born: completely deaf infancy: dad yelled at me, mom was nice Age 5: was sent to school mom still visits often, I hate it at school Age 6: found a friend--Johnny; School is tolerable because of him Learn some sign from Johnny Age 7: Learn ABCs, and I'm quite good at it. By now, am okay with sign Age 9: mom stops visiting--I don't know why, and spend nights crying all the time Age 10: Johnny leaves--don't know why Start reading to drown out reality, don't do anything in my classes Age 11: Mrs. Miller tries to reach out to me. She's nice and doesn't try to make me socialize. She tries to get me to improve my signing Age 12: I start paying attention in my other classes, but I don't try very hard as it's not very interesting. Except reading, where Mrs. Miller lets me read whatever I want Age 16: started noticing Lydia. She humors me but also runs after other people. Especially people who speak. Age 17: now