Borderlands of Science

ISBN: 0-671-57836-7, $22.00 US
Release Date: 11/99

(hardcover) ORDER

Borderland of Science - Cover
Transvergence - Cover Convergent Series

ISBN: 0-671-57837-5, $6.99 US
Release Date: 11/99


Publisher's Note: Transvergence was previously published in parts as Transcendence and Convergence, and has been revised for this first unitary edition.
Convergent Series

ISBN: 0-671-87791-7, $6.99 US
Release Date: 10/98


Publisher's Note: Convergent Series was previously published in parts as Summertide and Divergence, and has been revised for this first unitary edition.
Convergent Series - Cover


ISBN: 0-671-87774-7, $5.99 US
Release Date: 10/98


Conclusion to the Heritage Universe Saga

ORDER Proteus Combined 87603-1 $5.99

ORDER Proteus in the Underworld 87659-7 $5.99

In the 22nd century, technology gives man the power to alter his shape at will. Behrooz Wolf invented the process--now he will have to tame it....

ORDER The Mind Pool 72165-8 $5.99

A revised and expanded version of the author's 1986 novel The Nimrod Hunt. "A considerable feat of both imagination and storytelling." --Chicago Sun-Times

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Baen Books 09/23/99