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Class Scribble.Whiteboard


public class Whiteboard
extends Frame
This is the general class for a whiteboard. It needs to be given a SmartCanvas

Variable Index

 o clearButton
The Clear Button that will delete all Lines drawn on screen
 o colorChoice
The Radio Button that allows the user to change the color of the lines to be drawn

Constructor Index

 o Whiteboard()
Default constructor which will create a new SmartCanvas
 o Whiteboard(SmartCanvas)
Other Constructor which will take a SmartCanvas as an argument

Method Index

 o init()
This initializes all components of the Whiteboard.


 o clearButton
 protected Button clearButton
The Clear Button that will delete all Lines drawn on screen

 o colorChoice
 protected Choice colorChoice
The Radio Button that allows the user to change the color of the lines to be drawn


 o Whiteboard
 public Whiteboard()
Default constructor which will create a new SmartCanvas

 o Whiteboard
 public Whiteboard(SmartCanvas drawingArea)
Other Constructor which will take a SmartCanvas as an argument


 o init
 public void init()
This initializes all components of the Whiteboard. Must be called in order for the Whiteboard to be usable

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