RCS/ 2 Kb Sun Mar 31 21:07:36 2002 Directory README 940 bytes Fri Mar 29 16:39:31 2002 dtsgrab 3 Kb Sun Mar 31 21:07:36 2002 dtsprep 2 Kb Sat Mar 30 18:23:29 2002
$Header: /afs/sipb/user/jhawk/src/dts/RCS/index.html,v 1.1 2002/09/15 15:32:21 jhawk Exp jhawk $ Various tools for editting DTS discs and then burning new ones. dtsgrab - pseudointeractive tool for pulling trailers off of dts trailer discs without having to suck the whole disc in. dtsprep - prepares a directory tree to be mkisofs'd and written to a disc. once prepped, then run something like: mkisofs -V volumename -o /var/tmp/dtscd.iso -r /var/tmp/dtscd cdrecord -v speed=8 dev=0,0,0 /var/tmp/dtscd.iso
This software has nothing to do with playing DTS soundtracks on computer or home stereo equipment, and does not allow you to do so.It is not possible to convert or play .AUD files without purchasing hardware from DTS. For more information, please see http://www.dtsonline.com/consumer/faq.html Specifically: 8) How do I Play DTS on My Home PC? Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.