Map of m4-035 cluster

 |TV       3| 12     13|
 | 2        |          |
 |         4| 11     14|
 |          |          |
 |         5| 10     15|
 | 1        |          |
 |         6| 9      16|
 |          |          |
 |         7| 8      17|
 | medea               |
 | pandora           18|
 | @                   |
 |   /     +-+ 20 19  \|
 \--/  ----+ +-------  /
 All machines are O2's
 @ is telephone (x3-5660)
 medea is HP5si floor model
 pandora is HP4si
Can be found at http://www/afs/sipb/user/nocturne/maps/www/cluster-maps.html
Maintained by
Last updated Sat Aug 15 02:17:26 1998