Class HTTPClient.Codecs
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Class HTTPClient.Codecs


public class Codecs
extends Object
This class collects various encoders and decoders.
0.2 (bug fix 2) 23/03/1997
Ronald Tschalär

Method Index

 o base64Decode(byte[])
This method decodes the given byte[] using the base64-encoding specified in RFC-1521 (Section 5.2).
 o base64Decode(String)
This method decodes the given string using the base64-encoding specified in RFC-1521 (Section 5.2).
 o base64Encode(byte[])
This method encodes the given byte[] using the base64-encoding specified in RFC-1521 (Section 5.2).
 o base64Encode(String)
This method encodes the given string using the base64-encoding specified in RFC-1521 (Section 5.2).
 o chunkedDecode(InputStream)
Decodes chunked data.
 o chunkedEncode(byte[], NVPair[], boolean)
Encodes data used the chunked encoding.
 o getParameter(String, String)
retrieves the value associated with the parameter param in a given header string.
 o mpFormDataDecode(byte[], String, String)
This method decodes a multipart/form-data encoded string.
 o mpFormDataEncode(NVPair[], NVPair[], NVPair[])
This method encodes name/value pairs and files into a byte array using the multipart/form-data encoding.
 o nv2query(NVPair[])
Turns an array of name/value pairs into the string "name1=value1&name2=value2&name3=value3".
 o query2nv(String)
Turns a string of the form "name1=value1&name2=value2&name3=value3" into an array of name/value pairs.
 o quotedPrintableDecode(String)
This method does a quoted-printable decoding of the given string according to RFC-1521 (Section 5.1).
 o quotedPrintableEncode(String)
This method does a quoted-printable encoding of the given string according to RFC-1521 (Section 5.1).
 o URLDecode(String)
This method decodes the given urlencoded string.
 o URLEncode(String)
This method urlencodes the given string.


