 1992 at New Forest R.D.).
- Anna SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1984 at Southampton R.D.
- Jayne L. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q1 1964 at New Forest R.D., m. reg. May 1988 at Romsey R.D., Trevor A. TWEEDLE.
- Samuel Austin TWEEDLE, b. reg. May 2000 at Southampton R.D.
- John H. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q4 1915 at Southampton R.D., m. reg. Q1 1941 at Southampton R.D., Olive M. SCOTT (m2. reg. Q3 1964 at Southampton R.D., Cyril J. GIBSON), d. reg. Q1 1946 at Southampton R.D.
- John E. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q3 1943 at Staines R.D., m. reg. Q3 1967 at Southampton R.D., Jacqueline F. PHIPPARD.
- Samantha Jayne SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q4 1969 at Southampton R.D., m. reg. Jul 2000 at Romsey R.D., Marcus J.P. HARROP.
- Nicola Louise SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q3 1972 at Romsey R.D., m. reg. Sep 1996 at New Forest R.D., Dennis J. CHIVERS.
- Christine I. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1925 at Southampton R.D., m. reg. Q3 1952 at Southampton R.D., Roy H. GANDON.
- Sally A. GANDON, b. reg. Q4 1955 at Portsmouth R.D.
- Percy Reginald SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1887 at Exeter, b. reg. Q4 1887 at Exeter R.D., m. reg. Q4 1918 at Portsmouth R.D., Edith Winifred KEATS (b. 9 Nov 1896, d. reg. Q3 1972 at Portsmouth R.D.), d. reg. Q1 1958 at Portsmouth R.D. In 1891 and 1901, living with his parents. In 1911, an engineer of petrol engines in the marine and general engineering business, living with his brother Bertie.
- Muriel M. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q3 1921 at Portsmouth R.D., m. reg. Q2 1943 at Portsmouth R.D., Eric C. LAVENDER.
- Martyn J. LAVENDER, b. reg. Q1 1946 at Portsmouth R.D.
- Lynda M. LAVENDER, b. reg. Q1 1948 at Portsmouth R.D.
- Richard C. LAVENDER, b. reg. Q2 1952 at Southampton R.D.
- Olive P. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q4 1925 at Portsmouth R.D., d. reg. Q4 1925 at Portsmouth R.D.
- Katie Louise SERCOMBE, b. 3 May 1889 at Exeter, b. reg. Q2 1889 at Exeter R.D., d. reg. Q3 1980 at Exeter R.D. In 1891 and 1901, living with her parents. In 1911, a dressmaker, living with her father.
- Nelly Josephine SERCOMBE, b. ca. Sep 1890 at Exeter, b. reg. Q4 1890 at Exeter R.D., d. reg. Q2 1894 at Exeter R.D. In 1891, living with her parents.
- Lucy May SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1892 at Exeter, b. reg. Q1 1892 at Exeter R.D., d. reg. Q4 1936 at Exeter R.D. In 1901, living with her parents. In 1911, a shop assistant, living with her father.
- Robert Henry SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1893 at Exeter, b. reg. Q1 1893 at Exeter R.D., m. reg. Q2 1920 at Exeter R.D., Agnes Jane TAPP (b. 13 Feb 1891, d. reg. Q1 1983 at Exeter R.D.), d. reg. Q4 1955 at Exeter R.D. In 1901, living with his parents. In 1911, a painter's apprentice, living with his father.
- Marian J. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q4 1922 at Exeter R.D.
- Phyllis O. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q4 1924 at Exeter R.D., m. reg. Q2 1951 at Exeter R.D., Kenneth H. TURNER.
- Carrie SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1894 at Exeter, b. reg. Q4 1894 at Exeter R.D., d. reg. Q3 1982 at Exeter R.D. In 1901, living with her parents. In 1911, an apprentice in the tailoring trade, living with her father.
- Elizabeth Sarah SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1858 at Ide, b. reg. Q4 1858 at St. Thomas R.D., chr. 21 Nov 1858 at Ide, m. 10 Jun 1878 at Danehill, Sussex, m. reg. Q2
1878 at Uckfield R.D., Reginald Percy NASH (b. ca. 1836 at Hawkhurst, Kent, d. reg. Q4 1895 at Wandsworth R.D., son of John NASH, a treasury clerk). In 1861, living with her parents. In 1871, a scholar, living with her parents. At her marriage in 1878, of Danehill; Reginald was of Battersea; the witnesses were Archibald A. NASH and Fanny BROOKER(?). In 1881, living at 155 Battersea Park Road, Battersea, Surrey, with her husband Reginald (an oil and color man) and their son Arthur. In 1891, living at 65 Lavender Hill, Battersea, with her husband Reginald (an oilman), their children Arthur, Ada, Walter, and Oswald, and a general domestic servant. In 1901, an oil and color shop keeper, living at 65 Lavender Hill with her children Arthur, Ada, Walter, and Oswald.
- Arthur Percy NASH, b. ca. 1879 at Battersea, b. reg. Q2 1879 at Wandsworth R.D., m. reg. Q1 1907 at Strand R.D., his
first cousin Nellie Lillian SERCOMBE (daughter of his mother's brother George). In 1881, living with his parents. In
1891, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1901, an assistant in the family shop, living with his mother.
- Ada Mary NASH, b. ca. 1881 at Battersea, b. reg. Q2 1881 at Wandsworth R.D. In 1891, a scholar, living with her
parents. In 1901, a dressmaker's assistant, living with her mother.
- Walter Mosley NASH, b. ca. 1883 at Battersea, b. reg. Q2 1883 at Wandsworth R.D. In 1891, a scholar, living with his
parents. In 1901, an assistant in the family shop, living with his mother.
- Oswald Edward NASH, b. ca. 1888 at Battersea, b. reg. Q3 1888 at Wandsworth R.D. In 1891, a scholar, living with his
parents. In 1901, at school, living with his mother.
- Eliza SERCOMBE, chr. 4 Feb 1816 at Ide, m. 21 Aug 1836 at St. Edmund, Exeter, Devon, William Bastone GALE.
- Sarah SERCOMBE, chr. 26 Dec 1783 at Dunsford. In 1796, apprenticed by the parish of Dunsford to John BASTOW, for Helland estate.
- James SERCOMBE, chr. 6 Nov 1785 at Dunsford, m1. 22 Apr 1810 at Tedburn St. Mary, Devon, Elizabeth PARR (b. ca. 1783, d. reg. Q2 1839 at St. Thomas R.D., bur. 26 May 1839 at Dunsford), m2. 6 Jan 1840 at St. John, Exeter, m2. reg. Q1 1840 at Exeter R.D., Mary HOCKING (b. ca. 1804 at Axminster or Exminster, Devon, d. reg. Q1 1884 at St. Thomas R.D.; daughter of John HOCKING, a gardener), d. reg. Q3 1862 at St. Thomas R.D., bur. 9 Jul 1862 at Dunsford. In 1794, James was apprenticed by the parish of Dunsford to William TUCKETT of Bridford. In 1810, his first marriage was witnessed by John PARR and Absalom ROLLE. In Apr 1814, he witnessed the marriage of Susanna PARR and Robert TREMLETT at Tedburn St. Mary. At his son's baptism in Sep 1814, a laborer, of Tedburn St. Mary. At his son's baptism in 1818, a laborer, of Horridge, Dunsford. At his daughter's baptism in 1820, a laborer, of Tedburn St. Mary. In 1821, a laborer, living at Brooke Lower, Tedburn St. Mary, with his wife Elizabeth, their children Mary Ann, Joseph, John, and Susanna, and James PARR (a laborer, b. ca. 1755, perhaps his father in law). At his son's baptism in 1823, a laborer, of Oak Cottage, Dunsford. At his son's baptism in 1826, a laborer, of Winscombe, Dunsford. At Elizabeth's burial in 1839, she was of Dunsford. At his second marriage in 1840, a husbandman, of Friernhay Street; Mary was also of Friernhay Street; the witnesses were George SERCOMBE (which?) and Susan SERCOMBE (which?). At his sons' marriages in 1845 and 1847, a laborer. In 1851, a labourer, living at Cowick Street, St. Thomas, Devon, with his wife Mary (a laundress). When his son Joseph emigrated in 1857, living at Exeter. In 1861, an agricultural labourer, living at Church Houses, Cowick Street, with his wife Mary (formerly a servant). In 1871, Mary was receiving parochial relief, living at Church House, St. Thomas. In 1881, she was living at Alms House, Cowick Street.
- Mary Anne SERCOMBE, chr. 26 May 1811 at Tedburn St. Mary, m. 27 Jul 1834 at Dunsford, William KNAPMAN. In 1821, living
with her parents. Mary Anne's marriage in 1834 was witnessed by her father, James SERCOMBE, and James WHITE.
- Joseph "Joe" SERCOMBE, chr. 26 Sep 1814 at Tedburn St. Mary, m. 2 May 1837 at Dunsford, Elizabeth
CAZELEY or CASELY (chr. 21 Aug 1814 at Tedburn St. Mary, daughter of George and Sarah, d. 1883 in Bega district, New South
Wales), d. 1890 in Bega district. In 1821, living with his parents. Joseph's marriage in 1837 was witnessed by Mary Ann
CASLEY and George CASLEY, presumably both relatives of the bride. At his son's baptism in 1838, a laborer, of Clapham
Marsh Cottage, Dunsford. At his son's baptism in 1839, a laborer, of Winscombe, Dunsford. In 1841, an agricultural
laborer, living at Sowton Cott, Doddiscombsleigh, Devon, with his wife Elizabeth, their sons George and James, and Sarah
ENDICOTT (b. ca. 1825 in Devon). At his son's baptism in 1843, a
laborer, of Kings Court, Doddiscombsleigh. At his son's baptism in 1846, a laborer, of Ide, Devon. In 1851, a
laborer, living at New Road, Christow, Devon, with his wife Elizabeth, their children George, John, Anna, and William, a
servant, and a lodger. At his son's baptism in 1852, a laborer, of Teign Cottages, Christow. On 27 Jul 1857, a farm
laborer, arrived in New South Wales on the ship Tartar with his wife Elizabeth and their children George, James,
John, Anna, William, and Samuel.
- George SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1838 at Bridford, Devon, b. reg. Q3 1838 at St. Thomas R.D., chr. 3 Jun 1838 at Dunsford, m. 1865 in Sydney district, New South
Wales, Johanna KENNEDY (b. 1846, d. 1896 in Bega district, daughter of Terence and Bridget), d. 1908 in Waverley district, New South Wales. In 1841, living with his parents. In 1851, working at a mine, living with his parents. In 1857, a farm laborer, arrived in New South Wales with his parents and siblings. In 1872, a bricklayer, of Bega.
- Elizabeth Hannah SERCOMBE, b. 1866 in Eden district, New South Wales, m. 1890 in Bega district, Charles Albert
PIETZKER (b. 1861, d. 1901), d. 1927.
- John Henry Joseph SERCOMBE, b. 1868 in Eden district, d. 1913 in Granville district, New South Wales.
- Elsie Edith SERCOMBE, b. 1871 in Bega district, m. 1899 in Bega district, William McIntyre McDONALD (b. 1871), d. 26 May 1946 at Sandringham, Victoria, bur. 28 May 1946 at New Cheltenham Cemetery.
- George Herbert SERCOMBE, b. 1874 in Bega district, d. 1875.
- Adelaide Patience SERCOMBE, b. 1876 in Bega district, d. 1891 in Bega district.
- Alured Arthur SERCOMBE, b. 1879 in Bega district, m. 1930 in Perth district, Western Australia, Isabella WALLIS (b. ca. 1893, m1. MYERS, d. 30 Jan 1944 at Perth, bur. in Karrakatta Cemetery, Perth), d. 11 Jul 1941 at Perth, bur. in Karrakatta Cemetery, Perth.
- Sydney Reginald SERCOMBE, b. 1882 in Bega district, m. 1908 in New Zealand, Eliza Hannah Olive SMITHSON (b. ca. 1883,
d. 1959 in New Zealand), d. 1939 in New Zealand.
- Bert Sydney SERCOMBE, b. 9 Sep 1917, m. Kathleen Eunice (b. ca. 1919, d. 23 Sep 1956, bur. at Waikaraka, Auckland, New
Zealand), d. 1972 in New Zealand. Ancestor of researcher Dallas Sercombe.
- Reginald Whitaker SERCOMBE, b. reg. 1954(?) in New Zealand.
- Oswald Melbourne SERCOMBE, b. 1887 in Bega district, d. 1890 in Bega district.
- Augustus Leslie Kennedy SERCOMBE, b. 1888 in Bega district, d. 1889 in Bega district.
- James SERCOMBE, b. 27 Sep 1839 at Dunsford, b. reg. Q4 1839 at St. Thomas R.D., chr. 12 Oct 1839 at Dunsford, m.
29 Feb 1876 at the Presbyterian Church, Sydney, New South Wales, Agnes Napier GEE (b. 1852, m1. HEFENAN, m3. 1898 in
Bega district, Luke ATTRILL, d. 1932), d. 1894 in Bega district. In 1841, living with his parents. In 1851, a farm servant
in the GRAY household at South Halstow, Dunsford. In 1857, a farm laborer, arrived in New South Wales with his parents and
siblings. (James's marriage in 1876 was registered in both Sydney and Bega, with James mistakenly recorded as Daniel in
the latter.)
- Joseph SERCOMBE, b. 1878 in Bega district, d. 1935 in Bega district.
- James Napier SERCOMBE, b. 1880 in Bega district.
- Ada May SERCOMBE, b. 1881 in Bega district, m. 1915 in Lismore district, New South Wales, Walter Gilbert HILLARD (b.
- Edward Francis R. SERCOMBE, b. 1884 in Bega district, m. 1910 in Ballina district, New South Wales, Elsie H. RIX (m2. 1913 in Lismore district, New South Wales, Olle P. ANDERSEN), d. 1910 in Ballina district.
- Edward F. SERCOMBE, b. 1910 in Lismore district.
- Henry T.H. or Herbert Thomas H. SERCOMBE, b. 1886 in Bega district, d. 1961 in Bega district.
- Oswald Dunstan SERCOMBE, b. 1888 in Bega district, m. 20 Sep 1916 in Queensland, Constance Ellen SCRASE (b. 1900, d. 27 Nov 1969 in Oberon district, New South Wales, bur. at Coffs Harbour Historic Cemetery, Coffs Harbour, New South Wales; daughter of Allan John SCRASE and Ellen), d. 12 Oct 1969 in Coffs Harbour district, bur. at Coffs Harbour Historic Cemetery.
- Gilbert Oswald SERCOMBE, d. 28 Feb 1925 in Queensland.
- Janice Ruth SERCOMBE, d. 1938 in Coffs Harbour district.
- Edna SERCOMBE. Ancestor of researcher Lee-Ann Hush.
- Seven other children.
- Eveline Agnes Elizabeth SERCOMBE, b. 1890 in Bega district, m. 1915 in Bega district, Henry J. PIPER, d. 1961.
- Elizabeth Ellen Mary SERCOMBE, b. 1892 in Bega district, m. 1924 in Bega district, Wallace Edward WALKER (b. 1900),
d. 1944.
- William SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q3 1843 at St. Thomas R.D., chr. 27 Aug 1843 at Dunsford, d. reg. Q2 1845 at St. Thomas R.D.
- John SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1845 at Ide, b. reg. Q4 1845 at St. Thomas R.D., chr. 4 Jan 1846 at Ide, m. 1868 in Eden
district, Ann "Annie" BRITTEN (b. 1848, d. 1925 in North Sydney district, New South Wales, daughter of William and Betsy),
d. 1924 in Bega district. In 1851, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1857, arrived in New South Wales with his
parents and siblings. In 1872, a laborer, of Auckland Street, Bega.
- Sarah Ann "Annie" SERCOMBE, b. 1869 in Eden district, m. 1894 in Bega district, William Charles ATFIELD (b. 1871,
d. 1942), d. 1944.
- Elizabeth Alice SERCOMBE, b. 1871 in Bega district, m. 1891 in Bega district, John CLYNCH (b. 1860, d. 1913), d.
- Mary Jane "Minnie" SERCOMBE, b. 1872 in Bega district, m. 1898 in Bega district, Farius (Frank) AZER (b. 1872, d.
1943), d. 1945.
- Lillian "Lily" SERCOMBE, b. 1874 in Bega district, m. 1894 in Bega district, Edward J. MEAKER.
- John SERCOMBE, b. 1876 in Bega district, m. Anne Jane RAMAGE, d. 1966.
- Henry "Harry" SERCOMBE, b. 1877 in Bega district, m. 1908 in Balmain North district, New South Wales, Matilda Jane
(Pearl) MACKEN (b. 1883, d. 1957 in Balmain district, daughter of William and Martha Matilda), d. 1919 in Balmain South
- Lancelot Desmond SERCOMBE, d. 1909 in Newtown district, New South Wales.
- Emily SERCOMBE, b. 1879 in Bega district, m. 1898 in Bega district, Edwin James LAW.
- Martha SERCOMBE, b. 1881 in Bega district, m. Leslie G. MATTHEWS.
- Elsie Edith SERCOMBE, b. 1883 in Bega district, m. 1906 in Sydney district, Patrick B. MUNDY.
- William Joseph SERCOMBE, b. 1885 in Bega district, m. 1907 in Bega district, Bridget Anna ROACH (b. 1887, d.
27 Jul 1949 in Murwillumbah district, New South Wales, bur. in Bray Park Catholic Cemetery, New South Wales, daughter of
Patrick and Ellen), d. 23 May 1960 in Murwillumbah district, bur. in Murwillumbah General Cemetery. Came to the Tweed
River area of New South Wales in 1918.
- Leslie William "Les" SERCOMBE, b. 13 Mar 1909 at Bega, m. 1957 in Murwillumbah district, Phyllis Hellena M. COX, d.
5 Sep 1987, bur. in Murwillumbah Lawn Cemetery. In 1942, of Babinda, Queensland. Enlisted as a private in the Australian
Army at Babinda on 21 Aug 1941. Discharged from the army on 3 Jun 1942 after service in World War II. Last army
posting: 51 Battalion.
- Warwick Joseph "Wick" SERCOMBE, b. 18 Aug 1913 at North Sydney, New South Wales, m. 1938 in Murwillumbah district,
Ivy Thelma PERKINS (b. 1913), d. 8 Oct 1992, bur. in Murwillumbah Lawn Cemetery. In 1938, of Brays Creek. In 1942,
of Murwillumbah. Enlisted as a private in the Australian Army at Paddington, New South Wales, on 18 Feb 1942. Discharged
from the army on 23 Nov 1944 after service in World War II. Last army posting: 31 Infantry Training Battalion. Lived
at Riverview Street, Murwillumbah.
- Stanley James SERCOMBE, b. 1 Sep 1916 at North Sydney, m. 1941 at Church of the Sacred Heart, Murwillumbah, Phyllis
Mary McKIERNAN (of Tygalgah). In 1942, of Murwillumbah. Enlisted in the Australian Army in New South Wales on 10 Aug 1942.
Served in World War II in the Solomon Islands, British and Dutch New Guinea, and the Torres Straits area, rising to
the rank of corporal. Discharged from the army on 13 Feb 1946. Last army posting: HQ AACS. Prominent in rugby league
administration and management; namesake of Stan Sercombe Park sports oval in Murwillumbah.
- Carole SERCOMBE, m. HARRISON. Lived at Rochdale, Queensland.
- Janice SERCOMBE, m. GIBSON. Lived at Murwillumbah.
- William Austin SERCOMBE, b. 11 Jan 1919, m. 1944 in Murwillumbah district, Viola Frances HUTTON, d. 23 Mar 1975, bur.
at Bray Park Catholic Cemetery.
- Henry (Harry) Vincent "Darkie" SERCOMBE, b. 18 Aug 1920 at Murwillumbah, m. 1951 in Murwillumbah district, Joyce Esther WILLIAMS (b. ca. 1925, d. 30 Mar 1954 in Queensland, bur. in Murwillumbah General Cemetery by K.M. Smith, Undertaker; daughter of Edward WILLIAMS and Elsie BOOTH), d. 3 Sep 1984, bur. in Murwillumbah Lawn Cemetery. In 1942, of Babinda, Queensland. Enlisted as a private in the Australian Army at Babinda on 18 Aug 1942. Discharged from the army on 13 Jun 1944 after service in World War II. Last posting: 31 Employment Company.
- Kathleen Isobel SERCOMBE, m. 1947 in Murwillumbah district, John Robert AYRES. Lived at Murwillumbah.
- Rosina SERCOMBE, b. 1888 in Bega district, m. 1908 in Bega district, James Austin ROACH (b. 1883), d. 1910.
- Ada Mary SERCOMBE, b. 1889 in Bega district, d. 1889 in Bega district.
- Robert Burford SERCOMBE, b. 12 Oct 1892 in Bega district, m1. 1915 in Sydney district, Marie Zillah E. PASKE (b.
1898), m2. Christina Ritchie BETTS (b. ca. 1908, d. 1977 in Blacktown district, New South Wales), d. 1964 in Windsor
district, New South Wales.
- Robert Burford SERCOMBE (by m1.), b. 1 May 1919 at North Sydney, m. 1938 in Penrith district, New South Wales, Elsie Bernice Agnes RUSDEN (d. 1981 in New South Wales, daughter of Wilfred and Janet), d. 1963 in Sydney district, bur. 13 Jul 1964 at Northern Suburbs Cemetery, now Macquarie Park Cemetery, Sydney, in the same grave as his son William. On 10 Jan 1942, enlisted at Penrith as a private in the Australian Army; residence St. Marys, New South Wales; next of kin his wife Elsie. On 30 Sep 1945, discharged from part time duty in 19 Battalion, Volunteer Defence Corps.
- Peter Lenon SERCOMBE, d. 1971 in Blacktown district.
- William H. SERCOMBE (by m1.), d. 1926 in North Sydney district, bur. 22 Apr 1926 at Northern Suburbs Cemetery.
- Dudley John Henry Louis SERCOMBE (by m1.), m. 1936 in Moss Vale district, New South Wales, Elizabeth Clara Lola
WILLIAMS, d. 1977.
- John SERCOMBE (by m1.).
- Anne Margret SERCOMBE (by m2.).
- Lily SERCOMBE (by m2.).
- William Leslie SERCOMBE (by m2.).
- Rose Elizabeth SERCOMBE (by m2.), m. BROWN. Researcher Rose Brown.
- Danny Boy SERCOMBE (by m2.).
- Leslie James SERCOMBE (by m2.).
- Anna Maria SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1848 at St. Thomas R.D., chr. 11 Jun 1848 at Dunsford, m. 1868 in Eden district, Robert Eastway HUNTER (b. 1842, d. 1926),
d. 1920. In 1851, living with her parents. In 1857, arrived in New South Wales with her parents and siblings.
- William SERCOMBE, b. 30 Mar 1850 at Dunsford, b. reg. Q2 1850 at St. Thomas R.D., chr. 26 May 1850 at Dunsford, m. 1869 in Eden district, Elizabeth Jane HART (b. 1853, m2. 1876 in Eden district, James CLARKE, d. 1922), d. 1874 in Bega district. In 1851, living with his parents. In 1857, arrived in New South Wales with his parents and siblings.
- Hannah Maria SERCOMBE, b. 1870 in Eden district, m. 1886 in Bega district, Edward Thomas KAY (b. 1863, d. 1910), d.
1898. Ancestor of researcher Robert Reid.
- Emma Loney SERCOMBE, b. 1871 in Eden district, m. 1892 in Eden district, George John Marshall KOERBER (b. 1867, d.
- Mary Elizabeth SERCOMBE, b. 1873 in Bega district, m. 1890 in Eden district, Arthur MOON (b. 1863), d. 1898.
- Rachel Leah SERCOMBE, b. 1876 in Eden district, m. 1896 in Bega district, John KOERBER (b. 1871, d. 1961), d. 1902.
- Samuel "Sam" SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q3 1852 at St. Thomas R.D., chr. 25 Jul 1852 at Christow, m. 10 May 1876 at Nelson, Charlotte HACKETT (b. 1854, d. 1928 at
Home of Peace, Marrickville district, New South Wales), d. 1929 in Ryde district, New South Wales. In 1857, arrived in New South Wales with his parents and siblings.
- William Thomas SERCOMBE, b. 1877 in Bega district, d. 1954 in Bega district.
- Albert Charles SERCOMBE, b. 1878 in Bega district, d. 1899 in Bega district.
- Alice Louise SERCOMBE, b. 1880 in Bega district, m. 1909 in Bega district, John Herbert BAILEY (b. 1880, d. 1961),
d. 1961.
- Hannah SERCOMBE, b. 1882 in Bega district, d. 1927 at Callanpark, Balmain South district.
- Elizabeth Susan SERCOMBE, b. 1884 in Bega district, d. 1907 in Bega district.
- Ivy E. SERCOMBE, b. 1907 in Bega district, m. 1928 in Chatswood district, New South Wales, Leonard F. DRIVER.
- Ada SERCOMBE, b. 1886 in Bega district, m. 1909 in Bega district, Walter Seymour Spencer EVANS (b. 1883, d. 1943),
d. 1977.
- Sarah Ann SERCOMBE, b. 1888 in Bega district, m. 1915 in Waverley district, Henry Wilford BAILEY (b. 1888), d. 1986.
- Charlotte Eliza (Lottie) SERCOMBE, b. 1891 in Bega district, m. 1920 in Sydney district, Ernest J. BOOTH, d. 1980.
- Bertha Selina SERCOMBE, b. 1893 in Bega district, m. 1922 in Petersham district, New South Wales, Frank HUGHES (d.
1977), d. 1977.
- Aletha J. SERCOMBE, d. 1916 in Balmain South district.
- Frederick Samuel "Fred" SERCOMBE, b. 1895 in Bega district, m. 1922 at Parkes (in Paddington district), New South
Wales, Eileen Annie PRITCHARD (b. 1894, daughter of William PRITCHARD and Agnes, d. 1979 in New South Wales, bur. 10 Jan
1979 in Northern Suburbs Cemetery, now Macquarie Park Cemetery, Sydney, in the same grave as her husband), d. 1961 in
Newtown district, New South Wales, bur. 26 Oct 1961 in Northern Suburbs Cemetery.
- Mary SERCOMBE, d. 1923 in Randwick district, New South Wales.
- Audrey Kathleen Ford SERCOMBE, b. 27 Feb 1925.
- Kevin SERCOMBE, b. 4 Dec 1926, m. 4 Apr 1953 Beryl Patricia SCANLAN.
- John F. SERCOMBE, m. 19 Dec 1981 Rose-Marie Paula DIERICK (b. 21 Sep 1952). Researcher John F.
- David John SERCOMBE, b. 27 Aug 1984.
- Andrew Michael SERCOMBE, b. 22 Oct 1986.
- Paul Kevin SERCOMBE, b. 15 Jan 1957, m. 3 Oct 1981 Carol-Anne WALKER, d. 18 Oct 1991, bur. at Coffs Harbour Lawn Cemetery, Karangi, New South Wales.
- Benjamin Patrick "Ben" SERCOMBE, b. 22 Nov 1984.
- Kendall Marie SERCOMBE.
- Christopher Owen "Chris" SERCOMBE, b. 26 May 1958, m. Frances Paula HAYNES.
- Nicola SERCOMBE, b. 2000.
- Mark Richard SERCOMBE, b. 17 Jan 1960, m. Kirstin WATT.
- Damian SERCOMBE, b. 1988.
- Joel SERCOMBE, b. 1990.
- Kaila SERCOMBE, b. 1993.
- Jayden SERCOMBE, b. 1995.
- John Neville SERCOMBE, b. 1928, m. Mary O'MEARA.
- Maude (Maudie) Edna SERCOMBE, b. 1899 in Bega district, m. 1922 in Bega or Molong district (registered in both
places), Arthur J. or Joseph Admiral Arthur KIRKLAND (b. 1896, d. 1965), d. 1992.
- David SERCOMBE, b. 1861 in Ulladulla district, New South Wales, m. 1878 in Bega district, Emma ADAMS (b. 1859, d. 1939
in Bega district, daughter of Joseph and Mary Ann), d. 1907 in Bega district.
- William James SERCOMBE, b. 1879 in Bega district, m. 1909 in Bega district, Alice TAYLOR (b. 1887, d. 1970 in Kogarah
district, New South Wales, daughter of Thomas and Louisa), d. 1943 in Kogarah district.
- Athol D. SERCOMBE, b. 1910 in Bega district, m. 1942 in Sutherland district, Evelyn MASHMAN.
- Stanley William SERCOMBE, b. 1911 in Bega district, m. 1949 in Waverley district, New South Wales, Gladys Margaret WHEATLEY, d. 1964 in Sutherland district, New South Wales.
- Joseph Thomas SERCOMBE, b. 1884 in Bega district, m. 1909 in Bega district, Hilda Mabel SMITH (b. 1884, d. 1973 in
Bega district, daughter of George and Maria), d. 1944 in Bega district.
- David G. SERCOMBE, b. 1910 in Bega district, d. 1910 in Bega district.
- John J. SERCOMBE, d. 1913 in Bega district.
- Elsie Eva SERCOMBE, b. 1887 in Bega district, m. 1912 in Bega district, William WATT (b. 1880), d. 1953.
- George SERCOMBE, b. 1889 in Bega district, m. 1923 in Bega district, Lillian Hazel Clarice ROBINSON (b. 1911), d.
1971 in Bega district.
- Oswald Melvyn SERCOMBE, b. 1891 in Bega district, d. 1892 in Bega district.
- Gertrude Ellen SERCOMBE, b. 1893 in Bega district, d. 1896 in Bega district.
- Ernest Adams SERCOMBE, b. 1896 in New South Wales, m1. 1919 in Bega district, Annie Matilda LARKIN (b. 1897, d. 1940
in Bega district, daughter of Andrew and Mary Catherine), m2. 1943 in Bega district, Daphne Edith Marie WALKE (b. 1900, d.
1960 in Bega district, daughter of John and Agnes), d. 1968 in Bega district.
- Olga Elaine SERCOMBE, d. 1938 in Bega district.
- David Victor SERCOMBE, b. 1898 in Bega district, m. 1938 in Trunkey district, New South Wales, Vera Ann TRACY (b. 1918, d. 31 Oct 1973 in Wollongong district, New South Wales, bur. at Marshall Mount Methodist Cemetery, Marshall Mount, New South Wales; daughter of John Thomas and Katherine), d. 7 Jan 1978 in New South Wales, bur. at Marshall Mount Methodist Cemetery.
- Elizabeth Hannah SERCOMBE, b. 1901 in Bega district, m. 1921 in Bega district, Albert WARREN (b. 1900).
- John SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1818 at Dunsford or Tedburn St. Mary, chr. 1 Feb 1818 at Dunsford, m. 21 Dec 1845 at Ide, Devon, m. reg. Q4 1845 at St. Thomas R.D., Elizabeth HOMEYARD (b. ca. 1826 at Crediton, Devon, d. reg. Q4 1899 at St. Thomas R.D.; daughter of Abraham HOMEYARD, a labourer), k. by accident, d. reg. Q4 1865 at St. Thomas R.D., bur. 10 Dec 1865 at Dunsford. In 1821, living with his parents. At his marriage in 1845, a laborer; he and Elizabeth were both of Ide; the witnesses were William RUSSELL and Thomas HONEYWILL. In 1851, employed at the Devon County Lunatic Asylum, Exminster, Devon; described there as a domestic servant ("sawyer" crossed out) but by his wife at home as an agricultural laborer; Elizabeth was living at 5 Midway Terrace, Alphington, Devon, with their daughter Eliza. (How related to Elizabeth's 1851 neighbor Martha SERCOMBE?) At his daughters' baptisms in 1856 and 1859, of Playbrook, Dunsford. In 1861, an agricultural labourer, living at Playbrook with his wife Elizabeth, their children Eliza, John, Miriam, and Louisa, and three lodgers. At his son's baptism in 1862, of Dunsford. At his son's baptism in 1864 and at his death in 1865, of Playbrook. At her daughter's baptism in Feb 1871, Elizabeth was of Playbrook. In Apr 1871, Elizabeth was a washerwoman, living at Playbrook Cottage, Dunsford, with her children Joseph and Georgina. In 1881, she was a charwoman, living at Teign Terrace, Christow, Devon, with her son John. In 1891, she was living at Teign Terrace with her son John.
- Eliza Ann SERCOMBE, b. ca. Oct 1850 at St. Thomas, Devon, b. reg. Q1 1851 at St. Thomas R.D., m. reg. Q1 1877 at Newton Abbot R.D., William Richard BISHOP, d. reg. Q4 1877 at St. Thomas R.D. In 1851, living with her mother. In 1861, a scholar, living with her parents. In 1871, a domestic servant in the WOOLAND household at Bridford Barton, Bridford, Devon.
- John SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1853 at Bridford, d. reg. Q1 1894 at St. Thomas R.D. In 1861, a scholar, living with his
parents. In 1871, an agricultural laborer, patient in the Devon and Exeter Hospital, Exeter. In 1881, a farm labourer,
living with his mother. In 1891, an agricultural laborer, living with his mother.
- Mary Ann SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1856 at Dunsford, b. reg. Q4 1856 at St. Thomas R.D., chr. 21 Nov 1856 at Dunsford, m. 7 Feb
1878 at Christow, m. reg. Q1 1878
at St. Thomas R.D., George BIDDER (b. ca. 1852 at Bridford, son of William BIDDER, a labourer). In 1861, living with her
parents (enumerated as Miriam). In 1871, a domestic servant in the MATTHEWS household at Wells, Christow (birthplace given
as Christow). At her marriage in 1878, of Christow; George was a miner, also of Christow; the witnesses were John SERCOMBE
(her brother) and Eliza LOVELL. In 1881, living at Higher Willowray, Moretonhampstead, with her husband George
(a farm laborer). In 1891, living at Tingcombes Cot, Christow, with her husband George (an agricultural laborer) and three
children. In 1901, living at Wood Cott, Christow, with her husband George (a general laborer) and four children.
- Louisa "Lucy" SERCOMBE, b. 4 Jul 1859, chr. 17 Jul 1859 at Dunsford, b. reg. 22 Jul 1859 at St. Thomas R.D., m1. 25
Mar 1880 at Christow, Devon, m1. reg. Q1 1880 at St. Thomas R.D., Joseph PROWSE (d. 13 Nov 1884 at Chudleigh, Devon, son
of James PROWSE, a thatcher), m2. 8 Aug 1897 at Chudleigh Independent Chapel, Walter BOND (d. 29 May 1906 at Chudleigh),
d. 14 Mar 1927. In 1861, living with her parents. In 1871, a domestic servant in the HOLMAN household at Smallridges
Smithey, Dunsford. At her marriage in 1880, of Christow; Joseph was a carrier, also of Christow; the witnesses were John
SERCOMBE (her brother) and Mary Emma CANN. In 1881, living at Fore Street, Chudleigh, with her husband Joseph (a carrier).
Ancestor of researcher Dianne Poore.
- William James SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1862 at Dunsford, b. reg. Q3 1862 at St. Thomas R.D., chr. 14 Sep 1862 at Dunsford, m. reg. Q2 1890 at St. Thomas R.D., Jessie SERCOMBE (his first cousin), d. reg. Q3 1936 at Bridport R.D. In 1871, a farm servant in the DYMOND household at Down House Farm, Holcombe Burnell, Devon. In 1881, an indoor farm servant in the BRADRIDGE household at Higher Barton, Ashton, Devon. In 1891, a farm laborer, lodging at Nogsland Farm, Holcombe Burnell, in the household of William SERCOMBE (his brother-in-law and first cousin), with his wife Jessie (a charwoman). In 1901, a farmer, living at Swanford Cottage, Bridford, Devon, with his wife Jessie and their children Ethel, Edith, and Charles. In 1911, a farm laborer, living at Bridford with his wife Jessie and their children Edith, Charles, Stanley, Gladys, and Esther.
- Ethel SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1891 at Dunsford, b. reg. Q3 1891 at St. Thomas R.D. In 1901, at school, living with her parents. In 1911, a waitress at the Eastgate Coffee Tavern, Exeter.
- Edith SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1893 at Doddiscombsleigh, b. reg. Q1 1893 at St. Thomas R.D. In 1901, at school, living with her parents. In 1911, a helper at home, living with her parents.
- Charles SERCOMBE, b. 26 May 1896 at Christow, b. reg. Q2 1896 at St. Thomas R.D., d. reg. Aug 1985 at Exeter R.D. In 1901, living with his parents. In 1911, working at home, living with his parents. (Is this Charles SERCOMBE?)
- Stanley SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1903 at Bridford, b. reg. Q2 1903 at St. Thomas R.D. In 1911, at school, living with his parents.
- Gladys SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1908 at Bridford, b. reg. Q4 1908 at St. Thomas R.D. In 1911, living with her parents.
- Esther SERCOMBE, b. ca. Feb 1911 at Bridford, b. reg. Q2 1911 at St. Thomas R.D., m. reg. Q3 1943 at Devon Central R.D., Clifford RAINS. In 1911, living with her parents.
- David J. RAINS, b. reg. Q3 1944 at Devon Central R.D.
- Sheila M. RAINS, b. reg. Q4 1947 at Salisbury R.D.
- Two other children, both d. by 1911.
- Joseph SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1864 at Dunsford, b. reg. Q2 1864 at St. Thomas R.D., chr. 9 Apr 1864 at Dunsford, d. reg. Q3
1883 at St. Thomas R.D., bur. 8 Aug 1883 at Christow. In 1871, living with his mother. In 1881, an indoor farm servant in
the MAY household at Sowton Barton, Dunsford. At his death in 1883, of Christow.
- Georgina Jane SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1868 at Dunsford, b. reg. Q2 1868 at St. Thomas R.D., chr. 22 Feb 1871 at Dunsford, m.
reg. Q4 1890 at St. Thomas R.D., John Coles LAMACRAFT (b. ca. 1870 at Christow). In 1871, living with her mother. In 1881,
a general servant in the HELLIER household at Mill House, Dunsford. In 1891, living at Clampitt Cott, Christow, with her
husband John (an agricultural laborer) and a visitor. In 1901, living at Lower Bennah Cott, Christow, with her husband
John and their children Frank, Emily, Elizabeth, John, and Wilfred.
- Frank LAMACRAFT, b. ca. 1892 at Christow. In 1901, living with his parents.
- Emily LAMACRAFT, b. ca. 1892 at Christow. In 1901, living with her parents.
- Elizabeth S. LAMACRAFT, b. ca. 1892 at Christow. In 1901, living with her parents.
- John LAMACRAFT, b. ca. 1892 at Christow. In 1901, living with his parents.
- Wilfred LAMACRAFT, b. ca. 1892 at Christow. In 1901, living with his parents.
- Susanna or Susan SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1820 at Dunsford or Tedburn St. Mary, chr. 17 Dec 1820 at
Tedburn St. Mary, m. 30 Mar 1840 at Dunsford, m. reg. Q1 1840 at St. Thomas R.D., James WEDLAKE (b. ca. 1810 at South
Tawton, Devon, son of John WEDLAKE, a laborer). In 1821, living with her parents. At her marriage in 1840, of Dunsford;
James was a laborer, also of Dunsford; the witnesses were James SERCOMBE (her father or her brother?) and Elizabeth
ABBOTT. In 1841, living at Brimblecombes, Dunsford, with her husband James (an agricultural laborer). In 1851, living at
the village, Dunsford, with her husband James (an agricultural laborer), their children James and Elizabeth, and lodger
William SERCOMBE (her second cousin once removed). In 1861, living at Dunsford village with her
husband James (an agricultural laborer), their children William, Mary, and Ellen, a nurse child, and a lodger.
- James WEDLAKE, b. ca. 1841 at Dunsford, m. reg. Q1 1864 at St. Thomas R.D., Elizabeth BURRIDGE (b. ca. 1845 at Bridford, Devon), d. by 1911. In 1851, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1861, a carter in the ADDEMS household at Poole, Bridford. In 1881, an agricultural laborer, living at East Hill Cottage, Holcombe Burnell, Devon, with his wife Elizabeth and their children Ellen, Joseph, Hannah, Mary, Frank, and Emily. At his daughter's marriage in 1900, a farm manager. In 1911, Elizabeth was engaged in dairy work, living at Hill Farm, Holcombe Burnell, with her children John, Ellen, Frank, and Georgina, her "niece" Alice Elizabeth SERCOMBE (really her granddaughter), and her "nephew" Cecil Frank SERCOMBE (really her grandson).
- John WEDLAKE, b. ca. 1866 at Dunsford. In 1911, a farm laborer, living with his mother.
- Ellen WEDLAKE, b. ca. 1868 at Dunsford. In 1881, a scholar, living with her parents. In 1911, engaged in dairy work, living with her mother.
- Joseph WEDLAKE, b. ca. 1870 at Dunsford. In 1881, a scholar, living with his parents.
- Hannah WEDLAKE, b. ca. 1872 at Dunsford. In 1881, a scholar, living with her parents.
- Mary Jane WEDLAKE, b. ca. 1874 at Dunsford, m. 7 Jul 1900 at Hornsey, Middlesex, m. reg. Q3 1900 at Edmonton R.D., Herbert John SERCOMBE (how related?). In 1881, a scholar, living with her parents. At her marriage in 1900, of Hill Farm, Holcombe Burnell; Herbert was a carpenter, of 15 Newlands Road, Hornsey.
- Frank WEDLAKE, b. ca. 1876 at Dunsford or Holcombe Burnell. In 1881, living with his parents. In 1911, a farm laborer, living with his mother.
- Emily Louisa WEDLAKE, b. ca. 1879 at Dunsford. In 1881, living with her parents.
- Georgina WEDLAKE, b. ca. 1885 at Holcombe Burnell. In 1911, a general domestic servant, living with her mother.
- Elizabeth WEDLAKE, b. ca. 1849 at Dunsford. In 1851, living with her parents.
- William WEDLAKE, b. ca. 1851 at Dunsford. In 1861, a scholar, living with his parents.
- Mary WEDLAKE, b. ca. 1854 at Dunsford. In 1861, a scholar, living with her parents.
- Ellen WEDLAKE, b. ca. 1859 at Dunsford. In 1861, living with her parents.
- James SERCOMBE, chr. 18 May 1823 at Dunsford, m. 15 Nov 1843 at Dunsford, m. reg. Q4 1843 at St. Thomas R.D., Mary COX (b. ca. 1823 at Dunsford, d. reg. Q3 1879 at Exeter R.D., bur. 21 Aug 1879 at Dunsford, daughter of laborer John COX), d. reg. Q1 1878 at Exeter R.D., bur. 21 Mar 1878 at Dunsford. At his marriage in 1843, a laborer; Mary was a servant. At his daughter's baptism in 1844, a laborer, of Dunsford. In 1851, James was an agricultural laborer, living at Playbrook, Dunsford, with his wife Mary, children Mary and William, and "inmate" Sarah (annuitant, b. ca. 1785 at Lusley, Devon, m. BULLEY, wid. by 1851). In 1861, James was a provision dealer, living at Exe Island, Exeter St. Edmund, with his wife Mary, daughter Mary, and son George. In 1871, a general dealer, living at Exe Island with his wife Mary and son George. At his son's marriage in 1875, a general dealer. In 1878, of Exeter. At her death in 1879, Mary was of Exeter.
- Mary Ann SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1844 at Dunsford, b. reg. Q1 1844 at St. Thomas R.D., chr. 21 Jan 1844 at Dunsford, m. reg. Q3 1862 at Exeter R.D., Henry MERRIFIELD (b. ca. 1841 at Exeter). In 1851, a scholar, living with her parents. In 1861, a seamstress, living with her parents. In 1871, living at Exe Island, Exeter, with her husband Henry (an engine fitter) and their children Francis, Alice, Edith, and Rose. In 1881, living at the Shakespeare Inn, Bonhay Road, Exeter, with her husband Henry (a licensed victualler and iron and brass engineer employing six men and three boys) and their children Francis, Alice, Edith, Rose, Harry, Walter, and William.
- Francis Henry MERRIFIELD, b. ca. 1862 at Exeter. In 1871, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1881, an assistant to his father, living with his parents.
- Alice MERRIFIELD, b. ca. 1864 at Exeter. In 1871, a scholar, living with her parents. In 1881, a dressmaker's apprentice, living with her parents.
- Edith MERRIFIELD, b. ca. 1867 at Exeter. In 1871, a scholar, living with her parents. In 1881, a pupil teacher at a Wesleyan day school, living with her parents.
- Rose MERRIFIELD, b. ca. 1869 at Exeter. In 1871, living with her parents. In 1881, a scholar, living with her parents.
- Harry MERRIFIELD, b. ca. 1871 at Exeter. In 1881, a scholar, living with his parents.
- Walter George MERRIFIELD, b. ca. 1874 at Exeter. In 1881, a scholar, living with his parents.
- William James MERRIFIELD, b. ca. 1876 at Exeter. In 1881, a scholar, living with his parents.
- William SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1847 at St. Thomas R.D., chr. 23 May 1847 at Dunsford, d. 11 Jan 1860, d. reg. Q1 1860 at Exeter R.D., bur. 5 Feb 1860 at Dunsford. In 1851, living with his parents. At his death in 1859, of Exe Island. The memorial inscription to William and his parents at Dunsford, probably made after his mother's death in 1880, states that William died 11 Jan 1859 aged 11, but the Dunsford burial register records his burial on 5 Feb 1860 aged 13.
- George SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1853 at Dunsford, b. reg. Q3 1853 at St. Thomas R.D., chr. 11 Sep 1853 at Dunsford, m. 25 Dec 1875 at St. Peter, West Hackney, Middlesex, m. reg. Q4 1875 at Hackney R.D., Jane Mary GODSLAND (b. ca. 1851 at Exeter, daughter of Thomas GODSLAND, a tailor, d. reg. Q2 1935 at Bournemouth R.D.), d. reg. Q2 1932 at Yeovil R.D. In 1861, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1871, a smith, living with his parents. At his marriage in 1875, an engineer, of Derby Road; Jane was of Yeovil, Somerset; the witnesses were Joseph George BATES and Emily JOHNS. At his sons' baptisms in 1876 and 1879, an engineer, of Hardington Mandeville. In 1881, a fitter,
lodging in the THOMAS household at the Temperance Hotel, West End South Side, Bruton, Somerset; Jane was a school mistress, living with her sons William and Ernest at 2 Hardington Village, Hardington Mandeville, Somerset. At his daughter's baptism in 1884, an engineer, of Hardington Mandeville. In 1891, a printer's engineer, living at The School House, Hardington Mandeville, with his wife Jane (a school mistress) and their sons William and Ernest. In 1901, a printer's overseer, living at 316 St. Marys Street, Hardington Mandeville, with his wife Jane (a school mistress), their son Ernest, and visitor Alice EWENS (b. ca. 1874 at Exeter). At his son's marriage in 1909, an engineer. In 1911, a printer's engineer (in the weekly newspapers business), living at Hardington with his wife Jane (a schoolmistress for the Somerset County Council) and their daughter May.
- William George SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1876 at Hardington Mandeville, b. reg. Q4 1876 at Yeovil R.D., chr. 25 Dec 1876 at Hardington Mandeville, m. at Luckington, Wiltshire, m. reg. Q2 1903 at Malmesbury R.D., Daisy Marie K. or Kate Maria PRIGG (b. ca. 1880 at Lambay Island, Dublin, Ireland). In 1881, a scholar, living with his mother. In 1891, a printer's office boy, living with his parents. In 1901, a printer compositor, boarding in the KELLY household at 13 Berkeley Road, Bristol. In Apr 1911, Kate was visiting the LANGDON family at Stoford, Yeovil, with her children Kathleen and Ronald. She sailed from Liverpool on 16 May 1911 on the ship Franconia with her children Kathleen and Ronald, arriving in Boston, Massachusetts, to visit her (husband's) uncle George GODSLAND at 23 Cabot Street, Salem, Massachusetts; her husband William was then living at School House, Luckington.
- Kathleen Mary (or Marie) SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1904 at Bristol, b. reg. Q2 1904 at Bristol R.D. In Apr 1911, at school,
visiting the LANGDON family with her mother. In May 1911, sailed from Liverpool to Boston with her mother.
- Ronald George SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1908 at Bristol, b. reg. Q2 1908 at Bristol R.D. In Apr 1911, visiting the LANGDON
family with his mother. In May 1911, sailed from Liverpool to Boston with his mother.
- Ernest James SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1879 at Hardington Mandeville, b. reg. Q3 1879 at Yeovil R.D., chr. 28 Sep 1879 at Hardington Mandeville, m. 3 Aug 1909 at St. Stephen, Wandsworth, Surrey, m. reg. Q3 1909 at Wandsworth R.D., Winifred Sarah A. Cope DUNSTAN (b. ca. 1884 at Salisbury, Wiltshire, d. reg. Q3 1962 at Yeovil R.D.; daughter of Alfred DUNSTAN, a foreman engineer), d. reg. Q2 1963 at Yeovil R.D. In 1881, living with his mother. In 1891, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1901, a stereotyper, living with his parents. At his marriage in 1909, a clerk, of Brightside, Goldcroft, Yeovil; Winifred was of 82 Fawe Park Road, Wandsworth; the witnesses were Alfred Peter DUNSTAN and Maude Ann DUNSTAN. In 1911, a newspaper clerk, living at 10 Crofton Park, Yeovil, with his wife Winifred.
- Muriel P. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q4 1912 at Yeovil R.D., d. reg. Q4 1912 at Yeovil R.D.
- Lionel Ernest P. SERCOMBE, b. 8 Aug 1915, b. reg. Q3 1915 at Yeovil R.D., m. reg. Q1 1937 at Yeovil R.D., Jessamine M.
LAWNER (b. 28 Mar 1910, d. reg. Nov 1993 at Yeovil R.D.), d. reg. Q2 1979 at Yeovil R.D.
- Mary E. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q4 1937 at Yeovil R.D., m. reg. Q2 1964 at Yeovil R.D., Donald W.C. WATKINS.
- Mark D. WATKINS, b. reg. Q3 1964 at Wood Green R.D.
- Simon John WATKINS, b. reg. Q3 1967 at Islington R.D.
- Peter J. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q1 1939 at Yeovil R.D.
- Carole J. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q1 1943 at Yeovil R.D., m. reg. Q3 1964 at Yeovil R.D., John N. LAZONBY.
- David John LAZONBY, b. reg. Q1 1966 at Windsor R.D.
- Peter James LAZONBY, b. reg. Q1 1968 at Howden R.D.
- Andrew Paul LAZONBY, b. reg. Q2 1971 at Barkston Ash R.D.
- Hyacinth May SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1884 at Hardington, b. reg. Q2 1884 at Yeovil R.D., chr. 3 Aug 1884 at Hardington Mandeville. In 1891, living in the household of her maternal grandparents at the cottage behind 6 Alphington Street, St. Thomas. In 1901, a draper's apprentice in the household of her employer at 52 and 53 Southgate Street, Bath, Somerset. In 1911, a monitress for the Somerset County Council, living with her parents.
- William SERCOMBE, chr. 12 Mar 1826 at Dunsford, m. 6 Mar 1847 at Dunsford, m. reg. Q1 1847 at St. Thomas R.D., Sarah PUDDICOMBE (b. 17 Dec 1827 at Bridford, daughter of laborer William PUDDICOMBE, d. reg. Q3 1922 at Newton Abbot R.D.), d. reg. Q4 1894 at St. Thomas R.D. At his marriage in 1847, a laborer. In 1851, an agricultural laborer, living at Haylake, Cheriton Bishop, Devon, with his wife Sarah and their children Ann, Mary, and John. In 1861, an agricultural laborer, living at Smallake No. 1, Dunsford, with his wife Sarah (an agricultural "labouress") and their children Susan, William, and Eliza. At his daughter's marriage in 1866, a laborer. In 1871, a waggoner, living at Bridford Mill Cottage with his wife Sarah, their children John, Joseph, Eliza, Emily, Emma, James, and Jessie, and Sarah's father. In 1881, an agricultural laborer, living at Chapple Cottage, Bridford, with his wife Sarah and their children William, James, and Jessie. In 1891, a farm laborer, living at Bridford Mill Cottage, Bridford, with his wife Sarah. In 1901, Sarah was living with her son William. In 1911, she was living with her daughter Ann.
- Ann SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1847 at Cheriton Bishop, b. reg. Q4 1847 at Crediton R.D., m. 12 Sep 1866 at Bridford, m. reg. Q4 1866 at St. Thomas R.D., John PARTRIDGE (b. ca. 1842 at Dunsford, d. by 1901; son of William PARTRIDGE, a laborer). In 1851, living with her parents. In 1861, a house servant in the BAKER household at Mounson Farm, Cheriton Bishop, together with her brother Joseph. At her marriage in 1866, of Bridford; John was a laborer, also of Bridford; the witnesses were John MOORE and Mary SERCOMBE. In 1871, living at Leigh Cross Cottages, Doddiscombsleigh, with her husband John (a nursery man) and their daughter Mary. In 1881, living at Cross Cottage, Doddiscombsleigh, with her husband John (an agricultural laborer) and their children Mary, John, and Anna. In 1891, living at Swanford Farm, Bridford, with her husband John (a nurseryman) and their children Mary, Mark, Sarah, Lois, and Fred. In 1901, a farmer, living at Swanford Cottage, Bridford, with her children John, Mark, Lusie, and Fred. In 1911, a farmer, living at Harrowmoor, Dunsford, with her mother and her children Mark and Fred.
- Mary PARTRIDGE, b. ca. 1869 at Doddiscombsleigh. In 1871, living with her parents. In 1881, a scholar, living with her parents. In 1891, a domestic servant, living with her parents.
- John PARTRIDGE, b. ca. 1876 at Doddiscombsleigh. In 1881, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1901, an agricultural laborer, living with his mother.
- Anna PARTRIDGE, b. ca. 1878 at Doddiscombsleigh. In 1881, a scholar, living with her parents.
- Mark PARTRIDGE, b. ca. 1881 at Doddiscombsleigh. In 1891, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1901, an agricultural laborer, living with his mother. In 1911, living with his mother and working on her farm.
- Sarah PARTRIDGE, b. ca. 1883 at Bridford. In 1891, a scholar, living with her parents.
- Lois or Lusie PARTRIDGE, b. ca. 1885 at Bridford. In 1891, a scholar, living with her parents. In 1901, living with her mother.
- Fred PARTRIDGE, b. ca. 1888 at Bridford, d. reg. 1950 at Berwick district, Victoria, Australia. In 1891, living with his parents. In 1901, at school, living with his mother. In 1911, farming, living with his mother.
- Mary SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1849 at Dunsford, b. reg. Q4 1849 at St. Thomas R.D., chr. 11 Nov 1849 at
Dunsford, m. reg. Q2 1870 at Exeter R.D., George SMALLRIDGE (b. 1845, d. 10 Mar 1914). In 1851, living with her parents.
In 1861, a house servant in the BEER household at Westacombe Farm, Dunsford. Mother of William SMALLRIDGE, who married his
first cousin Polly SERCOMBE.
Ancestor of researcher Alfred Tarring.
- John SERCOMBE, b. ca. Feb 1851 at Cheriton Bishop, b. reg. Q1 1851 at Crediton R.D., m. reg. Q1 1873 at St. Thomas R.D., Mary Elizabeth GOLDSWORTHY (b. ca. 1855 at Exminster, Devon, d. reg. Q3 1915 at St. Thomas R.D.), d. reg. Q4 1933 at Exeter R.D. In 1851, living with his parents. In 1861, a farm servant in the GORWYN household at Gorin Farm, Cheriton Bishop. In 1871, a smith, living with his parents. In 1881, a farmer, living at Shute Farm, Doddiscombsleigh, Devon, with his wife Mary and their children Bessie, William, and Bertha. In 1891, a farmer, living at Sextons, Doddiscombsleigh, with his wife Mary and their children Bessie, William, and Bertha. In 1901, a farmer, living at Lowley Farm, Doddiscombsleigh, with his wife Mary, their children William and Bertha, and two farm servants. In 1911, a farmer, living at Cowick Barton, St. Thomas, with his wife Mary, their daughter Bessie, her son William BROOKS, visitor Gladys BROOKS (at school, b. ca. 1900 at Seaton, Devon; perhaps Gladys SERCOMBE, daughter of their daughter Bertha?), and a dairy assistant.
- Bessie SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1875 at Hennock, Devon, b. reg. Q1 1875 at Newton Abbot R.D., m. reg. Q3 1898 at Exeter R.D., William BROOKS. In 1881, a scholar, living with her parents. In 1891, enumerated twice in the census, once living with her parents, and once living with her father's sister Emma SERCOMBE. In 1911, engaged in dairy work, living with her parents, with her son William.
- William John Sercombe BROOKS, b. ca. 1899 at Crediton, b. reg. Q3 1899 at Crediton R.D. In 1911, at school, living with his mother and her parents.
- William SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1876 at Hennock, b. reg. Q3 1876 at Newton Abbot R.D., m. reg. Q2 1909 at Hartley Wintney R.D., Beatrice Maud NOSWORTHY (b. 5 Jan 1880 at Denbury, Devon, d. reg. Q2 1971 at Honiton R.D.), d. reg. Q3 1934 at Newton Abbot R.D. In 1881, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1891 and 1901, living with his parents. In 1911, a farmer, living at Whiddon Farm, Abbotskerswell, Devon, with his wife Beatrice, a horseman on the farm, and a general servant.
- William Rex SERCOMBE, b. 18 Aug 1913, b. reg. Q3 1913 at Newton Abbot R.D., m. reg. Q2 1942 at Newton Abbot R.D., Agnes Edith MORTIMORE (b. 30 Apr 1915, d. reg. Q3 1974 at Exeter R.D.), d. reg. Feb 1994 at Teignbridge R.D.
- Bertha SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1880 at Doddiscombsleigh, b. reg. Q2 1880 at St. Thomas R.D., m. reg. Q1 1908 at Exeter R.D., Sydney UNDERHAY, d. reg. Q3 1908 at Newton Abbot R.D. In 1881 and 1891, living with her parents. At her daughter Winifred's birth in 1899, of Lowley, Doddiscombsleigh. At her daughter Gladys's birth in 1900, of Doddiscombsleigh. In 1901, living with her parents.
- Winifred Pook SERCOMBE, subsequently Winifred Pook JENKINS, b. 4 Jan 1899 at Alvington Terrace, Kingsbridge, Devon, b. reg. Q1 1899 at Kingsbridge R.D., m. reg. Q4 1919 at Newcastle upon Tyne R.D., James G. FORSTER. In 1901, living with her adopted parents, William H. JENKINS (a retired police constable, b. ca. 1852 at Hope Cove, Devon) and his wife Ellen (b. ca. 1852 at Kingsbridge) at Market Place, Dodbrooke, Devon. In 1911, attending school, living with her adopted mother at 12 Rosedale Terrace, Newcastle upon Tyne.
- Gladys SERCOMBE, b. 6 Jan 1900 at Whitford, in the parish of Shute, Devon, b. reg. Q1 1900 at Axminster R.D., m1. reg. Q4 1932 at St. Thomas R.D., her mother's first cousin John "Jack" SERCOMBE, m2. reg. Q3 1953 at Devon Central R.D., Douglas R. BEATTIE. In 1901, living with her grandparents William R. SPARKES (a market gardener, b. ca. 1849 in Hampshire) and Elizabeth E. (b. ca. 1852 at Portsmouth) at 8 Arthur's Buildings, Exeter. (Where in 1911? Is she "Gladys BROOKS", her grandparents' visitor? If so, perhaps cared for by her aunt Bessie.)
- Another child, d. by 1911.
- Joseph SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1853 at Cheriton Bishop, b. reg. Q1 1853 at Crediton R.D., m. reg. Q2 1873 at St. Thomas R.D., Mary Ann LEE (b. ca. 1848 at Barnstaple, Devon, d. reg. Q3 1932 at Newton Abbot R.D.), d. reg. Q3 1928 at St. Thomas R.D. In 1861, a cart boy in the BAKER household at Mounson Farm, Cheriton Bishop, together with his sister Ann. In 1871, a laborer, living with his parents. In 1881, a farmer of 25 acres employing one man, living at Clappermarsh Farm, Bridford, with his wife Mary, their children Hesther, Wilfred, and Charlie, and an employee laborer. In 1891, a farmer, living at Sheldon, Doddiscombsleigh, with his wife Mary, their children Esther, Wilfred, Charlie, Bessie, Polly, Joseph, William, and David, and visitor Amelia (b. ca. 1820 at Crediton, Devon, m. HUTCHINGS, wid. by 1891). In
1901, a farmer, living at Venn Farm, Bridford, with his wife Mary, their children Wilfred, Charlie, Bessie, Polly, Joseph, William, David, John, Percy, and Ruth, and carter Frank SERCOMBE (his fourth cousin). In 1911, a farmer, living at Venn Farm, Bridford, with his wife Mary, their children Joseph, William, John, Percy, and Ruth, their grandson Donald SMALLRIDGE (son of their daughter Polly), and an employee shepherd.
- Hester Ann SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1875 at Bridford, b. reg. Q4 1875 at St. Thomas R.D., m. reg. Q2 1903 at St. Thomas R.D., Richard Clement HIGHAM (b. ca. 1874 at Moreton Pinhay, Northamptonshire). In 1881 and 1891, living with her parents. In 1901, a general domestic servant in the SCLATER household at Summerlands, Heavitree Road, Exeter. In 1911, assisting in her husband's restaurant business, living at 83 High Street, Totnes, Devon, with her husband Richard and her first cousin Helena SERCOMBE.
- Wilfred SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1877 at Bridford, b. reg. Q4 1877 at St. Thomas R.D., m1. reg. Q2 1902 at St. Thomas R.D., Bessie Matilda Coldridge CHURCHWARD (b. ca. 1870 at Exeter, d. reg. Q1 1936 at Newton Abbot R.D.), m2. reg. Q2 1937 at Thanet R.D., Edith Naomi or Naomi Edith MARTIN (b. ca. 1890, d. reg. Q2 1968 at Thanet R.D.), d. reg. Q2 1937 at Thanet R.D. In 1881, 1891, and 1901, living with his parents. In 1911, a farmer, living at Great Woodhay, Whitestone, with his wife Bessie, their children Winifred, Wilfred, and Margaret, Bessie's mother and sister, and a farm house boy.
- Winifred Mary Elsie SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1903 at Whitestone, b. reg. Q2 1903 at St. Thomas R.D., m. George Reidford McCULLOCH. In 1911, living with her parents.
- Wilfred Clifford or Clifford Wilfred SERCOMBE, b. 11 Aug 1905 at Whitestone, b. reg. Q3 1905 at St. Thomas R.D., m1. reg. Q3 1928 at Exeter R.D., Rhoda H. TUCKETT (m2. reg. Q4 1949 at Exeter R.D., Albert S. SYMONS), m2. reg. Q4 1965 at Croydon R.D., Doris Maud WINFIELD (b. Mar 1913, d. reg. May 2003 at Croydon R.D.), d. reg. Jan 1993 at Croydon R.D. In 1911, living with his parents.
- Margaret Ruth SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1908 at Whitestone, b. reg. Q3 1908 at St. Thomas R.D., m. reg. Q4 1933 at Bromley R.D., Frederick George EASTERBROOK. In 1911, living with his parents. Ancestor of researcher Gary Easterbrook. (See Gary's
database at WorldConnect for additional details
on this branch of the family. He credits much of his Sercombe data to his cousin Alfred Tarring.)
- Samuel SERCOMBE, b. 7 May 1912, b. reg. Q2 1912 at St. Thomas R.D., m. reg. Q4 1939 at Lewisham R.D., Maud Edith GULLEY (b. 30 Apr 1911, d. reg. Oct 1984 at Crawley R.D.), d. reg. Jun 1985 at Crawley R.D.
- Charlie SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1879 at Bridford, b. reg. Q3 1879 at St. Thomas R.D., m1. reg. Q4 1903 at St. Thomas R.D., Minnie Elizabeth PASSMORE (b. ca. 1882, d. reg. Q1 1905 at St. Thomas R.D.), m2. reg. Q2 1909 at South Molton R.D., Christian BURROWS (b. ca. 1879 at Witheridge, Devon, d. reg. Q4 1963 at Devon Central R.D.), d. reg. Q2 1910 at Crediton R.D. In 1881, 1891, and 1901, living with his parents. In 1911, Christian was living in the household of her uncle Frank BURROW at Tree Farm, East Woolfardisworthy, Devon.
- Bessie SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1881 at Bridford, b. reg. Q3 1881 at St. Thomas R.D., m. reg. Q3 1906 at St. Thomas R.D., Frederick PESTER (b. ca. 1876 at Exeter). In 1891 and 1901, living with her parents. In 1911, living at 21 Barrack Road, Heavitree, with her husband Frederick (a gas works clerk) and their son Victor.
- Victor PESTER, b. ca. 1907 at Heavitree. In 1911, living with his parents.
- Polly SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1886 at Clappermarsh, Bridford, b. reg. Q1 1886 at St. Thomas R.D., m. reg. Q4 1905 at St. Thomas R.D., her first cousin William SMALLRIDGE (b. ca. 1883 at Doddiscombsleigh, son of Polly's aunt Mary SERCOMBE). In 1891 and 1901, living with her parents. In 1911, living at The Forge, Dunchideock, with her husband William (a blacksmith) and their children Harold, Stanley, Edwin, and Donald.
Ancestor of researcher Alfred Tarring.
- Harold SMALLRIDGE, b. ca. 1905 at Alphington. In 1911, living with his parents.
- Stanley SMALLRIDGE, b. ca. 1906 at Dunchideock. In 1911, living with his parents.
- Edwin SMALLRIDGE, b. ca. 1908 at Dunchideock. In 1911, living with his parents.
- Donald SMALLRIDGE, b. ca. 1909 at Dunchideock. In 1911, living with either his parents or his maternal grandparents (enumerated twice).
- Another child, alive in 1911.
- Joseph SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1887 at Bridford, b. reg. Q3 1887 at St. Thomas R.D., m. reg. Q4 1911 at St. Thomas R.D., Edith A. GOLDSWORTHY (m2. reg. Q2 1923 at St. Thomas R.D., George ANDREWS), d. reg. Q2 1914 at St. Thomas R.D., bur. 7 May 1914 at Doddiscombsleigh. In 1891 and 1901, living with his parents. In 1911, a potato merchant, living with his parents. At his burial in 1914, of Leigh Cross, Doddiscombsleigh.
- Kathleen V. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1912 at St. Thomas R.D., m. reg. Q2 1934 at Exeter R.D., Leonard BAKER.
- Muriel A. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1913 at St. Thomas R.D., m. reg. Q1 1936 at Exeter R.D., William John H.
- Josephine M. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q4 1914 at St. Thomas R.D., m. reg. Q4 1933 at Exeter R.D., Edgar John WAKEHAM.
- Kenneth Gordon SERCOMBE, b. 19 Aug 1921, b. reg. Q3 1921 at Exeter R.D., m1. reg. Q4 1943 at Exeter R.D., Joyce K. WOOD, m2. reg. Q2 1967 at Exeter R.D., Beryl Mary RUSSELL (b. 17 Feb 1924, d. reg. Feb 2004 at Exeter R.D.), d. reg. Dec 2001 at Taunton R.D.
- William SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1889 at Bridford, b. reg. Q2 1889 at St. Thomas R.D., m. reg. Q3 1927 at St. Thomas R.D., Emma Elsie or Elsie E. PARTRIDGE (b. reg. Q2 1902 at St. Thomas R.D., d. reg. Q1 1968 at Exeter R.D.; sister in law of William's fourth cousin once removed William George SERCOMBE), d. reg. Q2 1961 at Devon Central R.D. In 1891, living with his parents. In 1901, at school, living with his parents. In 1911, living with his parents and working on their farm. Relative of researcher David Marshall.
- Barbara R. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q4 1931 at St. Thomas R.D., m. reg. Q2 1951 at Exeter R.D., Harold S. (or Richard?)
- Kelvyn R. BAKER, b. reg. Q2 1952 at Exeter R.D.
- Ivan P. BAKER, b. reg. Q3 1954 at Exeter R.D.
- Lindsey J. BAKER, b. reg. Q4 1956 at Exeter R.D.
- David SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1890 at Bridford, b. reg. Q2 1890 at St. Thomas R.D., m. reg. Q4 1924 at Havant R.D., Florence "Cissie" ARNELL, d. reg. Q3 1960 at Plymouth R.D. In 1891, living with his parents. In 1901, at school, living with his parents. In 1911, a salesman in the clothing and outfitting business, boarding at 1 Sudley Road, Pendleton, Manchester.
- Ann H.A. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q3 1930 at Plymouth R.D., m. reg. Q2 1953 at Greenwich R.D., John T. HOCKING.
- Michael J.T. HOCKING, b. reg. Q2 1954 at Forest of Dean R.D.
- Roland W.D. HOCKING, b. reg. Q2 1956 at Warwick R.D.
- Ella R.F. HOCKING, b. reg. Q3 1958 at Chelmsford R.D.
- John "Jack" SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1892 at Doddiscombsleigh, b. reg. Q1 1892 at St. Thomas R.D., m. reg. Q4 1932 at St. Thomas R.D., his first cousin's daughter Gladys SERCOMBE, d. reg. Q4 1951 at Devon Central R.D. In 1901, at school, living with his parents. In 1911, living with his parents and working on their farm.
- Patricia G. "Pat" SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1934 at St. Thomas R.D., m. reg. Q4 1953 at Devon Central R.D., Daniel J.
- Miriam Jean SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q1 1937 at Devon Central R.D., m. reg. Q2 1961 at Devon Central R.D., Alfred W.
- Keith John SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q3 1940 at Devon Central R.D., m. reg. Q4 1962 at Newton Abbot R.D., Pauline Ellen PRATT.
- Richard John SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q4 1963 at Exeter R.D., m1. reg. Sep 1990 at St. Austell R.D., Maureen R. TRUDGIAN, m2. reg. Sep 1999 at St. Austell R.D., Joanne TREWEEK.
- Briony Louise SERCOMBE, b. reg. Dec 2000 at Truro R.D.
- Kieran John SERCOMBE, b. reg. May 2003 at Truro R.D.
- Callum Thomas SERCOMBE, b. reg. Aug 2005 at Truro R.D.
- Alistair SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q1 1965 at Exeter R.D., m. reg. May 1996 at Ealing R.D., Karon L. KEATING.
- Jeanette SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q3 1966 at Newton Abbot R.D., m. reg. Apr 1988 at Newton Abbot R.D., Robert Wilson MANLEY.
- Amanda Joy SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q4 1970 at Torbay R.D.
- Percy SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1893 at Doddiscombsleigh, b. reg. Q1 1893 at St. Thomas R.D., m. reg. Q4 1922 at Exeter R.D., Ivy Elizabeth FRIEND (b. 19 Jun 1898, d. 13 Sep 1990 in Orange County, California), d. reg. Q3 1956 at Exeter R.D. In 1901, at school, living with his parents. In 1911, living with his parents and working on their farm. In 1949, sailed with his wife Ivy from Southampton to Tenerife.
- Theodore "Theo" Friend SERCOMBE, b. 24 May 1927, b. reg. Q2 1927 at Exeter R.D., m. Norma, d. 1997 in New Zealand.
Student at Cambridge University (Christ's College, B.A. 1947, M.A. 1951) and Oxford University (Dipl. Th. 1970). Wycliffe
Hall Oxford 1968. Ordained deacon 1970. Ordained priest 1971 at Exeter. Curate of St. Andrew, Plymouth, 1970-1973. Curate
of New Plymouth, New Zealand, 1973-1976. Vicar of Inglewood, New Zealand, from 1976.
- Mary E. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q1 1935 at Exeter R.D.
- Ruth SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1894 at Doddiscombsleigh, b. reg. Q2 1894 at St. Thomas R.D., m. reg. Q2 1925 at St. Thomas R.D., Frank LAMACRAFT. In 1901, at school, living with her parents. In 1911, living with her parents and working on their farm.
- Three more children, d. by 1911.
- Susan SERCOMBE, chr. 29 Mar 1855 at Dunsford, b. reg. Q2 1855 at St. Thomas R.D., m. reg. Q3 1873 at St. Thomas R.D., Francis BOND, d. reg. Q2 1875 at St. Thomas R.D. In 1861, a scholar, living with her parents. In 1871, a domestic servant in the SURRIDGE household at Teignvale Cottage, Bridford.
- William SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1857 at Cheriton Bishop, b. reg. Q2 1857 at Crediton R.D., m. reg. Q4
1888 at Exeter R.D., Mary PHILP (b. ca. 1857 at Sutton, Linkinhorne, Cornwall). In 1861, a scholar, living with his
parents. In 1871, a mill and farm servant in the SHEARS household at Bridford Mill, Bridford. In 1881, a blacksmith,
living with his parents. At his son's birth in 1889, a farmer, of Doddiscombsleigh. In 1891, a farmer, living at Nogsland
Farm, Holcombe Burnell, with his wife Mary and their son John and two lodgers, his sister Jessie and her husband
William James SERCOMBE (his first cousin). In 1901, a farmer, living at Nogsland Farm with his wife
Mary, their children John, Arthur, and Minnie, his mother Sarah, a general domestic servant, two teamsters, and yardsman
Harry SERCOMBE (his third cousin once removed). In 1911, a farmer, living at Trobridge Barton,
Crediton, Devon, with his wife Mary, their children Arthur and Minnie, and his sister Emma's daughter Olive.
- John SERCOMBE, b. 13 Oct 1889 at Doddiscombsleigh, b. reg. Q4 1889 at St. Thomas R.D., m. 10 Jan
1912 in Portage la Prairie rural municipality, Manitoba, Rose Emily BASHAM (b. 5 Aug 1884 at Burton End, Haverhill,
Suffolk, daughter of David BASHAM, a cutter in a clothing factory, and Rachell FARROW, d. 16 Sep 1976 at Brandon,
Manitoba, bur. in Hillside Cemetery, Portage la Prairie), d. 18 Jan 1960 at Portage la Prairie, bur. in Hillside Cemetery,
Portage la Prairie. In 1891 and 1901, living with his parents. In 1909, sailed from Liverpool to Halifax, Nova Scotia. In
1911, a farm laborer for the KITSON family in Portage la Prairie district. For most of his life, a farmer.
- Esther SERCOMBE, b. 30 Dec 1912 at Portage la Prairie, m. 19 Nov 1941 Harold BOTT, d. 6 Jul 1980.
- Frances SERCOMBE, b. 12 Oct 1920 at Portage la Prairie, m. Joe HANNA. Lived most of her life in Glen Ewen,
- Dorcas Rose SERCOMBE, b. 19 Dec 1922 at Portage la Prairie, m. 1 Dec 1954 Henry DYCK (b. 14 Aug 1935, d. 2011). Residence
Portage la Prairie. Ancestor of researcher Caroline Foster.
- Phyllis SERCOMBE, b. 30 Aug 1925 at Portage la Prairie, m1. 4 Dec 1946 Michael BOWDEN, m2. 3 Aug 1990 Everett LEADER
(b. 7 Sep 1914, d. 28 Nov 1999), m3. George LAWFORD. Residence Portage la Prairie.
- Norma SERCOMBE, b. 10 Jan 1928 at Portage la Prairie, m. Aquila STAMATYADES. Residence Toronto, Ontario. Ancestor of researcher Phil Stamatyades.
- Muriel SERCOMBE, b. 13 Oct 1929 at Portage la Prairie, m. 1988 Roy BECKETT. Residence St. Thomas, Ontario.
- Arthur SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1895 at Nogsland, Holcombe Burnell, b. reg. Q4 1895 at St. Thomas R.D., m. reg. Q2 1931 at Bridgwater R.D., Bertha WARREN (b. 1 Jan 1893, b. reg. Q1 1893 at Bridgwater R.D., d. reg. Q1 1973 at Honiton R.D.), d. reg. Q1 1968 at Honiton R.D. In 1901, living with his parents. In 1911, living with his parents and assisting on their farm. Had no children.
- Minnie SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1898 at Nogsland, Holcombe Burnell, b. reg. Q4 1898 at St. Thomas R.D., m. reg. Q1 1946 at
Honiton R.D., Henry W. PARSONS. In 1901, living with her parents. In 1911, at school, living with her parents.
- (stepson) John PARSONS.
- Eliza SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1859 at Cheriton Bishop or Dunsford, b. reg. Q3 1859 at Crediton R.D., m. reg. Q1 1878 at St. Thomas R.D., Samuel PARTRIDGE (b. ca. 1855 at Christow). In 1861, a scholar, living with her parents. In 1871, living with her parents. In 1881, living at Bridford Mills Cottage, Bridford, with her husband Samuel (a waggoner) and their daughters Emily and Emma. In 1891, living at Duck Pool Cottage, Doddiscombsleigh, with her husband Samuel (an agricultural laborer) and their children Emily, Emma, Kate, Jessie, William, and Lily. In 1901, living at Dent House, Doddiscombsleigh, with her husband Samuel (a farmer), their children Jessie, William, Lily, Maud, James, Samuel, and Mary, and visitor Sarah (b. ca. 1821, m. PARTRIDGE, wid. by 1901).
- Emily PARTRIDGE, b. ca. 1878 at Doddiscombsleigh. In 1881, living with her parents. In 1891, a scholar, living with her parents.
- Emma PARTRIDGE, b. ca. Nov 1880 at Bridford. In 1881, living with her parents. In 1891, a scholar, living with her parents.
- Kate PARTRIDGE, b. ca. 1883 at Bridford. In 1891, a scholar, living with her parents.
- Jessie PARTRIDGE, b. ca. 1885 at Doddiscombsleigh. In 1891, a scholar, living with her parents. In 1901, living with her parents.
- William PARTRIDGE, b. ca. 1887 at Doddiscombsleigh. In 1891, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1901, living with his parents.
- Lily PARTRIDGE, b. ca. 1889 at Doddiscombsleigh. In 1891, living with her parents. In 1901, living with her parents.
- Maud PARTRIDGE, b. ca. 1894 at Doddiscombsleigh. In 1901, living with her parents.
- James PARTRIDGE, b. ca. 1896 at Doddiscombsleigh, m. Gertrude SERCOMBE (or perhaps Gertrude Sercombe PARTRIDGE?). In 1901, living with his parents.
- Samuel PARTRIDGE, b. ca. 1899 at Doddiscombsleigh. In 1901, living with his parents.
- Mary PARTRIDGE, b. ca. Feb 1901 at Doddiscombsleigh. In 1901, living with her parents.
- Emily SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1861 at Dunsford, b. reg. Q4 1861 at St. Thomas R.D., chr. 13 Oct 1861 at Dunsford, d. reg. Q3 1872 at St. Thomas R.D. In 1871, a scholar, living with her parents.
- Emma SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1863 at Dunsford, b. reg. Q4 1863 at St. Thomas R.D., chr. 25 Dec 1863 at
Dunsford, m. reg. Q1 1890 at St. Thomas R.D., George Henry WHITE (b. ca. 1864 at Christow). In 1871, a scholar, living
with her parents. In 1881, a domestic servant in the COLDRIDGE household at White Moor Farm, Doddiscombsleigh. In 1891,
living at Mayns Cottage, Alphington, with her husband George (a blacksmith), their son John, and her niece
Bessie SERCOMBE (daughter of her brother John). In 1901, living at Venn Park Cottage, Bridford, with
her husband George (a blacksmith), their children Gilbert, Olive, and Dorothy, and a boarder.
- John Gilbert or Gilbert John WHITE, b. Mar 1891 at Alphington. In 1891, living with his parents. In 1901, at school,
living with his parents.
- Olive E. WHITE, b. ca. 1893 at Bridford, Devon. In 1901, at school, living with her parents. In 1911, a dairy work
assistant in the household of her mother's brother William.
- Dorothy J. WHITE, b. ca. 1896 at Bridford. In 1901, living with her parents.
- James SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1866 at Bridford, b. reg. Q1 1866 at St. Thomas R.D., m. reg. Q2 1889 at Newton Abbot R.D., Kate HATHERLEY (b. ca. 1867 at St. Leonards on Sea or Hastings, Sussex, d. reg. Q1 1939 at Newton Abbot R.D.), d. 13 Feb 1938, d. reg. Q1 1938 at Newton Abbot R.D. In 1871, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1881, an agricultural laborer, living with his parents. In 1891, a farmer, living at Swanford Farm, Bridford, with his wife Kate and son Dennis. In 1901, a farmer, living at Easternhill, Doddiscombsleigh, with his wife Kate, their children Dennis, Helena, Leah, Eglon, Elsie, Herbert, Fred, and Emily, a waggoner, a cattle man, and a horse man. In 1911, a farmer, living at Lowley Farm, Doddiscombsleigh, with his children Dennis, Leah, Eglon, Elsie, Herbert, Emily, Ida, Frances, James, and Mary. At his daughter's marriage in 1935, a farmer.
- Dennis SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1890 at Doddiscombsleigh, b. reg. Q2 1890 at St. Thomas R.D., m. reg. Q4 1915 at Leominster R.D., Gertrude Elizabeth MORGAN (from Hereford, b. 23 Feb 1893, d. reg. Q4 1972 at Exeter R.D.), d. reg. Q3 1942 at Newton Abbot R.D. In 1891 and 1901, living with his parents. In 1911, living with his parents and working on their farm.
- Enid Kate SERCOMBE, b. 22 Dec 1916, b. reg. Q1 1917 at St. Thomas R.D., d. reg. Oct 1994 at Exeter R.D.
- Elizabeth "Betty" SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1918 at St. Thomas R.D., m. reg. Q4 1963 at Exeter R.D., Auguste M. MUNTZ.
- Philip A. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q4 1919 at St. Thomas R.D., m. reg. Q2 1944 at East Glamorgan R.D., Betty F. BARNETT.
- Eleanor M. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q1 1945 at Worthing R.D., m. reg. Jan 1984 at Bournemouth R.D., John G. BEARDSELL.
- Margaret E. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1947 at Worthing R.D., m. reg. Q3 1970 at Chichester R.D., David J. ADLAM.
- Timothy David ADLAM, b. reg. Q3 1971 at Worthing R.D.
- Rachel Elizabeth ADLAM, b. reg. Q4 1972 at Worthing R.D.
- Philip John ADLAM, b. reg. Q4 1980 at Bury St. Edmunds R.D.
- Stephen Mark ADLAM, b. reg. Q1 1982 at Bury St. Edmunds R.D.
- Andrew P.J. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q3 1950 at Chichester R.D., m. at Cambray Baptist, Cheltenham, m. reg. Q3 1972 at Cheltenham R.D., Susan E. MORPHET (m2. reg. Jul 1993 at Peterborough R.D., Peter J. AVERY).
- Elizabeth Anne SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q3 1975 at Worthing R.D.
- Jonathan Andrew SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q4 1977 at Worthing R.D.
- Benjamin James SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q1 1980 at Worthing R.D.
- Gerald S.J. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1953 at Chichester R.D., m. reg. Q4 1976 at Chichester R.D., Jacoba H. VAN DRIEL.
- Richard Stuart SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q1 1979 at Chichester R.D., m. reg. Sep 2004 at Chichester R.D., Rebecca S. GOBLE.
- Darren Johannes SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q1 1981 at Chichester R.D.
- Naomi Johanna SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1983 at Chichester R.D., m. reg. May 2004 at Chichester R.D., Daniel A. LOCKE.
- Hannah Frances SERCOMBE, b. reg. May 1988 at Chichester R.D.
- Edward Hatherly "Ted" SERCOMBE, b. 1921 at Dunsford, b. reg. Q3 1921 at St. Thomas R.D., m. 1944 at at Torquay, m. reg. Q1 1944 at Newton Abbot R.D., Patricia Mary BERRY (b. 2 Sep 1915, d. 2 Apr 2007, bur. at Manning Great Lakes Memorial Gardens, Taree, New South Wales), d. 7 Sep 2003, bur. at Manning Great Lakes Memorial Gardens. Emigrated to Australia (Liverpool to Sydney) in 1952 with his wife Patricia and their children Josephine and Lynda.
- Josephine Denise SERCOME, b. reg. Q4 1944 at North Bucks R.D., m. John HOLLAND. Emigrated to Australia with her
parents in 1952. Researcher Jo Holland.
- Lynda Louise SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q3 1946 at Devon Central R.D., m. Phillip Raymond PACKER. Emigrated to Australia with
her parents in 1952. Researchers Phil and Lynda Packer.
- Caroline Mary SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1948 at Devon Central R.D., d. young.
- Philip Morgan David SERCOMBE, b. 1953, m1. Vivian Maxine DICKINS, m2. Linda Jane HARRIS.
- Bradley James Edward SERCOMBE, m. 27 Sep 2003 Sharon Lynette RANGER (b. 18 Jun 1972).
Researcher Brad Sercombe.
- Jade Kirsty SERCOMBE, b. 5 Nov 2006.
- Jasper Damien SERCOMBE, b. 8 May 2009.
- Morgane SERCOMBE, b. 7 Jul 2000.
- Dennis Morgan SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q4 1925 at St. Thomas R.D., m1. reg. Q1 1950 at Exeter R.D., Alicia HOLMES (b.
10 Jun 1929 in Spain, daughter of James HOLMES and Florence WALTON, missionaries, d. 28 Jan 2004), m2. Dorothy "Dot".
Emigrated to Australia (Southampton to Fremantle) in 1966. Missionary at Kurrawang, an Aboriginal community near
Kalgoorlie, Western Australia.
- Alison Wendy SERCOMBE, b. 24 Dec 1950 at Teignmouth, Devon, b. reg. Q4 1950 at Newton Abbot R.D., m. 8 Jun 1974,
Neville J. SHEEHAN (d. 21 May 2003). Of Sydney, Australia.
- Graham Morgan SERCOMBE, b. 23 Jan 1952 at Teignmouth, b. reg. Q1 1952 at Newton Abbot R.D., m. Andrea LEAN.
- Andrew SERCOMBE.
- Kylie SERCOMBE, m. Amos.
- Jennifer SERCOMBE.
- Daniel SERCOMBE.
- Nathan SERCOMBE.
- Lindsay Brian SERCOMBE, b. 23 Jan 1954 at Teignmouth, b. reg. Q1 1954 at Newton Abbot R.D., m. Kathleen JORDAN.
- Rachel SERCOMBE.
- Malcolm Colin "Mal" SERCOMBE, b. 5 Oct 1956 at Teignmouth, b. reg. Q4 1956 at Newton Abbot R.D., m. 7 May 1977 Ellen
Maree RADCLIFFE (b. 9 May 1957). Researcher Mal Sercombe.
- Karen Maree SERCOMBE, b. 8 Jun 1979, m. 24 Jun 2000 Iain Douglas BUCHANAN. Researcher Iain
- Janet Ellen SERCOMBE, b. 20 Mar 1982, m. 2 Apr 2005 Joshua GITSHAM.
- Bradley Malcolm "Brad" SERCOMBE, b. 24 Dec 1985, m. 2008 Danielle.
- Howard Noel SERCOMBE, b. 31 Dec 1957 at Teignmouth, b. reg. Q1 1958 at Newton Abbot R.D., m1. Heather BROWN, m2. 5 Jun
2005 Helen WOLFENDEN.
- Jethro SERCOMBE.
- Matthew SERCOMBE.
- Nigel Antony SERCOMBE, b. 6 May 1960 at Teignmouth, b. reg. Q2 1960 at Newton Abbot R.D., m. Annemarie KLUSEK.
- Antony SERCOMBE.
- Christal SERCOMBE.
- Michelle SERCOMBE.
- Heather Janice SERCOMBE, b. 15 Aug 1966 at Kalgoorlie, m. Jeff WILLIAMS.
- Deborah Karen SERCOMBE, b. 18 Dec 1968 at Kalgoorlie, m. Andrew BISHOP.
- Helena SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1892 at Bridford, b. reg. Q1 1892 at St. Thomas R.D., m. reg. Q2 1915 at St. Thomas R.D., Reginald S. HOLE. In 1901, living with her parents. In 1911, a general servant in the household of her first cousin Hester Ann SERCOMBE.
- Ethelinda E. HOLE, b. reg. Q1 1916 at St. Thomas R.D.
- Herbert D. HOLE, b. reg. Q3 1917 at St. Thomas R.D.
- Kate M. HOLE, b. reg. Q1 1919 at St. Thomas R.D.
- Grace HOLE, b. reg. Q3 1921 at St. Thomas R.D.
- Leah SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1893 at Bridford, b. reg. Q3 1893 at St. Thomas R.D., m. reg. Q1 1916 at St. Thomas R.D., Ernest SMALLRIDGE (b. 1889, d. 1918). In 1901, living with her parents. In 1911, engaged in dairy work, living with her parents.
- Eglon SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1894 at Bridford, b. reg. Q4 1894 at St. Thomas R.D., m. 1920 in New Zealand, Caroline Ann HATHERLEY (b. 21 Mar 1897, d. 1980 in New Zealand), d. 1952 in New Zealand. In 1901 and 1911, living with his parents.
- Elsie SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1896 at Bridford, b. reg. Q2 1896 at St. Thomas R.D., m. 1928 in New Zealand, John OAKLEY. In 1901 and 1911, living with her parents.
- Herbert SERCOMBE, b. 19 Oct 1897 at Bridford, b. reg. Q4 1897 at St. Thomas R.D., m1. reg. Q4 1920 at Newton Abbot R.D., Sarah E. "Sally" MORGAN (b. ca. 1895, d. reg. Q2 1956 at Newton Abbot R.D.), m2. reg. Q3 1957 at Devon Central R.D., Ethel Gertie "Beattie" CAPENER (b. 20 Jan 1904, d. reg. Apr 1985 at Exeter R.D.), d. reg. Jan 1988 at Exeter R.D. In 1901, living with his parents. In 1911, at school, living with his parents.
- Evelyn K. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q4 1921 at Newton Abbot R.D., m1. reg. Q4 1944 at Newton Abbot R.D., Frederick G. HOWES, m2. reg. Q3 1966 at Trowbridge R.D., Cyril K. (Ken) FINLINSON.
- Eglon SERCOMBE, b. 23 Dec 1923, b. reg. Q1 1924 at Newton Abbot R.D., m. reg. Q3 1955 at Trowbridge R.D., Sylvia Doreen COWLING (from Trowbridge, Wiltshire), d. reg. Jun 1992 at Worksop R.D.
- Andi SERCOMBE, b. 1965. Researcher Andi Sercombe.
- Doreen E. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q3 1926 at Newton Abbot R.D., m. reg. Q2 1955 at Newton Abbot R.D., Donald R. STEGGLES.
- Judith E. STEGGLES, b. reg. Q3 1956 at Newton Abbot R.D.
- Jacqueline A. STEGGLES, b. reg. Q1 1959 at Plymouth R.D.
- Fred or Frederick SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1899 at Doddiscombsleigh, b. reg. Q2 1899 at St. Thomas R.D., d. reg. Q4 1968 at Newton Abbot R.D. In 1901, living with his parents. In 1911, a student inmate in the Western Counties Asylum (a "Learning Institution for the Feeble Minded"), Starcross, Devon.
- Emily SERCOMBE, b. ca. Jul 1900 at Doddiscombsleigh, b. reg. Q3 1900 at St. Thomas R.D. In 1901, living with her parents. In 1911, at school, living with her parents.
- Phyllis SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q4 1926 at Totnes R.D., m. Frank REED.
- Ida Kate SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1903 at Doddiscombsleigh, b. reg. Q4 1903 at St. Thomas R.D., m. reg. Q1 1937 at Newton Abbot R.D., Stephen DUNNING. In 1911, living with her parents.
- Peter W.J. DUNNING, b. reg. Q3 1938 at Newton Abbot R.D.
- Mary DUNNING, b. reg. Q4 1940 at Newton Abbot R.D.
- Victor S. DUNNING, b. reg. Q3 1945 at Bridgwater R.D.
- Frances Ada SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1905 at Doddiscombsleigh, b. reg. Q1 1906 at St. Thomas R.D., m. 22 Jan 1935 at the Christian Brethren Meeting Room, Bitton Street, Teignmouth, Devon, m. reg. Q1 1935 at Newton Abbot R.D., Vincent James "Vince" COUNTER (b. ca. 1908, son of Samuel COUNTER, a gardener). In 1911, living with her parents. At her marriage in 1935, a cook, of Higher Holcombe Farm, Teignmouth; Vincent was a mason, of 2 Verbena Terrace, Bishopsteignton; the witnesses were James SERCOMBE and Ernest COUNTER.
- James SERCOMBE, b. 12 Dec 1907 at Doddiscombsleigh, b. reg. Q1 1908 at St. Thomas R.D., m. reg. Q4 1935 at Newton Abbot R.D., Ethel Eunice PADY (b. 27 Oct 1909, b. reg. Q4 1909 at Cardiff R.D., d. reg. Jul 2000 at Salisbury R.D.), d. reg. Dec 1998 at Beverley R.D. In 1911, living with his parents.
- Lawrence J. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q4 1936 at Newton Abbot R.D., m. reg. Q2 1958 at Stoke on Trent R.D., Audrey E. WRIGHT.
- Wendy E. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1959 at Chichester R.D., m. reg. Q3 1980 at Tunbridge Wells R.D., Marcus J.S. WARD.
- Daniel James S. WARD, b. reg. Q2 1983 at Brentwood R.D.
- Heidi Ruth WARD, b. reg. Dec 1984 at Brentwood R.D.
- Derrick L. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q1 1962 at Worthing R.D., m. reg. Apr 1985 at Ashford R.D., Bridgit J. OLIVER.
- Jessica Ruth SERCOMBE, b. reg. Sep 1987 at Ashford R.D.
- Rebecca Clementina SERCOMBE, b. reg. May 1990 at Ashford R.D.
- Ruth Linda SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q4 1966 at Worthing R.D., m. reg. Mar 1990 at Surrey North Western R.D., Michael D. CLARK.
- Melissa Ruth CLARK, b. reg. May 1993 at Surrey North Western R.D.
- Bethany Jayne CLARK, b. reg. Sep 1996 at Surrey North Western R.D.
- Jonathan Michael CLARK, b. reg. Feb 2002 at Surrey Northern R.D.
- Joy SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q1 1940 at Newton Abbot R.D., m. reg. Q1 1963 at Chichester R.D., Anthony J. MARSHALL.
- Beth R. MARSHALL, b. reg. Q3 1964 at Surrey South Eastern R.D.
- Esther Joy MARSHALL, b. reg. Q2 1966 at Hitchin R.D.
- Robert James MARSHALL, b. reg. Q2 1972 at Aldershot R.D.
- Mary SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1910 at Doddiscombsleigh, b. reg. Q1 1910 at St. Thomas R.D., m. reg. Q1 1935 at Newton Abbot R.D., Ernest COUNTER. In 1911, living with her parents.
- Doris H. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q1 1913 at St. Thomas R.D., m. reg. Q2 1935 at Newton Abbot R.D., Harold S. FRANCIS.
- Jessie SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1869 at Bridford, b. reg. Q2 1869 at St. Thomas R.D., m. reg. Q2 1890 at St. Thomas R.D., William James SERCOMBE (her first cousin), d. reg. Q4 1931 at St. Thomas R.D. In 1871, living with her parents. In 1881, a scholar, living with her parents.
- Joseph SERCOMBE, chr. 13 Jul 1788 at Dunsford, m. 28 Oct 1818 at Dunsford, Sarah "Sally" JAMES (b. ca. 1790 at Cheriton Bishop, d. reg. Q1 1868 at St. Thomas R.D., bur. 7 Feb 1868 at Dunsford), bur. 29 Mar 1830 at Dunsford. In 1796, apprenticed by the parish of Dunsford to Nicholas TUCKETT, by consent. At his marriage in 1818, a laborer, of Dunsford; his brother James was a witness at the marriage. At his son's baptism in 1819, a laborer, of Oak Cottage, Dunsford. In 1821, a laborer, living at Tucketts Cottage, Dunsford, with his wife Sarah, son William, mother Mary, and niece Jane (b. ca. 1816 not in Dunsford). At his sons' baptisms in 1821 and 1824, a laborer, of Oak Cottage, Dunsford. At his death in 1830, of Little Silver, Dunsford. Posthumously, at his sons' marriages in 1847, 1851, and 1853, a laborer, but at his other son's marriage in 1849, a husbandman. In 1841, Sarah was a servant in the BRAGG household at Furlong Farm, Drewsteignton, Devon. In 1851, she was a cook in the BRAGG household at Furlong, Drewsteignton. In 1861, she was living with her son George at No. 2 Berry Cross Cottage, Dunsford. At her death in 1868, she was of Berry Cross.
- William SERCOMBE, chr. 19 Dec 1819 at Dunsford, m. 30 Oct 1853 at St. Thomas Register Office, m. reg. Q4 1853 at St. Thomas R.D., Elizabeth FINNIMORE (b. ca. 1827 at Whitestone, Devon, chr. 7 Oct 1827 at Whitestone, daughter of John FINNIMORE and Mary, d. reg. Q3 1890 at St. Thomas R.D.), d. reg. Q2 1886 at St. Thomas R.D. In 1821, living with his parents. In 1851, a farm servant in the HELLIER household at Meadhay, Dunsford. At his marriage in 1853, a laborer, of Dunsford; Elizabeth was a servant, of Whitestone; their marriage was witnessed by William SOUTHCOTT and Mary MOXEY. At his son's baptism in 1854, a labourer, of Kings Court, Doddiscombsleigh, Devon. In 1861, an agricultural laborer, living at Lower Hayne, Whitestone, with his wife Elizabeth, children William and Sarah, Elizabeth's father, and a nursing infant boarder. In 1871, an agricultural laborer, living at Connetts, Halfordwood, Whitestone, with his wife Elizabeth, daughter Mary, a boarder, and a lodger. At his stepson's marriage in 1878, a laborer. In 1881, an agricultural laborer, living at West Rowhorn, Whitestone, with his wife Elizabeth and a boarder. Posthumously at his daughter's marriage in 1891, a laborer, misnamed as Henry. Relative of researcher Phil Finnimore. (See Phil's Finnimore website.)
- Henry FINNIMORE (illegitimate stepson), later Henry SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1850 at Whitestone, chr. 19 May 1850 at Whitestone, m. 6 Nov 1878 at Whitestone, after banns, m. reg. Q4 1878 at St. Thomas R.D., Anna Maria LEWIS (b. ca. 1851 at Whitestone, daughter of William LEWIS), d. reg. Q3 1916 at St. Thomas R.D. In 1851, living with his mother's parents at Gully Tenement, Whitestone. In 1861, a cow boy, apprentice in the HODGE household at Great Huish Farm, Tedburn St. Mary. In 1871, an agricultural laborer, lodging with the family of John FINNIMORE (b. ca. 1834 at Whitestone) at Cheremore Cottages, Broadclyst, Devon. At his marriage in 1878, a laborer of Whitestone; Anna Maria was also of Whitestone; their marriage was witnessed by William LEWIS (perhaps her father) and Mary Ann SERCOMBE (probably Henry's youngest sister). In 1881, a waggoner carman for the Great Western Railway, living at Churchill Place, Cowick Street, St. Thomas, Devon, with his wife Anna and son Harry. In 1891, a general laborer, living at 3 Churchill Place with his wife Anna and sons Harry and William. In 1901, a laborer, living at 70 Cowick Street, St. Thomas, with his wife Anna Maria (a grocer). At his sons' marriages in 1904 and 1908, a laborer. In 1911, a market gardener's laborer, living at 1 Fairfield Terrace, St. Thomas, with his wife Anna Maria and a boarder.
- Harry (or Henry) Lewis SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1879 at St. Thomas, b. reg. Q4 1879 at St. Thomas R.D., m. 6 Apr 1904 at Arlington, Devon, m. reg. Q2 1904 at Barnstaple R.D., Rosie (or Rose) THORNE (b. ca. 1876 at Arlington, d. reg. Q2 1955 at Exeter R.D.; daughter of William THORNE, a laborer), d. reg. Q4 1947 at Exeter R.D. In 1881, living with his parents. In 1891, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1901, a domestic groom and gardener, living in the SHORTRIDGE household at High Street, Honiton, Devon. At his marriage in 1904, a coachman, of 1 Fanfield Terrace, St. Thomas, Exeter; Rosie was of Becott, a hamlet in Arlington parish; the witnesses were William THORNE (perhaps Rosie's father), Lillie Blanche THORNE (presumably also Rosie's relative), and William SERCOMBE (probably Harry's brother, perhaps his uncle). In 1911, a laundry carman, living at 8 Diamond Road, St. Thomas, with his wife Rosie and their children Leslie and Florence.
- Leslie SERCOMBE, b. 8 Mar 1907 at Exeter, b. reg. Q1 1907 at St. Thomas R.D., d. reg. May 1991 at Exeter R.D. In 1911, living with his parents.
- Florence Rose SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1909 at Exeter, b. reg. Q4 1909 at St. Thomas R.D., m. reg. Q2 1938 at Exeter R.D., George H. MORRISH. In 1911, living with her parents.
- Michael J. MORRISH, b. reg. Q1 1941 at Exeter R.D.
- Margaret A. MORRISH, b. reg. Q4 1948 at Devon Central R.D.
- William SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1882 at St. Thomas, b. reg. Q3 1882 at St. Thomas R.D., m. 24 Jun 1908 at St. Thomas, m. reg. Q2 1908 at St. Thomas R.D., Love LEE (b. ca. 1881 at Chard, Somerset, d. reg. Q3 1960 at Taunton R.D.; daughter of Northcott Tom LEE, a tailor), d. reg. Q4 1952 at Taunton R.D. In 1891, a scholar, living with his parents. (Where in 1901?) At his marriage in 1908, a cabinet maker, of 8 Diamond Road; Love was of Rowbarton, Taunton; the witnesses were Harry SERCOMBE and Jessie LEE. In 1911, a cabinet maker, living at 34 Cyril Street, Rowbarton, Taunton, Somerset, with his wife Love.
- Winifred M. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q4 1911 at Taunton R.D., m. reg. Q3 1936 at Taunton R.D., Edward F.C. WOOD.
- William SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1854 at Doddiscombsleigh, b. reg. Q4 1854 at St. Thomas R.D., chr. 10 Sep 1854 at Doddiscombsleigh, m. 2 Apr 1879 at Whitestone,
Devon, m. reg. Q2 1879 at St. Thomas R.D., Emma Jane LAKE (b. ca. 1856 at Whitestone, daughter of James LAKE, a baker). In
1861, living with his parents. In 1871, an errand boy in the YARDE household at [Gedoin's?], Lympston, Devon. At his
marriage in 1879, a laborer, of Exeter St. Olave; Emma was of Whitestone. In 1881, a railway porter, living at Exe View
Terrace, St. Thomas, Devon, with his wife Emma and son William. In 1891, coachman of the rector of Whitestone, living at
the Rectory with his wife Emma (the cook) and son William. In Mar 1901, a carter, living at 23 Courtenay Road, St. Thomas,
with his wife Emma and their son William. At his son's marriage in Oct 1901, a carter. In 1911, a tram meter man for the Exeter City Council, living at 28 Courtenay Road, St. Thomas, with his wife Emma and lodger William DARCH (a gas stoker for the Exeter Gas Company, b. ca. 1875 at Sampford Peverell, Devon).
- William James SERCOMBE, b. 26 Apr 1880 at St. Thomas or Alphington, b. reg. Q2 1880 at St. Thomas R.D., m1. 13 Oct 1901 at St. John and St. George, Exeter, m1. reg. Q4 1901 at Exeter R.D., Amelia RUSSELL (b. ca. 1877, daughter of George RUSSELL, a musician, m2. reg. Q3 1952 at Exeter R.D., Samuel J. WILLEY), m2.(?) ca. 1910 Kathleen (b. ca. 1883 at Woolwich, Kent), d. reg. Q2 1971 at Exeter R.D. In 1881, living with his parents. In 1891, a scholar, living with his parents. In Mar 1901, a compositor, living with his parents. At his marriage in Oct 1901, a compositor, of 23 Courtney Road, St. Thomas; Amelia was of 125 Fore Street; the witnesses were William SERCOMBE (his father) and James HAMLYN. In 1911, a printer compositor, living at 4 Eve Road, Leytonstone, Essex, with his "wife" Kathleen; his wife Amelia was living at 23 Courtney Road, St. Thomas, with her children Olive, Doris, Stanley, and Constance.
- Olive Irene SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1902 at Exeter, b. reg. Q2 1902 at St. Thomas R.D., m. reg. Q4 1931 at St. Thomas, William G. TAYLOR. In 1911, at school, living with her mother.
- June U. TAYLOR, b. reg. Q3 1933 at Exeter R.D.
- Doris Amelia SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1904 at Exeter, b. reg. Q2 1904 at St. Thomas R.D., m. reg. Q3 1926 at St. Thomas R.D., Philip J. MEARS. In 1911, at school, living with her mother.
- Cynthia P. MEARS, b. reg. Q1 1927 at Exeter R.D.
- Stanley Reuben SERCOMBE, b. 2 Oct 1906 at Exeter, b. reg. Q4 1906 at St. Thomas R.D., m. reg. Q4 1934 at Exeter R.D., Dorothy M. STEELE, d. reg. Q3 1982 at Exeter R.D. In 1911, at school, living with his mother.
- Sheila R. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1926 at Exeter R.D., m. reg. Q3 1957 at Exeter R.D., Anthony N. MARSH.
- Sandra J. MARSH, b. reg. Q3 1963 at Exeter R.D.
- Nicola Susan MARSH, b. reg. Q2 1966 at Exeter R.D.
- David S. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q4 1942 at Exeter R.D., m1. reg. Q3 1965 at Exeter R.D., Linda G. HOW, m2. reg. Q2 1979 at Mid Devon R.D., Julie A. DAVEY, m3. reg. Q3 1990 at Exeter R.D., his first wife Linda.
- Constance May SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1909 at Exeter, b. reg. Q3 1909 at St. Thomas R.D., m. reg. Q3 1932 at St. Thomas R.D., Sydney R. MALLETT. In 1911, living with her mother.
- Shirley R. MALLETT, b. reg. Q1 1933 at Exeter R.D.
- Florence M. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1914 at Exeter R.D.
- Beatrice E. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q3 1917 at Farnham R.D.
- Samuel T.G. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1920 at Exeter R.D.
- Sarah SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1859 at Whitestone, b. reg. Q2 1859 at St. Thomas R.D., d. reg. Q2 1866 at St. Thomas R.D. In 1861, living with her parents.
- Mary Ann SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1866 at Whitestone, b. reg. Q2 1866 at St. Thomas R.D., m. 15 Jul 1891 at St. Thomas, m. reg. Q3 1891 at St. Thomas R.D., Frederick William AVERY (b. ca. 1862 at Copplestone, Devon, son of James AVERY, a carpenter). In 1871, a scholar. In 1881, a domestic general servant in the EVERY household at 1 York Buildings, Exeter St. Sidwell. In Apr 1891, a domestic general servant in the BROOKING household at 7 Howell Road, Exeter St. David. At her marriage in 1891, of Churchill Place; Frederick was a laborer, of 37 Union Terrace; the witnesses were H. SERCOMBE (her stepbrother Henry) and Janie HEATH. In 1901, living at 4 Folletts Buildings, Exeter, with her husband Frederick (a stoker in a lead works) and their children Walter, William, Frederick, and Gertrude.
- Walter George AVERY, b. ca. 1892 at Exeter. In 1901, living with his parents.
- William Henry AVERY, b. ca. 1893 at Exeter. In 1901, living with his parents.
- Frederick James AVERY, b. ca. 1896 at Exeter. In 1901, living with his parents.
- Gertrude Louise AVERY, b. ca. 1898 at Exeter. In 1901, living with her parents.
- John SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1821 at Dunsford, chr. 23 Dec 1821 at Dunsford, m. 22 Sep 1847 at St. Leonard, Exeter, m. reg. Q3 1847 at St. Thomas R.D., Maria CONNETT (b. ca. 1822 at Dunsford, chr. 16 Feb 1823 at Dunsford; daughter of John CONNETT, a carpenter, and Sarah), d. 23 Jul 1887 at Park Street, Yeovil, Somerset, d. reg. Q3 1887 at Yeovil R.D., bur. 21 Jul 1887 at Holy Trinity, Yeovil. At his marriage in 1847, a stone mason, of Exeter Holy Trinity; Maria was of St. Leonard; their marriage was witnessed by Harriott WILSON, William CONNETT, and James WILSON. In 1851, a porter, lodging in the home of his employer Morris DAVIS (a haberdasher, jeweller, etc.) at 173 Fore Street, Exeter, with his wife Mary and their daughters Louisa and Ann. At his daughter's baptism in 1859, a porter, of Park Street, Yeovil. At his daughter's birth in 1860 and her baptism in Jan 1861, a railway porter, of Park Street, Yeovil. In 1861, a railway porter, living at Park Street, Yeovil, with his wife Maria, their daughters Louisa, Anna, Sarah, Harriet, Emily, and Alice, and two lodgers. At his daughter's baptism in Aug 1868, a railway porter, of Park Street, Yeovil. At his daughter's marriage inSep 1868, a railway porter. In 1871, a railway porter, living at Park Street, Yeovil, with his wife Maria, their children Sarah, Emily, William, George, and Henrietta, and two lodgers. At his daughter's marriage in 1878, a greengrocer. In 1881, a general dealer and greengrocer, living at 84 Park Street, Yeovil, with his wife Maria, their children William, George, and Henrietta, and child boarder Nelly BUTLER (George's future wife). At his death in 1887, a greengrocer, of Park Street, Yeovil. At his daughter's marriage in 1888, an [illegible] merchant. In 1891, Maria was living on her own means, visiting her daughter Anna at Weston Super Mare, Somerset. At his son George's marriage in 1897 (posth.), a coal merchant. In 1901, Maria was living on her own means at 22 Stanley Grove Road, Weston Super Mare. At his daughter Alice's death in 1922 (posth.), remembered by her family in New Zealand as a railway signalman. At her son William's death in Queensland in 1945, Maria's surname was remembered as WILSON.
- Louisa Elizabeth or Elizabeth Louisa SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1848 at Exeter, b. reg. Q1 1849 at Exeter R.D., m. 7 Sep 1868 at Holy Trinity, Yeovil, m. reg. Q3 1868 at Yeovil R.D., James Alfred BROWN (b. ca. 1845 at Burbage, Wiltshire, son of Alfred BROWN, a blacksmith). In 1851, living with her parents. In 1861, a scholar, living with her parents. At her marriage in 1868, of Park Street; James was a tailor, also of Park Street; the witnesses were John SERCOMBE and Anne SERCOMBE. In 1871, living at Barter, Poole, Dorset, with her husband James (a tailor) and their son Francis. In 1881, a tailoress, living at Windsor Terrace, Sandy Lane, Longfleet, Poole, with her husband James (a tailor) and their children Francis, William, Harriet, and Louisa. In 1891, living at 6 St. Michaels Cottages, Holdenhurst, Bournemouth, Hampshire, with her husband James (a tailor) and their children William, Maudie, Marmie, and Nellie. In 1901, James (enumerated under his middle name Alfred) was a journeyman tailor, living at 13 Essex Terrace, Bournemouth, with his children Maud, Marmaduke, and Nellie and his daughter Harriet's daughter Elsie MYALL. (Where was
Louisa in 1901?) Ancestor of researcher David Brown.
- Francis Alfred W. BROWN, b. ca. 1869 at Yeovil, b. reg. Q3 1869 at Yeovil R.D. In 1871, living with his parents. In
1881, a scholar, living with his parents.
- William H. BROWN, b. ca. 1874 at Yeovil. In 1881, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1891, a tailor, living with
his parents.
- Harriet Jessie or Jessie Harriet BROWN, b. ca. 1876 at Yeovil, b. reg. Q1 1876 at Yeovil R.D., m. reg. Q2 1896 at
Christchurch R.D., James MYALL (b. ca. 1866 at Poole). In 1881, a scholar, living with her parents. In 1891, a general
domestic servant in a lodging house at Belford, St. Michaels Road, Holdenhurst, Bournemouth. In 1901, living at 123a
Windham Road, Bournemouth, with her husband James (a beer bottler) and their daughters Jessie and Elsie.
- Jessie Olive Nellie MYALL, b. ca. 1896 at Bournemouth. In 1901, living with her parents.
- Elsie Grace MYALL, b. ca. 1897 at Bournemouth. In 1901, enumerated twice: living with her parents and living with her
mother's father.
- Louisa Elizabeth BROWN, b. ca. 1879 at Poole, b. reg. Q1 1879 at Poole R.D. In 1881, a scholar, living with her
parents. (Where in 1891?) In 1901, a laundress, boarding at 71 Alma Road, Winton, Hampshire, with Alice BROWN (also a
laundress, b. ca. 1878 at Hordle, Hampshire).
- Maud "Maudie" BROWN, b. ca. 1881 at Sherborne, Dorset. In 1891, at school, living with her parents. In 1901, living
with her father.
- Marmaduke Agrippa "Marmie" BROWN, b. ca. 1884 at Poole, b. reg. Q1 1884 at Poole R.D. In 1891, at school, living with
his parents. In 1901, a grocer's porter, living with his father.
- Nellie BROWN, b. ca. 1885 at Poole. In 1891, at school, living with her parents. In 1901, a laundress, living with her
- Anna Maria "Annie" SERCOMBE, b. ca. Dec 1850 at Exeter, b. reg. Q4 1850 at Exeter R.D., d. reg. Q4 1931 at Exeter R.D.
In 1851, living with her parents. In 1861, a scholar, living with her parents. In 1871, a general servant in the household
of George King FORSTER and his wife Mary Ann HADDY (who were m. reg. Q1 1854 at Bath R.D.) at the Bristol and Exeter
Railway Station, Yeovil. In 1881, a general servant in the same FORSTER household at Station Road, Yeovil. In 1891, a
general servant in the same FORSTER household (enumerated as FOSTER) at 2 Sandringham Villas, Locking Road, Weston Super
Mare (with her mother visiting). In 1901, a general domestic servant in the BERRILL household at Stoneleigh, Weston Super
Mare (with Mary Ann FORSTER visiting).
- Sarah Jane or Jane Sarah SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1852 at Exeter, b. reg. Q4 1852 at Exeter R.D. In 1861, a scholar, living
with her parents. In 1871, a glover, living with her parents. In 1881, living with her sister Harriet.
- Harriet Wilson SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1856 at Exeter, b. reg. Q1 1856 at Exeter R.D., m. 5 Oct 1878 at St. George, Crowhurst, Surrey, m. reg. Q4 1878 at Godstone R.D., John WOOD (b. ca. 1857 at Lingfield, Surrey, son of George WOOD). In 1861, a scholar, living with her parents. In 1871, a general servant in the MARSH household (a lodging house) at 59 Marine Parade, Brighton, Sussex. At her daughter's birth in 1875, of 53 Middle Street, Brighton. At her marriage in 1878, of Crowhurst; John was an engineer, of St. James, Croydon; their marriage was witnessed by Sarah SERCOMBE (probably Harriet's sister) and George WOOD (perhaps John's father). In 1881, living at 55 Russell Road, Croydon, with her husband John (a platelayer), their daughter, her sister Jane, and two lodgers. (Note that a Harriott WILSON witnessed the marriage of Harriet's parents.)
- Ellen "Nellie" SERCOMBE or BUTLER, b. 25 Nov 1875 at 53 Middle Street, Brighton, b. reg. Q4 1875
at Brighton R.D., m. 2 Aug 1897 at Regent Street Wesleyan Methodist Chapel, Weston-super-Mare, m. reg. Q3 1897 at Axbridge
R.D., her uncle George Henry SERCOMBE. In 1881, a scholar, boarding with her mother's parents. In
1891, a general servant in the BOOME household at Rockleaze, Weston Super Mare, Somerset. At her marriage in 1897, of
Fairland Villa, Weston-super-Mare, the same address as George; the witnesses were George SHIPTON and Henry SHIPTON.
(Ellen SERCOMBE at her birth in 1875. Nellie BUTLER in 1881. Ellen B. SERCOMBE in 1891. Nellie BUTLER at her marriage in
1897. According to her marriage certificate, her father was John BUTLER, a clerk.)
- Emily SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1859 at Yeovil, b. reg. Q1 1859 at Exeter R.D., chr. 6 Feb 1859 at Holy Trinity, Yeovil, m. 28 Nov 1885 at the Registrar's Office, Wellington, New Zealand, William GEORGE (b. ca. 1848 at London, son of John GEORGE, a gardener, and Ann MANEN), d. 4 Jan 1890 at Napier Hospital, Hawkes Bay, New Zealand, following a miscarriage 5 Dec 1889. In 1861, living with her parents. In 1871, a scholar, living with her parents. In 1878, a general servant; emigrated to New Zealand on the Hermione, arriving at Wellington on 17 Dec 1878. At her marriage in 1885, of Wellington; William was a laborer, also of Wellington.
- Ruth Bernice McDonnell SERCOMBE, b. 1882 in Dunedin district, New Zealand.
- Blanche SERCOMBE, b. 1884 in Christchurch district, New Zealand.
- Alice Cecilia George SERCOMBE, b. 1885 in Wellington district, New Zealand.
- Alice Dorothy Sophia SERCOMBE, b. 23 Dec 1860 at Park Street, Yeovil, b. reg. Q1 1861 at Yeovil R.D., chr. 27 Jan 1861 at Holy Trinity, Yeovil, m1. 16 Feb 1884 at the Registrar's Office, Wellington, Charles Parr BELL (b. ca. 1848 in Lincolnshire, d. 25 Aug 1900, son of Charles BELL, a steward, and Jane CHAPMAN), m2. 13 Feb 1901 at the Registrar's Office, Wellington, Phillip SCOTT (b. ca. 1845 in Yorkshire, m1. unknown, wid. 10 Jan 1901, son of Robert SCOTT, a drover, and Elizabeth WHEATER), d. 11 Jun 1922 at 204 Adelaide Road, Wellington (from 10 Sussex Square, Wellington), bur. 14 Jun 1922 in Karori Cemetery. In 1861, living with her parents. In 1871, a scholar, living with her aunt Mary (a lodging house keeper, b. ca. 1817 at Dunsford, m. GILES, wid. by 1871) at 6 New Steine, Brighton, Sussex. In 1880, a general servant; emigrated to New Zealand on the Pleione, arriving at Wellington 28 Nov 1880. In 1884, Charles was a contractor; he and Alice were both of Wellington; the witnesses at their marriage were P. SCOTT (an engineer, of Wellington, perhaps Alice's subsequent second husband) and L. SCOTT (of Wellington). In 1901, Phillip was an engineer; he and Alice were both of Wellington; the witnesses at their marriage were Jane BELL (of 5 Sussex Square, Wellington, perhaps a daughter or an in-law relative) and R. TALBOT (a clerk, of Wellington). Five BELL children living in 1922; no SCOTTs. Ancestor of researcher Judy Kirby.
- William SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1863 at Yeovil, b. reg. Q3 1863 at Yeovil R.D., m. 20 Feb 1889 in Queensland, Ellen Agnes CLEARY (d. 13 Apr 1933 in Queensland, daughter of Matthew CLEARY and Sally O'BRIEN), d. 11 Feb 1945 in Queensland. In 1871, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1881, an assistant to his father, living with his parents. In 1903, William and Ellen were on the electoral roll for Townsville, Herbert division, Queensland, Australia; their address was Walker Street; William was a cleaner, and Ellen's occupation was "domestic duties".
- Annie SERCOMBE, b. 2 Jul 1890 in Queensland, m. 14 Jun 1919 in Queensland, Arthur Hawthorn SKUSE.
- Willie George SERCOMBE, b. 3 Mar 1892 in Queensland, m. 23 Dec 1916 in Queensland, Catherine Grace PERRY (d. 20 Oct 1949 in Queensland, daughter of William Edward PERRY and Catherine BARRY), d. 12 May 1960 in Queensland.
- William Barry SERCOMBE, d. 15 Mar 1959 in Queensland.
- Eileen SERCOMBE, b. 30 Apr 1894 in Queensland, m. 26 Apr 1924 in Queensland, Harry Crossley SYKES.
- Nelly SERCOMBE, b. 5 May 1897 in Queensland, d. 16 Aug 1897 in Queensland.
- Emily Gladys SERCOMBE, b. 13 Apr 1901 in Queensland, m. 29 Nov 1924 in Queensland, Lionel Christian DAHL.
- Kathleen SERCOMBE, b. 14 Nov 1903 in Queensland.
- George Henry SERCOMBE, b. 6 Mar 1866 at Yeovil, b. reg. Q2 1866 at Yeovil R.D., m. 2 Aug 1897 at
Regent Street Wesleyan Methodist Chapel, Weston-super-Mare, m. reg. Q3 1897 at Axbridge R.D., his niece
Ellen "Nellie" SERCOMBE or BUTLER, d. Nov 1919 in India. In 1871, a scholar, living with his
parents. In 1881, living with his parents. Served in the British Indian Army. Awarded the Hazara Bar, 1888 and 1891; the
Relief of Chitral medal, 1895; the Northwest Frontier Bar, 1908; and a medal inscribed "1st P[un]j[a]b Rifles". At his
marriage in 1897, a telegraph clerk, of Fairland Villa, Weston-super-Mare, the same address as Nellie. Served in Karachi
1901, Quetta 1903, Chitral 1907, Murree 1911. Promoted to warrant officer rank, effective 26 Jun 1908. Listed in the
Indian Army Quarterly List, 1 Jan 1912, as a telegraph master in the Indian Telegraph Department. Nellie returned to
England with her children Reuben and Ida but without her husband George, arriving at Liverpool on 7 Dec 1914 on a ship
from Bombay.
- Annie Ellen SERCOMBE, b. 10 May 1899, d. 14 Feb 1900, bur. 18 Feb 1900 at Bombay.
- Reuben John SERCOMBE, b. 29 Jul 1907 at Chitral, India (now Pakistan), chr. 6 Oct 1907 at Rawalpindi, Bengal, m. reg. Q2 1930 at Croydon R.D., Lily WOOLLEY (b. 5 Apr 1906, d. 23 Feb 2007, bur. at Coffs Harbour Lawn Cemetery, Karangi, New South Wales), d. 14 Oct 1989 at Coffs Harbour, New South Wales, bur. at Coffs Harbour Lawn Cemetery, Karangi. On 7 Dec 1914, arrived at Liverpool from Bombay with his mother and sister Ida. The gravestone of Reuben and Lily bears a Royal Australian Air Force badge (probably for Reuben) and a Welsh flag (perhaps for Lily).
- David George SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q4 1931 at Pontypridd R.D., m. reg. Q4 1959 at Whitby R.D., Heather RUSSELL.
Researcher David Sercombe.
- Timothy J. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q3 1960 at Luton R.D.
- Ian M. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q1 1963 at Croydon R.D.
- Patricia N. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q4 1934 at Croydon R.D., m. reg. Q2 1957 at Luton R.D., David R. AMIES.
- Sarah C. AMIES, b. reg. Q1 1958 at Stepney R.D.
- Margaret C. AMIES, b. reg. Q4 1959 at Stepney R.D.
- Ida Margaret SERCOMBE, b. 12 Jan 1912, d. of cancer 12 Dec 1949 at Carshalton, Surrey, d. reg. Q4 1949 at Hammersmith
R.D. On 7 Dec 1914, arrived at Liverpool from Bombay with her mother and brother Reuben.
- (probably) Albert Henry or Alfred SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1867 at Yeovil R.D., d. reg. Q1 1868 at Yeovil R.D.
- Henrietta Helen or Ellen SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1868 at Yeovil, b. reg. Q3 1868 at Yeovil R.D., chr. 23 Aug 1868 at Holy Trinity, Yeovil, m. 1 Sep 1888 at Holy Trinity, Yeovil, m. reg. Q3 1888 at Yeovil R.D., Caleb BOWDEN (b. ca. 1863, son of William BOWDEN, a blacksmith). In 1871, living with her parents. In 1881, a scholar, living with her parents. At her marriage in 1888, of Park Street; Caleb was a blacksmith, also of Park Street; the witnesses were John WOOD and Harriett WOOD.
- James SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1824 at Dunsford, chr. 7 Mar 1824 at Dunsford, m. 30 Jul 1851 at St. Sidwell, Exeter, m. reg.
Q3 1851 at Exeter R.D., Harriet HORN (b. ca. 1826 at Tedburn, Devon, d. reg. Q2 1879 at Holborn R.D., daughter of Richard
HORN), d. reg. Q1 1882 at Holborn R.D. In Mar 1851, a porter at the Star Hotel, 107 Fore Street, Exeter St. John. In Jul
1851, a servant at the Star Hotel, of the King's Arms, Exeter St. Sidwell. At his daughter's baptism in 1859, a porter, of
26 Richmond Street. In 1861, a warehouseman, living at 26 Richmond Street, St. Luke, London, with his wife Harriet, their
children Jessie, Elizabeth, Frederick, and Allena, and a lodger. At his son Joseph's baptism later in 1861, a porter, of
26 Richmond Street. In 1871, a general laborer, living at 26 Richmond Street, St. Luke, with his wife Harriet, their
children Jessie, Elizabeth, Frederick, Alice, Joseph, and Alfred, and his nephew William H. HOMES (an errand boy, b. ca.
1857 in Devon). At his daughter Jessie's marriage in 1872, his son Frederick's marriage in 1875, and his daughter
Elizabeth's marriage in 1876, a packer. In Apr 1881, a porter, living at 17 Badsworth Street, St. Luke, with his son
Alfred. At his son Joseph's marriage in Jun 1881, at his daughter Alice's marriage in 1884 (posth.), and at his son
Alfred's marriage in 1888 (posth.), a packer.
- Jessie Sarah SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1852 at Exeter, b. reg. Q2 1852 at Exeter R.D., m. 9 Nov 1872 at St. Thomas, Bethnal
Green, Middlesex, m. reg. Q4 1872 at Bethnal Green R.D., Charles Frederick MEAD (b. ca. 1851, son of James William MEAD, a
house painter). In 1861, living with her parents. In 1871, a box maker, living with her parents. At her marriage in 1872,
of 29 Ironmonger Lane; Charles was a house painter, also of 29 Ironmonger Lane; the witnesses were Elizabeth Mary SERCOMBE
(Jessie's sister) and John DESMOND.
- Elizabeth Mary SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1854 at Cripplegate, City of London, b. reg. Q4 1854 at East London R.D., m. 4 Mar
1876 at Holy Trinity, Islington, m. reg. Q1 1876 at Islington R.D., Frederick Augustus WARNE (son of George WARNE, a
bookbinder). In 1861, living with her parents. In 1871, a box maker, living with her parents. At her marriage in 1876, of
Islington; Frederick was a watchmaker, also of Islington; the witnesses were James SERCOMBE (probably her father) and
Alice SERCOMBE (probably her sister). In 1881, living at 41 Forston Street, Shoreditch, London, with her husband Frederick
(a watch examiner) and their daughters Elizabeth and Louie.
- Elizabeth Louisa E. WARNE, b. ca. 1877 at Islington, b. reg. Q1 1877 at Islington R.D. In 1881, living with her
- Louie Alice WARNE, b. ca. 1879 at Islington, b. reg. Q2 1879 at Islington R.D. In 1881, living with her parents.
- Frederick James SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1857 at St. Luke or East Finsbury, London, b. reg. Q1 1857 at St. Luke R.D., m. 16 May 1875 at St. Peter, Bethnal Green, m. reg. Q2 1875 at Bethnal Green R.D., Mary Ann GARLICK (daughter of Thomas GARLICK, a tobacconist, and Elizabeth; b. 3 Jun 1857 at Islington St. Mary, chr. 21 Jun 1879 at St. Saviour, Hoxton, d. reg. Q4 1933 at Wandsworth R.D., bur. 13 Nov 1933 in Abney Park Cemetery, London), d. reg. Q1 1931 at Battersea R.D., bur. 9 Feb 1931 in Abney Park Cemetery. In 1861, living with his parents. In 1871, a reading boy, living with his parents. At his marriage in 1875, a compositor, of 20 Ada Place; Mary Ann was of 21 Ada Place; the witnesses were Henry GARLICK and M. GAINFORD. At his son's baptism in 1876, a compositor, of 22 Poole Street. In 1881, a printer, living at 5 Huntley Place, London, with his wife Mary Ann and their son Frederick. At his son's baptism in 1882, a compositor, of 5 Hutley Place. In 1891, a printer compositor, living at 18 Gopsall Street, Shoreditch, London, with his wife Mary Ann and their son Frederick. In 1901, a printer's compositor, living at 14 Clinger Street, Shoreditch, London, with his wife Mary and their son Frederick. In 1911, a compositor in the printing business, living at 75 Winston Road, Green Lanes, London, with his wife Mary. At his son's marriage in 1905, a compositor. At his death in 1931, of 21 Gwynne Road, Battersea. At Mary Ann's death in 1933, she was of Tooting Bec Hospital, Tooting.
- Frederick Charles SERCOMBE, b. 23 Jan 1876 at Hoxton or St. Leonards, London, b. reg. Q1 1876 at Shoreditch R.D., chr. 24 Nov 1876 at St. Saviour, Hoxton, m. 29 Jan 1905 at St. Peter, Hackney, m. reg. Q1 1905 at Hackney R.D., Eliza AGASS (b. reg. Q3 1877 at Holborn R.D., d. reg. Q4 1955 at St. Pancras R.D.; daughter of Benjamin AGASS, a safe maker), d. reg. Q1 1955 at Islington R.D. In 1881, living with his parents. In 1891, a waiter, living with his parents. In 1901, a printer's compositor, living with his parents. At his marriage in 1905, a compositor, of 31 Ufton Road; Eliza was of 137 Culford Road; the witnesses were Charles ROWSELL and Emily ROWSELL. At his daughter's baptism in 1906, a compositor, of 41 Church Street. In 1911, a compositor in the printing business, living at 75 Winston Road, Stoke Newington, London, with his wife Eliza and their daughters Hilda, Elsie, and Dorothy.
- Hilda Beatrice Mary Ann SERCOMBE, b. 21 Jul 1906 at Hackney, b. reg. Q3 1906 at Hackney R.D., chr. 12 Aug 1906 at St. Peter, Hackney, d. reg. May 1993 at Milton Keynes R.D. In 1911, living with her parents.
- Elsie Violet SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1908 at Stoke Newington, b. reg. Q2 1908 at Hackney R.D., m. reg. Q3 1933 at Stoke Newington R.D., Horace DENTON. In 1911, living with her parents.
- Dorothy Rosetta SERCOMBE, b. 24 Aug 1910 at Stoke Newington, b. reg. Q4 1910 at Hackney R.D., d. reg. Nov 1993 at Greenwich R.D. In 1911, living with her parents.
- Lilian M.M. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1913 at Hackney, m. reg. Q3 1942 at Islington R.D., Arthur H. MORLEY.
- Kathleen L. MORLEY, b. reg. Q2 1943 at Ely R.D.
- Alfred William SERCOMBE, b. 10 Apr 1882, b. reg. Q2 1882 at Shoreditch R.D., chr. 28 Apr 1882 at St. Saviour, Hoxton,
d. reg. Q2 1882 at Shoreditch R.D.
- (probably) Mary Ann SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1883 at Shoreditch R.D., d. reg. Q2 1883 at Shoreditch R.D.
- Another child, d. by 1911.
- Alice SERCOMBE, b. 5 Nov 1859 at St. Luke, b. reg. Q4 1859 at St. Luke R.D., chr. 27 Nov 1859 at St. Thomas
Charterhouse, Finsbury, Middlesex, m. 30 Sep 1884 at St. Jude, Bethnal Green, London, m. reg. Q3 1884 at Bethnal Green
R.D., Daniel Gordon BROOKE (b. ca. 1857 at Shoreditch, son of Daniel BROOKE, a general dealer). In 1861, living with her
parents (enumerated as "Allena"). In 1871, a scholar, living with her parents. In 1881, a fancy paper box maker, lodging
in the family of her future husband Daniel (a pipe founder). At her marriage in 1884, of 15 Quilter Street, Bethnal Green;
Daniel was a type founder, also of 15 Quilter Street; the witnesses were Samuel Thomas REYNOLDS and Sarah SCOTT.
- Joseph SERCOMBE, b. 2 Nov 1861 at St. Luke, b. reg. Q4 1861 at St. Luke R.D., chr. 24 Nov 1861 at St. Thomas Charterhouse, m. 26 Jun 1881 at St. James, Shoreditch, m. reg. Q2 1881 at Shoreditch R.D., Sarah Mary POTTS (b. ca. 1861 at Shoreditch, daughter of James POTTS, a butcher, d. reg. Q3 1904 at Shoreditch R.D., bur. 19 Aug 1904 in Abney Park Cemetery), d. reg. Q4 1934 at Edmonton R.D. In 1871, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1881, a boot finisher, lodging in the STOKES household at 43 York Road, St. Luke. At his marriage later in 1881, a boot finisher, of 43 York Road; Sarah was of 13 Half Nichol Street; the witnesses were Alice SERCOMBE (his sister) and James POTTS (probably Sarah's father). At his son's baptism in 1882, a finisher, of 1 Appleby Street, Bethnal Green. At his son's baptism in 1884, a boot finisher, of Tabard Street, Southwark. At his daughter's baptism in 1886, a professional, of 26 Red Lion Street, Bethnal Green. At his son's baptism in 1888, a professional singer, of 5 Mary Street, Haggerston, Shoreditch. (Where in 1891? His children were home alone.) In 1901, a boot finisher, living at 5 Lyndoch Street, St. Leonards Shoreditch, with his wife Sarah (an artificial florist) and their children James, Sarah, and Frederick. At his wife Sarah's death in 1904, she was of 5 Lynedock Street, Hoxton. In Apr 1911, a comedian in the variety profession, living at 63 Prince George Road, Stoke Newington, London, with his daughter Sarah. At his daughter Sarah's marriage in Aug 1911, a vocalist.
- Joseph James SERCOMBE, b. 29 Dec 1881 at Appleby Street, Haggerston, b. reg. Q1 1882 at Shoreditch R.D., chr. 22 Jan 1882 at St. James the Great, Bethnal Green, d. 1 Apr 1952, d. reg. Q2 1952 at Edmonton R.D., bur. 8 Apr 1952 at St. James, Enfield, Middlesex. In 1891, living at 33 Lynedoch Street, Shoreditch, with his siblings. In 1901, no occupation, living with his parents. In 1911, a general laborer for the Gas Metre Company, living with his brother James. At his death in 1952, of 154 Addison Road, Enfield.
- James Alfred SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1884 at "Boro" (i.e. Southwark), b. reg. Q1 1884 at St. Saviour Southwark R.D., chr. 20 Jan 1884 at Holy Trinity, Newington, m. reg. Q2 1906 at Shoreditch R.D., Rose Alice FORD (b. ca. 1882 at Wilmer Gardens, Shoreditch, d. reg. Q2 1943 at Edmonton R.D.), d. reg. Q3 1963 at Ilford R.D. In 1891, living at 33 Lynedoch Street, Shoreditch, with his siblings. (Where in 1901?) At his son's baptism in 1906, a house decorator, of 81 Gopsall Street, Hoxton. In 1911, a house painter, living at 117 Phillip Street, Kingsland Road, London, with his wife Rose, their sons James and Joseph, and his brother Joseph.
- James Joseph SERCOMBE, b. 14 or 15 Jul 1906 at 81 Gopsall Street, Shoreditch, b. reg. Q3 1906 at Shoreditch R.D., chr. 5 Aug 1906 at St. Peter, Hackney, m1. reg. Q2 1931 at Shoreditch R.D., Lilian or Lily L. HART (b. ca. 1908, d. reg. Q4 1943 at Edmonton R.D.), m2. reg. Q3 1947 at Edmonton R.D., Ada Annie WARE (b. 18 Jul 1915, m1. reg. Q3 1936 at Shoreditch R.D., Albert DOSSETT, d. reg. Mar 2001 at Waveney R.D.), d. reg. Jul 1987 at Waveney R.D. In 1911, living with his parents.
- Frederick J. SERCOMBE, b. 4 Aug 1934, b. reg. Q3 1934 at Edmonton R.D., m. reg. Q2 1963 at Hatfield R.D., Vivien J. HAY (m2. reg. Q2 1970 at Chelmsford R.D., Bryan A. RAWLINGS), m2. reg. Q2 1975 at Uttlesford R.D., Dawn S. NEWMAN (m2. reg. Q2 1979 at Uttlesford R.D., Peter D. KNOWLES), d. reg. Q2 1977 at Uttlesford R.D.
- Julie SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1964 at Edmonton R.D.
- Nigel Paul SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1967 at Dunmow R.D., m. reg. May 1995 at Braintree R.D., Helen M. PRYOR.
- Alice May SERCOMBE, b. reg. May 1996 at Norwich R.D.
- Louis James SERCOMBE, b. reg. Jun 1998 at Norwich R.D.
- Tracy Lorraine SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1976 at Bishops Stortford R.D.
- Patricia R. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1937 at Edmonton R.D., m. reg. Q4 1960 at Edmonton R.D., Alec R. TAYLOR.
- Barry J. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q3 1944 at Edmonton R.D., m. reg. Q3 1965 at Enfield R.D., Linda I. BURT.
- Hayley Ann SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q4 1977 at Hertford and Ware R.D.
- Lucy Kay SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1983 at Hatfield R.D.
- Richard Martin SERCOMBE, b. 23 Aug 1946, b. reg. Q3 1946 at Edmonton R.D., m. reg. Q4 1972 at Enfield R.D., Shirley G.
BROWN, d. reg. Q3 1979 at Enfield R.D.
- Joseph James SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1910 at 117 Phillip Street, Shoreditch, b. reg. Q2 1910 at Shoreditch R.D., d. reg. Q1 1919 at Shoreditch R.D. In 1911, living with his parents.
- Frederick C. SERCOMBE, b. 17 Jan 1913, b. reg. Q1 1913 at Shoreditch R.D., m. reg. Q2 1949 at Shoreditch R.D., Catherine or Kathleen MARTIN (b. 14 Feb 1920, m1. reg. Q1 1939 at Shoreditch R.D., William A. FROUD, d. reg. Q1 1982 at Epping Forest R.D.), d. reg. Jan 1992 at Wayland R.D.
- John V. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1945 (rereg. Q3 1963) at Edmonton R.D., m1. reg. Q4 1965 at Epping R.D., Kathleen S. BISHOP (m2. reg. Q4 1973 at Epping R.D., Arthur E. TORY), m2. reg. Q3 1972 at Epping R.D., Joane G. SAMUEL.
- Jane Deborah SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1966 at Epping R.D.
- David John SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1970 at Epping R.D.
- Peter A. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q1 1947 (rereg. Q3 1963) at Shoreditch R.D., m. reg. Q2 1968 at Epping R.D., Leslie M. JENKINS.
- Andrew Peter SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q1 1975 at Norwich R.D., m. reg. Jul 2004 at Wayland R.D., Victoria L.G. HOOK.
- Olivia Christy G. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Dec 2005 at Norwich R.D.
- Michael Ian SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q1 1979 at Norwich R.D.
- Kathryn A. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q1 1950 at Shoreditch R.D., d. reg. Q1 1955 at Epping R.D.
- David E. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q1 1952 at Epping R.D., m. reg. Q2 1974 at Epping Forest R.D., Barbara E. AYERS.
- Emma SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q3 1976 at Epping Forest R.D.
- Laura SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q1 1979 at Norwich R.D.
- George Arthur SERCOMBE, b. 28 Apr 1923, b. reg. Q2 1923 at Shoreditch R.D., m. reg. Q3 1944 at Chesterfield R.D., Marjorie BUTCHER (b. 1 Nov 1918, d. reg. Nov 2002 at Mansfield R.D.), d. reg. Q4 1979 at Chesterfield R.D.
- Nicholas A. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q3 1945 at Chesterfield R.D., m. reg. Q2 1968 at Chesterfield R.D., Ann FAULDER.
- Nicola SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1974 at Mansfield R.D.
- Angela S. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q4 1946 at Chesterfield R.D., m. reg. Q4 1967 at Chesterfield R.D., John PAGE.
- Samantha PAGE, b. reg. Q3 1969 at Mansfield R.D.
- Emma PAGE, b. reg. Q1 1976 at Mansfield R.D.
- Sarah Eleanor Louise SERCOMBE, b. 22 Mar 1886 at Haggerston, b. reg. Q2 1886 at Shoreditch R.D., chr. 11 Apr 1886 at St. James the Great, Bethnal Green, m1. 6 Aug 1911 at St. Matthias, Stoke Newington, m1. reg. Q3 1911 at Hackney R.D., James George TALBOT (b. ca. 1888, son of James Barnard John TALBOT, a deal merchant), m2. reg. Q4 1941 at Romford R.D., Arthur P. WOOD. In 1891, living at 33 Lynedoch Street, Shoreditch, with her siblings. In 1901, a baby milliner, living with her parents. In Apr 1911, a cashier for a butcher, living with her father. At her marriage in Aug 1911, of 63 Prince George Road; James was a commercial traveler, of 8 Church Road; the witnesses were Joseph SERCOMBE (probably her father) and William TALBOT.
- Frederick Charles SERCOMBE, b. 14 Jun 1888 at Haggerston, b. reg. Q3 1888 at Shoreditch R.D., chr. 8 Jul 1888 at St. Columba, Haggerston, m. 15 Sep 1923 at Lucknow, Bengal, Annie ROBERTSON (b. ca. 1879, daughter of Edward ROBERTSON, m1. LLOYD, wid. by 1923), d. 20 Sep 1945, bur. 21 Sep 1945 at St. Thomas Mount, Madras. In 1891, living at 33 Lynedoch Street, Shoreditch, with his siblings. In 1901, living with his parents. In 1911, a private in the 1st Battalion, Alexandra, Princess of Wales's Own (Yorkshire) Regiment, in Alexandria, Egypt.
- Alfred SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1866 at St. Luke, Finsbury, b. reg. Q1 1866 at St. Luke R.D., m. 21 Oct 1888 at All Saints, Newington, m. reg. Q4 1888 at St. Saviour R.D., Adelaide Julia POTTS (daughter of James POTTS, a butcher; b. ca. 1866 at Bethnal Green or Shoreditch, d. reg. Q2 1939 at Shoreditch R.D., bur. 28 Jun 1939 in Abney Park Cemetery), d. reg. Q1 1921 at Shoreditch R.D., bur. 17 Jan 1921 in Abney Park Cemetery. In 1871, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1881, a porter, living with his father. At his son Alfred's baptism in 1887, a coster, of 25 Fanshaw Street, recorded as if already married to Adelaide. At his marriage in 1888, a costermonger, of 4 Fisher's Buildings, Sterry Street; Adelaide was of 20 Sterry Street; the witnesses were John DALTON and Ellen DALTON. At his son Albert's baptism in 1889, a general dealer, of 64 Mary Street. At his son Frank's baptism in 1891, a costermonger, of 64 Mary Street. Later in 1891, a flower hawker, living at 64 Lynedoch Street, St. Leonard Shoreditch, with his wife Adelaide (a milliner) and their son Frank. At his daughter Adelaide's baptism in 1893, a costermonger, of 64 Mary Street. At his son Alfred's baptism in 1895, a dealer, of 64 Lynedoch Street. At his daughter Julia's baptism in 1898, a costermonger, of 64 Lynedoch Street. In 1901, a flower seller, living at 64 Lynedoch Street with his wife Adelaide and their children Adelaide, Alfred, and Julia. At his daughter Edith's baptism later in 1901, a costermonger, of 64 Lynedoch Street. At his daughter Beatrice's baptism in 1906, a nurseryman, of 60 Lynedoch Street. In 1911, a florist's assistant (salesman), living at 60 Lynedoch Street, Hoxton, with his wife Adelaide and their children Adelaide, Alfred, Julia, and Beatrice. At his daughter Adelaide's marriage in 1915, a packer. At his son Alfred's marriage in 1919, a lift attendant. At his death in 1921, of of 6 Northport Street, Shoreditch. At Adelaide's death in 1939, she was of St. Leonard's Hospital, Shoreditch.
- Alfred James SERCOMBE, b. 5 Nov 1887, b. reg. Q4 1887 at Shoreditch R.D., chr. 4 Dec 1887 at St. James the Great, Bethnal Green, Middlesex, d. reg. Q2 1888 at Shoreditch R.D.
- Albert Edward SERCOMBE, b. 19 Mar 1889, b. reg. Q2 1889 at Shoreditch R.D., chr. 14 Apr 1889 at St. Columba, Haggerston, d. reg. Q1 1891 at Shoreditch R.D.
- Frank Alfred SERCOMBE, b. 19 Jan 1891 at Shoreditch, b. reg. Q1 1891 at Shoreditch R.D., chr. 8 Feb 1891 at St. Columba, Haggerston, d. reg. Q1 1892 at Shoreditch R.D. In 1891, living with his parents.
- Adelaide Julia SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1893 at Hoxton, b. reg. Q1 1893 at Shoreditch R.D., chr. 5 Mar 1893 at St. Columba, Haggerston, m. 18 Sep 1915 at St. John the Baptist, Hoxton, m. reg. Q3 1915 at Shoreditch R.D., Henry ABRAHAMS (b. ca. 1895, son of Robert ABRAHAMS, a cigar maker). In 1901, living with her parents. In 1911, a strawboard liner in the stationer's show boards business, living with her parents. At her marriage in 1915, of 6 Northport Street; Henry was a soldier, of 16 Mintern Street; the witnesses were Alfred SERCOMBE and Beatrice POOLE.
- Catherine ABRAHAMS, b. reg. Q2 1917 at Shoreditch R.D.
- Helen ABRAHAMS, b. reg. Q1 1920 at Shoreditch R.D.
- Alfred H. ABRAHAMS, b. reg. Q4 1921 at Shoreditch R.D.
- Henry R. ABRAHAMS, b. reg. Q2 1923 at Shoreditch R.D.
- Agnes ABRAHAMS (twin with Julia), b. reg. Q3 1924 at Shoreditch R.D.
- Julia ABRAHAMS (twin with Agnes), b. reg. Q3 1924 at Shoreditch R.D.
- Ruth E. ABRAHAMS, b. reg. Q4 1925 at Shoreditch R.D.
- Margaret E. ABRAHAMS, b. reg. Q1 1928 at Shoreditch R.D.
- Adelaide B. ABRAHAMS, b. reg. Q1 1929 at Shoreditch R.D.
- Carole S. ABRAHAMS, b. reg. Q4 1935 at Shoreditch R.D.
- Alfred Joseph SERCOMBE, b. 27 Jun 1895 at Hoxton, b. reg. Q3 1895 at Shoreditch R.D., chr. 21 Jul 1895 at St. Columba, Haggerston, m. 20 Sep 1919 at St. Peter, Islington, m. reg. Q3 1919 at Islington R.D., Elizabeth Mabel MEDDINGS (b. ca. 1897, daughter of Matthew George MEDDINGS, a builder, d. reg. Q4 1937 at Islington R.D., bur. 6 Dec 1937 in Abney Park Cemetery), d. reg. Q2 1951 at Hackney R.D., bur. 4 Jun 1951 in Abney Park Cemetery. In 1901, living with his parents. In 1911, a showcard maker's assistant, living with his parents. At his marriage in 1919, a printer, of 15 City Garden Row, Islington; Elizabeth was of 51 City Garden Row, Islington; the witnesses were George THOMAS and Julia R.E. SERCOMBE (Alfred's sister). At her death in 1937, Elizabeth was of 51 City Garden Row, Islington. At his death in 1951, Alfred was of Hackney Hospital, London E.9.
- Mabel E. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q3 1921 at Islington R.D., m. reg. Q2 1945 at Dartford R.D., Joseph S. BROOK-SMITH.
- Dorothy M. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q1 1926 at Islington R.D., m. reg. Q4 1945 at Islington R.D., Dennis J. HARMS.
- Margaret A. HARMS, b. reg. Q2 1947 at Pancras R.D.
- Terence F. HARMS, b. reg. Q3 1951 at Pancras R.D.
- Joan Adelaide SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q3 1929 at Islington R.D., d. reg. Q4 1949 at Islington R.D., bur. 19 Oct 1949 in
Abney Park Cemetery. At her death in 1949, of 19 Londsdale Square, London N.1.
- Julia Rose Eleanor SERCOMBE, b. 23 Jul 1898 at Hoxton, b. reg. Q3 1898 at Shoreditch R.D., chr. 14 Aug 1898 at St. Columba, Haggerston, m. reg. Q2 1931 at Shoreditch R.D., Alfred HEARD, d. 10 Dec 1991 at Luton and Dunstable Hospital, Luton, Bedfordshire. In 1901, living with her parents. In 1911, at school, living with her parents.
- Margaret Julia HEARD, b. 8 Apr 1932, b. reg. Q2 1932 at Shoreditch R.D., m. COLLEY, d. 15 Nov 1999.
Ancestor of researcher Peter Colley.
- Edith Florence SERCOMBE, b. 17 Jun 1901, b. reg. Q3 1901 at Shoreditch R.D., chr. 7 Jul 1901 at St. Columba, Haggerston, d. reg. Q3 1903 at Shoreditch R.D.
- Beatrice Eleanor R. SERCOMBE, b. 15 Feb 1906 at Shoreditch, b. reg. Q1 1906 at Shoreditch R.D., chr. 11 Mar 1906 at St. Columba, Haggerston, m. reg. Q4 1930 at Marylebone R.D., Gordon S. BROWNING, d. reg. Q2 1979 at Bournemouth R.D. In 1911, at school, living with her parents.
- Roma A. BROWNING, b. reg. Q3 1936 at Eton R.D.
- (probably) Francis John SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q4 1868 at St. Luke R.D., d. reg. Q4 1869 at Holborn R.D.
- George SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1827 at Moretonhampstead or Dunsford, m. 29 May 1849 at Dunsford, m. reg. Q2 1849 at St. Thomas R.D., Ann TINCOMBE (b. ca. 1826 at Dunsford, d. reg. Q2 1884 at St. Thomas R.D., bur. 3 Apr 1884 at Dunsford), d. reg. Q3 1876 at St. Thomas R.D., bur. 1 Aug 1876 at Dunsford. In 1849, a husbandman. In 1851, an agricultural laborer, living with his wife Ann and son Joseph in the household of Ann's parents at Middle Butts, Dunsford, together with lodger George SERCOMBE (his father's first cousin) and George's daughter Mary SERCOMBE (his second cousin, described as a "grandson" of Ann's parents). In 1861, an agricultural laborer, living at No. 2 Berry Cross Cottage, Dunsford, with his wife Ann, son William, and mother Sarah. In 1870, a carrier at Dunsford, making weekly trips to the Turk's Head, Exeter, on Fridays at 7 a.m., and leaving Exeter for the return trip at 4 p.m. In 1871, a carrier, living at Berry Cross Cot No. 1, Dunsford, with his wife Ann and son William. In 1876, of Berry Cross. In 1881, Ann was an annuitant, living at Symond Cottage, Dunsford. In 1884, Ann was of Dunsford.
- Joseph SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q4 1849 at St. Thomas R.D., chr. 14 Oct 1849 at Dunsford, d. of smallpox, d. reg. Q1 1853 at St. Thomas R.D., bur. 10 Mar 1853 at Dunsford. At his death in 1853, of Berry Cross.
- William SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1851 at Dunsford, b. reg. Q4 1851 at St. Thomas R.D., chr. 30 Nov 1851 at Dunsford, m. 9 Feb 1875 at Dunsford, m. reg. Q1 1875 at St. Thomas R.D., Fanny Louisa DRAKE (b. ca. 1850 at Hilton or Blandford, Dorset, d. reg. Q1 1918 at St. Thomas R.D.). In 1861, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1871, an agricultural laborer, living with his parents. In 1881, a farmer of 14 acres, living at Berry Cottage, Dunsford, with his wife Fanny. At his daughter's baptism in 1887, of Dunsford village. In 1891, a laborer, living at Symonds Cot, Dunsford, with his wife Louisa. In 1901, a pig killer, living at Symond Cottage, Dunsford, with his wife Louisa. In 1911, a farm laborer, living at Warnscombe, Dunsford, with his wife Louisa (a laundress).
- George SERCOMBE, chr. 24 Dec 1875 at Dunsford, b. reg. Q1 1876 at St. Thomas R.D., d. reg. Q2 1877 at St. Thomas R.D., bur. 20 May 1877 at Dunsford. At his death in 1877, of Dunsford.
- (perhaps) Minnie SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q1 1879 at St. Thomas R.D., d. aged 1 month, bur. 2 Dec 1878 at Dunsford, d. reg. Q1 1879 at St. Thomas R.D. At her death in 1878, of Holeacre, Dunsford.
- Jessie SERCOMBE, chr. 6 Nov 1887 at Dunsford, d. aged 3 weeks, bur. 2 Dec 1887 at Dunsford, b. reg. Q1 1888 at St. Thomas R.D., d. reg. Q1 1888 at St. Thomas R.D. At her death in 1887, of Berry Cross, Dunsford.
- Mary SERCOMBE, chr. 2 Jun 1751 at Dunsford, m. 6 Sep 1778 at Bridford, Devon, William ROLSTONE (b. ca. 1749 in Devon). At her marriage in 1778, of Bridford; William was a coal burner, also of Bridford; the witnesses were James SERCOMBE (her brother) and William WOODLY (probably the parish clerk). In 1841, William was living with his daughter Anne.
- Thomas ROULSTONE, chr. 21 Oct 1779 at Doddiscombsleigh.
- William ROLSTONE, chr. 28 Jul 1782 at Doddiscombsleigh.
- Mary ROLESTONE, chr. 6 Mar 1785 at Doddiscombsleigh.
- Sally ROLESTONE, chr. 30 Oct 1791 at Bridford.
- Anne ROLESTONE, chr. 4 Oct 1795 at Bridford, m. 3 Aug 1830 at Bridford, Samuel SERCOMBE, d. reg. Q3 1857 at St. Thomas R.D. At her marriage in 1830, Samuel was of Ashton; Betsy SMALRIDGE and Mary Ann MUGFORD witnessed the marriage. In 1841, living at Sciddow, Ashton, with her husband, their
children, and her father. In 1851, living at Skidda, Ashton, with her husband and their children.
- John SERCOMBE, chr. 3 Mar 1754 at Dunsford, bur. 27 Jul 1755 at Dunsford.
- James SERCOMB, chr. 4 Jul 1756 at Dunsford, m. 16 Jan 1780 at Dunsford, Mary CRISPIN (b. ca. 1756, bur. 30 Aug 1835 at
Dunsford), bur. 10 Aug 1808 at Dunsford. In 1780, a labourer. In 1780, James's marriage was witnessed by John SERCOMBE,
probably his younger brother. In 1821, Mary was living at Middle Butts, Dunsford, with her daughters Mary and Ann and
granddaughter Jane WILLS. (James DAY, laborer, was also living at Middle Butts in 1821, with his wife Ann and two
daughters.) In 1835, Mary was of Britton Street.
- Elizabeth SERCOMBE, chr. 16 Apr 1781 at Dunsford, m. 3 Jan 1803 by banns at Dunsford, John WILLS. James SERCOMBE,
probably Elizabeth's father, witnessed her marriage in 1803.
- Mary SERCOMBE, chr. 13 Apr 1783 at Dunsford, m. 23 Oct 1827 at Dunsford, William WILLCOTT. In 1821, living with her
mother. In 1827, the marriage was witnessed by William SERCOMBE (probably her brother) and Ann CRISPIN (probably a relative
of her mother).
- Sarah SERCOMBE, chr. 30 Oct 1785 at Dunsford, m. 20 Jul 1819 at Dunsford, William GUSCOTT.
Ancestor of researcher Jo Temple.
- Ann SERCOMBE, chr. 31 May 1789 at Dunsford, bur. 18 Nov 1829 at Dunsford. In 1821, living with her mother. In 1829, of
Pullins, Dunsford.
- Susanna SERCOMBE, chr. 17 Jun 1792 at Dunsford, bur. 3 Dec 1813 at Dunsford. In 1813, of Butts Cottage.
- William SERCOMBE, chr. 22 Mar 1795 at Dunsford, m. 20 Jun 1822 at Topsham, Devon, Mary PRESTON (b. ca. 1787 at Tedburn St. Mary, Devon, d. 24 Oct 1864, d. reg. Q4 1864 at St. Thomas R.D., bur. 27 Oct 1864 at Dunsford), d. 20 Oct 1864, d. reg. Q4 1864 at St. Thomas R.D., bur. 27 Oct 1864 at Dunsford. In 1807, apprenticed to George CRISPIN by consent. In 1821, a mason's servant by the week in the household of George CRISPIN at Hole-Acre, Dunsford. In 1822, a mason, of Dunsford. In 1824-26, a mason, of Holeacre, Dunsford. In 1846, a mason. In 1850, a mason at Dunsford. In 1851, a mason, living at Camsland Lodge, Dunsford, with his wife Mary, son John, and John's wife and children. In 1861, a mason, living at Camsland Lodge with his wife Mary and grandchildren William and Sabena. At his death in 1864, of Camsland, Dunsford.
- John SERCOMBE, chr. 17 Feb 1824 at Dunsford, m. 22 Jul 1846 at Moretonhampstead, Devon, m. reg. Q3 1846 at Newton Abbot R.D., Mary HILL (b. ca. 1827 at Moretonhampstead, d. reg. Q4 1887 at Cardiff R.D.), d. reg. Q3 1895 at Cardiff R.D. In 1846, John was a mason, of Fore Street, Moretonhampstead, and Mary was of Cross Street, Moretonhampstead. In 1851, a mason, living in the household of his parents with his wife Mary (a dressmaker) and their children William and Sabrina. In 1861, a police officer on the county force, living at Yatton Street, Yatton, Somerset, with his wife Mary and their children Samuel, Sophia, and Louisa. In 1871, a county court bailiff, living at 6 Eisteddfod Street, Cardiff St. Mary, Glamorgan, with his wife Mary and children William, Louisa, and Minna. At his son's marriage in 1878, a mason. At his son's marriage in 1879, a commission agent. In 1881, a mason, living at 3 Richards Terrace, Roath, Cardiff, with his wife Mary, children Emma, Samuel, and Minna, Samuel's wife, and Emma's son. In 1891, a coal trimmer, living at 26 Aberystwyth Street, Roath, with his daughter Minnie and grandson William. At his daughter's marriage later in 1891, a coal foreman.
- William SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1846 at Dunsford, b. reg. Q4 1846 at St. Thomas R.D., chr. 6 Dec 1846 at Dunsford, m. 12 Feb 1878 at Bovey Tracey, m. reg. Q1 1878 at Newton Abbot, Sarah Ann BIRD (b. ca. 1845 at Petrockstowe, Devon, d. reg. Q1 1931 at Newton Abbot R.D.; daughter of Samuel BIRD, a blacksmith), d. reg. Q2 1907 at Marylebone R.D. In 1851, living with his parents. In 1861, a mason, living with his paternal grandfather. In 1871, a police constable, living with his parents. At his marriage in 1878, a saddler, of Bovey Tracey; Sarah was also of Bovey Tracey; the witnesses were Henry ROWE and Jane Foley BIRD. In 1881, a saddler and harness maker employing one man, living at Cross Slade House, Bovey Tracey, Devon, with his wife Sarah (a draper and grocer), her sister and mother, and a servant. In 1891, a harness maker, living at Fore Street, Bovey Tracey, with his wife Sarah (a draper and grocer), their children Winifred, Gertrude, Mildred, and Arthur, and his wife's assistant. In 1901, a saddler and harness maker, living at Fore Street, Bovey Tracey, with his wife Sarah (a draper and grocer) and their children Arthur and Mildred. Posthumously at his daughter's marriage in 1908, a saddler. In 1911, Sarah was a grocer and draper with a small general store, living at Cross Slade House, Bovey Tracey, with her daughter Mildred, a boarder, and her uncle Edward FULFORD (an old age pensioner, b. ca. 1821 at Abbotsham, Devon, m. and wid. by 1911).
- Winifred Ann(ie) SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1881 at Bovey Tracey, b. reg. Q1 1881 at Newton Abbot R.D., m. reg. Q3 1908 at Newton Abbot R.D., Herbert Clement WHITING (b. ca. 1877 at Bristol St. James). In 1891, a scholar, living with her parents. In 1901, a milliner in the household of draper Frank ROSSITER at 7 Palace Avenue, Paignton, Devon, together with her sister Gertrude. In 1911, living at 55 Berkeley Road, Westbury Park, Bristol, with her husband Herbert (an engineer's cost clerk) and her visiting first cousin Samuel Alexander SERCOMBE.
- Gertrude Maud SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1882 at Bovey Tracey, b. reg. Q1 1882 at Newton Abbot R.D., m. 8 Jun 1908 at Bovey Tracey, m. reg. Q2 1908 at Newton Abbot R.D., Samuel Leycester SOPER (b. ca. 1878 at Slapton, Devon, son of John Henry SOPER, a butcher). In 1891, a scholar, living with her parents. In 1901, an assistant to draper Frank ROSSITER at 7 Palace Avenue, Paignton, together with her sister Winifred. At her marriage in 1908, of Fore Street, Bovey Tracey; Samuel was a schoolmaster, of the parish of St. James Enfield Highway; the witnesses were Sarah Ann SERCOMBE (her mother), Arthur B. SERCOMBE (her brother), and Herbert Clement WHITING (her sister's husband). In 1911, living at 47 Edenbridge Road, Bush Hill Park, London, with her husband Samuel (an assistant schoolmaster for the Urban District Council).
- Mildred Ella SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1883 at Bovey Tracey, b. reg. Q3 1883 at Newton Abbot R.D., m. reg. Q1 1916 at Newton Abbot R.D., Thomas D. TOLLEY. In 1891, a scholar, living with her parents. In 1901, an apprentice to a draper (presumably her mother), living with her parents. In 1911, an assistant to her mother, living with her mother.
- Joyce M. TOLLEY, b. reg. Q3 1917 at Newton Abbot R.D.
- Winifred M. TOLLEY, b. reg. Q2 1919 at Newton Abbot R.D.
- Arthur Bird SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1885 at Bovey Tracey, b. reg. Q1 1885 at Newton Abbot R.D., m1. reg. Q1 1906 at West Ham R.D., Frances Havergal SMITH (b. ca. 1884 at Chiswick, London W., d. reg. Q1 1947 at Northampton R.D.), m2. reg. Q3 1950 at Thurrock R.D., Florence M. SMITH (b. ca. 1885, d. reg. Q1 1963 at Southend on Sea R.D.), d. reg. Q2 1957 at Thurrock R.D. In 1891, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1901, an apprentice to a saddler and harness maker (presumably his father), living with his parents. In 1911, a leather harness maker, living at 14 Whiteheather Terrace, Bovey Tracey; Frances was visiting the household of Mrs. SMITH (probably her mother) at 93 Milton Avenue, East Ham, London, with her children Anna, Charlie, and Walter.
- Anna Gertrude SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1906 at Tooting, London, b. reg. Q4 1906 at Wandsworth R.D., m. reg. Q3 1941 at Bradford R.D., Richardson JENNINGS. In 1911, visiting family with her mother.
- Philip S. JENNINGS, b. reg. Q4 1944 at Bradford R.D.
