William H. Keith Jr.

Bolo Rising

ISBN:0671-57779-4, $6.99 US
Release Date: 11/98
ORDER (paperback)

Sample Chapters

Bolo Rising - Cover
Diplomatic Act - Cover Diplomatic Act

by Peter Jurasik
& William H. Keith

ISBN: 0671-87788-7, $22.00 US
Release Date: 8/98

ORDER (hardcover)

Sample Chapters


Bolo Brigade

by  William H. Keith
created by Keith Laumer

ISBN: 0671-87781-X, $5.99 US
Release Date: 8/98

ORDER (paperback)

Unfortunately, the high command hadn't counted on the Malach, a deadly alien race descending on Muir from the uncharted Gulf between the galaxies. A race that looks and acts remarkably like pack-hunting dinosaurs, the Malach destroy everything in their path. All that stands between them and the population of Muir is two obsolete Bolos with their weapons locked down....

Bolo Brigade - Cover

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