 o base64Encode
  public final static String base64Encode(String str)
This method encodes the given string using the base64-encoding specified in RFC-1521 (Section 5.2). It's used for example in the "Basic" authorization scheme.
str - the string
the base64-encoded str
 o base64Encode
  public final static byte[] base64Encode(byte data[])
This method encodes the given byte[] using the base64-encoding specified in RFC-1521 (Section 5.2).
data - the data
the base64-encoded data
 o base64Decode
  public final static String base64Decode(String str)
This method decodes the given string using the base64-encoding specified in RFC-1521 (Section 5.2).
str - the base64-encoded string.
the decoded str.
 o base64Decode
  public final static byte[] base64Decode(byte data[])
This method decodes the given byte[] using the base64-encoding specified in RFC-1521 (Section 5.2).
data - the base64-encoded data.
the decoded data.
 o quotedPrintableEncode
  public final static String quotedPrintableEncode(String str)
This method does a quoted-printable encoding of the given string according to RFC-1521 (Section 5.1). Note: it assumes 8-bit characters.
str - the string
the quoted-printable encoded string
 o quotedPrintableDecode
  public final static String quotedPrintableDecode(String str) throws ParseException
This method does a quoted-printable decoding of the given string according to RFC-1521 (Section 5.1).
str - the string
the decoded string
Throws: ParseException
If a '=' is not followed by a valid 2-digit hex number or '\r\n'.
 o URLEncode
  public final static String URLEncode(String str)
This method urlencodes the given string. This method is here for symmetry reasons and just calls URLEncoder.encode().
str - the string
the url-encoded string
 o URLDecode
  public final static String URLDecode(String str) throws ParseException
This method decodes the given urlencoded string.
str - the url-encoded string
the decoded string
Throws: ParseException
If a '%' is not followed by a valid 2-digit hex number.
 o mpFormDataDecode
  public final static NVPair[] mpFormDataDecode(byte data[],
                                                String cont_type,
                                                String dir) throws IOException, ParseException
This method decodes a multipart/form-data encoded string. The boundary is parsed from the cont_type parameter, which must be of the form 'multipart/form-data; boundary=...'.
Any encoded files are created in the directory specified by dir using the encoded filename.
Note: Does not handle nested encodings (yet).
    NVPair[] opts = Codecs.mpFormDataDecode(resp.getData(),
Assuming the data received looked something like:
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="option"
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="comment"; filename="comment.txt"
Gnus and Gnats are not Gnomes.
you would get one file called comment.txt in the current directory, and opts would contain two elements: {"option", "doit"} and {"comment", "comment.txt"}
data - the form-data to decode.
cont_type - the content type header (must contain the boundary string).
dir - the directory to create the files in.
an array of name/value pairs, one for each part; the name is the 'name' attribute given in the Content-Disposition header; the value is either the name of the file if a filename attribute was found, or the contents of the part.
Throws: IOException
If any file operation fails.
Throws: ParseException
If an error during parsing occurs.
 o getParameter
  public final static String getParameter(String param,
                                          String hdr)
retrieves the value associated with the parameter param in a given header string. This is used especially in headers like 'Content-type' and 'Content-Disposition'. Here is the syntax it expects:
";" param "=" ( token | quoted-string )
param - the parameter name
hdr - the header value
the value for this parameter, or null if not found.
 o mpFormDataEncode
  public final static byte[] mpFormDataEncode(NVPair opts[],
                                              NVPair files[],
                                              NVPair cont_type[]) throws IOException
This method encodes name/value pairs and files into a byte array using the multipart/form-data encoding. The boundary is returned as part of cont_type.
    NVPair[] opts = { new NVPair("option", "doit") };
    NVPair[] file = { new NVPair("comment", "comment.txt") };
    NVPair[] hdrs = new NVPair[1];
    byte[]   data = Codecs.mpFormDataEncode(opts, file, hdrs);
    con.Post("/cgi-bin/handle-it", data, hdrs);
data will look something like the following:
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="option"
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="comment"; filename="comment.txt"
Gnus and Gnats are not Gnomes.
where the "Gnus and Gnats ..." is the contents of the file comment.txt in the current directory.
opts - the simple form-data to encode (may be null); for each NVPair the name refers to the 'name' attribute to be used in the header of the part, and the value is contents of the part.
files - the files to encode (may be null); for each NVPair the name refers to the 'name' attribute to be used in the header of the part, and the value is the actual filename (the file will be read and it's contents put in the body of that part).
cont_type - this returns a new NVPair in the 0'th element which contains name = "Content-Type", value = "multipart/form-data; boundary=..." (the reason this parameter is an array is because a) that's the only way to simulate pass-by-reference and b) you need an array for the headers parameter to the Post() or Put() anyway).
an encoded byte array containing all the opts and files.
Throws: IOException
If any file operation fails.
 o nv2query
  public final static String nv2query(NVPair pairs[])
Turns an array of name/value pairs into the string "name1=value1&name2=value2&name3=value3". The names and values are first urlencoded. This is the form in which form-data is passed to a cgi script.
pairs - the array of name/value pairs
a string containg the encoded name/value pairs
 o query2nv
  public final static NVPair[] query2nv(String query) throws ParseException
Turns a string of the form "name1=value1&name2=value2&name3=value3" into an array of name/value pairs. The names and values are urldecoded. The query string is in the form in which form-data is received in a cgi script.
query - the query string containing the encoded name/value pairs
an array of NVPairs
Throws: ParseException
If the '=' is missing in any field, or if the urldecoding of the name or value fails
 o chunkedEncode
  public final static byte[] chunkedEncode(byte data[],
                                           NVPair ftrs[],
                                           boolean last)
Encodes data used the chunked encoding. last signales if this is the last chunk, in which case the appropriate footer is generated.
data - the data to be encoded; may be null.
ftrs - optional headers to include in the footer (ignored if not last); may be null.
last - whether this is the last chunk.
an array of bytes containing the chunk
 o chunkedDecode
  public final static Object chunkedDecode(InputStream input) throws ParseException, IOException
Decodes chunked data. The chunks are read from an InputStream, which is assumed to be correctly positioned. Use 'xxx instanceof byte[]' and 'xxx instanceof NVPair[]' to determine if this was data or the last chunk.
input - the stream from which to read the next chunk.
If this was a data chunk then it returns a byte[]; else it's the footer and it returns a NVPair[] containing the footers.
Throws: ParseException
If any exception during parsing occured.
Throws: IOException
If any exception during reading occured.

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