- Charles (Charlie) Bernard SERCOMBE, b. 10 Jul 1908 at Bovey Tracey, b. reg. Q3 1908 at Newton Abbot R.D., m. reg. Q2 1935 at Romford R.D., Doris Maud MAJOR (b. 7 Jan 1912, d. reg. Q3 1973 at Northumberland Central R.D.), d. reg. Jul 1992 at Hatfield R.D. In 1911, visiting family with his mother.
- Brian D. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1937 at Romford R.D., m1. reg. Q2 1959 at Bradford R.D., Gloria J. HEMINGWAY, m2. reg. Q3 1970 at Newcastle upon Tyne R.D., Jacqueline A.B. STARK.
- Walter George SERCOMBE, b. 3 Jul 1910 at East Ham, b. reg. Q3 1910 at West Ham R.D., m. reg. Q2 1938 at Romford R.D., Florence Ann WATKINSON (b. 27 Jan 1915, d. reg. Jan 2003 at Southend on Sea R.D.), d. reg. Dec 1990 at Southend on Sea R.D. In 1911, visiting family with his mother.
- Ian Howard SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1939 at Hackney R.D., m. reg. Q2 1967 at Barking R.D., Myra E. SIEBRITS. Researcher Howard Sercombe.
- Ruth SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1943 at Bakewell R.D.
- Emma SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q4 1848 at St. Thomas R.D., chr. 30 Nov 1848 at Dunsford, m. reg. Q1 1881 at Bedminster R.D., Horace Richard MARWOOD. In 1851,
living with her maternal grandparents at Cross Street, Moretonhampstead (enumerated as Anna). In 1861, a scholar, living
with her maternal grandparents at Cross Street, Moretonhampstead. In 1871, a general domestic servant in the MARWOOD
household (perhaps the family of her future husband?) at Redland Villa, Newport Road, Roath. In 1881, living in the
household of her parents with her son Harold MARWOOD.
- Sabena or Sabina or Sebina or Sebena or Sabrina or Bena SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q4 1850 at St. Thomas R.D., chr. 10 Dec 1850 at Dunsford, d. reg. Q4 1933 at Maidenhead R.D. In 1851, living with her parents. In 1861, a scholar, living with her paternal grandfather. In 1871, a general servant in the WILLIAMS household at 9 Westbourne Place, Cardiff St. Mary, Glamorgan. In 1881, a cook in the ROBINSON household at 1 Kensington Garden Square, Paddington. In 1891, a cook in the CASTELLS household at 66 Gloster Terrace, Paddington. In 1901, a cook in the PARKER household at 12 Westbourne Park Road, Paddington. In 1911, a cook, lodging at 51 St. Marks Road, Notting Hill, London.
- Samuel John SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1852 at Camsland, Dunsford, b. reg. Q4 1852 at St. Thomas R.D., chr. 28 Oct 1852 at Dunsford, m1. 1 Dec 1879 at Moretonhampstead, m1. reg. Q4 1879 at Newton Abbot R.D., Elizabeth Ann UNDERHILL (b. ca. 1851 at Moretonhampstead, d. reg. Q1 1887 at Cardiff R.D.; daughter of William UNDERHILL, a baker), m2. reg. Q4 1889 at Beverley R.D., Mary Jane FOSTER (b. ca. 1861 at Lund, Yorkshire, d. reg. Q1 1946 at Pontypridd R.D.), d. reg. Q4 1933 at Cardiff R.D. In 1861, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1871, a billiard marker, boarding in the SHILLON household at 28-29 Mill Street, Hafodunog, Pontypridd, Glamorgan. At his marriage in 1879, a clerk, of Roath; Elizabeth was of Moretonhampstead; the witnesses were George UNDERHILL and Jane BIRD(?). In 1881, a coal foreman, living in the household of his parents with his wife Elizabeth. In 1891, a coal foreman, lodging in the DANDO household at 30 Broadway, Roath, with his wife Mary, sister Louisa, and children Samuel and Hilda. In 1901, a coal inspector, living at 125 Claud Road, Roath, with his wife Mary, sons Alexander and Clifford, and a maid. In 1911, a foreman at a coal shipper's, living at 11 Miskin Street, Barry, Glamorgan, with his wife Mary, their sons Clifford and Stanley, and a visitor.
- Alexander or Samuel Alexander SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1882 at Cardiff, b. reg. Q3 1882 at Cardiff R.D., m. reg. Q3 1924 at Cardiff R.D., Bessie Adeline THOMAS (b. 3 Jun 1901, d. reg. Q1 1983 at South Glamorgan R.D.), d. reg. Q1 1950 at East Glamorgan R.D. In 1891, a scholar, living with his father and stepmother. In 1901, a clerk, living with his father and stepmother. In 1911, a clerk for a steel and iron merchant, visiting the household of his first cousin Winifred Annie SERCOMBE.
- Hilda Mary SERCOMBE, b. ca. Jan 1891 at Cardiff, b. reg. Q2 1891 at Cardiff R.D., d. reg. Q4 1896 at Cardiff R.D. In 1891, living with her parents.
- Ernest Wilfred SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1892 at Cardiff R.D., d. reg. Q3 1892 at Cardiff R.D.
- Kate Gertrude SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q3 1896 at Cardiff R.D., d. reg. Q2 1897 at Cardiff R.D.
- Clifford Samuel SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1899 at Cardiff, b. reg. Q3 1899 at Cardiff R.D., d. reg. Q4 1922 at Cardiff R.D. In 1901, living with his parents. In 1911, at school, living with his parents.
- Stanley John SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1901 at Cardiff, b. reg. Q1 1901 at Cardiff R.D., m. reg. Q3 1945 at East Glamorgan R.D., Daisy Sophia PROCTOR (b. 21 Feb 1903, d. reg. Feb 1992 at South Glamorgan R.D.), d. reg. Q4 1965 at Bridgend R.D. In 1911, at school, living with his parents.
- Sophia SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1854 at Dunsford, b. reg. Q3 1854 at St. Thomas, chr. 10 Sep 1854 at Dunsford, d. reg. Q2 1867
at Cardiff R.D., bur. 19 May 1867 at St. Mary, Cardiff. In 1861, a scholar, living with her parents. At her death in 1867,
of Eisteddfod Street.
- Louisa "Lucy" SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1857 at Camsland, Dunsford, b. reg. Q1 1857 at St. Thomas R.D., chr. 22 Feb 1857 at Dunsford, m. 18 May 1891 at the Wesleyan Methodist Chapel, Woodgrange Road, Forest Gate, Essex, m. reg. Q2 1891 at West Ham R.D., John Edward HARRIES (b. ca. 1864 at Widnes, Lancashire, son of William HARRIES, a master bricklayer). In 1861 and 1871, a scholar, living with her parents. In 1881, a general servant in the CARSON household at Forest House, Cardiff St. John. In 1891, a housekeeper, living with her brother Samuel. At her marriage later in 1891, of 2 Waterloo Road, East Ham, Essex; John was a bricklayer, also of 2 Waterloo Road; the witnesses were Louisa's brother Samuel and Jessie HARRIES. In 1901, living at 109 St. Stephens Road, East Ham, with her husband John (a bricklayer).
- Minna Mary "Minnie" SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1861 at Yatton or Nailsea, Somerset, b. reg. Q2 1861 at Bedminster R.D., m. ca. 1899 Arthur WICKHAM (b. ca. 1864 at Hurstpierpoint, Sussex), d. reg. Q4 1939 at Portsmouth R.D. In 1871, a scholar, living with her parents. In 1881, living with her parents. In 1891, a dressmaker, living with her father, together with her son William. In 1901, living at 38 Peel Street, Kensington, London, with her husband Arthur (a commercial clerk) and their son Arthur. In 1911, living at 126 Clarendon Road, London W., with her husband Arthur (a draper's clerk), their children Arthur and Minna, and her lodging son William.
- (probably) William Henry SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1884 at Cardiff, b. reg. Q4 1884 at Cardiff R.D. In 1891, living with his mother and her father. (Where in 1901?) In 1911, a butcher's assistant, lodging with his mother's family.
- Arthur Henry WICKHAM, b. ca. 1900 in London, b. reg. Q1 1900 at Kensington R.D. In 1901, living with his parents. In 1911, at school, living with his parents.
- Ivy Minna or Minna Ivy WICKHAM, b. ca. 1902 in London, b. reg. Q2 1902 at Fuham R.D. In 1911, at school, living with her parents.
- Emma SERCOMBE, chr. 7 May 1826 at Dunsford, d. reg. Q1 1842 at St. Thomas R.D., bur. 30 Mar 1842 at Dunsford. In 1842,
of Holeacre.
- Martha SERCOMBE, chr. 3 Jun 1798 at Tedburn St. Mary, Devon. In 1824, unmarried and pregnant, removed to Alphington,
Devon, by the parish overseers of Dunsford. At her son's baptism in 1825, an unmarried servant, of Longdown Cottage,
- John SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1825 at Alphington, chr. 25 Sep 1825 at Holcombe Burnell, Devon, m. reg. Q1 1852 at St. Thomas
R.D., Ann CORNISH (b. ca. 1823 at Doddiscombsleigh, Devon, daughter of William CORNISH, laborer, m2. 30 Jan 1870 at St.
John and St. George, Exeter, m2. reg. Q1 1870 at Exeter R.D., George CLARKE [b. ca. 1822 at Doddiscombsleigh, son of John
CLARKE, laborer, m1. and wid. by 1870]), d. reg. Q2 1861 at St. Thomas R.D., bur. 24 May 1861 at Doddiscombsleigh. In
1851, an agricultural laborer in the ARCHER household at Shildon Farm, Doddiscombsleigh. At his son's baptism in 1852, a
laborer, of Burnt House, Doddiscombsleigh. At his son's baptism in 1854, a miner, of Burnt House. At his daughter's
baptism in 1857, a miner, of Moxhay's Pool Cottage, Doddiscombsleigh. At his daughter's baptism in 1859, a labourer, of
Moxhey's Pool Cottage. In Apr 1861, an invalid without occupation, living at Stone Court Cottage, Doddiscombsleigh, with
his wife Ann and their children William, John, Elizabeth, and Emily. At his death in May 1861, of Moxley's Port. At Ann's
remarriage in 1870, she was of Exeter St. John; her husband George was a laborer, of Exeter St. John. In 1871, Ann was a
dressmaker, living at Burnt House Cottage, Doddiscombsleigh, with her husband George (a labourer), her daughter Emily, her
widowed father, and George's children from his first marriage Charles and Ellen CLARK (b. ca. 1863 and 1864 at
Doddiscombsleigh). Posthumously at his daughter's marriage in 1883, a labourer.
- William SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1852 at Doddiscombsleigh, b. reg. Q2 1852 at St. Thomas R.D., chr. 30 May 1852 at Doddiscombsleigh, m. reg. Q4 1883 at Kensington R.D., Eliza BOTTOMS (b. ca. 1859 at Biggleswade, Bedfordshire, d. reg. Q4 1937 at Newton Abbot R.D.), d. reg. Q1 1908 at Amersham R.D. In 1861, living with his parents. In 1871, a groom, etc., in the ROUGHT household at Bushy Park House, Littleham, Devon. In 1881, a railway porter, boarding in the READ household at 40 Clareville Grove, Kensington, London. In 1891, a railway guard, living at 148 Sulgrave Road, Hammersmith, London, with his wife Eliza. In 1901, a railway passenger guard, living at 257 Berkhamstead Road, Chesham, Buckinghamshire, with his wife Eliza. In 1911, Eliza was a lady's attendant in the BROWNING household at Bec-en-trent(?), Sidmouth, Devon.
- John SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1854 at Doddiscombsleigh, b. reg. Q1 1854 at St. Thomas R.D., chr. 15 Jan 1854 at Doddiscombsleigh, m. reg. Q1 1883 at Dartford R.D., Fanny Elizabeth SMITH (b. ca. 1857 at Badlesmereleese, Kent, d. reg. Q2 1929 at Kingston R.D.), d. reg. Q1 1908 at Kingston R.D. In 1861, living with his parents. In 1871, a farm servant in the LOWTON household at Webberton Cottage, Dunchideock, Devon. In 1881, a police constable, living at the police station, Kennington Road, Lambeth, Surrey. In 1891, a metropolitan police constable, living at 22 Avalon Road, Fulham, London, with his wife Elizabeth and their son Frederick. In 1901, a police constable, living at 2 Woodbury Villas, Teddington, Middlesex, with his wife Fanny and their son Frederick. In 1911, Fanny was living at 18 Glenville Road, Kingston on Thames, Surrey, with her son Frederick.
- Frederick John SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1886 at Chelsea, Middlesex, b. reg. Q1 1886 at Chelsea R.D., m. reg. Q3 1915 at Kingston R.D., Ellen SAVAGE (b. ca. 1885, d. reg. Q2 1951 at Honiton R.D.), d. reg. Q1 1954 at Honiton R.D. In 1891, living with his parents. In 1901, a solicitor's clerk, living with his parents. In 1911, a clerk at an electricity works, living with his mother.
- Elizabeth Ellen SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1857 at Doddiscombsleigh, b. reg. Q1 1857 at St. Thomas R.D., chr. 22 Feb 1857 at Doddiscombsleigh, m. 18 Apr 1883 at Cheriton Fitzpaine, Devon, m. reg. Q2 1883 at Crediton R.D., Frank COUNTER (son of Francis COUNTER, a laborer). In 1861, living with her parents. In 1871, a children's maid in the MORTIMER household at Browne's Farm, Kenn, Devon. In 1881, a parlourmaid in the ARUNDELL household, at Rectory House, Cheriton Fitzpaine. At her marriage in 1883, a domestic servant, of Cheriton Fitzpaine; Frank was a carpenter, of Christow; the witnesses were George COUNTER and Emily Caroline SERCOMBE (Elizabeth's sister).
- Emily Caroline SERCOMBE, b. ca. Oct 1859 at Doddiscombsleigh, b. reg. Q4 1859 at St. Thomas R.D., chr. 13 Nov 1859 at Doddiscombsleigh, d. 4 Jan 1936, d. reg. Q1 1936 at Newton Abbot R.D., bur. at Doddiscombsleigh. In 1861, living with her parents. In 1871, living with her mother and stepfather. In 1881, a domestic servant in the HOCKIN household, at 52 Magdalen Street, Exeter Holy Trinity, Devon. In 1891, a cook in the HEWITT household at 3 Cheniston Gardens, Kensington, London. In 1901, a maid in the TEMPLER household at 8 Powderham Street, East Teignmouth, Devon. In 1911, a sick nurse in the CHURTON household at 4 Courtenay Road, Newton Abbot.
- James SERCOMB, chr. 22 Jun 1800 at Stoke Damerel, Devon.
- John SERCOMBE, chr. 1 Jan 1759 at Dunsford, m. 10 Mar 1785 at Dunsford by banns, Elizabeth NORRISH (b. ca. 1763 at Holcombe Burnell, Devon, d. reg. Q3 1851 at St. Thomas R.D.), d. by 1851. At his marriage in 1785, John was a laborer; William SERCOMBE, probably his father or his eldest brother, was a marriage witness. In 1851, Elizabeth was blind, living with her daughter Elizabeth.
- John SERCOMBE, chr. 14 May 1786 at Dunsford, bur. 27 Jun 1786 at Dunsford.
- John SERCOMBE, chr. 7 Sep 1788 at Dunsford, m. 26 Feb 1811 at Clyst St. George, Devon, Ann COX (b.
ca. 1790). In 1811, of Holcombe Burnell, Devon; Ann was of Clyst St. George.
On 1 Jan 1850, acquired 160 acres of land in Milwaukee County, Wisconsin.
In 1850, a farmer, living at Wauwatosa, Milwaukee County, with his wife Anna. In 1855, living at Wauwatosa. In 1860, a
farmer with real estate worth $2600 and personal estate worth $100, living at Wauwatosa with his wife Ann.
- John Cox SERCOMBE, chr. 30 Apr 1811 at St. Sidwell, Exeter, Devon, and again 18 Jul 1813 at St. Mary Major, Exeter, m.
17 Jul 1834 at St. John the Baptist, Yeovil, Somerset, by license, Emma CAYME (b. ca. 1814 at Exeter), d. by 1880. In 1834,
John and Emma were both of Yeovil. H. BARRETT, Lucy CAYME, and Jonathan CROCKER witnessed the marriage in 1834. Arrived at
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, on 8 Nov 1837. In 1840, living at
Milwaukee (West Ward) with his wife Emma and daughter Mary. In 1850, a furnace man, living at 2nd Ward, Milwaukee, with his
wife Emma, their children John, Mary, Charles, Albert, and Emily, and a servant. In 1855, living at 4th Ward, Milwaukee. In
1860, an iron founder with real estate worth $10,000 and personal estate of $7000, living at 4th Ward,
Milwaukee, with his wife Emma and children Mary, John, Charles, Albert, and Emma. In 1880, Emma lived at 133 4th Street,
Milwaukee, with her daughters Mary and Emma, Mary's husband George, boarders Walter RICE and Henry BUXTON, and a servant.
- John SERCOMBE, b. 15 Nov 1835, chr. 11 Feb 1836 at the Independent chapel, Yeovil, bur. 24 Aug 1836 at St. John the
Baptist, Yeovil.
- Mary A.L. SERCOMB, b. ca. 1838 in Wisconsin, m. George W. SANFORD (b. ca. 1841 in Michigan). In 1850, attended school.
In Fall term 1855, attended Lawrence Prep, Appleton, Outagamie County, Wisconsin, taking classes in Latin, French, and
grammar. In 1880, at home, living with her husband George (a traveling agent) in her parents' household.
- John W. SERCOMB, b. Mar 1841 in Wisconsin, m. ca. 1881 Margaret E. (b. Apr 1852 in Wisconsin), d. by 1910. In 1850,
attended school, living with his parents. Attended Lawrence Prep in 1859/60 (junior) and 1860/61 (senior). In 1860, a
college student, living at 2nd Ward, Appleton. Attended Lawrence College in 1861/62 (freshman) and 1862/63 (sophomore).
In 1880, in the silver ware business, living in the household of his brother Albert. In 1900, a collector, living at
7140 Normal Avenue, Chicago, with his wife Margaret. In 1910, Margaret was living on her own income at 7140 Normal Avenue,
- Charles Albert Scales SERCOMB, b. May 1843 in Wisconsin, m. 18 Feb 1875 Harriet "Hattie" BARKER (b. ca. 1852 in
Wisconsin). In 1850 and 1860, attended school, living with his parents. Enlisted in the Union army on 9 Aug 1861 and
served 100 days as a private in the Illinois Volunteer Infantry. In 1880, a railroad engineer, living at 313 Walker
Street, Milwaukee, with his wife Hattie (keeping house), children Royal, Gertrude, and Grace, and a Prussian servant. In
1890, living at 174 27th Street, Milwaukee. In 1900, a foundryman, living at 539 Terrace Avenue, Milwaukee, with his wife
Harriet, children Royal, Grace, and Gertrude, Gertrude's husband, and a servant. In 1910, a soap manufacturer, living at
778 Stowell Avenue, Milwaukee, with his wife Harriet, son Charles, and daughter Margaret.
- Royal Charles or Charles Royal SERCOMB, b. Jan 1876 in Illinois, m. ca. 1909 (d. by 1920), d. 2 Jun 1942 at Chicago.
In 1880, visiting his maternal grandparents Daniel T. BARKER (a lumber dealer, b. ca. 1826 in Connecticut) and Susan E.
(b. ca. 1835 in Connecticut) at Elkhorn, Walworth County, Wisconsin. In 1900, at school, living with his parents. Attended
Harvard University. In 1910, a lawyer in general practice, living with his parents (but not his wife). In 1913, address
778 Stowell Avenue, Milwaukee. In 1920, a lawyer working in public administration, living at 4410 North Ashland Avenue,
Chicago, with his sister Grace. In 1930, a lawyer with his own office, living at 4519-4527 North Paulina Street, Chicago,
with his sister Margaret Grace.
- Gertrude M. or M. Gertrude SERCOMB, b. Jun 1877 in Wisconsin, m. 27 Dec 1899 in Milwaukee County, Charles W. BIGGS
or BEGGS, Jr.
(b. 1875 in Dakota). In 1880, at home, living with her parents. In 1900, living with her husband Charles (a traveling
salesman of patent medicines) in the household of her parents.
- Grace Margaret or Margaret Grace SERCOMB, b. May 1879 in Wisconsin. In 1880, living with her parents. In 1900, at
school, living with her parents. In 1910, a school teacher, living with her parents. In 1920, a private tutor, living with
her brother Charles. In 1930, a teacher in a private school, living with her brother Charles.
- Albert L. SERCOMB, b. 22 Aug 1847 in Wisconsin, m1. ca. 1880 Georgia ADAMS (b. 9 Oct 1846 in Connecticut, d. 23 Sep
1901, bur. 25 Sep 1901 in Forest Home Cemetery, Milwaukee), m2. ca. 1910 Kate B. (b. ca. 1855 in Missouri, m. once before
Albert), d. 12 May 1913, bur. 14 May 1913 in Forest Home Cemetery. In 1860, attended school, living at home. In 1880, in
the silver ware business, living at 212 Dearborn Avenue, Chicago, Cook County, Illinois, with his wife Georgia, brother
John, and a black servant. In 1900, in the silver manufacturing business, living at 321 Lake View Avenue, Chicago, with
his wife Georgia, sons Albert and Henry, and four servants. On 12 Sep 1903, arrived at New York on the ship
Campania from Liverpool, England, with his sons Albert and Henry. In 1910, a wholesale silver merchant, living at
2906 Lake View Avenue, Chicago, with his wife Kate, a cook, a housemaid, a waitress, and a chauffeur. (These four servants
were all Swedish.) In 1912, lived with his wife at 2906 Sheridan Road, Chicago, and belonged to the Chicago Athletic
Association and the Union League Club. On 21 Mar 1912, arrived at New York on the ship Arcadian from Bermuda, with
his wife Kate. In 1920, Kate was living with her daughter (in law?) by her first husband, at 17 West Maple, Chicago.
- Albert Adams SERCOMB, b. 9 Aug 1880 at Chicago, d. 30 Sep 1918, bur. in France, removed and rebur. 26 Sep 1921 in
Forest Home Cemetery. In 1900, a student at Williams College, Williamstown, Berkshire County, Massachusetts. In 1906,
owned land in Charles Mix County, South Dakota. In 1910, a silver plater working in a shop (perhaps his father's), lodging
at 111 Oak Street, Chigago. In 1912, lived at 17 East Division Street, Chicago, and belonged to the University Club. In
1913, address 7 East Dewesian (probably Division) Street, Chicago, arrived at New York on 7 Apr aboard the ship
Victoria Luise, sailed 11 Mar 1913 from New York (sic). At death, a captain (probably in the U.S. Army in World
War I).
- Henry H. SERCOMB, b. 3 Mar 1883 at Chicago, m1. Margaret SCALES (b. ca. 1884 in Illinois), m2. 10 Sep 1921 at the home
of the bride, Allegan County, Michigan, Jessie M. NICOL (b. ca. 1884 at Chicago, daughter of James NICOL and [Ge?]rtrude
[An?]n RENSSALAER), d. 15 Nov 1965 in Los Angeles County, California. In 1900, at school. (Where in 1910?) In 1920, a
farmer, living at 832 Phillips Street, South Haven, Van Buren County, Michigan, with his wife Margaret, their children
Albert and Margaret, and a servant. At his second marriage in 1921, a farmer; he and Jessie were both of South Haven. In
1930, no occupation, living at 832 Phillips Street with his wife Jessie and daughter Margaret.
- Albert Cayme SERCOMB, b. 5 Dec 1907 in Alameda County, California, m. Elizabeth Jane GATES (b. ca. 1913 at Chicago), d. May 1986. (Where in 1910?) In 1920, attending
school, living with his parents. In 1930, a building materials salesman, living in a boarding house at 1027 N. 3rd Street, Phoenix, Arizona, together with Elizabeth and Katherine SCALES (b. ca. 1876 and ca. 1882 in Illinois, perhaps his aunts). At his daughters' births in 1936, a paint salesman for Matthews Paint Company. Lived latterly at Tucson, Arizona.
- Jean Chancellor SERCOMB, b. 18 Jul 1936 (7:45am) at Good Samaritan Hospital, Phoenix, Arizona.
- Marjorie Hilman SERCOMB, b. 18 Jul 1936 (7:50am) at Good Samaritan Hospital, Phoenix.
- Margaret A. SERCOMB, b. ca. 1911 in Michigan. In 1920, attending school, living with her parents. In 1930, no
occupation, living with her father and stepmother; also enumerated as a roomer at Cragmor, a sanatorium in Colorado
Springs, El Paso County, Colorado.
- Emily SERCOMB, b. ca. 1849 in Wisconsin.
- Emma S. SERCOMB, b. ca. 1853 in Wisconsin. In 1860, attended school. In 1880, at home.
- George SERCOMBE, chr. 18 Jul 1813 at St. Mary Major, m. Oct 1846 Catherine PLACE (b. ca. 1827 in Ohio or Indiana,
daughter of David PLACE and Susan FRAZEE). In 1850, a farmer with real estate worth $1200, living at Wauwatosa with his
wife Catharine, their children Orville and H.C. and Catherine's sister Rebecca PLAICE (b. ca. 1834 in Ohio). In 1855,
living at Wauwatosa. In 1860, a farmer with real estate worth $4000 and personal estate worth $250, living at Wauwatosa
with his wife Catherine and their children Orville, Fleeda, Rowa, Mary, and Samuel. In 1870, a gardener with personal
estate worth $500, living at 5th Ward, Chicago, Cook County, Illinois, with his wife Catherine (keeping house) and their
children Rhoe, Mary, and Samuel.
- Orville George or George Orville SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1847 in Wisconsin, m. 2 Nov 1882 in Putnam County, Indiana, Ida B.
WILLIAMSON (b. ca. 1860 in Indiana). In 1850, living with his parents. In 1860, attending school, living with his parents.
(Where in 1870 and 1880?) In 1884, a waiter at California Hall, boarding at Alvord House, Denver, Colorado. (Where in
1900?) In 1909, proprietor of the Quinine Whiskey Company, residing at 1519 Cherokee Road, Louisville, Kentucky. In 1910,
a patent medicine proprietor, living at Cherokee Road, Louisville, with his wife Ida and their daughter Ida.
- Ida SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1887 in Indiana. In 1910, living with her parents.
- Caroline Vleit SERCOMB, b. by 1851.
- H.C. SERCOMB, b. ca. 1849 in Wisconsin. In 1850, living with her parents. (Is this Caroline?)
- Fleeta or Fletta C. SERCOMB, b. ca. 1850 in Wisconsin, m. 20 Mar 1869 in Cook County, John A. PLUMMER. In 1860,
attending school, living with her parents. (Is this also Caroline?)
- Rhoe or Rowa P. SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1852 in Wisconsin, m. 3 or 9 Mar 1879 in Cook County, Walter S. BELL. In 1860,
attending school, living with her parents. In 1870, at home, living with her parents. At her marriage in 1879, of 85
Lincoln Avenue, Chicago.
- Mary B. SERCOMB, b. ca. 1854 in Wisconsin. In 1860, attending school, living with her parents. In 1870, at home,
living with her parents.
- Samuel M. SERCOMB, b. ca. 1856 in Wisconsin. In 1860, attending school, living with his parents. In 1870, an office
boy, living with his parents.
- Eliza SERCOMBE, chr. 16 Jul 1815 at St. Mary Major.
- (probably) Samuel SERCOMB, b. ca. 1820, m. Caroline R. (b. ca. 1831 in New York or Illinois, m2. 10 Feb 1858 in Jones
County, Iowa, J. Alonzo BLAKESLEE or BLAKELEE or BLAKELY), d. by 1858. In 1850, an ornithologist with real estate worth $200, living
at 4th Ward, Milwaukee, with his wife Caroline and son Alberta. In 1860, Caroline was living at Madison, Jones County,
with her husband J.A. (a farm servant) and son Albert. In 1870, Caroline was living at Wyoming, Jones County, with
her husband Alonzo (a farmer), two children by him, and her son A.K.
- Albert K. SERCOMB, sometimes subsequently Albert K. BLAKELEE, b. Nov 1848 in Wisconsin, m. 5 Mar 1873 at Wyoming, Cara
A. SKINNER (b. Jul 1851 in Iowa, bur. 30 Oct 1944 in Mount Olivet Cemetery, Salt Lake City, Utah, next to her sons Edward
and Albert), d. by 1920. In 1860, living with his mother and stepfather.
In 1870, a farm laborer with personal estate of $150. In 1880, a farmer, living at Dawson, Greene County,
Iowa, with his wife Cara (keeping house) and sons Edward and Alberto. In 1900, a fruit grower, living at Jackson, Greene
County, with his wife Cara and sons Bert and William. In 1910, a blacksmith at a thresher works, living at West
Minneapolis, Hennepin County, Minnesota, with his wife Cara, a maid, and three boarders. In 1920, Cara was living with her
son Alberto. In 1930, she was living with her son Ed.
- Edward "Ed" SERCOMB, b. ca. 1874 in Iowa, bur. 17 Aug 1937 at Mount Olivet Cemetery, Salt Lake City, next to his
mother and his brother Albert. In 1880, living with his parents. In 1920, an auto mechanic, rooming at West Main Street,
Tremonton, Box Elder County, Utah. In 1930, a junk dealer with his own shop, living at Tremonton Street, Tremonton, with
his mother.
- Alberto Kimson "Bert" SERCOMB, b. Feb 1880 in Iowa, m. Luilla (b. ca. 1893 in Utah), bur. 2 Oct 1950 in Mount Olivet
Cemetery, Salt Lake City, next to his mother and his brother Edward. In 1880, living with his parents. In 1900, a farm
laborer, living with his parents. In 1920, a restaurant operator, living at First West Street, Tremonton, with his wife
Luilla, son Kenneth, and mother Cara.
- Kenneth B. SERCOMB, b. 29 Sep 1916 in Utah, m. WOOLLEY, d. Dec 1994. In 1920, living with his parents. Latterly lived
at Salt Lake City.
- Kenneth J. SERCOMB, b. 5 Jun 1937 in Utah, d. 6 Apr 1967 in Los Angeles County, California.
- William SERCOMB, b. Jun 1886. In 1900, at school, living with his parents.
- Ephraim Thomas SERCOMBE, chr. 31 Jan 1824 at Castle Street Independent Chapel, Launceston, Cornwall, m. Harriet M.
WESTOVER (b. ca. 1832 in New York or Maine, d. by 1880). In 1850, a farmer with real estate worth $3000, living at
Wauwatosa with his wife Harriet and daughter Harriet. In 1855, living at Wauwatosa. In 1860, a farmer with real estate of
$4000 and personal estate of $20, living at Wauwatosa with his wife Harriet and children Francis, Eva, and Cassius. In
1880, a wood and coal dealer, living at 614 Island Avenue, Milwaukee, Milwaukee County, with his children Francis, Eva,
Parker, and Winnie.
- Hariet Francis SERCOMBE, b. Sep 1848 in Wisconsin. In 1860, attended school. In 1880, a medical student. In 1900, a
practicing physician, living at 428 Jackson Street, Milwaukee, with boarder Annie Neale CURTIS and a servant. In 1920,
living at 1694 Topeka, Altadena, Los Angeles County, California, with boarder Annie N. CURTIS.
- Eva Louise SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1853 in Wisconsin, m. 13 Sep 1882 in Milwaukee County, Frank E. MIX (b. Jul 1860 in
Wisconsin). In 1860, attended school. In 1880, keeping house. In 1900, living at 3146 Portland Avenue, Minneapolis,
Hennepin County, Minnesota, with her husband (in the envelope manufacturing business), two children, her sister Winifred,
and a servant.
- Cassius G. SERCOMBE, b. ca. Feb 1858 at Milwaukee, m. 28 Feb 1883 in Milwaukee County, Alyda G. "Lida" DROPPER or
DROPPERS (b. May 1857 at Milwaukee). In 1880, a farmer, living at Elmer, Pipestone County, Minnesota, with his brother
James. In 1900, a teamster, living at 587 24th Street, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, with his wife Lida, children Robert, Harry,
Winnfrida, and Gertruta, and a child boarder. In 1910, a millwright for a custom stone company, living at 313 23rd Street,
Milwaukee, with his wife Alyda, children Westover and Gertrude, and Alyda's sister Hannah (a physician). In 1920, a
constructor(?) for a binder(?) company, living at 286 21st Street, Milwaukee, with his wife Alyda.
- Robert J. SERCOMBE, b. Jan 1883 in Wisconsin, m1. 28 Jun 1906 in Milwaukee Couny, Laura or Louisa Esther MARGUIS (b.
ca. 1884 in
Illinois), div., m2. Louise L. (b. ca. 1887 in Missouri). In 1900, a plumber, living with his parents. In 1910, a
draughtsman for a structural company, living at 775 37th Street, Milwaukee, with his wife Laura and son James. In 1920, a
mechanical engineer for a steel tube company, living at 69th Avenue, West Allis, Milwaukee County, with his wife Esther
and their children James and Emily. In 1930, a chief bridge inspector for a steam railroad, living at the Thelma
Apartments, 5878 Plymouth Avenue, St. Louis, Missouri, with his second wife Louise and a niece; Esther was living at 87th
Avenue, Wauwatosa, with their children James and Emily.
Ancestor of researcher Tim Gruber.
- A child, d. by 1910.
- James E. SERCOMBE, b. ca. Jul 1908 in Wisconsin. In 1910 and 1920, living with his parents. In 1930, a salesman in a
retail drug store, living with his mother.
- Emily G. SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1911 in Wisconsin. In 1920, living with her parents. In 1930, a sales lady in a retail music
store, living with her mother.
- Harry SERCOMBE, b. Aug 1884 in Wisconsin. In 1900, at normal school, living with his parents.
- Winifred or Winnfrida SERCOMBE, b. 20 Dec 1886 or Feb 1887 at Milwaukee, m. Claude JAYCOX, d. 29 Aug 1945 at Grant
Hospital, Columbus, Franklin County, Ohio, bur. 31 Aug 1945 at Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin. In 1900, at school, living with
her parents. At her death in 1945, residence 391 Oak Street, Columbus.
- Gertrude or Gertruta SERCOMBE, b. May 1889 in Wisconsin. In 1900, at school, living with her parents. In 1910, a
stenographer for a retail dry goods company, living with her parents.
Ancestor of researcher Susan Joan Schultz.
- Westover William or Westover F. SERCOMBE, b. 24 Sep 1893 in Milwaukee County, m. ca. 1915 Selma (b. ca. 1890 in
Wisconsin), d. 6 Jan 1955 in Los Angeles County, California. Not at home in 1900. In 1910, living with his parents. In
1920, a civil engineer at a steel tube works, living at 462 39th Street, Milwaukee, with his wife Selma and daughter
Harriette. In 1930, a civil engineer for a railroad, living at 5015 Wells Street, Milwaukee, with his wife Selma and
daughters Harriet and Jane.
- Harriet SERCOMBE, b. ca. Jun 1917 in Wisconsin. In 1920 and 1930, living with her parents.
- Jane SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1924 in Wisconsin. In 1930, living with her parents.
- Parker Holmes SERCOMBE, b. 24 Jun 1860 in Wisconsin, m1. ca. 1885 Julia GILSON (b. Apr 1862 in Wisconsin, d. by 1910),
m2. Leontine P. (b. ca. 1893 in New Jersey), d. 30 Jan 1944 in Los Angeles County, California. In 1880, a teacher, living
with his father. In 1900, Julia was living at 116 South Los Robles Avenue, Pasadena, Los Angeles County, with her mother
and sister. In 1910, a teacher in a school of philosophy, living at 1562 East 56th Street, Chicago, with three job
printers as lodgers. In 1920, a statistician for Cooperative Stores Groceries, living at 3301 North Racine Avenue,
Chicago, with his wife Leontine and children Syndex, Romanie, and Herbert. In the Depression, lived in Mexico City.
- Syndex SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1913 in Illinois. In 1920, living with his parents.
- Rommanie SERCOMBE, b. 23 Jul 1914 at Chicago, m. Tulio CIAURI, d. 7 Feb 2008 at Redlands, California. In 1920, living
with her parents. Worked in her family's gas station in Mexico City. After returning to the United States, worked for the
Eastern-Columbia department store, whose historic
building (now condominiums) is a Los Angeles landmark. Later owned and operated the Pink Door Figure Salon in Loma
Linda, California. Lived in Calimesa, California, ca. 1978-1998, then in Redlands until 2008. See
obituary 15 Feb 2008 in the Redlands Daily Facts.
- Robert CIAURI. At his mother's death in 2008, of Redlands.
- Jack CIAURI. At his mother's death in 2008, of La Verne, California.
- Rosemary CIAURI, m. SELBERG. At her mother's death in 2008, of Beaumont, California.
- Herbert S. SERCOMBE, b. ca. Feb 1916 in Illinois. In 1920, living with his parents.
- Winifred E. "Winnie" SERCOMBE, b. 4 Sep 1862 in Wisconsin, d. 23 Oct 1947 in Santa Cruz County, California. In 1880, at
school. In 1888/1889, a student from Milwaukee, attending the University of Wisconsin at Madison, living in Ladies' Hall.
In 1900, a school teacher.
- James Espy SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1865 in Wisconsin, k. 12 Mar 1886 at Minneapolis by a freight train, bur. at Forest Home
Cemetery, Milwaukee, in the family plot. In 1880, a farm hand.
- George SERCOMBE, chr. 18 Jul 1790 at Dunsford, m. 7 Dec 1825 at Dunsford, Mary VINICOMBE (b. ca. 1799 at Highweek, Devon, d. 25 Mar 1886 at Doddiscombsleigh, Devon, of old age, d. reg. Q1 1886 at St. Thomas R.D., bur. 27 Mar 1886 at Doddiscombsleigh), d. 12 Apr 1876 at Doddiscombsleigh of natural decay, d. reg. Q2 1876 at St. Thomas R.D., bur. 20 Apr 1876 at Doddiscombsleigh. In 1821, George was a farm servant by the year in the household of John NORRISH (perhaps a relative of his mother) at North Cottley, Dunsford, where his brother Benjamin was an apprentice. Elizabeth VINICOMBE and John BASTOW witnessed George's marriage in 1825. In Apr 1825, George witnessed the marriage at Ide of James VINICOMBE and Elizabeth COUSINS. In Dec 1825, George was a laborer. In 1826, a laborer, of Exminster. In 1828, a laborer, of Lower Cotley, Dunsford. In 1834, a farmer, of Cotley. In 1839, a farmer, of North Cotley. In 1850, a farmer at Doddiscombsleigh. In 1851, a farmer of 100 acres, employing three laborers, living at Perry Farm, Doddiscombsleigh, with his wife Mary, son John, niece Sarah VINNICOMBE (b. ca. 1832 at Niton, Devon), and two agricultural laborers. In 1852, a farmer. In 1861, a farmer, living at Perry Farm with his wife Mary, son John, John's wife and children, and two house servants. In 1871, a farmer of 100 acres, living at Perry Farm with his wife Mary, son John, and John's wife and children. In 1876, a farmer, of Perry Farm. In 1881, Mary was living in the household of her son John. In 1886, Mary was of Perry Farm.
- Susan SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1826 at Exminster, chr. 17 Sep 1826 at Ide, Devon, m. reg. Q1 1849 at St. Thomas, George BOLLEY
(b. ca. 1817 at Doddiscombsleigh, Devon, d. by 1881). In 1851, living at Ducks Pool Cottage, Doddiscombsleigh, with her
husband George (a master blacksmith), their son George, and three employees. In 1881, living at 51 Cowick Street, St.
Thomas, with her niece Olive and aunt Elizabeth.
- George Sercombe BOLLEY, b. ca. 1849 at Doddiscombsleigh, b. reg. Q4 1849 at St. Thomas R.D., d. reg. Q4 1872 at St.
Thomas R.D. In 1851, living with his parents.
- John Norrish SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1828 at Dunsford, chr. 8 Jun 1828 at Dunsford, m. 8 Jan 1852 at Doddiscombsleigh, m. reg. Q1 1852 at St. Thomas R.D., Martha
JERVIS (b. ca. 1828 at Dunsford, daughter of William JERVIS, farmer, d. 24 Sep 1898 at 44 Commercial Road, Exeter, of chronic bronchitis, emphysema, and heart failure, d. reg. Q3 1898 at Exeter R.D., bur. 29 Sep 1898 at Doddiscombsleigh), d. 26 Aug 1915, d. reg. Q3 1915 at Exeter R.D., bur. 30 Aug 1915 at Doddiscombsleigh. In 1851, living with his parents. At his marriage in Jan 1852, of Perry; Martha was of Pilt; the witnesses were Thomas HIGGINS and Daniel JERVIS. In Sep 1852, 1854, 1856, 1858, 1860, 1862, 1864, 1865, 1868, and 1870, a farmer, of Perry, Doddiscombsleigh. In 1861, living on his parents' farm with his wife Martha and their children Miriam, John, Lucy, William, and Ellen. In 1871, living on his parents' farm with his wife Martha and their children John, Lucy, William, Ellen, Jessie, Olive, Harriett, Charles, and Frederick. At his daughter's marriage in 1874, a farmer. In 1881, a farmer, living at Perry Farm, Doddiscombsleigh, with his mother Mary, wife Martha, children William, Harriet, Charles, and Frederick, and visitor Jeremiah JERVIS (independent, b. ca. 1832 at Doddiscombsleigh, probably a relative of Martha). In 1886 and 1889, a farmer. In 1891, a carter, living at Commercial Road, Exeter St. Mary Steps, with his wife Martha, children Harriet and Frederick, and Martha's widowed sister. In 1898, John was a haulier, and Martha was of Exeter. At his son Frederick's marriage in 1899, a retired farmer. In 1901 and 1911, living with his son William George. At his death in 1915, of Bartholomew Street, Exeter.
- Miriam SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q3 1852 at St. Thomas R.D., chr. 5 Sep 1852 at Doddiscombsleigh, m. 29 Oct 1874 at Heavitree, m. reg. Q4 1874 at St. Thomas R.D., John Lee PAVEY (b. ca. 1853 at Exeter, son of William PAVEY, a carpenter). In 1861, a scholar, living with her parents. In 1871, a nurse maid in the household of Samuel Sercombe SOPER at Riley Farm, Hennock, Devon. At her marriage in 1874, of Heavitree; John was a carpenter, of Exeter St. Mary Major; witnesses at the marriage were Mary Ball MITCHELL and Miriam's sister Lucy. In 1881, living at 2 Lakes Buildings, Exeter, with her husband John (a master builder, employing five men), their children William and Edith, and a boarder. In 1891, living at 4 Okehampton Street, St. Thomas, with her children Edith, Leonard, Wallace, and Winifred and a visitor (where was John?).
Ancestor of researcher Kevin Hodgkinson.
- William J. PAVEY, b. ca. 1875 at Exeter. In 1881, a scholar, living with his parents.
- Edith B. PAVEY, b. ca. 1876 at Exeter. In 1881, a scholar, living with her parents. In 1891, a scholar, living with her mother.
- Leonard Sercombe PAVEY, b. ca. 1884 at Tiverton, b. reg. Q2 1884 at Tiverton R.D. In 1891, a scholar, living with his mother.
- Wallace PAVEY, b. ca. 1885 at Tiverton. In 1891, a scholar, living with his mother.
- Winifred PAVEY, b. ca. Feb 1891 at St. Thomas. In 1891, living with her mother.
- John SERCOMBE, b. 8 Apr 1854 at Doddiscombsleigh, chr. 7 May 1854 at Doddiscombsleigh, m1. 24 Apr 1882 at Hennock, m1. reg. Q2 1882 at Newton Abbot R.D., Jane PITTS (b. 23 Jan 1860 at Hennock, d. by 1924), m2. reg. Q4 1924 at Greenwich R.D., Ada S. SALTER (b. ca. 1872 at London, d. reg. Q1 1952 at Hastings R.D.), d. 29 Aug 1927 of a heart attack, bur. at Arkona, Ontario. In 1861, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1871, living with his parents. In 1881, a farmer's son, boarding in the PROWSE household at Knowles View, Wolborough, Devon. At his marriage banns at Hennock on 9, 16, and 23 Apr 1882, of Doddiscombsleigh; Janes was of Hennock. Emigrated to Ontario later in 1882. At his son William's birth in 1883, a grain buyer, of Parkhill, Ontario. At his son Albert's birth in 1885, a laborer, of West Williams, Ontario. In 1891, a farmer, living at West Williams with his wife Jane and their sons Frederick, William, and Albert. In 1899, bought a homestead near Arkona. In 1901, a farmer, living at Warwick, Ontario, with his wife Jane and their sons Frederick, William, and Albert. Lived as a farmer at Thedford, Ontario, before returning to England in 1924 (arrived 12 Nov 1924 at Southampton from Quebec). Sailed back to Canada from Southampton on 30 May 1925 with his wife Ada on the Empress of Scotland, in third class, arriving at Quebec on 6 Jun 1925. On the ship's passenger list, stated that he was a farmer, was carrying £400, intended to reside permanently in Canada, and would continue on to his home at Thedford on the Canadian Pacific Railway.
Ancestor of researchers Bill Sercombe and Marian Kristensen.
- Frederick John "Fred" SERCOMBE, b. 22 Nov 1882 at Parkhill (urban), m1. 18 Mar 1912 at Thedford, Lambton County,
Margaret Alison CORNELL (b. ca. Jun 1884 at Milverton, daughter of Wellington Augustus CORNELL and Hannah BOYLE and sister
of Phoebe, wife of Fred's brother Albert, d. 26 Aug 1916 at Bosanquet, Lambton County, bur. at Arkona), m2. 5 Sep 1923
Lucy Selina WATERMAN (bur. at Arkona), d. 11 Dec 1962 at Strathroy Hospital, Ontario, bur. at Arkona. In 1891 and 1901,
living with his parents. In 1912, a farmer, of Bosanquet. In 1916, of Thedford. In 1919, of Bosanquet, witnessed the
marriage of his brother William.
- William Pitts SERCOMBE, b. 1 Dec 1883 at Parkhill (urban), m. 30 Jul 1919 at St. Paul's, Thedford, Martha FRAYNE (b.
ca. 1897, daughter of Henry FRAYNE and Clara TAYLOR), d. 20 Dec 1974. In 1891 and 1901, living with his parents. In 1911,
a farmer, living at Lot 15, Concession 14, West Williams. In 1913, of Thedford, witnessed the marriage of his brother
Albert. At his marriage in 1919, a farmer, of Bosanquet.
- Albert Henry SERCOMBE, b. 30 Aug 1885 at Parkhill (rural), m. 29 Sep 1913 at Thedford, Phoebe Olive CORNELL (b. ca.
1890, sister of Margaret, wife of Albert's brother Fred) d. 3 Jul 1962 at St. Joseph Hospital, London, Ontario. In 1891
and 1901, living with his parents. In 1912, of Thedford, witnessed the marriage of his brother Frederick. In 1913, a
farmer, of Bosanquet.
- Lucy Mary SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1856 at Doddiscombsleigh, b. reg. Q2 1856 at St. Thomas R.D., chr. 27 Apr 1856 at Doddiscombsleigh, m. reg. Q3 1881 at Exeter R.D., Harry VENTON (b. ca. 1860 at Thorverton, Devon). In 1861, a scholar, living with her parents. In 1871, living with her parents. In 1881, a servant in the household at 1-2 The Quadrant, Exeter. In 1891, living at 37 East Street, Andover, Hampshire, with her husband Harry (a Prudential Insurance agent).
- William George SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1858 at Doddiscombsleigh, chr. 7 Mar 1858 at Doddiscombsleigh, b. reg. Q1 1858 at St. Thomas R.D., m. 4 Dec 1886 at Christ Church Wesleyan, Southernhay, Exeter, by certificate, m. reg. Q4 1886 at Exeter R.D., Charlotte Prosser SQUIRE (b. ca. 1861 at Hele or Bradninch, Devon, d. reg. Q1 1953 at Wandsworth R.D.), d. reg. Q1 1931 at Exeter R.D. In 1861 and 1871, living with his parents. In 1881, a farmer, living with his parents. At his marriage in 1886, a farmer, of Perry Farm; Charlotte was of Bradninch. In 1891, a laborer, living at Greys Buildings, Cowick Street, St. Thomas, Devon, with his wife Charlotte and their sons Reginald and Harold. In 1901, a general laborer, living at 154 Cowick Street, St. Thomas, with his wife Charlotte, their children Reginald, Minnie, and Mabel, and his father. In 1911, a builder's laborer, living at 26 Bartholomew Street, Exeter, with his wife Charlotte (a clerk for a wine merchant), their children Mabel and William, his father, and a boarder. At his son's marriage in 1916, a laborer. When his brother John returned to Canada in 1925, of 10 Bartholomew Street, Exeter.
- Reginald Richard John SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1888 at St. Thomas, b. reg. Q3 1888 at St. Thomas R.D., m. 26 Dec 1916 at St. Agnes, Bristol, after banns, m. reg. Q4 1916 at Bristol R.D., Rose Maud WHITE (b. ca. 1888, d. reg. Q3 1958 at Aylesbury R.D.; daughter of Henry Edward WHITE, a bootmaker), d. reg. Q1 1968 at Aylesbury R.D. In 1891, living with his parents. In 1901, an errand boy, living with his parents. In 1911, a bread baker, assistant in the MARSHALL household at Fore Street, Topsham, Devon. At his marriage in 1916, a baker and confectioner, of 8 Brigstock Road, Bristol; Rose was a tailoress, of the same address; the witnesses were H.E. WHITE (perhaps Rose's father), Bertram E. GROGAN, and M.G. WHITE.
- Joan L.M. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1927 at Bristol R.D., m. reg. Q4 1946 at Aylesbury R.D., Louis N. WELLS. Ancestor of researcher Norman Wells.
- Peter R. WELLS, b. reg. Q3 1947 at Aylesbury R.D.
- Jeremy N.R. WELLS, b. reg. Q3 1950 at Aylesbury R.D.
- Jonathan P. WELLS, b. reg. Q3 1955 at Aylesbury R.D.
- Harold SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1890 at St. Thomas, b. reg. Q1 1890 at St. Thomas R.D., d. reg. Q4 1891 at St. Thomas R.D. In 1891, living with his parents.
- Minnie SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1893 at St. Thomas, b. reg. Q1 1893 at St. Thomas R.D., d. reg. Q4 1909 at Newton Abbot R.D., bur. 2 Nov 1909 at Dawlish. In 1901, living with her parents. At her death in 1909, of Dawlish.
- Mabel SERCOMBE, b. 14 Jul 1897 at Cowick Street, St. Thomas, b. reg. Q3 1897 at St. Thomas R.D., m. reg. Q3 1924 at Exeter R.D., Albert Percy CAMBLE (b. reg. Q4 1894 at Exeter R.D), d. reg. Mar 1988 at Hastings and Rother R.D. In 1901, living with her parents. In 1911, at school, living with her parents.
Ancestor of researcher Steve Camble.
- William George SERCOMBE, b. 15 Dec 1901 at Cowick Street, St. Thomas, b. reg. Q1 1902 at St. Thomas R.D., m. reg. Q3 1928 at Bristol R.D., Florence Ethel V. GIBBS (b. 21 Dec 1900, d. reg. Q3 1978 at Bristol R.D.), d. reg. Q4 1981 at Bristol R.D. In 1911, living with his parents.
- Margaret M. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q4 1929 at Bristol R.D., m. reg. Q3 1954 at Bristol R.D., Edward D.M. BATEMAN.
- Kevin J. BATEMAN, b. reg. Q2 1958 at Surrey Mid Eastern R.D.
- Philip A. BATEMAN, b. reg. Q3 1960 at Surrey Mid Eastern R.D.
- Carole J. BATEMAN, b. reg. Q4 1963 at Surrey Mid Eastern R.D.
- Lynda M. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q4 1937 at Bristol R.D., m. reg. Q2 1957 at Bristol R.D., John W. ANSTEE.
- William J. ANSTEE, b. reg. Q3 1961 at Bristol R.D.
- Philippa Kate ANSTEE, b. reg. Q4 1966 at Bristol R.D.
- Ellen SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q1 1860 at St. Thomas R.D., chr. 22 Jan 1860 at Doddiscombsleigh, d. 26 May 1875, d. reg. Q2
1875 at Exeter, bur. 12 May 1875 at Doddiscombsleigh. In 1861 and 1871, living with her parents. At her burial in 1875, of
Perry Farm.
- Jessie SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1862 at St. Thomas R.D., chr. 13 Apr 1862 at Doddiscombsleigh, m. 1 Jun 1885 at St.
Thomas, m. reg. Q2 1885 at St. Thomas R.D., John TAYLOR (b. ca. 1861 at Braunton, Devon, son of George TAYLOR, a farmer).
In 1871, living with her parents. In 1881, a general servant in the MITCHELL household, at Springlands, East Wonford,
Heavitree. At her marriage in 1885, of Cowick Street, St. Thomas; John was a butcher, of Braunton; Jessie's sister Harriet
witnessed the marriage. In 1891, living at Gubbins Lane, Braunton, with her husband John (a butcher), their children
George, Claud, Percival, and Ethel, John's widowed mother, and a general servant. In 1901, a butcher, living at 31 Addey
Street, Nether Hallam, Sheffield, Yorkshire, with her husband John (a butcher) and their children George, Claud, Percy,
William, and Dorothy.
- George Curtice TAYLOR, b. ca. 1885 at Braunton. In 1891, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1901, a butcher,
living with his parents.
- Claud Sercombe TAYLOR, b. ca. 1887 at Braunton, b. reg. Q3 1887 at Barnstaple R.D. In 1891, a scholar, living with
his parents. In 1901, a butcher, living with his parents.
- Percival Ernest "Percy" TAYLOR, b. ca. 1888 at Braunton. In 1891, living with his parents. In 1901, living with his
- Ethel May TAYLOR, b. ca. Apr 1890 at Braunton. In 1891, living with her parents.
- William TAYLOR, b. ca. 1891 at Braunton. In 1901, living with his parents.
- Dorothy TAYLOR, b. ca. 1896 at Sheffield. In 1901, living with her parents. In 1911, living with her mother's sister
- Olive SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1864 at Doddiscombsleigh or Exeter, b. reg. Q1 1864 at St. Thomas R.D., chr. 31 Jan 1864 at Doddiscombsleigh, d. reg. Q3 1957 at Exeter R.D. In 1871, living with her parents. In 1881, a dressmaker, living with her aunt Susan. (Where in 1891?) In 1901, a lodging house keeper, living at 33 Kildare Terrace, Paddington, London. In 1911, an apartment house keeper, living at 33 Kildare Terrace, Paddington.
- Harriet Anna SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q4 1865 at St. Thomas R.D., chr. 25 Dec 1865 at Doddiscombsleigh, d. reg. Q2 1955 at Winchester R.D. In 1871, living with
her parents. In 1881, a scholar, living with her parents. In 1891, living with her parents. (Where in 1901?) In 1911, a butcher's manageress, living at 106 Harvest Lane, Sheffield, with her niece Dorothy TAYLOR.
- Charles SERCOMBE, b. 27 Apr 1868 at Doddiscombsleigh, b. reg. Q2 1868 at St. Thomas R.D., chr. 14 Jun 1868 at Doddiscombsleigh, m. 8 Dec 1889 at Dawlish, Devon, after banns, m. reg. Q4 1889 at St. Thomas R.D., Agnes Lily or Lily Agnes CRUSE (b. ca. 1872 at Tedburn St. Mary, m2. reg. Q4 1925 at Hartley Wintney R.D., Thomas B. LAUGHTON; daughter of Daniel Richard CRUSE, a blacksmith), accidentally drowned Dec 1916, found dead 19 Jan 1917 at Mill Leat, Countess Wear, Topsham, d. reg. Q1 1917 at St. Thomas R.D. In 1871, living with his parents. In 1881, a scholar, living with his parents. At his marriage in 1889, a farmer, of Dawlish; Agnes was also of Dawlish; marriage witnesses were Mary Jane CRUSE and William H. DISCOMBE. In 1891, lodging in the ROGERS household in Parkhill, Ontario, not far from his brother John; Agnes was living with her mother Mary Jane and stepfather James YENDELL at Grocer's Shop, Ide, Devon. At his daughter's baptism in 1892, a railway clerk, of Ide. In 1901, a railway porter, living in his mother-in-law's household at Grocer's Shop, Ide, with his wife Lily and their daughter Madeline. At his daughter's birth in Jun 1902, a railway clerk. At her baptism a month later, a railway porter, of Ide. In 1911, a grocer's assistant, living in the household of his wife's mother (a grocer) at her shop in Ide, with his wife Agnes (also a grocer's assistant) and their daughters Madeline and Phyllis. At his death in 1917, a market gardener, of 31 Weirfield Road, Exeter.
- Madeline Eugenie SERCOMBE, b. 2 Aug 1892 at Ide, b. reg. Q3 1892 at St. Thomas R.D., chr. 28 Aug 1892 at Ide, m. 7 Jul 1921 at St. Michael the Archangel, Aldershot, Hampshire, m. reg. Q3 1921 at Farnham R.D., Arthur William DUDLEY (b. ca. 1884, son of Arthur DUDLEY, a cashier), d. Aug 1947. In 1901, living with her parents and maternal grandmother. In 1911, a church embroiderer, living with her parents and maternal grandmother. At her marriage in 1921, of 103 Ash Road, Aldershot; Arthur was a clerk, of 25 Richmond Road, Ilford, Essex; the witnesses were Alfred WILSON and Beatrice Helene DUDLEY.
- Barbara J. DUDLEY, b. reg. Q3 1922 at Romford R.D.
- Arthur C. DUDLEY, b. reg. Q3 1926 at Kingston R.D.
- Phyllis Margaret SERCOMBE, b. 4 Jun 1902 at Ide, b. reg. Q3 1902 at St. Thomas R.D., chr. 20 Jul 1902 at Ide, m. 26 Feb 1921 at Farnham, Surrey, m. reg. Q1 1921 at Farnham R.D., Arthur Nicholas STALLARD, d. 5 Jun 1984. In 1911, at school, living with her parents and maternal grandmother.
Ancestor of researcher Sue Froud. See Sue's website.
- Josephine M. STALLARD, b. reg. Q3 1921 at Farnham R.D.
- Arthur C. STALLARD, b. reg. Q3 1925 at Hartley Wintney R.D.
- Betty P. STALLARD, b. reg. Q3 1929 at Hartley Wintney R.D.
- Raymond T. STALLARD, b. reg. Q2 1932 at Hartley Wintney R.D.
- David L. STALLARD, b. reg. Q2 1934 at Aldershot R.D.
- Wendy A. STALLARD, b. reg. Q3 1937 at Aldershot R.D.
- Elizabeth M. STALLARD, b. reg. Q1 1940 at Aldershot R.D.
- Frederick SERCOMBE, b. ca. Aug 1870 at Doddiscombsleigh, b. reg. Q4 1870 at St. Thomas R.D., chr.
30 Oct 1870 at Doddiscombsleigh, m. 9 Sep 1899 at St. Peter, Brighton, Sussex, m. reg. Q1 1899 at Brighton R.D., Louisa
LIMEBEAR (b. ca. 1869 at Exeter, daughter of William LIMEBEAR [d. by 1899], a hotel manager). In 1871, living with his
parents. In 1881, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1891, a confectioner's apprentice, living with his parents. At
his marriage in 1899, a chef, of the Royal Crescent Hotel, Marine Parade, Brighton; Louisa was of Exeter St. Matthew; the
witnesses were C.F. STANDELL, John A. PADY, and Alice SALTER. In 1901, a cook and carver, living at 40 Northumberland
Street, Derby, Derbyshire, with his wife Louisa. On 6 Nov 1908, a cook, sailed from Liverpool on the Corsican, in
steerage, with his wife Louisa; arrived at Quebec on 14 Nov 1908. On the ship's passenger list, stated that he intended to
be a farmer in Canada and was bound for Thedford, Ontario, (where his brother John lived) via the Grand Trunk Railway.
- Mary SERCOMBE, chr. 27 Apr 1834 at Dunsford, bur. 1 Nov 1835 at Dunsford. At her death in 1835, of Cotley.
- Mary Anne SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q1 1839 at St. Thomas R.D., chr. 17 Mar 1839 privately and 14 Apr 1839 publicly at Dunsford, d. reg. Q1 1844 at St. THomas R.D., bur. 26 Jan 1844 at Doddiscombsleigh. At her death in 1844, of Perry.
- William SERCOMBE, chr. 12 May 1793 at Dunsford, m1. 25 Feb 1821 at St. David, Exeter, Rebekah HODGE, m2. 25 Dec 1825 at All Hallows Goldsmith Street, Exeter, Mary SQUIER or SQUIRES (b. ca. 1787 at Hatherleigh, Devon, d. reg. Q4 1870 at Exeter R.D.), d. reg. Q2 1867 at Exeter R.D. John CLOGG and Mary BEALE witnessed the marriage in 1825. At his daughter's emigration in 1841, a shoemaker. Later in 1841, a shoemaker, living at Garden Square, Exeter, with his wife Mary (a char woman). In 1851, a shoemaker, living at Garden Square, Exeter, with his wife Mary. In 1861, a shoemaker, living in an almshouse in Exeter with his wife Mary.
- Elizabeth SERCOMBE, b. 18 Nov 1821, b. reg. at South Street Baptist chapel, Exeter, m. 1843 at
the Anglican church, Menaroo, New South Wales, Jeremiah ROGERS. On 4 Feb 1841, a housemaid, of Exeter, arrived in New
South Wales as an assisted passenger on the ship Marquis of Hastings.
- Thomas SERCOMBE, chr. 8 Oct 1795 at Dunsford, m. ca. 1849 Mary (b. ca. 1820 in Ireland, m1.
O'BRIEN), d. by 1880. In 1850, a farmer with real estate worth $1600, living at Wauwatosa, Milwaukee County, Wisconsin,
with his wife Mary, son G.W., and a stepdaughter. In 1855, living at Wauwatosa. In 1860, a farmer with real estate worth
$4000 and personal estate worth $400, living at Wauwatosa with his wife Mary, children Thomas, Edwin, and Margaret, and two
stepdaughters. In 1880, Mary was keeping house, living at Wauwatosa with her children Thomas and Margaret, a daughter by
her first marriage, and a farm hand.
- G.W. SARCOMB (male), b. ca. May 1850 in Wisconsin.
- Thomas SERCOMB, b. ca. 1850 in Wisconsin. In 1860, attended school. In 1880, a farmer.
- Edwin SERCOMB, b. ca. 1853 in Wisconsin. In 1860, attended school.
- Margaret SERCOMBE, b. Sep 1858 in Wisconsin. In 1880, at home. In 1900, living at 424 17th Street, Milwaukee, Milwaukee County, with a stepsister.
- Elizabeth SERCOMBE, chr. 29 May 1798 at Dunsford, Devon, m. 11 Jun 1823 at Whitestone, Devon, James HALL (d. by 1881). In 1811, apprenticed by the parish of Dunsford to Ann MORTIMER. William DENNIS and Annes HAWKINS witnessed the marriage in 1823. In 1851, a laborer's wife, living at Cowick Street, Exeter, with her mother and three children. In 1881, a laundress.
- Robert SERCOMBE, chr. 12 Jan 1801 at Dunsford. In 1808, apprenticed by the parish of Dunsford to John COLE to work at Beerdown estate. In 1821, an apprentice in the COLES household at New House, Tedburn St. Mary, Devon. (Is this Robert SERCOMBE or Robert SERCOMBE?)
- Benjamin SERCOMBE, chr. 1 Sep 1803 at Dunsford. In 1821, an apprentice in the household of John NORRISH (perhaps a relative of his mother) at North Cottley, Dunsford, where his brother George was a yearly servant. Mary DYKE (b. ca. 1806 at Dunsford) was an apprentice in the same household in 1821. In 1827, Benjamin was found by the parish of Dunsford to be "father of Mary DIKE's female bastard" (Mary Ann Sercombe DYCKE, chr. 11 Feb 1827 at Dunsford) and ordered to pay a lump sum of 7 shillings plus 18 pence per week.
- Samuel SERCOMBE, chr. 2 May 1762 at Dunsford, m. 17 Jul 1787 at Dunsford, his first cousin
Elizabeth SIRCOMBE, bur. 6 Feb 1830 at Dunsford. In 1821, a laborer, living at Berrycross, Dunsford,
with his wife Elizabeth and son Samuel. In 1830, of Berry Cross.
- Mary SERCOMBE, chr. 7 Jun 1789 at Dunsford, m. 28 Mar 1809 at Dunsford, after banns, William HUTCHINGS (b. ca. 1782 at Moretonhampstead), d. of dropsy 2 Dec 1842 at Bridford. At her marriage in 1809, Mary was of Dunsford; William was of Bridford, Devon, but resident in Dunsford; the witnesses were Mary BULLEY (probably William's sister Mary Louisa HUTCHINGS, who m. 15 Nov 1807 at Bridford, James BOLLEY) and Mary EASTON(?). A his daughter's baptism in 1814, William was a laborer, of Pullins, Dunsford. At his children's baptisms in 1817 and 1820, he was a laborer, of Little Silver, Dunsford. In 1821, Mary was living at Little Silver, Dunsford, with her husband William (a laborer) and their children Mary, Elizabeth, and John. At his son's baptism in 1827, William was a laborer, of Little Silver, Dunsford. At his daughter's baptism in 1829, he was a laborer, of Berry Cross, Dunsford. At his son's baptism in 1834, he was a laborer, of Lower Woodland, Bridford. In 1841, Mary was living at Lower Woodland, Bridford, with her husband William (an agricultural laborer) and their children William, Elizabeth, Sarah, and James. At Mary's death in 1842, William was an agricultural laborer; the death was registered by Mary BULLEY of Bridford (probably William's sister). In 1851, William was an agricultural laborer, living at Woodland Cot, Bridford, with his son James.
Ancestor of researcher Peter Hutchings.
- William HUTCHINGS, chr. 29 Apr 1810 at Dunsford. In 1821, an apprentice in the WILLS household at Coller-bridge, Dunsford. In 1841, an agricultural laborer, living with his parents.
- Mary HUTCHINGS, chr. 4 Sep 1814 at Dunsford, bur. 21 Feb 1861 at Dunsford. In 1821, living with her parents. At her death in 1861, of Bridford.
- Elizabeth HUTCHINGS, chr. 5 Oct 1817 at Dunsford. In 1821 and 1841, living with her parents.
- John HUTCHINGS, b. ca. 1820 at Dunsford, chr. 14 May 1820 at Dunsford, m. Elizabeth (b. ca. 1821 at South Tawton, Devon). In 1821, living with his parents. In 1851, an agricultural laborer, living at Hedge More, Bridford, with his wife Elizabeth and their children Mary, John, and William.
- Mary Jane HUTCHINGS, b. ca. 1844 at Dunsford. In 1851, a scholar, living with her parents.
- John HUTCHINGS, b. ca. 1846 at Dunsford. In 1851, living with his parents.
- William HUTCHINGS, b. ca. 1849 at Bridford. In 1851, living with his parents.
- James HUTCHINGS, chr. 16 Sep 1827 at Dunsford, bur 27 Apr 1828 at Dunsford. At his death in 1828, of Little Silver, Dunsford. (Erroneously called John in the burial register.)
- Sarah Ann HUTCHINGS, chr. 31 May 1829 at Dunsford. In 1841, living with her parents.
- James HUTCHINGS, chr. 20 Apr 1834 at Bridford. In 1841, living with his parents. In 1851, an agricultural laborer, living with his father.
- George SERCOMBE, chr. 20 Mar 1791 at Dunsford, m. 9 Feb 1818 at Dunsford, Mary REED (b. ca. 1793, d. reg. Q2 1841 at St. Thomas R.D., bur. 29 May 1841 at Dunsford), bur. 24 Jun 1866 at Dunsford, d. reg. Q3 1866 at St. Thomas R.D. Ann CRISPIN witnessed the marriage in 1818. In 1818-19, George was a laborer, of Holeacre, Dunsford. In 1819, he was of Holeacre. In 1821, George was a laborer, living at Simons Cot, Dunsford, with his wife Mary, their daughter Mary, and John REED. In 1822-25, a laborer, of Simons, Dunsford. In 1828, a laborer, of Simons Cott, Dunsford. In 1841, Mary was of Butts. In 1844, a laborer. In 1851, a pauper agricultural laborer, lodging with his daughter Mary at Middle Butts, Dunsford, in the household of the parents in law of George SERCOMBE (son of his first cousin Joseph SERCOMBE). In 1861, an agricultural laborer, lodging in the household of his daughter Mary. In 1866, of Butts.
- William SERCOMBE, chr. 6 Apr 1818 privately and 22 Apr 1818 publicly at Dunsford, bur. 29 Jun 1819 at Dunsford. At his death in 1819, of Holeacre.
- Mary SERCOMBE, chr. 8 Nov 1819 at Dunsford, m. 8 Jul 1853 at Dunsford, m. reg. Q3 1853 at St. Thomas R.D., John PAYNE (b. ca. 1815 at Bridford, d. by 1891). In 1821, living with her parents. In 1851, a seamstress. In 1861, living at Butts, Dunsford, with her husband John (an agricultural laborer), their sons William, John, and Harry, and her father. In 1871, a seamstress, living at 4 Lesser Whidley, Dunsford, with her husband John (an agricultural laborer) and their sons William, John, Harry, and Frank. At his son's marriage in 1878, John was a laborer. In 1881, living at Butts Village, Dunsford, with her husband John (an agricultural laborer) and their son Frank. In 1891, Mary was a pauper, living with her son Harry.
- William SERCOMBE, later William Sercombe PAYNE, b. ca. 1852 at Dunsford, b. reg. Q1 1852 at St. Thomas R.D., chr. 17 Mar 1852 at Dunsford. In 1861, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1871, an agricultural laborer, living with his parents. In 1878, a witness at his brother Harry's marriage.
- John PAYNE, b. ca. 1854 at Dunsford. In 1861, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1871, an agricultural laborer, living with his parents.
- Harry PAYNE, b. ca. 1857 at Dunsford, b. reg. Q4 1857 at St. Thomas R.D., m1. 25 Dec 1878 at Dunsford, m1. reg. Q4 1878 at St. Thomas R.D., his second cousin Beatrice Ellen SERCOMBE, m2. reg. Q4 1888 at St. Thomas R.D., Mary Ann LEE (b. ca. 1844 at Dunsford). In 1861 and 1871, a scholar, living with his parents. At his marriage in 1878, a laborer, of Dunsford. In 1881, an agricultural laborer, living at Butts Village, Dunsford, with his wife Ellen and their daughter Beatrice. In 1891, an agricultural laborer, living at 2 Bridge Shute, Dunsford, with his wife Mary (a dressmaker), his children Beatrice, Fred, and Walter, and his mother.
- Beatrice L. PAYNE, b. ca. 1879 at Dunsford. In 1881, living with her parents. In 1891, a scholar, living with her father and stepmother.
- Fred PAYNE, b. ca. 1881 at Dunsford. In 1891, a scholar, living with his father and stepmother.
- Walter PAYNE, b. ca. 1884 at Dunsford. In 1891, a scholar, living with his father and stepmother.
- Frank PAYNE, b. ca. 1862 at Dunsford. In 1871, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1881, a blacksmith, living with his parents.
George Sercombe and his wife Elizabeth outside Higher Luscombe Farm, ca. 1890. (Photograph courtesy of their
descendant Adrian Thompson.) |
- George SERCOMBE, chr. 27 Jan 1822 at Dunsford, m. 21 May 1844 at Berry Pomeroy, Devon, m. reg. Q2 1844 at Totnes R.D., Elizabeth BEER (b. ca. 1820 at Ugborough or Berry Pomeroy, Devon, daughter of Henry BEER and Sarah MARTIN, d. reg. Q3 1896 at Kingsbridge R.D), d. reg. Q4 1900 at Kingsbridge R.D. In 1844, George was a laborer, and Elizabeth was a house servant; both were of Berry Pomeroy. Thomas and Mary PUGSLEY witnessed the mariage in 1844. In 1844, 1848, and 1850, George was a laborer, of Cold Harbour, Berry Pomeroy. In 1851, he was an agricultural laborer, living at Coldharbour, Bridgetown, Berry Pomeroy, with his wife Elizabeth and daughters Mary and Sarah. In 1852 and 1854, he was a laborer, of Bridgetown. In May 1856, he was a farmer, of Bridgetown. In Jul 1856, he was of the Bell Inn, Bridgetown. In 1857 and 1859, he was an innkeeper, of Bridgetown. In 1861, a farmer of 100 acres, living at Higher Luscombe, Harberton, with his wife Elizabeth, their children Mary, George, Sarah, Betsy, Ann, Elizabeth, and Eliza, Elizabeth's mother, and two farm servants.In 1866, a farmer, of Lower Luscombe, Belsford, Harberton, Devon. In 1870, a farmer, of Lower Luscombe, Harberton. In 1871, a farmer of 100 acres employing one laborer, living at Luscombe, Harbertonford, Harberton, with his wife Elizabeth, her mother, their children George, Bessy, Elizabeth, Eliza, and John, and an indoor farm servant. At his daughters' marriages in 1872, 1877, and 1878, farmer. In 1881, a farmer of 100 acres employing one labourer, living at Higher Luscombe, Harberton, with his wife Elizabeth, their children Eliza and John, their grandson William WILLIS, and two farm servants. At his daughter's marriage in 1886, a farmer. In 1889, a farmer, of Luscombe, Harberton. In 1891, a farmer, living at Higher Luscombe with his wife Elizabeth, children John, Eliza, and Elizabeth, grandson William WILLIS, and two servants. At his daughter Elizabeth's second marriage in 1895, a farmer.
- Mary Pugsley SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1844 at Berry Pomeroy, b. reg. Q4 1844 at Totnes R.D., chr. 1 Dec 1844 at Berry Pomeroy, m. reg. Q3 1865 at Totnes R.D., John Thomas RENDLE (b. ca. 1836 at Slapton, Devon). In 1851, a scholar, living with her parents. In 1861, living with her parents. In 1871, living at Well Farm, Stoke Gabriel, Devon, with her husband John (an agricultural laborer) and their children Sarah, George, Mary, and John. In 1881, living at Turpins Tenements, Harbertonford, with her husband John (a farm laborer) and their children Sarah, George, Mary, John, William, and Elizabeth.
- Sarah E. RENDLE, b. ca. 1865 at Stoke Gabriel. In 1871, a scholar, living with her parents. In 1881, domestic, living with her parents.
- George H. RENDLE, b. ca. 1867 at Stoke Gabriel. In 1871, living with his parents. In 1881, a scholar, living with his parents.
- Mary A. RENDLE, b. ca. 1868 at Stoke Gabriel. In 1871, living with her parents. In 1881, a scholar, living with her parents.
- John T. RENDLE, b. ca. Dec 1870 at Stoke Gabriel. In 1871, living with his parents. In 1881, a scholar, living with his parents.
- William RENDLE, b. ca. 1872 at Berry Pomeroy. In 1881, a scholar, living with his parents.
- Elizabeth RENDLE, b. ca. 1875 at Berry Pomeroy. In 1881, a scholar, living with her parents.
- Elizabeth SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1846 at Stoke Gabriel, b. reg. Q3 1846 at Totnes R.D., d. reg. Q2 1851 at Totnes R.D., bur. 28 May 1851 at Berry Pomeroy. In Mar 1851, visiting the household of her maternal grandparents at Berry Pomeroy, together with her brother George.
- George SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1848 at Bridgetown, Berry Pomeroy, b. reg. Q4 1848 at Totnes R.D., chr. 8 Oct 1848 at Berry Pomeroy, m1. 14 May 1871 at Holy Trinity, Plymouth, m1. reg. Q2 1871 at Plymouth, Ellen Eliza SNELL (b. ca. 1848 at Totnes, Devon, d. reg. Q3 1893 at Totnes R.D.), m2. reg. Q3 1895 at Fulham R.D., Elizabeth SELWOOD (b. ca. 1857 at Baughton or Bampton, Devon, d. reg. Q3 1934 at Surrey North Eastern R.D.), d. reg. Q3 1914 at Chelsea R.D. In 1851, visiting the household of his maternal grandparents at Berry Pomeroy, together with his sister Elizabeth. In 1861, living with his parents. In 1871, a farmer's son, living with his parents. In Apr 1881, a grocer, living at 1 South Street, Totnes, with his wife Ellen, their children George, William, and Ellen, and a general servant. When he registered his son's birth in May 1881, a gardener, of South Street, Totnes. At his daughter's birth in 1883, a gardener, of South Street, Totnes. In 1891, a bus driver, living at South Street, Totnes, with his wife Ellen and their children George, Ellen, and Jessie. In Mar 1901, a builder's carman, living at 25 Freeland Street, Battersea, London, with his wife Elizabeth and daughter Jessie. At his son's marriage in Jul 1901, a carman. At his son's marriage in 1903, a horsekeeper. At his daughter's marriage in 1904, a groom. In 1911, a domestic coachman, living at Prestwood, Ifield, Crawley, Sussex, with his wife Elizabeth.
- George Henry SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1873 at Totnes, b. reg. Q1 1873 at Totnes R.D., m. reg. Q2 1896 at Totnes R.D., Florence Annie STABB (b. ca. 1874 at Berry Pomeroy, d. reg. Q4 1944 at Totnes R.D.), d. reg. Q3 1939 at Totnes R.D. In 1881, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1891, a baker, living with his parents. In 1901, a packer in a jam factory, living at 9 Coldharbour, Totnes, with his wife Florence and their children Ethel and Charles. In 1911, a packer of jam and bottled fruits for a jam manufacturer, living 9 Coldharbour, Bridgetown, Totnes, with his wife Florence and their sons Charles and George.
- (stepdaughter) Ethel May STABB, later Ethel May SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1892 at Ashburton, Devon, b. reg. Q1 1892 at Newton Abbot R.D., d. reg. Q1 1966 at Totnes R.D. In 1901, living with her parents. In 1911, a servant in the SKYNNER household at Mount Vernon, Totnes. Known as STABB in 1892, SERCOMBE in 1901, 1911, and 1966.
- Anthony John SERCOMBE, b. Apr 1937 at Totnes, b. reg. Q2 1937 at Totnes R.D., m. reg. Q1 1966 at Totnes R.D., Sylvia
Mary H. PENGILLEY (b. 24 Feb 1943, d. reg. Oct 1996 at Torbay R.D.).
- Paula Jane SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q1 1968 at Newton Abbot R.D., m. reg. Sep 1992 at Newton Abbot R.D., Stephen A. WAKEHAM.
- Tom William WAKEHAM, b. reg. Apr 1999 at Torbay R.D.
- Ben James WAKEHAM, b. reg. Oct 2001 at Torbay R.D.
- Yvonne Elizabeth SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1970 at Newton Abbot R.D.
- Claire Denise SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q3 1972 at Newton Abbot R.D., m. reg. May 1994 at Teignbridge R.D., Mark A. SMITH.
- Barrie Anthony SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q1 1978 at Torbay R.D., m. reg. Aug 2003 at South Hams R.D., Michelle GABBE.
Researcher Barrie Sercombe.
- Leo Anthony SERCOMBE, b. reg. Nov 2003 at Torbay R.D.
- Charles George SERCOMBE, b. 7 Feb 1897 at Totnes, b. reg. Q1 1897 at Totnes R.D., m1. reg. Q1 1916 at Totnes R.D., Florence Winifred CHALCRAFT, div. 1921 (co-respondent George COOKE), m2. reg. Q4 1925 at Kingsbridge R.D., Audrey Elsie E.M. HILL (b. 31 Jul 1901, d. reg. Nov 1988 at Newton Abbot R.D.), d. reg. Sep 1985 at Newton Abbot R.D. In 1901, living with his parents. In 1911, a dairyman's errand boy, living with his parents.
- Ivor Charles W.H. SERCOMBE, b. 28 May 1926, b. reg. Q3 1926 at Totnes R.D., m. reg. Q3 1948 at Totnes R.D., Audrey M.
KING, d. reg. Q3 1983 at Exeter R.D.
- Colin I. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q4 1950 at Totnes R.D., m. reg. Q3 1972 at Newton Abbot R.D., Jane S. BORRETT.
- Benjamin SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q3 1976 at Torbay R.D.
- Thomas SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q4 1978 at Torbay R.D.
- Vaughan J. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1958 at Newton Abbot R.D., m. reg. Q1 1979 at Newton Abbot R.D., Margaret A. BALL.
- Lynsey Ann SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q1 1981 at Torbay R.D.
- Daniel Vaughan SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q1 1983 at Torbay R.D.
- William Frank Stabb SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1901 at Totnes, b. reg. Q3 1901 at Totnes R.D., m. reg. Q2 1921 at Plymouth R.D., Beatrice M.M. FOWDON (b. 8 Feb 1896, d. reg. May 1986 at Kingsbridge R.D.), d. reg. Q3 1968 at Kingsbridge R.D. In 1911, living with his parents.
- William Alfred SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1874 at Totnes, b. reg. Q4 1874 at Totnes R.D., m. 24 Feb 1903 at St. Mark, Battersea, m. reg. Q1 1903 at Wandsworth R.D., Hannah Maude JACOBS (b. ca. 1878 at Coombe Bassett, Wiltshire, daughter of John JACOBS, a labourer, d. reg. Q2 1944 at Wokingham R.D.), d. reg. Q2 1944 at Wokingham R.D. In 1881, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1891, a groom in the SMITH household at 62 High Street, Totnes. In 1901, a domestic coachman, boarding in the PIPER household at 52 Lots Road, Chelsea, London. At his marriage in 1903, a coachman; he and Hannah were both of 4 North Side, Wandsworth Common; the witnesses were William KIRK and Maud Patience PIPER. In 1911, a domestic gardener, living at Weybrook House Cottage, Sherborne St. John, Basingstoke, Hampshire, with his wife Hannah.
- Ellen Eliza SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1876 at Totnes, b. reg. Q4 1876 at Totnes R.D. In 1881, a scholar, living with her parents. In 1891, living with her parents.
- John SERCOMBE, b. 18 Apr 1881 at South Street, Totnes, b. reg. Q2 1881 at Totnes R.D., m. 1 Jul 1901 at St. Mary and St. Edward, West Hanningfield, near Chelmsford, Essex, m. reg. Q3 1901 at Chelmsford R.D., Elizabeth Ann COOPER (b. ca. 1878 at West Hanningfield, d. reg. Q2 1954 at Chelmsford R.D.; daughter of Samuel COOPER, a laborer), d. reg. Q3 1921 at Chelmsford R.D. (Where in 1891?) In Mar 1901, a general laborer, boarding in the household of William H. COOPER (b. ca. 1854 at West Hanningfield, presumably a relative of his future wife) at 24 Boundary Road, Barking, Essex. At his marriage in Jul 1901, a laborer, of Springfield; Elizabeth was of West Hanningfield; the witnesses were William Henry COOPER and Lydia COOPER. In 1911, a bricklayer's laborer, living at 3 Ivy Terrace, Baddow Road, Great Baddow, Essex, with his (or more likely his wife's) nephew Leonard William ARDLEY (a shop porter, b. ca. 1894 at West Hanningfield); Elizabeth was living in her mother's household at West Hanningfield with her daughter Gladys.
- Gladys Elizabeth SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1902 at Springfield, Essex, b. reg. Q3 1902 at Chelmsford R.D., m. reg. Q3 1927 at Chelmsford R.D., Frank L. MARSHALL. In 1911, living with her mother.
- Joyce G. MARSHALL, b. reg. Q4 1928 at Chelmsford R.D.
- Audrey F. MARSHALL, b. reg. Q4 1930 at Chelmsford R.D.
- Dennis F. MARSHALL, b. reg. Q4 1934 at Chelmsford R.D.
- Ethel Maud SERCOMBE, b. 3 Jan 1883 at South Street, Totnes, b. reg. Q1 1883 at Totnes R.D., m. 29 Oct 1904 at
Bobbingworth (= Boringer), Essex, m. reg. Q4 1904 at Ongar R.D., Arthur William HOLT (b. 10 Aug 1884 at Pilgrim's Hatch,
Essex, son of Arthur HOLT), d. 6 May 1963 at Chigwell. In 1891, a scholar, living with her aunt Emma and uncle Henry ALLEN
at 101 Little Green Lane, Aston, Warwickshire. In 1901, a chocolate m[ixer?], living with her aunt Emma and uncle Henry
ALLEN at 101 Little Green Lane, Aston. At her marriage in 1904, of Boringer; Arthur was a horsekeeper, of Boringer.
Ancestor of researcher Wendy Debrock.
- (perhaps) Leonard Harold SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1902 at Aston R.D., d. reg. Q4 1903 at Chelmsford R.D.
- Hilda W. HOLT, b. reg. Q4 1912 at Romford R.D.
- John F. HOLT, b. reg. Q4 1915 at Romford R.D.
- Olive E. HOLT, b. reg. Q1 1920 at West Ham R.D.
- Alice R. HOLT, b. reg. Q3 1922 at West Ham R.D.
- Emmeline V. HOLT, b. reg. Q1 1925 at West Ham R.D.
- Jessie May SERCOMBE, b. 1 May 1887 at Totnes, b. reg. Q2 1887 at Totnes R.D., m. James David WISEMAN. In 1891, living with her parents. In 1901, living with her father and stepmother. In 1911, a cook in the TROTTER household at 34 Launceston Place, London W.
Ancestor of researcher David Wiseman.
- Sarah Jane SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1850 at Berry Pomeroy, b. reg. Q4 1850 at Totnes R.D., chr. 20 Oct 1850 at Berry Pomeroy, m. 29 Dec 1886 at St. Matthew Oakley Square, London, m. reg. Q4 1886 at Pancras R.D., Thomas PRATT (b. ca. 1851 at Pimlico, London, m1. and wid. by 1886; son of Joseph Holdsworth PRATT). In 1851 and 1861, living with her parents. (Where in 1871 and 1881?) At her marriage in 1886, of St. Matthew Oakley Square; Thomas was a coachman, of the same parish; the witnesses were William Henry EVEREST and Eleanor ADKINS. In 1891, living at 3 Star Road, Fulham, London, with her husband Thomas (a horsekeeper), her stepdaughters Mary and Florence, her daughters Maud and Elizabeth, and three boarders.
- Mary PRATT, b. ca. 1878 at Hoxton, London. In 1891, a scholar, living with her parents.
- Florence PRATT, b. ca. 1882 at Hoxton. In 1891, a scholar, living with her parents.
- Maud PRATT, b. ca. 1887 at Islington, London. In 1891, a scholar, living with her parents.
- Elizabeth PRATT, b. ca. 1889 at Fulham. In 1891, a scholar, living with her parents.
- Betsy or Bessie SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q4 1852 at Totnes R.D., chr. 25 Dec 1852 at Berry Pomeroy, m. 15 Nov 1872 at
Harberton, m. reg. Q4 1872 at Totnes R.D., John Godbeer MATTHEWS (m1. unknown, wid. by 1872, son of William MATTHEWS, a
laborer). In 1861, living with her parents. In 1871, a farmer's daughter, living with her parents. At her marriage in
1872, of Harbertonford; John was a laborer, also of Harbertonford; the witnesses were George SERCOMBE (her father or
brother) and Ann SERCOMBE (her sister).
- Ann Martin SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q4 1854 at Totnes R.D., chr. 22 Oct 1854 at Berry Pomeroy, m. 30 Jan 1878 at Harberton,
m. reg. Q1 1878 at Totnes R.D., Charles John BRAGG (b. ca. 1850, son of James Clapp BRAGG, a carpenter). In 1861, living
with her parents. In 1871, a servant in the MAYPEE household at Whimple, Devon. At her marriage in 1878, of Luscombe,
Harberton; Charles was a letter carrier, of Paignton; the witnesses were Eliza SERCOMBE (her younger sister) and John
RENDLE. Ancestor of researcher Adrian Thompson.
- John Beer SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1856 at Totnes R.D., chr. 26 May 1856 at Berry Pomeroy, d. reg. Q3 1856 at Totnes R.D.,
bur. 20 Jul 1856 at Berry Pomeroy aged 10 weeks.
- Elizabeth SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q3 1857 at Totnes R.D., chr. 26 Jul 1857 at Berry Pomeroy, m. 30 Mar 1877 at Totnes, m. reg. Q1 1877 at Totnes R.D., William Heard or Hern WILLIS (b. ca. 1855, d. reg. Q3 1888 at Totnes R.D.; son of Samuel WILLIS, shoemaker), m2. 2 Jun 1895 at St. Andrew, Fulham, London, Thomas Philip MARCH (b. ca. 1866, son of Philip MARCH, a gardener). In 1861, living with her parents. In 1871, a scholar, living with her parents. At her marriage in 1877, of Totnes; William was a laborer, also of Totnes; the witnesses were Caroline Monteith REDWOOD and Joseph Henry REDWOOD. In 1881, a domestic servant in the PALK household at 36 Warner Street, Paignton, Devon (where was William?). In 1891, living with her parents. At her second marriage in 1895, of 3 Star Road, Fulham; Thomas was a tailor, also of 3 Star Road; the witnesses were S. PRATT and M. PRATT.
- William Hearne WILLIS, b. ca. 1877 at Totnes, b. reg. Q4 1877 at Totnes R.D., m. ca. 1907 Paulina (b. ca. 1883 at South Molton, Devon). In 1881, a scholar, living with his mother's parents. In 1891, a farm servant, living with his mother and her parents. In 1901, a farmer, living with his mother's sister Eliza. In 1911, a farmer, living at Barnsdale Farm, Blackawton, Devon, with his wife Paulina, their son William, his mother's sister Eliza, and a boarder.
- William George WILLIS, b. ca. 1909 at Blackawton. In 1911, living with his parents.
- Eliza SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q3 1859 at Totnes R.D., chr. 7 Aug 1859 at Berry Pomeroy, d. reg. Q2 1921 at Kingsbridge R.D. In 1861, living with her parents. In 1871, a scholar, living with her parents. In 1881 and 1891, living with her parents. In 1901, living on her own means at Oldstone Farm, Blackawton, with her sister Elizabeth's son William WILLIS. In 1911, living with her sister Elizabeth's son William WILLIS.
- John Beer SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1862 at Harberton or Harbertonford or Berry, b. reg. Q1 1862 at Totnes R.D., m. reg. Q1 1892 at Totnes R.D., Helen Maria HAYWARD (b. ca. 1855 at Paignton, Devon, d. reg. Q4 1927 at Totnes R.D., bur. 24 Nov 1927 at Collaton St. Mary, Devon), d. reg. Q4 1934 at Totnes R.D., bur. 28 Dec 1934 at Collaton St. Mary. In 1871, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1881, living with his parents. In 1891, a farmer's assistant, living with his parents. In 1901, a farmer, blind in one eye, living at Washwalk Farm, Blackawton, with his wife Helen, their children Helen, Myra, Francis, and George, a servant horseman, and visitor John WHITE (a shepherd, b. ca. 1880 at Weachcombe, Devon -- perhaps Witchcombe Farm in Ugborough?). In 1911, a farmer, living at Washwalk, Blackawton, with his wife Helen and their children Elizabeth, Myra, Francis, and George. At his son's death in 1916, of Lower Yalberton Farm, Paignton. At her death in 1927, Helen was of Lower Yalberton. At his death in 1934, John was also of Lower Yalberton.
- Helen Elizabeth or Elizabeth Helen SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1893 at Blackawton, b. reg. Q2 1893 at Kingsbridge R.D., m. reg. Q1 1920 at Kingsbridge R.D., Edward B. MADDOCK. In 1901, living with her parents. In 1911, at home, living with her parents.
- Francis E. MADDOCK, b. reg. Q3 1921 at Totnes R.D.
- Myra SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1895 at Blackawton, b. reg. Q1 1895 at Kingsbridge R.D., m. reg. Q2 1924 at Totnes R.D., John H. EFFORD. In 1901, living with her parents. In 1911, at home, living with her parents.
- Francis W. EFFORD, b. reg. Q1 1925 at Kingsbridge R.D.
- Betty EFFORD, b. reg. Q1 1930 at Totnes R.D.
- Francis John SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1896 at Blackawton, b. reg. Q1 1896 at Kingsbridge R.D., d. 6 Sep 1916. In 1901, living with his parents. In 1911, working on the farm, living with his parents. At his death in 1916, a private in the 9th Battalion, Devonshire Regiment. Memorial at Thiepval, Somme, France.
- George Henry SERCOMBE, b. 8 Jun 1897 at Blackawton, b. reg. Q3 1897 at Kingsbridge R.D., d. reg. Feb 1984 at Tavistock R.D. In 1901, living with his parents. In 1911, working on the farm, living with his parents.
- John Reed SERCOMBE, chr. 28 Aug 1825 at Dunsford, m. 26 May 1853 at St. Saviour, Dartmouth, Devon,
by licence, m. reg. Q2 1853 at Totnes R.D., Elizabeth Grace TOOLEY (b. ca. 1828 at Totnes, drowned Jan 1866), drowned Jan
1866. In 1851, an agricultural laborer, visiting his brother George. In 1853, a yeoman; both John and Elizabeth were of
Dartmouth St. Saviour. The marriage in 1853 was witnessed by Robert and Susan TOOLEY, probably Elizabeth's parents. In Mar
1856, Elizabeth left Victoria, Australia, on the ship Mermaid, bound for Liverpool. Elizabeth m2. reg. Q1 1861 at
Plymouth R.D., Joseph CAPPER (b. ca. 1828 at Chester, Cheshire) and in 1861 she was living at Plymouth with Joseph (a
seaman in the Royal Navy). But John subsequently reappeared and set out to take his family back to Australia, for in Jan
1866 he and Elizabeth and their children Ellen, George, and Henry were among the more than 200 passengers and crew drowned
in the wreck of the S.S. London, bound from Plymouth to Australia, which sank in bad weather in the Bay of Biscay.
(See The Times, 18 Jan 1866.)
- Ellen SERCOMBE, b. 22 Mar 1854 at Adelaide, South Australia, drowned Jan 1866. In 1861, living in the household of her maternal grandparents, Robert and Susanna TOOLEY, at 22 Green Street, Charles Ward, Plymouth, Devon, together with her brothers George and Henry.
- George SERCOMBE, b. 1855 at Ballarat, Victoria, drowned Jan 1866. In 1861, living with his maternal grandparents.
- Henry SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1857 at Plymouth, drowned Jan 1866. In 1861, living with his maternal grandparents.
- William SERCOMBE, chr. 17 Feb 1828 at Dunsford, bur. 21 Apr 1839 at Dunsford. In 1839, of Dandyland.
- William SERCOMBE, chr. 3 Mar 1793 at Dunsford, m. 16 Dec 1832 at Dunsford, Sarah HELLIER (b. ca. 1810, bur. 17 Mar 1833 at Dunsford), d. reg. Q1 1853 at St. Thomas R.D., bur. 17 Mar 1853 at Dunsford. In 1821, a butcher's servant by the year in the HELLIER household at Higher Court, Dunsford. (Sarah, daughter of William's employer in 1821, was his future wife.) George BOND and John BATTING witnessed the marriage in 1832. At his son's baptism in 1833, a laborer, of Berry Cross, Dunsford. In 1841, an agricultural laborer, living at Berry Cross, Dunsford. In 1851, an agricultural laborer, lodging in the household of James WEDLAKE and his wife Susanna SERCOMBE (his second cousin once removed). At his burial in 1853, of the County Lunatic Asylum at Exminster, Devon. Relative of researcher Russell Hellier.
- Samuel SERCOMBE, chr. 17 Mar 1833 at Dunsford (on the same day his mother was buried), m. 17 Dec 1864 at Castlemaine, Victoria, Australia, Erskine Wallace NEILSON or NELSON (chr. 28 May 1843 at Cupar, Fife, d. 1919 at Canongate, Midlothian; daughter of John NELSON of Cupar), d. 1890 at Forgan, Fife. In 1851, an agricultural laborer, living in the household of his uncle Joseph HILL (farmer, b. ca. 1811 at Lustleigh, Devon) and aunt Ann (b. ca. 1808 at Dunsford), at Daccombe, Coffinswell, Devon. From ca. 1866 to ca. 1878, a butcher at the Pierhead, Newport, Fife. In 1871, a butcher employing one man, living at Seacraig Cottages, King Street,
Newport, Forgan parish, Fife, with his wife Erskine, her mother, and their children Elizabeth, William, Sarah, and Erskine. In 1874 bought a house in Maryfield Terrace, Newport; sold it again in 1879 and became a farmer. In 1881, a farmer of 464 acres (200 arable), employing five men and a woman, living at Morton Farmhouse, Forgan, with his wife Erskine, her mother, their children Elizabeth, William, Sarah, Erskine, Agnes, Alice, and Samuel, and a servant. Will registered at Cupar, 25 Feb 1890. In 1891, his widow Erskine was a farmer, living at Morton with her mother and children Elizabeth, Sarah, Erskine, Agnes, Alice, and Samuel. In 1901, Erskine was a domestic nurse, living at 22 Bruntsfield Gardens, Morningside, Edinburgh, with a lodger.
- Elizabeth Philp SERCOMBE, b. 23 Sep 1865 at Leuchars, Fife, m. 1901 at Monifieth, Angus, George MILLER. In 1871, 1881,
and 1891, living with her parents.
- William Cameron SERCOMBE, b. 18 Apr 1867 at Forgan, m. 1890 in Victoria, Susan Maude CURRIE (b. ca. 1864 at Frankston, Victoria, d. 1945 at Caulfield, Victoria, daughter of John CURRIE and Susan GARDINER), d. 1910 at Malvern, Victoria. In 1871 and 1881, a scholar, living with his parents.
- Alice Evelyn SERCOMBE, b. 1891 at Armadale, Victoria, d. 1912 at Caulfield.
- Dorothy Pearl SERCOMBE, b. 1892 at Armadale, d. 1981 at Melbourne, Victoria.
- Sarah Fraser SERCOMBE, b. 1896 at Armadale, d. 1958 at Melbourne.
- Sarah Ann SERCOMBE, b. 20 Jan 1869 at Newport. In 1871, living with her parents. In 1881, a scholar, living with her
parents. In 1891, a teacher, living with her parents. In 1901, a hospital nurse, living in an institution (presumably a
hospital) at St. Nicholas, Aberdeenshire, together with her sister Alison.
- Erskine SERCOMBE, b. 4 Jan 1871 at Newport, m. 1897 at Old Machar, Aberdeenshire, Charles NICHOLSON. In 1871, living
with her parents. In 1881, a scholar, living with her parents. In 1891, living with her parents.
- Agnes Nicholson SERCOMBE, b. 10 Feb 1873 at Newport. In 1881, a scholar, living with her parents. In 1891, living with
her parents. In 1901, a housekeeper in the IRELAND household at Whythouse Avenue, Kirkcaldy, Fife.
- Alison Joann "Alice" "Lilice" SERCOMBE, b. 1875 at Newport. In 1881 and 1891, living with her parents. In 1901, a
hospital nurse, living in an institution (presumably a hospital) at St. Nicholas, Aberdeenshire, together with her sister
- Samuel "Sam" Nelson SERCOMBE, b. 1876 at Newport, m. 24 Aug 1903 at Pretoria, South Africa,
Annette BOWYER (daughter of J. BOWYER, J.P., of Cheshire, m1. Freeman WALLIS, a solicitor, wid. by 1903). In 1881 and
1891, living with his parents. Fought in the Boer War as a trooper in the 75th Company of the 18th Battalion of the
Imperial Yeomanry. Possibly the Nelson SERCOMBE, architect, of 10 Bayswater Chambers, Aliwal Street, Durban, Natal, South
Africa, who applied on 6 Jul 1937 for a U.K. patent for improvements in building construction. (Or could that be Sam's
- (probably) Hellier SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1877 at Newport. In 1911, a hospital-trained sick nurse (for Hull Nursing Home) in
the WINSTANLEY household at 14 York Road, Beverley, Yorkshire.
- Mary Ann SERCOMBE, b. 1879 at Forgan.
- John SERCOMBE, chr. 29 Mar 1795 at Dunsford, m. 26 Dec 1820 at Dunsford, Ann HILL (b. ca. 1791, d. reg. Q4 1841, bur. 20 Oct 1841 at Dunsford), d. reg. Q2 1869 at St. Thomas R.D., bur. 11 Apr 1869 at Dunsford. In 1820, John's marriage was witnessed by William SERCOMBE,
probably his older brother, and John PRICKMAN. In 1820, John was a laborer. In May 1821, he was a laborer, living at
Hole-Acre, Dunsford, with his wife Ann. In Nov 1821, he was a laborer, of Holeacre, Dunsford. In 1824, a laborer, of Butts,
Dunsford. In 1827-30, a laborer, of Lower Butts. In 1832-35, a laborer, of Butts. In 1841, Ann was of Butts. In 1843, a
laborer. In 1851, a farm laborer, "inmate" in the WRIGHT household at South Down Cot, Dunsford. In 1854, a husbandman. At
his son's marriage in 1860, a laborer. In 1861, an agricultural laborer, boarding with his daughter Elizabeth at
Shillingford Cot, Shillingford, Devon. In 1869, of Dunsford.
- John SERCOMBE, chr. 11 Nov 1821 at Dunsford, m. 17 May 1843 at Dunsford, m. reg. Q2 1843 at St. Thomas R.D., Mary Ann Towel LASKEY (formerly Mary Ann Laskey TOWELL, illegitimate daughter of Jonathan LASKEY and Mary TOWELL; b. ca. 1817 at Drewsteignton, Devon, chr. 15 Mar 1818 at Drewsteignton, d. reg. Q1 1904 at St. Thomas R.D.), d. reg. Q4 1893 at St. Thomas R.D. At his marriage in May 1843, a laborer; the witnesses were John SERCOMBE (presumably his father) and William SERCOMBE (perhaps his brother). At his son's baptism in Dec 1843, a laborer, of Dunsford. In 1851, an agricultural laborer, living at Big Port, Dunsford, with his wife Mary and their children John, William, Susan, and Mary. In 1861, an agricultural laborer, living at Dunsford village with his wife Mary and their children James, Samuel, Joseph, Francis, and Frederick. In 1867-1870, a sexton. In Apr 1871, a farm labourer and sexton, living at 2 Symonds Cott, Dunsford, with his wife Mary and their son George. In Jul 1871, a farm laborer. In 1881, an agricultural laborer, living at Brimblecombes Cottage, Dunsford, with his wife Mary and their sons Joseph and Fred. In 1891, a pauper, living at 1 Breton Street, Dunsford, with his wife Mary, their sons George (described as a "boarder") and Fred, and another boarder. In 1901, Mary was living with her son Fred.
- (stepson) George LASKEY, b. ca. 1841 at Cheriton Bishop, Devon, chr. 21 Mar 1841 at Cheriton Bishop. Reputed father: William BROWN, labourer, of South Bovey. In 1851, a farmer's apprentice in the PHILLIPS household at Boyland, Dunsford. In 1861, an agricultural laborer, apprentice in the PHILLIPS household at Boyland Farm, Dunsford. In 1871, a farm labourer, living with his mother and stepfather (enumerated as George SERCOMBE). (Where in 1881?) In 1891, an agricultural laborer, boarding with his mother and stepfather.
- John SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1843 at Dunsford, b. reg. Q4 1843 at St. Thomas R.D., chr. 31 Dec 1843 at Dunsford, m. 2 Dec 1869 at Dunsford, m. reg. Q4 1869 at St. Thomas R.D., Mary BOLT (daughter of John BOLT; b. ca. 1845 at Tedburn St. Mary or Holcombe Burnell or Dunsford, d. reg. Q2 1923 at St. Thomas R.D.), d. reg. Q4 1930 at St. Thomas R.D. In 1851, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1861, an agricultural servant in the TAVENER household at Moor Farm, Dunsford. In 1871, an agricultural laborer, living at All Acre Cott No. 2, Dunsford, with his wife Mary and their daughter Emily. At his son's baptism in 1874, of Holeacre, Dunsford. In 1881, an agricultural laborer, living at East Down, Dunsford, with his wife Mary, their children Emily, Alice, Walter, George, Frank, and Fred, and his wife's brother John. At his children's baptisms in 1885 and 1888, of Eastdown, Dunsford. In 1891, a farm laborer, living at East Down, Dunsford, with his wife Mary and their children Emily, Fred, Lucy, Bessie, and Sidney. At his daughter's marriage in 1896, a laborer. In Mar 1901, an ordinary agricultural laborer, living at Britten Street, Dunsford, with his wife Mary, their children Alice, George, Bessie, and Sydney, and their granddaughter Edith. At his children's marriages in Oct 1901 and 1909, a laborer. In Apr 1911, a farm laborer, living at Brownings Cottage, Britton Street, Dunsford, with his wife Mary, their children Alice, Fred, and Sidney, and their granddaughter Edith. At his son's marriage in Dec 1911, a laborer.
- Emily SERCOMBE, b. ca. Aug 1870 at Dunsford, b. reg. Q3 1870 at St. Thomas R.D., chr. 4 Sep 1870 at Dunsford, m. 17 Sep 1896 at St. Paul, Exeter, m. reg. Q3 1896 at Exeter R.D., Alfred John BOLT (b. ca. 1867 at Spreyton or Exeter, son of John BOLT, a haulier). In 1871, living with her parents. In 1881, a scholar, living with her parents. In 1891, a general servant, living with her parents. At her marriage in 1896, of the precinct of Bradninch; Alfred was a plumber, of Rowberrow, Somerset; the witnesses were Walter John SERCOMBE and Alice SERCOMBE. In 1901, living at 12 Ryde Road, Knowle, Bristol, Gloucestershire, with her husband Alfred (a plumber) and their daughters Winifred and Ethel. In 1911, living at 23 Redcatch Lane, Knowle, with her husband Alfred (a plumber) and their children Winifred, Ethel, Edith, Alfred, Norah, and Charles. Moved to London ca. 1911.
- Winifred Alice BOLT, b. ca. 1897 at Knowle. In 1901, living with her parents. In 1911, at school, living with her parents.
- Ethel Mary BOLT, b. ca. 1899 at Knowle. In 1901, living with her parents. In 1911, at school, living with her parents.
- Edith Emily BOLT, b. ca. 1901 at Bristol. In 1911, living with her parents.
- Alfred John BOLT, b. ca. 1904 at Bristol. In 1911, living with his parents.
- Norah Lucy Elizabeth BOLT, b. ca. 1906 at Bristol. In 1911, living with her parents.
- Charles Frederick George BOLT, b. ca. 1908 at Bristol. In 1911, living with his parents.
- Alice SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1872 at Dunsford, b. reg. Q2 1872 at St. Thomas R.D., chr. 19 May 1872 at Dunsford, d. reg. Q2 1958 at Wood Green R.D. In 1881, a scholar, living with her parents. In 1891, a domestic servant in the GIBBINGS household at Landsend Farm, Colebrooke, Devon. In 1901, a general domestic servant, living with her parents. In 1911, living with her parents. Moved to London ca. 1911.
- (probably) Edith Emily B. SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1898 at Plymouth, Devon, b. reg. Q3 1898 at Plymouth R.D., m. reg. Q3 1926 at Edmonton R.D., Henry L. HILL. In 1901, living with her grandparents. In 1911, at school, living with her grandparents.
- Walter John SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1874 at Dunsford, b. reg. Q2 1874 at St. Thomas R.D., chr. 3 May 1874 at Dunsford, m. 2 Dec 1911 at St. Matthew, Upper Clapton, Hackney, London, m. reg. Q4 1911 at Hackney R.D., Janet Polson McLENNAN (b. ca. 1883, daughter of William McLENNAN, a coach painter, d. reg. Q3 1967 at Holsworthy R.D.), d. reg. Q1 1931 at Hackney R.D., bur. 27 Mar 1931 in Abney Park Cemetery, London. In 1881, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1891, a farm servant in the SHORT household (with his brother Frank) at Clifford Barton, Dunsford. In 1901, a train conductor, boarding in the POOKE household at 70 Southwold Road, Hackney, London. In Apr 1911, a tram conductor for the London County Council, boarding at 11 Bakers Hill, Upper Clapton, London. At his marriage in Dec 1911, a train conductor, of 10 Bakers Hill; Janet was also of 10 Bakers Hill; the witnesses were E.M. HELLICAR and L.R. BOTTEN. At his death in 1931, of 62 Geldeston Road, Clapton, London.
- Ivy J. McL. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1914 at Hackney R.D., m. reg. Q3 1939 at Hackney R.D., Lancelot C. BELLERBY.
- George SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1876 at Dunsford, b. reg. Q1 1876 at St. Thomas R.D., m. 8 Oct 1901 at Alphington, m. reg. Q4 1901 at St. Thomas R.D., Beatrice Susan BERRY (daughter of William BERRY, a laborer; b. ca. 1878 at Exwick, Devon, d. reg. Q3 1958 at Devon Central R.D.), d. reg. Q3 1957 at Exeter R.D. In 1881, living with his parents. In 1891, a cow boy in the WILLS household at Corridge Farm, Dunsford. In Mar 1901, a carter on a farm, living with his parents. At his marriage in Oct 1901, a laborer on the railway, of Alphington; Beatrice was also of Alphington; the witnesses were Lucy SERCOMBE (George's younger sister) and Caroline BERRY. At his son's birth in 1902, a farm laborer; Beatrice was of Upperton, Dunsford. In 1911, a waggoner on a farm, living at Tedburn St. Mary with his wife Beatrice and their children William, Eva, Edith, and Beatrice.
- William George SERCOMBE, b. ca. 8 Jul 1902 at Upperton, Dunsford, b. reg. Q3 1902 at St. Thomas R.D., m. reg. Q2 1929 at Crediton R.D., Dorothy Muriel BIRD (b. 22 Mar 1904, b. reg. Q2 1904 at Honiton R.D., d. reg. Mar 1992 at Mid Devon R.D.), d. reg. Q2 1980 at Exeter R.D. In 1911, living with his parents.
- Eva Mary SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1904 at Dunsford, b. reg. Q2 1904 at St. Thomas R.D., m. reg. Q3 1927 at Crediton R.D., Albert J. BASSETT. In 1911, living with her parents.
- Dawn M. BASSETT, b. reg. Q3 1934 at St. Thomas R.D.
- Edith Ruth SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1906 at Dunsford, b. reg. Q3 1906 at St. Thomas R.D., m. reg. Q2 1933 at Crediton R.D., Reginald GLOVER. In 1911, living with her parents.
- Joan M. GLOVER, b. reg. Q3 1936 at Devon Central R.D.
- Beatrice Alice SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1908 at Tedburn St. Mary, b. reg. Q4 1908 at St. Thomas R.D., m. reg. Q1 1935 at Crediton R.D., Frederick R. HOSGOOD. In 1911, living with her parents.
- Frank SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1878 at Dunsford, b. reg. Q1 1878 at St. Thomas R.D., chr. 24 Feb 1878 at Dunsford, m.
6 Nov 1901 at Payhembury, Devon, m. reg. Q4 1901 at Honiton R.D., Ellen DUNN (b. ca. 1880 at Broadclyst, Devon, d. reg.
Q3 1933 at Crediton R.D.; daughter of Robert DUNN, a laborer), d. reg. Q4 1954 at Tiverton R.D. In 1881, living with his
parents. In 1891, a farm servant in the SHORT household (with his brother Walter) at Clifford Barton, Dunsford. In 1901, a
carter on a farm, boarding in the MARKER household in the village of Payhembury. At his marriage later in 1901, a laborer,
of Payhembury; Ellen was of Broadclyst; the witnesses were John SERCOMBE (probably his father) and Edith FRENCH. At his
daughter's baptism in 1902, a laborer. In 1911, a dairyman cow keeper, living at Pagams, Sandford, Devon, with his wife
Ellen and their children Lucy, Stanley, Alice, and George.
- Lucy Florence May SERCOMBE, b. 25 Mar 1902 at Payhembury, b. reg. Q2 1902 at Honiton R.D., chr. 11 May 1902 at
Payhembury, m. reg. Q2 1938 at Devon Central R.D., Albert H.P. EVELY. In 1911, living with her parents.
- Stanley Francis SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1905 at Poughill, Devon, b. reg. Q3 1905 at Crediton R.D., d. reg. Q1 1939 at Devon
Central R.D. In 1911, living with his parents.
- Alice Maud M. SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1907 at Poughill, b. reg. Q1 1907 at Crediton R.D., m. 1934 at the Register Office,
Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, m. reg. Q2 1934 at Cheltenham R.D., Herbert E. SHORT. In 1911, living with her parents.
- George Frederick J. SERCOMBE, b. 31 Dec 1910 at Sandford, b. reg. Q1 1911 at Crediton R.D., m. reg. Q4 1940 at Devon
Central R.D., Lily HOLWILL, d. reg. Jul 2003 at Teignbridge R.D. In 1911, living with his parents.
- Gerald K. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q3 1942 at Devon Central R.D., m. reg. Q4 1970 at Devon Central R.D., Margaret A. VICARY.
- Stanley J. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1949 at Devon Central R.D.
- Sidney Frank SERCOMBE, b. 20 Mar 1920, b. reg. Q2 1920 at Crediton R.D.
Ancestor of researcher Michael Sercombe.
- Walter Leonard SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q1 1923 at Crediton R.D., m. reg. Q4 1944 at Exeter R.D., Mary C. AHEARN or AHERN.
- Violet J. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q1 1946 at Devon Central R.D.
- Bridget M. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1948 at Devon Central R.D., m. reg. Q1 1974 at Tiverton R.D., Michael B. WEEDON.
- Shaun Arthur D. WEEDON, b. reg. Q3 1977 at Tiverton R.D.
- Michael Nicholas WEEDON, b. reg. Q1 1979 at Mid Devon R.D.
- Kathryn Marie WEEDON, b. reg. Jan 1984 at Mid Devon R.D.
- Fred SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1880 at Dunsford, b. reg. Q3 1880 at St. Thomas R.D., chr. 27 Jun 1880 at Dunsford, m. reg. Q2 1918 at St. Thomas R.D., Florence Mary WILLS (b. 20 Aug 1888, d. reg. Q4 1973 at Exeter R.D.), d. reg. Q1 1953 at Devon Central R.D. In 1881, living with his parents. In 1891, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1901, a farm horseman in the HILL household at Smalridge Farm, Moretonhampstead. In 1911, a farm laborer, living with his parents. At his son's death in 1944, of Longdown, Devon.
- Frederick John "Jack" SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q4 1918 at St. Thomas R.D., d. 6 Feb 1944, bur. at Dieppe Canadian War Cemetery, Hautot-sur-mer, Seine-Maritime, France. Attended Hele's School, Exeter, on a scholarship. At his death in 1944, a flight lieutenant navigator/bomber in the 21st Squadron, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve.
- Mary E. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1920 at St. Thomas R.D., m. reg. Q2 1941 at Devon Central R.D., Stafford W. NORTHCOTT.
- Rodney K. NORTHCOTT, b. reg. Q2 1942 at Devon Central R.D.
- Marian C. NORTHCOTT, b. reg. Q3 1945 at Devon Central R.D.
- Kathleen E. NORTHCOTT, b. reg. Q1 1947 at Devon Central R.D.
- Kevin E. NORTHCOTT, b. reg. Q1 1947 at Devon Central R.D.
- Christine M. NORTHCOTT, b. reg. Q4 1950 at Devon Central R.D.
- Kenneth F. "Kenny" SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q4 1922 at St. Thomas R.D., d. reg. Q4 1927 at St. Thomas R.D.
- Winifred Ann SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q4 1924 at St. Thomas R.D., m. reg. Q2 1944 at Devon Central R.D., Fernleigh W. CLARK.
- Sandra A. CLARK, b. reg. Q3 1950 at Devon Central R.D.
- Richard J. CLARK, b. reg. Q2 1953 at Devon Central R.D.
- Stanley Walter SERCOMBE, b. 8 Mar 1927, b. reg. Q2 1927 at St. Thomas R.D., m. reg. Q3 1949 at Exeter R.D., Joyce M. OUSLEY, d. reg. Oct 2002 at Exeter R.D.
- Graham J. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q4 1954 at Exeter R.D., m. reg. Q2 1979 at Exeter R.D., Jill E. BARTON.
- Christopher John SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q3 1981 at Taunton Deane R.D.
- Daniel James SERCOMBE, b. reg. Dec 1985 at Winchester R.D.
- Carolyn J. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q4 1961 at Exeter R.D., m. reg. Q3 1983 at Exeter R.D., George C.W. MELDON.
- Luke Warren MELDON, b. reg. Aug 1985 at Exeter R.D.
- Dean Charles MELDON, b. reg. Dec 1988 at Exeter R.D.
- Joshua Scott MELDON, b. reg. Dec 1991 at Exeter R.D.
- Gladys A. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q4 1929 at Exeter R.D., m. reg. Q2 1953 at Devon Central R.D., Charles W.K. HUTTON.
- Joy HUTTON, b. reg. Q1 1957 at Exeter R.D.
- Lyn HUTTON, b. reg. Q1 1957 at Exeter R.D.
- Susan HUTTON, b. reg. Q1 1957 at Exeter R.D. Researcher Sue Russell.
- Lucy SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1882 at Dunsford, b. reg. Q3 1882 at St. Thomas R.D., m. reg. Q1 1916 at Kensington R.D.,
William R. HOLTON. In 1891, a scholar, living with her parents. In 1901, a cook at the Rectory, Bridford. In 1911, a cook
in the EELES household at 22 Hawthorn Terrace, Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland.
- Lucy M. HOLTON, b. reg. Q1 1917 at Hammersmith R.D.
- Marjorie A. HOLTON, b. reg. Q4 1918 at Hammersmith R.D.
- Richard J. HOLTON, b. reg. Q2 1921 at Hammersmith R.D.
- Bessie SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1885 at Dunsford, b. reg. Q3 1885 at St. Thomas R.D., chr. 2 Aug 1885 at Dunsford, m. 30 Jun 1909 at Dunsford, m. reg. Q2 1909 at St. Thomas R.D., Charles Ernest DAVEY (b. ca. 1882 at St. Germans, Cornwall, son of John Charles DAVEY, a farmer). In 1891, a scholar, living with her parents. In 1901, living with her parents. At her marriage in 1909, of Dunsford; Charles was a blacksmith, of Midhurst, Sussex; the witnesses were John SERCOMBE and Fred SERCOMBE. In 1911, living at Midhurst with her husband Charles (an engineer and smith).
- Sidney SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1888 at Dunsford, b. reg. Q3 1888 at St. Thomas R.D., chr. 15 Jul 1888 at Dunsford, m. reg. Q1 1921 at Crediton R.D., Florence EVELY (b. 5 Mar 1896, d. 23 Feb 1971, d. reg. Q1 1971 at Newton Abbot R.D., bur. at Dunsford), d. reg. Q4 1953 at Exeter R.D., d. 21 Nov 1953, bur. at Dunsford with his wife Florence. In 1891 and 1901, living with his parents. In 1911, a farm laborer, living with his parents.
- Mary SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q4 1921 at St. Thomas R.D., d. reg. Q4 1921 at St. Thomas R.D.
- William SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1847 at St. Thomas R.D., chr. 23 May 1847 at Dunsford, m. 1 Jul 1871 at the Register Office, Plymouth, m1. reg. Q3 1871 at Plymouth R.D., Sarah Ann YOULDON (daughter of Philip YOULDON, a merchant seaman; b. ca. 1850 at Kingsbridge, Devon, d. reg. Q1 1888 at St. Thomas R.D., bur. 23 Jan 1888 at Dunsford), m2. 27 Nov 1898 at Dunsford, m2. reg. Q4 1898 at St. Thomas R.D., Jane LAMBELL (daughter of Thomas LAMBELL, a butcher; b. ca. 1840 at Chudleigh, Devon, m1. ROSE). In 1851, living with his parents. In 1861, an agricultural laborer, apprentice in the DICKER household at All Lands, Dunsford. In Apr 1871, a carrier, boarding in the SKELTON household at Lower Street, Callington, Cornwall. At his marriage in Jul 1871, a van driver; he and Sarah were both of 15 Finewell Street, Plymouth; the marriage was witnessed by William COLE and Ann YOULDON. In 1874, a wagoner; Sarah Ann was of Back Lane, Callington. In 1881, an agricultural laborer, living at Holeacre Cot, Dunsford, with his wife Sarah and their children Cornelius, Emma, Bertha, and Ellen. At his daughter's birth in 1882, a farm laborer; Sarah Ann was of Dunsford. At his children's baptisms in 1883 and 1885, of Holeacre, Dunsford. In 1891, an agricultural laborer, living at Holeacre, Dunsford, with his children Emma, Ellen, Bessie, and William. At his daughter's marriage in Jul 1898, a laborer. At his second marriage in Nov 1898, a laborer, of Dunsford. In 1901, a general laborer, living at Cambsland Lodge, Dunsford, with his wife Jane. In 1911, a domestic gardener, living at Fulford Cottage, Dunsford, with his wife Jane. At his son's marriage in 1915, a gardener.
- Cornelius SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1872 at Callington, b. reg. Q2 1872 at Liskeard R.D., m. 26 Jun 1901 at Dunsford, m. reg. Q2 1901 at St. Thomas R.D., Maud Mary ANDREWS (b. ca. 1878 at Coldridge, Devon, d. reg. Q1 1953 at Devon Central R.D.; daughter of George ANDREWS, a laborer), d. reg. Q4 1936 at Devon Central R.D. In 1881, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1891, a blacksmith, boarding in the PUDDICOMBE household at Oak Cottage, Dunsford. In Mar 1901, a roadman, boarding in the HEALE household at Rowhorn Farm, Newton St. Cyres, Devon. At his marriage in Jun 1901, a laborer of Dunsford. Witnessed the marriage of his sister Bessie in 1908. In 1911, a general laborer, living at Camsland Lodge, Dunsford, with his wife Maud and their children Alfred, Beatrice, William, and Bessie. At his son's marriage in 1930, a road laborer for the Devon County Council.
- Alfred Ross SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1902 at Whitestone, Devon, b. reg. Q4 1902 at St. Thomas R.D., m. reg. Q1 1942 at Devon Central R.D., Dora Violet WILLS (b. 15 Feb 1909, b. reg. Q1 1909 at St. Thomas R.D., d. reg. Aug 1993 at Exeter R.D.), d. reg. Q3 1960 at Devon Central R.D. In 1911, living with his parents.
- Beatrice Mary SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1904 at Whitestone, Devon, b. reg. Q4 1904 at St. Thomas R.D., m. reg. Q3 1934 at St. Thomas R.D., William F. HINDE. In 1911, living with her parents.
- William George SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1906 at Whitestone, Devon, b. reg. Q4 1906 at St. Thomas R.D., m. 21 Apr 1930 at the Christian Brethren Room, Bridford Mills, Bridford, m. reg. Q2 1930 at St. Thomas R.D., Olive Mary PARTRIDGE (b. reg. Q2 1906 at St. Thomas R.D.; daughter of George PARTRIDGE, a smallholder, and sister in law of William's fourth cousin once removed William SERCOMBE), d. reg. Q3 1966 at Newton Abbot R.D. In 1911, living with his parents. At his marriage in 1930, a farm laborer, of Court Cottage, Dunsford; Olive was of Swannaford, Dunsford; the witnesses were S.T. SERCOMBE (William's brother Samuel), G. PARTRIDGE (probably Olive's father), and K.F. TONKIN. Relative of researcher David Marshall.
- Phyllis M. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q3 1931 at St. Thomas R.D., m. reg. Q3 1957 at Newton Abbot R.D., Gilbert S. TULLY.
- Gilbert S.R. TULLY, b. reg. Q4 1963 at Exeter R.D.
- Vanessa M.E. TULLY, b. reg. Q3 1965 at Exeter R.D.
- Philippa Catherine M. TULLY, b. reg. Q1 1970 at Exeter R.D.
- Eileen M. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q4 1932 at St. Thomas R.D., m. reg. Q2 1953 at Devon Central R.D., Arthur J.G. HARVEY.
- Alan G. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1934 at St. Thomas R.D., m. reg. Q1 1956 at Newton Abbot R.D., Sheila M. PAIN.
- Colin G. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q4 1957 at Newton Abbot R.D., m. reg. Apr 1993 at Newport R.D., Leanne E. SAUNDERS.
- Grace Elizabeth SERCOMBE, b. reg. Oct 1997 at Cardiff R.D.
- Chloe Olivia SERCOMBE, b. reg. Apr 2000 at Cardiff R.D.
- Liliana Morgan SERCOMBE, b. reg. Sep 2003 at Windsor and Maidenhead R.D.
- Trevor J. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q3 1958 at Newton Abbot R.D., m. reg. Sep 1991 at Plymouth R.D., Heather J. DORE.
- Hazel Mary SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1966 at Redruth R.D., m. reg. Apr 1996 at Sutton R.D., John W. BENNETT.
- Elijah John BENNETT, b. reg. Oct 1997 at Torbay R.D.
- Megan Alexandra BENNETT, b. reg. Oct 1997 at Torbay R.D.
- Ellie-Rose BENNETT, b. reg. Jan 1999 at Torbay R.D.
- Esme O. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q3 1938 at Devon Central R.D., m. reg. Q3 1982 at Exeter R.D., Alan E. WEBSTER.
- Elsie A. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q1 1942 at Devon Central R.D., m. reg. Q1 1965 at Devon Central R.D., Harold J. KEAST.
- Linda Mary KEAST, b. reg. Q2 1966 at Okehampton R.D.
- David William KEAST, b. reg. Q2 1967 at Devon Central R.D.
- Jonathan Harold KEAST, b. reg. Q3 1970 at Devon Central R.D.
- Pamela J. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1944 at Devon Central R.D., m. reg. Q3 1969 at Exeter R.D., Andrew J. DOWN.
- Jane Elizabeth DOWN, b. reg. Q3 1970 at Exeter R.D.
- Louise Anne DOWN, b. reg. Q2 1972 at Devon Central R.D.
- Sarah Joyce DOWN, b. reg. Q4 1976 at Exeter R.D.
- Bessie Evelyn SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1909 at Dunsford, b. reg. Q3 1909 at St. Thomas R.D., m. reg. Q4 1946 at Exeter R.D., Cyril POPE. In 1911, living with her parents.
- Samuel Thomas SERCOMBE, b. 28 Sep 1911, b. reg. Q4 1911 at St. Thomas R.D., m. reg. Q2 1941 at Kingswood R.D., Rubina SHEPPARD (b. 18 Oct 1917, d. reg. Nov 2000 at South Gloucestershire R.D.), d. reg. Apr 1985 at Bristol R.D.
- David Thomas SERCOMBE, b. 23 Jun 1942, b. reg. Q2 1942 at Bristol R.D., d. reg. Q1 1973 at Sodbury R.D.
- Kathleen L. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1946 at Bristol R.D., m. reg. Q1 1965 at Bristol R.D., Malcolm L. HUGHES.
- Andrea Lorna HUGHES, b. reg. Q1 1973 at Bristol R.D.
- Emily SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q1 1917 at St. Thomas R.D.
- Emma SERCOMBE, b. 7 Mar 1874 at Back Lane, Callington, b. reg. Q3 1874 at Liskeard R.D., m. 10 Jul 1898 at Chudleigh, Devon, m. reg. Q3 1898 at Newton Abbot R.D., Sydney John WILLS (b. ca. 1875 at Chudleigh, son of John WILLS). In 1881, a scholar, living with her parents. In 1891, a housekeeper, living with her father. At her marriage in 1898, of Chudleigh; Sydney was a laborer, of Chudleigh. In 1901, living at Fore Street, Kingsteignton, Devon, with her husband Sydney (a domestic coachman) and her sister Ellen. In 1911, living at Pottery Lane, Chudleigh, with her husband Sidney, their children Sydney, Bertha, William, Harold, Cecil, and Vera, and her lodging brother William.
Ancestor of researcher Carol Stones.
- Sydney WILLS, b. ca. 1901 at Kingsteignton. In 1911, at school, living with his parents.
- Bertha WILLS, b. ca. 1903 at Chudleigh. In 1911, at school, living with her parents.
- William WILLS, b. ca. 1904 at Chudleigh. In 1911, at school, living with his parents.
- Harold WILLS, b. ca. 1907 at Chudleigh. In 1911, living with his parents.
- Cecil WILLS, b. ca. 1909 at Chudleigh. In 1911, living with his parents.
- Vera WILLS, b. ca. Jun 1910 at Chudleigh. In 1911, living with her parents.
- Three more children, d. by 1911.
- Bertha SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1876 at Callington, b. reg. Q1 1876 at Liskeard R.D., chr. 7 Mar 1883 at Dunsford, m. reg. Q3 1910 at St. Thomas R.D., George W. GREGORY, widower of her first cousin Alice SERCOMBE. In 1881, living with her parents. In 1891, a servant in the SHEARS household at Burnwell Farm, Dunsford. In 1901, a servant in the BROWN household at Barton Hall, Kingskerswell, Devon. In 1911, living with her husband and stepchildren.
- Ellen Matilda SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1880 at Dunsford, b. reg. Q1 1880 at St. Thomas R.D., chr. 4 Jan 1880 at Dunsford, m. 5 Jul 1919 at Dunsford, m. reg. Q3 1919 at St. Thomas R.D., Walter Frank CLEAVE (b. ca. 1893). In 1881, living with her parents. In 1891, a scholar, living with her father. In 1901, a domestic servant, living with her sister Emma. In 1911, a housemaid in the GUNDRY household at Red House, Dorchester, Dorset. At her marriage in 1919, of Dunsford; Walter was a laborer, also of Dunsford.
- Walter W. CLEAVE, b. reg. Q3 1920 at St. Thomas R.D.
- Bessie Ann SERCOMBE, b. 30 Sep 1882 at Dunsford, b. reg. Q4 1882 at St. Thomas R.D., m. 17 Aug 1908 at Chudleigh, m.
reg. Q3 1908 at Newton Abbot R.D., Joseph Henry LAW (b. ca. 1882, son of Alfred LAW). In 1891, a scholar, living with her
father. In 1901, a general domestic servant in the SNOW household at Grafton, Powderham Road, Newton Abbot, Devon. At her
marriage in 1908, of Torquay; Joseph was a butcher, also of Torquay.
Ancestor of researcher Carol Stones.
- William John SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1885 at Dunsford, b. reg. Q2 1885 at St. Thomas R.D., chr. 19 Jul 1885 at Dunsford, m. 1 Nov 1915 at Chudleigh by license, m. reg. Q4 1915 at Newton Abbot, Sarah CARNELL (b. ca. 1880, daughter of William George CARNELL, a builder). In 1891, a scholar, living with his father. In 1901, a farm carter in the TAVERNER household at West Down Farm, Dunsford. In 1911, a domestic coachman, lodging in the household of his sister Emma. At his marriage in 1915, a private in the 1st Devon Regiment, of Chudleigh; Sarah was also of Chudleigh; the witnesses were Ellen Matilda SERCOMBE and Louisa WEBB.
- A stillborn child, bur. 23 Jan 1888 at Dunsford.
- Susan SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q4 1848 at St. Thomas R.D., chr. 10 Dec 1848 at Dunsford, m. 5 Feb 1870 at Dunsford, m. reg. Q1 1870 at St. Thomas R.D., James
COOPER (b. ca. 1847). In 1861, a general servant in the BATTING household at Windoutt Farm, Tedburn St. Mary.
- Mary Ann SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1850 at Dunsford, b. reg. Q1 1851 at St. Thomas R.D., chr. 16 Feb 1851 at Dunsford, m. 4 Aug 1867 at Dunsford, m. reg. Q3 1867 at St. Thomas R.D., William GLANFIELD or GLANVILL (b. ca. 1835 at Dunsford or Okehampton, m2. Grace [b. ca. 1818 at Crediton]). In 1861, a house servant in the HELLIER household at Meadhay Farm, Dunsford. At her marriage in 1867, William was a keeper. In 1871, living at West Hill Cottage, Holcombe Burnell, with her husband William and their daughters Alice, Mary Ann, and Rhoda. In 1881, William was a woodranger, living at Easternhill Cottage, Doddiscombsleigh, with his second wife Grace and his children Alice, Mary Ann, Rhoda, and Alma.
- Alice SERCOMBE, later Alice Sercombe GLANFIELD or GLANVILL, b. ca. 1867 at Dunsford, b. reg. Q3 1867 at St. Thomas R.D., chr. 12 Jul 1867 at Dunsford, m. reg. Q4 1885 at St. Thomas R.D., George W. GREGORY (b. ca. 1868 at Warkleigh, Devon, m2. reg. Q3 1910 at St. Thomas R.D., Alice's first cousin Bertha SERCOMBE), d. reg. Q3 1902 at St. Thomas R.D. In 1871, living with her parents. In 1881, a scholar, living with her father and stepmother. In 1891, living at Hill Head, Tedburn St. Mary, with her husband George (an agricultural laborer) and their children Rhoda, Emmy, Frederick, and George. In 1901, living at Sherds Cottage, Whitestone, with her husband George (a farm laborer) and their children Frederick, Bessie, Ellen, Kate, and Albert. In 1911, George was a waggoner on a farm, living at 3 Milestone Cottage, Whitestone, with his wife Bertha and his children Kate and Albert.
- Rhoda GREGORY, b. ca. 1885 at Dunsford. In 1891, living with her parents.
- Emmy Jane GREGORY, b. ca. 1886 at Tedburn St. Mary. In 1891, living with her parents.
- Frederick J. GREGORY, b. ca. 1890 at Tedburn St. Mary. In 1891 and 1901, living with his parents.
- George GREGORY, b. ca. 1890 at Tedburn St. Mary. In 1891, living with his parents.
- Bessie GREGORY, b. ca. 1892 at Tedburn St. Mary. In 1901, living with her parents.
- Ellen GREGORY, b. ca. 1895 at Whitestone. In 1901, living with her parents.
- Kate GREGORY, b. ca. 1898 at Whitestone. In 1901, living with her parents. In 1911, at school, living with her father and stepmother.
- Albert George GREGORY, b. ca. Jul 1900 at Whitestone. In 1901, living with his parents. In 1911, living with his father and stepmother.
- Mary Ann GLANFIELD, b. ca. 1869 at Holcombe Burnell. In 1871, living with her parents. In 1881, a scholar, living with her father and stepmother.
- Rhoda GLANFIELD, b. ca. Jan 1871 at Holcombe Burnell. In 1871, living with her parents. In 1881, a scholar, living with her father and stepmother.
- Alma GLANFIELD, b. ca. 1873 at Holcombe Burnell. In 1881, a scholar, living with her father and stepmother.
- James SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q4 1852 at St. Thomas R.D., chr. 31 Oct 1852 at Dunsford, d. reg. Q3 1872 at St. Thomas R.D., bur. 15 Aug 1872 at Dunsford. In
1861, a scholar. In 1871, a farm servant in the SEWARD household at Coombe Farm, Dunsford.
- Samuel SERCOMBE, b. 1854 at Dunsford, b. reg. Q4 1854 at St. Thomas R.D., m. reg. Q2 1884 at Exeter R.D., Eliza (or Elizabeth) Louisa STEVENS (b. 1868 at Exeter, Devon, d. reg. Q4 1926 at St. Thomas R.D., bur. at Dunsford), d. reg. Q1 1925 at St. Thomas R.D., bur. at Dunsford in the same grave as his wife and their children Mary and Arthur. In 1861, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1871, an apprentice working as a carter in the BASTOW household at Higher Brook, Tedburn St. Mary, Devon, together with his brother Frederick and their first cousin John SERCOMBE. In 1881, an agricultural laborer, boarding in the POOK household at Smallridge's Smithy, Dunsford. At his children's baptisms in 1884, 1886, 1888, and 1890, of Dunsford village. In 1891, an agricultural laborer, living at Higher Brocks, Dunsford, with his wife Eliza and their children Mary, Harry, Fred, and Florence. At his children's baptisms in 1892 and 1893, of Reedy, Dunsford. In 1901, a farm laborer, living at Verandah Cot, Dunsford, with his wife Louisa and their children Florence, Arthur, Elsie, Reggie, Mildred, and Albert. In 1911, a farm laborer, living at Warnscombe, Dunsford, with his wife Louisa and their children Elsie, Mildred, Albert, Irene, John, and Victor. At his daughter's marriage in 1913, a laborer.
- Mary Jane "Janie" SERCOMBE, b. 1884 at Dunsford, b. reg. Q3 1884 at St. Thomas R.D., chr. 3 Aug 1884 at Dunsford, d. reg. Q2 1949 at Devon Central R.D., bur. at Dunsford in the same grave as her parents and her brother Arthur. In 1891, a scholar, living with her parents. (Where in 1901?) In 1911, a nurse at the Wonford House Lunatic Hospital, Heavitree, Devon.
- Harry SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1886 at Dunsford, b. reg. Q2 1886 at St. Thomas R.D., chr. 6 Jun 1886 at Dunsford, m. reg. Q2 1909 at Pontypridd R.D., Elizabeth MATTHEWS (b. ca. 1885 at Tongwynlais, Glamorgan, d. reg. Q1 1962 at Surrey North Western R.D.), d. reg. Q3 1968 at Surrey North Western R.D. In 1891, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1901, a yardsman in the household of William SERCOMBE at Nogsland Farm, Holcombe Burnell. In 1911, a coal miner, living at 22 Danycoedcae Road, Pontypridd, Glamorgan, with his wife Elizabeth and their daughter Doris. At his daughter's marriage in 1936, a hotel manager.
- Doris Emily SERCOMBE, b. ca. Jul 1910 at Pontypridd, b. reg. Q3 1910 at Pontypridd R.D., m. 12 Aug 1936 at St. Paul Kingston Hill, Kingston, Surrey, m. reg. Q3 1936 at Surrey North Eastern R.D., Arthur Reginald SCRIVEN (b. ca. 1904, son of William John SCRIVEN, a commercial traveller). In 1911, living with her parents. At her marriage in 1936, of 226 Acre Road, Kingston; Arthur was a sergeant in the East Surrey Regiment, of Risborough Barracks, Shorncliffe; the witnesses were F.L. CHANDLER and C. SCRIVEN.
- Pamela E. SCRIVEN, b. reg. Q1 1940 at Surrey North Western R.D.
- Arthur T. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q1 1912 at Pontypridd R.D., m. reg. Q1 1943 at Surrey North Western R.D., Emma J. BOREHAM, d. reg. Q1 1948 at Surrey North Western R.D.
- Margaret M. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q4 1921 at Pontypridd R.D., m. reg. Q1 1942 at Surrey North Western R.D., Ernest A. CULLEY.
- Rodney E. CULLEY, b. reg. Q3 1945 at Surrey North Western R.D.
- Anthony J. CULLEY, b. reg. Q3 1949 at Surrey North Western R.D.
- Paul C. CULLEY, b. reg. Q1 1953 at Surrey North Western R.D.
- Elizabeth B. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1923 at Pontypridd R.D., m. reg. Q2 1947 at Surrey North Western R.D., Victor E. VALENTINE.
- Lynn VALENTINE, b. reg. Q3 1955 at Surrey North Western R.D.
- Florence E. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q1 1925 at Pontypridd R.D., m. reg. Q2 1946 at Surrey North Western R.D., Peter S. WHEATLEY.
- Vivien P.S. WHEATLEY, b. reg. Q3 1948 at Surrey North Western R.D.
- Rupert D.D. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q3 1927 at Pontypridd R.D., m1. reg. Q2 1954 at Surrey North Western R.D., Brenda CLEVELAND or JAMES, m2. reg. Q2 1968 at Surrey North Western R.D., Avril (or Averil or Ivril) Bettina HELLING (b. 1 Apr 1927, d. reg. Jul 1999 at Chiltern R.D.).
- Monica J. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q1 1929 at Pontypridd R.D., m. reg. Q1 1953 at Surrey North Western R.D., John R. MUSTARD.
- Kevin J. MUSTARD, b. reg. Q1 1960 at Surrey North Western R.D.
- Stewart R. MUSTARD, b. reg. Q4 1965 at Surrey North Western R.D.
- Fred (or Fredric) SERCOMBE, b. 19 Feb 1888 at Dunsford, b. reg. Q1 1888 at St. Thomas R.D., chr. 1 Apr 1888 at Dunsford, m. reg. Q4 1914 at Newport Monmouthshire R.D., Mildred L. WAKEFIELD (b. ca. 1891, d. reg. Q3 1967 at Newport R.D.), d. reg. Q3 1976 at Newport R.D. In 1891, living with his parents. In 1901, a cow boy in the WILLS household at Farrant Farm, Dunsford. In 1911, a railway guard for the Great Western Railway, boarding at Fernleigh House, Aberbeeg, Monmouthshire.
- Clifford Arthur SERCOMBE, b. 6 Nov 1917, b. reg. Q4 1917 at Newport Monmouthshire R.D., m. reg. Q2 1941 at Newport R.D., Josephine P. RABBITT, d. reg. Oct 2005 at Newport R.D.
- Robert C. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1950 at Newport R.D., m. reg. Q4 1970 at Nuneaton R.D., Pauline T. HOWELLS.
- Leanne Elizabeth SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q1 1977 at Warwick and Leamington R.D.
- Florence "Florrie" SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1890 at Dunsford, b. reg. Q2 1890 at St. Thomas R.D., chr. 8 Jun 1890 at Dunsford. In 1891 and 1901, living with her parents. In 1911, a general servant in the ODDY household at 21 Howell Road, Exeter.
- Arthur SERCOMBE, b. 1892 at Dunsford, b. reg. Q4 1892 at St. Thomas R.D., chr. 23 Oct 1892 at Dunsford, d. reg. Q1 1945 at Exeter R.D., bur. at Dunsford in the same grave as his parents and his sister Mary. In 1901, living with his parents. In 1911, a private (or perhaps a corporal) in the 2nd Dragoon Guards (Queen's Bays), in barracks at Wellington Lines, Aldershot, Hampshire.
- Elsie Kate SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1894 at Dunsford, b. reg. Q4 1894 at St. Thomas R.D., chr. 25 Dec 1893 (1894?) at Dunsford, m. 24 Mar 1913 at Dunsford, m. reg. Q1 1913 at St. Thomas R.D., Henry John Voysey TROUT (b. ca. 1882, son of John TROUT, a laborer). In 1901, living with her parents. In 1911, a housemaid, living with her parents. At her marriage in 1913, of Dunsford; Henry was a gardener, of Chudleigh; the witnesses were Fred SERCOMBE (her brother) and Mildred SERCOMBE (his wife).
- Reginald "Reggie" SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1897 at Dunsford, b. reg. Q3 1897 at St. Thomas R.D., d. reg. Q4 1967 at Newton Abbot R.D. In 1901, living with his parents. In 1911, a farm cow boy for George SERCOMBE.
- Mildred SERCOMBE, b. 5 May 1899 at Dunsford, b. reg. Q2 1899 at St. Thomas R.D., d. reg. Q2 1977 at Okehampton R.D. In 1901, living with her parents. In 1911, at school, living with her parents.
- Albert SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1899 at Dunsford, b. reg. Q2 1899 at St. Thomas R.D., d. reg. Q4 1964 at Devon Central R.D. In 1901, living with his parents. In 1911, at school, living with his parents.
- (probably) Sidney SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q1 1902 at St. Thomas R.D., d. reg. Q1 1902 at St. Thomas R.D.
- Alice Irene SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1903 at Dunsford, b. reg. Q1 1903 at St. Thomas R.D., m. reg. Q1 1933 at St. Thomas R.D., William J. GRAY. In 1911, at school, living with her parents.
- Margaret J. GRAY, b. reg. Q3 1935 at Tiverton R.D.
- Sidney John SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1905 at Dunsford, b. reg. Q3 1905 at St. Thomas R.D., d. reg. Q3 1972 at Exedter R.D. In 1911, at school, living with his parents.
- Victor SERCOMBE, b. 24 May 1909 at Dunsford, b. reg. Q3 1909 at St. Thomas R.D., m. reg. Q3 1941 at Tiverton R.D., Nellie May BENDING (b. 2 Jan 1910, d. reg. Sep 2002 at Teignbridge R.D.), d. reg. Q1 1980 at Exeter R.D. In 1911, at school, living with his parents.
- Hilary E. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q4 1945 at Exeter R.D., d. reg. Q1 1956 at Devon Central R.D.
- Joseph SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1856 at Dunsford, b. reg. Q4 1856 at St. Thomas R.D., chr. 19 Oct 1856 at Dunsford, m. reg. Q1 1886 at St. Thomas R.D., Emily Leah PAYNE (b. ca. 1864 at Exminster, Devon, d. reg. Q4 1938 at Devon Central R.D.), d. reg. Q1 1942 at Devon Central R.D. In 1861, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1871, a servant smith in the HELSON household at Iron Mills, Dunsford. In 1881, a farm laborer, living with his parents. In 1891, an asylum attendant, living at Red Lodge (Higher), Clyst St. Mary, Devon, with his wife Emily and their children Emily, Mabel, and Joseph. In 1901, an asylum attendant, living at Sandy Gates, Heavitree, Devon, with his wife Emily and their children Mabel, Joseph, Thomas, and Leonard. In 1911, an asylum attendant, living at 10 Greatwood Terrace, Topsham, Devon, with his wife Emily and their son Reginald. At his daughter's marriage in Sep 1911, an asylum assistant. At his son's death in 1915, of Waverley, Monmouth Hill, Topsham.
- Emily Jane SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1886 at Exminster, b. reg. Q4 1886 at St. Thomas R.D., m. 6 Sep 1911 at St. Leonard, Exeter, m. reg. Q3 1911 at Exeter R.D., Frederick SARGENT (b. ca. 1887, son of George Edwin SARGENT, a [town?] man). In 1891, a scholar, living with her parents. In 1901, a domestic servant for Nora TOULMIN, a shopkeeper (refreshments and confectionery), at 28 High Street, Exeter. In Apr 1911, a housekeeper in the HUCKLEBRIDGE household at 34 St. Leonard Road, Exeter, where her sister Mabel was a mental nurse. At her marriage in Sep 1911, of 34 St. Leonards Road; Frederick was a motor engineer, of High Street, Topsham; the witnesses were Ernest MAY and Joseph SERCOMBE.
- Montague F. SARGENT, b. reg. Q3 1912 at St. Thomas R.D.
- Mabel Gertrude SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1888 at Clyst St. Mary, b. reg. Q4 1888 at St. Thomas R.D., m. reg. Q2 1916 at Portsmouth R.D., Frank H. BROWN. In 1891 and 1901, living with her parents. In 1911, a mental nurse in the HUCKLEBRIDGE household at 34 St. Leonard Road, Exeter, where her sister Emily was the housekeeper.
- Frank M.T. BROWN, b. reg. Q2 1917 at St. Thomas R.D.
- James G.A. BROWN, b. reg. Q1 1919 at Plymouth R.D.
- Joseph Montague D. SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1890 at Clyst St. Mary, b. reg. Q1 1890 at St. Thomas R.D., m. reg. Q3 1914 at Bridgwater R.D., Mabel HUNT (m2. reg. Q4 1917 at Bridgwater R.D., Francis G. NURTON), d. reg. Q2 1915 at St. Thomas R.D. In 1891 and 1901, living with his parents. In 1911, a private in the Second Battalion, Devonshire Regiment, stationed at St. George's Barracks, Malta, together with his third cousin Harry SERCOMBE.
- Ena Marion L. SERCOMBE, b. 7 Jun 1915, b. reg. Q3 1915 at Bridgwater R.D., d. reg. Dec 1997 at Sedgemoor R.D.
- Thomas Edward SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1895 at Clyst St. Mary, b. reg. Q4 1895 at St. Thomas R.D., d. 24 Jun 1915, bur. at Cambrin churchyard extension, Pas de Calais, France. In 1901, living with his parents. In 1911, a butcher's assistant in the LETHEREN household at Clyst St. Mary. At his death in 1915, a private in the 2nd Battalion, Coldstream Guards.
- Reginald Leonard SERCOMBE, b. 8 Jun 1898 at Clyst St. Mary, b. reg. Q2 1898 at St. Thomas R.D., m. reg. Q2 1926 at St. Thomas R.D., Elsie Marjorie WEBBER (b. 10 Sep 1901, d. reg. Dec 1997 at Exeter R.D.), d. reg. Aug 1989 at Exeter R.D. In 1901, living with his parents. In 1911, at school, living with his parents.
- Francis or Frank SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1858 at Dunsford (probably twin with Fred, although if so, why not baptized with him?), b. reg. Q4 1858 at St. Thomas R.D., m. 28 Dec 1880 at Dunsford, m. reg. Q4 1880 at St. Thomas R.D., Emma HORSHAM (b. ca. 1858 at North Bovey, Devon, d. reg. Q2 1895 at St. Thomas R.D.), d. reg. Q1 1920 at St. Thomas R.D. In 1861, living with his parents. In 1871, a servant in the HENLEY household at Melhuish Barton, Tedburn St. Mary, Devon. In 1881, an agricultural laborer, living at Lowley Cottage, Doddiscombsleigh, Devon, with his wife Emma. At his son's baptism in 1882, a labourer, of Lowley. At his son's baptism in 1884, of Dunsford village. At his daughters' baptisms in 1886 and Jan 1891, of Clifford Cottage, Dunsford. In Apr 1891, an agricultural laborer, living at Holegate, Dunsford, with his wife Emma and their children John, James, Ada, Susan, and Laura. At his son's baptism in 1893, of Holegate, Dunsford. In 1901, a farm laborer, living at Lower Brocks, Dunsford, with his daughters Ada and Laura. At his children's marriages in 1904 and 1908, a laborer. In 1911, living with his daughter Susan. At his daughter's marriage in 1913, a laborer.
- Francis John (or Frank or John Frank) SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1882 at Dunsford, b. reg. Q1 1882 at St. Thomas R.D., chr. 26 Mar 1882 at Doddiscombsleigh, m. 29 Oct 1904 at Alphington, m. reg. Q4 1904 at St. Thomas R.D., Annie or Anna BEER (b. ca. 1879 at Alphington, daughter of William BEER, a laborer), d. reg. Q2 1960 at Devon Central R.D. In 1891, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1901, a carter in the household of Joseph SERCOMBE (his fourth cousin) at Venn Farm, Bridford. At his marriage in 1904, a laborer, of Alphington; Annie was of Wheatley, Alphington; the witnesses were Clara BEER and Richard John BEER. In 1911, a horseman on a farm, living at Pole House Cottage, Alphington, with his wife Anna and their children William and Phyllis.
- William Francis SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1906 at Exeter, b. reg. Q4 1906 at Exeter R.D., d. reg. Q3 1950 at Devon Central R.D. In 1911, living with his parents.
- Phyllis Mary SERCOMBE, b. 25 Jun 1908 at Exeter, b. reg. Q3 1908 at Exeter R.D., m. reg. Q4 1930 at St. Thomas R.D., William C. BUSHIN, d. reg. Jun 1995 at Exeter R.D. In 1911, living with her parents.
- Leonard W. BUSHIN, b. reg. Q2 1931 at St. Thomas R.D.
- Reginald W.J. BUSHIN, b. reg. Q4 1935 at St. Thomas R.D.
- James SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1884 at Dunsford, b. reg. Q3 1884 at St. Thomas R.D., chr. 29 Jun 1884 at Dunsford, d. reg. Q2 1945 at Newton Abbot R.D. In 1891, a scholar, living with his parents. (Where in 1901?) In 1911, a railway extension worker, lodging in the BOARD household at Mill More, Burrington, Chulmleigh, Devon.
- Ada SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1886 at Dunsford, b. reg. Q1 1886 at St. Thomas R.D., chr. 14 Feb 1886 at Dunsford, m. 30 Apr 1913 at Ide, m. reg. Q2 1913 at St. Thomas R.D., William HORSHAM (b. ca. 1875, son of William HORSHAM, a laborer). In 1891, living with her parents. In 1901, living with her father. In 1911, a general servant in the HINE household at 16 Morton Road, Exmouth, Devon. At her marriage in 1913, of Ide; William was a laborer, also of Ide; the witnesses were William George BEER, Thomas Albert GEAR, and Gertrude HORSHAM.
- Emma HORSHAM, b. reg. Q4 1913 at St. Thomas R.D.
- Susan SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1888 at Dunsford, b. reg. Q1 1888 at St. Thomas R.D., m. 24 Oct 1908 at Dunsford, m. reg. Q4 1908 at St. Thomas R.D., Fred BOND (b. ca. 1882 at Dunsford, son of Charles Marchant BOND, a mason). In 1891, living with her parents. In 1901, a domestic servant for George SERCOMBE, proprietor of the Royal Oak, Dunsford. At her marriage in 1908, a domestic servant, of Dunsford; Fred was a laborer, also of Dunsford; the witnesses were Mark BOND and Frank BOND. In 1911, living at Glebe Cottage, Dunsford, with her husband Fred (a general laborer), their sons Jack and Walter, and her father.
- Jack BOND, b. ca. 1908 at Dunsford. In 1911, living with his parents.
- Walter George BOND, b. ca. Feb 1911 at Dunsford. In 1911, living with his parents.
- Laura (or Louisa?) SERCOMBE, b. ca. May 1890 at Dunsford, b. reg. Q4 1890 at St. Thomas R.D., chr. 11 Jan 1891 at Dunsford. In 1891, living with her parents. In 1901, living with her father.
- Frederick or Fred SERCOMBE, b. 11 Jul 1893 at Dunsford, b. reg. Q3 1893 at St. Thomas R.D., chr. 8 Oct 1893 at Dunsford, d. reg. Q4 1975 at Exeter R.D. In 1901, living with his mother's brother William HORSHAM at Widley Cottages, Alphington. In 1911, a general laborer for a grocer shop, living with his mother's brother William at Lees Cottage, Ide.
- Frederick or Fred SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1858 at Dunsford (probably twin with Francis), b. reg. Q4 1858 at St. Thomas R.D., chr. 21 Nov 1858 at Dunsford, d. reg. Q3 1913 at Exeter R.D. In 1861, living with his parents. In 1871, an apprentice doing general work in the BASTOW household at Higher Brook, Tedburn St. Mary, Devon, together with his brother Samuel and their first cousin John SERCOMBE. In 1881, a farm laborer, living with his parents. In 1891, an agricultural laborer, living with his parents. In 1901, an ordinary agricultural laborer, living at Britten Street, Dunsford, with his mother and a housekeeper. In 1911, a farm laborer, boarding in the household of his first cousin Emily Ann SERCOMBE.
- William SERCOMBE, chr. 28 Apr 1824 at Dunsford, m. 8 Aug 1854 at Dunsford, m. reg. Q3 1854 at St.
Thomas R.D., his first cousin Mary SERCOMBE, d. reg. Q3 1903 at St. Thomas R.D. In 1851, a farm laborer, living with his uncle
Samuel SERCOMBE. In 1854, a husbandman. In 1861, an agricultural laborer, living at Dunsford village
with his wife Mary (a plain needle woman) and their children William, John, Mary, and Jessey, in the same building as his
wife's parents. In 1871, an agricultural laborer, living at Court, Dunsford, with his wife Mary and their children Jesse,
Fred, George, Frank, Emily, and Louisa. In 1881, an agricultural laborer, living at Dunsford with his wife Mary, their
daughters Ellen, Jessie, Louisa, and Caroline, and Ellen's daughter Eva. In 1891, an agricultural laborer, living at 2
Court, Dunsford, with his wife Mary (a laundress), their children George, Frank, and Caroline, and a boarder. In 1901, an
ordinary agricultural laborer, living at Court, Dunsford, with his children Frank and Caroline. At his daughter's marriage
in 1903, a laborer.
- William Francis SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1855 at Dunsford, b. reg. Q1 1855 at St. Thomas R.D., chr. 11 Mar 1855 at Dunsford,
d. reg. Q3 1864 at St. Thomas R.D., bur. 7 Aug 1864 at Dunsford. In 1861, a scholar, living with his parents. At his
burial in 1864, of Dunsford.
- John SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1856 at Dunsford, b. reg. Q4 1856 at St. Thomas R.D., chr. 9 Nov 1856 at Dunsford. In 1861, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1871, an apprentice doing general work in the BASTOW household at Higher Brook, Tedburn St. Mary, Devon, together with his first cousins Frederick SERCOMBE and Samuel SERCOMBE. In 1881, an indoor farm servant in the DICKER household, at Holeland, Dunsford. In 1891, an agricultural laborer, boarding in the household of his sister Jessie. In 1901, a carter in the SHORT household at Boyland Farm, Dunsford. In 1911, a farm laborer, boarding in the POWLESLAND household at Hole Gate, Dunsford.
- Mary Ellen or Ellen Mary SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1858 at Dunsford, b. reg. Q1 1858 at St. Thomas R.D., chr. 31 Jan 1858 at Dunsford, d. reg. Q1 1917 at Long Ashton R.D. In 1861, a scholar, living with her parents. In 1871, a domestic servant in the HEYWARD household at Aller, North Bovey, Devon. In 1881, a domestic servant out of employ, living with her parents, together with her daughter Eva. In 1891, a general domestic servant in a household of draper's assistants at 366 North Street, Exeter, along with her sister Lucy. In 1901, a domestic servant in a lodging house at 6 Richmond Road, Exeter. In 1911, a domestic servant in the BARTLETT household at 11 Belmont Road, Exeter.
- Eva Ellen SERCOMBE, b. Feb 1881 at Dunsford, chr. 19 Mar 1881 at Dunsford, b. reg. Q2 1881 at St. Thomas R.D., d. reg.
Q4 1881 at St. Thomas R.D., bur. 16 Sep 1881 at Dunsford. In Apr 1881, living with her mother and grandparents.
- Jessie SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1859 at Dunsford, b. reg. Q4 1859 at St. Thomas R.D., chr. 13 Nov 1859 at Dunsford, m. reg. Q3 1882 at St. Thomas R.D., George HILL (b. ca. 1858 at Drewsteignton). In 1861 and 1871, a scholar, living with her parents. In 1881, a dressmaker, living with her parents. In 1891, living at Bigport, Dunsford, with her husband George (an agricultural laborer), their children William, Frank, and Percival, and her boarding brother John.
- William G. HILL, b. ca. 1883 at Dunsford. In 1891, a scholar, living with his parents.
- Frank HILL, b. ca. 1887 at Dunsford. In 1891, living with his parents.
- Percival HILL, b. ca. Dec 1890 at Dunsford. In 1891, living with his parents.
- Fred SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1861 at Dunsford, b. reg. Q4 1861 at St. Thomas R.D., chr. 15 Dec 1861 at Dunsford, m. reg. Q4 1882 at St. Thomas R.D., Ellen PONSFORD (b. ca. 1862 at Hittisleigh or Cheriton Bishop, Devon, d. reg. Q4 1933 at St. Thomas R.D.), d. reg. Q2 1924 at St. Thomas R.D. In 1871, a scholar, living with his parents. (Where in 1881?) In Apr 1891, an agricultural laborer, living at West Coombe, Dunsford, with his wife Ellen and their children William, Arthur, Ellen, and Wilfred. At his daughter's baptism in Aug 1891, of Westcombe, Dunsford. At his son's baptism in 1896, of Butts, Dunsford. In 1901, a carter on a farm, living at Symond Cottage, Dunsford, with his wife Ellen and their children Wilfred, Edith, Ernest, and Reginald. At his daughter Florence's vaccination in 1905, a farm laborer, of Dunsford village. In 1911, a farm laborer, living at East Steps, Dunsford, with his wife Ellen and their children Ellen, Edith, Ernest, Reginald, Kate, Sidney, Daisy, and Florence. At his son's marriage in 1913, a laborer. At his son's marriage in 1920, a farmer.
- William Fred SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1883 at Cheriton Bishop, Devon, b. reg. Q2 1883 at Crediton R.D., m. reg. Q3 1914 at Torrington R.D., Kate BADCOCK (b. 5 Jun 1885 at Chelsea, London, b. reg. Q2 1885 at Chelsea R.D., d. reg. Q3 1975 at Barnstaple R.D.), d. reg. Q1 1930 at Exeter R.D. In 1891, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1901, an employee baker in the HILL household at 20 Clifton Road, Exeter. In 1911, a baker and confectioner, visiting his future wife Katie (a glove maker) and her widowed mother at 32 Mill Street, Torrington, Devon.
- Arthur James or Walter James SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1885 at Cheriton Bishop, b. reg. Q4 1885 at Crediton R.D., m. reg. Q1 1914 at Medway R.D., Hilda E. SAYWELL (b. ca. 1888, d. reg. Q4 1956 at Bridge R.D.), d. reg. Q2 1943 at Bridge R.D. In 1891, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1901, a baker, boarding in the MITCHELL household (probably also his employers) at 7 Summerland Street, Exeter. In 1911, an assistant flour confectioner in the baking business, boarding at 97 Cornwall Road, Brixton, London. (Walter in the GRO birth registration index, otherwise Arthur.)
- Beryl B. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q1 1919 at Medway R.D., m. reg. Q3 1940 at Blean R.D., Leonard C.C. ARMSTRONG.
- Hilary D. ARMSTRONG, b. reg. Q2 1943 at Evesham R.D.
- Martin J. ARMSTRONG, b. reg. Q3 1945 at Bridgend R.D.
- Peter Ponsford SERCOMBE, b. 27 May 1924, b. reg. Q2 1924 at Medway R.D., d. reg. Q1 1975 at Torbay R.D.
- Elfreda S. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q1 1926 at Medway R.D., m. reg. Q1 1951 at Bridge R.D., Alan I. BELSEY.
- Karen G. BELSEY, b. reg. Q2 1954 at Tonbridge R.D.
- Matthew L. BELSEY, b. reg. Q2 1956 at Maidstone R.D.
- Ellen Louise SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1887 at Cheriton Bishop, b. reg. Q3 1887 at Crediton R.D., d. reg. Q4 1970 at Exeter R.D. In 1891, living with her parents. In 1901, a servant in the TAVERNER household at Zeal Farm, Dunsford. In 1911, a general servant, living with her parents.
- Wilfred George SERCOMBE, b. 19 Apr 1889 at Cheriton Bishop, b. reg. Q2 1889 at Crediton R.D., m. 2 Apr 1913 at Dunsford, m. reg. Q2 1913 at St. Thomas R.D., Elizabeth Maria SAUNDERS (b. 28 Oct 1888, d. reg. Q4 1969 at Newton Abbot R.D.; daughter of Thomas SAUNDERS, a postman), d. reg. Q4 1971 at Newton Abbot R.D. In 1891, living with his parents. In 1901, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1911, a police constable with the Metropolitan Police, living at the police station, 195 East India Dock Road, Poplar, London. At his marriage in 1913, a policeman, of Dunsford (or of 195 East India Dock Road, according to the banns called in Poplar); Elizabeth was of Dunsford; the witnesses were Ernest SERCOMBE and Emily SAUNDERS.
- Wilfred SERCOMBE, b. 16 Aug 1914, b. reg. Q3 1914 at Poplar R.D., m. reg. Q3 1938 at Woolwich R.D., Olive May JONES (b. 2 Feb 1911, d. reg. Jan 1997 at Greenwich R.D.), d. reg. Jul 1997 at Halton R.D.
- Lesley S. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q4 1953 at Woolwich R.D.
- Edith L. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q1 1917 at Poplar R.D., m. reg. Q4 1951 at Newton Abbot R.D., William M.C. ELLIS.
- Graham M. ELLIS, b. reg. Q3 1957 at Okehampton R.D.
