To: doomcom@Athena.MIT.EDU Subject: Power Hockey! Date: Thu, 08 Oct 92 13:25:00 EDT For those of you not familiar with the grueling sport of power hockey this posting may come as quite a surprise. It certainly shocked me to hear that there was in fact a power hockey ``c'' team gearing up to hit the campus athletic scene. Power Hockey is a sport of fairly modern roots, though it draws a great deal fom the traditions of ice hockey and housing construction. I'll present a brief summary of the rules for those of you not familiar with them, as well as the team contact person should any of you be interesting in signing up. The game is played in an oblong, rounded arena surrounded by one meter high partitions on all sides. The surface mst be covered with a 3 centimeter layer of fine sawdust laid over about six inches of wet sand in order to provide the optimal playing surface. Actually, compromises can be made; for instance the alley between buildings 9 and 17 will do nicely. At either end of the playing field a goal section is delineated by two cement construction blocks set up three meters apart and fastened to the ground with four-foot iron spikes to prevent slippage. The blocks are colored dark red to facilitate easy recognition and cleaning.