Map of m1-142 cluster

 +--  \----------------+
 \     25   bob  plato |
  \                    |
 |@                   5|
 |   1   2   3   4     \ 
 +-----------------   24|
 |   9   8   7   6      |
 |                    23|
 |   10   11   12     22|
 |-----------------     |
 \----- 15  14  13    21|
      |                 |
      |16             20|
      |                 |
      |    17   18    19|
 1-15 SPARCstation4
 others SGI
 printers are floor model 5si
 @ == x3-2019

Can be found at http://www/afs/sipb/user/nocturne/maps/www/cluster-maps.html
Maintained by
Last updated Tue Feb 23 10:58:44 1999