- Pauline M. ELLIS, b. reg. Q2 1962 at Exeter R.D.
- Phyllis SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q1 1920 at Poplar R.D., m. reg. Q2 1948 at Woolwich R.D., Alfred R. FURLONG.
- Jean V. FURLONG, b. reg. Q1 1951 at Tonbridge R.D.
- Pamela J. FURLONG, b. reg. Q1 1953 at Woolwich R.D.
- Doris SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q4 1921 at Poplar R.D., m. reg. Q3 1952 at Newton Abbot R.D., Ronald C. HARRIS.
- Ian R. HARRIS, b. reg. Q1 1954 at Newton Abbot R.D.
- Eileen C. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q1 1924 at Greenwich R.D., m. reg. Q1 1947 at Newton Abbot R.D., Thomas J.
- Christopher A.M. BANCROFT-WILSON, b. reg. Q2 1948 at Newton Abbot R.D.
- Pauline S. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q3 1925 at Greenwich R.D., m. reg. Q3 1950 at Newton Abbot R.D., Philip J. STONE.
Relative of researcher Trevor Stone.
- Audrey M. STONE, b. reg. Q4 1950 at Surrey North Western R.D.
- John STONE, b. reg. Q3 1952 at Surrey North Western R.D.
- Betty P. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1933 at Woolwich R.D., m. reg. Q1 1956 at Newton Abbot R.D., John FORD.
- Suzanne M. FORD, b. reg. Q3 1962 at Pancras R.D.
- Heather J. FORD, b. reg. Q4 1963 at Harrow R.D.
- Stephen John FORD, b. reg. Q1 1966 at Harrow R.D.
- Edith Emily SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1891 at Dunsford, b. reg. Q3 1891 at St. Thomas R.D., chr. 2 Aug 1891 at Dunsford. In 1901, living with her parents. In 1911, a general servant, living with her parents.
- Ernest Henry SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1894 at Powderham, Devon, b. reg. Q1 1894 at St. Thomas R.D., m. 4 Sep 1920 at St. Peter, Bramley, Yorkshire, m. reg. Q3 1920 at Bramley R.D., Elizabeth Scott NIX (daughter of Harry NIX, a foreman porter; b. 30 Nov 1893, d. reg. Q1 1972 at Wharfedale R.D.), d. reg. Q1 1967 at Lincoln R.D. In 1901, living with his parents. In 1911, a groom gardener, living with his parents. At his marriage in 1920, a police constable, of Station House, Bramley; Elizabeth was also of Station House; the witnesses were Harry NIX and Winifred KIRKWOOD.
- Kathleen J. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q4 1921 at Bramley R.D., d. reg. Q4 1950 at Leeds R.D.
- Phillip Reginald SERCOMBE, b. 5 Jul 1923, b. reg. Q3 1923 at Bramley R.D., m. at St. Thomas, Stanningley, Yorkshire,
m. reg. Q4 1950 at Leeds R.D., Mona Elizabeth BOTTOMLEY, d. reg. Jan 1996 at Leeds R.D. At his son's baptism in 1951, an
audit clerk, of 13 Mill Lane, Bramley, Yorkshire. At his son's baptism in 1954, an accountant's clerk, of 13 Mill Lane,
Bramley. At his daughter's baptism in 1961, an auditor, of 13 Mill Lane.
- Victor SERCOMBE, b. 9 Jul 1951, b. reg. Q3 1951 at Leeds R.D., chr. 28 Oct 1951 at St. Thomas, Stanningley, m. reg. Q3
1975 at Leeds R.D., Vivienne P. TAYLOR.
- Daniel James SERCOMBE, b. reg. Nov 1987 at Leeds R.D.
- Holly Kay SERCOMBE, b. reg. Oct 1995 at Doncaster R.D.
- Phillip SERCOMBE, b. 9 Sep 1953, b. reg. Q3 1953 at Leeds R.D., chr. 17 Jan 1954 at St. Thomas, Stanningley, m. reg.
Q3 1979 at Leeds R.D., Mary E.B. ROSS.
- Heather Elizabeth SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q3 1982 at Leeds R.D.
- Laura Catherine SERCOMBE, b. reg. Apr 1986 at Leeds R.D.
- Sarah Anne SERCOMBE, b. 21 Dec 1960, b. reg. Q4 1960 at Leeds R.D., chr. 7 May 1961 at St. Thomas, Stanningley, m.
reg. Q3 1982 at Leeds R.D., Michael DICKINSON.
- Angela DICKINSON, b. reg. Aug 1986 at Leeds R.D.
- Louise DICKINSON, b. reg. Aug 1989 at Leeds R.D.
- Eleanor DICKINSON, b. reg. Jun 1991 at Leeds R.D.
- John F.P. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q3 1928 at Bramley R.D., m. reg. Q2 1953 at Barkston Ash R.D., June E. RICHARDSON.
- Heather L. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q4 1957 at Leeds R.D., m. reg. Q3 1981 at Leeds R.D., Robin S. WILLIAMS.
- Caroline E. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q3 1960 at Leeds R.D., m. reg. Q3 1980 at Leeds R.D., Ian R. SMITH.
- Reginald Louis (or Lewis) SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1896 at St. Thomas R.D., chr. 10 May 1896 at Dunsford, d. reg. Q4 1897 at St. Thomas R.D.
- Reginald Walter SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1898 at Dunsford, b. reg. Q4 1898 at St. Thomas R.D., d. reg. Q2 1968 at Devon Central R.D. In 1901, living with his parents. In 1911, at school, living with his parents.
- Kate Mary SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1901 at Dunsford, b. reg. Q2 1901 at St. Thomas R.D., d. reg. Q3 1960 at Newton Abbot R.D. In 1911, living with her parents.
- Sidney Joseph SERCOMBE, b. 22 Nov 1902 at Dunsford, b. reg. Q1 1903 at St. Thomas R.D., d. reg. Q2 1976 at Exeter R.D. In 1911, living with his parents.
- Daisy Alice SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1903 at Dunsford, b. reg. Q3 1903 at St. Thomas R.D., m. reg. Q3 1931 at Wandsworth R.D., Walter BUDD. In 1911, living with her parents.
- Barbara M.E. BUDD, b. reg. Q4 1933 at St. Thomas R.D.
- Florence May Ponsford SERCOMBE, b. 25 Jul 1905 at Dunsford, b. reg. Q3 1905 at St. Thomas R.D., chr. 8 Oct 1905 at Dunsford, m. reg. Q2 1924 at St. Thomas R.D., Albert Ernest or Ernest Albert WALDRON (b. 9 Apr 1900 at Christow, b. reg. Q2 1900 at St. Thomas R.D., d. 8 Oct 1967 at Bridford), d. 16 Jul 1992 at Moretonhampstead. Vaccinated 1 Oct 1905 at Dunsford. In 1911, living with her parents.
Relative of researcher Carla Gray.
- Evelyn Joan WALDRON, b. 10 Aug 1924 at Bridford, b. reg. Q3 1924 at St. Thomas R.D.
- George SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1863 at Dunsford, b. reg. Q3 1863 at St. Thomas R.D., chr. 29 Aug 1863 at Dunsford, m. 1 Mar 1892 at Dunsford, m. reg. Q1 1892 at St. Thomas R.D., Mary PONSFORD (b. ca. 1869 at Cheriton Bishop, d. 14 Aug 1959, d. reg. Q3 1959 at Devon Central R.D., bur. at Ide, Devon; daughter of Samuel PONSFORD, a laborer), d. 18 Aug 1930, d. reg. Q3 1930 at St. Thomas R.D., bur. at Ide. In 1871, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1881, an indoor farm servant in the CARNALL household at Clifford Barton, Dunsford. In 1891, an agricultural laborer, living with his parents. At his marriage in 1892, a laborer, of Dunsford; Mary was also of Dunsford; the witnesses were William Henry POWLESLAND and Charlotte Ann PONSFORD. At his children's baptisms in 1893 and 1895, of Dunsford village. In 1901, an agricultural laborer, living at Holeacre, Dunsford, with his wife Mary, their children William, Caroline, Edith, and Frederick, and his (probably really Mary's) niece Winifred PONSFORD (b. ca. 1894 at Dunsford). In 1911, a farm laborer, living at Lower Upperton, Dunsford, with his wife Mary and their children Edith, Frederick, Elsie, Wilfred, Hilda, and Stanley. At his daughter's marriage in 1919, a laborer. At his daughter's marriage in 1925, a farm laborer.
- William George SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1893 at Dunsford, b. reg. Q3 1893 at St. Thomas R.D., chr. 23 Jul 1893 at Dunsford, d. reg. Q1 1941 at Devon Central R.D. In 1901, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1911, a farm laborer in the TAYLOR household at Brook Farm, Tedburn St. Mary.
- Caroline Mary SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1895 at Dunsford, b. reg. Q4 1895 at St. Thomas R.D, chr. 28 Oct 1895 at Dunsford, m. 22 Nov 1919 at Ide, m. reg. Q4 1919 at St. Thomas R.D., William Henry George DYMOND (b. ca. 1896, son of William George DYMOND). In 1901, living with her parents. In 1911, a general servant in the MIDDLETON household at Netherton, Drewsteignton, Devon. At her marriage in 1919, of Whiddon, Ide; William was a discharged soldier, of New Building, Ide; the witnesses were George SERCOMBE (her father) and Edith Ellen SERCOMBE (her sister).
- William E.G. DYMOND, b. reg. Q1 1921 at Truro R.D.
- Sylvia H.M. DYMOND, b. reg. Q2 1928 at Truro R.D.
- Edith Ellen SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1898 at Dunsford, b. reg. Q1 1898 at St. Thomas R.D. In 1901, living with her parents. In 1911, living with her parents and assisting in the housework.
- Frederick James SERCOMBE, b. 16 Dec 1899 at Dunsford, b. reg. Q1 1900 at St. Thomas R.D., m. reg. Q3 1922 at St. Thomas R.D., Lucy Florence SYMNS (b. 11 Mar 1901, d.reg. Jul 1998 at Exeter R.D.), d. reg. Q4 1976 at Exeter R.D. In 1901, living with his parents. In 1911, at school, living with his parents. At his son's baptism in 1925, a farm labourer, of Eastacott Cottage, Crediton. At his son's baptism in 1928, a farm labourer, of Alphington.
- Vivian Frederick A. or C. SERCOMBE, b. 7 Apr 1923, b. reg. Q2 1923 at Torrington R.D., m. reg. Q1 1944 at Devon Central R.D., Vera SPENCER, d. reg. Mar 1999 at Exeter R.D.
- Richard C. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q1 1945 at Devon Central R.D.
- Judith A. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q3 1947 at Devon Central R.D., m. reg. Q1 1970 at Exeter R.D., David BIDDER.
- Alison BIDDER, b. reg. Q3 1973 at Exeter R.D.
- Robert David BIDDER, b. reg. Q2 1976 at Exeter R.D.
- Edward Vivian BIDDER, b. reg. Q3 1980 at Exeter R.D.
- Kenneth Henry George SERCOMBE, b. 17 Mar 1925, b. reg. Q2 1925 at Crediton R.D., chr. 26 Apr 1925 at Ide, m1. reg. Q3 1947 at Surrey Mid Eastern R.D., Joan I. HARLEY (m2. reg. Q3 1976 at Exeter R.D., William J.D. GRANT), m2. reg. Q1 1972 at Exeter R.D., Peggy E. WYATT.
- Nigel K. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1957 at Devon Central R.D., m. reg. Mar 2002 at Exeter R.D., Linda M. HOCKING.
- Allan Clifford James SERCOMBE, b. 20 Mar 1928, b. reg. Q2 1928 at St. Thomas R.D., chr. 13 May 1928 at Ide, m. reg. Q3 1951 at Devon Central R.D., Marjorie BAKER (m2. reg. Q1 1967 at Exeter R.D., Douglas P. ELLIS), d. reg. Q4 1965 at Exeter R.D.
- Elsie May SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1902 at Dunsford, b. reg. Q2 1902 at St. Thomas R.D., m. 1 Aug 1925 at Ide, m. reg. Q3 1925 at St. Thomas R.D., Oliver Philip COOMBES (b. ca. 1901, son of Philip COOMBES, a painter). In 1911, living with her parents. At her marriage in 1925, of Whiddon, Ide; Oliver was a dental mechanic, of Heavitree; the witnesses were Ada Emily SERCOMBE and Edna Mary SERCOMBE.
- Anita M.L. COOMBES, b. reg. Q1 1928 at Exeter R.D.
- Wilfred Henry SERCOMBE, b. Feb 1904 at Dunsford, b. reg. Q2 1904 at St. Thomas R.D., m. reg. Q4 1944 at Okehampton R.D., Kathleen Nora HILL (b. 8 Nov 1910, d. reg. Jun 1989 at Exeter R.D.), d. reg. Q1 1980 at Okehampton R.D. In 1911, living with his parents.
- Hilda Charlotte SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1906 at Dunsford, b. reg. Q1 1906 at St. Thomas R.D., d. reg. Q4 1922 at St. Thomas R.D. In 1911, living with her parents.
- Stanley Joseph SERCOMBE, b. 2 Dec 1908 at Dunsford, b. reg. Q1 1909 at St. Thomas R.D., m. reg. Q3 1944 at Okehampton R.D., Marian G. REDDAWAY, d. reg. Q4 1978 at Okehampton R.D. In 1911, living with his parents.
- David J.P. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q4 1951 at Exeter R.D., m. reg. Q4 1982 at Okehampton R.D., Elaine R. SEARLE.
- Iain David SERCOMBE, b. reg. Oct 1986 at Okehampton R.D.
- Paul William SERCOMBE, b. reg. Jun 1992 at Okehampton R.D.
- Andrew Julian SERCOMBE, b. reg. Nov 1994 at Okehampton R.D.
- Frank SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1865 at Dunsford, chr. 13 Aug 1865 at Dunsford, b. reg. Q4 1865 at St. Thomas R.D., d. reg. Q2 1952 at Exeter R.D. In 1871, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1881, a miller's servant in the PHILLIPS household at Weir Mills, Drewsteignton, Devon. In 1891, an agricultural laborer, living with his parents. In 1901, an ordinary agricultural laborer, living with his father. In 1911, a farm laborer, living with his sister Caroline.
- Emily Ann SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1867 at Dunsford, b. reg. Q2 1867 at St. Thomas R.D., chr. 28 Apr 1867 at Dunsford, m. 2 Apr 1893 at the Register Office, St. Thomas, m. reg. Q2 1893 at St. Thomas R.D., George KNAPMAN (b. ca. 1862 at Bridford, son of Richard KNAPMAN). In 1871, a scholar, living with her parents. In 1881, a domestic servant in the SHORT household at Westcombe, Dunsford. In 1891, a cook in a small private school for girls, at 138 Cowick Street, St. Thomas. At her marriage in 1893, a domestic servant, of 138 Cowick Street; George was a laborer, of Dunsford. In 1901, living at Oak Cottage, Dunsford, with her husband George (an ordinary agricultural worker), their children William, Percival, and Caroline, boarder Anna SEWARD (living on her own means, paralyzed, b. ca. 1831 at Dunsford), and Alfred John KEY (future husband of her sister Caroline). In 1911, living at Oak Cottage, Dunsford, with her husband George (a farm laborer), their children William, Caroline, Ivy, and Daisy, her boarding first cousin Frederick SERCOMBE, and boarder Ann SEWARD (b. ca. 1830 at Dunsford).
Relative of researcher Jim Robbens.
- William G. KNAPMAN, b. ca. 1894 at Dunsford. In 1901, living with his parents. In 1911, a cowman, living with his parents.
- Percival F. KNAPMAN, b. ca. 1896 at Dunsford. In 1901, living with his parents. Alive in 1911.
- Caroline E. KNAPMAN, b. ca. 1899 at Dunsford. In 1901 and 1911, living with her parents.
- Ivy KNAPMAN, b. ca. 1901 at Dunsford. In 1911, living with her parents.
- Daisy KNAPMAN, b. ca. 1904 at Dunsford. In 1911, living with her parents.
- Louisa "Lucy" SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1869 at Dunsford, b. reg. Q2 1869 at St. Thomas R.D., m. reg. Q2 1895 at Exeter R.D., Frank BALLMAN (b. ca. 1860 at Exeter). In 1871 and 1881, a scholar, living with her parents. In 1891, a general servant at 366 North Street, Exeter, along with her sister Ellen. In 1893, witnessed the marriage of her sister Emily. In 1901, living at 2 Kents Buildings, Exeter, with her husband Frank (a shop porter) and their children Daisy and Elsie.
- Daisy L. BALLMAN, b. ca. 1895 at Exeter. In 1901, living with her parents.
- Elsie M. BALLMAN, b. ca. 1898 at Exeter. In 1901, living with her parents.
- Caroline Maria SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1871 at Dunsford, b. reg. Q4 1871 at St. Thomas R.D., chr. 22 Oct 1871 at Dunsford, m. 14 Oct 1903 at Dunsford, m. reg. Q4 1903 at St. Thomas R.D., Alfred John KEY (b. ca. 1876 at Exeter, son of Henry KEY, an accountant). In 1881, a scholar, living with her parents. In 1891, a shirt needlewoman, living with her parents. In 1901, housekeeper for her father; Alfred was a postman, boarding with her sister Emily. At her marriage in 1903, of Dunsford; Alfred was a postman, also of Dunsford; the witnesses were John SERCOMBE (probably Caroline's eldest brother) and Daisy BALLMAN (perhaps daughter of her sister Louisa). In 1911, living at Court Cottage, Dunsford, with her husband Alfred (a postman), their children Alfred, Eva, and George, and her brother Frank.
- Alfred William KEY, b. ca. 1904 at Dunsford. In 1911, living with his parents.
- Eva Caroline KEY, b. ca. 1906 at Dunsford. In 1911, living with her parents.
- George Henry KEY, b. ca. 1909 at Dunsford. In 1911, living with his parents.
- George SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1827 at Dunsford, chr. 13 May 1827 at Dunsford, m. 30 Jan 1855 at Dunsford, m. reg. Q1 1855 at St. Thomas R.D., Mary MILFORD (b. ca. 1836 at Dunsford, d. reg. Q4 1919 at St. Thomas R.D.; daughter of Richard MILFORD, a laborer), d. reg. Q4 1882 at St. Thomas R.D., bur. 8 Oct 1882 at Dunsford. In 1837, apprenticed by the parish of Dunsford to Thomas HELSON. In 1851, an edge tool maker's servant in the HELSON household at Iron Mills, Dunsford, along with his brother James. At his marriage in 1855, an edge tool maker, of Dunsford. In 1861, an edge tool maker, living at Will Mill Cottage, Harberton, Devon, with his wife Mary and their children George, Richard, Mary, and John. In 1871, an edge tool maker, living at 1 Dymonds Cott, Dunsford, with his wife Mary and their children William, Alice, Emily, and Ellen. In 1881, an edge tool maker, living at Green, Dunsford, with his wife Mary and their children Jessie, Walter, and Louisa. At his son John's marriage later in 1881, a blacksmith. At his son Richard's marriage in 1882, a smith. Posthumously, at his daughter Alice's marriage in 1889, a farmer (perhaps an error?). In 1891, Mary was living at 4 Court, Dunsford, with her daughters Mary, Ellen, and Louisa and a boarder. Posthumously, at his children's marriages in 1892, 1894, and 1898, George was a smith. In 1901, Mary was a school caretaker, living at Court, Dunsford, with her daughter Jessie. Posthumously, at his daughter's marriage in 1909, George was a blacksmith. In 1911, Mary was a charwoman and old age pensioner, living at Court, Dunsford, with her daughter Mary Ann.
- George SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1855 at Dunsford, b. reg. Q3 1855 at St. Thomas R.D., chr. 9 Sep 1855 at Dunsford, m. 17 Jun 1877 at Holy Trinity, Plymouth, Devon, m. reg. Q2 1877 at Plymouth R.D., Maria STONE (b. ca. 1853 in Guernsey, d. reg. Q1 1913 at Plymouth R.D.), d. reg. Q4 1908 at Plymouth R.D. In 1861, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1871, an apprentice working on the farm in the BATTING household at Windoutt Farm, Tedburn St. Mary, Devon. In 1881, a gardener, living at 25 Princess Street, Plymouth, with his wife Maria and her sister. In 1891, a gardener in the WHITEFORD household at Thornhill, Tavistock Road, Compton Gifford, Devon; Maria was living at 25 Princess Street, Plymouth, with her parents and a sister. In 1901, a market gardener, living at 25 Princess Street, Plymouth, with his wife Maria. In 1911, Maria was living at 25 Princess Street, Plymouth, with her mother and sister and a boarder.
- Richard SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1857 at Harbertonford, Harberton, b. reg. Q2 1857 at Totnes R.D., m. 1 Oct 1882 at St. Mary, Long Ditton, Surrey, m. reg. Q4 1882 at Kingston R.D., Annie MILLER (daughter of Robert MILLER, a boatbuilder; b. ca. 1856 at Putney, Surrey, d. reg. Q1 1938 at Orsett R.D.), d. reg. Q2 1937 at Orsett R.D. In 1861, living with his parents. In 1871, a farm servant in the WILLS household at Lewishill Farm, Dunsford. In 1881, a milk carrier, lodging in the LUCAS household at 6 Lea Bridge Road, Hackney, London (enumerated as married but apparently still single until the following year). At his marriage in 1882, a dairyman, of Upper Clapton, Middlesex; Annie was of Long Ditton; the witnesses were Robert MILLER (probably her father) and Juliet CRIPPS. At his daughter's baptism in 1883, a milk carrier, of 17 Navarino Road, Hackney. At his daughter's baptism in 1885, a milk carrier, of 33 Spenser Road, Stoke Newington. At his daughter's baptism in 1887, a milk carrier, of 26 Watson Street, Stoke Newington. At his son's baptism in 1889, a greengrocer, of 10 Cressington Road, Stoke Newington. In 1891, a gardener, living at 1 Leamington Cottages, Brentford, Middlesex, with his wife Annie, their children Minnie, George, and Emmie, and visitor Emmie Sercombe. At his children's baptisms in 1892, a laborer, of 1 Leamington Terrace, Spring Grove. In 1901, a coal laborer loading ships, living at 9 St. Peter's Place, Little Thurrock, Essex, with his wife Annie and their children Minnie, George, Emmie, Bertie, Alfred, and Ernest. At his daughter's marriage in 1902, a coal porter. At his daughter's marriage in 1907, a laborer. In Apr 1911, a farm bailiff, living at Reeds Hatch Farm, Frensham, Surrey, with his wife Annie and their sons Berty and Ernest. At his son's marriage in Oct 1911, a farm bailiff. At his daughter's marriage in Dec 1911, a dealer's manager.
- (perhaps stepdaughter) Gertrude Mary MILLER or SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1879 at Hackney, b. reg. Q2 1879 at Hackney R.D., m1. 28 Sep 1902 at London Road Wesleyan Methodist Chapel, Grays, Essex, m1. reg. Q3 1902 at Orsett R.D., Alfred George Charles BURMAN (b. ca. 1879 at Bethnal Green, London, son of Alfred BURMAN, a farrier), m2. Robert Lionel RENTON. (Where in 1881 and 1891?) In 1901, a general domestic servant in the BLOOMBERG household at 186 Evering Road, Hackney. At her marriage in 1902, of 9 Southend Road, Little Thurrock; Alfred was a fishmonger, of 7 Kay Road, Stockwell, London S.W.; the witnesses were R. SERCOMBE (perhaps Gertrude's father) and F. RICE. Called MILLER in 1879, SERCOMBE in 1901 and 1902. In 1911, living at 54 Glenelg Road, Brixton, London, with her husband Alfred (a fishmonger), their daughter Doris, and her sister Emily and brother Alfred. In 1913, sailed from Liverpool to Fremantle, Australia, with her husband Alfred and daughter Doris.
Ancestor of researcher Ron Renton.
- Doris BURMAN, b. ca. 1907 at Clapham, London. In 1911, living with her parents. Sailed to Australia in 1913 with her parents.
- Ethel SERCOMBE, b. 1 Jul 1883, b. reg. Q3 1883 at Hackney R.D., chr. 6 Sep 1883 at St. John at Hackney, d. reg. Q1
1887 at Hackney R.D., bur. 28 Feb 1887 in Abney Park Cemetery.
- Ellen Louisa SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1885 at Hackney or Stoke Newington, Middlesex, b. reg. Q2 1885 at Edmonton R.D.,
chr. 12 Apr 1885 at St. Matthias, Stoke Newington, m. 26 Dec 1907 at Grays Thurrock, Essex, m. reg. Q4 1907 at Orsett
R.D., Louis STANDFIELD (b. ca. 1884, son of Louis STANDFIELD, a laborer). In 1891, visiting her father's sister Alice. In
1901, a housemaid at Palmers Endowed School for Girls, Grays Thurrock, Essex. At her marriage in 1907, of Grays Thurrock;
Louis was an engine driver, also of Grays Thurrock; the witnesses were Louis STANDFIELD (Louis's father) and Alfred George
Charles BURMAN (husband of Ellen's sister Gertrude).
- Vera G.A. STANDFIELD, b. reg. Q4 1912 at Orsett R.D.
- Ruth E. STANDFIELD, b. reg. Q4 1917 at Orsett R.D.
- Minnie Ethel SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1887 at Stoke Newington or South Hornsey, Middlesex, b. reg. Q1 1887 at Edmonton R.D., chr. 20 Mar 1887 at St. Matthias, Stoke Newington, m. reg. Q1 1908 at Lambeth R.D., Albert Victor GOSS (b. ca. 1887 at Grays, Essex). In 1891 and 1901, living with her parents. In 1911, living at 124 Bridge Road, Grays, with her husband Albert (a shipwright for barge owners and lightermen), their son Leslie, and her boarding brother George.
- Leslie GOSS, b. ca. 1908 at Grays. In 1911, living with his parents.
- Joyce E. GOSS, b. reg. Q3 1918 at Orsett R.D.
- Richard George SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1889 at Dalston or Stoke Newington, b. reg. Q1 1889 at Hackney R.D., chr. 12 Feb 1889 at St. Matthias, Stoke Newington, m. 8 Oct 1911 at Tilbury Docks, Essex, m. reg. Q4 1911 at Orsett R.D., Florence Avis BARNES (b. 10 Apr 1890, daughter of Richard BARNES, a dock laborer, d. reg. Q3 1981 at Thurrock R.D.), d. reg. Q1 1959 at Thurrock R.D. In 1891 and 1901, living with his parents. In Apr 1911, a railway porter, boarding in the household of his sister Ethel. At his marriage in Oct 1911, a dock laborer, of Grays; Florence was an ironer, of Tilbury; the witnesses were Annie BARNES and Horace ROUSE.
- Reginald Richard SERCOMBE, b. 1 May 1912, b. reg. Q2 1912 at Orsett R.D., m. reg. Q3 1940 at Thurrock R.D., Frances
Elsie CRABB (b. 22 Oct 1917, d. reg. Q2 1982 at Thurrock R.D.), d. reg. Dec 1991 at Daventry R.D.
- Patricia A. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q4 1943 at Thurrock R.D., m. reg. Q4 1962 at Thurrock R.D., Barry T. PAYNE.
- Colette A. PAYNE, b. reg. Q1 1964 at Ely R.D.
- Emmie (or Emily) Elizabeth SERCOMBE, b. 24 Mar 1891 at Brentford or Kew Bridge, Middlesex, b. reg. Q2 1891 at Brentford R.D., chr. 31 Jul 1892 at St. George, Old Brentford, m. 16 Dec 1911 at St. Mary, Frensham, Surrey, m. reg. Q4 1911 at Farnham R.D., Robert Charles SYMES (b. ca. 1887, son of Sidney SYMES, a labourer). In 1891 and 1901, living with her parents. In 1911, a waitress for a caterer, living with her sister Gertrude. At her marriage in 1911, of Frensham; Robert was a cycle dealer, of Bishops Waltham, Hampshire; the witnesses Annie Catherine WRIGHT and William SYMES.
- Raymond C. SYMES, b. reg. Q2 1920 at Droxford R.D.
- Eric S. SYMES, b. reg. Q1 1922 at Droxford R.D.
- Bertie SERCOMBE, b. 10 Sep 1892 at Kew Bridge, b. reg. Q4 1892 at Brentford R.D., chr. 23 Oct 1892 at St. George, Old
Brentford, m1. reg. Q4 1916 at Alton R.D., Kate E. NEAL (b. ca. 1893, d. reg. Q1 1930 at Farnham R.D.), m2. reg. Q2 1931
at Orsett R.D., Alice M. HARTLEY (b. ca. 1896, d. reg. Q4 1956 at Thurrock R.D.), d. reg. Q4 1964 at Aldershot R.D. In
1901, living with his parents. In 1911, a farm laborer, living with his parents.
- Cyril Bertie SERCOMBE, b. 17 Mar 1917, b. reg. Q2 1917 at Farnham R.D., m. reg. Q3 1945 at Surrey South Western R.D.,
Evelyn Maude JARMAN (b. 7 Mar 1923, d. reg. Nov 1999 at West Surrey R.D.), d. reg. Nov 1998 at West Surrey R.D.
- Horace V. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1918 at Farnham R.D., d. reg. Q1 1919 at Farnham R.D.
- Norman Leonard SERCOMBE, b. 17 Sep 1923, b. reg. Q4 1923 at Orsett R.D., d. reg. Dec 2002 at Liskeard R.D.
- Winifred Annie "Winnie" SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1894 at Grays, Essex, b. reg. Q3 1894 at Orsett R.D., m. reg. Q4 1918 at Orsett R.D., Walter R. HULL. In 1901, visiting her father's brother Walter. In 1911, a general domestic servant in the STURLEY household at 55 Whitehall Road, Little Thurrock, Essex.
- Roy D. HULL, b. reg. Q2 1920 at Orsett R.D.
- Desmond R. HULL, b. reg. Q1 1928 at Orsett R.D.
- Alfred SERCOMBE, b. 26 May 1896 at Grays, b. reg. Q3 1896 at Orsett R.D., m. reg. Q2 1921 at Orsett R.D., Kathleen B.S. BRAZIER, d. reg. Q4 1970 at Aldershot R.D. In 1901, living with his parents. In 1911, a fishmonger, living with his sister Gertrude.
- Ernest Herbert SERCOMBE, b. 20 Aug 1898 at Grays, b. reg. Q3 1898 at Orsett R.D., m. reg. Q2 1934 at Orsett R.D.,
Muriel Irene NASH (b. 12 Feb 1905, d. reg. Q4 1977 at Stratton R.D.), d. reg. Q1 1978 at Holsworthy R.D. In 1901, living
with his parents. In 1911, at school, living with his parents.
- Astrid G. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1945 at Chelmsford R.D., m. reg. Q4 1966 at Thurrock R.D., Francis J.C. MILES.
- David John SERCOMBE later MILES, b. reg. Q4 1965 at Brentwood R.D., b. rereg. Q4 1966 at Brentwood R.D.
- Kenneth Douglas MILES, b. reg. Q1 1968 at Launceston R.D.
- Mary Ann SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1859 at Harberton, b. reg. Q1 1859 at Totnes R.D., d. reg. Q2 1920 at St. Thomas R.D. In 1861, living with her parents. In 1871, a domestic servant in the HELSON household at Iron Mills, Dunsford. In 1881, a nurse at the Devon County Lunatic Asylum, Exminster, Devon. In 1891, a general domestic servant, living with her mother. In 1901, an asylum nurse at the Devon County Lunatic Asylum, Exminster. In 1911, a lunatic asylum pensioner, living with her mother.
- John SERCOMBE, b. ca. Feb 1861 at Harberton or Totnes, b. reg. Q1 1861 at Totnes R.D., m. 13 Nov 1881 at St. Matthew, Upper Clapton, Hackney, Middlesex, m. reg. Q4 1881 at Hackney R.D., Eliza Jane COLLEY (b. ca. 1857 at Devonport, d. reg. Q2 1947 at Hackney R.D., bur. 9 May 1947 in Abney Park Cemetery, London; daughter of John COLLEY, a tailor), d. reg. Q1 1929 at Hackney R.D., bur. 11 Feb 1929 in Abney Park Cemetery. In 1861, living with his parents. In 1871, a farm servant in the GRAY household at Halstow Farm, Dunsford. In 1881, a malt prover, lodging in the LANGDON household at 24 Walsingham Road, Hackney, London. At his marriage later in 1881, a dairyman, of Upper Clapton; Eliza was also of Upper Clapton; the witnesses were Richard SERCOMBE (his brother) and Richard KNOTT. At his daughter's baptism in 1883, a milk carrier, of 1 Navarino Road, Hackney. In 1891, a milk carrier, living at 36 Mount Pleasant Road, Hornsey, Middlesex, with his wife Eliza and their daughter Lillian. In 1901, a tram yard stableman, living at 10 Elizabeth Road, Tottenham, Middlesex, with his wife Eliza and their daughter Lillian. In 1911, a cowman for a dairy, living at 32 Mendip Houses, Bethnal Green, London, with his wife Eliza and their daughter Lilian. At his daughter's marriage in 1913, a dairyman. At his death in 1929, of 93 Gibson Gardens, London N.16. At her death in 1947, Eliza was of 145 Gibson Gardens, Hackney.
- Lilian SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1883 at Clapton, London, b. reg. Q1 1883 at Hackney R.D., chr. 15 Mar 1883 at St. John at Hackney, m. 23 Mar 1913 at St. John, Bethnal Green, m. reg. Q1 1913 at Bethnal Green R.D., Frederick Arthur HALL (b. ca. 1880, son of James HALL, a chef). In 1891, living with her parents. In 1901, a sewing machinist, living with her parents. In 1911, a pyjama machinist for an outfitters, living with her parents. At her marriage in 1913, of 37 Mendip Houses, Bethnal Green; Frederick was a printer, of 5 Lee Street, Haggerston; the witnesses were John SERCOMBE (probably her father) and Rose May SMITH.
- Sarah Jane SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1863 at Dunsford, b. reg. Q3 1863 at St. Thomas R.D., chr. 12 Jul 1863 at Dunsford, m. reg. Q4 1887 at Exeter R.D., James PARR (b. ca. 1858 at Dunsford). In 1871, a scholar, living with her grandmother Jane (a charwoman, b. ca. 1817 at Stoke Canon, Devon, m. BREWER) at Paris Street, Exeter St. Sidwell (in the court behind Sprague's). In 1881, a general domestic servant in the MORTIMER household, at Meadhay, Dunsford. In 1891, living at 3 Bridge Shute, Dunsford, with her husband James (a bootmaker), his brother Walter, and their sons James and William. In 1901, living at 3 Bridge Shute, Dunsford, with her husband James (a boot and shoe maker), their sons James and William, and her husband's brother Walter. In 1911, living at Joices Cottage, Britton Street, Dunsford, with her husband James (a boot and shoe maker), their son William, and her husband's brother Walter.
- James PARR, b. ca. 1888 at Dunsford. In 1891 and 1901, living with his parents. Alive in 1911.
- William John PARR, b. ca. Dec 1890 at Dunsford. In 1891 and 1901, living with his parents. In 1911, a farm laborer, living with his parents.
- William SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1865 at St. Thomas R.D., chr. 14 May 1865 at Dunsford, d. reg. Q4 1889 at St. Thomas R.D., bur. 18 Nov 1889 at Dunsford. In 1871, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1881, a miller's pig tender in the HELLIER household at Mill House, Dunsford, together with his sister Alice.
- Alice Lilian SERCOMBE (probably twin with Emily), b. ca. 1867 at Dunsford, b. reg. Q3 1867 at St. Thomas R.D., chr. 11 Dec 1867 at Dunsford, m. 17 Mar 1889 at St. John the Baptist, Hoxton, m. reg. Q1 1889 at Shoreditch R.D., Richard Leslie TILEY (b. ca. 1863 at Clerkenwell, London, son of John Leslie TILEY, a metal worker). In 1871, a scholar, living with her parents. In 1881, a general servant in the HELLIER household at Mill House, Dunsford, together with her brother William. At her marriage in Mar 1889, of 51 St. John's Road; Richard was a metal worker, also of 51 St. John's Road; the witnesses were William WILLIAMS and Angelina Hannah TILEY. When Alice registered their son's birth in May 1889, she was of 5 Windsor Street, Islington. In 1891, living at 6 Hardinge Street, Islington, with her husband Richard (a fancy art metal worker), their son Richard, her visiting niece Louisa (daughter of her brother Richard), and a lodger. In 1901, living at 16 Hardinge Street, Islington, with her husband Richard (a silversmith and art medal worker) and their sons Richard, Frederick, Walter, and George. In 1911, living at 176 Liverpool Road, Islington, with her husband Richard (a fancy art metal worker) and their sons Frederick, Walter, George, William, and John.
- George SERCOMBE, b. 21 Mar 1889 (?) at 5 Windsor Street, Islington, b. reg. Q2 1889 at Islington R.D., m. 25 Dec 1913 at St. Crispin, Bermondsey, Surrey, m. reg. Q4 1913 at St. Olave Southwark R.D., Florence Kate GOLDING (daughter of William Richard GOLDING, an engineer; b. ca. 1890, d. reg. Q1 1932 at St. Pancras R.D.). In 1891, boarding with Edward and Martha MORTON at 19 Windsor Street, Islington. In 1901, visiting Martha MORTON at 29 Cross Street, Islington. In 1911, a clerk for the tube railway, living at 29 Cross Street, Islington. At his marriage in 1913, a clerk, of 24 Dilston Grove; Florence was of 102 Stocks Road; the witnesses were Frederick Albert GOLDING and Beatrice Florence SNELGROVE. (Probably born a few days before his mother's marriage rather than a few days after. His birth registration gives him as George Sercombe TILEY, son of Alice TILEY, father not stated. At his marriage, he listed his father as Richard Leslie SERCOMBE, a cabinet maker.)
- Richard Leslie TILEY, b. ca. 1890 at Islington, b. reg. Q1 1890 at Islington R.D. In 1891 and 1901, living with his
- Frederick Leslie TILEY, b. ca. 1894 at Islington, b. reg. Q3 1894 at Islington R.D. In 1901, living with his parents. In 1911, a government telegraph messenger, living with his parents.
- Walter Leslie TILEY, b. ca. 1896 at Islington, b. reg. Q2 1896 at Islington R.D. In 1901, living with his parents. In 1911, a government telegraph messenger, living with his parents.
- George Leslie TILEY, b. ca. 1899 at Islington, b. reg. Q3 1899 at Islington R.D. In 1901, living with his parents. In 1911, at school, living with his parents.
- William Charles Leslie TILEY, b. ca. 1901 at Islington. In 1911, at school, living with his parents.
- John Leslie TILEY, b. ca. 1905 at Islington. In 1911, at school, living with his parents.
- Emily SERCOMBE (probably twin with Alice Lilian), b. ca. 1867 at Dunsford, b. reg. Q3 1867 at St. Thomas R.D., chr. 29 Aug 1867 at Dunsford, m. 18 Oct 1894 at Dunsford, m. reg. Q4 1894 at St. Thomas R.D., Frederick Gregory SERCOMBE (relationship remote), d. reg. Q1 1923 at St. Thomas R.D. In 1871, a scholar, living with her parents. In 1881, a farm servant in the TAVERNER household, at Greenlane Fulford, Dunsford. In 1891, a general domestic servant in the MOORE household at 52 Queen Street, Exeter St. David. At her marriage in 1894, of Dunsford; Frederick was a carpenter, also of Dunsford; the witnesses were Walter SERCOMBE and Mary Ann SERCOMBE (probably Emily's brother and sister). In 1901 and 1911, living with her husband and family.
- Ellen SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1869 at Dunsford, b. reg. Q4 1869 at St. Thomas R.D., chr. 25 Dec 1869 at Dunsford, m. 26 Oct 1892 at Dunsford, m. reg. Q4 1892 at St. Thomas R.D., Walter John SMALLRIDGE (b. ca. 1873, son of John SMALLRIDGE, a blacksmith). In 1871, a scholar, living with her parents. In 1881, a domestic servant in the POWLESLAND household at Storridge Farm, Dunsford. In 1891, a general domestic servant, living with her mother. At her marriage in 1892, of Dunsford; Walter was a blacksmith, also of Dunsford; the witnesses were James PARR (probably Ellen's sister Sarah's husband) and Mary Ann SERCOMBE (probably Ellen's sister). In 1901, living at 55 Regents Square, Heavitree, with her husband Walter (a scale maker) and their sons Walter, Frederick, and Reginald. In 1911, living at 1 Blagdon Place, Crediton, with her husband Walter (a scalemaker) and their children Walter, Frederick, Reginald, Mabel, Edgar, and Harold.
- Walter John SMALLRIDGE, b. ca. 1894 at Dunsford. In 1901, living with his parents. In 1911, a cabinetmaker, living with his parents.
- Frederick George SMALLRIDGE, b. ca. 1898 at Heavitree. In 1901, living with his parents. In 1911, at school, living with his parents.
- Reginald William SMALLRIDGE, b. ca. 1899 at Heavitree. In 1901, living with his parents. In 1911, at school, living with his parents.
- Mabel May SMALLRIDGE, b. ca. 1904 at Heavitree. In 1911, at school, living with her parents.
- Edgar Leslie SMALLRIDGE, b. ca. 1906 at Crediton. In 1911, at school, living with his parents.
- Harold Edward SMALLRIDGE, b. ca. 1908 at Crediton. In 1911, at school, living with his parents.
- Jessie SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q4 1871 at St. Thomas R.D., chr. 24 Jan 1872 at Dunsford, d. reg. Q1 1872 at St. Thomas R.D., bur. 28 Feb 1872 at Dunsford.
- Jessie SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1873 at Dunsford, b. reg. Q1 1873 at St. Thomas R.D., chr. 26 Mar 1873 at Dunsford, m. 10 May 1909 at Dunsford, m. reg. Q2 1909 at St. Thomas R.D., William Henry SIMMONS (b. ca. 1874 at Moretonhampstead, son of Frank SIMMONS, a laborer). In 1881, a scholar, living with her parents. In 1891, a domestic servant, patient in the Devon and Exeter Hospital for the Sick Poor, Southernhay, Exeter. In 1901, receiving parochial relief (and suffering from a diseased knee), living with her mother. At her marriage in 1909, ofDunsford; William was a painter, of Moretonhampstead; the witnesses were Walter John SMALLRIDGE (husband of Jessie's sister Ellen) and Samuel SIMMONS. In 1911, living at Fore Street, Moretonhampstead, with her husband William (a house painter).
- Walter SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1876 at Dunsford, b. reg. Q2 1876 at St. Thomas R.D., chr. 10 May 1877 at Dunsford, m. 1 Aug 1898 at St. Peter, Camerton, Somerset, m. reg. Q3 1898 at Clutton R.D., Beatrice WOODLAND (b. ca. 1878 at Radeloch or Clandown, Somerset, d. reg. Q3 1956 at Poole R.D., daughter of Charles WOODLANDS, a cellarman), d. reg. Q2 1933 at Holborn R.D. In 1881, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1891, a wheelwright's apprentice in the HOLMAN household at Reedy Smithy, Dunsford. At his marriage in 1898, a smith, of St. Margarets Leicester; Beatrice was of Camerton; the witnesses were Joseph TAYLOR and Annie CARPENTER. At his son's baptism in 1900, a blacksmith, of 29 Treadgold Street. In 1901, a blacksmith, living at 29 Treadgold Street, Kensington, London, with his wife Beatrice and visiting niece Winnie (daughter of his brother Richard). In 1911, a coachsmith for a bus manufacturer, living at 16 Lowden Road, Lower Edmonton, London, with his wife Beatrice, their children Annie and Willie, and Beatrice's niece.
- Alfred George SERCOMBE, b. 1900 at Notting Hill, London, b. reg. Q4 1900 at Kensington R.D., chr. 12 Dec 1900 at St.
Clement, Notting Hill, London, d. reg. Q4 1900 at Kensington R.D. Enumerated (crossed out) on his parents' census form in
- Annie Elsie M. SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1902 at Plumstead, London, b. reg. Q3 1902 at Woolwich R.D., m. reg. Q2 1926 at Edmonton R.D., Harold R. LANE. In 1911, at school, living with her parents.
- Peter D. LANE, b. reg. Q1 1932 at Poole R.D.
- Charles William "Willie" SERCOMBE, b. 2 Oct 1904 at Islington, London, b. reg. Q4 1904 at Islington R.D., m. reg. Q4
1938 at Poole R.D., Cicely BUDDS (b. 24 Apr 1907, d. reg. Jun 1996 at Cambridge R.D.), d. reg. Q4 1983 at Bournemouth
R.D. In 1911, living with his parents.
- Derek C.W. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q3 1939 at Hemel Hempstead R.D., m1. reg. Q3 1967 at Bournemouth R.D., Moira CLAXTON (b.
19 Oct 1945, d. reg. Sep 1997 at Cambridge R.D.), m2. reg. Feb 2005 at Neath and Port Talbot R.D., Margaret WILLIAMS.
- Anna Louise SERCOMBE, b. 2 Oct 1972, b. reg. Q4 1972 at Epping R.D., d. reg. Q3 1981 at Bedford R.D.
- Vanessa Joy SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q3 1974 at Harlow R.D., m. reg. Jun 2004 at Oxfordshire R.D., Richard S. HARRISON.
- Bryan John SERCOMBE, b. 17 Jun 1941, b. reg. Q2 1941 at Poole R.D., m. reg. Q3 1970 at Bournemouth R.D., Janice M.
MADDOCKS (m2. reg. Jul 1993 at Bournemouth R.D., Martin A. PRICE), d. reg. Jun 1987 at Ringwood and Fordingbridge R.D.
- Maria Janice SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q1 1973 at Poole R.D., m. reg. Nov 1998 at Bournemouth R.D., Maurice A. LOCKYER.
- James Felix A. LOCKYER, b. reg. Dec 2003 at Bournemouth R.D.
- Mark John SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q4 1974 at Poole R.D.
- Amy Joy SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q1 1979 at Poole R.D., m. reg. Aug 2001 at Bournemouth R.D., Jonathan C. CHAMBERS.
- Thomas Douglas J. CHAMBERS, b. reg. Aug 2005 at Poole R.D.
- Enid H.M. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1948 at Poole R.D., m. reg. Q1 1969 at Bournemouth R.D., Derrick R. EYERS.
- Caroline Jane EYERS, b. reg. Q1 1973 at Poole R.D.
- Beverley Helen EYERS, b. reg. Q2 1975 at Bournemouth R.D.
- Louisa SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1879 at Dunsford, b. reg. Q2 1879 at St. Thomas R.D., d. reg. Q2 1891 at St. Thomas R.D. In 1881, living with her parents. In 1891, a scholar, living with her mother.
- (perhaps) Minnie Milford SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q4 1883 at St. Thomas R.D., d. reg. Q2 1890 at St. Thomas R.D.
- Sarah Ann SERCOMBE, chr. 28 Mar 1830 at Dunsford, m. 31 Dec 1860 at Dunsford, m. reg. Q4 1860 at St. Thomas R.D., Richard OLDING or HOLDING. In 1851, an unemployed farm servant, living with her uncle Samuel SERCOMBE. In 1855, of King's Court, Doddiscombsleigh. In 1861, an agricultural "labouress", living at Clifford Barton Cottage No. 1, Dunsford, with her husband Richard (an agricultural laborer) and son John.
- John Sercombe SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1855 at Dunsford or Doddiscombsleigh, b. reg. Q4 1855 at St. Thomas R.D., chr. 30 Dec 1855 at Doddiscombsleigh. In 1861, a scholar, living with his mother and stepfather. In 1871, a farm servant in the COLE household at Mayne Farm, Dunsford.
- James SERCOMBE, chr. 18 Nov 1832 at Dunsford, m. 24 Jan 1860 at Harberton, m. reg. Q1 1860 at Totnes R.D., Mary Jane ANDREWS (b. ca. 1838 at Harberton, Devon, daughter of Thomas ANDREWS, a laborer, m2. 8 Oct 1871 at Harberton, m2. reg. Q4 1871 at Totnes R.D., John CROSSING [m1. and wid. by 1871, son of John CROSSING, a joiner]), d. reg. Q2 1862 at St. Thomas R.D., bur. 8 Jun 1862 at Dunsford. In 1843, apprenticed by the parish of Dunsford to Thomas HELSON. Confirmed 1847. In 1851, an edge tool maker's apprentice in the HELSON household at Iron Mills. At his marriage in 1860, an edge tool maker, of Harberton; Mary was also of Harberton; the witnesses were John ANDREWS and Elizabeth LUSCOMBE. In 1861, an agricultural laborer, living at Dunsford village with his wife Mary Jane and daughter Elizabeth. Lived next door to his brother John in early 1861, but moved to another part of the village by April. In Apr 1871, Mary was a general servant in the EASTLEY household at 4 Southfield Court(?), Paignton, Devon. At her second marriage in Oct 1871, she was of Harberton; John was a hawker, also of Harberton; the witnesses were Richard ANDREWS and Margreat ANDREWS. In 1881, she was living at Trists Court, Kingsbridge, Devon, with her second husband John and daughter Elizabeth. Posthumously at his daughter's marriage in 1887, a mechanic.
- Elizabeth Ann SERCOMBE, b. ca. Oct 1860 at Harberton, Devon, b. reg. Q4 1860 at Totnes R.D., m. 21 May 1887 at Aveton Gifford, Devon, m. reg. Q2 1887 at Kingsbridge R.D., Samuel John HOOPPELL (b. ca. 1861 at Bugbury, Devon, son of Samuel HOOPPELL, a laborer). In 1871, a scholar, living with her maternal grandparents at Harberton. In 1881, living with her mother and stepfather. At her marriage in 1887, of Ashford, Aveton Gifford; Samuel was a leading seaman in the Royal Navy, of H.M.S. Cambridge, Devonport; the witnesses were Samuel HOOPPELL and Susanna HANDSFORD(?). In 1891, living at 8 Middle Street, Tynemouth, Northumberland, with her husband Samuel (a Coast Guard boatman) and their son Samuel. In 1901, living at 9 Marine Parade, Withernsea, Yorkshire, with her husband Samuel (a commissioned boatman in H.M. Coast Guard) and their children Samuel, Florence, Edith, Elsie, and Gertrude.
- Samuel F. HOOPPELL, b. ca. 1889 at Tynemouth. In 1891 and 1901, living with his parents.
- Florence M. HOOPPELL, b. ca. 1892 at South Gare, Kirkleatham, Yorkshire. In 1901, living with her parents.
- Edith HOOPPELL, b. ca. 1895 at South Gare. In 1901, living with her parents.
- Elsie M. HOOPPELL, b. ca. 1897 at Owthorne, Yorkshire. In 1901, living with her parents.
- Gertrude A. HOOPPELL, b. ca. 1899 at Owthorne. In 1901, living with her parents.
- Elizabeth SERCOMBE, chr. 13 Dec 1835 at Dunsford, m. 12 Apr 1859 at Dunsford, m. reg. Q2 1859 at St. Thomas R.D.,
Samuel OLDING or HOLDING. Confirmed at Dunsford 1853. In 1861, living at Shillingford Cot, Shillingford, with her husband
Samuel (an agricultural laborer), their son, and her father.
Ancestor of researcher Brian Turner.
- James SERCOMBE, chr. 30 Aug 1801 at Dunsford, m. 25 Sep 1825 at Dunsford, Mary MILFORD (b. ca.
1806 at Dunsford, d. reg. Q1 1869 at Newton Abbot R.D., bur. 23 Mar 1869 at Dunsford), d. reg. Q3 1865 at St. Thomas R.D.,
bur. 10 Sep 1865 at Dunsford. In 1821, a farmer's servant by the year in the WILLS household at Collabridge, Dunsford. At
his marriage in Sep 1825, a laborer, of Dunsford; Sarah HOLMAN and William WRIGHT witnessed the marriage. At his son's
baptism in Dec 1825, a laborer, of Berry Cross, Dunsford. At his children's baptisms in 1830, 1833, 1835, and 1837, a
laborer, of Vicarage Cottage, Dunsford. At his sons' baptisms in 1839 and 1843, a laborer, of Dunsford. At his daughter's
burial in 1846, of Vicarage Cottage. At his son's marrriage in 1850, a laborer. In 1851, an agricultural laborer, living
at Vicarage Cottage with his wife Mary and their son James. At his children's marriages in 1852-1854, variously a
husbandman or a laborer. In 1861, an agricultural laborer, living at Dunsford village with his wife Mary (a laundress), in
the same building as their daughter Mary. At his death in 1865, of Dunsford. At Mary's death in 1869, she was of North
- William SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1825 at Dunsford, chr. 25 Dec 1825 at Dunsford, m. 18 May 1850 at Christow, Devon, m. reg.
Q2 1850 at St. Thomas R.D., Ann LONYON (b. ca. 1828 at Christow, daughter of James LONYON, a miner), d. reg. Q2 1866 at
St. Thomas R.D., bur. 13 May 1866 at Christow. At his marriage in 1850, a laborer, of Court Barton; Ann was of Teign
Cottage; Joseph LONYON and William's sister Elizabeth witnessed the marriage. In 1851, a labourer, living at New Road,
Christow, with his wife Ann and their son William. At his children's baptisms in 1851, 1853, 1856, and 1858, a miner, of
Teign Cottages, Christow. In 1861, a lead miner, living at Teign Terrace, Christow, with his wife Ann, their children
William, Mary, Emma, and Ellen, and boarder Thomas POLAMEY (no occupation, b. ca. 1842 at Lisford, Devon). At his death
in 1866, of Teign Terrace. In 1871, Ann was a needlewoman, living at Stepsote(?) Hill, Exeter St. Mary Steps, with her
daughters Emma, Ellen, and Maria and a lodger. Posthumously at his daughter's marriage in 1878, a laborer.
- William SERCOMBE, b. ca. 15 Mar 1851 at Christow, b. reg. Q2 1851 at St. Thomas R.D., chr. 30 Mar 1851 at Christow. In
1851, living with his parents. In 1861, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1871, a convict laborer, inmate in Millbank
Prison, Westminster, London. In 1881, a farm laborer, convict at Her Majesty's Convict Prison, Portland, Dorset.
- Mary Ann SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1853 at Christow, b. reg. Q1 1853 at St. Thomas R.D., chr. 20 Feb 1853 at Christow. In 1861,
a scholar, living with her parents. In 1871, a general domestic servant in the KINGSTON household at 23 Mount Dinham,
Exeter St. David.
- Emma SERCOMBE, b. ca. Jan 1856, b. reg. Q1 1856 at St. Thomas R.D., chr. 6 Jan 1856 at Christow, d. reg. Q1 1857 at
St. Thomas R.D., bur. 15 Mar 1857 at Christow.
- Emma Louisa SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1857 at Christow, b. reg. Q1 1858 at St. Thomas R.D., chr. 3 Jan 1858 at Christow, m. 23 May 1885 at Christow, m. reg. Q2 1885 at St. Thomas R.D., William MATTHEWS (b. ca. 1858, son of John MATTHEWS, a laborer). In 1861, living with her parents. In 1871, a servant, living with her mother. In 1881, a servant in the HAYDON household at Hole, Cheriton Bishop, Devon. At her marriage in 1885, of Christow; William was a laborer, also of Christow; the witnesses were Harry PAYNE (her sister Ellen's husband) and Elizabeth Ann MATTHEWS (presumably William's relative).
- Beatrice Ellen SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1860 at Christow, b. reg. Q1 1860 at St. Thomas R.D., m. 25 Dec 1878 at Dunsford, m. reg. Q4 1878 at St. Thomas R.D., her second cousin Harry PAYNE, d. reg. Q3 1885 at St. Thomas R.D. In 1861, living with her parents. In 1871, living with her mother. At her marriage in 1878, of Dunsford; the witnesses were her sister Emma and William Sercombe PAYNE (Harry's brother).
- (perhaps) Thomas SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q4 1861 at St. Thomas R.D., d. reg. Q2 1868 at St. Thomas R.D., bur. 9 Jun 1868 at
- Maria SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1863 at Christow, b. reg. Q2 1863 at St. Thomas R.D., d. reg. Q2 1878 at Barton Regis R.D. In
1871, living with her mother.
- Mary SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1827 at Dunsford, m. 8 Aug 1854 at Dunsford, m. reg. Q3 1854 at St. Thomas R.D., her first cousin William SERCOMBE, d. reg. Q4 1900 at St. Thomas R.D. In 1851, a house servant in the CREALOCK or CRAYLOCK household at 15 South Hill Buildings, Stoke Damerel, Devon.
- John SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1830 at Dunsford, chr. 12 Sep 1830 at Dunsford, m. 18 Apr 1853 at St. Thomas, Devon, m. reg. Q2 1853 at St. Thomas R.D., Mary Ann GREENSLADE (daughter of John GREENSLADE, a laborer; b. ca. 1831 at Witheridge or Wosseley, Devon, or Exeter, d. reg. Q1 1924 at Plymouth R.D.), d. reg. Q2 1900 at Plymouth R.D. In 1841, apprenticed by the parish of Dunsford to William ESWORTHY of Whidley, Dunsford. Confirmed at Dunsford in 1847. In 1851, a farmer's apprentice in the ESWORTHY household at Whidley, along with his sister Ann and their first cousin John SERCOMBE. In 1852, his future wife Mary Ann was a witness at Ann's marriage. At his marriage in 1853, a servant, of Cowick Street; Mary Ann was also of Cowick Street. At his daughters' baptisms in 1854 and 1858, a railway porter, of Tiverton. In Apr 1861, a railway guard, living at Barrington Street, Tiverton, Devon, with his wife Mary and their children John, Jessie, William, Elizabeth, and James. At his son's baptism in May 1861, a guard for the Bristol and Exeter Railway Company. At his daughter's baptism in 1863, a railway guard. In 1871, a railway guard, living at Red Cow Village, Exeter St. David, with his wife Mary and their children William, Elizabeth, Mary, Samuel, Frederick, and Charles. In 1881, a railway guard, living at Paragon Place, Exeter, with his wife Mary and their children Mary, James, Frederick, Alfred, and Ernest. In 1891, a railway guard, living at 154 King Street, Plymouth, with his wife Mary and their son Ernest. In 1901, Mary was living on her own means at 6 Neswick Street, Plymouth, Devon. In 1911, she was a pensioner, living at 79 Cambridge Street, Plymouth. Four of her 11 children were alive in 1911.
- John Greenslade SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1853 at Bristol, b. reg. Q3 1853 at Bedminster R.D., chr. 11 Sep 1853 at St. Mary
Redcliffe, Bristol, d. by 1911. In 1861, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1871, a boy 2nd class, aboard the training ship H.M.S.
Ganges, Plymouth Sound, Devon. Joined the Royal Navy, 21 Feb 1872, for 10 years. Served on H.M.S. Royal
Adelaide from 1 Jan 1873; rated ordinary seaman, 1 Jun 1873. Transferred to H.M.S. Revenge, 25 Jul 1873.
Transferred back to the Royal Adelaide, 16 Jan 1874. Transferred to H.M.S. Narcissus, 27 Jul 1874; rated
able seaman, 16 Feb 1876. Transferred back to the Royal Adelaide, 23 May 1877, then back to the Narcissus,
20 Jul 1877. Spent three weeks in jail at Greenock, 9 Mar to 30 Mar 1878. Transferred to H.M.S. Hercules,
9 May 1878. Transferred back to the Royal Adelaide, 24 Aug 1878, spending several spells in the cells and in Bodmin
jail. Bodmin was one of two Royal Navy prisons, the other being at Lewes. "So far as is known, there are no surviving
records for either establishment" (Ancestors magazine, Oct 2006, p. 71). Transferred to H.M.S.
Curaçao, 24 Feb 1880, then back to the Royal Adelaide, 24 Apr 1880. Transferred to H.M.S.
Tamar, 5 May 1880, where his character was rated as "indifferent". On 14 May 1880, having served just nine days in
the Tamar, spent 40 days in Bodmin jail and was then discharged to shore as "objectionable". (Where in 1881?) On
22 Aug 1888, arrived at Sydney, New South Wales, from Sharpness, Gloucestershire, as an able seaman on the ship
- Jessie SERCOMBE, b. 1 Nov 1854 at Tiverton, b. reg. Q4 1854 at Tiverton R.D., chr. 15 Nov 1854 at Tiverton, m. reg. Q3 1888 at Plymouth R.D., Thomas WEEKES (b. ca. 1850 at Newton Ferrers, Devon). In 1861, a scholar, living with her parents. In 1871, a servant in the VANSTONE household at Foxhayes, St. Thomas. In 1881, a parlourmaid in the PEARSON household, at 2 Baring Crescent, Exeter Heavitree. In 1891, living at Kilworthy Cottages, Tavistock, Devon, with her husband Thomas (a gardener) and their sons John and Frederick. In 1901, living at 3 Moor View Terrace, Yelverton, Devon, with her husband THomas (a gardener) and their sons John, Frederick, and Thomas. In 1911, living at 12 Beechfield Avenue, Yelverton, with her husband Thomas (a jobbing gardener), their son John, four lodgers, and boarder.
- John S. WEEKES, b. ca. 1888 at Newton Ferrers. In 1891 and 1901, living with his parents. In 1911, a domestic footman, living with his parents.
- Frederick WEEKES, b. ca. Jul 1890 at Newton Ferrers. In 1891 and 1901, living with his parents.
- Thomas H. WEEKES, b. ca. 1893 at Buckland Monachorum, Devon. In 1901, living with his parents. Alive in 1911.
- William Henry SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1856 at Exeter, b. reg. Q4 1856 at Exeter R.D., d. by 1911. In 1861, living with his parents. In 1871, an errand boy, living with his parents. In 1881, an able seaman aboard the vessel Jackal, at Falmouth, Cornwall.
- Elizabeth SERCOMBE, b. 17 Oct 1858 at Tiverton, b. reg. Q4 1858 at Tiverton R.D., chr. 21 Oct 1858 at Tiverton, d. reg. Q3 1872 at Exeter R.D. In 1861, living with her parents. In 1871, doing domestic work, living with her parents.
- James SERCOMBE, b. 7 Mar 1861 at Tiverton, b. reg. Q2 1861 at Tiverton R.D., chr. 26 May 1861 at Tiverton, d. reg. Q4 1862 at Tiverton R.D. In 1861, living with his parents.
- Mary Ann SERCOMBE, b. 7 May 1863 at Tiverton, b. reg. Q2 1863 at Tiverton R.D., chr. 7 Sep 1863 at Tiverton, d. by 1911. In 1871, a scholar, living with her parents. In 1881, living with her parents.
- Samuel James "Jim" SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1865 at Willand, Devon, b. reg. Q3 1865 at Tiverton R.D., m. reg. Q1 1893 at Brecknock R.D., Mary JONES (b. ca. 1866 at Tonna or Brynwish, near Neath, Glamorgan, d. reg. Q3 1945 at Neath R.D.), d. reg. Q3 1940 at Neath R.D. In 1871, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1881, a railway clerk, living with his parents. In 1891, a railway signalman, lodging in the GRICE household at Colbren Villa, Ystradgynlais Higher, Breconshire. In 1901, a railway station master, living at 16 Back Row, Dulais Upper, Glamorgan, with his wife Mary and their children Annie, Jack, and Ernest. In 1911, a railway inspector (traffic), living at Main Road, Cilfrew, Neath, Glamorgan, with his wife Mary and their children Annie, John, Ernest, Frederick, James, and Sidney.
- Ann "Annie" May SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1893 at Cilfrew, Blaenhonddan, near Neath, Glamorgan, b. reg. Q2 1893 at Neath R.D., m. reg. Q2 1934 at Neath R.D., Hercules LEWIS. In 1901 and 1911, living with her parents.
- John "Jack" Meredith SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1894 at Aberyster, Breconshire, b. reg. Q3 1894 at Brecknock R.D., m. reg. Q3 1919 at St. Neots R.D., Lilian A. HILL (b. ca. 1895, d. reg. Q2 1968 at Neath R.D.), d. reg. Q1 1969 at Neath R.D. In 1901, living with his parents. In 1911, a coal miner, living with his parents.
- Florence M. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q4 1920 at Neath R.D., m. reg. Q2 1948 at Neath R.D., Thomas J. PUGH.
- Susan L. PUGH, b. reg. Q2 1949 at Neath R.D.
- Alfred James SERCOMBE, b. 26 Nov 1922, b. reg. Q4 1922 at Neath R.D., m. reg. Q2 1947 at Neath R.D., Myra PUGH (b. 24 Aug 1923, d. reg. Oct 1996 at Swansea R.D.), d. reg. Q4 1976 at Haverfordwest R.D.
- Cledwyn SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q1 1948 at Neath R.D.
- Siân SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q4 1957 at Neath R.D., d. reg. Q4 1957 at Neath R.D.
- Delyth SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q4 1959 at Neath R.D., m. reg. Q4 1977 at Swansea R.D., Alan G. BEYNON.
- Sarah Louise BEYNON, b. reg. Q3 1980 at Neath R.D.
- Jenna Sian BEYNON, b. reg. Q2 1982 at Neath R.D.
- Mary SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q3 1925 at Neath R.D., m. reg. Q4 1947 at Neath R.D., Kenneth J. ROBINSON.
- Keith J. ROBINSON, b. reg. Q4 1954 at Bedford R.D.
- Richard John SERCOMBE, b. 13 Nov 1927, b. reg. Q4 1927 at Neath R.D., d. reg. Jun 1994 at Neath R.D.
- Ernest William SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1896 at Aberyster or Battle, Breconshire, b. reg. Q4 1896 at Brecknock R.D., m. reg. Q2 1925 at Neath R.D., Janet JONES, d. reg. Q1 1966 at Neath R.D. In 1901, living with his parents. In 1911, a coal miner, living with his parents.
- Samuel Donald P. SERCOMBE, b. 23 Aug 1930, b. reg. Q4 1930 at Neath R.D., m. reg. Q1 1964 at Pontypridd R.D., Joan HUGHES, d. reg. Sep 1999 at Neath and Port Talbot R.D.
- (probably) James Samuel SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1898 at Brecknock R.D., d. reg. Q4 1898 at Brecknock R.D.
- (probably) Sydney SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q3 1901 at Neath R.D., d. reg. Q1 1902 at Pontardawe R.D.
- Frederick Charles SERCOMBE, b. 16 Oct 1904 at Blaenhonddan, b. reg. Q4 1904 at Neath R.D., m. reg. Q3 1929 at Neath R.D., Jennet A. NICHOLAS (m2. reg. Q4 1959 at Watford R.D., Emrys H. ROBERTS), d. reg. Q3 1969 at West Glamorgan R.D. In 1911, living with his parents.
- Sidney Alwyn J. SERCOMBE, b. 1 Feb 1930, b. reg. Q1 1930 at Neath R.D., m. reg. Q1 1958 at Westmorland North R.D., Cynthia M. FURNESS, d. reg. Feb 1996 at Watford R.D.
- Stephen J. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q3 1959 at Watford R.D.
- Malcolm C. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q4 1960 at Watford R.D.
- Joanne SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q1 1966 at Watford R.D.
- Tyrrell C. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q3 1932 at Neath R.D., d. reg. Q2 1941 at Bilston R.D.
- Ilona N. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1937 at Hendon R.D., m. reg. Q2 1957 at Watford R.D., William J. PETTITT.
- Jeffrey N. PETTITT, b. reg. Q1 1964 at Watford R.D
- Alison Teresa PETTITT, b. reg. Q2 1966 at Luton R.D.
- James Albert SERCOMBE, b. 23 Sep 1906 at Blaenhonddan, b. reg. Q4 1906 at Neath R.D., m. reg. Q3 1932 at Hendon R.D., Charlotte Ruth EARY (b. 24 Nov 1910, d. reg. Nov 1990 at Neath R.D.), d. reg. Q2 1982 at Neath R.D. In 1911, living with his parents.
- David J. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q4 1933 at Hendon R.D., m. reg. Q4 1968 at Neath R.D., Joan BILLINGHAM (b. 18 Jun 1938, d. reg. Nov 2003 at Neath and Port Talbot R.D.).
- James Hywel SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1971 at West Glamorgan R.D., m. reg. Aug 1996 at Swansea R.D., Martha BADHAM.
- Hannah Grace SERCOMBE, b. reg. Nov 1997 at Neath and Port Talbot R.D.
- Benjamin James SERCOMBE, b. reg. Aug 1999 at Swansea R.D.
- Eluned SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q3 1972 at West Glamorgan R.D., m. reg. Jul 1996 at Cardiff R.D., Jonathan P. COMBER.
- Emily Charlotte COMBER, b. reg. Oct 1999 at Swansea R.D.
- Sidney SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1909 at Blaenhonddan, b. reg. Q2 1909 at Neath R.D., m. reg. Q4 1938 at Swansea R.D., Evelyn Olwen NICHOLAS (b. 12 Oct 1911, d. reg. Mar 1993 at Swansea R.D.). In 1911, living with his parents.
- Mary E.A. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q4 1939 at Neath R.D.
- John Samuel SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q1 1947 at West Glamorgan R.D., m. reg. Q1 1972 at Sutton Coldfield R.D., Patricia Ann "Patsy" McEWAN. Both John and Patsy were registered as veterinary surgeons in Kenya on 13 Oct 1977, with an address in Nairobi. A director of the Jockey Club of Kenya. Patsy is a racehorse trainer.
- Vikki Ann SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q4 1972 at Ludlow R.D. In Hong Kong.
- Lesley Jane SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q1 1974 at Hereford R.D. A champion jockey in Kenya. See profile 25 Sep 2011 in the Ndege News.
- Linda Mary SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q1 1974 at Hereford R.D., m. THORPE.
- Another child, d. by 1911.
- Frederick "Fred" SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1868 at Exeter, b. reg. Q1 1868 at Exeter R.D., m. reg. Q2 1891 at Plymouth R.D., Rose FOORD (b. ca. 1869 at Newport, Monmouthshire, d. reg. Q1 1956 at Plymouth R.D.). In 1871 and 1881, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1891, a carman, living at 34 St. Johns Road, Plymouth, Devon, with his wife Rose. At his children's baptisms in 1898, a bill poster, of 27 Wyndham Street, Plymouth. At his son's baptism in 1899, an agent, of 27 Wyndham Street, Plymouth. In 1901, a bill poster, living at 88 Cecil Street, Plymouth, with his wife Rose and their children Jessie, Frederick, Clara, and Rose. At his son's baptism in 1902, a bill poster, of 88 Cecil Street, Plymouth. At his son's baptism in 1903, an advertising agent, of 88 Cecil Street, Plymouth. At his son's baptism in 1906, a bill poster, of 2 Hollywood Terrace, Plymouth. In 1911, an engine fitter for the government, living at 48 Harwell Street, Plymouth, with his wife Rose (a housewife) and their children Jessie, Frederick, Winifred, Rose, James, William, and Ernest (four other children having died). Subsequently a hairdresser in Plymouth.
- Jessie Florence SERCOMBE, b. 24 Mar 1892 at Paddington, London, b. reg. Q2 1892 at Paddington R.D., chr. 2 Jun 1898 at St. Peter, Plymouth, m. reg. Q2 1912 at Plymouth R.D., William TURNER. In 1901, living with her parents. In 1911, a bookbinder, living with her parents.
- Jessie TURNER, b. reg. Q2 1913 at Plymouth R.D.
- William TURNER, b. reg. Q3 1914 at Leicester R.D.
- Alfred TURNER, b. reg. Q1 1916 at Leicester R.D.
- Frederick D. TURNER, b. reg. Q2 1918 at Leicester R.D.
- Howard J. TURNER, b. reg. Q3 1935 at Leicester R.D.
- Frederick John SERCOMBE, b. 4 Mar 1894 at Clifton, Gloucestershire, b. reg. Q2 1894 at Bristol R.D., chr. 2 Jun 1898 at St. Peter, Plymouth, m. reg. Q3 1919 at Plymouth R.D., Elsie Florence JINKINS (b. 20 Jul 1890, d. reg. Q2 1980 at Newton Abbot R.D.), d. reg. Q4 1938 at Plymouth R.D. In 1901, living with his parents. In 1911, a bill poster, living with his parents.
- Clara Winifred or Winifred Clara SERCOMBE, b. 17 Feb 1896 at Clifton, b. reg. Q2 1896 at Barton Regis R.D., chr. 2 Jun 1898 at St. Peter, Plymouth, m. reg. Q4 1918 at Leicester R.D., Alfred F. WESLEY, d. reg. Q4 1974 at Leicestershire Central R.D. In 1901, living with her parents. In 1911, at school, living with her parents.
- Alfred F. WESLEY, b. reg. Q1 1920 at Leicester R.D.
- Winifred F. WESLEY, b. reg. Q4 1921 at Leicester R.D.
Ancestor of researcher Angela Liquorish.
- (probably) Alfred Thomas F. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q4 1897 at Plymouth R.D., d. reg. Q2 1898 at Plymouth R.D.
- Ernest SERCOMBE, b. 7 Dec 1898, b. reg. Q1 1899 at Plymouth R.D., chr. 19 Jan 1899 at St. Peter, Plymouth, d. reg. Q3 1899 at Plymouth R.D.
- Rose SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1900 at Plymouth, b. reg. Q1 1900 at Plymouth R.D., m. reg. Q3 1919 at Plymouth R.D., Frank THOMAS. In 1901 and 1911, living with her parents.
- Dorothy M. THOMAS, b. reg. Q3 1920 at Plymouth R.D.
- Francis. J. THOMAS, b. reg. Q4 1923 at Plymouth R.D.
- Winifred R. THOMAS, b. reg. Q1 1925 at Plymouth R.D.
- Phyllis J. THOMAS, b. reg. Q1 1927 at Plymouth R.D.
- Joyce THOMAS, b. reg. Q3 1928 at Plymouth R.D.
- Alfred Edward SERCOMBE, b. 6 Sep 1902, b. reg. Q3 1902 at Plymouth R.D., chr. 6 Sep 1902 at St. Peter, Plymouth, d. reg. Q3 1902 at Plymouth R.D. (Compare Alfred Edward SERCOMBE.)
- Sidney James SERCOMBE, b. 7 Sep 1903 at Plymouth, b. reg. Q4 1903 at Plymouth R.D., chr. 15 Oct 1903 at St. Peter, Plymouth, In 1911, living with his parents.
- Richard Bernard SERCOMBE, b. 9 Aug 1906, b. reg. Q3 1906 at Plymouth R.D., chr. 6 Sep 1906 at St. Peter, Plymouth, d. reg. Q4 1906 at Plymouth R.D.
- William Arthur SERCOMBE, b. 20 Dec 1907 at Plymouth, b. reg. Q1 1908 at Plymouth R.D., m. reg. Q3 1932 at Plymouth R.D., Florence D. STOYLE, d. reg. Jul 1991 at Plymouth R.D. In 1911, living with his parents.
- Ernest F. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q4 1932 at Plymouth R.D., m1. reg. Q1 1956 at Plymouth R.D., Bridget B. NORRIS (m2. reg. Q2 1968 at Plymouth R.D., Maurice J. HEALE), m2. reg. Q4 1964 at Plymouth R.D., Lesley M. PESTER.
- Gary F.P. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q3 1957 at Plymouth R.D., m. reg. Nov 1987 at Plymouth R.D., Heather R. EASTERBROOK.
- David Gary SERCOMBE, b. reg. Nov 1986 and rereg. Jan 1989 at Plymouth R.D.
- Adam John M. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Jan 1995 at Plymouth R.D.
- Rebekah F. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q4 1965 at Plymouth R.D., m. reg. Sep 1985 at Plymouth R.D., Shaun D. TASKER.
- Luke Shaun F. TASKER, b. reg. Feb 1986 at Plymouth R.D.
- Victoria Frances A. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q1 1970 at Plymouth R.D., m. reg. Oct 2001 at Plymouth R.D., Paul E.F. HOOPER.
- Kori Francis SERCOMBE or HOOPER, b. reg. Jun 1992 at Plymouth R.D.
- Nathan Paull F. SERCOMBE or HOOPER, b. reg. Jun 1996 at Plymouth R.D.
- Graham F. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q3 1941 at Plymouth R.D., m. reg. Q3 1971 at Plymouth R.D., Lesley M. SERCOMBE (perhaps his brother's second wife?).
- Ernest SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1909 at Plymouth, b. reg. Q4 1909 at Plymouth R.D. In 1911, living with his parents.
- Hilda M. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q4 1912 at Plymouth R.D., d. reg. Q4 1912 at Plymouth R.D.
- Hilda E. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q4 1914 at East Stonehouse R.D., m. reg. Q3 1934 at Plymouth R.D., Dillwyn LEWIS.
- Evelyn J.E. LEWIS, b. reg. Q3 1935 at Plymouth R.D.
- Valerie G. LEWIS, b. reg. Q2 1938 at Plymouth R.D.
- Diane LEWIS, b. reg. Q4 1951 at Plymouth R.D.
- Dorothy M. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q4 1917 at Plymouth R.D., d. reg. Q1 1919 at Plymouth R.D.
- Charles Albert SERCOMBE, b. 27 or 28 Dec 1869 at Exeter, b. reg. Q1 1870 at Exeter R.D., m1. reg. Q2 1891 at Plymouth R.D., Hetty Emma Susan TAPP (b. 4 Jan 1866 at Plymouth, Devon, d. 15 Jan 1913 in childbirth, d. reg. Q1 1913 at Newton Abbot R.D.), m2. Q2 1927 at Plymouth R.D. and again Q2 1939 at Newton Abbot R.D., Lilian Carlotta or Lily Charlotte CAMP (b. reg. Q3 1885 at Kingsbridge R.D., m1. reg. Q3 1903 at Devonport R.D., Richard Michael ANGOVE, d. reg. Q4 1961 at Newton Abbot R.D.), d. reg. Q1 1957 at Newton Abbot R.D. In 1871, living with his parents. In 1881, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1891, a porter for the Great Western Railway, living at 22 King Street, Plymouth St. Andrew, with his wife Hetty. At his daughter's baptism in 1892, a guard for the Great Western Railway, of 22 King Street, Plymouth. At his daughter's baptism in 1896, a guard for the Great Western Railway, of 34 Prospect Terrace, Newton Abbot. In 1901, a passenger guard for the Great Western Railway, living at 34 Prospect Terrace, Newton Abbot, Devon, with his wife Hetty and their children Hetty, Violet, and Alfred. In 1911, a passenger guard for the Great Western Railway, living at 21 Torquay Road, Newton Abbot, with his wife Hetty and their children Hetty, Violet, Alfred, William, Dorothy, Charles, and Clarence.
- Hetty Florence "Floss" SERCOMBE, b. 10 Aug 1892 at Plymouth, b. reg. Q3 1892 at Plymouth R.D., chr. 1 Sep 1892 at St. Peter, Plymouth, m. reg. Q4 1919 at Newton Abbot R.D., Frank RADFORD. In 1901, living with her parents. In 1911, a drapery shop assistant, living with her parents. Frank "was a hero of the Zeebrugge Raid in 1918 where he served with the Royal Marines" (D. Walsh, Royal Marines Historical Society).
- A son, twin with Floss, d. at birth.
- Violet Marian (or Marianne) SERCOMBE, b. 12 Oct 1896 at Newton Abbot, b. reg. Q4 1896 at Newton Abbot R.D., chr. 14 Nov 1896 at All Saints, Plymouth, m. reg. Q1 1924 at Plymouth R.D., Frederick R. "Fred" STOYLE. In 1901 and 1911, living with her parents.
- Doreen V. STOYLE, b. reg. Q1 1933 at Plymouth R.D.
- Charles C. STOYLE, b. reg. Q2 1936 at Plymouth R.D.
- Alfred Ernest SERCOMBE, b. 12 Jan 1900 at Newton Abbot, b. reg. Q1 1900 at Newton Abbot R.D., m. reg. Q4 1928 at Newton Abbot R.D., Louisa Frances COOMBE (b. 6 Jan 1902, d. reg. Q1 1979 at Torbay R.D.), d. reg. Q4 1963 at Newton Abbot R.D. In 1901, living with his parents. In 1911, at school, living with his parents. Worked on the railway at Paignton, Devon.
- William John "Bill" SERCOMBE, b. 1 Sep 1902 at Newton Abbot, b. reg. Q4 1902 at Newton Abbot R.D., m. reg. Q2 1929 at Totnes R.D., Melina Bessie (or Betty?) MILVERTON (b. 11 May 1908, d. reg. Feb 2001 at Tunbridge Wells R.D.), d. reg. Q3 1972 at Rugby R.D. In 1911, living with his parents.
- Denise "Twinks" SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q1 1933 at Newton Abbot R.D., m. Edward "Ted" BROUGHTON.
- Dorothy "Doll" SERCOMBE, b. 15 Jan 1906 at Newton Abbot, b. reg. Q1 1906 at Newton Abbot R.D., m1. reg. Q3 1925 at Plymouth R.D., John "Bill" ENGLISH, m2. reg. Q4 1942 at Plymouth R.D., James S. WINDEATT. In 1911, living with her parents.
- Maurice F. ENGLISH, b. reg. Q1 1926 at Plymouth R.D.
- Charles Albert SERCOMBE, b. 19 Dec 1908 at Newton Abbot, b. reg. Q1 1909 at Newton Abbot R.D., m. Aug 1934, m. reg. Q3 1934 at Edmonton R.D., Edith Mary PUTNAM, d. reg. Sep 1986 at Kensington and Chelsea R.D. In 1911, living with his parents.
- Richard Charles E. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1937 at Kensington R.D., m. reg. Q3 1964 at Surrey North Western R.D., Susan
- Graham Charles SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1972 at Surrey South Western R.D.
- Clarence Henry "Clar" "Harry" SERCOMBE, b. 22 Jan 1911 at Newton Abbot, b. reg. Q1 1911 at Newton Abbot R.D., m. reg. Q4 1932 at Farnham R.D., Gertrude Gladys "Gert" COX (b. 21 Jul 1909, d. 1993 in New Zealand), d. 8 Oct 2001 at Wellington Hospital, Wellington, New Zealand. In 1911, living with his parents.
- David John SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q3 1934 at Newton Abbot R.D., m. 21 Dec 1963 at St. Michael's
Anglican Church, Kelburn, near Wellington, Dawn Winifred Adele WHITE (b. at Wellington). Emigrated to New Zealand in 1963.
Researcher David Sercombe.
- Roger SERCOMBE (twin with Nigel), m. Vanessa CAMBOURNE.
- Keegan May SERCOMBE, b. 1999.
- Piper Beth SERCOMBE, b. 12 Jul 2002.
- Nigel SERCOMBE (twin with Roger), m. Jodi ONGLEY.
- Tom SERCOMBE, b. 1998.
- Max SERCOMBE (twin with Sam), b. 2000.
- Sam SERCOMBE (twin with Max), b. 2000.
- A son, b. 15 Jan 1913, d. at birth.
- Lilian "Babs" SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q3 1922 at Newton Abbot R.D.
- John SERCOMBE, b. 27 Oct 1928, b. reg. Q4 1928 at Newton Abbot R.D., m. reg. Q1 1951 at Newton Abbot R.D., Jean L. or
Jeanne SKINNER, d. reg. May 2001 at Teignbridge R.D.
- Peter J. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q1 1953 at Newton Abbot R.D., m. reg. Q1 1976 at Newton Abbot R.D., Kathleen "Katie" TOYE
- David John SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q1 1978 at Torbay R.D.
- Debra Jane "Debbie" SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1980 at Torbay R.D.
- Ernest SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1873 at Exeter, b. reg. Q1 1873 at Exeter R.D., d. reg. Q4 1895 at Plymouth R.D. In 1881, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1891, a railway porter, living with his parents.
- Another child, d. by 1911.
- Ann SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1833 at Dunsford, chr. 27 Jan 1833 at Dunsford, m. 14 Sep 1852 at Dunsford, m. reg. Q3 1852 at St. Thomas R.D., William WHITENOW (see sidebar). Confirmed 1847. In 1851, a house servant in the ESWORTHY household at Whidley, along with her brother John and their first cousin John SERCOMBE. At her marriage in 1852, of Dunsford; William was a husbandman, also of Dunsford; the witnesses were John SERCOMBE (Ann's brother) and Mary Ann GREENSLADE (his future wife). In 1861, a grocery shop keeper, living at Dunsford
village with her husband William (an agricultural laborer) and their children Emily, Caroline, and John.
- Emily WHITENOW, b. ca. 1852 at Dunsford. In 1861, a scholar, living with her parents.
- Caroline WHITENOW, b. ca. 1855 at Dunsford. In 1861, a scholar, living with her parents.
- John WHITENOW, b. ca. 1858 at Dunsford. In 1861, a scholar, living with his parents.
- Elizabeth SERCOMBE, chr. 19 Apr 1835 at Dunsford, m. 23 Jul 1853 at Dunsford, m. reg. Q3 1853 at St. Thomas R.D., John
PETHYBRIDGE (b. ca. 1831, son of Joseph PETHYBRIDGE, husbandman). Confirmed at Dunsford 1850.
- Eliza SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q4 1837 at St. Thomas R.D., chr. 12 Nov 1837 at Dunsford, m. 16 Feb 1861 at Dunsford, m. reg.
Q1 1861 at St. Thomas R.D., James PONSFORD. In 1851, a house servant in the TUCKETT household at Dunsford. Confirmed 1853.
- George SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1839 at Dunsford, b. reg. Q4 1839 at St. Thomas R.D., chr. 22 Dec 1839 at Dunsford, m. reg. Q4 1869 at Taunton R.D., Elizabeth NOTT (b. ca. 1845 at Bampton, Devon, d. reg. Q1 1923 at Ashton under Lyne R.D.), d. reg. Q4 1918 at St. Thomas R.D. In 1851, a farm apprentice in the SEWARD household at Dunsford village. In 1861, a carter in the SEWARD household at Upperton Farm, Dunsford. In 1871, a railway porter, living at Obridge, Taunton, Somerset, with his wife Elizabeth and daughter Emma. In 1881, a railway guard, living at Myrtle Place, Barnstaple, Devon, with his wife Elizabeth and children Emma, Albert, Eva, Rhoda, Walter, and Henry. In 1891, a railway goods guard, living at 22 Sunnybank, Barnstaple, with his wife Elizabeth and their children Rhoda, Walter, Sidney, Helen, Victor, and Alice. In 1901, a railway guard, living at 22 Sunnybank, Barnstaple, with his wife Elizabeth and their children Sidney, Victor, and Alice. At his son's marriage in 1902, a railway guard. At his son's marriage in 1908, a guard. In 1911, a jobbing gardener, living at 22 Sunny Bank, Barnstaple, with his wife Elizabeth and their daughter Rhoda.
- Emma SERCOMBE, b. ca. Oct 1870 at Taunton, b. reg. Q4 1870 at Taunton R.D., d. reg. Q2 1894 at Barnstaple R.D. In
1871, living with her parents. In 1881, a scholar, living with her parents. In 1891, a general domestic servant in the
SEYMOUR household at 80 Black Boy Road, Exeter St. Sidwell.
- Albert George SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1872 at Taunton, b. reg. Q1 1872 at Taunton R.D., m. Julia Ann
MOLONEY (b. ca. 1850 or 1862 or 1869 in Wales, d. reg. Q4 1942 at Cork R.D.), d. reg. 1904 in Ireland. In 1881, a scholar,
living with his parents. In 1891, a servant in the GILLISPI household at 13 Lansdown Place, Hove, Sussex. In 1901, Julia
was a cook, living at Castletownsend, Castlehaven parish, Co. Cork, with her sister Mary Ellen MOLONEY (b. ca. 1841 or
1865 in Wales) and her son James. In 1911, she was a domestic servant, living at Castletownsend with her sister Mary Ellen
and son James.
- James Nott SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1898 in Co. Cork, b. reg. Q4 1898 at Skibbereen R.D., d. reg. Q3 1956 at Skibbereen R.D.
In 1901, living with his mother. In 1911, a scholar, living with his mother.
- Eva SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1873 at Taunton, b. reg. Q2 1873 at Taunton R.D., m. 14 Apr 1900 at St. Andrew's, Leyland, Lancashire, m. reg. Q2 1900 at Chorley R.D., Seth WALMSLEY (b. ca. 1865 at Leyland). In 1881, a scholar, living with her parents. In 1891, a general domestic servant in the BRANNAN household at 10 Litchdon Street, Barnstaple. In 1911, assisting in her husband's business, living at 58 Towngate, Leyland, with her husband Seth (a baking confectioner), her sister Alice, and an assistant.
- (probably) Frank SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q1 1875 at Barnstaple R.D., d. reg. Q2 1877 at Barnstaple R.D.
- Rhoda May Nott SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1876 at Barnstaple St. Peter, b. reg. Q3 1876 at Barnstaple R.D., d. reg. Q3 1922 at Dorking R.D. In 1881, a scholar, living with her parents. In 1891, a domestic servant, living with her parents. In 1901, a barmaid, living with other resident staff at a hotel, 44-46 High Street, Weston Super Mare, Somerset. In 1911, a butcher's clerk, living with her parents.
- Walter SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1878 at Barnstaple, b. reg. Q1 1878 at Barnstaple R.D., m1. 3 Aug 1902 at St. Mary Magdalene, Addiscombe, Surrey, m1. reg. Q3 1902 at Croydon R.D., Jessie HEAD (daughter of John HEAD, a printer, who d. by 1902; b. ca. 1876, d. reg. Q2 1905 at Croydon R.D.), m2. reg. Q4 1907 at Croydon R.D., Mary ALLNUTT (b. ca. 1879 in Sussex, d. reg. Q2 1958 at Wolverhampton R.D.), d. reg. Q2 1947 at Wolverhampton R.D. In 1881, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1891, a stable boy, living with his parents. In 1901, a stable man, lodging at 21 Jarman's Row, Kensington, London. At his marriage in 1902, a carman, of 7 Oval Road; Jessie was of 93 Oval Road; the witnesses were Henry COLEMAN and Clara COLEMAN. In 1911, a carman, living at 10 Oval Road, East Croydon, Surrey, with his wife Mary, son Arthur, and daughter Hilda.
- Arthur George SERCOMBE, b. 7 Jun 1903 in Surrey, b. reg. Q3 1903 at Croydon R.D., m. reg. Q2 1929 at Hereford R.D., Lucy M. EAGLING, d. reg. Q4 1974 at Hereford R.D. In 1911, living with his father and stepmother.
- Ronald R. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q4 1930 at Chelsea R.D.
- Sidney Walter SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1905 at Croydon R.D., d. reg. Q3 1908 at Croydon R.D.
- Hilda May SERCOMBE, b. ca. Jun 1909 at Croydon, b. reg. Q3 1909 at Croydon R.D., m. reg. Q1 1956 at Wolverhampton R.D., Frederick G. FROST. In 1911, living with her parents.
- George SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1879 at Barnstaple R.D., d. reg. Q4 1879 at Barnstaple R.D.
- Henry John SERCOMBE, b. ca. Oct 1880 at Barnstaple, b. reg. Q4 1880 at Barnstaple R.D., d. reg. Q3 1886 at Barnstaple
R.D. In 1881, living with his parents.
- Sydney Charles SERCOMBE, b. Jan 1883 at Barnstaple, b. reg. Q1 1883 at Barnstaple R.D., m. 20 Apr 1908 at Holy Saviour, Croydon, Surrey, m. reg. Q2 1908 at Croydon R.D., Caroline PACKER (b. ca. 1888 at Croydon, daughter of Frederick Arthur PACKER, a harnessmaker). In 1891, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1901, a groom, living with his parents. At his marriage in 1908, a coachman, of 13 Windmill Grove, Croydon; Caroline was of the same address; the witnesses were Caroline's father and Emily PACKER. At his son's baptism in 1909, a coachman, of 62 Southbridge Road, Croydon. In Apr 1911, a domestic coachman, living at 5 Duppas Hill Lane, Croydon, with his wife Caroline and their son Frank. Emigrated to Canada in 1911, sailing from Liverpool to Quebec. In Jun 1911, a coachman, lodging at 127 George Street, Winnipeg, Manitoba. Caroline and her son Frank sailed from Liverpool to Quebec on the Corsican, arriving 5 Jul 1912, destination Hamilton, Ontario.
- Frank Sydney SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1909 at Croydon, b. reg. Q1 1909 at Croydon R.D., chr. 18 Apr 1909 at St. Andrew, Croydon. In 1911, living with his parents. In 1912, sailed from Liverpool to Quebec with his mother.
- Violet SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q4 1909 at Croydon R.D., d. reg. Q4 1909 at Croydon R.D.
- Victor SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q1 1911 at Croydon R.D., d. reg. Q1 1911 at Croydon R.D.
- Helen (or Ellen) SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1884 at Barnstaple, b. reg. Q4 1884 at Barnstaple R.D., m. reg. Q3 1905 at Barnstaple R.D., either Frederick John LEWIS or William MORRISH. In 1891, a scholar, living with her parents. In 1901, a general domestic servant, living in the MOON household at 76 High Street, Barnstaple.
- Victor Henry SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1886 at Barnstaple, b. reg. Q4 1886 at Barnstaple R.D., d. reg. Q1 1905 at Barnstaple
R.D. In 1891, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1901, an art potter, living with his parents.
- Alice Maud SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1889 at Barnstaple, b. reg. Q1 1889 at Barnstaple R.D., d. reg. Q4 1964 at Ashton R.D. In 1891, living with her parents. In 1901, living with her parents. In 1911, a baking confectioner, living with her sister Eva (and presumably employed by her husband).
- (probably) Elizabeth SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q3 1895 at Barnstaple R.D., d. reg. Q3 1895 at Barnstaple R.D.
- James SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1843 at Dunsford, b. reg. Q3 1843 at St. Thomas R.D., chr. 30 Jul 1843 at Dunsford, m. reg. Q4 1866 at Taunton R.D., Elizabeth BURSTON or BURSTOW (b. ca. 1843 at Coombe Florey or Combe Hay or Coombe Howly, Somerset, d. reg. Q2 1908 at West Ham R.D.), d. reg. Q4 1885 at Bath R.D. (Twerton subdistrict), bur. 12 Nov 1885 at Englishcombe, Somerset. In 1851, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1861, a carter, apprentice in the SEWARD household at Townsend Farm, Dunsford. In 1871, a policeman in the Somerset Constabulary, living at Huish Champflower, Somerset, with his wife Elizabeth and their sons Henry and John. At his son's baptism in 1872, a policeman. In 1881, a police constable, living at Dunkerton, Somerset, with his wife Elizabeth (a dressmaker) and their children James, John, William, Frank, Edwin, George, and Louisa. At his children's baptisms in 1883 and 1884, a policeman, of Inglescombe. At his death in 1885, of Inglescombe. Posthumously at his daughter's baptism in 1886, a policeman, of Inglescombe. In 1891, Elizabeth was living at Ten Acres, Englishcombe, with her children William, Frank, George, Louisa, Maud, Charles, and Amelia. In 1901, she was living at 7 Suffolk Park Road, Walthamstow, Essex, with her children John, William, Edwin, Charles, and Amelia, and her grandchildren John and Daisy. Posthumously in 1909 at his daughter Amelia's marriage, a police constable.
- Henry James SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1867 at Coombe Florey or Combe Hay, b. reg Q3 1867 at Taunton R.D. In 1871, living
with his parents. In 1881, an office boy, living with his parents.
- John SERCOMBE, b. ca. Jul 1869 at Taunton, Somerset, b. reg. Q1 1870 at Taunton R.D., m1. 13 Jan 1894 at Pontefract,
Yorkshire, m1. reg. Q1 1894 at Pontefract R.D., Mary Ann IGOE (b. ca. 1871 at York, Yorkshire, b. reg. Q4 1871 at York R.D.,
d. reg. Q2 1939 at Leeds R.D., daughter of Martin IGOE, an architect), m2.(?) Lydia (b. ca. 1883). In 1871, living with his
parents. In 1881, a scholar, living with his parents. (Where in 1891?) At his marriage in 1894, a laborer, of York
Street, Tanshelf; Mary Ann was of the same address; the witnesses were Charles COCKER and Nellie CARROLL. At
his daughter Daisy's baptism in 1898, a laborer, of 14 Surrey Row. In 1901, a general laborer, living with his mother and
listed on the census as a widower, but in fact Mary Ann was visiting the GERARD family at 12 Brass Street, Leeds,
Yorkshire, with her son James. In 1904, a miner, residence Chelsea, sailed from Liverpool with his wife Lydia on the ship
Campania, arriving at Ellis Island, New York, on 20 Feb 1904, destination New York. When his brother Charles
emigrated in 1910, of 281½ Second Street, Jersey City, New York. In 1911, Mary Ann was a tailoress (machinist),
describing herself as single but using the surname SERCOMBE, living at 2 Attack(?) Place, Corn(?) Hill, Leeds, with her
sons William and Walter.
- John Willie SERCOMBE, b. 5 Oct 1895 at Failsworth, Manchester, Lancashire, b. reg. Q4 1895 at Prestwich R.D., m. 1917 at St. Mark, Lyncombe, Somerset, m. reg. Q4 1917 at Bath R.D., Emily Esther WATTS (b. 16 Jan 1896, d. reg. Q1 1978 at South East Hampshire R.D.), d. reg. Q3 1969 at Portsmouth R.D. In 1901, living with his father and paternal grandmother. In 1911, an office clerk at an iron foundry, living with his father's sister Mary (who gave his birthplace as Pontefract, Yorkshire).
- Doris Daisy May SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q3 1918 at Bath R.D. (Twerton subdistrict), m. reg. Q2 1939 at Portsmouth R.D., Leslie T.C. JOHNSTON.
- David J.L. JOHNSTON, b. reg. Q2 1940 at Gosport R.D.
- Daisy Louise SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1898 at Blackfriars, London, b. reg. Q4 1898 at St. Saviour Southwark R.D., chr. 9 Oct
1898 at All Hallows, Southwark, d. reg. Q1 1916 at Bath R.D. (Bath Rural subdistrict). In 1901, living with her father and
paternal grandmother. In 1911, at school, living with her father's sister Mary.
- James Arnold SERCOMBE, b. 22 Mar 1900 at York or Waltham, London, m. at Box, Wiltshire, m. reg. Q1 1931 at Chippenham R.D., Phyllis Gertrude B. DREW (b. 18 Jun 1903, d. reg. Nov 1994 at Trowbridge R.D.), d. reg. Mar 1989 at Trowbridge R.D. In 1901, living with his mother. In 1911, living with his father's sister Mary.
- Maurice J. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q3 1933 at Chippenham R.D. (Corsham subdistrict), d. reg. Q3 1933 at Chippenham R.D.
- Michael C. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1934 at Chippenham R.D. (Corsham subdistrict), m. reg. Q4 1962 at Trowbridge R.D., Heather F.D. NICHOLLS (b. 1 Nov 1939, d. reg. May 2000 at Trowbridge R.D.).
- Christopher P. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q4 1963 at Trowbridge R.D.
- Russell R. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q3 1965 at Trowbridge R.D.
- William SERCOMBE, b. 21 Sep 1905 at Leeds, b. reg. Q3 1905 at Leeds R.D., m. 1930 at Isle Lane Methodist Chapel,
Holbeck, Leeds, m. reg. Q2 1930 at Leeds South R.D., Sophia Ellen EDGAR (b. 11 Mar 1906, d. reg. Q4 1977 at Leeds R.D.),
d. reg. Q4 1975 at Leeds R.D. In 1911, living with his mother.
- Eric SERCOMBE, b. 18 Nov 1931, b. reg. Q4 1931 at Leeds South R.D., m. reg. Q1 1953 at Leeds R.D., Irene McMANUS, d.
reg. Oct 1995 at Leeds R.D.
- Lesley SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q3 1953 at Leeds R.D., m. reg. Q3 1975 at Leeds R.D., Stephen P. GASCOIGNE.
- Kay SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1955 at Leeds R.D., m. reg. Q3 1975 at Leeds R.D., Richard J. ANDERSON.
- Mark Richard ANDERSON, b. reg. Q1 1977 at Leeds R.D.
- Eunice SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q4 1938 at Leeds South R.D., m. reg. Q4 1960 at Salisbury R.D., William T. THOMSON.
- Eric Taylor THOMSON, b. reg. Q3 1969 at Andover R.D.
- Lianne Patricia THOMSON, b. reg. Q3 1973 at Andover R.D.
- Shirley SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q4 1945 at Leeds R.D., m. reg. Q3 1962 at Leeds R.D., Charles A. OWEN.
- Kenneth C. SERCOMBE or OWEN, b. reg. Q1 1962 and Q4 1963 at Leeds R.D.
- Christopher T. OWEN, b. reg. Q4 1963 at Leeds R.D.
- Karen S. OWEN, b. reg. Q4 1964 at Leeds R.D.
- Peter Melvin OWEN, b. reg. Q1 1967 at Leeds R.D.
- Sharron Marie OWEN, b. reg. Q2 1969 at Leeds R.D.
- Angela Gail OWEN, b. reg. Q1 1972 at Leeds R.D.
- Walter SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1906 at Leeds, m1. 1933 at St. Peter, Leeds, m1. reg. Q2 1933 at Leeds North R.D., Frances
MORRITT (b. ca. 1910, d. reg. Q1 1961 at Leeds R.D.), m2. reg. Q3 1964 at Leeds R.D., Ada SQUIRES. In 1911, living with
his mother.
- William Henry SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1872 at Huish Champflower, chr. 4 Feb 1872 at Huish Champflower, b. reg. Q1 1872 at Dulverton R.D., d. reg. Q4 1952 at Essex South Western R.D. In 1881, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1891 and 1901, a general laborer, living with his mother. In 1908, residence 9 Rember Avenue, Walthamstow, and listed as next of kin by his brother George. In 1911, a general laborer in the building trade, lodging at 3 Walpole Street, Walthamstow.
- Frank SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1874 at Chipstable, Somerset, b. reg. Q1 1874 at Wellington Somerset R.D., m. at Holywell
Cross, m. reg. Q2 1895 at Chesterfield R.D., Hannah SHEPHERD (b. ca. 1875 at Clay Cross or North Wingfield, Derbyshire,
d. reg. Q2 1939 at Keighley R.D.), d. reg. Q4 1919 at Keighley R.D. In 1881, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1891,
a gamekeeper, living with his mother. In 1901, a police constable, living at Whitehall Road, Drighlington, Yorkshire, with
his wife Hannah and their children Arthur, Lilian, and Gladys. In 1911, a police constable for the West Riding County
Council, living at 32 Rupert Street, Keighley, Yorkshire, with his wife Hannah and their children Arthur and Gladys.
- Arthur SERCOMBE, b. 22 Sep 1895 at Clay Cross or North Wingfield, b. reg. Q4 1895 at Chesterfield R.D., m. reg. Q3
1921 at Keighley R.D., Gertrude A. AUTY (b. ca. 1895, d. reg. Q2 1964 at Worth Valley R.D.), d. reg. Q2 1972 at Lancaster
R.D. In 1901, living with his parents. In 1911, a punch minder at a worsted yarn mill, living with his parents.
- Frank Auty SERCOMBE, b. 6 Oct 1922, b. reg. Q4 1922 at Keighley R.D., m. reg. Q2 1945 at Keighley R.D., Peggy SMITH (b. ca. 1923, d. 22 Feb 2012 at Airedale General Hospital, funeral 2 Mar 2012 at Nab Wood Crematorium), d. reg. Q4 1974 at Bradford R.D. At her death in 2012, Peggy was of Bingley; see her death notice in the Bradford Telegraph and Argus, 27 Feb 2012.
- Carol Pauline SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1946 at Keighley R.D., m. reg. Q4 1968 at Worth Valley R.D., Barry C. SAYER.
- Joanne Lesley SAYER, b. reg. Q1 1970 at Worth Valley R.D.
- Jeanette Carol SAYER, b. reg. Q1 1972 at Worth Valley R.D.
- Patricia A. "Tricia" SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1946 at Keighley R.D., m. reg. Q3 1970 at Worth Valley R.D., Allan S. MARSTON.
- Nicola Jane MARSTON, b. reg. Q3 1972 at Worth Valley R.D.
- Clare Louise MARSTON, b. reg. Q3 1976 at Rochdale R.D.
- Audrey M. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1926 at Keighley R.D., m. reg. Q2 1948 at Worth Valley R.D., John B. "Jack" WHITWHAM.
- Simon A. WHITWHAM, b. reg. Q3 1949 at Worth Valley R.D.
- Terence J. WHITWHAM, b. reg. Q2 1953 at Worth Valley R.D.
- Lilian SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1897 at Clay Cross, b. reg. Q1 1897 at Chesterfield R.D., d. reg. Q1 1916 at Wakefield R.D.,
bur. 17 Jan 1916 at Drighlington. In 1901, living with her parents. In 1911, a patient in the West Riding Lunatic Asylum,
Stanley Road, Wakefield, Yorkshire. At her death in 1916, of the West Riding Asylum, Wakefield.
- Gladys SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1898 at Wibsey, Yorkshire, b. reg. Q3 1898 at North Bierley R.D., m. reg. Q4 1921 at North
Bierley R.D., William C. GREENWOOD. In 1901, living with her parents. In 1911, at school part time and a doffer at a
worsted yarn mill, living with her parents.
- Gwendolene GREENWOOD, b. reg. Q4 1923 at North Bierley R.D.
- Minnie SERCOMBE, b. ca. Jul 1900, b. reg. Q3 1900 at North Bierley R.D., d. reg. Q4 1900 at North Bierley R.D., bur.
5 Oct 1900 at Drighlington. At her death, of Drighlington.
- Edwin SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1876 at Chipstable or Temple Cloud, Somerset, b. reg. Q1 1876 at Wellington Somerset R.D., m.
26 Dec 1901 at St. John the Evangelist, Walthamstow, m. reg. Q4 1901 at West Ham R.D., Eliza CHIVERS (b. ca. 1877 at
Peasedown St. John, Somerset, d. reg. Q4 1941 at Birmingham R.D.; daughter of Isaac CHIVERS, a coal miner), d. reg. Q1
1947 at Birmingham R.D. In 1881, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1891, an errand boy, servant in the NEATE
household at The Close, Englishbatch, near Englishcombe. In Mar 1901, a general laborer, living with his mother. At his
marriage in Dec 1901, a laborer, of 8 Tavistock Avenue, Walthamstow; Eliza was also of Tavistock Avenue; the witnesses
were Edwin's brother William Henry and sister Mary. (Note that Edwin's sister Louisa was married the same day in the same
church.) In 1911, a public works contractor and general foreman, living at Belmont, Yardley Road, Yardley, Birmingham,
with his wife Eliza, their children William, Edith, Arthur, Gordon, and Ethel, and Eliza's sister Emma CHIVERS (a
companion and mother's help, b. ca. 1874 at Peasedown St. John).
- William Edwin SERCOMBE, b. 8 Nov 1902 at Walthamstow, b. reg. Q4 1902 at West Ham R.D., m. reg. Q2 1924 at Kings
Norton R.D., Gladys HARPER (b. 8 Jan 1903, d. reg. Jul 1990 at Birmingham R.D), d. reg. Q2 1978 at Birmingham R.D. In
1911, at school, living with his parents.
- Stanley Edwin SERCOMBE, b. 13 Oct 1924, b. reg. Q4 1924 at Birmingham South R.D., m. reg. Q4 1944 at Birmingham R.D., Constance May DUTSON (b. 20 Jan 1922, d. reg. Apr 2001 at Lichfield R.D.), d. reg. Jul 2002 at Lichfield R.D.
- Edwin J. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q3 1945 at Ilford R.D., m. reg. Q3 1969 at Birmingham R.D., Christine LEWIS.
- Harold W. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q3 1926 at Birmingham South R.D.
- Joan M. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q1 1928 at Birmingham South R.D., m. reg. Q2 1949 at Birmingham R.D., Thomas PRICE.
- Barrie A. PRICE, b. reg. Q4 1953 at Birmingham R.D.
- Trevor M. PRICE, b. reg. Q2 1956 at Birmingham R.D.
- June P. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q3 1936 at Birmingham R.D., m. reg. Q4 1959 at Birmingham R.D., Paul R. BEESLEY.
- Carol E. BEESLEY, b. reg. Q2 1961 at Meriden R.D.
- Helen C. BELSLEY, b. reg. Q1 1963 at Birmingham R.D.
- Susan Veronica BELSLEY, b. reg. Q1 1967 at Birmingham R.D.
- John G. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q3 1944 at Birmingham R.D., m. reg. Q1 1974 at Birmingham R.D., Joan E. HIPKISS.
- Edith Beatrice SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1903 at Walthamstow, b. reg. Q1 1904 at West Ham R.D., m. reg. Q4 1926 at Birmingham
South R.D., George R. GLOVER. In 1911, at school, living with her parents.
- Maurice J. GLOVER, b. reg. Q1 1929 at Birmingham South R.D.
- Arthur Alfred SERCOMBE, b. 10 May 1906 at Birmingham, b. reg. Q2 1906 at Aston R.D., m. reg. Q2 1934 at Birmingham R.D., Gladys E. COTTERILL, d. reg. Q4 1970 at Bournemouth R.D. In 1911, at school, living with his parents.
- Cherry H. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q1 1941 at Solihull R.D., m. reg. Q2 1967 at Solihull R.D., Barrie T. WILKINS.
- Brian Andrew WILKINS, b. reg. Q2 1967 at Birmingham R.D.
- Stephen Bruce WILKINS, b. reg. Q3 1968 at Birmingham R.D.
- Gordon Stanley SERCOMBE, b. 17 Oct 1907 at Birmingham, b. reg. Q4 1907 at Aston R.D., m. reg. Q3 1937 at Birmingham R.D., Dora G. HAYNES (m2. reg. Q1 1946 at Birmingham R.D., Albert STABLEFORD), m2. reg. Q2 1946 at Birmingham R.D., Beryl BARNES (b. 28 Dec 1923, d. reg. Oct 1999 at Hastings and Rother R.D.), d. reg. May 1987 at Hastings and Rother R.D. In 1911, living with his parents.
- Albert Morton SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q4 1909 at Solihull R.D., d. reg. Q1 1910 at Solihull R.D.
- Ethel Joy SERCOMBE, b. ca. Jan 1911 at Yardley, b. reg. Q1 1911 at Solihull R.D., m. reg. Q3 1938 at Birmingham R.D.,
Alfred J. NAYLON. In 1911, living with her parents.
- Roger J. NAYLON, b. reg. Q2 1942 at Birmingham R.D.
- Gilbert Henry SERCOMBE, b. 18 Sep 1912, b. reg. Q4 1912 at Aston R.D., m1. reg. Q4 1939 at Birmingham R.D., May R. SORRILL (m2. reg. Q1 1951 at Birmingham R.D., Sydney BURROWS), m2. reg. Q3 1950 at Thanet R.D., Florence Louisa LAMBOURNE (b. 27 Dec 1913, m1. reg. Q1 1932 at Southwark R.D., John W. HILLINGS, d. reg. Jul 1986 at Hastings and Rother R.D.), d. reg. Dec 1987 at Hastings and Rother R.D.
- Jon A. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1943 at Birmingham R.D.
- George SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1877 at Temple Cloud or Bath, Somerset, b. reg. Q4 1877 at Clutton R.D. (Harptree
subdistrict). In 1881, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1891, an agricultural laborer, living with his mother. Some
time before 1908, lived in New York for five years. In 1908, a miner, residence Walhamstow (Walthamstow?), sailed from
Southampton 20 May 1908 on the ship Oceanic, arriving at Ellis Island, New York, on 27 May 1908, destination (not
as a immigrant) 33 Manhattan Avenue, New York.
- Louisa Elizabeth SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1879 at Dunkerton, b. reg. Q4 1879 at Bath R.D. (Twerton subdistrict), m. 26 Dec
1901 at St. John the Evangelist, Walthamstow, m. reg. Q4 1901 at West Ham R.D., Fred HOLVEY (b. ca. 1876, son of Joseph
HOLVEY). In 1881, living with her parents. In 1891, at home, living with her mother. In Mar 1901, a hotel house
chambermaid at the Devonshire House Hotel, 12 Bishopsgate Street, St. Botolph without Bishopsgate, London. At her marriage
in Dec 1901, of Tavistock Avenue, Walthamstow; Fred was a coal miner, of 8 Tavistock Avenue; the witnesses were Lily
Amelia HOLVEY and Louisa's brother John SERCOMBE. (Note that Louisa's brother Edwin was married the same day in the same
- Annie SERCOMBE, b. Jun 1881, b. reg. Q2 1881 at Bath R.D. (Twerton subdistrict), d. reg. Q3 1882 at Bath R.D. (Twerton subdistrict), bur. 20 Sep 1882 at Englishcombe. At her death in 1882, of Englishcombe.
- Alice Maude or Maud Mary SERCOMBE, b. 24 Jan 1883 at Englishcombe, b. reg. Q1 1883 at Bath R.D. (Twerton subdistrict), chr. 4 Mar 1883 at Englishcombe, d. reg.
Q1 1970 at Bath R.D. In 1891, a scholar, living with her mother. In 1901, a housemaid in the SEARLE household at 36 Stratford Road, Kensington, London. When her brother Charles emigrated in 1910, of 115 Coronation Avenue, Bath. In 1911, living at 115 Coronation Court, Bath, with her brother John's children John, Daisy, and James.
- Charles Leonard SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1884 at Englishcombe or Dunkerton, chr. 28 Dec 1884 at Englishcombe, b. reg. Q1 1885 at Bath R.D. (Twerton subdistrict), m1. ca. 1915 Adelaide (b. ca. 1882 in England), m2. ca. 1926 Henrietta BAUMGARTEN (b. ca. 1891 in New York, d. 1940). In 1891, a scholar, living with his mother. In 1901, living with his mother. In 1909, a witness at his sister Amelia's marriage in Bath. On 16 Mar 1910, sailed from Southampton on the Philadelphia, arriving at New York on 24 Mar 1910. On the passenger manifest, listed his sister Maud Mary as his nearest relative in England, his own most recent permanent residence as London, and his destination as Jersey City to join his brother John. Naturalized as a U.S. citizen in 1916. In 1920, a construction laborer, living at 75 Lafayette Avenue, Brooklyn, New York, with his wife Adelaide and their son Charles. In 1930, a construction worker for a contractor, living at 111-16 172nd Street, Jamaica, Queens, New York, with his wife Henrietta, his son Charles, and Henrietta's mother.
- Charles Boyce SERCOMBE, b. 1 Feb 1918 in New York, m. Janet Doris FRAYNE. In 1920, living with his parents. In 1930,
living with his father and stepmother.
- Jennifer SERCOMBE.
- Charles SERCOMBE. Editor of the Hamtramck Review in Hamtramck,
- Amelia Jane SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1886 at Englishcombe, b. reg. Q1 1886 at Bath R.D. (Twerton subdistrict), chr. 23 May 1886 at Englishcombe, m. 3 Apr 1909 at The Ascension, Claude Avenue, Bath, m. reg. Q2 1909 at Bath R.D., Albert DURBIN (b. ca. 1884, son of Thomas DURBIN, a miner). In 1891 and 1901, living with her mother. At her marriage in 1909, of 115 Coronation Avenue, South Twerton; Albert was a miner, of Peasedown St. John; the witnesses were Charles L. SERCOMBE (Amelia's brother) and Ellen DURBIN.
- Stanley DURBIN, b. reg. Q4 1912 at Bath R.D. (Twerton subdistrict).
- Percy R. DURBIN, b. reg. Q3 1920 at Clutton R.D.
- Emma SERCOMBE, chr. 7 Oct 1846 at Dunsford, b. reg. Q4 1846 at St. Thomas R.D., d. aged 4 days, d. reg. Q4 1846 at St. Thomas R.D., bur. 13 Oct 1846 at Dunsford. At her death in 1846, of Vicarage Cott.
- Samuel SERCOMBE, chr. 24 Mar 1805 at Dunsford, m. 15 Mar 1831 at Moretonhampstead, Devon, Mary SHILSTONE (chr. 27 Dec 1807 at Dunsford, d. 12 Jun 1887 at Plymouth, Devon, d. reg. Q2 1887 at Plymouth R.D.), d. 29 May 1878 at Dunsford, d. reg. Q2 1878 at St. Thomas R.D., bur. 2 Jun 1878 at Dunsford. In 1821, living with his parents. In 1832-34, a laborer, of Berry Cross. At his son's baptism in 1844, a laborer, of Symonds Cott, Dunsford. In 1851, an agricultural laborer, living at Symonds, Dunsford, with his wife Mary, their children Maryann and George, his nephew William SERCOMBE, and his niece Ann SERCOMBE. In 1861, an agricultural laborer, living at Symons Cottage, Dunsford, with his wife Mary and their children Mary Ann and George. At his daughter's marriage in 1864, a laborer. In 1871, an agricultural laborer, living at Symons Cott No. 1, Dunsford, with his wife Mary and a lodger.
- John SERCOMBE, chr. 26 Feb 1832 at Dunsford, m. (when and where?) Elizabeth HUBBER (b. ca. 1834 at
Dunsford, d. reg. Q1 1906 at Plymouth R.D.), d. reg. Q2 1918 at St. Thomas R.D. In 1843, apprenticed by the parish of
Dunsford to William ESWORTHY of Whidley Farm. Confirmed in 1847. In 1851, a farmer's apprentice in the ESWORTHY
household at Whidley, Dunsford, along with his first cousins John SERCOMBE and Ann
SERCOMBE. At his son's baptism in 1856, of Symonds Cott, Dunsford. At his daughter's baptism in 1858, of Dunsford. In
1861, an ostler, living at Bedford Street, Exeter, with his wife Elizabeth, their children Francis, Emily, and Harry, and
a lodger. In 1862, of Dunsford. In 1871, a postboy, living at Bedford Street, Exeter, with his wife Elizabeth (a
housekeeper) and their children Francis, Emily, and Harry. In 1881, a coachman, living at St. Lawrence's Court, Exeter,
with his wife Elizabeth, their son Harry, and Elizabeth's parents. In 1891, an innkeeper, living at the Boot Inn, 47a
Bedford Street, Plymouth, Devon, with his wife Elizabeth, their grandson Francis (son of their son Harry), and Elizabeth's
sister Sarah. Note that John's brother George ran the Bedford Hotel at 1 Bedford Street in 1881 and 1891. In 1901, an
innkeeper, living at 105 Exeter Street, Plymouth, with his wife Elizabeth and her sister Sarah. In 1911, an old age pensioner and retired licensed victualler, living with his brother George.
- William SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1855 at St. Thomas R.D., chr. 25 Mar 1855 at Dunsford, d. age 11 weeks, d. reg. Q2 1855
at St. Thomas R.D., bur. 3 Jun 1855 at Dunsford. At his death in 1855, of Dunsford.
- Francis SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1856 at Dunsford, b. reg. Q4 1856 at St. Thomas R.D., chr. 2 Nov 1856 at Dunsford, m. reg. Q1 1881 at Exeter R.D., Ellen TOWELL (daughter of Charles TOWEL, a seaman; b. ca. 1857 at Exeter, m2. 5 Nov 1905 at Holy Trinity, Exeter, m2. reg. Q4 1905 at Exeter R.D., Joseph GRAY, d. reg. Q3 1929 at St. Thomas R.D.), d. reg. Q2 1905 at St. Thomas R.D. In 1861, living with his parents. In 1871, a stable boy, living with his parents. In 1881, a bus coachman, living at 174 Sidwell Street, Exeter, with his wife Ellen and their (or her?) daughter Ellen. At his daughter's birth in 1885, a coachman, of 8 Regents Square, Heavitree, Devon. In 1891, a bus driver, living at 8 Regents Square, Heavitree. (Where was Ellen in 1891?) In 1901, a cab driver, living at 8 Regents Square, Heavitree, with his wife Ellen and their children Francis and Ellen. At her second marriage in 1905, Ellen was of Friars Terrace; Joseph was a laborer, of Kimberley Road. In 1911, she was a general servant, charing, living at 32 Regents Square, Heavitree, with her daughter Nellie. Posthumously, at his daughter's marriage in 1912, occupation illegible.
- Ellen SERCOMBE (perhaps a stepdaughter?), b. ca. 1876 at Bideford, Devon. In 1881, a scholar, living with her parents.
(Where after 1881?)
- Elizabeth Beatrice or Beatrice Elizabeth SERCOMBE, b. 30 Oct 1885 at 8 Regents Square, Heavitree, Devon, b. reg. Q4 1885 at St. Thomas R.D., m. reg. Q3 1908 at Exeter R.D., Herbert Albert PEARCE (b. ca. 1882 at Exeter). (Where in 1891?) In 1901, a housemaid in the MUNRO household at Mt. Vernon, Exeter. In 1911, living at 6 East Wonford Hill, Heavitree, with her husband Herbert (a shop porter for a picture framer) and their daughter Lillian.
- Lillian PEARCE, b. ca. 1908 at Exeter. In 1911, living with her parents.
- Another child, d. by 1911.
- Emily Maud SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1887 at Heavitree, b. reg. Q3 1887 at St. Thomas R.D., m. 6 Apr 1912 at Holy Trinity, Exeter, m. reg. Q2 1912 at Exeter R.D., Frank Richard BEAVIS (b. ca. 1887, son of William BEAVIS, a railway man). (Where in 1891?) In 1901, a general domestic servant in the WEEKS household at 2 Richmond Grove, Heavitree. In 1911, a housemaid at the West of England Eye Infirmary, Magdalen Street, Exeter. At her marriage in 1912, of the Eye Infirmary, Magdalen Street, Exeter; Frank was a leading cook's mate in the Royal Navy, of H.M.S. Devonshire; the witnesses were Leonard Bretred BEAVIS and Rose Mary THORNE.
- Ellen I. BEAVIS, b. reg. Q2 1916 at Exeter R.D.
- Frank W. BEAVIS, b. reg. Q4 1920 at Exeter R.D.
- Marjorie J. BEAVIS, b. reg. Q4 1928 at Exeter R.D.
- Francis John SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1892 at Exeter, b. reg. Q2 1892 at St. Thomas R.D., d. reg. Q1 1906 at St. Thomas R.D.
In 1901, living with his parents.
- Ellen Irene "Nellie" SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1898 at Exeter, b. reg. Q3 1898 at St. Thomas R.D., d. reg. Q2 1912 at St. Thomas R.D. In 1901, living with her parents. In 1911, at school, living with her mother.
- Emily SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q4 1858 at St. Thomas R.D., chr. 14 Nov 1858 at Dunsford, m. 13 Mar 1881 at St. Lawrence, Exeter, m. reg. Q1 1881 at Exeter R.D., James HONYWILL (son of James HONYWILL, a laborer), d. by 1911. In 1861, living with her parents. In 1871, a scholar, living with her parents. At her marriage in 1881, of St. Lawrence Place; James was a hotel servant, of Plymouth; the witnesses were Francis SERCOMBE (Emily's brother) and W. BURNS.
- Harry SERCOMBE, b. ca. Nov 1860 at Exeter, b. reg. Q1 1861 at Exeter R.D., m. (when and where?) Laura KINGDON (b. ca. 1854 at Rackenford, Devon, m2. reg. Q2 1897 at Exeter R.D., Walter MATTHEWS, who was b. ca. 1848 at Budleigh Salterton, Devon), d. reg. Q1 1891 at Exeter R.D. In 1861, living with his parents. In 1871, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1881, a coachman, living with his parents, listed as unmarried; his "wife" Laura was living at Paul Street, Exeter, listed as "wife of a coachman at service". In 1891, Laura was a charwoman, living at 2 Laurence's Place, Exeter, with her children Emily and Harry. In 1901, she was living at 5 Guinea Street, Exeter, with her second husband Walter (a brick laborer), her children John, Francis, Emily, and Harry SERCOMBE, and Walter's children Edward Lewis and Alfred Ernest MATTHEWS (b. ca. 1893 and 1897 at Exeter). Posthumously at his son's marriage in May 1910, a laborer, and at his daughter's marriage in Dec 1910, a coachman. In 1911, Laura was a paper sorter at a paper mill, living at 4 King Street, Exeter, with her husband Walter (a general laborer) and her son Henry John.
- John Henry or Henry John SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1884 at Exeter, b. reg. Q1 1884 at Exeter R.D., m. 24 Dec 1911 at Holy Trinity, Exeter, m. reg. Q4 1911 at Exeter R.D., Alice Eva LOWE (daughter of Samuel LOWE, a miner). (Where in 1891?) In 1901, a tanyard laborer, living with his mother and stepfather. In Apr 1911, a general laborer, living with his mother and stepfather. At his marriage in Dec 1911, a stoker, of 4 King Street; Alice was of 6 Haldon View; the witnesses were Francis SERCOMBE (presumably John's brother) and Maud Florence BRAUND.
- Ethel M. SERCOMBE (twin with Eva), b. reg. Q2 1913 at St. Thomas R.D., d. reg. Q3 1913 at St. Thomas R.D.
- Eva M. SERCOMBE (twin with Ethel), b. reg. Q2 1913 at St. Thomas R.D., d. reg. Q3 1913 at St. Thomas R.D.
- Henry John SERCOMBE, b. 16 Dec 1915, b. reg. Q1 1916 at St. Thomas R.D., m1. reg. Q3 1938 at Exeter R.D., Gladys M.
STADDON (b. ca. 1913, d. reg. Q4 1941 at Exeter R.D.), m2. reg. Q2 1944 at Exeter R.D., Dorothy Nora R.A. WOODLAND (b. 3
Oct 1917, d. reg. Dec 1996 at Exeter R.D.), d. reg. Oct 1996 at Exeter R.D.
- Mervyn J. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1941 at Exeter R.D., m. reg. Q4 1964 at Devon Central R.D., Susan HILL.
- Anne Marie SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q1 1967 at Exeter R.D.
- Joanne SERCOMBE, b. 24 Jul 1974, b. reg. Q3 1974 at Exeter R.D., d. reg. Q1 1981 at Exeter R.D.
- David A. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q1 1945 at Exeter R.D.
- Marjorie E. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1950 at Exeter R.D., m. reg. Q3 1972 at Exeter R.D., Anthony R. DUNN.
- Michael S. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q3 1957 at Exeter R.D.
- Alice E. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q1 1920 at St. Thomas R.D.
- Francis SERCOMBE, b. 15 Sep 1885 at Exeter, b. reg. Q4 1885 at Exeter R.D., m. 16 May 1910 at St. John and St. George, Exeter, m. reg. Q2 1910 at Exeter R.D., Gertrude Florence MOXEY (b. 7 Oct 1889 at Exeter, d. reg. Q3 1980 at Exeter R.D.; daughter of Edwin Francis MOXEY, a carpenter), d. reg. Q1 1972 at Exeter R.D. In 1891, living with his paternal grandparents. In 1901, a brick laborer, living with his mother and stepfather. At his marriage in 1910, a miller, of 4 King Street, Exeter; Gertrude was of Friernhay Street, Exeter; the witnesses were William MOXEY, Emily SERCOMBE (presumably Francis's sister), Emily PARK, and Frank MOXEY. In 1911, a miller for Brayta Co., living at 10 Cottons Buildings, Mermaid Yard, Exeter, with his wife Gertrude.
- Albert Edward H. SERCOMBE, b. 24 Nov 1913, b. reg. Q1 1914 at St. Thomas R.D., m. reg. Q4 1939 at Exeter R.D., Olive M. BOTTERELL (b. 12 Feb 1911, b. reg. Q1 1911 at St. Thomas R.D., d. reg. Sep 2002 at Exeter R.D.), d. reg. Jul 2005 at Exeter R.D.
- Edward F. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q4 1940 at Newmarket R.D., d. reg. Q4 1940 at Newmarket R.D.
- Michael SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q4 1941 at Exeter R.D., d. reg. Q4 1941 at Exeter R.D.
- Trevor J. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q4 1943 at Louth R.D., m. reg. Q2 1969 at Reading R.D., Hilary C. ANDREWS.
- Justin Trevor SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1971 at Oxford R.D., m. reg. Jul 1996 at Swindon R.D., Tina OKE.
- Christian John SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1971 at Oxford R.D., m1. reg. Jul 1994 at Swindon R.D., Karen LINEHAN, m2. reg. Sep 2003 at Swindon R.D., Claire E. TODKILL.
- Lauren Rebecca SERCOMBE, b. reg. Nov 2000 at Swindon R.D.
- Priscilla M. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q3 1946 at Exeter R.D., m. reg. Q1 1966 at Exeter R.D., Leonard R. SYLVESTER.
- Michelle Louise SYLVESTER, b. reg. Q3 1967 at Exeter R.D.
- Leslie E. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q4 1921 at St. Thomas R.D., m. reg. Q2 1946 at Exeter R.D., Beatrice M. BROOKS.
- Roger J. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1947 at Exeter R.D., m. reg. Q1 1968 at Exeter R.D., Barbara A. HARDWIDGE.
- Neal Matthew SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q1 1972 at Exeter R.D.
- Joanne Clare SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1975 at Exeter R.D.
- Catherine Louise SERCOMBE, b. reg. Mar 1985 at Exeter R.D.
- Philip L. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1950 at Exeter R.D., m. reg. Q2 1980 at Exeter R.D., Margaret E. SHEARMAN.
- Martin John SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1982 at Exeter R.D.
- David Matthew SERCOMBE, b. reg. Oct 1985 at Exeter R.D.
- Christopher P. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q1 1951 at Exeter R.D., m. reg. Q2 1974 at Exeter R.D., Jacqueline CANN.
- Vicki SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q3 1975 at Exeter R.D., m. reg. Nov 2001 at Exeter R.D., James M. DERBYSHIRE.
- Ethan James SERCOMBE, later Ethan James DERBYSHIRE, b. reg. Mar 1999 at Exeter R.D., b. rereg. Dec 2001 at Exeter R.D.
- Emma SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q3 1978 at Exeter R.D.
- Teresa K. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q3 1956 at Exeter R.D., m. reg. Q1 1978 at Exeter R.D., Anthony HARRIS.
- Mark Antony SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q1 1969 at Exeter R.D.
- Florence W. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1924 at St. Thomas R.D., m. reg. Q3 1951 at Exeter R.D., Harold G. WILLIAMS.
- Emily Maud SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1888 at Exeter, b. reg. Q1 1888 at Exeter R.D., m. 11 Dec 1910 at St. John and St. George, Exeter, m. reg. Q4 1910 at Exeter R.D., Mungo Park WILMOT (b. ca. 1888 at Victoria, British Columbia, son of Cleaveland WILMOT, a coachman). In 1891, living with her mother. In 1901, living with her mother and stepfather. At her marriage in 1910, of King Street, Exeter; Mongo was an engineer, of 4 King Street; the witnesses were her brothers John and Francis, Francis's wife Gertrude, and Bessie Eleanor HILL. In 1911, a domestic servant, living at 15 Jubilee Street, Exeter, with her husband Mongo (an ice packer in an ice works) and her boarding half-brother Edward Lewis MATTHEWS (a miller).
- Alice Ellen WILMOT, b. reg. Q4 1911 at Exeter R.D.
- Montague WILMOT, b. reg. Q3 1914 at St. Thomas R.D.
- Emily M. WILMOT, b. reg. Q3 1916 at St. Thomas R.D.
Ancestor of researcher Pauline Boyes.
- Winifred Laura WILMOT, b. reg. Q4 1920 at Exeter R.D.
- Harry SERCOMBE, b. ca. Feb 1891 at Exeter, b. reg. Q1 1891 at Exeter R.D., k. in action 18 Dec 1914. In 1891, living with his mother. In 1901, living with his mother and stepfather. In 1911, a private (and barber) in the Second Battalion, Devonshire Regiment, stationed at St. George's Barracks, Malta, together with his third cousin Montague SERCOMBE. At his death in 1914, a private in the Second Battalion, Devonshire Regiment. Memorial at Le Touret Military Cemetery, Richebourg-l'Avoue, Pas de Calais, France. On 26 May 1915, the army authorized payment of wages and effects amounting to £9 7s. 1d. in equal shares to his mother Laura, brothers Henry and Francis, sister Emily, and half-brothers Edward Lewis and Alfred Ernest. On 14 Jun 1919, the army authorized payment of a war gratuity of £5 to his mother Laura.
- Mary Ann SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1834 at Dunsford, chr. 19 Oct 1834 at Dunsford, m. 11 Sep 1864 at St.
Lawrence, Exeter, m. reg. Q3 1864 at Exeter R.D., Robert Anthony AGER (b. ca. 1831 at Plymouth, Devon, son of Robert AGER,
a brass founder). Confirmed at Dunsford in 1850. In 1851, living with her parents. In 1861, a dressmaker, living with her
parents. At her marriage in 1864, a shop assistant, of Exeter; Robert was a sergeant in the Royal Marines, also of Exeter;
the witnesses were George SERCOMBE (Mary Ann's brother) and Priscilla WHITE (his soon-to-be wife). In 1871, a dressmaker,
living at 1 College Place, Chester Street, Cirencester, Gloucestershire, with her husband Robert (a pensioner sergeant in
the Royal North Gloucestershire Militia) and their daughters Annie and Alice. In 1881, living at 31 Love Street, Plymouth,
with her husband Robert (a licensed victualler), their children Alice, Kate, Henry, and Florence, and a servant. In 1891,
living at 38 Frankfort Street, Plymouth, with her husband Robert (a licensed victualler), their children, Alice, Kate, and
Henry, Kate's daughter Ruby, and a servant. (Is this Mary Ann SERCOMBE?)
- Annie Sophia AGER, b. ca. 1866 in Ireland, d. reg. Q3 1875 at East Stonehouse R.D. In 1871, a scholar, living with her
- Alice AGER, b. ca. 1868 at Stonehouse, Devon. In 1871, living with her parents. In 1881, a scholar, living with her
parents. In 1891, living with her parents.
- Kate AGER, b. ca. 1871 at Cirencester, b. reg. Q4 1871 at Cirencester R.D., m. reg. Q3 1889 at Chelsea R.D., Henry
MARTIN. In 1881, a scholar, living with her parents. In 1891, living with her parents.
- Ruby Kate MARTIN, b. ca. 1889 at Plymouth. In 1891, living with her mother and maternal grandparents.
- Henry AGER, b. ca. 1875 at Stonehouse. In 1881, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1891, a photographer's
apprentice, living with his parents.
- Florence AGER, b. ca. 1877 at Plymouth. In 1881, a scholar, living with her parents.
- George SERCOMBE, b. 28 Dec 1843 at Symonds Cottage, Dunsford, b. reg. Q1 1844 at St. Thomas R.D., chr. 14 Jan 1844 at Dunsford, m. 25 Sep 1864 at Dunsford, m. reg. Q3 1864 at St. Thomas R.D., Priscilla WHITE (b. ca. 1839 at Tywardreath or St. Austell, Cornwall, chr. 7 Apr 1839 at Tywardreath, d. 12 Apr 1889 at Plymouth, d. reg. Q2 1889 at Plymouth R.D.), d. 21 Nov 1912 at Modbury, Devon, d. reg. Q4 1912 at Kingsbridge R.D. In 1851, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1861, an agricultural laborer, living with his parents. At his marriage in 1864, a railway porter, of Newton Abbot; Priscilla was a servant, of Dunsford. In 1871, a switchman for the South Devon Railway, living at South Devon Cottages, Newton Abbot, with his wife Priscilla and their sons George and Francis; also enumerated as a railway official, visiting the MALEY household at 25 Southampton Street, Clerkenwell, London (James MALEY, head of household, was b. ca. 1834 at St. Austell). At his daughter's baptism in 1876, a licensed victualler, of 24 James Street, Plymouth. In 1881, a licensed victualler, living at 1 Bedford Street, Plymouth, with his mother, his wife Priscilla, their children George and Francis, Priscilla's sister Eliza, and a servant. In 1891, a licensed victualler, living at the Bedford Hotel, 1 Bedford Street, with his son George, his late wife's sister Eliza, and a servant (his brother John ran the Boot Inn at 47a Bedford Street). At his son's marriage in 1897, a hotel proprietor. In 1901, a hotel keeper and farmer, living at the Royal Oak, Dunsford, with his late wife's sister Eliza, visitor John HOOPER (b. ca. 1887 at Plymouth), and servant Susan SERCOMBE. In 1911, a licensed victualler, living at the Royal Oak, Dunsford, with his brother John, his late wife's sister Eliza (the Royal Oak housekeeper), visitor Louisa LASKEY (at school, b. ca. 1896 at Drewsteignton), farm cow boy Reginald SERCOMBE, and a bar assistant.
- George Edward SERCOMBE, b. 2 Oct 1865 at Newton Abbot, b. reg. Q4 1865 at Newton Abbot R.D., m. 29 Jun 1897 at St. Andrew's, Julian Road, Walcot, Bath, Somerset, m. reg. Q2 1897 at Bath R.D., Alice Frances Mary HOOPER (daughter of Mark Edward HOOPER, an accountant; b. 3 Sep 1875 at Bath, d. 21 Jan 1934 at Exmouth, Devon, d. reg. Q1 1934 at St. Thomas R.D.), d. 29 Oct 1932 at Exmouth, d. reg. Q4 1932 at St. Thomas R.D. In 1871, living with his parents. In 1881 and 1891, an optician, living with his parents. At his marriage in 1897, a hotel proprietor, of Plymouth St. Andrew; Alice was of 9 Chatham Row; the witnesses were James R. HOOPER and Ethel May HOOPER. At his daughter's baptism in 1898, a hotel keeper, of 1 Bedford Street, Plymouth. In 1901, proprietor of the Bude Hotel, 188 Sidwell Street, Exeter St. Sidwell, with his wife Alice, their daughters Marjorie and Kathleen, a nurse, six hotel employees, and one visitor. In 1911, a farmer, living at Meadhay, Dunsford, with his wife Alice (engaged in dairy work), their daughters Marjorie, Kathleen, Phyllis, Eileen, and Georgina, and a boarder. (Another entry on the 1911 census form, "Emily Millicent" with no other details, is crossed out. Perhaps this was intended to be Emily Millicent SAUNDERS, an 18-year-old domestic servant, who is enumerated at Court, Dunsford, with her parents. Perhaps she worked for the SERCOMBE family but did not spend the night there on census day.)
- Marjorie Mavis SERCOMBE, b. 20 Aug 1898 at Plymouth, b. reg. Q4 1898 at Plymouth R.D., chr. 14 Sep 1898 at St. Andrew, Plymouth, In 1901, living with her parents. In 1911, at school, living with her parents.
- Kathleen Mary SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1900 at Exeter, b. reg. Q2 1900 at Exeter R.D. In 1901, living with her parents. In 1911, at school, living with her parents.
- Phyllis Marie SERCOMBE, b. 21 Apr 1901 at Exeter, Devon, b. reg. Q2 1901 at Exeter R.D., m. reg. Q3 1931 at Taunton R.D., Henry M. MORECOMBE, d. 2 May 1993 at Cirencester, d. reg. May 1993 at Cirencester R.D. In 1911, at school, living with her parents.
Ancestor of researcher Dave Morecombe.
- Lionel G. MORECOMBE, b. reg. Q1 1933 at Newton Abbot R.D.
- Evelyn (or Eileen) Alice SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1903 at Exeter, b. reg. Q2 1903 at Exeter R.D., m. reg. Q1 1931 at Kensington R.D., Frank M. RORIE. In 1911, at school, living with her parents.
- Georgina Violet or Violet Georgina SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1908 at Modbury, Devon, b. reg. Q4 1908 at Kingsbridge R.D., d. reg. Q2 1951 at Exeter R.D. In 1911, living with her parents.
- Francis John SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1867 at Newton Abbot or Newton Bushel, b. reg. Q4 1867 at Newton Abbot R.D., d. reg.
Q3 1908 at Yarmouth R.D. In 1871, living with his parents. In 1881, a scholar, living with his parents. (Where in 1891?)
In 1901, an engineer on the cadet training ship H.M.S. Britannia, Dartmouth, Devon.
- (probably) Edith SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1870 at Newton Abbot R.D., d. reg. Q4 1870 at Newton Abbot R.D.
- Eliza Priscilla Minnie SERCOMBE, b. 5 Feb 1875, b. reg. Q1 1875 at Plymouth R.D., chr. 25 Oct 1876 at Charles the Martyr, Plymouth, d. reg. Q3 1877 at Plymouth R.D.
- Ann SERCOMBE, chr. 29 Sep 1765 at Dunsford, m. 1 Jun 1790 by banns at Dunsford, William RENDLE. James [COUNAFUEL?]
witnessed the marriage in 1790.
- Thomas SERCOMBE, chr. 26 Sep 1727 at Dunsford, m. 8 Aug 1748 at Dunsford, Elizabeth HAYDON (bur. 27 Jul 1788 at
Dunsford), bur. 2 Dec 1786 at Dunsford. At his son's baptism in 1748, known as "Thomas Syrcome junior" to distinguish him
from Thomas SERCOMBE (relationship unknown). Assessed for land tax of 1s. 10d. per year at Holegate
Cottage, Dunsford, from 1780 to 1786. At Elizabeth's burial in 1788, she was a pauper.
- John SYRCOME, chr. 30 Nov 1748 at Dunsford.
- Mary SYRCOMBE, chr. 2 Mar 1749/50 at Dunsford.
- Elizabeth SERCOMBE, chr. 2 Feb 1751/2 at Dunsford. In 1765, privately apprenticed to John DYMOND and his wife Sarah.
- George SERCOMBE, chr. 14 Mar 1754 at Dunsford, bur. 1 May 1777 at Dunsford.
- William SERCOMBE, chr. 13 Feb 1757 at Dunsford, bur. 13 May 1819 at Dunsford. At his burial in 1819, of Stanmans Cott,
- Richard SERCOMBE, chr. privately 11 Mar 1759 and publicly 30 Mar 1759 at Dunsford, bur. 30 Mar 1759 at Dunsford.
- Thomas SERCOMB, chr. 11 Oct 1761 at Dunsford.
- Nicholas SERCOMBE, chr. 11 Jun 1764 at Dunsford, bur. 16 Dec 1764 at Dunsford.
- George SYRCOMBE, chr. 7 Aug 1730 at Dunsford, m1. 15 Jul 1752 at Bridford, Patience WILLIAMS (bur. 27 Aug 1752 at
Bridford), m2. 7 Sep 1755 by banns at Dunsford, Betty SHUTE (b. ca. 1723, bur. 25 Feb 1807 at Dunsford), bur. 10 Apr 1802
at Dunsford. George's second marriage in 1755 was witnessed by Thomas HULSE.
- George SERCOMBE, chr. 10 Mar 1756 at Dunsford, bur. 10 May 1818 at Dunsford. In 1818, of Berry Cross.
- Elizabeth SIRCOMBE, chr. 11 Nov 1759 at Dunsford, m. 17 Jul 1787 at Dunsford,
her first cousin Samuel SERCOMBE, bur. 27 Jan 1829 at Dunsford. George SERCOMBE, probably Elizabeth's
father or brother, witnessed her marriage in 1787. In 1829, of Berry Cross.
- Mary SERCOMBE, chr. 16 Dec 1764 at Dunsford, m. 16 Jan 1794 by banns at Dunsford, John MORTIMER or MORTIMORE. In 1794,
John was of Bridford. Samuel SERCOMBE, probably Mary's brother-in-law and first cousin, witnessed her marriage in 1794.
- Sarah SYRCOMBE, chr. 24 Jun 1694 at Dunchideock, bur. 11 Nov 1696 at Dunchideock. The affidavit that Sarah
was buried in a woollen shroud was sworn by Susanna EDMONDS on 13 Nov 1696 before Benjamin SPURWAY, vicar of St. Thomas,
Margret SERCOMB, b. est. 1658, m. 1 May 1683 at Dunsford, Devon, Nathan JEFFORD.
Thomas CIRCOMB, b. est. 1697, m. 2 Oct 1722 at Holcombe Burnell, Devon, Mary CASELY, bur. 30 Jan
1736/7 at Holcombe Burnell. At his burial in 1736/7, known as "Thomas Circomb the younger". (Who was Thomas the elder?) Is
this Thomas CYRCOMBE?
- Thomas SOUTHCOMBE or SERCOMBE, chr. 21 Apr 1726 at Holcombe Burnell, m. 14 Dec 1749 at Dunsford, Devon, Elizabeth
CONANT. (Sercombe at his baptism and marriage. Southcombe at the baptisms of his children.)
- Ann SIRCOMBE or SOUTHCOMB, chr. 12 Jul 1750 at Holcombe Burnell, m. 29 Apr 1783 at Whitestone, Devon, Joseph
BELWORTHY. Her marriage in 1783 was witnessed by John SIRCOMBE (her brother) and George LITTLEJOHN. (Southcombe at her
baptism. Sircombe at her marriage.)
- William SERCOMBE or SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 19 Mar 1752 at Holcombe Burnell, m. 19 Jul 1781 at Tedburn
St. Mary, Devon, his first cousin Mary FURSE, d. by 1786. At his marriage in 1781, of Whitestone;
Thomas HOLMAN and William BLANCHFORD witnessed the marriage. In 1783, witnessed the marriage of his sister Elizabeth.
Southcombe at his baptism, otherwise Sercombe.
- Elizabeth SERCOMBE, chr. 12 Mar 1783 at Whitestone, d. ca. 9 Aug 1842, d. reg. Q3 1842 at St. Thomas R.D. Elizabeth
made her will in 1840. It was witnessed by George REED and John STONE and designated her stepbrother Henry WHITENHOW (see sidebar) as her executor and sole beneficiary. Henry proved the will in 1844. In 1841,
Elizabeth was independent, living by herself at Prestons Cottage, Whitestone.
- Mary SIRCOMBE, chr. 23 Feb 1785 at Whitestone.
- George SERCOMBE or SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 21 Feb 1754 at Holcombe Burnell, m. 10 Dec 1778 at Whitestone, Mary
LAMACRATE (bur. 16 Sep 1780 at Holcombe Burnell), bur. 24 Jul 1780 at Holcombe Burnell. In 1780, a churchwarden in
Whitestone. At his burial in 1780, of Whitestone. His will (now lost) was proved in the Court of the Archdeaconry of
Exeter in 1780. (Southcombe at his baptism. Otherwise Sercombe.)
- Elizabeth SERCOMBE, chr. 23 Nov 1779 at Whitestone, m. 12 Jul 1798 at Holcombe Burnell, Joseph COX. At her marriage in
1798, of Holcombe Burnell; Joseph was of Whitestone.
- Thomas SERCOMBE or SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 11 May 1756 at Holcombe Burnell, bur. 4 Jan 1784 at Holcombe Burnell. In 1773, a
surveyor of the highway in Whitestone. In 1779, a churchwarden in Whitestone. In 1783, witnessed the marriage of his
sister Elizabeth. At his burial in 1784, of Whitestone. His will (now lost) was proved in the Court of the Archdeaconry of
Exeter in 1784. (Southcombe at his baptism. Otherwise Sercombe.)
- Elizabeth SIRCOMBE or SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 18 Jun 1758 at Holcombe Burnell, m. 26 Feb 1783 at Whitestone, by license, John
ELLIS. At his marriage in 1783, John was of Moretonhampstead, Devon; the witnesses were Elizabeth's brothers William
SIRCOMBE and Thomas SIRCOMBE. (Southcombe at her baptism. Sircombe at her marriage.)
- John SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 27 May 1760 at Holcombe Burnell, m. 25 Oct 1786 at Whitestone, Grace FURZE (b. ca. 1763, bur.
26 Dec 1819 at St. Thomas, Devon), d. by drowning, bur. 13 May 1810 at St. Thomas. In 1783, witnessed the marriage of his
sister Ann. At her marriage in 1786, Grace was of Drewsteignton, Devon; the witnesses were William SIRCOMBE (John's
brother) and George LITTLEJOHN. John was an overseer of the poor in Whitestone in 1793-1794, 1798-1799, and 1799-1800. He
was a churchwarden in Whitestone in 1794, 1799, and 1800. He was a surveyor of the highway in Whitestone in 1795. At her
burial in 1819, Grace was of Exeter, Devon. At his son William's second marriage in 1852, John was described as a farmer.
(Southcombe at his baptism. Otherwise Sircombe.)
- William SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1787 at Whitestone, chr. 27 Feb 1787 at Whitestone, m1. 8 Jul 1813 at Whitestone, Ann HARDING
(b. ca. 1787 in Devon, d. reg. Q2 1849 at Exeter R.D.), m2. 22 Aug 1852 at St. Paul, Exeter, m2. reg. Q3 1852 at Exeter
R.D. Charity (or Mary) TURNER (b. ca. 1815 at Exbourne, Devon, daughter of William TURNER, a bailiff, d. reg. Q1 1894 at
Exeter R.D.), d. reg. Q3 1873 at Exeter R.D. Amey SIRCOMBE and Joseph NEWMAN witnessed the marriage in 1813. At his son's
baptism in 1814, a joiner, of the Island. At his son's baptism in 1815, a porter, of the Island. At his sons' baptisms in
1818 and 1820, a shopman, of the Island. In 1820, William witnessed the marriage of Sarah HARDING and Samuel REED, from
Holy Trinity, Exeter, but in the church of St. Mary Major, Exeter. At his children's baptisms in 1821 and 1824, a shopman,
of Frog Lane. At his son's marriage in 1838, a porter.
In 1841, a porter, living at Infant Place, Exeter, with his wife Ann, son Charles, and granddaughter Mary
(daughter of his son William). In 1851, a warehouseman, living at Richmond Place, Exeter, with his son Charles and sister
Grace. At his second marriage in 1852, a cellarman, of Exeter St. Paul; Charity was a shopkeeper, of Scane(?) Place; Edith
Sarah GILL and William GILL were witnesses. In 1861, a spirit vaults cellarman, living at Little Queen Street, Exeter,
with his wife Mary (a greengrocer) and daughter Caroline. In 1871, a former cellarman, living at Bartholomew Street,
Exeter, with his wife Charity (a greengrocer) and daughter Caroline. In 1881, Mary was a retired shopkeeper, living at 6
Bartholomew Street, Exeter, with her daughter Caroline. In 1891, Charity was living at 6 Lant's Almshouses, Exeter, with
her daughter Caroline.
- William Henry Harding SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1814 at Exeter, chr. 7 Jun 1814 at St. Edmund, Exeter, m. 6 Feb 1837 at
Alphington, Devon, Ann HEATH (b. ca. 1817 at Exeter, d. reg. Q1 1898 at Exeter R.D.), d. reg. Q4 1884 at Exeter R.D. At
their marriage in 1837, William and Ann were both sojourners in Alphington; John DAVEY and Susan BIDGOOD witnessed their
marriage. At his daughter's baptism in 1838, a tailor, of Exeter Allhallows on the Wall.
In 1841, a tailor, living in Black Boy Road, Exeter, with his wife Ann and their son John. In White's directory
for 1850, listed as a tailor in Black Boy Road, Exeter. In 1851, a tailor, living at Nicholls Cottage, Black Boy Road,
with his wife Ann (a tailoress) and their children Mary, John, Laura, Edwin, William, and Arthur. At his son's marriage in
1860, a tailor. In 1861, a master tailor, living at Saxony Cottages, Black Boy Road, with his wife Ann, their children
Laura and Edward, and visitor Emma PELLEY (scholar, b. ca. 1857 at Exeter). In 1871, a tailor, living at 80 Saxony Place,
Black Boy Road, with his wife Ann, their daughter Laura, and Ann's nephew Charles HEATH. In 1881, a master tailor, living
at 7 Salem Place, Exeter, with his wife Ann, their daughter Laura, Ann's brother John, and John's son. In 1891, Ann was a
retired nurse, living at 7 Salem Place with her daughters Mary and Laura and a boarder.
- Mary Ann Heath SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1838 at Exeter, b. reg. Q1 1838 at Exeter R.D., chr. 14 Jan 1838 at St. Edmund,
Exeter, m. reg. Q2 1894 at Exeter R.D., Albert
CARTER (b. ca. 1850 at Exeter). In 1841, living with her paternal grandparents. In 1851, living with her parents. In 1861,
a cook in the ELLIOT household at Bouverie House, Exeter. In 1871, a general servant in the ADNAM household at 17 Pembroke
Road, Kensington, London. In 1881, unemployed, visiting the WRAN household at 12 Charlwood Street, Westminster, London. In
1891, a retired cook, living with her mother. In 1901, living at 98 Queen Street, Exeter, with her husband Albert (a house
painter) and his widowed aunt.
- John Thomas Heath SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1839 at Exeter, b. reg. Q2 1839 at Exeter R.D., m. 27 Feb 1860 at Heavitree, Devon,
m. reg. Q1 1860 at St. Thomas R.D., Elizabeth Fisher PIDGEON (b. ca. 1836 at Sidbury, Devon, daughter of Richard PIDGEON,
a clockmaker, d. reg. Q2 1909 at Exeter R.D.), d. reg. Q1 1919 at Sedgefield R.D. In 1841, living with his parents. In
1851, a scholar, living with his parents. At his marriage in 1860, a tailor, of Heavitree; Elizabeth was also of
Heavitree. In 1861, a tailor, living at Fore Street, Heavitree, with his wife Elizabeth (a lace maker), their daughter
Juliana, and a lodger. In 1871, a "tailor's agency", living at Western Town, Sidmouth, Devon, with his wife Elizabeth (a
lace maker) and their children Julia, Matilda, Laura, and Edward. In 1881, a tailor, living at 2 Horse Lane, Exeter, with
his wife Elizabeth and their children Laura, Edward, William, and Rosina. At his daughter Julia's marriage in Mar 1891, a
tailor. In Apr 1891, a tailor in the crew of the boys' training ship H.M.S. Impregnable, Hamoaze, Devonport;
Elizabeth was living at 81 James Street, Devonport, with her daughters Rosina and Elizabeth. In 1901, a tailor's shop
keeper, living at 50 Paul Street, Exeter, with his wife Elizabeth (who was partially blind). At his daughter Rose's
marriage in 1903, a tailor. In 1911, a tailor, living with his daughter Laura.
- Julia Mary Ann or Julia Ann or Juliana SERCOMBE, b. ca. Aug 1860 at Heavitree or Sidbury, b. reg. Q3 1860 at St. Thomas R.D., m. 29 Mar 1891 at St. David, Exeter, m. reg. Q1 1891 at Exeter R.D., George Thomas Hooper COULMAN (b. ca. 1864 at Dawlish or St. Marychurch, Torquay, Devon, son of William Hooper COULMAN, a stonemason), d. reg. Q1 1910 at Exeter R.D. In 1861, living with her parents. In 1871, a scholar, living with her parents. In 1881, a general domestic servant in the ROBERTS household at Park Villa, Exeter St. Leonard. At her marriage in Mar 1891, a cook, of Duryard House; George was a stonemason, of 3 Toby's Buildings. In Apr 1891, living at 60 Roberts Road, Exeter, with her husband George (a marble mason). In 1901, living at 6 Northernhay Street, Exeter, with her husband George (a stonemason), their daughter Edith, and five boarders. In 1911, George was a stonemason, living at 39 Northernhay Street, Exeter, with his daughter Edith, Julia's sister Elizabeth (as housekeeper), and three boarders.
- Edith COULMAN, b. ca. 1891 at Exeter. In 1901, living with her parents. In 1911, a tailoress, living with her father.
- Matilda M.A. SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1865 at East Budleigh or Sidmouth, Devon, b. reg. Q1 1865 at St. Thomas R.D. In 1871, a
scholar, living with her parents. In 1881, a general servant in the PERKINS household at Polsloe Villas, Polsloe Road,
Heavitree. In 1891, an unemployed parlor maid, living with her sister Laura.
- Laura Ann or Laura Mary A. SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1866 at East Budleigh, m. reg. Q2 1886 at Exeter R.D., William TUCKER (b. ca. 1863 at Torquay, Devon). In 1871, a scholar, living with her parents. In 1881, living with her parents. In 1891, living at 3 Tor Square Cottages, Tormoham, Devon, with her daughters Lillie and Dorothy and her sister Matilda. (Where was William in 1891?) In 1911, living at Exonia, Church Street, Sidmouth, Devon, with her husband William (a caretaker and lamplighter for a gas company), their children Dorothy, Elsie, and Mary, and her father.
- Lillie TUCKER, b. ca. 1887 at Heavitree, d. by 1911. In 1891, living with her mother.
- Dorothy TUCKER, b. ca. Jul 1890 at Torre, Torquay. In 1891, living with her mother. In 1911, a telephone operator for the National Telephone Company, living with her parents.
- Elsie TUCKER, b. ca. 1895 at Exeter. In 1911, an apprentice tailoress, living with her parents.
- May TUCKER, b. ca. 1898 at Exeter. In 1911, at school, living with her parents.
- Two other children, d. by 1911.
- Edward John Heath SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1869 at East Budleigh or Sidmouth, b. reg. Q2 1869 at Honiton
R.D., m. reg. Q2 1900 at Sedgefield R.D., Edith Mary REED (b. ca. 1874 at Trimdon, Co. Durham, d. reg. Q4 1962 at
Durham Central R.D.), d. reg. Q1 1935 at
Sedgefield R.D. In 1871, living with his parents. In 1881, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1891, a photographer,
boarding at 3 Dodds Street, Darlington, Co. Durham. In 1901, an asylum attendant, living at Fishburn, Co. Durham, with his
wife Edith and their son William. In 1911, a porter attendant at the Durham County Lunatic Asylum, Winterton, by
Ferryhill, Sedgefield, Co. Durham, with his wife Mary. (How related to Fred Reed ROSS-SERCOMBE?)
- William Fred H. SERCOMBE, b. ca. Jul 1900 at Sedgefield, Co. Durham, b. reg. Q3 1900 at Sedgefield R.D., d. reg.
Q3 1902 at Sedgefield R.D. In 1901, living with his parents.
- William Henry SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1872 at Sidmouth, b. reg. Q2 1872 at Honiton R.D., m1. reg. Q3
1902 at Darlington R.D., Mary Jane HEWITT (b. ca. 1875 at Trimdon Grange, Co. Durham, d. reg. Q1 1949 at Durham South
Eastern R.D.), m2. reg. Q1 1951 at Durham South Eastern R.D., Lily GRAY (b. 5 Jan 1898, d. reg. Q3 1977 at Durham Northern
R.D.), d. reg. Q3 1953 at Durham South Eastern R.D. In 1881, a scholar, living with his parents. (Where in 1891 and 1901?)
In 1911, an army pensioner and asylum attendant for the county of Durham, living at Fishburn, Sedgefield, Co. Durham, with
his wife Mary and their children Richard, John, and Elizabeth. (Is this William SHERCOMBE?)
- Richard Heath SERCOMBE, b. 5 May 1903 at Croft Spa, Yorkshire, b. reg. Q2 1903 at Darlington
R.D., m. reg. Q2 1932 at Darlington R.D., Annie HODGSON (b. 2 Jun 1910, d. reg. Aug 1996 at Bridlington R.D.), d. reg.
Jan 1993 at Bridlington R.D. In 1911, at school, living with his parents. (Is Annie related to Doris HODGSON, wife of
- Brenda SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1934 at Darlington R.D.
- Ida SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1934 at Darlington R.D., m. reg. Q4 1960 at Buckrose R.D., Trevor ALLISON.
- Shani Y. ALLISON, b. reg. Q1 1962 at Buckrose R.D.
- Andrew C. ALLISON, b. reg. Q2 1964 at Buckrose R.D.
- Brian Kenneth SERCOMBE, b. 8 Apr 1937, b. reg. Q2 1937 at Darlington R.D., m. reg. Q2 1981 at Rydale R.D., Dorothy E.
ANDERSON, d. reg. Mar 2000 at North Yorkshire R.D.
- Freda SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1938 at Wensleydale R.D., m. reg. Q1 1964 at Gateshead R.D., Raymond QUIGLEY.
- Susan E. QUIGLEY, b. reg. Q3 1964 at Gateshead R.D.
- Paul Kenneth QUIGLEY, b. reg. Q4 1968 at Newcastle upon Tyne R.D.
- Deborah May QUIGLEY, b. reg. Q1 1970 at Newcastle upon Tyne R.D.
- Raymond SERCOMBE, b. 17 Jun 1939, b. reg. Q3 1939 at Wensleydale R.D., m. reg. Q1 1965 at York R.D., Mavis SUTER, d.
reg. Mar 1993 at York R.D.
- Lesley Ann SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q3 1967 at Howden R.D.
- Angela Rose SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q3 1970 at Howden R.D., m. reg. Mar 2004 at York R.D., Philip M. JARROLD or JERROLD.
- Richard Heath SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q4 1972 at Howden R.D.
- Helen Jane SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q4 1973 at Howden R.D.
- Irene E. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q4 1942 at Wensleydale R.D., m. reg. Q2 1965 at Buckrose R.D., Percival K. PATTISON.
- David Anthony PATTISON, b. reg. Q4 1968 at Scarborough R.D.
- Adrian PATTISON, b. reg. Q4 1970 at Scarborough R.D.
- Richard H. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q4 1943 at Durham Western R.D., d. reg. Q4 1943 at Durham Western R.D.
- John Hinscliffe SERCOMBE, b. 22 Nov 1904 at Fishburn, b. reg. Q4 1904 at Sedgefield R.D., m. reg. Q4 1933 at
Middlesbrough R.D., Joyce DALRYMPLE (m2. reg. Q3 1950 at Staincliffe R.D., Morris MATHER), d. reg. Q1 1980 at Leeds R.D.
In 1911, at school, living with his parents.
- Brian Hinscliffe SERCOMBE, b. 5 Jul 1934, b. reg. Q3 1934 at Sedgefield R.D., m. reg. Q4 1964 at Durham Western R.D.,
Moyra PROUD, d. reg. Q4 1977 at Durham Western R.D.
- Beverley Elizabeth SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q1 1966 at Durham Western R.D., m. reg. Nov 1992 at Durham Western R.D., Peter
- Bryan James DOWDEN, b. reg. Sep 1994 at Surrey North Western R.D.
- Kathrine Elisabeth DOWDEN, b. reg. Sep 1996 at Surrey North Western R.D.
- Ian Francis SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q4 1974 at Durham Western R.D.
- Elizabeth Maud SERCOMBE, b. 27 Jan 1906 at Fishburn, b. reg. Q1 1906 at Sedgefield R.D., d. reg. Q4 1981 at Durham
Western R.D. In 1911, at school, living with her parents.
- Rosina "Rose" SERCOMBE, b. ca. May 1880 at Exeter, b. reg. Q3 1880 at Exeter R.D., m. 8 Nov 1903 at All Saints, Camden Town, London, m. reg. Q4 1903 at St. Pancras R.D., Harry FURBANK (b. ca. 1881, son of Charles FURBANK, a laborer). In 1881, living with her parents. In 1891, a scholar, living with her mother. In 1901, a cook in the HALLY household at 150 Broadhurst Gardens, Hampstead, London. At her marriage in 1903, of 39 Camden Street; Harry was a porter, also of 39 Camden Street; the witnesses were William E. ELBOURN and Mary Ann PRICE.
- Rosina M.E. FURBANK, b. reg. Q2 1916 at Edmonton R.D.
- Elizabeth SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1884 at Exeter. In 1891, a scholar, living with her mother. In 1901, a housemaid in the SHORTS household at 66 Pennsylvania Road, Exeter. In 1911, a housekeeper for George COULMAN, widower of her sister Julia.
