2b: A box of mass 30 kilograms is attached to a spring with spring constant 5 Newtons per meter, and drags along an inclined plane at 23 degrees as in figure 10.12. The coefficient of friction drags along the ground as in figure 10.12. The coefficient of friction drags along the ground as in figure 10.12. The coefficient of friction... Let's try this again: 2b. Calculate the... 2b. or... not 2b. Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer The springs and arrows of this stupid problem, Or to take arms against the troubles of C, And by opposing end them? To punt, to sleep. No more; and by a sleep to say we end The headache and the thousand forms of stress A tool is heir to. 'tis a consumation Devoutly to be wish'd. To punt, to sleep. To sleep, perchance... to flunk. The coefficient of friction between the box and... Ay, there's the rub! For in that fate of academic probation what horrors I'll face when my parents find out about my grades they will never give me pause: There's the respect That makes calamity of five-point-oh's. For who would bear the endless problem sets, the graders' unfairness, the professor's contumely, the roommate's snore, the bursar's bill, the ARA food, the guy sitting in the front row there smirking just because this stupid speech isn't in iambic pentameter... the force on the mass is mass times the gravitational constant and the spring pulls it thataway with k times distance... and... what do you do with this normal force? And the friction? Ah, who would bear all that force anyway? But that the dread of being on academic leave, in the real world, The undiscover'd country, from whouse bourn No sane man returns, puzzles the will, and makes us rather bear those ills we have Than fly to others that we know not of? OH! times x minus that term ...this cancels that and 146! And... 148. 148. 148! And add 2 here and add 2 here and add 2 here... Thus conscience does make cowards of us all; And thus the native hue of resolution Is sickled o'er with the pale cast of thought; And enterprises of great pith and moment, With this regard, their currents turn awry, And lose the name of action.