(Leah Owlhunting, also known as Waits-to-Speak, given the name Winter's Silence by the spiritshomid shaman of the Uktena. Studen of Dan Teuerhertz also known as Walks-among-Dreams. member of ah-NAH- p'tah. child of Flame, cliath of Blue Caverns caern ((Glory .1 Honor .5 Wisdom 3.5 Wendigo PB 4)) *Leah waits quietly until all have said their fill, then she states in a clear voice* My pack, ah-NAH-p'tah or Preservers in english, wishes to find more members. We need those of Philodox, Ragabash and Ahroun auspice. It is open to only Wendigo and Uktena. Our goal is to preserve the traditions of our people, and preserve the land. Our Alpha is Bluesnaps, known to man as Anaya_Wilson, and Cliath of the Wendigo. Our totem is Flame, the bison. If you are interested, please let me know. *Goes quiet and waits for responses* tpo Leah_Owlhunting (( Bison: Totem of Respect (Players Handbook, page 120, a Native American totem) Traits: 1 Honor, +1 Animal Ken, +1 Enigmas and +2 Survival. May draw 3 additional Willpower points per story. Ban: Must use part of what they kill for something constructive. We are not a warpack. We are looking for 3 players. We want people who are laid back. We want some good, honest players that aren't too impatient. We want people who can be on during evenings EST and PST hours. Some of our ventures will be deadly. Most will not. )) (( Changed "closed" to "open". Took out "for now" because we will never be open to anyone other than Pure Ones. Change "a responce" to "responses" to encourage more that one response. )) Leah Owlhunting, also known as Waits-to-Speak, given the name Winter's Silence by the spiritshomid shaman of the Uktena. Studen of Dan Teuerhertz also known as Walks-among-Dreams. member of ah-NAH- p'tah. child of Flame, cliath of Blue Caverns caern ((Glory .1 Honor .5 Wisdom 3.5 Wendigo Pb 4)) *Leah waits quietly until all have said their fill, then she states in a clear voice* My pack ah-NAH-p'tah, Preservers in english, wish to find more members. We need those of philodox, ragabash and ahroun auspice. It is closed to only Wendigo and Uktena for now. Our goal is to preserve the traditions of our people, and preserve the land. Our totem is Flame, the bison. If you are interested please let me know. *Goes quiet and waits for a responce*