- Laura E. Heath SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1842 at Exeter, b. reg. Q2 1842 at Exeter R.D., d. reg. Q1 1898 at Exeter R.D. In
1851, a scholar, living with her parents. In 1861, 1871, and 1881, living with her parents. In 1891, living with her mother.
- Edward (or Edwin) Charles Albert Heath SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1844 at Exeter or Okehampton, Devon, b. reg. Q2 1844 at Exeter R.D., m1. reg. Q1 1871 at Stoke Damerel, Jane OSBORN (b. ca. 1845 at Gidley Okehampton, Devon, or Leeds, Buckinghamshire, d. reg. Q1 1887 at Plymouth R.D.), m2. reg. Q2 1889 at Plymouth R.D., Sarah Ann GERRY (b. ca. 1857 at Plympton St. Mary or Yealmpton, Devon, d. reg. Q1 1931 at Plympton St. Mary R.D.), d. reg. Q1 1913 at Plympton St. Mary R.D. In 1851, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1861, a plasterer's laborer, living with his parents. In 1871, a private in the marines, not aboard the Royal Navy vessel Indus, living at 16 Boscawen Place, Devonport, Devon, with his wife Jane (a domestic servant). In 1881, a private in the marines, living aboard the Royal Navy vessel Flora, at sea or in a foreign port, with his wife Jane. At his son's baptism in 1889, a mason, of Worston, Yealmpton, Devon. At his daughter's baptism in 1890, a mason, of Longbrook, Yealmpton. In 1891, a Royal Marines pensioner, living at Orchard Kiln Cottage, Yealmpton, with his wife Sarah and daughter Laura. At his son's baptism in 1892, a mason, of Longbrook, Yealmpton. In 1901, a marine pensioner, living at Addiscombe, Harford, Devon, with his wife Sarah and their children Louisa, John, Mary, Ethel, Charles, and Arthur. In 1911, a stone mason (builder), living at Cobhill, Ivybridge, with his wife Sarah and their children Laura, William, and Mary.
- Albert Edward James SERCOMBE, b. ca. Sep 1889, b. reg. Q4 1889 at Plympton R.D., chr. 17 Oct 1889 at Yealmpton, d. 13 Mar 1890, d. reg. Q1 1890 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., bur. at Yealmpton.
- Laura Maria SERCOMBE, b. ca. Jun 1890 at Yealmpton, b. reg. Q3 1890 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., chr. 23 Sep 1890 at Yealmpton, d. reg. Q3 1963 at Plympton R.D. In 1891, 1901, and 1911, living with her parents.
- John William or William John SERCOMBE, b. 29 Nov 1891 at Yealmpton, b. reg. Q1 1892 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., chr. 1 Jan 1892 at Yealmpton, d. reg. Q4 1969 at Plymouth R.D. In 1901, living with his parents. In 1911, a farm laborer, living with his parents.
- (probably) Eliza Kate SERCOMBE, b. ca. Sep 1893, b. reg. Q3 1893 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., d. reg. Q1 1895 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., bur. 31 Mar 1895 at Harford. At her death in 1895, of Addicombe.
- Mary Ann SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1893 at Harford or Yealmpton, b. reg. Q3 1893 at Plympton St. Mary R.D. In 1901, living with her parents. In 1911, a domestic servant, living with her parents.
- Ethel May SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1895 at Harford, b. reg. Q3 1895 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., d. reg. Q2 1915 at Plymouth R.D. In 1901, living with her parents.
- Charles Heath SERCOMBE, b. 27 Nov 1896 at Harford, b. reg. Q1 1897 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., m. 26 Mar 1921 at Ermington, Devon, m. reg. Q1 1921 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., Florence WEAVER, d. reg. Q2 1974 at Lichfield R.D. In 1901, living with his parents. (Is this Major SERCOMBE?)
- Gordon Charles H. SERCOMBE, b. 8 Jul 1922, b. reg. Q3 1922 at Aston R.D., m. at St. Giles, Whittington, m. reg. Q1 1952 at Lichfield R.D., Cissie BERKS, d. reg. Mar 1984 at Birmingham R.D.
- Nicholas Glenn H. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q1 1955 at Lichfield R.D., m. reg. Q1 1980 at Lichfield R.D., Karen E. WHITIAKER.
- Gary Martyn SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q1 1962 at Lichfield R.D.
- Harold J. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q1 1926 at West Bromwich R.D., d. reg. Q3 1928 at West Bromwich R.D.
- Arthur Thomas SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1899 at Harford, b. reg. Q2 1899 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., d. reg. Q2 1903 (as Alfred T. SERCOMBE) at Plympton St. Mary R.D. In 1901, living with his parents.
- William Henry Heath SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1847 at Exeter, b. reg. Q1 1847 at Exeter R.D., d. reg. Q1 1855 at Exeter R.D.
In 1851, living with his parents.
- James Heath SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q4 1848 at Exeter R.D., d. reg. Q4 1848 at Exeter R.D.
- Arthur Heath SERCOMBE, b. ca. May 1850 at Exeter, b. reg. Q3 1850 at Exeter R.D., d. reg. Q1 1855 at Exeter R.D. In 1851, living with his parents.
- (probably) Charles Robert Heath SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1852 at Exeter R.D., d. reg. Q1 1855 at Exeter R.D.
- John Thomas SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1815 at Exeter, chr. 25 Dec 1815 at St. Edmund, Exeter, m. 18 Jan 1840 at St. David, Exeter, m. reg. Q1 1840 at Exeter R.D., Mary BROWN (daughter of John BROWN, a coach builder; b. ca. 1822 at Exeter, d. reg. Q3 1878 at Islington R.D.), d. reg. Q4 1910 at Exeter R.D. At his marriage in 1840, a grocer, of Exeter All Hallow on the Walls; Mary was of Rockfield Place, Exeter St. David; the witnesses were [illegible] RICHARDS and Martha(?) BROWN. In 1841, a grocer, living at Paris Street, Exeter, with his wife Mary and their daughter Rosa. In 1844, a grocer and tea dealer at Paris Street, Exeter. In 1850, a shopkeeper at 13 Northernhay Place, Exeter. In 1851, a grocer, living at 13 Northernhay Place with his wife Mary, their children Kate, Henry, Jeanette, and Jessie, two lodgers, and three servants. In 1861, an assistant grocer, living at Southernhay, Exeter, with his wife Mary, their children Henry, Jeanette, Arthur, John, and George, Mary's sister Martha (a housekeeper, b. ca. 1820 at Exeter, m. TOWNSEND, wid. by 1861), and two general servants. In Apr 1871, an accountant, living at 1 York Road, Exeter, with his wife Mary, their children Rosa, Kate, Henry, Arthur, John, and George, Mary's mother, Mary's sister Martha, and two servants. At his daughter Rosa's marriage in Jun 1871, an accountant. At his daughter Kate's marriage in Nov 1871, an accountant of Betheune Villa, Exeter. In 1881, a retired grocer, living at 347 Upper Street, Islington, London, with his children Kate, Jeanette, and Arthur, a widowed sister-in-law, and a boarder. At his son's marriage in 1885, a grocer. In 1891, a retired grocer, living with his daughter Rosa. In 1901, living with his daughter Rosa.
- Rosa Mary SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1840 at Exeter, m. 7 Jun 1871 at St. Sidwell, Exeter, m. reg. Q2 1871 at Exeter R.D., John
BRICE (b. ca. 1833 at Taunton, Somerset, son of Thomas BRICE, a sadler, d. by 1901). In 1841, living with her parents. In
1851, a scholar, boarding in a small school run by the PETTLE sisters at the Square, Barnstaple, Devon. In 1861, a
draper's assistant, living with several others the same, at 207 High Street, Exeter. In Apr 1871, living with her parents.
At her marriage in Jun 1871, of Hill's Court, Exeter; John was a dealer in horses, of 79 Paris Street, Exeter; their
marriage was witnessed by Rosa's sister Kate and Kate's future husband Charles John EYERS. In 1881, living at Old Abbey,
Heavitree, with her husband John (a job master and dealer in horses) and two servants. In 1891, living at Old Abbey with
her husband John (a job master), her father, and a servant. In 1901, living at 11 Powderham Crescent, Exeter, with her
father, her sister Mary, and a servant. In 1911, of private means, living at 11 Powderham Crescent, Exeter, with her sister Mary and a servant.
- Kate Theresa SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1843 at Exeter, b. reg. Q2 1843 at Exeter R.D., m. 28 Nov 1871 at St. Sidwell, Exeter,
m. reg. Q4 1871 at Exeter R.D., Charles John EYERS (b. ca. 1844, d. by 1881, younger son of Robert EYERS, hotel
proprietor, of Blandford, Dorset). In 1851, a scholar, living with her parents. In 1861, one of six assistants to linen
and woollen draper Thomas EVANS, at 36 Fore Street, Taunton, Somerset. In Apr 1871, living with her parents. At her
marriage in Nov 1871, of Hill's Court, Exeter; Charles was a farmer, of Blandford. In 1881, living with her parents.
- William Henry John subsequently Henry Croft(s) SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1844 at Exeter, b. reg. Q4 1844 at Exeter R.D., m1. reg. Q3 1871 at Bridgwater R.D.,
Mary Elizabeth BABBAGE (b. ca. 1846 at Bridgwater, Somerset, or East Dereham, Norfolk, d. reg. Q2 1891 at Exeter R.D.),
m2. reg. Q2 1893 at Exeter R.D., Alice Louisa MAUNDER (b. ca. 1861 at Exeter, d. reg. Q1 1949 at Exeter R.D.), d. reg.
Q4 1908 at Exeter R.D. In 1851, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1861 and 1871, a banker's clerk, living with his
parents. In 1881, a banker's clerk, living at 6 Oxford Terrace, Exeter, with his wife Mary, a boarder, and a servant. In
1891, an accountant, living at 21 Union Road, Exeter, with his wife Mary and sister Mary. In 1901, a bank manager, living
at Broadgate, Exeter, with his wife Alice, their sons Henry and Kenneth, a housemaid, and a bank messenger. In 1911,
Alice was visiting the HAWKER household at St. Blazey, Riddlesdown Road, Purley, London.
- Henry Brice SERCOMBE, b. 7 Jan 1898 at Exeter, b. reg. Q1 1898 at Exeter R.D., m. 8 Jan 1929 at Brixton, Devon,
m. reg. Q1 1929 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., Norah DINGLE (b. 14 May 1900, d. reg. Q4 1982 at Exeter R.D.), d. reg. Jul 1986
at Exeter R.D. In 1901, living with his parents. In 1911, a boarding pupil at St. Mary's College, Harlow, Essex, together
with his brother Kenneth.
- Kenneth William SERCOMBE, b. 26 Apr 1899 at Exeter, b. reg. Q2 1899 at Exeter R.D., m. reg. Q1 1929 at Exeter R.D.,
Gwendolen Alice TRUSCOTT (b. 6 Dec 1903, d. reg. Q3 1979 at Plymouth R.D.), d. reg. Q4 1981 at Exeter R.D. In 1901,
living with his parents. In 1911, a boarding pupil at St. Mary's College, Harlow, Essex, (enumerated as "Keith") together
with his brother Brice.
- Mary Jeanette SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1846 at Exeter, b. reg. Q2 1846 at Exeter R.D. In 1851 and 1861, a scholar, living with
her parents. In 1871, an assistant to a fancy draper, living in the household of her employer, George BARR, at 218 Edgware
Road, Marylebone, London. In 1881, living with her father. In 1891, living with her brother Henry. In 1901, living with
her sister Rosa. In 1911, of private means, living with her sister Rosa.
- Jessie Amelia SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1850 at Exeter, b. reg. Q1 1850 at Exeter R.D., d. reg. Q2 1852 at Exeter R.D. In 1851,
living with her parents.
- Arthur Bethune SERCOMBE, b. 31 Jul 1853 at Exeter, b. reg. Q3 1853 at Exeter R.D., d. reg. Q1 1890 at Holborn R.D. In
1861, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1871, a merchant's clerk, living with his parents. In 1881, a clerk for a
lamp merchant, living with his father.
- John Abbott SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1856 at Exeter, b. reg. Q1 1856 at Exeter R.D., m. 18 Aug 1885 at Bideford, m. reg. Q3 1885 at Bideford R.D., Blanche Maria Catherine PIPER (daughter of Samuel Henry PIPER, a farmer; b. ca. 1859 at Exeter, d. reg. Q1 1917 at Bideford R.D.), d. reg. Q3 1903 at St. Thomas R.D. In 1861, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1871, an ironmonger's apprentice, living with his parents. In 1881, a hair dresser, boarding in the BARLOW household at 10 Catherine Street, Westminster, London. At his marriage in 1885, a hair dresser, of Bideford; Blanche was a dressmaker, of St. Thomas Portman Square, London; the witnesses were Henry G. SUSDY and Lavinia Susannah LETHEREN. In 1891, a hairdresser, living at Fore Street, Northam, Devon. In directories for 1896, 1897, and 1902, a commercial hairdresser at Fore Street, Northam. In 1901, a hairdresser (working for himself at home), living at Fore Street, Northam, with his wife Blanche. In 1911, Blanche was an inmate in the Union Workhouse, Meddon Street, Bideford, Devon.
- George SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1857 at Exeter, b. reg. Q1 1857 at Exeter R.D. In 1861, a scholar, living with his parents. In
1871, a publisher's apprentice, living with his parents. In 1881, a chemical labourer, boarding in the OLIVER household at
Cross Lane, Cuerdley, Lancashire.
- Charles Henry SERCOMBE, chr. 28 May 1818 and 31 Mar 1820 (was there another son with the same name?) at St. Edmund,
Exeter. In 1841, living with his parents. In 1851, an invalid, living with his father.
- Thomas Harding SERCOMBE, chr. 31 Mar 1820 at St. Edmund, Exeter, bur. 12 Nov 1820 at St. Thomas. Of Exeter.
- Mary Ann SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1821, chr. 25 Dec 1821 at St. Edmund, Exeter, bur. 1 Jun 1825 at St. Thomas. In 1825, of
- Thomas Harding SERCOMBE, chr. 5 Sep 1824 at St. Edmund, Exeter, bur. 20 Mar 1825 at St. Thomas. In 1825, of Exeter.
- Caroline Mary SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1853 at Exeter, b. reg. Q2 1853 at Exeter R.D., d. reg. Q3 1906 at Exeter R.D. In 1861, a scholar, living with her parents. In 1871, a shop assistant, living with her parents. In 1881, a dressmaker, living with her mother. In 1891, a retired dressmaker, living with her mother. In 1901, a dressmaker, living at 86 Holloway Street, Exeter.
- Mary SIRCOMBE, b. ca. 1788 at Whitestone, chr. 10 Dec 1788 at Whitestone, m. 4 Jul 1828 at St.
James, Bath, Somerset, by licence, Wenzel MAETZKER (d. by 1851), d. reg. Q3 1878 at Greenwich R.D. In 1819, witnessed the
marriage at Exeter of her sister Ann. At his marriage in
1828, Wenzel was of St. James, London; the witnesses were Ann SHAPLEY (Mary's sister) and her husband Thomas SHAPLEY. In
1841, Mary was living at Wharf (on the Regent Canal), Edward
Street, Regents Park, St. Pancras, Middlesex, wth her son Charles. In 1851, she was a needlewoman, living at 8 Henry
Street, St. Pancras. At Charles's marriage in 1852, Wenzel was (posth.) a courier. In 1861, Mary was living at
Queen Elizabeth's College, Greenwich Road, Greenwich,
Kent (an almshouse administered by the Grocer's Company of London). In 1871, she was a dressmaker, living at Queen
Elizabeth's College.
- Charles MAETZKER, b. ca. 1829 at Bath, m. 30 May 1852 at Christ Church, Marylebone, Middlesex, m. reg. Q2 1852 at
Marylebone R.D., Elizabeth Sibella WELCH or WELSH (b. ca. 1823 at Exeter, chr. 3 Mar 1823 at St. Kerrian, Exeter, daughter
of John WELCH or WELSH, an engraver, and Nancy, d. reg. Q1 1911 at Edmonton R.D.), d. reg. Q1 1893 at Islington R.D. In
1841, independent, living with his mother. In 1851, a house agent's clerk, living at 45 Frederick Street, St. Pancras,
with his "wife" Elizabeth (not yet actually married). At his marriage in 1852, a clerk, of Norfolk Street, Marylebone;
Elizabeth was also of Norfolk Street; the witnesses were J. MARTIN and Elizabeth COTTON. At his son's baptism in 1854, a
house agent's clerk, of 80 Drummond Street. In 1861, proprietor of a chan[d]ler(?) shop, living at 5 Earle Street East,
Marylebone, with his wife Elizabeth and their children Charles, Edward, and Florence. At his children's baptism in 1867, a
clerk, of 20 Bedford Terrace. In 1871, a solicitor's general clerk, living at 13 Bedford Terrace, Islington, Middlesex,
with his wife Elizabeth and their children Charles, Victor, and Florence. At his sons' marriages in 1880, a clerk. In
1881, a solicitor's general clerk, living at 13 Bedford Terrace, Islington, with his wife Elizabeth, their daughter
Florence, and a lodger. In 1891, a solicitor's clerk, living at 13 Bedford Terrace, Islington, with his wife Elizabeth
and their daughter Florence. In 1901, Elizabeth was living on her own means at 64 Hanley Road, Islington, with her
daughter Florence.
- Charles John Wenzel MAETZKER, b. ca. 1854 at St. Pancras, Middlesex, b. reg. Q2 1854 at Pancras R.D., chr. 4 Jun 1854
at St. Mary Magdalene, St. Pancras, m. 26 Jun 1880 at St. Mary, Islington, m. reg. Q2 1880 at Islington R.D., Annie Maria
BELL (b. ca. 1860 at Old Town, London, daughter of Frederick Teasdale BELL, a cab proprietor, d. reg. Q4 1912 at
Marylebone R.D.), d. reg. Q4 1921 at Islington R.D. In 1861, living with his parents. In 1871, a solicitor's junior clerk
(unemployed), living with his parents. At his marriage in 1880, a clerk, of 13 Bedford Terrace; Annie was of 26 Hornsey
Street. (Where in 1881?) In 1891, a solicitor's clerk, living at 38 Listria Park, Stoke Newington, London, with his wife
Annie, son Arthur, Annie's sister Emma (b. ca. 1855 in London, m. reg. Q3 1883 at Islington R.D., Charles Albert WATKINS,
wid. by 1891), and Emma's children Charles and Emma. In 1901, a solicitor's clerk, living at 6 Egremont Terrace, Sparsholt
Road, Islington, with his wife Annie and son Arthur.
- Arthur Wenzel MAETZKER, b. ca. 1879 at Brighton, Sussex, or in London, m. 2 Oct 1913 at St. Michael, Wood Green,
Middlesex, m. reg. Q4 1913 at Edmonton R.D., Marie Sophia CAMP (b. ca. 1878, daughter of Walter CAMP, a corn dealer, d.
reg. Q3 1951 at Edmonton R.D.), d. reg. Q1 1936 at Edmonton R.D. (Where in 1881?) In 1891, a scholar, living with his
parents. In 1901, a shipping clerk, living with his parents. At his marriage in 1913, a furniture dealer, of 6 Heathville
Road, Crouch Hill; Marie was of 75 Trinity Road.
- Edward Victor MAETZKER, b. 31 Aug 1856 at St. Pancras, b. reg. Q4 1856 at Pancras R.D., chr. 14 Jul 1867 at
St. Anne, Poole's Park, Islington, m. 24 Feb 1880 at St. Mary, Islington, m. reg. Q1 1880 at Islington R.D., Annie
Jalenagh McIVOR (b. ca. 1856 at Londonderry, Ireland, daughter of George McIVOR, a mill wright, d. reg. Q4 1896 at
Edmonton R.D.), d. reg. Q4 1938 at Edmonton R.D. In 1861, living with his parents. In 1871, a solicitor's junior clerk,
living with his parents. At his marriage in 1880, a clerk, of 13 Bedford Terrace, Hornsey Road; Annie was of 29 Cross
Street. (Where in 1881?) In 1891, a solicitor's clerk, living at 7 Braemar Road, Tottenham, Middlesex, with his wife
Annie and their children Charles and Mary. In 1901, a solicitor's clerk, living at 136 Black Horse Lane, Walthamstow,
Essex, with his daughter Mary.
- Charles George V. MAETZKER, b. ca. 1881 at Islington, b. reg. Q4 1881 at Islington R.D., d. reg. Q1 1902 at Islington
R.D. In 1891, living with his parents. (Where in 1901?)
- Mary Elizabeth Nancy MAETZKER, b. ca. 1882 at Islington, b. reg. Q3 1882 at Islington R.D., d. reg. Q3 1938 at
Edmonton R.D. In 1891, living with her parents. In 1901, living with her father.
- Florence Elizabeth MAETZKER, b. 27 May 1859 at St. Pancras, b. reg. Q3 1859 at Pancras R.D., chr. 14 Jul 1867 at St.
Anne, Poole's Park, Islington, d. reg. Q1 1931 at Islington R.D. In 1861, living with her parents. In 1871, a scholar,
living with her parents. In 1881, an assistant mistress for the
London School Board, living with her parents. In 1891, an
assistant teacher for the London School Board, living with her parents. In 1901, a certificated assistant teacher, living
with her mother.
- John SIRCOMBE, chr. 9 Nov 1791 at Whitestone.
- Elizabeth SIRCOMBE, chr. 19 Sep 1793 at Whitestone.
- George SIRCOMBE, chr. 18 Feb 1795 at Whitestone, bur. 24 Feb 1795 at Whitestone.
- Ann SIRCOMBE, b. ca. 1796 at Whitestone, chr. 26 Apr 1796 at Whitestone, m. 8 Jul 1819 at St.
Sidwell, Exeter, Devon, by license, Thomas Lynn SHAPLEY (chr. 16 May 1792 at St. Savior, Dartmouth, Devon, son of Thomas
SHAPLEY and Sarah, d. reg. Q4 1853 at Hackney R.D.), d. reg. Q2 1875 at Lambeth R.D. At their marriage in 1819, Ann and
Thomas were both of Exeter St. Sidwell; the witnesses were Mary SERCOMBE (Ann's sister) and William HILLS. At his
daughter's baptism in 1825, Thomas was a cabinet maker, of Walcot Street, Bath. At his daughters' baptisms in 1827 and
1828, he was a cabinet maker, of Southgate Street, Bath. In 1828, Ann witnessed the marriage at Bath of her sister Mary.
At his sons' baptisms in 1831 and 1833, Thomas was a grocer, of Southgate Street, Bath. At his son's baptism in 1834, he
was a grocer, of 96 Great Titchfield Street, Marylebone. At his daughters' baptisms in 1837 and 1841, he was a tea dealer,
of 14 Little Tower Street, London. Later in 1841, Ann was living at Manor Place, Newington, Surrey, with her children
Thomas, Mary, Louisa, Charles, Edward, John, and Amelia (where was Thomas?). In 1851, she was a general agent's wife,
living at 17 Weymouth Terrace, Shoreditch, Middlesex, with her children Louisa, Edmund, and Emilia and a servant (where
was Thomas?). In 1861, she was a plate glass manufacturer, living at 8 Cross Street, Ryde, Isle of Wight, with her
daughters Louisa and Amelia, two boarders, and a general servant. In 1871, no occupation, living with her daughter Amelia.
- Thomas SHAPLEY, b. ca. 1820 (not in Surrey), d. reg. Q1 1848 at Camberwell R.D. In 1841, an upholsterer, living with
his mother.
- Anne SHAPLEY, b. 10 May 1821, chr. 10 May 1822 at St. Swithin, Walcot, Somerset.
- Charles Osborn SHAPLEY, chr. 1 Jun 1823 at St. Swithin, Walcot.
- Mary Ann SHAPLEY, chr. 11 Jan 1825 at St. James, Bath. In 1841, living with her mother.
- Emma SHAPLEY, chr. 23 Feb 1827 at St. James, Bath.
- Louisa Emma SHAPLEY, b. ca. 1828 at Bath St. James, chr. 4 Jul 1828 at St. James, Bath, d. reg. Q1 1865 at Lambeth
R.D. In 1841 and 1851, living with her mother. In 1861, proprietor of a "fancy repository", living with her mother.
- Charles SHAPLEY, b. ca. 1831 at Bath, chr. 25 Sep 1831 at St. James, Bath, m. reg. Q1 1855 at Hackney R.D., Harriet
LEFTLEY, (b. ca. 1827 in Suffolk). In 1841, living with his mother. In 1851, a linen draper's assistant, living at High
Street, Lowestoft, Suffolk. In 1861, a bonnet warehouse man, living at 48 Fleming Road, Walworth, Surrey, with his wife
Harriet and their children Edmund and Harriet. In 1871, a commercial traveler, living at Victoria Road, Wanstead, Essex,
with his wife Harriet and their children Edmund, Harriet, Louisa, and Amelia. In 1881, a commercial traveler, living at
24 Darnley Road, Hackney, London, with his wife Harriet.
- Edmund Lynn SHAPLEY, b. ca. 1856 at Islington, Middlesex, b. reg. Q3 1856 at Marylebone R.D., m. reg. Q2 1878 at
Sevenoaks R.D., Harriet Lydia CHAPMAN (b. ca. 1854 at Margate, Kent), d. reg. Q2 1895 at Hendon R.D. In 1861 and 1871, a
scholar, living with his parents. In 1881, a draper, living at 21 Fitzroy Road, St. Pancras, with his wife Harriet, her
mother, his son Harold, and a servant.
- Harold Lynn SHAPLEY, b. ca. 1879 at St. Pancras, b. reg. Q2 1879 at Pancras R.D. In 1881, living with his parents.
- Harriet Ann SHAPLEY, b. ca. 1858 at Islington, b. reg. Q1 1858 at Kensington R.D., d. reg. Q3 1880 at Hackney R.D. In
1861, living with her parents. In 1871, a scholar, living with her parents.
- Louisa Emma SHAPLEY, b. ca. 1861 at Walworth, Surrey, m. reg. Q3 1887 at Hampstead R.D., Arthur Lancelot ALDER (b. ca.
1856 in the City of London). In 1871, a scholar, living with her parents. In 1891, living ay 63 Sprules Road, Deptford,
Kent, with her husband Arthur (a draper's assistant) and their children Percy and Muriel.
- Percy L. ALDER, b. ca. 1888 at Deptford. In 1891, living with his parents.
- Muriel E. ALDER, b. ca. 1889 at Deptford. In 1891, living with her parents.
- Amelia SHAPLEY, b. ca. 1863 at Hackney, Middlesex, b. reg. Q4 1863 at Hackney R.D., m. reg. Q4 1891 at Greenwich R.D.,
Alfred ALDOUS. In 1871, a scholar, living with her parents. In 1881, a draper's assistant, living with other draper's
assistants at 69-73 Mile End Road, Tower Hamlets, London. In 1891, one of several assistants to a managing director of
stores, 34-36 High Street, Eton, Buckinghamshire. In 1901, living at 117 Regent Road, Harborne, Birmingham, with her
husband Alfred (a tobacconist's manager), their children Alfred, Madeline, Evelyn, and Edmund and her husband's mother.
- Alfred George ALDOUS, b. ca. 1892 at Deptford, b. reg. Q4 1892 at Greenwich R.D. In 1901, living with his parents.
- Madeline Bertha ALDOUS, b. ca. 1894 at East Dulwich, Surrey, b. reg. Q1 1894 at Camberwell R.D. In 1901, living with
her parents.
- Evelyn Gertrude ALDOUS, b. ca. 1897 at Norwich, Norfolk, b. reg. Q3 1897 at Norwich R.D. In 1901, living with her
- Edmund Simon ALDOUS, b. ca. 1899 at Birmingham, b. reg. Q4 1899 at Kings Norton R.D. In 1901, living with his parents.
- Edmund SHAPLEY, b. ca. 1833 at Bath St. James, chr. 3 Mar 1833 at St. James, Bath, m. reg. Q3 1859 at Kensington R.D.,
Sarah Teather TUCK (b. ca. 1836 in London). In 1841, living with his mother. In 1851, a clerk, living with his mother. In
1861, a merchant accountant, living at 1 Formosa Terrace, Paddington, Middlesex, with his wife Sarah and their daughter
Ada. In 1871, a corn merchant, living at 76 Oakfield Road, Penge, Surrey, with his wife Sarah, their children Ada, Edith,
Edmund, Kate, and Frederick, and a general servant.
- Ada Grace SHAPLEY, b. ca. Aug 1860 at Paddington, b. reg. Q3 1860 at Kensington R.D. In 1861 and 1871, living with her
- Edith SHAPLEY, b. ca. 1861 at Paddington, b. reg. Q4 1861 at Kensington R.D. In 1871, living with her parents. In 1881,
a milliner, visiting her brother Edmund, who was living with their mother's sister Emma Frances.
- Edmund Francis SHAPLEY, b. ca. 1864 at Paddington, b. reg. Q1 1864 at Kensington R.D. In 1871, living with his parents.
In 1881, an assistant to William URQUHART, a varnish dealer and husband of his mother's sister Emma Frances, at 107
Portsdown Road, Paddington.
- Kate SHAPLEY, b. ca. 1866 at Penge, b. reg. Q4 1866 at Croydon R.D. In 1871, living with her parents.
- Frederick SHAPLEY, b. ca. 1869 at Penge, b. reg. Q3 1869 at Croydon R.D. In 1871, living with his parents.
- John Osborne SHAPLEY, b. 28 Nov 1834 at Marylebone All Souls, chr. 25 Dec 1834 at All Souls, Marylebone, Middlesex, m.
reg. Q2 1863 at Newington R.D., Martha BROAD (b. ca. 1839 at Shadwell, Middlesex), d. reg. Q4 1883 at Fulham R.D. In 1841,
living with his mother. In 1861, assistant to a draper at 10-11 Mid East Street, Southampton, Hampshire. In 1881, a
draper's buyer, living at 4 Merton Terrace, Hammersmith, Middlesex, with his wife Martha and their children Martha, Lizzie, and Arthur.
- Martha Alice SHAPLEY, b. ca. 1864 at Woolwich, Kent, b. reg. Q1 1864 at Greenwich R.D., m. reg. Q4 1891 at Fulham
R.D., either Edward Herbert PARRY or William Jeffery THOMSON. In 1881, a pupil teacher, living with her parents.
- Lizzie Ann SHAPLEY, b. ca. 1866 at Woolwich, b. reg. Q2 1866 at Greenwich R.D., m. reg. Q3 1893 at Fulham R.D., either
William Herbert CHISLETT or George Benjamin WARNER. In 1881, a scholar, living with her parents.
- Arthur John SHAPLEY, b. ca. 1872 at Hammersmith, b. reg. Q1 1872 at Kensington R.D., d. reg. Q1 1942 at Brentford R.D.
In 1881, a scholar, living with his parents.
- Georgiana Amelia SHAPLEY, chr. 15 Mar 1837 at St. Margaret Pattens, London, d. reg. Q4 1838 at City of London R.D.,
bur. 15 Nov 1838 at St. Margaret Pattens, London. At her death in 1838, of Little Tower Street.
- Amelia SHAPLEY, b. ca. Jan 1841 in the City of London, b. reg. Q1 1841 at City of London R.D., chr. 31 Jan 1841 at St.
Margaret Pattens, London, m. John GLIDDON (b. ca. 1840 at Islington), d. reg. Q2 1924 at Wandsworth R.D. In 1841, living
with her mother. In 1851, a scholar, living with her mother. In 1861, an assistant in her sister Louisa's "fancy
repository", living with her mother. In 1871, living at Bedfont, Middlesex, with her husband John (a shorthand writer),
their children Louisa, John, Sydney, and Percy, her mother, and a general servant. In 1881, living at 8 Devonshire Road,
Lambeth, with her husband John (a shorthand writer), their children Louisa, John, and Sidney, and a general servant. In
1891, living at 39 Tremay Road, Streatham, London, with her husband John (a shorthand writer), their children Louisa,
John, and Sidney, and a general servant.
- Louisa Rose GLIDDON, b. ca. 1864 at Brixton, Surrey, b. reg. Q2 1864 at Lambeth R.D., m. reg. Q1 1896 at Wandsworth
R.D., William Collins SANFORD (b. ca. 1863 at Brixton). In 1871 and 1881, a scholar, living with her parents. In 1891,
living with her parents. In 1901, living at 72 Knolly Road, Norwood, London, with her husband William (an iron merchant),
their son John, a cook, and a nurse.
- John C. SANFORD, b. ca. 1896 at Streatham. In 1901, living with his parents.
- John Ernest GLIDDON, b. ca. 1867 at Clapham, Surrey. In 1871, living with his parents. In 1881, a scholar, living
with his parents. In 1891, a clerk for the Peninsular Oriental Company steamship line, living with his parents.
- Sydney Herbert GLIDDON, b. ca. Jun 1869 at Clapham. In 1871, living with his parents. In 1881, a scholar,
living with his parents. In 1891, a clerk for the Bank of Australasia, living with his parents.
- Percy GLIDDON, b. ca. Dec 1870 at Bedfont, d. reg. Q3 1871 at Staines R.D. In 1871, living with his parents.
- Harriot SIRCOMBE, chr. 7 Feb 1799 at Whitestone.
- Grace SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1802 at Whitestone, chr. 27 Jan 1802 at Whitestone. Twin with Jane. In 1841, a servant in the
PARR household at Knowle, Clyst St. George, Devon. In 1851, a seamstress, living with her brother William.
- Jane SIRCOMBE, b. ca. 1802 at Whitestone, chr. 27 Jan 1802 at Whitestone. Twin with Grace.
- George SIRCOMBE, chr. 26 Oct 1803 at Whitestone.
- Josiah Cunnett SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 16 May 1762 at Holcombe Burnell, bur. 7 Aug 1764 at Holcombe Burnell.

Top: signature of William Southcombe as a witness at the marriage of his sister Sarah in 1758. Bottom: signature
of William Southcombe 25 years later, at his own marriage in 1783. |
- William SOUTHCOMBE or CIRCOMB, chr. 18 Jun 1728 at Holcombe Burnell, m. 21 Apr 1783 at Holcombe
Burnell, Jane NASH (bur. 8 May 1804 at Holcombe Burnell), bur. 4 Jul 1803 at Holcombe Burnell. Probably witnessed his
sister Sarah's marriage in 1758. At his marriage in 1783, of Holcombe Burnell; Jane was of Tedburn St. Mary; the witnesses
were Thomas MORRISH and Richard SCANES (the future husband of Susanna SERCOMBE - how related?).
Jane's will was proved at Exeter on 28 Sep 1804, with effects under £1000. The executor was her husband's nephew
Samuel FURSE. The will left £100 each to John SCREECH, William WEBB, and Ann FURSE; £50 each to William and
Mary SCREECH; and the residue to Samuel. All were relatives, but the relationship was not stated.
- Sarah CIRCOMB or SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 19 Jun 1735 at Holcombe Burnell, m. 9 Mar 1758 at Holcombe Burnell, Thomas FURSE,
bur. 18 Feb 1795 at Holcombe Burnell. Witnesses at the marriage in 1758 were William SOUTHCOMBE (probably Sarah's brother)
and Tuball CASELY (perhaps a relative of Sarah's mother).
- Mary FURZE, chr. 29 Oct 1758 at Holcombe Burnell, m1. 19 Jul 1781 at Tedburn St. Mary, her first
cousin William SERCOMBE, m2. 4 Jun 1786 at Whitestone, Henry WHITENHOW (see sidebar). At his marriage in 1781,
William was of Whitestone; Thomas HOLMAN and William BLANCHFORD witnessed the marriage. At Mary's second marriage in 1786,
the witnesses were George LITTLEJOHN and Mary WESCOTT.
- Mary WHITENHOW, chr. 8 Jul 1787 at Whitestone.
- Samuel FURSE, chr. 1 Mar 1761 at Holcombe Burnell. Executor and residual beneficiary of Jane, widow of his father's
brother William; when she made her will (ca. 1804), Samuel was of Exeter.
- Joseph FURZE, chr. 27 Jan 1763 at Holcombe Burnell, bur. 9 Feb 1763 at Holcombe Burnell.
Elizabeth SEIRCOMBE, b. est. 1756, m. 19 Dec 1781 at Dunsford, Devon, after banns, William ARSCOTT. In 1781, Elizabeth was
of Dunsford, and William was of Doddiscombsleigh, Devon. Samuel SERCOMBE and Jeremiah CONNETT witnessed the marriage in
Sarah SERCOMBE, b. est. 1777, m. 3 Aug 1802 at Dunsford, Devon, after banns, George BUDDEN. James BENNETT and John RICE
witnessed the marriage in 1802.
SERCOMBE, b. est. 1782, m. Susan (b. ca. 1782 in Devon), d. by 1851. In 1851, Susan was a fund holder, lodging in the
POOK household at Dunsford, Devon.
Samuel SERCOMBE, b. est. 1786. At his son's marriage in 1843, a farmer. (Is this the same person as
- Samuel SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1812 at Dunsford or Ashton, Devon, m. 24 Jun 1843 at Holcombe Burnell, Devon, m. reg. Q2 1843
at St. Thomas R.D., Ann LITTLEJOHN (b. ca. 1812 at Holcombe Burnell, d. reg. Q3 1892 at St. Thomas R.D., daughter of
George LITTLEJOHN, a carpenter), d. reg. Q2 1885 at St. Thomas R.D. In 1841, a servant in the TAVERNER household at Heath
Barton Farm, Whitestone, Devon. At his marriage in 1843, a laborer, of Whitestone; Ann was a seamstress, of Holcombe
Burnell. In 1851, an agricultural laborer, living at Heath Cottage, Whitestone, with his wife Ann and their son George. In
1861, an agricultural laborer, living at Heath Cross Cottage, Whitestone, with his wife Ann, their daughters Mary Ann and
Miriam, and Ann's widowed mother Betsy (b. ca. 1781 at Whitestone). At his daughter's marriage in 1870, a laborer. In
1871, an agricultural laborer, living at Merry Street, Whitestone, with his wife Ann and their daughter Miriam. At his
son's marriage in 1874, a laborer. In 1881, a farm labourer, living at Oakhampton Road, Whitestone, with his wife Ann. In
1891, Ann was a shirt needleworker, visiting her daughter Mary Ann.
- John SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1844 at St. Thomas R.D.
- Harriet SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1846 at Whitestone, b. reg. Q1 1846 at St. Thomas R.D., m. 2 Jun 1870 at Whitestone, m. reg.
Q2 1870 at St. Thomas R.D., William SCOTT (b. ca. 1845 at Crediton, Devon, son of James SCOTT, a laborer). In 1851,
visiting the TURNER household at Beacon Down, Holcombe Burnell, next door to her maternal grandmother. In 1861, a nursery
maid, living in the WOOLLCOMBE household at the Rectory, Petrockstow, Devon. At her marriage in 1870, of Whitestone;
William was a railway porter, of St. Thomas, Devon. In 1871, living at Exwick, Devon, with her husband William (a porter
for the B&E Railway). In 1881, living at Rats Castle, Burlescombe, Devon, with her husband William (a foreman railway
porter) and their children Edith, Alice, William, Miriam, Fred, and Ellen. In 1891, living at Olbeat, Culmstock, Devon,
with her husband William (a railway porter) and their children Edith, Alice, William, Miriam, Frederick, Ellen, Beatrice,
Henry, Ethel, and Walter. In 1901, living at 31 Bailey Street, Bridgwater, Somerset, with her husband William (a policeman
for the Great Western Railway) and their children Henry, Ethel, and Walter.
- Edith Harriett SCOTT, b. ca. 1871 at St. Thomas, b. reg. Q3 1871 at St. Thomas R.D. In 1881 and 1891, living with her
- Alice Ann SCOTT, b. ca. 1872 at Culmstock, b. reg. Q1 1873 at Wellington Somerset R.D. In 1881 and 1891, living with
her parents.
- William George SCOTT, b. ca. 1875 at Culmstock, b. reg. Q2 1875 at Wellington Somerset R.D. In 1881, living with his
parents. In 1891, a railway porter, living with his parents.
- Miriam Sercombe SCOTT, b. ca. 1877 at Burlescombe, b. reg. Q2 1877 at Wellington Somerset R.D., m. reg. Q2 1910 at Taunton R.D., Charles NORTON (b. ca. 1870 at Culmstock). In 1881 and 1891, living with her parents. In 1911, living at Priorswood, Taunton, Somerset, with her husband Charles (a shepherd) and his children Albert and Howard.
- (stepson) Albert NORTON, b. ca. 1902 at Culmstock. In 1911, living with his father and stepmother.
- (stepson) Howard NORTON, b. ca. 1908 at Culmstock. In 1911, living with his father and stepmother.
- Frederick Samuel SCOTT, b. ca. 1878 at Burlescombe, b. reg. Q4 1878 at Wellington Somerset R.D. In 1881 and 1891,
living with his parents.
- Ellen Mary SCOTT, b. ca. Nov 1880 at Burlescombe, b. reg. Q4 1880 at Wellington Somerset R.D. In 1881, living with her
parents. In 1891, a scholar, living with her parents.
- Beatrice Annie SCOTT, b. ca. 1882 at Burlescombe, b. reg. Q1 1883 at Wellington Somerset R.D. In 1891, a scholar,
living with her parents.
- Henry Sanders or Sander SCOTT, b. 17 Dec 1885 at Culmstock, b. reg. Q1 1886 at Wellington Somerset R.D., d. 4 Apr 1948
at Cleveland, Cuyahoga County, Ohio. In 1891, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1901, a carpenter's apprentice,
living with his parents. At his death in 1948, a carpenter.
- Ethel Littlejohn SCOTT, b. ca. 1887 at Culmstock, b. reg. Q1 1888 at Wellington Somerset R.D. In 1891, a scholar,
living with her parents. In 1901, living with her parents.
- Walter James SCOTT, b. ca. 1889 at Culmstock, b. reg. Q1 1890 at Wellington Somerset R.D. In 1891 and 1901, living
with his parents.
- George SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1848 at Whitestone, b. reg. Q4 1848 at St. Thomas R.D., m. 12 May 1874 at Whimple, Devon, m. reg. Q2 1874 at St. Thomas R.D., Annie SCOTT (b. ca. 1851 at Tedburn St. Mary, Devon, m2. reg. Q2 1895 at Exeter R.D., Heinrich or Henry NOACK [b. ca. 1855 in Germany]; daughter of James SCOTT, a laborer), d. reg. Q3 1877 at Exeter R.D. In 1851, at home, living with his parents. In 1861, a farm yard boy in the SANFORD household at Barton Farm, Holcombe Burnell. Witnessed his sister Harriet's marriage in 1870. In 1871, an agricultural laborer in the HAWKINS household at West Wood Farm, Alphington. At his marriage in 1874, a railway porter, of St. Thomas; Annie was a domestic servant, of Whimple. (Where was Annie in 1881?) In 1891, Annie was a cook in the SNOW household at
Quarries, St. Thomas; her future husband Heinrich was the butler. In 1901, she was living at 8 Queens Terrace, Exeter, with her husband Henry (a waiter) and two boarders.
- Mary Ann SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1851 at Whitestone, b. reg. Q2 1851 at St. Thomas R.D., m. reg. Q4 1873 at Exeter R.D., Henry SANDERS (b. ca. 1844 at Bow,
Devon). In 1861, living with her parents. Witnessed her sister Harriet's marriage in 1870. In 1871, a general servant in
the FOX household at Lower Mount Radford Terrace, Exeter St. Leonard. In 1881, living at Exeter Road, Alphington, Devon,
with her husband Henry (a dairyman) and their daughter Ellen. In 1891, living at Flint Cottage, Alphington Road,
Alphington, with her husband Henry (a dairyman), their children Ellen and Harry, and her visiting mother. In 1901, living
at Mile End Cottage, Alphington, with her husband Henry (a dairyman) and their children Ellen, Harry, and Annie.
- Ellen SANDERS, b. ca. 1874 at Exeter St. David, b. reg. Q4 1874 at Exeter R.D. In 1881, a scholar, living with her
parents. In 1891 and 1901, a tailoress, living with her parents.
- Harry Sercombe SANDERS, b. 2 Nov 1886 at Alphington, b. reg. Q4 1886 at St. Thomas R.D., d. reg. Q3 1977 at Exeter
R.D. In 1891, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1901, an apprentice wheelwright, living with his parents.
- Annie Littlejohn SANDERS, b. ca. 1895 at Alphington, b. reg. Q1 1896 at St. Thomas R.D. In 1901, at school, living
with her parents.
- Miriam SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1854 at Whitestone, b. reg. Q3 1854 at St. Thomas R.D., d. reg. Q4 1877 at St. Thomas R.D. In
1861, living with her parents. In 1871, a stay maker, living with her parents.
John SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1821 in Devon. In 1830, apprenticed by the parish of Dunsford, Devon, to John SEWARD for Townsend
estate in Dunsford. In 1841, an agricultural apprentice, living in the household of John SEWARD at Townsend, Dunsford.
John SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1825 in Devon. In 1841, an agricultural laborer, living in the household of Thomas WILLS at
Collabridge, Dunsford, Devon.
Elizabeth SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1833 at Dunsford, Devon. In 1851, a house servant in the NORTHCOTT household at 1 Austwick
Terrace, Alphington Road, St. Thomas Apostle, Devon. (Is Elizabeth the daughter of James SERCOMBE or
Elizabeth SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1835 at Dunsford, Devon. In 1851, a house servant in the DICKER household at Holeland, Dunsford.
(Is Elizabeth the daughter of James SERCOMBE or John SERCOMBE?)
Families from Christow, Devon
See also the family of Peter SERCOMB or SOUTHCOMBE (1683/4 - 1745).
John SURCOMBE or SOUTHCOME, m. 7 Oct 1605 at Christow, Devon, Elizabeth HOLMAN. Known as John SURCOMBE senior when he
swore the protestation oath at Christow in 1641/2.
- Charitye SURCOM or SOUTHCOME, chr. 14 Apr 1606 at Christow, m. 20 Nov 1641 at Christow, Cyprian WILLS.
- Joane SURCOM (illegit.), chr. 5 Nov 1638 at Christow.
- Elizabeth SURCOM or SOUTHCOMB, chr. 23 Jan 1607/8 at Christow.
- Peter SURCOM (illegit.), chr. 23 Oct 1633 at Christow.
- Humphrey SURCOMBE or SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 22 Aug 1610 at Christow, m. 20 Sep 1632 at Christow, Richord MOLLANDE. Swore the
protestation oath at Christow in 1641/2.
- Elizabeth SURCOM, chr. 6 Jun 1633 at Christow.
- Peter SURCOMB, chr. 10 Apr 1636 at Christow.
- Anne SURCOM, chr. 15 Feb 1641/2 at Christow.
- John SUTHCOMB, chr. 20 Feb 1614/5 at Christow, prob. d. by 1623.
- Augustine SURCOMBE or SUTHCOMBE, chr. 16 Mar 1616/7 at Christow. Swore the protestation oath at Christow in 1641/2.
- John SERCOMBE or SOUTHCUM, chr. 5 Apr 1623 at Christow, m. Mary (bur. 8 Mar 1668/9 at Chudleigh, Devon), bur. 20 Jan
1683/4 at Chudleigh. Presumably known as John SURCOMBE junior in 1641/2, when his father was referred to as John SURCOMBE
senior, but posthumously as John SERCOMBE senior in 1692, when his son was referred to as John SERCOMBE junior.
- A son, b. 22 Mar 1653/4 at Christow, bur. 1 Apr 1654 at Christow.
- Marye SURCUMB, b. 24 Apr 1655 at Christow.
- Amy SURCUM, b. 10 Feb 1657/8 at Christow, bur. 4 Oct 1674 at Chudleigh.
- Elizabeth SERCOMBE or SOUTHCUM, chr. 7 Apr 1661 at Christow, m. 12 Jan 1685/6 at Chudleigh, Thomas RISDON.
- John SERCOMBE, chr. 7 Jun 1664 at Christow, bur. 13 Apr 1692 at Chudleigh. At his burial in 1692, known as John
SERCOMBE junior, presumably to distinguish him from his late father.
- John SURCOMBE, chr. 17 Jan 1691/2 at Chudleigh.
- Susanna SURCOMBE, chr. 9 Apr 1667 at Chudleigh, bur. 24 Jun 1669 at Chudleigh.
- Agnes SURCOMBE, bur. 25 Feb 1670/1 at Chudleigh.
- Christopher SURCOME, chr. 21 Sep 1625 at Christow.
- Thomas SURCOMBE or SOUTHCUM, chr. 20 Jul 1628 at Christow, m. Elizabeth, bur. 4 Aug 1680 at Christow.
- Thomas SURCOMBE, b. 21 Jun 1654 at Christow, m. 18 Aug 1681 at Christow, Charity ANGEL (bur. 17 Aug 1708 at Christow),
bur. 8 Mar 1710/1 at Christow.
- Richard SURCOMBE, chr. 9 Jul 1682 at Christow, m. 21 Oct 1706 at St. Paul, Exeter, Devon, Judith or Edith LYDDLE. In
1706, Richard was a blacksmith, of Christow, and Judith was of Farringdon.
- Anne SIRCUM, chr. 28 Jun 1707 at Christow, bur. 23 Jan 1714/5 at Christow.
- Thomas SURCOME, chr. 26 Feb 1709/0 at Christow.
- Thomas SURCOMBE, chr. 21 Apr 1685 at Christow.
- John SURCOMBE, chr. 27 Nov 1687 at Christow, bur. 2 or 3 Dec 1687 at Christow.
- Mary SURCOMBE, chr. 22 Mar 1688/9 at Christow, bur. 16 Apr 1689 at Christow.
- Robert SURCOMBE, chr. 28 Jul 1690 at Christow, bur. 6 Sep 1691 at Christow.
- Charitie SURCOMBE, chr. 28 May 1693 at Christow.
- Charity SURCOMBE, b. 26 Mar 1657 at Christow, bur. 12 May 1677 at Christow.
- Mary SOUTHCUM, chr. 29 Sep 1661 at Christow.
- Pentecost CURCUM, chr. 5 Feb 1664/5 at Christow.
- Simon SOUTHCUM, chr. 25 Jan 1667/8 at Christow.
- John SURCOMBE, chr. 13 Aug 1671 at Christow, m. 6 Aug 1699 at Christow, Agnes BERRY (m2. 19 Aug 1705 at Christow,
Richard FLOOD), d. by 1705.
- Elizabeth SURCOMBE, chr. 21 Feb 1699/0 at Christow.
- Christopher SURCUMBE, chr. 16 Feb 1678/9 at Christow, bur. 2 May 1682 at Christow.
Peter SERCUM, b. est. 1645, m. 1 Sep 1670 at Christow, Devon, Marye TAYLER (bur. 19 Oct 1716 at Hennock, Devon), bur.
20 Jul 1706 at Hennock.
- Peter SERCUM, chr. 5 Aug 1675 at Hennock.
- Peter SERCUM, chr. 1 Jan 1677/8 at Hennock, m. 8 Mar 1708/9 at Hennock, Hannah CORNISH.
- Marie SERCUM, b. 11 Mar 1679/80, chr. 29 Mar 1680 at Hennock.
- Elizabeth SERCUM, chr. 19 Nov 1683 at Hennock.
John SURCOMBE, m. 17(?) Aug(?) 1713 at Christow, Devon, Elizabeth WHITHEAD.
Edeth SERCUM, b. est. 1693, m1. 15 May 1718 at Christow, Devon, Edward MORTIMORE (bur. 10 Oct 1721 at Christow), m2.
8 Aug 1728 at Christow, Samuel WILLS.
William SIRCUM or SOUTHCOMB, b. est. 1706, m1. Jane (bur. 19 Mar 1730/1 at Christow, Devon), m2. 18 Nov 1731 at Christow,
Agnes ROBBIDGE (bur. 9 Nov 1762 at Christow), bur. 28 Jan 1765 at Christow. SIRCUM in the 1730s; SOUTHCOMB in the 1760s.
- William SIRCUM, chr. 23 Apr 1732 at Christow.
Thomas SERCOMBE or SOUTHCOMBE, b. ca. 1762, m. 17 Jan 1788 at Christow, Devon, Patience QUICK (bur.
25 Dec 1840 at Christow), bur. 29 Jun 1826 at Christow. At his death in 1826, of Wood, Christow. At Patience's death in
1840, she was of Teign Cottages; she was recorded in the burial register as Martha.
- George SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1788 at Bridford or Christow, chr. 11 May 1788 at Christow, m. 14 Jan 1810 at Bridford, Rosamond or Rose "Rosey" MUDGE (b. ca. 1789 at Bridford or Christow, d. 24 Dec 1863 at Bridford of a five-day fever, d. reg. Q4 1863 at St. Thomas R.D.), bur. 15 Feb 1863 at Bridford. At his marriage in 1810, a sojourner in Bridford but of the parish of Christow; Rosamond was of Bridford; the marriage was witnessed by George BAILEY. At his daughter's baptism in 1814, a laborer, of Middle Hole, Bridford. At his daughter's baptism in 1816, a husbandman, of Middle Hole. At his daughter's baptism in 1818, a husbandman, of Cot, near Canonteign, Christow. At his daughter's baptism in 1820, a husbandman, of Coombe, Bridford. At his son's baptism in 1822, a husbandman, of Coombe Cottage, Bridford. At his son's baptism in 1825, a husbandman, of Osborns Cott, Bridford. At his daughter's baptism in 1828, a laborer, of Osbornes Cott. At his son's baptism in 1833, a laborer, of Staddons Cott, Bridford. At his children's marriages in 1837, 1842, 1845, 1848, and 1849, a laborer. In 1851, an agricultural laborer, living at Staddons Cot, Bridford, with his wife Rosey. At his son's marriage in 1856, a labourer. In 1861, an agricultural laborer, living at Pynes, Bridford, with his wife Rosamond and grandson Robert TURNER (b. ca. 1854 at Christow). Ann CLARK (not identified) was present at Rosamond's death in 1863.
- William SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1811 at Bridford or Christow, chr. 22 Sep 1811 at Christow, m. 5 Nov 1837 at Bridford, m. reg. Q4 1837 at St. Thomas R.D., Mary WILLS (daughter of Joseph WILLS and Johanna HUTCHINGS; b. ca. 1818 at Bridford, d. reg. Q4 1887 at St. Thomas R.D.), d. reg. Q2 1890 at St. Thomas R.D. At his marriage in 1837, a basket maker, of Coombe, Bridford; Mary was of Hilber, Bridford. At his son's baptism in 1838, a laborer, of Osbornes Cott, Bridford. In 1851, a basket maker, living at Green Hill Cot, Bridford, with his wife Mary, children John, Elizabeth, and William, and lodger John MUDGE (agricultural laborer, b. ca. 1794 at Bridford). In 1861, a basket maker, living at Bridge Street, Alphington, Devon, with his wife Mary, children John, William, Thomas, Ellen, and Emily, and boarding nephew George TURNER (scholar, b. ca. 1852 at Coleford, Devon). In 1871, a basket maker, living at Cowick Street, St. Thomas, Devon, with his wife Mary, their children William, Thomas, Ellen, and Emily, and an apprentice Thomas KEYS, son of his first cousin Elizabeth SERCOMBE. In 1881, a basket maker employing ten men and two boys, living at 8 Cowick Street with his wife Mary, daughter Emily, and granddaughter Elizabeth Ada HARVEY. At his daughter's marriage in 1888, a basket maker.
- John SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1838 at Bridford, b. reg. Q3 1838 at St. Thomas R.D., chr. 30 Sep 1838 at Bridford, m. reg. Q3 1869 at Newton Abbot R.D., Annie ORCHARD (b. ca. 1838 at Wootten Courtenay, Somerset, d. by 1891), d. reg. Q3 1919 at St. Thomas R.D. In 1851, living with his parents. In 1861, a basket maker, living with his parents. In 1871, a basket maker, living at 9 Strand, Starcross, Kenton, Devon, with his wife Annie. In 1881, a basket maker, living at 2 New Road, Kenton, with his wife Annie and sons William and James. In 1891, a basket maker, living at 1 Queen Street, Kenton, with his son Frederick. In 1901, a willow basket maker, living at New Road, Starcross, with his son Frederick and Frederick's family. In 1911, a basket maker (on his own account), living at New Road, Starcross, with his son Frederick, Frederick's family, and the visiting family of Frederick's wife's sister.
- William George Orchard SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1871 at Starcross, Kenton, b. reg. Q2 1871 at St. Thomas R.D., m1. 16 Oct 1899 at St. Jude, Plymouth, m1. reg. Q4 1899 at Plymouth R.D., Emily Maud BOLT (b. ca. 1870 at Countess Weir, Devon, d. reg. Q4 1914 at Totnes R.D., daughter of Thomas BOLT, a mason, and Martha), m2. reg. Q1 1919 at Totnes R.D., Louisa ARSCOTT (b. ca. 1894, d. reg. Q1 1960 at Totnes R.D.), d. reg. Q3 1955 at Totnes R.D. In 1881, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1891, a basket maker's assistant, living in the household of his aunt Emily SERCOMBE. In 1901, a railway signalman, living at 13 Anson Place, Plymouth, with his wife Emily. In 1911, a railway signalman for the Great Western Railway, living at 5 Argyle Terrace, Totnes, Devon, with his wife's parents; Emily was living with her sister Bertha at 85 Ladysmith Road, Heavitree. At his son's death in 1944, of Dartington, Devon.
- Frederick John SERCOMBE, b. 23 Jan 1920, b. reg. Q1 1920 at Totnes R.D., d. reg. Oct 2000 at South Hams R.D.
- William George SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q1 1922 at Totnes R.D., d. 23 Aug 1944, bur. at Ancona War Cemetery, Tavernelle, near Ancona, Italy. At his death in 1944, a leading aircraftman in the Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve.
- Betty E. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q3 1928 at Totnes R.D., m. 17 Oct 1953 at Dartington, Devon, m. reg. Q4 1953 at Totnes R.D., Robert J. CLARK.
- Frederick James O. (or James Frederick) SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1872 at Starcross, Kenton, b. reg. Q4 1872 at St. Thomas R.D., m. 6 Feb 1899 at St. James, West Hampstead, London, m. reg. Q1 1899 at Hampstead R.D., Edith CHEGWYN (b. ca. 1876 at East Stonehouse, Plymouth, daughter of Richard CHEGWYN and Emily SHEPHERD), d. reg. Q2 1956 at Devon Central R.D. In 1881, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1891, a basket maker, living with his parents. In 1901, a willow basket maker, living in his father's house with his wife Edith and their children Harold and Winifred. In 1911, a basket maker (on his own account), living in his father's house with his wife Edith and their children Harold, Winifred, and Edith. Relative of researcher Linda Nelson. See Linda's website.
- Harold George SERCOMBE, b. 21 Dec 1899 at Starcross, b. reg. Q1 1900 at St. Thomas R.D., m. reg. Q2 Jun 1925 at Okehampton R.D., Lottie HEYSETT (b. 12 Nov 1899, d. reg. Jul 1996 at Harrow R.D.), d. reg. May 1990 at Brent R.D. In 1901, living with his parents. In 1911, at school, living with his parents.
- Eric J. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q3 1931 at Hampstead R.D.
- Alan Geoffrey SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1934 at Hendon R.D., m. 26 Jul 1958 at St. Andrew, Norwich, m. reg. Q3 1958 at Norwich R.D., Gillian Mary Catherine CAVE (m2. ARNOT SMITH), div. 26 Jan 1965 in Australia. Researcher Gillian Arnot Smith.
- Winifred Annie SERCOMBE, b. 10 Feb 1901 at Starcross, b. reg. Q1 1901 at St. Thomas R.D., d. reg. Q1 1980 at Newton Abbot R.D. In 1901, living with her parents. In 1911, at school, living with her parents.
- Edith Elizabeth "Edie" SERCOMBE, b. 3 Dec 1902 at Starcross, b. reg. Q4 1902 at St. Thomas R.D., d. reg. Q4 1975 at Newton Abbot R.D. In 1911, living with her parents.
- Elizabeth SERCOMBE, b. 25 Jun 1840 at Staddons Cott, Bridford, b. reg. Q3 1840 at St. Thomas R.D., chr. 12 Jul 1840 at
Bridford, m. 28 Feb 1864 at St. Luke, Norwood, Surrey, m. reg. Q1 1864 at Lambeth R.D., George HARVEY (d. ca. 1891, son of
Daniel HARVEY, a gardener), d. Jan 1897 at St. Pancras Infirmary, London, bur. in the City of London Cemetery. In 1851,
living with her parents. In 1861, a housemaid in the BUSTARD household at Friars House, Exeter. At her marriage in 1864,
of Lower Norwood; George was a blacksmith, also of Lower Norwood.
Ancestor of researcher Alan Marshall.
- Elizabeth Ada HARVEY, b. ca. 1866 at London. In 1881, living with her mother's parents. In 1891,
living with her mother's sister Emily.
- Frederick John HARVEY, b. ca. 1878, d. 1935 at Windsor, Victoria.
- Mary Ann SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1843 at Bridford, b. reg. Q1 1843 at St. Thomas R.D., m. 7 Aug 1864 at St. Luke, Norwood, m.
reg. Q3 1864 at Lambeth R.D., Charles BANBURY (b. ca. 1842 at Kenford, Devon, son of Charles BANBURY, a bricklayer).
(Where in 1851?) In 1861, a general servant in the TUCKER household at 5 Lansdowne Terrace, Exeter. At her marriage in
1864, of Lower Norwood; Charles was a porter, also of Lower Norwood; the witnesses were George HARVEY (Mary's sister
Elizabeth's husband) and John THORN Junior. In 1871, living at 50 Chatham Street, St. Mary Newington, London, with her
husband Charles (a carman) and their daughter Florence. In 1881, living at 45 Henshaw Street, St. Mary Newington, with her
husband Charles (a warehouseman), their daughters Florence and Mary, and a nurse child.
- Florence E. BANBURY, b. ca. 1868 at Newington, Surrey. In 1871, living with her parents. In 1881, a scholar, living
with her parents.
- Mary E. BANBURY, b. ca. 1871 at Newington. In 1881, a scholar, living with her parents.
- William SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1848 at Bridford, b. reg. Q1 1848 at St. Thomas R.D., m. reg. Q3 1872 at Exeter R.D., Mary Jane BAKER (b. ca. 1851 at Exmouth, Devon, d. reg. Q4 1914 at St. Thomas R.D.), d. 14 Mar 1918, d. reg. Q1 1918 at St. Thomas R.D. In 1851, living with his parents. In 1861, a basket maker, living with his parents. In 1871, a basket maker, living with his parents. At his daughter's marriage in 1880, a basket maker. In 1881, a basket maker, living at 24 Cowick Street with his wife Mary, their daughters Alberta, Jeanette, and Ada, and a lodger. In 1891, a basket maker, living at Cowick Street with his wife Mary, their children Alberta, Jeanette, Ada, William, Lilian, and Eveline, and a lodger. At his daughter's marriage in 1898, a basket maker. In 1901, a basket manufacturer, living at 8 Cowick Street with his wife Mary, their children Alberta, William, Lilian, Eveline, Henrietta, and Dorothy, and their grandchildren Harold and Marguerite. In 1911, a basket manufacturer (with employees), living at 8 Cowick Street, Exeter, with his wife Mary, their children Alberta, William, and Dorothy, and their granddaughters Ivy SERCOMBE, Marjory STURGE, and Olive STURGE. At his daughter's marriage in 1912, a basket maker. At his death in 1918, a basket manufacturer, of 8 Cowick Street, St. Thomas, Exeter. Administration of his estate (effects £293 16s.) was granted on 17 Jun 1918 to his daughter Evelyn. At his daughter Alberta's marriage in 1920 (posth.), a basket maker.
- Alberta Emily SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1872 at Exeter, b. reg. Q4 1872 at Exeter R.D., m. 25 Dec 1920 at St. John, Walham Green, Fulham, Middlesex, m. reg. Q4 1920 at Fulham R.D., Frederick DAVEY (b. ca. 1880, son of John DAVEY, a builder). In 1881, a scholar, living with her parents. In 1891, living with her parents. At her daughter's birth in 1897, a milliner, of Day's Lane, Exminster. At her daughter's birth in 1899, a housekeeper (not domestic), of West View Terrace, Exeter. In 1901, an assistant to her father, living in the household of her parents with her daughter Marguerite. In 1909, calling herself Mrs. Alberta STURGE, sailed from Cape Town to London via Mauritius on the S.S. Goth (third class), arriving 18 Mar 1909, with her daughters Lilian, Marjory, and Olive. In 1911, living with her parents, using the surname STURGE and supposedly married (ca. 1898). At her marriage in 1920, a cook, using the surname STURGE and supposedly a widow, of 13 Knivet Road, Fulham; Frederick was a builder (journeyman baker crossed out), also of 13 Knivet Road; the witnesses were Arthur DAVEY and Jenny PONSFORD (probably Alberta's sister).
- Lilian Irene "Lily" SERCOMBE or Lilian STURGE, b. 19 Aug 1897 at Day's Lane, Exminster, Devon, b. reg. Q3 1897 at St. Thomas R.D. (Her father's name, shown crossed out on her birth certificate, is Herbert STURGE.) In 1901, boarding in the COMPODONICO household at 5 Exe Bridge, Exeter. In 1909, sailed from Cape Town to London with her mother. In 1911, visiting Ellen COMPODONICO, proprietor of the Ship Inn, Heavitree. STURGE in 1909, otherwise SERCOMBE.
- Marguerite Sturge SERCOMBE or Marjory STURGE, b. 18 Dec 1899 at West View Terrace, Exeter, b. reg. Q1 1900 at Exeter R.D. In 1901, living with her mother and grandparents. In 1909, sailed from Cape Town to London with her mother. In 1911, at school, living with her mother and grandparents. SERCOMBE in 1900 and 1901; STURGE in 1909 and 1911.
- Olive STURGE, b. ca. 1907 in Transvaal, South Africa. In 1909, sailed from Cape Town to London with her mother. In 1911, living with her mother and grandparents.
- Another child, d. by 1911.
- Jennette "Jenny" Baker SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1874 at Exeter, b. reg. Q3 1874 at Exeter R.D., m. 19 Aug 1901 at St. Thomas,
after banns, m. reg. Q3 1901 at St. Thomas R.D., Arthur PONSFORD (b. ca. 1874, son of William Henry PONSFORD [d. by 1901],
a contractor). In 1881, a scholar, living with her parents. In 1891, living with her parents. At her daughter's birth in
1898, of 2 Market Alley, Plymouth. In Mar 1901, a housekeeper,
living at 24 Finsbury Street, London. At her marriage in Aug 1901, of 8 Cowick Street, St. Thomas; Arthur was an
accountant, of St. George Southwark, London; the witnesses were W. SERCOMBE (probably Jennette's father), Gertrude Ethel
MATTHEWS (adopted daughter of her uncle Thomas SERCOMBE), and Aubrey R. FOOTE (husband of her sister Ada).
- William Harold SERCOMBE, b. 4 Sep 1891 at Dawlish, b. reg. Q4 1891 at Newton Abbot R.D., m. reg. Q1 1913 at
Exeter R.D., Mary Elizabeth BLACKMORE, d. aboard ship 5 Sep 1922. In 1901, living with his mother's parents. In
1911, an able seaman aboard H.M.S. Kent, a first class cruiser in the
China Station, at 31°45'S 71°55'W (20 miles off the coast
of Chile, 100 miles north of Valparaiso). Served in the Battle of
Jutland in 1916. Official records say he died of heart failure, but according to family tradition he was locked in the
hold of his ship and died of suffocation.
Ancestor of researcher Julie Jolley.
- Hilda M. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q3 1913 at Exeter R.D.
- William H. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q1 1920 at Exeter R.D.
- Maureen J. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q3 1924 at Exeter R.D., m. reg. Q3 1957 at Winchester R.D., Brian HUDSON.
- Steven J. HUDSON, b. reg. Q4 1962 at Winchester R.D.
- Andrew James HUDSON, b. reg. Q3 1966 at Winchester R.D.
- Ivy SERCOMBE, b. 14 Apr 1898 at 2 Market Alley, Plymouth, b. reg. Q2 1898 at Plymouth R.D., m. reg. Q4 1921 at Exeter R.D., her third cousin once removed James Horatio Wallace MILLMAN. In 1901, boarding in the HEATH household at 4 Okehampton Street, St. Thomas, Devon. In 1911, at school, living with her mother's parents.
- William Arthur R. PONSFORD, b. reg. Q4 1902 at St. Olave Bermondsey R.D.
- Herbert Edward PONSFORD, b. reg. Q1 1904 at St. Olave Bermondsey R.D.
- Henry Percy PONSFORD, b. reg. Q1 1906 at St. Olave Bermondsey R.D.
- (perhaps) Emma Florence PONSFORD, b. reg. Q4 1908 at St. Olave Bermondsey R.D.
- Leonard L. PONSFORD, b. reg. Q4 1910 at St. Olave Bermondsey R.D.
- Ada Mary SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1876 at St. Thomas, b. reg. Q3 1876 at St. Thomas R.D., m. 30 Jul 1898 at St. Thomas, by licence, m. reg. Q3 1898 at St. Thomas R.D., Aubrey Reginald FOOTE (b. ca. 1878 at Exeter, son of Albert FOOTE, a clerk to the guardians). In 1881, a scholar, living with her parents. In 1891, living with her parents. At her marriage in 1898, of St. Thomas; Aubrey was a poor law clerk, of Exeter St. Sidwell; the witnesses were Bertie SERCOMBE (probably her sister Alberta) and Jenny SERCOMBE (her sister Jennette). In 1901, living with her husband Aubrey (a poor law clerk) at 43 Paris Street, Exeter. In 1911, living at 62 Oxford Road, Exeter, with her husband Aubrey (assistant clerk to the guardians of the Exeter Corporation of the Poor and registrar of marriages), their children Violet and Albert, and her sister Lilian.
- Violet Audrey FOOTE, b. ca. 1904 at Exeter, b. reg. Q1 1904 at Exeter R.D. In 1911, living with her parents.
- (probably) Lilian Gladys FOOTE, b. reg. Q2 1908 at Exeter R.D., d. reg. Q1 1911 at Exeter R.D.
- Albert Curme FOOTE, b. ca. 1910 at Exeter, b. reg. Q2 1910 at Exeter R.D. In 1911, living with his parents.
- Ada M. FOOTE, b. reg. Q1 1912 at Exeter R.D.
- (probably) Ivy Baker SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1878 at St. Thomas R.D., d. reg. Q3 1878 at St. Thomas R.D.
- (probably) Carrie Baker SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q4 1879 at St. Thomas R.D., d. reg. Q3 1880 at St. Thomas R.D.
- William Baker SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1881 at St. Thomas, b. reg. Q4 1881 at St. Thomas R.D., m. reg. Q3 1911 at Exeter R.D., Elizabeth BURRIDGE, d. 18 Jun 1927 at the City
Mental Hospital, Digbys, Exeter, d. reg. Q2 1927 at St. Thomas R.D. In 1891, living with his parents. In 1901 and 1911, a basket maker, living with his parents. At his death in 1927, of 8 Cowick Sreet, Exeter. Administration of his estate (effects £153 19s. 5d.) was granted on 27 Aug 1927 to his widow Elizabeth.
- Reginald William SERCOMBE, b. 14 Sep 1911, b. reg. Q4 1911 at St. Thomas R.D., d. reg. Q4 1974 at Exeter R.D.
- Leonard Frank SERCOMBE, b. 24 Oct 1916, b. reg. Q4 1916 at St. Thomas R.D., m. reg. Q2 1942 at Exeter R.D., Audrey
W.J. ENDACOTT (b. 25 Jun 1916, d. reg. Jul 1986 at Exeter R.D.), d. reg. Feb 2003 at Nottingham R.D.
- (probably) Reginald Baker SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1884 at St. Thomas R.D., d. reg. Q1 1887 at St. Thomas R.D.
- Lilian Baker SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1886 at St. Thomas, b. reg. Q2 1886 at St. Thomas R.D., m1. reg. Q2 1942 at Newton Abbot R.D., Ronald C. ATKIN, m2. reg. Q1 1948 at Exeter R.D., Thomas WARREN. In 1891 and 1901, living with her parents. In 1911, living with her sister Ada.
- Eveline Baker SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1887 at St. Thomas, m. 28 Feb 1912 at St. Thomas, m. reg. Q1 1912 at St. Thomas R.D., Charles Chard TUDBALL (b. ca. 1882, son of John TUDBALL, a farmer). In 1891 and 1901, living with her parents. (Where in 1911?) At her marriage in 1912, of 8 Cowick Street; Charles was an attendant at the county asylum, Exminster; the witnesses were William SERCOMBE (her father) and William Baker SERCOMBE (her brother). In 1918, administrator of her father's estate.
- Charles W. TUDBALL, b. reg. Q2 1916 at St. Thomas R.D.
- Betty D. TUDBALL, b. reg. Q3 1924 at Exeter R.D.
- (probably) Rosamond Baker SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1890 at St. Thomas R.D., d. reg. Q4 1890 at St. Thomas R.D.
- Henrietta Baker SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1891 at St. Thomas, b. reg. Q3 1891 at St. Thomas R.D., d. reg. Q1 1940 at Surrey Mid Eastern R.D. In 1901, living with her parents. In 1911, a scullery maid in the SINGER household at Steartfield, Paignton, Devon.
- Dorothy May SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1896 at St. Thomas, b. reg. Q2 1896 at St. Thomas R.D., m. reg. Q3 1921 at Exeter R.D., Frederick CHING, d. reg. Q1 1965 at Exeter R.D. In 1901, living with her parents. In 1911, at school, living with her parents.
- Sarah SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q4 1850 at St. Thomas R.D., d. reg. Q4 1850 at St. Thomas R.D.
- Thomas SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1853 at Bridford, b. reg. Q2 1853 at St. Thomas R.D., m1. 5 Jun 1876 at St. Thomas, m1. reg. Q2 1876 at St. Thomas R.D., Elizabeth MARLEY (b. ca. 1852 at Cheriton Fitzpaine, Devon, daughter of Robert MARLEY, a labourer, d. by 1901), m2. ca. 1903 Eliza MacDOUGALL (b. ca. 1867 at Glasgow, Scotland, m1. CHRYSTIE), d. reg. Q4 1921 at Hampstead R.D. In 1861, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1871, a joiner, living with his parents. At his marriage in 1876, a joiner, of St. Mary Newington, London; Elizabeth was of Cowick Street, St. Thomas. In 1881, a joiner, boarding in the SCOTT household at 6 Stephen Street, Cheetham, Lancashire; his wife Elizabeth was living with his sister Ellen. In 1891, a shopfitter's showcase maker's foreman, living at 33 Rattray Road, Lambeth, London, with his wife Elizabeth and adopted daughter Gertrude Ethel MATTHEWS (b. ca. 1882 at Walworth, London). In 1901, a commercial traveller in tobacco, etc., boarding at Sackville Street Upper, Mountjoy, Dublin, Ireland. In 1911, a showcase warehouse manager in the shop fittings business, living at 27 Donnington Park Road, West Hampstead, London N.W., with his wife Eliza, their son Thomas, Eliza's son William, her sister Janet and brother Alexander, and five boarders.
- (stepson) William Burns CHRYSTIE, b. ca. 1896 at Glasgow. In 1911, a student, living with his mother and stepfather.
- Thomas Alexander SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1906 at Glasgow, m. reg. Q4 1934 at Hampstead R.D., Margaret P. MURDOCH. In 1911, living with his parents.
- Ellen SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1856 at Bridford, m. 5 Jun 1880 at St. Marylebone, Marylebone, London, m. reg. Q2 1880 at
Marylebone R.D., Charles Henry WHITE (b. ca. 1856 in Scotland, son of Charles WHITE, an excise officer). In 1861 and 1871,
a scholar, living with her parents. At her marriage in 1880, of 8 Cowick Street, Exeter; Charles was a paper hanger, of 89
Earl Street, Marylebone; the witnesses were Ellen's brother Thomas and his wife Elizabeth. In 1881, living at 104 Earl
Street, Marylebone, with her husband Charles (a paper hanger), their son Percy, and her brother Thomas's wife Elizabeth.
- Percy C. WHITE, b. ca. Feb 1881 at Marylebone. In 1881, living with his parents.
- Emily SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1860 at Alphington, Devon, b. reg. Q1 1860 at St. Thomas R.D., m. 2 Apr 1888 at St. Thomas, m. reg. Q2 1888 at St. Thomas R.D., Arthur William ASHFORD (b. ca. 1859 at Totnes, Devon, son of Henry ASHFORD, a coal merchant). In 1861, living with her parents. In 1871, a scholar, living with her parents. In 1881, living with her parents. At her marriage in 1888, of Regent Street; Arthur was a grocer's assistant, also of Regent Street; the witnesses were William SERCOMBE (her father or brother) and Elizabeth Ada HARVEY (her niece). In 1891, living at 41 Regent Street, St. Thomas, with her husband Arthur (a grocer's assistant), their two children, her niece Elizabeth Ada HARVEY, her nephew William George Orchard SERCOMBE, and visitor Mary (a nurse, b. ca. 1834 at Exwick, Devon, m. FOSTER).
- Ada M. ASHFORD, b. ca. 1888 at St. Thomas, Devon. In 1891, living with her parents.
- A son, b. Mar 1891 at St. Thomas. In 1891, living with his parents.
- Mary SERCOMBE, chr. 9 Feb 1814 at Bridford, m. 1 Jun 1842 at Bridford, m. reg. Q2 1842 at St. Thomas R.D., John JARVIS
(son of James JARVIS, a tailor). At her marriage in 1842, a servant, of Dunsford; John was a laborer, of Drewsteignton.
- Elizabeth SERCOMBE, chr. 3 Mar 1816 at Bridford, bur. 24 Dec 1831 at Bridford.
- Joanna or Johanna SERCOMBE, chr. 24 Mar 1818 at Christow, bur. 7 Mar 1819 at Bridford.
- Sarah SERCOMBE, chr. 16 Jan 1820 at Bridford, m. 31 Jan 1845 at Bridford, m. reg. Q1 1845 at St. Thomas R.D., Robert
CASLEY (son of Richard CASLEY, a labourer). At her marriage in 1845, a servant, of Bridford; Robert was a laborer, also of
- John SERCOMBE, chr. 14 Aug 1822 at Bridford, m. 10 Feb 1848 at St. Thomas, Devon, m. reg. Q1 1848 at St. Thomas R.D.,
Ann HARRIS (b. ca. 1814 at Shillingford, Devon, daughter of Richard Licion HARRIS, a laborer). At his marriage in 1848, a
laborer, of St. Thomas; Ann was also of St. Thomas; Jane SQUIRES was a witness at the marriage. In 1851, a railway porter,
living at Painters Row, St. Thomas, with his wife Ann.
- George SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1825 at Bridford, chr. 24 Apr 1825 at Bridford, m1. 22 Mar 1849 at Christow, m1. reg. Q1 1849 at St. Thomas R.D., Ann GOVE (b. ca. 1828 at Christow, daughter of Thomas GOVE, a laborer, d. reg. Q1 1885 at Newton Abbot R.D.), m2. reg. Q2 1888 at Exeter R.D., Frances GODFREY (b. ca. 1849 at Broadclyst, Devon, d. reg. Q3 1935 at Newton Abbot R.D.), d. reg. Q3 1907 at Newton Abbot R.D. At his marriage in 1849, a laborer, of Christow; Ann was also of Christow; George's brother Thomas and sister Rosamund witnessed the marriage. In White's directory for 1850, listed as a basket maker at Kenton. In 1851, a basket maker, living at Church Street, Kenton, with his wife Ann and their daughter Mary. In 1861, a basket maker employing one man, living at Kenton with his wife Ann, their children Mary, Sarah, John, and Harry, employee basket maker James GOVE (b. ca. 1838 at Christow, presumably a relative of Ann), and a lodger. In 1871, a farmer of 84 acres employing one man, living at Ringmore, Devon, with his wife Ann, their children Mary, Sarah, John, and Harry, and a farm servant. At his daughter's marriage in 1872, a yeoman. At his daughter's marriage in 1873 and his son's marriage in 1876, a farmer. In 1881, a farmer of 90 acres employing one man, living at Farm House, Stokeinteignhead, Devon, with his wife Anne, their son Harry, and two servants. At his son's marriage in 1884, a farmer. In 1891, a retired farmer, living at Fore Street, Shaldon, Devon, with his wife Frances. In 1901, a retired yeoman, living at Fore Street, Shaldon, with his wife Frances. In 1911, Frances was of private means, living at Shaldon.
- Mary Jane SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1850 at Kenton or Starcross, b. reg. Q1 1850 at St. Thomas R.D., m. 19 Sep 1872 at Stokeinteignhead, m. reg. Q3 1872 at Newton Abbot R.D., Frederick SLOCOMBE (b. ca. 1843 in Devon, m1. and wid. by 1872; son of John SLOCOMBE, a mason). In 1851, 1861, and 1871, living with her parents. At her marriage in 1872, of Stokeinteignhead; Frederick was a builder, of East Teignmouth; the witnesses were George SERCOMBE and William PHILLIPS. In 1881, living at Esplanade House, Teignmouth, Devon, with her husband Frederick (a builder employing 25 men) and their children Edith, George, and Mary.
- Edith M. SLOCOMBE, b. ca. 1875 at Starcross. In 1881, a scholar, living with her parents.
- George F.S. SLOCOMBE, b. ca. 1878 at Teignmouth, b. reg. Q1 1878 at Newton Abbot R.D. In 1881, a scholar, living with his parents.
- Mary A. SLOCOMBE, b. ca. Oct 1880 at Teignmouth. In 1881, living with her parents.
- Sarah Ann SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1851 at Kenton, m. 15 May 1873 at Stokeinteignhead, m. reg. Q2 1873 at Newton Abbot R.D., Arthur Henry SLOCOMBE (b. ca. 1850 at Dawlish, Devon; son of John SLOCOMBE, a mason). In 1861 and 1871, living with her parents. At her marriage in 1873, of Ringmore; Arthur was a builder, of Dawlish; the witnesses were Frederick SLOCOMBE and George SERCOMBE. In 1881, living at 12 Bath Terrace, Tormoham, Devon, with her husband Arthur (a plasterer) and their son Arthur.
- Arthur H. SLOCOMBE, b. ca. 1873 at Shaldon. In 1881, living with his parents.
- John SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1853 at Kenton or Shaldon, m1. 26 Oct 1876 at Dawlish, m1. reg. Q4 1876 at Newton Abbot R.D., Louisa Ann "Annie" SLOCOMBE (b. ca. 1855 at Dawlish, Devon, daughter of John SLOCOMBE, a plasterer; m2. reg. Q4 1893 at Williton R.D., Robert RAWLE [b. ca. 1861 at Stoke Pero, Somerset]), d. reg. Q1 1892 at Williton R.D. In 1861 and 1871, living with his parents. At his marriage in 1876, a farmer, of Stokeinteignhead; Louisa was of Dawlish; the witnesses were John SLOCOMBE (probably her father) and John HARRIS. In 1881, a hauler, living at 3 Brunswick Place, Dawlish, with his wife Louie (a lodging house keeper), daughters Maude and Annie, and three lodgers. In 1891, a dairy man, living at Westcott, Porlock, Somerset, with his wife Louisa and their children Alice, Annie, and William. In 1901, Louisa was living at Ludslade, Exford, Somerset, with her husband Robert (a farmer), three of their children, and her children Annie and William. At his daughter Annie's marriage in 1905 and at his son William's marriage in 1906 (both posth.), a farmer.
- Alice Maud SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1877 at Shaldon, b. reg. Q3 1877 at Newton Abbot R.D., m. reg. Q4 1901 at Williton R.D., John SUMMERS. In 1881, living with her parents. In 1891, a scholar, living with her parents. In 1901, a cook in the MOLONY household at The Steep, Luccombe, Somerset.
- Annie Gertrude SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1879 at Dawlish, b. reg. Q2 1879 at Newton Abbot R.D., m. 5 Apr 1905 at Cruwys
Morchard, Devon, m. reg. Q2 1905 at Tiverton R.D., Charlie SHARLAND (b. ca. 1874, son of James SHARLAND, a laborer,
probably a brother of Mabel SHARLAND, wife of Annie's brother William). In 1881, living with her parents. In 1891, a
scholar, living with her parents. In 1901, a general domestic servant, living with her mother and stepfather. At her
marriage in 1905, of Cruwys Morchard; Charlie was a laborer, also of Cruwys Morchard; the witnesses were Thomas SHARLAND
and Alice Maud SUMMERS.
- James Sercombe SHARLAND, b. 1 Mar 1908, b. reg. Q2 1908 at Tiverton R.D., d. reg. Feb 1997 at Mid Devon R.D.
- Louisa A. SHARLAND, b. reg. Q3 1913 at Tiverton R.D.
- Alice M. SHARLAND, b. reg. Q3 1916 at Tiverton R.D.
- William John SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1883 at Harberton, Devon, b. reg. Q1 1883 at Totnes R.D., m. 6 Jun 1906 at Cruwys Morchard, m. reg. Q2 1906 at Tiverton R.D., Mabel SHARLAND (b. ca. 1885 at Cruwys Morchard, daughter of James SHARLAND, a laborer, and probably a sister of Charlie SHARLAND, husband of William's sister Annie). In 1891, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1901, a farm carter, living with his mother and stepfather. At his marriage in 1906, a laborer, of Cruwys Morchard; Mabel was a servant, of Witheridge; the witnesses were Thomas SHARLAND and Ethel Mary MOORE. In 1911, a carter on a farm, living at Calverleigh, Tiverton, with his wife Mabel and their children Arthur, William, and Gladys.
- George William SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1906 at Tiverton R.D., d. reg. Q2 1906 at Tiverton R.D.
- Arthur John SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1907 at Cruwys Morchard, b. reg. Q2 1907 at Tiverton R.D., d. reg. Q1 1964 at Newtown R.D. In 1911, living with his parents.
- William James SERCOMBE, b. 17 Sep 1908 at Cruwys Morchard, b. reg. Q4 1908 at Tiverton R.D., m. reg. Q4 1933 at Tiverton R.D., Edith Mary PERKINS (b. 12 Nov 1911, d. reg. Q1 1978 at Tiverton R.D.), d. reg. Q1 1977 at Tiverton R.D. In 1911, living with his parents.
- Dennis H.J. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q3 1934 at Elham R.D., m. reg. Q4 1959 at Tiverton R.D., Margaret A. CROSS.
- Ian James SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q3 1966 at Tiverton R.D.
- Trudy Anne SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q3 1969 at Truro R.D., m. reg. Jul 1992 at Kerrier R.D., Glen IZATT.
- Jamie Ryan IZATT, b. reg. Dec 1993 at Truro R.D.
- Jessia Paige IZATT, b. reg. Sep 1999 at Truro R.D.
- Bonnie P. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q1 1945 at Tiverton R.D., m. reg. Q3 1967 at Tiverton R.D., Rose-Marie WALSH.
- Gareth Mark SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1970 at Stamford R.D.
- Gladys Mabel SERCOMBE, b. ca. Jun 1910 at Cruwys Morchard, b. reg. Q3 1910 at Tiverton R.D., m. reg. Q3 1932 at Dulverton R.D., Albert J. WRIGHT. In 1911, living with her parents.
- Heather M. WRIGHT, b. reg. Q3 1934 at Taunton R.D.
- Doris A. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1912 at Tiverton R.D., m. reg. Q2 1933 at Tiverton R.D., Albert HAWKINS.
- Robert J. HAWKINS, b. reg. Q4 1933 at Tiverton R.D.
- Brian P. HAWKINS, b. reg. Q1 1935 at Tiverton R.D.
- Evelyn L. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q4 1914 at Tiverton R.D.
- Robert Henry SERCOMBE, b. 4 Sep 1918, b. reg. Q3 1918 at Tiverton R.D., m1. Maria de los Dolores BYRNE (d. 1946), m2. reg. Q3 1948 at Aldershot R.D., Anne P. MAHON, d. reg. Jul 1992 at Rhuddlan R.D.
- Kevan Robert SERCOMBE, b. 1940 at Tiverton, Devon, b. reg. Q4 1940 at Tiverton R.D., m1. a
Gibraltarian woman, div., m2. reg. Dec 1984 at Wakefield R.D., Sandra SERCOMBE or TEASDALE.
Researcher Kevan Sercombe Sr.
- Anthony Kevan SERCOMBE, b. 8 Dec 1964 in Gibraltar, m. 18 Sep 1988 in Gibraltar, Denise Martha RODRIGUEZ.
Researcher Kevan Sercombe Jr.
- Naomi Jayne SERCOMBE, b. 28 Aug 1991 in Gibraltar.
- Jaime SERCOMBE, b. 27 Oct 1992 in Gibraltar.
- Kevan SERCOMBE, b. 27 Oct 1992 in Gibraltar.
- Berenice SERCOMBE, b. in Gibraltar, m. John NAVARRO.
- Sarah NAVARRO.
- Cynthia D. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q3 1943 at Tiverton R.D., m. Manolo LINARES.
- Edward LINARES.
- Charles LINARES.
- Analese LINARES.
- Andrew LINARES.
- Four children by Anne.
- Frederick P. or Peter Frederick SERCOMBE, b. 8 May 1921, b. reg. Q2 1921 at Tiverton R.D., d. reg. Feb 1999 at Southend on Sea R.D.
- Betty I. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1924 at Tiverton R.D., m. reg. Q3 1944 at Exmoor R.D., Thomas H. HOOPER.
- Patricia A. HOOPER, b. reg. Q3 1947 at Tiverton R.D.
- Harry SERCOMBE, b. ca. May 1860 at Kenton or Starcross, b. reg. Q2 1860 at St. Thomas R.D., m. 25 Sep 1884 at Stokeinteignhead, m. reg. Q3 1884 at Newton Abbot R.D., Mary Soper CORLINE (b. ca. 1860 at Ringmore or Stokeinteignhead, d. reg. Q3 1932 at Newton Abbot R.D.; daughter of Samuel CORLINE, a farmer), d. reg. Q3 1940 at Newton Abbot R.D. In 1861, living with his parents. In 1871, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1881, living with his parents. At his marriage in 1884, a farmer, of Stoke; Mary was of St. Nicholas; the witnesses were Arthur Henry SLOCOMBE (his sister's husband) and Emma CORLINE. In 1891, a farmer, living at Laurel Farm, Shaldon, with his wife Marie, their daughter Ethel, and two employees. In 1901, a farmer, living at Laurel Farm, Ringmore, with his wife Mary, their daughters Ethel and Winifred, and a general servant. In 1911, a retired farmer, living at Ringmore with his wife Mary and their daughter Winifred.
- Ethel Mary SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1885 at Ringmore or Shaldon or Stokeinteignhead, b. reg. Q4 1885 at Newton Abbot R.D. In 1891 and 1901, living with her parents. In 1911, a draper's assistant, boarding at 62 High Street, Wells, Somerset.
- Winifred Violet SERCOMBE, b. ca. Sep 1900 at Stokeinteignhead or Ringmore, b. reg. Q4 1900 at Newton Abbot R.D., d. reg. Q1 1971 at Wandsworth R.D. In 1901 and 1911, living with her parents.
- Rosamund SERCOMBE, chr. 16 Mar 1828 at Bridford, m. 30 Sep 1852 at Moretonhampstead, Devon, m. reg. Q3 1852 at Newton
Abbot R.D., William TURNER. At her marriage in 1852, Rosamund was of Rectory House, Moretonhampstead; William was a
labourer, of Crediton, Devon.
- Thomas SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1833 at Bridford, chr. 10 Mar 1833 at Bridford, m. 3 Apr 1856 at Bovey Tracey, m. reg. Q2 1856 at Newton Abbot R.D., Elizabeth Lamble MEDLAND (b. ca. 1832 at Bovey Tracey, Devon, d. reg. Q2 1890 at St. Thomas R.D.; daughter of William MEDLAND, a laborer), d. reg. Q4 1904 at Exeter R.D. In 1851, a farm servant in the TUCKETT household at Middle Hole, Bridford. At his marriage in 1856, a miner, of Bovey Tracey; Elizabeth was also of Bovey Tracey; the witnesses were Mary WANNELL and William MEDLAND. In 1861, a copper miner, living at College, Bovey Tracey, with his wife Elizabeth, children Thomas and Emma, and Elizabeth's widowed mother Mary (b. ca. 1794 at Bovey Tracey) and aunt Elizabeth LAMBLE (b. ca. 1781 at Bovey Tracey). In 1871, a waterworks engine man, living at Pynes Waterworks, Upton Pyne, Devon, with his wife Elizabeth and children Emma, Eliza, Mary, Ellen, and Albert. In 1881, an engine man (driver), living at Pynes Waterworks with his wife Elizabeth and children Ellen, Albert, and Arthur. In 1891, a stationary engineman, living at Pynes Waterworks with his daughter Mary. At his daughters' marriages in 1896 and 1899, an engineer. In 1901, a stationary engine driver, living at the Waterworks, Upton Pyne, with his daughter Emma.
- Thomas SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1857 at Bovey Tracey, b. reg. Q1 1857 at Newton Abbot R.D., m. at Holy
Trinity, Derby, m. reg. Q4 1881 at Derby R.D., Harriet WOODCOCK (b. ca. 1855 at Bury, Lancashire, d. reg. Q2 1932 at
Wakefield R.D.), d. reg. Q3 1938 at Wakefield R.D. In 1861, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1871, an apprentice
blacksmith in the COUCH household at Upton Pyne. In 1881, a blacksmith, lodging in the SALT household at 29 Kimberworth
Road, Kimberworth, Yorkshire. In 1891, a carriage smith, living at Russells Land, Kempton, Dalziel, Motherwell,
Lanarkshire, with his wife Harriet and their sons Ernest and George. In 1901, a blacksmith, living at 3 Wright Street,
South Manchester, Lancashire, with his wife Harriet, her mother Mary A. HALL (a widow, b. ca. 1833 in Ireland), and their
children Ernest, George, Elizabeth, Edith, and Gertrude. At his son's marriage in 1910, a blacksmith. In 1911, a colliery
blacksmith, living at 15 Forge Buildings, Horbury Junction, Yorkshire, with his wife Harriet and their children George,
Edith, and Gertrude. At his daughters' marriages in 1914 and 1917, a blacksmith.
- Ernest SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1882 at Derby, b. reg. Q3 1882 at Derby R.D., m. 23 Apr 1910 at St. Mary, Horbury Junction,
Yorkshire, m. reg. Q2 1910 at Wakefield R.D., Rose Mary HUGHES (b. ca. 1885 at Woodhouse Mill, Yorkshire, d. reg. Q4 1961
at Rotherham R.D., daughter of David HUGHES), d. reg. Q4 1952 at Rotherham R.D.
In 1891, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1901, an iron moulder, living with his parents. At his marriage in 1910,
a moulder, of 127 Don Road, Brightside Lane, Sheffield; Rose was a weaver, of Forge Houses; the witnesses were
David Richard HUGHES and George SERCOMBE. In 1911, an ironfounder
for a general engineering firm, living at 24 Ordnance Place, Don Road, Sheffield, Yorkshire, with his wife Rose and his
visiting sister Elizabeth.
- Arthur SERCOMBE, b. 24 Oct 1912, b. reg. Q4 1912 at Rotherham R.D., m. reg. Q2 1943 at Rother Valley R.D., Edith Annie
MANSHIP (b. 21 Jan 1921, d. reg. Oct 2003 at Rotherham R.D.), d. reg. Jan 1987 at Rotherham R.D.
- Judith M. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q3 1945 at Rother Valley R.D., m. reg. Q1 1970 at Sleaford R.D., Robert H. SCREEN.
- Margaret H. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q3 1947 at Rother Valley R.D., m. reg. Q1 1969 at Rotherham R.D., Peter B. HYSLOP.
- Rebecca Madeleine HYSLOP, b. reg. Q3 1970 at Mansfield R.D.
- Alastair James HYSLOP, b. reg. Q4 1972 at Southwell R.D.
- Eric SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q3 1917 at Rotherham R.D., d. reg. Q2 1953 at Lancaster R.D.
- Mary SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q4 1918 at Rotherham R.D., m. reg. Q2 1946 at Rother Valley R.D., Donald BRUNT.
- Geoffrey SERCOMBE, b. 15 Feb 1927, b. reg. Q1 1927 at Rotherham R.D., d. reg. Jan 1993 at Hillingdon R.D.
- George SERCOMBE, b. ca. Jan 1891 at Dalziel, m. reg. Q3 1915 at Dewsbury R.D., Annie SCOTT (b. 11 Feb 1890, d. reg.
Q1 1977 at Wakefield R.D.). In 1891 and 1901, living with his parents. In 1911, a house painter, living with his parents.
- Elizabeth Ellen SERCOMBE, b. 1892 at Dalziel, m. 20 Jun 1914 at St. Mary, Horbury Junction, m. reg. Q2 1914 at
Wakefield R.D., Harry ELLIS (b. ca. 1890, son of Herbert ELLIS, a miner). In 1901, living with her parents. In 1911, a
general domestic servant, visiting her brother Ernest. At her marriage in 1914, a domestic, of 15 Forge Buildings; Harry
was a miner, of Haigh; the witnesses were Walter ELLIS and Edith SERCOMBE.
- Kathleen M. ELLIS, b. reg. Q1 1915 at Barnsley R.D.
- George H. ELLIS, b. reg. Q1 1919 at Barnsley R.D.
- Hubert ELLIS, b. reg. Q1 1922 at Barnsley R.D.
- Edith SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1895 at Manchester, b. reg. Q1 1895 at Chorlton R.D. (as Emma), m. 29 Dec 1917 at St. Mary, Horbury
Junction, m. reg. Q4 1917 at Wakefield R.D., Ernest SIDEBOTTOM (b. ca. 1891, son of Albert SIDEBOTTOM, a boiler fireman). In
1901, living with her parents. In 1911, a confectioner's apprentice, living with her parents. At her marriage in 1917, of 15
Forge Houses, Horbury; Ernest was a blacksmith, of 3 Hearne(?) Terrace, Durkar; the witnesses were George SERCOMBE and Nellie
- Wilfred SIDEBOTTOM, b. reg. Q3 1919 at Wakefield R.D.
- Betty SIDEBOTTOM, b. reg. Q2 1922 at Wakefield R.D.
- Gertrude SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1898 at Manchester, b. reg. Q2 1898 at Chorlton R.D., m. reg. Q3 1926 at Wakefield R.D.,
Hubert NETTLETON. In 1901, living with her parents. In 1911, at school, living with her parents.
- Marjorie NETTLETON, b. reg. Q4 1935 at Wakefield R.D.
- Emma SERCOMBE, b. ca. Aug 1860 at Bovey Tracey, b. reg. Q3 1860 at Newton Abbot R.D., d. reg. Q3 1935 at Exeter R.D. In 1861, living with her parents. In 1871, a scholar, living with her parents. In 1881, a general servant in the COUCHE household, at 6 Queens Terrace, Exeter. (Where in 1891?) In 1901, a housekeeper, living with her father. In 1911, a cook in the LOVIBOND household at West Street House, South Petherton, Somerset.
- Eliza SERCOMBE, b. May 1862 at Bovey Tracey, b. reg. Q2 1862 at Newton Abbot R.D., m. 18 Sep 1884
at Brantford, Ontario, Thomas Burnett DARLING (b. Oct 1855 or 1856 in India, son of Thomas Young DARLING and Mary) In
1871, a scholar, living with her parents. In 1881, a kitchenmaid in the POWELL household at Artington, Piccards Rough,
Guildford, Surrey. Thomas and Eliza both sailed from Liverpool on the ship Sarmatian on 24 Apr 1884, arriving at
Quebec on 7 May 1884. At her marriage in Sep 1884, of Brantford; Thomas was a teacher, also of Brantford; the witnesses
were Maggie GILLESPIE and Mich[ael] MACKENZIE, of Brantford. At her daughter's birth in 1886, Thomas was a clerk, of
Hamilton, Wentworth County, Ontario. At her daughter's birth in 1889, Thomas was an agent, of Hamilton. At her son's birth
in 1890, Thomas was a superintendent, of Hamilton. In 1891, living at Hamilton with her husband Thomas (an agent
[additional details illegible]) and their children Madeline, Sybil, and Thomas. In 1901, living at Hamilton with her
husband Thomas (a stockbroker) and their children Madeline, Sybil, and Arthur.
- Madeline Grace DARLING, b. 16 Sep 1886 at Hamilton. In 1891 and 1901, living with her parents.
- Sybil Jessie DARLING, b. 13 Feb 1889 at Hamilton. In 1891 and 1901, living with her parents.
- Thomas Arthur DARLING, b. 30 Dec 1890 at Hamilton. In 1891 and 1901, living with his parents.
- A son, stillborn 1 Apr 1898 in Wentworth County.
- Mary SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1865 at Upton Pyne, b. reg. Q1 1865 at St. Thomas R.D., m. 8 Oct 1899 at Upton Pyne, m. reg. Q4 1899 at St. Thomas R.D., William John PARR (m1. and wid. by 1899, son of Thomas PARR, a gardener). In 1871, a scholar, living with her parents. In 1881, a servant in the HAYMAN household at 14 North Street, Exeter. In 1891, living with her father. At her marriage in 1899, of Upton Pyne; William was an engineer, of Exeter St. David; the witnesses were Thomas SERCOMBE, Arthur SERCOMBE, and Ann PARR.
- Ellen SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1867 at Upton Pyne, b. reg. Q2 1867 at St. Thomas R.D., m. 4 Oct 1896 at Upton Pyne, m. reg. Q4 1896 at St. Thomas R.D., Henry Joseph CUMMINGS (b. ca. 1860, son of James CUMMINGS, a fish salesman). In 1871 and 1881, a scholar, living with her parents. In 1891, a parlormaid in the DUMBLETON household at The Rectory (of St. James), Exeter. In Sep 1896, when banns for her marriage were called at St. Peter, Hammersmith, Middlesex, of Upton Pyne. At her marriage in Oct 1896, of Upton Pyne; Henry was a traveller or agent, of 54 Eyot Gardens, Hammersmith; the witnesses were Thomas SERCOMBE and Frederick George LIAS.
Ancestor of researcher John Wyatt.
- Albert SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1869 at Upton Pyne, b. reg. Q4 1869 at St. Thomas R.D., m1. 1898 at
Dalziel, Catherine CLOSE (b. ca. 1866 at Hamilton, Lanarkshire, d. reg. Q2 1907 at Hartlepool R.D.), m2. 10 Sep 1910 at
St. James, West Hartlepool, County Durham, m2. reg. Q3 1910 at Hartlepool R.D., Margaret Ann HORSLEY (b. ca. 1868 at West
Hartlepool, daughter of Robert HORSLEY, m1. ROBINSON, d. reg. Q1 1929 at Hartlepool R.D.), d. reg. Q1 1944 at Durham
South Eastern R.D. In 1871, living with his
parents. In 1881, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1891, a railway waggon boltscrewer, boarding in the PERKINS
household at 27 Piershead Street, Dalziel. In 1901, a steel worker and laborer, living at 68 Coursington Street,
Motherwell, with his wife Catherine and son Thomas. At his second marriage in 1910, a steelworker, of 11 Nelson Street,
West Hartlepool. In 1911, a steel plate shearman's helper at a steel works, living at 11 Nelson Street, West Hartlepool,
with his wife Margaret and six of her ROBINSON children. At his son's baptism in 1912, a steelworker, of 5 Nelson Street,
West Hartlepool.
- Thomas SERCOMBE, b. 1899 at Dalziel, d. 1917 at Hillhead, Lanarkshire. In 1901, living with his parents.
- Harry SERCOMBE, b. 1901 at Dalziel, d. there 1901.
- Albert SERCOMBE, b. 8 Aug 1912, b. reg. Q3 1912 at Hartlepool R.D., chr. 21 Aug 1912 at St. James, West Hartlepool, d.
reg. Q2 1931 at Hartlepool R.D.
- Arthur SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1872 at Upton Pyne, b. reg. Q3 1872 at St. Thomas R.D., m. 1905 at St. James, Exeter, m. reg. Q4 1905 at Exeter R.D., Alice Rose SATCHELL (b. ca. 1872 at Exeter, d. reg. Q2 1951 at Exeter R.D.). In 1881, a scholar, living with his parents. (Where in 1891 and 1901?) In 1911, an engineer's fitter for the Metropolitan Asylum Board, living (as an employee) at the Grove Hospital for Infectious Diseases, Tooting Grove, Tooting, London S.W.; Alice was living with her mother Ellen (of private means, b. ca. 1839 at Exeter) at 11 Devonshire Place, Exeter.
- Thomas SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1791 at Christow, chr. 2 Oct 1791 at Christow, m. 27 May 1823 at Doddiscombsleigh, Devon,
Martha CORNISH (b. ca. 1797 at Doddiscombsleigh, d. 6 Jul 1874 at Christow of cancer (two years duration), d. reg. Q3 1874
at St. Thomas R.D., bur. 8 Jul 1874 at Christow), d. 13 May 1874 at Christow of natural decay, d. reg. Q2 1874 at St.
Thomas R.D., bur. 17 May 1874 at Christow. At his
marriage in 1823, of Christow; Martha was of Doddiscombsleigh. At his daughter's baptism in 1824, a laborer, of Tincombe,
Christow. At his son's baptism in 1827, a laborer, of Upper Christow. At his daughter's baptism in 1829, a laborer, of
Tincombs. At his daughter's baptism in 1831, a laborer, of Christow. At his daughter's baptism in 1834, a laborer, of
Upperton, Christow. At his children's baptisms in 1836 and 1838, a laborer, of Clampit Cottage, Christow. At his
daughter's baptism in 1840, a laborer, of Teign Cottages, Christow. In 1841, an agricultural laborer, living at New Road,
Christow, with his wife Martha, their children Mary, Elizabeth, Eliza, Edmund, Maria, and Dina, and Thomas CORNISH (an
agricultural laborer, b. ca. 1810 in Devon, probably a relative of Martha). At his daughter's baptism in 1842, a laborer,
of Clampit Cottage. At his daughter's marriage in Feb 1851, a laborer. In Mar 1851, an agricultural laborer, living at
Cross Cottage, Doddiscombsleigh, with his wife Martha, their daughters Sarah and Susanna, and lodger Edward KEYS (an
agricultural laborer, b. ca. 1826 at Tiverton, Devon, perhaps the same person as Edwin KEYS, future husband of Thomas's
daughter Elizabeth?). In 1861, an agricultural laborer, living at Wood, Christow, with his wife Martha, their daughters
Emma and Dinah, and Dinah's husband and two children. At his youngest daughter's marriage in 1868, a laborer. In 1871, a
farm laborer, living at Wood Cottage, Christow, with his granddaughters Leah and Emma KEYS; Martha was a general nurse in
the LOVEYS household at Kennick Farm, Christow. At their deaths in 1874, Thomas and Martha were of the Charity Houses,
Christow; Thomas was a farm labourer. Their deaths were both registered by Mary MEADWAY (relationship unknown).
Relative of researchers Thomas Peeke and Adrian Parry.
- Martha SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1824 at Christow, chr. 16 May 1824 at Christow, m. 9 Feb 1851 at St.
Thomas, Devon, m. reg. Q1 1851 at St. Thomas R.D., Joseph MILTON (b. ca. 1821 at Alphington, Devon, son of James MILTON, a
laborer). At her marriage in Feb 1851, of St. Thomas; Joseph was a laborer, also of St. Thomas; the witnesses were John
HARRIS and Charlotte WARREN. In Mar 1851, living at 6 Midway Terrace, Alphington, with her husband Joseph (an agricultural
laborer). (How related to her 1851 neighbor Elizabeth, wife of John SERCOMBE?)
- Thomas SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1827 at Christow, chr. 25 Feb 1827 at Christow, d. reg. Q2 1858 at St. Thomas R.D., bur. 6 Apr 1858 at Christow. In 1851, a farm labourer in the ADDEMS household at Pool, Bridford, Devon. At his death in 1858, of Christow.
- Mary Ann SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1829 at Christow, chr. 10 May 1829 at Christow, m. 12 Nov 1854 at Bickington, Devon, m. reg. Q4 1854 at Newton Abbot R.D., William FURSE (b. ca. 1832 at Denbury, Devon, son of John FURSE, a laborer). In 1841, living with her parents. In 1851, a general servant in the TOZER household at East Street, Ashburton, Devon. At her marriage in 1854, of Bickington; William was a laborer, also of Bickington; the witnesses were Martha MILTON (her sister) and Joseph MILTON (Martha's husband). In 1861, a serge weaver, living at Litterburn, Bickington, with her husband William (a farm laborer) and their children Mary, John, and Sarah. In 1871, a nurse, living at Litterburn, Bickington, with her husband William (an agricultural laborer) and their children William, Edwin, Joseph, and Bessy.
- Mary Elizabeth FURSE, b. ca. 1855 at Bickington, b. reg. Q3 1855 at Newton Abbot R.D. In 1861, a scholar, living with her parents.
- John FURZE, b. ca. 1857 at Bickington, b. reg. Q4 1857 at Newton Abbot R.D. In 1861, a scholar, living with his parents.
- Sarah FURSE, b. ca. 1859 at Bickington. In 1861, living with her parents.
- William Henry FURZE, b. ca. 1861 at Bickington, b. reg. Q4 1861 at Newton Abbot R.D. In 1871, a scholar, living with his parents.
- Edwin FURSE, b. ca. 1864 at Bickington, b. reg. Q1 1864 at Newton Abbot R.D. In 1871, a scholar, living with his parents.
- Joseph FURZE, b. ca. 1866 at Bickington, b. reg. Q1 1866 at Newton Abbot R.D. In 1871, living with his parents.
- (probably) Thomas Sercombe FURSE, b. reg. Q3 1868 at Newton Abbot R.D., d. reg. Q3 1870 at Newton Abbot R.D.
- Bessie FURSE, b. ca. May 1870 at Bickington, b. reg. Q2 1870 at Newton Abbot R.D. In 1871, living with her parents.
- Elizabeth SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1831 at Christow, chr. 28 Aug 1831 at Christow, m1. 25 Sep 1851 at St.
Sidwell, Exeter, m1. reg. Q3 1851 at Exeter R.D., Edwin KEYS (d. by 1861, son of William KEYS, a millwright), m2. reg. Q3
1871 at St. Thomas R.D., Charles CRABB (b. ca. 1816 at Pinhoe, Devon). In 1841, living with her parents.
In Mar 1851, a general servant in the WOLLEY household at 4 Lower Summerland Place,
Exeter, Devon. At her marriage in Sep 1851, a servant, of Summerland Place; Edwin was a laborer, of Paris Street. Edwin
was subsequently a miner. In 1861, living at Stone Mine, Bridford, with her children Thomas, William, Leah, and Edwin, her
brother Edmund, and Edmund's wife. In 1871, a cook for the vicar of Pinhoe, living at the vicarage. In 1881, living at
Yanaton Lane, Pinhoe, with her husband Charles (an agricultural laborer), her daughter Emma and son Charley, and a
- Thomas KEYS, b. ca. 1852 at Christow. In 1861, living with his mother. In 1871, an apprentice in the household of his
mother's first cousin William SERCOMBE.
- William KEYS, b. ca. 1854 at Christow. In 1861, living with his mother.
- Leah KEYS, b. ca. 1856 at Christow. In 1861, living with her mother. In 1871, living with her mother's parents.
- Edwin KEYS, b. ca. 1859 at Christow. In 1861, living with his mother.
- Emma KEYS, b. ca. 1861 at Christow. In 1871, living with her mother's parents. In 1881, a dressmaker, living with her
mother and stepfather.
- Charley CRABB, b. ca. 1872 at Pinhoe. In 1881, a scholar, living with his parents.
- Eliza SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1834 at Christow, chr. 6 Apr 1834 at Christow, m. reg. Q1 1855 at Exeter R.D., William WRIGHT
(b. ca. 1828 at Colebrooke, Devon). In 1841, living with her parents.
In 1851, a house servant in the PETERS household at the Ship Inn, Coleford Village,
Colebrooke. In 1871, living at Waterleat Cottage, Colebrooke, with her husband William (a drainer of land), his mother,
and their children William, Eliza, and Walter.
- William H. WRIGHT, b. ca. 1855 at Colebrooke. In 1871, a scholar, living with his parents.
- Eliza E. WRIGHT, b. ca. 1863 at Colebrooke. In 1871, a scholar, living with her parents.
- Walter Sercombe WRIGHT, b. ca. 1869 at Colebrooke, b. reg. Q1 1869 at Crediton R.D. In 1871, living with his parents.
- Edmund SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1836 at Christow, chr. 13 Mar 1836 at Christow, m. 2 Feb 1861 at St. Edmund, Exeter, m. reg.
Q1 1861 at Exeter R.D., Agnes STEVENS (b. ca. 1839 in Cornwall or ca. 1842 at Lidford, Devon, daughter of Michael STEVENS,
a laborer). In 1841, living with his parents. In 1851, a farm servant in the TUCKETT household, at Middle Helter,
Bridford. At his marriage in Feb 1861, a laborer, of Bonhay, Exeter; Agnes was a servant, also of Bonhay; Martha STEVENS
and Richard COX witnessed the marriage. In Apr 1861, a miner, living with his sister Elizabeth, together with his wife
Agnes. In 1871, a lead miner (where?); Agnes was living at Floods Cottage, Rattlestreet, Christow, with her children
Michael and Bessy. At his son's marriage in 1890, a miner (name given as Edwin).
- Michael SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1863 at Christow, b. reg. Q3 1863 at St. Thomas R.D., m. 6 Apr 1890 at St. Leonard, Exeter, m. reg. Q2 1890 at Exeter R.D., Jane COLES (b. ca. 1863 at Pinhoe, daughter of Richard COLES, a gardener). In 1871, a scholar, living with his mother. In 1881, a farm servant in the LORAM household at Aldens Farm, Alphington. At his marriage in 1890, a tanner, of Exeter St. Leonard; Janes was also of Exeter St. Leonard; the witnesses were Charles [D?]ennis NORRISH and Emma NORRISH. In 1891, a farmer, living at 3 Princes Cottages, Alphington Road, St. Thomas, with his wife Jane. In 1901, a domestic gardener, living at Queens Square, North Curry, Somerset, with his wife Jane. In 1911, a domestic gardener, living at Knapp Lane, North Curry, with his wife Jane.
- Bessie SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1865 at Christow, b. reg. Q1 1865 at St. Thomas R.D., m. reg. Q4 1888 at Exeter R.D., William WEST (b. ca. 1860 at Ashton, Devon).
In 1871, a scholar, living with her mother. In 1881, a domestic servant in the ANNING household at Coffard Farm, Kenton,
Devon. In 1891, living at Clapper Brook Cottage, Alphington, with her husband William (a farmer's laborer) and her
children Annie and Frederick.
- Annie SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1881 at Alphington, b. reg. Q3 1881 at St. Thomas R.D., m. 22 Mar 1903 at Christ Church,
Marylebone, m. reg. Q1 1903 at Marylebone R.D., William FLOATE (b. ca. 1878, son of William FLOATE, a printer). In 1891, a
scholar, living with her mother and stepfather. In 1901, a cook in the FAIRFAX household at Grixahgulla, Elsworthy Road,
Hampstead. At her marriage in 1903, of 13 Church Street (she named her father in the marriage register as Edward SERCOMBE,
a farmer); William was a carpenter, also of 13 Church Street; the witnesses were Joseph CASLEY and Minnie FLOATE.
- Frederick WEST, b. ca. 1889 at Alphington. In 1891, living with his parents.
- Maria SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1838 at Christow, b. reg. Q2 1838 at St. Thomas R.D., chr. 29 Apr 1838 at Christow, m. 16 Jan 1860 at the Cathedral, Exeter, m. reg. Q1 1860 at Exeter R.D., Horatio Albany Blackmore MILLMAN (b. ca. 1823 at Exeter, son of James MILLMAN, a joiner, m1. unknown, wid. by 1860). In 1841, living with her parents. In 1851, a servant in the NECK household at 10 Paris Street, Exeter (with her birthplace enumerated as Churchstowe). At her marriage in 1860, of Heavitree; Horatio was a
cabinet maker, of Cathedral Close. In 1861, living at Bear Street, Cathedral Close precinct, Exeter, with her husband Horatio (a builder employing one man and one boy), their son William, and Horatio's sons Albert, Horatio, and Charles. In 1881, living at 81 Holloway Street, Exeter, with her husband Horatio (a builder employing two men), their children William, Louisa, James, Maria, Philip, Walter, Edward, and Ernest, and Horatio's son Charles. At his son's marriage in Aug 1891, Horatio was a builder.
- (stepson) Albert Stanley MILLMAN, b. ca. 1846 at Exeter, b. reg. Q2 1846 at Exeter R.D. In 1861, an apprentice joiner,
living with his father and stepmother.
- (stepson) Horatio MILLMAN, b. ca. 1848 at Exeter, b. reg. Q4 1848 at Exeter R.D. In 1861, a scholar, living with his
father and stepmother.
- (stepson) Charles James MILLMAN, b. ca. 1851 at Exeter, b. reg. Q1 1851 at Exeter R.D. In 1861, a scholar, living with
his father and stepmother. In 1881, a woodcarver, living with his father and stepmother.
- William Thomas MILLMAN, b. ca. Oct 1860 at Exeter, b. reg. Q4 1860 at Exeter R.D. In 1861, living with his parents. In
1881, a carpenter and joiner, living with his parents.
- Louisa May MILLMAN, b. ca. 1863 at Exeter, b. reg. Q2 1863 at Exeter R.D. In 1881, a dressmaker, living with her
- James Sercombe MILLMAN, b. ca. 1865 at Exeter, b. reg. Q1 1865 at Exeter R.D., m. 2 Aug 1891 at St. Mary Major, Exeter, m. reg. Q3 1891 at Exeter R.D., Bessie Wood DAW (b. ca. 1864 at Crediton, Devon, daughter of John Wood DAW, a bootmaker). In 1881, a plumber, living with his parents. At his marriage in Aug 1891,a plumber, of James Street; Bessie was also of James Street; the witnesses were William John GILLARD and Nellie Amelia WILLIAMS. In 1901, a brass store keeper, living at 8 Gills Building, Exeter, with his wife Bessie and their children James, Charles, Edith, and Frederick.
- James Horatio Wallace MILLMAN, b. ca. 1893 at Exeter, b. reg. Q4 1893 at Exeter R.D., m. reg.
Q4 1921 at Exeter R.D., his third cousin once removed Ivy SERCOMBE. In 1901, living with his
- Ellen MILLMAN, b. reg. Q2 1922 at Exeter R.D.
- Betty P. MILLMAN, b. 17 Mar 1925, b. reg. Q2 1925 at Exeter R.D.
Ancestor of researcher Janice Davis.
- June MILLMAN, b. reg. Q3 1927 at Exeter R.D.
- Charles MILLMAN, b. ca. 1895 at Exeter. In 1901, living with his parents.
- Edith G. MILLMAN, b. ca. 1897 at Exeter. In 1901, living with her parents.
- Frederick B. MILLMAN, b. ca. Sep 1900 at Exeter. In 1901, living with his parents.
- Edward Sercombe MILLMAN, b. reg. Q3 1903 at Exeter R.D.
- Maria Elizabeth MILLMAN, b. ca. 1867 at Exeter, b. reg. Q2 1867 at Exeter R.D. In 1881, a scholar, living with her
- Philip Edmund MILLMAN, b. ca. 1869 at Exeter, b. reg. Q3 1869 at Exeter R.D. In 1881, a scholar, living with his
- Walter Albany MILLMAN, b. ca. 1872 at Exeter, b. reg. Q1 1872 at Exeter R.D. In 1881, a scholar, living with his
- Edward Henry MILLMAN, b. ca. 1874 at Exeter, b. reg. Q3 1874 at Exeter R.D. In 1881, a scholar, living with his
- Ernest Horatio MILLMAN, b. ca. 1876 at Exeter, b. reg. Q3 1876 at Exeter R.D. In 1881, a scholar, living with his
- Dinah SERCOMBE, b. ca. Jul 1840 at Christow, b. reg. Q3 1840 at St. Thomas R.D., chr. 26 Jul 1840 at Christow, m.
19 Apr 1858 at St. Edmund, Exeter, m. reg. Q2 1858 at Exeter R.D., Richard COX (b. ca. 1828 at Dunsford, Devon, son of
John COX, a laborer). In 1841, living with her parents. In 1851, a scholar, living with her parents (enumerated as Sarah).
At her marriage in 1858, of Bonhay; Richard was a miner, also of Bonhay; Dinah's mother and R.H. GANNICLIFFT witnessed the
marriage. In 1861, living with her parents, along with her husband Richard (a lead miner) and their children.
- Emma SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1842 at Christow, b. reg. Q4 1842 at St. Thomas R.D., chr. 2 Oct 1842 at Christow, m. 23 Aug
1868 at Christow, m. reg. Q4 1868 at St. Thomas R.D., William Henry BULLEY (b. ca. 1844 at St. Marychurch, Torquay, Devon,
son of William BULLEY, a master mason). In 1851, a scholar, living with her parents (enumerated as Susanna). In 1861, a
servant, living with her parents. At her marriage in 1868, of Christow; William was a railway porter, of St. Marychurch.
In 1871, lodging in the household of her husband's parents at Edgecombe Yard, St. Marychurch, with her husband William (a
railway porter) and their son John. In 1881, living at 3 Beenland Cottages, Tormoham, Torquay, with her husband William (a
railway porter), their children John, William, and Anna, and lodger (actually her husband's brother) Charles Henry BULLEY
(a carpenter, b. ca. 1863 at St. Marychurch). In 1891, living at 9 Sanford Road, Cockington, Devon, with her husband
William (a foreman railway porter) and their children William, Anna, and Emily. In 1901, living at 1 Church Cottage,
Torquay, with her husband William (a foreman railway porter) and their children William, Anna, and Emily.
- John BULLEY, b. ca. 1869 at St. Marychurch. In 1871, living with his parents. In 1881, a scholar, living with his
- William H. BULLEY, b. ca. 1871 at St. Marychurch. In 1881, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1891, a gardener,
living with his parents. In 1901, a railway carman, living with his parents.
- Anna BULLEY, b. ca. 1879 at Tormoham. In 1881 and 1891, living with her parents. In 1901, a dressmaker, living with
her parents.
- Emily BULLEY, b. ca. 1882 at Tormoham. In 1891, living with her parents. In 1901, a dressmaker, living with her
- Mary SERCOMBE, chr. 10 Nov 1793 at Christow, bur. 19 Dec 1793 at Christow.
- Elizabeth SERCOMBE, chr. 30 Nov 1794 at Christow, m. 26 Sep 1822 at Christow, Robert AMERY. In 1822, Robert was of
Bristol St. Paul, Gloucestershire.
- William SERCOMBE, chr. 10 Mar 1799 at Christow, bur. 2 Mar 1800 at Christow.
- John SERCOMBE, chr. 12 Jun 1803 at Christow.
William SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1854 in Devon. In 1891, a farm servant in the SPRAGUE household at South Kennick, Christow,
Families from Cornwood, Devon
Robert SERCOMBE, chr. 13 Oct 1724 at Dunsford, Devon, m. 10 Feb 1756 at Dean Prior, Devon, Mary HOAR,
bur. 1 Dec 1789 at Dean Prior. In 1754, a husbandman, of Littlehempston, Devon, when William CASELY of Dunsford was bound
to him as an apprentice by William's father James CASELEY, also a husbandman. Robert died intestate. His widow Mary was
appointed administratrix of his estate in 1810 and swore that his effects were worth less than £100. In 1810, Mary
were of Dean Prior, and Robert was (posth.) a laborer, also of Dean Prior. (For Robert's ancestry, see
- Mary SURCOMBE, b. 11 Nov 1756, chr. 21 Nov 1756 at Dean Prior, bur. 13 Aug 1765 at Dunsford.
- Robert SERCOMBE, b. 17 Dec 1758, chr. 31 Dec 1758 at Dean Prior, m. 8 Dec 1785 at Cornwood, Devon,
Mary MARSHALL (b. ca. 1756, bur. 23 Nov 1833 at Cornwood), d. 6 Sep 1841, d. reg. Q3 1841 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., bur.
11 Sep 1841 at Cornwood. At his marriage in 1785, a thatcher, of Cornwood; Mary was also of Cornwood; the witnesses were
William MARSHALL and Elias BASKERVILLE. At his children's baptisms in 1794 and 1795, a farmer. At Mary's death in 1833,
she was of Wisdham, Cornwood. When he made his will on 12 Mar 1841, a yeoman, of Cornwood. (This will mentions his son
Robert's son William and Robert junior's "five other children." This is mysterious, as Robert junior had more than six
living children in 1841. Perhaps the 1841 will was a careless revision of an earlier will, or perhaps Robert senior was
not in full posession of his faculties by 1841.) At his death in Sep 1841, of South Hele.
- Mary SERCOMBE, chr. 15 May 1787 at Cornwood, m. 12 Jun 1805 at Cornwood, Henry BARONS. At her marriage in 1805, of Cornwood; Henry was a yeoman, also of Cornwood; the witnesses were James HOOKE (who married Mary BARONS on the same day) and another Henry BARONS.
- Jenny or Jane SERCOMBE, chr. 9 Oct 1789 at Cornwood, m. 17 Jul 1813 at Charles the Martyr, Plymouth, Devon, Lewis WESTLAKE (b. ca. 1788 at North Buckland, Devon). In 1841, living in Cambridge Street, Plymouth, with her husband Lewis (a joiner) and their children Thomas, Robert, Emma, Ann, and Mary. At her children's marriages in 1844, Lewis was a joiner. In 1851, living at 10 Cambridge Street, Plymouth, with her husband Lewis (a turner, superannuated from the dockyard) and their daughters Emma, Ann, and Mary.
- Elizabeth Sercombe WESTLAKE, b. ca. 1815 at Plymouth, m. 6 Jun 1844 at St. Andrew, Plymouth, m. reg. Q2 1844 at Plymouth R.D., Richard MONK (b. ca. 1814 at Tamerton Folliot, Devon, son of Joseph MONK, a gentleman), d. reg. Q2 1886 at Plymouth R.D. At her marriage in 1844, of Octagon; Richard was a gentleman, of Park Street; the witnesses were Lewis WESTLAKE and Ann RUGG. In 1871, living 11 Boons Place, Plymouth, with her husband Richard (a brass founder master, employing four mechanics, nine boys, and a female), their children Frederick and Anne, and a general domestic servant.
- Frederick Louis MONK, b. ca. 1851 at Plymouth. In 1871, an assistant brass founder, living with his parents.
- Anne Lizzie MONK, b. ca. 1855 at Plymouth. In 1871, a scholar, living with her parents.
- Thomas WESTLAKE, b. ca. 1816 in Devon. In 1841, a plumber, living with his parents.
- Robert Sercombe WESTLAKE, b. ca. 1818 at Plymouth, m. 6 Jun 1844 at St. Andrew, Plymouth, m. reg. Q2 1844 at Plymouth R.D., Mary Ford SPURRELL (b. ca. 1819 at Devonport, daughter of William SPURRELL, a carpenter). In 1841, a carpenter, living with his parents. At his marriage in 1844, a carpenter, of Cambridge Street; Mary was also of Cambridge Street; the witnesses were Lewis WESTLAKE and Elizabeth SPURRELL. In 1851, a builder employing 24 men, living at 17 Courtenay Street, Plymouth, with his wife Mary, their children Emily and John, a house servant, and a nurse.
- Emily WESTLAKE, b. ca. 1847 at Plymouth. In 1851, living with her parents.
- John WESTLAKE, b. ca. Mar 1851 at Plymouth. In 1851, living with his parents.
- Emma WESTLAKE, b. ca. 1825 at Plymouth. In 1841 and 1851, a dress maker, living with her parents.
- Ann WESTLAKE, b. ca. 1827 at Plymouth. In 1841 and 1851, a dress maker, living with her parents.
- Mary WESTLAKE, b. ca. 1830 at Plymouth. In 1841, living with her parents. In 1851, a milliner, living with her
- Robert SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1794 at Cornwood, chr. 31 Jan 1794 at Cornwood, m. 7 Apr 1818 at Cornwood,
after banns, Elizabeth LUSCOMBE (b. ca. 1799 at Cornwood, bur. 2 Apr 1880 at Cornwood), bur. 6 Apr 1861 at Cornwood.
Philip LUSCOMBE and Henry BARONS witnessed the marriage in 1818. In 1818, a farmer, of Cornwood. In 1821, 1823, and 1824,
a farmer, of Langham. In 1829, 1833, 1835, 1837, and 1840, a farmer, of South or Lower Hele. At his daughter's marriage in
1847, a farmer. In 1850, a farmer at Wisdom, Cornwood. In 1851, a farmer of 300 acres employing three laborers, living at
Wisdom Farm, Cornwood, with his wife Elizabeth, their children Robert, William, Thomas, Elizabeth, and Samuel, two house
servants, and five farm servants. At his children's marriages in 1852 and 1855 and 1858, a farmer. At his death in 1861,
of Wisdom. In 1861, Elizabeth was independent, living with her son Robert. In 1871, Elizabeth was living with her daughter
Ann. In 1880, Elizabeth was of Cornwood.
- Robert SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1818 at Cornwood, chr. 23 Aug 1818 at Cornwood, m. 14 Mar 1855 at Cornwood, m. reg. Q1 1855 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., Mary LAKEMAN (b. ca. 1817 at Revelstoke, Devon, daughter of Edmund LAKEMAN, a farmer, m1. John HORTON, d. reg. Q2 1891 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., bur. 21 Apr 1891 at Cornwood), bur. 25 Feb 1895 at Cornwood. In 1851, living with his parents; Mary was living at Moor Farm, Cornwood, with her first husband John (a farmer), their sons John and Phillip, and a servant. At his marriage in 1855, a farmer, of Cornwood; Mary was also of Cornwood; the witnesses were Arthur T. HORTON and Ann LUSCOMBE. In 1857, a farmer, of Cornwood. In 1861, Robert was a farmer of 200 acres employing one laborer, living at Wisdom Farm with his wife Mary, son Robert, brother William, mother Elizabeth, stepsons John and Phillip, niece Jane HORTON (a dressmaker, b. ca. 1841 at Cornwood), and two servants. In 1870, a farmer at Wisdom, Cornwood. In 1871, a farmer of 217 acres employing three laborers and two boys, living at Wisdom Farm with his wife Mary, son Robert, brother William, and six servants. In 1881, a farmer of 216 acres employing two men and one boy, living at Wisdom Farm with his wife Mary, son Robert, brother William, and three farm servants. In 1891, a retired farmer, living at Houndle Farm, Cornwood, with his wife Mary. In 1891, Mary was of Cornwood. In 1895, Robert was of Houndle.
- Robert SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q4 1857 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., chr. 18 Nov 1857 at Cornwood, bur. 31 Aug 1882 at Cornwood. In 1861, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1871 and 1881, living with his parents. In 1882, of Wisdom.
- Mary SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1821 at Cornwood, chr. 7 Aug 1821 at Cornwood, m. 21 Jan 1840 at Cornwood, after banns begun 5 Jan 1840, m. reg. Q1 1840 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., Arthur Trobridge HORTON (b. ca. 1814 at Cornwood). At his marriage in 1840, Arthur was a farmer, of Cornwood. In 1851, living at Fardle, Cornwood, with her husband Arthur (a farmer of 416 acres, 6 roods, and 6 perches, employing four laborers); their children Jane, Elizabeth, Frances, Mary, Ann, and Arthur; her visiting sister Ann; her sister Ann's future husband (and her own husband's nephew) Philip Maddick HORTON; and 11 servants, including her second cousin Ann SERCOMBE and four HORTONs. In 1861, living at Fardle Farm, Cornwood, with her husband Arthur (a farmer of 300 acres); their children James, Elizabeth, Frances, Mary, Ann, Joshua, Emma, and Arthur; visitors James and Elizabeth DODDRIDGE; and eight servants, including her cousin Ann's brothers William and John. In 1871, living with her husband's nephew Francis ROWE (a beer house keeper) at the Houndiscombe Inn, James Street, Plymouth, together with her husband Arthur (a retired farmer) and their daughter Mary.
- James D. HORTON, b. ca. 1840 at Cornwood. In 1861, living with his parents.
- Jane HORTON, b. ca. 1841 at Cornwood. In 1851, living with her parents.
- Elizabeth HORTON, b. ca. 1843 at Cornwood. In 1851, living with her parents. In 1861, a house servant, living with her parents.
- Frances HORTON, b. ca. 1845 at Cornwood. In 1851, living with her parents. In 1861, a house servant, living with her parents.
- Mary Sercombe HORTON, b. ca. 1847 at Cornwood, b. reg. Q2 1847 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., m. reg. Q4 1874 at Stoke Damerel R.D., Robert Cuming CODD (b. ca. 1851 at Brent, Devon). In 1851, living with her parents. In 1861, a scholar, living with her parents. In 1871, living with her parents and her cousin Francis ROWE. In 1891, living at Stoodley, Holne, Devon, with her husband Robert (a farmer) and their children Elizabeth, John, Frederick, Janet, James, and Victor.
- Elizabeth Smerdon CODD, b. ca. 1875 at Ivybridge, Devon, b. reg. Q1 1875 at Plympton St. Mary R.D. In 1891, living with her parents.
- John CODD, b. ca. 1876 at Widecombe, Devon. In 1891, living with his parents.
- Frederick G. CODD, b. ca. 1882 at Widecombe. In 1891, living with his parents.
- Janet A. CODD, b. ca. 1884 at Widecombe. In 1891, living with her parents.
- James F. CODD, b. ca. 1885 at Widecombe. In 1891, living with his parents.
- Victor C. CODD, b. ca. 1887 at Widecombe. In 1891, living with his parents.
- Ann HORTON, b. ca. 1849 at Cornwood. In 1851, living with her parents.
- Arthur T. HORTON, b. ca. Aug 1850 at Cornwood. In 1851, living with his parents.
- Ann M. HORTON, b. ca. 1851 at Cornwood. In 1861, a scholar, living with her parents.
- Joshua HORTON, b. ca. 1854 at Cornwood. In 1861, a scholar, living with his parents.
- Emma T. HORTON, b. ca. 1856 at Cornwood. In 1861, a scholar, living with her parents.
- Arthur T. HORTON, b. ca. 1859 at Cornwood. In 1861, a scholar, living with his parents.
- John SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1823 at Cornwood, chr. 23 May 1823 at Cornwood, m. 16 Jun 1848 at Cornwood, m. reg. Q2 1848 at
Plympton St. Mary R.D., Elizabeth Sandover DODDERIDGE (b. ca. 1826 at Cornwood, daughter of William DODDERIDGE, a farmer,
d. reg. Q4 1906 at Totnes R.D.), d. reg. Q2 1870 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., bur. 27 Jun 1870 at Cornwood. At his marriage
in 1848, a farmer, of Cornwood; Thomas SERCOME and Elizabeth SERCOMBE (probably his brother and sister) witnessed the
marriage. At his son's baptism in 1849, a farmer, of Langham. In 1851, a farmer, visiting his wife's parents at Langham,
Cornwood, with his wife Elizabeth and their son
Robert. At his son's baptism in 1855, a farmer, of Stone, Cornwood. In 1861, a laborer, living at Puttypool Cottages,
Cornwood, with his wife Elizabeth and their sons Robert and John. At his burial in 1870, of Ermington, Devon. In 1871,
Elizabeth was a housekeeper, living at Woodland village, near Ermington, with her son Robert. In 1881, she was a
housekeeper in the EVENS household, at 2 Redworth Terrace, Dartington, Devon. In 1891, she was living on her own means
with her granddaughters Elizabeth and Gertrude (daughters of her son Robert) at 22 Fore Street, Totnes. In 1901, she was
running a refreshment house at 22 Fore Street, Totnes, with her granddaughters Elizabeth and Lilian (daughters of Robert)
and a lodger.
- Robert SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1849 at Cornwood, b. reg. Q2 1849 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., chr. 15 Jul 1849 at Cornwood, m. 8 Mar 1873 at South Brent, Devon, m. reg. Q1 1873 at Totnes R.D., Jane HILL (b. ca. 1851 at Brent, Devon, daughter of Richard HILL, a laborer), d. reg. Q3 1893 at Totnes R.D. In 1851, living with his parents. In 1861, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1871, a farm laborer, living with his mother. At his marriage in 1873, a laborer, of South Brent; George Soper KNAPMAN and Jervis VEALS witnessed the marriage. In 1881, a timber sawyer for the railway, living at 3 South Street, Totnes, Devon, with his wife Jane, their children Emma, Robert, and Louisa, and three boarders. In 1891, a dairyman, living at 41 High Street, Totnes, with his wife Jane, children Robert, Louisa, John, Alberta, and Kate, and a lodger. At his daughter's marriage in 1899, a platelayer. In Mar 1901, Jane was a charwoman, living at 2 Church Lane, Totnes, with her children Blanche, John, Gertrude, Evelyn, Thomas, and Violet and friend Lousie FARLEY ("feeble minded", b. ca. 1878 at Totnes). Posthumously at his daughter's marriage in Dec 1901, a plate layer. Posthumously at his son's marriage in 1903, a packer. Posthumously at his daughter's marriage in 1909, a packer on the railway. In 1911, Jane was a charwoman, living at 53 High Street, Totnes, with her son Thomas, her daughter Blanche and Blanche's daughters May and Lily, and a lodger.
- Elizabeth Ann(ie) SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1873 at Brent, Devon, b. reg. Q3 1873 at Totnes R.D., m. 3 Dec 1899 at Stoke Damerel, Devon, m. reg. Q4 1899 at Devonport R.D., Thomas Henry LEIGH (b. ca. 1876, son of James LEIGH, a carter). In 1881, a scholar, visiting her paternal grandmother. In 1891, running a refreshment house, living at 22 Fore Street, Totnes, Devon, with her paternal grandmother and sister Gertrude. At her marriage in 1899, of Providence Place; Thomas was in the Army Service Corps, and of the Barracks; the witnesses were Annie HANSON and Griffith RICHARDS. In 1901, living with her paternal grandmother at 22 Fore Street, Totnes.
- Emma (or Emily) Jane SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1875 at Totnes, b. reg. Q2 1875 at Totnes R.D., m. reg. Q3 1899 at Sunderland
R.D., Josiah PRIDDLE (a sergeant in the Durham Artillery). In 1881, a scholar, living with her parents. In 1891, a
housemaid in the TOPE household at Dart View, Staverton, Devon.
Ancestor of researcher Alyson Windsor.
- Robert Henry SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1877 at Totnes, b. reg. Q2 1877 at Totnes R.D., m. 31 Oct 1903 at Compton Gifford, Devon, m. reg. Q4 1903 at Plymouth R.D., Laura Emily JERMAN (b. ca. 1879 at Paignton, Devon, d. reg. Q1 1948 at Plymouth R.D.; daughter of Edward JERMAN, a boot and shoe maker), d. reg. Q3 1957 at Plymouth R.D. In 1881, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1891, a butcher's helper, living with his parents. In 1901, a railway signal fitter, boarding in the COLEY household at 14 Holdsworth Street, Devonport, Devon. At his marriage in 1903, a fitter, of 42 Penrose Avenue, Plymouth; Laura was of Panmure, Mannamead; the witnesses were James D'Arcy HARVEY and Frederick Henry WYSE. At his son's baptism in 1906, a signal fitter for the Great Western Railway, living at 31 Holdsworth Street, Devonport. In 1911, a signal department fitter for a railway company, living at 4 Clifton Place, Plymouth, with his wife Laura and their children Thomas and Dorothy.
- Thomas Henry SERCOMBE, b. 9 Jan 1906 at Plymouth, b. reg. Q1 1906 at Devonport R.D., chr. 25 Feb 1906 at St. Barnabas, Devonport, m. 10 Sep 1928 at Holy Trinity, Plymouth, m. reg. Q3 1928 at Plymouth R.D., Freda Marion ROWE (b. 20 Feb 1905, d. reg. Dec 1991 at Plymouth R.D.), d. reg. Apr 1994 at Plymouth R.D. In 1911, living with his parents.
- Eve SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q4 1929 at Bodmin R.D., m. reg. Q3 1949 at Plymouth R.D., Peter W. OTTER.
- Peter S. OTTER, b. reg. Q1 1953 at Andover R.D.
- Shelley OTTER, b. reg. Q3 1954 at Plymouth R.D.
- Wendy SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1939 at Plymouth R.D.
- Dorothy Laura SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1909 at Plymouth, b. reg. Q1 1909 at Plymouth R.D., d. reg. Q2 1917 at Plymouth R.D. In 1911, living with her parents.
- Louisa Blanche SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1880 at Totnes, b. reg. Q1 1880 at Totnes R.D., m. 25 Dec 1901 at Totnes, m. reg. Q4 1901 at Totnes R.D., William Whit STAINES (b. ca. 1878, son of Charles STAINES, a laborer). In 1881, living with her parents (enumerated as aged 6 months). In 1891, a scholar, living with her parents. In Mar 1901, a charwoman, living with her mother. At her marriage in Dec 1901, of 53 High Street, Totnes; William was an able seaman in the Royal Navy, of the same address; the witnesses were Robert Henry SERCOMBE (her brother) and Elizabeth Ann LEIGH. In 1911, living with her mother, together with her daughters May and Lily.
- May STAINES, b. ca. 1902 at Totnes. In 1911, at school, living with her mother and grandmother.
- Lily STAINES, b. ca. 1907 at Totnes. In 1911, at school, living with her mother and grandmother.
- John SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1882 at Totnes, b. reg. Q2 1882 at Totnes R.D., d. reg. Q1 1904 at Totnes R.D. In 1891 a
scholar, living with his parents. In 1901, a "cripple", living with his mother.
- Gertrude May "Gertry" SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1885 at Totnes, b. reg. Q2 1885 at Totnes R.D. In 1891, a scholar, living with her sister Elizabeth. In 1901, a domestic servant, living with her mother. In 1911, a servant in the FOX household at 74 Union Street, Plymouth.
- Lilian Alberta SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1888 at Totnes, b. reg. Q3 1888 at Totnes R.D., d. reg. Q2 1908 at Totnes R.D. In 1891, a scholar, living with her parents. In 1901, living with her paternal grandmother at 22 Fore Street, Totnes.
- Kate Evelyn SERCOMBE, b. ca. Oct 1890 at Totnes, b. reg. Q4 1890 at Totnes R.D., m. 1 Aug 1909 at Totnes, m. reg. Q3 1909 at Totnes R.D., Reginald Darke COCKWILL (b. ca. 1888, son of John Darke COCKWILL, a general clerk). In 1891, living with her parents. In 1901, living with her mother. At her marriage in 1909, of 53 High Street, Totnes; Reginald was a grocer's assistant, of the same address; the witnesses were William Thomas Alfred SERCOMBE (her brother) and H[illegible] COCKWILL.
- Reginald J.T. COCKWILL, b. reg. Q2 1913 at Newton Abbot R.D.
- Blanche COCKWILL, b. reg. Q1 1916 at Totnes R.D.
- William Thomas Alfred SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1894 at Totnes, b. reg. Q1 1894 at Totnes R.D., m. at St. John the Baptist, Midsomer Norton, Somerset, m. reg. Q4 1916 at Clutton R.D., Annie Augusta MITCHARD. In 1901, living with his mother. In 1911, a laborer for a cider merchant, living with his mother.
- Rex Trevor SERCOMBE, b. 10 Dec 1919, b. reg. Q1 1920 at Bath R.D., m1. reg. Q2 1942 at Totnes R.D., Betty J. NICHOLAS
(m2. reg. Q4 1950 at Totnes R.D., Henry S. BEADELL), m2. reg. Q4 1955 at Totnes R.D., Joyce E. SMERDON, d. reg. Jun 2002
at Torbay R.D.
- Raymond Thomas SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1922 at Bath R.D. (Twerton subdistrict), m. reg. Q2 1953 at Totnes R.D., Mary A.
- Violet Annie SERCOMBE, b. ca. Jul 1900 at Totnes, b. reg. Q3 1900 at Totnes R.D., d. reg. Q4 1901 at Totnes R.D. In
1901, living with her mother. (Or was Violet's mother really one of her "sisters", not Jane? Jane would have been almost
50 when Violet was born.)
- John SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1855 at Cornwood, b. reg. Q4 1855 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., chr. 5 Dec 1855 at Cornwood, m1. 5 Dec 1884 (by registrar's licence) at Ermington, m1. reg. Q4 1884 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., Blanche Frederica PHILLIPS (b. ca. 1860 at Ermington or Ivybridge, daughter of Richard PHILLIPS, a gardener, d. reg. Q3 1907 at Totnes R.D.), m2. 25 Mar 1918 at the Wesleyan church, Newquay, Cornwall, m2. reg. Q1 1918 at St. Columb R.D., Clarissa Mary ARGALL (b. ca. 1885, daughter of Martin Thomas ARGALL, a carpenter, m2. reg. Q4 1952 at Truro R.D., John JELBERT, d. 14 Dec 1974), d. 12 Mar 1951, d. reg. Q1 1951 at Truro R.D. In 1861, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1871, an indoor farm servant in the COLE household at Langham Farm, Cornwood. In 1881, a railway signalman, lodging in the ROWE household at Ivybridge Station
Cottage, Cornwood. At his first marriage in 1884, a signalman for the Great Western Railway, of Ivybridge Ermington; Richard PHILLIPS and Barbara PHILLIPS witnessed the marriage. At his son's baptism in 1885, a signalman, of Ivybridge. At his daughter's baptism in 1890, a points man, of Ivybridge. In 1891, a railway signalman, living at Cottage, Ivybridge, with his wife Blanche and children Richard and Exma. In 1901, a railway stationmaster, living at Wrangaton Cottage, Ugborough, Devon, with his wife Blanche and their children Richard and Esme. In Apr 1911, a stationmaster for the Great Western Railway, living at the Station, Menheniot, Cornwall, with his daughter Esma. At his son's marriage in Sep 1911, a stationmaster. At his second marriage in 1918, a station master for the Great Western Railway, of Shepherds, Newlyn East, Cornwall; Clarissa was of Halt Road, Newlyn East; the witnesses were M.E. GRAY and Clarissa's father M.T. ARGALL.
- Richard John SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1885 at Cornwood or Ivybridge, b. reg. Q3 1885 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., chr. 25 Jul 1885 at Ivybridge, m. 27 Sep 1911 at St. Catherine, Liverpool, Lancashire, m. reg. Q3 1911 at Liverpool R.D., Sarah Lillian JONES (b. ca. 1888, daughter of George Herbert JONES, a traveller). In 1891, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1901, a clerk, living with his parents. In Apr 1911, a clothier (salesman), living in a boarding house at 160 Parliament Street, Toxteth Park, Lancashire. At his marriage in Sep 1911, a tailor, of 160 Upper Parliament Street; Sarah was of 34 Upper Hope Place; the witnesses were John Evan CLARK (one of his fellow boarders) and Sydney Harold MASON.
- Esma or Esme or Exma or Emma Violet SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1890 at Ivybridge or Cornwood, b. reg. Q1 1890 at Plympton R.D., chr. 6 Mar 1890 at Ivybridge, m. reg. Q2 1914 at Liskeard R.D., Leonard H. LAUNDRY. In 1891 and 1901, living with her parents. In 1911, living with her
- Cicely LAUNDRY, b. reg. Q3 1917 at Liskeard R.D.
- William SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1824 at Cornwood, chr. 8(?) Aug 1824 at Cornwood, d. reg. Q2 1897 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., bur. 31 May 1897 at Cornwood. In 1851, living with his parents. In 1861, a farm servant, living with his brother Robert. In 1871, hired (by his brother?), living with his brother Robert. In 1881, a farmer's laborer, living with brother Robert. In 1891, living with his sister Ann. At his death in 1897, of Houndle, Cornwood.
- Thomas SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1826 at Cornwood, chr. 3 Jul 1829 at Cornwood, m. 18 Jun 1852 at Plympton St. Mary, m. reg. Q2 1852 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., Ellen KINGWELL (b. ca. 1827 at Cornwood, daughter of Samuel KINGWELL, a farmer, and Mary Ann), d. 26 Mar 1905, d. reg. Q1 1905 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., bur. 31 Mar 1905 at Cornwood. In 1851, living with his parents. At his marriage in 1852, a farmer, of Cornwood; Ellen was of Plympton St. Mary; the witnesses were Samuel KINGWELL (perhaps Ellen's father) and Jonathan TOOPE. At his daughter's baptism in 1854, a farmer, of Langage Farm, Plympton St. Mary, Devon. In 1860, a farmer, of Lower Hele, Cornwood. In 1861, a farmer, living at Lower Hele Farm, Cornwood, with his wife Ellen, son John, and three servants. In 1870, a farmer at South Hele, Cornwood. In 1871, a farmer of 150 acres employing one man and one boy, living at Lower Hele, Cornwood, with his wife Ellen, children Ann and John, and an indoor servant. In 1881, a farmer of 150 acres employing one labourer, living at Hele Farm Lower, Cornwood, with his wife Ellen, their son John, Ellen's parents, and a servant. In 1891, a farmer, living at Lower Hele Farm, Cornwood, with his wife Ellen, their son John, John's wife, and their granddaughter Frances NORTHMORE. In 1901, a retired farmer, living with his son John; Ellen was living on her own means with her granddaughter Frances NORTHMORE. At her death in 1905, of Woodburn, Cornwood. In 1911, Ellen was living with her son John.
- Ann "Annie" L. SERCOMBE, b. 25 Nov 1853 at Plympton St. Mary, b. reg. Q4 1853 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., chr.
19 Mar 1854 at Plympton St. Mary, m1. 9 Jan 1874 at Cornwood, m1. reg. Q1 1874 at
Plympton St. Mary R.D., Joshua Fortescue NORTHMORE (b. ca. 1854 at Cornwood, d. reg. Q4 1883 at Plympton St. Mary R.D.,
son of Joshua NORTHMORE), m2. Q2 1887 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., George LUSCOMBE (b. ca. 1854 at Cornwood). In 1861, a
scholar, living with her maternal grandparents at Higher Langage, Plympton St. Mary. In 1871, living with her parents. At
her marriage in 1874, of Cornwood; Joshua was a farmer, also of Cornwood. In 1881, living at Hangher Farm, Cornwood, with
her husband Joshua (a farmer of six acres), their daughters Frances, Mary, Maria, and Ellen, a servant, and Joshua's
sister. In 1891, living at Hangher Farm with her husband George, her daughters Mary, Maria, Ellen, and Florence, and a
- Frances Tinkham NORTHMORE, b. ca. 1873 at Cornwood, m. reg. Q2 1897 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., Albert Peter CORBER (b.
ca. 1872 at Plympton St. Mary). In 1881, living with her parents. In 1887, a witness at the marriage of her mother's
brother John. In 1891, living with her mother's parents. In 1901, living at Watercombe Farm, Cornwood, with her husband
Albert, their children Albert and Ruby, her maternal grandmother, and two servants.
- Mary NORTHMORE, b. ca. 1874 at Cornwood. In 1881, living with her parents. In 1891, living with her mother and
- Maria H. NORTHMORE, b. ca. 1876 at Cornwood. In 1881, living with her parents. In 1891, living with her mother and
- Ellen NORTHMORE, b. ca. 1878 at Cornwood. In 1881, living with her parents. In 1891, living with her mother and
- Florence NORTHMORE, b. ca. 1882 at Cornwood. In 1891, living with her mother and stepfather. In 1901, living with her
mother's brother John.
- John SERCOMBE, b. ca. Aug 1860 at Cornwood, b. reg. Q3 1860 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., chr. 7 Dec 1860 at Cornwood, m. 17 May 1887 at Cornwood, m. reg. Q2 1887 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., Susan Ann GLOVER (b. ca. 1865 at Plymouth or Stonehouse, Devon, daughter of Walter GLOVER, a farmer). In 1861, living with his parents. In 1871, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1881, living with his parents. At his son's baptism in 1887, a farmer, of Combe Farm, Cornwood. At his children's baptisms in 1890 and 1892, a farmer, of Lower Hele, Cornwood. In 1891, living in his parents' household, with his wife Susan. In 1901, a farmer, living at Woodburn Farm, Cornwood, with his wife Susan, their daughter Olive, his father, his niece Florence NORTHMORE and Susan's niece Jane GLOVER (b. ca. 1893 at Cornwood). In 1911, a farmer, living at Woodburn Farm, Cornwood, with his mother, his wife Susan, their daughter Olive, Susan's niece Violet GLOVER (b. ca. 1900 at Cornwood), Susan's niece Annie M. GLOVER (b. ca. 1888 at Cornwood) and her husband Percival Northmore "Percy" ROBERTS (a horse man on the farm, b. ca. 1889 at Cornwood, b. reg. Q1 1889 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., m. reg. Q3 1910 at Plympton St. Mary R.D.), a cow man, and a visitor.
- Robert Henry SERCOMBE, b. ca. Aug 1887, b. reg. Q3 1887 at Plympton R.D., chr. 12 Oct 1887 at Cornwood, d. reg. Q2 1888 at Plympton R.D., bur. 29 Jun 1888 at Cornwood. In 1888, of Lutton, Cornwood.
- Thomas SERCOMBE, b. ca. Aug 1890, b. reg. Q3 1890 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., chr. 15 Oct 1890 at Cornwood, d. reg. Q1 1891 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., bur. 2 Feb 1891 at Cornwood. In 1891, of Lower Hele, Cornwood.
- Olive Ellen SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1892 at Cornwood, b. reg. Q3 1892 at Plympton R.D., chr. 10 Aug 1892 at Cornwood, m. 28 Jul 1913 at Cornwood, m. reg. Q3 1913 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., Evelyn HARRIS (b. ca. 1887, son of George Nichols HARRIS, a farmer). In 1901 and 1911, living with her parents. At her marriage in 1913, of Cornwood; Evelyn was a butcher and purveyor.
- Jane Vawdon SERCOMBE, chr. 3 Jul 1829 at Cornwood, m. 14 Mar 1847 at Cornwood, m. reg. Q1 1847 at Plympton St. Mary
R.D., Philip HORTON (son of Trobridge HORTON, a farmer). At her marriage in 1847, Philip was a farmer; witnesses were
William SERCOMBE and Jane HORTON.
- Philip SERCOMBE, b. ca. May 1833, chr. privately 9 Jun 1833 at Cornwood, bur. 8 Aug 1833 at Cornwood. In 1833, of
South Hele.
- Elizabeth SERCOMB, b. ca. 1835 at Cornwood, chr. 12 Apr 1835 at Cornwood, bur. 1 Dec 1854 at Cornwood. In 1851, living
with her parents. At her death in 1854, of Wisdom Farm.
- Samuel SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1837 at Cornwood, chr. 25 Jan 1837 at Cornwood, m. reg. Q2 1857 at Plymouth R.D., Jane LUSCOMBE (b. ca. 1832 at Milton Abbot, Devon, d. 12 Mar 1910, d. reg. Q1 1910 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., bur. 16 Mar 1910 at Cornwood), d. 12 Jan 1915, d. reg. Q1 1915 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., bur. at Cornwood. In 1851, living with his parents. In 1857, a famer, of Cornwood. In 1859, a laborer, of Puddypool, Cornwood. In 1861, a farmer of 110 acres employing one man and one boy, living at Lukesland Farm, Harford, Devon, with his wife Jane, daughters Mary and Elizabeth, and two farm servants. In 1871, a laborer, living at Bullevin Cottage, Harford, with his wife Jane and children Mary, Elizabeth, Jane, Annie, William, and Emma. In 1875, a laborer, of Stone, Cornwood. In 1881, an agricultural laborer, living at 1 Stevens Cottages, Ermington, Devon, with his wife Jane and daughters Emma and Francis. In 1891, an agricultural laborer, living at Cottage, Cornwood, with his wife Jane and children Elizabeth, William, and Francis. At his son's marriage in 1893, a farmer. In 1901, a general farm laborer, living at Sherwell Cottage, Cornwood, with his wife Jane, their daughters Elizabeth and Frances, and their grandson William EDE. At her death in 1910, Jane was of Dinnaton, Cornwood. In 1911, an old age pensioner, living with his daughter Annie.
- Mary Northmore SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1857 at Moor Farm, Cornwood, b. reg. Q3 1857 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., chr. 12 Aug
1857 at Cornwood. In 1861 and 1871, living with her parents. In 1881, a laundry maid in the NAPIER household at Pennard
House, East Pennard, Somerset. In 1891, a dairy maid, living at Polesden Lacey, Great Bookham, Surrey. In 1901, living on
her own means, visiting the BEST family at 28 Half Moon Street, London.
- Elizabeth Luscombe SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1859 at Cornwood, b. reg. Q2 1859 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., chr. 22 Jun 1859 at Cornwood, d. reg. Q3 1917 at Plympton St. Mary R.D. In 1861 and 1871, living with her parents. In 1881, a needlewoman, visiting the SHORT household at 22 Western Road, Ermington. In 1891 and 1901, living with her parents. In 1911, a dressmaker, living with her sister Annie.
- Anne SERCOMBE, b. ca. May 1861, d. reg. Q1 1862 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., bur. 14 Mar 1862 at Cornwood. At her death in 1862, of Lukesland, Harford.
- Jane SIRCOMBE, b. ca. 1863 at Harford, b. reg. Q1 1863 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., m. reg. Q3 1896 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., William Henry EDE (b. ca. 1852 at St. Winnow, Cornwall). In 1871, living with her parents. In 1881, a housemaid in the EWENS household at 2 St. Andrews Square, Kingston-on-Thames, Surrey. In 1891, a domestic servant in the MARTIN household at Alston House, Yealmpton, Devon. In 1901, living at Berry's Cottages, Cornwood, with her husband William (a clay laborer) and their daughters Annie and Georgina. In 1911, living at Lutton, Cornwood, with her husband William (a china clay miner for a pottery manufacturer) and their children William, Annie, and Georgina.
- William Henry EDE, b. ca. 1896 at Cornwood, b. reg. Q3 1896 at Plympton St. Mary R.D. In 1901, living with his mother's parents. In 1911, a clay worker, living with his parents.
- Annie Winefred EDE, b. ca. 1898 at Cornwood, m. reg. Q2 1922 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., Sydney NELDER. In 1901 and 1911, living with her parents.
- Gordon Sercombe NELDER, b. 20 Dec 1928, b. reg. Q4 1928 at Plymouth R.D., m. reg. Q1 1957 at Plympton R.D., Jean F. HOLMAN, d. reg. Oct 1998 at South Hams R.D.
- Peter W. NELDER, b. reg. Q4 1931 at Plympton St. Mary R.D.
- Georgina Frances EDE, b. ca. 1899 at Cornwood. In 1901 and 1911, living with her parents.
- Annie SIRCOMBE, b. ca. 1865 at [South] Brent, Devon, b. reg. Q2 1865 at Totnes R.D., m. 12 Apr 1893 at Cornwood, m. reg. Q2 1893 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., Charles Alfred GOAD (b. ca. 1866 at Yealmpton, son of Samuel GOAD, a laborer). In 1871, living with her parents. In 1881, a housemaid in the HOLLAND household at Stawford House, Harford, Devon. In 1891, a cook at the Royal Naval Hospital, Plymouth. At her marriage in 1893, of Cornwood; Charles was a carpenter, of Yealmpton. In 1901, living at East View, Yealmpton, with her husband Charles (a carpenter), their daughter Gertrude, and her brother William's children Robert and Ethel. In 1911, living at 24 Market Street, Yealmpton, with her husband Alfred (an estate carpenter), their daughter Gertrude, Annie's father, her sister Elizabeth, and her brother William's children Robert and Annie.
- Gertrude Mary GOAD, b. 24 Jan 1894 at Brixton, Devon, m. 28 Jun 1916 at Yealmpton, Charles HODGE-BROOKS. In 1901, living with her parents. In 1911, a pupil teacher, living with her parents. Charles was a baker and cook.
- Charles William Goad HODGE-BROOKS, b. 10 Jun 1917 at Yealmpton, m. Dec 1943 at Leeds, Winifred Ada BROWN (b. 19 Jun 1922 at Leeds). A school teacher. Winifred was a secretary.
- Janet HODGE-BROOKS, b. 10 Mar 1945 at Ilkley, Yorkshire, m. KING.
Researcher Janet King.
- Gertrude Annie HODGE-BROOKS, m. at Kingskerswell, Devon, Samuel Pascoe DARE.
- Irene Beatrice Mary DARE, b. 2 Aug 1947, d. 2 Feb 2009.
- William SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1867 at [South] Brent or Cornwood, m. 23 Feb 1893 at Ugborough, m. reg. Q1 1893 at Totnes R.D., Bathsheba CRABB (b. ca. 1866 at Plymouth or Plymstock, d. reg. Q1 1917 at Plympton St. Mary R.D.; daughter of William CRABB, a mason), d. 29 Sep 1901 after a riding accident, d. reg. Q3 1901 at Plympton St. Mary R.D. In 1871, living with his parents. In 1881, an indoor farm servant in the MATTACOTT household at Stable Farm, Ermington. In 1891, an agricultural laborer, living with his parents. At his marriage in 1893, a farmer, of Cornwood; Bathsheba was of Ugborough; the witnesses were Jane SERCOMBE and Annie SERCOMBE (his sisters), Charles Alfred GOAD (Annie's future husband), and Francis John HILL. At his son's baptism in 1894, a laborer, of Puttipool, Cornwood. At his daughter's baptism in 1896, a laborer, of Hangher, Cornwood. In Mar 1901, Bathsheba was a patient at the County Lunatic Asylum, Exminster, Devon (where was William?). At his daughter's baptism in Aug 1901, a laborer, of Dinnaton Cot, Cornwood. In 1911, Bathsheba was an inmate in the casual wards of the Workhouse Infirmary, Plympton St. Mary.
- Robert Luscombe SERCOMBE, b. 10 Feb 1894 at Cornwood, b. reg. Q1 1894 at Plympton R.D., chr. 25 Mar 1894 (Easter Day) at Cornwood, m. reg. Q3 1924 at Plymouth R.D, Winifred Gladys LAVERS (b. 8 Dec 1896, d. reg. Oct 1984 at Plymouth R.D.), d. reg. Q3 1974 at Kingsbridge R.D. In 1901, living with his father's sister Annie. In 1911, an apprentice carpenter, living with his father's sister Annie.
- Gilbert Ernest W. SERCOMBE, b. 6 Jul 1926, b. reg. Q3 1926 at Plymouth R.D., m. reg. Q2 1952 at Gosport R.D., Myrtle G. MILLER, d. reg. Sep 1996 at Kingsbridge R.D.
- Anthony L. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q4 1952 at Plymouth R.D., m. reg. Q3 1973 at Kingsbridge R.D., Elizabeth J. BROOME.
- Jayne Louise SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q1 1974 at Plymouth R.D., m. reg. Jul 2004 at South Gloucestershire R.D., Bruce C.P. KERRIDGE.
- Oliver David KERRIDGE, b. reg. Oct 2005 at Bristol R.D.
- Jennifer Marie SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q4 1978 at Plymouth R.D.
- Annette Avril SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1981 at Plymouth R.D.
