Down in the Bottomlands

with L. Sprague De Camp

ISBN: 0-671-87835-9, $6.99 US
Release Date: 108/99


Down in the Bottomlands - Cover
Wisdom of the Fox - Cover


Wisdom of the Fox

ISBN: 0-671-57838-3, $6.99 US
Release Date: 11/99


Publisher's Note Wisdom of the Fox was previously published in parts as Werenight and Prince of the North, and has been revised for this first unitary edition.
Alternate Generals

ISBN: 0-671-87886-7, $6.99 US
Release Date: 8/98


At Gaugemela the Macedonians had Alexander and the Persians had—Darius. Result- world conquest. But what if the Persians had—Erwin Rommel. Or what if George S. Patton had commanded Southern forces at Bull Run, and Lincoln had become a Confederate prisoner? The possibilities are endless...

Alternate Generals - Cover
Fox and Empire - Cover Fox and Empire

ISBN: 0-671-87858-1, $6.99 US
Release Date: 1/98


Ever since the devastating Werenight that spelled the end of the Elabonian Empire, Aragis the Archer has been saying he doesn't want war with Gerin the Fox,also called King of the North. But the Archer is ambitious and feels that his time is slipping by. So he maks one tiny little threat that turns out to have not such tiny consequences. Because the Fox must.

ISBN: 0-671-87761-5, $5.99 US
ORDER (paperback)

The Germanic tribes were definitely on the move, bringing their powerful pagan demons with them: bats with gleaming red eyes spied out the city, diving on the militia men as they patrolled the city walls; giant wolves whose howls chilled the soul surrounded the city; and there were rumors of worse. Even the satyrs, centaurs, nymphs and other remnants of the Greek pantheon lurking in the mountains around Thessalonica were frightened.

George's city was a Christian light in a sea of pagan darkness. And now that sea was rising, threatening to wash over him and his little island as if they did not exist and were of no account.

King of the North Cover King of the North

ISBN: 0-671-87715-1, $5.99 US
ORDER (paperback)

In the northlands, a patchwork of feuding statelets, Gerin the Fox, styling himself Prince of the North, pays tribute to none. Quaintly, he intends to rule for the welfare and betterment of his people--but first he must defeat the gathering forces of chaos, which conspire to tumble his work into a very dark age indeed....

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Stopping an ancient deity from reinstituting human sacrifice in L.A. and destroying Western Civilization is all in a day's work for David Fisher of the Environmental Perfection Agency.

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An extraordinary novel of an alternate America. "When Columbus came to the New World, he found, not Indians, but primitive ape-men.... Unable to learn human speech...[the ape-men.htm could still be trained to do reliable work. Could still in other words, be made slaves.... fresh and original."--Orson Scott Card

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