Hany Khafre's Journal: September 20, Cairo, Egypt
We got just enough closer to the site to see multiple helicopters
flying around, what I think were a couple of tanks, a few
huge spotlights, and more fucking troops than I've ever seen
outside a parade.
Sarah, posessed by some insanity, stood up from our crouched position
and marched toward the site. After a couple of minutes, I heard some
shots fired and I couldn't see Sarah anymore. A moment later a
fucking American jeep pulls up to where I was lying and a grunt shines
a flashlight in my face while another drags me into the jeep. They
drove me back to Cairo and dumped me in the street without a fucking
word. I still haven't heard from Sarah. The police are wholly
unhelpful. The consulate is 'looking into the situation'.
I don't know what the fuck is going on but I want that stirring rod
back and I want Sarah back.