- Ethel SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1896 at Cornwood, b. reg. Q1 1896 at Plympton R.D., chr. 16 Feb 1896 at Cornwood, m. at Kingskerswell, Devon, m. reg. Q3 1927 at Newton Abbot R.D., William A.L. BOVEY. In 1901, living with her father's sister Annie. In 1911, an under housemaid in the household of William Edmund Pollexfen BASTARD at Lyneham, Yealmpton, Devon.
- Cynthia Ethel BOVEY, b. ca. 1929 at Kingskerswell, b. reg. Q1 1929 at Newton Abbot R.D.
- Brenda Mary BOVEY, b. ca. 1930 at Kingskerswell, b. reg. Q3 1930 at Newton Abbot R.D.
- Annie SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1901 at Exminster, b. reg. Q2 1901 at St. Thomas R.D., chr. 4 Aug 1901 at Cornwood, m. reg. Q2 1940 at Totnes R.D., Bartholomew THEWLES. In 1911, at school, living with her father's sister Annie.
- George W. THEWLES, b. reg. Q2 1945 at Redruth R.D.
- Emma SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1869 at Harford, b. reg. Q4 1869 at Plympton St. Mary R.D. In 1871 and 1881, living with her parents. (Where in 1891?) In 1901, a domestic servant, patient at the County Lunatic Asylum, Exminster, Devon. In 1911, a general domestic servant, patient in the Devon County Lunatic Asylum, Exminster.
- Samuel SERCOMBE, b. ca. Mar 1872, b. reg. Q2 1872 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., d. reg. Q3 1873 at Plympton St. Mary
R.D., bur. 16 Jul 1873 at Cornwood. In 1873, of Harford.
- Frances SERCOMBE, chr. 1 Aug 1875 at Cornwood, b. reg. Q3 1875 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., m. reg. Q4 1904 at Newton Abbot R.D., Francis Edward MARTIN. In 1881, 1891, and 1901, living with her parents.
- Ann SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q3 1840 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., chr. 3 Aug 1840 at Cornwood, m. 2 Jan 1859 at Cornwood, m.
reg. Q1 1859 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., Phillip Maddick HORTON (b. ca. 1836 at Cornwood, son of Alexander HORTON, a
farmer, committed suicide by 1891). Phillip was a nephew of Arthur HORTON, husband of Ann's sister Mary. In 1851, Ann was
visiting Arthur and Mary, and Phillip was an agricultural laborer in their household. At her marriage in 1859, of Wisdom;
Philip was a farmer, of Higher Hill; the witnesses were William SERCOMBE and Frances HORTON. In 1871, living at Putta
Pool, Cornwood, with her husband Phillip (a carpenter), five children, and her mother Elizabeth. In 1881, living at
Cornwood with her husband Phillip (a carpenter) and nine children. In 1891, a farmer, living at Houndle Farm with her six
children and her brother William.
Ancestor of researcher Mike Horton.
- Elizabeth SERCOMBE, chr. 17 Jul 1795 at Cornwood, m. 29 Jan 1819 at Cornwood, after banns, Philip LUSCOMBE (b. ca.
1800 at Cornwood). At her marriage in 1819, Philip was a farmer; the witnesses were Robert SERCOMBE and Constantine
VAWDON. In 1851, living at Blaxton Farm, Tamerton Foliott, Devon, with her husband Philip (a farmer of 160 acres); their
children Mary, William, Ann, and Thomas; their grandchildren John LUSCOMBE (b. ca. 1844 at Tamerton) and William HILLSON
(b. ca. 1848 at Cornwood); and three servants.
- Mary LUSCOMBE, b. ca. 1821 at Cornwood. In 1851, living with her parents.
- William LUSCOMBE, b. ca. 1827 at Cornwood, m. reg. Q3 1854 at Plymouth R.D., Ann SANDERS (b. ca. 1827 at Harford,
Devon). In 1851, living with his parents. In 1861, a farmer of 361 acres employing five men and two boys, living at Hall,
Harford, with his wife Ann; their
children Henry, Ann, Jane, Robert, and Elizabeth; Ann's brother Henry SANDERS (a shepherd, b. ca. 1806 at Plympton St.
Mary, Devon); nursemaid Emma SANDERS (b. ca. 1847 at Cornwood); a general servant, a carter, and three agricultural
laborers. In 1871, a farmer of 300 acres employing four laborers, living at Hall Farm, Harford, with his wife Ann; their
children Henry, Ann, Jane, Robert, Elizabeth, William, and Sarah; Ann's brother Henry SAUNDERS (an annuitant, b. ca. 1805
at Hemerdon, a hamlet in Plympton St. Mary parish); and four servants. In 1881, a farmer of 440 acres employing four men
and two boys, living at Hall Farm, Harford, with his wife Ann; their children Ann, Jane, Robert, Bessie, William, and
Sarah; two visitors; and two servants.
- Henry LUSCOMBE, b. ca. 1854 at Harford. In 1861, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1871, living with his parents.
In 1901, a farmer, living with his brother Robert.
- Ann LUSCOMBE, b. ca. 1856 at Harford. In 1861, living with her parents. In 1871 and 1881, living with her parents.
- Jane LUSCOMBE, b. ca. 1857 at Harford. In 1861, living with her parents. In 1871 and 1881, living with her parents.
Robert Sercombe LUSCOMBE, b. ca. 1859 at Harford, b. reg. Q2 1859 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., m. reg. Q2 1889 at
Plympton St. Mary R.D., Florence HELLSON or HILLSON (b. ca. 1865 at Ivybridge, Devon), d. reg. Q3 1941 at Plympton St. Mary R.D. In 1861, living with his parents.
In 1871 and 1881, living with his parents. In 1891, a farmer, living at Wisdom Farm, Cornwood, with his wife Florence,
three servants, and a family of lodgers. In 1901, a farmer, living at Wisdom Farm, Cornwood, with his wife Florence;
their children Henry, Margaret, and Ben; his brother Henry; and two servants.
- Henry LUSCOMBE, b. ca. 1893 at Cornwood. In 1901, living with his parents.
- Margaret LUSCOMBE, b. ca. 1897 at Cornwood. In 1901, living with his parents.
- Ben LUSCOMBE, b. ca. Sep 1899 at Cornwood. In 1901, living with his parents.
- Elizabeth "Bessie" LUSCOMBE, b. ca. Oct 1860 at Harford. In 1861, living with her parents. In 1871 and 1881, living
with her parents.
- William LUSCOMBE, b. ca. 1861 at Harford. In 1871 and 1881, living with his parents.
- Sarah LUSCOMBE, b. ca. 1866 at Harford. In 1871 and 1881, living with her parents.
- Ann LUSCOMBE, b. ca. 1831 at Cornwood. In 1851, living with her parents.
- Thomas LUSCOMBE, b. ca. 1836 at Cornwood. In 1851, living with his parents.
- Sarah SURCOMBE, b. 1 Nov 1761, chr. 15 Nov 1761 at Dean Prior, bur. 25 Sep 1765 at Dean Prior.
- Henry SURCOMBE, b. 8 Dec 1764, chr. 25 Dec 1764 at Dean Prior, bur. 2 Jul 1767 at Dean Prior.
- Henry SURCOMBE, chr. 3 Apr 1768 at Dean Prior, bur. 1 Dec 1779 at Dean Prior.
- Sarah SURCOMBE, chr. 21 Oct 1770, m. 2 or 13 Oct 1791 at Dean Prior, Devon, Jonas MUGFORD (d. by 1851). In 1851,
a pauper, living at Dean Prior with a lodger.
- William SERCOMBE or SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 11 Sep 1774 at Dean Prior, m. 24 Dec 1799 at Cornwood, after banns, Grace NEWTE (b. ca. 1770 at Milton Abbot, Devon, bur. 8 Dec 1854 at Cornwood), d. reg. Q3 1845 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., bur. 10 Sep 1845 at Cornwood. At his marriage in 1799, a husbandman, of Cornwood; Grace was also of Cornwood; the witnesses were Elias BASKERVILLE and Susanna GREEP. At his children's baptisms an 1800, 1804, 1806, 1807, 1810, and 1811, a husbandman. At his children's baptisms in 1813 and 1814, a husbandman, of Cornwood. At his sons' baptisms in 1816 and 1818, a laborer, of Cornwood. At his son's baptism in 1822, a husbandman, of Cornwood. At his son Richard's marriage in 1838, a blacksmith. At his death in 1845, of Berris, Cornwood. In 1851, Grace was living at Lutton, Cornwood, with her son Octavius. At her death in 1854, Grace was of Lutton, Cornwood. Posthumously at his son's marriage in 1863, a laborer.
- Robert SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 2 Nov 1800 at Cornwood.
- (probably) John SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1802 at Cornwood or Stoke Damerel, Devon, m. 31 Jul 1826 at Stokenham, Devon, Susan KELLOND (b. ca. 1799 at Stokenham, d. by 1871). In 1827, 1829, 1831, and 1838, a gardener, of Kingswear, Devon. In 1851, a gardener, living at Upton Pyne Gate Cottage, Upton Pyne, Devon, with his wife Susan (a laundress) and their children William and Helen. At his sons' marriages in 1855 and 1859, a gardener. In 1861, a gardener, living at Rose Cottage, Sharpham, Ashprington, Devon, with his wife Susan and their daughter Ellen. At his daughters' marriages in 1865, a gardener. In 1871, a gardener, living with his daughter Ellen. In 1881, a retired gardener living with his daughter Helen.
- Elizabeth SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1827 at Kingswear, chr. 7 Jan 1827 at Kingswear, m. 20 Dec 1865 by licence at Townstall, Dartmouth, Devon, m. reg. Q4 1865 at Totnes R.D., John Thomas FELLEW (b. ca. 1831 at Dartmouth, Devon, son of William FELLEW, a sailor). In 1851, a nurse and child's maid in the PRIDEAUX household at Hardness, Townstall. In 1861, a servant in the PRIDEAUX household at Clarence Street, Dartmouth. At her marriage in 1865, of Townstall; John was a mason, also of Townstall; the witnesses were Sam W. PRIDDEUX, Thomas PESIETT, and Eliza LAPTHORN. In 1881, living at South Ford Lane, Dartmouth St. Saviour, with her husband John (a builder) and niece Eliza (daughter of her brother William).
- Susan SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1829 at Kingswear, chr. 25 Sep 1829 at Kingswear, d. reg. Q2 1906 at Totnes R.D., bur.
5 Apr 1906 at Kingswear Cemetery. In 1851, a
house servant in the GIBSON household at South Town, Totnes, Devon. In 1861, a servant, lodging at 32 Earl Street East,
Marylebone, London. Walter TODD (a sadler, b. ca. 1824 in Nottinghamshire) was a lodger in the same household in 1861;
banns were called for Susan and Walter on 24 and 31 Mar and 7 Apr 1861 at Christ Church, Marylebone, but it seems that the
marriage did not take place. In 1871, a laundrymaid, living in a large household (all absent on census night except for
the servants) at Lockleys, Welwyn, Hertfordshire. In 1881, a laundrymaid in the household of Lord Willoughby de Broke at
Compton Verney House, Compton Verney, Warwickshire. In 1891, a laundress, living in a lodging house at 41 Foley Street,
Marylebone. In 1901, a laundress, inmate in the Totnes Union Workhouse, Totnes.
- John SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1831 at Kingswear, chr. 23 Oct 1831 at Kingswear, m1. 26 Aug 1855 at St. James, Bath, Somerset, registrar's certificate, m1. reg. Q3 1855 at Bath R.D., Charlotte BROOKS (b. ca. 1829, d. reg. Q3 1857 at Bradford upon Avon R.D., daughter of William BROOKS, a smith), m2. at Llanferres, Denbighshire, m2. reg. Q4 1857 at Ruthin R.D., Diana DAVIES (b. ca. 1834 at Llansannan or Llanarmon, Denbighshire, d. reg. Q3 1891 at West Derby R.D.), d. reg. Q2 1903 at West Derby R.D. In 1851, a gardener for the VEITCH family's nursery business, living at Nursery Cottage, Heavitree, Devon. At his marriage in 1855, a gardener, of Batheaston; Charlotte was a laundress, of 9 Gallaway Buildings; the witnesses were William BROOKS (probably Charlotte's father) and William WEST. In 1861, a gardener, living at St. Anne Street, Chester, Cheshire, with his wife Diana (formerly a laundress) and their daughters Eleanor and Alice. At his children's baptisms in 1865 and 1866, of Shotwick, Cheshire. At his son's birth in 1870, a gardener, of 22 Albert Terrace, Chester. In 1871, a gardener (domestic servant), living at Egerton Street, New Brighton, Cheshire, with his wife Diana, children Eleanor, Alice, John, David, Elizabeth, and Hesse, and four boarders. In 1881, a gardener, living at 18 July Street, Chorlton-on-Medlock, Lancashire, with his wife Diana, children Eleanor, Alfred, Herbert, and Selina, and a lodger. At his son's marriage in 1886, a gardener. In 1891, a gardener and domestic servant, living
at 9 Ponsonby Street, Toxteth Park, Liverpool, Lancashire, with his wife Diana and daughter Eleanor. In 1901, a general laborer, living in a boarding house at 4 Park Lane, Liverpool.
- Charlotte Silene or Selina SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1857 at Ruthin R.D., chr. 6 Sep 1857 at Monkton Farleigh, Wiltshire, d. reg. Q1 1858 at Bradford upon Avon R.D.
- Eleanor SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1858 at Market Drayton, Shropshire, b. reg. Q3 1858 at Market Drayton R.D., chr. 31 Jul 1858 at Market Drayton. In 1861, living with her parents. In 1871, a scholar, living with her parents. In 1881, a dressmaker's assistant, living with her parents. In 1891, a dressmaker, living with her parents. In 1901, a domestic servant in a boarding house at 15 Mulgrave Street, Toxteth Park (the boarders were merchants from Palestine and Syria and a student from Spain).
- Alice SERCOMBE, b. ca. May 1860 at Hatherton, Cheshire, b. reg. Q2 1860 at Nantwich R.D. (Crewe subdistrict), chr. 1 Jul 1860 at Wybunbury, Cheshire, d. reg. Q2 1871 at Birkenhead R.D. (Wallasey subdistrict), bur. 19 May 1871 at Wallasey. In 1861, living with her parents. In 1871, a scholar, living with her parents. At her death later in 1871, of Wallasey or New Brighton.
- John Alfred SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1862 at Minera, Denbighshire, b. reg. Q3 1862 at Wrexham R.D. (Wrexham subdistrict), chr. 1 Jan 1865 at Shotwick, m1. 29 Sep 1886 at St. Mary, Edge Hill, Lancashire, by licence, m1. reg. Q3 1886 at West Derby R.D., Beatrice Emma HUDSON (b. ca. 1864, daughter of Joshua HUDSON, a bleacher), m2. Q1 1891 at the Register Office, West Derby, Lancashire, m2. reg. Q1 1891 at West Derby R.D., Mary McMILLAN (b. ca. 1867 in Ireland), m3. at St. Mary, Waterloo, Lancashire, m3. reg. Q3 1915 at West Derby R.D., Amy BROMLEY (m2. at St. Mary, Waterloo, m2. reg. Q4 1924 at West Derby R.D., Frederick W. RHODEN), d. reg. Q4 1915 at West Derby R.D. In 1871, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1881, a stationer's assistant, living with his parents. At his marriage in 1886, a stationer, of Walton on the Hill; Beatrice was of Heaton Mersey; the witnesses were Thomas G. HARRISON and Emily HAWKSWORTH. In 1891, living in the household of his brother-in-law Andrew McMILLAN (a joiner, b. ca. 1860 in Ireland) at 3 Upper Baker Street, West Derby, Lancashire. In 1901, a stationer's salesman, living at 85 Everton Road, Everton, Lancashire, with his wife Mary and her two sisters, niece, and nephew. In 1911, a stationer's manager, boarding at the Black Bull Inn, Gateacre Brow, Gateacre, Lancashire.
- David Herbert SERCOMBE, b. 31 Oct 1864 at Shotwick, b. reg. Q4 1864 at Great Boughton R.D. (Hawarden subdistrict), chr. 1 Jan 1865 at Shotwick, m. reg. Q3 1894 at Stoke Damerel R.D., Charlotte Thirza DANIELS (b. ca. 1859 at Sidford, Sidmouth, Devon, m1. reg. Q2 1881 at Plymouth R.D., Sampson Thomas S. BENTLEY [b. reg. Q3 1861 at Stoke upon Trent R.D., d. reg. Q3 1885 at Godstone R.D.], m3. reg. Q4 1915 at Devonport R.D., George W. BONAKER), d. reg. Q2 1913 at Devonport R.D. In 1871, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1881, a first class boy in the crew of the Royal Navy cutter Royal Charlotte (station Liverpool) but living with his parents on census night. Subsequently a Royal Navy seaman. (Where in 1891?) In 1891, Charlotte was a licensed victualler, living at the Globe Inn, 11 Market Street, Devonport, with her daughter Ethel and her sister Elizabeth Anne DANIELS (a barmaid, b. ca. 1854 at Sidmouth, m. reg. Q3 1878 at Honiton R.D., Henry ALGAR). (Where in 1901?) In 1901, Charlotte was a tavern keeper, living at 4 Queen Street, Devonport, Devon, with her daughter Ethel, a servant, and three visitors. (Where in 1911?) In 1911, Charlotte was a hotel proprietor, living at 54 Cornwall Street, Devonport, with her daughter Ethel and a barmaid.
- (stepdaughter) Ethel Charlotte BENTLEY, b. ca. 1885 at Plymouth, Devon, b. reg. Q2 1885 at Plymouth R.D., m. reg. Q4 1906 at Devonport R.D., William GARNETT. In 1891, living with her mother. In 1911, living with her mother and assisting in her business.
- Elizabeth Selina or Selina Elizabeth SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1866 at Shotwick, b. reg. Q3 1866 at Great Boughton R.D. (Hawarden subdistrict), chr. 28 Oct 1866 at Shotwick, d. reg. Q4 1882 at Chester R.D. In 1871, a scholar, living with her parents. In 1881, a milliner's apprentice, living with her parents.
- Hesse M. SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1868 at Shotwick, b. reg. Q3 1868 at Great Boughton R.D., d. reg. Q1 1879 at Salford R.D. In 1871, living with her parents.
- Albert SERCOMBE, b. 31 Mar 1870 at 22 Albert Terrace, b. reg. 1870 at Chester R.D. (Chester Castle subdistrict), d. reg. 1870 at Chester R.D. (Chester Castle subdistrict).
- William SERCOMBE, b. 7 Dec 1837 at Kingswear, chr. 1 Jan 1838 at Kingswear, m. 6 Jun 1859 at Holy Trinity, Bridgwater, Somerset, m. reg. Q2 1859 at Bridgwater R.D., Sarah Hopping DARKE (daughter of John DARKE, a tailor; b. ca. 1836 at Combe Raleigh or Honiton, Devon, d. reg. Q1 1897 at Axbridge R.D., bur. Feb 1897 at Highbridge Cemetery, Highbridge, Somerset), d. reg. Q3 1916 at Axbridge R.D., bur. Aug 1916 at Highbridge Cemetery. In 1851, at school, living with his parents. At his marriage in 1859, a porter, of Bridgwater Holy Trinity; Sarah was of the same parish; the witnesses were William CROCKER and Jane CROCKER. In 1861, a railway porter, living at
Highbridge, in the parish of Burnham, Somerset, with his wife Sarah and their daughter Ellen. In 1871, a railway porter, living at Wallrow Terrace, Burnham, with his wife Sarah (a dressmaker) and their daughters Eliza and Emily. In 1881, a railway porter, living at Railway Cottages, Burnham, with his wife Sarah and their children Eva and John. In 1891, a foreman porter, living at Market Street, Highbridge, with his wife Sarah (a dressmaker) and their children Eva and John. In 1901, a railway porter, living at Market Street, Highbridge North, with his daughter Emily. In 1911, a railway pensioner, living at Station Cottage, Highbridge, with his daughter Emily.
Relative of researcher Joan Smith.
- Ellen SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1859 at Highbridge, b. reg. Q3 1859 at Axbridge R.D., d. reg. Q3 1865 at Axbridge R.D., bur. 6 Aug 1865 at Burnham. In 1861, living with her parents. At her death in 1865, of Highbridge.
- (probably) Elizabeth Jane SERCOMBE, b. ca. Sep 1861, b. reg. Q4 1861 at Axbridge R.D., d. reg. Q1 1863 at Axbridge R.D., bur. 9 Mar 1863 at Burnham. At her death in 1863, of Highbridge.
- Eliza SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1864 at Highbridge, b. reg. Q1 1864 at Axbridge R.D., chr. 28 Feb 1864 at St. John's, Highbridge. In 1871, a scholar, living with her parents. In 1881, living with her father's sister Elizabeth.
- Emily Ellen SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1866 at Highbridge, b. reg. Q1 1866 at Axbridge R.D., chr. 20 September 1868 at St. John's, Highbridge, m. (when and where?) Herbert James BEEL (b. ca. 1865 at Kingsdon, Somerset, son of James BEEL, a carpenter, d. reg. Q2 1891 at Langport R.D.). In 1871, a scholar, living with her parents. In 1881, a nursemaid in the HEMBRY household at Edithmead, Burnham. In 1891, living at The Green, Kingsdon, with her husband (consumptive) and his father. In 1901, living with her father. In 1911, a housekeeper, living with her father.
- A child, d. by 1911.
- Edward or Edwin SERCOMBE, b. ca. Jul 1868, b. reg. Q3 1868 at Axbridge R.D., chr. 20 September 1868 at St. John's, Highbridge, d. reg. Q2 1869 at Axbridge R.D., bur. 19 Jun 1869 at Burnham. At his death in 1869, of Highbridge.
- Eva SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1871 at Highbridge, b. reg. Q1 1872 at Axbridge R.D., chr. 25 January 1872 at St. John's,
Highbridge, m. reg. Q1 1894 at Christchurch R.D., Joseph Jeffery ELLIOTT or ELLICOTT (b. ca. 1870 at Bristol). In 1881, a
scholar, living with her parents. In 1891, a dressmaker, living with her parents. In 1901, living at 284 Malmesbury Park
Road, Bournemouth, Hampshire, with her husband Joseph and their son Edgar.
- Edgar ELLICOTT, b. ca. 1894 at Bournemouth. In 1901, living with his parents.
- John SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1876 at Highbridge, b. reg. Q1 1876 at Axbridge R.D., chr. 7 January 1876 at St. John's, Highbridge. In 1881, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1891, a clerk, living with his parents. In 1901, a railway porter, boarding in the household of Mrs. Elizabeth DARKE (a laundress, b. ca. 1845 at Burnham, perhaps a relative of John's mother?) at 8 Stuart Place, Twerton, Somerset. In 1911, a coal miner, boarding in the HOWELLS household at Clifton House, Maes-y-coed, Mound Road, Pwllgwaun, Pontypridd, Glamorgan.
- Helen or Ellen SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1841 at Kingswear, m. 4 Nov 1865 at West Teigmouth, m. reg. Q4 1865 at Newton Abbot R.D., John SHARLAND (b. ca. 1838 at Upton Pyne, Devon, m1. reg. Q4 1862 at St. Thomas R.D., Sophia COVENTON; son of John SHARLAND, a farmer). In 1851 and 1861, living with her parents. At her marriage in 1865, of West Teignmouth; John was a schoolmaster, of Lympstone, Devon; the witnesses were Elizabeth SERCOMBE and John T. PELLEW. In 1871, living at Church Street, Lympstone, with her husband John (a n[ational] schoolmaster), his son John and their daughter Ellen, and her father. In 1881, living at Colebrooke, Devon, with her husband John (a certificated schoolmaster), their children Ellen and Ernest, and her father. At his daughter's marriage in 1898, John was a schoolmaster.
- (stepson) John Coventon SHARLAND, b. ca. 1864 at Lympstone, chr. 1 Aug 1864 at Lympstone. In 1871, a scholar, living
with his parents.
- Ellen Sercombe SHARLAND, b. ca. 1866 at Lympstone, chr. 25 Dec 1866 at Lympstone, m. 2 Apr 1898 at Colebrooke, m. reg. Q2 1898 at Crediton R.D., Francis John JARMAN (son of Thomas JARMAN, a miler). In 1871 and 1881, a scholar, living with her parents. At her marriage in 1898, a schoolmistress, of Sandford; Francis was a miller, of Colebrooke; the witnesses were John SHARLAND (probably Ellen's father), Frances Louise PETERS, and Bertran Sidney JARMAN.
- William Thomas SHARLAND, chr. 28 Jan 1868 at Lympstone, d. 26 May 1868.
- William Henry SHARLAND, chr. 16 Dec 1871 at Lympstone, d. 26 May 1874.
- Ernest SHARLAND, b. ca. 1875 at Lympstone. In 1881, a scholar, living with his parents.
- William SERCOMBE, chr. 21 Jan 1804 at Cornwood, m. Elizabeth (b. ca. 1797 in England, d. by 1861). In 1841, a gardener, living at Callois, St. Martin, Guernsey, with his wife Elizabeth and their children Elizabeth, Mary, Hellen, William, Jane, and Charlotte. In 1851, a laborer, living at 1 St. Martins Road, St. Peter Port, Guernsey, with his wife Elizabeth and their children Elizabeth, Ellen, Mary, William, and Jane. In 1861 and 1871, a gardener, living with his daughter Mary. In 1881, retired gardener, pauper in the Hospital of St. Peter Port, near St. Julians Avenue, St. Peter Port.
- Elizabeth SERCOMBE or ENCOF, b. ca. 1827 in Guernsey. In 1841, living with her parents. In 1851, an ironer, living with her parents.
- Mary SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1832 at St. Peter Port, m. Richard R. MUDGE (b. ca. 1831 in England). In 1841, living with her parents. In 1851, a milliner, living with her parents. In 1861, living at 6 Hammonds Cottage, Park Street, St. Peter Port, with her husband Richard (a sawyer), their sons Richard and Henry, her father, and her sister Ellen. In 1871, living at 5 Hammonds Yard, Park Street, St. Peter Port, with her husband Richard (a sawyer), their children David (enumerated as Daniel), Henry, Charles, Jane, and Willishamena, and her father. In 1881, living at 7 Pedvin Street, St. Peter Port, with her husband Richard (a sawyer) and their children Charles, Jane, Wilhelmina, and William. In 1891, living at 10 Pedvin Street with her husband Richard (a sawyer), their children Wilhelmina (enumerated as Amelia) and William, and their grandchildren (enumerated as their children) Richard, Henry, and Ethel.
- Richard David William MUDGE, b. 13 Dec 1856 at St. Peter Port, m. Mary (b. ca. 1856 at St. Peter Port). In 1861, living with his parents. In 1871, a blacksmith's apprentice, living with his parents. In 1881, a sawyer, living at 14 Pedvin Street, St. Peter Port, with his wife Mary and their sons Richard, Henry, and Edward.
- Richard MUDGE, b. ca. 1875 at St. Peter Port, m. Julia (b. ca. 1878 at St. Sampsons, Guernsey). In 1881, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1891, a baker, living with his grandparents. In 1901, a stone carter, living at St. Peter Port with his wife Julia and their son Harold.
- Harold MUDGE, b. ca. 1899 at St. Peter Port. In 1901, living with his parents.
- Henry MUDGE, b. ca. 1878 at St. Peter Port, m. Bertha BISHOP (b. ca. 1879 in England). In 1881, living with his parents. In 1891, a scholar, living with his grandparents. In 1901, a house carpenter, living at 4 Orange Villa, St. Peter Port, with his wife Bertha, their children Ellen and Henry, and Bertha's brother Francis (a stone carter, b. ca. 1875 in England).
- Ellen MUDGE, b. ca. 1899 at St. Peter Port. In 1901, living with her parents.
- Henry MUDGE, b. ca. Oct 1900 at St. Peter Port. In 1901, living with his parents.
- Edward MUDGE, b. ca. Nov 1880 at St. Peter Port. In 1881, living with his parents.
- Ethel MUDGE, b. ca. 1881 at St. Peter Port. In 1891, a scholar, living with her grandparents.
- William James Charles "Henry" MUDGE, b. 24 May 1859 at St. Peter Port. In 1861, living with his parents. In 1871, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1881, a fireman, lodging at 6 Princes Street, Plaistow, Essex.
- Charles Frederick MUDGE, b. 25 Jan 1864 at St. Peter Port, m. Clarice Florence LANGDON (b. ca. 1866 at St. Peter Port). In 1871, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1881, a mason, living with his parents. In 1891, a plasterer and bricklayer, living at Les Blanches, St. Martin, with his wife Clarice and their children Charles, Clara, and Harold.
- Charles L. MUDGE, b. ca. 1886 at St. Peter Port. In 1891, a scholar, living with his parents.
- Clara M. MUDGE, b. ca. 1887 at St. Peter Port. In 1891, living with her parents.
- Harold F. MUDGE, b. ca. Sep 1890 at St. Martin. In 1891, living with his parents.
- Clarence Edward MUDGE, b. 20 Nov 1897 in Guernsey.
- Bernard Silvester MUDGE, b. 5 Mar 1900 in Guernsey.
- George Henry MUDGE, b. 4 Dec 1901 in Guernsey.
- Frank MUDGE, b. 5 Dec 1902 in Guernsey.
- John MUDGE, b. 18 Dec 1903 at St. Peter Port.
- Jane Ann Elizabeth MUDGE, b. 6 Jan 1867 at St. Peter Port. In 1871, a scholar, living with her parents. In 1881, a factory assistant, living with her parents.
- Wilhelmina Maude Charlotte MUDGE, b. 14 Aug 1870 at St. Peter Port. In 1871, living with her parents. In 1881, a scholar, living with her parents. In 1891, a domestic servant, living with her parents.
- William Robert Mansford MUDGE, b. 28 Oct 1873 at St. Peter Port. In 1881, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1891, a plasterer, living with his parents.
- Ellen SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1832 at St. Peter Port. In 1841, living with her parents. In 1851, an ironer, living with her parents. In 1861, living with her sister Mary, and also enumerated as a lunatic patient in the Hospital Workhouse of St. Peter Port, occupation ironer.
- William SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1834 in Guernsey. In 1841 and 1851, living with his parents.
- Jane SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1836 in Guernsey. In 1841 and 1851, living with her parents.
- Charlotte SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1839 in Guernsey. In 1841, living with her parents.
- Mary SERCOMBE, chr. 23 Dec 1804 at Cornwood.
- James SERCOMBE, chr. 10 Aug 1806 at Cornwood, bur. 26 Sep 1824 at Cornwood. In 1824, of South Hele.
- Elizabeth SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1807 at Cornwood, chr. 6 Dec 1807 at Cornwood, m. 27 May 1831 at Cornwood, after banns begun 10 Apr 1831, John MUNFORD or MUMFORD (b. ca. 1803 at Cornwood). Fanny CHAMBERLAIN and Edward MOORE witnessed the marriage in 1831. In 1841, living at Lutton, Cornwood, with her husband John (an agricultural laborer) and their children Jane, John, Henry, and James. In 1851, living at Lutton with her children Jane, John, Henry, and James; John was a garden laborer at Slade Hall, Cornwood. At her daughter's marriage in 1852, John was a gardener. Ancestor of researcher David Charlton.
- Jane Sercombe MUNFORD, b. ca. 1832 at Cornwood, m. 14 Nov 1852 at Ivybridge, m. reg. Q4 1852 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., George BAKER (b. ca. 1829 at Modbury, Devon, son of William BAKER, a labourer), d. reg. Q4 1896 at Plymouth R.D. In 1841, living with her parents. In 1851, a dress maker, living with her mother. At her marriage in 1852, of Ivybridge; George was a miller, also of Ivybridge; the witnesses were John MUNFORD and Sarah Grace BAKER. In 1861, living at Slade Mills, Cornwood, with her husband George (a miller), their children Sarah, George, and Elizabeth, carter John SERCOMBE (her first cousin), and another carter. In 1871, living at Fardle Mills, Cornwood, with her husband George (a miller), their children Sarah, George, Ellen, and William, and a servant. In 1881, living at 52 Duke Street, Devonport, Devon, with her husband George (an inn keeper), their children Ellen and William, and a lodger. In 1891, living at 34 Frankfurt Street, Plymouth, Devon, with her husband George (a beer shop keeper), their son George, and his wife and son.
- Sarah Jane BAKER, b. ca. 1852 at Ermington or Cornwood. In 1861, a scholar, living with her parents. In 1871, living
with her parents.
- George Henry BAKER, b. ca. 1856 at Cornwood, m. Sophia (b. ca. 1853 at Wolverstone, Suffolk). In 1861, a scholar,
living with his parents. In 1871, living with his parents. In 1891, a journeyman miller, living with his parents together
with his wife Sophia and their son Clifford.
- Clifford BAKER, b. ca. 1885 at Bexley, Kent. In 1891, living with his parents and grandparents.
- Ellen Elizabeth BAKER, b. ca. May 1860 at Cornwood, m. STONE. In 1861 and 1871, living with her parents. In 1881, a
paper maker's wife, living with her parents.
- William J.M. BAKER, b. ca. 1865 at Cornwood. In 1871, living with his parents. In 1881, a scholar, living with his
- John MUNFORD, b. ca. 1834 at Cornwood. In 1841, living with his parents. In 1851, living with his mother.
- Henry MUNFORD, b. ca. 1836 at Cornwood. In 1841, living with his parents. In 1851, living with his mother.
- James MUNFORD, b. ca. 1838 at Cornwood. In 1841, living with his parents. In 1851, living with his mother.
- Richard SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1810 at Cornwood, chr. 28 Jan 1810 at Cornwood, m. 9 Sep 1838 at Cornwood after banns begun 19 Aug 1838, m. reg. Q3 1838 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., Mary MUDGE (b. ca. 1812 at Cornwood, d. reg. Q4 1893 at Plymouth R.D., bur. 15 Oct 1893 at Cornwood; daughter of Michael MUDGE), bur. 15 Jul 1881 at Cornwood. At his marriage in 1838, a laborer (in the banns register) or a husbandman (in the marriage register). In 1840, a laborer, of Higher Smallridge. In 1841, a tenant of his uncle Robert SERCOMBE at Cornwood. In 1842, a laborer, of Almsbridge. In 1843, a laborer, of Cross. At his daughter's baptism n 1845, a laborer, of Cornwood. At his son's baptism in 1848, a pauper laborer, of Cornwood. In Mar 1851, an agricultural laborer, living at Cornwood with his wife Mary and their children Elizabeth, John, Lydia, William, and Mary. At his daughter's baptism in Apr 1851, a laborer, of Cornwood. At his daughter's marriage in 1860, a laborer. In 1861, a laborer, living at Gladdy-park Cottage, Cornwood, with his wife Mary and their children Lydia, William, and Mary. In 1871, an agricultural laborer, living at Gora, Cornwood, with his wife Mary and their children Lydia and William. At his son's marriage in 1872, a farmer. At his daughter's marriage in 1875, a laborer. In Apr 1881, an agricultural laborer, living at Gora with his wife Mary and daughter Lydia. In Jul 1881, of Lutton. In 1891, Mary was living on parish relief in the household of her daughter Mary. In 1893, Mary was of Plymouth St. Andrew.
- Henry Mudge SERCOMBE, chr. 19 Jul 1840 at Cornwood, Devon, m. 26 Jan 1861 at Cornwood, m. reg. Q1 1861 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., Elizabeth HOBBS (b. ca. 1838 at Lawhitton, Cornwall, d. reg. Q1 1918 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., daughter of Richard HOBBS, a labourer), d. 27 Oct 1911, d. reg. Q4 1911 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., bur. 2 Nov 1911 at Cornwood. In 1851, a farm servant in the household of his cousin Robert SERCOMBE. At his marriage in Jan 1861, a laborer, of Lutton, Cornwood; Elizabeth was also of Lutton; witnesses were Lydia SERCOMBE (presumably Henry's sister) and John FORD. In Apr 1861, a laborer, visiting his parents with his wife Elizabeth. At his son's baptism in Aug 1861, a laborer, of Shaugh Prior. At his son's baptism in 1863, a laborer, of Lutton. At his son's baptism in 1865, a laborer, of Broomidge. At his children's baptisms in 1866, and 1867, a laborer, of Lutton. At his daughter's birth in 1869, a laborer at the clay works, of Lutton. At his son's baptism in Feb 1871, a laborer, of Lutton. In Apr 1871, a china clay laborer, living at Lutton with his wife Elizabeth and their children William, Francis, Henry, Evelina, and Charles. In 1881, a farmer of 4 acres and china clay labourer, living at Tin Park, Cornwood, with his wife Elizabeth and their sons William, John, Henry, and Charles. At his daughter's baptism in 1882, a laborer, of Tinpark. At his son Francis's marriage in 1886, a laborer. In 1891, a farmer, living at Tinpark Farm, Cornwood, with his wife Elizabeth, their children Henry, Charles, and Alice, and relative Richard HOBBS (a widower living on his own means, b. ca. 1818 at Lawhitton, perhaps Elizabeth's father). In 1901, a clay laborer, living at Tinpark, Cornwood, with his wife Elizabeth and their children Henry and Alice. In Apr 1911, a clay laborer, living at Tinpark, Cornwood, with his wife Elizabeth, their children Henry and Alice, their son Charles's son Cyril, and a boarder. At his death in Oct 1911, of Tin Park. Posthumously at his son Francis's second marriage in 1913, a general laborer.
- Henry William Mudge or William Henry SERCOMBE, b. Jun 1861 at Cornwood, b. reg. Q2 1861 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., chr. 25 Aug 1861 at Cornwood, d. 6 Jul 1921 at Eureka, Woodford County, Illinois. In 1871, living with his parents. In 1881, a china clay laborer, living with his parents. In 1884, immigrated to the United States. Naturalized at Woodford County Court by 1900. In 1900, a farm laborer in the FINGER household at Roanoke, Woodford County, Illinois. In 1910, a farm hand in the BACH household at Olio, Woodford County. In 1911, a worker in the clay industry (perhaps living with his parents). Arrived at Ellis Island, New York, on 26 Feb 1913 aboard the ship Oceanic, sailed from Southampton, England; address Eureka.
- Francis John SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1863 at Cornwood, b. reg. Q1 1863 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., chr. 17 May 1863 at Cornwood, m1. 11 Feb 1886 at Shaugh Prior, Devon, m1. reg. Q1 1886 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., Harriet Emma LILLICRAP (b. ca. 1864 at Lee Moor, Shaugh Prior, daughter of William LILLICRAP, a brickmaker, d. reg. Q4 1911 at Plympton St. Mary R.D.), m2. 25 Jun 1913 at Plympton St. Mary, m2. reg. Q2 1913 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., Eliza Ellen HARRIS (b. ca. 1859, daughter of William HARRIS, a miner, m1. LAVERS, wid. by 1913), d. reg. Q2 1957 at St. Austell R.D. In 1871, living with his parents. In 1881, a china clay laborer, living with his parents. At his marriage in 1886, a laborer, of Cornwood; Harriett was of Lee Moor; the witnesses were William John LILLICRAP and Emily SELLICK. At his son's baptism in 1887, a laborer, of Lee Moor. In 1891, a clay laborer, living at Sunderland Cottage, Shaugh Prior, with his wife Harriett and son William. In 1901, a china clay laborer, living at 1 Sunderland Cottages, Lee Moor (in Shaugh Prior parish), with his wife Harriet and their son William. At his son's marriage in 1909, a laborer. In 1911, a laborer at a china clay works, living at Lee Moor, Roborough, Devon, with his wife Harriet. At his second marriage in 1913, a general laborer, of Lee Mill; Eliza was of Colebrooke; the witnesses were George James CLOKER and Robert Septimus CORNISH.
- William John SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1886 at Lee Mill, Shaugh Prior, b. reg. Q4 1886 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., chr. 13 Feb 1887 at Shaugh Prior, m. 19 Oct 1909 at the Wesleyan Methodist chapel, Lee Moor, m. reg. Q4 1909 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., Amelia Maud QUEST (b. ca. 1888 at Lee Moor, Shaugh Prior, daughter of Charles QUEST, a labourer, d. reg. Q3 1952 at St. Austell R.D.), d. reg. Q2 1958 at St. Austell R.D. In 1891, living with his parents. In 1901, a grocer's apprentice, living with his parents. At his marriage in 1909, a clay laborer, of Sunderland Cottages, Lee Moor; Amelia was of Church House, Lee Moor; the witnesses were Reginald PHILLIPS and Lily QUEST. In Apr 1911, a laborer at a china clay works, living at Lee Moor, Roborough, with his wife Maud. At his daughter's baptism in Oct 1911, of Lee Moor.
- Phyllis Elizabeth SERCOMBE, b. 31 Jul 1911, b. reg. Q3 1911 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., chr. 1 Oct 1911 at the Wesleyan Methodist chapel, Lee Moor, m1. reg. Q3 1933 at Launceston R.D., Charles E. QUINTRELL, m2. reg. Q3 1949 at St. Austell R.D., Albert K. HARRIS.
- Katherine QUINTRELL, b. reg. Q2 1928 at Truro R.D.
- Christine M. HARRIS, b. reg. Q3 1951 at Redruth R.D.
- Lewis John SERCOMBE, b. 10 Mar 1918, b. reg. Q1 1918 at Truro R.D., m. reg. Q4 1939 at Salisbury R.D., Edith F. LLOYD, d. reg. May 1993 at St. Austell R.D.
- Mavis F.J. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q3 1941 at Salisbury R.D., m. reg. Q1 1960 at St. Austell R.D., Michael J. RICHARD or RICKARD.
- Colin M. RICKARD, b. reg. Q1 1961 at Redruth R.D.
- Gail Louise RICKARD, b. reg. Q3 1968 at Truro R.D.
- Melvin J. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q3 1952 at Redruth R.D., m. reg. Sep 1994 at Peterborough R.D., Tina M. DAY.
- Lilian J. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1922 at Truro R.D., m. reg. Q4 1949 at St. Austell R.D., Ernest W. KENT.
- Sara J. KENT, b. reg. Q2 1954 at Redruth R.D.
- Beatrice Maud SERCOMBE, b. ca. 15 Jan 1889, b. reg. Q1 1889 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., d. reg. Q1 1889 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., bur. 8 Feb 1889 at Shaugh Prior. At her death in 1889, of Lee Moor.
- Henry Richard SERCOMBE, b. 26 Oct 1865, b. reg. Q4 1865 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., chr. 11 Dec 1865 at Plympton St. Mary and 20 May 1866 at Cornwood. In 1871, living with his parents. In 1881, imbecile, living with his parents. In 1891, an agricultural laborer, living with his parents. In 1901, imbecile from childhood, living with his parents. In 1911, a farm laborer, living with his parents.
- Evelina Fanny SERCOMBE, chr. 17 Nov 1867 at Cornwood, b. reg. Q4 1867 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., d. reg. Q4 1873 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., bur. 1 Jan 1874 at
Cornwood. In 1871, living with her parents. At her death in 1874, of Lutton.
- Lavinia Jane Hobbs SERCOMBE, b. 25 Aug 1869 at Lutton, Cornwood, Devon, b. reg. Q3 1869 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., d.
reg. Q4 1870 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., bur. 27 Nov 1870 at Cornwood. At her burial in 1870, of Lutton.
- Charles Edward SERCOMBE, b. ca. Sep 1870 at Cornwood, b. reg. Q4 1870 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., chr. 26 Feb 1871 at Cornwood, m. 26 Jul 1900 at Cornwood, m. reg. Q3 1900 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., Edith Jane STANCOMBE (b. ca. 1875 at Buckfastleigh, Devon, daughter of gamekeeper John James STANCOMBE and sister in law of Charles's cousin Elizabeth Jane SERCOMBE). In 1871, living with his parents. In 1881, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1891, a clay laborer, living with his parents. At his marriage in 1900, a laborer, of Cornwood; the marriage was witnessed by Ernest STANCOMBE (Edith's brother) and William John HAYNES. In 1901, a clay laborer, living at Quick Cottages, Cornwood, with his wife Edith. At his sons' baptisms in 1901 and 1902, a laborer, of Quick. In 1911, a clay laborer, living at Quick Cottage, Cornwood, with his wife Edith and their children Cyril, Edith, Clarence, and Roy. At his daughter's baptism in 1916, a clayworker, of Headon.
- William Edward Cyril Stancombe SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q3 1901 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., chr. 30 Jul 1901 at Cornwood, m. reg. Q4 1925 at Truro R.D., Corinne G. TYACK (b. ca. 1899, d. reg. Q2 1966 at Truro R.D.), d. reg. Q2 1949 at Redruth R.D. In 1911, at school, living with his parents or his paternal grandparents.
- Pamela E. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q3 1928 at Bodmin R.D., m. reg. Q2 1958 at Redruth R.D., Ernest D. WILLIAMS.
- Valerie J.P. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q4 1931 at Redruth R.D., m. reg. Q3 1955 at Redruth R.D., William L.I. ROACH.
- Ernest John SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q3 1902 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., chr. 16 Jul 1902 at Cornwood, d. reg. Q1 1904 at Plympton St. Mary R.D.
- Francis Henry SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q3 1902 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., chr. 16 Jul 1902 at Cornwood, d. reg. Q3 1902 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., bur. 3 Aug 1902 at Cornwood. At his death in 1902, of Quick.
- Edith Alice SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q3 1903 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., m. 23 Oct 1937 at Cornwood, Devon, m. reg. Q4 1937 at Plympton R.D., Reginald Ernest CHAMP. In 1911, living with her parents.
- Clarence Harry SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q4 1906 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., m. 21 Nov 1931 at Cornwood, Devon, m. reg. Q4 1931 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., Edith Emma Blake SKELLEY, d. reg. Q2 1955 at Plympton R.D. In 1911, living with his parents.
- Maureen Edith SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1932 at East Stonehouse R.D., m. 28 Mar 1953 at Cornwood, Devon, m. reg. Q1 1953 at Plympton R.D., John PHILLIPS.
- Beverley A. PHILLIPS, b. reg. Q1 1960 at Plymouth R.D.
- David J. PHILLIPS, b. reg. Q3 1962 at Plymouth R.D.
- Roy John SERCOMBE, b. 1 Mar 1910, b. reg. Q2 1910 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., m. 29 Aug 1936 at Cornwood, Devon, m. reg. Q3 1936 at Plympton R.D., Greta Edith Margaret WARLEY, d. reg. Q2 1977 at Plymouth R.D. In 1911, living with his parents. At his daughter's baptism in 1938, a laborer, of Cornwood.
- Greta Irene SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1938 at Plympton R.D., chr. 1 May 1938 at Cornwood, m. 26 Mar 1960 at Cornwood, m. reg. Q1 1960 at Plympton R.D., Horace William Claude PAYNE.
- Joanne K. PAYNE, b. reg. Q1 1964 at Plymouth R.D.
- Nicola Jane PAYNE, b. reg. Q3 1966 at Plympton R.D.
- Florence Irene SERCOMBE, b. 18 Jan 1916, b. reg. Q1 1916 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., chr. 9 Apr 1916 at Cornwood.
- Alice Maud SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1882 at Cornwood, b. reg. Q2 1882 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., chr. 25 Jun 1882 at Cornwood, m. reg. Q4 1915 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., David W. SKELLEY. In 1891, a scholar, living with her parents. In 1901, living with her parents. In 1911, a dairy worker at home, living with her parents.
- Annie F.S. SKELLEY, b. reg. Q4 1915 at Plympton St. Mary R.D.
- David R.H. SKELLEY, b. reg. Q3 1919 at Plympton St. Mary R.D.
- Clifford A. SKELLEY, b. reg. Q1 1922 at Plympton St. Mary R.D.
- Phyllis L.M. SKELLEY, b. reg. Q1 1923 at Plympton St. Mary R.D.
- Another child, d. by 1911.
- Elizabeth Celia SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1841 at Cornwood, b. reg. Q4 1841 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., chr.
16 Jan 1842 at Cornwood, m. 11 Aug 1860 at Cornwood, m. reg. Q3 1860 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., Robert MUDGE (b. ca. 1820,
son of James MUDGE, a shoemaker). In 1851, a scholar, living with her parents. At her marriage in 1860, of Cornwood;
Robert was a laborer, of Lutton; the witnesses were Henry Mudge SERCOMBE (Elizabeth's brother) and Elizabeth HOBBS.
- John Mudge SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q4 1843 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., chr. 3 Dec 1843 at Cornwood, m. reg. Q4 1869 at Plymouth R.D., Elizabeth M. or Elizabeth A. HAWKEN (b. ca. 1834 at St. Ervant, Cornwall, d. reg. Q2 1893 at Plymouth R.D.), d. 9 Dec 1907, d. reg. Q4 1907 at Plymouth R.D., bur. 12 Dec 1907 at Cornwood. In 1851, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1861, a carter in the household of George BAKER (whose wife Jane was his first cousin) at Slade Mills, Cornwood. In 1871, a drayman, living at 21 John Street, Plymouth, Devon, with his wife Elizabeth. In 1881, a storekeeper, living at Freemasons Hall, Plymouth, with his wife Elizabeth. In 1891, a beerhouse keeper, living at the Foresters Arms, 32 Russell Street, Plymouth, with his wife Elizabeth and sister Lydia. In 1901, a beerhouse keeper, living at 32 Russell Street, Plymouth, with his sister Lydia, niece Ethel QUEST, and Ethel's visiting father Horatio QUEST. At his death in 1907, of the Charlton Nursing Home, Plymouth.
- Lydia SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1845 at Cornwood, chr. 21 Dec 1845 at Cornwood, d. reg. Q1 1934 at Plympton St. Mary R.D. In 1851, living with her parents. In 1861, a scholar, living with her parents. In 1871 and 1881, living with her parents. In 1891 and 1901, assistant to her brother John. In 1911, a beer house keeper, living at 32 Russell Street, Plymouth, with her nephew Reginald Horatio QUEST, his wife and three sons, and a servant.
- William Henry or William Mudge SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1848 at Cornwood, b. reg. Q3 1848 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., chr. privately 4 Jul 1848 and publicly 25 Jul 1848 at Cornwood, m1. 27 Apr 1872 at Charles the Martyr, Plymouth, m1. reg. Q2 1872 at Plymouth R.D., Anne Statton BAKER (b. ca. 1848 at Calstock or Albaston, Cornwall, d. 5 Jun 1903, d. reg. Q2 1903 at Leicester R.D., bur. in Welford Road Cemetery, Leicester, Leicestershire; daughter of William BAKER, a smith), m2. reg. Q2 1904 at Leicester R.D., Kate Florence HUNT (b. ca. 1881 at Leicester, d. reg. Q1 1935 at Leicester R.D.), d. 12 May 1925, d. reg. Q2 1925 at Leicester R.D., bur. in Welford Road Cemetery. In 1851 and 1861, living with his parents. In 1871, a china clay laborer, living with his parents. At his marriage in 1872, a brick maker, of 21 John Street; Anne was also of 21 John Street; the witnesses were William BAKER and Elizabeth SAUNDERS. In 1881, a brick and tile maker, living at Chudleigh Cottage, Bovey Tracey, Devon, with his wife Ann and their children William, Mary, Francis, and Florence. In 1891, a brick works foreman, living at Lower Ham, near Hamworthy, Dorset, with his wife Ann and their children William, Mary, Francis, and Florence. In 1901, a builder, living at 33 Lansdowne Road, Aylestone, Leicester, with his wife Anne, their daughter Florence, and a domestic servant. In 1911, a kiln builder (with employees) in the brick and pottery works business, living at 86 Knighton Lane, Leicester, with his wife Kate and her sister Susie. For more details of the descendants of William Mudge SERCOMBE and Anne Statton BAKER, see the website of Mick Latham.
- William Henry Baker SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1873 at Calstock or Albaston, b. reg. Q1 1873 at Tavistock R.D., m. 30 Jul 1900 at St. Mary, Greywell, Hampshire, m. reg. Q3 1900 at Hartley Wintney R.D., Clara Staples GIRDLER (b. ca. 1879 at Greywell), d. 18 Sep 1927, d. reg. Q3 1927 at Leicester R.D., bur. in Welford Road Cemetery. In 1881, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1891, a brickburner, living with his parents. In 1901, a brickworks manager, living at 88 Knighton Lane, Aylestone, Leicester, with his wife Clara. In 1904, sailed from Liverpool to Sydney, Australia, with his brother Francis. In 1911, a butcher (with employees), living at 58 Cavendish Road, Leicester, with his wife Clara and their children Florence, William, and Bertha.
- Florence Annie SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1902 at Leicester, b. reg. Q3 1902 at Leicester R.D. In 1911, living with her parents.
- William Bernard SERCOMBE, b. 18 Jul 1904 at Greywell, b. reg. Q3 1904 at Hartley Wintney R.D., m1. reg. Q3 1928 at Leicester R.D., Eunice M. TAYLOR (b. ca. 1902, d. reg. Q1 1937 at Billesdon R.D.), m2. reg. Q4 1937 at Leicester R.D., Edna May WREN (b. 17 Apr 1912, d. reg. Feb 1999 at Leicester R.D.), d. reg. Q1 1980 at Leicestershire Central R.D. In 1911, living with his parents.
- Jane E. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q4 1948 at Leicester R.D.
- Bertha May SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1910 at Leicester, b. reg. Q1 1910 at Leicester R.D., m. reg. Q3 1931 at Leicester R.D., Charles A. BRADHSAW. In 1911, living with her parents.
- Henry Albert SERCOMBE, b. 20 Oct 1911, b. reg. Q4 1911 at Leicester R.D., m. reg. Q2 1938 at Leicester R.D., Dorothy
Doreen SHAW (b. 9 Jul 1915, d. reg. Oct 1991 at Leicestershire Central R.D.), d. reg. Q1 1975 at Leicestershire Central
- Peter J.H. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q1 1940 at Leicester R.D., m. reg. Q3 1962 at Leicester R.D., Margaret S. BUCK.
- Julie SERCOMBE, b. 11 Oct 1963, b. reg. Q4 1963 at Leicestershire Central R.D., d. reg. Feb 2004 at Leicester R.D.
- Mary SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q1 1967 at Leicester R.D., m. reg. Jun 1988 at Leicestershire Central R.D., Anthony K MACHIN.
- Emily MACHIN, b. reg. May 1995 at Leicester R.D.
- Phoebe MACHIN, b. reg. Jul 2000 at Leicester R.D.
- Clive J. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q1 1947 at Leicester R.D., m. reg. Q4 1968 at Leicestershire Central R.D., Mary A. WARNER.
- Diane Mary SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q1 1972 at Leicester R.D.
- Matthew Clive SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q1 1974 at Leicester R.D.
- Edward Frank SERCOMBE, b. 19 Nov 1914, b. reg. Q4 1914 at Leicester R.D., m. reg. Q4 1936 at Leicester R.D., Alice
Emily GODDEN (b. 13 Dec 1912, d. reg. Feb 1988 at Leicestershire Central R.D.), d. reg. Q3 1981 at Leicestershire Central
- Keith E. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q4 1945 at Leicester R.D., m. reg. Q4 1973 at Hinckley R.D., Jane M. KENDALL.
- Emma Jane SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q1 1980 at Nuneaton R.D.
- Katie Elizabeth SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1982 at Grantham R.D.
- Stephen Allen SERCOMBE, b. 31 Jul 1947, b. reg. Q3 1947 at Leicester R.D., d. reg. Jul 2003 at Leicester R.D.
- Richard Ernest SERCOMBE, b. 13 Jun 1916, b. reg. Q3 1916 at Leicester R.D., m. reg. Q1 1941 at Lutterworth R.D., Sarah
E. FANTAM, d. reg. Dec 1991 at Leicestershire Central R.D.
- Richard J. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q3 1942 at Lutterworth R.D., m. reg. Q3 1963 at Hinckley R.D., Kathleen A.M. LANGHAM.
- Charles R. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1965 at Leicestershire Central R.D., m. reg. Jun 1989 at Melton Mowbray R.D.,
Katherine H. BIRCH.
- Katherine Victoria SERCOMBE, b. reg. Oct 1997 at Grantham R.D.
- William Richard SERCOMBE, b. reg. Feb 2004 at Leicester R.D.
- Grace Violet SERCOMBE, b. reg. Sep 2005 at Leicester R.D.
- Nicholas John SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q1 1967 at Hinckley R.D.
- David W. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q4 1944 at Lutterworth R.D., m. reg. Q2 1965 at Hinckley R.D., Carol M. WARREN (m2. reg. Q1
1974 at Hinckley R.D., David J. BARBER).
- Jason Barclay SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1968 at Leicester R.D.
- Brian L. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q4 1946 at Lutterworth R.D., m. reg. Q2 1968 at Leicestershire Central R.D., Kathleen M.
- Karolyn Mary SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q4 1969 at Leicestershire Central R.D., m. reg. Jul 1995 at Market Harborough R.D.,
Bruce W. GRAHAM.
- James William GRAHAM, b. reg. Sep 1999 at Leicester R.D.
- Samuel Thomas GRAHAM, b. reg. Sep 2002 at Leicester R.D.
- Hayley Jane SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1971 at Hinckley R.D., m. reg. Aug 1998 at Market Harborough R.D., Roger C.J.
- Thomas James ENRIGHT, b. reg. Jun 2001 at Winchester R.D.
- Katherine Jane ENRIGHT, b. reg. Oct 2003 at Winchester R.D.
- Robert Brian SERCOMBE, b. reg. Jan 1985 at Leicestershire Central R.D.
- Martin J. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q3 1949 at Lutterworth R.D., m. reg. Q3 1970 at Market Bosworth R.D., Sandra J. WALE.
- Robert Arthur SERCOMBE, b. 10 Jun 1918, b. reg. Q2 1918 at Leicester R.D., m. reg. Q4 1939 at Leicester R.D., Megan M.
NEALE, d. reg. Aug 1987 at Leicestershire Central R.D.
- Carolyn A. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q3 1949 at Leicester R.D., m. reg. Q2 1970 at Leicestershire Central R.D., Peter J.
- Denis Edgar SERCOMBE, b. 23 Apr 1921, b. reg. Q2 1921 at Leicester R.D., m1. reg. Q4 1942 at Leicester R.D., Lilian(?)
"Lily" SPICER (b. 10 Feb 1921, d. reg. May 2001 at Nottingham R.D.), m2. reg. Q3 1977 at Nottingham R.D., Mary Eileen
ANDERSON (b. 16 Feb 1934, d. reg. Jul 2000 at Nottingham R.D.), d. reg. Jan 1999 at Nottingham R.D.
- Pamela L. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q4 1944 at Leicester R.D.
- Julie D. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1947 at Barrow upon Soar R.D., m. reg. Q4 1966 at Ilkeston R.D., Terence SMITH.
- Pauline C. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1949 at Barrow upon Soar R.D., m. reg. Q4 1966 at Ilkeston R.D., Michael R. "Mick" LATHAM. Researcher Mick Latham.
- Amanda Jayne LATHAM, b. reg. Q2 1968 at Nottingham R.D.
- Richard Jonathan LATHAM, b. reg. Q1 1970 at Basford R.D.
- Jacqueline S. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q1 1952 at Market Harborough R.D., m. reg. Q4 1971 at Ilkeston R.D., John M. MOORLEY.
- Christopher John MOORLEY, b. reg. Q1 1977 at Nottingham R.D.
- Claire Louise MOORLEY, b. reg. Q4 1979 at Nottingham R.D.
- John D. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1953 at Leicester R.D., m1. reg. Q3 1973 at Islington R.D., Patricia A. PAGE., m2. reg.
Q4 1980 at Ilkeston R.D., Jennifer M. LUKE.
- Paul John SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1981 at Nottingham R.D.
- Paul M. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1955 at Loughborough R.D., m. reg. Q4 1974 at Ilkeston R.D., Sandra M. ANDERSON.
- Liam Harold SERCOMBE, b. reg. Jun 1984 at Derby R.D.
Researcher Liam Sercombe.
- Lily Marie SERCOMBE.
- Kyle Bruse SERCOMBE, b. reg. Jul 1988 at Derby R.D.
- Janet SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1956 at Derby R.D., m. reg. Apr 1992 at Ilkeston R.D., Christopher L. ROSE.
- Rachel Louise SERCOMBE or ROSE, b. reg. Jan 1987 (and rereg. May 1990) at Nottingham R.D.
- Hannah May SERCOMBE or ROSE, b. reg. Apr 1988 at Nottingham R.D.
- Enid Clara SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q1 1924 at Leicester R.D., m. reg. Q1 1946 at Mansfield R.D., Frank STAFFORD.
- Frank W. STAFFORD, b. reg. Q2 1947 at Mansfield R.D.
- Mary Alice Baker SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1875 at Calstock or Albaston, b. reg. Q3 1875 at Tavistock R.D., m1. reg. Q1 1899 at
Leicester R.D., Albert William W. MOREY (b. ca. 1871 at Torquay, Devon), m2. reg. Q1 1913 at Leicester R.D., Fred HOLLIS,
d. 8 Mar 1933 at Leicester. In 1881 and 1891, a scholar, living with her parents. In 1901, living at 82 Laurel Road,
Leicester, with her husband Albert (a tailor's cutter).
- Fred W.S. HOLLIS, b. reg. Q3 1914 at Leicester R.D.
- Florence M.B. HOLLIS.
- Francis John Baker SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1877 at Calstock, b. reg. Q2 1877 at Tavistock R.D., m. reg. Q1 1902 at Exeter
R.D., Ann "Annie" Townsend GOWAN (b. ca. 1878, d. 1958 in New Zealand), d. 1965 in New Zealand. In 1881 and 1891, a scholar,
living with his parents. (Where in 1901?) In 1904, sailed from Liverpool to Sydney, Australia, with his brother William.
- Marjorie "Marj" Frances Gowan SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1903 at Bridport R.D., m. 1926 in New Zealand, Ivan Harold SOUTHEE.
- Phyllis Gertrude Gowan SERCOMBE, b. 1909 in New Zealand.
- Thomas SERCOMBE.
- Florence Mauvina B. SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1879 at Ilsington, Devon, b. reg. Q1 1880 at Newton Abbot R.D., m. reg. Q4 1906 at Leicester R.D., Ernest Ebenezer MILLHOUSE, d. reg. Q4 1930 at Leicester R.D. In 1881, living with her parents. In 1891, a scholar, living with her parents. In 1901, living with her parents.
- Mary Ann SERCOMBE, b. ca. Feb 1851 at Cornwood, b. reg. Q1 1851 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., chr. 9 Apr 1851 at Cornwood, m. 14 Aug 1875 at Charles the Martyr, Plymouth, m. reg. Q3 1875 at Plymouth R.D., Horatio QUEST (b. ca. 1850 at St. Austell, Cornwall, son of Charles QUEST, a master mariner). In 1851, living with her parents. In 1861, a scholar, living with her parents. In 1871, a housemaid in the ROWE household at 11 Hill Park Crescent, Plymouth, Devon. At her marriage in 1875, of Skardon Place; Horatio was a laborer, of 21 John Street; the witnesses were John Mudge SERCOMBE and M.A. LLEWELLYN. In 1881, living at Gora with her husband Horatio (a china clay laborer) and their children Reginald, Ethel, and Ella. In 1891, living at Torycombe Cottage, Shaugh Prior, Devon, with her husband Horatio (a clay laborer), their children Reginald, Ethel, Ella, Ernest, Edgar, Gertrude, Hedley, and Marigold, and her mother. In 1901, living at 16 Broad Oak Cottages, Shaugh Prior, with her children Ernest, Edgar, Gertrude, Hedley, Marigold, Stanley, and Sydney; her husband Horatio was a stone mason, visiting their daughter Ethel.
- Reginald Horatio QUEST, b. ca. 1876 at Cornwood, m. ca. 1896 Alice Maud (b. ca. 1876 at Plymouth). In 1881, living with his parents. In 1891, a clay laborer, living with his parents. In 1911, a beer house manager, living in the household of his mother's sister Lydia, with his wife Alice and their sons Reginald, Sydney, and Hedley.
- Reginald Horation QUEST, b. ca. 1897 at Plymouth. In 1911, at school, living with his parents.
- Sydney John QUEST, b. ca. 1907 at Plymouth. In 1911, living with his parents.
- Hedley Archibald QUEST, b. ca. 1897 at Plymouth. In 1911, living with his parents.
- Ethel M. QUEST, b. ca. 1877 at Cornwood. In 1881 and 1891, living with her parents. In 1901, an assistant to her
mother's brother John.
- Ella A. QUEST, b. ca. Mar 1880 at Cornwood. In 1881, living with her parents. In 1891, a scholar, living with her
- Ernest J. QUEST, b. ca. 1881 at Cornwood. In 1891, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1901, a china clay laborer,
living with his mother.
- Edgar QUEST, b. ca. 1883 at Shaugh Prior. In 1891, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1901, a brickmaker's
laborer, living with his mother.
- Gertrude QUEST, b. ca. 1886 at Shaugh Prior. In 1891, living with her parents. In 1901, living with her mother.
- Hedley QUEST, b. ca. 1887 at Shaugh Prior. In 1891, living with his parents. In 1901, living with his mother.
- Marigold QUEST, b. ca. 1889 at Shaugh Prior. In 1891, living with her parents. In 1901, living with her mother.
- Stanley QUEST, b. ca. 1891 at Shaugh Prior. In 1901, living with his mother.
- Sydney QUEST, b. ca. 1893 at Shaugh Prior. In 1901, living with his mother.
- Henry SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1811 at Cornwood, chr. 26 May 1811 at Cornwood, m. 27 Feb 1848 at Plympton St. Mary, m. reg. Q1 1848 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., Elizabeth CARTER (b. ca. 1812 at Plympton St. Mary, m1. FRY, d. reg. Q1 1857 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., bur. 4 Jan 1857 at Plympton St. Mary; daughter of Thomas CARTER, a laborer). At his marriage in 1848, a laborer. At his daughter's baptism in 1850, a laborer, of Colebrook. In 1851, a laborer, living at Colebrook, Plympton St. Mary, with his wife Elizabeth, their daughter Mary Jane, and two of Elizabeth's daughters from her first marriage. At his son's baptism in 1853, a laborer, of Colebrook. At her death in 1854, Elizabeth was of Paper Mills Cottage, Shaugh. In 1861, a farm servant in the NORTHCOAT household at Woodsaws, Lanreath, Cornwall.
- Mary Jane SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1 May 1850 at Plympton St. Mary, b. reg. Q2 1850 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., chr. 2 Jun 1850 at Plympton St. Mary. In 1851, living with her parents. In 1861, living at the Orphan Asylum, Lockyer Street, Plymouth St. Andrew, Devon. In 1871, a housemaid in the WILLES household at Dosterbrook, Whitchurch, Devon. (Is this Mary Jane SERCOMBE?)
- George Carter SERCOMBE, b. 2 Apr 1853, b. reg. Q2 1853 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., chr. 8 May 1853 at Plympton St. Mary, d. reg. Q3 1854 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., bur. 2 Jul 1854 at Plympton St. Mary. At his death in 1854, of Colebrook.
- Jane SIRCOMBE, chr. 21 Feb 1813 at Cornwood, m. 8 Oct 1843 at Plympton St. Mary, m. reg. Q4 1843 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., John WILMOT (son of John WILMOT, a laborer). In 1843, John was a laborer.
- Elias SERCOMBE or SOUTHCOMBE, b. ca. 1814 at Cornwood, chr. 2 Oct 1814 at Cornwood, m. 27 Nov 1836 at Cornwood, after banns begun 2 Oct 1836, Honor LAKEMAN (b. ca. 1815 at Ugborough, d. 11 Feb 1899, d. reg. Q1 1899 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., bur. 14 Feb 1899 at Cornwood), d. reg. Q4 1878 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., bur. 22 Dec 1878 at Cornwood. In 1836, a laborer. Hannah JEWELL(?) and Richard VIVIAN witnessed the marriage in 1836. In 1837, a laborer, of Wingreen. In 1839 and 1841, a laborer, of Corntown. In 1844, a laborer, of Lutton. In 1847, a pauper laborer, of Lutton. In 1849 and 1852, a laborer, of Waterleet. In 1851, an agricultural laborer, living at Waterlake, Cornwood, with his wife Honor and their sons John and Richard. In 1861, a laborer, living at Water Leat, Cornwood, with his wife Honor and son Elias. At his children's marriages in 1867 and 1868, a laborer. In 1871, an agricultural laborer, living at Lutton, Cornwood, with his wife Honor and their sons Richard and Elias. In 1878, of Cornwood. In 1881, Honor was living in the household of her son Richard. In 1891 she was deaf, living in the household of her son Richard. At her death in 1899, she was of Lutton. She was buried on the same day as her son Richard's wife Ellen.
- Elizabeth Jane SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1837 at Cornwood, chr. 19 Mar 1837 at Cornwood, m. 30 Dec 1867 at Ivybridge, Devon, m.
reg. Q4 1867 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., William HORTON (son of Halley HORTON, a labourer). In 1851, a servant in the
ATWILL household at Albert Place, Ivybridge, Ermington, Devon. In 1861, a housemaid in the ATWILL household at Pound Farm,
Ermington, together with her brother Richard. At her marriage in 1867, a servant, of Ivybridge; William was a laborer,
also of Ivybridge; the witnesses were William SERCOMBE (probably Elizabeth's brother) and Elizabeth HUNT.
- Anne SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1839 at Cornwood, chr. 6 Jan 1839 at Cornwood, m. reg. Q2 1886 at Newton Abbot R.D., John Henry SIMMONS (b. ca. 1837 at Moreton, Devon). In 1851, a house servant in the household of her second cousin Mary SERCOMBE at Fardle, Cornwood. (Where in 1861?) In 1871, a housemaid in the FOX household at Fairholme, Torquay, Devon. In 1881, a housemaid in the RICHARDSON household at Cary Castle, Newton Abbot St. Mary Church, Devon. In 1891, living at 11 Highbury Road, Torquay, with her husband John (a coachman) and two lodgers. In 1901, living at 11 Highbury Road, Torquay, with her husband John (a retired coachman) and a boarder.
- William SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1841 at Cornwood, b. reg. Q2 1841 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., chr. 23 May 1841 at Cornwood, m. 13 Feb 1868 at Cornwood, m. reg. Q1 1868 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., Elizabeth TROUT (b. ca. 1845 at Ugborough, Devon, daughter of Philip TROUT, a laborer, m2. 24 Aug 1907 at Cornwood, m2. reg. Q3 1907 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., Nicholas SHEPHERD, a yeoman), d. reg. Q3 1877 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., bur. 19 Aug 1877 at Cornwood. In 1851, a servant in the HORTON household at Sherhall, Cornwood. In 1861, a farm servant in the HORTON household at Fardle Farm, Cornwood, together with his brother John. At his marriage in Feb 1868, a laborer, of Cornwood; Elizabeth was a servant, of Belaman(?); the witnesses were Richard TROUT and Ann SERCOMBE. At his daughter's baptism in Aug 1868, a laborer, of Alms House, Cornwood. At his son's baptism in Jan 1871, a laborer, of Lutton, Cornwood. In Apr 1871, an agricultural laborer, living at Lutton with his wife Elizabeth, their children Elizabeth and William, and lodger Ann (b. ca. 1785 at Ugborough, m. SMITH, wid. by 1871). At his daughter's baptism in 1875, a laborer, of Lutton. At his burial in 1877, of Cornwood. Posthumously, at his daughter's baptism in 1878, a laborer, of Lutton. In 1881, Elizabeth was a letter carrier, living at Lutton with her children William, Honor, and Mahala. In 1891, she was a general laborer, living at Heathfield Cot, Cornwood, with her daughter Mahala and sister Jane. At his daughters' marriages in 1895 (posth.), a laborer. In 1901, Elizabeth was housekeeper for Nicholas SHEPHERD at Middle Rook, Cornwood. The witnesses at her second marriage in 1907 were Louise WYNN and Eliza Ann DYMOND.
- Elizabeth Ann SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1868 at Cornwood, b. reg. Q3 1868 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., chr. 14 Aug 1868 at Cornwood, m. 23 Mar 1895 at Cornwood, m. reg. Q1 1895 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., John COX (b. ca. 1860, son of Thomas COX, a farmer). In 1871, living with her parents. In 1881, a scholar, "inmate" at 1 Bedford Terrace, Plymouth, Devon, along with her first cousin Sarah Jane SERCOMBE. (Elizabeth and Sarah had both lost their fathers by 1881, so perhaps they were "inmates" in some sort of charitable institution for the children of widows.) In 1891, a kitchenmaid in the HODGE household, at Pounds House, Plymouth Pennycross, together with her sister Honor. At her son's birth in Sep 1894, a domestic servant (cook), of Heathfield, Cornwood. At his baptism in Oct 1894, a single woman, of Cornwood. At her marriage in 1895, of Cornwood; John was a laborer, also of Cornwood; the witnesses were Richard TROUT and Honor Jane SERCOMBE.
- William Cox SERCOMBE, b. 27 Sep 1894 at Heathfield, Cornwood, b. reg. Q4 1894 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., chr. 29 Oct 1894 at Cornwood, d. reg. Q4 1898 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., bur. 12 Nov 1898 at Cornwood. At his death in 1898, of Heathfield.
- William Philip SERCOMBE, b. ca. Dec 1870 at Cornwood, chr. 8 Jan 1871 at Cornwood, b. reg. Q2 1871 at Plympton St.
Mary R.D., d. reg. Q4 1882 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., bur. 3 Dec 1882 at Cornwood. In 1871, living with his parents. In
1881, a scholar, living with his mother. At his burial in 1882, of Cornwood.
- Honor Jane SERCOMBE, b. 28 Mar 1875 at Cornwood, b. reg. Q2 1875 at Plympton R.D., chr. 25 Apr 1875 at Cornwood, m.
25 Jun 1898 at Cornwood, m. reg. Q2 1898 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., John Shephard WILCOX (b. 26 Aug 1871, son of Daniel
WILCOX, a laborer and sexton). In 1881, a scholar, living with her mother. In 1891, a housemaid in the HODGE household, at
Pounds House, Plymouth Pennycross, together with her sister Elizabeth. At her marriage in 1898, of Cornwood; John was a
laborer, also of Cornwood; the witnesses were Mahala SERCOMBE and John COX. Subsequently both Honor and John were Sunday
school teachers.
Ancestor of researcher Steve Gould.
- Mahala SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1878 at Cornwood, chr. 22 Mar 1878 at Cornwood, b. reg. Q2 1878 at
Plympton St. Mary R.D., m. 11 Dec 1902 at Cornwood, m. reg. Q4 1902 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., Ernest STANCOMBE (b. ca.
1879, son of gamekeeper John James STANCOMBE and widower of Mahala's first cousin Elizabeth Jane
SERCOMBE). In 1881 and 1891, a scholar, living with her mother. In 1901, a kitchen maid (enumerated as Ella) at
Cliveden House, Taplow, Buckinghamshire, the home of
William Waldorf Astor.
- John SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1844 at Cornwood, b. reg. Q2 1844 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., chr. 14 Apr 1844 at Cornwood, m. 24 Nov 1866 at Cornwood, m. reg. Q4 1866 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., Mary HORTON (b. ca. 1841 at Cornwood, daughter of Philip HORTON, a laborer), d. reg. Q4 1873 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., bur. 26 Nov 1873 at Cornwood. In 1851, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1861, a farm servant in the HORTON household at Fardle Farm, Cornwood, together with his brother William. At his marriage in 1866, a laborer, of Cornwood; Mary was also of Cornwood; the witnesses were William HORTON and Elizabeth SERCOMBE. At his daughter's baptism in 1867, a laborer, of Pithill(?), Cornwood. At his children's baptisms in 1869, 1870, 1872, and 1873, a laborer, of Lutton, Cornwood. In 1871, an agricultural laborer, living at Lutton with his wife Mary, children Henry, Elizabeth, Sarah, and Elias, and two lodgers William H. HORTON (an agricultural laborer, b. ca. 1851 at Cornwood) and Trobridge HORTON (agricultural laborer, b. ca. 1853 at Cornwood). In 1873, of Lutton. In 1881, Mary was a charwoman, living at Lutton with her children Henry, Annie, Elias, William, and Trowbridge. In 1891, Mary was a general laborer, living at Cottage, Lutton, with her sons Elias, William, and Trowbridge. In Mar 1901, she was living at Lutton with her sons Elias and Trobridge and her granddaughter Nelly COLTON. At his son's marriage in Nov 1901 (posth.), a laborer. In 1911, Mary was living on her own at Lutton, Cornwood.
- Henry Horton SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1861 at Cornwood, m. 1892 in Victoria, Sarah Anne HAWKINS (b. ca. 1863 at Alberton, d. 1938 at Chelsea, Victoria, daughter of Charles HAWKINS and Annie LEES), d. 1934 at Warragul, Victoria. In 1871, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1881, a china clay laborer, living with his mother.
- Henry Lees SERCOMBE, b. 1892 at Carlton, Victoria, m. 1921 in Victoria, Annie Elizabeth GRAY (b. ca. 1898, d. 1976 at [Murr], Victoria, daughter of John GRAY and Annie GARNER), d. 1974 at [Murr].
- Henry Horton SERCOMBE, b. 1894 in Broken Hill district, New South Wales, d. 1894 in Broken Hill district aged 1 month, bur. 4 Mar 1894 at Broken Hill Cemetery. (Mother's name given as Eleanor in the New South Wales birth and death registration indexes.)
- Alf Horton SERCOMBE, b. 1898 at Walhalla, Victoria, d. 1899 at Walhalla.
- Trobridge Reuben SERCOMBE, b. 1899 at Walhalla, m1. 1919 in Victoria, Emily May MURDOCH, m2. 1938 in Victoria, Olive GRINHAM (b. ca. 1904, d. 1963 at Malvern, Victoria, daughter of Lewis GRINHAM and Katherine Mary POTTER), d. 1950 at Melbourne, Victoria.
- Albert Reuben SERCOMBE, b. 1920 at Warragul, Victoria, m. 1942 in Victoria, Gertrude Eileen SCOTT (b. ca. 1921, d.
1965 at Melbourne, daughter of Fridjof SCOTT and Gertrude PAYNE), d. 1965 at Alberton.
- Estelle Ann or Annie SERCOMBE, b. 1901 at Walhalla, m. 1927 in Victoria, James Edwin FARRELL, d. 1980 at Dimboola, Victoria.
- Robin Graeme FARRELL, b. ca. 1941, d. 1950 at Birchip, Victoria.
- Elizabeth Ann (or Annie) SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1867 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., chr. 26 May 1867 at Cornwood, m. reg. Q3 1889 at Plymouth R.D., Richard Henry COLTON. In
1871, a scholar, living with her parents. In 1881, living with her mother.
- Nelly COLTON, b. ca. 1890 at Cornwood. In 1901, living with her maternal grandmother.
- Sarah Jane SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q4 1868 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., chr. 3 Feb 1869 at Cornwood, m. 15 Sep 1889 at St. Jude, Plymouth, m. reg. Q3 1889 at Plymouth R.D., John Newman BASTER. In 1871, living with her parents. In 1881, a scholar, "inmate" at 1 Bedford Terrace, Plymouth, along with her first cousin Elizabeth Ann SERCOMBE.
- Elias John SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1870 at Cornwood, b. reg. Q2 1870 at Plympton R.D., chr. 8 May 1870 at Cornwood, m. 2 Nov 1901 at Cornwood, m. reg. Q4 1901 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., Emma MUNFORD (b. ca. 1872 at Cornwood, daughter of John MUNFORD, a farmer). In 1871, living with his parents. In 1881, a scholar, living with his mother. In 1891, a clay laborer, living with his mother. In Mar 1901, a brick maker, living with his mother. At his marriage in Nov 1901, a brickmaker, of Cornwood; Emma was also of Cornwood; the witnesses were Trobridge Horton SERCOMBE (his brother) and Ellen MUNFORD. At his son's baptism in 1902, a laborer, of Lutton. At his son's baptism in 1905, a laborer, of Havelock, Lutton. At his daughters' baptisms in 1906, a laborer, of Havelock, Lutton (name given as Eli Frederick). At his son's baptism in Jan 1911, a farmer, of Broomage. In Apr 1911, a brick maker at a brick works, living at Broomage, Cornwood, with his wife Emma and their children Ernest, Frederick, Evelyn, Helen, and Harry.
- Ernest John SERCOMBE, b. 19 Aug 1902 at Cornwood, b. reg. Q3 1902 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., chr. 2 Oct 1902 at Cornwood, m. 4 Jun 1935 at Cornwood, m. reg. Q2 1935 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., Ida Bessie WILLIAMS, d. reg. Jan 1991 at Plymouth R.D. At his children's baptisms in 1936, 1938, 1946, and 1948, a farmer, of Middle Rooke, Cornwood. In 1911, at school, living with his parents.
- Evelyn Margaret SERCOMBE, b. 31 July 1936, b. reg. Q3 1936 at Plymouth R.D., chr. 30 Aug 1936 Cornwood, m. 20 Apr 1964 at Cornwood, m. reg. Q2 1964 at Plympton R.D., Alan James WEYMOUTH.
- Richard James WEYMOUTH, b. reg. Q3 1967 at Totnes R.D.
- David John WEYMOUTH, b. reg. Q4 1970 at Newton Abbot R.D.
- Ida Betty SERCOMBE, b. 18 Nov 1937, b. reg. Q1 1938 at Plympton R.D., chr. 9 Jan 1938 at Cornwood, m. 30 May 1964 at Cornwood, m. reg. Q2 1964 at Plympton R.D., George William COLTON.
- John William COLTON, b. reg. Q1 1969 at Newton Abbot R.D.
- Kathleen May SERCOMBE, b. 6 May 1946, b. reg. Q2 1946 at Plympton R.D., chr. 30 Jun 1946 at Cornwood, m. 21 Nov 1966 at Cornwood, m. reg. Q4 1966 at Plympton R.D., John Adrian STANCOMBE.
- Angela Kathleen STANCOMBE, b. reg. Q1 1967 at Plymouth R.D.
- Maria Helen STANCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1970 at Newton Abbot R.D.
- Elizabeth Marion SERCOMBE, b. 28 Feb 1948, b. reg. Q1 1948 at Plympton R.D., chr. 30 May 1948 at Cornwood.
- Frederick Arthur SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1904 at Cornwood, b. reg. Q4 1904 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., chr. 13 Jan 1905 at Cornwood. In 1911, at school, living with his parents.
- Evelyn Olive SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1906 at Cornwood, b. reg. Q4 1906 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., chr. 7 Oct 1906 at Cornwood, d. reg. Q2 1920 at Plympton St. Mary R.D. In 1911, at home, living with her parents.
- Helen Elizabeth SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1906 at Cornwood, b. reg. Q4 1906 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., chr. 7 Oct 1906 at Cornwood, m. 31 Dec 1963 at Plympton St. Mary, m. reg. Q4 1963 at Plympton R.D., Harry BAXTER. In 1911, at home, living with her parents.
- Harry SERCOMBE, b. 22 Jan 1911 at Cornwood, b. reg. Q1 1911 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., chr. 2 Apr 1911 at Cornwood. In 1911, at home, living with his parents.
- William Richard SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1871 at Lutton, Cornwood, b. reg. Q4 1871 at Plympton R.D., chr. 14 Jan 1872 at Cornwood, m1. reg. Q2 1902 at Plymouth R.D., Hetty Louise MONAGHAN (b. ca. 1874 at Stonehouse, Devon, d. reg. Q3 1918 at Croydon R.D.), m2. reg. Q3 1919 at Medway R.D., Valetta M. STEVENS (b. ca. 1881, d. reg. Q2 1963 at Plympton R.D.), d. reg. Q2 1937 at Plympton R.D. In 1881, a scholar, living with his mother. In 1891, a clay laborer, living with his mother. (Where in 1901?) At his daughter's baptism in 1907, a constable in the Metropolitan Police, of Nelson Road, Gillingham, Kent. In 1911, a Metropolitan Police constable, living at 116 Nelson Road, Gillingham, Kent, with his wife Hetty and their children Florence, Monica, and William.
- Florence Mary SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1903 at Devonport, b. reg. Q3 1903 at Devonport R.D. In 1911, living with her parents.
- Monica Olga Mary SERCOMBE, b. 18 Aug 1907 at Gillingham, b. reg. Q3 1907 at Medway R.D., chr. 25 Sep 1907 at St. Barnabas, Gillingham, m. reg. Q2 1929 at Stratton R.D., Cecil M. CHOLWILL. In 1911, living with her parents.
- Maxwell J. CHOLWILL, b. reg. Q1 1930 at Holsworthy R.D.
- William Paul Thomas SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1909 at Gillingham, b. reg. Q2 1909 at Medway R.D., d. reg. Q2 1956 at Plympton R.D. In 1911, living with his parents.
- Stanley P.R. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q3 1920 at Strood R.D., m. reg. Q3 1946 at Swansea R.D., Yvonne Jose WOODHOUSE (b. 20 Mar 1923, d. reg. Jul 2003 at Oxfordshire R.D.).
- Judith A. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1949 at Basford R.D., m. reg. Q3 1970 at Wantage R.D., James M. CLIFFORD.
- Sean David CLIFFORD, b. reg. Q1 1972 at Oxford R.D.
- Sarah Marie CLIFFORD, b. reg. Q2 1973 at Oxford R.D.
- Robert Paul SERCOMBE, b. 26 Sep 1951, b. reg. Q4 1951 at Aylesbury R.D., d. reg. Q4 1974 at Henley R.D.
- Peter R. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q4 1965 at North Kesteven R.D.
- Francis Trobridge or Trobridge Horton SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1873 at Cornwood, b. reg. Q2 1873 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., chr. 10 Aug 1873 at Cornwood, m. reg. Q4 1902 at St. Thomas R.D., Eliza or Elizabeth MOON (b. ca. 1867 at Dunkeswell, Devon). In 1881, a scholar, living with his mother. In 1891 and 1901, a clay laborer, living with his mother. At his son's baptism in 1905, a laborer, or Heathfield. At his daughter's baptism in 1907, a laborer. In 1911, a clay laborer, living at Cornwood with his wife Eliza and their children John and Mary.
- John SERCOMBE, b. 1 Nov 1905 at Cornwood, b. reg. Q4 1905 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., chr. 3 Dec 1905 at Cornwood, m. reg. Q4 1932 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., Blanche E. GULLEY (b. ca. 1909, d. reg. Q3 1964 at Plymouth R.D.), d. reg. Q2 1977 at Plymouth R.D. In 1911, living with his parents.
- Gillian Mary SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1935 at East Stonehouse R.D., m. 9 Feb 1957 at Cornwood, Devon, m. reg. Q1 1957 at Plympton R.D., George Albert DAVEY.
- Edwina E.M DAVEY, b. reg. Q1 1958 at Plymouth R.D.
- Carl D. DAVEY, b. reg. Q3 1961 at Plymouth R.D.
- Rosa Mary SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1907 at Cornwood, b. reg. Q3 1907 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., chr. 6 Oct 1907 at Cornwood, m. 18 Apr 1938 at Cornwood, m. reg. Q2 1938 at Plympton R.D., Francis GREEDY. In 1911, living with her parents.
- Mary Jane SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1847 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., chr. privately 11 May 1847 and publicly 30 May 1847 at
Cornwood, bur. 9 Apr 1848 at Cornwood. At her burial in 1848, of Waterleet.
- Richard SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1849 at Cornwood, b. reg. Q4 1849 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., chr. 4 Nov 1849 at Cornwood, m1. 8 Mar 1879 at Cornwood, m1. reg. Q1 1879 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., Ellen SKIDMORE (daughter of Samuel SKIDMORE, agent for Claycombe(?); b. ca. 1858 at St. Stephens, Cornwall, d. 9 Feb 1899, d. reg. Q1 1899 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., bur. 14 Feb 1899 at Cornwood), m2. reg. Q4 1900 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., Jane Ann SLADE (b. ca. 1854 at Broadoak, Cornwall). In 1851, living with his parents. In 1861, a farm laborer in the ATWILL household at Pound Farm, Ermington, together with his sister Elizabeth. In 1871, a china clay laborer, living with his parents. At his marriage in 1879, a laborer, of Lutton; Ellen was of Heddon, Cornwood; Samuel SKIDMORE and Mary Jane SKIDMORE witnessed the marriage. At his children's baptisms in 1879 and Feb 1881, a laborer, of Lutton, Cornwood. In Apr 1881, a china clay laborer, living at Lutton with his mother, his wife Ellen, and their children Elizabeth and John. At his son's birth in 1883, a clay labourer, of Lutton. In 1891, a clay laborer, living at Cottage, Cornwood, with his wife Ellen and their children Elizabeth, John, Richard, Emily, Eveline, and William. At his daughter's birth in 1895, a clay laborer, of Lutton. At her death in 1899, Ellen was of Lutton; she was buried on the same day as Richard's mother. In 1901, a clay laborer, living at Lutton with his wife Jane and children John, Emily, Evelyn, Wilfred, and Florence. In 1911, a clay laborer, living at Lutton, Cornwood, with his wife Jane, his children Wilfred and Lilian, and his grandson William.
- Elizabeth Jane SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1879 at Cornwood, b. reg. Q2 1879 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., chr.
26 May 1879 privately and 28 May 1879 publicly at Cornwood, m. reg. Q3 1900 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., Ernest STANCOMBE
(b. ca. 1879 at Buckfastleigh, Devon, m2. Elizabeth's first cousin Mahala SERCOMBE), d. reg. Q1 1901
at Plympton St. Mary R.D. In 1881, living with her parents. In 1891, a scholar, living with her parents. In 1901, Ernest
was a clay laborer, living at Lutton, Cornwood, with his brother in law Richard Henry SERCOMBE.
- John SERCOMBE, b. ca. Jan 1881 at Cornwood, b. reg. Q1 1881 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., chr. 16 Feb 1881 at Cornwood, m. reg. Q2 1906 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., Louisa Mary or Mary Louisa RENDLE (b. ca. 1879 at Cornwood). In 1881, living with his parents. In 1891, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1901, a clay laborer, living with his father and stepmother. In 1911, a clay laborer, living at Yondertown, Lutton, Cornwood, with his wife Mary and their daughter Dorothy.
- Dorothy Elizabeth Ellen SERCOMBE, b. ca. Nov 1910 at Cornwood, b. reg. Q1 1911 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., m. 26 Feb 1930 at Mutley Plain Methodist, Plymouth, m. reg. Q1 1930 at Plymouth R.D., Lewis George BALKWILL. In 1911, living with her parents.
- Yvonne M. BALKWILL, b. reg. Q2 1930 at Plymouth R.D.
- Richard Henry SERCOMBE, b. 30 Apr 1882 at Cornwood, b. reg. Q2 1882 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., m. reg. Q4 1904 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., Mabel MANHIRE (b. ca. 1882 at Dean Prior, d. reg. Q4 1956 at Plympton R.D.), d. reg. Q2 1973 at Plymouth R.D. In 1891, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1901, a clay laborer, living with his brother in law Ernest STANCOMBE. At his children's baptisms in 1907 and 1908, of Folly, Venton, Devon. In 1911, a clay works engine driver, living at Broomage, Cornwood, Ivybridge, with his wife Mabel and their children William, Mabel, and Stanley.
Ancestor of researcher Richard Sercombe.
- William John SERCOMBE, b. 24 Sep 1905 at Plympton St. Mary, b. reg. Q4 1905 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., m. 16 May 1931 at the Wesleyan Methodist chapel, Lee Moor, m. reg. Q2 1931 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., Ethel Elizabeth Bessie MAY (b. 24 May 1908, b. reg. Q3 1908 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., d. reg. Oct 1986 at Plymouth R.D.), d. reg. Mar 1997 at Plymouth R.D. In 1911, living with his parents.
- Mabel SERCOMBE, b. 21 Feb 1907 at Plympton St. Mary, b. reg. Q1 1907 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., chr. 9 Apr 1907 at the Wesleyan Methodist chapel, Venton, m. reg. Q4 1929 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., Charles E. LEGG. In 1911, living with her parents.
- Stanley SERCOMBE, b. 27 Jun 1908 at Plympton St. Mary, b. reg. Q3 1908 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., chr. 4 Aug 1908 at the Wesleyan Methodist chapel, Venton, m. 11 Apr 1936 at the Wesleyan Methodist chapel, Lee Moor, m. reg. Q2 1936 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., Hilda Mary JENKINS (b. 6 Feb 1912, b. reg. Q1 1912 at Plympton R.D., d. reg. Jan 1987 at Plymouth R.D.), d. reg. Feb 2004 at Plymouth R.D. In 1911, living with his parents.
- (probably) Frederick Joseph SERCOMBE, b. ca. Apr 1910, b. reg. Q2 1910 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., d. reg. Q4 1910 at Plymouth R.D., bur. 27 Nov 1910 at Cornwood. At his death in 1902, of Bromage, Plympton St. Mary.
- Alma G. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1915 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., m. reg. Q4 1934 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., Arthur R. CLARKE.
- Arthur V. CLARKE, b. reg. Q2 1935 at Plympton St. Mary R.D.
- Kenneth W. CLARKE, b. reg. Q1 1941 at Plympton R.D.
- Mavis G. CLARKE, b. reg. Q3 1942 at Plympton R.D.
- Malcolm E. CLARKE, b. reg. Q4 1947 at Plympton R.D.
- Francis Claude SERCOMBE, b. 20 Sep 1919, b. reg. Q4 1919 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., m. reg. Q1 1942 at Hertford R.D.,
Jessie T. TURNBULL, d. reg. Aug 2002 at Plymouth R.D.
- William Francis SERCOMBE, b. 7 Aug 1883 at Lutton, Cornwood, b. reg. Q3 1883 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., d. reg. Q4 1884 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., bur. 28 Dec 1884 at Cornwood. At his burial in 1884, of Lutton.
- Emily Frances SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1887 at Cornwood, b. reg. Q3 1887 at Plympton R.D., m. reg. Q1 1916 at Nottingham R.D., Albert DOWNING. In 1891, a scholar, living with her parents. In 1901, living with her father and stepmother. In 1911, a general servant in the WESTAWAY household at 3 Sutherland Road, Plymouth.
- Peggie F. DOWNING, b. reg. Q2 1922 at Dudley R.D.
- Cynthia R. DOWNING, b. reg. Q4 1924 at Plympton St. Mary R.D.
- Brenda M. DOWNING, b. reg. Q4 1927 at Plympton St. Mary R.D.
- Evelyn Millicent SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1889 at Cornwood, b. reg. Q2 1889 at Plympton R.D., m. reg. Q1 1926 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., Alfred W. RENDLE. In 1891, living with her parents. In 1901, living with her father and stepmother. (Is this Emily SERCOMBE?)
- William Stanley SERCOMBE, b. ca. 20 Mar 1891 at Cornwood, b. reg. Q2 1891 at Plympton R.D., d. reg. Q4 1893 at Plympton R.D., bur. 31 Dec 1893 at Cornwood. In 1891, living with his parents. At his burial in 1893, of Lutton, Cornwood.
- Samuel Skidmore SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q4 1892 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., d. reg. Q4 1895 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., bur. 24 Nov 1895 at Cornwood. At his burial in 1895, of Lutton, Cornwood.
- Wilfred Elias SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1894 at Cornwood, b. reg. Q2 1894 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., m. reg. Q2 1934 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., Emma S. LOCK (m2. reg. Q2 1943 at Plympton R.D., John M. FURBER), d. reg. Q2 1936 at Plympton St. Mary R.D. In 1901 and 1911, living with his father and stepmother.
- Mervyn S.J. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q3 1934 at Plympton St. Mary R.D.
- Patricia L. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1936 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., m. reg. Q1 1958 at Plympton R.D., Stanley J. BALSDON.
- Sally A. BALSDON, b. reg. Q3 1959 at Bideford R.D.
- Janette BALSDON, b. reg. Q3 1962 at Holsworthy R.D.
- John Timothy BALSDON, b. reg. Q1 1966 at Holsworthy R.D.
- Ellen May SERCOMBE, b. 15 Jun 1895 at Lutton, Cornwood, b. reg. Q3 1895 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., d. reg. Q1 1897 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., bur. 24 Mar 1897 at Cornwood. At her burial in 1897, of Lutton.
- Florence Lilian SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1897 at Cornwood, b. reg. Q2 1897 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., m. reg. Q1 1919 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., William A.G. ROBERTS. In 1901 and 1911, living with her father and stepmother.
- A child (probably one of the above).
- William Leslie SERCOMBE, b. 17 Feb 1910 at Cornwood, b. reg. Q1 1910 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., m. 12 Jul 1938 at Ivybridge Congregational, m. reg. Q3 1938 at Plympton R.D., Dorothy Elizabeth Ann LITTLEJOHN (b. 1 Apr 1909, b. reg. Q2 1909 at Falmouth R.D., d. reg. Q3 1982 at Plymouth R.D.), d. reg. Sep 1993 at Plymouth R.D. In 1911, living with his grandfather.
- Elias SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1852 at Cornwood, b. reg. Q4 1852 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., chr. 17 Oct 1852 at Cornwood, m1. reg. Q1 1875 at Liskeard R.D., Mary PARSONS (b. ca. 1852 at St. Cleer or Liskeard, Cornwall, d. 17 Aug 1911, d. reg. Q3 1911 at Redruth R.D., bur. at Phillack, Cornwall), m2. reg. Q1 1917 at Redruth R.D., Annie CAWSE, d. 25 May 1948, bur. at Phillack. In 1861, living with his parents. In 1871, an under gardener, living with his parents. In 1881, a railway booking porter, living at Glynn Mill Cottage, Cardinham, Cornwall, with his wife Mary and their children William, Edith, and Elias. In 1891, a railway booking porter, living at 2 Glyn Mill Cottage, Cardinham, with his wife Mary and their children Edith, Maxwell, Alice, Lucy, James, and Mary. At his children's baptisms in 1897, a shipping agent, of Penpol Terrace, Hayle St. Elwyn, Cornwall. In 1901, a shipping agent, living at 34 Penpol Terrace, Phillack, with his wife Mary and their children Elias, Maxwell, Lucy, James, Mary, and Hetty. In 1911, a manufacturer's commission agent, living at 22 Penpol Terrace, Hayle, with his wife Mary and their daughter Mary Emma.
- William John SERCOMBE, b. 29 Nov 1875 at Cardinham, b. reg. Q1 1876 at Bodmin R.D., m. reg. Q4 1901 at Liskeard R.D.,
Bessie SMITH (b. ca. 1873 at St. Cleer, d. reg. Q1 1944 at Penzance R.D.). In 1881, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1891, a railway porter, boarding
in the WILLIAMS household at Carvath, near St. Austell, Cornwall. In 1901, a P.O.O. (petty officer?) in the Royal Navy,
visiting the FEHRENBACH household at 16 Beaumont Place, Plymouth, Devon. (Head of household Sarah FEHRENBACH, a widow b.
ca. 1840 at Cornwood, seems to be the Sarah LAKEMAN who m. reg. Q1 1864 at Plymouth R.D., Roman FEHRENBACH. If so, she was
probably William's cousin through his paternal grandmother Honor LAKEMAN.) In 1911, Bessie was living at 12 Second Avenue,
Camels Head, Devonport, Devon, with her children Winifred and William. (Where was William in 1911?)
- Winifred Bessie SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1902 at St. Cleer, b. reg. Q4 1902 at Liskeard R.D., m. 6 Sep 1924 at St. Budeaux,
Devon, m. reg. Q3 1924 at Devonport R.D., Leslie LEE. In 1911, living with her mother.
- William Morley SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1909 at Ford, Devonport, b. reg. Q2 1909 at Devonport R.D., m1. reg. Q4 1932 at Hammersmith R.D., Amelia FURSE (m2. reg. Q2 1940 at Norwich R.D., Frank JONES), m2. Eudokia OLEY (b. ca. 1907, d. reg. 1951 in Malvern district, Victoria, Australia; daughter of Nick Poeriri OLEY and Martha POLAKH), d. 2 Oct 1942 (lost in S.S. Lisbon Maru). In 1911, living with his mother. At his death in 1942, an engine room artificer 2nd class, H.M.S. Tamar, Royal Navy. Memorial at The Hoe, Plymouth, Devon.
- Edith Ann SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1878 at Cardinham, b. reg. Q3 1878 at Bodmin R.D., d. 28 May 1897, d. reg. Q2 1897 at
Redruth R.D., bur. at Phillack. In 1881, living with her parents. In 1891, a scholar, living with her parents.
- Elias SERCOMBE, b. ca. Apr 1880 at Glynn, Cardinham, b. reg. Q2 1880 at Bodmin R.D., m1. reg. Q2 1906 at Exeter R.D., Ellen DERGES (b. ca. 1858 at Exeter), m2. reg.
Q2 1930 at St. Thomas R.D., Anna D.E. HARGREAVES (b. ca. 1876, d. reg. Q3 1964 at Hull R.D.), d. reg. Q2 1964 at Hull R.D. In 1881, living with his parents. In 1891, a scholar, living with his maternal grandmother (a dairy keeper) at Crows Nest, St. Cleer. In 1901, a railway engine stoker, living with his parents. In 1911, a railway engine fireman, living at 14 Brunswick Street, St. Thomas, with his wife Ellen.
- Maxwell SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1881 at Cardinham, b. reg. Q3 1881 at Bodmin R.D., m. reg. Q3 1909 at
Redruth R.D., Evelyn Katie TRESIDDER (b. ca. Mar 1879 at Stutter [Sutter?] Creek, California). In 1891, a scholar, living
with his parents. In 1901, a bread baker, living with his parents. (Where in 1911?) In 1911, Evelyn was living with her
parents at 2 Sutter Villas, Hayle, Cornwall. In 1924, residence 11 South Sickee Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Evelyn
arrived at Ellis Island, New York, on 9 Oct 1924 aboard the ship America, having sailed 30 Sep 1924 from
Southampton, England; she had previously been in Philadelphia, her permanent residence, for 3½ years.
- Alice SERCOMBE, b. 8 Oct 1883 at Cardinham, b. reg. Q4 1883 at Bodmin R.D., chr. 5 Dec 1897 at Hayle St. Elwyn. In 1891, a scholar, living with her parents. In 1901, a parlormaid in the HARVEY household at Clanmore, St. Erth, Cornwall. In 1911, a ladies maid in the ALCOCK household at Greenfields, Marazion, Cornwall.
- Lucy SERCOMBE, b. 14 Mar 1886 at Cardinham, b. reg. Q2 1886 at Bodmin R.D., chr. 31 Oct 1897 at Hayle St. Elwyn, m. reg. Q1 1909 at Redruth R.D., James NICHOLAS (b. ca. 1878 at St. Erth, Cornwall). In 1891, a scholar, living with her parents. In 1901, living with her parents. In 1911, living in her husband's father's household at Victoria Villa, St. Erth, with her husband James (a mason at a tin smelting works) and their children Ernest and Edith.
- Ernest Ronald NICHOLAS, b. ca. 1908 at St. Erth. In 1911, living with his parents.
- Edith NICHOLAS, b. ca. 1909 at St. Erth. In 1911, living with her parents.
- James Arthur SERCOMBE, b. 28 Oct 1887 at Cardinham, b. reg. Q4 1887 at Bodmin R.D., chr. 31 Oct 1897 at Hayle St. Elwyn. In 1891 and 1901, living with his parents. In 1911, a Great Western Railway fireman, boarding in the TIPPETT household at 2 Gurvas Street, Penzance, Cornwall. In 1912, an engine driver, of Penzance, emigrated to the United States; arrived at Ellis Island, New York, on 17 May 1912, bound for Bakersfield, California.
- Mary Emma SERCOMBE, b. 8 Jul 1889 at Cardinham, b. reg. Q3 1889 at Bodmin R.D., chr. 31 Oct 1897 at Hayle St. Elwyn, d. 3 Oct 1963, d. reg. Q4 1963 at Bodmin R.D., bur. at Phillack. In 1891, 1901, and 1911, living with her parents.
- Hetty SERCOMBE, b. 6 May 1891 at Cardinham, b. reg. Q2 1891 at Bodmin R.D., chr. 31 Oct 1897 at Hayle St. Elwyn, m. 12 Dec 1939 at St. Budeaux, Devon, m. reg. Q4 1939 at Plymouth R.D., William John C. OSBORN, d. reg. Q1 1964 at Plymouth R.D. In 1901, living with her parents. In 1911, a housemaid at the Rectory, Camborne, Cornwall.
- Octavius SERCOMBE, chr. 7 Apr 1816 at Cornwood, d. reg. Q2 1863 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., bur. 14 Jun 1863 at Cornwood. In 1851, a shoemaker, living with his mother. In 1861, a shoemaker, lodging in the WILLMOTT household at 8 Hemerden Village, Plympton St. Mary. At his death in 1863, of Lutton.
- Joseph SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1817 at Cornwood, chr. 26 Apr 1818 at Cornwood, m1. 15 Apr 1863 at Totnes, m1. reg. Q3 1845 at Exeter R.D., Elizabeth Hoskins BARONS (b. ca. 1825, d. reg. Q2 1850 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., bur. 5 May 1850 at Plympton St. Mary), m2. reg. Q2 1863 at Totnes R.D., Lucy BLACKER (b. ca. 1827 at Cornwood, m1. BAKER, wid. by 1863, d. reg. Q3 1899 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., bur. 7 Sep 1899 at Cornwood; daughter of John BLACKER, a farmer), d. reg. Q1 1896 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., bur. 30 Jan 1896 at Plympton St. Mary. At his sons' baptisms in 1847 and 1849, a laborer, of Claremont Street, Plymouth. At her death in 1850, Elizabeth was of Chokeford Farm, Plympton St. Mary. In 1851, a farmer of 22 acres employing one laborer, living at Chokeford, Plympton St. Mary, with his sons William and Stephen and a house servant. In 1861, a farmer of 20 acres, living at Chokeford, with his sons William and John and a housekeeper. At his second marriage in 1863, a farmer, of Plympton St. Mary; Lucy was of Totnes; the witnesses were Henry MUMFORD and Emma MUMFORD. At his son's marriage in 1868, a farmer. In 1871, a farmer of 20 acres, living at Chokeford Farm with his wife Lucy, grandson William, and an indoor farm servant. In 1881, a farmer of 21 acres, living at Chokeford with his wife Lucy and a servant. In 1891, living at Black Horse Road, Battle, Sussex, with his wife Lucy. At his death in 1896, of Lee Mill Bridge. At her death in 1899, Lucy was of Lee Mill Bridge, Sparkwell.
- William Barons SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1845 at Totnes, Devon, b. reg. Q3 1845 at Totnes R.D., m. 29 Mar 1868 at St. John, Sutton on Plym, Devon, m. reg. Q1 1868 at Plymouth R.D., Caroline Elizabeth Blackler BAKER (b. ca. 1847 at Plymstock, Devon, d. 14 Apr 1931, d. reg. Q2 1931 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., bur. at Yealmpton, Devon; daughter of Robert BAKER, a sergeant in the Royal Engineers), d. 19 Jan 1923, d. reg. Q1 1923 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., bur. at Yealmpton. In 1851 and 1861, living with his father. At his marriage in Mar 1868, a wheelwright, of Cattedown Road, Sutton on Plym; Caroline was also of Cattedown Road; the witnesses were Charles SCOTT and Lukin(?) SCOTT. At his son's baptism in Nov 1868, a wheelwright, of Choakford. In Morris's 1870 directory, a wheelwright at Lee Mill Bridge, Plympton St. Mary. At his daughter's baptism in 1870, a wheelwright, of Lee Mill Bridge. In 1871, a wheelwright, living at 3 Dukes Cottages, Lee Mill, near Plympton St. Mary, with his wife Caroline and daughter Caroline. In 1881, a wheelwright, living at Chokeford with his wife Caroline and children William, Caroline, Mary, Maria, Rachael, Emily, and Edward. In 1891, a farmer, living at Battle, Sussex, with his wife Caroline and their children Caroline, Minnie, Rhoda, Edith, Ernest, and Florence. At his daughter's marriage in 1896, a carpenter. In 1901, a carpenter, visiting the WILSON family at Victoria Terrace, Pembroke, Pembrokeshire, with his wife Caroline and their daughter Edith. At his daughter's marriage in 1903, a carpenter (erroneously named George). At his daughter's marriage in 1905, a carpenter. In Apr 1911, a wheelwright, living at Torre, Yealmpton, with his wife Caroline.
- William Barons SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1868 at Chokeford or Lee Mill, Plympton St. Mary, b. reg. Q4 1868 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., chr. 4 Nov 1868 at Plympton St. Mary, m. reg. Q3 1896 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., Clara Jane ABBOTT (b. ca. 1867 at Lee Mill, Plympton St. Mary). In 1871, living with his paternal grandparents. In 1881, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1891, a carpenter, boarding in the GREENFIELD household at 37 Commercial Road, Eastbourne, Sussex. In 1901, a carpenter, living at 66 Wickham Avenue, Bexhill, Sussex, with his wife Clara and their son Wilfred. In 1911, a carpenter in the building trade, living in the household of his uncle Thomas HORTON at Woodland Farm, Ivybridge, with his wife Clara and their son Wilfred.
- Wilfrid Philip SERCOMBE, b. 27 Jan 1900 at Bexhill, b. reg. Q1 1900 at Battle R.D., m. 19 Apr 1927 at Ermington, Devon, m. reg. Q2 1927 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., Josephine Carrie FOALE (m2. reg. Q1 1939 at Exeter R.D., William J. CLARK), m2. reg. Q4 1942 at Weston Super Mare R.D., Violet Hilda SWEETMAN (b. 15 Oct 1898, d. reg. Q1 1981 at Weston Super Mare R.D.), d. reg. Q2 1979 at Weston Super Mare R.D. In 1901, living with his parents. In 1911, at school, living with his parents.
- Caroline Elizabeth Baker SERCOMBE, b. ca. May 1870 at Lee Mill, b. reg. Q2 1870 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., chr. 19 Jun 1870 at Plympton St. Mary, m. reg. Q2 1891 at Battle R.D., Samuel SANDERS (b. ca. 1860 at Ermington, Devon). In 1871, living with her parents. In 1881, a scholar, living with her parents. In 1891, living with her parents. In 1901, living at Moor Farm, Sparkwell, near Plympton, with her husband Samuel (a farmer), their children Lucy, Earnest, Richard, and Florance, a farm servant, and a domestic servant. In 1911, living at Plympton St. Mary with her husband Samuel (a farmer) and their children Lucy, Earnest, Richard, and Florence.
- Lucy SANDERS, b. ca. 1892 at Plympton St. Mary. In 1901, living with her parents. In 1911, a dressmaker, living with her parents.
- Earnest SANDERS, b. ca. 1893 at Plympton St. Mary. In 1901, living with his parents. In 1911, working on the farm, living with his parents.
- Richard SANDERS, b. ca. 1896 at Plympton St. Mary. In 1901, living with his parents. In 1911, living with his parents.
- Florance SANDERS, b. ca. 1899 at Plympton St. Mary. In 1901, living with her parents. In 1911, living with her parents.
- Maud Lucy SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1872 at Chokeford, b. reg. Q2 1872 at Plympton R.D., m. 17 Jun 1896 at Charles the Martyr, Plymouth, m. reg. Q2 1896 at Plymouth R.D., James CORNISH (b. ca. 1854 at Mamhead, Devon, son of George Henry CORNISH, a farmer). In 1881, a scholar, living with her parents. In 1891, a dressmaker, boarding at 23 Park Street, Plymouth Charles, Devon. At her marriage in 1896, of 4 Maida Vale Terrace, Mutley; James was a farmer, of Higher Rixdale, Bishopsteignton; the witnesses were Charles Adam CORNISH and Rhoda Blanche SERCOMBE. In 1901, living at Luton, near Bishopsteignton, Devon, with her husband James (a farm hand) and their sons Earnest, George, and Stanley. In 1911, living at Lower Colleybrook, Ideford, Chudleigh, Devon, with her husband James (a farmer), their sons Ernest, George, Stanley, and a general servant.
- Earnest J. CORNISH, b. ca. 1897 at Bishopsteignton. In 1901, living with his parents. In 1911, a scholar, living with his parents.
- George H. CORNISH, b. ca. 1899 at Bishopsteignton. In 1901, living with his parents. In 1911, a scholar, living with his parents.
- Stanley C. CORNISH, b. ca. Jan 1901 at Bishopsteignton. In 1901, living with his parents. In 1911, a scholar, living with his parents.
- Minnie Kate SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1874 at Chokeford, b. reg. Q2 1874 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., m. reg. Q2 1895 at Hastings R.D., Charles Court PRATT (b. ca. 1868 at St. Leonards, Sussex). In 1881, a scholar, living with her parents. In 1891, living with her parents. In 1901, living at 8 Norley Place, Plymouth, with her husband Charles (a mineral water salesman) and a boarder. In 1911, living at 67 Clifton Place, Plymouth, with her husband Charles (a salesman for a potato merchant).
- Three children, all d. by 1911.
- Rhoda Blanche SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1875 at Chokeford, b. reg. Q4 1875 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., m. reg. Q1 1899 at East Stonehouse R.D., Henry PARISH, d. reg. Q1 1901 at St. Germans R.D. In 1881, a scholar, living with her parents. In 1891, living with her parents.
- Edith Emma SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1877 at Chokeford, b. reg. Q3 1877 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., m. 4 May 1905 at St. John, Sutton on Plym, by licence, m. reg. Q2 1905 at Plymouth R.D., Archibald Edward McDONALD (b. ca. 1876, son of John George McDONALD, a soldier), d. reg. Q3 1905 at Woolwich R.D. In 1881, living with her parents. In 1891, living with her parents. In 1901, visiting Pembroke with her parents. At her marriage in 1905, of 67 Cotehele Avenue, Sutton on Plym; Archibald was a soldier (with rank sergeant), of the same address; the witnesses Samuel SANDERS and Francis Lewis (signed Farnsis Lewise) McDONALD.
- Ernest Robert B. SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1879 at Chokeford, b. reg. Q2 1879 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., m1. reg. Q2 1902 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., Laura Annie HORTON (b. ca. 1880 at Ermington, d. reg. Q4 1938 at St. Austell R.D.), m2. reg. Q2 1940 at St. Austell R.D., Bertha A. NICHOLLS (b. ca. 1878, d. reg. Q1 1966 at Totnes R.D.), d. reg. Q2 1943 at St. Austell R.D. In 1881, living with his parents. In 1891, a scholar, living with his parents. (Where in 1901?) Marriage banns for Ernest and Laura were called at Sparkwell, Devon, on 11 May 1902 and the two following Sundays; they were both of Sparkwell. In 1911, a general laborer, living at Venton, near Sparkwell, with his wife Laura.
- Florence SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1881 at Plympton St. Mary, b. reg. Q3 1881 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., m. 11 May 1903 at St. Michael, Coppenhall, Crewe, Cheshire, m. reg. Q2 1903 at Nantwich R.D., Rowland William NIELD (b. ca. 1872 at Kidsgrove, Staffordshire, son of William NIELD, a brickmaker). In 1891, a scholar, living with her parents. On 31 Dec 1899 and the two following Sundays, banns were called for Florence and Rowland at Compton Gifford, Devon, without apparently resulting in a marriage; Florence was of Compton Gifford; Rowland was of St. Peter Port, Guernsey. In 1901, a hospital housemaid at the Isolation Hospital, Blaby, Leicestershire. At her marriage, of 149 Sefton Avenue, Crewe, Cheshire; Rowland was a soldier, of the same address; the witnesses were Hugo Frank NIELD and Joseph PIDDY(?). In 1911, a certified midwife, living at 4 Shrubbery Cottages, Birmingham Road, Kidderminster, Worcestershire, with her husband Rowland (a sergeant major in the 7th Battalion of the Worcestershire Regiment) and their children Gordon and Florence.
- Gordon Cecil NIELD, b. ca. Apr 1904 at Worcester. In 1911, living with his parents.
- Florence Ethel NIELD, b. ca. Jul 1909 at Kidderminster. In 1911, living with her parents.
- John Joseph Hoskin SERCOMBE, b. 25 Feb 1847 at Plymouth, b. reg. Q1 1847 at Plymouth R.D., chr. 14 Mar 1847 at St. Andrew, Plymouth, m1. reg. Q4 1869 at Axbridge R.D., Hester Ann ADAMS (b. ca. 1846 at Stock or Churchill, Somerset, d. reg. Q1 1922 at Cardiff R.D.), m2. ca. 1887 Emma J. WHITE (b. Dec 1849 in Ohio), d. by 1920. In 1851, living with his grandparents Trobridge and Nancy HORTON at Hitchcombe, Plympton St. Mary. In 1861, living with his father. (Where in 1871?) In 1873, a laborer, traveled in steerage on the ship Canada from Liverpool to New York, arriving 3 Apr 1873. Subsequently claimed to have been born in Wisconsin. In 1880, a contractor, living in Traill County, Dakota Territory. In 1881, Hester was living in her mother's household at 5 Worthy Place, Weston Super Mare, Somerset, with her daughters Florence and Emily. On 19 Aug 1881, John purchased 160 acres in Traill County, North Dakota, from the federal government for cash. On 7 Oct 1886, he purchased another 160 acres in Traill County from the federal government for cash. In 1891, Hester was an upholsterer, lodging at 23 Locking Road, Weston Super Mare, with her daughters Florence and Emily. In 1900, John was a gardener, living on a farm in Concord precinct, Asotin County, Washington, with his wife Emma and daughters May and Carrie. In 1901, Hester was living on her own means, visiting her daughter Flora. In 1910, John was a fruit farmer, living in Kennewick precinct, Benton County, Washington, with his wife Emma and daughters May and Cora. In 1911, Hester was a housekeeper, living with her daughter Florence. In 1920, Emma was living with her sister at 1267a Market, Riverside, California.
- Florence Evaline A. "Flora" SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1872 at Weston Super Mare, b. reg. Q2 1872 at Axbridge R.D., m. (when and
where?) George SLOGGETT (b. ca. 1867 at Pembroke Dock [Milford], Pembrokeshire). In 1881, living with her mother. In 1891,
a milliner, living with her mother. In 1901, living at 15 Pembroke Street, Pembroke, Pembrokeshire, with her husband
George (a publican), their daughter Ruby, her visiting mother, a barmaid, and a general domestic servant. In 1911,
assisting in her husband's business, living at the Prince Albert, 2 Marker Street, Pembroke Dock, with her husband George
(a licensed victualler), their daughters Ruby and Irene, and her mother.
- Ruby Gwendoline Q.V. SLOGGETT, b. ca. 1900 at Pembroke Dock (Milford), b. reg. Q1 1900 at Pembroke R.D. In 1901,
living with her parents. In 1911, at school, living with her parents.
- Irene Hilda M. SLOGGETT, b. ca. 1901 at Pembroke Dock, b. reg. Q4 1901 at Pembroke R.D. In 1911, at school, living
with her parents.
- Another child, d. by 1911.
- Emily Elizabeth "Amy" SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1878 at Weston Super Mare, b. reg. Q2 1878 at Axbridge R.D., m. ca. 1895 (perhaps) and m. reg. Q2 1915 at Cardiff R.D., Robert Percy GIBBS (b. ca. 1875 at Cardiff). In 1881 and 1891, a scholar, living with her mother. In 1901, living in the household of Robert's parents at 93 Clare Road, Grangetown, Cardiff, with her husband Robert (a journeyman baker) and their children Ruby and Percival. In 1911, living at 85 Clive Street, Grangetown, Cardiff, with her husband Robert (a coal laborer) and their children Ruby, Percy, Gordon, Robert, and George.
- Ruby GIBBS, b. ca. 1896 at Cardiff. In 1901, living with her parents and grandparents. In 1911, living with her parents.
- Percival "Percy" GIBBS, b. ca. Jul 1900 at Cardiff. In 1901, living with his parents and grandparents. In 1911, living with his parents.
- Gordon GIBBS, b. ca. 1903 at Cardiff. In 1911, living with his parents.
- Robert Russell GIBBS, b. ca. 1905 at Cardiff. In 1911, living with his parents.
- George Clifford GIBBS, b. ca. 1908 at Cardiff. In 1911, living with his parents.
- Two other children, d. by 1911.
- Doris E.M. GIBBS, b. reg. Q3 1915 at Cardiff R.D.
- May SERCOMBE, b. Mar 1888 in North Dakota. In 1900, at school, living with her parents. In 1910, a typesetter for a
newspaper, living with her parents.
- Cora or Carrie SERCOMBE, b. Feb 1891 in North Dakota. In 1900, at school, living with her parents. In 1910, a clerk in
a dry goods store, living with her parents.
- Stephen Robert SERCOMBE, b. 14 Apr 1849 at Plymouth, b. reg. Q2 1849 at Plymouth R.D., chr. 2 May 1849 at St. Andrew, Plymouth, d. reg. Q2 1860 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., bur. 27 Jun 1860 at Plympton St. Mary. In 1851, living with his father. At his death in 1860, of Chokeford Farm.
- George SERCOMBE, b. ca. Sep 1822, chr. 24 Nov 1822 at Cornwood, bur. 1 Apr 1824 at Cornwood. In 1824, of Cornwood.
- Agness SIRCOMBE, chr. 20 Dec 1778 at Dean Prior, bur. 27 Dec 1779 at Dean Prior.
Elizabeth SOUTHCOMBE, b. est. 1789.
- William Ford SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 12 Feb 1809 at Cornwood, Devon, m. 15 Sep 1839 at St. Andrew, Plymouth, Devon, m. reg.
Q3 1839 at Plymouth R.D., Sarah DAVEY (daughter of John DAVEY, a farmer). At his marriage in 1839, a quarry man, of
Millbay, Plymouth; Sarah was of Eldad, Plymouth; the witnesses were Thomas LUMLEY and Maria GODFREY. At his son's baptism
in 1843, a laborer, of Bromage, Cornwood.
- John Davy Ford SOUTHCOMBE, b. reg. Q1 1843 at Plympton St. Mary R.D., chr. 16 Apr 1843 at Cornwood, d. reg. Q2 1843 at
Plympton St. Mary R.D.
Emily SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1889 at Lutton, Cornwood, Devon. In 1911, a general servant in the ROGERS household at Brownstone, Yealmpton, Devon. (Is this Evelyn Millicent SERCOMBE?)
Southcombes from Hatherleigh, Devon
Thomas SOUTHCOMBE, m. 26 May 1576 at Iddesleigh, Devon, Alice AVERY.
- Elizabeth SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 6 May 1577 at Hatherleigh, Devon.
- (probably) Amy SUTHCOME, chr. 5 Dec 1579 at Hatherleigh.
- John SUTHCOMB, chr. Feb 1581 at Hatherleigh.
- Dorithie SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 1 Aug 1585 at Hatherleigh, m. 22 Sep 1611 at Hatherleigh, Joseph DYER.
William SOUTHCOMBE, m1. 2 Sep 1587 at Iddesleigh, Devon, Tamizine, m2. 23 Sep 1605 at Hatherleigh, Devon, An HELE.
- Jasper SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 29 Oct 1592 at Hatherleigh.
- Richarde SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 26 Feb 1594 at Hatherleigh.
- John SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 19 Mar 1597 at Hatherleigh.
- Marie SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 2 May 1601 at Hatherleigh.
- Degorie SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 3 Aug 1606 at Hatherleigh.
- Alse SOUTHCOM, chr. 31 Jan 1609 at Hatherleigh.
- Maryne SOUTHCOM, chr. 15 Mar 1611 at Hatherleigh.
- Roger SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 6 Feb 1624 at Hatherleigh, Devon.
- Margaret SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 10 Jul 1626 at Hatherleigh.
Arthur SOUTHCOMBE, b. est. 1622, m. 1 Nov 1647 at Hatherleigh, Devon, Jane HOOPER. Swore the protestation oath at
Hatherleigh in 1641/2.
- Thomas SOUTHCOMBE or SURCOMB, chr. 10 Nov 1651 at Hatherleigh, m. 23 Jul 1684 at Hatherleigh, Devon, Susanna GOVE
(bur. 14 Jul 1714 at Hatherleigh), bur. 28 Jul 1719 at Hatherleigh. At his burial in 1719, known as Thomas Southcombe the
elder to distinguish him from his son. Surcomb at his sons' baptisms in 1690 and 1696, otherwise Southcombe.
- Thomas SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 28 May 1685 at Hatherleigh, m. 15 Apr 1719 at Hatherleigh, Elizabeth CLAP.
- Mary SOUTHCOMB, chr. 5 Jun 1723 at Monkokehampton, Devon.
- Thomas SOUTHCOMBE (father Thomas GOULD), chr. 30 Jun 1754 at Monkokehampton.
- Jone (i.e. Joan) SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 2 Apr 1689 at Hatherleigh.
- Arthur SURCOMB, chr. 4 Nov 1690 at Hatherleigh.
- Richard SURCOMB, chr. 6 Aug 1696 at Hatherleigh.
- Margaret SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 10 Oct 1654 at Hatherleigh.
- Robert SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 31 Mar 1656 at Hatherleigh, m. 26 Dec 1692 at Hatherleigh, Mary SELDON (bur. 31 Dec 1731 at
Hatherleigh), bur. 28 Jun 1729 at Hatherleigh.
Joseph SOUTHCOMBE or SERCOMBE, m. 11 Sep 1727 at Monkokehampton, Devon, Mary BOLT.
- Robert SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 21 Nov 1728 at Monkokehampton.
- Rebecca SOUTHCOMBE or SERCOMBE, chr. 14 Oct 1731 at Exbourne, Devon, m. 9 Dec 1753 at Monkokehampton, John FISHER.
Arthur SOUTHCOUMB, m. 29 Dec 1727 at Hatherleigh, Devon, Sibelle BOWMAN.
- John SOUTHECOMBE, chr. 14 Oct 1728 at Monkokehampton, Devon.
William SOUTHCOMBE, m. 7 Jul 1754 at Hatherleigh, Devon, Grace KIMP. At his marriage in 1754, a yeoman, of West Pine,
Hatherleigh; Grace was also of Hatherleigh; the witnesses were George TURNER and John TURNER.
- Grace SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 8 Apr 1755 at Hatherleigh, Devon.
- Mary SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 4 Jun 1758 at Hatherleigh.
Arthur SOUTHCOMBE, m. 10 Feb 1751 at Hatherleigh, Devon, Mary HONEYCHURCH.
- Arthur SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 23 Nov 1752 at Hatherleigh, m. 21 Jul 1783 at Heanton Punchardon, Devon, Eleanor
HAMMOND (b. ca. 1757, bur. 28 Sep 1839 at Hatherleigh), bur. 23 Jun 1825 at Hatherleigh. At his death in 1825, of
Hatherleigh. At her death in 1839, Eleanor was of Winkleigh, Devon.
- (probably) Mary SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 4 Oct 1784 at Hatherleigh. (At her baptism in 1784, her mother's name was recorded
incorrectly as Mary rather than Eleanor.)
- Elizabeth SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 3 Apr 1786 at Hatherleigh, m. 7 Oct 1806 at Hatherleigh, William TUCKER. At her marriage in
1806, of Hatherleigh; William was also of Hatherleigh; the witnesses were Arthur SOUTHCOMBE (her father) and William
TUCKER (perhaps William's father).
- Eleanor Hammond SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 22 May 1788 at Hatherleigh, m. 7 Feb 1825 at Hatherleigh, William PARKER. At her
marriage in 1825, of Hatherleigh; William was of Iddesleigh, Devon; the witnesses were Bartholomew PARKER (perhaps husband
of her sister Tryphosa) and Jane PARKER.
- Rebecca SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 12 Oct 1790 at Hatherleigh, m. 23 Mar 1817 at Hatherleigh, Richard ROOKE. At her marriage in
1817, of Hatherleigh; Richard was a sojourner in Hatherleigh; the witnesses were William TUCKER (husband of her sister
Elizabeth) and Eleanor SOUTHCOMBE (her mother, or perhaps her sister).
- Ann SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 17 Jun 1793 at Hatherleigh.
- Tryphena SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 1 or 7 Jan 1796 at Hatherleigh, m. 3 Jul 1816 at Hatherleigh, James BROOK. At their marriage
in 1816, Tryphena and James were both of Hatherleigh; the witnesses were William TUCKER (husband of her sister Elizabeth)
and John BEWS (the parish clerk).
- Arthur Southcombe BROOK, m. 1849 at Winkleigh, Devon, Patience ANSTEY.
Relative of researcher Linda Garnett.
- Tryphosa SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 26 Jun 1798 at Hatherleigh, m. 13 Apr 1819 at Hatherleigh, Bartholomew PARKER. At her
marriage in 1819, of Hatherleigh; Bartholomew was of Iddesleigh; the witnesses were Arthur SOUTHCOMBE (her father) and
Eleanor Hammond SOUTHCOMBE (her sister).
- Elizabeth SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 21 Nov 1755 at Hatherleigh, bur. 22 Oct 1756 at Hatherleigh.
- Elizabeth SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 13 Jul 1757 at Hatherleigh.
- John Northcott SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 19 Jan 1762 at Hatherleigh, Devon, m. 12 May 1788 at Hatherleigh, Catherine COWLE
(b. ca. 1757, bur. 18 Feb 1824 at Hatherleigh), bur. 28 Feb 1824 at Hatherleigh. At their marriage in 1788, John and
Catherine were both of Hatherleigh; the witnesses were Samuel DITCHETT and Thomazin COWLE. At their deaths in 1824, John
and Catherine were both of Hatherleigh.
- Catherine SOUTHCOMBE, 29 Jul 1790 chr. at Hatherleigh, m. 14 Apr 1814 at Hatherleigh, Thomas BOWDEN. At her marriage
in 1814, of Hatherleigh; Thomas was also of Hatherleigh; the witnesses were John SOUTHCOMBE (probably her father, perhaps
her brother) and Mary RATTENBURY.
- Arthur SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 17 Jun 1792 at Hatherleigh, m. 20 Sep 1826 at Hatherleigh, Devon, Susanna TUCKER (b. ca. 1801
at Hatherleigh, bur. 31 Dec 1870 at Hatherleigh), bur. 29 Sep 1847 at Hatherleigh. At his marriage in 1826, of Hatherleigh;
Susanna was a sojourner in Hatherleigh; the witnesses were Arthur TUCKER and William LUXTON. At his children's baptisms in
1827, 1829, and 1831, a farmer, of Hatherleigh. In 1841, a farmer, living at Lower Vellaford, Hatherleigh, with his wife
Susanna, their children John, Catherine, and Elizabeth, a servant, and five laborers. At his death in 1847, of
Hatherleigh. In 1851, Susanna was a farmer of 175 acres employing six laborers, living at Great Vellaford, Hatherleigh,
with her children John, Catherine, and Elizabeth, four farm laborers, and Robert BAWDEN (b. ca. 1848 at Hatherleigh). In
1861, she was a retired farmer, living at Moor Cottage, Hatherleigh, with her daughter Elizabeth. At her death in 1870,
she was of Hatherleigh.
- John SOUTHCOMBE, b. ca. 1827 at Hatherleigh, chr. 4 Oct 1827 at Hatherleigh, m. reg. Q2 1858 at Okehampton R.D.,
Susanna SPARKE (b. ca. 1828 at Inwardleigh, Devon, bur. 28 Feb 1901 at Hatherleigh), bur. 13 Jul 1908 at Hatherleigh. In
1841, living with his parents. In 1851, living with his mother. In 1861, a farmer of 176 acres, living at Vellaford,
Hatherleigh, with his wife Susanna and five servants. In 1871, a farmer of 58 acres employing two men and one boy, living
at Moor Head, Hatherleigh, with his wife Susanna and a general servant. In 1881, a retired farmer, living at Moor,
Hatherleigh, with his wife Susanna and their children Elizabeth and John. In 1891, a partly retired farmer, living at Moor
Head, Hatherleigh, with his wife Susanna and their children Mary and Herbert. At her death in 1901, Susanna was of The
Moor, Hatherleigh. Later in 1901, John was a retired farmer, living at Park House, Hatherleigh, with his children
Elizabeth and Herbert. At his death in 1908, of Park House, Hatherleigh.
- Elizabeth Mary SOUTHCOMBE, b. ca. 1872 at Hatherleigh, bur. 25 Feb 1949 at Hatherleigh. In 1881, a scholar,
living with her parents. In 1891, living with her parents. In 1901, living with her father. At her death in 1949, of Park
House, Hatherleigh.
- Herbert John SOUTHCOMBE, b. ca. 1874 at Hatherleigh, b. reg. Q2 1874 at Okehampton R.D., d. reg. Q2 1932 at
Okehampton R.D., bur. 14 Apr 1932 at Hatherleigh. In 1881, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1891, a solicitor's
clerk, living with his parents. In 1901, a solicitor's clerk, living with his father. At his death in 1932, of Park House,
- Catherine SOUTHCOMBE, b. ca. 1829 at Hatherleigh, chr. 9 Jul 1829 at Hatherleigh, bur. 8 May 1854 at Hatherleigh. In
1841, living with her parents. In 1851, living with her mother. At her death in 1854, of Hatherleigh.
- Elizabeth SOUTHCOMBE, b. ca. 1831 at Hatherleigh, chr. 19 Sep 1831 at Hatherleigh, bur. 22 Oct 1875 at Hatherleigh. In
1841, living with her parents. In 1851, living with her mother. In 1861, a milliner and dress maker, living with her
mother. In 1871, a milliner and dress maker, living at Moor Head, Hatherleigh. At her death in 1875, of Hatherleigh.
- Mary Honeychurch SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 12 May 1794 at Hatherleigh, m. 10 Jul 1816 at Hatherleigh, Thomas JEWELL. At her
marriage in 1816, of Hatherleigh; Thomas was also of Hatherleigh; the witnesses were John SOUTHCOMBE (probably her father,
perhaps her brother) and John BEWS (the parish clerk).
- John SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 23 Mar 1796 at Hatherleigh.
- Stephen Cowle SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 27 Dec 1797 at Hatherleigh, m. 9 Mar 1819 at Exbourne, Devon, Mary MASHFORD alias
SEYMOUR (b. ca. 1798 at Exbourne, d. by 1871). At his marriage in 1819, of Hatherleigh; Mary was of Exbourne; the
witnesses were Christopher DART and Joseph NEWCOMBE. At his sons' baptisms in 1820, 1821, and 1823, a farmer, of
Monkokehampton, Devon.
At his children's baptisms in 1826, 1828, 1830, 1833, 1835, and 1836, a farmer, of Sampford Courtenay, Devon. In 1851, a
farmer of 50 acres (and 40 acres moorland) employing one laborer, living at Wood Farm, Sampford Courtenay, with his wife
Mary and their children Elizabeth, Arthur, Samuel, Anna, Sarah, and William. In 1861, a farmer of 160 acres employing one
man, living at Wood Farm, Sampford Courtenay, with his wife Mary, their children Samuel, Hannah, Sarah, and William, his
son's son Stephen, his daughter Elizabeth's daughter Mary Rebecca KEENER, and a farm servant. In 1871, a retired farmer,
living with his son Samuel.
- John SOUTHCOMBE, b. ca. 1820 at Monkokehampton, chr. 12 Jan 1820 at Hatherleigh, m. reg. Q4 1847 at Okehampton R.D.,
Mary WOOLDRIDGE (b. ca. 1821 at Sampford Courtenay). In 1851, a farmer of 60 acres employing one laborer and one boy,
living at West Hill Farm, Sampford Courtenay, with his wife Mary, her mother and sister, his own sister Mary, and a farm
- Arthur SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 6 Nov 1821 at Hatherleigh, bur. 11 Oct 1828 at Exbourne. At his death in 1828, of Sampford
- Stephen SOUTHCOMBE, b. ca. 1823 at Monkokehampton, chr. 20 Nov 1823 at Hatherleigh, m. Jane (b. ca. 1821 at Sampford
Courtenay). In 1851, a farmer of 16 acres, living at Hamettshill, Sampford Courtenay, with his wife Jane and their
daughter Mary.
- Mary Jane SOUTHCOMBE, b. ca. 1849 at Sampford Courtenay. In 1851, living with her parents.
- Robert SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 4 Apr 1826 at Sampford Courtenay, bur. 30 Apr 1830 at Exbourne. At his death in 1830, of
Sampford Courtenay.
- Elizabeth SOUTHCOMBE, b. ca. 1828 at Sampford Courtenay, chr. 14 Dec 1828 at Sampford Courtenay, m. reg. Q1 1855 at
Okehampton R.D., William KEENER. In 1851, living with her parents.
- Mary Rebecca KEENER, b. ca. 1857 at Monkokehampton, Devon. In 1861, living with her mother's parents.
- Robert Mashford SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 19 Dec 1830 at Sampford Courtenay.
- Arthur SOUTHCOMBE, b. ca. 1833 at Sampford Courtenay, chr. 31 Mar 1833 at Sampford Courtenay. In 1851, living with his
- Samuel SOUTHCOMBE, b. ca. 1835 at Sampford Courtenay, chr. 20 Feb 1835 at Sampford Courtenay, m. Amelia (b. ca. 1843
at Belstone, Devon). In 1851 and 1861, living with his parents. In 1871, a farmer of 100 acres employing one laborer,
living at Wood, Sampford Courtenay, with his wife Amelia, their children Lydia, Amelia, Samuel, Mary, and Selina, his
father, and an indoor farm servant.
- Lydia SOUTHCOMBE, b. ca. 1861 at Sampford Courtenay. In 1871, a scholar, living with her parents.
- Amelia SOUTHCOMBE, b. ca. 1864 at Sampford Courtenay. In 1871, living with her parents.
- Samuel SOUTHCOMBE, b. ca. 1865 at Sampford Courtenay. In 1871, living with his parents.
- Mary SOUTHCOMBE, b. ca. 1867 at Sampford Courtenay. In 1871, living with her parents.
- Selina SOUTHCOMBE, b. ca. 1869 at Sampford Courtenay. In 1871, living with her parents.
- Mary SOUTHCOMBE, b. ca. 1836 at Sampford Courtenay, chr. 7 Nov 1836 at Sampford Courtenay. In 1851, a house servant,
living with her brother John.
- Anna or Hannah SOUTHCOMBE, b. ca. 1838 at Sampford Courtenay. In 1851 and 1861, living with her parents.
- Sarah SOUTHCOMBE, b. ca. 1840 at Sampford Courtenay. In 1851 and 1861, living with her parents.
- William SOUTHCOMBE, b. ca. 1844 at Sampford Courtenay. In 1851 and 1861, living with his parents.
- A son, probably one of the above.
- Stephen SOUTHCOMBE, b. ca. 1851 at Sampford Courtenay. In 1861, living with his father's parents.
- Thommy or Tammy SOUTHCOMBE, chr. Jan 1801 at Hatherleigh, m. 21 Sep 1824 at Hatherleigh, William LUXTON. At their
marriage in 1824, Tammy and William were both of Hatherleigh; the witnesses were Arthur SOUTHCOMBE and C. SOUTHCOMBE.
- Rebecca SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 31 May 1764 at Hatherleigh.
- Mary SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 13 Aug 1766 at Hatherleigh, bur. 24 Jan 1806 at Hatherleigh. At her death in 1806, of
Hatherleigh. Her will was proved in the Totnes Archdeaconry Court in 1806.
- Thomas SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 25 Jul 1769 at Hatherleigh, bur. 14 Jun 1804 at Hatherleigh. At his death in 1804, a yeoman,
of Hatherleigh. Died intestate; administration of his estate was granted 25 Jun 1804 in the Principal Registry of the
Bishop of Exeter to Arthur SOUTHCOMBE and John Northcott SOUTHCOMBE of Hatherleigh (his brothers). His effects were valued
at less than £600.
Families from Elsewhere in Devon
Christine de SCHURRECOMB' of Teignmouth, Devon, was assessed 12d. in the lay subsidy of 1332, a tax on moveable property.
Thomas SHARCOMB of Whimple, Devon, was listed as an archer in the 1569 muster roll.
Thomas SHERCOMB of Talaton, Devon, was listed as a harquebusier in the 1569 muster roll.
Thomas SHERCOMBE, b. est. 1555, m. Allice (m2. 8 May 1592 at Kenn, Devon, Thomas HILL), bur. 17 Nov 1591 at Kenn. Thomas
SHERCOMBE of Kenn was assessed for tax on land worth £1 per year, 10 Sep 1582. His will (now lost) was proved in the
Court of the Archdeaconry of Exeter in 1591.
- Mary SHERCOMBE, chr. 24 Apr 1581 at Kenn.
- Johan SHERCOMBE (female), chr. 30 Dec 1582 at Kenn, bur. 31 Dec 1582 at Kenn.
- Johan SHERCOMBE (female), chr. 26 Dec 1583 at Kenn, bur. 14 Nov 1586 at Kenn.
- Thomas SHERCOMBE, chr. 25 Jan 1586/7 at Kenn.
SHERCOMBE, m. Alice (m2. 21 Nov 1616 at All Hallows Goldsmith Street, Exeter, Devon, Edward MOUNTSTEPHEN of Sowton,
Devon), d. by 1616. Alice and Edward had eight children baptized at Sowton: Ann (1617), Mary (1619), Richard (1623),
Ralphe (1626), Edward (1627), Dorothy (1630), Prudence (1632), and Elizabeth (1636).
Richard SHERCOMB, b. est. 1563.
- Richard SHERCOMB, chr. 9 Jan 1589/0 at Sowton, Devon.
Joane SIRCOMBE, b. est. 1564, m. 9 Nov 1589 at Paignton, Devon, Henry BERRY.
Michael SHERCOMBE, b. est. 1571, m. 26 Jul 1596 at Colyton, Devon, Florence ABBOTT (bur. 11 May 1638 at Colyton), bur. 31
Oct 1614 at Colyton. At their marriage in 1596, Michael and Florence were both of Colyford, a hamlet in Colyton parish. At
his daughter's baptism in 1598, Michael was still of Colyford. At his death in 1614, a miller, of Colyford. A bond dated
23 Apr 1617 mentions "Square Close alias Hockers Close in Colyton on east side of Highway from Coliford towards Coliton,
now or late in occupation of Florence SHERCOMBE widow and Richard FRENCHE, sometime inheritance of Baldwyn CARPENTER".
- Joane SHERCOMBE, chr. 24 Sep 1598 at Colyton, m. 6 May 1618 at Colyton, Edward EBDON. At her marriage in 1618, of
William SOUTHCOMB, b. est. 1571.
- Roger SOUTHCOMB, chr. 10 May 1597 at St. Mary Major, Exeter, Devon.
Margett SHIRCOMB, b. est. 1576. In 1602, Margaret was of Colyton, Devon.
- Christian SHIRCOMB [female], chr. 8 Oct 1602 at Colyton.
Marie SHARCOMBE, b. est. 1577, m. 19 Jul 1602 at Mamhead, Devon, John GROASE.
Phillip SOUTHCOMBE, b. est. 1577, m. 18 Jan 1602 at St. Thomas, Devon, Denys.
Humphrey SUTHCOMBE, b. est. 1590, m. 20 Jan 1615/6 (by bishop's license 19 Jan) at Shillingford St. George, Devon, Christian WENWRIGHT. At their marriage in 1615/6, Humphrey and Christian were both of Exminster, Devon.
Thomsyn SHERCUM, b. est. 1593, m. 24 Oct 1618 at Exminster, Devon, George FORDE.
Edward SOUTHCOMBE, b. est. 1597, m. 28 Jan 1621/2 at Whitestone, Devon, Joane VARDON.
John CERCOMBE or SOUTHCOMB, b. est. 1604, m. Avis.
- John SURCOME, chr. 12 Dec 1630 at St. Mary Major, Exeter, Devon, m. 31 Dec 1655 at St. Peter Cathedral, Exeter,
Elizabeth (m1. GULLY). In 1655, John and Elizabeth were both of Exeter St. Mary Major.
- Joan SOUTHCOM, chr. 21 Jul 1633 at St. Mary Major, d. 26 Feb 1634.
- A son, chr. 27 Dec 1635 at St. Mary Major.
- Richard SOUTHCOMB, chr. 9 Dec 1637 at St. Mary Major.
Grace SOUTHCOMB, b. est. 1608, m. 15 Oct 1633 at Crediton, Devon, Hugh WYTHUMB.
John SIRCOMBE, b. est. 1612, m. 17 Apr 1637 at St. Giles in the Wood, Devon, Anne SOUTHWOOD. John swore the protestation
oath at St. Giles in 1641/2.
- (probably) Joane CIRCUM, b. est. 1643, m. 31 Aug 1668 at St. Giles in the Wood, Stephen SHANKE.
Robert SOUTHCOMBE, b. ca. 1614, m. 7 Jul 1639 at Crediton, Devon, Elizabeth BERRIE. Swore the protestation oath at
Crediton in 1641/2.
- Thomas SOUTHCOMBE or SERCOMBE, chr. 21 Jun 1640 at Crediton. In 1674, a householder at Crediton, assessed for tax on
two hearths. In 1678, of Crediton, contributed 4d. to the rebuilding of St. Paul's Cathedral following the Great Fire of
- Robert SOUTHCOMB, chr. 6 Jan 1642 at Crediton.
- Richard SOUTHCOMB, chr. 14 Jan 1643 at Crediton.
- Richard SOUTHCOMB, chr. 16 Dec 1645 at Crediton.
- Mary SOUTHCOMB, chr. 10 Oct 1675 at Crediton.
- Joane SOUTHCOMB, chr. 20 May 1678 at Crediton.
- Jane SOUTHCOMB, chr. 26 Jun 1681 at Crediton.
- Nathaniell SERCOMBE or SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 31 Aug 1647 at Crediton, m. by 1692 Jane.
- Mary SERCOMBE, chr. 19 Feb 1671 at Crediton.
- Robert SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 11 Nov 1673 at Crediton, m. 6 Jan 1695 at Crediton, Grace MILLS. In 1695, Robert was the parish
clerk of Crediton, and received the lease of a house in Church Row, Crediton, from the parish governors.
- Susana SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 27 Dec 1696 at Crediton.
- Nathaniell SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 10 Oct 1698 at Crediton.
- Robert SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 2 May 1701 at Crediton, m. 26 Sep 1732 at Crediton, Mary HARRIS.
- Thomas SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 17 Jul 1676 at Crediton, m. 15 May 1705 at Crediton, Elizabeth BRADSHAW. In 1718, 1719, 1720,
and 1721, of Crediton, and owned land worth at least £10 per year (the qualification for jury service). On 12 Dec
1723, swore loyalty to King George I at the Castle, Exeter; Elizabeth did the same on 25 Dec 1723. In 1733 and 1734, a
miller, of Crediton, and owned land worth £10 per year or had a long-term lease on land worth £20 per year.
- Thomas SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 1 Jul 1706 at Crediton.
- Joseph SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 14 Jul 1713 at Crediton.
- Benjamin SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 4 Aug 1715 at Crediton, m. 18 Jun 1744 at St. Kerrian, Exeter, Devon, Mary MATHEWS.
- Elizabeth SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 1 May 1745 at Crediton, m. 16 Feb 1766 at Crediton, William PASCO.
- Mary SOUTHCOMB, chr. 9 Jun 1747 at Crediton.
- Mary SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 18 Aug 1749 at Crediton.
- Thomas SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 14 Jun 1751 at Crediton.
- Sarah SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 26 May 1754 at Crediton.
- Benjamin SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 10 Jul 1757 at Crediton.
- William SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 18 Nov 1716 at Crediton.
- Elizabeth SOUTHCOMB, chr. 1 Jan 1718 at Crediton.
- Nathaniell SOUTHCOMB, chr. 5 Nov 1679 at Crediton.
- Richard SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 16 Nov 1692 at Crediton, m. Grace.
- Ann SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 7 Jun 1715 at Crediton, m. 11 Jul 1743 at Crediton, Abraham REEVE.
- Elizabeth SOUTHCOMB, chr. 23 Dec 1649 at Crediton, m. 14 Jan 1676 at Crediton, Walter HOOKELY.
- Marie SOUTHCOMB, chr. 11 May 1651 at Crediton.
- Suzannah SOUTHCOMB, chr. 15 Jan 1653 at Crediton.
Robert SOUTHCOM or SERCOM, b. est. 1615, m. 20 Jun 1640 at St. Sidwell, Exeter, Devon, Welthen BRIDGES (bur. 4 Jun 1676 at
St. Mary Steps, Exeter), bur. 22 Jun 1689 at Holy Trinity, Exeter. Swore the protestation oath at Exeter St. Sidwell in
1641/2. At Welthen's death in 1676, of Exeter All Hallows on the Walls.
- John SOUTHCOMBE or SURCOME, chr. 17 Nov 1641 at St. Sidwell, Exeter, m. Margaret (bur. 18 Mar 1694/5 at Holy Trinity,
Exeter), bur. 30 May 1680 at Holy Trinity, Exeter.
- John SUTHCOME, chr. 6 Jan 1662/3 at Holy Trinity, Exeter, bur. 2 May 1664 at Holy Trinity, Exeter.
- Isaac SOUTHCOME or SERCOME, chr. 20 Mar 1663/4 at Holy Trinity, Exeter, m. 20 Aug 1685 at Holy Trinity, Exeter, Agnes
SCRISPIN, bur. 8 May 1705 at Holy Trinity, Exeter.
- John SERCOME, chr. 6 Dec 1685 at Holy Trinity, Exeter.
- Mary SERCOME, chr. 7 Aug 1687 at Holy Trinity, Exeter.
- Isaac SERCOM, chr. 23 Jun 1688 at Holy Trinity, Exeter, bur. 6 Jul 1691 at Holy Trinity, Exeter.
- Elizabeth SERCOM (twin with Hester), chr. 6 Dec 1691 at Holy Trinity, Exeter, bur. 17 Jan 1691/2 at Holy Trinity,
- Hester SERCOMBE (twin with Elizabeth), chr. 6 Dec 1691 at Holy Trinity, Exeter, m. 31 Jul 1715 at Holy Trinity,
Exeter, Robert BENCE.
- Jacob SERCOMBE or SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 26 Nov 1693 at Holy Trinity, Exeter, m. 5 Aug 1718 at St. Sidwell, Exeter, Susana
COOPER. On 5 Mar 1722, a carpenter, admitted freeman of Exeter, having served an apprenticeship under John SEELY. At his
son Jacob's admission as a freeman in 1750, a carpenter.
- Isack SERCUME, chr. 19 Jul 1719 at St. Sidwell, Exeter, prob. d. by 1723.
- Susanna SURCOMBE, chr. 18 Mar 1721 at St. Sidwell, Exeter, m. 25 Feb 1744/5 at St. Thomas, Devon, William NEWELL.
- Isaac SERCOMBE, chr. 16 Dec 1723 at St. Sidwell, Exeter, m1. 20 Aug 1749 at Holy Trinity, Exeter, by license, Sarah
BINFORD (bur. 6 Jul 1761 at St. Paul, Exeter), m2. 27 Nov 1762 at St. Paul, Exeter, by license, Grace (b. ca. 1732, m1.
FILMORE, wid. by 1762, d. 17 Nov 1810, bur. 29 Nov 1810 at St. Thomas), bur. 17 Jan 1780 at St. Thomas. At their marriage
in 1749, Isaac and Sarah were both of Exeter St. Stephen. On 1 Jan 1750, a cooper, admitted freeman of Exeter in
succession to his father. His apprentice Nathaniel CROSS was admitted freeman of Exeter on 23 Mar 1761. At his second
marriage in 1762, a wine cooper; Grace was of Lympstone; the witnesses were James GRANT junior and Prudence GRANT. In
1766, Isaac and Grace witnessed the marriage at St. Paul, Exeter, of Mary MAUNDER and Andrew GILL. His apprentice Thomas
PYE was admitted freeman of Exeter on 12 Dec 1767. In 1772, witnessed the marriage at St. Paul, Exeter, of Grace FILMORE
(perhaps a stepdaughter) and George WESTLAKE. At his death in Jan 1780, of Exeter. His apprentice John PINCE of Exeter St.
Paul was admitted freeman of Exeter on 9 Sep 1780. Grace made her will on 14 Sep 1810, leaving bequests to her daughters
Susan and Jane and Jane's son George; Susan was executrix; Susan, Jane, and Grace's nephew John BURNETT were trustees; Ann
COOK and Philip BURNETT were witnesses. At her death in Nov 1810, Grace was of Exeter. Her will was proved in the
Prerogative Court of Canterbury on 23 Jan 1811.
- William SERCOMBE, chr. 14 Mar 1750/1 at St. Stephen, Exeter, bur. 21 Mar 1750/1 at St. Stephen, Exeter.
- Isaack SERCOMBE, chr. 15 Jul 1754 at St. Stephen, Exeter, bur. 10 Feb 1760 at St. Paul, Exeter.
- Thomas Fillmore SERCOMBE, bur. 10 Aug 1765 at St. Thomas. (Could this be a stepson, Thomas FILMORE, subsequently Thomas
Filmore SERCOMBE?)
- Jane Filmore SERCOMBE, chr. 5 May 1768 at St. Paul, Exeter, m. 9 Jan 1792 at St. Paul, Exeter, by license, Thomas
Filmore LUKE (d. by 1810). At Jane's marriage in 1792, Thomas was of Exeter St. Mary Arches; the witnesses were Thomas F.
SERCOMBE (Jane's brother), Susan SERCOMBE (her sister), and Jan Filmore WESTLAKE (probably a niece).
- George Sercombe LUKE, chr. 29 Mar 1795 at St. Martin, Exeter, m. 10 Mar 1821 at Thorverton, Devon, Mary Barne
FORREST, d. 15 Apr 1835 at Exeter. Educated at Queen's College, Oxford University (matriculated 15 Dec 1817, B.A. 1822).
Under his maternal grandmother's will, to receive the balance of her estate after the death of his mother and her sister
Susan. An Anglican clergyman and Devon antiquary.
- Susan or Susanna SERCOMBE, chr. 5 May 1768 at St. Paul, Exeter. Unmarried in 1810 when named in her mother's will.
- Thomas Filmore SERCOMBE, chr. 11 Jan 1770 at St. Paul, Exeter, m. 20 Sep 1792 at St. Sidwell, Exeter, Elizabeth Otto
BAIJER (d. 1 Jan 1848 at Heavitree, Devon), d. reg. Q4 1847 at Newington R.D., bur. 13 Dec 1847 at St. Peter, Walworth,
Surrey. On 14 Mar 1791, an attorney at law, admitted freeman of Exeter in succession to his father. At his marriage in
1792, a gentleman, of Exeter St. Paul; Elizabeth was of Exeter St. Sidwell. Shown as "Thomas Sercombe, attorney, Exeter"
in the subscription list for The Floating Ideas of Nature, Suited to the Philosopher, Farmer, and Mechanic, and Adapted
to the Present Times of Scarcity, in Order to Create Plenty by Introducing Several New Crops and their Management, by
Charles Varlo (published 1797). Thomas's bankruptcy was reported in The Times on 1 Feb 1797. In 1798, he was
elected coroner in Exeter. In 1803, he was an attorney, of Exeter Holy Trinity. On 26 Nov 1805, an attorney-at-law, again
elected coroner for Exeter. At his daughter's death in 1824, an attorney, "late of" Exeter. In March 1826, under the will
of her brother Baijer Otto BAIJER, Elizabeth was bequeathed, for her separate use, a life interest in certain property in
England and Antigua. When she made her own will on 2 Aug 1846, she was living separately from her husband at Heavitree.
Her will left her savings from her separate income in trust for her daughter Ann, "having regard for her unfortunate
condition." Her will was witnessed by Grace TUCKER and William TUCKER, both of 11 Albion Place, Heavitree, and named as
her executors her son William SERCOMBE and Drewry OTTLEY, surgeon, of Bedford Place, Russell Square, Middlesex. At his
death in 1847, Thomas was of Carter Street, Walworth (probably the home of his son Isaac). At Elizabeth's death in 1848,
she was the last surviving sister of "the late Bayer Otto Bayer, Esq., of Bentinck Street, Manchester Square"
(Gentleman's Magazine). Her will was proved 4 Mar 1848.
- Thomas Otto SERCOMB, chr. 7 Aug 1793 at St. Paul, Exeter.
- John SERCOMBE, chr. 27 Aug 1794 at St. Paul, Exeter, m. 21 Jul 1828 at St. Dunstan, Stepney, London, Mary Ann NORMAN (b. ca. 1806 at Bishops Hull or Taunton, Somerset, d. reg. Q1 1886 at Taunton R.D., bur. 23 Jan 1886 at Staplegrove, Somerset), d. reg. Q1 1862 at Greenwich R.D. Served in the Royal Navy, 1807 to 1814, including four years as a midshipman, then in the East India Company's maritime service until 1828 (midshipman on the Princess Charlotte of Wales, 1814/5; midshipman on the Windsor 1818/9; home from China as 5th mate of the Vansittart; 4th mate of the Vansittart, 1820/1; 3rd mate of the Vansittart, 1822/3; 2nd mate of the Kellie Castle, 1826/7). At his son's baptism in 1829, a mariner, of Mile End Old Town. At his daughters' baptisms in 1834 and 1837, a mariner, of Bethnal Green. Served on the East India Company steamer Queen, 1839 to 1841. (The Queen was built for the Bengal Government in 1839 and was taken over by the Bombay Marine in 1841.) At his daughter's birth in 1845, a master mariner, of 1 Park Place, Morning Lane, Hackney. Appointed by the Admiralty as (civilian) chief officer in the Coast Guard, 23 Nov 1846. At his daughters' baptisms on 28 Nov 1846, a mariner, of 1 Park Place, Hackney. At his children's baptisms in 1847 and 1848, a officer of the Coast Guard, of West Lulworth, Dorset. In 1851, a Coast Guard chief officer, living at the Coast Guard Station, West Lulworth, Dorset, with his wife Mary Ann and their children Eleanor, Louisa, Emily, Mary, Catherine, and Thomas. In 1857, a Coast Guard officer, on annual pay of £146. In 1861, a captain in the Royal Navy, lodging in a hotel at 20 Charles Street, Westminster, London; Mary Ann was living at 13 Charterhouse Street, London, with their daughters Eleanor, Mary, and Catherine and three lodgers. (The position of the lodgers is unclear. It's possible that the SERCOMBE family were also lodgers, rather than landlords.) In 1863, Mary Ann lived at 13 Charterhouse Street. At John's daughter Eleanor's marriage in 1868, he was (posth.) a captain in the East India Service. At his daughter Mary's marriage in 1870 (posth.), a lieutenant in the Royal Navy. At his daughter Catherine's marriage in 1871 (posth.), a captain in the Royal Navy. In 1871, Mary Ann was supported by friends, living at 35 Woodpecker Road, Deptford St. Paul's, London, with her daughter Catherine. In 1881, she was an annuitant, living at 2 Laburnum Place, Staplegrove, with her daughter Mary and Mary's daughter.
- Earnest John SERCOMBE, chr. 9 Oct 1829 at St. Dunstan, Stepney.
- Eleanor SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1831 at Hackney, Middlesex, chr. 4 Apr 1834 at St. Dunstan, Stepney, m. 29 Dec 1863 at
St. Bartholomew the Great, London, m. reg. Q4 1863 at West London R.D., William Were RODHAM (b. ca. 1834 at Wellington,
Somerset, son of William RODHAM, a solicitor, d. by 1881). In 1851, living with her parents. In 1861, living with her
mother. At her marriage in 1863, of 13 Charterhouse Street; William was a solicitor, of 4 Queen Square; the witnesses were
T. SERCOMBE (Eleanor's brother Thomas) and Mary SERCOMBE (either her mother or her sister). In 1871, living at 29 Faunce
Street, Newington, London, with her husband William (an attorney). In 1881, a governess, visiting the BROWN household at
Fromefield, Frome, Somerset.
- Louisa Elizabeth SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1833 at Commercial Road, Hackney, chr. 4 Apr 1834 at St. Dunstan, Stepney, m. reg.
Q3 1852 at Wareham R.D., William James SLAVIN (b. ca. 1818 at Brompton, Kent). In 1851, living with her parents. In 1861,
living at Salterns, near Lymington, Hampshire, with her husband William (in the coast guard service) and their children
Margaret, Edmund, and John. In 1871, living at Sluice, near Bexhill, Sussex, with her husband William (a coast guard chief
officer on the active list) and their children Edmund, John, Louisa, and Ernest.
- Margaret S. SLAVIN, b. ca. 1856 at Milbrook, Hampshire. In 1861, living with her parents.
- Edmund F. SLAVIN, b. ca. 1858 at Lymington. In 1861, living with his parents. In 1871, a scholar, living with his
- John M. SLAVIN, b. ca. Oct 1860 at Lymington. In 1861, living with his parents. In 1871, a scholar, living with his
- Louisa M.D. SLAVIN, b. ca. 1868 at Shoreham, Sussex. In 1871, living with her parents.
- Ernest G. SLAVIN, b. ca. Apr 1870 at Sluice. In 1871, living with his parents.
- Esther SERCOMBE, chr. 24 Nov 1837 at St. Dunstan, Stepney, d. reg. Q3 1842 at Bethnal Green R.D.
- Emily Ann SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1840 at Hackney, b. reg. Q1 1840 at Bethnal Green R.D., chr. 28 Nov 1846 at St. James the
Great, Hackney. In 1851, living with her parents.
- Mary Sophia SERCOMBE, b. 24 Jun 1845 at 1 Park Place, Morning Lane, Hackney, b. reg. Q3 1845 at Hackney R.D., chr. 28 Nov 1846 at St. James the Great, Hackney, m. 20 Aug 1870 at St. Paul, Deptford, Kent, after banns, m. reg. Q3 1870 at Greenwich R.D., William Henry ALLEN (d. by 1881). In 1861, living with her mother. In 1870, of Deptford; William was a railway clerk of Deptford; their
marriage was witnessed by Samuel NORMAN and by Mary's sister Catherine. In 1881, William was (posth.) a warehouse clerk;
Mary and her daughter were living with her mother.
Ancestor of researcher Frances Lister.
- Catherine Amelia SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1847 at West Lulworth, b. reg. Q2 1847 at Wareham R.D., chr. 18 Apr 1847 at West
Lulworth, m. 8 Oct 1871 at St. Paul, Deptford, after banns, m. reg. Q4 1871 at Greenwich R.D., Charles Joel KENT (b. ca.
1848 in the City of London). In 1851, living with her parents. In 1861, living with her mother. In Apr 1871, a millinery
saleswoman, living with her mother. In Oct 1871, of Deptford; Charles was a commercial traveller, of Manchester; their
marriage was witnessed by Sarah ANGEL and Catherine's brother-in-law William Were RODHAM. In 1881, visiting the CARVER
household at 262 Fulham Road, Kensington, London; Charles was a commission agent.
- Thomas Filmore SERCOMBE, b. 5 Aug 1848 at West Lulworth, b. reg. Q3 1848 at Wareham R.D., chr. 7 Aug 1848 at West
Lulworth. In 1851, living with his parents. On 16 Mar 1858, admitted to Christ's Hospital school in London from Calbourne,
Isle of Wight (presented by Charles Dashwood BRUCE). In 1861, a boarding pupil at Christ's Hospital. Discharged from
Christ's Hospital on 26 Aug 1863 by his mother. In 1895, a farmer, living in Rosario Tala department, Entre Ríos
province, Argentina.
- Isaac Henry SERCOMBE, chr. 27 May 1795 at St. Paul, Exeter, m1. by 1821 Sarah Corbett, m2. 17 Dec 1828 at St. Pancras, Middlesex, Elizabeth Grace NOTTLE (b. ca. 1793 at Totnes, Devon, d. reg. Q1 1864 at Camberwell R.D., bur. 16 Jan 1864 at South London Metropolitan Cemetery, now West Norwood Cemetery, Norwood, Surrey), d. reg. Q3 1870 at Hastings R.D., bur 5 Sep 1870 at South London Metropolitan Cemetery. At his son Frederick's baptism in 1821, a gentleman, of Kennington. At his daughter Ellen's baptism in 1827, an attorney, of 57 Bartholomew Close (recorded as if already married to Elizabeth). At his marriage in 1828, of St. Pancras (recorded as a bachelor); Elizabeth was also of St. Pancras (recorded as a spinster, but perhaps not?); the witnesses were Edward SERCOMBE (Isaac's brother) and Mary KAVANAGH. At his son Edward's baptism in 1829, an attorney, of St. James's Walk, Clerkenwell, London. At his son Benjamin's death in 1837, a clerk in the Stamp Office, of 28 Hampton Street, Newington, Surrey. At his son Isaac's baptism in 1838, an attorney, of London. In 1841, a clerk, living at Carter Street, Newington, with his wife Elizabeth, Sophia SIRCOMBE (b. ca. 1812 not in Surrey, perhaps a stepdaughter), his children Ellen and Isaac, and Sophia NOTTLE (b. ca. 1812 not in Surrey, perhaps the same person as Sophia SERCOMBE above). At his son Edward's marriage in 1850, a Somerset House clerk. In the Post Office directory for 1851, listed as a solicitor's clerk in the Stamp and Tax Branch of the Inland Revenue Office, Somerset House, the Strand, London. In 1851, employed in the Solicitor's Office of the Inland Revenue at Somerset House, living at 1 Addington Place, Camberwell, Surrey, with his wife Elizabeth, his sister Ann, his children Edward, Isaac, and Ellen, Edward's wife Anne, and a general servant. At his daughter Ellen's (adult) baptism in 1852, a gentleman, of Addington Place. In Apr 1861, a clerk in the Solicitor's Department of the Inland Revenue, Somerset House, living at 1 Addington Place, Camberwell, with his wife Elizabeth, sister Ann, children Edward and Ellen, Edward's son Henry, and a servant. In Sep 1861, of 1 Addington Place, Camberwell. At his son Edward's third marriage in 1862, a gentleman. At his wife Elizabeth's death in 1864, she was of Addington Place, Camberwell. In 1867, of 11 Vaughan Road, Coldharbour Lane, Camberwell. At his death in 1870, of Ellens House, Hastings.
- Frederick SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1819, chr. 17 Jan 1821 at St. Mary, Lambeth, Surrey, bur. 28 Jan 1821 (aged 1) at St. Mary,
Lambeth. At his death in 1821, of Kennington.
- Laura Ann SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1823, bur. 17 Feb 1829 at St. Bartholomew the Great, London. At her death in 1829, of St.
James's Walk, Clerkenwell.
- Edward William SERCOMBE, b. 24 Dec 1825 at at Clerkenwell Close, London, chr. 22 Feb 1829 at St. Bartholomew the Great, London, m1. 1 Aug 1850 at St. Mary, Paddington, m1. reg. Q3 1850 at Kensington R.D., Anna Maria PAICE (b. ca. 1827 at Walworth, daughter of Peter PAICE, a clerk, d. 16 Mar 1853 at 1 Addington Place, Camberwell, d. reg. Q1 1853 at Camberwell R.D., bur. 24 Mar 1853 at South London Metropolitan Cemetery), m2. 14 Sep 1854 at St. George, Camberwell, m2. reg. Q3 1854 at Camberwell R.D., Susanna OAKLEY (b. ca. 1833, daughter of Thomas OAKLEY, d. reg. Q4 1857 at Newington R.D., bur. 21 Oct 1857 at South London Metropolitan Cemetery), m3. 25 Sep 1862 at St. Giles, Camberwell, m3. reg. Q3 1862 at Camberwell R.D., his first cousin Elizabeth Mary Ann SERCOMBE, d. 26 Oct 1885, d. reg. Q4 1885 at London City R.D., bur. 29 Oct 1885 at South London Metropolitan Cemetery. (Where in 1841?) At his marriage in 1850, an office clerk, of St. Mary Newington; Anna Maria was of Paddington St. Mary; the witnesses were Richard ARMSTRONG and Eliza PAICE. In 1851, a general clerk in a life insurance office, living with his parents together with his wife Anne. At her death in 1853, his wife Anna Maria was of Addington Place, Camberwell. At his second marriage in 1854, a clerk in an assurance office, of Addington Place; Susanna was of Walworth Place, Walworth; the witnesses were Thomas OAKLEY and Mary OAKLEY (perhaps Susanna's parents) and I.H. SERCOMBE (Edward's father). At Susanna's death in 1857, she was of Grosvenor Park, Camberwell. In 1861, a clerk in an insurance office, living with his parents. At his third marriage in 1862, a gentleman, of Palmerston Villa, Brixton (but of his father's address, Addington Place, on his marriage certificate). In 1871, an accountant or clerk to the Provident Clerks Association, living at 15 Moorgate Street, London, with his son Henry, sister Ellen, and a general servant; his wife Elizabeth was living with her "parents" Thomas and Jane OAKLEY (presumably really the parents of Edward's second wife Susanna) at Blenheim Lodge, south of London Road, Northfleet, Kent. In 1881, a commercial clerk in an insurance office, living at 27 Moorgate Street, London, with his wife Elizabeth, son Henry, and a servant. In 1885, of 27 Moorgate Street. In 1891, Elizabeth was living on her own means, boarding with her sister Mary Emma SERCOMBE. In 1901, she was living on her own means in Hazeldene boarding house at 43 Cornwallis Gardens, Hastings, Sussex.
- Henry SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1857 at Camberwell, b. reg. Q1 1857 at Newington R.D., m. reg. Q2 1883 at Pancras R.D., Matilda
Eleanor MANNERS (b. ca. 1858 at Brighton, Sussex, m2. reg. Q3 1917 at Lewisham R.D., Henry C. RALPH), d. 18 Jun 1916 at
321 Brownhill Road, Catford, d. reg. Q2 1916 at Lewisham R.D. In 1861, living with his father. In 1871, a scholar, living
with his father. In 1881, a commercial clerk, living with his parents. In 1891, a bank cashier, living at 12 Malfort Road,
Camberwell, with his wife Matilda and their son Henry. In 1901, a bank official, living at 57 Wellmeadow Road, Lewisham,
with his wife Matilda, their son Henry, a visitor, and a general servant. In 1911, a bank official, living at 321
Brownhill Road, Catford, with his wife Eleanor, their son Henry, and a general servant.
- Henry Edward SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1884 at Lewisham, b. reg. Q1 1884 at Lewisham R.D., m. reg. Q4 1912 at Lewisham R.D., Marjorie PETTINGER (b. 27 Mar 1892, d. reg. Q1 1983 at Bromley R.D.), d. reg. Q3 1957 at Chichester R.D. In 1891, living with his parents. In 1901 and 1911, a bank clerk, living with his parents. At his son's death in 1941, of Farnborough Park, near Orpington, Kent.
- Joan M. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q1 1915 at Lewisham R.D., m. reg. Q4 1935 at Surrey Mid Eastern R.D., William A.C. YEATES.
- Denis A. or Anthony Davis SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q4 1921 at Croydon R.D., d. 31 Jan 1941, d. reg. Q1 1941 at Surrey South Western R.D., bur. at All Saints, Orpington. At his death in 1941, a leading airman, H.M.S. Daedalus, Royal Navy.
- Ellen SERCOMBE, b. 29 May 1827, chr. 8 Sep 1827 at St. Bartholomew the Great, London, prob. d. young.
- Isaac Henry SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1828 at Walworth, chr. 2 Sep 1838 at Little Hempston, Devon, d. reg. Q1 1852 at Camberwell R.D., bur. 13 Mar 1852 at South London Metropolitan Cemetery. In 1841, living with his parents. In 1851, a general clerk, living with his parents. At his death in 1852, of Addington Place, Camberwell.
- Benjamin SERCOMBE, b. ca. May 1832, d. 27 Nov 1837 at 28 Hampton Street, Newington, of water on the brain, d. reg. Q4
1837 at Newington R.D., bur. 2 Dec 1837 at St. Peter, Walworth. At his death in 1837, of Hampton Street.
- (perhaps) Elizabeth SERCOMBE, b. ca. Jan 1834, bur. 1 Apr 1835 at St. Peter, Walworth. At her death in 1835, of Merrow
- Ellen SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1837 at Walworth, chr. 30 Apr 1852 at St. Peter, Walworth. In 1841, living with her parents.
In 1851 and 1861, living with her parents. In 1871, living with her brother Edward. In 1881, an annuitant, boarding in the
GOUAN household at Fore Street, Newton Abbot St. Nicholas, Devon.
- Edward SERCOMBE, chr. 6 Jan 1797 at St. Paul, Exeter, m. 5 Sep 1831 at St. Mary Magdalen, Bermondsey, London,
Caroline GIFFARD (b. ca. 1813 at Dover, Kent, daughter of Henry GIFFARD, a captain in the Royal Navy, m2. 31 Aug 1851 at
St. Olave, Southwark, m2. reg. Q3 1851 at St. Olave Southwark R.D., William SMITH, son of William SMITH, a brewer), bur.
20 Jan 1837 at Pentonville, Middlesex. At their marriage in 1831, Edward and Caroline were both of Bermondsey; the
witnesses were Francis SHERLOCK, Betsy MARTIN, Emma SERCOMBE, and Mary GIFFARD. At his daughter's baptism in 1833, a
gentleman, of Waterloo Place, Clerkenwell, Middlesex. At his son's baptism in 1835, a clerk, of St. George's Terrace,
Camberwell, Surrey. At his death in 1837, of St. Mary, Islington. In 1851, Caroline was an annuitant, living at 314 Albany
Road, Camberwell, with her children Edmund, Alice, and Arthur. At Caroline's remarriage later in 1851, she was of Tooley
Street; her husband William was an attorney's clerk, also of Tooley Street; the witnesses were Edmund SERCOMBE (presumably
her son) and A.S. PALMER. At his daughter Alice's marriage in 1856 (posth.), a gentleman. At his son Edmund's marriage in
1857 (posth.), a gentleman (recorded as Edmund not Edward). In 1881, Caroline was living at 15 Ossory Road, Camberwell,
with her second husband (a solicitor's clerk), two of his children, and her grandson Edmund (son of her son Edmund).
- Emma Mary SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1832, chr. 17 May 1833 at St. Mark the Evangelist, Clerkenwell, Middlesex, d. reg. Q4 1845
at Newington R.D., bur. 30 Oct 1845 at St. Mary, Newington, Surrey, by the Rev. Francis GIFFARD (not the usual rector,
perhaps a relative of her mother). At her death in 1845, of Union Row.
- Edmund Baijer Giffard SERCOMBE, b. 28 Sep 1834 at Camberwell or Walworth, Surrey, chr. 15 Apr 1835 at St. George,
Camberwell, m. 15 Jun 1857 at St. Mary, Newington, m. reg. Q2 1857 at Newington R.D., Emma Maria JACKSON (b. ca. 1840 in
Surrey, daughter of George JACKSON, a solicitor, and sister of Edmund's sister Alice's husband Arthur Edward JACKSON).
In 1851, a cigar dealer out of employ, living with his mother. At his marriage in 1857, a mercantile clerk, of Beresford
Street; Emma was also of Beresford Street; the witnesses were William WILLIAMS
and Jane HAZELGROVE. At his daughter's baptism in 1859, a gentleman, of Beresford Street. In 1861, a customs
supernumerary, living with his wife Emma in her mother's household at 62 Beresford Street, St. Mary Newington, Surrey. At
his daughter's baptism in 1862, a commercial clerk, of Westmorland Place. In 1871, a custom house officer, living at 2
Westmoreland Place, St. Mary Newington, with his children Emma, Edmund, and Alice. (Where after 1871?) At his son's
marriage in 1894, a custom-house officer. At his daughter's marriage in 1905 (posth.), a customs officer (with his middle
names remembered incorrectly).
- Emma Louisa SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1859 at Walworth or Camberwell or Newington, Surrey, b. reg. Q3 1859 at Newington R.D., chr. 9 Oct 1859 at St. Giles, Camberwell, d. reg. Q1 1950 at Brighton R.D. (Where in 1861?) In 1871, a scholar, living with her father. In 1881, a school teacher, living in the household of her uncle William JACKSON, at 14 Trafalgar Square, Camberwell. In 1891, a governess, living in the household of her uncle Samuel W. JACKSON at 32 Keston Road, Camberwell. In 1901, a school mistress, living in the household of her double first cousin Samuel William JACKSON. In 1905, a witness at her sister Eliza's marriage. In 1911, a governess, living with her sister Eliza.
- Eliza Caroline "Elzie" SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1861 at Camberwell or Newington, b. reg. Q4 1861 at Newington R.D., chr. 16 Jul 1862 at St. Giles, Camberwell, m. 20 Apr 1905 at St. Luke, West Norwood, London, m. reg. Q2 1905 at Lambeth R.D., William Henry TRUSLOVE (b. ca. 1853 at Warrington, Lancashire, son of Joseph TRUSLOVE, a railway surveyor, wid. by 1905). In 1871, a scholar, living in the household of her uncle William D. JACKSON, at 14 Trafalgar Square, Peckham. In 1881, a school teacher, living with her sister Emma in the household of her uncle William JACKSON. (Where in 1891?) In 1901, a governess, living in the household of her uncle William JACKSON at 1 The Gardens, Camberwell. At her marriage in 1905, of Bloom Grove; William was a printer, also of Bloom Grove; the witnesses were Emma Louisa SERCOMBE (Eliza's sister) and Arthur E. JACKSON (her uncle and husband of her aunt). In 1911, living at 6 Bloom Grove, West Norwood, with her husband William (a printer and bookbinder), five of his children from a previous marriage, and her sister Emma.
- Edmund Arthur Henry SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1864 at Camberwell or Peckham, Surrey, b. reg. Q2 1864 at Camberwell R.D., m.
4 Mar 1894 at St. Mary Magdalen, Peckham, London, m. reg. Q1 1894 at Camberwell R.D., Elizabeth Rosanna ANDERSON (b. ca.
1868 at Woolwich, Surrey, b. reg. Q2 1868 at Greenwich R.D., daughter of John Francis ANDERSON, a lamp lighter, d. reg. Q2
1947 at Brighton R.D.), d. reg. Q3 1939 at Hove R.D. In 1871, a scholar, living with his father. In 1881, a clerk, living
in the household of his paternal grandmother at 15 Ossory Road, Camberwell. In 1891, a barman, visiting the CORDREY family
at 5 Upper Tulse Hill, Lambeth, London. At his marriage in 1894, a cellarman, of 4 Edith Road; Elizabeth was also of 4
Edith Road; the witnesses were John Francis ANDERSON and Sarah Ann ANDERSON In 1901, a domestic gardener, living at 75
Wells Road, Sydenham, London, with his wife Elizabeth and their children Edmund, Daisy, and Lilly. In 1911, a domestic
gardener, living at 50 Lansdowne Street, Hove, Sussex, with his wife Elizabeth and their children Edmund, Daisy, Lilian,
Violet, Gladys, and Isabel.
- Edmund John SERCOMBE, b. 10 Mar 1896 at Norwood, Surrey, b. reg. Q2 1896 at Lambeth R.D., m. reg. Q4 1940 at Brighton
R.D., Doris E. WALLER, d. reg. Q3 1981 at Haywards Heath R.D. In 1901, living with his parents. In 1911, an auctioneer's
clerk, living with his parents.
- Linda SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q3 1942 at Brighton R.D., m. reg. Q4 1969 at Worthing R.D., John M. TAYLOR.
- Anne SERCOMBE (twin with Mary), b. reg. Q1 1948 at Brighton R.D., m. reg. Q4 1969 at Worthing R.D., Christopher
- Lloyd BURTON, b. reg. Q1 1972 at Cambridge R.D.
- Grant BURTON, b. reg. Q3 1975 at Cambridge R.D.
- Aaron BURTON, b. reg. Q3 1976 at Bedford R.D.
- Mary SERCOMBE (twin with Anne), b. reg. Q1 1948 at Brighton R.D.
- Daisy Maud SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1898 at Croydon, b. reg. Q1 1898 at Croydon R.D. In 1901, living with her parents. In
1911, at school, living with her parents.
- Lilian Louisa "Lilly" SERCOMBE, b. ca. Aug 1900 at Norwood, b. reg. Q3 1900 at Lambeth R.D., m. reg. Q4 1923 at
Steyning R.D., Percy F.J. PORTER. In 1901, living with her parents. In 1911, at school, living with her parents.
- Joan M. PORTER, b. reg. Q2 1925 at Steyning R.D.
- Violet Kathleen SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1902 at Sydenham, London, b. reg. Q3 1902 at Lewisham R.D., m. reg. Q1 1926 at
Steyning R.D., Sydney DAWKINS. In 1911, living with her parents.
- Ronald N. DAWKINS, b. reg. Q1 1927 at Brighton R.D.
- Patricia A. DAWKINS, b. reg. Q3 1941 at Brighton R.D.
- Gladys Alicia SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1907 at Wandsworth, London, b. reg. Q4 1907 at Wandsworth R.D., m. reg. Q3 1932 at
Brighton R.D., Percival F. MASON. In 1911, living with her parents.
- John F. MASON, b. reg. Q3 1938 at Brighton R.D.
- Isabel May SERCOMBE, b. ca. Apr 1910 at Wandsworth, b. reg. Q2 1910 at Wandsworth R.D., m. reg. Q4 1932 at Steyning
R.D., William H.L. EDGAR. In 1911, living with her parents.
- Valerie A. EDGAR, b. reg. Q4 1934 at Brighton R.D.
- Janice A. EDGAR, b. reg. Q1 1939 at Brighton R.D.
- Joy M. EDGAR, b. reg. Q3 1941 at Tonbridge R.D.
- Another child, d. by 1911.
- Alice Maud SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1868 at Peckham or Walworth, b. reg. Q1 1868 at Camberwell R.D.
In 1871, a scholar, living with her father, partially blind
from fever. In 1881, a scholar, living in the household of her uncle Louis A. JACKSON at 3 Argyle Road, Wanstead, Essex.
In 1891, a lady help, living with her cousins the TRUSLOVE family, at 6 Bloom Grove, Lambeth St. Mary.
- Alice Lees Eliza SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1836 at Albany Road, Camberwell, m. 19 Nov 1856 at Holy Trinity, Newington, m. reg.
Q4 1856 at Newington R.D., Arthur Edward JACKSON (b. ca. 1835 at Old Kent Road, Camberwell, son of George JACKSON, a
solicitor, and brother of Alice's brother Edmund's future wife Emma Maria JACKSON). In 1851, a scholar, living with her
mother. At her marriage in 1856, of Windsor Terrace; Arthur was a clerk, also of Windsor Terrace; the witnesses were
Johnson Henry COE(?) and Mary BROWN. (Where in 1861?) In 1871, living at 10 Sanders Terrace, Blake Road, Camberwell, with
her husband Arthur (employed by the Superior London Parcel Delivery Company, Ltd.) and their sons Harry and Samuel. In
1881, living at 11 Vivian Road, Peckham, with her husband Arthur (an unemployed clerk) and their son Samuel. (Where in
1891?) In 1901, living with her son Samuel, together with her husband Arthur.
- Harry George Lees Giffard JACKSON, b. ca. 1859 at Camberwell, b. reg. Q2 1859 at Camberwell R.D. (Where in 1861?) In
1871, a scholar, living with his parents.
- Samuel William JACKSON, b. ca. 1861 at Camberwell, b. reg. Q3 1861 at Camberwell R.D. In 1871, a
scholar, living with his parents. In 1881, a mercantile clerk, living with his parents. (Where in 1891?) In 1901, an
assistant manager for the National Safe Deposit Company, living at 32 Keston Road, Camberwell, with his parents, a
boarder, and his double first cousin Emma Louisa SERCOMBE.
- Arthur SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1843 at Camberwell. In 1851, a scholar, living with his mother.
- Ann SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1799 at Exeter, chr. 19 May 1799 at St. Paul, Exeter, d. 16 Sep 1861 at the house of her brother Isaac, d. reg. Q3 1861 at Camberwell R.D., bur. 21 Sep 1861 at South London Metropolitan Cemetery. In 1851 and Apr 1861, living with her brother Isaac. At he death in Sep 1861, of Addington Place, Camberwell (her brother Isaac's house).
- William Goode SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1801 at Exeter, m. 2 Jul 1831 at St. Mary Magdalen, Bermondsey, Surrey, Emma GIFFARD
(b. ca. 1807 at Portsea, Hampshire, daughter of Captain H.S. GIFFARD of the Royal Navy, d. 30 Jul 1853 at Stamford Hill,
d. reg. Q3 1853 at Hackney R.D., bur. 4 Aug 1853 in Abney Park Cemetery, London), d. 24 Feb 1869, d. reg. Q1 1869 at
Hackney R.D., bur. with Emma in Abney Park Cemetery. At their marriage in 1831, William and Emma were both of Bermondsey;
the witnesses were Betsy MARTIN and Caroline GIFFORD. At his sons' baptisms in 1835, 1836, and 1838, a clerk in the Bank
of England, of Diddington Place, Pentonville, Middlesex. At his daughter's baptism in 1840, a gentleman, of Diddington
Place. In 1841, a clerk, living at Diddington Place, Islington, Middlesex, with his wife Emma, their children William,
Henry, and Elizabeth, and a servant. At his son's baptism in 1842, a gentleman, of Diddington Place. At his son's baptism
in 1843, a gentleman, of 2 Diddington Place. In 1846, of the
Out-tellers Office of the Bank of England. Granted administration of his mother's will on 4 Mar 1848. In 1851, a clerk in
the Bank of England, living at 16 Shacklewell Street, West Hackney, with his wife Emma and their children William,
Elizabeth, Horatio, and Emma. At his daughter's baptism in 1852, a clerk in the Bank of England, of Shacklewell Lane, West
Hackney. In Mar 1853, when he discharged his son from school, of Victoria Cottage, Victoria Grove,
Stoke Newington. In Sep 1853, when The Gentleman's Magazine reported Emma's death, of the Bank of England. At his
son's marriage in 1859, a clerk in the Bank of England. In 1861,
a clerk in the Bank of England, living at 6 Trafalgar Square, Peckham, Surrey, with his children William, Elizabeth,
Horatio, and Emma. At his daughter's marriage in 1862, a gentleman, of Trafalgar Square, Peckham. At his daughter's
marriage in 1878 (posth.), of the Bank of England.
- William Harry Giffard SERCOMB, b. 28 Apr 1834 at Islington, chr. 5 Apr 1835 at Pentonville, m. 27 Sep 1866 at St.
Giles, Camberwell, m. reg. Q3 1866 at Camberwell R.D., Ellen Mary CARTWRIGHT (b. ca. 1840 at Lambeth, daughter of John
CARTWRIGHT, a tailor, d. reg. Q2 1899 at Brighton R.D.), d. reg. Q1 1875 at Honiton R.D. In 1841, living with his parents.
In 1851, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1861, a clerk in the Bank of England, living with his father. At his
marriage in 1866, a clerk in the Bank of England, of Peckham Rye; Ellen was of Holly House, New Kent Road; the witnesses
were James and Mary Margaret McINTYER. In 1871, a clerk in the Bank of England, lodging at 2 Trinity Terrace, Ventnor,
Isle of Wight, with his wife Ellen. (The 1871 census gave "Holly Cottage Peckham" as the birthplace of both William and
Ellen. Perhaps this was actually their home address at the time?) In 1881, Ellen was visiting the CECIL/JELLICOE household
at The Villa, Dulverton, Somerset. In 1891, she was boarding in the WELLS household at 1 Oxford Villas, High Street,
Teddington, Middlesex.
- Walter Giffard SERCOMBE, b. 16 Jun 1836, chr. 20 Jul 1836 at Pentonville, d. reg. Q3 1839 at Islington R.D., bur.
8 Aug 1839 at Pentonville. At his death, of St. Mary, Islington.
- Henry Auton Giffard SERCOMBE, b. 5 Apr 1838 at Islington, chr. 2 May 1838 at Pentonville, m. 6 Jan 1859 at St. Mary
Magdalen, Bermondsey, m. reg. Q1 1859 at Bermondsey R.D., Mary Ann KING (b. ca. 1837 at Newington, Surrey, daughter of
Richard KING, an accountant). In 1841, living with his parents. Admitted to Christ's Hospital school in London on 17 Mar
1846 from All Saints, Islington (presented by Henry PORCHER). In 1851, a boarding scholar at Christ's Hospital, parish of
Christ Church Newgate Street, London. Discharged from Christ's Hospital on 5 Mar 1853 by his father. At his marriage in
1859, a mariner, of Bermondsey; Mary Ann was also of Bermondsey; the witnesses were John WISE and Benjamin PHILLIPS (who
also witnessed the marriage of his brother Horatio 11 years later). When his wife Mary Ann registered their daughter's
birth on 24 Mar 1860, a mariner; Mary Ann was of 7 Nile Terrace, Trafalgar Road, Peckham, in Camberwell civil parish,
Surrey. In 1861, Mary Ann was living with her parents at 10 Edwin Place, Park Road, Peckham, together with her daughter
Mary. At his daughter's marriage in 1884 (posth.), a steward.
- Mary Emma SERCOMBE, b. 30 Sep 1859 at 8 Alma Terrace, Mawbey Road, Peckham, b. reg. Q1 1860 at Camberwell R.D.,
m. 14 Jun 1884 at All Saints, Newington, Surrey, m. reg. Q2 1884 at St. Saviour Southwark R.D., George TREE (b. ca. 1857
at Southwark, son of George TREE, a basket maker). In 1861, living with her mother. In 1871, visiting the BREED family at
7 Samuel Place, Watcham Road, Peckham. At her son's birth in 1878, a domestic servant, of 4 Regent Square, St. Pancras,
London. In 1881, a housemaid in the HARTZ household at 38 Guildford Road, Lambeth, Surrey. At her marriage in 1884, of 6
Aylesbury Street, Newington; George was a basket maker, of 23 Hatcham Road, Camberwell; the witnesses were George TREE and
Elizabeth Louisa TREE. In 1891, living at 1 Jubilee Cottages, Chislehurst, Kent, with her husband George (a basket maker),
their children George, James, Ernest, and May, and her husband's stepbrother Stephen BREED (a basket maker's apprentice,
b. ca. 1873 at Camberwell).
- Walter Stanley SERCOMBE, b. 22 Jan 1878 at 4 Regent Square, St. Pancras, b. reg. Q1 1878 at Pancras R.D., d. reg.
Q3 1878 at Wandsworth R.D., bur. 24 Jul 1878 at St. Mary, Battersea, Surrey. At his death in 1878, of 5 Philip Street,
- George H. TREE, b. ca. 1884 at Chislehurst. In 1891, a scholar, living with his parents.
- James TREE, b. ca. 1886 at Chislehurst. In 1891, a scholar, living with his parents.
- Ernest J. TREE, b. ca. 1888 at Chislehurst. In 1891, living with his parents.
- May TREE, b. ca. Jun 1890 at Chislehurst. In 1891, living with her parents.
- Mary Elizabeth or Elizabeth Mary Ann SERCOMBE, b. 2 Oct 1840 at Islington, chr. 25 Nov 1840 at
Pentonville, m. 25 Sep 1862 at St. Giles, Camberwell, m. reg. Q3 1862 at Camberwell R.D., her first cousin
Edward William SERCOMBE, d. 31 Dec 1906 at 43 Cornwallis Gardens, Hastings, d. reg. Q1 1907 at
Hastings R.D. In 1841, living with her parents. In 1851, living with her parents. In 1861, living with her father. At her
marriage in 1862, of Trafalgar Square (Peckham); the witnesses were W. SERCOMBE (probably her father or brother) and Emma
SERCOMBE (her sister). In 1871, living with her "parents" Thomas and Jane OAKLEY (presumably really the parents of her
husband's previous wife) at Blenheim Lodge, south of London Road, Northfleet, Kent. In 1881, living with her husband and
son (q.v.). In 1891, living on her own means, boarding with her sister Mary Emma SERCOMBE. In 1901,
living on her own means in Hazeldene boarding house at 43 Cornwallis Gardens, Hastings, Sussex.
- Stanley Giffard SERCOMBE, b. 2 May 1842, chr. 22 May 1842 at Pentonville, Middlesex, d. reg. Q3 1842 at Islington
R.D., bur. 28 Jul 1842 at Pentonville. At his death in 1842, of St. Mary, Islington.
- Horatio Walter Giffard SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1843 at Islington or Battle Bridge or Caledonian Road or Clerkenwell, chr. 18 Aug 1843 at All Saints, Battle Bridge, Caledonian Road, Islington, Middlesex, m. 27 Mar 1870 at St. Mary Magdalen, Bermondsey, m. reg. Q1 1870 at St. Olave R.D., Ellen Mary A. ONGLEY (b. ca. 1849 at Camberwell or Lambeth, d. reg. Q1 1939 at Lewisham R.D.; daughter of Henry ONGLEY, a gentleman), d. 24 Nov 1915 from injuries in a motor accident, d. reg. Q4 1915 at Lambeth R.D., bur. 29 Nov 1915 at Lee Cemetery. In 1851, living with his parents. In 1861, living with his father. At his marriage in 1870, a clerk, of Bermondsey; Ellen was also of Bermondsey; the witnesses were Benjamin PHILLIPS and John WISE (who also witnessed the marriage of his brother Henry 11 years earlier). In 1871, a clerk at Glyn & Co. (a private bank in London, now part of the Royal Bank of Scotland), living at 5 Stone Street, Hastings, Sussex, with his wife Ellen and daughter Florence. In 1881, a clerk at Glyns, living at 4 Stanford Villas, Lewisham, Kent, with his wife Ellen, children Florence, Horace, and Willie, and a boarder. At his eldest daughter's baptism in 1886 (aged 15), a gentleman, of Thomford Road, Lewisham. In 1891, a clerk at Glyn Mills and Co., living at 15 Lanier Road, Lewisham, with his wife Ellen and their children Florence, Horatio, William, Dorothy, and Christopher. In Mar 1901, a bank clerk, living at 112 Burnt Ash Hill, Lee, London, with his wife Ellen and their children Florence, Horatio, William, Christopher, and Bernard. At his son's marriage in Aug 1901, a bank clerk. At his son's marriage in 1904, a clerk. On 25 Mar 1911, moved from 51 Baring Road, Lee, to 78 Burnt Ash Hill, Lee. In Apr 1911, a clerk to Messrs. Glyn & Co., bankers, living at 78 Burnt Ash Hill, Lee, with his wife Ellen and their children Flora and Bernard. At his death in 1915, of 78 Burnt Ash Hill, Lee.
- Florence (or Flora) Emma Elizabeth SERCOMBE, b. 6 Feb 1871 at Bermondsey, b. reg. Q1 1871 at St. Olave R.D., chr.
24 Dec 1886 at Lewisham, Kent, d. 21 Jan 1967, d. reg. Q1 1967 at Kingston upon Thames R.D. In 1871, 1881, and 1891,
living with her parents. In 1901, a school teacher, living with her parents. In 1911, living with her parents.
- Horatio Walter Edward "Horace" SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1874 at Lewisham, b. reg. Q4 1874 at Lewisham R.D., m. 26 Aug 1901 at St. John, Clifton, Bristol, m. reg. Q3 1901 at Bristol R.D., Louisa Caroline HANSON (b. ca. 1870 at Newton Purcell, Buckinghamshire, d. reg. Q4 1951 at Bath R.D.; daughter of John William HANSON, a clerk in holy orders), d. reg. Q1 1940 at Surrey Mid Eastern R.D., bur. 12 Jan 1940 at All Saints, Sanderstead, Surrey. In 1881, living with his parents. In 1891, a clerk at Credit Lyonnais, living with his parents. In Mar 1901, a commercial clerk, living with his parents. At his marriage in Aug 1901, a bank clerk, of St. Mildred Burnt Ash Hill, Lee, Kent; Louisa was a hospital nurse, of Throwleigh, St. Johns Road, Clifton; the witnesses were Gertrude A. HANSON and Elanington(?) HANSON. In 1911, a bank clerk, living at 23 Kelsey Park Road, Beckenham, Kent, with his wife Louisa, their children Richard and Ivor, and a general servant. At his death in 1940, of 24 Heathhurst Road, Sanderstead.
- Richard SERCOMBE, b. 25 Jun 1902 at Forest Hill, Kent, b. reg. Q3 1902 at Lewisham R.D., d. reg. Q1 1981 at Salisbury R.D. In 1911, living with his parents.
- Ivor Horace SERCOMBE, b. 27 Sep 1908 at Bromley, Kent, b. reg. Q4 1908 at Bromley R.D., m. reg. Q2 1937 at Chelmsford R.D., Phyllis Irene SIMMONS (b. 8 Apr 1913, d. reg. Jan 1995 at Exeter R.D.), d. reg. Oct 1995 at Exeter R.D. In 1911, living with his parents.
- Jennifer D. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1943 at Wells R.D., m. reg. Q2 1969 at Devizes R.D., Richard P. CANDY.
- Matthew James CANDY, b. reg. Q2 1976 at Bath R.D.
- Lucinda Alice CANDY, b. reg. Q3 1978 at Bath R.D.
- William Frank "Willie" SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1878 at Lewisham or Ladywell, Kent, b. reg. Q2 1878 at Lewisham R.D., m. 27
Aug 1904 at St. Catherine, Hatcham, London, m. reg. Q3 1904 at Greenwich R.D., Blanche Ethel Eugene HUXSTEP (b. ca. 1879
at Shooters Hill, Kent, daughter of Joseph HUXSTEP, a publican, d. reg. Q1 1950 at Surrey Mid Eastern R.D.), d. reg.
Q1 1958 at Surrey Mid Eastern R.D. In 1881 and 1891, living with his parents. In 1901, a bank clerk, living with his
parents. At his marriage in 1904, a clerk, of 16 Waller Road; Blanche was of 28 Erlanger Road; the witnesses were James
R. DONALDSON and Clare E. BEAMES (perhaps a relative of his sister Ellen's future husband?). In 1911, a clerk to a private
firm of insurance brokers, living at 40 Overcliff Road, Lewisham, with his wife Blanche and their daughter Ellen.
- Ellen Blanche May SERCOMBE, b. 25 Sep 1907 at New Cross, Surrey, b. reg. Q4 1907 at Greenwich R.D., m. reg. Q1 1929
at West Ham R.D., Harold A. SPRUZEN, d. reg. Sep 1990 at Ampthill R.D. In 1911, living with her parents.
Ancestor of researchers Dorothy Hassan and Jihan Iribarren.
- David J. SPRUZEN, b. reg. Q2 1933 at Uxbridge R.D.
- Dorothy A. SPRUZEN, b. reg. Q1 1943 at Uxbridge R.D.
- Dorothy Phyllis Patience SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q3 1913 at Lewisham R.D., m1. reg. Q2 1932 at Brentford R.D., Robert C. DURRANT, m2. reg. Q2 1953 at Epping R.D., Edward R. GLASSCOCK.
- John E.G. GLASSCOCK, b. reg. Q4 1955 at Epping R.D.
- Ellen Dora (or Dorothy) "Doll" SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1883 at Lewisham or Ladywell, b. reg. Q3 1883 at Lewisham R.D., m.
reg. Q2 1905 at Brighton R.D., Frank Gayner BEAMES. In 1891, living with her parents. In 1901, a boarder at Knightsville
College, 80 Lewisham High Road, Deptford.
- Annie Dorothy G. "Nan" BEAMES, b. reg. Q4 1906 at Brighton R.D., m. reg. Q4 1946 at Surrey Mid Eastern R.D., Arne J.C.
OLSEN. At her aunt Florence's death in 1967, of Hafnia, Coombe Park, Kingston Hill, Surrey.
- Christopher Herbert SERCOMBE, b. 1884 at Lewisham or Ladywell, b. reg. Q4 1884 at Lewisham R.D., m1. reg. Q1 1907 at
Islington R.D., Ellen BUCKLEY (b. ca. 1885 at New Cross, London, m2. reg. Q2 1914 at Fulham R.D., Hugh A.B. SALMOND), div.
1913 (co-respondent Hugh Austin Peutivich SALMOND, presumably Ellen's future second husband), m2. 12 Nov 1915, m2. reg.
Q4 1915 at Lewisham R.D., Grace Evelyn JOYCE (b. 7 Mar 1885, d. reg. Q4 1975 at New Forest R.D.; third daughter of S.C.
JOYCE of Burnt Ash Hill, Lee). In 1891, living with his parents. In 1901, a commercial clerk, living with his parents. In
1911, an insurance clerk, living at 28 Elgin Road, Addiscombe, Croydon, Surrey, with his wife Ellen and a family of
boarders. At his second marriage in 1915, a 2nd lieutenant in the Royal Field Artillery. At his daughter's birth in 1919,
a captain in the Royal Field Artillery.
- A child, d. by 1911.
- Joyce SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1917 at Lewisham R.D., m. reg. Q2 1937 at Holderness R.D., Charles R. BROWN.
- Christopher C. BROWN, b. reg. Q1 1938 at Hull R.D.
- Peter R. BROWN, b. reg. Q3 1940 at Holderness R.D.
- Mary G. SERCOMBE, b. 23 Apr 1919 at 5 Gatefield Mansions, Lewisham, b. reg. Q2 1919 at Lewisham R.D., m. reg. Q4 1939 at Holderness R.D., Peter L. LINDRED.
- Martyn G. LINDREA, b. reg. Q2 1941 at Holderness R.D.
- Christopher Bernard SERCOMBE, b. 14 Oct 1924 at 427 Beverley Road, Hull, b. reg. Q4 1924
at Sculcoates R.D., m. Gwendolyn (b. ca. 1925). In 1958, sailed from Liverpool to Montreal, Canada, with his wife
Gwendolyn and their children Joy and Peter. Researcher Bernard Sercombe.
- Joy SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1949. In 1958, sailed from Liverpool to Montreal with her parents.
- Peter SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1953. In 1958, sailed from Liverpool to Montreal with his parents.
- Bernard Giffard SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1892 at Hither Green, Kent, b. reg. Q1 1892 at Lewisham R.D., k. 21 May 1916 at Vimy.
In 1901 and 1911, living with his parents. At his death in 1916, a corporal in the London Regiment. Listed on a World War
I military memorial at Arras, France.
- Mary Emma or Emma Mary SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1848 at Islington, chr. 11 Apr 1852 at West Hackney,
Middlesex, m. 15 Sep 1878 at St. Stephen Coleman
Street, London, m. reg. Q3 1878 at London City R.D., William Henry CROWLEY (b. ca. 1844 in London, son of William CROWLEY,
a builder, d. by 1891). In 1851, living with her parents. In 1861, living with her father. In 1871, an assistant teacher
at a small private school for girls, 13 Belsize House, Aberystwith, Cardiganshire. At her marriage in 1878, of 27 Moorgate
Street; William was a gentleman, also of 27 Moorgate Street; the witnesses were H. SERCOMBE (probably Mary's brother
Horatio), E. SERCOMBE (probably her sister Elizabeth), Henry SERCOMBE (probably her brother), E.W. SERCOMBE (probably her
cousin and brother-in-law Edward William), and John POWELL.In 1881, living at 179 Romford Road, West Ham, Essex, with her
husband William (an auctioneer), their son Harry, and a general servant. In 1891, living on her own means at 179 Romford
Road, West Ham, with her children Harry, Ida, and Mildred, a general servant, and her boarding sister
Elizabeth Mary SERCOMBE. In 1901, a music and dancing teacher, living at 10 Elm Road, West Ham, with
her children Harry, Ida, and Mildred.
- Harry CROWLEY, b. ca. 1880 at Stratford, Essex. In 1881, living with his parents. In 1891, a scholar, living with his
mother. In 1901, a shipping clerk, living with his mother.
- Ida B. CROWLEY, b. ca. 1881 at Stratford. In 1891, a scholar, living with her mother. In 1901, an assistant
dressmaker, living with her mother.
- Mildred CROWLEY, b. ca. 1884 at Stratford. In 1891, a scholar, living with her mother. In 1901, a school teacher,
living with her mother.
- Bayer Otto SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1802, m. 21 Mar 1829 at St. George, Camberwell, Surrey, by license, Eliza GIFFARD (a minor in 1829, d. 21 Oct 1871 at North Adelaide, South Australia; daughter of Mary Ann GIFFARD), d. reg. Q4 1847 at Newington R.D., bur. 21 Dec 1847 at St. Mary, Newington, Surrey. At their marriage in 1829, Baijer and Eliza were both of Camberwell; the witnesses were William SERCOMBE (Baijer's brother) and Emma GIFFARD (William's future wife and perhaps Eliza's sister). At his son's baptism in 1839, a merchant clerk, of Tile Kiln Yard. At his death in 1847, of New Street, Kennington. In 1851 (posth.),
of the Bank of England. At her death in 1871, Eliza was of North Adelaide.
- Mary Giffard SERCOMBE, b. 28 May 1831 at Manchester, Lancashire, chr. 17 Jun 1831 at the Cathedral, Manchester, m. 12 Oct 1850 at St. John's church, Adelaide, Charles John BARRY (b. 28 Mar 1825 at Stoke Newington, Middlesex, chr. 23 Apr 1828 at Stoke Newington, d. 18 Nov 1896 at North Adelaide, bur. 19 Nov 1896 at North Road Cemetery, Enfield, Adelaide), d. 6 Mar 1881 at Adelaide, bur. at North Road Cemetery. In 1850, Charles was of Glenelg, South Australia; latterly he was of Melbourne, Australia. Grandmother of Frederick John Sercombe BARRY (b. 27 Jan 1881 at Findon, South Australia, d. 14 March 1881) and Constance Daisy Sercombe BARRY (b. 7 Jan 1893 at Glenelg, chr. at North
- Henry Lipincott Gifford SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q3 1839 at Shoreditch R.D., chr. 14 Jul 1839 at St. Mary, Haggerston, Middlesex, d. reg. Q3 1839 at Shoreditch R.D.
- Probably at least one other daughter, d. by 1851.
- Ellen Otto SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1805, d. 18 Mar 1824 "after a lingering illness" at Chesham, Buckinghamshire, bur. 30 Mar 1824 at Chesham.
- Mary Ann SERCOMBE, chr. 26 Jun 1772 at St. Paul, Exeter, bur. 7 Jul 1773 at St. Thomas.
- Isaac SERCOMBE, chr. 28 Oct 1775 at St. Paul, Exeter, bur. 24 Oct 1779 at St. Thomas.
- William CIRCUMBE, chr. 11 Aug 1728 at St. Sidwell, Exeter.
- Jacob SUTHCOME or SERCOM, chr. 19 Nov 1665 at Holy Trinity, Exeter, bur. 20 Jan 1689/90 at Holy Trinity, Exeter.
- Abraham SOUTHCOM or SIRCOMBE, chr. 24 Mar 1667/8 at Holy Trinity, Exeter, m. 3 Sep 1696 at Holy Trinity, Exeter, Honnor
SIMMINGS, bur. 31 May 1722 at Holy Trinity, Exeter. Apprenticed to William YEO, cordwainer. In 1691, a cordwainer. Admitted
freeman of Exeter 14 Sep 1691.
- Rebekah SURCUM, chr. 28 Aug 1670 at Holy Trinity, Exeter.
- Grace SERCOMB, chr. 18 Aug 1672 at Holy Trinity, Exeter, m. 27 Jan 1693 at St. Sidwell, Exeter, Thomas JOHNSON.
- Hester or Esther SERCOMB, chr. 22 Mar 1673/4 at Holy Trinity, Exeter, m. 14 Jul 1706 at St. George, Exeter, Edward PENNY.
- (probably) Henary SARCOM, b. est. 1655, m. 5 Sep 1680 at St. Mary Steps, Exeter, Christan BANFILL. In 1681, of
Exeter All Hallows.
- Welthen SARCOM, chr. 17 Jun 1681 at St. Mary Steps, Exeter.
- Subbinah SARCOM, chr. 15 Oct 1683 at St. Mary Steps, Exeter.
- Ezekiel SARCOM, chr. 10 May 1685 at St. Mary Steps, Exeter.
- Kathrine SIRCOM, chr. 29 May 1713 at St. Edmund, Exeter, prob. d. by 1716.
- Susanna SIRCOM, chr. 29 May 1713 at St. Edmund, Exeter.
- John SIRCOM, chr. 29 May 1714 at St. Edmund, Exeter.
- Kathrine SIRCOM, chr. 4 May 1716 at St. Edmund, Exeter.
- Christion SIRCOM, chr. 10 Jan 1717 at St. Edmund, Exeter.
- Joseph SIRCOM, chr. 25 Dec 1720 at St. Edmund, Exeter, d. 27 Mar 1723.
- Mary SIRCOM, chr. 25 Dec 1720 at St. Edmund, Exeter, prob. d. by 1723.
- Mary SIRCOM, chr. 13 Oct 1723 at St. Edmund, Exeter.
- Hester or Esther SERCOMBE, chr. 28 Dec 1724 at St. Edmund, Exeter, m. 12 Feb 1752 at St. Petrock, Exeter, Edward
EWINGS. In 1752, Esther was of Exeter All Hallows on the Walls, and Edward was of Newton St. Cyres, Devon.
- William SIRCUM, chr. 26 Apr 1727 at St. Edmund, Exeter.
- (probably) Susana SARCOM, b. est. 1656, m. 16 Oct 1681 at St. Mary Steps, Exeter, John PENNEY.
Mary SURCOMBE, b. est. 1617, m. 30 Sep 1642 at St. Paul, Exeter, Devon, George HILL.
Joan SOUTHCOMB, b. est. 1618, m. 13 Nov 1643 at Crediton, Devon, John FAME.
John SHIRKOM, b. est. 1625, m. 8 Apr 1650 at Rockbeare, Devon, Jane.
- John SHIRCOMB, chr. 7 Aug 1650 at Rockbeare.
Haniball SERKOM, b. est. 1628, m. 8 May 1653 at Bratton Clovelly, Devon, Martha CORNDON (chr. 4 Mar 1631/2 at Bratton Clovelly, daughter of Henry CORNDON).
John SHERCOMBE, b. est. 1629.
- William SHERCOMBE, b. 6 Oct 1655 at Whimple, Devon.
Richard SHERCOMBE, b. est. 1630, m1. Mary (bur. 18 Jan 1661/2 at Whimple, Devon), m2. 18 Aug 1662 at Whimple, Bridget WHIDNEY (bur. 26 Jul 1702 at Whimple), m3. 31 Oct 1703 at Whimple, Mary TUCKET (bur. 13 Jun 1729 at Whimple), bur. 2 Dec 1716 at Whimple.
- Susanna SHERCOMBE, b. 20 Jan 1656/7, chr. 1 Feb 1656/7 at Whimple, bur. 18 Oct 1659 at Whimple.
- Bridget SHIRCUMBE (twin with Joanna), chr. 10 Jun 1663 at Whimple, bur. 18 Jun 1663 at Whimple.
- Joanna SHIRCUMBE (twin with Bridget), chr. 21 Jun 1663 at Whimple, m. 20 Nov 1691 at Whimple, William MICHELL.
- Grace SHERCOMBE, chr. 14 May 1665 at Whimple, m. 11 Nov 1692 at Whimple, Roger PARET.
- Anne SHERCOMBE, chr. 3 Jul 1668 at Whimple, bur. 8 Jun 1670 at Whimple.
- Richard SHERCOMBE, chr. 18 Jan 1671 at Whimple, bur. 7 Oct 1676 at Whimple.
Christopher CIRCOME, b. est. 1631.
- Christopher SOUTHCOMB or SURCOMBE, chr. 4 Nov 1657 at Staverton, Devon, m1. Elizabeth (bur. 23 May 1689 at
Shillingford St. George, Devon), m2. 22 Jan 1692 at Shillingford St. George, Thomasin HAINE (bur. 20 Jun 1723 at
Shillingford St. George), bur. 19 Jan 1730 at Shillingford St. George.
- Mary SURCOMBE, chr. 11 Jul 1682 at Shillingford St. George.
- Christopher SOUTHCOME, chr. 6 Jan 1684 at Shillingford St. George, bur. 15 Jan 1684 at Shillingford St. George.
- Elizabeth SOUTHCOME, chr. 6 Jan 1685 at Shillingford St. George.
- Christopher SOUTHCOME, chr. 24 May 1688 at Shillingford St. George, bur. 3 May 1722 at Shillingford St. George.
- William CIRCUM, chr. 21 May 1661 at Staverton.
Margery SHEARCUMBE, b. est. 1631, m. 28 Jul 1656 at Whimple, Devon, John PRINGE.
Edward SERCOMB or SOUTHCOMBE, b. est. 1633, m1. 14 Apr 1658 at Alphington, Devon, Thomasin RICHARDS (bur. 13 Nov 1669 at
Alphington), m2. 19 Feb 1671/2 at Alphington, Joan ADAMS (bur. 10 Sep 1684 at Alphington), bur. 21 Nov 1684 at Alphington.
Edward and his wife were assessed at Alphington for the 1660 poll tax.
- Grace SUTHCOMBE, b. 18 Jun 1659 at Alphington.
- John SUTHCOM, b. 24 Jan 1661/2 at Alphington.
Mary SHERCOMBE, b. est. 1633, m. 29 Sep 1658 at Whimple, Devon, John PARET.
Christopher SURCOMBE, John SURCOMBE, Mary SURCOMBE, and William SURCOMBE, all of Doddiscombsleigh, Devon, contributed 2d.
each in 1678 to the rebuilding of St. Paul's Cathedral following the Great Fire of London.
Robert SERCOMBE, b. est. 1638, m. 20 Mar 1663 at St. David, Exeter, Devon, Elizabeth BAYLIGH.
Grace SHERCOMBE, b. est. 1641, m. 17 Sep 1666 at Throwleigh, Devon, Thomas BEARE.
Anne SERCUM, b. est. 1642, m. 15 Jan 1666/7 at Hennock, Devon, John PINSENT.
William SURCOMBE, b. est. 1642, m. Margarett.
- Sarah SHERCOMB, chr. 2 Nov 1668 at Bridford, bur. 30 Nov 1671 at Bridford.
- Joan SHERCOMB, chr. 19 May 1672 at Bridford, bur. 3 Jul 1672 at Bridford.
- Thomas SHERCOMB, chr. 2 Oct 1673 at Bridford.
- William SHERCOMB, chr. 13 Feb 1677/8 at Bridford, bur. 27 Dec 1679 at Bridford.
- Elizabeth SIRCOMBE, chr. 2 Oct 1681 at Bridford, m. 6 Aug 1706 at Bridford, Nathaniel ADAMS.
- William SERCOMB, chr. 16 Nov 1684 at Bridford, m. 28 May 1718 at Bridford, Jane POTTER.
Cecilia CIRCUM, b. est. 1646, m. 21 Nov 1671 at South Tawton, Devon, Thomas BUFFET.
Elias SIRCOMBE, b. est. 1648, m. 15 Apr 1673 at Bovey Tracey, Devon, Susanna AUSTING (bur. 13 May 1691 at Bovey Tracey).
- John SURCOME, chr. 21 Sep 1673 at Bovey Tracey.
- Elizabeth SURCOME, chr. 10 Aug 1677 at Bovey Tracey, bur. 9 Sep 1695 at Bovey Tracey.
James SURCOMBE or SOUTHCOMBE, b. est. 1648, m. 2 Feb 1673 at St. Peter Cathedral, Exeter, Devon, Mary DYMOND (bur. 8 Feb
1686/7 from the parish of Exeter Allhallows Goldsmith Street, in the churchyard in Southernhay, Exeter).
Joseph SIRCOMBE, b. est. 1650, m. 17 Nov 1675 at Bovey Tracey, Devon, Joane DAD.
- Joseph SIRCOMBE, chr. 9 Aug 1677 at Bovey Tracey.
- Deborah SIRCOMBE, chr. 17 Feb 1706/7 at Bovey Tracey.
- Mary SURCOME, chr. 21 Apr 1679 at Bovey Tracey, bur. there 16 Feb 1680/1.
- Philip or Phillipa SURCOME, chr. 21 Apr 1679 at Bovey Tracey, bur. there 6 Mar 1680/1.
- William SIRCOMBE, chr. 26 Dec 1681 at Bovey Tracey, bur. there 6 May 1684.
- Thomas SIRCOMBE, chr. 28 Dec 1683 at Bovey Tracey.
- John SURCOMBE, chr. 27 Dec 1709 at Bovey Tracey.
Joan SHERKIM, b. est. 1651, m. 1 Mar 1676 at Uplowman, Devon, Phillip NUTON.
Philipe CURCOUMB, b. est. 1653, m. 10 Oct 1678 at Ashburton, Devon, Agnes FOALE.
Catherine SIRCOMBE, b. est. 1654, m. 26 May 1679 at Roborough by Torrington, Devon, John TOMSON.
Mary SERCUM, b. est. 1656, m. 7 Nov 1681 at Chardstock St. Andrew, Devon, John LINDY.
Margaret SURCOMBE, b. est. 1657, m. 5 Jun 1682 at Petrockstowe, Devon, Henry PILLEVEN.
Mary SHERCUMBE, b. est. 1657, m. 20 Jul 1682 at Whimple, Devon, Edmond SHEPHERD.
Thomas SIRCOMBE, b. est. 1657, m. 2 Jul 1682 at St. Andrew, Plymouth, Devon, Ann SPICER.
- Cheston SIRCOMBE (female), chr. 23 Jul 1682 at St. Andrew, Plymouth.
- John SIRCOMBE, chr. 21 Jun 1685 at St. Andrew, Plymouth.
John SERCOMBE or SOUTHCOMBE, b. est. 1657, m. 21 Nov 1682 at Petrockstowe, Devon, Anne PRYDAM (bur. 1 Jul 1736 at
Petrockstowe), bur. 17 Jul 1718 at Petrockstowe. In 1697 and 1700, a workman.
- Arthur SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 8 Jan 1683 at Petrockstowe.
- John SURCOMBE, chr. 23 Dec 1684 at Petrockstowe.
- Christopher SURCOMBE, chr. 2 Feb 1687 at Sheepwash, Devon, bur. 16 Apr 1699 at Petrockstowe.
- Rebeccah SERCOMBE, chr. 29 Mar 1691 at Highampton, Devon, bur. 10 May 1692 at Petrockstowe.
- Thomas SURCOMBE, chr. 27 Jan 1694 at Petrockstowe.
- Ann SURCOMBE, chr. 6 Oct 1697 at Petrockstowe, bur. 2 Feb 1724 at Petrockstowe.
- Samuel SURCOMBE, chr. 20 May 1700 at Petrockstowe, bur. 21 Jun 1736 at Petrockstowe.
Christopher SIRCOM, b. est. 1661, m. 13 Jan 1686 at Holne, Devon, Elizabeth THORN (of Ashburton).
Edward SOUTHCOMBE, b. est. 1664.
- Francis SOUTHCOMBE, b. 4 Sep 1690, chr. 21 Sep 1690 at Bow Meeting Presbyterian chapel, Exeter, Devon.
- Christopher SOUTHCOMBE, b. 6 Jan 1691, chr. 17 Jan 1691 at Bow Meeting Presbyterian.
John SOUTHCOMBE, b. est. 1665, m1. 31 Oct 1690 at All Hallows Goldsmith Street, Exeter, Devon, Salome or Sollomy (bur.
6 Jan 1729/0 at Chudleigh, Devon), bur. 21 Feb 1719/0 at Chudleigh. At their marriage in 1690, John and Sollomy were both
of Chudleigh. On 9 Nov 1723, Solomy SOUTHCOMBE of Chudleigh swore an oath of loyalty to King George I at Chudleigh.
- Salome SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 4 Jul 1693 at Chudleigh, bur. 7 May 1696 at Chudleigh.
- Anne SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 26 Nov 1695 at Chudleigh.
- John SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 13 Feb 1697/8 at Chudleigh, bur. 21 or 24 Dec 1699 at Chudleigh.
- William SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 23 Sep 1700 at Chudleigh, m. 9 May 1723 at Chudleigh, Ann SHILSTON, bur. 16 Mar 1724/5 at
Chudleigh. On 9 Nov 1723,
William SOUTHCOMBE of Chudleigh swore an oath of loyalty to King George I at Chudleigh.
- John SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 24 Jun 1724 at Chudleigh, bur. 10 Aug 1726 at Chudleigh.
- John SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 28 Dec 1702 at Chudleigh, bur. 22 Oct 1716 at Chudleigh.
- Mary SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 13 or 18 Aug 1705 at Chudleigh, bur. 23 Aug 1705 at Chudleigh.
- Salome SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 21 Feb 1706/7 at Chudleigh, bur. 16 Apr 1707 at Chudleigh.
- Isaac SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 25 Dec 1708 at Chudleigh, bur. 11 Jun 1710 at Chudleigh.
Robert SERCOMBE, b. est. 1667, m. 17 Jul 1692 at Holy Trinity, Exeter, Devon, Rebeka HOSKINGS (bur. 20 Aug 1732 at Holy
Trinity, Exeter), bur. 13 Apr 1719 at Holy Trinity, Exeter. In 1705, a comber (i.e., woolcomber).
- William SURCOM, chr. 27 Jul 1692 at Holy Trinity, Exeter.
- Robert SERCOM, bur. 22 Apr 1705 at Holy Trinity, Exeter.
Mary SURCOMBE, b. est. 1669, m. 19 Sep 1694 at Ide, Devon, Daniel ZUGGE.
Elenor SARCOM, b. est. 1672, m. 13 Feb 1697 at Bideford, Devon, Anthony FARLE.
Grace SOUTHCOMBE, b. est. 1674, m. 27 Jun 1699 at Crediton, Devon, William SHORTT.
Edward SERCOMBE, b. est. 1675.
- Mary SERCOMBE, chr. 1 Aug 1701 at St. Mary Major, Exeter, Devon.
Samuel SHERCOM, b. est. 1677, m. Mary.
- Sammeull SHERCOM, chr. 9 May 1703 at Churston Ferrers, Devon.
- Mary SHARECOME, chr. 10 Jul 1705 at Churston Ferrers.
Phillipa CIRCOMBE or SOUTHCOMBE, b. est. 1677, m. 12 Nov 1702 at St. Mary Major or St. Peter Cathedral, Exeter, Devon,
George BLATCHFORD. Phillipa and George were both of Exeter in 1702. George was given the honorific "Mr." in the
marriage register.
Ann SHERCOMB, b. est. 1683, m. 11 Aug 1708 at Moretonhampstead, Devon, James HOW.
Thomas SIRCOM or SOUTHCOMB, b. est. 1684, m. 29 May 1709 at St. Edmund, Exeter, Devon, Margaret HARISH.
- Thomas SIRCOM, chr. 29 Dec 1709 at St. Edmund, Exeter.
- Margaret SIRCUM, chr. 18 Jan 1713 at St. Edmund, Exeter.
- George SIRCOM, chr. 18 Jan 1715 at St. Edmund, Exeter, prob. d. by 1723.
- Christian SIRCOM, chr. 8 Nov 1721 at St. Edmund, Exeter.
- George SOUTHCOMB, chr. 17 Sep 1723 at St. Mary Major, Exeter, d. 10 Nov 1723.
Hannah CIRCOMBE, b. est. 1686, m. 18 Jun 1711 at Hennock, Devon, William FRANCES.
Mary SURCOMBE, b. est. 1686, m. 20 May 1711 at Exminster, Devon, Edward HARRISS.
Edward SOUTHCOMB, b. est. 1690, m. 5 Oct 1715 at St. Mary Major, Exeter, Devon, Elizabeth TERRY.
- Sarah SOUTHCOMB, chr. 27 Jan 1719 at Bow or Mint Meeting Presbyterian chapel, Exeter.
- Solomon SOUTHCOMB, chr. 15 Nov 1720 at Bow or Mint Meeting Presbyterian.
- Elizabeth SOUTHCOMB, chr. 30 Sep 1724 at Bow or Mint Meeting Presbyterian.
Mary SERCOMBE, b. est. 1690, m. 29 Mar 1715 at St. Stephen, Exeter, Devon, Robert FORD. In 1715, Mary was of
Monkokehampton, Devon.
Mary SURCOMBE, b. est. 1691, m. 13 Nov 1716 at Bovey Tracey, Devon, John CHRISTOPHER.
Willam SERCOM, b. est. 1695.
- John SARCUME, chr. 16 Jul 1722 at St. Sidwell, Exeter, Devon.
- William SERCOM, chr. 20 Aug 1722 at St. Sidwell, Exeter.
- Richard SARCUM, chr. 6 May 1725 at St. Sidwell, Exeter.
- Priscilla CIRCUMBE, chr. 18 Jul 1729 at St. Sidwell, Exeter, d. 17 Oct 1731.
Mary SERCOMBE, b. est. 1695, m. 18 Apr 1720 at Chudleigh, Devon, John CODNER.
William SURCOMBE, b. est. 1695, m. 4 Jul 1720 at Mappowder, Dorset, Mary TYLER. At his marriage in 1720, William was of either Piddletown (Puddletown), Dorset, or Pennidgestow (Petrockstowe?), Devon; Mary was of Piddletown.
- Ann SURCOMB, chr. 25 Jul 1725 at Puddletown.
Elizbath SERCOMB, b. est. 1696, m. 3 Nov 1721 at Bridford, Devon, John CUMB.
William SIRCOMBE, b. est. 1696, m. Sarah (m2. 7 Apr 1726 at St. Andrew, Plymouth, Devon, Edward POPHAM), bur. 21 Jul 1723 at St. Andrew, Plymouth.
- Sarah SIRCOMBE, chr. 1 Oct 1722 at St. Andrew, Plymouth, bur. 20 Aug 1727 at St. Andrew, Plymouth.
Elizabeth SERCUM, b. est. 1701, m. 25 Apr 1726 at Ashcombe, Devon, Roger DOOD.
William SYRCOMBE, b. est. 1704, m. Mary.
- Mary SYRCOMBE, chr. 4 Aug 1730 at Stowford, Devon, m. 29 Dec 1759 at Stowford, Robert KESWELL.
Charity SYRCUMBE, b. est. 1705, m. 14 Jul 1730 at Buckfastleigh, Devon, Michael WHITE.
John SERCOMB, b. est. 1707, m. 5 Aug 1733 at Alphington, Devon, Elizabeth HEAWARD (bur. 27 Oct 1745 at Alphington), bur.
8 Jan 1750/1 or 30 Apr 1751 at Alphington.
- John SERCOMBE, chr. 19 Mar 1734/5 at Alphington, bur. 30 Apr 1751 or 8 Jan 1750/1 at Alphington. Apprenticed to John
POTTER of St. Thomas Apostle, Devon, cordwainer, on 15 Mar 1749 for a term of seven years, for payment of £5.
- William SERCOMBE, chr. 30 Aug 1737 at Alphington, m. 28 Jul 1757 at Alphington, by license, Frances SIMONS (m2.
23 Dec 1767 at Ide, Devon, after banns begun 29 Nov 1767, Edward HELYER), bur. 15 Mar 1764 at Alphington. Robert HOLE and
John RAWLINS witnessed the marriage in 1757. Philip HELLYER and Richard KNOTT witnessed Frances's remarriage in 1767.
- Elizabeth CURCOMBE, chr. 18 Sep 1757 at Alphington.
- Frances SERCOMBE, chr. 25 May 1760 at Ide.
- William SERCOMBE, chr. 20 Jul 1763 at Ide.
Margarett SOUTHCOMBE, b. est. 1709, m. 14 Nov 1734 at St. Sidwell, Exeter, Devon, James WELLON.
Ann CERCOM, b. est. 1712, m. 26 Dec 1737 at St. Sidwell, Exeter, Devon, Samuel HUNT.
Jane SOUTHCOMBE, b. est. 1716, m. 25 Feb 1741 at Crediton, Devon, Samuel HORE.
Grace SOUTHCOMBE, b. est. 1718, m. 13 Sep 1743 at Crediton, Devon, William TARR.
John SECKOMBE, b. est. 1721, m. 14 Mar 1746 at Plympton St. Mary, Devon, Elizabeth MARTIN (bur. 13 Jul 1775 at Plympton St.
Mary), bur. 4 Nov 1777 at Plympton St. Mary. At their marriage in 1746, John and Elizabeth were both of Plympton St. Mary.
- John SECKOMB, chr. 2 Sep 1748 at Plympton St. Mary, bur. 8 Feb 1748/9 at Plympton St. Mary.
- John SECKOMBE, chr. 13 Apr 1751 at Plympton St. Mary, bur. 29 Jun 1758 at Plympton St. Mary.
- Mary Martyn SECKOMBE, chr. 19 Jan 1753 at Plympton St. Mary, bur. 18 Aug 1772 at Plympton St. Mary.
- Thomas SECKOMB, chr. 10 Jul 1756 at Plympton St. Mary, bur. 11 Jul 1756 at Plympton St. Mary.
- Elizabeth SECKOMBE, chr. 25 Sep 1757 at Plympton St. Mary, m. 23 May 1781 at Plympton St. Mary, James WILLIS. At her
marriage in 1781, of Plympton St. Mary; James was a husbandman, also of Plympton St. Mary; the witnesses were John SULLOCK
and Thomas WILLIAM.
Samuel SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1722, m. 28 Sep 1758 at St. Thomas, Devon, after banns, Mary TOMSON (bur.
30 Aug 1789 at St. Thomas), bur. 9 Jun 1810 at St. Thomas. In 1758, Samuel and Mary were both of St. Thomas, and their
marriage was witnessed by William THOMPSON and Alathea JEFFERSON. In 1789, Mary was buried as a pauper. (Is this
John CERCOME, b. est. 1725, m. 15 Jun 1751 at Atherington, Devon, Elizabeth CAWSEY.
Elizabeth CIRCOMBE, b. est. 1726, m. 24 Oct 1751 at Alphington, Devon, Andrew HEWISH.
Arthur SIRCOMBE or SOUTHCOMBE, b. est. 1729, m. 17 Apr 1754 at Sheepwash, Devon, Elizabeth HEALE. At their marriage in
1754, Arthur and Elizabeth were both of Sheepwash; neither could sign their name; the witnesses were Thomas HEALE and
Abraham SMALE.
- Sarah SIRCOMBE, chr. 26 Jun 1754 at Sheepwash, bur. 20 Aug 1755 at Sheepwash.
- John SIRCOMBE, chr. 19 Jul 1756 at Sheepwash, bur. 27 Jul 1756 at Sheepwash.
- Robert SIRCOMBE or SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 19 Jul 1756 at Sheepwash, bur. 16 Nov 1759 at Sheepwash.
- Mary SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 28 Dec 1758 at Sheepwash.
- Robert SIRCOMBE, chr. 22 Apr 1761 at Sheepwash.
- A daughter, chr. 14 Aug 1764 at Sheepwash.
- Elizabeth SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 23 Jan 1767 at Sheepwash, m. 8 May 1798 at Sheepwash, Thomas HUTCHINGS.
- Arthur SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 1 Apr 1769 at Sheepwash, m. 5 Jun 1792 at Sheepwash, Sarah ROBINS (b. ca. 1771 at Justow
[Jacobstowe?], Devon, m2. 9 Apr 1824 at Sheepwash, Henry ESSERY), bur. 31 Oct 1814 at Sheepwash. At his burial in 1814,
parish clerk of Sheepwash. In 1851, Sarah was living with her son Thomas.
- William SOUTHCOMBE, b. ca. 1794 at Sheepwash, chr. 4 Mar 1794 at Sheepwash, m. 28 Dec 1815 at Sheepwash, Betsy GILL
(b. ca. 1797 at Sheepwash). In 1841, living at South Street, Sheepwash, with his wife Betsy, their children John, William,
Ellen, Robert, Thomas, and Lewis, and John GILL (an agricultural laborer, b. ca. 1775 in Devon, perhaps Betsy's father).
In 1851, a tailor, living at Sheepwash village with his wife Betsy and their sons William and Lewis.
- John Gill SOUTHCOMBE, b. ca. 1816 at Sheepwash, chr. 25 Dec 1816 at Sheepwash, m. Mary (b. ca. 1826 at Yeovil,
Somerset). In 1841, a tailor, living with his parents. In 1851, a tailor, living at East Street, Stoke sub Hamdon,
Somerset, with his wife Mary and their children Ellen, Ida, Richard, and Sarah.
- Ellen SOUTHCOMBE, b. ca. 1845 at Stoke sub Hamdon. In 1851, a day scholar, living with her parents.
- Ida SOUTHCOMBE, b. ca. 1847 at Stoke sub Hamdon. In 1851, a day scholar, living with her parents.
- Richard SOUTHCOMBE, b. ca. 1848 at Stoke sub Hamdon. In 1851, a day scholar, living with her parents.
- Sarah SOUTHCOMBE, b. ca. Feb 1851 at Stoke sub Hamdon. In 1851, living with her parents.
- Mary SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 12 Sep 1819 at Sheepwash, prob. d. by 1820.
- Mary SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 27 Jan 1820 at Sheepwash, bur. 20 Oct 1825 at Sheepwash.
- Arthur SOUTHCOMBE, b. ca. 1822 at Sheepwash, chr. 3 Jan 1822 at Sheepwash, m. Mary (b. ca. 1825 at Sheepwash). In
1851, a tailor, living at Sheepwash village with his wife Mary and their son Courtney.
- Courtney SOUTHCOMBE, b. ca. May 1850 at Sheepwash. In 1851, living with his parents.
- Richard SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 22 Feb 1824 at Sheepwash.
- Archibald SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 30 Apr 1826 at Sheepwash, bur. 18 Jul 1828 at Sheepwash
- Mary Ann SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 22 Feb 1829 at Sheepwash, bur. 13 Feb 1835 at Sheepwash.
- William SOUTHCOMBE, b. ca. 1831 at Sheepwash, chr. 11 Sep 1831 at Sheepwash. In 1841, living with his parents. In
1851, a tailor, living with his parents.
- Ellen SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 22 Dec 1833 at Sheepwash. In 1841, living with her parents.
- Robert SOUTHCOMBE, b. ca. 1836 at Sheepwash, chr. 19 Jun 1836 at Sheepwash. In 1841, living with his parents. In 1851,
a farm servant in the HOOPER household at Sheepwash village.
- Thomas Robins SOUTHCOMBE, b. ca. 1838 at Sheepwash, chr. 23 Dec 1838 at Sheepwash. In 1841, living with his parents.
In 1851, a scholar, lodging with school mistress Mary HUTCHINGS at Sheepwash village.
- Lewis SOUTHCOMBE, b. ca. Mar 1841 at Sheepwash. In 1841, living with his parents. In 1851, living with his parents.
- Mary Ann SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 21 Feb 1797 at Sheepwash.
- Elizabeth SOUTHCOMBE, b. ca. 1799 at Sheepwash, chr. 30 Jun 1799 at Sheepwash, m. 10 Oct 1828 at Sheepwash, William BRAUND (b. ca. 1805 in Devon). In 1841, living at North Street, Sheepwash, with her husband William (a carpenter), their children William, Thurza, and Samuel, and Phillip Henry CHICHESTER (a pauper, b. ca. 1780 in Devon). In 1851, a carpenter's wife, visiting her sister Ann and son Samuel.
- William Arthur BRAUND, b. ca. 1829 in Devon, chr. 5 Apr 1829 at Sheepwash. In 1841, living with his parents.
- Thurza BRAUND, b. ca. 1831 at Sheepwash, chr. 4 Sep 1831 at Sheepwash, m. reg. Q3 1856 at Torrington R.D., John JURY (b. ca. 1834 at Black Torrington, Devon). In 1841, living with her parents. In 1861, living at Longcross, Black Torrington, with her husband John (a carpenter) and their children Elizabeth, Susana, and Norah. In 1871, living at Long Cross, Black Torrington, with her husband John (a carpenter) and their children Susanna, Norah, Mary, and John.
- Elizabeth JURY, b. ca. 1856 at Black Torrington. In 1861, a scholar, living with her parents.
- Susanna JURY, b. ca. 1857 at Black Torrington. In 1861 and 1871, living with her parents.
- Norah Ann JURY, b. ca. Jul 1860 at Black Torrington, b. reg. Q3 1860 at Holsworthy R.D. In 1861 and 1871, living with her parents.
- (probably) Ellen Southcomb or Sircombe JURY, b. reg. Q1 1863 at Holsworthy R.D., d. reg. Q1 1870 at Holsworthy R.D.
- John JURY, b. ca. Dec 1870 at Black Torrington. In 1871, living with his parents.
- Samuel BRAUND, b. ca. 1833 at Sheepwash, chr. 5 Apr 1833 at Sheepwash. In 1841, living with his parents. In 1851, a farm laborer in the household of his mother's sister Ann.
- Mary Ann BRAUND, chr. 27 Dec 1835 at Sheepwash, d. 5 Apr 1838, d. reg. Q2 1838 at Torrington R.D.
- (probably) Susanna SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 23 Sep 1801 at Sheepwash.
- Ann SOUTHCOMBE, b. ca. 1804 at Sheepwash, chr. 5 Feb 1804 at Sheepwash, m. reg. Q1 1850 at Okehampton R.D., William BICKLE (b. ca. 1803 at Thrushelton, Devon). In 1851, living at Bridestowe with her husband William (a farmer of 30 acres), her visiting sister Elizabeth, Elizabeth's son Samuel, and a house servant.
- Arthur SOUTHCOMBE, b. ca. 1807 at Sheepwash, chr. 26 Mar 1807 at Sheepwash, m. 2 Apr 1833 at Charles the Martyr,
Plymouth, Devon, Mary Ann ALLEN (b. ca. 1808 at Devonport, Devon). In 1871, superannuated from the Inland Revenue Excise
Branch, living at Stoke, Somerset, with his wife Mary Ann, their daughter Lavinia, and Lavinia's children Louisa and
- Lavinia SOUTHCOMBE, b. ca. 1833 at Devonport, chr. 30 Dec 1833 at Morice Square Baptist, Devonport, m. reg. Q3 1858
at Bermondsey R.D., Charles Edward Benjamin ROWSELL. In 1871, living with her parents.
- Louisa Mary ROWSELL, b. ca. 1859 in London (Surrey), b. reg. Q3 1859 at Newington R.D. In 1871, a scholar, living
with her mother and grandparents.
- Arthur Charles ROWSELL, b. ca. 1860 in London (Surrey), b. reg. Q3 1860 at Newington R.D. In 1871, a scholar, living
with his mother and grandparents.
- Robert SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 21 Feb 1809 at Sheepwash.
- Thomas SOUTHCOMBE, b. ca. 1812 at Sheepwash, chr. 2 Feb 1812 at Sheepwash, m. 3 Jun 1829 at Bridestowe, Devon,
Charlotte CHUBB (b. ca. 1805 at Bridestowe). At their marriage in 1829, Thomas and Charlotte were both of Bridestowe. At
his children's baptisms in 1830, 1832, 1834, and 1836, a tailor, of Bridestowe. In 1851, a tailor, living at Bridestowe
village with his wife Charlotte, their children Agness, Robert, John, Mary Ann, Selina, and Sarah, and his mother.
- Agness Chubb SOUTHCOMBE, b. ca. 1830 at Bridestowe, chr. 11 Jul 1830 at Bridestowe. In 1851, a seamstress, living with
her parents.
- Arthur SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 29 Apr 1832 at Bridestowe.
- Robert Robins SOUTHCOMBE, b. ca. 1834 at Bridestowe, chr. 17 May 1834 at Bridestowe. In 1851, a tailor, living with
his parents.
- William SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 5 Jun 1836 at Bridestowe.
- John SOUTHCOMBE, b. ca. 1839 at Bridestowe. In 1851, living with his parents.
- Mary Ann SOUTHCOMBE, b. ca. 1841 at Bridestowe. In 1851, living with her parents.
- Selina SOUTHCOMBE, b. ca. 1844 at Bridestowe. In 1851, living with her parents.
- Sarah SOUTHCOMBE, b. ca. 1847 at Bridestowe. In 1851, living with her parents.
- Sarah SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 27 Dec 1814 at Sheepwash.
John SOUTHCOMBE or SERCOMBE, b. est. 1729, m1. 15 Sep 1754 at Chudleigh, Devon, Elizabeth PIKE (bur. 11 May 1763 at
Marystowe, Devon), m2. 6 Feb 1765 at Marystowe, Rebecca BICKLE (bur. 5 May 1795 at Marystowe), bur. 7 Aug 1787 at
Marystowe. At their marriage in 1754, John and Elizabeth were both of Chudleigh. At their marriage in 1765, John and
Rebecca were both of Marystowe. Sercombe at his children's baptisms in 1757, 1760, and 1763, and at his first wife's
burial in 1763; otherwise Southcombe.
- William SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 16 Feb 1755 at Chudleigh.
- John SERCOMBE or SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 7 Aug 1757 at Marystowe, m. 10 Aug 1783 at Marystowe, Joanna TURNER. Sercombe at his
baptism; subsequently Southcombe. At their marriage in 1783, John and Joanna were both of Marystowe. At his daughter's
baptism in 1786, of Milton Abbot, Devon.
- Tezia (Kezia?) SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 17 Dec 1786 at Marystowe.
- Samuel SERCOMBE, chr. 19 Feb 1760 at Marystowe.
- Arthur SERCOMBE, chr. 11 May 1763 at Marystowe (the same day his mother was buried).
- Rebecca SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 26 Nov 1765 at Marystowe, bur. 13 Dec 1765 at Marystowe.
- Robert SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 11 May 1768 at Marystowe, bur. 20 Jun 1770 at Marystowe.
- Elizabeth SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 19 Nov 1770 at Marystowe.
- Rebecca SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 26 Dec 1772 privately and 5 Jan 1773 publicly at Marystowe, bur. 5 Sep 1778 at Marystowe.
- Sarah SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 1 May 1775 at Marystowe.
- Mary SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 9 Jun 1777 at Marystowe.
Richard SOUTHCOMBE, b. est. 1729, m. 6 Oct 1754 at St. Sidwell, Exeter, Devon, Sarah DUNSFORD.
Sarah SOUTHCOMB, b. est. 1731, m. 11 Feb 1756 at St. Leonard, Exeter, Devon, Alexander GUARD.
SERCOMBE, b. est. 1731.
- Thomas SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1754, m. 23 Nov 1794 at St. Thomas, Devon, after banns, Mary PONSFORD
(m2. 7 Sep 1814 at St. Thomas, after banns, Francis PINN), bur. 29 Oct 1813 at St. Thomas. On 1 Feb 1771, apprenticed to
Robert PIKE of Exeter, Devon, white bread baker, for seven years, on payment of £9 9s. In 1794, Thomas and Mary were
both resident in St. Thomas. In 1813, Thomas was a baker, of Cowick Street, St. Thomas. Will
made 7 Aug 1813, proved 29 Jan 1814. In 1814, Mary was of St. Thomas, Francis was a former marine resident there, and their
marriage was witnessed by Robert TOOTELL and James RADDENBURY. (Is this Thomas SERCOMBE?)
- John SERCOMBE. (Is this John SERCOMBE?)
- George SERCOMBE. (Is this George SIRCOMBE?)
Robert "Robin" SIRCOMBE or SOUTHCOMBE, b. est. 1732, m. 29 Dec 1757 at Sheepwash, Devon, Mary ROUTLEY.
- William SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 26 Mar 1757 at Sheepwash, bur. 22 Dec 1758 at Sheepwash.
- George SIRCOMBE, chr. 14 Jan 1761 at Sheepwash.
- Mary SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 6 Sep 1761 at St. Thomas, Devon, prob. d. by. 1766.
- Robert SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 28 Mar 1764 at Sheepwash.
- Mary SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 19 Jun 1766 at Sheepwash.
- Joseph SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 28 May 1768 at Sheepwash.
- Tilly Routleigh SOUTHCOMBE, 29 Nov 1770 at Sheepwash.
- William SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 21 May 1777 at Sheepwash.
Mary SOUTHCOMBE, b. est. 1733, m. 10 Apr 1758 at Crediton, Devon, Robert HOMEYARD.
Richard SIRCOMBE, b. est. 1734.
- John SIRCOMBE, chr. 2 Jan 1760 at St. Edmund, Exeter, Devon.
Thomas SERCOMBE, b. est. 1734.
- Robert SERCOMBE, chr. 15 Feb 1760 at Whitchurch, Devon.
- Moll Braven or Brabant SERCOMBE, chr. 5 Jan 1763 at Whitchurch, m. 23 Aug 1783 at Whitchurch, John PIKE.
- Joseph SERCOMBE or SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 22 Jun 1766 at Whitchurch, m. 7 Mar 1791 at Whitchurch, Christian FUGE.
- John SERCOMBE, chr. 15 Apr 1771 at Whitchurch.
Arthur SOUTHCOMBE, b. est. 1735, m. 14 Feb 1760 at Holbeton, Devon, Margaret SHEPARD.
- Robert SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 20 Jul 1760 at Yealmpton, Devon.
- Arthur SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 17 Sep 1762 at Holbeton, m. 13 Feb 1795 at Holbeton, Priscilla LAPTHORNE.
- Rebecca SOUTHCOMBE, b. 14 Jan 1797, chr. 5 Feb 1797 at Holbeton.
- Priscilla SOUTHCOMBE, b. 29 Jun 1799, chr. 11 Aug 1799 at Holbeton.
- Margarett SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 31 Oct 1802 at Holbeton.
- Robert SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 12 Oct 1806 at Holbeton.
- Mary SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 18 Feb 1810 at Holbeton.
- Margert SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 22 Mar 1765 at Holbeton.
- Arthur SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 26 Mar 1769 at Holbeton.
- Mary SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 19 Jan 1772 at Holbeton, prob. d. by 1775.
- Mary SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 7 May 1775 at Holbeton, m. 16 May 1799 at Holbeton, James EDMENTS.
- Elizabeth SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 12 Dec 1779 at Holbeton.
- Rebecca SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 21 Sep 1783 at Holbeton, m. 6 Jan 1818 at Holbeton, Richard VEAL.
Mary SOUTHCOMBE, b. est. 1735, m. 3 Jun 1760 at St. Mary Major, Exeter, Devon, William MARTIN.
Joseph SOUTHCOMBE or SURCOMBE, b. ca. 1740, m. 18 Mar 1777 at Kelly, Devon, Jane PEGE, bur. 26 Mar 1813 at Kelly. In 1777,
Joseph was of Kelly, and Jane was of Clawton(?). In 1813, Joseph was of Yalfords, Kelly.
- William SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 6 Jul 1777 at Kelly, bur. 12 Apr 1778 at Kelly.
- Mary SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 27 Sep 1778 at Kelly.
- Joseph SOUTHCOMBE or SERCOMBE or SECCOMBE, chr. 19 Mar 1780 at Kelly, m1. Joanna or Joan (b. ca. 1778, bur. 24 Mar
1824 at Lezant, Cornwall), m2.(?) Grace (b. ca. 1790 in Cornwall, d. reg. Q2 1845 at Launceston R.D.). At his children's
baptisms in 1821 and 1824, a laborer. In 1841, a miller, living at Back Lane, Tower Street, Launceston St. Mary Magdalen,
Cornwall, with his wife(?) Grace. In 1851, a miller, living in the LEIGH household at St. Thomas by Launceston.
- (probably) Maria SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1817, bur. 15 Sep 1823 at Lezant.
- Jane SERCOMBE, chr. 25 Apr 1819 at Stoke Climsland, Cornwall.
- Richard SERCUMBE (occ. SECCOMBE), b. ca. 1821 at Lezant, chr. 24 Jun 1821 at Lezant, m. reg. Q2 1853 at Launceston
R.D., Jane DOWN (b. ca. 1825 at Tidwell, Stoke Climsland, d. 11 Sep 1902, d. reg. Q3 1902 at Tavistock R.D., bur. at the
Methodist chapel, Downhouse, Cornwall), d. 22 Jun 1907, d. reg. Q2 1907 at Tavistock R.D., bur. at Downhouse Methodist. In
1841, a farm servant in the BROCK household at Rozare, Lezant. In 1851, a farm servant in the BUDGE household at
Venterdon, Stoke Climsland. In
1861, a copper miner, living at Higher Tidwell, Stoke Climsland, with his wife Jane and daughter Bessy. In 1871, a mine
laborer, living at Sudwell, Stoke Climsland, with his wife Jane and daughters Bessy and Clara. In 1881, a copper miner,
living at 11 Wheal Maria Cottage, Tavistock, Devon, with his wife Jane and daughter Clara. In 1891 and 1901, a copper
miner, living at 11 Wheal Maria Cottages with his wife Jane; their daughter Bessie was living next door.
- William SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q3 1854 at Launceston R.D., d. reg. Q2 1858 at Launceston R.D.
- John Down(es) SERCUMBE, b. reg. Q2 1856 at Launceston R.D., d. reg. Q1 1858 at Launceston R.D.
- Bessy or Betsy SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1857 at Launceston R.D., d. reg. Q2 1858 at Launceston R.D.
- Bessie SERCUMBE, b. ca. 1859 at Tidwell, b. reg. Q4 1859 at Launceston R.D., m. reg. Q1 1884 at Tavistock R.D., John
Halls SPRY (b. ca. 1859 at Milton Abbot, Devon, b. reg. Q2 1859 at Tavistock R.D.). In 1861, living with her parents. In
1871, a scholar, living with her parents. In 1881, a domestic general servant in the UPSHER household at Rose Cottage,
Marldon, Devon. In 1891, living at 10 Wheal Maria Cottage, Tavistock, next door to her parents, with her husband John (a
copper miner) and their children William and Henry. In 1901, living next door to her father with her husband and family.
- William Richard SPRY, b. ca. 1886 at North Skelton, Yorkshire, b. reg. Q1 1887 at Guisborough R.D. In 1891, living
with his parents.
- Henry SPRY, b. ca. Nov 1890 at Tavistock, b. reg. Q4 1890 at Tavistock R.D. In 1891, living with his parents.
- Jabez SERCUMBE, b. reg. Q3 1862 at Launceston R.D., d. reg. Q3 1864 at Launceston R.D.
- Hannah SERCUMBE, b. reg. Q2 1865 at Launceston R.D., d. reg. Q1 1867 at Launceston R.D.
- Clara SERCUMBE, b. ca. 1868 at Stoke Climsland or Tavistock, b. reg. Q1 1868 at Launceston R.D., d. 13 Apr 1887, bur.
at Downhouse Methodist. In 1871, living with her parents. In 1881, a scholar, living with her parents.
- Louisa SERCOMBE, chr. 23 Mar 1824 at Lezant, bur. 28 Mar 1824 at Lezant.
- Elizabeth SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 27 Jan 1782 at Kelly.
- Jane SOUTHCOMBE or SERCOMBE, chr. 6 Mar 1785 at Kelly, m. 24 Apr 1811 at Coryton, Devon, Thomas PERKIN (b. ca. 1786 at
Ashwater, Devon). In 1851, living at Lower Town, Coryton, with her husband Thomas (formerly a farm laborer).
- Ann SOUTHCOMBE or SERCOMBE, chr. 27 Jan 1788 at Kelly. In 1815, a laborer, of Yalford, Kelly. In 1822, a work woman,
of Trelee, Kelly. In 1827 and 1831, of Meadwell, Kelly. In 1851, on union pay, lodging in the WALTER household at Cory
Hill, Coryton.
- Elizabeth SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 12 Nov 1815 at Kelly.
- John SOUTHCOMBE or SERCOMBE, chr. 5 May 1822 at Kelly, m. reg. Q2 1852 at Tavistock R.D., Charlotte DAWE (b. ca. 1830 at Kelly, m1. reg. Q2 1848 at Tavistock R.D., Richard TAWTON [d. reg. Q3 1850 at Okehampton R.D.], d. by 1901). In 1851, a servant in the HART household at Chillaton, Milton Abbot, Devon, together with his brother Joseph; Charlotte was a pauper, visiting the TOWNSEND family at 8 Down Park, Stowford, Devon, with her daughter Jane. At his son's baptism
in 1859, a laborer, of Marystowe. In 1861, an agricultural laborer, living at Calstock, Cornwall, with his wife Charlotte
and their children Jane, Arminal, Emma, Laura, and John. At the baptism of his five children in 1868, a miner, of
Gunnislake, a village in Calstock parish. In 1871, a mine laborer, living at 10 Caledonia, Gunnislake, with his wife
Charlotte and their children Harmanall, Emma, Laura, John, and Amelia. In 1881, a general laborer, living at 20 Bradley
Street, Habergham Eaves, Burnley, Lancashire, with his wife Charlotte and their daughter Amelia. In 1891, a bricklayer's
laborer, living at 253 Accrington Road, Habergham Eaves, with his wife Charlotte, their daughter Amelia, their
granddaughter Florence GINGEL, and a lodger. In 1901, a retired farm laborer, living with his daughter Annie.
- (stepdaughter) Jane TAWTON, b. ca. 1849 at Bridestowe or Sourton, Devon, b. reg. Q1 1849 at Okehampton R.D., m. reg. Q4 1876 at St. George Hanover Square R.D., George GINGEL (b. ca. 1850 at Box, Wiltshire). In 1851, visiting the TOWNSEND family with her mother. In 1861, working at a mine, living with her mother and stepfather (enumerated as SOUTHCOMBE). In 1871, a general domestic servant in the VOUDEN household at Absworthy Town Farm, Bridestowe. In 1881, living at Room 44, Victoria Model Dwellings, Vauxhall Bridge, Road, Westminster, London, with her husband George (a soldier in the Grenadier Guards) and their children Alice and William.
- Alice A. GINGEL, b. ca. 1877 at Westminster. In 1881, living with her parents.
- William R. GINGEL, b. ca. 1879 at Westminster. In 1881, living with his parents.
- Florence Selina GINGEL, b. ca. 1886 at Chelsea, London, b. reg. Q1 1886 at St. George Hanover Square R.D. In 1891, living with her mother's parents. In 1901, a cotton weaver, living with her mother's sister Emma.
- Arminal or Harmanall SOUTHCOMBE, b. 5 Mar 1853 at Milton Abbot, Devon, b. reg. Q2 1853 at Tavistock R.D., chr. 24 Feb
1868 at St. Ann, Gunnislake. In 1861, a scholar, living with her parents. In 1871, a mine girl, living with her parents.
- Ann "Annie" SOUTHCOMBE, b. ca. 1853 at Kelly, m. reg. Q1 1883 at Burnley R.D., Samuel VARLEY (b. ca. 1858 at Nelson,
Lancashire). In 1891, a cotton winder, living at 75 Bradshaw Street, Nelson, with her husband Samuel (a railway shunter
and yardsman). In 1901, living at 80 Chapel House Road, Nelson, with her husband Samuel (a railway shunter), her father,
and her sister Laura. (Is this the same person as Arminal, above?)
- Emma SOUTHCOMBE, b. Jan 1854 at Milton Abbot, Devon, chr. 24 Feb 1868 at St. Ann, Gunnislake, m. reg. Q4 1880
at Burnley R.D., Jacob BAXENDALE (b. ca. 1856 at Church, Lancashire). In 1861, a scholar, living with her parents. In
1871, a mine girl, living with her parents. In 1881, a cotton winder, living at 2 Cherry Street, Habergham Eaves, with her
husband Jacob (a coke burner). In 1891, a cotton winder, living at 16 Jockey Street, Habergham Eaves, with her husband
Jacob (a coal miner) and her sister Laura. In 1901, living at 195 Gannow Lane, Habergham Eaves, with her husband Jacob (a
coal miner) and her niece Florence GINGEL.
- Laura SOUTHCOMBE, b. Jun 1857 at Marystowe, Devon, chr. 24 Feb 1868 at St. Ann, Gunnislake, d. reg. Q3 1918 at
Burnley R.D. In 1861, a scholar, living with her parents. In 1871, a mine girl, living with her parents. In 1881, a cook
in the DAVIS household at 4 Clarendon Villas, Putney, London. In 1891, a cotton cop winder, living with her sister Emma.
In 1901, a cotton winder, living with her sister Annie.
- John SOUTHCOMBE, b. ca. 1859 at Marystowe, chr. 13 Mar 1859 at Marystowe. In 1861, a scholar, living with his parents.
In 1871, a copper miner, living with his parents.
- George Henry SOUTHCOMBE, b. 25 Dec 1863, chr. 24 Feb 1868 at St. Ann, Gunnislake, d. reg. Q1 1870 at Tavistock R.D.
- Amelia SOUTHCOMBE, b. 20 Oct 1867 at Calstock, chr. 24 Feb 1868 at St. Ann, Gunnislake, m. reg. Q2 1892 at Blackburn
R.D., Thomas PACKER (b. ca. 1869 at Newent, Gloucestershire). In 1871, living with her parents. In 1881, a factory
operative, living with her parents. In 1891, a cotton spinner, living with her parents. In 1901, living at 11 Brush
Street, Burnley, with her husband Thomas (a general laborer) and their children Edith, Florence, and Tom.
Ancestor of researcher Andrew Robinson.
- Edith PACKER, b. ca. 1894 at Burnley. In 1901, living with her parents.
- Florence PACKER, b. ca. 1896 at Burnley. In 1901, living with her parents.
- Tom PACKER, b. ca. Sep 1890 at Burnley. In 1901, living with his parents.
- Maria SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 2 Dec 1827 at Kelly. In 1851, a house servant in the SIMS household at Higher Market Street,
Tavistock, Devon.
- Joseph SOUTHCOMB or SIRCOMBE, chr. 25 Dec 1831 at Kelly. In 1851, a servant in the HART household at Chillaton,
together with his brother John. Moved to Bolton, Lancashire, and had a family there.
- Maria SOUTHCOMBE or SERCOMBE, chr. 7 Aug 1791 at Kelly, m. 13 Jul 1834 at Coryton, Devon, George WALTER.
- Richard SOUTHCOMBE or SERCUM, chr. 20 Dec 1795 at Kelly, bur. 22 Apr 1836 at Lutterworth, Leicestershire.
Edward SERCOMBE, b. est. 1740.
- Susanna SERCOMBE, chr. 27 Apr 1766 at Whitchurch, Devon.
- Elizabeth SERCOMBE, chr. 29 Jan 1769 at Whitchurch.
John SERCOMBE, b. est. 1741, m. 10 Dec 1766 at St. Edmund, Exeter, Devon, Mary CHANNIN.
- John SERCOMBE, chr. 13 Feb 1768 at St. Edmund, Exeter.
- Mary SERCOMBE, chr. 1 Feb 1769 at St. Edmund, Exeter.
- John SERCOMBE, chr. 10 Jan 1770 at St. Edmund, Exeter.
- John SERCOMBE, chr. 22 Mar 1772 at St. Edmund, Exeter.
- Elizabeth SERCOMBE, chr. 6 Oct 1776 at St. Edmund, Exeter.
- William SERCOMBE, chr. 28 Feb 1779 at St. Edmund, Exeter.
William SURCOMBE, b. est. 1742, m. 17 Jul 1767 at Lifton, Devon, Mary CROCKER (bur. 14 Jul 1804 at
Lifton), bur. 4 Mar 1801 at Lifton. At his marriage in 1767, of Lifton.
- Mary SURCOMBE, chr. 8 May 1768 at Lifton, m. 30 Sep 1798 at Tavistock, Devon, William HEARD. At their marriage in
1798, Mary and William were both of Tavistock; William was a brazier; Richard MARTIN and Thomas DOIDGE were witnesses.
- Hannah HEARD, b. ca. 1799 at Tavistock. Together with her cousin Elizabeth SURCOMBE, received the bulk of the estate
of her mother's sister Elizabeth, and with her cousin continued their aunt's confectionery business at 21 Bath Street,
Leamington Priors, Warwickshire. (Where in 1841?) In 1851, a confectioner, living at 21 Bath Street with visitor Mary Ann
YEONAS (b. ca. 1800 at Kensington, Middesex), a lodger, a house servant, and another servant (male, likely employed in the
confectionery business rather than at home).
- Elizabeth SURCOMBE, chr. 18 Mar 1770 at Lifton, d. 1830. A ratepayer at Leamington from at least 1813. In 1827, a
pastry cook and confectioner, purchased land in Bath Street, Leamington. Listed in Pigot's directory for 1828-9 as a
confectioner, at Bath Street, Leamington. Made her will on 26 Dec 1829, bequeathing £15 per year to her sister Ann
and the remainder of her property equally divided between her brother William's daughter Elizabeth SURCOMBE and her
sister Mary's daughter Hannah HEARD. Listed in West's directory for 1830 as Mrs. Elizabeth Surcombe, a confectioner at
Bath Street, Leamington. See 21 Bath Street: The History
of a House.
- Ann SURCOMBE, chr. 31 Dec 1772 at Lifton, bur. 29 Aug 1835 at Lifton. In 1829, described in her sister's will as a
spinster, of Lifton; the will left Ann £15 per year. At her death in 1835, of Lifton village.
- William SURCOMBE, chr. 9 Jul 1775 at Lifton, m. 8 Mar 1800 at Tavistock, Mary VENNER (b. ca. 1773 in Devon, d. reg. Q1 1845 at Okehampton R.D., bur. 11 Feb 1845 at Bridestowe, Devon), d. reg. Q4 1849 at Okehampton R.D., bur. 2 Oct 1849 at Bridestowe. At his marriage in 1800, a blacksmith, of Crediton; Arthur BLATCHFORD and Roger BUFETT witnessed the marriage. At his son's baptism in 1801, of Milton Abbot, Devon. At his children's baptisms in 1814 and 1818, a blacksmith, of Bridestowe. At his son Henry's marriage in 1838, a blacksmith. In 1841, a veterinary surgeon, living at Cross Lanes, Bridestowe, with his wife Mary and their sons William and Samuel. At his son John's second marriage in Mar 1842, a smith. At his son Samuel's marriage in Dec 1842, a blacksmith. At his son William's marriage in 1844, a veterinary surgeon. At Mary's death in 1845, she was of Bridestowe. At his death in 1849, of Cross Lanes, Bridestowe.
- William SURCOMBE, b. ca. 1801, chr. 7 Jun 1801 at Marystowe, Devon, m. 14 Feb 1844 at Stoke Damerel, Devon, m. reg. Q1 1844 at Stoke Damerel R.D., Ann SURCOMBE, drowned 10 Apr 1846 in the Tamar River at Calstock, Cornwall, bur. 14 Apr 1846 at Bridestowe. In 1841, living with his parents. At his marriage in 1844, a patten maker, of 17 Princes Street, Stoke Damerel. At his death in 1846, a blacksmith of Cross Lane, Bridestowe. See sidebar.
- Betsy SURCOMBE, b. ca. Sep 1844, b. reg. Q3 1844 at Okehampton R.D., d. reg. Q1 1845 at Okehampton R.D.,
bur. 16 Mar 1845 at Bridestowe. At her death, of Bridestowe.
- John SURCOMBE, chr. 24 Jul 1803 at Lydford, Devon, m1. 24 Apr 1836 at Chudleigh, Devon, Jane JAMES (b. ca. 1812, d. 13 Nov 1839 at Chudleigh, bur. 16 Nov 1839 at Chudleigh, d. reg. Q4 1839 at Newton Abbot R.D.), m2. 15 Mar 1842 at St. Mary Steps, Exeter, m2. reg. Q1 1842 at Exeter R.D., Sarah PEARSE (daughter of John PEARSE, a miller; b. ca. 1793, m1. 28 Apr 1825 at Dawlish, Devon, John PITTS [a mason], m2. 4 Dec 1834 at Dawlish, Thomas SELLS or SILLS, d. 1 Aug 1852, d. reg. Q3 1852 at Plymouth R.D., bur. 5 Aug 1852 at St. Andrew, Plymouth, Devon), d. reg. Q4 1879 at Okehampton R.D. At their marriage in 1836, John and Jane were both of Chudleigh; witnesses to the marriage were Mark COOK and Thomas WEEKS. In 1841, a blacksmith, living at Mill Lane, Chudleigh; Sarah was a beer house keeper, living at Mill Lane, Chudleigh, with her son Charles Pierce PITTS (b. ca. 1826 at Dawlish, chr. 2 Apr 1826 at Dawlish) and William SALTER (a shoemaker, b. ca. 1775 in Devon). At his second marriage in 1842, a smith, of West Street; Sarah was a shopkeeper, also of West Street. In Pigot's directory for 1844, listed as a beer retailer at Chudleigh. In 1851, a blacksmith, living in the household of his brother Samuel (Where was Sarah? Perhaps emumerated as Mary?). Sarah made her will 2 Apr 1852, calling herself a widow, of Chudleigh. At her death in Aug 1852, she was of Notte Street, Plymouth. Her will appointed her son Charles, a carpenter, of 24 Notte Street, Plymouth, as her executor. In 1861, a smith, servant in the household of his brother Samuel. In 1871, a smith, boarding with Mary, widow of his brother Samuel.
- William SURCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1838 at Newton Abbot R.D., d. reg. Q1 1839 at Newton Abbot R.D.
- Elizabeth SURCOMBE, chr. 7 Sep 1807 at Lydford, d. reg. Q4 1849 at Warwick R.D. Together with her cousin Hannah HEARD,
received the bulk of the estate of her aunt Elizabeth SURCOMBE, and in partnership with Hannah, continued their aunt's
confectionery business. The business was listed as Surcombe and Herd (sic), confectioners, 21 Bath Street, Leamington, in
Pigot's directory for 1835, and variously as Surcombe and Head or Surcombe and Heard, confectioners, Bath Street,
Leamington, in Robson's directory for 1839. In 1841, a confectioner, living at Bath Street with one servant. Subscribed
(as Mrs. Elizabeth SURCOMBE of Bath Street) to the 1843 publication of Leamington: A Poem, by Harrison Corbett
- Henry SURCOMBE, chr. 6 May 1810 at Bridestowe, m. 1 Oct 1838 at Stoke Damerel, m. reg. Q4 1838 at Stoke Damerel R.D., Ann NORTHCOTT (b. ca. 1814 at Milton Abbot, daughter of William NORTHCOTT, cordwainer, m2. reg. Q4 1856 at Tavistock R.D., Robert SYMONS, wid. by 1871), d. reg. Q3 1842 at Okehampton R.D., bur. 1 Sep 1841(?) at Bridestowe. At his marriage in 1838, a blacksmith, of 10 Princes Street, Stoke Damerel; Ann was of 8 Cumberland Street. At his daughter Mary's baptism in 1839, a blacksmith, of Eastacott, Dunterton, Devon. In 1871, Ann was living with her daughter Mary.
- Mary Elizabeth SURCOMBE, b. ca. 1839 at Dunterton, b. reg. Q1 1839 at Tavistock R.D., chr. 10 Mar 1839 at Dunterton,
m. reg. Q4 1857 at Tavistock R.D., Henry DAVY (b. ca. 1826 at Milton Abbot, d. by 1881). In 1861, living at Rock, Milton
Abbot, with her husband Henry (a carpenter) and their sons Anthony and Frederick. In 1871, living at Rock, Milton Abbot,
with her husband Henry (a carpenter), their children Antony, Fredrick, William, John, Harry, and Elizabeth, and her
mother Ann. At her son's baptism in 1873, Henry was a carpenter, of Chillaton. In 1881, a housekeeper, living at Ley,
Milton Abbot, with her children Frederick, William, John, Harry, Elizabeth, Mary, and Sydney. In 1891, living with her son
- Anthony DAVY, b. ca. 1858 at Milton Abbot. In 1861 and 1871, living with his parents.
- Frederick William DAVY, b. ca. 1859 at Milton Abbot, m. reg. Q4 1883 at Tavistock R.D., Annie DAWE (b. ca. 1860 at
Milton Abbot). In 1861 and 1871, living with his parents. In 1881, a carpenter, living with his mother. In 1891, a
carpenter, living at Rock Cottage, Milton Abbot, with his wife Annie, their sons Imbert and
Frank, his mother, his brother Sidney, visitor Lucy (b. ca. 1865 at Milton Abbot, m. THOMAS), and Lucy's son William
THOMAS (a scholar, b. ca. 1886 at Tavistock). In 1901, a carpenter, living at Rock Cottage, Milton Abbot, with his wife
Annie and their sons Imbert and Frank.
- Imbert Henry DAVY, b. ca. 1888 at Milton Abbot, b. reg. Q3 1888 at Tavistock R.D., d. reg. Q4 1902 at Tavistock R.D.
In 1891 and 1901, living with his parents.
- Frank Surcombe DAVY, b. ca. Aug 1890 at Milton Abbot, b. reg. Q3 1890 at Tavistock R.D., m. reg. Q3 1915 at Tavistock
R.D., Emily PALMER. In 1891 and 1901, living with his parents.
- William H. DAVY, b. ca. 1861 at Milton Abbot. In 1871, living with his parents. In 1881, a carpenter, living with his
- John J. DAVY, b. ca. 1864 at Milton Abbot. In 1871, living with his parents. In 1881, a miner, living with his mother.
- Harry DAVY, b. ca. 1867 at Milton Abbot. In 1871, living with his parents. In 1881, a scholar, living with his mother.
- Elizabeth DAVY, b. ca. Dec 1870 at Milton Abbot. In 1871, living with her parents. In 1881, a scholar, living with his
- Thomas Surcombe DAVY, b. reg. Q4 1872 at Tavistock R.D., chr. (privately) 1 Apr 1873 at Marystowe, Devon, d. reg. Q1
1875 at Tavistock R.D.
- Mary Jane DAVY, b. ca. 1875 at Milton Abbot. In 1881, a scholar, living with her mother.
- Sydney DAVY, b. ca. 1877 at Milton Abbot. In 1881, living with his mother. In 1891, a scholar, living with his
brother Frederick.
- William Henry SURCOMBE, b. reg. Q4 1840 at Tavistock R.D.
- Vincent SURCOMBE, b. ca. Dec 1845, b. reg. Q1 1846 at Okehampton R.D., d. reg. Q2 1847 at Tavistock R.D., bur. 27 Jun 1847 at Milton Abbot. At his death in 1847, of Bridestowe.
- Thomas SERCOMBE, chr. 17 May 1812 at Bridestowe, bur. 5 Jun 1821 at Bridestowe.
- Mary SURCOMBE, chr. 16 Jan 1814 at Bridestowe, d. reg. Q2 1841 at Okehampton R.D., bur. 9 Apr 1841 at Bridestowe. At
her death in 1841, of Bridestowe.
- Samuel SURCOMBE, b. ca. 1818 at Bridestowe, chr. 1 Nov 1818 at Bridestowe, m. 28 Dec 1842 at Bridestowe, m. reg. Q4 1842 at Okehampton R.D., Mary KENNARD (b. ca. 1814 at Lamerton, Devon, d. reg. Q2 1885 at Okehampton R.D.; daughter of John KENNARD, a farmer), d. reg. Q2 1866 at Okehampton R.D., bur. 19 Jun 1866 at Bridestowe. In 1841, living with his parents. At his marriage in 1842, a blacksmith, of Tavistock; Mary was of Bridestowe; the witnesses were Thomas KENNARD and George KENNARD. In 1846, a blacksmith, of Lydford. In White's 1850 directory of Devon, a blacksmith at Bridestowe. In Jun 1850, a veterinary and smith, of Cross Lanes, Bridestowe. In 1851, a farrier, living at Cross Lanes with his wife Mary, sons John and William, brother John, a house servant, and visitor George ELLIS (b. ca. 1829 at Bridestowe). In 1854, a farrier, of Cross Lanes. In 1861, a smith and farrier, living at Cross Lanes with his wife Mary, sons John, William, and Samuel, and brother John. In 1866, of Cross Lanes. In 1871, Mary was living at Cross Lanes with her sons John and Samuel and brother-in-law John.
- John SURCOMBE, b. ca. 1846 at Lydford, b. reg. Q1 1846 at Tavistock R.D., chr. 11 Jan 1846 at Lydford, m1. reg.
Q3 1877 at Okehampton R.D., Thirza LINTERN (b. ca. 1850 at Bridestowe, d. reg. Q1 1895 at Okehampton R.D.), m2. reg.
Q3 1896 at Okehampton R.D., Elizabeth ALLFORD (b. ca. 1854 at Tavistock, b. reg. Q1 1854 at Tavistock R.D., d. 19 May
1940, d. reg. Q2 1940 at Swindon R.D., bur. at Whitworth Road Cemetery, Swindon, Wiltshire, together with Edward A. ALFORD
[b. ca. 1870, d. 8 Jan 1947] and Elizabeth Ann ALFORD [b. ca. 1870, d.
29 Jun 1953]), d. reg. Q2 1918 at Okehampton R.D. In 1851,
living with his parents. In 1861, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1871, a farrier, living with his mother. At his
daughter's baptism in 1877 (1878?), a "vetinary", of Bridestowe. At his son's baptism in 1880, a "vetinary", of Bridestowe
village. In 1881, a "veterinary", living at Bridestowe with his wife Thirza and their children Florence and William. At
his daughter's baptism in 1883, a veterinary surgeon, of Pardise Row, Bridestowe. In 1891, a farrier, living at Bridestowe
with his wife Thirza, their children William and Ethel, and a general servant. In 1901, a farrier, living at Buddlebrook,
Bridestowe, with his wife Elizabeth. At his daughter Ethel's marriage in 1905, a "veterinary". In 1911, a farmer, living
at Buddlebrook, Bridestowe, with his wife Elizabeth and a general servant.
- Florence Emily SURCOMBE, b. ca. 1878 at Bridestowe, b. reg. Q2 1878 at Okehampton R.D., chr. 3 Apr 1877(?) at
Bridestowe, d. reg. Q1 1882 at Okehampton R.D. In 1881, living with her parents.
- William Henry SURCOMBE, b. ca. Jun 1880 at Bridestowe, b. reg. Q3 1880 at Okehampton R.D., chr. 4 Jul 1880 at
Bridestowe, d. reg. Q1 1901 at Okehampton R.D. In 1881, living with his parents. In 1891, a scholar, living with his
- Ethel Lintern SURCOMBE, b. ca. 1883 at Bridestowe, b. reg. Q4 1883 at Okehampton R.D., chr. 1 Nov 1883 at Bridestowe,
m. 20 Nov 1905 at Bridestowe, m. reg. Q4 1905 at Okehampton R.D., William Henry ALFORD (b. ca. 1881, son of James ALFORD,
principal prison warden, perhaps related to Ethel's stepmother). In 1891, a scholar, living with her parents. In 1901, a
dressmaker, boarding in the ALLFORD household at 37 Brook Street, Tavistock (perhaps relatives of her future husband?). At
her marriage in 1905, a dressmaker, of Bridestowe; William was an engineer, of Exeter St. James; the witnesses were Alfred
- William Henry SURCOMBE, b. ca. Jun 1850 at Bridestowe, b. reg. Q2 1850 at Okehampton R.D., chr. 24 Jun 1850 at Bridestowe, m. reg. Q4 1877 at Marylebone R.D., Helena (or Eleanor) Ruth HUMPHRYS (b. ca. 1850 at Wotton-under-Edge, Gloucestershire, d. reg. Q4 1931 at Hammersmith R.D.), d. reg. Q2 1887 at Islington R.D. In 1851, living with his parents. In 1861, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1871, a railway porter, lodging in the HOCKADAY household at 75 Wells Street, Plymouth St. Andrew, Devon. In 1881, a police constable, living at Stationers Shop, Cross Street, Barnes, Surrey, with his wife Helena and their children Edith and Francis. At his son's baptism in 1887, a police constable, of Devon Cottage, Railway Street, Barnes. At his son's baptism in 1888, late of 13 Beverley Terrace, Barnes. In 1891, Helena was a dressmaker, living at 3 Grove Cottages, Archway Street, Barnes, with her son Reginald. In 1901, she was a dressmaker, living at 99 White Hart Lane, Barnes. In 1911, she was a dressmaker, living at 86 White Hart Lane, Barnes.
- Edith Mary SURCOMBE, b. ca. 1878 at Barnes, b. reg. Q3 1878 at Richmond Surrey R.D., d. reg. Q2 1886 at Richmond Surrey R.D., bur. 28 Apr 1886 at St. Mary, Mortlake, Surrey. In 1881, living with her parents. At her death in 1886, of Mortlake.
- Francis SURCOMBE, b. ca. 1880 at Barnes, b. reg. Q2 1880 at Richmond Surrey R.D., d. reg. Q2 1886 at Richmond Surrey R.D., bur. 20 Apr 1886 at St. Mary, Mortlake. In 1881, living with his parents. At his death in 1886, of Mortlake.
- Maud SURCOMBE, b. ca. 1882, b. reg. Q1 1882 at Richmond Surrey R.D., d. reg. Q2 1886 at Richmond Surrey R.D., bur. 29 Apr 1886 at St. Mary, Mortlake. At her death in 1886, of Mortlake.
- Reginald SURCOMBE, b. reg. Q1 1884 at Kingston R.D., d. reg. Q4 1884 at Richmond Surrey R.D.
- Reginald SURCOMBE, b. 19 Oct 1885 at Richmond, Surrey, b. reg. Q4 1885 at Richmond Surrey R.D., chr. 20 May 1887 at St. Mary, Barnes, d. reg. Q1 1897 at Richmond Surrey R.D., bur. 4 Jan 1897 at St. Mary, Barnes. In 1891, a scholar, living with his mother. At his death in 1897, of 46 Thorn Street, Barnes.
- William Henry SURCOMBE, b. 10 Dec 1887, chr. 12 Feb 1888 at St. Mary, Barnes, b. reg. Q1 1888 at Richmond Surrey R.D., d. reg. Q4 1888 at Richmond Surrey R.D., bur. 24 Dec 1888 at St. Mary, Barnes. At his death in 1888, of Beverley Cottage, Barnes.
- Samuel SURCOMBE, b. ca. 1854 at Bridestowe, b. reg. Q3 1854 at Okehampton R.D., chr. 24 Sep 1854 at Bridestowe, m. reg. Q2 1887 at Plymouth R.D., Mary Grace EDDY or LANDER (b. ca. 1863 at West Looe, Cornwall, b. reg. Q2 1863 at Liskeard R.D., d. reg. Q1 1937 at Plymouth R.D.), d. reg. Q4 1917 at Plymouth R.D. In 1861, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1871, a smith, living with his mother. In 1881, a civil service prison officer, assistant warder at H.M. Convict Prison Princetown Dartmoor, Lydford, Devon. At his children's baptisms in 1888 and 1889, a blacksmith, of Teats Hill. In Apr 1891, a carman, living at 3 Commercial Place, Plymouth, Devon, in the same house as his wife Mary's mother and daughter, with Mary, their daughter Ethel, and their son Samuel. At his daughter's baptism in Aug 1891, a blacksmith, of 3 Commercial Place. At his son's baptism in 1895, a horse keeper, of Wainwright Stables, Commercial Street. In 1901, a horse keeper, living at Commercial Cottage, Commercial Street, Plymouth, with his wife Mary, their children Ethel, Samuel, Henry, and Robert, and a boarding stable boy. In 1911, a horse keeper for the London and South Western Railway, living at Chaplins Yard, Commercial Street, Plymouth, with his wife Mary, their sons Samuel, Henry, and Robert, and a boarding horse driver. At his son Henry's marriage in 1917, a stable foreman.
- (stepdaughter?) Florence "Florrie" Bedisson EDDY or SURCOMBE, b. ca. 1884 at Plymouth, b. reg. Q3 1884 at Plymouth
R.D., m. reg. Q3 1902 at Plymouth R.D., either Thomas Charles REDDICLIFFE or Charles Henry SKINNER. In 1891 and 1901,
living at 3 Commercial Place, Plymouth, in the household of her maternal grandmother Elizabeth KINVER (a general
shopkeeper, b. ca. 1836 at West Looe, m1. reg. Q1 1857 at Liskeard R.D., Henry EDDY, m2. reg. Q1 1866 at Liskeard R.D.,
Robert LANDER, wid. by 1891).
- Ethel SURCOMBE, b. ca. 1888 at Plymouth, b. reg. Q3 1888 at Plymouth R.D., chr. 16 Oct 1888 at St. John, Sutton on Plym, m. 28 Mar 1910 at St. Jude, Plymouth, m. reg. Q1 1910 at Plymouth R.D., John Nathaniel DAVEY. In 1891 and 1901, living with her parents.
- Samuel SURCOMBE, b. ca. 1889 at Plymouth, chr. 19 Dec 1889 at St. John, Sutton on Plym, b. reg. Q1 1890 at Plymouth R.D., m. reg. Q3 1919 at Plymouth R.D., Laura
Louisa MARSHALL (b. 18 Jul 1883, b. reg. Q3 1883 at St. Austell R.D., m1. reg. Q2 1902 at Plymouth R.D., Henry W.G.
ROISSETTER, d. reg. Q4 1970 at Plymouth R.D.), d. reg. Q4 1923 at Plymouth R.D. In 1891 and 1901, living with his parents.
In 1911, a horse driver, living with his parents.
- Florence G. SURCOMBE, b. reg. Q1 1920 at Plymouth R.D., m. reg. Q3 1939 at Plymouth R.D., William H. WILKES.
- Ann L. WILKES, b. reg. Q2 1940 at Plymouth R.D.
- Alicia V. WILKES, b. reg. Q4 1942 at Plympton R.D.
- Elizabeth SURCOMBE, b. reg. Q3 1891 at Plymouth R.D., chr. 9 Aug 1891 at St. John, Sutton on Plym, d. reg. Q2 1893 at Plymouth R.D.
- Henry SURCOMBE, b. 30 Aug 1895 at Plymouth, b. reg. Q3 1895 at Plymouth R.D., chr. 13 Sep 1895 at St. John, Sutton on Plym, m. 15 Jun 1917 at St. John, Southall, Middlesex, m. reg. Q2 1917 at Uxbridge R.D., May HONEY (b. ca. 1897, daughter of Frederick William HONEY, an engine driver), d. reg. Q1 1962 at Newton Abbot R.D. In 1901, living with his parents. In 1911, a horse driver, living with his parents. At his marriage in 1917, a soldier, of 7 Grosvenor Road, Southall; May was also of 7 Grosvenor Road; the witnesses were Tim.(?) HONEY and W.H. FLASHMAN.
- Henry Frederick E. SURCOMBE, b. 18 Oct 1918, b. reg. Q4 1918 at Uxbridge R.D., m. reg. Q4 1945 at Edmonton R.D.,
Rosamond M. ELSDON, d. reg. Oct 1987 at Torbay R.D.
- Roger H. SURCOMBE, b. reg. Q4 1946 at Plympton R.D.
- Peter C. SURCOMBE, b. reg. Q4 1949 at Plympton R.D., m. reg. Q3 1974 at Exeter R.D., Sherrie J. McCLEAN.
- Jeremy Peter SURCOMBE, b. reg. Q3 1977 at Exeter R.D.
- Rachel Sonia J. SURCOMBE, b. reg. Q3 1979 at Exeter R.D.
- Robert SURCOMBE, b. ca. 1898 at Plymouth, b. reg. Q1 1898 at Plymouth R.D., m. 13 Jun 1923 at St. Andrew, Plymouth, m.
reg. Q2 1923 at Plymouth R.D., Violet May HILL (b. ca. 1892, m1. reg. Q4 1914 at St. Germans R.D., James A. RATTRAY or
STEWART-RATTRAY, d. reg. Q1 1965 at Plymouth R.D.), d. reg. Q4 1956 at Plympton R.D. In 1901, living with his parents. In
1911, working in the stables, living with his parents.
- Mavis G. SURCOMBE, b. reg. Q1 1924 at Plymouth R.D., d. reg. Q2 1947 at Plymouth R.D.
- Bernard Stewart SURCOMBE, b. 8 Oct 1925, b. reg. Q4 1925 at Plymouth R.D., m. reg. Q3 1951 at Launceston R.D., Enid J.
DYMOND, d. reg. Aug 1988 at Bideford R.D.
- Nigel R. SURCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1960 at Okehampton R.D., m. reg. Aug 1991 at Stratton R.D., Karen A. WICKETT.
- Patrick H. SURCOMBE, b. reg. Q1 1963 at Okehampton R.D., m. reg. Mar 1995 at Plymouth R.D., Jane BLACKLER.
- Anthony Donald SURCOMBE, b. 9 Jun 1930, b. reg. Q2 1930 at Plymouth R.D., m. reg. Q3 1956 at Plympton R.D., Molly
NETHERTON (b. 9 Jun 1930, d. reg. Jul 1996 at Plymouth R.D.), d. reg. Apr 1985 at Plymouth R.D.
- Susan M. SURCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1957 at Plymouth R.D., m. reg. Q1 1982 at Plymouth R.D., Andrew G. CANN.
- Sean Anthony CANN, b. reg. Q3 1982 at Plymouth R.D.
- Natasha CANN, b. reg. Jul 1984 at Tavistock R.D.
- Brian Robert SURCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1960 at Plymouth R.D., m. 16 Jul 1983 at St. Budeaux, Devon, m. reg. Q3 1983 at
Plymouth R.D., Michaela Joy DRAKE.
- David Brian SURCOMBE, b. reg. Jun 1987 at Plymouth R.D.
- Rebecca Louise SURCOMBE, b. reg. Jul 1990 at Plymouth R.D. Researcher Rebecca Surcombe.
- Penelope SURCOMBE, chr. 15 Jun 1778 at Lifton, bur. 10 Jan 1779 at Lifton.
- John SURCOMBE, chr. 5 Jan 1780 at Lifton, m. 12 Jul 1806 at Tavistock, Grace PROUT (b. ca. 1785, chr. 2 Jul 1785 at Tavistock, bur. 13 Aug 1834 at Stoke Damerel, Devon; daughter of Samuel PROUT and Elizabeth MOON), d. 1 Feb 1850, d. reg. Q1 1850 at Stoke Damerel R.D., bur. 5 Feb 1850 at Stoke Damerel. At his marriage in 1806, a blacksmith in the dockyard, of Stoke Damerel; Catherine BUCKINGHAM and Mary Rouse DEACON witnessed the marriage. At his son's baptism in 1807, a blacksmith. At his children's baptisms in 1814, 1816, and 1820, a blacksmith, of (Plymouth) Dock, Devon. At his son's baptism in 1824, a blacksmith, of Devonport, Devon. At his daughter's baptism in 1830, a blacksmith in H.M. Dockyard, of Morice Town. At Grace's death in 1834, she was of Navy Row, Stoke Damerel. In 1841, a journeyman smith, living at Market Street, Devonport, with his children Thomas, Henry, and Mary, and in the same building as his daughter Elizabeth and her family. At his death in 1850, of 59 St. Aubyn Street. In 1857 (posth.), at the second marriage of his son Henry, a smith. Relative of researcher Ken Ozanne.
- John SURCOMBE, b. ca. 1807 at Tavistock, chr. 18 Jul 1807 at Tavistock, m. 25 Jun 1837 at All Souls, Marylebone,
Middlesex, Jane DAW (b. 11 Aug 1797 at Westham, Sussex, chr. 5 Nov 1797 at Westham, daughter of Thomas DAW and Mary). At
their marriage in 1837, John and Jane were both of Marylebone All Souls; the witnesses were Henry Hallett WRIGHT and Ann
PARHAM. In 1841, a joiner, living at 12 Upper St. Leonard Street, in the parish of St. George Hanover Square, Westminster,
Middlesex, with his wife Jane. In 1851, a joiner, living at 18 Commercial Road, St. George Hanover Square, Westminster,
with his wife Jane. (Ann PARHAM married Stephen SIMMONDS on 30 Dec 1848 at St. Bride Fleet Street, London, and in 1851 was
living at Leamington Priors, where John's aunt and cousin had their confectionery business. Is Henry Hallett WRIGHT a
connection to John SURCOMBE?)
- William SURCOMBE, b. ca. 1811 at Devonport, chr. 10 Feb 1811 at Stoke Damerel, m. 12 Jun 1833 at Stoke Damerel, Elizabeth WADLING (b. ca. 1808 at Stoke Damerel, d. 9 May 1867, d. reg. Q2 1867 at Stoke Damerel R.D., bur. 13 May 1867 at Stoke Damerel), d. 29 Apr 1885, d. reg. Q2 1885 at Stoke Damerel R.D., bur. 2 May 1885 at Stoke Damerel. In 1834, a blacksmith, of Navy Row, Stoke Damerel. In 1835, a smith, of Stoke. In Jun 1841, a journeyman smith, living at Navy Row, Devonport, with his wife Elizabeth and their daughters Emily and Elizabeth. At his son's baptism in Oct 1841, a smith, of Stoke. In 1851, a dockyard smith, living at 77 Navy Row, Devonport, with his wife Elizabeth, children Emily, Elizabeth, and William, and a servant. In 1861, a smith, living at 8 Valletort Place, Devonport, with his wife Elizabeth, their children Emily, Elizabeth, and William, and a general servant. In a town directory for 1864-5, listed at 5 Valletort Place. At his daughter's marriage in 1865, a superannuated smith. At her death in 1867, Elizabeth was of Valletort Place. In 1871, a superannuated smith, living at 5 Valletort Place with his children Emily, William, and Elizabeth and Elizabeth's husband. In a town directory for 1873, listed at 5 Valletort Place. In 1881, a superannuated smith, living at 5 Valletort Terrace, Devonport, with his children Emily and William, a general servant, and two spinster sisters (probably boarders). At his death in 1885, of Valletort Place.
- Emily Sarah Jane SURCOMBE, b. 24 Mar 1834 at Devonport, chr. 8 Jun 1834 at Stoke Damerel, d. reg. Q4 1912 at Devonport R.D. In 1841, 1851, and 1861, living with her parents. In 1871 and 1881, living with her father. In 1888 and 1896, of 5 Valletort Place. In 1891, 1901, and 1911, living at 5 Valletort Place with her brother William.
- Elizabeth Grace SURCOMBE, chr. 2 Aug 1835 at Stoke Damerel, m. 19 Apr 1865 at Stoke Damerel, m. reg. Q2 1865 at Stoke
Damerel R.D., William Jordan BICKLE (b. ca. 1830 at Holsworthy, Devon, son of Tristram BICKLE, a druggist). In 1841, 1851,
and 1861, living with her parents. At her marriage in 1865, of Stoke Damerel; William was a druggist, also of Stoke
Damerel; the witnesses were William SURCOMBE (her father or her brother?) and Emily SURCOMBE (her sister). In 1871, living
in her father's household with her husband William (who was living on "interest of money from Canada").
- Anna (or Hannah) Maria SURCOMBE, b. ca. 1838, b. reg. Q3 1839 at Stoke Damerel R.D., d. reg. Q3 1839 at Stoke Damerel R.D., bur. 22 Jul 1839 at Stoke Damerel. At her death in 1839, of Navy Row.
- William Henry SURCOMBE, b. 27 Jul 1841 at Devonport, b. reg. Q3 1841 at Stoke Damerel R.D., chr. 24 Oct 1841 at Stoke Damerel. In 1851, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1861, a smith, living with his parents. In 1871 and 1881, a smith, living with his father. In 1891, an employee blacksmith, living with his sister Emily. In 1901, a civil service pensioner, living with his sister Emily. In 1911, a shipsmith pensioner from the government dockyard, living with his sister Emily.
- Jane SURCOMBE, b. reg. Q1 1845 at Stoke Damerel R.D., d. reg. Q3 1845 at Stoke Damerel R.D.
- Elizabeth SURCOMBE, b. ca. 1813 at Devonport, chr. 17 Jul 1814 at Stoke Damerel, m. 22 Jan 1835 at East Stonehouse,
Devon, William John WADLING (b. ca. 1815 at Devonport). At her marriage in 1835, William was a mariner; one of the
witnesses was William SURCOMBE (presumably Elizabeth's brother). In 1841, living at Market Street, Devonport, in the same
building as her father, with her husband William (a journeyman shipwright), their children Jenny and William, and Jane
WADLING (b. ca. 1790, perhaps her mother in law). In 1851, living at 62 St. Aubyn Street, Stoke Damerel, with her husband
William (a shipwright), their children Henry and Elizabeth, her sister Mary, two lodgers, a housemaid, and three visitors:
her brother Henry's wife Elizabeth and daughter Elizabeth and Anna Maria (an annuitant, b. ca. 1798 at Devonport, m.
PROUT, wid. by 1851), who seems likely to be related to Elizabeth's mother. In 1861, living at 2 Beyrout Place, Devonport,
with her husband William (a dockyard shipwright), their daughter Elizabeth, her visiting niece Elizabeth (daughter of her
brother Thomas), and a servant. In 1871, living at 2 Beyrout Place with her husband William (a superannuated shipwright),
their daughter Elizabeth, and a general servant. In 1881, living at 2 Beyrout Place with her husband William (a Royal
Dockyards pensioner), a daughter, and a servant. In 1891, living on her own means at 1-2 Beyrout Place with two general
servants and visitor Sarah A.C. TREVAVAS(?) (living on her own means, b. ca. 1839 at Liverpool).
- Jenny WADLING, b. ca. 1835 in Devon. In 1841, living with her parents.
- William John WADLING, b. ca. Apr 1841 in Devon, b. reg. Q2 1841 at Stoke Damerel R.D. In 1841, living with his
- Henry John WADLING, b. ca. 1844 at Devonport, b. reg. Q1 1844 at Stoke Damerel R.D. In 1851, a scholar, living with
his parents.
- Elizabeth Grace WADLING, b. ca. 1848 at Devonport, b. reg. Q1 1848 at Stoke Damerel R.D. In 1851 and 1861, a scholar,
living with her parents. In 1871, a governess, living with her parents.
- Thomas SURCOMBE, b. ca. 1816 at Devonport, chr. 3 Nov 1816 at Stoke Damerel, m. reg. Q1 1852 at East Stonehouse R.D., Elizabeth BENNETT (b. ca. 1825 at Antony, Cornwall, m1. reg. Q4 1845 at Stoke Damerel R.D., Thomas CLARK), d. 26 Feb 1869, d. reg. Q1 1869 at Stoke Damerel R.D., bur. 4 Mar 1869 at Stoke Damerel. In 1841, a tailor, living with his father. In Williams's 1847 Commercial Directory, listed as a victualler at the Commercial Inn, 35 Fore Street, Devonport. In White's 1850 directory, listed as proprietor of the Old Globe inn, Cornwall Street, Devonport. In 1851, a licensed victualler, living at 6 Cornwall Beach, Devonport, with his "wife" Elizabeth, daughter Elizabeth, a house servant, and two visitors (Hannah KEAST, b. ca. 1833 at Hessenford, Cornwall, and Mary TREGLOIN, b. ca. 1828 at Mylor, Cornwall). At his daughter's baptism in 1855, a tailor, of Devonport. In 1861, a licensed victualler, living at The Globe, 6 Cornwall Beach, with his wife Elizabeth. In a town directory for 1864-5, of 1 Rose Hill Cottages, Stoke Damerel. At his death in 1869, of 17 South Street, In 1871, Elizabeth was an annuitant, living at 11 St. Aubyn Street, Devonport, with her daughter Emily.
- (stepdaughter) Elizabeth CLARK, later Elizabeth SURCOMBE, b. 7 Apr 1849 at Tregantle, in Antony parish, b. reg. Q2 1849 at St. Germans R.D., chr. 29 Nov 1855 at Stoke Damerel, m. reg. Q4 1869 at Stoke Damerel R.D., Edwin MEDLAND (b. ca. 1846 at Torpoint, Cornwall). In 1851, living with her parents. In 1861, a scholar, visiting her father's sister Elizabeth. In 1871, living at 30 Cumberland Street, Devonport, with her husband Edwin (a furniture broker).
- Kate SURCOMBE, b. ca. Sep 1854, b. reg. Q4 1854 at Stoke Damerel R.D., d. 27 Apr 1855, d. reg. Q2 1855 at Stoke Damerel R.D., bur. 1 May 1855 at Stoke Damerel. At her death in 1855, of 6 Cornwall Beach.
- Emily Dora SURCOMBE, b. ca. 1867 at Devonport, b. reg. Q3 1867 at Stoke Damerel R.D., d. 1 May 1871, d. reg. Q2 1871 at Stoke Damerel R.D., bur. 7 May 1871 at Stoke Damerel. In Apr 1871, living with her mother. At her death in May 1871, of St. Aubyn Street.
- Henry SURCOMBE, chr. 30 Apr 1820 at Stoke Damerel, m1. reg. Q2 1850 at St. Germans R.D., Elizabeth Ann WILLIAMS (b. ca. 1823 at Truro, Cornwall, d. 30 Nov 1853 at Beyrout Place, Stoke Damerel, d. reg. Q4 1853 at Stoke Damerel R.D., bur. 4 Dec1853 at Stoke Damerel; youngest daughter of "Mr. W. WILLIAMS, late of Morice Town, and formerly of Truro" [from her death notice], perhaps a sister of Sarah Dickens WILLIAMS?), m2. 16 Nov 1857 at Stoke Damerel, m2. reg. Q4 1857 at Stoke Damerel R.D., Elizabeth GOULD (b. ca. 1820 at Plymouth, daughter of James GOULD, a builder), d. 26 Apr 1866, d. reg. Q2 1866 at Alverstoke R.D., bur. 4 May 1866 at Stoke Damerel. In 1841, an apprentice shipwright, living with his father. In 1851, Elizabeth was visiting Henry's sister Elizabeth with her daughter Elizabeth; Henry was probably away at sea. At his second marriage in 1857, a Royal Navy carpenter, of Beyrout Place; Elizabeth was also of Beyrout Place; the witnesses were Charles PODBURY and John SYMONS. In 1861, a Royal Navy carpenter, living at 27 Victoria Street, Portsmouth, Hampshire, with his wife Elizabeth and the wife and son of his brother Samuel. At his death in 1866, of Alverstoke, Southampton.
- Elizabeth Grace SURCOMBE, b. ca. Jan 1851 at Devonport, Devon, b. reg. Q1 1851 at Stoke Damerel R.D., d. 7 Aug 1852, d. reg. Q3 1852 at Stoke Damerel R.D., bur. 11 Aug 1852 at Stoke Damerel. In 1851, living with her mother. At her death in 1852, of 2 Beyrout Place.
- Samuel Edward SURCOMBE, b. ca. 1824 at Devonport or Morice Town, chr. 3 Oct 1824 at Stoke Damerel, m. reg. Q3 1857 at
Stoke Damerel R.D., Mary Jane Kneebone LYNE (b. ca. 1833 at Millbrook, Maker, Cornwall, d. reg. Q1 1917 at Portsmouth
R.D), d. reg. Q4 1902 at Portsmouth R.D. In 1861, a carpenter second class on H.M.S. Arrogant; Mary was living in
the same house as Samuel's brother Henry, with her son John. In 1871, a retired naval warrant officer, living at 42 Belle
Vue Crescent, Bristol Clifton, Gloucestershire, with his wife Mary and son John. In 1881, a retired Royal Navy warrant
officer, living at 34 Princes Street, Portsea (Portsmouth), Hampshire, with his wife Mary and son John. In 1891 and 1901,
a retired Royal Navy carpenter, living at 34 Princes Street, Portsmouth, with his wife Mary. In 1911, Mary was a
pensioner and widow of a Royal Navy warrant officer, living at 34 Princes Street, Landport, Portsmouth, with her sister
Sarah and Sarah's daughter.
- John Lyne SURCOMBE, b. ca. 1858 at Portsmouth or Southsea, Hampshire, b. reg. Q3 1858 at Portsea Island R.D., m. reg.
Q2 1919 at Brentford R.D., Annie CLARKE (b. ca. 1857, d. reg. Q2 1937 at Devonport R.D.), d. reg. Q3 1946 at Plymouth R.D.
In 1861 and 1871, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1881, an Oxford undergraduate, living with his parents. In 1891,
a schoolmaster, living at 20 Effra Road, Lambeth, London, with a matron, a general servant, and six male boarding pupils
aged 11 to 17. In 1901, a schoolmaster, living at 20 Effra Road with a housekeeper, an assistant master, and four male
boarding pupils aged 10 to 18. (One of the pupils in 1901 was William J. WADLING, b. ca. 1890 at London. Perhaps a
cousin?) In 1911, a school master, visiting Clifton Wilbraham COLLINS at 6 Beach Terrace, New Hunstanton, Norfolk. When
banns were called for John's marriage, beginning 23 Mar 1919, at St. Matthew, Brixton, Surrey, John was of 44 Mervan Road
in that parish, and Annie was of 32 Bath Road, London W.4, in the parish of St. Michael and All Angels, Bedford Park,
- (perhaps) Jane SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1827, d. 6 Apr 1844, d. reg. Q2 1844 at Stoke Damerel R.D., bur. 9 Apr 1844 at Stoke Damerel. At her death in 1844, of Keyham Bridge.
- Mary Ann SURCOMBE, b. ca. 1830 at Devonport, chr. 2 May 1830 at Stoke Damerel, m. reg. Q3 1858 at Stoke Damerel R.D., William Bell WHITEHEAD (b. ca. 1822 at Durham). In 1841, living with her father. In 1851, a draper's assistant, living with her sister Elizabeth. In 1861, living at 8 George Street, Plymouth, with her husband William (a saddler and harness maker) and boarder Thomas WADLING (a schoolmaster, presumably one of Mary's in-laws, b. ca. 1823 at Devonport).
- (perhaps) Ann SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1831, d. 17 Apr 1844, d. reg. Q2 1844 at Stoke Damerel R.D., bur. 20 Apr 1844 at Stoke Damerel. At her death in 1844, of Keyham Bridge.
Thomas SOUTHCOMBE, b. est. 1743, m. 7 Aug 1768 at Ermington, Devon, Mary CARN.
- Thomas SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 19 Mar 1769 at Ermington, m. 6 May 1800 at Yealmpton, Devon, Mary BEER, bur. 9 Nov 1829 at
- Mary SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 15 Mar 1801 at Yealmpton.
- William SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 18 Nov 1770 at Ermington.
- Mary SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 17 May 1772 at Ermington.
- Arthur SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 20 Mar 1774 at Ermington.
- Richard SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 28 Apr 1776 at Ermington.
Elizabeth SERCOMBE, b. est. 1748, m. 1 Jan 1773 at Chudleigh, Devon, William BICKLEY. At their marriage in 1773, Elizabeth and William were both of Chudleigh.
Elizabeth SERCOMBE, b. est. 1749, m. 12 Feb 1774 at Tedburn St. Mary, Devon, John PHILP. Jane SCORE and Thomas HOLMAN witnessed the marriage in 1774. (Perhaps a sister of Mary SERCOMB?)
William SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1751, m. Mary (b. ca. 1756, bur. 23 Jan 1836 at Clyst St. Mary, Devon), bur. 13 Dec 1827 at Clyst St. Mary. At his death in 1827, of Sowton, Devon. At her death in 1836, Mary was of Clyst Honiton, Devon. (Is this William SERCOMBE?)
John SERCOMBE, b. est. 1752, m. 24 Feb 1777 at Charles the Martyr, Plymouth, Devon, Anna Maria ARTHUR (m2. 26 Oct 1779 at Charles the Martyr, Plymouth, John FUGE), bur. 7 Jun 1779 at St. Andrew, Plymouth. At his marriage in 1777, John was a coach driver, of Plymouth Charles; Anna was also of Plymouth Charles; the witnesses were William SMITH and John LEMON. At Anna Maria's second marriage in 1779, she was recorded as a spinster; John was a horseman, of Plymouth Charles; the witnesses were William SMITH and Roger BLIGHT.
- (perhaps) Ann Maria SURCOMBE, bur. 24 Jul 1779 at St. Andrew, Plymouth. At her death in 1779, a child.
Sarah SERCOMBE (or SECOMBE?), b. est. 1752, m. 20 May 1777 at Kenn, Devon, after banns, Uriah VINCENT. In 1777, Sarah and Uriah were both of Kenn; their marriage was witnessed by William HAWKINS and Robert SECOMBE.
Thomas SIRCOMBE, b. est. 1754, m. 22 Apr 1779 at St. David, Exeter, Devon, Elizabeth MATTHEWS.
Thomas SERCOMBE, b. est. 1754, m. 28 Sep 1781 at St. Thomas, Devon, Ann BOON (chr. 9 Jun 1754 at St. Thomas, daughter of Jacob BOON and Martha PAVEY, who were married 26 Sep 1749 at St. Thomas). At their marriage in 1781, Thomas and Ann were both of St. Thomas; their marriage was witnessed by John BURNETT. (Is this Thomas SIRCOMBE and/or Thomas SERCOMBE?)
- Mary SERCOMBE, chr. 20 Oct 1782 at St. Thomas, bur. 17 Jul 1784 at St. Thomas.
- John Pavey SERCOMBE, chr. 17 Jan 1784 at St. Thomas, m. 23 Aug 1807 at St. Thomas, Susanna or Susan DWELLY (b. ca. 1785 at Exminster, Devon, d. reg. Q2 1870 at St. Thomas R.D.), d. reg. Q2 1869 at St. Thomas R.D. At their marriage in 1807, John and Susanna were both resident in St. Thomas; their marriage was witnessed by John WILMOTT. In 1841, a tailor, living at Hampton Place, St. Thomas, with his wife Susanna and their daughters Eliza, Elizabeth, Lydia, and Sarah. In White's directory for 1850, listed as Mr. John Sercombe, of Cowick Fields, St. Thomas, in the section for "gentry, clergy, partners in firms, etc." In Mar 1851, an independent landed proprietor, living at Cowick Fields with his wife Susan. At his son Richard's marriage in Sep 1851, a tailor. In 1861, a proprietor of houses, living at Alphington Road, St. Thomas, with his wife Susannah and their daughter Sarah. At his daughter Sarah's marriage in 1862, a gentleman. Posthumously at his son Thomas's second marriage in 1871, a tailor.
- John SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1808 at Exeter, Devon, chr. 24 Nov 1808 at Bow or Mint Meeting Presbyterian chapel, Exeter, m. 7 Oct 1851 at St. Pancras, London, m. reg. Q4 1851 at Pancras R.D., Elizabeth KELLY (daughter of Festus KELLY; b. ca. 1815 at Exeter, d. 1 Nov 1880 at Castle Street, Exeter, d. reg. Q4 1880 at Exeter R.D.), d. 3 Sep 1855 at South Street, Exeter, d. reg. Q3 1855 at Exeter R.D. In 1841, a tailor, living at 35 Hertford Street, St. Pancras, with his brother Richard. In Mar 1851, a tailor and draper master employing six men, living at 14 South Street, Exeter, next door to his sister Lydia, with his sister Sarah, nephew John DAVEY, and two lodgers. At his marriage in Oct 1851, a draper, of Park Street, St. Pancras; Elizabeth was also of Park Street; the witnesses were Henry DAVEY (probably John's brother in law) and Sarah SERCOMBE (probably his sister). At his death in 1855, a tailor, of Exeter St. Mary Major. In Feb 1856, the Prerogative Court of Canterbury granted Elizabeth administration of John's estate. In 1861, Elizabeth was independent, lodging in a lodging house at 10 Thomas Street, Bath, Somerset. In 1871, she was an annuitant, living at 1 Prospect Place, Exmouth, Devon, with a general servant. On 30 Nov 1880, Elizabeth's will was proved by her executor, Emily Gilbert WRIGHT, spinster, of Castle Street, Exeter (Elizabeth's personal estate was under £800). On 15 Feb 1881, Emily Gilbert WRIGHT was also granted administration of John's estate, which Elizabeth had left unadministered.
- Thomas SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1810 at Exeter Holy Trinity, m1. 27 Aug 1836 at St. Edmund, Exeter, Ann TWIGGS (b. ca. 1796 at
Exeter, chr. 6 Nov 1796 at St. Edmund, Exeter, d. by 1861; daughter of John TWIGGS, a cooper, and Ann DREW, who were
married 31 Mar 1794 at St. Peter Cathedral, Exeter), m2. 7 Dec 1871 at St. Peter Cathedral, Exeter, m2. reg. Q4 1871 at
Exeter R.D., Jane HOOPER (b. ca. 1828 at Jacobstowe, Devon, d. reg. Q4 1886 at St. Thomas R.D., daughter of Thomas HOOPER,
a wheelwright), d. reg. Q4 1874 at St. Thomas R.D. In 1841, a
tailor, living at 14 South Street, Exeter, with his wife Ann, her father (a cooper) and mother, her sister Elizabeth, her
niece Isabella, Grace COUCH (independent, b. ca. 1755 in Devon, perhaps an aunt?), and a servant. In Pigot's directory for
1844 and White's directory for 1850, a tailor and draper at 14 South Street. In 1851, a tailor and draper, living at
Hampden Place, St. Thomas, with his wife Ann, Ann's sister Elizabeth TWIGGS (b. ca. 1799 at Exeter St. Edmund), and niece
Isabella TWIGGS (b. ca. 1825 at Exeter). In 1861, a tailor employing five men and eight apprentices, living at South
Street, Exeter, with Ann's sister Elizabeth TWIGGS and niece Isabella De Lacey DOWNEY (a scholar, b. ca. 1855 at Exeter,
b. reg. Q3 1855 at Exeter R.D., d. reg. Q4 1870 at St. Thomas R.D.). In Apr 1871, a tailor and draper, living at 6 Hampden
Place, Alphington Road, St. Thomas, with Ann's sister Elizabeth TWIGGS; his partner Harry MOSS was living at 14 South Street. At his second marriage in Dec 1871, a tailor and
draper, of St. Thomas; Jane was a milliner, of Cathedral Close; the witnesses were Harry MOSS and Mary Jane Sperkes(?)
ANDERSON. In 1881, Jane was independent, living at 6 Hampden Place.
- Eliza SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1813 at Exeter, m. reg. Q4 1841 at St. Thomas R.D., Henry DAVEY (b. ca. 1819 at St. Pancras,
Middlesex, son of John DAVEY, a bootmaker; subsequently husband of Eliza's younger sister Sarah), d. by 1861. In 1841,
living with her parents. In 1851, living at 61 Park Street, St. Pancras, with her husband Henry (a boot maker), their
daughters Helen and Sarah, a house servant, and her visiting brother Richard SERCOMBE. In 1861, Henry was an importer of
boots and shoes, living at 20 Rochester Square, St. Pancras, with his children Helen, John, Sarah, Henry, and Thomas, a
housemaid, and another house servant. At his son's marriage in 1887, Henry was a gentleman.
- Helen DAVEY, b. ca. 1845 at Camden Town, Middlesex, b. reg. Q1 1845 at Pancras R.D. In 1851, living with her parents.
In 1861, a scholar, living with her father.
- John Henry DAVEY, b. ca. 1848 at Camden Town, b. reg. Q2 1848 at Pancras R.D. In 1851, living with his mother's
brother John. In 1861, a scholar, living with his father.
- Sarah DAVEY, b. ca. 1850 at Camden Town, b. reg. Q2 1850 at Pancras R.D. In 1851, living with her parents. In 1861, a
scholar, living with her father. In 1871, living with her father and aunt/stepmother.
- Henry Hingston DAVEY, b. ca. 1852 at St. Pancras, b. reg. Q1 1852 at Pancras R.D. In 1861, a scholar, living with his
- Thomas Sercombe DAVEY, b. ca. 1855 at St. Pancras, b. reg. Q1 1855 at Pancras R.D., m. 15 Aug 1887 at Starcross,
Devon, m. reg. Q3 1887 at St. Thomas R.D., Fanny Rebecca DAVEY (daughter of George DAVEY, a provision merchant). In 1861,
a scholar, living with his father. At his marriage in 1887, a chemist, of St. Stephens, Marylebone; Fanny was of
Starcross; the witnesses were John Henry DAVEY (Thomas's brother), George DAVEY (perhaps Fanny's father), Henry LANG, and
Amelia Maud DAVEY (Thomas's stepsister and first cousin).
- Richard SERCOMBE, b. 25 Sep 1815 at Exeter, chr. 22 Oct 1820 at the Tabernacle Independent chapel, Combe Street, Exeter, m. 29 Sep 1851 at Holy Trinity, Exeter, Elizabeth SOUTHARD (b. ca. 1819 at Exeter, m1. BOWDEN, wid. by 1851, m3. reg. Q4 1855 at Exeter R.D., Theophilus Lancelot CROOT [see sidebar]), d. 16 Oct 1853 at Holloway Street, Exeter, of apoplexy, d. reg. Q4 1853 at Exeter R.D. In 1841, a painter, living at 35 Hertford Street, St. Pancras, with his brother John. In Mar 1851, a painter, visiting his sister Eliza; Elizabeth was a plainmaker(?), living at James Street, Exeter, with her children Mary BOWDEN (a scholar, b. ca. 1843 at Exeter) and Henry BOWDEN (a scholar, b. ca. 1844 at Exeter). At his marriage in Sep 1851, a painter; the marriage witnesses were Thomas AUSTIN and Richard DEAN. At his death in Oct 1853, a painter and glazier; the death was registered by Mary POTTER of Lansdowne Terrace, Exeter. At his son's (posthumous) birth in Dec 1853, his widow Elizabeth lived at 13 Holloway Street, Exeter. In 1861, she was living at 9 Rose Street, Bristol, with her husband Theophilus (a corn factor's laborer), their children John and Emma (see sidebar), and her son William. In 1871, she was living at 9 Rose Street, Bristol, with her husband Theophilus (a coal dealer) and her son William. Posthumously at his son's marriage in 1875, a gilder. (This is probably Richard SERCOMBE.)
- William Richard SERCOMBE, b. 13 Dec 1853 at 13 Holloway Street, Exeter, b. reg. Q1 1854 at Exeter R.D., m. 20 Jun 1875 at St. Luke, Bedminster, m. reg. Q2 1875 at Bedminster R.D., Hannah Maria PRICE (b. ca. 1857 at Bristol, daughter of Thomas PRICE, a blacksmith, d. reg. Q2 1934 at Bristol R.D.), d. reg. Q1 1904 at Bristol R.D. In 1861, living with his mother and stepfather. In 1871, a porter, living with his mother and stepfather. At his marriage in 1875, a lath render, of Bedminster; Hannah was also of Bedminster; their marriage was witnessed by Stephen Thomas GREETHEAD and Mary JORDAN. At his son's birth in 1879, a lath render, of 49 Weston Street, Bristol. In 1881, a lath maker, lodging in the HORSMAN household at 45 Morley Place, Plymouth, Devon; Hannah was living at 38 Somerset Street, Bedminster, with her children Gertrude, Edith, and William. In 1891, a lathrender, living at 9 Wine Street, Bristol, with his wife Hannah, their children Gertrude, Edith, and William, and a boarder. At his son's marriage in 1900, a lath render. In 1901, a lath render, living at 122 Hotwell Road, Bristol, with his wife Hannah and their children Gertrude, Edith, and Frank. At his daughter's marriage in 1903, and porthumously at his daughter's marriage in 1909, a lathrender. In 1911, Hannah was living at 10 Alfred Place, Kingsdown, Bristol, with her son Frank.
- Gertrude Annie SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1876 at Gloucester or Bedminster St. Luke or Bristol, b. reg. Q2 1876 at Gloucester R.D., chr. 1 Dec 1881 at St. Mary Redcliffe, Bristol, m. 27 Sep 1903 at St. Francis, Ashton Gate, Bristol, m. reg. Q3 1903 at Bristol R.D., Arthur GOLDING (b. ca. 1879, son of Samuel GOLDING, a bootmaker). In 1881, a scholar, living with her mother. In 1891, a haberdasher's apprentice, living with her parents. In 1901, a shop assistant, living with her parents. At her marriage in 1903, of 25 Chessel Street; Arthur was a bootmaker, of the same address; the witnesses were William Henry SERCOMBE (probably her brother) and Hannah GOLDING.
- Edith SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1877 at Bristol, b. reg. Q4 1877 at Bristol R.D., chr. 1 Dec 1881 at St. Mary Redcliffe, m. 21 Mar 1909 at St. Philip and St. Jacob, Bristol, m. reg. Q1 1909 at Bristol R.D., Charles Henry GILES (b. ca. 1877, son of Thomas GILES, a gardener). In 1881, a scholar, living with her mother. In 1891, a factory hand, living with her parents. In 1901, a machinist, living with her parents. At her marriage in 1909, of 8 Jacob Street, Bristol; Charles was a molarman(?), of the same address, the witnesses were William Henry SERCOMBE (her brother) and Ethel Ellen PRICE.
- William Henry SERCOMBE, b. 22 May 1879 at 49 Weston Street, Bristol, b. reg. Q3 1879 at Barton Regis R.D., chr. 1 Dec 1881 at St. Mary Redcliffe, m. 5 Sep 1900 at the Register Office, Swansea, Glamorgan, m. reg. Q3 1900 at Swansea R.D., Caroline JOHNS (b. ca. 1877 at Bristol, daughter of Walter JOHNS, a general laborer, d. reg. Q2 1925 at Bristol R.D.), d. reg. Q1 1963 at Kingswood R.D. In 1881, living with his mother. In 1891, a scholar, living with his parents. At his marriage in 1900, a journeyman woodcarver, of 15 Kensington Crescent, Swansea; Caroline was also of 15 Kensington Crescent; the marriage witnesses were T.J. ANDREWARTHA and Kate HOPKINS. In 1901, a wood carver, living at 216a Pearl Street, Roath, Glamorgan, with his wife Caroline. In 1911, a woodcarver in the furniture trade, living at 17 Haversham Street, Bristol, with his wife Caroline and their children Franklin and Alice. Subsequently a seaman in the Royal Navy.
- Franklyn William "Frank" SERCOMBE, b. 31 Aug 1901 at Cardiff, b. reg. Q4 1901 at Cardiff R.D., m1. reg. Q4 1926 at Bristol R.D., Rose A. STEPHENS, m2. Q2 1959 at Bristol R.D., Gladys M. HUNT, d. reg. Q3 1978 at Bristol R.D. In 1911, living with his parents.
- Donald Frank SERCOMBE, b. 19 Jul 1928, b. reg. Q3 1928 at Bristol R.D., d. reg. Aug 1990 at Sodbury R.D.
- Alice Gertrude SERCOMBE, b. 8 Oct 1902 at Bristol, b. reg. Q4 1902 at Bristol R.D., m. 24 Mar 1926, m. reg. Q1 1926 at Keynsham R.D., George E. MURPHY, d. 26 Jul 1981 at Bristol. In 1911, living with her parents.
Ancestor of researcher Roger Murphy.
- Henry Richard "Harry" SERCOMBE, b. 25 Jul 1911 at Bristol, b. reg. Q3 1911 at Bristol R.D., m. reg. Q3 1935 at Bristol
R.D., Caroline Elizabeth PRIGG (b. 18 Aug 1912, d. reg. Jan 2001 at Bristol R.D.), d. 27 Apr 1985 at Bristol, d. reg. Apr
1985 at Bristol R.D.
- Elizabeth A. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q4 1937 at Bristol R.D.
- Diane F. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1939 at Bristol R.D., m. reg. Q4 1959 at Bristol R.D., Norman J. PRATT.
- Richard SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q4 1943 at Bristol R.D.
- George Arthur SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q3 1881 at Bedminster R.D., chr. 22 Aug 1881 at St. Mary Redcliffe, d. reg. Q3 1881 at
Bedminster R.D.
- Frank Herbert SERCOMBE, b. 5 Mar 1896 at Bristol, b. reg. Q2 1896 at Bristol R.D., m. reg. Q3 1919 at Bristol R.D., Ethel LEIGH. In 1901, living with his parents. In 1911, a telegraph messenger, living with his mother.
- Muriel E. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1921 at Bristol R.D., m1. reg. Q4 1946 at Bristol R.D., Sidney A. SHINN, m2. reg. Q3
1955 at Bristol R.D., Kenneth P.B. UPTON.
- William Thomas SERCOMBE, b. 30 Dec 1922, b. reg. Q1 1923 at Bristol R.D., m. reg. Q1 1944 at Bristol R.D., Mavis A.
PACKER, d. reg. Mar 1992 at Bristol R.D.
- Ann SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1945 at Bristol R.D.
- Elizabeth SERCOMBE, b. 12 Aug 1817 in Devon, chr. 22 Oct 1820 at the Tabernacle, Combe Street. In 1841, living with
her parents.
- Henry SERCOMBE, b. 20 Apr 1820, chr. 22 Oct 1820 at the Tabernacle, Combe Street.
- Lydia Margret SERCOMBE, b. 1 Apr 1822 at Exeter Holy Trinity, chr. 19 May 1822 at the Tabernacle, Combe Street, m.
reg. Q4 1850 at St. George Hanover Square R.D., Samuel DAVEY (b. ca. 1824 at Starcross, Devon). In 1841, living with her
parents. In 1851, a draper and mercer, living at 12 South Street, Exeter, next door to her brother John, with her husband
Samuel (also a draper and mercer), a female assistant, and a domestic servant. In 1861, living in South Street, Exeter,
with her husband Samuel (a silk and linen draper), their children Charles, Lydia, James, and Eliza, an assistant, five
apprentices, and two domestic servants.
- Charles DAVEY, b. ca. 1851 at Exeter. In 1861, a scholar, living with his parents.
- Lydia DAVEY, b. ca. 1856 at Exeter. In 1861, living with her parents.
- James Kingston DAVEY, b. ca. 1858 at Exeter, b. reg. Q1 1858 at Exeter R.D. In 1861, living with his parents.
- Eliza Ann DAVEY, b. ca. 1859 at Exeter. In 1861, living with her parents.
- Sarah Dwelly SERCOMBE, b. 15 Aug 1824 at Exeter or St. Thomas, chr. 15 Jan 1825 at the Tabernacle, Combe Street, m.
23 Apr 1862 at St. Thomas, m. reg. Q2 1862 at St. Thomas R.D., Henry DAVEY (widower of her elder sister Eliza). In 1841,
living with her parents. In 1851, living with her brother John. In 1861, living with her parents. At her marriage in 1862,
of Hampden Place, St. Thomas; Henry was a bootmaker, of St. Pancras, Middlesex; the witnesses were Thomas SERCOMBE
(probably Sarah's brother) and Helen DAVEY (probably her niece/stepdaughter). In 1871, living at 20 Rochester Square, St.
Pancras, with her husband Henry (master of a boot and shoe emporium), niece/stepdaughter Sarah, children Eliza, Arthur,
and Amelia, a domestic servant, and a lodger. In 1881, living at 26 Mansfield Road, St. Pancras, with her husband Henry
(an insurance agent), their children Arthur and Amelia, and two boarders.
- Eliza Miriam DAVEY, b. ca. 1863 at St. Pancras, London, b. reg. Q2 1862 at Pancras R.D., m. reg. Q3 1885 at Hampstead
R.D., Henry BETTGER (b. ca. 1853 at St. Marylebone, London). In 1871, a scholar, living with her parents. At her son's
baptism in 1887, Henry was a commercial clerk and traveller, of 86 Mansfield Road, Hampstead, Middlesex. In 1901, living
at 2 Ingham Road, Hampstead, with her husband Henry (a commercial traveller in India rubber) and their children Godfrey,
Dorothy, Gladys, Elsie, and Winifred.
- Godfrey Sercombe BETTGER, b. 6 Aug 1886 at St. Pancras, b. reg. Q3 1886 at Pancras R.D., chr. 24 Jul 1887 at St. John,
Hammersmith. In 1901, living with his parents.
- Dorothy M. BETTGER, b. ca. 1889 at Hampstead. In 1901, living with her parents.
- Gladys M. BETTGER, b. ca. 1890 at Hampstead. In 1901, living with her parents.
- Elsie M. BETTGER, b. ca. 1894 at Hampstead. In 1901, living with her parents.
- Winifred E. BETTGER, b. ca. 1896 at Hampstead. In 1901, living with his parents.
- Arthur William DAVEY, b. ca. 1866 at London. In 1871, living with his parents. In 1881, a scholar, living with his
- Amelia Maud DAVEY, b. ca. 1868 at London. In 1871, living with her parents. In 1881, a scholar, living with her
- Thomas SIRCOMBE, chr. 30 Jul 1786 at St. Thomas, bur. 6 Dec 1788 at St. Thomas.
- Henry SIRCOMBE, b. ca. 1789 at Exeter, chr. 3 Aug 1789 at St. Thomas, m. 14 Apr 1811 at Tewkesbury, Gloucestershire, Mary STEPHENS (b. ca. 1788 at Tewkesbury, d. reg. Q4 1866 at Tewkesbury R.D.), d. reg. Q4 1866 at Tewkesbury R.D. At his son George's marriage in 1837, a stocking maker. In 1841, a journeyman stocking maker, living at Tracey Row, Tewkesbury, with his wife Mary and their children Richard, Sarah, and Elizabeth. At his son Richard's marriage in 1846, a miner. At Richard's second marriage in Jan 1849, a stocking weaver; at his son George's second marriage in Dec 1849, a weaver. In 1851, a stocking framework knitter, living at Jenynes Row, Tewkesbury, with his wife Mary (also a stocking framework knitter), their daughter Elizabeth, and Elizabeth's son Frederick. In 1861, a stocking framework knitter, living at Jenynes's Row, Tewkesbury, with his wife Mary, daughter Elizabeth, and Elizabeth's children Frederick and Ann.
- Ann SIRCOMBE, b. ca. 1812 at Tewkesbury, chr. 27 Dec 1812 at Tewkesbury, d. reg. Q1 1887 at Bedminster R.D. (Where in
1841?)In 1851, a servant in the CALLOWAY household at Martin's Lane, Liscard, Cheshire. In 1861, a servant in the HAMMILL
household at 41 West Derby Street, West Derby, Lancashire. In 1871, housekeeper in the GARLAND household, at 63
Piccadilly, Shelton under Harley, Staffordshire. In 1881, housekeeper in the BURGESS household, at Leighton House, Hill
Road, Clevedon, Somerset.
- George SIRCOMBE, b. ca. 1815 at Tewkesbury, chr. 24 Dec 1815 at Tewkesbury, m1. 19 Sep 1837 at Tewkesbury, m1. reg. Q3 1837 at Tewkesbury R.D., Mary ROBERTS (b. ca. 1811, d. reg. Q4 1848 at Cheltenham R.D.; daughter of Thomas ROBERTS, a carpenter), m2. 23 Dec 1849 at St. Peter, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, m2. reg. Q4 1849 at Cheltenham R.D., Sarah Ann HULLS (b. ca. 1828 at Cheltenham or Blockley near Stratton, Gloucestershire, d. reg. Q4 1904 at Cheltenham R.D.; daughter of Richard HULLS, a baker), d. reg. Q4 1889 at Cheltenham R.D. At his marriage in 1837, a ship carpenter, of Tewkesbury; Mary was a servant, also of Tewkesbury; the witnesses were James STEPHENS and Henry HOLDER. (Where in 1841?) At his marriage in 1849, a brewer, of Sun Street, Cheltenham; Sarah was also of Sun Street; the witnesses were Frederick CARR and Jane BRIMSON. (Where in 1851?) In 1861, a brewer, living at Marsh Lane, Cheltenham, with his wife Sarah and their children Mary, Richard, Frederick, and Elizabeth. At his daughter's marriage in 1870, an engine driver. In 1871, a brewer, living at 6 Glenfall Street, Cheltenham, with his wife Sarah and their children Richard, Frederick, and Rosetta. At his son's marriage in 1879, a brewer. In 1881, a brewer's assistant, living at 48 Burton Street, Cheltenham, with his wife Sarah, their daughters Rosetta and Mary, and Mary's husband and children. At his daughter's marriage in 1886, a brewer. In 1891, Sarah was a laundress for the Fleece Hotel, High Street, Cheltenham. In 1901, she was a laundress, visiting her daughter Mary Ann. (It appears that Sarah tended to shave a few years off her age. In the 1861 census she said she was 32; in 1871, 40; in 1881, 46; in 1891, 54; in 1901, 67; and at her death in 1904, 68. In some censuses George's age was also understated, perhaps to make Sarah's youth more plausible.)
- George Henry SIRCOMBE, b. ca. 1838 at Tewkesbury, b. reg. Q4 1838 at Tewkesbury R.D., m. 25 Oct 1868
at St. Mary, Cardiff, m. reg. Q4 1868 at Cardiff R.D., Sarah KILEY (b. ca. 1846 at Liverpool, Lancashire, daughter of
Patrick KILEY), d. reg. Q2 1894 at Cardiff R.D. (Where in 1841 and 1851?) In 1861, a stoker, lodging in the DEWERSON(?) household at 1 Holland Street, Birmingham, Warwickshire. In 1871, a sawyer,
living at 23 Crichton Street, Cardiff, with his wife Sarah and four lodgers. In 1881, a machinist, living at 23 Crichton
Street with his wife Sarah, daughter Mary, and a boarder. In 1891, a sawyer, living at 23 Crichton Street with his wife
Sarah, daughter Mary, and two boarders. (Where was Sarah in 1901?)
- Sarah Mary Matilda SIRCOMBE, b. ca. 1871 at Cardiff, b. reg. Q3 1871 at Cardiff R.D., m.
reg. Q4 1913 at Dublin North R.D., [husband unknown]. In 1881, a scholar, living with her parents. In 1891, a dressmaker,
living with her parents. In 1901, visiting the THOMPSON family at 40 Cowbridge Road, Cardiff. In 1911, a lady's companion
to Elizabeth BATTEN, Summer Hill Cottage, Oswestry, Shropshire.
- Elizabeth SIRCOMBE, b. reg. Q1 1843 at Tewkesbury R.D., d. reg. Q2 1844 at Tewkesbury R.D.
- Mary Ann SIRCOMBE, b. ca. 1851 at Cheltenham, b. reg. Q3 1851 at Cheltenham R.D., m1. 23 Aug 1870 at St. Mary, Cheltenham, m1. reg. Q3 1870 at Cheltenham R.D., John ATTWOOD (b. ca. 1850, son of William ATTWOOD, a coachman), m2. reg. Q3 1875 at Highworth R.D., William John LOCKEY (b. ca. 1845 at Highworth, Wiltshire, or London). In 1861, a scholar, living with her parents. At her marriage in 1870, of 6 Glenfall Street; John was a groom, of 18 Bath Parade; the witnesses were Edmund MORRIS and Elizabeth ATTWOOD. (Where in 1871?) In 1881, living in the household of her parents with her husband John (a market gardener) and their children Willie, Rose, and George. In 1901, living at 3 Stoneville Street, Cheltenham, with her husband William (a market gardener), their children George, Richard, Ann, Thomas, Henry, Sarah, Gertrude, and Arthur, and her visiting mother.
- Willie LOCKEY, b. ca. 1875 at Highworth. In 1881, a scholar, living with his parents and maternal grandparents.
- Rose LOCKEY, b. ca. 1877 at Highworth. In 1881, living with her parents and maternal grandparents.
- George Frederick LOCKEY, b. ca. 1878 at Cheltenham or Highworth, b. reg. Q4 1878 at Cheltenham R.D. In 1881, living
with his parents and maternal grandparents. In 1901, a clerk, living with his parents.
- Richard L. LOCKEY, b. ca. 1879 at Highworth. In 1901, a laborer, living with his parents.
- Ann Walker LOCKEY, b. ca. 1881 at Cheltenham, b. reg. Q4 1881 at Cheltenham R.D. In 1901, a laundress, living with her
- Thomas Ernest LOCKEY, b. ca. 1883 at Cheltenham, b. reg. Q4 1883 at Cheltenham R.D. In 1901, a laborer, living with
his parents.
- Henry James LOCKEY, b. ca. 1886 at Cheltenham, b. reg. Q3 1886 at Cheltenham R.D. In 1901, a porter, living with his
- Sarah Ann L. LOCKEY, b. ca. 1890 at Cheltenham, b. reg. Q2 1890 at Cheltenham R.D. In 1901, living with her parents.
- Gertrude Maud LOCKEY, b. ca. 1893 at Cheltenham, b. reg. Q2 1893 at Cheltenham R.D. In 1901, living with her parents.
- Arthur Granville LOCKEY, b. ca. 1895 at Cheltenham, b. reg. Q3 1895 at Cheltenham R.D. In 1901, living with his
- Richard Lewis Stanley SIRCOMBE, b. ca. 1855 at Cheltenham, b. reg. Q2 1855 at Cheltenham R.D., m.
1887 in New Zealand, Hannah Jane LOYE (b. ca. 1863, d. 1930 in New Zealand), d. 1926 in New Zealand. In 1861, a scholar,
living with his parents. In 1871, an errand boy, living with his parents. At his son's death in 1915, of Rangiatea Road,
Otorohanga, Hamilton, New Zealand.
- Gertrude Sarah Amelia SIRCOMBE, b. 1888 in New Zealand, m. 1905 in New Zealand, Alex Ercote WARD.
- Richard Frederick George SIRCOMBE, b. 1888 in New Zealand, d. 1889 in New Zealand aged 4 months.
- Richard William SIRCOMBE, b. 1890 in New Zealand, d. 25 Apr 1915 at Gallipoli, Turkey, memorial at Lone Pine Cemetery,
Gallipoli. At his death, a private in the Auckland Regiment of the New Zealand Expeditionary Force.
- Clarice Louisa SIRCOMBE, b. 1893 in New Zealand, m. 1916 in New Zealand, Lionel William Hubert VICARY.
- Nicholas Stanley SIRCOMBE, b. 1899 in New Zealand, m. 1927 in New Zealand, Cora Emma FISSENDEN (b. 29 Jan 1906, d.
1975 in New Zealand), d. 1962 in New Zealand. Had 5 sons and 2 daughters, from whom 21 grandchildren.
Ancestor of researchers Lynette Brown and Angela Sircombe.
- Elsie Rosa SIRCOMBE, b. 1900 in New Zealand, m. 1921 in New Zealand, Albert HELLIER.
- Amy Mary SIRCOMBE, b. 1903 in New Zealand, m. 1921 in New Zealand, Alfred Edward Lovejoy DOCKERY.
- Mona Vera Grace SIRCOMBE, b. 1905 in New Zealand, m. 1922 in New Zealand, Charles Alfred George MARTIN.
- Frederick Albert SIRCOMBE, b. ca. 1857 at Cheltenham, b. reg. Q3 1857 at Cheltenham R.D., m. 9 Feb 1879 at St. Mary, Cheltenham, m. reg. Q1 1879 at Cheltenham R.D., Rosina VINER (b. ca. 1854 at Bentham, a hamlet in the parish of Badgeworth, Gloucestershire, or at Little Witcombe, another hamlet in Badgeworth, or at Great Witcombe, the parish adjacent to Badgeworth, d. reg. Q1 1920 at Cheltenham R.D.; daughter of Charles VINER, a laborer), d. reg. Q2 1931 at Cheltenham R.D. In 1861, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1871, an errand boy, living with his parents. At his marriage in 1879, a coachman, of 48 Burton Street, Cheltenham; Rosina was also of 48 Burton Street; the witnesses were George SIRCOMBE and Rosa SIRCOMBE. In 1881, a coachman, living at 21 Burton Street, Cheltenham, with his wife Rosina and their children Frederick and Florence. In 1891, a groom, living at 4 Burton Street, Cheltenham, with his wife Rosina, their children Frederick, Kate, and Alice, and two lodgers. In 1901, a domestic coachman, living at 4 Burton Street with his wife Rosina and their children Frederick and Lizzie. At his children's marriages in 1905 and 1906, a coachman. In Apr 1911, a builder's laborer, living at 8 Townsend Place, Tewkesbury Road, Cheltenham, with his wife Rosina and their daughter Lizzie. At his daughter's marriag in Dec 1911, a licensed victualler.
- Frederick Richard SIRCOMBE, b. ca. 1879 at Cheltenham or Badgeworth, b. reg. Q3 1879 at Cheltenham R.D., m. 4 Jun 1906 at St. Mary, Cheltenham, m. reg. Q2 1906 at Cheltenham R.D., Gladys Lorna May WIXEY (b. ca. 1880 at Cheltenham, b. reg. Q4 1880 at Cheltenham R.D., d. reg. Q1 1952 at Cheltenham R.D.; daughter of James WIXEY, a gardener), d. reg. Q2 1961 at Cheltenham R.D. In 1881, living with his parents. In 1891, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1901, a railway carriage shunter for the Great Western Railway, living with his parents. At his marriage in 1906, a printer, of British School House; Gladys was also of British School House; the witnesses were Harry WIXEY and Ethel Edith Minnie WIXEY. In 1911, a printer's machinist, living at Council School House(?), Cheltenham, with his wife Gladys, their daughter Doris, and Gladys's sister Ethel.
- Doris May SIRCOMBE, b. ca. 1906 at Edgbaston, Warwickshire, b. reg. Q4 1906 at Kings Norton R.D., m. 1930 at St. Paul,
Cheltenham, m. reg. Q1 1930 at Cheltenham R.D., Monty BRUTON. In 1911, at school, living with her parents.
- John BRUTON, b. reg. Q2 1934 at Cheltenham R.D.
- Keith L. BRUTON, b. reg. Q2 1939 at Cheltenham R.D.
- Florence Kate SIRCOMBE, b. ca. Feb 1881 at Cheltenham, b. reg. Q1 1881 at Cheltenham R.D., m. 25 Dec 1911 at St. Peter, Cheltenham, m. reg. Q4 1911 at Cheltenham R.D., Frederick Charles JONES (b. ca. 1880, son of William JONES, a laborer). In 1881, living with her parents. In 1891, a scholar, living with her parents. In 1901, a kitchenmaid in the ATKINSON household at 8 Spa Buildings, Cheltenham. In Apr 1911, a parlormaid in the VERNALL household at Rodney House, Rodney Road, Cheltenham. At her marriage in Dec 1911, of Tewkesbury Road; Frederick was a collier, of 3 John St., Cwmcarn; the witnesses were Frederick Albert SIRCOMBE (her father) and Lizzie SIRCOMBE (her sister).
- Frederick F.A. JONES, b. reg. Q4 1912 at Cheltenham R.D.
- Rubina M. JONES, b. reg. Q3 1920 at Cheltenham R.D.
- Hilda F. JONES, b. reg. Q2 1922 at Bedwelty R.D.
- Sarah Ann Alice or Alice Sarah Ann SIRCOMBE, b. ca. 1882 at Cheltenham, b. reg. Q1 1883 at Cheltenham R.D., m. 25 Dec 1905 at St. Mary, Cheltenham, m. reg. Q4 1905 at Cheltenham R.D., Harry Joseph John COUSINS (b. ca. 1879, son of Henry COUSINS, a bootmaker). In 1891, a scholar, living with her parents.
In 1901, a domestic servant in a household of draper's employees, including Mabel POPE, at 62 Regent Street, Cheltenham. At her marriage in 1905, of British School House; Harry was a leather salesman, of 17 St Pauls Parade; the witnesses were Frederick SIRCOMBE (his father or brother) and Florence [illegible] SIRCOMBE (probably his sister Florence Kate).
- Alice Edith R. COUSINS, b. reg. Q4 1906 at Cheltenham R.D.
- Vera Edna COUSINS, b. reg. Q4 1908 at Cheltenham R.D.
- Ivy May COUSINS, b. reg. Q1 1910 at Cheltenham R.D.
- Albert H. COUSINS, b. reg. Q1 1912 at Cheltenham R.D.
- Florence COUSINS, b. reg. Q4 1913 at Cheltenham R.D.
- George R. COUSINS, b. reg. Q3 1916 at Cheltenham R.D.
- Betsy L. COUSINS, b. reg. Q1 1919 at Cheltenham R.D.
- Kenneth J. COUSINS, b. reg. Q4 1920 at Cheltenham R.D.
- William M. COUSINS, b. reg. Q2 1927 at Cheltenham R.D.
- Albert Henry SIRCOMBE, b. reg. Q4 1884 at Cheltenham R.D., d. reg. Q1 1886 at Cheltenham R.D.
- Rosetta Beatrice SIRCOMBE, b. reg. Q4 1886 at Neston R.D., d. reg. Q4 1887 at Cheltenham R.D.
- Lizzie Louise SIRCOMBE, b. ca. 1892 at Cheltenham, b. reg. Q4 1892 at Cheltenham R.D., m. 1920 at St. Paul,
Cheltenham, m. reg. Q2 1920 at Cheltenham R.D., Frederick H.C. PONTIN or POINTIN. In 1901, living with her parents. In
1911, a dressmaker, living with her parents.
- Brenda R. POINTIN, b. reg. Q2 1925 at Cheltenham R.D.
- Two more children, d. by 1911. (Birth and death registrations not found in Cheltenham R.D. Perhaps stillborn.)
- Alice Elizabeth or Elizabeth Alice SIRCOMBE, b. ca. 1860 at Cheltenham, b. reg. Q1 1860 at Cheltenham R.D., d. reg. Q2
1862 at Cheltenham R.D. In 1861, living with her parents.
- Ellen Elizabeth SIRCOMBE, b. reg. Q4 1862 at Cheltenham R.D., d. reg. Q3 1863 at Cheltenham R.D.
- Rosetta SIRCOMBE, b. ca. 1865 at Cheltenham, b. reg. Q1 1865 at Cheltenham R.D., m. 25 Dec 1886 at St. Mary, Cheltenham, m. reg. Q4 1886 at Cheltenham R.D., Samuel James FISHER (b. ca. 1864 at Cheltenham, son of Charles Josiah FISHER, a painter). In 1871, a scholar, living with her parents. In 1881, living with her parents. At her marriage in 1886, of 48 Barton Street; Samuel was a bran-finisher, of Camden Cottage; the witnesses were Alfred TAYLOR and Elizabeth Annie HULL. In 1891, living at 1 Swindon Terrace, Cheltenham, with her husband Samuel (a brass finisher and gas fitter), their children James and Gertrude, and Samuel's cousin Elizabeth A. SHILLS. In 1901, living at 3 Lodge Street, Lancaster, Lancashire, with her husband Samuel (a brass finisher) and their children James and Gertrude.
- James Thomas FISHER, b. ca. 1888 at Cheltenham, b. reg. Q3 1888 at Cheltenham R.D. In 1891 and 1901, living with his
- Gertrude May FISHER, b. ca. 1889 at Cheltenham, b. reg. Q1 1890 at Cheltenham R.D. In 1891 and 1901, living with her
- Sarah SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1817 in Gloucestershire or at Exeter, chr. 10 Dec 1820 at Mint Lane Wesleyan Methodist, Exeter,
m. reg. Q2 1844 at Tewkesbury R.D., George HUNT (b. ca. 1821 at Amesbury, Wiltshire), d. by 1891. In 1841, living with her
parents. In 1851, living at Pewsey, Wiltshire, with her husband George (a watchmaker) and their children George and Sarah.
In 1861, living at Pewsey with her husband George (a watchmaker) and their children George and Emily. In 1871, living at
North Street, Pewsey, with her husband George (a watchmaker), their daughter Emily, George's nephew John T. HUNT (b. ca.
1856 at Crediton, Devon), and an apprentice. In 1881, living at Market Place, Pewsey, with her husband George (a
watchmaker) and his nephew William George HUNT (an apprentice, b. ca. 1866 at Crediton). In 1891, George was a watchmaker,
jeweller, etc., living at North Street, Market Place, Pewsey, with his daughter Emily and nephew William (now also a
watchmaker and jeweller).
Ancestor of researcher Bill Ure.
- George Henry HUNT, b. ca. 1847 at Pewsey, b. reg. Q4 1847 at Pewsey R.D. In 1851 and 1861, living with his parents. In
1871, a watchmaker, boarding at Happy Land, Worcester, Worcestershire.
- Sarah Ann HUNT, b. ca. 1848 at Pewsey, b. reg. Q4 1848 at Pewsey R.D. In 1851, living with her parents.
- Emily HUNT, b. ca. 1853 at Pewsey, b. reg. Q2 1853 at Pewsey R.D., m. reg. Q3 1879 at Pewsey R.D., Thomas Fuller
BRYANT. In 1861 and 1871, living with her parents. In 1891, living with her father.
- Henry SERCOMBE, chr. 10 Dec 1820 at Mint Lane Wesleyan Methodist, d. reg. Q3 1839 at Tewkesbury R.D.
- Richard SIRCOMBE, b. ca. 1820 at Exeter, chr. 10 Dec 1820 at Mint Lane Wesleyan Methodist, m1. 30 Apr 1846 at Upton
Bishop, Herefordshire, m1. reg. Q2 1846 at Ross R.D., Eliza JONES (daughter of Thomas JONES, a farmer, d. reg. Q3 1847 at
Nottingham R.D.), m2. 3 Jan 1849 at Tewkesbury, m2. reg. Q1 1849 at Tewkesbury R.D., Harriet BEESLEY (b. ca. 1827 at
Tewkesbury, daughter of James BEESLEY, a lace maker, d. reg. Q2 1909 at Tewkesbury R.D.), d. reg. Q1 1893 at Tewkesbury
R.D. In 1841, a shopman, living with his parents. At his marriage in 1846, a losshouse(?) clerk, of Nottingham; Eliza was
a dressmaker, of Upton Bishop; the witnesses were E. SIRCOMBE (probably Richard's sister Elizabeth) and William DAVIS.
At his second marriage in 1849, a stocking weaver, of Tewkesbury; Harriet was also of Tewkesbury; the witnesses
were George Thomas BEESLEY and Mary Ann BEESLEY. In 1851, a stocking maker, living at Chance Street, Tewkesbury, with his
wife Harriet and son Richard. In 1861, a hosiery warehouseman, living at Mount Pleasant Road, Tewkesbury, with his wife
Harriet and their children Richard, Mary Ann, Thomas, and William. In 1864, a warehouseman of Tewkesbury, arrested for
stealing cotton worth eight shillings from the Tewkesbury Hosiery Company (his employers) and jumped bail. At his son
Richard's marriage in 1870, a stocking maker. In 1871, a cotton stocking maker, living at Old Post Office Alley,
Tewkesbury, with his wife Harriet and their children Mary Ann, Thomas, and Albert. In 1881, a framework knitter, living at
Longs Alley, Tewkesbury, with his wife Harriet (a seamstress). In 1891, a stocking maker, living at Long's Alley with his
wife Harriet. In 1901, Harriet was a stocking weaver, living at the Tewkesbury Union Workhouse.
- Richard Henry SIRCOMBE, b. ca. 1849 at Tewkesbury, b. reg. Q3 1849 at Tewkesbury R.D., m. 26 Dec 1870 at Tewkesbury,
m. reg. Q4 1870 at Tewkesbury R.D., Mary Ann HARRIS (b. ca. 1851 at Tewkesbury), d. reg. Q3 1915 at Tewkesbury R.D. In
1851, living with his parents. In 1861, a hosiery factory winder, living with his parents. At his marriage in 1870, a
porter, of Post Office Alley; Mary Ann was of Oldbury; the witnesses were Frederick Henry SIRCOMBE (son of his father's
sister Elizabeth) and James Salisbury MOORE. In 1871, a wine porter, living at Hughes's Alley, Tewkesbury, with his wife
Mary Ann. In 1881, a rural postman, living at 15 Oldbury, Tewkesbury, with his wife Mary and children Maud, Mary,
Elizabeth, and Richard. In 1891, a rural postman, living at Compton's Alley, Tewkesbury, with his wife Mary and children
Laura, Mary, Elizabeth, Richard, Anne, Albert, Thomas, Mabel, and Ethel. In 1901, a retired postman, living at Walls
Court, High Street, Tewkesbury, with his wife Mary and their daughters Mabel and Ethel. At his daughter Annie's marriage
in 1902, a pensioner. At the marriage of his daughter Mary Ann in 1908, a retired postman. At the marriage of his daughter
Mabel a few days later in 1908, a postman. In 1911, a pensioner postman, living at 37 Barton Street, Tewkesbury, with his
wife Mary Ann and their daughter Ethel.
- Elizabeth Mary SIRCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1871 at Tewkesbury R.D., d. reg. Q4 1871 at Tewkesbury R.D.
- Annie SIRCOMBE, b. reg. Q3 1872 at Tewkesbury R.D., d. reg. Q4 1873 at Tewkesbury R.D.
- Laura (or Maud) SIRCOMBE, b. ca. 1873 at Tewkesbury, b. reg. Q3 1873 at Tewkesbury R.D., d. reg. Q3 1892 at Tewkesbury
R.D. In 1881, a scholar, living with her parents. In 1891, a shirt collar maker, living with her parents.
- Mary Ann SIRCOMBE, b. ca. 1876 at Tewkesbury, b. reg. Q1 1876 at Tewkesbury R.D., m. 20 Dec 1908 at Tewkesbury
Independent Chapel, m. reg. Q4 1908 at Tewkesbury, Thomas HENDRY (b. ca. 1881, son of Thomas HENDRY). In 1881, a scholar,
living with her parents. In 1891, a shirt collar maker, living with her parents. (Where in 1901?) At her marriage in 1908,
a machinist at a collar factory, of Gravel Walk, Tewkesbury; Thomas was a general laborer, of Stephens Alley, Tewkesbury;
the witnesses were Mary Ann's sister Mabel and F. MANN (perhaps a relative by marriage of Mary Ann's sister Elizabeth).
- (perhaps) Laura Eveline SURCOMBE, b. reg. Q1 1895 at Tewkesbury R.D., d. reg. Q2 1895 at Tewkesbury R.D.
- Thomas HENDRY, b. ca. 1911, b. reg. Q1 1912 at Tewkesbury R.D.
- Elizabeth Mary SIRCOMBE, b. ca. 1877 at Tewkesbury, b. reg. Q4 1877 at Tewkesbury R.D., m. reg. Q4 1904 at Tewkesbury
R.D., George MANN (how related to George MANN, husband of Elizabeth's younger sister Ethel?). In 1881, a scholar, living
with her parents. In 1891, a shirt collar maker, living with her parents. (Where in 1901?)
- Lilian MANN, b. ca. 1904, b. reg. Q1 1905 at Tewkesbury R.D.
- Albert George MANN, b. reg. Q2 1906 at Tewkesbury R.D.
- Violet I. MANN, b. reg. Q3 1911 at Tewkesbury R.D.
- Richard Henry SIRCOMBE, b. ca. 1879 at Tewkesbury, b. reg. Q1 1880 at Tewkesbury R.D., m. 1906 at Holy Trinity, Tewkesbury, m. reg. Q2 1906 at Tewkesbury R.D., Margaret Eliza NEAL (b. ca. 1884 at Gloucester, d. reg. Q1 1953 at Gloucester Rural R.D.), d. reg. Q4 1941 at Cheltenham R.D. In 1881, living with his parents. In 1891, a scholar, living with his parents. (Where in 1901?) In 1911, a platelayer for the Midland Railway, living at Evans Alley, Barton Street, Tewkesbury, with his wife Margaret and their children Richard, May, and Alfred.
- Richard Henry SIRCOMBE, b. 27 Jul 1907 at Tewkesbury, b. reg. Q3 1907 at Tewkesbury R.D., m. 1937 at the Independent Chapel, Tewkesbury, m. reg. Q1 1937 at Tewkesbury R.D., Dorothy Jane SCOTT (b. 8 Jan 1914, d. reg. Mar 1989 at Cheltenham R.D.), d. reg. Q4 1971 at Cheltenham R.D. In 1911, living with his parents.
- Richard T. SIRCOMBE, b. reg. Q1 1942 at Cheltenham R.D., m. 1972 at the Register Office, Cheltenham, m. reg. Q4 1972 at Cheltenham R.D., Patricia Alberta HUGGINS (b. 31 Mar 1942, d. reg. Apr 2003 at Cheltenham R.D.).
- Maureen A. SIRCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1946 at Cheltenham R.D., m1. 1965 at Tewkesbury, m1. reg. Q1 1965 at Cheltenham R.D.,
Graham J. LIDDIATT, m2. 1968 at the Register Office, Cheltenham, m2. reg. Q4 1968 at Cheltenham R.D., Michael E. PACKER.
- Timothy PACKER, b. reg. Q4 1972 at Cheltenham R.D.
- Ian PACKER, b. reg. Q1 1976 at Cheltenham R.D.
- David J. SIRCOMBE, b. reg. Q4 1951 at Cheltenham R.D., m. 1975 at St. Peter, Leckhampton, m. reg. Q3 1975 at
Cheltenham R.D., Lynda I. MOORE.
- Lilian May SIRCOMBE, b. ca. 1908 at Tewkesbury, b. reg. Q3 1908 at Tewkesbury R.D., d. reg. Q3 1931 at Tewkesbury R.D. In 1911, living with her parents.
- Alfred SIRCOMBE, b. 21 Jan 1910 at Tewkesbury, b. reg. Q1 1910 at Tewkesbury R.D., m. reg. Q2 1932 at Tewkesbury R.D., Annie Elizabeth CLARKE (b. 12 Sep 1902, d. reg. Q2 1976 at Cheltenham R.D.), d. reg. Q4 1983 at Cheltenham R.D. In 1911, living with his parents.
- Laura SIRCOMBE, b. reg. Q4 1911 at Tewkesbury R.D., m. 1936 at the Register Office, Tewkesbury, m. reg. Q4 1936 at
Tewkesbury R.D., Peter METCALF.
- Michael V. METCALF, b. reg. Q1 1939 at Cheltenham R.D.
- Albert SIRCOMBE, b. 7 Mar 1913, b. reg. Q2 1913 at Tewkesbury R.D., m. reg. Q4 1946 at Coventry R.D., Marjorie CLARKE
(b. 7 Oct 1915, d. reg. Q3 1970 at Coventry R.D.), d. reg. Q2 1970 at Coventry R.D.
- Francis Thomas SIRCOMBE, b. reg. Q3 1915 at Tewkesbury R.D., d. reg. Q1 1937 at Gloucester R.D.
- John Charles SIRCOMBE, b. 4 Oct 1920, b. reg. Q4 1920 at Tewkesbury R.D., m. 1944 at the Register Office,
Cheltenham, m. reg. Q1 1944 at Cheltenham R.D., Dorothy May BANKS (b. 7 Aug 1923, d. reg. Jan 2005 at Malvern R.D.),
d. reg. Aug 1993 at Malvern R.D.
- Dorothy M. SIRCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1946 at Cheltenham R.D., m. 1964 at the Register Office, Cheltenham, m. reg. Q4 1964
at Cheltenham R.D., Malcolm W. PAVEY.
Researcher Dorothy Pavey.
- Sharon D.M. SERCOMBE, subsequently Sharon D.M. PAVEY, b. reg. Q3 1964 (rereg. Q1 1965) at Bristol.
- Mark John PAVEY, b. reg. Q2 1967 at Cheltenham R.D.
- William J. SIRCOMBE, b. reg. Q4 1947 at Cheltenham R.D., m. 1979 at the Register Office, Cheltenham, m. reg. Q4 1979
at Cheltenham R.D., Jane E. SKLENAR.
- Nathan John SIRCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1980 at Cheltenham R.D.
- Joseph SIRCOMBE, b. reg. Q3 1922 at Tewkesbury R.D., m. reg. Q4 1946 at Weymouth R.D., Ruby Agnes DOWLE (b. 26 Dec
1924, m2. reg. Q3 1961 at Weymouth R.D., Leonard A. APPLEBY, d. reg. [as Ruby A. SIRCOMBE] Nov 2005 at Dorset R.D.), d.
reg. Q4 1948 at Weymouth R.D., bur. 13 Dec 1948 at Preston with Sutton Poyntz, Dorset. At his death in 1948, of 2 Sea
View, Seven Acres Road, Preston.
- Jennifer J. SIRCOMBE, b. reg. Q1 1949 at Weymouth R.D., m. reg. Q3 1972 at Weymouth R.D., David F. SNOWDEN.
- William SIRCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1925 at Tewkesbury R.D., d. reg. Q2 1940 at Cheltenham R.D.
- Leslie SIRCOMBE, b. 23 Jan 1927, b. reg. Q1 1927 at Tewkesbury R.D., m. reg. Q3 1951 at Birmingham R.D., Gladys
VENABLES, d. reg. Q4 1980 at Cheltenham R.D.
- Ian J. SIRCOMBE, b. reg. Q1 1958 at Cheltenham R.D.
- Alan R. SIRCOMBE, b. reg. Q1 1961 at Cheltenham R.D., m. 2004 at the Register Office, Cheltenham, m. reg. Apr 2004 at
Cheltenham R.D., Beverley C. WALKLEY or HODGSON.
- Annie SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1881 at Tewkesbury, b. reg. Q3 1881 at Tewkesbury R.D., m. 18 May 1902 at All Saints,
Gloucester, m. reg. Q2 1902 at Gloucester R.D., Albert Edward WASLEY (b. ca. 1882, son of John WASLEY, a plate layer for
the Great Western Railway). In 1891, a scholar, living with her parents. In 1901, a waitress in the household of James
Levi WOOD (a licensed victualler) at High Street, Evesham, Worcestershire. At her marriage in 1902, of 34 Herbert Lane,
Gloucester; Albert was a corn porter, of 34 Herbert Road, Gloucester; the witnesses were Polly SIRCOMBE and John Henry
- Albert Edward SIRCOMBE, b. ca. 1883 at Tewkesbury, b. reg. Q1 1884 at Tewkesbury R.D., d. 29 Sep
1917, bur. at Brookwood Military Cemetery, Brookwood, Surrey. In 1891, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1901, a
general laborer at Twelve Oaks Farm, Highweek, Newton Abbot, Devon, in the household of James B. MANN (a farmer, b. ca.
1868 at Kingsteignton, Devon). In World War I, served as a private in the 2nd Regiment, South African Infantry, under the
name A.M. HARRIS (his mother's maiden name with the initials reversed).
- Thomas Augustus "Tom" SIRCOMBE, b. ca. 1885 at Tewkesbury, b. reg. Q3 1885 at Tewkesbury R.D., m. reg. Q1 1913 at
Llandilofawr R.D., Elizabeth THOMAS (b. ca. 1877, d. reg. Q4 1939 at Carmarthen R.D.), d. reg. Q3 1938 at Carmarthen R.D.
In 1891, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1901, a cattle man on the JONES family's farm at Penarthisaf, Conwil Caio,
- Mabel Florence SIRCOMBE, b. ca. 1887 at Tewkesbury, b. reg. Q4 1888 at Tewkesbury R.D., m1. 26 Dec 1908 at
Tewkesbury, m1. reg. Q4 1908 at Tewkesbury R.D., Frank PRICE (b. ca. 1884), m2. reg. Q4 1919 at Tewkesbury R.D., Tom
GREEN. In 1891, a scholar, living with her parents. In 1901, living with her parents. At her marriage in 1908, of Mill
Bank; Frank was a laborer, also of Mill Bank; the witnesses were Alfred EURTHRIDGE and Ethel SIRCOMBE (Mabel's sister).
- Frank Thomas PRICE, b. reg. Q3 1909 at Tewkesbury R.D.
- Harold R. PRICE, b. reg. Q4 1911 at Tewkesbury R.D.
- Bessie PRICE, b. reg. Q1 1915 at Tewkesbury R.D.
- Harry GREEN, b. reg. Q2 1920 at Tewkesbury R.D.
- Doris GREEN, b. reg. Q2 1924 at Tewkesbury R.D.
- Ethel May SIRCOMBE, b. ca. Sep 1890 at Tewkesbury, b. reg. Q4 1890 at Tewkesbury R.D., m1. 1913 at the Methodist
Chapel, Tewkesbury, m1. reg. Q4 1913 at Tewkesbury R.D., George MANN (how related to George MANN, husband of Ethel's
elder sister Elizabeth?), m2. 1919 at Tewkesbury, m2. reg. Q2 1919 at Tewkesbury R.D., Charles H.G. PITTS. In 1891 and
1901, living with her parents. In 1908, a witness at the marriage of her sister Mabel. In 1911, a machinist at a collar
factory, living with her parents.
- (probably) Ethel M. MANN, b. reg. Q2 1915 at Tewkesbury R.D.
- Charles H. PITTS, b. reg. Q2 1920 at Tewkesbury R.D.
- Nora E. PITTS, b. reg. Q1 1923 at Tewkesbury R.D.
- Bertha PITTS, b. reg. Q4 1925 at Tewkesbury R.D.
- Harriett SIRCOMBE, b. reg. Q4 1852 at Tewkesbury R.D., d. reg. Q3 1854 at Tewkesbury R.D.
- Henry SIRCOMBE, b. reg. Q3 1854 at Tewkesbury R.D., d. reg. Q3 1855 at Tewkesbury R.D.
- Mary Ann SIRCOMBE, b. ca. 1856 at Tewkesbury, b. reg. Q3 1856 at Tewkesbury R.D., m. reg. Q2 1877 at Tewkesbury R.D.,
Henry RICE (b. ca. 1855 at Tewkesbury), prob. d. reg. Q4 1897 at Worcester R.D. In 1861, a scholar, living with her
parents. In 1871, chairing(?), living with her parents. In 1881, living at 7 Exhibition Street, Gloucester, with her
husband Henry (a waterman) in the household of his father. In 1891, living at 11 Exhibition Street, Gloucester, with her
husband Henry (a timber foreman), their daughters Mary and Alice, and her brother Albert. In 1901, Henry was a waterman,
living at 57 Robinhood Street, Gloucester, with his second wife Mary (b. ca. 1861 at Pershore, Worcestershire), his
daughters Hettie and Alice, "stepson"(?) James SHELLAM (a waterman, b. ca. 1881 at Winchcombe, Gloucestershire), and
visitor Albert CHURCHILL (a waterman, b. ca. 1881 at Chalford, Gloucestershire).
- Sarah Harriet "Holly" or "Hettie" RICE, b. ca. 1882 at Gloucester, b. reg. Q3 1882 at Gloucester R.D., m. reg. Q2
1903 at Gloucester R.D., Alfred Charles CRESSWELL, d. 1939 at Coburg, Victoria. In 1891, living with her parents. In
1901, a watch rose maker, living with her father and stepmother.
- Alice Mary RICE, b. ca. 1884 at Gloucester, b. reg. Q3 1884 at Gloucester R.D. In 1891, living with her parents. In
1901, living with her father and stepmother.
- Thomas SIRCOMBE, b. ca. 1859 at Tewkesbury, b. reg. Q2 1859 at Tewkesbury R.D., m. 25 Aug 1890 at St. James,
Gloucester, m. reg. Q3 1890 at Gloucester R.D., Eliza Hannah YOUNG (b. ca. 1870 at Forthampton, Gloucestershire, daughter
of Charles YOUNG, a laborer, d. reg. Q3 1895 at Gloucester R.D.), d. reg. Q3 1908 at Worcester R.D. In 1861, living with
his parents. In 1871, a scholar, living with his parents. (Where in 1881?) At his marriage in 1890, a carter, of 20 Barton
Terrace, Gloucester; Eliza was of the same address; the witnesses were William DICKERSON and Eliza Ann YOUNG. In 1891, a
carter, living at 11 Victory Road, Gloucester, with his wife Eliza. In 1901, a canal boatman, living on a boat on the
Birmingham and Worcester Canal, Worcester, Worcestershire, with his brother Albert.
- William SIRCOMBE, b. ca. Mar 1861 at Tewkesbury, b. reg. Q1 1861 at Tewkesbury R.D., d. reg. Q3 1861 at Tewkesbury
R.D. In 1861, living with his parents.
- Albert SIRCOMBE, b. ca. 1863 at Tewkesbury, b. reg. Q1 1863 at Tewkesbury R.D., d. reg. Q2 1901 at Wolverhampton R.D.
In 1871, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1881, a barge cabin boy aboard the vessel Perseverance, at
Gloucester. In 1891, a mechanical engineer, lodging in the household of his sister Mary Ann. In 1901, a canal boatman,
living on a boat on the Birmingham and Worcester Canal with his brother Thomas.
- Elizabeth SIRCOMBE, b. ca. 1825 at Tewkesbury. In 1841, living with her parents. Probably witnessed her brother
Richard's marriage at Upton Bishop, Herefordshire, in 1846. In 1851, a stocking framework
knitter, living in her parents' household with her son Frederick. In 1861, a stocking framework knitter, living in her
parents' household with her children Frederick and Ann. In 1871, a stocking weaver, living at Gravel Walk, Tewkesbury,
with her son Frederick. In 1881, a stocking maker, living at 5 Greens Buildings, Oldbury Road, Tewkesbury, next door to
her daughter Annie. In 1891, a stocking maker, living in the household of her daughter Annie. In 1901, a shoe closer,
probably also receiving parish relief, living with her daughter Annie. In 1911, an old age pensioner, boarding with her
daughter Annie.
- Frederick Henry SIRCOMBE, b. ca. 1848 at Tewkesbury or Cheltenham, b. reg. Q1 1848 at Cheltenham R.D., d. reg. Q4 1876
at Tewkesbury R.D. In 1851, living with his mother and her parents. In 1861, a stocking framework knitter, living with his
mother and her parents. In 1870, a witness at the marriage of his first cousin Richard Henry SIRCOMBE. In 1871, a letter
carrier, living with his mother.
- Ann Elizabeth "Annie" SIRCOMBE, b. ca. 1853 at Tewkesbury, b. reg. Q1 1853 at Tewkesbury R.D., m. 25 Dec 1874 at
Tewkesbury, m. reg. Q4 1874 at Tewkesbury R.D., Albert RICKETTS (b. ca. 1852 at Uley, Gloucestershire, d. reg Q1 1897 at
Tewkesbury R.D.). In 1861, a scholar, living with her mother and her parents. In 1871, a general servant in the TREEBY
household at 20 Grosvenor Place (South), Cheltenham, Gloucestershire. At her marriage in 1874, a servant, of Gravel Walk,
Tewkesbury; Albert was a groom, of St. Pauls, Cheltenham; the witnesses were Frederick SIRCOMBE (probably Annie's brother)
and Rosa Ellen RICKETTS. In 1881, living at 6 Greens Buildings, Oldbury Road, Tewkesbury, next door to her mother, with
her husband Albert (an ostler). In 1891, living at 4 Spring Garden, Tewkesbury, with her husband Albert (a stable man),
their sons Frederick, Albert, and Henry, and her mother. In 1901, a shoe closer, probably also receiving parish relief,
living at 4 Spring Gardens with her mother and her sons Frederick, Albert, Henry, and Frank. In 1911, a housekeeper,
living at 4 Spring Gardens with her mother and her sons Albert and Frank.
- Frederick Edmund RICKETTS, b. ca. 1884 at Tewkesbury, b. reg. Q2 1884 at Tewkesbury R.D., d. reg. Q3 1944 at
Cheltenham R.D. In 1891, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1901, a grocer's assistant, living with his mother.
- Albert RICKETTS, b. ca. 1887 at Tewkesbury, b. reg. Q1 1887 at Tewkesbury R.D. In 1891, a scholar, living with his
parents. In 1901, a grocer's errand boy, living with his mother. In 1911, a grocer's porter, living with his mother.
- Henry RICKETTS, b. ca. 1890 at Tewkesbury, b. reg. Q2 1890 at Tewkesbury R.D. In 1891, living with his parents. In
1901, living with his mother.
- Frank RICKETTS, b. ca. 1893 at Tewkesbury, b. reg. Q2 1893 at Tewkesbury R.D. In 1901, living with his mother. In
1911, a painter, living with his mother.
John SERCOMBE, b. est. 1756, m. 13 Apr 1781 at Dunterton, Devon, Eulalia FOOT.
- John SERCUMBE, chr. 9 Oct 1785 at Dunterton.
Mary SERCOMB, b. est. 1755, m. 13 Apr 1780 at Tedburn St. Mary, Devon, Robert BROCK. Thomas HOLMAN
and Ann PRESTON witnessed the marriage in 1780. (Perhaps a sister of Elizabeth SERCOMBE?)
William SERCUMBE, b. est. 1755, m. 2 Jun 1781 at Broadwoodwidger, Devon, Grace CROCKER. Perhaps a
relative of Elizabeth SERCOMBE? (Note that there are few Sercombes at Broadwoodwidger but many
Frances SIRCOMBE, b. est. 1756, m. 29 Nov 1781 at Exminster, Devon, William POPE.
William SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1756, bur. 23 May 1820 at Ipplepen, Devon.
William SOUTHCOMBE, b. est. 1757, m. 7 Aug 1782 at St. Mary Arches, Exeter, Devon, Jane FORD (bur. 19 Aug 1832 at St.
Olave, Exeter). In 1832, Jane was of Bartholomew Street.
- William SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 16 Nov 1783 at St. Olave, Exeter, bur. 21 Feb 1799 at St. Olave, Exeter.
- John SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 27 Aug 1786 at St. Olave, Exeter, bur. 21 Dec 1788 at St. Olave, Exeter.
- John SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 28 Dec 1789 at St. Olave, Exeter, bur. 2 Sep 1810 at St. Olave, Exeter.
- Jane SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 20 May 1792 at St. Olave, Exeter, bur, 20 Oct 1818 at St. Olave, Exeter. In 1818, of Bartholomew
- (probably) Elizabeth SOUTHCOMBE, b. ca. 1816, bur. 14 Dec 1818 at St. Olave, Exeter. In 1818, of Bartholomew Yard.
- (probably) Samuel SOUTHCOMBE, b. ca. 1795, bur. 21 May 1826 at St. Olave, Exeter. In 1826, of St. Olaves.
- Betty SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 1 Jul 1798 at St. Olave, Exeter, bur. 23 Jul 1812 at St. Olave, Exeter.
Elizabeth SERCOMBE, b. est. 1758, m. 3 Mar 1783 at Broadwoodwidger, Devon, Richard TOOKE. At their marriage in 1783, Elizabeth was of Broadwoodwidger, and Richard was of Thrushelton. Perhaps a relative of William SERCUMBE and/or Jane SOUTHCOMBE? (Note that there are few Sercombes at Broadwoodwidger but many Seccombes.)
John SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1758, m1. 13 Nov 1785 at St. Thomas, Devon, after banns, Sarah SERCOMBE (bur. 19 Apr 1801 at St. Mary Steps, Exeter, Devon), m2. 23 May 1802 at St. Thomas, Mary "Betty" WHITE, bur. 30 Dec 1827 at St. David, Exeter. In 1785, John and Sarah were both of St. Thomas, and their marriage was witnessed by James WARREN and George CALLENDER. In 1802, John and Mary were both of St. Thomas, and their marriage was witnessed by James WARREN and William EDMONDS. (Is this John SERCOMBE?)
- John SERCOMBE, chr. 27 Jan 1788 at St. Thomas.
- Mary SERCOMBE, chr. 17 Oct 1790 at St. Thomas.
- Elizabeth or Betty SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1803 at St. Thomas, chr. 5 Jun 1803 at St. Thomas, m1. 19 Aug 1822 at Tiverton, Devon, John SHARLAND, m2. William CHAMBERS (b. ca. 1798 at Rewe, Devon). In 1841, living at Exeter St. David with her second husband William (a laborer), their children Mary, Sarah, and Susanah, her children John, William, and Henry, and Betty CHAMBERS (independent, b. ca. 1760, perhaps William's mother). At her first marriage in 1822, of Tiverton; John was also of Tiverton; the witnesses were David REEVE and Elizabeth CROSS. In 1851, living at Exe Street, Exeter St. David, with her second husband William (a vellmonger's laborer), their children Mary, Sarah, James, and Susan, and her son John. At her son's marriage in 1852, her first husband John was described as a sawyer.
- John Sercombe SHARLAND, chr. 25 Dec 1822 at St. David, Exeter, Devon, m1. unknown, m2. reg. Q3 1851 at Exeter R.D.,
Jane SHARLAND (b. ca. 1820 at Upton Pyne, Devon), d. reg. Q3 1899 at Exeter R.D. In 1841, a laborer, living with
his mother and stepfather. In 1851, an iron foundry laborer, living with his mother and stepfather. In 1861, an iron
foundry foreman, living at 3 Chapples Court, Exeter St. David, with his second wife Jane (a laundress) and his children
Elizabeth, John, Tom, and William. In 1871, living at Exe Lane, Exeter St. David, with his wife Jane and their sons Thomas
and William. In 1881, living at Exe Court, behind Mall House, Exeter St. David, with his wife Jane and their son William.
In 1891, a foundry fireman, living at 1 Gullock's Ope[ning?], Lower North Street, Exeter St. David, with his wife Jane and
their sons Thomas and William.
- Elizabeth SHARLAND, b. ca. 1843 at Exeter St. David, b. reg. Q4 1843 at Exeter R.D. In 1861, a tailoress, living with
her father and stepmother.
- John S. SHARLAND, b. ca. 1845 at Exeter St. David, b. reg. Q4 1845 at Exeter R.D. In 1861, an iron foundry moulder,
living with his father and stepmother.
- Thomas John "Tom" SHARLAND, b. ca. 1853 at Exeter St. David, b. reg. Q3 1853 at Exeter R.D. In 1861, a scholar, living
with his parents. In 1871, a printer's apprentice, living with his parents. In 1891, a printer compositor, living with his
- William Henry SHARLAND, b. ca. 1858 at Exeter St. David, b. reg. Q4 1858 at Exeter R.D. In 1861, a scholar, living
with his parents. In 1871, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1881, a compositor, living with his parents. In 1891, a
printer compositor, living with his parents.
- Elizabeth Sercombe SHARLAND, chr. 30 Jan 1825 at St. David, Exeter, m. 18 Jul 1852 at St. Pancras, Middlesex, m. reg.
Q3 1852 at Pancras R.D., Henry BROWN (son of William BROWN, a biscuit baker). In 1851, a house servant, living with her
cousin Robert PARR (a wooden shoe maker, b. ca. 1821 at Exeter) and his wife Jane (b. ca. 1820 at Exeter) at 3 Pancras
Place, St. Pancras. At her marriage, of Pancras Place; Henry was a plumber, also of Pancras Place; the witnesses were
Robert and Jane PARR. (Robert PARR junior, a last maker of Essex Street, son of Robert PARR, a pump maker, married Jane
TOTTLE, of Union Place, daughter of Richard TOTTLE, a porter, on 1 Jan 1847 at St. Pancras.)
- William James Sercombe SHARLAND, chr. 2 Mar 1827 at St. David, Exeter, m. 4 Aug 1852 at St. David, Exeter, m. reg. Q3
1852 at Exeter R.D., Elizabeth SKOINS (b. ca. 1820, daughter of Richard SCOINES, a mason). In 1841, a laborer, living with
his mother and stepfather. At his marriage in 1852, a laborer, of Exe Lane; Elizabeth was also of Exe Lane; the witnesses
were Robert MILLER and Charlotte GREENSLADE.
- William Henry SHARLAND, chr. 30 Jul 1832 at St. David, Exeter. In 1841, a laborer, living with his mother and
- Mary A. CHAMBERS, b. ca. 1835 at Exeter. In 1841, living with her parents. In 1851, a house servant, living with her
- Sarah CHAMBERS, b. ca. 1837 at Exeter. In 1841, living with her parents. In 1851, a scholar, living with her parents.
- Susanah CHAMBERS, b. ca. 1839 in Devon, prob. d. by 1844. In 1841, living with her parents.
- James CHAMBERS, b. ca. 1841 at Exeter. In 1851, an errand boy, living with his parents.
- Susan CHAMBERS, b. ca. 1844 at Exeter. In 1851, a scholar, living with her parents.
- James White SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1806 at Exeter, chr. 12 Jan 1806 at St. Thomas, m. 6 Nov 1831 at St. David, Exeter,
Sarah "Sally" LAND (b. ca. 1807 at Tiverton, Devon, d. reg. Q4 1867 at Easthampstead R.D., bur. 2 Nov 1867 at Holy
Trinity, Bracknell, Berkshire), d. reg. Q3 1870 at Easthampstead R.D., bur. 8 Sep 1870 at Holy Trinity, Bracknell. At his
daughter's baptism in 1838, a bricklayer of Crediton, Devon. In 1841, a journeyman bricklayer, living at Mason Street,
Lambeth, Surrey, with his wife Sally and their daughters Mary and Emily. In 1851, a bricklayer, living at Wimbush Lane,
Hitchin, Hertfordshire, with his wife Sally and their daughter Emily. In 1861, a master bricklayer employing four men and
one boy, living at Bracknell with his wife Sally. An online history of the
Drunken Pear pub [link apparently defunct: see
archived copy],
formerly the Crown and Anchor, in Maidens Green, near Winkfield, Berkshire, records that James White SERCOMBE, a
bricklayer of Bracknell, bought the pub at auction in November 1861 for £290, that he took a loan for £170
from Elizabeth CAVE (perhaps his daughter Emily's employer?) in 1865, and that ownership of the pub passed to Henry HEWETT
in 1868. At his daughter's marriage in 1868, of Bracknell.
- James John SERCOMBE, b. May 1833, d. aged 2 days, bur. 2 Jun 1833 at St. David, Exeter.
- Mary Jane SERCOMBE, chr. 1 Nov 1835 at St. David, Exeter, d. reg. Q4 1841 at Lambeth R.D., bur. 12 Dec 1841 at St.
Mary, Lambeth. In 1841, living with her parents. At her death later in 1841, of Mason Street, Lambeth.
- Emily Maria SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1838 at Crediton, b. reg. Q3 1838 at Crediton R.D., chr. 7 Nov 1838 at Crediton, m.
11 Apr 1868 at St. John, Bedminster, m. reg. Q2 1868 at Bedminster R.D., William PINCOTT. In 1841, living with her
parents. In 1851, a scholar, living with her parents. In 1861, a house servant in the CAVE household at Coppin Hall,
Warfield, Berkshire. At her marriage in 1868, William was of the Rising Sun inn, Ashton Road, Bedminster.
- William White SERCOMBE, chr. 13 Mar 1808 at St. Thomas, m. Hester, bur. 13 May 1852 at Ottery St. Mary, Devon. At his
burial in 1852, of Mill Street, Ottery St. Mary.
- William John SERCOMBE, chr. 10 Jul 1832 at St. David, Exeter, bur. 23 Aug 1832 at St. David, Exeter.
James WRAYFORD, b. est. 1759, m. 17 Aug 1784 at Bovey Tracey, Devon, Elizabeth HARRIS (half-sister of
Mary HARRIS), d. by 1811.
- John Harris WRAYFORD, chr. 3 Oct 1785 at Kingsbridge, Devon.
- Elizabeth WRAYFORD, chr. 17 Sep 1787 at Kingsbridge.
- James WRAYFORD, chr. 16 Nov 1789 at Kingsbridge, prob. d. by 1795.
- Thomas WRAYFORD, chr. 28 Nov 1791 at Kingsbridge.
- Mary Sercombe WRAYFORD, chr. 18 Nov 1793 at Kingsbridge, m. 29 Sep 1828 at Kingsbridge, Robert GOODENOUGH.
- James WRAYFORD, chr. 10 Feb 1795 at Kingsbridge.
Robert SURCOMBE, b. est. 1759, m. 9 Oct 1784 at St. Andrew, Plymouth, Devon, Ann DAVEY.
Richard SERCOMBE, b. est. 1762, m. 17 Jul 1799 at Charles the Martyr, Plymouth, Devon, after banns begun 17 Jun 1787 (sic)
at Holy Trinity, Exeter, Ann NEWTON.
Mary SOUTHCOMBE, b. est. 1763. At her daughter Mary's burial in 1797, a pauper.
- Elizabeth SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 17 Feb 1788 at Sheepwash, Devon.
- Mary SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 24 Feb 1793 at Sheepwash, bur. 20 Apr 1797 at Sheepwash.
- George SOUTHCOMBE, b. ca. 1795 at Sheepwash, chr. 5 Jul 1795 at Sheepwash, m. 28 Jan 1822 at Petrockstowe, Devon,
Grace BATER (b. ca. 1796 at Dolton, Devon). At his son's baptism in 1822, a laborer, of Peters Marland, Devon. At his
son's baptism in 1825, a laborer, of Brandize, Petrockstowe. At his daughter's baptism in 1828, a laborer, of Weymoor,
Little Torrington, Devon. At his children's baptisms in 1831, 1832, 1836, and 1837, a laborer, of Petrockstowe town. In
1841, an agricultural laborer, living at Church Town, Petrockstowe, with his wife Grace and their children James, George,
Mary, John, and Grace. In 1851, an agricultural laborer, living at Petrockstowe village with his wife Grace and their
daughter Grace.
- James SOUTHCOMBE, b. ca. 1822 in Devon, chr. 14 Jul 1822 at Peters Marland, Devon. In 1841, living with his parents.
- George SOUTHCOMBE, b. ca. 1825 in Devon, chr. 23 Jan 1825 at Petrockstowe. In 1841, living with his parents.
- Mary SOUTHCOMBE, b. ca. 1828 in Devon, chr. 23 Mar 1828 at Little Torrington. In 1841, living with her parents.
- William SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 15 Sep 1831 at Petrockstowe, bur. 18 Sep 1831 at Petrockstowe.
- John SOUTHCOMBE, b. ca. 1832 in Devon, chr. 28 Oct 1832 at Petrockstowe. In 1841, living with his parents.
- Ann SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 15 May 1836 at Petrockstowe, bur. 10 Aug 1837 at Petrockstowe.
- Grace SOUTHCOMBE, b. ca. 1837 at Petrockstowe, chr. 9 Jul 1837 at Petrockstowe. In 1841, living with her parents. In
1851, a glover, living with her parents.
- Mary SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 23 Dec 1798 at Sheepwash.
Robert SOUTHCOMBE, b. est. 1763, m. 4 Jun 1788 at St. Andrew, Plymouth, Devon, Susanna JOHNS.
- Robert SOUTHCOMBE, b. ca. 1790 at Devonport, Devon, chr. 13 Jun 1790 at Morice Square Independent, Devonport, m. 24
Apr 1810 at East Stonehouse, Devon, Mary Worth GREEN (b. ca. 1789 at Devonport). In 1851, a journeyman tailor, living at
15 Paradise Row, Maidstone, Kent, with his wife Mary, their children Ellen and Thomas, and Ellen's daughter Rosa.
- Ellen SOUTHCOMBE, b. ca. 1813 at Devonport, m. BLAKE. In 1851, a sempstress, living with her parents.
- Rosa BLAKE, b. ca. 1848 at St. James, London. In 1851, living with her mother and grandparents.
- Elizabeth SOUTHCOMBE, b. 19 May 1821, chr. 2 Jul 1821 at Morice Street Wesleyan, Devonport, Devon.
- Thomas Beard or Beer SOUTHCOMBE, b. 31 May 1823, chr. 13 Oct 1823 at Morice Street Wesleyan, Devonport, bur.
13 Jul 1824 at Stoke Damerel, Devon.
- William Worth SOUTHCOMBE, b. 31 May 1823, chr. 13 Oct 1823 at Morice Street Wesleyan, Devonport, bur. 13 Jul 1824 at
Stoke Damerel.
- Hanah Maria SOUTHCOOMB, b. 4 Dec 1825, chr. at Morice Street Wesleyan, Devonport.
- Mary Ann SOUTHCOMBE, b. 19 Apr 1829, chr. 1 Jun 1829 at Morice Street Wesleyan, Devonport.
- Thomas SOUTHCOMBE, b. 19 Apr 1829 at Devonport, chr. 1 Jun 1829 at Morice Street Wesleyan, Devonport. In 1851, a
journeyman tailor, living with his parents.
- Mary SOUTHCOMBE, b. ca. 1798, chr. 4 Oct 1812 at Sheepwash, Devon.
John SOUTHCOMBE, b. est. 1778, m. Mary Hawkey.
- John SOUTHCOMBE, b. 17 Jul 1804, chr. 12 Aug 1804 at Princes Street Independent, Devonport, Devon.
- Amelia SOUTHCOMBE, b. 30 Aug 1807, chr. 21 Feb 1808 at Princes Street Independent, Devonport, prob. d. by 1809.
- Amelia SOUTHCOMBE, b. 8 Dec 1809, chr. 30 Apr 1810 at Mount Street Independent, Devonport.
Thomas SOUTHCOMBE, b. ca. 1785 at Whitchurch, Devon, m. 15 Jan 1810 at Whitchurch, Mary Ann RAYMENT (b. ca. 1790 at North
Tawton, Devon). At his daughter's baptism in 1813, a labourer, of Foxhole Street, Plymouth, Devon. At his son's baptism
in 1816, a carpenter, of Plymouth. At his son's baptism in 1819, a carpenter, of Lower Brook Street, Tavistock, Devon. At
his children's baptisms in 1822, 1825, 1831, and 1835, a carpenter, of Bannawell Street, Tavistock. In 1841, a carpenter,
living at Bannawell Street, Tavistock, with his wife Mary Ann and their children Robert, Thomas, Jane, Charles, and Mary
Ann. In 1851, a carpenter, living at 24 Banawell Street, Wellington Place, Tavistock, with his wife Mary Ann and their
son Charles.
- Robert SOUTHCOMBE, b. ca. 1810 in Devon. In 1841, a carpenter, living with his parents.
- Mary Ann SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 4 Apr 1813 at Charles the Martyr, Plymouth. At her daughter's baptism in 1839, of Bannawell
Street, Tavistock. In 1841, a servant to William WALTERS, innkeeper, at Back Street, Tavistock.
- Mary Ann SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 19 Jun 1839 at Tavistock. In 1841, living with her mother's parents.
- Richard Rayment SOUTHCOMBE, b. 8 Nov 1815 at Plymouth or Tavistock, chr. 1 Jan 1816 at St. Andrew, Plymouth, m.
reg. Q2 1857 at Clifton R.D., Caroline HART (b. ca. 1821 at Frome, Somerset). In 1851, a hatter, lodging at 13 Great
George Street, Bristol, Gloucestershire. In 1861, lodging at 13 Great George Street, Bristol, with his wife Caroline and
their daughters Jane and Martha. In 1871, a slater, living at 19 Colston Place, Bristol, with his wife Caroline and their
daughters Mary, Caroline, Susan, and Eliza.
- Mary Jane SOUTHCOMBE, b. ca. 1857 at Bristol St. Philip. In 1861 and 1871, living with her parents.
- Martha SOUTHCOMBE, b. ca. Apr 1860 at Bristol. In 1861, living with her parents.
- Caroline SOUTHCOMBE, b. ca. 1862 at Bristol St. Philip. In 1871, living with her parents.
- Susan SOUTHCOMBE, b. ca. 1865 at Bristol St. Philip. In 1871, living with her parents.
- Eliza SOUTHCOMBE, b. ca. 1868 at Bristol St. Philip. In 1871, living with her parents.
- Thomas SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 6 Feb 1819 at Tavistock. In 1841, a carpenter, living with his parents.
- John SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 9 Feb 1822 at Tavistock.
- Susanna SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 20 Dec 1825 at Tavistock.
- Jane Ham SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 28 Dec 1831 at Tavistock. In 1841, living with her parents.
- Charles SOUTHCOMBE, b. ca. 1835 at Tavistock, chr. 20 Nov 1835 at Tavistock. In 1841, living with his parents. In
1851, a plumber's apprentice, living with his parents.
Richard SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1763, m. 7 Nov 1790 at St. Mary Major, Exeter, Devon, Elizabeth DRYER (b.
ca. 1757, bur. 4 Oct 1823 at Holy Trinity, Exeter), bur. 6 Nov 1823 at St. Mary Major, Exeter. In 1803, a ferry man, of
Exeter Holy Trinity, on a list of men available for the militia in case of an invasion by Napoleon. Listed in Pigot's
directory for 1822-23 as proprietor of the Fountain public house (now the Prospect Inn), the Quay, Exeter. An account of
Elizabeth's death appeared in the Exeter Flying Post on 2 Oct 1823: "On Monday afternoon, the body of a female was
found floating on a part of the River Exe, below Salmon Pool, commonly called Duck's Lake, and a bonnet and some other
articles of female apparel were discovered under a bush adjoining the bank; the body was got out of the water and taken to
the Reception House of the Exeter Humane Society, near the Lime Kilns, but though it appeared to have been but a short
time in the water, all efforts to restore animation were unavailing. Yesterday an inquest was taken before George
Whitelocke, Esq. one of the Coroners for Devon, who after viewing the body adjourned to the Windmill Public-house,
Holloway-street, in this city. The deceased was Mrs. Elizabeth Sercombe, 66 years of age, wife of Mr. Richard
Sercombe, of the Fountain Public house, on the Quay; a woman whose conduct through life had gained her the love and esteem
of all who knew her, she left her house on Monday afternoon between two and three o'clock, and was seen walking on the
bank of the river, but no evidence came before the jury, as to the manner of her getting into the water, and they returned
a verdict of 'Found drowned.'"
- Richard SIRCUM, b. 21 Aug 1791, chr. 18 Sep 1791 at Bow or Mint Meeting Presbyterian chapel, Exeter.
- Elizabeth SURCOMBE or SOUTHCOMBE, b. 5 Feb 1793, chr. 8 Apr 1794 at Bow or Mint Meeting Presbyterian, bur. 26 Apr 1794
at Holy Trinity, Exeter.
- John SERCOMBE, chr. 6 Aug 1795 at Holy Trinity, Exeter, bur. 10 Oct 1795 at Holy Trinity, Exeter.
- Sarah SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1796 at Exeter, chr. 13 Oct 1796 at Bow or Mint Meeting Presbyterian, m. 30 Nov 1823 at St. Mary Major, Exeter, Joseph GIBBS (b. ca. 1795 at Budleigh, Devon). At her son's baptism in 1824, Joseph (erroneously surnamed RICHARD) was a mariner, of Exeter St. Mary. At her sons' baptisms in 1826, 1829, and 1835, Joseph was a mariner, of Exeter St. Mary Major. At her daughter's baptism in 1837, Joseph was a master mariner, of Exeter St. Mary Major. In 1841, living at Myrtle Terrace, Coombe Street, Exeter St. Mary Major, with her husband Joseph (a master mariner), their children William, Joseph, George, Elizabeth, Benjamin, and Sarah, and a servant. In 1851, living at Gibbs Building, Coombe Street, with her children Joseph, Benjamin, and Sarah. In 1861, living at 71 Sidwell Street, Exeter St. Sidwell, with her husband Joseph (a mariner), their daughter Sarah, and visitor Jane REDMAN (a milliner, b. ca. 1838 at Topsham, Devon).
- William GIBBS, b. 16 Sep 1824 in Devon, chr. 14 Nov 1824 at Mint Lane Wesleyan Methodist chapel, Exeter. In 1841, an apprentice, living with his parents.
- Joseph GIBBS, b. 29 Aug 1826 at Exeter, chr. 3 Dec 1826 at Mint Lane Wesleyan Methodist. In 1841, an apprentice, living with his parents. In 1851, a tailor, living with his mother.
- George Sercombe GIBBS, b. 21 May 1829 in Devon, chr. 2 Aug 1829 at Mint Lane Wesleyan Methodist. In 1841, living with his parents.
- Elizabeth GIBBS, b. ca. 1831 in Devon. In 1841, living with her parents.
- Benjamin Dryer GIBBS, b. 16 Mar 1835 at Exeter, chr. 5 Apr 1835 at Mint Lane Wesleyan Methodist. In 1841, living with his parents. In 1851, a bookbinder, living with his mother.
- Sarah Ann GIBBS, b. 5 Feb 1837 at Exeter, chr. 14 May 1837 at Mint Lane Wesleyan Methodist. In 1841, living with her parents. In 1851, a milliner, living with her mother. In 1861, a milliner, living with her parents.
- Mary SIRCOMBE, b. 3 May 1798, chr. 9 Aug 1798 at Bow or Mint Meeting Presybterian.
Robert SIRCUMB or SOUTHCOMBE, b. est. 1763, m. 12 Feb 1788 at Cookbury, Devon, Mary SANDERS.
- Joseph SOUTHCOME, chr. 20 Jul 1792 at Holsworthy, Devon, d. 1 Feb 1796.
- Mary SOUTHCOME, chr. 20 Jul 1792 at Holsworthy.
- Ann SOUTHCOME, chr. 9 Feb 1794 at Holsworthy.
- Joseph SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 15 May 1796 at Holsworthy. (Is this Joseph SERCOMBE?)
William SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1763, m. 18 Jan 1796 at St. David, Exeter, Devon, after banns begun 27 Dec 1795 at Holy Trinity,
Exeter, Elizabeth WESTCOTT (b. ca. 1766, bur. 6 Apr 1823 at Holy Trinity, Exeter), bur. 27 Aug 1832 at Holy Trinity,
Exeter. In 1795, Elizabeth was living in the Circus, Exeter. In 1803, William was living at Exeter St. Mary Major.
- John CIRCOMBE, chr. 21 Jan 1798 at St. Mary Major, Exeter.
- James CIRCOMBE, chr. 23 Feb 1800 at St. Mary Major, Exeter, prob. d. by 1802.
- James CIRCOMBE, chr. 2 Feb 1802 at St. Mary Major, Exeter.
- Elizabeth Westcott CIRCOMBE, chr. 2 Mar 1804 at St. Mary Major, Exeter.
- Fanny CIRCOMBE, chr. 25 May 1806 at St. Mary Major, Exeter.
- Charles Greenwood CIRCOMBE, chr. 21 Feb 1808 at St. Mary Major, Exeter.
- Frances SERCOMBE, chr. 24 Mar 1811 at St. Mary Major, Exeter, bur. 17 Feb 1828 at Holy Trinity, Exeter.
- Henry Wescott SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1812 at Exeter, chr. 28 Mar 1813 at St. Mary Major, Exeter, m. 31 Mar 1834 at Holy Trinity, Exeter, Ann BROOKES (b. ca. 1812 at Exeter, d. reg. Q1 1892 at St. George Hanover Square R.D.), d. reg. Q4 1890 at St. George Hanover Square R.D. Henry EMERY, Elizabeth HADLEY, and Susan EMERY witnessed the marriage in 1834. In 1841, a basket maker, living at Magdalen Street, Exeter Holy Trinity, with his wife Ann, their children William and Emma, Margaret BROOKS (a laundress, b. ca. 1770 in Devon, perhaps Ann's mother or grandmother), and Sophia BROOKS (a servant, b. ca. 1819 in Devon, perhaps Ann's sister). In 1851, a journeyman painter, living at 17 Wood Street, Westminster, London, with his wife Anne (employed in washing and mangling) and their children William, Emma, Henry, and Fanny. At his son's marriage in 1860, a painter. In 1861, a house painter, living at 17 Wood Street, Westminster, with his wife Ann, their son William and his wife Mary, their daughter Fanny, and their son John. At his daughter's marriage in 1869, a painter. In 1871, a painter, living at 37 Wood Street, Westminster, with his wife Ann, their son John, and their granddaughter Emma. At his son's marriage in 1874, a painter. In 1881, a house painter, living at 33A Smith Square, Westminster, with his wife Ann (a laundress). In 1891, Ann was an almswoman, living at 2D Rochester Row, Westminster (one of a group of almshouses).
- William SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1835 at Exeter, chr. 22 Nov 1835 at South Street Baptist, Exeter, m. 11 Mar 1860 at St. Matthew Great Peter Street, Westminster, m. reg. Q1 1860 at Westminster St. Margaret R.D., Mary Ann HUGHES (daughter of George HUGHES, a laborer; b. ca. 1831 at East Grinstead, Sussex, d. reg. Q1 1891 at St. George Hanover Square R.D.), d. reg. Q3 1875 at St. George Hanover Square R.D. In 1841, living with his parents. In 1851, an errand boy, living with his parents. At his marriage in 1860, a painter, of 51 Marsham Street; Ann was of the same address; the witnesses were Emma SERCOMBE (his sister) and George HADLEY. In 1861, a house painter, living in the household of his parents with his wife Mary. In 1871, a painter and glazier, living at 26 George Street, Marylebone, London, with his wife Ann. In 1881, Ann was a charwoman, pauper inmate at the St. Marylebone Workhouse, Marylebone.
- Emma (or Amy) SERCOMBE, b. Feb 1838 at Exeter, b. reg. Q1 1838 at Exeter R.D., chr. 5 Jul 1861 at St. Paul, Bow Common, Stepney, Middlesex, m. 1 Nov 1865 in Jackson County, Michigan, William WALKER (b. ca. 1826 in England, d. 27 Sep 1902 at Sandstone, Jackson County). In 1841, living with her parents. In 1851, employed in domestic duties, living with her parents. In 1860, a witness at the marriage of her brother William. (Where in Apr 1861?) At her baptism in Jul 1861, a nurse, of Groombridge, Kent. In 1870, living at Sandstone with her husband William (a farmer) and their children Ellen and William. In 1880, living at Sandstone with her husband William (a farmer), their children Nellie, William, Emma, and Joseph, and a farm laborer. In 1900, living at Sandstone with her husband William and their son Joseph. In 1910, living with her son Joseph.
- Ellen L. "Nellie" WALKER, b. ca. 1867 in Michigan, d. 15 Dec 1889 in Sandstone County of inflammation of the bowels.
In 1870, living with her parents. In 1880, at school, living with her parents.
- William H. WALKER, b. Jan 1869 at Sandstone, m. 14 Feb 1894 at Sandstone, Ella M. or W. VEDDER (b. Feb 1873 at
Sandstone, daughter of John G. VEDDER and Lucinda H. LOSEY and sister of Homer VEDDER, husband of William's sister Emma).
In 1870, living with his parents. In 1880, at school, living with his parents. At his marriage in 1894, a farmer, of
Sandstone; Ella was also of Sandstone. In 1900, a farmer, living with his wife's parents, together with his wife and two children.
- Emma J. WALKER, b. ca. 1871 in Michigan, m. 11 Sep 1892 at Sandstone, Homer T. VEDDER (b. Dec 1869 in Michigan, son of
John G. VEDDER and Lucinda H. LOSEY and brother of Ella VEDDER, wife of Emma's brother William). In 1880, at school,
living with her parents. In 1900, living at Sandstone with her husband Homer (a farmer), three children, and a farm hand.
- Joseph J. WALKER, b. Nov 1873 at Sandstone, m. 24 Jul 1918 at Jackson, Edith M. COSSER (b. ca. 1875 at Tompkins,
Jackson County, daughter of Frank COSSER and Delia STIMER, m1. LOSEY). In 1880, at school, living with his parents. In
1900, a farmer, living with his parents. In 1910, a farmer, living at Sandstone with his mother and a hired hand. At his
marriage in 1918, a farmer, of Sandstone; Edith was of Tompkins.
- Henry James "Harry" SERCOMBE, b. 26 Jul 1841 at Exeter, b. reg. Q3 1841 at Exeter R.D., m.
30 Sep 1873 at Jackson, Jackson County, Michigan, Julia (or Juvinelia or Juvenalia) R. STIMER (b. 27 Jul 1855 in New York,
daughter of Benjamin STIMER and Irma RAYMOND, m2. 15 Aug 1909 at Jackson, William P. MORGAN, d. 6 Jun 1915 at Blackman,
Jackson County, bur. at Woodland Cemetery, Jackson), d. 22 Feb 1905 at City Hospital, Jackson, bur. 24 Feb 1905 at
Woodland Cemetery. In 1851, a scholar, living with his parents. Probably first came to the United States ca. 1859 as a
Royal Navy seaman. In 1861, an ordinary seaman in the Royal Navy, aboard H.M.S. Tartar at Esquimault Harbour,
Vancouver Island. In 1869, in the crew of the ship Malta, arrived in Sydney, New South Wales, from Galle, Ceylon,
on 1 Sep 1869 (listed as a "company employee") and again on 28 Nov 1869 (listed as a steward). Immigrated to the United
States ca. 1870; naturalized by 1887. At his marriage in 1873, a painter, of Jackson; Julia was of Sandstone. In 1880, a
painter, living at Blackman with his wife Julia (keeping house) and their son William. In 1887, a publican, arrived on
22 Jul at New York from Liverpool, England, or Queenstown, Ireland, traveling in steerage on the ship Germanic with
one piece of luggage. In 1900, a house painter, living at Blackman with his wife Juvenilia (a day laborer) and their son
William; also enumerated at 117 North Mechanic Street, Jackson. Unemployed 6 months in 1899-1900. At his death in 1905, a
painter. In 1910, Julia was a wash woman in her own home, living at Blackman with a young married couple as boarders. At
her death in 1915, she was a housekeeper.
- William Rodney SERCOMBE, b. 27 Sep 1875 at Sandstone, m. 6 Feb 1901 at Jackson, Mary M. LASETSKI (b. ca. 1882 at South
Bend, Indiana, daughter of Valentine LASETSKI). In 1880, living with his parents. In 1900, a laborer at a tile factory,
living with his parents. At his marriage in Feb 1901, a tile maker, of Jackson; Mary was also of Jackson. At his
daughter's birth in Apr 1901, a saloon keeper, of Jackson. In 1910, a lathe hand in a machine shop, living at Blackman
with his wife Mary and their children Hazel, William, and John. At his mother's death in 1915, of R.F.D. #4, Jackson. In
1920, a softdrink bartender, living at 510 Argyl Street, Jackson, with his wife Mary and their children Hazel, Harry,
John, Benjamin, Emma, Wesley, and Robert. In 1930, a retail grocer, living at 410 Argyle Street, Jackson, with his wife
Mary and their children Harry, John, Benjamin, Emma, Wesley, Robert, Mary, Norman, and Evelyn.
- Hazel J. SERCOMBE, b. 13 Apr 1901 at Blackstone, Jackson County, m. 15 Jun 1921 at Jackson, William E. JENNESS (b. ca.
1899 at Jackson, son of A.J. JENNESS and Helen LLOYD). In 1910, living with her parents. In 1920, a stenographer in a
factory office, living with her parents. At her marriage in 1921, a stenographer, of Jackson; William was a drop forger,
also of Jackson.
- William H. or Harry W. SERCOMBE, b. 10 Oct 1906 in Michigan, d. 10 Jan 1973. In 1910, living with his parents. In
1920, a delivery boy for a laundress, living with his parents. In 1930, a machine operator at a horn factory, living with
his parents. Latterly lived at Ypsilanti, Michigan. At his death in 1973, of Jackson.
- John R. SERCOMBE, b. 6 Feb 1908 in Michigan, m. Mildred M. (b. 26 May 1907, d. 15 Apr 2000), d. 13 Dec 1986. In 1910 and 1920, living with his parents. In 1930, a
wheel painter at a wheel factory, living with his parents. Latterly lived at Brooklyn, Michigan. At his death in 1986, of
- Sally SERCOMBE, d. by 2011.
- Shirly (Sister Mary Xavier) SERCOMBE, b. 5 Dec 1933 at Jackson, Michigan, d. 21 Nov 2011 at Cincinnati, Ohio. Became a Sister of Charity, ca. 1953. Obituary in the Jackson Citizen Patriot, 2 Dec 2011.
- Benjamin G. SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1912 in Michigan. In 1920, living with his parents. In 1930, a salesman at a retail
grocery store (presumably his father's), living with his parents.
- Emma L. SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1913 in Michigan. In 1920, living with her parents. In 1930, a day servant doing housework
for a private family, living with her parents.
- Wesley E. SERCOMBE, b. ca. May 1916 at Jackson, Michigan, m. Dorothy B. (b. 13 Nov 1919, d. Apr 1996), d. 14 Feb 2004 at Hemet, California. In 1920 and 1930, living with his parents. Dorothy's last residence was Jackson. See Wesley's obituary 19 Feb 2004 in the Riverside, California, Press-Enterprise newspaper.
- Bonnie SERCOMBE, m. SNEDEGAR, d. by 2011.
- Michael J. SERCOMBE, b. 30 Mar 1941, m. ca. 1972 Rosanne, d. 5 Feb 2011. At his death in 2011, of Jackson. See
obituary 9 Feb 2011 in the Jackson Citizen Patriot newspaper.
- Christopher SERCOMBE.
- Steven SERCOMBE.
- Harland SERCOMBE, d. by 2011.
- Donald SERCOMBE. At his brother's death in 2011, of California.
- Robert H. SERCOMBE, b. 9 Oct 1918 in Michigan, d. 28 Sep 2004. In 1920 and 1930, living with his parents. Last residence Jackson.
- Mary Helen SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1920 in Michigan, m. DuBOIS. In 1930, living with her parents.
- Norman Paul SERCOMBE, b. 14 Jul 1923 in Michigan, d. 10 Sep 1987 in Sacramento County, California. In 1930, living
with his parents.
- William Charles SERCOMBE.
- Barbara Lynn SERCOMBE. Researcher Barb Sercombe.
- Evelyn May SERCOMBE, b. ca. Oct 1926 in Michigan. In 1930, living with her parents.
- George SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q3 1843 at Exeter R.D., d. reg. Q2 1844 at Exeter R.D.
- Fanny SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1847 at Westminster, b. reg. Q3 1847 at Westminster St Margaret R.D., m. 1 Nov 1869 at St. Stephen Rochester Row, Westminster, m. reg. Q4 1869 at Westminster St. Margaret R.D., William DANIELS (b. ca. 1844, son of George DANIELS, a tailor). In 1851 and 1861, living with her parents. At her daughter's birth in 1867, of 17 Wood Street, Westminster. At her marriage in 1869, of 8 Francis Terrace; William was a potman, of 17 St. Margarets Terrace; the witnesses were Henry BUCKLE and Ann BUCKLE. At his daughters' baptisms in 1871, William was a tailor, of 37 Wood Street, Westminster.
- (probably) Emma SERCOMBE, b. 31 Dec 1867 at the Workhouse, Westminster, b. reg. Q1 1868 at Westminster St. Margaret
R.D., d. reg. Q3 1871 at St. George Hanover Square R.D. In 1871, living with her mother's parents. (Emma's birth
certificate gives her mother's name as Emma, but her aunt Emma was married and living in Michigan by 1867, so this is
surely an error. Her mother made her mark when registering the birth, so she may not have been able to read the
registrar's mistake on the form.)
- Margaret DANIELS, b. 17 May 1871 at 11:50pm, chr. 19 May 1871 at St. Mary at Lambeth.
- Maria DANIELS, b. 18 May 1871 at 12:20am, chr. 19 May 1871 at St. Mary at Lambeth.
- (probably) A stillborn child, bur. 16 Apr 1849 at St. John the Evangelist, Smith Square, Westminster.
- George SERCOMBE, b. ca. Feb 1850, b. reg. Q2 1850 at Westminster St. Margaret R.D., d. reg. Q1 1851 at Westminster St. Margaret R.D., bur. 27 Jan 1851 at St. John the Evangelist, Smith Square.
- (probably) Charles SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1851 at Westminster St. Margaret R.D., d. unbap. aged 2 hours, d. reg. Q2 1851 at Westminster St. Margaret R.D., bur. 10 Jun 1851 at St. John the Evangelist, Smith Square.
- (probably) A stillborn child, bur. 8 Dec 1852 at St. John the Evangelist, Smith Square.
- John George SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1854 at Westminster, b. reg. Q1 1854 at Westminster St. Margaret R.D., m. 5 Apr 1874 at St. John the Evangelist, Smith Square, m. reg. Q2 1874 at St. George Hanover Square R.D., Mary Eliza BRADSHAW (b. ca. 1852 at Westminster, daughter of Henry BRADSHAW, a foreman, d. reg. Q2 1929 at Lambeth R.D.), d. reg. Q1 1926 at Royston R.D. In 1861, living with his parents. In 1871, a porter, living with his parents. At his marriage in 1874, a fitter, of 70 Tufton Street; Mary was of 3 St. John's Terrace; the witnesses were Henry SERCOMBE (probably his father) and Alice SHAW. In 1881, a gas fitter, living at 3 St. John's Terrace, Westminster, with his wife Mary and a brother-in-law. In 1891 and 1901, a gas fitter, living at 3 St. John's Terrace, Westminster, with his wife Mary. In 1911, a gas fitter for a gas company, living at 21 St. Philip Street, Queen Road, Battersea, with his wife Mary.
- (probably) Ellen Eliza SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q1 1856 at Westminster St. Margaret R.D., d. reg. Q3 1856 at Westminster R.D.
Lewis SOUTHCOMBE, b. ca. 1764, m. 29 Mar 1791 at Swimbridge, Devon, Elizabeth GAYDON (b. ca. 1768, bur. 13 Apr 1834 at
Swimbridge), bur. 10 Jan 1830 at Swimbridge.
- John SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 3 Jul 1791 at Swimbridge, m. 4 Apr 1816 at Swimbridge, Mary GOFF. At his children's baptism in
1817, 1818, 1819, 1822, and 1823, a tailor, of Swimbridge.
- George SOUTHCOMB, chr. 15 Jan 1817 at Swimbridge.
- Ann SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 26 Apr 1818 at Swimbridge.
- Mary SOUTHCOMB, chr. 25 Dec 1819 at Swimbridge.
- Elizabeth SOUTHCOMB, chr. 17 Mar 1822 at Swimbridge.
- John SOUTHCOMB, chr. 16 Nov 1823 at Swimbridge.
- James SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 26 Jan 1794 at Swimbridge, m. 22 Apr 1830 at Swimbridge, Frances "Fanny" PEARCE (b. ca. 1799 at
Westleigh, Devon). At his son's baptism in 1832, a tailor, of Swimbridge. In 1851, a master tailor, living at Swimbridge
with his wife Fanny.
- Frederick SOUTHCOMBE, b. ca. 1832 at Swimbridge, chr. 11 Nov 1832 at Swimbridge. In 1851, a servant in the YEO
household at Swimbridge.
- Mary SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 23 Apr 1797 at Swimbridge, m. 3 May 1817 at Swimbridge, Thomas YEO.
- Elizabeth SOUTHCOMB, chr. 1 May 1800 at Swimbridge, m. 30 Dec 1824 at Swimbridge, James THOMAS.
- George SOUTHCOMB, b. ca. 1803 at Swimbridge, chr. 10 Jul 1803 at Swimbridge, m. 6 Apr 1829 at Swimbridge, Jane SLEWMAN
(b. ca. 1808 at Horrod [Horwood?], Devon). At his children's baptisms in 1832, 1834, and 1837, a laborer, of Swimbridge.
In 1851, a tanner's laborer, living at Swimbridge with his wife Jane, their son John, and visitor Jane (an annuitant, b.
ca. 1772 at Fremington, Devon, m. GOULD, wid. by 1851).
- Betsy SOUTHCOMB, b. ca. Feb 1832, chr. 11 Mar 1832 at Swimbridge, bur. 19 Jun 1833 at Swimbridge.
- George SOUTHCOMB, chr. 6 Apr 1834 at Swimbridge, d. 27 Feb 1839.
- John SOUTHCOMB, b. ca. 1837 at Swimbridge, chr. 8 Jan 1837 at Swimbridge. In 1851, living with his parents.
- William SOUTHCOMBE, b. ca. 1805 at Swimbridge, chr. 17 Nov 1805 at Swimbridge, m. 26 Mar 1827 at Bratton Fleming,
Devon, Maria LETHABY (d. by 1851). At his marriage in 1827, of Goodleigh; Maria was of Bratton Fleming; the witnesses were
John GILL, Mary LETHABY, and Ann SOUTHCOMBE. At his daughter's baptism in 1827, a laborer, of Bratton Fleming. At his
children's baptisms in 1829, 1831, 1832, 1834, 1835, 1837, and 1839, a laborer, of Swimbridge. In 1851, an agricultural
laborer, living at Swimbridge with his daughters Mary, Elizabeth, and Jane.
- Mary SOUTHCOMBE, b. ca. 1827 at Bratton Fleming, chr. 5 Aug 1827 at Bratton Fleming. In 1851, living with her father.
- John SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 12 Apr 1829 privately and 27 Jul 1829 publicly at Swimbridge.
- Elizabeth SOUTHCOMB, chr. 6 Feb 1831 at Swimbridge.
- Lewis SOUTHCOMBE, b. ca. 1832 at Swimbridge, chr. 15 Apr 1832 at Swimbridge. In 1851, a farm servant in the THORNE
household at Cobbaton, Swimbridge.
- William SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 19 Jan 1834 at Swimbridge, bur. 30 Nov 1834 at Swimbridge.
- Anne SOUTHCOMBE, b. ca. 1835 at Swimbridge, chr. 4 Oct 1835 at Swimbridge. In 1851, a farm servant in the WESTACOTT
household at Hearson, Swimbridge, together with her brother William.
- Eliza(beth) SOUTHCOMBE, b. ca. 1837 at Swimbridge, chr. 24 Dec 1837 at Swimbridge. In 1851, living with her father;
also enumerated as a servant in the HARTNOLL household at Cottage, Swimbridge.
- William SOUTHCOMBE, b. ca. 1839 at Swimbridge, chr. 8 Sep 1839 at Swimbridge. In 1851, a farm servant in the WESTACOTT
household at Hearson, Swimbridge, together with his sister Ann.
- Jane SOUTHCOMBE, b. ca. 1841 at Swimbridge, chr. 25 Nov 1841 at Swimbridge. In 1851, living with her father.
- Nancy or Nanny SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 11 Dec 1808 at Swimbridge, m. 30 May 1830 at Swimbridge, Henry BARROW.
- Lewis SOUTHCOMB, chr. 24 Apr 1812 at Swimbridge, d. 29 Apr 1812.
John SOUTHCOMBE or SURCOMBE, b. est. 1765, m1. unknown (d. by 1791), m2. 18 Sep 1791 at Tavistock, Devon, Elizabeth SKILLY. At his marriage in 1791, a laborer; he and Elizabeth were both of Tavistock. At his children's marriages in 1796 and 1798, a laborer.
- Miriam SURCOMBE, chr. 25 May 1796 at Tavistock.
- Maria SURCOMBE, chr. 25 May 1796 at Tavistock.
- John SURCOMBE, chr. 3 Feb 1798 at Tavistock.
Samuel SERCOMBE, b. est. 1768, m. 2 May 1793 at St. Thomas, Devon, after banns, Joan EWEINGS. In 1793, Samuel was of St.
Thomas and Joan was resident there.
Ann SIRCOMBE, b. est. 1768, m. 23 Jun 1793 at St. Thomas, Devon, after banns, John BRADDON. In 1793, Ann and John were both
of St. Thomas.
Joan SOUTHCOMB, b. est. 1768, m. 19 Nov 1793 at Bratton Clovelly, Devon, John DAW. (How related to
Ann SERCOMBE, b. est. 1771, m. 2 Oct 1796 at St. Sidwell, Exeter, Devon, Christopher ROWE.
SERCOMBE, b. est. 1773, m. Sarah (b. ca. 1773 at Farringdon, Devon, bur. 30 May 1853 at Rockbeare, Devon), d. by 1851. In 1841, Sarah was living in the TAYLOR
household at Little Silver, Rockbeare. In 1851, she was a pauper, lodging in the TAYLOR household at Little Silver, Rockbeare. At her death in 1853, she was of Little Silver, Rockbeare.
John SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1773, m. 26 Feb 1797 at Bridford, Devon, Mary HAMLYN (b. ca. 1762, d. reg. Q1 1846 at Newton Abbot R.D., bur. 26 Mar 1846 at Moretonhampstead, Devon), bur. 10 Oct 1832 at Moretonhampstead. At his marriage in 1797, of Bridford; Mary was also of Bridford; the witnesses were William NORTHCOTT (probably the parish clerk) and Charles MOUNSDON. At his death in 1832, of Dockham (Doccombe), Moretonhampstead. Posthumously at his son William's marriage in 1838, a husbandman. In 1841, Mary was living at Fore Street, Moretonhampstead. Posthumously at his daughter Eliza's second marriage in 1873, a farmer.
- Mary SERCOMBE, chr. 18 Feb 1798 at Moretonhampstead, m. 3 Feb 1824 at Moretonhampstead, Thomas SMERDON (b. ca.
1799 at Ashburton, Devon). In 1824, Mary was of Bridford, and Thomas was of Totnes. Elizabeth SERCOMBE (probably Mary's
sister) and John SMERDON witnessed the marriage in 1824. In 1851, living at Brampford Speke, Devon, with her husband
Thomas (a wheelwright) and two sons. In 1861, living at 2 Pynes Bridge Cott, Cowley, Brampford Speke, with her husband
Thomas (a wheelwright), their son John, and visitor Emma HAYMAN (a scholar, b. ca. 1849 at Kenford, Devon).
- Elizabeth SERCOMBE, chr. 18 Aug 1799 at Moretonhampstead, m. 15 May 1825 at Moretonhampstead, Thomas SESS (b. ca. 1796
at Moretonhampstead). At her marriage in 1825, Elizabeth was of Bridford; Robert TREMLETT and Henry SHORT witnessed the
marriage. In 1841, living at Egypt Court, Fore Street, Moretonhampstead, with her husband Thomas (an agricultural laborer),
their children Mary, Elizabeth, and William, Arthur BRIMICOMBE (b. ca. 1832 in Devon), and John BRIMICOMBE (b. ca. 1836 in
Devon). In 1851, living at 4 Holes Terrace, Poplar, Middlesex, with her husband Thomas (a gardener), their sons Thomas
and William, visitor George TAVENER (a boat builder, b. ca. 1826 at [Moreton]hampstead), and visitor Mary BRINBAIN (b. ca.
1842 at [Moreton]hampstead). In 1861, living at 5 Coles Terrace, Poplar, with her husband Thomas (an engine smith's
laborer), their son Thomas, visitor Mary A. BRIMBLECOMBE (b. ca. 1842 at Moretonhampstead), and the visiting COLE family
from Mary Port, Cumberland. In 1871, living at 227 East India Road, Poplar, with her husband Thomas (a farmer) and their
children Thomas, Elizabeth, and William.
- Mary Ann SESS, chr. 23 Oct 1825 at Moretonhampstead. In 1841, living with her parents.
- Thomas Circombe SESS, b. ca. 1827 at Moretonhampstead or Exeter, chr. 19 Aug 1827 at Moretonhampstead. In 1851, a
malster, living with his parets. In 1861, an engine smith's laborer, living with his parents. In 1871, an unemployed
shipwright, living with his parents.
- Elizabeth SESS, b. ca. 1829 at Moretonhampstead, chr. 30 Aug 1829 at Moretonhampstead. In 1841, living with her
parents. In 1871, a dressmaker, living with her parents.
- William SESS, b. 25 Dec 1836 at Moretonhampstead, chr. 26 Feb 1837 at Moretonhampstead. In 1851, living with his
parents. In 1871, an unemployed joiner, living with his parents.
- (perhaps) John SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1803 at Moretonhampstead, m. Mary PHAIR or FEARE (b. ca. 1818 at North Looe, Cornwall [perhaps Northlew, Devon?] or
Moretonhampstead), d. by 1861. (Is this James SERCOMBE?) In 1851, a brewer, living at Arthurs Court, Pancras Street, Exeter, Devon, with his wife
Mary and their children William and Mary. In 1861, Mary was a charwoman, living at Bartholomew Street, Exeter, with her
daughters Mary, Sarah, and Jessie. At his daughter Mary's marriage in 1873 and his daughter Sarah's marriage in 1880, John
was (posthumously) a brewer.
- John SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q4 1844 at Exeter R.D.
- William Henry SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1848 at Exeter, b. reg. Q1 1848 at Exeter R.D. In 1851, living with his parents. In
1861, a plough boy in the SCOTT household at Narramore, Lustleigh, Devon.
- Mary Jane SERCOMBE, b. ca. Aug 1850 at Exeter, b. reg. Q3 1850 at Exeter R.D., m. 28 Sep 1873 at Holy Trinity, Exeter,
m. reg. Q3 1873 at Exeter R.D., Charles ELSTON (b. ca. 1850, son of George ELSTON, a bootmaker). In 1851, living with her
parents. In 1861, living with her mother. (Where in 1871?) At her marriage in 1873, of Friars Terrace; Charles was a
brushmaker, also of Friars Terrace.
- Sarah Ann SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1853 at Exeter St. Pancras, b. reg. Q2 1853 at Exeter R.D., m. 25 Dec 1880 at Christ
Church, Epsom, Surrey, m. reg. Q4 1880 at Epsom R.D., Henry George SALTWELL (b. ca. 1855 at Chelmsford, Essex, son of
Henry SALTWELL, a house steward). In 1861, living with her mother. In 1871, a general domestic servant in the POCKNELL
household at 2 Georges Place, Exeter. In 1880, of Clapham Park; Henry was a greengrocer, of 73 Tasman Road, Stockwell,
London. In 1881, living at 73 Tasman Road with her husband Henry (a draper's shopman). In 1891, living at 14 Mozart Street,
Chelsea, London, with her husband Henry (a fish dealer) and their sons Harry and Frank.
- Harry A. SALTWELL, b. ca. 1883 at Battersea, London. In 1901, a scholar, living with his parents.
- Frank O. SALTWELL, b. ca. 1888 at Brixton, London. In 1901, living with his parents.
- Jessie SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1858 at Exeter, b. reg. Q4 1858 at Exeter R.D. In 1861, living with her mother.
- (perhaps) Anne SERCOMBE, b. est. 1804, m. 4 Aug 1829 at Moretonhampstead, Thomas WHITE. John HOLMAN and William
SERCOMBE witnessed the marriage in 1829.
- Eliza SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1809 at Moretonhampstead, Devon, m1. 23 Apr 1832 at Alphington, Devon, after banns, John COLES
(b. ca. 1802 at Alphington, d. by 1871), m2. 13 Apr 1873 at Ide, Devon, Cornelius CHAPLAIN (b. ca. 1811 at Brampford Speke,
Devon, m1. and wid. by 1873, d. by 1891). John SERCOMB and Henry BAKER witnessed the marriage in 1832. In 1841, living at
Alphington with her husband John (a carpenter), six children, and James PESTER (b. ca. 1840 in Devon, a carpenter, perhaps
John's apprentice or assistant). In 1851, living at Alphington village with her husband John (a carpenter) and eight
children. In 1861, living in Alphington parish with her husband John (a joiner) and four children. In 1871, a "builder's
wife" (widowed) living at Ide Road, Alphington, with five children and two grandchildren. At her second marriage in 1873,
of Ide; Stephen WHITE and Mary Ann WHITE witnessed the marriage. In 1881, living at the post office, Ide, with her husband
Cornelius (the post master) and her unmarried daughter Mary Ann COLES (a laundress, b. ca. 1832 at Alphington). In 1891,
living on her own means at Ide with her daughter Mary Ann COLES.
- William SERCOMBE, b. 17 Oct 1811 at Moretonhampstead, Devon, m1. 22 Nov 1838 at Moretonhampstead, m1. reg. Q4 1838 at
Newton Abbot R.D., Ann GRAY (b. ca. 1805, d. reg. Q4 1838 at Newton Abbot R.D., bur. 14 Dec 1838 at Moretonhampstead,
daughter of Samuel GRAY, an innkeeper), m2. reg. Q2 1842 at Newton Abbot R.D., Mary FORD (b. ca. 1811 at Holne, Devon, d.
5 Nov 1887, d. reg. Q4 1887 at Newton Abbot R.D., bur. 10 Nov 1887 at Moretonhampstead), d. 31 Aug 1881, d. reg. Q3 1881
at Newton Abbot R.D., bur. 7 Sep 1881 at Moretonhampstead. At his first marriage in 1838, William was a husbandman, Ann
was a servant, and both were of Cross Street, Moretonhampstead; the witnesses were Maria HARVEY and Samuel GRAY. In 1841,
a servant at an inn (probably the White Hart), Cross Street, Moretonhampstead. In White's directory for 1850, a
shopkeeper, of Moretonhampstead. In 1851, a grocer and tea dealer, living at Pound Street, Moretonhampstead, with his wife
Mary and nephew Richard DOWNS. In 1853, purchased Alexandra House in Cross Street. In the Post Office directory for 1856,
a shopkeeper, of Pound Street. In Billings's directory for 1857, a grocer and provision dealer and shoe warehouse
proprietor, of Cross Street. In 1861, a grocer, living in the household of his brother-in-law William F. DOWN, at West
Street, Ashburton, Devon; Mary was a grocer and draper, living at Cross Street with her nephew Richard H. DOWN, niece Mary
J. DOWN, and a servant. In the Post Office directory for 1866, a shopkeeper, of Cross Street. In 1871, a grocer and
draper, living at Cross Street with his wife Mary, nephews Richard Henry DOWN (a grocer and draper) and Richard FORD (an
assistant grocer), and an assistant draper. In Kelly's directory for 1873, a shopkeeper, of Cross Street. In White's
directory for 1878-9, a grocer, draper, shoe dealer, and wine agent, of Cross Street. In Apr 1881, a grocer, draper, etc.,
living at Cross Street with his wife Mary, nephew Richard Henry DOWN, and an assistant grocer. Following his death in Aug
1881, his widow Mary inherited Alexandra House; when she died in 1887, it passed to her nephew Richard DOWN.
- (perhaps) Jane SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1817, d. reg. Q3 1839 at Newton Abbot R.D., bur. 20 Jul 1839 at Moretonhampstead. At
her death in 1839, of Moor Wood, Moretonhampstead.
Jane SOUTHCOMBE, b. est. 1773, m. 24 Jan 1798 at Thrushelton, Devon, Henry KING. At her marriage in 1798, of Thrushelton; Henry was a sojourner in Lamerton, Devon; the witnesses were Michael RATTENBURY & Roger GALE. (How related to Elizabeth SERCOMBE?)
Sarah SOUTHCOMBE, b. est. 1773, m. 6 Jul 1798 at Stoke Damerel, Devon, John SHEARS.
- (probably) John SHEARS, b. ca. 1800 at St. Budeaux, Devon, m. 26 Mar 1828 at Charles the Martyr, Plymouth, Devon, Jane
PETERS (b. ca. 1802 at Compton Gifford, Devon). At his children's baptisms in 1828 and 1831, a butcher, of Plymouth. At
his children's baptisms in 1833, 1835, 1837, and 1839, a butcher, of Richmond Street, Plymouth. In 1841, a butcher, living
at Richmond Street, Plymouth, with his wife Jane and their children Betsy, Thomas, William, and John. In 1851, a butcher,
living at 4 Green Street, Plymouth, with his wife Jane and their children William, John, Sarah, and Ellen. In 1861, a
master butcher, living at 10 Richmond Lane, Plymouth, with his wife Jane and their daughter Betsy's daughter Louisa.
- Betsy Peters SHEARS, chr. 25 Dec 1828 at St. Andrew, Plymouth, m. reg. Q2 1849 at Plymouth R.D., Edward LACEY. In
1841, living with her parents. In 1851, living at 8 Richmond Lane, Plymouth, with her husband Edward (a brushmaker, b.
ca. 1819 at Wotton under Edge, Gloucestershire) and their daughters Louisa and Emily.
- Louisa LACEY, b. ca. 1849 at Plymouth. In 1851, living with her parents. In 1861, a scholar, living with her mother's
- Emily LACEY, b. ca. Feb 1851 at Plymouth. In 1851, living with her parents.
- John SHEARS, chr. 5 Jan 1831 at St. Andrew, Plymouth, bur. 11 Sep 1836 at St. Andrew, Plymouth.
- Thomas Gould SHEARS, chr. 2 Apr 1833 at St. Andrew, Plymouth. In 1841, living with his parents.
- William Lavers SHEARS, b. ca. 1835 at Plymouth, chr. 23 Apr 1835 at St. Andrew, Plymouth. In 1841, living with his
parents. In 1851, a governor at a public school (?), living with his parents.
- John Robert SHEARS, b. ca. 1837 at Plymouth, chr. 17 Jan 1837 at St. Andrew, Plymouth. In 1841, living with his
parents. In 1851, an errand boy, living with his parents.
- Sarah Jane Sercombe SHEARS, b. ca. 1839 at Plymouth, b. reg. Q4 1839 at Plymouth R.D., chr. 15 Oct 1839 at St. Andrew,
Plymouth, m. reg. Q2 1860 at Plymouth R.D., John Gregory BENNETT (b. ca. 1837 at Plymouth). In 1851, living with her
parents. In 1861, living at 2 Russell's Cottages, William Lane, Plymouth, with her husband John (a printer compositor) and
their daughter May.
- Mary Sarah Jane BENNETT, b. ca. Jan 1861 at Plymouth, b. reg. Q1 1861 at Plymouth R.D. In 1861, living with her
- Ellen SHEARS, b. ca. 1842 at Plymouth, b. reg. Q1 1842 at Plymouth R.D. In 1851, living with her parents.
Susanna SIRCOMBE, b. est. 1774.
- Mary SIRCOMBE, chr. 10 Mar 1799 at St. Pancras Pennycross, Plymouth, Devon.
Elizabeth SERCOMBE, b. est. 1775, m. 21 Oct 1800 at Doddiscombsleigh, Devon, John COX. In 1800, John was a husbandman.
William SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1777, m. 13 Jul 1802 at Dawlish, Devon, Mary HILL (chr. 30 Apr 1780 at Dawlish, d. reg. Q1 1845 at Newton Abbot R.D., bur. 25 Mar 1845 at Dawlish), bur. 30 Mar 1820 at Dawlish. At his marriage in 1802, of Dawlish, as was Mary; William SERCOMBE senior was a witness. At his daughter's baptism in 1813, a laborer, of Dawlish. At his death in 1820, of Dawlish. At his son's marriage in 1837 (posth.), a farmer. At his daughter's marriage in 1838 (posth.), a laborer. In 1841, Mary was a laundress, living with her daughter Elizabeth. (Is this William SERCOMBE?)
- John SERCOMBE, b. 21 Aug 1803, chr. 4 Sep 1803 at Dawlish, bur. 1 Mar 1804 at Dawlish.
- William Kenwood SERCOMBE, b. 24 Jan 1805 at Dawlish, chr. 10 Feb 1805 at Dawlish, m. 20 Nov 1824 at Dawlish, Elizabeth RICHARDS (b. ca. 1803 at Kingsteignton, Devon, chr. Dec 1803 at Kingsteignton), d. reg. Q2 1860 at Newton Abbot R.D., bur. 10 May 1860 at Dawlish. At his marriage in 1824, of Dawlish, as was Elizabeth; the witnesses were Elizabeth SERCOMBE (probably his sister) and James HEXTER). At his children's baptisms in 1825, 1827, 1829, 1831, 1833, 1835, 1838, and 1840, a mason, of Dawlish. In 1841, a journeyman mason, living at Church Street, Dawlish, with his wife Elizabeth and their children George, Selina, Maria, Elizabeth, and John. At his son's baptism in 1843, a mason, of Dawlish. At his daughter Mary Ann's marriage in 1844, a mason. At his daughters' baptisms in 1845 and 1848, a mason, of Dawlish. At his daughter Charlotte's marriage in 1849, a mason. In 1851, a mason, living at 5 Chapel Street, Dawlish, with his wife Elizabeth and their children John, Samuel, Jane, and Ellen. At his daughter Selina's marriage in 1854, a mason. At his death in 1860, of Dawlish. In 1861, Elizabeth was a washerwoman, living at Brook Street, Dawlish, with her children Elizabeth, John, and Ellen, her daughter Elizabeth's son John, and (a visitor) her daughter Selina's daughter Selina COPP. At children's marriages later in 1861 and in 1862 (posth.), a mason. At his daughter Ellen's marriage in 1868 (posth.), a builder. In 1871, Elizabeth was receiving parish pay, living at 31 Old Town Street, Dawlish.
- Mary Ann SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1825 at Dawlish, chr. 27 Nov 1825 at Dawlish, m. 28 Apr 1844 at Starcross, Devon, m. reg.
Q2 1844 at St. Thomas R.D., John HARRIS (b. 1824 at Mamhead, Devon, son of Richard HARRIS, a laborer). At her marriage in
1844, of Starcross; John was a shoemaker, also of Starcross. In 1851, living at Cockwood, Dawlish, with her husband John
(a boot and shoe maker) and their children William, Mary, and John. Taught infants and sewing at Cockwood school.
Ancestor of researcher Allen Linning.
- William Richard HARRIS, b. ca. 1844 at Dawlish. In 1851, living with his parents.
- Mary Ann HARRIS, b. ca. 1846 at Dawlish. In 1851, living with her parents.
- John Henry HARRIS, b. ca. 1849 at Dawlish. In 1851, living with his parents.
- Charlotte Ann SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1827 at Dawlish, chr. 9 Dec 1827 at Dawlish, m. 24 Jun 1849 at Holy Trinity, Exeter,
Devon, m. reg. Q2 1849 at Exeter R.D., Samuel PASSMORE (b. ca. 1820 at Morchard Bishop, Devon, son of Samuel PASSMORE, a
sailor). At her marriage in 1849, a servant, of Melbourne Street; Samuel was a laborer, also of Melbourne Street; the
witnesses were Richard SQUIRES and Rhoda SQUIRES. In 1851, living at 14 Melbourne Street, Exeter, with her husband Samuel
(an agricultural laborer) and their son John.
- John PASSMORE, b. ca. May 1850 at Dawlish. In 1851, living with his parents.
- Elizabeth SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1829, chr. 4 Oct 1829 at Dawlish, bur. 7 Jun 1833 at Dawlish. At her death in 1833, of Dawlish.
- George Hill SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1831 at Dawlish, chr. 18 Dec 1831 at Dawlish, m1. Ann REDWAY (b. ca. 1831 in England or Jersey, d. at the Devon County Lunatic Asylum, Exminster, d. reg. Q4 1873 at St. Thomas R.D., bur. 24 Oct 1873 at Dawlish), m2. Elizabeth (b. ca. 1831 at Plymouth, Devon). In 1841, living with his parents. On 25 Dec 1850, acted as godfather at the baptism at St. Helier, Jersey, of William Henry Redway HEYWOOD, son of John HEYWOOD, a mason, and Mary Ann REDWAY (presumably a relative of his future wife Ann). In 1851, a bricklayer, visiting the BRIDLE family at Cross Keys, Great Union Road, St. Helier. At his son's baptism in 1858, a mason. In Apr 1861, a mason, living at 5 Poonah Lane, St. Helier, with his wife Anne and their children Bessy, William, and Frederick. At his sons' baptisms in Sep 1861, a mason. In 1871, a grocer, living at 32 Poonah Road, St. Helier, with his wife Ann and their children William and Alice. At his wife Ann's death in 1873, she was of Dawlish. In 1881, deaf, a mason and publican, living at Public House, 32 Ann Street, St. Helier, with his wife Elizabeth. In 1891, a mason, living at 1 Journeaux Street, St. Helier, with his wife Elizabeth (a washerwoman) and granddaughter Mabel BOWEN. In 1901, Elizabeth was living with her daughter Alice.
- Bessy SERCOMB, b. ca. 1853 in England. In 1861, a scholar, living with her parents.
- (perhaps) Martha SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1853 at St. Helier. In 1871, a domestic servant in the TRIPP household at Ringmore,
Devon. (Is this Bessy, above?)
- William George SERCOMBE, b. 14 Mar 1858 at St. Helier or Dawlish or Exeter, chr. 4 Apr 1858 at St. Helier, m1. reg. Q2 1880 at Chorlton R.D., Harriett JENKINS (b. ca. 1857 at Hulme, Lancashire, daughter of John JENKINS, d. reg. Q3 1883 at Chorlton R.D., bur. in Southern Cemetery, Manchester), m2. 25 May 1896 at St. Mark, Bredbury, m2. reg. Q2 1896 at Stockport R.D., Minnie FAULKNER (b. ca. 1876 at Bredbury or Woodley, Cheshire, daughter of William FAULKNER, d. reg. Q1 1958 at North East Cheshire R.D.), d. reg. Q4 1935 at Stockport R.D. At his baptism in 1858, his godparents were John HAYWOOD (presumably the father of his father's godson William HEYWOOD) and Ann PARIS. In 1861 and 1871, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1881, an engine fitter, living at 58 Juniper Street, Hulme, with his wife Harriet and son William. In 1891, an engine fitter, boarding in the DALBY household at Oakwood Lane, Romiley, Cheshire. At their marriage in 1896, William and Minnie were both of Bredbury. At his children's baptisms and burials in 1897, 1899, 1901, 1903, and 1906, of Chadkirk, in Romiley township. In 1901, an iron engine fitter, living at 28 Church Lane, Romiley, with his wife Minnie and their children Frederick, Harriet, and Doris. In 1911, an engine fitter and the Injector works, living at 33 Lyme Grove, Romiley, with his wife Minnie and their children Frederick, Harriet, Doris, Leslie, and William. According to a descendant, worked first at the Atlas works in Great Bridgewater Street, which closed in the mid-1880s, then at the Injector works in Romiley, where he became the works manager.
- William George SERCOMBE, b. 29 Mar 1881 at Hulme, b. reg. Q2 1881 at Chorlton R.D., m. 1907 at St. Clement, Greenheys, Manchester, m. reg. Q3 1907 at Chorlton R.D., Mary Ann BERESFORD (b. ca 1882 at Manchester, d. reg. Q4 1912 at Stockport R.D.), d. reg. Q1 1955 at Manchester R.D. In 1881, living with his parents. In 1891, a scholar, living with his maternal grandparents at 105 Bedford Street, Hulme. In 1901, a coppersmith, boarding in the D'ANSON household at 23 Dale Street, South Manchester. In 1911, a coppersmith, living at 1 Carey Street, Chorlton-on-Medlock, Lancashire, with his wife Mary and their sons William and George.
- William Arthur SERCOMBE, b. 20 Sep 1907 at Manchester, b. reg. Q4 1907 at Chorlton R.D., m. reg. Q1 1932 at Stockport R.D., Mary HALLAM, d. reg. Jun 1984 at Stockport R.D. In 1911, living with his parents.
- Ellis SERCOMBE, b. 12 Oct 1932, b. reg. Q4 1932 at Stockport R.D. (first subdistrict), m. reg. Q1 1963 at Kensington
R.D., Sarah GRANDAGE, d. reg. Apr 2005 at Rochdale R.D.
- Ann C. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q4 1963 at Southwark R.D.
- John Ellis SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1968 at Littleborough R.D.
- Richard James SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1972 at Littleborough R.D.
- Mary SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q1 1936 at Stockport R.D., m. reg. Q1 1965 at Stockport R.D., Thomas A. BANNISTER.
- Andrew BANNISTER, b. reg. Q3 1965 at Stockport R.D.
- Angela BANNISTER, b. reg. Q3 1966 at Stockport R.D.
- David Nicholas BANNISTER, b. reg. Q4 1970 at Stockport R.D.
- Martin Thomas BANNISTER, b. reg. Q1 1975 at Stockport R.D.
- Hayley BANNISTER, b. reg. Q2 1977 at Stockport R.D.
- Arthur SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q3 1939 at Stockport R.D. (third subdistrict), m. reg. Q1 1967 at North East Cheshire R.D.,
- Elaine SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1971 at Stockport R.D.
- Jayne SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q4 1972 at North East Cheshire R.D.
- Lynne SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q1 1974 at Stockport R.D.
- Doris SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1943 at Stockport R.D. (third subdistrict), m. reg. Q4 1965 at Stockport R.D., John C.
- Paul DOWNES, b. reg. Q4 1966 at Stockport R.D.
- Ian DOWNES, b. reg. Q2 1969 at Stockport R.D.
- Joyce DOWNES, b. reg. Q1 1970 at Stockport R.D.
- Stuart DOWNES, b. reg. Q4 1971 at Stockport R.D.
- Ellis Trevor DOWNES, b. reg. Q1 1973 at Stockport R.D.
- Thomas Albert SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1909 at Chorlton R.D., d. reg. Q3 1909 at Chorlton R.D.
- George H. SERCOMBE, b. ca. Jun 1910 at Manchester, b. reg. Q3 1910 at Chorlton R.D., d. reg. Q2 1911 at Chorlton R.D. In Apr 1911, living with his parents.
- Frederick George SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1897 at Romiley, b. reg. Q1 1897 at Stockport R.D. (Marple subdistrict), chr. 21 Feb 1897 at Chadwick, m. reg. Q4 1925 at Manchester South R.D., Constance SINGLETON (b. ca. 1890, d. reg. Q4 1970 at Stockport R.D.), d. reg. Q2 1962 at Salford R.D. In 1901, living with his parents. In 1911, at school, living with his parents.
- Harriet Nellie SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1899 at Romiley, b. reg. Q4 1899 at Stockport R.D. (Marple subdistrict), chr. 10 Dec 1899 at Chadkirk, m. reg. Q2 1920 at Stockport R.D., William H. WILLIAMS. In 1901, living with her parents. In 1911, at school, living with her parents.
Ancestor of researcher Valerie Humphreys.
- Margaret WILLIAMS, b. reg. Q4 1922 at Stockport R.D. (Bredbury subdistrict).
- Doris Annie SERCOMBE, b. ca. Feb 1901 at Romiley, b. reg. Q2 1901 at Stockport R.D. (Marple subdistrict), chr. 28 Mar 1901 at Chadkirk, m. reg. Q3 1929 at Stockport R.D., Tom BRUCKSHAW. In 1901, living with her parents. In 1911, at school, living with her parents.
- Leslie Arthur SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1903 at Romiley, b. reg. Q3 1903 at Stockport R.D. (Marple subdistrict), chr. 19 Jul 1903 at Chadkirk, m. reg. Q2 1926 at Stockport R.D., Alice M. ADSHEAD, d. reg. Q2 1946 at North East Cheshire R.D. (Bredbury subdistrict). In 1911, at school, living with his parents.
- Irene SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1930 at Stockport R.D. (Bredbury subdistrict), m. reg. Q2 1949 at North East Cheshire R.D.,
- John L. STANDRING, b. reg. Q2 1950 at Stockport R.D.
- Brenda STANDRING, b. reg. Q4 1952 at Stockport R.D
- Alan SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q4 1931 at Stockport R.D. (Bredbury subdistrict).
- Lilian Mabel SERCOMBE, b. ca. Dec 1905, b. reg. Q1 1906 at Stockport R.D. (Bredbury subdistrict), chr. 14 Feb 1906 at Chadkirk, d. reg. Q1 1906 at Stockport R.D. (Bredbury subdistrict), bur. 8 Mar 1906 at Chadkirk.
- William Claude SERCOMBE, b. 30 Jun 1909 at Romiley, b. reg. Q3 1909 at Stockport R.D. (Bredbury subdistrict), m. reg. Q1 1940 at Chapel en le Frith R.D., Olive Mabel DEWBURY (b. 15 Mar 1909, d. reg. Jan 1989 at Stockport R.D.), d. reg. Q3 1976 at Newton Abbot R.D. In 1911, living with his parents.
- Thomas Sidney SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q1 1912 at Stockport R.D. (Bredbury subdistrict), d. reg. Q2 1912 at Stockport R.D.
(Bredbury subdistrict).
- Constance Vera SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1919 at Stockport R.D. (Bredbury subdistrict), d. reg. Q1 1934 at Stockport R.D.
- Frederick Charles SERCOMBE, b. 27 Sep 1859 at St. Helier, chr. 1 Sep 1861 at St. Helier. In 1861, living with his
- Sidney Barras SERCOMBE, b. 8 Jun 1861 at St. Helier, chr. 1 Sep 1861 at St. Helier.
- Alice M. SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1862 at St. Helier, m1. BOWEN, m2. Jacob KRUDEWIG (b. ca. 1864 in Germany). In 1871, a
scholar, living with her parents. In 1881, a general servant in the HOMBROOK household, at 35 Midvale Road (Portland
Terrace), St. Helier. In 1891, Alice's daugher Mabel BOWEN (b. ca. 1884 at Southampton, Hampshire) was living with Alice's
parents. In 1901, Alice was living at 35 Belmont Road, St. Helier, with her husband Jacob (a waiter), daughters
Mabel A. BOWEN (an ironer, b. ca. 1884 in England) and Alice M. KRUDEWIG (b. ca. 1898 in St. Helier), and mother
- Selina SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1833 at Dawlish, chr. 10 Nov 1833 at Dawlish, m. 3 Sep 1854 at St. Mary Arches, Exeter, m.
reg. Q3 1854 at Exeter R.D., Thomas COPP (b. ca. 1834 at Exmouth, Devon, son of Joseph COPP, laborer). In 1841, living
with her parents. In 1851, a general servant in the SPENCER household at Sheppards Walk, Littleham in St. Thomas, Devon.
At her marriage in 1854, of Mary Arches Street, Exeter; Thomas was a mariner, also of Mary Arches Street. In 1881, living
at 1 Palace Cottages, Withycombe Rawleigh, Devon, with her husband Thomas (a mariner) and three sons.
- Maria Cole SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1835 at Dawlish, chr. 13 Dec 1835 at Dawlish, d. reg. Q1 1854 at Newton Abbot R.D., bur. 17 Jan 1854 at Dawlish. In 1841, living with her parents. In 1851, a house servant in the BROWN household at 27 Union Street, Tormoham, Devon. At her death in 1854, of Dawlish.
- Elizabeth SERCOMBE, b. 15 Mar 1838 at Dawlish, chr. 1 Apr 1838 at Dawlish, m. reg. Q3 1870 at Exeter, John MANLEY (b. ca. 1846 at Exeter, d. by 1891). In 1841, living with her parents. In 1851, a servant in the REED household at Old Town Street, Dawlish. At her son's birth in 1856, of Dawlish, living at the Newton Abbot Workhouse, Wolborough. At his baptism in 1856, of Dawlish. At her son's birth in 1859, of Dawlish. In 1861, a washerwoman, living in her mother's household with her son John. At her daughter's birth and baptism in 1863 and at her son's birth in 1865, of Dawlish. In 1871, living at 13 Odgers Row, Exeter, with her husband John (a laborer) and sons John and Harry. In 1881, a laundress, living at 17 Odgers Row, Commercial Road, Exeter, with her sons John, Harry, and William (where was her husband John?). In 1891, a charwoman, living at 6 Odgers Row, Exeter, with her sons John, William, and George. In 1901, living at 28 West Street, Exeter, with her sons Henry and George.
- William Henry SERCOMBE, b. 16 or 17 Mar 1856 at the Newton Abbot Workhouse, b. reg. Q1 1856 at Newton Abbot R.D., chr. 4 Sep 1856 at Dawlish, d. reg. Q3 1856 at Newton Abbot R.D., bur. 7 Sep 1856 at Dawlish. At his death in 1856, of Dawlish.
- John SERCOMBE, b. 29 Nov 1859 at the Newton Abbot Workhouse, b. reg. Q4 1859 at Newton Abbot R.D. In 1861, living with his mother and grandmother. In 1871, a scholar, living with his mother and stepfather (under his stepfather's surname John MANLEY). In 1881, a sawyer's laborer, living with his mother. In 1891, a general laborer, living with his mother. In 1901, a sawyer, boarding in the THORNE household at 8 Artizans Dwellings, Exeter. In 1911, a wood sawyer at a timber yard, boarding in the THORNE household at 8 Artizans Dwellings, Rack Street, Exeter.
- Ellen SERCOMBE, b. 16 Jan 1863 at the Newton Abbot Workhouse, b. reg. Q1 1863 at Newton Abbot R.D., chr. 24 Aug 1863 at Dawlish, d. reg. Q3 1863 at Newton Abbot R.D., bur. 30 Aug 1863 at Dawlish. At her death in 1863, of Dawlish.
- Harry SERCOMBE, b. 2 Feb 1865 at the Newton Abbot Workhouse, b. reg. Q1 1865 at Newton Abbot R.D., d. reg. Q2 1865 at Newton Abbot R.D.
- Harry or Henry MANLEY, b. ca. Nov 1870 at Exeter, b. reg. Q1 1871 at Exeter R.D. In 1871, living with his parents.
In 1881, a scholar, living with his mother. In 1891, a sapper in the Royal Engineers, living with his regiment at
Aldershot, Hampshire. In 1901, a general laborer, living with his mother.
- Joseph William or William Sercombe MANLEY, b. ca. 1877 at Exeter, b. reg. Q4 1877 at Exeter R.D., m. reg. Q1 1899 at
Exeter R.D., Rosina Charlotte J. ANNING (b. ca. 1877 at Exeter). In 1881, living with his mother. In 1891, an errand boy,
living with his mother. In 1901, a timber laborer, living at 33 Exe Street, Exeter, with his wife Rosine and their son
- William Charles E. MANLEY, b. ca. 1899 at Exeter, b. reg. Q4 1899 at Exeter R.D. In 1901, living with his parents.
- George Sercombe MANLEY, b. ca. 1882 at Exeter, b. reg. Q2 1882 at Exeter R.D. In 1891, a scholar, living with his
mother. In 1901, a general laborer, living with his mother.
- John SERCOMBE, b. ca. Jul 1840 at Dawlish, b. reg. Q3 1840 at Newton Abbot R.D., chr. 2 Aug 1840 at Dawlish. In 1841 and 1851, living with his parents. In 1861, a sailor, living with his mother.
- Samuel SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1843 at Dawlish, b. reg. Q2 1843 at Newton Abbot R.D., chr. 17 May 1843 at Dawlish, m. 15 Oct 1862 at Dawlish, m. reg. Q4 1862 at Newton Abbot R.D., Elizabeth Dart BAKER (b. ca. 1843 at Kenton, Devon, daughter of Thomas BAKER, a mason; m2. reg. Q3 1888 at Exeter R.D., Robert GETHERIDGE), drowned, d. reg. Q2 1879 at Newton Abbot R.D., bur. 17 Apr 1879 at Shaldon, Devon. In 1851, living with his parents. In 1861, an able seaman in the Royal Navy, aboard H.M.S. Renown, Beirut, Syria. At his marriage in 1862, a mariner, of Dawlish; Elizabeth was also of Dawlish; the witnesses were Thomas BAKER (probably her father) and Susanna Summers BAKER. (Where in 1871?) At his death in 1879, of Shaldon. In 1881, Elizabeth was a charwoman, living at Queens Row, Dawlish, with her children Edith, Amy, Henry, and Samuel. In 1891, she was living at 3 Chapples Court, Exeter, Devon, with her second husband Robert (a journeyman tailor). At his son's marriage in 1896 (posth.), a sailor. In 1901, Elizabeth was a monthly nurse, living with her daughter Edith.
- Edith Jane SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1870 at Shaldon, b. reg. Q1 1870 at Newton Abbot R.D., m. reg. Q3 1888 at Newton Abbot R.D., Henry "Harry" HUXHAM (b. ca. 1868 at Torquay, Devon). (Where in 1871?) In 1881, a scholar, living with her mother. In 1891, living at Perrots Buildings, Torquay, with her husband Harry (a cabman) and their son Harry. In 1901, living at 1 Ford Cottages, Torquay, with her husband Henry (a cab driver), their children Henry, Gladys, and Edgar, and her mother.
- Henry "Harry" HUXHAM, b. ca. 1889 at Torquay. In 1891 and 1901, living with his parents.
- Gladys HUXHAM, b. ca. 1895 at Exeter. In 1901, living with her parents.
- Edgar HUXHAM, b. ca. Sep 1900 at Torquay. In 1901, living with his parents.
- Amy Baker SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1871 at Shaldon, m. reg. Q3 1892 at Exeter R.D., William Thomas HILL (b. ca. 1870 at Plymouth, Devon). In 1881, a scholar, living with her mother. (Where in 1891?) In 1901, a laundress, living at 3 Bickford's Lane, Teignmouth, Devon, with her husband William (a hackney carriage driver), their children William, Samuel, and Winnifred, and two boarders.
- William Henry HILL, b. ca. 1892 at Dawlish. In 1901, living with his parents.
- Samuel John HILL, b. ca. 1894 at Teignmouth. In 1901, living with his parents.
- Winnifred M. HILL, b. ca. 1897 at Teignmouth. In 1901, living with her parents.
- William Henry Baker SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1873 at Shaldon, b. reg. Q4 1873 at Newton Abbot R.D., m1. 5 Sep 1896 at East Teignmouth, Devon, m1. reg. Q3 1896 at Newton Abbot R.D., Elizabeth Jane APLIN (b. ca. 1873 at Teignmouth, daughter of William Robert APLIN, a mariner), m2. reg. Q4 1927 at Newton Abbot R.D., Ethel B. HILL (b. ca. 1885, d. reg. Q3 1935 at Newton Abbot R.D.), d. reg. Q2 1937 at Newton Abbot R.D. In 1881, a scholar, living with his mother. (Where in 1891?) At his marriage in 1896, a seaman, of East Teignmouth; Elizabeth was also of East Teignmouth; the witnesses were Beatrice Drusilla WILLIAMS and Elizabeth WILLIAMS. In 1901, Elizabeth was living with her mother at 1 Myrtle Hill, East Teignmouth. (Where in 1901?) In 1911, a leading boatman in H.M. Coastguard, living at Drumaweer townland, Moville Lower parish, Co. Donegal, with his wife Elizabeth.
- Samuel George Hill SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1875 at Shaldon, b. reg. Q4 1875 at Newton Abbot R.D., d. reg. Q3 1883 at Newton Abbot R.D., bur. 13 Sep 1883 at Dawlish. In 1881, a scholar, living with his mother. At his death in 1883, of Dawlish.
- Jane SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1845 at Dawlish, b. reg. Q2 1845 at Newton Abbot R.D., chr. 131 Jun 1845 at Dawlish, m. 21 Oct 1861 at Dawlish, m. reg. Q4 1861 at Newton Abbot R.D., John Henry WRIGHT (b. ca. 1840 at Gosport, Hampshire, son of George WRIGHT, a seaman). At her marriage in 1861, of Dawlish; John was a seaman, of Dawlish; the witnesses were Albert COTTON and Elizabeth COOMBE. In 1851, living with her parents. In 1861, a house servant in a lodging house at Marine Parade, Dawlish. In 1871, living at 41 Smithy Street East, Westoe, Co. Durham, with her husband John (a seaman), their children William, Jane, and John, and the lodging family of her sister Ellen.
- William G. WRIGHT, b. ca. 1864 at Dawlish. In 1871, living with his parents.
- Jane E. WRIGHT, b. ca. 1868 at Shaldon. In 1871, living with her parents.
- John H. WRIGHT, b. ca. Feb 1871 at South Shields. In 1871, living with his parents.
- Ellen SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1848 at Dawlish, b. reg. Q2 1848 at Newton Abbot R.D., chr. 17 May 1848 at Dawlish, m. 18 Oct 1868 at St. Stephen, South Shields, Co. Durham, m. reg. Q4 1868 at South Shields R.D., George Henry WRIGHT (b. ca. 1848 at South Shields, son of George WRIGHT, a mariner). In 1851, living with her parents. In 1861, a nursemaid, living with her mother. At her marriage in 1868, of Wapping Street; George was an engineman, also of Wapping Street; the witnesses were John DUNCAN and Emma WRIGHT. In 1871, lodging in the household of her sister Jane, with her husband George (a fireman) and their daughter Elizabeth.
- Elizabeth J. WRIGHT, b. ca. Nov 1869 at South Shields. In 1871, living with her parents.
- Elizabeth SERCOMBE, b. 11 Nov 1806 in Devon, chr. 30 Nov 1806 at Dawlish, m. 1 Nov 1838 at St. Edmund, Exeter, m. reg. Q4 1838 at Exeter R.D., James COLE (b. ca. 1805 in Devon, son of Giles COLE, a thatcher). At her marriage in 1838, of Edmund Street, Exeter; James was a farmer, also of Edmund Street. At her son's baptism three days later, of Dawlish. In 1841, living at Church Street, Dawlish, with her husband James (an agricultural laborer), their children George and Bessey, and her mother.
- George Cole SERCOMBE subsequently George COLE, b. 13 Oct 1838 in Devon, chr. 4 Nov 1838 at Dawlish. In 1841, living
with his parents.
- Bessey COLE, b. ca. Oct 1840 in Devon. In 1841, living with her parents.
- John SERCOMBE, b. 1 Oct 1808 at Dawlish, chr. 16 Oct 1808 at Dawlish, m. 12 Dec 1837 at St. George Hanover Square, Middlesex, m. reg. Q4 1837 at St. George Hanover Square R.D., Elizabeth HORNBY (b. ca. 1820 at Bracewell, near Skipton, Yorkshire, daughter of Benjamin HORNBY, a farmer), d. by 1861. At his daughter Elizabeth's baptism in Aug 1837, a tailor, of 5 Charles Street, Trevor Square, Chelsea, Middlesex; this baptism was recorded as if this child's parents were already married. At his marriage in Dec 1837, a tailor, of Brook Street, London; Elizabeth was also of Brook Street; the witnesses were Isaac BREBNER and Ann BURLEY. At his daughter's baptism in 1839, a tailor, of 9 St. James Street, Westminster, Middlesex. At his son's baptism in May 1841, a gentleman, of St. James's Street, Westminster. In Jun 1841, a journeyman tailor, living at St. James's Street, Westminster, with his wife Elizabeth and their children Rebecca and John. In 1851, a tailor's foreman, living at 25 Osnaburgh Street, St. Pancras, London, with his wife Elizabeth and their daughter Rebecca. In 1861, Elizabeth was a nurse in the WOOD household at Teviot Villa, St. Leonard's Road, Kingston, Surrey. Described at
his daughter's marriage in 1864 (posth.) as a gentleman.
- Elizabeth SERCOMBE, b. 5 Aug 1837, chr. 27 Aug 1837 at St. Luke, Chelsea.
- Rebecca Ann or Anne Rebecca SERCOMBE, b. 25 Jul 1839, b. reg. Q3 1839 at St. James Westminster R.D., chr. 15 Sep 1839 at St. James, Westminster, m. 7 Apr 1864 by licence at St. Sepulchre, Northampton, Northamptonshire, m. reg. Q2 1864 at Northampton R.D., George PARSONS (son of William PARSONS). In 1841 and 1851, living with her parents. At her marriage in 1864, of Inkerman Terrace, Northampton; George was a hotel manager, of Leigh, Worcestershire.
- John Frank SERCOMBE, b. 17 Mar 1841, chr. 2 May 1841 at St. James, Westminster, d. reg. Q1 1845 at St. James Westminster R.D., bur. 22 Jan 1845 at All Saints Cemetery, Kensal Green, Middlesex. In 1841, living with his parents. At his death in 1845, of 20 St. James Street, Westminster St. James.
- George SERCOMBE, b. 6 Aug 1810, chr. 26 Aug 1810 at Dawlish.
- Mary Ann or Marianne SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1813 at Dawlish, chr. 5 Dec 1813 at Dawlish, m. 5 Mar 1837 at Dawlish, James HEXTER (b. ca. 1811 at Dawlish, d. by 1861). At her marriage in 1837, of Dawlish, as was James; the witnesses were William SERCOMBE (probably her brother) and Elizabeth SERCOMBE (probably either her sister or William's wife). In 1851, living at the powder mill, Lydford, Devon, with her husband James (a blacksmith) and their children Maryann, John, Bessey, Hannah, and Sarah. In 1861, a laundress, living at Chapel Street, Dawlish, with her children Sarah and James. Posthumously at his daughter's marriage in 1896, James was a blacksmith.
- Maryann HEXTER, b. ca. 1837 at Dawlish. In 1851, living with her parents.
- John HEXTER, b. ca. 1839 at Dawlish, b. reg. Q3 1839 at Newton Abbot R.D. In 1851, living with his parents.
- Bessey Maria HEXTER, b. ca. 1842 at Dawlish, b. reg. Q3 1842 at Newton Abbot R.D. In 1851, living with her parents.
- Anna (or Hannah) Sercombe HEXTER, b. ca. 1846 at Chagford, Devon, b. reg. Q3 1846 at Okehampton R.D., m. 29 Aug 1896 at Dawlish, m. reg. Q3 1896 at Newton Abbot R.D., James GIDLEY (b. ca. 1846 at Ivybridge, Devon, m1. and wid. by 1896; son of John GIDLEY, a laborer). In 1851, living with her parents. In 1861, a house servant for a lodging house keeper at 23 Strand, Dawlish. (Where in 1871 and 1881?) In 1891, a laundress, living at Manor Place, Old Town Street, Dawlish, with her sister Sarah and nurse child Sidney Percival BROWN (b. ca. 1889 at Penzance, Cornwall, b. reg. Q2 1889 at Penzance R.D.). At her marriage in 1896, of Dawlish; James was a laborer, also of Dawlish; the witnesses were Thomas MARKS and Nellie GIDLEY. In 1901, living at Stockton Road, Dawlish, with her husband James (an agricultural laborer), his granddaughter Annie E. GIDLEY (b. ca. 1892 at Dawlish), and "nephew" (his or hers?) Sidney Percival BROWN, the former "nurse child".
- Sarah Jane HEXTER, b. ca. 1849 at Lydford, b. reg. Q1 1849 at Tavistock R.D. In 1851, living with her parents. In
1861, a scholar, living with her mother. (Where in 1871 and 1881?) In 1891, a needlewoman, living with her sister Hannah.
- James HEXTER, b. ca. 1851 at Dawlish. In 1861, a scholar, living with his mother.
William SERCOMBE, b. est. 1777, m. 28 Oct 1802 at St. Peter Cathedral, Exeter, Devon, after banns, Mary LOUGHTON. In 1802, William and Mary were both of Cathedral Close, Exeter. Richard HOLMAN and Thomas RISDON witnessed the marriage in 1802. (Is this William SERCOMBE?)
Joseph SERCOMBE, b. est. 1780, m. 25 Mar 1805 at Bradford, Devon, Mary BATTEN.
- Mary Ann SIRCOMB, chr. 14 Jul 1805 at Thornbury, Devon.
John SERCOMBE, b. est. 1780, m. 17 Nov 1805 at Charles the Martyr, Plymouth, Devon, Thomazin or Tamson CAPPEL (b. ca. 1780 at South Tawton, Devon, d. reg. Q2 1866 at Tavistock R.D.), d. by 1861. At his daughter's baptism in 1814, a servant, of Exeter St. Edmund. In 1861 (posth.), a butler. In 1861, Thomazin was living at Exeter Street, Tavistock, Devon.
- Mary Ann SERCOMBE, chr. 9 Nov 1806 at St. Thomas, Devon. In 1836, of Exwick, Devon. In 1841, a dressmaker, living at Radnor Street, Finsbury St. Luke, Middlesex, in the same building as her sister Frances.
- Mary Ann SERCOMBE, chr. 14 Jan 1836 at St. Thomas, bur. 25 Sep 1836 at St. Thomas. In Sep 1836, of Exwick.
- William SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1811 at Exeter, Devon, chr. 13 Oct 1811 at St. Thomas, m. 6 Mar 1832 at Honiton, Devon, after banns, Elizabeth SPEAR (b. ca. 1806 at Alphington, Devon). At his marriage in 1832, William was of Langport, Somerset; Elizabeth was of Honiton; George TURNER and Simon THOMAS witnessed the marriage. At his son's baptism in 1833, William was a post boy. At his son's baptism in 1840, he was an ostler, of Honiton. In 1841, he was an ostler, living at High Street, Honiton, with his wife Elizabeth and their children John, William, Emily, and George. At his son's baptism in 1842, he was an ostler, of Honiton. In 1851, an ostler, living at Pease Lane, Dorchester, Dorset, with his wife Elizabeth and their sons William, George, and Charles. At his son's marriage in 1859 (perhaps posth.), an ostler. In 1861, Elizabeth was a housekeeper, living at Lester Court, Pease Lane, Dorchester, with her sons William and Charles. At his son's marriage in 1866 (perhaps posth.), William was a fly proprietor. At his son's marriage in 1873 (perhaps posth.), a cab proprietor.
- John SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1833 at Langport, chr. 23 Jun 1833 at Langport. In 1841, living with his parents. In 1851, one of 15 servants in the household of Bosville DURRANT at Came House, Winterborne Came, Dorset. At London on 22 Mar 1855, enlisted in the 4th Light Dragoons, giving his occupation as groom; five months earlier that regiment had been part of the famous Charge of the Light Brigade. Served in the Crimean War: to service troops 20 Jul 1855; Crimea medal with Sebastopol clasp; deserted 26 Jul 1856.
- William SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1835 at Taunton, Somerset, d. reg. Q3 1863 at Dorchester R.D., bur. 24 Jul 1863 at All Saints, Dorchester. In 1841, living with his parents. In 1851, a stable boy, living with his parents. In 1861, an ostler at an inn, living with his mother.
- Emily Elizabeth SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1836 in Devon, d. reg. Q2 1847 at Axminster R.D. In 1841, living with her parents.
- Mary Ann Victoria SERCOMBE, b. ca. Jun 1838, b. reg. Q3 1838 at Tiverton R.D., d. reg. Q3 1840 at Honiton R.D.,
bur. 24 Aug 1840 at Honiton.
- George SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1840 at Honiton, b. reg. Q2 1840 at Honiton R.D., chr. 3 Jun 1840 at Honiton, m. 28 Feb 1859
at Lyme Regis, Dorset, m. reg. Q1 1859 at Axminster R.D., Jane LOVE (b. ca. 1835 at Lyme Regis, daughter of Joseph LOVE, a
laborer). In 1841, living with his parents. In 1851, a scholar, living with his parents. At his marriage in 1859, an
omnibus driver, of Lyme Regis; Jane was also of Lyme Regis; the witnesses were Philip HOOPER and Selina FIELDING. In 1861,
an agricultural laborer, lodging at the Five Bells inn, Ottery St. Mary, Devon; Jane was a laundress, living with her
parents and a niece (Selina FIELDING) at the Alms Houses, Church Street, Lyme Regis.
- Henry SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1842 at Honiton R.D., chr. 23 May 1842 at Honiton, d. reg. Q1 1845 at Axminster R.D.
- Charles SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1843 at Axminster, Devon, b. reg. Q4 1843 at Axminster R.D., m1. 31 Mar 1866 at Stoke next
Guildford, Surrey, m1. reg. Q1 1866 at Guildford R.D., Grace Vitty APARK or APARK WEST (b. ca. 1847 at Guildford,
Surrey, b. reg. Q3 1847 at Guildford R.D., m2. 1 Sep 1878 at St. Barnabas, South Kennington, Surrey, m2. reg. Q3 1878 at
Lambeth R.D., Christopher DOWLING, d. reg. Q2 1888 at Holborn R.D.), m2. informally ca. 1867 Sarah (b. ca. 1845 at
Wincanton, Somerset), m3. 2 Aug 1873 at St. Leonard, Wallingford, Oxfordshire, m3. reg. Q3 1873 at Wallingford R.D., Eliza
FREEMAN (b. ca. 1853 at Wallingford, Berkshire, daughter of Stephen FREEMAN, a carpenter, d. reg. Q2 1938 at Walllingford
R.D.), d. 22 Oct 1886 at Radcliffe Infirmary, Oxford, of chronic Bright's disease and general anasarch exhaustion (i.e. chronic
kidney disease), d. reg. Q4 1886 at Headington R.D. In 1851, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1861, an apprentice
blacksmith, living with his mother. At his first marriage in 1866, an engineer, of Stoke; Mary APARK WEST and William HIND
witnessed the marriage. In 1871, an engine driver, living at Grove Cottage, Waterworks, Fordington, Dorset, with his
second wife Sarah and their daughters Matilda and Sharly; Vitty was an engineer's wife, living in her father's household
at 8 Keens Buildings, Mount Street, Guildford. At his marriage in 1873, a engineer; he and Eliza were both of Wallingford
St. Leonard; the witnesses were George MONEY and Emma WALKER. At his son Charles's baptism in 1876, a fitter, of Yiewsley, Middlesex.
When Vitty remarried in 1878, she claimed to be a widow. In 1881, an engine fitter, living under the name Charles FREEMAN
at 23 Bridge Street, Oxford, Oxfordshire, with his third wife Eliza and their children Charles and Rose; Vitty was living
in her mother's household at 1 Keenes Buildings, Mount Street, Guildford. At his death in 1886, an engine fitter, of
Wallingford. In 1891, Eliza was a charwoman, living at Beansheaf Terrace, Wallingford, with her children Charles, Rose,
and Emily. In 1901, she was a charwoman, living at 6 Court 2 Croft Road, Wallingford. In 1911, she was a laundress,
living at 16 Thames Street, Wallingford, with her daughter Emily.
- Matilda SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1868 at Wincanton. In 1871, living with her parents.
- Sharly E. SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1869 at Wincanton. In 1871, living with her parents.
- Charles Albert SERCOMBE, b. 20 Feb 1875 at Slough, Buckinghamshire, b. reg. Q2 1875 at Eton R.D., chr. 17 Apr 1876 at
St. Matthew, Yiewsley, prob. d. by 1911. In 1881, a scholar, living with his parents (under the surname FREEMAN). In 1891,
a light porter, living with his mother.
- Rose SERCOMBE, b. ca. Oct 1880 at Oxford, Oxfordshire, b. reg. Q4 1880 at Oxford R.D., m. 10 Oct 1903 at St. Barnabas,
Manor Park, Little Ilford, Essex, m. reg. Q4 1903 at West Ham R.D., Edgar WESTON (b. ca. 1882, son of George WESTON, an
electrician). In 1881, living with her parents (under the surname FREEMAN). In 1891, a scholar, living with her mother. In
1901, a housemaid in the COTTON household at Woodcote, Tower Hill, Dorking, Surrey. At her marriage in 1903, of 204
Shrewsbury Road, Upton Park; Edgar was an electrician, of 131 Shiller Avenue, Little Ilford; Albert WESTON and Henry
PALMER witnessed the marriage.
- Emily Elizabeth SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1884 at Ponders End or Enfield, Middlesex, b. reg. Q2 1884 at Edmonton R.D., m. 31 Jul 1911
at St. Peter, Wallingford, m. reg. Q3 1911 at Wallingford R.D., Albert Edward Victor GOODBODY (b. ca. 1887, son of William
GOODBODY, a publican). In 1891, a scholar, living with her mother. In 1901, a pantrymaid at Holloway Sanatorium, Virginia Water,
Berkshire. In Apr 1911, a dressmaker, living with her mother. At her marriage in Jul 1911, of 16 Thames Street, Wallingford;
Albert was a draper, of the same address; the witnesses were Archibald James GOODBODY, Mabel MONEY, and Eliza SERCOMBE.
- Emily B.C. GOODBODY (twin with Kathleen), b. reg. Q1 1912 at Tendring R.D.
- Kathleen M.S. GOODBODY (twin with Emily), b. reg. Q1 1912 at Tendring R.D.
- Eric V.W. GOODBODY, b. reg. Q4 1914 at West Ham R.D.
- Frances "Fanny" Peace Capel (or Keppel) SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1814 at Exeter, Devon, chr. 22 May 1814 at St. Edmund, Exeter, m. 13 Nov 1831 at Tavistock, Robert ASH (b. ca. 1809 at Tavistock). Presumably Fanny's middle name Peace was for the end of the Napoleonic War. Napoleon abdicated on 11 Apr 1814, although he returned from exile the following year and was not finally defeated at Waterloo until 18 Jun 1815. At her marriage in 1831, of Tavistock; Robert was a carpenter, also of Tavistock; the witnesses were Charles HOLE and Thomas BORN. In 1841, living at Radnor Street, Finsbury St. Luke, with her husband Robert (a carpenter) and their sons William, John, and Charles, in the same building as her sister Mary. In 1851, living at 5 Ironmonger Passage, Finsbury St. Luke, with her husband Robert (a carpenter) and their children William, Fanny, and Mary.
- William ASH, b. ca. 1833 at Tavistock. In 1841, living with his parents. In 1851, a grainer, living with his parents.
- John ASH, b. ca. 1835 outside Middlesex. In 1841, living with his parents.
- Charles ASH, b. ca. Oct 1840 in Middlesex. In 1841, living with his parents.
- Frances or Fanny ASH, b. ca. 1844 at St. Luke, m. GORE, d. 1919 at Hawthorn, Victoria. In 1851, a scholar, living with
her parents.
- Mary A. ASH, b. ca. 1849 at St. Luke. In 1851, living with her parents.
- Emma ASH, b. 1856 at Ballarat, Victoria, Autralia.
- Elizabeth ASH, b. 1859 at Ballarat.
Sarah SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1779 at Bratton [Clovelly?] or Peter Tavy, Devon, m. 2 Oct 1804 at Peter Tavy,
John RICE (b. ca. 1775 in Devon, d. by 1851), d. reg. Q2 1867 at Tavistock R.D. In 1841, living at Lanehead, Willsworthy,
Peter Tavy, with her husband John (a farmer). In 1851, a farmer's widow receiving parish pay, lodging in the household of
Thomas and Betsy DAWE at Lower Town, Willsworthy. In 1861, visiting the household of Thomas and Elizabeth DAW at Lower
Hill Town, Willsworthy. (How related to Joan SOUTHCOMB?)
- (probably) William RICE, b. ca. 1810 in Devon. In 1841, a lead miner, living with his parents.
- (probably) George RICE, b. ca. 1822 in Devon. In 1841, living with his parents.
Mary SERCOMBE, b. est. 1780. (Is this Mary Brockerton SURCOMBE?)
- Kezia SERCOMBE, b. 7 Jan 1805 at Chudleigh, Devon, chr. 20 Jan 1805 at Chudleigh, m1. 4 Oct 1825 at Chudleigh, William
GALE (b. ca. 1805 in Devon, d. reg. Q2 1844 at Newton Abbot R.D.), m2. 23 May 1847 at Chudleigh, m2. reg. Q2 1847 at
Newton Abbot R.D., Charles ENDICOTT (b. ca. 1799 at Chudleigh or Dunsford, son of James ENDICOTT, a laborer, m1. unknown,
wid. by 1847), d. reg. Q2 1875 at Newton Abbot R.D. In 1814, apprenticed by the Chudleigh poor law overseers to John COX
senior. At her marriage in 1825, of Chudleigh, as was William; the witnesses to the marriage were Jonas(?) ADAMS and
Thomas WEEKS. In 1841, living at Honeywill Row, Chudleigh, with her husband William (an agricultural laborer). At her
second marriage in 1847, of Chudleigh; Charles was a laborer, also of Chudleigh; the witnesses were John CORNER and Hannah
GALE. In 1851, living at Culver Street, Chudleigh, with her husband Charles (a laborer). In 1861, living at Culver or New
Exeter Street, Chudleigh, with her husband Charles (an agricultural laborer). In 1871, a laundress, living at Culver
Street, Chudleigh, with her husband Charles (a road laborer).
Ancestor of researcher Christine Knott.
Thomas SOUTHCOMBE or SERCOMBE, b. est. 1780, m. 29 Apr 1805 at Brentor, Devon, Mary WALTER. At his daughter's baptism in 1813, a laborer, of Milton Abbot, Devon. At his son's baptism in 1817, a laborer, of Brentor. At his son's baptism in 1820, a laborer, of Metherell, Milton Abbot. At his son's marriage in 1842, a husbandman. SERCOMBE only at his son's marriage in 1842.
- Mary Ann SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 10 Oct 1813 at Brentor.
- Thomas SOUTHCOMBE or SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1817 at Lamerton, Devon, chr. 7 Sep 1817 at Brentor, m. 11 Dec 1842 at Lamerton, m. reg. Q4 1842 at Tavistock R.D., Abigail HARVEY (b. ca. 1807 at Sheptor, Devon, daughter of Antony HARVEY, a farmer). At his marriage in 1842, a husbandman, of Lamerton; Abigail was also of Lamerton; the witnesses were Mary NORRISH and Richard WALTERS. In 1851, a laborer, living at Burnlane, Lamerton, with his wife Abigail and their daughters Mary, Susanna, and Elizabeth. SERCOMBE only at his marriage in 1842.
- Mary A. SOUTHCOM, b. ca. 1843 at Mary Tavy, Devon. In 1851, a scholar, living with her parents.
- Susanna SOUTHCOM, b. ca. 1844 at Lamerton, b. reg. Q4 1844 at Tavistock R.D. In 1851, a scholar, living with her
- Elizabeth SOUTHCOMB, b. ca. 1848 at Lamerton, b. reg. Q4 1848 at Tavistock R.D. In 1851, living with her parents.
- John SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 28 May 1820 at Brentor.
Mary SURCOMBE, b. est. 1783.
- Elizabeth SURCOMBE, chr. 12 Jan 1808 at Tavistock, Devon.
Ann SERCOM, b. est. 1784, m. 24 Oct 1809 at Charles the Martyr, Plymouth, Devon, Edward THOMAS.
Mary SURCOMB, b. est. 1786, m. 15 Jul 1811 at St. Paul, Exeter, Devon, after banns begun 30 Jun 1811, William CAREW.
Catherine ELSON and John LASKEY witnessed the marriage in 1811.
Richard SOUTHCOMBE or SURCOMBE, b. ca. 1786 at Langtree, Devon, m. 28 Mar 1813 at Great Torrington, Devon, Grace ESSERY
(b. ca. 1782 at Great Torrington). At his children's baptisms in 1813, 1814, 1817, and 1819, a laborer, of Great
Torrington. At his sons' baptisms in 1822, 1824, and 1826, a laborer, of Peters Marland, Devon. In 1851, an agricultural
laborer, living at Little Dogoport, Langtree, with his wife Grace (a weaver), their children Grace and William, and
visitor Fanny (b. ca. 1786 at Great Torrington, m. ESSERY, wid. by 1851).
- Fanny SOUTHCOMBE, b. ca. 1813 at Great Torrington, chr. 29 Jul 1813 at Great Torrington, m. Robert MITCHEL (b. ca.
1807 at Great Torrington), d. by 1861. In 1851, a glover, living at Frost House, Langtree, with her husband Robert (an
agricultural laborer) and five children. In 1861, Robert was an agricultural laborer, living at Parish Land, Langtree,
with four children and his visiting sister-in-law Grace.
- Rebecca SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 20 Nov 1814 at Great Torrington, bur. 21 Dec 1817 at Great Torrington.
- Richard SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 6 Apr 1817 at Great Torrington.
- Grace SOUTHCOMBE, b. ca. 1819 at Great Torrington or Langtree, chr. 12 Sep 1819 at Great Torrington. In 1851, a
glover, living with her parents. In 1861, a glover, visiting her brother-in-law Robert MITCHEL.
- Thomas SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 28 Jul 1822 at Peters Marland.
- William SOUTHCOMBE or SURCOMBE, chr. 2 May 1824 at Peters Marland, m. Mary (b. ca. 1832 at High Bickington,
Devon). In 1851, a farm servant, living with his parents. In 1861, a laborer, living at Frithelstock, Devon, with his wife
Mary (a gloveress) and their children Thomas, Richard, and Sarah.
- Thomas SOUTHCOMBE, b. ca. 1854 at Frithelstock. In 1861, a scholar, living with his parents.
- Richard SOUTHCOMBE, b. ca. 1856 at Frithelstock. In 1861, a scholar, living with his parents.
- Sarah Ann SOUTHCOMBE, b. ca. 1859 at Frithelstock. In 1861, living with her parents.
- John SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 6 Nov 1826 at Peters Marland, bur. 8 Nov 1826 at Peters Marland.
John MORTIMER, b. est. 1787, m. Martha.
- Eliza MORTIMER, chr. 19 Sep 1813 at St. Kerrian, Exeter, Devon.
- John Sercombe MORTIMER, chr. ca. 5 Nov 1815 at St. Kerrian, Exeter.
John SOUTHCOMBE, b. est. 1789, m. 26 Mar 1814 at Lamerton, Devon, Mary Anne DOIDGE. At his children's baptisms in 1815,
1818, and 1821, a laborer, of Middleslade (or Middeslade or Widdleslade), Lamerton. At his son's baptism in 1824, a
laborer, of Rowden, Lamerton. At his daughter's baptism in 1826, a laborer, of North Brentor, Lamerton.
- John SOUTHCOMBE or SERCUMBE, b. ca. 1815 at Lamerton, chr. 20 Aug 1815 at Lamerton, m. 1 Dec 1837 at Lamerton, Ann or
Hannah SOUTHCOMBE (b. ca. 1812 at Lamerton or Milton Abbot). At his children's baptisms in 1837 and 1839, a miner, of
North Brent, Lamerton. In 1851, a copper miner, living at North Brent, Lamerton, with his wife Hannah and their sons
Josiah and Elijah. In 1861, a copper miner, living at Lowertown, Lamerton, with his wife Ann and their children Elija and
Elizabeth. In 1871, a copper miner, living at Petland Corner, Lamerton, with his wife Ann and their daughter Elizabeth.
(SERCUMBE only in the 1861 census.)
- Mary Anne SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 3 Dec 1837 at Lamerton, d. aged 1 day, bur. 5 Dec 1837 at Lamerton.
- Josiah SOUTHCOMBE, b. ca. 1839 at Lamerton, chr. 24 Apr 1839 at Lamerton, m. Emma (b. ca. 1841 at Tavistock, Devon).
In 1851, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1861, a copper miner, living at Bannawell Street, Tavistock, with his wife
Emma and their son Elijah.
- Elijah SOUTHCOMBE, b. ca. Dec 1860 at Tavistock. In 1861, living with his parents.
- Elijah SOUTHCOM or SERCUMBE, b. ca. 1841 at Lamerton. In 1851, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1861, a copper
miner, living with his parents. (SERCUMBE only in the 1861 census.)
- Elizabeth Ann SOUTHCOMBE or SERCUMBE, b. ca. 1852 at Lamerton. In 1861, a scholar, living with her parents. In 1871,
living with her parents. (SERCUMBE only in the 1861 census.)
- Mary Anne SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 28 Jun 1818 at Lamerton.
- Sarah SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 8 Apr 1821 at Lamerton.
- William SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 25 Jan 1824 at Brentor, Devon.
- Elizabeth SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 7 May 1826 at Brentor.
Jane SOUTHCOMB, b. est. 1790.
- James SOUTHCOMB or SERCOMBE, chr. 15 Oct 1815 at St. Budeaux, Devon, bur. 16 Aug 1836 at St. Budeaux. At his death in
1836, of Kinterbury.
John SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1790, bur. 5 May 1831 at St. Mary Steps, Exeter, Devon.
Mary SOUTHCOMBE, b. est. 1790, m. 16 Sep 1815 at St. David, Exeter, Devon, William CHENNEOUR.
John SERCOMBE, b. est. 1792. At his daughter Jane's marriage in 1843, a farmer.
- Jane SERCOMBE, b. est. 1818, m. 6 Jul 1843 at St. David, Exeter, Devon, by licence, m. reg. Q3 1843 at Exeter R.D.,
John COLE (son of Edward COLE, a mariner, m1. and wid. by 1843). At her marriage in 1843, of Exeter All Hallows on the
Walls; John was a sail maker, of East Teignmouth; the witnesses were William SERCOMBE and Mary SERCOMBE.
Mary SERCOMBE, b. est. 1792, m. 17 Feb 1817 at St. Paul, Exeter, Devon, after banns begun 2 Feb 1817, William GLANVILL.
Richard GLANVILL and Jane JENKINS witnessed the marriage in 1817.
Mary SERCOMBE, b. est. 1793. In 1818, a spinster, of Stairfoot Building, Tavistock, Devon.
- Mary Ann SERCOMBE, chr. 21 Apr 1818 at Tavistock.
William SURCOMBE, b. est. 1793. At his daughter Ann's marriage in 1844, a shoe maker.
- Ann SURCOMBE, b. est. 1819, m. 14 Feb 1844 at Stoke Damerel, Devon, m. reg. Q1 1844 at Stoke
Damerel R.D., William SURCOMBE. At her marriage in 1844, of 7 Clowance Street, Stoke Damerel.
Rebecca SOUTHCOMB, b. ca. 1790 in Devon, m. 23 Mar 1819 at Broadwoodwidger, Devon, James SOWTON. At his daughter's baptisms in 1819 and 1821, James was a husbandman, of Higher Rexon, Broadwoodwidger. In 1841, Rebecca was a charwoman, living in the village of Broadwoodwidger with her daughter Wilmot.
- Mareena SOWDEN, chr. 11 Jul 1819 at Broadwoodwidger.
- Sophia SOWTON, chr. 22 Jul 1821 at Broadwoodwidger.
- (probably) Wilmot SOWDON, b. ca. 1825 at Broadwoodwidger, m. reg. Q2 1845 at Holsworthy R.D., John Gloyn MAY (b. ca. 1822 at Lydford, Devon). In 1841, living with her mother. At his son's baptism in 1848, John was a smith, of Lydford. In 1851, living in the village of Lydford with her husband John (a blacksmith), their children Elizabeth, Thomas, and James and visitor George TUCKER (a farmer laborer, b. ca. 1822 at Lamerton, Devon). At his children's baptisms in 1851, 1856, 1857, and 1860, John was a blacksmith, of Lydford. In 1861, living in the village of Lydford with her husband John (a blacksmith) and their children Elizabeth, Ellen, John, and Sarah.
- Elizabeth MAY, b. ca. 1846 at Broadwoodwidger. In 1851, living with her parents. In 1861, a scholar, living with her parents.
- Thomas MAY, b. ca. 1848 at Lydford, chr. 6 Feb 1848 at Lydford. In 1851, living with his parents.
- James Sowden MAY, b. ca. Jan 1851 at Lydford, chr. 2 Jan 1851 at Lydford. In 1851, living with his parents.
- Ellen Sophia Sercombe MAY, b. ca. 1854 at Lydford, b. reg. Q1 1854 at Tavistock R.D., chr. 15 Mar 1856 at Lydford. In 1861, a scholar, living with her parents.
- John Gloyn MAY, b. ca. 1857 at Lydford, chr. 17 May 1857 at Lydford. In 1861, a scholar, living with his parents.
- Sarah Jane MAY, b. ca. 1860 at Lydford, chr. 7 Oct 1860 at Lydford. In 1861, living with her parents.
Elizabeth SERCOMBE, b. est. 1794, m. 14 Nov 1819 at St. David, Exeter, Devon, John NICHOLS.
William SOUTHCOMBE, b. ca. 1794 at Stoke Rivers or East Buckland, Devon, m. 10 Apr 1817 at Bratton Fleming, Devon, Jane PARKIN (b. ca. 1796 at East Down, Devon, d. reg. Q3 1852 at Barnstaple R.D.). At his marriage in 1817, of Stoke Rivers; Jane was of Bratton Fleming; the witnesses were Joseph MOGRIDGE and Thomas MOGRIDGE. At his children's baptisms in 1818 and 1820, a farmer, of High Bray, Devon. At his children's baptisms in 1824, 1828, 1830, 1833, 1835, and 1837, a laborer, of High Bray. In 1841, an agricultural laborer, living at Braytown Cottages, High Bray, with his wife Jane and their children Catherine, Jane, and John. In 1851, an agricultural laborer, living at Bray Town, High Bray, with his wife Jane and their son John. In 1861, an agricultural laborer, living at Bray Town village, High Bray. In 1871, a laborer, living at Bray Town, High Bray, with his son James.
- Mary Ann SOUTHCOMB, chr. 12 May 1818 at High Bray.
- Anthony SOUTHCOMBE, b. ca. 1820 at High Bray, chr. 16 Jan 1820 at High Bray, m. reg. Q1 1845 at Barnstaple R.D., Jane ROCK (b. ca. 1814 at Marwood, Devon). In 1841, a servant in the FRY household at Nero House, Stoke Rivers. In 1851, a farm laborer, living at Ilfracombe Road, Pilton, Devon, with his wife Jane, their children John and Philip, visitor Mary Jane ROCK (a farmer's daughter, b. ca. 1846 at High Bray), and two lodgers. In 1855, living at Saratoga, Grundy County, Illinois, with his wife Jane and their sons John and Philip. In 1860, a farmer, living at Lisbon, Kendall County, Illinois, with his wife Jane, their sons John and Philip, a domestic servant, and a farm hand. In 1865, living at Lisbon. On 30 Oct 1868, naturalized as a U.S. citizen in Grundy County Court, Morris, Grundy County, Illinois. In 1870, a farmer, living at Broughton, Livingston County, Illinois, with his wife Jane, their son Philip, servant Annie ROCK (b. ca. 1850 in England, probably a relative), and a farm laborer.
- John SOUTHCOMBE, b. ca. 1845 at Barnstaple, Devon, b. reg. Q2 1845 at Barnstaple R.D. In 1851, 1855, and 1860, living with his parents.
- Philip Rock SOUTHCOMBE, b. 6 Mar 1849 at Pilton, b. reg. Q1 1849 at Barnstaple R.D., m. Ida Ellen SPENCER (b. 26 Jan 1856, d. 31 Jan 1927), d. 18 Jan 1929 at Morris, bur. 21 Jan 1929 at Evergreen Cemetery, Morris. In 1851, 1855, and 1860, living with his parents. In 1870, a farmer, living with his parents.
- James SOUTHCOMBE, b. ca. 1824 at Bray Town, High Bray, chr. 5 Sep 1824 at High Bray, d. reg. Q3 1896 at South Molton R.D. In 1841, an apprentice in the THORNE household at Host Yard, High Bray. In 1851, a farm laborer in the LOOSMORE household at Higher Shutscombe House, Charles, Devon. In 1861, a carter in the LOOSEMORE household at Higher Shutscombe, Charles. In 1871, a laborer, living with his father. In 1881 and 1891, a farm servant, living with his brother John.
- William SOUTHCOMBE, b. ca. 1828 in Devon, chr. 31 Aug 1828 at High Bray, m. 13 Feb 1861 in Kendall County, Elizabeth MORRISON (b. Jul 1832 in Scotland), d. 10 Nov 1913 at Plattville, in Lisbon township. In 1841, a servant in the SKINNER household at Mockham, Charles. In 1851, an agricultural laborer, in the RICHARDS household at Hutcherton, Swimbridge, Devon. Immigrated to the United States in 1852. In 1860, a farm hand in the WOODRUFF household at Lisbon. In 1865, living at Big Grove, Kendall County. In 1870, a farmer, living at Lisbon with his wife Elizabeth, their children Mary, Ada, John, and William, and Peter SOUTHCOMB (b. ca. 1856 in England, relationship unknown). On 28 May 1870, naturalized as a U.S. citizen in Kendall Circuit Court, Yorkville, Kendall County. In 1880, a farmer, living at Lisbon with his wife Elizabeth, their children Mary, Ada, John, William, Cornelia, and Frank, and a farm hand. In 1900, a farmer, living at Lisbon with his wife Elizabeth and their son Frank. In 1910, living on his own income at Lisbon, with his wife Elizabeth and their son Frank.
- Mary Jane SOUTHCOMB, b. 25 Jun 1862 at Lisbon, m. 1 Jan 1891 in Kendall County, John H. CLAYTON, d. 2 Aug 1937 at Kendall, Kendall County, bur. 5 Aug 1937 at Plattville Cemetery, Lisbon township. In 1870, living with her parents. In 1880, at school, living with her parents.
- Ada SOUTHCOMB, b. ca. 1864 in Illinois. In 1870, living with her parents. In 1880, at school, living with her parents.
- John A. SOUTHCOMB, b. Feb 1867 in Illinois, m. 1 Jan 1896 in Kendall County, Arabella BLACKMAN (b. Jul 1872 in Illinois, d. by 1910). In 1870, living with his parents. In 1880, at school, living with his parents. In 1900, a farmer, living at Lisbon with his wife Arabella. In 1910, a farmer, boarding in the BOYER household at Lisbon.
- (perhaps) Edwin J. SOUTHCOMB, b. ca. 1903 in Illinois. In 1910, living with his uncle and aunt, Stanley W. and Eva M. NADEN, at Lisbon.
- William Alexander SOUTHCOMBE, b. 10 May 1869 in Kendall County, m. 12 Oct 1892 in Kendall County, Margaret W. "Maggie" FOX (b. Jul 1867 in Canada), d. 22 Oct 1940 at Mazon township, Grundy County, bur. 24 Oct 1940 in Plattville Cemetery. In 1870, living with his parents. In 1880, at school, living with his parents. In 1900, a farmer, living at Lisbon with his wife Maggie, their children Jennie, William, Eddie, and George, and two servants. In 1910, a farmer, living at Lisbon with his wife Maggie and their children Jennie, William, Eddie, George, and Winifred.
- Jennie May SOUTHCOMBE, b. 6 Jun 1893 at Plattville, m. William JAGER, d. 26 Mar 1925 at Aurora, Kane County, Illinois, bur. in Kendall County. In 1900 and 1910, living with her parents.
- William J. SOUTHCOMBE, b. Aug 1894 in Illinois, m. Beulah A. (b. ca. 1895 in Illinois). In 1900, living with his parents. In 1910, a farm laborer, living with his parents. In 1920, a farmer, living at Conklin Road, Lisbon, with his wife Beulah, their daughter Margaret, and his uncle Frank SOUTHCOMBE. In 1930, a farmer, living at Lisbon with his wife Beulah and their daughter Margaret.
- Margaret J. SOUTHCOMBE, b. ca. Oct 1917 in Illinois. In 1920 and 1930, living with her parents.
- Eddie E. SOUTHCOMBE, b. Apr 1896 in Illinois. In 1900 and 1910, living with his parents.
- George H. SOUTHCOMBE, b. Sep 1898 in Illinois. In 1900 and 1910, living with his parents.
- Winifred I. SOUTHCOMB, b. ca. 1901 in Illinois. In 1910, living with her parents.
- Cornelia Mary or Mary Cornelia SOUTHCOMB, b. ca. 1871 in Illinois, m. 9 Feb 1898 in Kendall County, Charles E. BUNDY. In 1880, at school, living with her parents. Ancestor of researcher Leslie Bundy Lipschutz.
- Frank SOUTHCOMBE, b. Jul 1876 in Illinois. In 1880, living with his parents. In 1900, a farmer, living with his parents. In 1910, a companion to his parents. In 1920, a house painter, living with his nephew William J. SOUTHCOMBE.
- Catherine SOUTHCOMBE, b. ca. 1830 at High Bray, chr. 11 Apr 1830 at High Bray. In 1841, living with her parents. In 1851, a general servant in the FISHER household at Boutport Street, Barnstaple. In 1861, a housemaid in the MATTHEWS household at Raleigh House, Pilton.
- Jane SOUTHCOMBE, b. ca. Sep 1833, chr. 6 Oct 1833 at High Bray, bur. 22 Jun 1834 at High Bray.
- Jane SOUTHCOMBE, b. ca. 1835 at High Bray, chr. 7 Jun 1835 at High Bray. In 1841, living with her parents. In 1851, a general servant, visiting the CORNEY household at Boutport Street, Barnstaple. In 1861, a servant in the household of Henry Bourchier Toke WREY, subsequently 10th baronet Wrey of Trebitch, at Holne Park, Holne, Devon.
- Anna SOUTHCOMBE, chr. 9 Dec 1837 at High Bray.
- John SOUTHCOMBE, b. ca. 1840 at Bray Town, High Bray, b. reg. Q2 1840 at Barnstaple R.D., m. reg. Q1 1874 at Clifton R.D., Anne HUXTABLE (b. ca. 1848 at Brayford, Charles), d. reg. Q3 1906 at South Molton R.D. In 1841 and 1851, living with his parents. In 1861, a general servant in the household of the rector of High Bray, at the Parsonage, High Bray. (Jane FISHER, daughter of John's sister Catherine's 1851 employer, was visiting this household in 1861.) In 1871, a general servant in the household of the rector of High Bray, at the Vicarage, High Bray. (John's future wife Anne was a general domestic servant in the same household in 1871.) In 1881, a dairyman and general servant, living at White Hall, South Molton, Devon, with his wife Anne, their children Anne, Jane, and John, his brother James, and a general servant. In 1891, a farm bailiff, living at Whitehall, South Molton, with his wife Anne, their children Elizabeth, Emily, Francis, Catherine, William, Charles, Beatrice, Reginald, Alice, and Arthur, his brother James, a servant, and a visitor. In 1901, a farm bailiff, living at Whitehall, Cooks Cross, South Molton, with his wife Anne and their children Annie, Emily, Catherine, William, Charles, Beatrice, Reginald, Alice, and Arthur. In 1911, Anne was living on private means at 39 Cooks Cross, South Molton, with her children Emily, William, Charles, Reginald, and Arthur.
- Elizabeth Ann (Annie) SOUTHCOMBE, b. ca. 1875 at Bray Town, High Bray, b. reg. Q1 1875 at Barnstaple R.D. In 1881, a scholar, living with her parents. In 1891, a dressmaker's apprentice, living with her parents. In 1901, a mother's help, living with her parents. In 1911, living with her mother.
- Emily Jane SOUTHCOMBE, b. ca. 1876 at Bray Town, High Bray, b. reg. Q4 1876 at Barnstaple R.D. In 1881, a scholar, living with her parents. In 1891, living with her parents. In 1901, a mother's help, living with her parents.
- Francis John SOUTHCOMBE, b. ca. 1879 at South Molton, b. reg. Q3 1879 at South Molton R.D., d. reg. Q2 1896 at South Molton R.D. In 1881, living with his parents. In 1891, a scholar, living with his parents.
- Catherine SOUTHCOMBE, b. ca. 1882 at South Molton, b. reg. Q2 1882 at South Molton R.D. In 1891, a scholar, living with her parents. In 1901, a draper's assistant, living with her parents.
- William SOUTHCOMBE, b. ca. 1884 at South Molton, b. reg. Q1 1884 at South Molton R.D. In 1891, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1901, a solicitor's clerk, living with his parents. In 1911, a law clerk, living with his mother.
- Charles SOUTHCOMBE, b. ca. 1885 at South Molton, b. reg. Q2 1885 at South Molton R.D. In 1891, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1901, a solicitor's clerk, living with his parents. In 1911, an assistant to a corn and coal merchant, living with his mother.
- Beatrice SOUTHCOMBE, b. ca. 1887 at South Molton, b. reg. Q1 1887 at South Molton R.D., d. reg. Q4 1902 at South Molton R.D. In 1891 and 1901, living with her parents.
- Reginald James SOUTHCOMBE, b. ca. 1888 at South Molton, b. reg. Q3 1888 at South Molton R.D., m. reg. Q1 1948 at Kensington R.D., Mabel K. FOREMAN, d. reg. Q3 1950 at Surrey Mid Eastern R.D. In 1891 and 1901, living with his parents. In 1911, a law clerk, living with his mother.
- Alice Mary SOUTHCOMBE, b. ca. 1889 at South Molton, b. reg. Q3 1889 at South Molton. In 1891 and 1901, living with her parents.
- Arthur Richard SOUTHCOMBE, b. ca. Nov 1890 at South Molton, b. reg. Q4 1890 at South Molton R.D. In 1891 and 1901, living with his parents. In 1911, an apprentice electrical engineer for the Barnstaple Borough Council, living with his mother.
John SERCOMBE, b. est. 1795, m. 24 Jan 1820 at St. Andrew, Plymouth, Devon, Mary NEWCOMBE.
Mary SERCOMBE, b. est. 1795, m. 11 Dec 1820 at St. Andrew, Plymouth, Devon, John DANIELS.
James SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1796 not in Middlesex, m. Mary (b. ca. 1802 not in Middlesex). At his daughter's baptism in 1828, a
tailor, of Cowick Street, St. Thomas, Devon. At his children's baptisms in 1831, a tailor, of 29 Warren Street,
Marylebone, Middlesex. In 1841, a tailor, living at Poland Street, Westminster, Middlesex, with his wife Mary.
- Mary Ann SERCOMBE, chr. 3 Feb 1828 at St. Thomas.
- William John SERCOMBE, b. 9 Nov 1829, chr. 25 Dec 1831 at Holy Trinity, Marylebone.
- Jane SERCOMBE, b. 1 Oct 1831, chr. 25 Dec 1831 at Holy Trinity, Marylebone.
Joseph SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1796 in Devon, m. 10 Aug 1834 at Christ Church, Marylebone, Middlesex, Sarah DAVIS (b. ca. 1797 in Cardiganshire, d. reg. Q4 1856 at Pancras R.D.), d. reg. Q3 1841 at Pancras R.D., bur. 5 Sep 1841 at St. Giles in the Fields, Middlessex. Perhaps married previously before Sarah, considering the age of his eldest daughter, but stated to be a bachelor at his marriage in 1834. At his marriage in 1834, of Christ Church, Marylebone; Sarah was also of Christ Church, Marylebone; the witnesses were David DAVIS (perhaps Sarah's brother) and Mary BUNCE. At his daughter's baptism in 1835, a porter, of Coburg Street, St. Pancras, Middlesex. At his son's baptism in 1838, a porter, of Crescent Street, St. Pancras. At his son's baptism in 1840, a laborer, of Frederick Street, St. Pancras. In 1841, a porter, living at Frederick Street, St. Pancras, with his wife Sarah and their children Jane and William. At his death in Sep 1841, of Lower Titchfield Street. In 1851, Sarah was a laundress, living at 75 Drummond Street, St. Pancras, with her daughter Jane. (Is this Joseph SOUTHCOMBE?)
- Jane SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1828 at St. Pancras, d. reg. Q1 1885 at Pancras R.D. In 1841, living with her parents. In 1851,
a milliner, living with her mother. At her daughter's birth in 1860, of 2 Hampden Street (now Polygon Road), Somers Town,
St. Pancras. (Where in 1861?) At her daughter's baptism in 1864, claimed to be the wife of John SERCOMBE, a smith, of
Grenville Street (now Aldenham Street), St. Pancras. In 1871, a "widowed" laundress, living at 82 Aldenham Street, St.
Pancras, with her daughter Sarah. In 1881, a "widowed" laundress, living at 101 Ossulton Street, St. Pancras, with her
daughter Sarah and "son" (probably really grandson) Harry.
- Sarah Jane SERCOMBE, b. 29 Jul 1860 at 2 Hampden Street, St. Pancras, b. reg. Q3 1860 at Pancras R.D., chr. 14 Nov
1864 at St. Pancras, m. 8 Feb 1885 at St. Matthew, Hammersmith, m. reg. Q1 1885 at Fulham R.D., George John STOKES
(b. ca. 1859 in London, son of John STOKES, a labourer). (Where in 1861?) In 1871, a scholar, living with her mother. In
1881, a general servant, living with her mother, together with her son Harry; described as an "idiot" in the 1881 census.
At her marriage in 1885, of 75 Sterndale Road, Hammersmith, claimed to to be the daughter of John SERCOMBE, a greengrocer;
George was a laborer, of 10 Ceylon Road, Hammersmith; the witnesses were William IRONS and William Isaac IRONS. In 1891,
living at 56 Stanhope Street, St. Pancras, with her husband John (a French polisher).
- Percy or Harry SERCOMBE, b. 9 Dec 1879 at the St. Pancras Workhouse, b. reg. Q4 1879 at Pancras R.D., d. reg. Q2 1884
at Pancras R.D. In 1881, living with his mother and grandmother.
- Sarah SERCOMBE, b. 6 Jul 1835, chr. 30 Aug 1835 at St. Pancras, Middlesex, d. reg. Q3 1838 at Pancras R.D., bur. 18 Jul 1838 at St. Giles in the Fields. At her death in 1838, of Denmark Street.
- John SERCOMBE, b. 12 Mar 1837 at St. Pancras, chr. 15 Apr 1838 at St. Pancras, m. 24 Nov 1857 at St. Pancras, m. reg.
Q4 1857 at Pancras R.D., Sophia Ann DAVIES (b. ca. 1837 at St. Pancras or Lambeth, d. reg. Q4 1876 at Pancras R.D.,
daughter of David DAVIES, probably John's first cousin). In 1841, living at Drummond Crescent, St. Pancras,
with various others whose relationship is unknown. (Were his fellow residents Elizabeth, b. ca. 1805 outside Middlesex,
and her apparent husband William HAWKINS, laborer, b. ca. 1805 in Middlesex, his aunt and uncle?) In 1851, a boarding
scholar at the Welsh School, St. Pancras, Middlesex, a
charity school for poor children of Welsh parents. At his marriage in 1857, a wire weaver, of Drummond Street; Sophia was
of Melton Street; the witnesses were Sabbas VAKOVICS and Eliza PIGOTT. At his daughter's baptism in 1858, a wire weaver,
of Melton Street. In 1861, a wire drawer, living at 5 Domingo Street, St. Luke, Middlesex, with his wife Sophia and their
daughter Sophia. At his daughters' baptisms in 1864 and 1865, a wire worker, of Norfolk Street, St. Pancras. At his son's
baptism in 1868, a wire worker, of Cleveland Street, St. Pancras. In 1871, a wire worker, living at 57 Cleveland Street,
Marylebone, with his wife Sophia, their children Sophia, Eleanor, Mary, John, and Elizabeth, and two visitors, Eliza A.
DAVIS (b. ca. 1848 at Lambeth) and William J. DAVIS (b. ca. 1869 at Bloomsbury), perhaps both relatives. At his daughter's
baptism in Mar 1875, a wire worker, of 49 Burton Street, St. Pancras. At his daughter's marriage in Oct 1875, a wire
worker. In 1881, a wire worker, living at 49 Burton Street, St. Pancras.
- Sophia Jane SERCOMBE, b. 5 Feb 1858 at St. Pancras, b. reg. Q1 1858 at Pancras R.D., chr. 4 May 1858 at St. Pancras, m.
31 Oct 1875 at Marylebone All Souls, London, m. reg. Q4 1875 at Marylebone R.D., George Percy Leith SMART (son of Percy
Leith SMART, a window blind maker, d. by 1875). In 1861, living with her parents. In 1871, a scholar, living with her
parents. At her marriage in 1875, of 42 Foley Street; George was a carpenter, also of 42 Foley Street; the witnesses were
John SERCOMBE (probably Sophia's father) and Sarah Eliza SMART (presumably a relative of George). In 1881, living at 93
Euston Street, St. Marylebone, London, with her husband (a carpenter) and three children.
- Eleanor (or Helena or Ellen) Margaret SERCOMBE, b. 9 Feb 1862 at St. Luke, b. reg. Q1 1862 at St. Luke R.D., chr.
4 Sep 1864 at St. Pancras. In 1871, a scholar, living with her parents. In 1881, a housemaid in the BAUER
household at 64 Oxford Street, Marylebone. In 1891, a domestic servant in the ELLIS household at 128 Lennard Road,
Beckenham, Kent.
- Mary Anetta SERCOMBE, b. 29 Aug 1865 at St. Pancras, b. reg. Q4 1865 at Marylebone R.D., chr. 19 Nov 1865 at St.
Pancras, m. reg. Q1 1889 at Kensington R.D., William George SAPSED. In 1871, a scholar, living with her
parents. In 1881, a milliners apprentice, living in the household of her mother's sister Mary Ann and Mary Ann's husband
Richard POWELL (a corn chandler), at 15 Upper Marylebone Street, St. Marylebone.
- Edgar John Thomas SERCOMBE, b. 19 Jul 1868 at Marylebone, b. reg. Q3 1868 at Marylebone R.D., chr. 20 Jul 1868 at St. Pancras, m. reg. Q1 1892 at Maidstone R.D., Rose Annie WHEATLEY (b. 26 Jun 1873 at Bermondsey, London, b. reg. Q3 1873 at St. Olave Southwark R.D., d. reg. Q4 1970 at Warley R.D.), d. reg. Q4 1950 at Aldershot R.D. In 1871, living with his parents. In 1881, a scholar, living in the household of his mother's brother George DAVIES (a printer), at Stationers Shop, 220 Goswell Road, St. Luke, London, together with his sister Elizabeth. (Where in 1891?) At his sons' baptisms in 1898, a printer, of 2 Alice Road, Aldershot, Hampshire. In 1901, a journalist, living at 2 Alice Road, Aldershot, with his wife Rose, their children Rose, Edgar, George, and Sophia, and two boarders. At his daughters' baptisms in 1902 and 1904, a reporter, of 2 Alice Road, Aldershot. At his daughter's baptism in 1909, a journalist, of 2 Alice Road, Aldershot. In 1911, a newspaper reporter, living at 99 St. Michaels Road, Aldershot, with his wife Rose and their children Rose, Edgar, George, Sophia, Lilian, and Ethel. At his daughters' marriages in 1913 and 1922, a journalist. At his children's marriages in 1924, 1925, and 1932, an editor. At his daughter's marriage in 1935, a journalist.
- Rose Mary SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1894 at Maidstone, Kent, b. reg. Q3 1894 at Maidstone R.D., m. 5 Jul 1913 at St. Michael the Archangel, Aldershot, m. reg. Q3 1913 at Farnham R.D., Daniel MOLONEY (b. ca. 1882, son of Michael MOLONEY, a land owner). In 1901 and 1911, living with her parents. At her marriage in 1913, of Hernecliff, St. Michaels Road, Aldershot; Daniel was a sergeant in the Army Service Corps, of South Camp, Aldershot; the witnesses were Frank Myall VYYLL(?) and John WHITE.
- Richard E.F. MOLONEY, b. reg. Q1 1914 at Farnham R.D.
- Rose E.B. MOLONEY, b. reg. Q3 1915 at Farnham R.D.
- David D.B. MOLONEY, b. reg. Q4 1916 at Portsmouth R.D.
- Edgar Hudson SERCOMBE, b. 11 Sep 1895 at Aldershot, b. reg. Q4 1895 at Farnham R.D., chr. 19 Aug 1898 at Holy Trinity, Aldershot, m. 12 Aug 1925 at Holy Trinity, Aldershot, m. reg. Q3 1925 at Farnham R.D., Nannie (or Annie) Louise Henry SHAND (daughter of Alexander Mitchell SHAND [d. by 1925]; b. 7 Feb 1902, d. reg. Apr 1994 at Surrey North Western R.D.), d. reg. Q4 1976 at Surrey North Western R.D. In 1901, living with his parents. In 1911, a printer's apprentice, living with his parents. In 1924, a witness at the marriage of his brother George. At his marriage in 1925, a printer, of 48 Birchett Road, Aldershot; Nannie was of 16 Lansdown Road, Aldershot; the witnesses were his parents, A.J.(?) SHAND, R. CLABORY(?), and A.H. BIRCH(?).
- Marion A.C. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q1 1928 at Farnham R.D., m. reg. Q4 1957 at Surrey South Western R.D., Peter J.
- John Edgar A. SERCOMBE, b. 31 Mar 1930, b. reg. Q2 1930 at Farnham R.D., m. reg. Q2 1954 at Surrey South Western R.D.,
Janet A. WILLCOX, d. reg. Oct 1989 at Surrey South Western R.D.
- David J. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q3 1956 at Surrey South Western R.D.
- Nicholas P. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q3 1961 at Surrey South Western R.D., m. reg. Nov 1986 at Surrey South Western R.D.,
Caroline A. ABBOTT.
- Emma Caroline SERCOMBE, b. reg. Oct 1987 at North East Hampshire R.D.
- Paul R. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q1 1964 at Aldershot R.D., m. reg. Jul 1995 at Chichester R.D., Nicola S. FOORD.
- Alice Olivia SERCOMBE, b. reg. Dec 1996 at Kensington and Chelsea R.D.
- Oliver James SERCOMBE, b. reg. Mar 1999 at Chichester R.D.
- Katy Caroline SERCOMBE, b. reg. Jun 2001 at Chichester R.D.
- Christopher James SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q4 1967 at Aldershot R.D.
- Michael George SERCOMBE, b. 7 Mar 1934, b. reg. Q2 1934 at Surrey South Western R.D., m. reg. Q1 1960 at Surrey North
Western R.D., Jill A. GOOCH, d. reg. Oct 2002 at West Surrey R.D.
- Karen Lesley SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1966 at Aldershot R.D.
- Gail Margaret SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q3 1967 at Aldershot R.D., m. reg. Nov 1990 at North East Hampshire R.D., Andrew M.
- Andrew James SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q4 1973 at Aldershot R.D.
- George David SERCOMBE, b. 15 Nov 1897 at Aldershot, b. reg. Q4 1897 at Farnham R.D., chr. 19 Aug 1898 at Holy Trinity, Aldershot, m. 18 Jul 1924 at Holy Trinity, Aldershot, m. reg. Q3 1924 at Farnham R.D., Marie Rosena PENGILLY (daughter of William PENGILLY, a shopkeeper; b. ca. 1898, b. reg. Q3 1898 at Hartley Wintney R.D., m1. reg. Q1 1918 at Hartley Wintney R.D., James W. HINDS or HYNES [b. ca. 1892, d. reg. Q4 1918 at Hartley Wintney R.D.], d. reg. Q3 1951 at Aldershot R.D.), d. reg. Q3 1981 at Surrey South Western R.D. In 1901, living with his parents. In 1911, at school, living with his parents. At his marriage in 1924, a linotype operator, of 26 Birchett Road, Aldershot; Marie was of 99 St. Michaels Road, Aldershot; the witnesses were George's father and mother, his brother Edgar, and his sister Lilian.
- Audrey M.R. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q1 1926 at Farnham R.D., m. reg. Q1 1952 at Aldershot R.D., David G. LUPTON.
- Judith I. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q3 1929 at Farnham R.D., m. reg. Q3 1950 at Aldershot R.D., Patrick M. LAMBERT.
- Fiona M. LAMBERT, b. reg. Q2 1954 at Surrey South Western R.D.
- Frances P. LAMBERT, b. reg. Q2 1957 at Surrey South Western R.D.
- Bryony J. LAMBERT, b. reg. Q3 1959 at Surrey North Eastern R.D.
- Felicity A. LAMBERT, b. reg. Q2 1963 at Surrey North Eastern R.D.
- Mary Anne E. SERCOMBE, b. 26 Mar 1931, b. reg. Q2 1931 at Farnham R.D., d. reg. Mar 2003 at North East Hampshire R.D.
- Sophia Helen SERCOMBE, b. 4 Dec 1900 at Aldershot, b. reg. Q1 1901 at Farnham R.D., chr. 18 Jul 1902 at Holy Trinity, Aldershot, m. 25 Mar 1922 at St. Michael the Archangel, Aldershot, m. reg. Q1 1922 at Farnham R.D., Allan Frederick SIMPSON (b. ca. 1898, son of Harry SIMPSON [d. by 1922]). In 1901, living with her parents. In 1911, at school, living with her parents. At her marriage in 1922, of 99 St. Michaels Road, Aldershot; Allan was an engineer, of Walmer Villa, Elm Grove Road, Farnborough; the witnesses were Sophia's parents and her brother Edgar.
- Margaret H. SIMPSON, b. reg. Q4 1922 at Hartley Wintney R.D.
- Edgar J. SIMPSON, b. reg. Q2 1928 at Epsom R.D.
- Sylvia J. SIMPSON, b. reg. Q2 1928 at Epsom R.D.
- Henrietta Clara SERCOMBE, b. 28 Jun 1902, chr. 18 Jul 1902 at Holy Trinity, Aldershot, b. reg. Q3 1902 at Farnham R.D., d. reg. Q2 1904 at Farnham R.D.
- Lilian Margaret SERCOMBE, b. 15 Feb 1904 at Aldershot, b. reg. Q1 1904 at Farnham R.D., chr. 4 Mar 1904 at Holy Trinity, Aldershot, d. reg. Jan 1995 at Surrey
South Western R.D. In 1911, at school, living with her parents. In 1924, a witness at the marriage of her brother George.
- Ethel Florence SERCOMBE, b. 21 Apr 1909 at Aldershot, b. reg. Q2 1909 at Farnham R.D., chr. 20 Jun 1909 at Holy Trinity, Aldershot, m. 5 Nov 1932 at St. Michael the Archangel, Aldershot, m. reg. Q4 1932 at Aldershot R.D., John Warry HUNTLEY (b. ca. 1905, son of John Henry William HUNTLEY, a bootmaker). In 1911, living with her parents. At her marriage in 1932, of 99 St. Michaels Road, Aldershot; John was a bootmaker, of 23 Cargaret Avenue, Aldershot; the witnesses were Ethel's father and Elizabeth Sarah HUNTLEY.
- Peter W. HUNTLEY, b. reg. Q2 1933 at Elham R.D.
- Irene Madge SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q4 1914 at Farnham R.D., m. 1 Oct 1935 at St. Michael the Archangel, Aldershot, m. reg. Q4 1935 at Aldershot R.D., Carlton Lang TROOP (b. ca. 1910, son of John TROOP, a brewer). At her marriage in 1935, of "Henecliffe", St. Michaels Road, Aldershot; Carlton was an army officer, of Broughton Rise, Malton; the witnesses were Irene's father and John TROOP.
- Elizabeth Alice SERCOMBE, b. 7 Feb 1870 at Marylebone, b. reg. Q1 1870 at Marylebone R.D., chr. 8 Mar 1875 at St.
Pancras, d. reg. Q4 1899 at Brentford R.D., bur. 21 Nov 1899 at St. Pancras. In 1881, a scholar, living in the household
of her mother's brother George DAVIES, together with her brother Edgar. (Where in 1891?) At her death in 1899, of Ealing.
- Maria SERCOMBE, b. ca. Feb 1839, b. reg. Q1 1839 at Pancras R.D., bur. 27 Dec 1840 at St. Giles in the Fields. At her death in 1840, of Chalton Street.
- William SERCOMBE, b. 25 Aug 1840 in Middlesex, chr. 31 Oct 1840 at St. Pancras, d. reg. Q3 1843 at Pancras R.D., bur. 3 Oct 1843 at St. Giles in the Fields. In
1841, living with his parents. At his death in 1843, of Colonnade.
Maria SURCOMB, b. est. 1796.
- William SURCOMB, chr. 28 Apr 1822 at Sheepstor, Devon.
Robert SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1797(?) at Exeter, Devon, m. 4 Nov 1832 at All Saints, Brixham, Devon, Harriet EDWARDS (chr. 11 Jul 1794 at St. Mary, Brixham, m1. 17 Mar 1818 at St. Mary, Brixham, William TRANT [bur. 16 Aug 1826 at St. Mary, Brixham], d. reg. Q4 1866 at Totnes R.D., bur. 14 Nov 1866 at St. Mary, Brixham), d. reg. Q4 1889 at Plymouth R.D. At his marriage in 1832, of Brixham All Saints, as was Harriet; the witnesses were Ann MERCHANT and William KING. At his daughter's baptism in 1834, a laborer, of Brixham. In 1841, an agricultural laborer, living at Milton Street, Brixham, with his wife Harriet and their daughter Mary. In 1851, an agricultural laborer, living at Milton Street, Brixham, with his wife Harriet (a nurse), their daughter Mary, and visitor Ann (a dressmaker, b. ca. 1829 at Brixham, m. GRAVILLER[?]). At his daughter's marriage in 1855, a laborer. In 1861, an agricultural laborer, living at Milton Street, Brixham, with his wife Harriet and their grandson Charles Henry WOTTON. In 1871, a laborer, living with his daughter Mary. In 1881, a retired farmer, living with his daughter Mary. Age recorded as 40 in the 1841 census, 54 in 1851, 58 in 1861, 72 in 1871, 83 in 1881, and 92 at his death in 1889. (Is this Robert SERCOMBE?)
- Mary Olivia SERCOMBE, chr. 2 Feb 1834 at St. Mary, Brixham, m. 7 Aug 1855 at St. Mary, Brixham, m. reg. Q3 1855 at Totnes R.D., Stephen WOTTON (b. ca. 1834 at Brixham, son of Thomas WOTTON, a carrier). In 1841, living with her parents. In 1851, a dressmaker, living with her parents. At her marriage in 1855, of Brixham; Stephen was a shipwright, of Devonport, Devon; the witnesses were William TRANT and Tryphena WOTTON. In 1871, living at Wottons Farm, Devonport, with her husband Stephen (a shipwright), their daughter Harriett, her father Robert, and Stephen's sister Margaret (b. ca. 1846 at Brixham). In 1881, living at Albert Road Magdala, Saltash, Cornwall, with her husband Stephen (a superannuated shipwright in H.M. dockyard), their children Charles, Harriett, and Ernest, her father Robert, Stephen's sister Margaret, three boarders, and a servant.
- Charles Henry WOTTON, b. ca. 1856 at Brixham. In 1861, living with his mother's parents. In 1881, a civil service telegraph clerk, living with his parents.
- Harriett O. WOTTON, b. ca. 1864 at Brixham. In 1871, living with his parents. In 1881, a scholar, living with her parents.
- Ernest A. WOTTON, b. ca. 1873 at Plymouth, Devon. In 1881, a scholar, living with his parents.
- George SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1840 at Totnes R.D., d. reg. Q1 1841 at Totnes R.D., bur. 16 Sep 1840 at St. Mary, Brixham. At his death in 1840, of Brixham.
Robert SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1797 in Devon, m. 26 May 1822 at South Pool, Devon, Elizabeth PEPPEREL (b. ca. 1797 in Devon,
daughter of John PEPPEREL, a carpenter, m2. 6 Apr 1843 at East Stonehouse, Devon, m2. reg. Q2 1843 at East Stonehouse
R.D., John DALY [m1. and wid. by 1843, son of William DAVY, a laborer], m3. 15 Apr 1844 at East Stonehouse, m3. reg. Q2
1844 at East Stonehouse R.D., John MILDON [m1. and wid. by 1844, son of William MILDON, a laborer]), d. reg. Q4 1841 at
Kingsbridge R.D. In 1822 and 1823, a laborer, of South Pool. At his daughters' baptisms in 1828 and 1832, a laborer, of
North Pool. At his daughter's baptism in 1834, a laborer, of South Pool. At his daughter's marriage in 1839, a husbandman.
In 1841, an agricultural laborer, living at Lower Coombe, South Pool, with his wife Elizabeth and their daughters Ann and
Mary. At her second marriage in 1843, Elizabeth was of 6 Market Street; her second husband John DALY was a seaman; her son
in law Henry WESTERMAN was a witness. At her third marriage in 1844, Elizabeth was of 56 Union Street (and gave her name
as Elizabeth SERCOMBE, with no mention of DALY); her third husband John MILDON was a seaman; Martha HORTWILL was a
witness. (Is this Robert SERCOMBE?)
- Susan SERCOMBE, chr. 27 Oct 1822 at South Pool, m. reg. Q4 1842 at East Stonehouse R.D., Henry WESTERMAN (b. ca. 1813
at Stoke Damerel, Devon). In 1841, a servant in the RICKARD household at 16 Waterloo Street, Devonport, Devon. In 1851, a
sailor's wife, living at 3 William Street, Devonport, with her daughters Sarah and Mary Ann. In 1861, living at 6 Back of
Navy Row, Devonport, with her husband Henry (a Royal Navy seaman) and their children Sarah, John, Maryann, Eugenia, and
- Sarah Jane WESTERMAN, b. ca. 1843 at Morice Town, Devon. In 1851, living with her mother. In 1861, an ironer, living
with her parents.
- John WESTERMAN, b. ca. 1847 at Stoke Damerel. In 1861, a scholar, living with his parents.
- Mary Ann WESTERMAN, b. ca. 1849 at Morice Town. In 1851, living with her mother. In 1861, a scholar, living with her
- Eugenia WESTERMAN, b. ca. 1854 at Stoke Damerel. In 1861, a scholar, living with her parents.
- Susan WESTERMAN, b. ca. 1857 at Stoke Damerel. In 1861, a scholar, living with her parents.
- Elizabeth SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1823 at North Pool, chr. 28 Dec 1823 at South Pool, m. 21 Aug 1839 at St. Petrox, Dartmouth,
Devon, m. reg. Q3 1839 at Totnes R.D., Thomas BISS (b. ca. 1804 at Bristol, d. by 1871). At their marriage in 1839, Thomas
was a smith. In 1851, living at Ripley, Derbyshire, with her husband Thomas (a chain maker) and their children Thomas,
Robert, and Ann. In 1871, an annuitant, living at 20 Clifton Street, Plymouth, with her daughter Ann. In 1881, living at
50 Cobourg Street, Plymouth, with her son William.
Relative of researcher Gillian Hughes.
- Thomas BISS, b. ca. 1842 at Plymouth. In 1851, a scholar, living with his parents.
- Robert BISS, b. ca. 1845 at Plymouth. In 1851, a scholar, living with his parents.
- Ann BISS, b. ca. 1848 at Tipton or Coadley Heath, Staffordshire. In 1851, living with her parents. In 1871, living with
her mother.
- William BISS, b. ca. 1854 at Ripley. In 1881, a stoker in the Royal Navy, living with his mother.
- Jane SERCOMBE, chr. 18 May 1828 at South Pool, prob. d. shortly thereafter.
- Jane SERCOMBE, chr. 22 Jun 1828 at South Pool.
- Ann SIRCOMBE, chr. 8 Apr 1832 at South Pool. In 1841, living with her parents.
- Mary SIRCOMBE, chr. 30 Mar 1834 at South Pool. In 1841, living with her parents.
Ann SERCOMBE, b. est. 1798, m. 14 Oct 1823 at St. Sidwell, Exeter, Devon, Joseph LITTLEJOHNS. At their marriage in 1823,
Ann and Joseph were both of Exeter St. Sidwell; the witnesses were William BARTLETT and M. SKELLY.
William SERCOMBE, b. est. 1798, m. 23 Nov 1823 at Holy Trinity, Exeter, Devon, after banns begun 14 Sep 1823, Mary PROWSE
(b. ca. 1775 at St. Ash, Cornwall), d. by 1851. J. REEVE witnessed the marriage in 1823. At his son's baptism in 1827,
William was a laborer, of Magdalen Street, Exeter. In 1841, Mary was a washerwoman, living at Red Lion Court, Magdalen
Street, Exeter, with her son Samuel. In 1851, she was a laundress receiving parish relief, living at James Street Alms
House, Exeter, with her son Samuel.
- Samuel SERCOMBE, b. Sep 1826, chr. 15 Apr 1827 at Holy Trinity, Exeter, m. reg. Q3 1851 at Exeter R.D., Anna BEDFORD
(b. ca. 1815 at Kenn, Devon, d. by 1891). In 1841, an apprentice, living with his mother. In 1851, a cordwainer, receiving
parish relief, living with his mother. In 1861, a shoemaker, living in Trinity Street, Exeter, with his wife Anna, their
daughters Mary, Emily, and Jessy, and a lodger. In Apr 1871, a shoemaker, living in Trinity Street with his wife Anna and
their daughters Mary and Jessy. At his daughter Mary's marriage in Dec 1871, a cordwainer. At his daughter Jessy's
marriage in 1877, a bootmaker. At his daughter Emily's marriage in Jan 1881, a boot maker. In Apr 1881, a bootmaker,
living at 1 Trinity Street with his wife Anna and a boarder. In 1891, a cordwainer, living at 1 Trinity Street Right.
- Mary Anna SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1852 at Exeter, b. reg. Q2 1852 at Exeter R.D., m. 24 Dec 1871 at Holy Trinity, Exeter, m.
reg. Q4 1871 at Exeter R.D., William BROOKS (b. ca. 1849 at Exeter, son of John BROOKS, a gardener). In 1861, a scholar,
living with her parents. In Apr 1871, an unemployed dressmaker, living with her parents. At her marriage in Dec 1871, of
Trinity Street; William was a coachman, of Magdalen Street; witnesses were Samuel SERCOMBE (probably Mary's father) and
Emily SERCOMBE (probably her sister). In 1881, living at 70 Railton Road, Brixton, London, with her husband William (a
policeman). In 1891, living at 53 South Street, Exeter, with her husband William (a coachman). In 1901, living at 53 South
Street with her husband William (a stable man).
- Emily SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1855 at Exeter, b. reg. Q1 1855 at Exeter R.D., m. 1 Jan 1881 at St. Matthew, Brixton, London,
m. reg. Q1 1881 at Lambeth R.D., James CORNISH (b. ca. 1828 at Dulverton, Somerset, son of John CORNISH, a thatcher). In
1861, a scholar, living with her parents. In 1871, a domestic servant in the CUMMING household at 43 Fore Street,
Babbacombe Road, Babbacombe, Devon. At her marriage in Jan 1881, of Brixton; James was an inn keeper, of Exeter; the
witnesses were William BROOKS and Sarah Ann BEDFORD. In Apr 1881, living at the Topsham Inn, 48 South Street, Exeter,
with her husband James (a licensed innkeeper), a pot boy, and a general servant. In 1891, living at the Topsham Inn with
her husband James (a licensed victualler) and a (male) servant.
- Jessy Louisa SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1858 at Exeter, b. reg. Q1 1858 at Exeter R.D., m. 25 Dec 1877 at Holy Trinity, Exeter,
m. reg. Q4 1877 at Exeter R.D., William AYLING (b. ca. 1852, son of Henry AYLING, a builder). In 1861 and 1871, a scholar,
living with her parents. At her marriage in 1877, of Trinity Street; William was corporal in the Army Hospital Corps (now
the Royal Army Medical Corps), of Monaghan, Ireland; witnesses were Samuel SERCOMBE (presumably Jessy's father) and W.S.
John SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1799, m. 12 Jan 1826 at Exminster, Devon, Mary BOLLEY (daughter of Thomas BOLLEY, a laborer; b. ca. 1802 at Exminster, m2. 22 Oct 1854 at Exminster, m2. reg. Q4 1854 at St. Thomas R.D., Samuel HOLMAN, son of William DODGE, a yeoman), bur. 4 Apr 1837 at Ashton, Devon. At his chidren's baptisms in 1826, 1828, 1831, 1833, 1835, and Feb 1837, a laborer, of Kiddons, a detached part of Exminster parish subsequently transferred to Ashton civil parish. At his burial in Apr 1837, of Exminster. In 1841, Mary was living at Kiddons with her children Joanah, Eliza, John, Thomas, and William and unidentified Harriett BULLY (b. ca. 1825 in Devon, perhaps a niece or a daughter from before her marriage); next door was Thomas BULLY (b. ca. 1760 in Devon), probably Mary's father. In 1851, she was living at Exminster with her children Eliza and Thomas, lodger Thomas BOLLEY (b. ca. 1755 at Bradninch, Devon, presumably her father), and Eliza's fiancé James PARSONS. Posthumously at his daughter Eliza's marriage in 1851, a laborer. At his widow Mary's second marriage in 1854, she was of Kiddons; her husband Samuel was a laborer, also of Kiddons. Posthumously at his son's marriage in 1860, a labourer. (Is there a connection to Samuel SERCOMBE, who was of Kiddons in 1833?) Relative of researcher Jim Robbens.
- Amelia SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1826 at Exminster or Ashton, chr. 30 Apr 1826 at Ashton, m. 2 Sep 1850 at St. Thomas, Devon, m. reg. Q3 1850 at St. Thomas R.D., Henry DEWDNEY (b. ca. 1827 at Littleham, Exmouth, Devon, d. by 1891; son of John DEWDNEY, a mariner). In 1841, a servant in the ARCHER household at Seahill, Christow, Devon. At her marriage in 1850, of St. Thomas; Henry was a mariner, also of St. Thomas; witnesses to the marriage were James PARSONS (Amelia's sister's future husband) and John ELLIS. In 1851, living at Exeter Road, Withycombe Raleigh, Exmouth, with her husband Henry (a waterman). In 1861, living at Back Street, Littleham, with her husband Henry (a waterman), their children Eliza, Alfred, Herbert, and Emanuel (as yet unnamed), and a nurse. In 1871, a charwoman, living at Back Street, Littleham, with her husband Henry (a waterman) and their sons Alfred, Herbert, Emanuel, and Frederick. In 1881, living at Manchester Street, Littleham, with her husband Henry (a ferryman) and their son Frederick. In 1891, a furniture dealer, living at Manchester Street, Littleham, with a lodger. In 1901, a dealer in furniture, living at 15 George Street, Withycombe Raleigh, with her granddaughter Eliza.
- Eliza J. DEWDNEY, b. ca. 1851 at Exmouth. In 1861, living with her parents.
- Alfred H. DEWDNEY, b. ca. 1854 at Exmouth, m. Charlotte M. (b. ca. 1850 at Southampton, Hampshire), d. by 1891. In 1861, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1871, a baker's servant, living with his parents. In 1881, a bread baker, living at Meadows Street, Withycombe Raleigh, with his wife Charlotte, their son Charles, and a nurse. In 1891, Charlotte was a general servant (charwoman), living at Chapel Street, Withycombe Raleigh, with her children Charles and Eliza.
- Charles H. DEWDNEY, b. ca. 20 Mar 1881 at Exmouth. In 1881, living with his parents. In 1891, a scholar, living with his mother.
- Eliza DEWDNEY, b. ca. 1882 at Exmouth. In 1891, a scholar, living with her mother. In 1901, a laundress, living with her grandmother.
- Herbert DEWDNEY, b. ca. 1856 at Exmouth. In 1861, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1871, a mason's laborer, living with his parents.
- Emanuel DEWDNEY, b. ca. 5 Apr 1861 at Exmouth. In 1861, living with his parents. In 1871, a scholar, living with his parents.
- Frederick J. DEWDNEY, b. ca. 1863 at Exmouth. In 1871, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1881, a coach smith, living with his parents.
- Johannah or Joanah SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1828 in Devon, chr. 10 Feb 1828 at Ashton. In 1841, living with her mother.
- Eliza SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1831 at Exminster, chr. 27 Mar 1831 at Ashton, m. 13 Apr 1851 at Exminster, m. reg. Q2 1851 at St. Thomas R.D., James PARSONS (b. ca. 1829 at Newton St. Cyres, Devon, son of Robert PARSONS, a clock cleaner). In 1841 and 1851, living with her mother; in 1851, James was a carpenter, living with Eliza and her family. At her marriage in 1851, a servant, of Kiddons; James was a carpenter, also of Kiddons. In 1861, living at Fore Street, Bovey Tracey, Devon, with her husband James (a sawyer).
- John SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1833 at Exminster, chr. 24 Feb 1833 at Ashton. In 1841, living with his mother. In 1851, a
servant in the ROWE household at Carswells, Kenn, Devon.
- Thomas SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1835 at Exminster, chr. 3 May 1835 at Ashton. In 1841 and 1851, living with his mother.
- William SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1837 at Exminster, chr. 19 Feb 1837 at Ashton, m. 4 Oct 1860 at Bovey Tracey, m. reg. Q4 1860 at Newton Abbot R.D., Sarah Jane AGGETT (b. ca. 1841 at Bovey Tracey, Devon, d. reg. Q2 1905 at Burnley R.D.; daughter of James AGGETT, a thatcher), d. reg. Q2 1883 at Okehampton R.D. In 1841, living with his mother. In 1851, an agricultural laborer in the BALL household at Exminster. At his marriage in 1860, a miner, of Bovey Tracey; Sarah was also of Bovey Tracey; the witnesses were James PARSONS and Emma MEDLAND. In 1861, a copper miner, living at Hind Street, Bovey Tracey, with his wife Sarah (a dressmaker). In 1871, a miner, living at South Tawton, Devon, with his wife Sarah (a dressmaker) and their children John and Emma. In 1881, a tin miner, living at Creaton, South Tawton, with his wife Sarah and sons John and Thomas. In 1891, Sarah was living at 5 Kirkgate, Habergham Eaves, Burnley, Lancashire, with her daughter Emma and two boarders. In 1901, Sarah was living with her daughter Emma.
- John SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1861 at Bovey Tracey, b. reg. Q4 1861 at Newton Abbot R.D., m1. 27 Mar 1886 at St. Matthew, Burnley, m1. reg. Q1 1886 at Burnley R.D., Mary TERRILL (b. ca. 1862 at Redruth, Cornwall, d. reg. Q3 1909 at Burnley R.D.), m2. at United Methodist, Claremont Street, Burnley, m2. reg. Q3 1917 at Burnley R.D., Carrie HORNE (b. ca. 1869, d. reg. Q1 1927 at Burnley R.D.), d. reg. Q4 1927 at Burnley R.D. In 1871, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1881, a tin miner, living with his parents. In 1891, a hair dresser, living at 31 Abel Street, Burnley, with his wife Mary (a cotton weaver). In 1901, a coal miner, living at 12 Morley Street, Burnley, with his wife Mary and their son William. In 1911, a coal getter underground, living at 234 Gannow Lane, Burnley, with his son William.
- William Harold SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1894 at Burnley, b. reg. Q3 1894 at Burnley R.D., m1. at Rosegrove Methodist, Gannow Lane, Burnley, m1. reg. Q4 1927 at Burnley R.D., Bertha Ann CRAMPTON (b. ca. 1886, d. reg. Q1 1953 at Amounderness R.D.), m2. at United Reformed/Congregational, Leyland, Lancashire, m2. reg. Q1 1955 at Chorley R.D., Nora ENTWISTLE (b. 18 Dec 1903, d. reg. Q1 1976 at Crosby R.D.), d. reg. Q1 1961 at Chorley R.D. In 1901, living with his parents. In 1911, an apprentice at a carriage works, living with his father.
- Emma SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1865 at Bovey Tracey or Hennock, Devon, b. reg. Q1 1865 at Newton Abbot R.D., m1. at the Register Office, Burnley, m1. reg. Q3 1900 at Burnley R.D., Charley HORNE (b. ca. 1866 at Tavistock, Devon, d. by 1911), m2. at Holy Trinity, Burnley, m2. reg. Q4 1919 at Burnley R.D., William REDMAN. In 1871, a scholar, living with her parents. In 1881, a general domestic servant in the TREWEEKE household at 159 Gorse Lane, Swansea, Glamorgan. In 1891, a cotton weaver, living with her mother. In 1901, a cotton weaver, living at 3 Cedar Street, Burnley, with her husband Charley (a grinder) and mother Sarah. In 1911, a cotton weaver, living at 24 Gannow Lane, Burnley, with her son Clifford.
- Clifford HORNE, b. ca. 1902 at Burnley. In 1911, at school, living with his mother.
- Thomas J. SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1871 at South Tawton, b. reg. Q2 1871 at Okehampton R.D., d. reg. Q1 1884 at Burnley R.D.
In 1881, a scholar, living with his parents.
Francis SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1799, bur. 21 Aug 1809 at Holy Trinity, Exeter, Devon.
James SOUTHCOMBE, b. est. 1799, m. 27 Apr 1824 at St. Mary Steps, Exeter, Devon, Ann ELLIS. In 1824, a servant. Sarah CANN
witnessed the marriage in 1824.
Joseph SERCOMBE, b. est. 1800, m. Honor.
- Margaret SERCOMBE, chr. 31 Oct 1826 at Tavistock Wesleyan, Devon.
Thomas SERCOMBE, b. est. 1800, m. 7 Apr 1825 at St. Sidwell, Exeter, Devon, Frances CORNISH. At their marriage in 1825,
Thomas and Frances were both sojourners in Exeter St. Sidwell; the witnesses were Joseph BOND and Samuel WELSFORD junior.
Maria CLOW, b. ca. 1800 at Exeter St. Paul, Devon, m1. 20 Nov 1832 at St. John, Exeter, Charles Edward SCHREIBER (chr.
5 Aug 1798 at Watton-at-Stone, Hertfordshire, son of Thomas SHREIBER and Mary MACKY [m. 15 Jul 1797 at Tewin,
Hertfordshire], m1. 5 Jan 1826 at St. Mary, Portsea, Hampshire, Jane Caroline or Caroline Jane DAVIES [b. ca. 1805, bur.
24 Jan 1829 at East Stonehouse, Devon], bur. 6 Feb 1837 at Ide, Devon), m2. reg. Q2 1841 at Exeter R.D., George SQUIRES
(b. ca. 1813 at Newton Bushel, in the parish of
Highweek, Devon), d. reg. Q4 1875 at Exeter R.D. At her son's baptism in 1833, Charles was a gentleman, of Fore Street
Hill, Exeter. At her son's burial in 1834, he was of Exeter All Hallows on the Walls. At her son's baptism in 1835,
Charles was a straw hat manufacturer, of Fore Street Hill. At his burial in 1837, Charles was of Exeter St. Olave. At her
son's burial in Sep 1837, he was of Exeter St. David. At her daughter's baptism in Sep 1837, Charles was (posthumously) a
gentleman, of Fore Street, Exeter. In 1841, living at Catharine Street, Cathedral Close, Exeter, with her second husband
George (a coal dealer) and her daughter Augusta. In 1851, living at 1 Mary Arches Street, Exeter, with her husband George
(a coal dealer), her daughter Augusta and sons George and John, and a lodger. In 1861, living at Mary Arches Street, Exeter, with her husband George (a wood
and coal dealer) and their sons George and John. In 1861, living at Mary Arches Street, Exeter, with her husband George
(a coal and wood dealer). In 1881, George was a wood dealer, living at 50 Mary Arches Street, Exeter.
- (perhaps a stepdaughter) Sophia Jane SCHRIEBER, d. reg. Q2 1838 at Exeter R.D.
- George SCHREIBER, chr. 13 Oct 1833 at St. Olave, Exeter, bur. 4 Mar 1834 at Ide.
- Charles Thomas SCHREIBER, chr. 13 Dec 1835 at St. John, Exeter, d. reg. Q3 1837 at Exeter R.D., bur. 10 Sep 1837 at
- Augusta Mary Campbell SCHREIBER or SEARCOME, b. 29 Jun 1837 at Exeter St. Olave, chr. 13 Sep 1837 at St. Olave,
Exeter, m1. reg. Q2 1861 at Tiverton R.D., William Lewis WILLIAMS (d. reg. Q2 1865 at Tiverton R.D.), m2. reg. Q3 1867 at
Birmingham R.D., William TYERS (b. ca. 1842 at Loughborough, Leicestershire, d. by 1891), d. reg. Q4 1896 at Rugby R.D.
In 1841, living with her mother and stepfather (as Augusta SHYBEAR). In 1851, a dressmaker and milliner, living with her
mother and stepfather (as Augusta M. SEARCOME -- why?). In 1861, a schoolmistress at the Union Workhouse, Tiverton, Devon
(as Mary A. SHREIBER). In 1871, a schoolmistress, living at Haywood Street, Ashton on Mersey, Cheshire, with her husband
William (a schoolmaster), their daughter Augusta, and William's father. In 1881, a certificated teacher, living at Green
Lane, Ashton on Mersey, with her husband William (also a certificated teacher), their children Augusta and Charles, and a
boarder (yet another certificated teacher). In 1891, matron of the Girls Industrial School, Park Avenue, Cottingham,
- Augusta Mary TYERS, b. ca. 1869 at Marlborough, Wiltshire, b. reg. Q3 1869 at Marlborough R.D., chr. 19 Aug 1869 at
Preshute, Wiltshire, m. reg. Q1 1913 at Prescot R.D., David LORD. In 1871, living with her parents. In 1881, a scholar,
living with her parents. In 1891, a schoolmistress, visiting her uncle George SQUIRES. In 1901, a schoolmistress at the
Royal British Female Orphan Asylum, Devonport, Devon.
- Charles Edward S. TYERS, b. ca. 1872 at Ashton on Mersey, b. reg. Q2 1872 at Altrincham R.D., m. reg. Q2 1898 at
Prescot R.D., Elizabeth "Bessie" YOUNG (b. ca. 1870 at Liverpool, Lancashire). In 1881, a scholar, living with his
parents. In 1891, a chemist's apprentice, visiting the EAGLESFIELD family at Seafield Villa, Bath Street, Great Crosby,
Lancashire. In 1901, an analytical chemist in an alkali works, living at Oakfield Terrace, Ditchfield Road, Dutton,
Lancashire, with his wife Bessie, their son Charles, and a general domestic servant.
- Charles George TYERS, b. ca. 1899 at Widnes, Lancashire, b. reg. Q3 1899 at Prescot R.D. In 1901, living with his
- (probably) Augusta Mary TYERS, b. reg. Q3 1902 at Prescot R.D.
- George SQUIRES, b. ca. 1841 at Cathedral Close, Exeter. In 1851, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1861, an
ironmonger's assistant, living with his parents. In 1871, an ironmonger's shopman, lodging at 17 Market Place, Warwick,
Warwickshire, in the household of widow Jane SQUIRES (relationship unknown). In 1881, a merchant's clerk, lodging in the
household of John B. COURT at 10 Colmore Street, Birmingham, Warwickshire. In 1891, a merchant's clerk, boarding in the
household of William H. COURT (John B. COURT's son) at 48 Spring Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham, with his visiting niece
Augusta Mary TYERS. In 1901, a retired hardware merchant, lodging at 6 Speedwell Road, Edgbaston.
- John SQUIRES, b. ca. 1844 at Exeter St. Mary Arches. In 1851, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1861, a baker,
living with his parents.
William SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1801 at St. Thomas Apostle, Devon. In 1851, a laborer, visiting the BRIDGEMAN household at Cowick
Street, St. Thomas Apostle.
SERCOMBE, b. est. 1802, m. Mary (b. ca. 1802 at Exminster, Devon), d. by 1851. In 1851, Mary was lodging in the household of Charles TUCKETT (a carpenter, b. ca. 1810 at Hennock, Devon) and his wife Ann (b. ca. 1809 at Chudleigh, Devon) at Woodway Street, Chudleigh. (Is Mary the same person as Sarah PEARSE?)
Elizabeth SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1803, bur. 22 Jul 1825 at St. Sidwell, Exeter, Devon. In 1825, of the Workhouse.
George SARCOMBE, b. est. 1803, m. Susanna. In 1829, a bricklayer, of Cambridge Street, Plymouth, Devon.
- William George SARCOMBE, b. 4 Jul 1829, chr. 6 Dec 1829 at Charles the Martyr, Plymouth.
Harriet SERCOMBE, b. est. 1804, m. 17 Dec 1829 at Bishopsteignton, Devon, James POTTER. At their marriage in 1829, Harriet
and James were both of Bishopsteignton.
Mary SERCOMBE, b. est. 1804, m. 5 Jul 1829 at St. Andrew, Plymouth, Devon, William SANDERS.
SIRCOM or SERCOMBE, b. est. 1805, m. Elizabeth (b. ca. 1805 at Exeter, Devon, d. reg. Q1 1886 at Bristol R.D.), d. by
1881. In 1881, Elizabeth was nearly blind, an annuitant, living at St. John's Almshouse, Bristol, Gloucestershire.
Robert SURCOMBE, b. est. 1805. At his daughter's marriage in 1849, a laborer.
- Mary SURCOMBE, b. ca. 1830, m. 31 Jul 1849 at Stoke Damerel, Devon, by licence, m. reg. Q3 1849 at Stoke Damerel R.D.,
James HAY (b. ca. 1825, son of John HAY, a mariner). At her marriage in 1849, of 12 Portland Place; James was a mariner,
of H.M.S. Impregnable; the witnesses were Daniel DOWNS and John SYMONS.
Mary A. SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1810 at Roach or St. Anthe, Cornwall. In 1851, a chambermaid at the New London Inn, Exeter St.
David, Devon. In 1861, a chambermaid at the London Inn, Exeter St. David.
Richard SERCOMBE, b. est. 1811, d. by 1861. At his son's marriage in 1861 (posth.), a waiter. (This is probably Richard SERCOMBE.)
- Richard SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1837 at Exeter Holy Trinity, Devon, m. 20 Jun 1861 at the Register Office, Exeter, m. reg. Q2 1861 at Exeter R.D., Emma HOOKINGS (b. ca. 1842 at St. Thomas, Devon, daughter of Thomas HOOKINGS, a basket maker, who d. by 1861), d. reg. Q4 1890 at Exeter R.D. In 1841, living in the GRIFFIN household (see sidebar) at Bonhay, Exeter. In 1851, a scholar, visiting the GRIFFIN household at 5 Culver Place, Exe Street, Exeter. In Apr 1861, a last maker, boarding in the GRIFFIN household at Cemetery Place, Exeter. At his marriage in Jun 1861, a last maker, of Exe Street, Exeter; Emma was a domestic servant, of Waterbeer Street, Exeter; the witnesses were Susanna CROOT and Edwin CROOT (probably Emma's sister and brother-in-law - see sidebar). In 1871, a railway porter, living at 3 Wilcocks Buildings, Exeter, with his wife Emma and their sons Richard and Frank. In 1881, a railway porter, living at 28 Lower North Street, Exeter, with his wife Emma and their children Richard, Frank, and Ida. At his son's marriage in 1887, a railway porter. In 1891, Emma was a housekeeper, living at 28 Lower North Street with her daughter Ida. In 1901, she was a housekeeper, living at 28 North Street Lower, Exeter, with her daughter Ida's son Richard. In 1911, she was a housekeeper, living at 18 Sidwell Street, Exeter, with her daughter Ida and Ida's sons Richard and Frank.
- Richard Thomas SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1862 at Exeter St. Paul, b. reg. Q2 1862 at Exeter R.D., m. reg. Q3 1887 at Camberwell R.D., Selina WRIGHT (b. ca. 1860 at Bishops Nympton, Devon, d. reg. Q3 1930 at Barnstaple R.D.), d. reg. Q3 1933 at Barnstaple R.D. In 1871, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1881, a railway engine cleaner, living with his parents. At his son's baptism in 1888, a railway foreman, of Canbury Park Road, Kingston-on-Thames, Surrey. In 1891, a railway locomotive fireman, living at 25a Clifton Street, Clapham, London, with his wife Selina and their son Richard. In 1901, a railway engine driver, living at St. Stephens Hill, St. Stephens by Launceston, Cornwall, with his wife Selina and their sons Richard and Frederick. In 1911, an inn keeper, living at the Three Tuns, Barnstaple, Devon, with his wife Selina (his assistant) and visitor Lucy WRIGHT (a farm dairy worker, b. ca. 1855 at Bishops Nympton, perhaps Selina's sister). In 1913, of 80 High Street, Barnstaple. In 1919, of 16 Braunton Road, Barnstaple. In 1929, when his son Frederick emigrated to Canada, of 75 Gloucester Road, London N.W.1.
- Richard Ernest SERCOMBE, b. 30 Sep 1888 at Kingston, chr. 25 Nov 1888 at St. Paul Kingston Hill, Kingston, b. reg. Q4 1888 at Kingston R.D., m. reg. Q3 1915 at Newton Abbot R.D., Ethel Annie HONEY (b. 12 Dec 1893 at Newton Abbot, Devon, d. 15 Sep 1982 at Fitchburg, Massachusetts), d. Jul 1967. In 1891 and 1901, living with his parents. In 1911, a storesman for the General Post Office, boarding in the PARSONS household at 38 Longbrook Street, Exeter. In Mar 1913, an electrical engineer living at Barnstaple, emigrated from Liverpool to New York. Lived at Fitchburg until he returned to England in Oct 1914 to join the British Army. In 1919, an engineer, returned to Fitchburg (sailing from Liverpool to New York) with his wife Ethel and their daughter Valarie to join his cousin John KERSLAKE. In 1920, a fireman at a woollen mill, living at 13 Sanborn Street, Fitchburg, with his wife Ethel and their daughter Valarie. In 1930, a cable splicer for the telephone company, living at 32 West Globe Street, Fitchburg, with his wife Ethel and their daughter Valarie. Latterly lived at Leominster, Massachusetts, as did Ethel.
- Valarie E. Frances SERCOMBE, b. 14 Jun 1916 at Newton Abbot, b. reg. Q3 1916 at Newton Abbot R.D., d. 18 May 1988 at Leominster. In 1920 and 1930, living with her parents.
- Frederick John SERCOMBE, b. 13 Jul 1894 at Exeter, b. reg. Q3 1894 at Exeter R.D., m. reg. Q1 1920 at Wolverhampton R.D., Lily LOVELL or LOVETT (b. ca. 1892 at Wolverhampton), d. reg. Q3 1970 at New Forest R.D. In 1901, living with his parents. In 1911, an apprentice electrical engineer for the Devon and Exeter Hospital, boarding in the COVENTON household at 18 St. Sidwells Avenue, Exeter. In 1912, sailed from Liverpool to Boston, Massachusetts. In 1913, when his brother Richard came from England to join him, of 11 Sanborn Street, Fitchburg, Massachusetts. Returned to England between 1913 and 1920. On 19 Apr 1929, sailed from Southampton on the Ascania, in third class, with his wife Lily and their daughter Elsie, arriving at Quebec on 27 Apr 1929. On the ship's passenger list, described himself as a chartered engineer, in possession of £100, intending to reside permanently in Canada, and planning to travel on to his employer, the Canadian General Electric Company at Toronto, Ontario, via the Canadian National Railway.
- Elsie L. SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1926 at Margate, b. reg. Q1 1926 at Thanet R.D., m. reg. Q1 1951 at Brackley R.D., Ernest J. MUNDY. In 1929, sailed from Southampton to Quebec with her parents.
- Frank SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1864 at Exeter St. David, b. reg. Q4 1864 at Exeter R.D., m. 15 Aug 1887 at St. Thomas, m. reg. Q3 1887 at St. Thomas R.D., Bessie SMITH (b. ca. 1863 at St. Thomas, daughter of William SMITH [d. by 1887], a cattle dealer), d. reg. Q2 1934 at St. Thomas R.D. In 1871, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1881, a railway clerk, living with his parents. At his marriage in 1887, an accountant, of Oxford Street; Bessie was of Cambridge Street; the witnesses were William Henry SMITH and Ida C. SERCOMBE (his sister). In 1891, a railway clerk, living at 2 Oxford Terrace, St. Thomas, with his wife Bessie. In 1901, a goods clerk for the Great Western Railway, living at 3 Oxford Terrace, St. Thomas, with his wife Bessie. In 1911, a railway clerk, living at 3 Okehampton Place, St. Thomas, with his wife Bessie.
- Ida Croot SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1871 at Exeter St. David, b. reg. Q2 1871 at Exeter R.D., m1. reg. Q1 1893 at Taunton R.D., unknown, m2.(?) John LACY (b. ca. 1866 at South Molton, Devon). In 1881, a scholar, living with her parents. In 1891, an outfitter's assistant in the fancy department, living with her mother. In 1901, living at 18 Northernhay Street, Exeter, with her husband John (a market salesman) and their son Frank. In 1911 (enumerated as SERCOMBE), employed in drapery, living with her mother, together with her sons Richard and Frank.
- Richard Sercombe LACY, later Richard Sercombe SERCOMBE, b. 25 Dec 1899 at Exeter, b. reg. Q1 1900 at Exeter R.D., m. reg. Q3 1925 at Birmingham South R.D., Lily McCONNELL (b. ca. 1891, d. reg. Q1 1951 at Brackley R.D.), d. reg. Q2 1973 at Birmingham R.D. In 1901, living with his maternal grandmother. In 1911, at school, living with his mother and maternal grandmother. LACY in 1900, SERCOMBE in 1901 and 1911. In 1921, a railway clerk, of Wednesbury, Staffordshire, formally adopted the name Richard Sercombe SERCOMBE by deed poll dated 23 Oct 1921 and enrolled 15 Nov 1921.
- Patricia SERCOMBE, b. 17 Aug 1931, b. reg. Q3 1931 at Birmingham South R.D., d. reg. Q3 1976 at Birmingham R.D.
- Frank Sercombe LACY or Frank SERCOMBE, b. ca. Dec 1900 at Exeter, b. reg. Q1 1901 at Exeter R.D., m. reg. Q3 1921 at Kings Norton R.D., Nancie M. HEAP. In 1901, living with his parents. In 1911, at school, living with his mother and maternal grandmother. SERCOMBE in 1911, otherwise LACY.
- Francis D. SERCOMBE-LACY, b. reg. Q4 1929 at Wirral R.D.
- Pamela C. Sercombe LACY or Pamela C. SERCOMBE-LACY, b. reg. Q1 1922 at Kings Norton R.D., m. reg. Q3 1942 at Weston
super Mare R.D., Kevin J. GORTA.
- Another child, d. by 1911.
John WOODLEY, m. 7 Jul 1791 at Ilsington, Devon, Sarah BOWDEN.
- Sarah WOODLEY, chr. 25 Sep 1791 at Ilsington.
- Mary WOODLEY, chr. 7 Feb 1796 at Ilsington. In 1806, apprenticed to Thomas
SERCOMBE by the Ilsington overseers of the poor. Thomas was probably the father of Mary's daughter Sarah.
- Sarah Sercombe WOODLEY, later Sarah SERCOMBE, chr. 29 Dec 1816 at Ilsington, Devon, m. 30 Jan 1838 at Ilsington, m.
reg. Q1 1838 at Newton Abbot R.D., William COLMAN (son of William COLMAN, a laborer). At her marriage in 1838, of
Ilsington; William was a sailor, also of Ilsington; the witnesses were William COLMAN (probably the groom's father) and
Mary YOULDEN. Sarah Sercombe Woodley at her baptism; Sarah Sercombe at her marriage.
- Charlotte WOODLEY, chr. 26 Aug 1798 at Ilsington.
Grace S. SERCOUMBE, b. ca. 1819 at Stoke Lyton, Devon, m. reg. Q1 1859 at Westminster St. Margaret R.D., John Edward BREAK (b. ca. 1806 or 1815 in France or at Devonport, Devon, d. by 1891). In 1861, living at 2 Marlboro Street, Chelsea, Middlesex, with her husband John (a teacher of languages) and his children Paul and Virginia. In 1861, lodging at 131 Keppel Street, Chelsea; John was a French teacher in the National School, High Street, Thame, Oxfordshire. In 1881, a French teacher, living at 10 K Block, Peabody Buildings, St. George Hanover Square, London; John was a teacher, lodging at 8 Glendall Street, Lambeth, London. In 1891, a patient in the Royal Hospital for Incurables, West Hill, Wandsworth, London.
Joseph SERCOMB, b. est. 1820, m. 6 May 1845 at Buckland Monachorum, Devon, m. reg. Q2 1845 at Tavistock R.D., Caroline
VINCENT. (Perhaps an error for SECCOMB?)
Sarah SERCOMBE, b. ca. Aug 1824, bur. 19 Feb 1826 at St. Mary Major, Exeter, Devon.
Ann SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1827 at Bridford, Devon. In 1851, a general servant in the HICHEMS household at Alphington Road, St.
Thomas Apostle, Devon.
Joseph SERCOMBE, b. est. 1828, m. Tamzin. At his daughter's baptism in 1861, a farmer, of Knackers Knowle, Egg Buckland, Devon.
- Sarah Jane SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1854, chr. 14 Jul 1861 at Egg Buckland.
John CLAPP, m. 21 Apr 1794 at Newton St. Cyres, Devon, Susan Stukes HOBLYN (b. ca. 1770 at Newlyn, Cornwall, chr.
12 Feb 1770 at East Newlyn, daughter of John HOBLYN and Ann, d. reg. Q1 1858 at Exeter R.D.), d. by 1851. In 1841, Susan
was independent, living at 13 Longboot Street, Exeter, Devon, with her daughter Ann, her granddaughter Susan (daughter
of her son William), and a servant. In 1851, she was a landed proprietor, living at Salutary Place, Exeter, with her
daughter Ann and granddaughter Susan (daughter of her son William).
- John Charles CLAPP, chr. 2 Jul 1795 at Longbenton, Northumberland.
- Eleanor Murray CLAPP, chr. 21 Dec 1796 at Longbenton.
- William Murray CLAPP, b. 19 May 1798 at Longbenton, chr. 25 Jun 1798 at Longbenton, m. Mary Ann (b. ca. 1803 at
Birmingham, Warwickshire, d. by 1871), d. reg. Q4 1878 at Newport Monmouthshire R.D. In 1841, an accountant,
living at Pillgwenlly House, St. Woollos, Monmouthshire, with his wife Mary Ann, their children Mary Ann, Jane, Rebecca,
William, and Thomas, a governess, a servant, John HOBBINS (independent, b. ca. 1785 not in Monmouthshire), and Mary
HOBBINS (b. ca. 1825 not in Monmouthshire). In Pigot's Directory for 1842-1844, manager of the Newport Coal Company,
Commercial Road, Newport, Monmouthshire. In 1851, a manager of a coal company, living at 1 Clifton Place, Newport, with
his wife Mary Ann, their daughters Mary Ann, Jane, and Rebecca, and a house servant. In 1871, a coal
merchant, living at 20 Cardiff Road, Newport, with his daughters Mary Ann, Susan, Jane, and Rebecca and two servants.
- Mary Ann CLAPP, b. ca. 1823 at Exeter, chr. 17 Sep 1823 at St. Petrock, Exeter. In 1841 and 1851, living with her
parents. In 1871, living with her father.
- Susan Ann CLAPP, b. ca. 1827 at Exeter, chr. 21 Mar 1827 at St. Mary Arches, Exeter, d. reg. Q4 1876 at Newport
Monmouthshire R.D. In 1841, independent, living with her paternal grandmother. In 1851, no occupation, living with her
paternal grandmother. In 1871, living with her father.
- Jane CLAPP, b. ca. 1829 at Exeter, chr. 6 Jan 1829 at St. Mary Arches, Exeter. In 1841 and 1851, living with her
parents. In 1871, living with her father.
- Rebecca Emma CLAPP, b. ca. 1831 at Exeter, chr. 4 Jan 1831 at St. Mary Arches, Exeter. In 1841 and 1851, living with
her parents. In 1871, living with her father.
- William John CLAPP, b. ca. 1832 at Exeter, chr. 12 Aug 1832 at St. Mary Arches, Exeter, m1. reg. Q3 1855 at Pancras
R.D., Euphemia Jane AITKEN (b. 10 Oct 1835 in Scotland, daughter of David AITKEN and Maria MERCER, chr. 25 Dec 1835 at
Melrose, Roxburghshire, Scotland, d. reg. Q2 1876 at Bedwellty R.D.), m2. reg. Q1 1877 at Hereford R.D., Mary (b. ca.
1851 at Llanfoist, Monmouthshire, m1. PARRY). In 1841, living with his parents. In 1851, a dentist's pupil, living in a
lodging house at 3 St. James Place, Exeter. At his son Thomas's baptism in 1858, a surgeon, of 22 Orchard Street, Portman
Square, Marylebone. In 1861, a surgeon, visiting the Bush Hotel, Aberystruth, Monmouthshire. In
1871, a surgeon, living at Aberystruth with his wife Euphemia, their sons David and Thomas, an assistant surgeon, a groom,
a cook, and a housemaid. In 1881, a surgeon (M.R.C.S. England), living at Aberystruth with his wife Mary, his son Thomas,
a stepdaughter (from Mary's previous marriage), a cook, and general domestic servant.
- (probably) William Murray McQueen CLAPP, b. ca. 1856 at Canterbury, Kent, b. reg. Q3 1856 at Canterbury R.D., d. reg.
Q1 1885 at Islington R.D. In 1871, a boarding pupil at the Royal Medical Benevolent College, Epsom, Surrey. In 1881, a
medical student, living in a boarding house at 84 Albert Street, St. Pancras, London.
- David Aitken CLAPP, b. ca. 1857 at London, b. reg. Q4 1857 at Marylebone R.D. In 1871, living with his parents.
- Thomas John Sercombe CLAPP, b. ca. 1858 at Portman Square, London, b. reg. Q4 1858 at Marylebone
R.D., chr. 14 Nov 1858 at St. Thomas, Marylebone. In 1871, living with his parents. In 1881, an articled clerk, living
with his father and stepmother. A Welsh international rugby player, later a citrus farmer in California with his brother
David. See Tom Clapp at Wikipedia. No known family connection to
SERCOMBE. Probably named for Edwin SERCOMBE, who was a dental surgeon like Tom's father.
- John Hoblyn CLAPP, chr. 18 Sep 1835 at St. Mary Arches, Exeter.
- Thomas CLAPP, b. ca. 1837 at St. Thomas, Devon, chr. 24 Jun 1837 at St. Thomas, m. reg. Q4 1868 at Cirencester R.D.,
Sophia Elizabeth LOW (b. ca. 1842 at St. Aubyns, Jersey). In 1841, living with his parents. Received an M.A. from Oxford
University by 1871. In 1871, the curate of Stratton, Gloucestershire, living at 9 Cheltenham Road, Stratton, with his
wife Sophia, their daughter Bertha, a cook, and a nurse.
- Bertha Sophia CLAPP, b. ca. 1869 at Stratton, b. reg. Q3 1869 at Cirencester R.D. In 1871, living with her parents.
- Ann Jane CLAPP, b. 22 May 1800 at Longbenton, chr. 16 Jul 1800 at Longbenton, d. reg. Q1 1871 at Newport
Monmouthshire R.D. In 1841, independent, living with her mother. In 1851, a landed proprietor, living with her mother.
Emma SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1833 at Exeter, Devon. In 1861, a nurse in the THOMPSON household at Church Street, Stoke Barons,
Reigate, Surrey.
SERCOMBE, b. est. 1833, m. Elizabeth (b. ca. 1833 at Exeter, Devon), d. by 1891. In 1891, Elizabeth was a sick nurse in
the TUCKER household at The Hall, Eastern Road, Ashburton.
Mary Ann SERCOMBE, b. est. 1835. At her daughter Mary Jane's birth in 1860, of 2 Smythen Street,
in the West Quarter of Exeter, Devon. At Mary Jane's
death in 1861, a domestic servant. (Is this Mary Ann SERCOMBE?)
- Mary Jane SERCOMBE, b. 11 Jul 1860 at 2 Smythen Street, Exeter, b. reg. Q3 1860 at Exeter R.D., d. 3 May 1861 in the
West Quarter, of convulsions, d. reg. Q2 1861 at Exeter R.D. In 1861, a boarder in the house of William PRIDDIS (a brewer
and ostler, b. ca. 1810 at Sidmouth, Devon) and his wife Elizabeth (b. ca. 1807 at Stockling(?), Devon) in the West
Quarter. Her death was registered by Grace BLACKMORE of Smythen Street (who appears in the 1861 census as a monthly nurse,
living at 2 Smythen Street with a 25-year-old dressmaker from London as a lodger).
Sarah SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1850 in Devon. In 1881, a domestic servant in the LABLACHE household at 51 Albany Street, St.
Pancras, London.
Amy KERSLAKE, b. ca. 1856 at Exeter, Devon, m1. reg. Q1 1878 at Exeter R.D., Henry William POPE (b. ca. 1854 at Exeter,
d. reg. Q4 1888 at Exeter R.D.), m2. reg. Q4 1892 at Exeter R.D., Thomas John "Tom" BRADFORD (b. ca. 1870 at Exeter, d.
reg. Q1 1906 at Exeter R.D.), d. reg. Q3 1913 at Exeter R.D. In 1881, living at 36 & 37 Victoria Road, Exeter, with
her husband (innkeeper of the Victoria Inn), their children Mabel, Albert, and Ernest, and two servants. In 1891, a
licensed victualler, living at 36 & 37 Victoria Road, Exeter, with her children Mabel, Albert, Charles, and Florence
and a servant. In 1901, living at 11 Springfield Road, Exeter, with her husband Tom (a butcher), their children Evelyn
and Arthur, and a family of boarders. In 1911, living at 3 Webb's Cottages, Belgrave Road, Exeter, with her children Amy
and Arthur and her grandson Arthur SERCOMBE.
- Mabel Elizabeth M. POPE, b. ca. 1878 at Exeter, b. reg. Q2 1878 at Exeter R.D. In 1881, a
scholar, living with her parents. In 1891, a scholar, living with her mother. In 1901, a draper's assistant, living with
coworkers, including Alice SIRCOMBE, at 62 Regent Street, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire.
- Albert Henry J. POPE, b. ca. 1879 at Exeter, b. reg. Q3 1879 at Exeter R.D., m. reg. Q1 1900 at Exeter R.D., Phillipa
Adeline F. COLMAN (b. ca. 1878 at Perranzabuloe, Cornwall). In 1881, living with his parents. In 1891, a scholar, living
with his mother. In 1901, a cellarman, boarding at 17 Victoria Street, Exeter, with his wife Philippa and their son Henry.
- Henry POPE, b. ca. May 1900 at Exeter. In 1901, living with his parents.
- Ernest Charles POPE, b. ca. Feb 1881 at Exeter, b. reg. Q2 1881 at Exeter R.D. In 1881, living with his
parents. In 1891, a scholar, living with his mother.
- Florence Beatrice POPE, b. ca. 1884 at Exeter, b. reg. Q3 1884 at Exeter R.D. In 1891, a scholar, living with her
- A POPE child (probably one of the above, perhaps Mabel).
- Arthur Sercombe POPE, later Arthur SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1904 at Exeter, b. reg. Q4 1904 at Exeter R.D. In 1911, at school,
living with his grandmother.
- Amy Eveline BRADFORD, b. ca. 1893 at Exeter, b. reg. Q1 1893 at Exeter R.D. In 1901, living with her parents.
In 1911, a dressmaker, living with her mother.
- Arthur Leslie BRADFORD, b. ca. 1897 at Exeter, b. reg. Q3 1897 at Exeter R.D. In 1901, living with his parents. In
1911, at school, living with his mother.
- Another BRADFORD child, d. by 1911.
Frank SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1858 at Chudleigh, Devon. In 1891, a servant in the GILL household at Exeter Street, Chudleigh.
Bessie SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1860 at Plymouth, Devon. In 1881, a domestic servant in the THEBAUD household, at 6 Barton Terrace,
Dawlish, Devon.
Mary Ann SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1864 at Exeter, Devon, m. reg. Q3 1881 at Exeter R.D., Augustus MILNE (b. ca. 1861 at Paddington, London), d. by 1901. In 1891, living at 6 Adpar Street, Paddington, with her husband Augustus (a cab driver) and their children Alfred, Frederick, Ernest, Augustus, and Jessie. In 1901, Augustus was a hackney carriage driver, living at 11 Granville Road, Willesden, Middlesex, with his sons William, Frederick, Ernest, and Augustus.
- William Alfred MILNE, b. ca. 1882 at Exeter, b. reg. Q1 1882 at Exeter R.D. In 1891, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1901, a soldier in the Royal Field Artillery, living with his father.
- Frederick Augustus MILNE, b. ca. 1884 at Marylebone or Islington, b. reg. Q2 1884 at Marylebone R.D. In 1891, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1901, a soldier in the 5th Middlesex Regiment, living with his father.
- Ernest George MILNE, b. ca. 1885 at Paddington or Islington, b. reg. Q4 1885 at Paddington R.D. In 1891, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1901, a grocer's assistant, living with his father.
- Augustus James MILNE, b. ca. 1889 at Paddington or Kilburn, b. reg. Q2 1889 at Paddington R.D. In 1891, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1901, living with his father.
- Jessie Violet MILNE, b. ca. Nov 1890 at Paddington, b. reg. Q1 1891 at Paddington R.D., d. reg. Q4 1895 at Hampstead R.D. In 1891, living with her parents.
Harry MOSS, b. ca. 1834 at Exeter, Devon, m. reg. Q1 1862 at Exeter R.D., Elizabeth HITT (b. ca. 1835 at Heavitree, Devon), d. by 1901. In 1871, a tailor and draper in partnership with Thomas SERCOMBE, employing nine men and one boy, living at 14 South Street, Exeter, with his wife Elizabeth and their sons Edward, Sidney, and Ernest. In 1881, a tailor and draper, living at 18 South Street, Exeter, with his wife Elizabeth, their son Sidney, and a servant. In 1891, a tailor, living at 18 South Street, Exeter, with his wife Elizabeth, their son Sidney, and a servant. In 1901, Elizabeth was living at 18 South Street, Exeter, with her son Sidney and a servant.
- Edward MOSS, b. ca. 1862 at Exeter, b. reg. Q4 1862 at Exeter R.D. In 1871, a scholar, living with his parents.
- Sidney Sercombe MOSS, b. ca. 1865 at Exeter, b. reg. Q3 1865 at Exeter R.D., m. reg. Q3 1902 at Exeter R.D., either Edith Lilian HOOKER or Flora SPRAGUE, d. reg. Q4 1902 at Exeter R.D. In 1871, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1881, a tailor and draper's assistant, living with his parents. In 1891, a tailor's assistant, living with his parents. In 1901, a tailor, living with his mother.
- Ernest MOSS, b. ca. Jun 1870 at Exeter, b. reg. Q3 1870 at Exeter R.D. In 1871, living with his parents.
Ellen SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1869 at Gunnislake, a village in Calstock parish, Cornwall. In 1891, a general servant in the
SHILSTON household (a lodging house) at 3 Holyrood Place, Plymouth St. Andrew, Devon. (Perhaps a daughter of
Harry SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1880 at Exeter, Devon. In 1911, a porter for a china shop, boarding at the City Arms, Exeter.
How are the following related?
- Edgar Ernest B. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q1 1882 at Newton Abbot R.D., d. reg. Q3 1882 at Newton Abbot R.D.
- Edgar Ernest B. SERCOMBE, b. ca. Oct 1883, b. reg. Q4 1883 at Exeter R.D., d. reg. Q1 1884 at Cardiff R.D., bur.
16 Jan 1884 at the Cathedral, Llandaff, Glamorgan. At his death, of Canton.
Lena SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1887 at St. Thomas, Devon. In 1911, a laundry maid at the Devon County Lunatic Asylum, Exminster, Devon.
Charles SERCOMBE, b. est. 1891, m. reg. Q1 1920 at St. Thomas R.D., Ethel Emma PESTER (b. reg. Q3
1891 at St. Thomas R.D., d. reg. Q1 1972 at Exeter R.D.). Relative of researcher Maree
Crase. (Is this Charles SERCOMBE?)
- Leonard Sidney SERCOMBE, b. 23 Mar 1921, b. reg. Q2 1921 at St. Thomas R.D., m. reg. Q3 1947 at Exeter R.D., Margaret
K. ROWDEN, d. reg. Q3 1975 at Exeter R.D.
- Maxwell C. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1948 at Exeter R.D., m. reg. Q2 1968 at Exeter R.D., Valerie J. HUNT.
- Lynda M. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1951 at Devon Central R.D.
- Janet K. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q4 1955 at Devon Central R.D., m. reg. Q2 1975 at Exeter R.D., John W. NEALE.
- Janelle Kathleen NEALE, b. reg. Q3 1979 at Barnstaple R.D.
- Joyce SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q3 1925 at St. Thomas R.D.
James SERCOMBE, b. est. 1891, m. reg. Q2 1916 at St. Thomas R.D., Louise BARTLETT.
- Lewis James SERCOMBE, b. 10 Dec 1919, b. reg. Q1 1920 at St. Thomas R.D., m. reg. Q3 1946 at St. Germans R.D., Dorothy M. CRUTCHLEY, d. reg. Aug 2001 at Exeter R.D.
- James F. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q3 1947 at Devon Central R.D.
Kathleen Mary SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1893, m. reg. Q2 1914 at Plymouth R.D., Harry William LANGWORTHY (b. ca. 1877, d. 29 Aug 1922, d. reg. Q3 1922 at Truro R.D.), d. 19 Nov 1945 at Whipps Cross Hospital, Leytonstone, Essex, d. reg. Q4 1945 at Essex South Western R.D. At his death in 1922, Harry was of Truthan, St. Erme, Cornwall. Probate of his will was granted 20 Nov 1922 to his widow and a solicitor, with effects valued at £687 6s. 2d. At her death in 1945, Kathleen was of Central Home (the former West Ham Union Workhouse), Union Road, Leytonstone. Probate of her will was granted 20 Jun 1946 to Sydney Joe CLARK, a builder, with effects valued at £689 8s. 4d.
- Harry Vincent D. LANGWORTHY, b. 13 Jul 1918, b. reg. Q3 1918 at Truro R.D., d. reg. Oct 2001 at West Devon R.D.
- Kathleen P.S. LANGWORTHY, b. reg. Q4 1921 at Truro R.D., m. reg. Q2 1948 at Newton Abbot R.D., Nicholas M. WALKER.
William George SERCOMBE, b. est. 1893, m. reg. Q3 1918 at Exeter R.D., Florence Beatrice GARDNER (b. ca. 1892, d. reg. Q1 1961 at Honiton R.D.). At his daughter's baptism in 1920, at farm laborer, of Bowhay Cottage, Exminster, Devon.
- Doris Lillian May SERCOMBE, b. 10 May 1920, b. reg. Q2 1920 at St. Thomas R.D., chr. 20 Jun 1920 at Ide, Devon, m. reg. Q1 1939 at Stratton R.D., Thomas MADGE.
- Janet A. MADGE, b. reg. Q4 1939 at Stratton R.D.
- Brian W.H. MADGE, b. reg. Q2 1943 at Stratton R.D.
Major SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1896 at Ermington, Devon. In 1911, a farm laborer in the TOMS household at Luson, Ermington. (Is this Charles Heath SERCOMBE?)
Alfred Edward SERCOMBE, b. 13 Aug 1902, m. reg. Q2 1930 at Plymouth R.D., Ena Gwendoline FREEMAN (b. 13 Mar 1909, d. reg. Nov 1989 at Plymouth R.D.), d. reg. Q1 1982 at Plymouth R.D. (Compare Alfred Edward SERCOMBE.)
- James Alfred Edward SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q4 1930 at East Stonehouse R.D., m. 9 Feb 1952 at St. Matthias, Plymouth, Devon, m. reg. Q1 1952 at Plymouth R.D., Annie Rosaline WEBBER.
- Hilary Jane SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q3 1954 at Plymouth R.D., m. 8 Aug 1975 at Egg Buckland, Devon, m. reg. Q3 1975 at Plymouth R.D., Ian Paul OXENHAM.
- David Mark OXENHAM, b. reg. Q2 1977 at Plymouth R.D.
- James OXENHAM, b. reg. Nov 1992 at Plymouth R.D.
- Judith C. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q1 1956 at Plymouth R.D., m. reg. Q4 1974 at Plymouth R.D., Clive R. GOSLIN.
- Joanna G. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q3 1959 at Plymouth R.D., m. reg. Q3 1978 at Plymouth R.D., Stephen E. KERR.
- Emma Louise KERR, b. reg. Q4 1979 at Plymouth R.D.
- Ann SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q3 1938 at Plymouth R.D., m. reg. Q4 1961 at Plymouth R.D., John T. ARROWSMITH.
- Edward John ARROWSMITH, b. reg. Q3 1974 at Plymouth R.D.
- Elizabeth SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1940 at Plymouth R.D., m. reg. Q1 1962 at Plymouth R.D., John R. POMFRET.
- Karen J. POMFRET, b. reg. Q3 1963 at Plymouth R.D.
- Thomas Edward POMFRET, b. reg. Q2 1968 at Plymouth R.D
- Ena SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q1 1946 at Plymouth R.D., m. reg. Q1 1964 at Plymouth R.D., Frederick JOHNS.
- Christopher William JOHNS, b. reg. Q1 1968 at Plymouth R.D.
- Helen Mary JOHNS, b. reg. Q3 1970 at Plymouth R.D.
Ada SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1908 at Exeter, Devon, b. reg. Q4 1908 at St. Thomas R.D. In 1911, living with her adoptive parents, Frederick COCKRAM (a timber waggoner, b. ca. 1869 at St. Thomas, Devon) and his wife Eliza SHIMMELLS (b. ca. 1862 at St. Thomas), who were m. reg. Q1 1896 at St. Thomas R.D., at 1 Old Brewery Place, St. Thomas, together with another adopted daughter, Lily BUNTELL (b. ca. 1906 at Exeter).
Francis E.J. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1911 at Exeter R.D., d. reg. Q2 1912 at Exeter R.D.
Why did these families in the Holsworthy area name their children Sercombe? (See also Ellen Southcomb or Sircombe JURY, John Sercombe STRANGER, and John Sercombe STRANGER.)
- George KNIGHT, b. ca. 1860 at Black Torrington, Devon, m. reg. Q1 1884 at Holsworthy R.D., Ann HOOPER (b. ca. 1853 at Holsworthy). In 1891, a house carpenter, living at Park Cottage, Park Road, Holsworthy, with his wife Ann and their daughter Annie.
- Annie KNIGHT, b. ca. 1885 at Holsworthy. In 1891, a scholar, living with her parents.
- (probably) Sercombe KNIGHT, b. reg. Q3 1892 at Holsworthy R.D., d. reg. Q3 1892 at Holsworthy R.D.
- John PARSONS, b. ca. 1880 at Halwill, Devon, m. ca. 1907 Maud COTTON (b. ca. 1880 at Week St. Mary, Cornwall). In 1911, a carpenter, living at 1 Powderham Road, St. Thomas, Devon, with his wife Maud, their children Edna, Gwendolian, and John, and a servant.
- Edna May PARSONS, b. ca. 1907 at Ashwater, Devon. In 1911, living with her parents.
- Gwendolian Maud PARSONS, b. ca. 1908 at Ashwater. In 1911, living with her parents.
- John Sercombe or Sercombe John PARSONS, b. 11 Nov 1910 at Ashwater, b. reg. Q4 1910 at Holsworthy R.D., d. reg. Q1 1975 at Newton Abbot R.D., m. reg. Q3 1935 at St. Thomas R.D., Dorothy M. MINERS. In 1911, living with his parents.
- Charles COWLING, m. reg. Q1 1914 at Holsworthy R.D., Elsie HEADDON.
- Sercombe T. COWLING, b. reg. Q1 1916 at Holsworthy R.D., m. reg. Q2 1941 at Holsworthy R.D., Iris J. MAY, d. reg. Q3 1956 at Plymouth R.D.
- Reginald SKINNER, m. reg. Q3 1928 at Holsworthy R.D., Gertrude L. MASON.
- Eileen M.J. SKINNER, b. reg. Q3 1929 at Holsworthy R.D.
- Sercombe M. SKINNER, b. reg. Q4 1933 at Holsworthy R.D., m. reg. Q3 1958 at Bideford R.D., Greta M. SLEE.
Families from Somerset or Gloucestershire
See also Early Somerset and Hampshire Shercombes and these Somerset and Gloucestershire Sercombes
whose main listings are with their families in Devon:
SURCOMB, m. Margret (m2. 18 Apr 1622 at Bishops Hull, Somerset, John BAND), d. by 1622. In 1622, John BAND was of Taunton
St. Mary Magdalen, Somerset.
Richard SIRCUM, b. est. 1660, m. 24 Feb 1684/5 at St. Mary Magdalen, Taunton, Somerset, Rachel LOQUIER. In 1684/5, Richard
and Rachel were both of Taunton St. Mary Magdalen.
- Rachel CIRCUM, chr. 30 Sep 1687 at St. Mary Magdalen, Taunton.
Mary SURCOME, b. est. 1739, m. 30 Apr 1764 at Tormarton with West Littleton and Acton Turville, Gloucestershire, Thomas
William SIRCOMBE, b. est. 1752, m. 18 Jun 1778 at Almondsbury, Gloucestershire, after banns, Hester OLIFF. In 1778, William
and Hester were both of Almondsbury.
- John Olive SIRCOM, chr. 25 Apr 1779 at St. James, Bristol, Gloucestershire.
Sarah SIRCOM, b. est. 1755, m. 24 Apr 1780 at Temple, Bristol, Gloucestershire, John MORGAN.
Ann SIRCAM, b. est. 1757, m. 16 Sep 1782 at St. James, Bath, Somerset, by license, William HOLCOMB (m1. and wid. by 1782).
At her marriage in 1782, William was of Devizes St. John, Wiltshire; the witnesses were Richard TAYLOR and Mary TAYLOR.
Susannah SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1766, bur. 25 Aug 1831 at All Saints, West Camel, Somerset. At her death in 1831, of West Camel.
SURCUMBE, b. est. 1780, m. Elizabeth (b. ca. 1780 at Chilton or Clutton, Somerset), d. by 1851. In 1851, Elizabeth was
lodging at 37 Union Road, Camberwell, Surrey, partly kept by her daughter and partly a pauper.
Thomas SURCOMBE, b. ca. 1787, bur. 6 Oct 1833 at Wiveliscombe, Somerset.
John SERCOMBE, b. est. 1788.
- George SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1814 in Somerset, m. 20 Sep 1842 at All Saints, Trull, Somerset, m. reg. Q3 1842 at Taunton
R.D., Louisa GODFREY (b. ca. 1820 at Moorland, Somerset, daughter of William GODFREY), d. reg. Q1 1850 at Taunton R.D.,
bur. 7 Mar 1850 at All Saints, Trull. In 1841, independent, living at Bishops Hull, Somerset (possibly at an inn). At his
marriage in 1842 and his burial in 1850, of Bishops Hull. In 1851, Louisa was a housekeeper in the NASH household at High
Street, Taunton St. Mary Magdalen, Somerset. (Did Louisa remarry in 1854?)
Elizabeth SIRCOM, b. est. 1790, m. 23 Sep 1816 at St. George, Bristol, Gloucestershire, after banns, Charles FOLEY. In
1816, Elizabeth and Charles were of Bristol St. George.
Richard SIRCOM, b. ca. 1797, m. 24 Oct 1825 at St. Mary Magdalen, Taunton, Somerset, by licence, Harriet HARE (b. ca. 1792 at Taunton, d. reg. Q1 1867 at Taunton R.D.), bur. 10 Dec 1831 at St. Luke, Chelsea, Middlesex. At his marriage in 1825, of St. Marylebone, Middlesex; Mary SUR... or INRAM, Vere HARE, and William SUTTON witnessed the marriage. At his daughter's baptism in 1826, a gentleman, of Sidney Terrace, Chelsea. At his death in 1831, of Sidney Terrace, Chelsea. In 1841, Harriet was independent, living at North Street, Taunton St. Mary Magdalen, with her daughter Mary and a female servant, in the same building as the family of John HARE (b. ca. 1803 in Somerset), perhaps her brother. At his daughter's marriage in 1845 (posth.), a commercial traveler. In 1851, Harriet was an annuitant, living with her
daughter Mary, along with her sister Mary (b. ca. 1792 at Taunton, m. KNAPMAN, wid. by 1851). In 1861, Harriet was a proprietor of houses, living with her sister Mary (also a proprietor of houses) at Bridge Street, Taunton. (One of John HARE's sons in 1841 was Vere HARE, b. ca. 1835 in Somerset, perhaps a namesake of the 1825 marriage witness. Is there any connection to William SERCOME who married Jane VEAR in London in 1789?)
- Mary Hare SIRCOM, b. 29 Jun 1826 at Chelsea, chr. 30 Aug 1826 at St. Luke, Chelsea, m. 17 Jul 1845 at St. Luke,
Chelsea, m. reg. Q3 1845 at Chelsea R.D., Henry BUSST (b. ca. 1820 at Walsall, Staffordshire, son of Joseph BUSST, a brush
maker, d. reg. Q1 1870 at Lambeth R.D.), m2. reg. Q4 1879 at Wellington Somerset R.D., George King HARE (b. ca. 1821 at
Taunton, d. reg. Q1 1891 at Ashton R.D.), d. reg. Q4 1901 at Taunton R.D. At her marriage in 1845, of Sidney Terrace,
Chelsea; Henry was a brush maker, of Walsall; the witnesses were Alfred W. HARE, Mary HARE, and Mary Ann BUSST. In 1851,
living at 18 King Edward Street, Islington, London, with her husband Henry (a commercial traveller in the timber trade),
their children Henry and Emma, her mother Harriet and aunt Mary, and a house servant. In 1861, living at 1 Handworth
Terrace(?), Norwood, Surrey, with her husband Henry (a commercial traveller in the timber trade) and their children Henry,
Emma, Mary, and Ernest. At her son Walter's baptism in 1864, of Hamilton Road; Henry was a timber dealer. In 1871, living
at 10 Church Street, Taunton, with her children Lavinia, Mary, Ernest, Albert, and Walter. In 1881, living at 6 East
Reach(?), Taunton, with her husband George (a deaf army pensioner) and her children Charles and Walter. In 1891, living on
her own means as a lodger in a boarding house at 34 High Street, Taunton.
- Henry Knapman BUSST, b. ca. 1846 at Walsall, b. reg. Q4 1846 at Walsall R.D. In 1851, a scholar, living with his
parents. In 1861, in the Crystal Palace printing department, living with his parents.
- Emma (or Lavinia) Harriet BUSST, b. ca. 1848 at Walsall, b. reg. Q3 1848 at Walsall R.D. In 1851, living with her
parents. In 1861, a scholar, living with her parents. In 1871, a milliner, living with her mother.
- Richard Sircom BUSST, b. reg. Q3 1850 at Hackney R.D., d. reg. Q4 1850 at Hackney R.D.
- Mary Hare BUSST, b. ca. 1851 at Islington, b. reg. Q4 1851 at Islington R.D. In 1861, a scholar, living with her
parents. In 1871, a milliner, living with her mother.
- Ernest BUSST, b. ca. 1854 at Brighton, Sussex, b. reg. Q4 1854 at Brighton R.D. In 1861, a scholar, living with his
parents. In 1871, a printer's apprentice, living with his mother.
- Albert Charles or Charles Albert BUSST, b. ca. 1862 at Lower Norwood, b. reg. Q1 1862 at Lambeth R.D. In 1871, a
scholar, living with his mother. In 1881, a clerk, living with his mother and stepfather.
- Walter Sircom BUSST, b. ca. 1864 at Lower Norwood, b. reg. Q3 1864 at Lambeth R.D., chr. 21 Jul 1864 at St. Luke,
Norwood, d. reg. Q3 1883 at Taunton R.D. In 1871, a scholar, living with his mother. In 1881, a clerk, living with his
mother and stepfather.
William SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1796 in Somerset, m. 31 Jul 1821 at St. Marylebone, Middlesex, Amy STOCKER (b. ca. 1797 at Bath or Bishops Hull, Somerset, d. reg. Q4 1874 at Bath R.D. [Lansdown subdistrict]), d. reg. Q4 1845 at Bath R.D. (Lansdown subdistrict), bur. 9 Nov 1845 at St. Swithin, Walcot. At their marriage in 1821, William and Amy were both of St. Marylebone; the witnesses were William LEA and Richard PARKIN(?). In 1841, William was a tailor, living at Cumberland Row, Walcot, Bath, with his wife Amy and
their children Amy, Elizabeth, William, Mary, Edward, Fanny, and Charlotte. At his death in 1845, of Cumberland Row. In 1851, Amy was living at 20 Kingsmead Terrace, Walcot, with her children Amy, Bessy, Edward, Fanny, and Charlotte. At his son's marriage in 1854 (posth.), a tailor. In 1861, Amy was a dressmaker, living at 7 New King Street, Bath, with her daughters Amy and Charlotte. In 1871, she was a housekeeper, living at 7 New King Street, Walcot, with her daughters Amy and Charlotte and her daughter Mary's daughter Ann RICHARDSON. Posthumously at his daughter's marriage in 1881, a tailor.
- Amy SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1821 at Westminster, London, d. reg. Q4 1878 at Bath R.D. (Lansdown subdistrict). In 1841, living with her parents. In 1851, a dressmaker, living with her mother. In 1854, a witness at the marriage of her brother Edward. In 1861 and 1871, a dressmaker, living with her mother.
- Elizabeth "Bessy" SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1826 in Somerset or at London, d. reg. Q2 1852 at Bath R.D. (Lansdown subdistrict).
In 1841, living with her parents. In 1851, a dressmaker, living with her mother.
- William SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1827 in Somerset. In 1841, living with his parents.
- Mary SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1829 at Bath, m. 14 Feb 1851 at Worth, Sussex, m. reg. Q1 1851 at East Grinstead R.D., James
Case RICHARDSON (b. ca. 1829 at Brede, Sussex, son of Henry Proctor RICHARDSON, d. reg. Q2 1907 at Rye R.D.), d. reg.
Q2 1892 at Rye R.D.. In 1841, living with her parents. At her marriage in Feb 1851, of Walcot; James was a policeman, of
Worth. In Mar 1851, living at Worth with her husband James (a policeman). In 1861, living at Catsfield, Sussex, with her
husband James (a police constable) and their children Ann, William, James, Betsy, and Lewis. In 1871, living at
Robertsbridge, Salehurst, Sussex, with her husband James (a police constable) and their children William, James, Betsey,
Lewis, George, Mary, Charles, and Jane. In 1881, living at the police station, Robertsbridge, with her husband James (a
police constable) and their children Richard, Charles, and Jane. In 1891, living at Rose Cottage, Peasmarsh, Sussex, with
her husband James (living on his own means) and their children Richard and Mary. In 1901, James was [occupation
illegible], living at [address illegible], Peasmarsh, with his son Richard.
- Ann A. RICHARDSON, b. ca. 1852 at Sedlescombe, Sussex, b. reg. Q1 1852 at Battle R.D. In 1861, a scholar, living with
her parents. In 1871, a domestic servant, living with her maternal grandmother.
- William RICHARDSON, b. ca. 1853 at Sedlescombe, b. reg. Q3 1853 at Battle R.D. In 1861, a scholar, living with his
parents. In 1871, "afflicted", living with his parents.
- James Edward RICHARDSON, b. ca. 1856 at Catsfield, b. reg. Q1 1856 at Battle R.D. In 1861, a scholar, living with his
parents. In 1871, a farm servant, living with his parents.
- Betsy RICHARDSON, b. ca. 1857 at Catsfield, b. reg. Q4 1857 at Battle R.D. In 1861, living with her parents. In 1871,
a domestic servant, living with her parents. In 1881, a domestic servant, living with her mother's sister Charlotte.
- Lewis Richard RICHARDSON, b. ca. 1860 at Catsfield, b. reg. Q1 1860 at Battle R.D. In 1861, living with his
parents. In 1871, a scholar (and "cripple"), living with his parents. In 1881, a general messenger, living with his
parents. In 1891, a letter carrier, living with his parents. In 1901, [occupation illegible], living with his father.
- George RICHARDSON, b. ca. 1862 at Catsfield, b. reg. Q1 1862 at Battle R.D. In 1871, a scholar, living with his
- Mary RICHARDSON, b. ca. 1864 at Catsfield, b. reg. Q1 1864 at Battle R.D. In 1871, a scholar, living with her parents.
In 1891, a general domestic servant, living with her parents.
- Charles RICHARDSON, b. ca. 1865 at East Grinstead, Sussex, b. reg. Q3 1865 at East Grinstead R.D. In 1871, a scholar,
living with his parents. In 1881, a warehouse boy, living with his parents.
- Jane RICHARDSON, b. ca. 1867 at East Grinstead, b. reg. Q4 1867 at East Grinstead R.D. In 1871, living with her
parents. In 1881, a scholar, living with her parents.
- Edward SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1831 at Bath, m. 11 Dec 1854 at St. Peter Eaton Square, London, m1. reg. Q4 1854 at St. George Hanover Square R.D., Jane PRICE (b. ca. 1821 at Bath, daughter of William PRICE, a mason, m1. reg. Q2 1845 at Bath R.D., Edward BRISTOW, wid. by 1854), m2. 12 Dec 1868 at Holy Trinity, Islington, Middlesex, m2. reg. Q4 1868 at Islington R.D., Eliza BERTIE (b. ca. 1843 at Islington, daughter of Jonathan BERTIE), d. reg. Q3 1895 at Hampstead R.D. In 1841, living with his parents. In 1851, a tailor, living with his mother; his future wife Jane was living at 26 Jubilee Place, Stepney, Middlesex, with her first husband (a police constable) and her mother. At his marriage in 1854, a cabinet maker, of Westbourn Street; Jane was also of Westbourn Street; the witnesses were his sister Amy SERCOMBE and David PRICE. In 1861, a cabinet maker, living at 24 Great Percy Street, Clerkenwell, London, with his wife Jane and stepdaughter Eliza. At his second marriage in 1868, a pianoforte maker, of Islington Holy Trinity; Eliza was also of Islington Holy Trinity; the witnesses were C. SERCOMBE (probably Edward's sister Charlotte) and Charles BERTIE. In 1871, a pianoforte maker, living at 13 Rothwell Street, London, with his wife Eliza, a servant, and a lodger. In 1881, an upholsterer, employing eight men and two boys, living at 2 Belgrave Road, Hampstead, London, with his wife Eliza and a servant. In 1891, a cabinet maker, living at 2 Belgrave Road with his wife Eliza, a servant, and a boarder. In 1901, Eliza was a lodging house keeper, living at 2 Belgrave Road with a general servant and one boarder. In 1911, she was a landlady of a boarding house, living at 2 Belgrave Road, St. Johns Wood, with four boarders.
- (stepdaughter) Eliza BRISTOW or Eliza B. SERCOMB, b. ca. 1846 at Bath, b. reg. Q2 1846 at Bath R.D. In 1851, visiting
the MANNING family (probably her mother's sister) at 13 Hasker Street, Chelsea, Middlesex. In 1861, a scholar, living with
her mother and stepfather. (SERCOMB only in the 1861 census.)
- Fanny SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1833 at Bath. In 1841, living with her parents. In 1851, a dressmaker, living with her mother.
- Charlotte SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1837 at Bath, m. 17 Sep 1881 at St. Augustine, Kilburn, Middlesex, m. reg. Q3 1881 at
Kensington R.D., John MILSUM (b. ca. 1826 at Challow, Berkshire, son of Richard MILSUM, a farmer). In 1841, living with
her parents. In 1851 and 1861, a dressmaker, living with her mother. In 1871, a machinist, living with her mother. In
1881, a dressmaker, living at 7 New King Street, Walcot, with her sister Mary's daughter Betsey RICHARDSON and her lodging
aunt Selina (see sidebar). At her marriage later in 1881, of 2 Belgrave Road, Kilburn; John was a draper, of 77 Earls
Court Road, Kensington; the witnesses were Edward SERCOMBE (Charlotte's brother) and Catherine Sophia PRICE (perhaps a
relative of Edward's wife). In 1891, living at 10 Paddenswick Road, Hammersmith, London, with her husband John (living on
his own means), her aunt Selina, and a general domestic servant.
SERCOMBE, b. est. 1794, m. Esther (b. ca. 1794 in Jersey). In 1851, Esther was a nurse in the household of the curate of
Stogursey, Somerset.
SERCOMBE, b. est. 1797, m. Elizabeth (b. ca. 1797 at Bath, Somerset), d. by 1861. In 1861, Elizabeth was formerly a
laundress, living at 9 Queens Place, Bath. (Is SERCOMBE the correct surname here?)
Susanna SIRCOM, b. est. 1804, m. 12 Jan 1829 at St. Stephen, Bristol, Gloucestershire, by licence, Samuel BULL (m2. reg.
Q3 1840 at Liverpool R.D., Elizabeth HINDMARSH), d. reg. Q2 1839 at Prescot R.D. In 1829, Susanna was of Bristol St.
Stephen, and Samuel was of Exeter, Devon.
- (probably) Edwin Sircum BULL, d. reg. Q3 1837 at Prescot R.D.
Louisa SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1826 at North Petherton, Somerset, m. reg. Q3 1854 at Bridgwater R.D., Walter GRIDLEY (b. ca. 1828 at Yeovil, Somerset). In 1861, living at Hole, Hockworthy, Devon, with her husband Walter (a farmer of 160 acres employing two men and a boy), their children Aldus, Herbert, and Walter,a house servant, and two carters. (Is Louisa the widow of George SERCOMBE?)
- Aldus. S. GRIDLEY, b. ca. 1855 at Rose Ash, Devon. In 1861, a scholar, living with his parents.
- Herbert W. GRIDLEY, b. ca. 1857 at Hockworthy. In 1861, living with his parents.
- Walter H. GRIDLEY, b. ca. 1859 at Hockworthy. In 1861, living with his parents.
Sarah SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1862 at Bristol. In 1881, a domestic servant, inmate at the Bristol City Workhouse, Stapleton,
William SHERCOMBE, b. ca. 1872 at St. Peters, Worcestershire. In 1891, a private in the Gloster
Regiment, living at the depot barracks, Horfield, Gloucestershire. (Is this William Henry SERCOMBE?)
Families from Elsewhere in England
Jane SERCOME, b. ca. 1584, m. (probably) by the Bishop of Salisbury's licence dated 19 Oct 1626, William FORD (m1. unknown,
wid. by 1626). In 1626, Jane was of Potterne, Wiltshire, and William was a clothworker, of Urchfont, Wiltshire.
The first of these appears not to be a KIRKHAM, but there is potential for confusion:
- John SHIRKHAM, m. 17 Nov 1623 at Egham, Sara (m1. JUSTER, wid. by 1623), bur. 12 Aug 1655 at Egham. At his death in 1655, "a poor man".
- Gorge CHORKHAM, bur. 7 May 1632 at Egham.
- Thomas KIRKHAM, m1. 19 Sep 1591 at Egham, Surrey, Mary NORRIS (bur. 22 Aug 1593 at Egham), m2. 18 Nov 1594 at Egham, Priscilla WEASTE (bur. 15 Mar 1597/8 at Egham), m3. by 1605 Elizabeth, bur. 25 Jun 1642 at Egham. At his death in 1642, "an ould man".
- Margaret KERKHAM, chr. 8 Apr 1592 at Egham.
- Thomas KIRKHAM, chr. 21 Aug 1593 at Egham, bur. 18 Jan 1593/4 at Egham.
- William KIRKHAM, chr. 24 Oct 1596 at Egham, m. 22 Sep 1630 at Egham, Susand HAWERD (bur. 3 Jun 1661 at Egham)
- Sara KIRKHAM, chr. 21 Apr 1605 at Egham, m. 11 Dec 1626 at Egham, Ralphe BADGERE.
- John KIRKHAM, m. Mary (bur. 29 Jun 1639 at Egham), bur. 27 Aug 1642 at Egham.
- Thomas KIRKHAM, m1. 12 Oct 1651 at Sominge Hill, Egham, Catrin ESTWICKK (bur. 14 Apr 1663 at Egham), m2. by 1665 Mary.
- Susand(?) KIRKHAM, bur. 10 Nov 1653 at Egham.
- Thomas KIRKHAM, chr. 15 Nov 1654 at Egham.
- Elizabeth KIRKHAM, chr. 2 Apr 1657 at Egham, bur. 11 Apr 1669 at Egham.
- Sara KIRKHAM, chr. 19 Apr 1660 at Egham, bur. 25 May 1660 at Egham.
- William KIRCKHAM, chr. 17 Feb 1662/3 at Egham.
- Mary KIRKHAM, chr. 20 Jul 1665 at Egham.
- Dorothy KIRKHAM (male?), chr. 29 Nov 1666 at Egham.
- Daniell KIRKHAM, chr. 3 May 1670 at Egham.
Henry SHERCUM, b. est. 1607, m. 14 Jan 1632/3 at St. Dunstan, Stepney, Middlesex, Margaret (m1. BREESE, wid. by 1632, m3.
9 Dec 1636 at St. Dunstan, Stepney, William WEELKS), d. by 1636. At his marriage in 1632, a mariner, of Redriff (i.e.
Rotherhithe, Surrey); Margaret was of New Gravel Lane, Stepney. At her remarriage in 1636, Margaret was of Ratcliff
Highway, Stepney; William was a starchmaker, also of Ratcliff Highway.
Francis SHERKHAM, b. est. 1630, m. Elizabeth.
- Fransis SHERKHAM, b. 4 Jan 1654/5, chr. 14 Jan 1654/5 at St. Dunstan in the East, London.
- Richerd SHERKHAM, b. 14 Oct 1656, chr. 20 Oct 1656 at St. Dunstan in the East.
Peter SERCOMB, b. est. 1642, m. Trefany or Trefanna (bur. 27 Jun 1709 at St. Mary, Truro, Cornwall), bur. 20 Jul 1719 at
St. Mary, Truro.
- Katteren CERCUM, chr. 1 Jan 1667/8 at St. Mary, Truro.
Mary SERCUM, b. est. 1656, m. 7 Oct 1681 at Chardstock, Dorset, John LINDY. In 1681, Mary and John were both of
Thomas SIRCOME, b. est. 1670, m. 9 Dec 1695 at St. Giles, Camberwell, Surrey, Elizabeth SIMPSON.
John CIRCUM, b. est. 1675, m. Elizabeth. At his son's baptism in 1701/2, a seaman.
- Thomas CIRCUM, b. 3 Feb 1701/2, chr. 3 Feb 1701/2 at St. Olave, Southwark, Surrey.
Samuel SIRCOMB, b. est. 1699, m. Jean or Jane (b. ca. 1699, bur. 30 Jan 1785 at St. Mary, Devizes, Wiltshire), bur.
27 May 1777 at St. Mary, Devizes.
- Thomas SIRCOMB, chr. 15 Mar 1731/2 at St. Mary, Devizes.
- Samuel SIRCOMB, chr. 3 Sep 1735 at St. Mary, Devizes.
- Ann SIRCOMB, chr. 28 Jan 1738/9 at St. Mary, Devizes.
- Thomas SIRCOMB, chr. 28 Jan 1736/7 at St. Mary, Devizes.
- Susanna SIRCOMB, chr. 20 Jul 1740 at St. Mary, Devizes.
Thomas SERCOMB, b. est. 1700, m. 18 Jul 1725 at St. Mary, Devizes, Wiltshire, Rebecca HISCOCK (bur. 12 Feb 1768 at St.
Mary, Devizes), bur. 1 May 1779 at St. Mary, Devizes.
- Sarah SERCOMB, chr. 6 Apr 1726 at St. Mary, Devizes.
- Lucy SERCOME, chr. 12 Feb 1727/8 at St. Mary, Devizes.
- David SIRCOMB, chr. 2 Mar 1729/0 at St. Mary, Devizes, m. 14 Jul 1763 at St. Mary, Devizes, after banns, Elizabeth
WIGNALL, bur. 29 May 1787 at St. Mary, Devizes. In 1763, David and Elizabeth were both of Devizes St. Mary.
- John Reeve SURCOME, chr. 2 Feb 1765 at St. Mary, Devizes, m. 8 Apr 1809 at St. James, Southbroom, Wiltshire, by
licence, Betty (m1. AYLWIN, wid. by 1809), bur. 4 Jun 1832 at St. Mary, Devizes. In 1809, a schoolmaster, of Devizes St.
Mary; Betty was of Southbroom; the bondsman for their marriage licence was Henry SAUNDERS, gentleman, of Devizes St. Mary.
In 1837, Betty was of Ipswich, Suffolk.
- John SURCOME, b. 22 Sep 1810, chr. 19 Apr 1811 at St. Mary, Devizes, d. 25 Jun 1837, bur. 30 Jun 1837 at St. Matthew,
Ipswich. In 1837, a grocer, of Ipswich. When John made his will on 24 Jun 1837 (leaving all his property to his mother) he
mentioned his interest in a "dwellinghouse and premises" at 16 Phillimore Place, Kensington, Middlesex. His will was
proved on 27 Jan 1838. His tomb calls him "John Surcome of Ipswich, late of Devizes, who departed this life much
- William SIRCOMB, chr. 7 Sep 1733 at St. Mary, Devizes.
- Mary SIRCOMB, chr. 29 Mar 1736 at St. Mary, Devizes.
- Philadelpah SIRCOMB, chr. 6 Oct 1739 at St. Mary, Devizes, m. 9 Oct 1769 at Ruislip, Middlesex, by licence, Richard
JIFKINS. At her marriage in 1769, of Ruislip, as was Richard; the witnesses were Robert TURNER and William SCARSBROOK.
- Rebecca SIRCOMB, chr. 7 Jul 1741 at St. Mary, Devizes.
- Rebecca CIRCOMB, chr. 1 Jul 1746 at St. Mary, Devizes.
William SURCOMBE, b. est. 1706.
- William SURCOMBE, b. est. 1732. Apprenticed to Richard COWLES of Launceston, Cornwall, saddler,
on 23 Nov 1746 for a term of seven years, for payment of £15. (How related to John SURCOMBE?)
Samuel CIRCUM, b. est. 1721, m. Martha.
- Ann CIRCUM, chr. 6 Mar 1747 at Stottesden and Farlow, Shropshire.
John SURCOMBE, b. est. 1741, m. 26 Apr 1779 at Launceston, Cornwall, Susanna KNIGHT (m1. 1 Sep 1766 at Launceston, Robert
KNOTT, wid. by 1779). At her first marriage in 1766, Susanna's husband Robert was a glazier. (How related to William
Ann SERCOMB, b. ca. 1753, bur. 8 Nov 1818 at St. Olave, Southwark, Surrey. At her death in 1818, of Chequer Court,
Mary SERCON, b. est. 1755.
- Richard SERCON, chr. 23 Apr 1780 at Gillingham, Dorset.
Elizabeth SURCOMBE, b. est. 1762, m. 1 Jul 1787 at St. Margaret, Westminster, James HARRISSON (m2. 24 May 1795 at St.
Margaret, Westminster, Elizabeth SMITH), d. by 1795.
William SERCOME, b. est. 1764, m. 21 May 1789 at St. George Hanover Square, London, Jane VEAR (m2. 22 Jul 1805 at St. Marylebone, London, James WIGGITT), bur. 24 Feb 1805 at St. Marylebone. At her remarriage in 1805, Jane was of St. Marylebone, as was James; the witnesses were Elizabeth BUNYON(?) and William(?) DAWES(?). (Any connection to Richard SIRCOM?)
SURCOME, b. est. 1770, m. Betty (b. ca. 1770), d. by 1851. In 1851, Betty was living at Speen, Berkshire, with a servant.
John RICHARDS, b. est. 1771, m. 3 Jun 1793 at St. Stephen in Brannel, Cornwall, Ann Warne TRETHEWY (b. ca. 1771 at St.
Stephen in Brannel), d. by 1861. In 1851, Ann was independent, living with her son William. In 1861, she was living with
her son William.
- William RICHARDS, b. ca. 1805 at St. Stephen in Brannel, m. 15 Nov 1836 at St. Stephen in
Brannel, Sarah Dickens WILLIAMS (b. ca. 1818 at Truro, Cornwall), d. by 1881. In 1851, a shopkeeper, living at Trethosa
Cottage, St. Stephen in Brannel, with his wife Sarah, their sons William, James, Edwin, Albert, Charles, Arthur, and
Silvanus, his mother, and a house servant. In 1861, a grocer and farmer of 30 acres employing one laborer,
living at Trethosa Moor, St. Stephen in Brannel, with his wife Sarah, their children Edwin, Charles, Arthur, Silvanus,
Julian, Grenville, and Fortescue, his mother, and two house servants. In 1871, a grocer, living at Trethosa Cottage, St.
Stephen in Brannel, with his wife Sarah, their children Julian, Grenville, and Fortescue, and two general servants. In
1881, Sarah was a retired grocer, living with her son Grenville. (Was Elizabeth Ann WILLIAMS Sarah's
sister? That might explain the middle name Surcombe below.)
- William Henry RICHARDS, b. ca. 1837 at St. Stephen in Brannel. In 1851, a scholar, living with his parents.
- James Dickens RICHARDS, b. ca. 1840 at St. Stephen in Brannel, b. reg. Q1 1840 at St. Austell R.D., m. Elizabeth Hume
CAMERON. In 1851, a scholar, living with his parents.
- Grenville Surcombe RICHARDS, b. 1883 at Harrow, Victoria, Australia.
- Edwin William RICHARDS, b. ca. 1841 at St. Stephen in Brannel. In 1851, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1861,
living with his parents. In 1881 and 1891, a farmer, living with his brother Grenville.
- Albert John RICHARDS, b. ca. 1843 at St. Stephen in Brannel. In 1851, a scholar, living with his parents.
- Charles Johnson RICHARDS, b. ca. 1846 at St. Stephen in Brannel. In 1851, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1861,
living with his parents.
- Arthur Hicks RICHARDS, b. ca. 1848 at St. Stephen in Brannel. In 1851, living with his parents. In 1861, a scholar,
living with his parents.
- Silvanus Peck RICHARDS, b. ca. Jan 1851 at St. Stephen in Brannel. In 1851, living with his parents. In 1861, a
scholar, living with his parents.
- Julian Warne RICHARDS, b. ca. 1852 at St. Stephen in Brannel. In 1861, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1871, an
assistant (presumably to his father), living with his parents.
- Grenville Surcombe RICHARDS, b. ca. 1855 at St. Stephen in Brannel, b. reg. Q2 1855 at St. Austell R.D., m. reg. Q4
1880 at St. Austell R.D., Eda Ann TRUSCOTT (b. ca. 1853 at St. Stephen in Brannel). In 1861 and 1871, a scholar, living
with his parents. In 1881, a grocer, living at Trethosa Cottage with his wife Eda, his mother, his brother Edwin, and a
domestic servant. In 1891, a grocer and farmer, living at Trethosa Cottage with his wife Eda, their children Eveline,
Sarah, Herbert, Morley, William, and Ernest, his brother Edwin, his nephew Edwin an assistant, and two domestic servants.
In 1901, a grocer, living at Terras, St. Stephen in Brannel, with his wife Eda, their children Eveline, Sarah, Morley,
William, Ernest, Harold, and Elizabeth and a domestic servant.
- Eveline Mary RICHARDS, b. ca. 1881 at St. Stephen in Brannel. In 1891, a scholar, living with her parents. In 1901, a
grocer's assistant, living with her parents.
- Sarah Dickens RICHARDS, b. ca. 1882 at St. Stephen in Brannel. In 1891, a scholar, living with her parents. In 1901, a
grocer's assistant, living with her parents.
- Herbert Arthur RICHARDS, b. ca. 1884 at St. Stephen in Brannel. In 1891, a scholar, living with his parents.
- Morley Truscott RICHARDS, b. ca. 1888 at St. Stephen in Brannel. In 1891 and 1901, living with his parents.
- William George RICHARDS, b. ca. 1889 at St. Stephen in Brannel. In 1891 and 1901, living with his parents.
- Ernest Grenville RICHARDS, b. ca. Dec 1890 at St. Stephen in Brannel. In 1891 and 1901, living with his parents.
- Harold Edwin RICHARDS, b. ca. 1892 at St. Stephen in Brannel, b. reg. Q3 1892 at St. Austell R.D. In 1901, living with
his parents.
- Elizabeth Eda A. RICHARDS, b. ca. 1893 at St. Stephen in Brannel, b. reg. Q3 1893 at St. Austell R.D. In 1901, living
with her parents.
- Fortescue Smith RICHARDS, b. ca. 1859 at St. Stephen in Brannel. In 1861, living with his parents. In 1871, a scholar,
living with his parents.
- A son (probably one of the above).
- Edwin John Bassett RICHARDS, b. ca. 1878 at Ladock, Cornwall. In 1891, living with his father's brother Grenville.
George SIRCOMBE, b. est. 1787, m. Hannah. At his son's (adult) baptism in Feb 1839, a servant, of Lambeth, Surrey. At his son's marriage in May 1839, a baker. (Is this George SERCOMBE? Or Hannah Benison SERCOMBE?)
- James Creighton SIRCOMBE, b. 26 Jan 1813 at Lambeth, chr. 22 Feb 1839 at St. Mary Magdalen, Richmond, Surrey, m. 5 May 1839 at Twickenham, Middlesex, m. reg. Q2 1839 at Brentford R.D., Eliza MEALING (b. ca. 1812 at Wandsworth, Surrey, d. reg. Q1 1885 at Newport subdistrict of Isle of Wight R.D., daughter of William MEALING, a farmer), d. reg. Q4 1868 at Newport subdistrict of Isle of Wight R.D. At his marriage in 1839, a baker, of Twickenham Common; Eliza was a servant, of Water Side, Twickenham; the witnesses were Henry MILES and Mary MEALING. At his daughter's baptism in 1840, a baker, of King Street, Richmond. At his daughter's baptism in Mar 1841, a baker, of New Richmond. In Jun 1841, a journeyman baker, living at Paradise Row, Richmond, with his wife Eliza and their daughters Eliza and Mary. At his daughter's baptism in 1842, a baker, of Paradise Row. In 1851, a baker at Parkhurst prison, Isle of Wight, living at 3 Junior Prison Parkhurst, Norwood, Isle of Wight, with his wife Eliza (a governess at home) and their daughters Eliza, Mary, and Lucy. In 1861, a baker and warder at Parkhurst prison, living at Parkhurst with his wife Eliza, daughter Lucy, and son Henry. At his daughter's marriage in 1866, a baker. In 1871, Eliza was living at Hunny Hill, near Carisbrooke, Isle of Wight, with her son Henry and visitor John MILLER (an assistant warder at Parkhurst prison, b. ca. 1832 at Wareham, Dorset). In 1881, she was living on income from rent of houses, at Hunny Hill, with her son Henry.
- Eliza SIRCOMBE, b. 16 Jan 1840 at Richmond, b. reg. Q1 1840 at Richmond Surrey R.D., chr. 12 Feb 1840 at St. Mary
Magdalen, Richmond, m. 19 May 1866 at St. Mary, Bryanston Square, Marylebone, London, m. reg. Q2 1866 at Marylebone R.D.,
George BRAY (b. ca. 1839 at Marylebone, son of James BRAY, a joiner, m2. Eliza's sister Lucy), d. reg. Q4 1870 at
Marylebone R.D. In 1841 and 1851, living with her parents. In 1861, a nursemaid in the BARRY household at 26 York Place,
Marylebone. At her marriage in 1866, of 26 York Place; George was a joiner, of 16 Wyndham Street; the witnesses were James
Creighton SIRCOMBE (Eliza's father), Elizabeth Sarah BRAY, and Jas. S.(?) BRAY. In 1871, George was a builder's clerk,
living in his mother's household at 15 Wyndham Place, Marylebone, with his children William and Eliza.
- William Henry BRAY, b. ca. 1867 at Marylebone, b. reg. Q3 1867 at Marylebone R.D. In 1871, living with his father and
grandmother. In 1881, living with his father and stepmother/aunt. In 1891, a joiner, living with his father and
stepmother/aunt. In 1901, a carpenter, living with his father and stepmother/aunt.
- Eliza Edith BRAY, b. ca. Oct 1870 at Marylebone, b. reg. Q4 1870 at Marylebone R.D., d. reg. Q3 1875 at Marylebone
R.D. In 1871, living with her father and grandmother.
- Mary Creighton SIRCOMBE, b. 24 Feb 1841 at Richmond, b. reg. Q1 1841 at Richmond Surrey R.D., chr. 24 Mar 1841 at St.
Mary Magdalen, Richmond, m. 4 Jan 1870 at St. Mary, Carisbrooke, m. reg. Q1 1870 at Isle of Wight R.D., William Winter
WADHAM (b. ca. 1841 at Newport or Carisbrooke, Isle of Wight). In 1841 and 1851, living with her parents. (Where in 1861?)
At the marriage in 1870, William was of Parkhurst. In 1871, living at Osborne View, Horsebridge Hill, Northwood, Isle of
Wight, with her husband William (an assistant warden at Parkhurst) and their son William. In 1881, living at Parkhurst
prison, Northwood, with her husband William (an assistant cook at the prison) and their children William, Albert,
Frederick, and Amy. In 1891, living at the prison with her husband William (a cook at the prison) and their son Albert. In
1901, living at 11 Albert Street, Newport, with her husband William (a pensioner and principal warder retired from H.M.
Convict Service).
- William Henry WADHAM, b. ca. Nov 1870 at Northwood or Carisbrooke, b. reg. Q4 1870 at Cowes subdistrict of Isle of
Wight R.D., m. reg. Q4 1896 at Isle of Wight R.D., Sophia Maria MEIRS (b. ca. 1874 at Sandown, Isle of Wight). In 1871,
living with his parents. In 1881, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1891, an accountant's clerk, living with his
father's parents at 108 Carisbrooke Road, Carisbrooke. In 1901, an assistant overseer, living at 30 Carisbrooke Road,
Newport, with his wife Sophia, their children Frederick and Dora, and Sophia's widowed sister Mary.
- Harry Creighton WADHAM, b. reg. Q4 1870 at Cowes subdistrict of Isle of Wight R.D., d. reg. Q4 1870 at Isle of Wight
- Arthur Sircombe WADHAM, b. reg. Q1 1872 at Newport subdistrict of Isle of Wight R.D., d. reg. Q1 1872 at Newport
subdistrict of Isle of Wight R.D. aged 23 days.
- Minnie Sircombe WADHAM, b. reg. Q1 1873 at Newport subdistrict of Isle of Wight R.D., d. reg. Q3 1880 at Cowes
subdistrict of Isle of Wight R.D.
- Frederick George WADHAM, b. ca. 1874 at Carisbrooke, b. reg. Q3 1874 at Newport subdistrict of Isle of Wight R.D. In
1881, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1891, a clerk, living with his employer (a grocer and postmaster) at
Granville House, Freshwater, Isle of Wight. In 1901, a grocer's assistant, living with his employer at 19 East Street,
Havant, Hampshire (the grocer's shop).
- Albert Edgar WADHAM, b. ca. 1879 at Northwood, b. reg. Q2 1879 at Cowes subdistrict of Isle of Wight R.D. In 1881 and
1891, living with his parents. In 1901, a draper's shop assistant, living with his employer at 28 London Road, Brighton,
- Amy Sircombe WADHAM, b. ca. 1880, b. reg. Q1 1881 at Cowes subdistrict of Isle of Wight R.D., d. reg. Q1 1891 at
Newport subdistrict of Isle of Wight R.D. In 1881, living with her parents.
- Mary Maud WADHAM, b. reg. Q3 1882 at Cowes subdistrict of Isle of Wight R.D., d. reg. Q2 1883 at Isle of Wight R.D.
- Lucy SIRCOMBE, b. 30 Sep 1842 at Richmond, b. reg. Q4 1842 at Richmond Surrey R.D., chr. 26 Oct 1842 at St. Mary
Magdalen, Richmond, m. Q3 1872 at St. Mary, Carisbrooke, m. reg. Q3 1872 at Isle of Wight R.D., George BRAY (widower of
Lucy's sister Eliza). In 1851, living with her parents. In 1861, a scholar, living with her parents. In 1871, a matron at
the Female Convict Prison, Woking, Surrey. In 1881, living at 51 Milton Street, Marylebone, with her husband George (a
builder), nephew/stepson William, and sons Charles and Harry. In 1891, living at 12 Cambridge Place, Paddington, London,
with her husband George (a builder), nephew/stepson William, and sons Charles and Harry. In 1901, living at 12 Cambridge
Place with her husband George (a builder), nephew/stepson William, son Charles, and three visitors (perhaps actually
- Charles Frederick BRAY, b. ca. 1874 at Marylebone, b. reg. Q2 1874 at Marylebone R.D. In 1881, living with his
parents. In 1891, a draper, living with his parents. In 1901, a draper's warehouse clerk, living with his parents.
- Harry BRAY, b. ca. 1877 at Marylebone, b. reg. Q4 1877 at Marylebone R.D. In 1881, living with his parents. In 1891,
a scholar, living with his parents.
- Henry James SIRCOMBE, b. ca. 1852 at Newport or Northwood or Parkhurst, b. reg. Q3 1852 at Cowes subdistrict of Isle
of Wight R.D., m. reg. Q1 1886 at Isle of Wight R.D., Kate JOLLIFFE (b. ca. 1857 at Newport, d. reg. Q4 1913 at Yeovil
R.D.). In 1861, a scholar, living with his parents. In 1871 and 1881, an ironmonger's assistant, living with his mother.
In 1891, an ironmonger's assistant, living at 62 Lugley(?) Street, Newport, with his wife Kate, their daughter Helen, and
a general domestic servant. In 1901, an ironmonger, living at 73 Hendford, Yeovil, Somerset, with his wife Kate and their
daughters Helen and Kate. In 1911, an ironmonger and sheet metal worker, living at 73 Hendford, Yeovil, with his wife Kate
and their daughter Helen.
- Helen Lucy SIRCOMBE, b. ca. Feb 1891 at Newport, b. reg. Q1 1891 at Newport subdistrict of Isle of Wight R.D., m. reg.
Q2 1915 at Yeovil R.D., Arthur E. WILKINSON. In 1891 and 1901, living with her parents. In 1911, a clerk to a glove
manufacturer, living with her parents.
- Kate Muriel SIRCOMBE, b. ca. 1893 at Newport, b. reg. Q4 1893 at Newport subdistrict of Isle of Wight R.D., m. reg. Q3 1923 at Axminster R.D., John RHODES, d. reg. Feb 1986 at Taunton Deane R.D. In 1901, living with her parents. In 1911, a pupil at a boarding school, 3 Alma Road, Clifton, Bristol.
- Sheila M. RHODES, b. reg. Q4 1924 at Tonbridge R.D.
SIRCON, b. est. 1788, m. Hannah (b. ca. 1788 in Spain), d. by 1851. In 1851, Hannah was a shopkeeper and hawker, living at
North Street, Emsworth, Hampshire.
William SURCOMBE, b. ca. 1790 in Yorkshire. In 1841, living in the COLBECK household at Mount Leven, Yarm, Yorkshire.
Richard SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1793 (not in Middlesex), m. 8 Nov 1818 at St. Saviour, Southwark, Surrey, Frances "Fanny" TAYLOR
(b. ca. 1793, not in Middlesex). At his marriage in 1818, of St. Saviour, Southwark, as was Fanny. In 1841, a tanner,
living at Vincent Street, Westminster St. John the Evangelist, with his wife Fanny.
John SERCOMBE, b. est. 1799, m. 11 Oct 1824 at St. Leonard, Shoreditch, Middlesex, Elizabeth DIGHT. At their marriage in
1824, John and Elizabeth were both of St. Leonard, Shoreditch; the witnesses were John DODSON and Elizabeth LAW.
John SECCOMBE, b. ca. 1800 in Cornwall, m. Jane (b. ca. 1800 at St. Ewe or St. Austell, Cornwall), d. by 1851. In 1841, a
copper miner, living at Dimson, Calstock, Cornwall, with his wife Jane and their children Kitty, Stephen, John, Nicholas,
Elizabeth, William, Dolly, and James. In 1851, Jane was living at Middle Dimson, Calstock, with her children Nicholas,
William, James, Dolly, and Elizabeth and Elizabeth's husband. In 1861, she was a housekeeper for her son Stephen.
- Kitty SECCOMBE, b. ca. 1820 in Cornwall. In 1841, living with her parents.
- Stephen SECCOMBE or SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1822 at Calstock, m. Harriot (b. ca. 1826 at Gwennap, Cornwall). In 1841, a
copper miner, living with his parents. In 1851, a copper miner, living at Lower Dimson with his wife Harriot and their son
John. In 1861, a copper miner, living at Middle Dimson, Calstock, with his children John, Jane, and Stephen, a housekeeper
(his mother), and a boarder (his brother James). SERCOMBE in 1851 only.
- John SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1842 at Calstock. In 1851, living with his parents.
- John SECOMBE, b. ca. 1850 at Calstock. In 1861, a copper miner, living with his father.
- Jane SECOMBE, b. ca. 1852 at Calstock. In 1861, a scholar, living with her father.
- Stephen SECOMBE, b. ca. 1855 at Calstock. In 1861, a scholar, living with his father.
- John SECCOMBE, b. ca. 1826 in Cornwall. In 1841, a copper miner, living with his parents.
- Nicholas SECCOMBE, b. ca. 1828 at Calstock, m. Maryann (b. ca. 1831 at Calstock). In 1841, a copper miner, living with
his parents. In 1851, a copper miner, living with his mother. In 1861, a copper miner, living at Middle Dimson with his
wife Maryann and their children Mitilda and James.
- Mitilda SECOMBE, b. ca. 1858 at Calstock. In 1861, living with her parents.
- James SECOMBE, b. ca. 1859 at Calstock. In 1861, living with his parents.
- Elizabeth SECCOMBE, b. ca. 1832 at Calstock, m. William LENTEN (b. ca. 1828 at St. Austell, Cornwall). In 1841, living
with her parents. In 1851, living in her mother's household with her husband William (a copper miner).
- William SECCOMBE, b. ca. 1835 at Calstock. In 1841, living with his parents. In 1851, a copper miner, living with his
- Dolly SECCOMBE, b. ca. 1837 at Calstock. In 1841, living with her parents. In 1851, living with her mother.
- James SECCOMBE, b. ca. Jun 1840 at Calstock. In 1841, living with his parents. In 1851, a copper miner, living with
his mother. In 1861, a copper miner, boarding with his brother Stephen.
James SERCOMBE, b. est. 1803, m. 30 Jun 1828 at St. Martin in the Fields, Westminster, Middlesex, Mary FAIR. (Is this John SERCOMBE?) At their marriage in 1828, James and Mary were both of St. Martin in the Fields; the witnesses were William GREENARD and Charles PERKS.
John SURCOMBE, b. est. 1806, perh. m. elsewhere after banns begun 23 Oct 1831 at St. Mary, Islington, Middlesex, Jane WRIGHT. At their banns in 1831, both of Islington St. Mary. (Is this John SURCOMBE?)
SIRCOMBE, b. est. 1810, m. Fanny (b. ca. 1810 at Lambeth, Surrey). In 1851, "abroad" on census night; Fanny was living at
42 White Lion Street, Clerkenwell, Middlesex.
Jane SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1820 in Cornwall, m. James ASHER (b. ca. 1819 in England, d. by 1861). In 1841, a servant in the
GODFRAY household at Les Marais Vingtaine, Grouville, Jersey. At her son's baptism in Mar 1851, James was a coachman.
Later in Mar 1851, living at 1 Clearview Street, St. Helier, Jersey, with her husband James (a footman) and their sons
James and Frederick. At her daughter's baptism in 1853, James was a coachman. In 1861, a laundress, living at 25 Russell
Street, Brighton, Sussex, with her children James and Emily.
- James R. ASHER, b. ca. 1849 at St. Helier. In 1851, living with his parents. In 1861, a scholar, living with his
- Frederick Charles ASHER, b. 18 Feb 1851 at St. Helier, chr. 9 Mar 1851 at St. Helier. At his baptism in Mar 1851, his
godmother was Margaret CHAMBERS. Later in Mar 1851, living with his parents.
- Emily Jane Roseland ASHER, b. 10 Jul 1853 in Jersey, chr. 24 Jul 1853 at St. Helier. In 1861, a scholar, living with
her mother.
Marcius Seccombe or Sercombe RIGG, b. ca. 1814 at Sloane Street, Chelsea or Brompton, Middlesex, m. reg. Q1 1844 at Isle
of Thanet R.D., Sarah NELSON (b. ca. 1819 at Ordsall or Retford or Bruty(?), Nottinghamshire), d. reg. Q3 1877 at
Chelmsford R.D. In 1841, a police officer, living (perhaps as a boarder) in the WRIGHT household at Leeming Street,
Mansfield, Nottinghamshire. At his son's baptism in 1844, a gentleman, of 14 Cumming Street, Pentonville, Middlesex. In
1851, a superintendant constable, living at Cranbrook, Kent, with his wife Sarah and a house servant. In 1861, a
gentleman and farmer, living at Black House, Keymer, Sussex, with his wife Sarah and a servant. In 1871, income derived
from interest on money lent on land, living at Honey Lane Green, 1 Forest Side, Upshire, near Waltham, Essex, with his
wife Sarah and a maid of all work. (Middle name Sercombe rather than Seccombe only at his son's baptism in 1844.)
- Nelson Marcius RIGG, b. 13 Oct 1844, b. reg. Q4 1844 at Clerkenwell R.D., chr. 4 Nov 1844 at Pentonville, d. reg. Q1
1845 at St. Pancras R.D.
Jane SIRCUMB, b. ca. Oct 1831, bur. 15 Feb 1833 at St. Anne Soho, Westminster. At her death in 1833, of Leicester Street.
William SURCUMBE, b. ca. 1836, d. 15 Sep 1856, bur. in a British cemetery in the Ionian Islands (probably Corfu). At his
death, a sapper in the 9th Company of the Royal Engineers.
Mary SARCOMBE, b. ca. 1859 at Southampton. In 1881, a domestic servant in the SHAW household, at Belmont Place, St.
Peter-Port, Guernsey.
Charles SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q4 1861 at Croydon R.D., d. reg. Q1 1862 at Croydon R.D.
Emma SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1862. In 1891, a cook in the CLIFFORD household at The Grange, Strawberry Hill Road, Twickenham,
Eleanor SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1866. In 1911, a housekeeper in the POWLES household at Manor Cottage, Hartford, Cheshire.
SERCOMBE, b. est. 1868, m. Emmie (b. ca. 1868 at Poplar, London). In 1891, Emmie was visiting the household of Richard SERCOMBE. (Was Emmie's surname SERCOMBE an enumeration error in 1891?)
SHERCOMBE, b. est. 1870, m. Alice E. STEPHENSON (b. ca. 1870 at London), d. by 1901. In 1901, Alice was a charwoman,
living at 6 Foley Street, Marylebone, London, with her son George and her mother.
- George SHERCOMBE, b. ca. 1896 at London. In 1901, living with his mother.
SERCOMBE, b. est. 1879, m. ca. 1909 Amelia (b. ca. 1879 at Southwark, London). In 1911, Amelia was a court dressmaker, living at 157 Balham Hill, London. (Is this Thomas Albert SECCOMBE, m. reg. Q4 1908 at Southwark R.D., Amelia PREECE?)
George ROSS, b. est. 1889, m. reg. Q4 1914 at Sedgefield R.D., Elizabeth REED.
- William J. ROSS, b. reg. Q2 1915 at Sedgefield R.D.
- Fred R. ROSS, later Fred Reed Ross SERCOMBE or Fred Reed ROSS-SERCOMBE, b. 24 Sep 1918, b. reg.
Q4 1918 at Sedgefield R.D., m. reg. Q2 1945 at Durham South Eastern R.D., Doris HODGSON (b. ca. 1922, d. reg. Q1 1963 at
Durham North Western R.D.), d. reg. Oct 1989 at Gateshead R.D. (How related to Edward John Heath
SERCOMBE and his wife Edith Mary REED? How is Doris related to Annie HODGSON, wife of Edward's nephew
Richard Heath SERCOMBE?)
- Edward R. SERCOMBE or Edward ROSS-SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1947 at Durham South Eastern R.D., m. reg. Q2 1972 at Durham
Western R.D., Rachel HESLOP.
- Louise Ross SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q3 1974 at North Cleveland R.D.
- Robert R. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1947 at Durham South Eastern R.D., d. reg. Q2 1947 at Durham South Eastern R.D.
- Alan R. SERCOMBE or Alan ROSS-SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q4 1950 at Durham South Eastern R.D., m. reg. Q2 1972 at Middleton
R.D., Sheila PARKIN.
- Adam Ross SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q3 1977 at Manchester R.D., m. reg. Aug 2004 at Stockport R.D., Katy L. MOSLEY.
- Nathan Ross SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q4 1978 at Manchester R.D.
- Amy Laura E. SERCOMBE, b. reg. Q2 1982 at Manchester R.D.
Wilfred SERCOMBE, b. 21 Sep 1919, m. reg. Q1 1963 at Croydon R.D., Audrey M. AUSTIN, d. reg. Nov 1998 at Croydon R.D.
Families from Ireland, Scotland, and Wales
Irish, Scottish, and Welsh Sercombes whose main listings are with their families in England:
- the family of John SERCOMBE (b. ca. 1824) of Dunsford, Devon, who lived in Glamorgan from at
least 1871
- the family of Catherine SIRCOM (b. ca. 1828) of Bristol, who was visiting Glamorgan in 1851
- the family of Samuel SERCOMBE (b. ca. 1833) of Dunsford, Devon, who lived in Fife from about 1865
- the family of George Henry SIRCOMBE (b. 1838) of Tewkesbury, Gloucestershire, who moved to
Glamorgan some time before 1868, and of his daughter Sarah Mary M. SIRCOMBE (b. ca. 1871) of
Cardiff, who was married in or near Dublin in 1913
- the family of Mary Emma SERCOMBE (b. ca. 1848) of London, who was a teacher in Aberystwith in
- the family of Thomas SERCOMBE (b. ca. 1856) and his brother Albert SERCOMBE (b.
ca. 1869), both of Upton Pyne, Devon, who moved to Lanarkshire between about 1882 and 1890 (but subsequently returned
to England)
- the family of William George SERCOMBE (b. ca. 1859) of Bristol and Clevedon, Somerset, who was
born in Glamorgan
- the family of Albert George SERCOMBE (b. ca. 1872) of Taunton, whose wife Julia Ann MOLONEY was
born in Wales and who settled in County Cork by 1898
- the family of William Henry Baker SERCOMBE (b. ca. 1873) of Shaldon, Devon, who was a coastguard
in County Donegal in 1911
- the family of William Henry SERCOMBE (b. 1879) of Bristol, who was married at Swansea, Glamorgan,
in 1900
Families from Australia or New Zealand
Australian and New Zealand Sercombes whose main listings are with their families in England:
- the family of Elizabeth SIRCOMBE (b. 1821) of Exeter, Devon, who emigrated to New South Wales
in 1841
- the family of John SIRCOM (b. ca. 1812) of Bristol, Gloucestershire, who emigrated to
Victoria in 1853 and 1855
- the family of Joseph SERCOMBE (b. ca. 1814) of Dunsford, Devon, who emigrated to New
South Wales in 1857
- the family of John SERCOMBE, whose daughter Ellen was born in Australia ca. 1853 and whose son
George was born at Ballarat, Victoria, in 1855
- the family of Mary Giffard SERCOMBE (b. ca. 1831) of Manchester, Lancashire, who was married in
Adelaide, South Australia, in 1850
- the family of Samuel SERCOMBE (b. ca. 1833) of Dunsford, who was married in Victoria in 1864
- the family of Thomas SERCOMBE (b. ca. 1834) of Exeter, Devon, who died in Queensland in 1866
- the family of Walter John SERCOMBE (b. ca. 1842) of Exeter, who emigrated to New Zealand
by 1869 then moved to New South Wales
- the family of Richard Lewis Stanley SIRCOMBE (b. ca. 1855) of Cheltenham, who emigrated to New
Zealand after 1871
- the family of Emily SERCOMBE (b. ca 1858) and her sister Alice Dorothy Sophia
SERCOMBE (b. 1860) of Yeovil, Somerset, who emigrated to New Zealand in 1878 and 1880
- the family of Arthur Rupert SERCOMBE (b. 1860) of Wandsworth or Walworth, Surrey, who emigrated
to Victoria in 1884
- the family of Rupert Theodore Walton SERCOMBE (b. 1861) of Exeter, who emigrated to New Zealand
between about 1885 and 1895
- the family of William SERCOMBE (b. 1863) of Yeovil, Somerset, who was married in Queensland in 1889
- the family of Dennis SERCOMBE (b. ca. 1889) of Doddiscombsleigh, Devon, whose sons Edward and
Morgan emigrated to New South Wales and Western Australia
- the family of Reuben John SERCOMBE (b. 1907) of India and England, who died in New South Wales in
- the family of David John SERCOMBE, who emigrated to New Zealand in 1963
James SERCUMBE, b. ca. 1797, d. 23 Jan 1859, bur. at West Terrace Cemetery, Adelaide, South Australia.
S. SERCOMB, b. ca. 1821. Departed from Victoria in Sep 1854 aboard the ship Robertina, bound for Adelaide.
William SARCOMBE, b. ca. 1831, d. 1 Dec 1882 in Tasmania.
Mary SIRCOM, b. est. 1845, m. Alexander MURRAY.
- A son, b. 1870 at Daylesford, Victoria.
Mary Jane SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1851 in England, d. 1878 at Yarra Bend, Victoria. An inquest ruled the
cause of death to be pulmonary consumption. (Is this Mary Jane SERCOMBE?)
William SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1857. Arrived at Victoria in Nov 1888 aboard the ship Ormuz (as did
William SERCOMB).
James SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1860. Arrived at Victoria in Nov 1877 aboard the ship Hankow.
William SERCOMB, b. ca. 1860. Arrived at Victoria in Nov 1888 aboard the ship Ormuz (as did
William SERCOMBE).
Patrick SERCOMBE, b. est. 1863, m. Sarah A.
- Patrick S. SERCOMBE, b. 1889 in Picton district, New South Wales, d. 1889 in Picton district.
Augustus Sercombe CLEVERDON, b. ca. 1859 at Footscray, m. 1889 in Victoria, Martha Elizabeth CUNNINGHAM (b. at
Whittlesea), d. 1951 at East Malvern, Victoria.
- Rhoda Amelia CLEVERDON, b. 1893 at [Sutt], Victoria.
Daisy SIRCOMBE, b. 1873 in New Zealand.
Henry Sercombe WARREN, b. est. 1873, m. Lydia Maria WHITE.
- Eleanor Mary Guthrie WARREN, b. 1899 at St. Kilda, Victoria.
Frank Hubert Sircom FURZE, b. 2 Dec 1896 at Loch, Victoria, m. 1920 in Victoria, Edith Evelyn DAVEY,
d. 5 Aug 1962 at Shepparton, Victoria. Relative of researcher Liz Richmond According to Liz,
Frank's great aunt was Jane Elizabeth FURZE, wife of Henry SIRCOM. Presumably this is the origin of
his third forename. Note that Henry SIRCOM's eldest brother John SIRCOM and his family emigrated from Bristol to Victoria
at about the same time as Frank's grandfather Henry FURZE did (Feb 1853 and Nov 1855 vs. May 1855). See Liz's brief
biography of Frank
and summary of his Furze ancestry.
George Sircom LANSLEY, b. est. 1904, m. 1929 in Victoria, Rhoda May SNOW.
John Oliver SERCOMBE, b. est. 1917, m. 1942 in Windsor district, New South Wales, Joan Ruth WILSON (d. 1965 in Parramatta
district, New South Wales, daughter of Walter William and Ivy Louise).
Families from Canada
Canadian Sercombes whose main listings are with their families in England:
- the family of Stephen Rowland SIRCOM (b. 1835) of Bristol, who emigrated to Nova Scotia in the
- the family of Samuel SERCOMBE (b. 1836) of Bovey Tracey, Devon, who emigrated to Toronto,
Ontario, in 1879
- the family of Samuel SERCOMBE (b. 1847) of Dunsford, Devon, who emigrated to London, Ontario, in
- the family of John SERCOMBE (b. 1853) of Doddiscombsleigh, Devon, who emigrated to Canada in 1882
and settled at Thedford, Ontario, and his brother Frederick SERCOMBE (b. 1870) who joined him there
in 1908
- the family of Eliza SERCOMBE (b. 1862) of Bovey Tracy, Devon, who emigrated from England ca.
1884 and settled at Hamilton, Ontario
- the family of Frank Charles Selwyn SERCOMBE (b. 1879), who emigrated from England in 1897 and
settled in Manitoba
- the family of John SERCOMBE (b. 1889) of Devon, who emigrated to Manitoba in 1909
- the family of Frederick John SERCOMBE (b. 1894) of Exeter and Massachusetts, who sailed from
Southampton to Quebec in 1929
- the family of Christopher Bernard SERCOMBE (b. 1924), who sailed from Liverpool to Montreal in
- the family of Sydney Charles SERCOMBE (b. 1883), who immigrated in 1911
Probably really Seccombes not Sercombes:
- William SECCOMB or SURCUM, b. ca. 1833 in England, m. Sophia (b. ca. 1838 in Nova Scotia, of German heritage). In 1871
(SECCOMB), a miner, living in Truro Road district, Halifax, Nova Scotia, with his wife Sophia and their children Alfred,
Matilda, and Fredrich. In 1881 (SURCUM), a miner, living at Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, with his wife Sophia and their
children Alfred, Matilda, Fred, and William. William was a Wesleyan Methodist; the rest of the family were Baptists.
- Alfred H. SECCOMB or SURCUM, b. ca. 1866 in Nova Scotia. In 1871 and 1881, living with his parents.
- Matilda SECCOMB or SURCUM, b. ca. 1867 in Nova Scotia. In 1871 and 1881, living with her parents.
- Fredrich "Fred" SECCOMB or SURCUM, b. ca. Jul 1870 in Nova Scotia. In 1871 and 1881, living with his parents.
- William SURCUM, b. ca. 1873 in Nova Scotia. In 1881, living with his parents.
- John H. SECCOMBE or SERCOMBE, b. May 1852 in England, m. Mary KELLY (b. Jul 1849 in Ontario). Immigrated to Canada in
1869. In 1911, a machinist (repairing), living at 6 Sword Street, Toronto, Ontario, with his wife Mary and their children
John, Ada, Nellie, and Clara. In 1918, listed on his daughter Lizzie's U.S. immigration form as her nearest relative in
Canada; she gave his address as 4 Sword Street, Toronto. Sercombe at Lizzie's marriage; otherwise Seccombe.
- Lizzie SECCOMBE or SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1872 at Toronto, Ontario, m. 30 Jun 1908 at Toronto, Joseph (or James?) COATSWORTH
(b. ca. 1868 at Toronto, son of James P. COATSWORTH and Mary SWANTON). At her marriage in 1908, her husband James was a
printer; they were both Methodists; Edith SERCOMBE of Toronto (relationship unknown) was a witness. At her daughter's
birth in 1909, her husband Joseph was a crusher. In October 1918, entered the United States at Port Huron, Michigan, bound
for San Francisco, with her husband Joseph (a printer) and their daughter Ethel. Sercombe only at her marriage; otherwise
- Lillian Evelyn COATSWORTH, b. 11 Apr 1909 at 4 Sword Street, Toronto, d. 27 Jan 1910 at 228 Riverdale Avenue, Toronto.
- Ethel May COATSWORTH, b. ca. 1913. In 1918, entered the United States with her parents.
- Nellie SECCOMBE, b. Jun 1882 in Ontario. In 1911, a machine shop bookkeeper, living with her parents.
- Ada SECCOMBE, b. Sep 1883 in Ontario. In 1911, living with her parents.
- Clara SECCOMBE, b. Feb 1886 in Ontario. In 1911, living with her parents.
- John SECCOMBE, b. Oct 1888 in Ontario. In 1911, a machinist (repairing), living with his parents.
John SERCOMB, b. ca. 1840 in England, m. unknown (d. by 1881). In 1881, a coachman, living (perhaps as a boarder) in the
DURIE household at York, Ontario. Religion: Church of England.
Mary SERCOMB, b. 1844 in Ireland. In 1911, an inmate in the Home for Incurables, Toronto, Ontario. Anglican.
Anne CIRCOMB, b. ca. 1865 in England. In 1881, a servant in a hotel in St. Andrew's Ward, Toronto, Ontario. Religion:
Church of England.
Samuel SERCOMBE, b. Aug 1865 in Ontario, m. Mary (b. Feb 1867 or 1877 in Ontario). In 1911, a
bookkeeper, living at 890 Lorne Avenue, London, Ontario, with his wife Mary. Methodist. (How related to
Frederick C. SERCOMBE, b. est. 1892, m. 17 Apr 1917 at St. John's, Newfoundland, Minnie C. NORRIS.
Families from Gibraltar
Gibraltarian Sercombes whose main listings are with their families in England:
Families from Hong Kong
Thomas SERCOMBE-SMITH (b. ca. 1858) was a judge, acting colonial secretary, police magistrate, and coroner in Hong Kong.
Vikki Ann SERCOMBE (b. 1972) lives in Hong Kong.
Families from India
Indian Sercombes whose main listings are with their families in England:
- John SERCOMBE (b. 1794 at Exeter), who served in the East India Company maritime service,
1814-1828 and 1839-1841;
- Frederick SERCOMBE (b. 1835 at Exeter), who died at Calcutta;
- George Henry SERCOMBE (b. 1866 at Yeovil), who was a telegraph master in the Indian Telegraph
Department; and
- Frederick George SERCOMBE (b. 1900 at Holyhead), who was a warrant officer in the Indian Navy
from 1932.
H. SERCOMBE was a guard for the East India Railway, at Cawnpore (now Kanpur), in 1866 and 1867.
Families from Africa
African Sercombes whose main listings are with their families in Britain:
The plaintiff in the 1929 lawsuit Sercombe v. Colonial Motors (Natal) Ltd. was a hotel proprietor in South Africa in 1928.
Families from the West Indies
As of 28 Jun 1817, Mrs. Sarah Ann SERCOMBE owned one slave in Port Royal parish, Jamaica: Nelly, a negro African (as
opposed to creole) aged 54. As of 28 Jun 1826, Sarah again owned one slave in Port Royal parish: Endeavour, a negro
African aged 49, purchased since 1823 from Rosetta McKowen.
Elizabeth SERCOMB, chr. 23 Apr 1837 at Port Royal, Jamaica.
Families from the United States
U.S. Sercombes whose main listings are with their families in England:
- the family of John SERCOMBE (b. ca. 1788) and his brother Thomas SERCOMBE (b. ca.
1795) of Dunsford, Devon, whose families emigrated to Wisconsin starting in 1837
- the family of Thomas SIRCOMBE (b. ca. 1835) of Bedminster, Somerset, who emigrated to Michigan
about 1886
- the family of Stephen Rowland SIRCOM (b. 1835) of Bristol, who immigrated to Massachusetts from
Canada in 1872
- the family of Emma SERCOMBE (b. ca. 1837) and her brother Henry James "Harry"
SERCOMBE (b. 1841), both of Exeter then London, who emigrated to Jackson County, Michigan, probably about 1859
- the family of James SERCOMBE (b. ca. 1843) of Dunsford, Devon, whose sons John and George
emigrated to New York in 1904 and 1908
- the family of William James SERCOMBE (b. 1855) of Cheshire, etc., who emigrated to Illinois in
- the family of Henry William or William Henry SERCOMBE (b. 1861) of Cornwood, Devon, who emigrated
to Illinois in 1884
- the family of Frederick William SERCOMBE (b. ca. 1868) of Taunton, Somerset, who emigrated to
Nebraska in 1890 and moved to California by ca. 1905
- the family of Richard Ernest SERCOMBE (b. 1888) of Barnstaple, Devon, who emigrated
to Massachusetts in 1913
- the family of Edmund Ralph SIRCOM (b. ca. 1881) of Bristol and London, who
visited Buffalo, New York, in 1922, and whose wife Violet lived there before her death in 1968
- the family of
Maxwell SERCOMBE (b. ca. 1881) of Cornwall, who settled in Philadelphia by about 1921, and his
brother James Arthur SERCOMBE (b. ca. 1887), who emigrated to California in 1912
- the family of Percy SERCOMBE, whose wife Ivy (1898-1990) died in Orange County, California
Richard SURCUM, b. est. 1690, m. 8 May 1715 at King's Chapel, Boston, Massachusetts, Jane SAVORY or SAVERY (prob. m2. 30
Dec 1731 [or perhaps 1739] at the Old North Church, Boston, William HASELTON).
- Richard SURCOMB, b. ca. 1716, m1. 1 Jun 1736 at Boston, Massachusetts, Rebekah LAMSON (b. ca. 1716, d. 28 Feb 1738/9,
bur. at the Granary Burial Ground, Boston), m2. after intention recorded 21 Feb 1739 at Boston, Mary BARGER (d. 1788), d.
21 Aug 1773, bur. at the Granary Burial Ground. Richard was an engineman for a fire company in
western Boston from 7 Jan 1740/1 to 28 Dec 1743. He had left the company by 3 Apr 1745. He was sworn as a constable at the
Boston town meeting on 9 Mar 1746/7. He was a baker when he made his will on 18 Jul 1769. The will left everything
to his wife except "the Sum of Five shillings only," which he left to his daughter Rebecca, "she having in her past &
present conduct Greatly Grieved and offended me"; the will was proved 27 Aug 1773. The family owned slaves, including
Sambo (who
m. 23 Dec 1773 at Brattle Street Church, Boston, Silvia, slave of William DAVIS), Dinah (who m. 3 Mar 1774 at Boston,
Pompey, slave of Harrison GRAY), and Boston (who m. 22 Sep 1774 at Boston, Phillis NORTHGATE, a free black). Mary made her
will on 25 Apr 1788, leaving her property to her stepdaughter Rebecca and Rebecca's six children; the will was proved on 9
Sep 1788. The inventory, taken 22 Sep 1788, listed a "Mansion house, store, Bakehouse, & land thereto belonging,
situate in Middlecott street, West Boston," valued at £600; a "pew in Rev. Mr. Thatcher's meeting house," valued at
£30; clothes, furniture, and household items valued at a total of £33 4s. 2d.; but no slaves. (Richard shares a
gravestone with Mehitable, wife of John BUTTOLPH, d. 22 Jan 1744 aged 61. How are they related?)
- Rebecca SURCOMB, b. ca. 1737, m1. 16 Nov 1758 at Brattle Street Church, after intention recorded 19 Oct 1758,
Thomas HOW, m2. William FLAGG. Mother of Richard Surcomb HOWE (U.S. army officer, b. ca. 1760) and grandmother of Mary
Surcomb HOWE (chr. 18 Dec 1791 at Boston) and Richard Surcomb HOWE (chr. 10 Mar 1793 at Boston). In 1769, William was a
housewright, of Boston.
- Richard SURCOMB, b. ca. Jan 1738/9, d. 22 Sep 1739, bur. with his mother at the Granary Burial Ground.
- (probably) Jane or Jean SURCUMB, m. 4 Apr 1738 at Old South Church, Boston, Thomas KIMBALL.
The following are probably related, but exactly how is not yet clear:
- Thomas SIRCOMB, m. Sarah DAILY (daughter of John DAILY of Queen Anne's County, Maryland, who d. by 1758). In 1731,
convicted in an Assizes trial at the Castle, Exeter, Devon, and sentenced to be transported to Virginia for 14 years (i.e.
until 1745). On 6 Feb 1748, enlisted as a private in the militia for Kent Island Upper Hundred, Queen Anne's County. On
29 Mar 1758, together with his wife Sarah, her sister Anne, and Anne's husband Richard ARSCOTT, sold 60 acres in Kent
Island called Isaac's Chance (probably inherited from John DAILY) to James HUTCHINS, also of Queen Anne's County, for
£21 of Maryland money; W. HOPPER and R.S.T. WRIGHT witnessed the deed of sale. In 1776, head of a household in Kent
Island Upper Hundred; also in the household were two men and three women, all white and over 21. In 1783, assessed for tax
on 30 acres of land at Isaac's Chance.
- Mary SIRCOMB. In 1790, head of a household in Queen Anne's County; also in the household were another white female and
a slave.
- Mrs. SURCOME. In 1810, a free white female aged between 26 and 44, head of a household at Charleston, Charleston
County, South Carolina; also in the household was a free white male aged between 10 and 15.
- perhaps also Sarah Ann SERCOMBE?
Margret SURCON, b. ca. 1830 in Ireland. In 1850, living (perhaps as a servant) in the household of Solomon ASKER, a
German-born tailor, in Ward 10, New York City, New York.
SERCON, b. est. 1860 in Ireland, m. Sarah (b. 4 May 1860 in Ireland), d. by 1900. Sarah immigrated to
the United States in 1880. In 1900, Sarah was living at 105 North 8th Street, Brooklyn, Kings County, New York, with her
son Andrew and boarder Edward SERCON.
- Andrew SERCON, b. 6 May 1882 in Ireland. Immigrated to the United States in 1899. In 1900, a laborer.
Edward SERCON, b. 6 Jan 1860 in Ireland. Immigrated to the United States in 1880, naturalized by 1900.
In 1900, a laborer, boarding with Sarah SERCON.
Mary SIRCONE, b. ca. 1862 in Ireland. In 1880, a servant in the RONY household at Wheatfield, Niagara County, New York.
SERCOMBE, b. est. 1869, m. ca. 1898 Louisa (b. ca. 1869 in England). In 1910, Louisa was housekeeper for the MORTON family
in Butte, Sikiyou County, California.
SERCOMBE, b. in Iowa, m. STIFFLER (b. in Iowa).
- Albert SERCOMBE, b. ca. 1906 in Iowa. In 1910, living with his maternal grandparents at 911 West Fourth Street, Boone,
Boone County, Iowa.
content last revised 13 Feb 2017